Schizoid and other personality types. Schizoid personality type: definition in psychology, types, signs, treatment

People with this type of personality are not uncommon. Among them there are geniuses who are the driving force behind the development of civilization, and types who are completely fenced off from the world (a form of schizophrenia).

We will leave psychiatric patients outside the scope of this article, and give information about healthy people. We will also talk a little about the borderline state between the norm and pathology, that is, about a personality disorder of the schizoid type.

What is it

The main psychological characteristic of such a person is complete or partial isolation from the real world, closing in on oneself and underdevelopment of the emotional sphere.

Experiences and feelings of people of this type are multifaceted. There are too many of them, they overwhelm a person, but he does not let them out and does not show emotions. Usually people with such an organization of the psyche are convinced that they are completely free from the conventions and traditions of society.

They try to isolate themselves from society and are arrogant towards others. Their usual position is “no one orders me”, “I myself am God and the master of life”, etc.

People of this type are poor comforters and not sensitive listeners. It is difficult for them to sympathize with others or be happy for someone.

Often, epithets are used for a person with such an organization of personality: eccentric, strange, withdrawn.

The reasons

Often the reason for the formation of a personality according to the schizoid type is mental trauma (a threat to the danger of life or a loss of a sense of security) received at different stages of development.

In the intrauterine period

  1. Example (A). The mother of the child, his father and other relatives want to terminate the pregnancy, that is, they want this child not to be born. The energy of anger and rejection comes from them. And the fetus perceives these energy flows that affect him negatively. As a result, blockages appear that interrupt the interconnection of organs.
  2. Example (B). The mother is not going to deprive the child of life, but is constantly in a stressful situation (moral and physical violence in the family). This also threatens the life of the fetus, and he, trying to save it, calms down and hides. Figuratively speaking, he splits himself into pieces. All of the above is a prerequisite for the negative feelings that a born toddler begins to experience for others.

Immediately after childbirth

If a newborn is immediately taken away from the mother, then he may perceive this as a threat to life - he was left alone in an unfamiliar world, abandoned.

With the wrong upbringing in the family

Conclusion: the alienation of parents or guardians from the child, as well as the unceremonious imposition of their opinions, often contributes to the fact that the personality begins to develop along the "schizoid" path.

After all, adults are obliged not only to formally take care of their sons or daughters, but also to communicate with them, giving affection and warmth, instill in children a sense of confidence and security, and try to understand them.

A child who does not have virtues and friends in the person of his parents begins to look for such a patron and intercessor within himself. Thus he protects individuality so that it is not swallowed up and crushed.

Stages of formation


The first features of a schizoid character can be seen in a child already at preschool age (at 3 or 4 years old).


In school years, such a child does not change much. He does not try to establish contact with classmates and make friends. The child's self-esteem is high and the opinions of those around him are of little concern.

Most often, he likes purely intellectual communication, the exchange of information, without any emotions. Quite often, such students discover extraordinary abilities for mathematics or literary writing.

Sometimes it seems that the child knows a lot. Only one thing he can not do - the language of human relationships.

The child himself, of course, notices that it is difficult for him to establish contacts with other children. Therefore, he does not seek to walk.

A child with such an organization of personality is completely unemotional and does not show violent joy, sadness or anger. Communicating with him, it is difficult to understand how he perceives your impact on him. Parents often experience childhood coldness (unless they themselves are of the schizoid type).

Such children do not like to kiss and hug their parents and do not tolerate such caresses in relation to themselves (it is unpleasant for them).

Non-standard character traits of schizoid personalities and their inability to communicate with peers often provoke conflicts with classmates. Usually, these eccentrics are destined for the position of outcasts.

Such children do not know how to defend themselves and manipulate others. The role of the leader for him will be alien and little understood in the future.


This is the most difficult period for closed children. Intellectual superiority over classmates is good. Constant rejection by peers and the inability to establish relationships with them is bad.

A teenager's self-esteem begins to change constantly. It can rise to megalomania or plummet down when the child feels worthless and engages in self-flagellation.

Attempts by parents to invade his inner world sometimes meet with violent protest.

A schizoid teenager will be annoyed by many things:

  • The parents entered the room and did not knock.
  • They touched his things.
  • Control learning.
  • Interested in his life.

Very often, loneliness does not bother teenagers with this type of personality, but their isolation and constant isolation from their peers attracts attention.
Sports activities are not alien to such children. But, they will prefer not team sports, but single sports.

What to do and how to treat a closed child

Schizoid personality type


Adult individuals already have an established character. It is full of contradictions. And to understand their inner world is almost impossible. What worries such a person, what feelings overwhelm him, what hurts him a lot?

It is difficult to say, because outwardly he looks mentally indifferent and cold. It is extremely difficult to understand and imagine how the schizoid type perceives the world.

A minor detail, which most people will not pay attention to, is very significant for him. And, on the contrary, very important facts will have no meaning for him.


The person is ambivalent about himself. He is aware of his high intellectual potential. This instills in him feelings of pride and superiority, and sometimes contempt for others.

However, an absolute lack of understanding of the social relations in which other people are involved greatly reduces the self-esteem of schizoids.

Their behavior is characterized by the following features:

  • Inability to behave even in the simplest situations.
  • If a person almost openly shows their dislike, it is difficult for them to assess and understand the situation.
  • Their intuition is undeveloped and they cannot resist intrigues and ill-wishers. And if they are treated with sympathy and love, this also goes unnoticed until they are told about it directly and openly.

The art of communication for people with a schizoid character is a Chinese literacy that they cannot master.

Their antipathy to communication manifests itself in a variety of ways: from timidity and shyness to rude irony and cruelty (if only they would leave them alone as soon as possible). Mutually exclusive traits coexist in a person: stubbornness with pliability, coldness and indifference with vulnerability.

