Objects of inanimate nature. Objects of inanimate nature Infusion on organisms of animate and inanimate nature

Nature is everything that surrounds us and pleases the eye. Since ancient times, it has become an object of research. It was thanks to her that people were able to comprehend the basic principles of the universe, and also make an unthinkable number of discoveries for humanity. Today, nature can be conditionally divided into living and inanimate with all the elements and features inherent only to these types.

Inanimate nature is a kind of symbiosis of the simplest elements, all kinds of substances and energies. This includes resources, rocks, natural phenomena, planets and stars. Inanimate nature often becomes a subject for study by chemists, physicists, geologists and other scientists.

Microorganisms are able to survive in almost any environment where there is water. They are even found in hard rocks. A feature of microorganisms is the possibility of rapid and intensive reproduction. All microorganisms have horizontal gene transfer, that is, in order to spread their influence, a microorganism does not have to pass genes to its offspring. They can develop with the help of plants, animals and other living organisms. It is this factor that allows them to survive in any environment. Some microorganisms are able to survive even in space.

A distinction should be made between beneficial and harmful microorganisms. The useful ones contribute to the development of life on the planet, while the harmful ones are created in order to destroy it. But in some cases, harmful microorganisms can also become beneficial. For example, some viruses are used to treat serious illnesses.

Vegetable world

The flora today is large and multifaceted. Today, there are many nature parks that collect a large number of amazing plants. Without plants, there can be no life on Earth, because thanks to them, oxygen is produced, which is necessary for most living organisms. Plants also absorb carbon dioxide, which damages the planet's climate and human health.

The plant is a multicellular organism. Today, no ecosystem can be imagined without them. Plants are not only an element of beauty on Earth, but they are also very beneficial to humans. In addition to developing fresh air Plants are a valuable food source.

Plants can be conventionally divided according to their nutritional characteristics: which can be eaten and which cannot. Eatable plants include a variety of herbs, nuts, fruits, vegetables, grains, and some algae. Inedible plants include trees, many ornamental grasses, and shrubs. One and the same plant can contain both an edible element and an inedible one. For example, apple and apple, currant bush and currant berry.

Animal world

The fauna is amazing and diverse. It represents the entire fauna of our planet. The peculiarities of animals are the ability to move, breathe, eat, reproduce. During the existence of our planet, many animals disappeared, many evolved, and some simply appeared. Today, animals are divided into different classifications. Depending on their habitat and method of survival, they are waterfowl or amphibians, carnivores or herbivores, etc. Also, animals are classified according to the degree of domestication: wild and domestic.

Wild animals are distinguished by their free behavior. Among them, there are both herbivores and carnivores that feed on meat. A wide variety of animal species live in different parts of the planet. They all try to adapt to the place in which they live. If these are glaciers and high mountains, then the coloring of the animals will be light. In the desert and steppe, ocher is more prevalent. Each animal tries to survive by any means, and a change in the color of their fur or feathers is the main proof of this adaptation.

Pets were once wild too. But they were tamed by man for his needs. He began raising pigs, cows and sheep. He began to use dogs as a defense. For fun, he tamed cats, parrots and other animals. The importance of pets in a person's life is very high if he is not a vegetarian. From animals he receives meat, milk, eggs, wool for clothing.

Living and inanimate nature in art

Man has always respected and appreciated nature. He understands that his existence is possible only in harmony with her. Therefore, there are many works of great artists, musicians and poets about nature. Some artists, depending on their commitment to a particular element of nature, created their own trends in art. Such directions as landscape and still life appeared. The great Italian composer Vivaldi devoted many of his works to nature. One of his outstanding concerts is The Four Seasons.

Nature is very important to humans. The more he cares about her, the more he gets in return. It is necessary to love and respect her, and then life on the planet will be much better!

