How to Improve Brain Performance: Professional Recommendations. How to Improve Brain Performance How to Improve Brain Performance

Modern man often lives in an intense rhythm. This usually leads to chronic fatigue and decreased performance. Sometimes it's not like doing work, but even getting out of bed in the morning is extremely difficult. The mood is at zero, and labor efficiency drops significantly. The head refuses to "cook", and the muscles are filled with heaviness. Knowing how improve performance and mental activity, you will be able to take action in time and effectively solve the problem.

Reasons for decreased performance

A person's capabilities, in particular his performance, depends on the correct and well-coordinated work of all organs and systems. Various factors can lead to malfunctions in the body. Chronic physical fatigue and poor brain efficiency can be caused by the following reasons:

  • Improper nutrition... Lack of nutrients, in particular vitamins, minerals and proteins, disrupts the course of natural biological processes.
  • Lack of rest and overuse... With constant physical labor, large amounts of lactic acid are released in the muscles, which causes weakness and other symptoms of fatigue. Rest is also needed for the brain.
  • Lack of oxygen... With oxygen starvation of the brain, mental activity is significantly reduced, and overall well-being worsens.
  • Bad habits... Smoking, drinking and other bad habits have a negative impact on the brain.
  • Stress and depression... Nervous shocks usually knock a person out of their usual rut. and discouragement is accompanied by a lack of desire to do anything.
  • Lack of sleep... During sleep, the body restores the strength spent during the day, and if you do not get enough sleep, it simply cannot do it.

If you don't want to work at all, you need to eliminate the cause of this phenomenon. In addition, improving mental performance is possible only with an integrated approach to solving the problem.

Interesting fact! And although the brain takes up only 2% of the size of the whole body, it consumes about 20% oxygen and 17% energy.

Preparations to improve performance

Various drugs have long been used to restore strength and rehabilitate a person. Certain groups of drugs can help get rid of chronic fatigue and improve performance. Medicines that belong to the group can improve the activity of the brain and the efficiency of its work. Their principle of action is that they stimulate the transmission of nerve impulses, as well as metabolism. In the course of their action, nerve cells develop resistance to negative factors of influence. This group of medicines includes:

  • Deanol aceglumate;
  • Calcium hopantenate, etc.

Performance-enhancing drugs can be purchased at any pharmacy, but you should consult your doctor first. With a decrease in labor efficiency, it is also recommended to take vitamin complexes:

  • Tetravit;
  • Vitrum Enerzhdi;
  • and etc.

Energy is needed for the brain and muscles to function. Energy drugs will help to replenish its reserves in the body:

  • Glutamic acid;
  • Calcium gluconate, etc.

You can use not only pills to improve performance, but also medicinal herbs. The so-called adaptogen plants will come to the rescue, which increase the tone of the body, help restore energy, strengthen the defenses and resistance to adverse factors. Their action is similar to steroids, which are used by athletes to increase their endurance. It is recommended to use alcoholic tinctures of such plants:

  • Chinese lemongrass;
  • (maral root), etc.

These herbs can be used to make herbal tea. Propolis, mummy and other natural ingredients that are widely used in traditional medicine can benefit the brain.

How you can improve performance

How you can improve your efficiency. Photo:

If you are thinking about how to increase your brain performance, you need to rethink your diet.

Performance-enhancing products

When drawing up a menu, it is important to take into account simple recommendations:

  • The brain needs plant and animal protein to function. Meat, eggs and dairy products must be present in the diet, as they contain the necessary ones.
  • Fish should be eaten at least 2 times a week, as it contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, as well as phosphorus, potassium, sodium and other minerals.
  • charge the body for a long time with the energy necessary for the brain to function. But the use of sweets should be abandoned.
  • Strawberries and bananas will help remove, but other fruits should also be included in the menu so that the body gets enough vitamins.
  • Dried fruits will help you quickly restore energy during mental stress. They are great as a snack.

You need to eat a lot, especially green ones. You also need to drink at least 2 liters of water per day. better to replace with mineral water or herbal tea.