They are characterized by love at first sight. However, in family life, they are characterized by everyday ineptitude and indifference to small children, adultery. They are difficult partners.

An ideal partner for a schizoid is one who will constantly clean up after him, free him from everyday worries: paying bills, planning a budget, raising children.


People of the schizoid type are perceived by others as eccentrics and eccentrics.

Their behavior, gait, facial expressions, mannerisms, feelings - everything looks bizarre:

Negative Traits

  1. Excessive closure.
  2. Inability to empathize and care for others (selfishness).
  3. Displayed arrogance.
  4. Idealization of your ideas and desires.
  5. Inability to compromise.
  6. Thirst for personal freedom, but the denial of it to their loved ones.
  7. Overestimated suspicion.
  8. Tendency to drug addiction and alcoholism.

Positive features

  1. Curiosity, erudition, high intellectual potential.
  2. A rich inner world, in which there are many ideas and fantasies.
  3. Perseverance in solving complex problems.
  4. permanent preferences.
  5. Respect for the boundaries of someone else's personal space.
  6. Commitment to the put forward idea and perseverance in the implementation of the planned project.


  • On a subconscious level, it seems to the schizoid that he will be denied the opportunity to exist, that he will be destroyed, absorbed.
  • A feeling of anxiety and a feeling that everyone and everywhere is a stranger.
  • These negative emotions can give rise to feelings of anger, and stress can trigger a personality disorder.

Signs of a disorder

Psychoanalysts consider such a disorder as a borderline state between the schizoid personality type and schizophrenia. This disorder is not classified as a psychotic level (the individual distinguishes between the imaginary world and the real one).

It is believed that with a schizoid disorder, it is common for a person to go into a fantasy world and thus protect himself from the outside world. Moreover, the characteristic features of the individual remain intact.

General criteria for a personality disorder:

It is difficult to meet a person with an absolutely “pure” type of character. As a rule, mixed types are more common. For example, schizoid-hysterical personality type.

In this case, some features characteristic of hysteroids will be added to the pronounced features:

  • suggestibility,
  • inadequate demonstration of one's sexuality in behavior and appearance,
  • ostentatious character,
  • excessive preoccupation with their attractiveness.

If a person has a paranoid-schizoid personality type, then the features characteristic of paranoid types will be added:

  • Constant suspicion and distrust.
  • The tendency to shift responsibility from oneself to others.
  • Contempt for everything weak and flawed.
  • Increased sensitivity to failure and rejection.
  • Overestimation of self-importance.


Schizoids can engage in various activities that do not involve intense communication. They are found among doctors, scientists, poets, philosophers, as well as eccentric collectors and vagabonds who do not consider life's values.

Examples from history

People with this character often achieve unprecedented success in their professional activities due to their intelligence and concentration on the tasks that they set for themselves. There are many historical confirmations of this.

Artists Van Gogh and Salvador Dali. Philosophers Kant and Hegel. Scientists A. Einstein, Mendeleev, Newton. Composers Bach and Beethoven. Poet B. Pasternak. Psychoanalyst Z. Freud.


People with schizoid disorder rarely seek medical help. And those who nevertheless decided to come to the doctor are afraid of a conversation. After all, I don’t really want to open my inner world to an outsider.

However, there is nothing to fear. A qualified specialist will never put pressure on you. He is clearly aware that without demand it is impossible to invade the personal space and individual thoughts of a person. Communicating with an experienced doctor, people achieve a tangible improvement in their condition.

Medications. There are no specific drugs for the treatment of such disorders. However, a doctor may recommend medications to relieve the symptoms of anxiety and depression associated with the disorder.

Psychotherapy. Apply cognitive behavioral therapy. It is she who helps the patient to change their behavior and beliefs that caused the problem. By resorting to such therapy, a person is taught adequate ways to respond to various situations, they help to cope with the anxiety that appears when it is necessary to communicate with people.

group therapy. Treatment is most effective in psychotherapeutic groups. Group sessions support the patient and increase social motivation.

For those who realize that their character is close to the schizoid type, psychotherapists recommend:

  • Learn to show positive emotions.
  • Pay attention to the style of communication with loved ones and relatives.
  • Remember that moderate restraint is perceived by people positively, but its excessive manifestation is perceived as detachment.
  • If you feel that it is difficult to cope with the problem yourself, then do not be afraid to seek help from specialists.

Video: Schizoid type

The term "schizoid" itself is translated as "split". This disorder occurs more frequently in men than in women; schizoidness can be pronounced, or latent. To understand how to interact with such people, you need to take a closer look at their characteristics.

Characteristics of the personality of the schizoid

The schizoid type of character manifests itself throughout the life of the patient. Symptoms of schizopathy can be recognized from an early age. Early examinations, as well as psychotherapy sessions, significantly increase the chances of recovery and normalization of the patient's condition. At the same time, there is always a danger that the symptoms of schizotypal disorder will occasionally manifest themselves in one way or another.

A schizoid can be recognized by his communication with people, or rather, by the lack thereof. With such a disorder, it is difficult for the patient to express his thoughts, emotions and feelings to other people, which leads to the focus of a person's attention on his inner world. It is much more important and valuable for the schizoid than the ordinary physical world.

Personality traits and his character develop without receiving external experience from the world. Simply put, schizoids try not to interact with the outside world, preferring to learn about it through reading and watching movies.

At the same time, such people are often diagnosed in absentia: "inability to communicate with people." This is not entirely true; schizoids may have friends with whom they feel comfortable. As a rule, they have known each other since childhood, since in adulthood schizoid personalities prefer not to make acquaintances at all.

