Towards a change in a healthy lifestyle. My path to a healthy lifestyle. Tips for beginners. How to take classes

The start of my healthy lifestyle

To one degree or another, I have always adhered to a healthy lifestyle: I did not smoke, did not abuse alcohol, and occasionally went in for sports. But then she started the sport, then she quit.


I didn't even think about bringing my diet back to normal.

Smoking is generally unacceptable, especially for girls. Firstly, I do not understand why deliberately harm your body. Our body is given to us once, and how we act with it in youth depends on how it will respond to us in old age. Girls who smoke look older - and that's a fact. From nicotine, the skin ages faster, wrinkles appear on the face and, especially, around the mouth earlier. And if it seems to someone that he looks cool with a cigarette, then I can disappoint you - this is not at all the case. A smoking person looks stupid and ugly. Secondly, it's money down the drain. Well, here's how you can - pay for something that harms you. Nonsense. Thirdly, how stupid smokers look when they start looking for a lighter, cigarettes, they run around, they are already afraid. In general, I never smoked and never will.

When I turned 30, I decided to change something in my life. Or rather, I wanted to start a healthy lifestyle and lose weight. A healthy lifestyle is based on two pillars: sports and proper nutrition. One without the other does not work. You can go to aerobics, but fried potatoes at 7 pm will cancel all the results achieved. You can also go on a diet and not exercise, and as a result get a thin body with loose skin. Therefore, it must be complex.


Breakfast. This was my first problem. Like many people, at that time I had one cup of coffee for breakfast. And this is fundamentally wrong. We wake up and immediately begin to do a bunch of things, the body needs energy, but there is no where to get it from. And so we go sleepy until 11 o'clock, and by the time of dinner we are ready to eat whatever we want and eat just a huge amount of food. And again we go sleepy, with a full stomach until 5 o'clock. It is clear that this should not be so.

So I decided to start eating breakfast. The problem is that I was so unaccustomed to eating in the morning that I simply could not stuff it into myself. Therefore, I started small - for the first week in the morning I drank yogurt or fermented baked milk, then I ate cottage cheese and jam, then I started making oatmeal with milk. After a while, I was already able to eat scrambled eggs or something more serious in the morning.

Result: breakfast helps wake me up, so in the morning I am cheerful and energetic. By the time of dinner I feel well and die of hunger. The desire to drink tea with some biscuits immediately disappeared in order to endure until dinner.

Number of meals: all trainers and nutritionists are unanimous in their opinion - you need to eat 5 times a day. Of course, I had a hard time imagining it, but I decided to try it. So, my meal schedule is as follows: breakfast at 7 am, at 11 o'clock - to choose from: a glass of low-fat kefir, a little cottage cheese, an apple; at 13:00 - lunch; at 16 o'clock - the second snack, the same and at 19 o'clock dinner. At the same time, I reduced the portions of food during the main meals.

Result: Thanks to snacking, I do not feel hungry before lunch and dinner, so I put a smaller portion on my plate. The stomach is not overloaded, it works like a clock. And kefir further improves its performance. From the moment I started eating like this, I feel comfortable.

Diet: Due to the presence of a huge amount of literature on the topic of proper nutrition, at first it seemed that I would never master this Chinese letter. And even more so, I was not sure that I could refuse all junk food. Therefore, as in the case of breakfast, I started everything gradually:

I switched from white bread to bran and whole grain bread, gradually reducing the amount. Today I eat almost everything without bread.

Instead of cakes and sweets, I started buying dark chocolate, marmalade and fruits. Now I am absolutely indifferent to sweets. But I can not resist buying apples or pomegranates.

I started using the oven and steamer. To my surprise, almost all dishes can be cooked in the oven, while the amount of fat is less. And what a delicious roast in the sleeve or fish in foil!

gradually removed mayonnaise from the diet (perfectly replaced with unsweetened yogurt), soda (only pure non-carbonated water), bars, chips, fast food, dumplings, etc.

I almost eat potatoes and pasta, 2 times a month and only until 3 pm. Potatoes - boiled or baked.

I will say from my own experience, with each product it is difficult for the first week or two. Then you get used to it, and you just don't want it.

Result: I look better, I feel better. Belly and sides are gone. No indigestion after drinking soda. Filled with pride in oneself.

carb-free diet excellent diet, designed for 6 weeks, as a result, metabolism (metabolism) is accelerated, subcutaneous fat is burned. After 6 weeks, you can gradually return to normal nutrition, the weight will not return.

The main essence of the diet is a minimum of carbohydrates. In the diet: cottage cheese, kefir, milk, eggs, chicken fillet, veal, turkey, fish, vegetables, fruits (except bananas and grapes). Until 15-00 you can have something and allowed sweets. Perfect Dinner: Boiled fillet/baked fish + coleslaw and cucumber salad with unsweetened yogurt.

At the time of this writing, I have been on this diet for 4 weeks. The first two weeks are hard. I want everything delicious. And a breakdown - there are no carbohydrates, and the body has not yet rebuilt to take energy from fat reserves. Elle survived. But now I am free from food. It's hard to explain, but now I don't think for a long time to cook something tasty, I don't try to constantly eat or drink something. For a week - minus 1.5 kg.