Interesting fact! Some scientists believe that with a strict diet, the brain begins to "eat" itself. In this regard, it is important that the diet is balanced.

How to improve performance and mental alertness

There are other, albeit no less effective, ways to improve mental and physical performance. During sports and physical activity, blood circulation improves, so the brain and other organs receive adequate oxygen. During power loads, together with sweat secretions, toxins and harmful substances are released from the body. You can run, ride a bike, do gymnastics, go to the gym. It is important to arrange outdoor activities and walk in the fresh air.

You need to get enough sleep, not just sleep a certain number of hours. It is advisable to go to bed early in the evening and get up in the morning no later than 7.30. You need to work during the day, not at night. During work, you need to arrange a few moments of rest. Better to go outside, or at least walk along the corridor, rather than sit "rest" in an armchair.

Interesting fact! Scientists have shown that intellectual activity promotes the production of additional brain tissue that can compensate for areas that are losing its capacity. Train your brain to work efficiently and keep your mind clear in old age.


Combine physical activity with proper nutrition, and get enough rest and sleep to improve your physical and mental performance. Medicines can help enhance the effect of a holistic problem-solving approach.

How to make the brain work? It can be difficult to concentrate on doing intellectual work, and the problem is not only natural laziness - the brain needs to be trained and kept in good shape. Simple rules and specific exercises help maintain efficiency.

Sad but true: most people use only a small percentage of the "computing power" of the brain on a daily basis. This is partly due to "mental impotence" due to lifestyle, partly nutritional deficiencies.

Is it possible to improve mental performance relatively easily and simply? The answer is yes!

Do mental aerobics

Brain aerobic exercise (such as playing Sudoku) slows the onset of the aging symptoms of the mind and also helps keep it operating at peak power.

For an exercise to be good, it must meet 3 criteria: novelty, variety and challenge. For example, playing the same complex computer game ultimately fails to challenge. Playing tennis, golf, or any other sport that forces you to think ahead and solve problems almost instantly is very rewarding.

Drink good coffee

100 mg of caffeine (about the same amount in a cup of black coffee) improves memory. Caffeine blocks a receptor in the central nervous system that is responsible for binding a compound called adenosine. This increases the activity of dopamine (a stimulating neurotransmitter) and glutamate (involved in the regulation of memory processes).

This does not mean that you need to drink coffee from morning to evening. Higher doses of caffeine can reduce blood flow to the brain and you can get headaches.

In addition, three caffeine-induced disorders have been recognized by the American Psychiatric Association: caffeine intoxication, caffeine-induced sleep disturbance, and caffeine-induced anxiety disorder. And keep in mind that you need to drink fresh Arabica coffee, not instant coffee or coffee substitutes.

How about fish oil?

Unsaturated fatty acids (this is fish oil) strengthen the cell membranes of the body, and thus protect them from the penetration of free radicals.

Fish oil is used to prevent Alzheimer's disease, as well as for brain atrophy and cognitive decline, while improving mental function. It can reduce the severity of dyslexia and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Hint: Don't waste your money on the cheap, ethyl ester forms of fish oil you'll find in most supplements. It is much healthier to eat fish that live in cold waters, such as mackerel, herring, sardines, or anchovies. They are natural sources of unsaturated fatty acids.

Music for the brain

Music helps with dopaminergic neurotransmission. Simply put, it can trigger the release of dopamine and make you smarter. Exposure to music also helps lower blood pressure and increase blood flow to the brain.

However, music can also be a distraction, so you shouldn't constantly pump up your ears.

The benefits of alpha lipoic acid

Alpha lipoic acid (also known as ALA) is a fatty acid that may have beneficial effects on age-related memory impairment and is also used as a treatment for diabetic neuropathy.

Alpha lipoic acid can easily cross the blood-brain barrier (a wall of tiny blood vessels and structural cells that protect the brain) and can easily enter the brain for neuroprotective effects.

Sun, air and water ... The main thing is the sun!

Too much sunlight can be bad for your skin, and too little sunlight can also be bad for your scalp. Middle-aged and older people performed better on tests if they had high levels of vitamin D in their bodies.