Development of schizoid states with age

As you know, a huge part of mental problems, clamps, phobias and deviations are laid in early childhood. During this period, the child's psyche is labile and malleable, like soft clay, which leaves a trace of any outside influence. Over time, such a psyche gradually “hardens”, and any changes in its character are less and less possible.

Schizoid Personality Disorder (or SPD) manifests itself with age as follows:

The above items characterized a person with congenital schizoid disorder; about the acquired forms of this mental deviation in the process of life will be discussed a little lower.

Schizoid personalities, despite their detachment, are able to surpass ordinary people in terms of career, self-realization and financial success, since their inherent diligence and perseverance allow them to achieve the highest success in certain, highly specialized areas of science and art.

In modern psychology, it is known that there are no absolutely “pure” personality types. People called "schizoids" have signs of not only one mental disorder, but also some other mental disorders.

Schizoid disorder does not manifest itself in full force in all cases. Many who read psychological sites have noticed that most of the signs and symptoms of disorders can be easily found in yourself. Therefore, you need to understand that a mental disorder is diagnosed only when a person has at least a few pronounced signs.

There is no need to list all the symptoms, as they are easily confused with other types of mental disorders. Schizoid personality type signs are some of them worth mentioning:

  1. Internal unwillingness to communicate with people, a negative attitude towards spending leisure time together with a team or a group of people.
  2. Ignoring the opinions of people regarding any area (for example, fashion, politics, art, recreation, etc.). And this does not mean a deliberate disregard for the opinions of others, but a desire to listen only to oneself, since a schizoid personality is not used to trusting other people. Their behavior is also very different from the generally accepted.
  3. Lack of concern for their appearance. Such people may look sloppy, unsportsmanlike, "with a stomach" or, conversely, be thin. The gait of schizoids is striking, which in no way worries them themselves.
  4. The tendency to talk with oneself, and not only in the mind, but also out loud. It is not surprising: many schizoids are incredibly well-read and very intelligent people who do not communicate with other people. However, the need to verbalize one’s thoughts (sometimes in writing) still remains, which leads to lengthy monologues, a throat that is unaccustomed to, etc.
  5. Lack of emotion or weak emotional response. More precisely, it is seen as such only from the outside, and the schizoids themselves claim that they live a rich emotional life. They just hide them very deeply from others, and they have their own reasons for that.

Psychiatrists still cannot understand what exactly provokes the appearance of this mental deviation. It is especially interesting that there are actually very few schizoids with congenital abnormalities - the occurrence of schizopathy depends on many hereditary factors.

The main part acquires this disorder in the course of their life, as a kind of response to the influences of the outside world. Therefore, it is important to consider the alleged causes of schizoid disorder in humans.

What causes schizotypal traits

Departure from communication and interaction with other people (including close relatives) can be provoked by the fact that the child had extensive negative experience of communicating with people in childhood. As a result, he subconsciously tries to distance himself from painful experiences, because he is used to believing that any communication is a source of unpleasant emotions.

The schizoid discovers that when he is alone, he is not in danger. Naturally, there is a dependence on this state, and the fear of losing it. Since the interests of schizoids are narrowly limited (by their profession or their only hobby), he has nothing to talk about even with his parents, brothers or sisters.

The difficulty of treating schizoid personalities lies not in the peculiarities of therapy, and not in the selection of medications (although this is also important), but in the fact that the person himself does not consider it necessary to treat himself. He lives outside of society, and he likes this way of life. And if the patient himself does not want his recovery, then what will the doctor do?

How to communicate with schizoid personalities

Nevertheless, if you wish, you can find such an approach to the schizoid in order to still make him more contact and talkative. To do this, you can use the tips below.

  • Do not use the imperative mood in communication! "Talk to me", "do not withdraw into yourself" and similar phrases should be excluded. It should be a dialogue, and without the slightest sign of pressure. You can choose a free topic of conversation; the main thing is that a person does not feel like at school when they try to explain something to him.
  • Any interaction with a schizoid should be positive - after all, the main goal of such manipulations is for him to gradually learn to express his emotions in conversation. It is necessary to make it clear to a person that he is accepted for who he is. At first, it is better not to use touch, until an atmosphere of trust arises.
  • It is necessary to ask a person less often about what he is doing, and more often to be interested in his internal state, what he feels, etc. It is this state that a schizotypal personality hides from others, so you need to ask him as gently as possible to talk about his experiences.

How is schizoid treated?

It is worth noting that a full-fledged treatment is prescribed, as a rule, for those people who have serious mental disorders, expressed in the appearance of anxiety, paranoia, degradation of mental abilities, as well as severe depressive syndrome.

Psychiatrists, depending on how severe schizoid psychopathy is, offer several treatment options:

  • medical(with the help of tablets) removes the main symptoms of the disease, and also relieves unnecessary mental stress.
  • Thanks to group therapy the schizoid learns to express his thoughts in verbal form, and also gets used to other people, the same as himself.
  • Most often, the patient is scheduled to attend sessions psychotherapy. On them, the patient masters the skills necessary for independent work on himself, as well as those necessary for entering society.
  • If the disease has not yet had time to manifest itself detrimentally, then the patient is prescribed consultation with a psychologist, which determines the plan for further treatment of the patient.

Famous schizoids

Geniuses who move civilization forward, as you know, are sometimes separated from madness by a very thin, barely noticeable border, so it is not surprising that among them there were people with a wide variety of deviations. Famous schizoids were such people as Arthur Schopenhauer, Johann Sebastian Bach, Ludwig van Beethoven, Salvador Dali, Dmitry Mendeleev, Isaac Newton, and many others.