The links between inanimate and living nature are that air, water, heat, light, mineral salts are the conditions necessary for the life of living organisms, a change in the actions of these factors affects organisms in a certain way. This connection is also expressed in the adaptability of living beings to their environment. For example, it is known how clearly the ability of living organisms to live in water is manifested. Organisms inhabiting the ground-air environment show a very interesting form of connection with inanimate nature: the movement of air - the wind serves as a means of spreading the fruits and seeds of a number of plants, and these fruits and seeds themselves have clearly visible adaptive characteristics. Between inanimate and living nature, there are connections of the opposite nature, when living organisms have an impact on the surrounding non-living environment... For example, the composition of the air is changed. In the forest, thanks to plants, there is more moisture in the soil than in the meadow, in the forest there is a different temperature, a different humidity of the air. The soil is formed by the relationship of inanimate and living nature with living organisms. It occupies, as it were, an intermediate position between inanimate and living nature, serves connecting link between them. Many minerals that belong to inanimate nature (limestone, peat, coal and others) were formed from the remains of living organisms. Ecological relations within living nature are also very diverse. The connections between different plants are most noticeably manifested in the indirect influence of some plants on others.

For example, trees, changing the illumination, humidity, air temperature under the forest canopy, create certain conditions that are favorable for some plants of the lower tiers and unfavorable for others. The so-called weeds in a field or garden, absorb a significant part of moisture, nutrients from the soil, shading cultivated plants, influencing their growth and development, oppressing them.

The connections between plants and animals are interesting. On the one hand, plants serve as food for animals (food link); create their habitat (saturate the air with oxygen); give them shelter; serve as material for building dwellings (for example, a bird's nest). On the other hand, animals also influence plants. For example, their fruits and seeds are spread, and therefore some fruits have special devices(burdock seeds).

Between animals different types food connections are especially well traced. This is reflected in the concepts of "insectivorous animals", "carnivorous animals". The connections between animals of the same species are interesting, for example, the distribution of the nesting or hunting territory, the care of adult animals about the offspring.

There are peculiar connections between fungi, plants and animals. Mushrooms growing in the forest grow together with the roots of trees, shrubs, and some grasses with their underground part of the mycelium. Thanks to this, fungi receive organic nutrients from plants, plants from fungi - water, with mineral salts soluble in it. Some animals eat and heal with mushrooms.

The listed types of connections between inanimate and living nature, between the components of living nature are manifested in a forest, in a meadow, in a reservoir, due to which the latter become not just a set different plants and animals, but a natural community.

Highly great importance has the disclosure of the connections between man and nature. Moreover, man is considered as a part of nature, he exists inside nature and is inseparable from it.

The connection between man and nature is manifested, first of all, in the diverse role that nature plays in the material and spiritual life of people. At the same time, they are also manifested in the reverse human impact on nature, which in turn can be positive (nature conservation) and negative (air and water pollution, destruction of plants, animals, etc.).

Nature is everything that surrounds us and everything that is created without human participation. In this set, objects of animate and inanimate nature perfectly coexist. If all living things breathe, eat, grow and multiply, then the bodies of inanimate nature almost always remain unchanged, static.

If you look around, we are everywhere surrounded by objects of inanimate nature: here is a stream flowing, high mountains are seen in the distance, the wind rustles with fallen leaves, clouds are floating in the sky, the Sun is tenderly warming up. All this: air, water, clouds, fallen leaves, wind and the Sun are objects of inanimate nature.

Moreover, inanimate nature is primary, it is from it that life on Earth originated. All living organisms use the gifts of inanimate nature, exist at the expense of it and, in the end, after dying, they themselves become its objects. So, a felled tree trunk, fallen leaves, the corpse of an animal are already bodies of inanimate nature.

Signs of objects of inanimate nature

If we compare objects of inanimate nature with living organisms, then it is easy to list the main features of inanimate objects: they do not grow, do not multiply, do not breathe, do not feed and do not die. So, for example, mountains, once having appeared, for millennia direct their peaks to the sky. Or planets, billions of years ago, lined up in a slender Solar system, and continue to exist.