And this vitamin is formed under the influence of ultraviolet rays on sebum. Researchers believe that higher levels of vitamin D may slow down the effects of aging on the brain.

However, you do not need to be in direct sunlight, you can simply take vitamin D supplements. It's important to note that, like all good things, supplements should be taken with caution.

Here you will find practical experience of how to improve memory and attention, mental performance at different ages by simple and natural means. All these substances are of natural origin, so they are not addictive, do not have side effects, as is the case when taking stimulants.

The idea is that it is necessary to influence the reasons for the decrease in the activity of the nervous system and the accumulation of fatigue, and not just spur the brain. "The Sokolinsky system" is intended for intelligent and busy people: if you understand that the body already needs more than a cup of coffee and positive thinking, but drugs are definitely not required

First you need to determine the reason for the decrease in memory and attention.

If you cannot work or study normally, and you simply cannot get enough sleep, this means one thing: the nutrition of the nerve cells is impaired. It is only necessary to determine the main mechanism by which energy flows away and to support the brain with the help of natural means.

For children and students

At a very young age, most often the reason for the chronic breakdown that does not go away from the usual rest is, surprisingly, intoxication at the liver level (associated with stagnation of bile, inadequate nutrition, ecology) and a deficiency in the absorption of essential nutrients in the intestines. Therefore, schoolchildren and students, according to experience, most of all helps to improve mental performance using (phospholipids, which support the correct transmission of nerve impulses, simultaneously improve the quality of liver function and protect cells), as well as the banal restoration of intestinal microflora, thanks to which vitamins, minerals are absorbed, and B vitamins are also formed. For this we use a really unique composition ... Earlier in the winter, children were also given fish oil in the morning, since polyunsaturated fatty acids actively nourish the nervous tissue during the learning process. Safe, neutral in taste, an effective form of quality omega-3 is also available in the Sokolinsky System. This .

In middle age in a situation of stress and overwork

The crisis of 30-40 years is redundant work and constant stress. New information has to be mastered like students, but the energy level is not the same. Therefore, as a bonus to chronic fatigue and disorders in the area of ​​digestion, a decrease in immunity and a decrease in concentration. In our system we use ,which in a few days helps to start restoring the activity of the nervous tissue. In addition, the metabolism in the nervous tissue is gradually slowing down and more vitamins and minerals are required to support it, which are not the fact that they are contained in the usual diet of a modern person. And the toxins circulating in the blood as a result of chronic stress, malnutrition and digestion are not a myth, and therefore many people can be helped to increase the level of efficiency and energy during this period through cleansing the intestines, blood, liver. What can be used for ... Post-detox use of anti-stress natural substances such as amino acids and neuropeptides Biolan, gives a steady increase in mental performance. A use a variety of stimulants - evil! They give an activation of vitality only for a short period, but oppression comes quickly and surely.

Over the age of 50 - the main thing is to strengthen blood vessels

You can maintain your activity at a completely different quality level if the organs, and above all the brain, receive enough nutrients and oxygen every day. They do, of course, with blood. Therefore, the key task is to improve the condition of blood vessels. But there is a secret here. It is necessary to improve the movement of blood not only along the large arteries (this is not very possible to do it yourself), but along the capillaries. In the "Sokolinsky System" there is such a natural remedy as AlfaMaxiel - a high-tech extract from larch. In the first week of adding it to your diet, you will notice that the head works more clearly and fatigue is reduced, as it affects the deepest causes of memory and concentration impairment - it improves the nutrition of the nerve cells. Additional beneficial properties are associated with the control of blood sugar, cholesterol, metabolism in adipose tissue, support of immunity and protection against pathogenic fungal growth.

Fatigue comes quickly, no strength?

Over the age of 50one reason for rapid fatigue is a lack of energy in the cells. The brain consumes no less energy than muscles. And besides, it is much more sensitive. Even a deficit by 10% can already reduce learning and performance. Energy comes from the breakdown of glucose and fatty acids. But it is not enough for food to be broken down in the digestive tract to the correct forms that the cells of the brain are able to assimilate.