The schizoid personality type, as a rule, is expressed by introversion, which manifests itself in an enhanced mode. The individual creates an imaginary "dome of comfort", being in which gives peace and measured perception of the realities of life. Interpersonal relationships are usually poor or non-existent. There is a contrast of perception in relation to other people and animals, that is, a close attachment to representatives of the animal world and alienation in human relationships. Any sphere of life is associated with loneliness and unwillingness to change, compete, and ambitiously achieve something. Even the sexual aspect of life is expressed either in the complete absence of real sexual contact, or in the presence of a short-term relationship, but only in adulthood. This type of personality is not subject to fashion trends. In work, their choice falls on overwhelming, difficult activities that an ordinary person would refuse.

Examples of "schizoids" among prominent figures

If we consider the statistical data on individuals with a schizoid personality type, which are found among the entire population in 7.5% of cases, then we can conclude that a significant proportion of mentally unstable people. Gender separation in identifying the frequency of manifestation of schizoid personalities is not particularly observed, but, according to some reports, the ratio tends to be 2: 1, where the preponderance will be on the side of men.

Surprisingly often among famous figures there are those who have a schizoid personality type. Examples? A lot of them. These are outstanding scientists - Albert Einstein, Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev, Isaac Newton, and famous philosophers - Immanuel Kant, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Arthur Schopenhauer, and brilliant composers - Johann Sebastian Bach, Ludwig van Beethoven, and the famous artist Salvador Dali, and many other.

The schizoid type of character is not always the prerequisite for the disease

Any person has inherent traits that determine the schizoid type of character. Thanks to them, an individual can manifest himself as an innovator, a thinker or a person with creative potential. The schizoid type of character, as the predominant trait of a person, can result in the fact that he will be more devoted to theory than to the emotional aspects of real life. Average people do not always understand the hobbies of schizoid personalities, sometimes these hobbies even seem bizarre to them.

The main nuance of such behavior is the futility of theoretical ideas. Emotional satisfaction is achieved in the process of solving a problem, and not in its practical implementation. On the contrary, there is a conscious departure from transferring the idea to the commercial sphere. An interesting feature is the schizoid personality type. She expresses her steadfastness about her popularity among the masses or the influence of money.

What is a schizoid in childhood?

Every parent worries about their child from the moment of his birth and, as they say, to gray hair. The schizoid personality type is subject to certain disorders. Treatment is more effective if the deviations appear at an early age, starting from 3-4 years. The child unconsciously withdraws from parental affection and prefers to engage in solitary activities alone. There is an interest in everything philosophical - these can be eternal questions about life and death, and about the emergence of everything that exists, etc.

How does the schizoid position himself in his youth?

At a later age, people with a schizoid personality type can observe a tendency to complex mathematical calculations, but at the same time, a complete inability to solve elementary problems in everyday life. The schizoid personality type, which manifests itself at an early age, usually leads to a progressive form of autism.

As for the drug treatment of the disorder, an ineffective result can be noted. According to statistics, schizoid individuals do not seek treatment for this disease, but are treated for other diseases, in particular, alcoholism. If, nevertheless, a schizoid personality type was diagnosed - what to do in this case, a specialist in the field of psychiatry will advise.

Psychotherapy as the main treatment for schizoids

An effective method of treating a patient with a schizoid personality type is psychotherapy, during which the doctor offers a list of standard emotions that the patient must get to know and try to survive. Role-playing games within the framework of social life can also be offered, the essence of which is to instill generally accepted social behavior that is acceptable in certain situations.

Causes of disorder in schizoids

A pronounced personality disorder of the schizoid type manifests itself in the first years of an individual's life. The period of development of this type of disorder is very long.

There is no genetic predisposition to schizoid disorder. Even, for example, at work, the patient can achieve significant success, but only in an isolated area. At the same time, others may not be aware of his illness.

Symptoms of schizoid disorder include:

  1. Emotional indifference or mild emotion in relation to the events taking place around.
  2. A constant state of isolation, thoughtfulness, seriousness and aloofness.
  3. The almost complete absence of the need for interpersonal relationships.
  4. No need to defend your opinion.
  5. Recognition of the truth of information only if it comes from trusted sources, for example, is presented from the words of honored scientists.
  6. Non-standard thought processes, especially in the analytical field.
  7. Helplessness in everyday life.

The most important factor on the way to the relative stability of schizoid personalities throughout life is the correct choice of profession and periodic diagnostics by a psychotherapist.

The result of crossing two radical types

Along with the four dominant personality types, there are also smoothly flowing ones, namely:

I. Schizoid-hysterical personality type.

II. Hystero-schizoid personality type.

Despite the fact that these psychotypes come from the main categories, they are fundamentally different from them. These are self-existing personality types.

The reason for the appearance of such a combination may be the crossing of different personality types of one and the second parent in their child, but only under the condition of clearly defined initial types that have equal strength and do not drown out each other. Most often, in this combination, the schizoid type takes the primary position, and not the hysteroid type, because it is more stable.

Summarizing the above information, we can talk about the separation of the main and secondary types, but without completely suppressing the second. In particular, the individual's need for introversion, which is understood both as isolation, from the point of view of the schizoid, and as the presence of deep contact from the point of view of the need for society, is already a feature of the hysterical personality type.

If you are a schizoid, the test will definitely show it

R. Cattell's personal questionnaire, which is able to conduct both a quick diagnosis of a personality type and an in-depth study of it, has received extensive demand among psychologists. It will allow you to recognize, if any,
schizoid personality type. The test characterizes personality with 16 factors that allow predicting behavioral actions in projection on the real world. This technique can be carried out both individually and in groups, capturing various areas of application: personnel, professionally oriented, consulting, etc.

What is the final result of diagnostics according to R. Cattell's method?