Therefore, the main distinctive features objects of inanimate nature include the following:

  • Sustainability
  • Weak variability
  • Inability to breathe, to eat. They just don't need food.
  • Inability to reproduce. At the same time, the objects of inanimate nature themselves, which once appeared on earth, do not disappear or die. Is that under the influence environment able to move to another state. For example, a stone can turn to dust over time. And the most striking example of reincarnation is the water cycle in nature, in which an object of inanimate nature (water) goes through all the stages of its state, turning from water into steam, then back into water and, finally, into ice.
  • Inability to move. Most objects of inanimate nature are inert. So, a stone moves if you just push it. And the water in the river flows only because the elements of which it consists have weak internal connections and tend to occupy the lowest place, forming a current.
  • Failure to grow. Despite the fact that objects of inanimate nature are capable of changing in volume (for example, mountains "grow", salt crystals increase, etc.), the increase does not occur because new cells are formed. And because the "newcomers" are attached to the old ones.

Objects of inanimate nature: examples

There are so many objects of inanimate nature and they are so diverse that millet science alone cannot study all of them. Several sciences are engaged in this at once: chemistry, physics, geology, hydrography, astronomy, etc.

One of existing classifications all objects of inanimate nature are divided into three large groups:

  1. Solid bodies... This includes all rocks, minerals, substances that make up the soil, glaciers and icebergs, planets. These are stones and gold deposits, rocks and diamonds, the Sun and the Moon, comets and asteroids, snowflakes and hail, grains of sand and crystal.

These objects are well-defined, they do not need food, they do not breathe or grow.

  1. Liquid bodies- these are all objects of inanimate nature that are in a state of fluidity, do not have a certain form... For example, dew and raindrops, fog and clouds, volcanic lava and a river.

All these types of objects of inanimate nature are closely interconnected with other bodies, but they also do not need food, breathing and are not capable of reproduction.

  1. Gaseous bodies- all substances consisting of gases: air masses, water vapor, stars. The atmosphere of our planet is the largest object of inanimate nature, which, if it changes, then only under the influence of the environment. But at the same time it does not feed, does not grow, does not reproduce. However, it is air that is vital for life.

What objects of inanimate nature are necessary for life

We have already mentioned that life on our planet is impossible without objects of inanimate nature. Of all the abundance for the existence of living nature, the following bodies of inanimate nature are of particular importance:

  • The soil. It took several billion years for the soil to have the properties that allowed plants to appear. It is the soil that connects the atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere, the most important physical and chemical reactions: obsolete plants and animals decompose, transform into minerals. And the soil also protects living organisms from toxins, neutralizing toxic substances.
  • Air- an extremely necessary substance for life, since all objects of living nature breathe. And plants need air not only for respiration, but also for the formation of nutrients.
  • Water- the basis of the foundations and the root cause of the origin of life on Earth. All living organisms need water, for some it is a habitat (fish, sea animals, algae), for others - a source of nutrition (plants), for others - the most important component of the nutritional scheme (animals, plants).
  • The sun- another object of inanimate nature, which became the reason for the origin of life on our planet. Its heat and energy are necessary for growth and reproduction, without the sun, plants will not grow, many physical and chemical reactions and cycles that support life on earth will freeze.

The connection between inanimate nature and living nature is very multifaceted. All natural bodies that surround us are inextricably linked by a thousand threads. For example, a person is an object of living nature, but he needs air, water and the sun for life. And these are objects of inanimate nature. Or plants - their life is impossible without soil, water, solar heat and light. Wind is an inanimate object that noticeably affects the ability of plants to reproduce by carrying seeds or blowing dry leaves from trees.

On the other hand, living organisms invariably affect objects of inanimate nature. So, microorganisms, fish and animals living in the water support it chemical composition, plants, dying and rotting, saturate the soil with microelements.