Beneficial substances must somehow get into all tissues. To do this, it is necessary to solve the most important problem - to improve the patency of arterial capillaries.Most of the known natural remedies either simply improve blood flow and lower cholesterol, or only promote vasodilation. The most famous example is ginkgo biloba or gotu kola memory herb. We have something more complex in terms of action on blood circulation. With AlfaMaxiel you can - strengthen the capillaries. The blood begins to freely bring oxygen and nutrients to those areas where stagnation reigned before.

This allows the heart to distribute more evenlyblood through the bloodstream, which allows you to successfully control blood pressure, blood viscosity and levels of cholesterol, triglycerides in the blood, blood sugar. AlphaMaxiel's active flavanoidsreduce the risk of damage to nervous tissue due to hypoxia caused by vasospasm, vasoconstriction in atherosclerosis. Since this is a very pure substance (the purity of the extract is 93%), its intake into the body does not cause stress in the excretory organs, and already 20-30 minutes after taking just one capsule a day, a positive effect on the nutrition of the brain and other vessels lasts up to 4 hours. With AlfaMaxiel you can master new knowledge and work as much as you need at any age.

Depending on your life situation, you can use:

If you just slowly remember new information(especially in children)- 1 teaspoon a day, adults 1 teaspoon spoon 2 times a day for 1 month. Plus, the restoration of microflora is mandatory.If everything new unsettles, plunging into stress. No mood to study or work -You start to work, but your strength quickly ends- 2 months in a rowLearn a foreign language and you want to make it easier? Use a combination with

A separate topic is neurosis

How to draw the line between him and what was just talked about. Indeed, with neurosis, working capacity also falls ... But this is a completely different story - different from overwork. You can read about which natural remedies support the nutrition of the nervous tissue in case of neurosis.

Or maybe get a consultation to get started? Good idea!

Are there options when it is better for one to take Biolan, and the other LecithinUM? If YOU listen to the recommendations on this page, then you can feel free to use these natural remedies. But also you can always use andconsultation... If you need comments on technical issues of admission, our experienced consultant will give them absolutely free of charge.

Consultation on the correct selection of the course is available in any city and even any country. After all, the Sokolinsky Center works not only in Russia, but also in Europe.

Video. How does LecithinUM help improve brain function? How to improve memory and attention?

Common misconceptions about how you can improve brain function, memory and attention

    Drink coffee or strong tea (green or black). Even I.P. Pavlov before the revolution studied how caffeine acts on the body. There are no secrets here, no matter how many popular magazines come up with. Increases mental performance and mood for about 40 minutes by releasing dopamine, then the effect stops. When taken regularly in large doses, addiction arises.

    It is enough to get some sleep. This advice is not feasible, since you just need to strain more, and for complete recovery in case of chronic fatigue, you need not 7-8 hours, but regular sleep for 8-10 hours for at least a week. But of course you need to sleep. Just a short nap will not help.

    Enough for a walk. In combination with the rest, of course, it helps, but by itself it only gives blood flow to the brain and oxygen saturation, switching attention for a short time.

    Take an energy drink or tincture of ginseng, Siberian ginseng, etc. in a large dose. The most disastrous thing you can think of. Small doses are safe, but ineffective, and large and regular doses are just a kick to your body. It will endure once, then there will be a return. Therefore, in many countries, energy drinks have either already been banned or are about to be banned.


The truth is that the brain needs both rest and nutrition to work harder. If you change your lifestyle as much as possible and use natural means, then in this case you will achieve an increase in mental performance without harm to health!

The brain is the most mysterious and mysterious human organ. Paradoxically, our ideas about his work and how it actually happens are diametrically opposite things. The following experiments and hypotheses will slightly open the veil over some of the secrets of the functioning of this "stronghold of thinking", which scientists have not been able to take up to this day.

1. Fatigue is the peak of creativity

The work of the biological clock - the internal system of the body that determines the rhythm of its vital activity - has a direct impact on the daily life of a person and his productivity in general. If you are a morning person, then it is wiser to do complex analytical work that requires serious mental costs, in the morning or before noon. For night owls, in other words - "owls" - this is the second half of the day, smoothly turning into night.