The methodology is represented by 105 professional questions. The questionnaire makes it possible to diagnose with high accuracy the individual traits of a particular person, which are called "constitutional factors", according to the method of R. Cattell. A prerequisite for diagnosing a patient is the limited time. The technique allows to identify emotional, intellectual, communicative properties, including the ability to self-regulate the diagnosed individual.

Thus, the psychologist receives the final result in the form of a psychographic personality profile.

This professional program is used in the work of various specialists: psychologists, teachers, doctors, personnel specialists, psychotherapists.

The practical significance of the results of diagnostics according to the MMPI2 questionnaire

The second modern method of psychodiagnostics, which is no less important and popular than R. Cattell's questionnaire, is the MMPI2 questionnaire.

Its use greatly simplifies the procedure for selecting applicants, based on the required personal characteristics. Further use of the methodology will help to track and identify employees engaged in professional activities that do not correspond to their psychographic personality profile, which will subsequently lead to an increase in productivity and minimization of risks. Programs allow you to establish personal characteristics, the level of intellectual and professional training, the main motivational impulses for activity, competencies, development potential, etc.

The areas of application can be various types of psychological counseling, career guidance, career selection, harmonization of relationships in teams, and much more.

Schizoid type

The most significant feature of this type is isolation, isolation from the environment, inability or unwillingness to establish contacts, reduced need for communication. A combination of contradictory traits in personality and behavior - coldness and refined sensitivity, stubbornness and pliability, alertness and gullibility, apathetic inactivity and assertive determination, unsociableness and unexpected importunity, shyness and tactlessness, excessive attachments and unmotivated antipathies, rational reasoning and illogical actions, wealth of the inner the world and the colorlessness of its external manifestations - all this made us talk about the absence of "internal unity". Recently, the judgment about the lack of intuition as the main defect has attracted attention. By intuition here one should mean, first of all, the use of unconscious past experience.

Schizoid traits are detected earlier than the character traits of all other types. From the first childhood, a child who likes to play alone, does not reach out to peers, avoids noisy amusements, prefers to stay among adults, sometimes listens to their conversations in silence for a long time, is striking. To this is sometimes added some kind of coldness and unchildish restraint.

Adolescence is the most difficult period for schizoid psychopathy.

With the onset of puberty, all character traits come out with particular brightness. Closure, isolation from peers are striking. Sometimes spiritual loneliness does not even burden a schizoid teenager who lives in his own world with his interests and hobbies unusual for others, treating with condescending disdain or obvious hostility to everything that fills the life of other teenagers. But more often, schizoids themselves suffer from their isolation, loneliness, inability to communicate, and the inability to find a friend to their liking. Unsuccessful attempts to establish friendly relations, mimosa-like sensitivity at the moments of their search, rapid exhaustion in contact (“I don’t know what else to say”) often encourage even greater withdrawal into oneself.

The lack of intuition is manifested by the lack of a “direct sense of reality”, the inability to penetrate other people’s experiences, guess the desires of others, guess about hostile attitude towards oneself or, conversely, about sympathy and disposition, to catch the moment when one should not impose one’s presence, and when, on the contrary , you need to listen, sympathize, not leave the interlocutor with himself.

To the deficit of intuition, one should add the lack of empathy, closely related to it - the inability to share the joy and sadness of another, to understand resentment, to feel someone else's excitement and anxiety. This is sometimes referred to as a weakness of emotional resonance. The lack of intuition and empathy probably determines what is called the coldness of schizoids. Their actions can be cruel, which is more related to the inability to feel into the suffering of others than the desire to receive sadistic pleasure. To the range of schizoid features, one can add the inability to convince others in one's own words.

The inner world is almost always closed from prying eyes. Only before a select few the curtain can suddenly rise, but never completely, and just as suddenly fall again. The schizoid often reveals himself to people who are unfamiliar, even random, but somehow impressing his whimsical choice. But he can forever remain a hidden, incomprehensible thing in himself for those close to him or those who have known him for many years.

The wealth of the inner world is far from characteristic of all schizoid adolescents and, of course, is associated with a certain intellect or talent. Therefore, not every one of them can serve as an illustration of Kretschmer's words about the similarity of the schizoids "devoid of decorations to Roman villas, the shutters of which are closed from the bright sun, but in the twilight of which luxurious feasts are celebrated." But in all cases, the inner world of schizoids is filled with hobbies and fantasies.

Schizoid teenagers fantasize for themselves, they are not inclined to either spread their dreams to others, or mix everyday life with the beauties of their fictions and dreams. This is the fundamental difference between schizoid and hysteroid fantasies. Schizoid fantasies either serve to console one's own pride, or are erotic in nature.

The inaccessibility of the inner world and restraint in the manifestation of feelings make many actions of schizoids incomprehensible and unexpected for the environment, because everything that preceded them - the whole course of experiences and motives remained hidden. Some antics are eccentric in nature, but unlike hysteroids, they do not serve the purpose of attracting everyone's attention to themselves.

The reaction of emancipation often manifests itself in a very peculiar way. A schizoid teenager can endure petty care in everyday life for a long time, obey the life routine and regime established for him, but react with violent protest at the slightest attempt to invade without permission into the world of his interests, hobbies and fantasies. At the same time, emancipatory aspirations can easily turn into social nonconformity - indignation at the existing rules and regulations, ridicule at the ideals widespread around, spiritual values, interests, malice about the "lack of freedom." Judgments of this kind can be hatched for a long time and secretly and, unexpectedly for others, be realized in public speeches or decisive actions. Often the direct criticism of others without considering its consequences for oneself is striking.