On the other hand, scientists advise accepting for more creative work, requiring activation of the right hemisphere, when the body feels physical and mental exhaustion, and the brain simply cannot figure out the proof of Goldbach's ternary problem. It sounds crazy, but if you dig a little deeper, you can still find a rational kernel in this hypothesis. Anyway, this explains why moments like "Eureka!" occur while riding public transport after a long day at work or, if history is to be believed, in the bathroom. :)

With a lack of strength and energy, it is extremely difficult to filter the flow of information, analyze statistical data, find and, most importantly, memorize cause-and-effect relationships. When it comes to creativity, the listed negative aspects take on a positive color, since this type of mental work involves the generation of new ideas and irrational thinking. In other words, a tired nervous system is more efficient when working on creative projects.

An article in Scientific American, a popular science journal, discusses why distraction plays an important role in creative thinking:

“The ability to distract is very often a source of non-standard solutions and original thoughts. At these moments, a person is less concentrated and can perceive a wider range of information. This "openness" allows you to evaluate alternative solutions to problems from a new angle, promotes the adoption and creation of completely new fresh ideas. "

2. Effect of stress on brain size

Stress is one of the most powerful factors affecting the normal functioning of the human brain. Recently, scientists at Yale University (Yale University) proved that frequent anxiety and depression literally reduce the size of the central part of the nervous system of the body.

The human brain cannot synchronize decision-making processes regarding two separate problems. By trying to do two things at the same time, we are only depleting our cognitive abilities, switching from one problem to another.

If a person is focused on one thing, the prefrontal cortex plays the main role, which controls all excitatory and depressing impulses.

“The anterior part of the brain is responsible for the formation of goals and intentions. For example, the desire "I want to eat that piece of cake" in the form of an exciting impulse passes through the neural network, reaches the posterior prefrontal cortex, and you are already enjoying the treat. "

4. A short nap increases mental alertness

The effects of healthy sleep are well known. The question is, what effect does nap have? As it turned out, short "blackouts" throughout the day have no less positive effect on mental performance.

Improving memory

After the end of the 40 flashcard memory experiment, one group of participants slept for 40 minutes while the other was awake. Subsequent testing revealed that participants who had the chance to take a nap remembered the flashcards much better:

“It's hard to believe, but the group that slept was able to recall 85% of the cards, while the rest remembered only 55%.”

Obviously, naps help our central computer "crystallize" memories:

“Research shows that barely formed memories in the hippocampus are fragile and can be easily erased from memory, especially if space is needed for new information. A short nap, as it turned out, "pushes" recently acquired data to the new cortex (neocortex), a place of long-term storage of memories, thus protecting them from destruction. "

Improving the learning process

In a study conducted by professors at The University of California, a group of students was given a rather difficult task that required the study of a large amount of new information. Two hours after the start of the experiment, half of the volunteers, in the same way as in the case of the cards, slept for a short period of time.

At the end of the day, not only did the participants who slept better performed the task and learned the material better, but their "evening" productivity significantly exceeded the indicators obtained before the start of the study.

What Happens During Sleep?

Several recent studies have shown that during sleep, the activity of the right hemisphere is significantly increased, while the left is extremely quiet. :)

This behavior is completely uncommon for him, since the left hemisphere is dominant in 95% of the world's population. Andrei Medvedev, the author of this study, made a very funny comparison:

"While we sleep, the right hemisphere is constantly busy around the house."

5. Vision is the main "trump card" of the sensory system

Despite the fact that vision is one of the five components of the sensory system, the ability to perceive electromagnetic radiation of the visible spectrum in its importance significantly prevails over the rest:

“Three days after studying any text material, you will remember only 10% of what you read. Several relevant images can increase this figure by 55%.

Illustrations are much more effective than text, in part because reading by itself does not produce the expected results. Our brains perceive words as tiny images. It takes more time and energy to grasp the meaning of one sentence than to look at a colorful picture. "

In fact, there are several downsides to relying so heavily on our visual systems. Here is one of them:

“Our brain is forced to constantly speculate, since it has no idea where exactly visible objects are. A person lives in three-dimensional space, while light falls on the retina of his eye in a two-dimensional plane. Thus, we think out everything that we cannot see. "

The picture below shows which part of the brain is responsible for processing visual information and its interaction with other areas of the brain.

6. Influence of personality type

The mental activity of extroverts is significantly increased when a risky deal "burns out" or it is possible to pull off some kind of adventure. On the one hand, it's just a genetic predisposition of sociable and impulsive people, and on the other, different levels of the neurotransmitter dopamine in the brains of different personality types.

"When it became known that the risk deal was successful, increased activity was traced in two areas of the extroverts' brains: the amygdala (lat. Corpus amygdaloidum) and the nucleus accumbens (lat. Nucleus accumbens)."

The nucleus accumbens is part of the dopaminergic system that induces feelings of pleasure and influences the processes of motivation and learning. Dopamine, produced in the brains of extroverts, encourages them to commit crazy acts and makes it possible to fully enjoy the events taking place around them. The amygdala, in turn, plays a key role in the formation of emotions and is responsible for processing arousal and depressing impulses.

Other studies have shown that the biggest difference between introverts and extroverts lies in the way the brain processes different stimuli. For extroverts, this path is much shorter - excitatory factors move through areas responsible for processing sensory information. In introverts, the trajectory of movement of stimuli is much more complex - they pass through areas associated with the processes of remembering, planning and decision-making.

7. The effect of "complete failure"

Elliot Aronson, professor of social psychology at Stanford University, argued for the so-called Pratfall Effect. Its essence is that by making mistakes, people like us more.

“The one who never makes mistakes is less sympathetic to those around him than the one who does stupid things at times. Perfection creates distance and an invisible aura of inaccessibility. That is why the winner is always the one who has at least some flaws.

Elliot Aronson conducted a wonderful experiment to support his hypothesis. The group of participants was asked to listen to two audio recordings made during the interviews. On one of them, you could hear a man knocking over a cup of coffee. When the participants were asked which of the candidates sympathized with them the most, everyone voted for the awkward candidate. "

8. Meditation - recharging the brain

Meditation is useful for more than just improving focus and staying calm throughout the day. Various psychophysical exercises have many positive effects.


The more often we meditate, the calmer we become. This statement is somewhat controversial, but quite interesting. As it turned out, the reason for this is the destruction of the nerve endings of the brain. Here's what the prefrontal cortex looks like before and after 20 minutes of meditation:

During meditation, nerve connections are significantly weakened. At the same time, the connections between the areas of the brain responsible for reasoning and decision-making, body sensations and the center of fear, on the contrary, are strengthened. Therefore, experiencing stressful situations, we can assess them more rationally.


Researchers at Leiden University in the Netherlands, studying purposeful meditation and clear-mind meditation, found that subjects practicing the focused meditation style did not show significant changes in brain regions that regulate creative thinking. Those who chose clear mind meditation far outpaced the rest of the participants in subsequent testing.


Catherine Kerr, Ph.D. of MGH (Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging) and Osher Research Center at Harvard Medical School, argues that meditation enhances many mental abilities, in particular, rapid memorization of material. The ability to completely abstract from all distractions allows people who meditate to concentrate as much as possible on the task at hand.

9. Exercise - reorganizing and building willpower

Sure, exercise is very beneficial for our body, but what about brain function? The connection between training and mental activity is exactly the same as between training and positive emotions.

“Regular physical activity can significantly improve a person's cognitive abilities. As a result of the testing, it turned out that people who are actively involved in sports, in contrast to stay-at-home people, have a good memory, quickly make the right decisions, easily concentrate on the task and are able to identify cause-and-effect relationships. "

If you're just getting started, your brain will perceive this event as nothing more than stress. Heart palpitations, shortness of breath, dizziness, cramps, muscle pain, etc. - all these symptoms occur not only in gyms, but also in more extreme life situations. If you have experienced something like this before, these unpleasant memories will surely come up in your memory.