The reaction of grouping outwardly is usually weakly expressed. As a rule, schizoid teenagers stand apart from peer groups. Their isolation makes it difficult to join the group, and their inflexibility to the general influence, the general atmosphere, their non-conformity does not allow either to merge with the group or to submit to it. Once in a teenage group, often by accident, they remain black sheep in it. Sometimes they are ridiculed and even brutally persecuted by their peers, but sometimes, thanks to their independence, cold restraint, unexpected ability to stand up for themselves, they inspire respect and force them to keep their distance. Success in a peer group may be in the realm of innermost dreams of a schizoid teenager. In his fantasies, he creates similar groups, where he takes the position of leader and favorite, where he feels free and easy and receives those emotional contacts that he lacks in real life.

The entrainment reaction in schizoid adolescents is usually more pronounced than all other specific behavioral reactions of this age. Hobbies are often distinguished by unusualness, strength and stability. Most often you have to meet intellectual and aesthetic hobbies. Most schizoid adolescents love books, absorb them avidly, prefer all other entertainments to reading. The choice for reading can be strictly selective - only a certain era in history, only a certain genre of literature, a certain trend in philosophy, etc. In general, in intellectual and aesthetic hobbies, the whimsicalness of the choice of subject is striking. We had to meet modern teenagers with a passion for Sanskrit, Chinese characters, the Hebrew language, copying the portals of cathedrals and churches, the genealogy of the Romanov dynasty, organ music, comparing the constitutions of different states and different times, etc. etc. All this is never done for show, but only for yourself. Hobbies are shared if they meet sincere interest. They often hide them, fearing misunderstanding and ridicule. With a lower level of intelligence and aesthetic claims, the matter may be limited to less refined, but no less strange objects of hobbies. The collections of schizoid adolescents, sometimes unique, sometimes striking in their worthlessness, also serve the purpose of sophisticated aesthetic needs rather than mere hoarding. One teenager collected doublets from postcards with reproductions of paintings by famous artists and postage stamps depicting the same paintings.

In second place are hobbies of the manual-bodily type. Clumsiness, awkwardness, inharmonious motor skills, often attributed to schizoids, are far from always encountered, and a persistent desire for bodily improvement can smooth out these shortcomings. Systematic gymnastics, swimming, cycling, yoga exercises are usually combined with a lack of interest in collective sports games. The place of hobbies can be occupied by lonely hours of walking or cycling. Some schizoids are good at fine manual skills - playing musical instruments, applied arts - all this can also be a subject of hobbies.

Reactions associated with the emerging sexual desire, at first glance, may not appear at all. External "asexuality", contempt for questions of sexual life is usually combined with stubborn masturbation and rich erotic fantasies. The latter are prone to development, feed on random information and episodes, and easily include perverse components. Painfully sensitive in the company, incapable of courtship and flirting, and incapable of achieving sexual intimacy in a situation where it is possible, schizoid adolescents can unexpectedly find sexual activity in the most rude and unnatural forms - to watch for hours to peep someone's naked genitals, to exhibit in front of babies, masturbate under other people's windows, from where they are seen, get in touch with random people you meet, make phone calls to strangers “once at a time”, etc. Schizoid teenagers hide their sex life and sexual fantasies deeply. Even when their actions are discovered, they try not to reveal their motives and experiences.

Alcoholization among schizoid adolescents is rare. Most of them do not like alcoholic drinks. Intoxication does not cause them pronounced euphoria. They easily resist the persuasion of comrades, the drinking atmosphere of companies. However, some of them find that small doses of alcohol, without causing euphoria, can facilitate the establishment of contacts, eliminate the feeling of shyness and unnaturalness during communication. Then a special kind of mental dependence is easily formed - the desire to regularly use small doses of alcoholic beverages, often strong, in order to "overcome shyness" and facilitate contacts. The use of alcohol as a similar communicative dope can be carried out both with friends and alone. For example, a 15-year-old schizoid teenager secretly kept a bottle of cognac in his bed and took a sip every morning to "feel free at school."

Drugs seem to pose no less of a threat than alcohol to schizoid teenagers. Perhaps they can perform the role of communicative dope better than alcohol. Perhaps some volatile substances pour water on the mill of schizoid fantasies, making them more sensual, colorful, emotional.

Suicidal behavior is not characteristic of schizoid psychopathy, and schizoid accentuation does not seem to favor such a way of solving difficulties. To psychic traumas, to conflict situations, to situations where unbearable demands are made on a schizoid personality, the reaction is manifested by an even greater withdrawal into oneself, into one's inner world of deeply hidden fantasies. Or this reaction is revealed by unexpected, pretentious, sometimes cruel actions.

Delinquency is not common, while schizoid features clearly appear in the delinquent behavior itself. While still examining homeless teenagers of the twenties, N.I. Ozeretsky noted that schizoids prefer to steal alone, choose a thieves' "profession" that requires skillful skills - for example, stealing money from inside pockets or the ability to get into an apartment through the window. Indeed, schizoid adolescents are not prone to group delinquency, but can commit serious offenses, acting "in the name of the group", wanting the group to "recognize as their own." Sexual crimes are also committed alone (exhibitionism, depraved acts against minors, sexual aggression, etc.). Sometimes delinquent behavior is preceded by taking a small dose of alcohol as a "dope", but there is no real alcohol intoxication.

Self-esteem of schizoids is distinguished by a statement of what is associated with isolation, loneliness, difficulty in contacts, and misunderstanding on the part of others. The attitude to other problems is estimated much worse. Inconsistencies in their behavior, they usually do not notice or do not attach importance to it. They like to emphasize their independence and independence

Somatic signs that since the time of Kretschmer have been considered characteristic of schizoids - asthenic build, flabby muscles, stooped figure, long legs and high pelvis, poorly developed genitals, angular movements - can not always be seen in modern adolescents. Acceleration and related endocrine shifts can distort these traits, causing, for example, excessive fullness, early and strong sexual development.