To protect itself from stress, during exercise, the brain produces a protein called BDNF (Brain Neurotrophic Factor). This is why, after exercising, we feel at ease and ultimately even happy. In addition - as a defense response to stress - the production of endorphins increases:

"Endorphins minimize the feeling of discomfort during exercise, block pain and promote feelings of euphoria."

10. New information slows down the passage of time

Have you ever dreamed that time did not fly by so fast? Probably more than once. Knowing how a person perceives time, you can artificially slow down its course.

By absorbing a huge amount of information coming from different senses, our brain structures the data so that we can freely use it in the future.

“Since the information perceived by the brain is completely disordered, it must be reorganized and assimilated in a form that is understandable to us. Despite the fact that the process of processing data takes milliseconds, new information is absorbed by the brain a little longer. Thus, it seems to a person that time stretches for eternity. "

Oddly enough, almost all areas of the nervous system are responsible for the perception of time.

When a person receives a lot of information, the brain needs a certain time to process it, and the longer this process lasts, the more time slows down.

When we once again work on painfully familiar material, everything happens exactly the opposite - time flies by almost imperceptibly, since there is no need to apply any special mental efforts.

Modern life is so saturated with emotions and stresses that it is very difficult for a person to think clearly and be highly efficient in such a difficult environment. Sometimes a person cannot simply concentrate on one action, experiencing severe weakness and rejection.

If this sounds familiar to you, then you have experienced a decrease in brain performance. If these symptoms appear in the evening or closer to the night, it is not surprising.

We increase the mental performance of the brain. Simple methods

During the day, the body is exhausted and makes itself felt. At night, he will gain new strength and will be ready for new loads. But what if such a state accompanies a person from the very early morning? In this article we will understand: is it possible to increase mental performance... If so, how?

How to improve the mental performance of the brain? Below we will introduce simple methods for you.

Encouraging our brains to work at an increased pace

Elementary brain exercise improves blood circulation and helps the intellect to be at its highest level. Memory needs to be constantly trained. This requires:

  • learn different languages
  • solve crosswords
  • solve math problems
  • play games (to develop thinking)

In other words, strain your brain as often as possible and do not let it relax, then the problem of low brain performance will be unfamiliar to you.

The modern world is progressing so much that we simply forget that we can think independently, using at every opportunity:

  • calculator,
  • the Internet,
  • navigator, etc.

Start with the simplest things: solve a math problem with your child, try to remember the phone number of someone you know without a notebook, plot the route of your trip without using a navigator.

We eat correctly and rationally

Sugar and any sugary foods increase brain performance. Knowing this, many of us begin to eat pounds of sweets, chocolates, cakes and pastries. This is completely wrong! Especially if you have a sedentary job. With such a lifestyle, the brain may and will begin to work better, but you cannot avoid extra pounds. There is an alternative: introduce into your diet those foods that contain natural starch. These include potatoes, rice, a variety of nuts, legumes, and black bread. Eating one of these foods will energize your brain for as much as 4 hours.

Not only food plays an important role in our diet, but drinks. For example, coffee is good for the body only once, preferably in the morning. Nowadays many of us drink coffee up to 5 - 6 times a day. This drink cannot bring any benefit to our brain. Much better to drink ordinary mineral water. Drink a glass of water every hour. This will help your body and brain cells stay hydrated.

We know when to stop in food and do not overeat

Scientists conducted an experiment, during which they found that a full, full stomach badly affects the performance of the brain, and, moreover, leads to a complete dullness of consciousness.

The experiment was carried out as follows: two identical groups of rats were taken. The first group was fed their fill, while the second group of rats had a rather small diet. As a result of the experiment, it turned out that in the body of rats of the second group, cytochrome (a substance that destroys brain cells) was released by an order of magnitude less than in the first group.

The scientists also evaluated the reaction of the rats and the speed of action. The second group was again stronger. So the conclusion follows: “Hunger is not so bad for the body! On the contrary, it has a positive effect on the performance of the brain! "

You have probably noticed more than once that after a hearty, hearty dinner, you are very sleepy. So know when to stop eating and never overeat.

We read a lot of books and newspapers

It's no secret to anyone that reading increases the mental performance of the brain... In addition, reading develops our imagination and forces our attention to concentrate. In this regard, the brain does not just work, but works with a vengeance.

American scientists have established the following fact: "A person who reads a lot in the future will never slow down and blunt." This is easily explained: when we read a new book, we get not only a lot of information, but we also scroll new images in our head.

For example, a history book, willy-nilly, forces us to compare the past with the present, thereby our brain conducts some kind of analysis of what happened.

Advice: devote at least 30 minutes to reading every day... This will greatly increase the performance of your brain. But this applies to useful literature (classics, history, poetry, novels). Tabloids, celebrity life and jokes will not have the right effect on your brain.

We rest more, get enough sleep and enjoy life

Strenuous work leads to a loss of performance not only of the brain, but also of the body as a whole. Scientists have found that the maximum working hours per week should be no more than 40. If your schedule is far from this standard. But at least learn to relax at work. Enjoy your work, take five-minute breaks, and have a cup of tea. This approach will only increase your productivity.

It has been proven that workaholics who cannot get away from their workplace for even 5 minutes are much worse on tests on quick wits, unlike their colleagues who are constantly distracted and chatter. So draw your own conclusions!

All are more fortunate to those who work remotely. The bosses do not see them and will not scold them for drinking an extra cup of coffee. They have the ability to independently control the worker, calculate strength and determine the number and duration of breaks.

It is very important to arrange weekends for yourself sometimes. Get out into nature with your family, go fishing with friends, to the bathhouse, the pool. Organize a barbecue in the country. In general, whatever, only this vacation came to your liking. Such unloading of the body has the most positive effect on the performance of the brain.

Sound healthy sleep is also important. Lack of sleep leads to many health problems... The body is overworked, attention is dulled, the brain starts to work very slowly. Go to bed no later than 10, and get up no earlier than 9 in the morning. In this case, already in the morning your body and brain will be full of strength and positive.

We wake up easily and cheerfully

An interesting fact was established by physiologists: the person who gets up in the morning without an alarm is the happiest and most enthusiastic... He has more vigor, strength, and therefore the brain will be in a clear consciousness throughout the day.

We give up addictions

Alcohol and tobacco products negatively affect the entire system of the human body... And the brain is no exception. Over the years, more than a dozen experiments have been carried out, proving that the negative impact on human health. Yes, I do not argue, when a person has just drunk or lit a cigarette, he becomes calm and balanced, it seems to him that his brain is filled with new ideas, and an inexplicable strength appears in the body. Unfortunately, this is an illusion. In fact, the body is only depleted, blood circulation is deteriorating, respectively, and the performance of the brain becomes an order of magnitude worse. So quit all your bad habits as soon as possible! And you better go in for sports!

Forcing ourselves not to stand still

A person who is constantly in motion has very elastic vessels, and blood circulates well in the brain. This helps to quickly restore neural connections. Therefore, do exercises in the morning, sign up for fitness, swimming and try to walk at least 20 minutes a day.

We do a head massage

Now there are a huge number of massage courses. There is a massage to improve blood flow to the neck and head. If possible, we advise you to visit a real masseur. You will not only improve cerebral circulation, but also get a lot of pleasant sensations. If finances do not allow, there is another option: look at self-massage lessons on the Internet and try them. Only in this matter is regularity important. For two to three weeks, you will need to devote 10 minutes to massage. However, the result will not be long in coming. Within a week you will feel that you have become much less tired, and your brain will work with renewed vigor.

We use bright colors and aromatherapy

It is known that colors and smells have a huge influence on human psychology: some calm and give us confidence, while others, on the contrary, excite the body and irritate. So, the yellow color has a good effect on the performance of the brain. It is tonic, increasing human performance. It is very good if you hang a picture in yellow colors above your desk. As for smells: citrus and woody scents will make the brain work with increased force. Do not use cheap air fresheners, but use natural aromatic oils (for example, essential oils).

From this whole great article, one little conclusive conclusion can be drawn: it is possible and necessary to increase the efficiency of the brain... And by what method, everyone chooses for himself!