From the first steps in the isolation of schizoid psychopathy, attention was drawn to its similarity with some forms of schizophrenia (in particular, with a sluggish form and with pictures of a defect after a schizophrenic attack). This gave many psychiatrists reason to doubt the existence of schizoid psychopathy as a constitutional anomaly of character, and to interpret everything that was described under its name as a defect after an attack of schizophrenia that went unnoticed or happened in early childhood, or as "latent schizophrenia". In recent years, attention has again been drawn to the fact that in the families of patients with schizophrenia, especially its continuously progressive form, schizoid personalities can often be found.

As a result, in recent decades, schizoid psychopathy has almost ceased to be diagnosed, and its pronounced cases were usually interpreted as sluggish schizophrenia, and the corresponding schizoid accentuations with good social adaptation suggested again the idea of ​​\u200b\u200b"latent schizophrenia". Even the differential diagnosis between schizophrenia and psychopathy began to be carried out in relation to all types of the latter, except for schizoid.

This position cannot be considered correct. The diagnosis of sluggish schizophrenia is legitimate if there are signs of a process, albeit slowly developing, if these signs are revealed by a carefully collected anamnesis and confirmed by observation. Guesses about the unknown when the “fur coat” was transferred and not noticed by anyone remain only guesses and cannot serve as the basis for a diagnosis.

Adolescence creates particular difficulties for the differential diagnosis of schizophrenia and schizoid psychopathy. The pubertal sharpening of the latter can easily be mistaken for a process that has begun or for a “new fur coat”. Conversely, the onset of schizophrenia may be masked by pubertal behavioral disorders. We consider it important to emphasize the isolation of schizoid psychopathy as a special form.

The schizoid type is not a very common variant of character. Only 5% of 300 hospitalized adolescents with psychopathy or accentuations were classified as this type, and another 5% had a combination of schizoidness with features of other types - sensitive, psychasthenic, hysteroid or epileptoid. It should be noted that all cases of "pure" schizoids were regarded as psychopathy, including most of them as severe and pronounced. In moderate cases, social disadaptation was partial - a breakdown occurred either at home with well-being at the place of study or work, or at school or at work with satisfactory adaptation in the family.

Schizoid accentuations usually do not lead to social disadaptation, severe behavioral disorders, or acute affective reactions, and therefore probably do not fall under the supervision of a psychiatrist. The schizoid type of accentuation is not so rare.

Hidden schizoid accentuation can be detected if overwhelming demands are suddenly made on a person - for example, to quickly establish a wide range of informal and quite emotional contacts. Schizoids also break down when they persistently and unceremoniously “climb into the soul”.

Even Kretschmer, describing the schizoid type, singled out expansive and sensitive options. The latter, as was indicated, is more correctly considered as a special type, belonging to the group of asthenic psychopathy, since the isolation here is secondary, compensatory. Nevertheless, among the schizoids there are both more sthenic and completely asthenic personalities. The variety of schizoid manifestations can be so great that the number of variants described could become two-digit. Therefore, it seems to us appropriate to state the combination of schizoidness with traits of other types. The main basis of character, its core always remains schizoid. It can be overlaid with sensitive, psychasthenic, paranoid, epileptoid, hysterical, or unstable traits.

The schizoid personality is one of the rare psychological subtypes, which is based on the desire, on the one hand, for complete independence from others, but also, on the other hand, for complete control over the environment and the situation as a whole. These are the same people who say: I don’t interfere with you, and you, please, don’t interfere with me. But if you've already climbed, please live by the rules that I set. After all, it was you who came to me!

General characteristics of the psychotype (according to Shishkov)

The ideological, symbolic content of the inner world. There are many experiences, feelings (they overwhelm), but most of them do not come out, are not released as emotions. Experiences are transformed into bizarre ideological and symbolic structures and only then are they advertised. A comprehensive, all-encompassing desire (capturing the mind) for the realization of one's ideas-desires (overvalued ideas). These ideas often diverge from the real needs of the organism, the body. Idealization of the desired. The rigidity of territorial, personal boundaries, their upholding. Self-removal from society bordering on its rejection (disgust) and arrogance. The position “I am the king”, “I am the master of my life”, “I am the steward god”, “I am free”, “no one can tell me”.

A person of the schizoid type is always taken out of the context of social relations. This person has great difficulty in expressing any of his emotions, or does it in a very limited range. This is especially evident when interacting with other people. Some people with this mental disorder also have cognitive impairments (their thinking is broken, that is, jumps from one topic to another), distortions of perception, as well as a pronounced originality of behavior in everyday life (the so-called schizoid-hysteroid personality type).

A person with schizoid disorder does not desire intimacy with other people. He tends to avoid any close relationship, usually not able to experience love. The schizoid personality prefers to spend time alone with his thoughts, rather than communicate with others or be in a group of people. Under normal conditions, a person with a schizoid personality type is perceived as a typical "loner".

In addition, the schizoid personality has particular difficulty expressing his anger, even in response to direct provocations. This forms an erroneous opinion among others that such people are cold and insensitive. Often their life seems to be an outside aimless existence. Usually a schizoid personality pursues specific life goals that are incomprehensible to other people. Such people often react passively to adverse situations, it is difficult for them to give an adequate assessment and determine the significance of the most important events in their lives.

Insufficient social skills and a lack of desire for sexual experiences lead people with this disorder to have very few friends and rarely marry. It is very difficult for them to work for hire or engage in intensive work, especially if their work activity involves constant interpersonal interaction. But the schizoid personality perfectly manifests itself in conditions of social isolation and where remarkable intelligence is required. The examples of many famous scientists, such as Albert Einstein or Isaac Newton, clearly convince us of this.

The schizoid psychotype is formed on the basis of an eccentric model of internal experience and behavior that goes against the cultural norms of mankind. As a rule, signs of eccentric behavior are observed in such people in two or more of the following areas: cognition, managing people, interpersonal interaction, managing their emotions. Their picture of the world is not flexible enough, and schizoid character traits appear in a wide range of personal and social situations.

The schizoid personality is stable in its manifestations throughout life, and the first signs of a schizoid personality disorder usually appear as early as adolescence or adolescence. The schizoid type of character is more common among men than among women. Its prevalence in the general population is extremely low, ranging from 3.1 to 4.9 percent.

Causes of schizoid disorder

Researchers still don't know for sure what causes schizoid personality disorder. Different theories name different reasons for the development of a schizoid personality.

A person's personality is the combination of thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that makes each person unique. These features are manifested in our attitude to the outside world, as well as in how we see ourselves. Any personality is formed in childhood due to the interaction of heredity and environmental factors.

In normal personal development, children learn over time to accurately interpret social demands and respond to them appropriately. What goes wrong in schizoid children is not exactly known, but it is possible that some factors cause certain problems of personality formation. Features of the functioning of the brain and genetics also play an important role.

Most specialists adhere to the biopsychosocial model of causation. In their opinion, the reasons due to which a schizoid personality is formed in a person is a combination of such factors: biological, genetic, social (for example, the interaction of a child with family and other children) and psychological (character and temperament, skills to withstand stressful situations). This suggests that no single factor can be considered the leading one - the formation of one or another personality type is a very complex process, which is influenced by all of the above factors. However, studies have shown that there is an increased risk of transmission of the disease from parents to children.

Who is at risk? The schizoid personality type is often observed in members of the same family. You may be at risk if you have or have had relatives with schizophrenia, schizotypal disorder, or any other personality disorder.

Childhood experiences also play a significant role in the development of this disease. Such factors include:

  • emotional and physical abuse;
  • neglect;
  • psychological trauma or constant stress;
  • emotional coldness of parents.


Schizoid personality disorder is characterized by social distancing and a limited range of emotional expression in interpersonal contacts. These personality traits appear from early childhood and come in many variations. Typically, the schizoid personality type includes four (or more) of the following:

Because this personality disorder relies on resilient behavior patterns, it is most often diagnosed in adulthood. It is quite difficult to diagnose in childhood or adolescence because the child or adolescent is constantly developing. If this does happen, the above symptoms should be observed in the child for at least one year.

However, the early symptoms of schizoid personality disorder, such as an increased interest in individual activities or a high level of social anxiety, are already prominent in adolescence. The child may be a school outcast, or lag behind in his social development from his peers, which is why he often becomes the subject of bullying or ridicule.

As with most other personality disorders, the manifestations of the schizoid personality type become more intense with age, so the most pronounced symptoms of this mental disorder appear at the age of 40-50 years.

Harmonious features of the schizoid personality

  1. Stable preferences (I chose to eat, do, etc.).
  2. Respect for other people's boundaries.
  3. Intelligence (respect for oneself and the interlocutor).
  4. Aristocracy (chosen circle, high rules).
  5. Good owners of a large house, households, managers.
  6. Ambitious (to be the best, stand out), conceited.
  7. Clan (my clan, my family, my home).
  8. Smart, well-read, inquisitive.
  9. Rich inner world of ideas, fantasies.
  10. Development of thinking (meticulousness, analysis-synthesis, induction-deduction).
  11. Respect for the complex (complex tasks, structures, ideas, etc.).

Disharmonious features of the schizoid personality

  1. Protecting one’s own territory, borders, even when it is not required (“no need to put pressure on me - I myself know what and how to do”, “this is my home - free the territory”, etc.)
  2. “Everything will be my way” (in my house, territory, family) - with a thirst for personal freedom, denying it to your loved ones.
  3. Fencing oneself off from society (“I really don’t need anyone), isolation in my own world of ideas-desires.
  4. Another logic, often incomprehensible to others, with an unwillingness to be more understandable to others.
  5. Arrogance towards other people (“I am the smartest”), snobbery.
  6. They do not like, they refuse to help people just like that, from the heart (only from an idea, benefit).
  7. Over-idealization of one's ideas-desires - the difficulties of implementation (“this is not my prince, but some kind of chubby fool”).
  8. “Cynicism, nihilism, sarcasm, orgasm” are the values ​​of the schizoid.

Fear / Discomfort in a schizoid personality causes

  1. Lack of freedom (action, thinking, ideas).
  2. The imposition of other people's ideas, advice (I myself know what and how), coercion (as forms of lack of freedom).
  3. Violation of personal territory (home, family, personality, overvalued idea-desire).
  4. Non-realization of the main overvalued idea-desire.
  5. Stupidity, loss of mind, insanity.
  6. Loss of my self, my integrity, my boundaries.
  7. Necessity in society (they do not like work related to communication).
  8. Someone else's influence on their own destiny (they hate being pawns).

Professions most suitable for a schizoid personality

  1. Analysts.
  2. Scouts, counterintelligence.
  3. Running your own business.
  4. Philosophers.
  5. Science Fiction Writers.
  6. Programmers.
  7. Physics, mathematics.
  8. Bank employees, economists, chief accountants, taxation (implementation of complex tasks).
  9. Theoretical scientists (new vision, complex ideas, incomprehensible).
  10. Directors, artists, inventors (extraordinary).


In general, there is nothing to treat here. It's a personality subtype, not a psychopathy. Accept yourself for who you are. After all, what would have happened if Einstein and Newton had taken up self-medication instead of science? Correctly. Nothing good would come of it. Yes, a schizoid personality is very prone to depression, but here one must learn to get out of depression. That's all. To finally understand that you do not need treatment - watch the video:

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