The second component is sports

What exactly to do - fitness, aerobics, pool dance or go to the gym - is not so important, the main thing is to enjoy it. I, like many of my friends, alternate. A month in fitness gives endurance, a month in the gym - I pump those places that I consider necessary to tighten. But, if dancing, then it is better to constantly walk. By the way, I went to Latin dances - a T-shirt could be squeezed out at the end of the lesson. You can just run in the morning - also a great thing. At first, I didn’t want to, I went through strength, after three months it became a habit and now it’s a tragedy to miss the hall.

Recently I was asked how old I am. She answered - 30. The girl could not believe for a long time, she thought - a joke. Yes, that's what a healthy lifestyle has given me. I look 5 years younger, slim, sporty, stamina. And most importantly - a sea of ​​\u200b\u200benergy. I do not lie on the couch in the evening with a full belly. And I don’t sleep on weekends until 11. I feel great from morning to evening. Also, I constantly experiment in the kitchen - after all, food should be healthy and tasty. I don't get sick, I don't go to the doctor. Therefore, I will not deviate from this path, because there is still so much to improve in my life.

Borsuk Olga Vladimirovna, Amursk

The three pillars of a healthy lifestyle are the rejection of bad habits, the transition to a balanced diet and regular exercise. Only a person who is used to sitting on the couch finds it difficult to replace fast food with fresh vegetables and fall in love with an evening jog. You need to gradually move to the bright side. Sudden changes are a test for the body and stress for the brain. The body needs time to adapt, otherwise the attempt to become slim and healthy will end in failure.

Drawing up a schedule

Where to start for a mere mortal who decides to switch to a healthy lifestyle or the so-called healthy lifestyle? Get used to the daily routine. Fans of sports and proper nutrition live according to a schedule. They go to the gym at the same time. They eat by the clock and try to clearly plan all their actions.

The first step is to change your sleep-wake schedule. The morning of a healthy lifestyle representative does not begin with coffee or scrambled eggs with bacon, but with a run. And in order to have time for sports, a full breakfast, a shower and other household trifles, you need to get up with the first rays of the sun, that is, at 6-7 o'clock. But if a person sat until dawn, and at 5 in the morning only got to bed, what kind of jogging or exercises can we talk about?

The second reason why you need to change the schedule of wakefulness and sleep is metabolism. Metabolic processes slow down if a person regularly goes to bed with the first rays of the sun. Due to poor metabolism, fat accumulates in the subcutaneous layers. The work of the digestive organs and blood circulation worsens. Decreased absorption of nutrients.

You need to go to bed at 22-23.00 at night. Turn off all gadgets and appliances an hour before bedtime:

  • smartphones;
  • TV set;
  • e-book;
  • computer.

You can spend 60 minutes without a laptop on water treatments, massages, planning the next day and keeping a diary. There shouldn't be any concessions on weekends either. You can not lie in bed until noon, neglecting sports and breakfast.

The second step on the way to a healthy lifestyle is drawing up a daily routine. The diary or special program indicates what time breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner take place. When to play sports and relax with friends. In the first weeks, you need to set a reminder, because until the body gets used to the new regimen, the brain will periodically forget about exercise, second breakfast and an evening walk.

Avoiding junk food starts with a glass of water. The liquid starts metabolic processes and strengthens the immune system. Drink water immediately after waking up, as well as 30-40 minutes before each snack. It dulls the appetite and helps reduce portion sizes.

Representatives of a healthy lifestyle do not drink carbonated and sweet drinks. If tea or coffee, then without sugar. No packaged juice or energy drinks. Water is supplemented with herbal decoctions. For example, tea made from rose hips, chamomile, ginger root or mint. Fluid is needed by the body for vitality and well-being. Water is carried with them in small bottles or thermoses so that it is always at hand.

Harmful foods are removed from the diet gradually. First, they forget about the existence of the frying pan. Meat or fish is not fried, but cooked in the oven or double boiler. Sausages and bacon are replaced with homemade chicken breast sausages. Instead of pizza, they eat bran bread sandwiches, avocados and red fish. And chocolate, ice cream and cakes are replaced with fruit smoothies, low-fat cottage cheese desserts and sweets made from dried fruits and nuts.

A healthy lifestyle does not mean dieting. On the other hand, you can't go hungry. But so that a person does not stretch the stomach in large portions and does not look into the refrigerator after midnight, he should eat food 5-7 times a day. At a time, he eats 100–150 g of porridge, soup or another dish. And between meals takes a two-hour break.

The main thing is to choose natural products. If the composition contains:

  • monosodium glutamate;
  • aspartame;
  • sweetener;
  • flavors;
  • dyes;
  • ingredients with difficult to pronounce words.

A box with such yogurt or juice remains in the store. Only fresh fruits and vegetables get into the refrigerator, no marinades. With proper nutrition are allowed:

  • nuts;
  • dried fruits;
  • dietary meats;
  • dairy products, but only fat-free;
  • cereals;
  • legumes;
  • sea ​​and river fish;
  • vegetable fats;
  • durum wheat pasta;
  • bran and rye bread;
  • seafood.

The diet should be rich in sources of protein and complex carbohydrates. They are responsible for the development of muscle mass, a feeling of cheerfulness and energy. It is not worth completely eliminating animal fats, but they account for only 5% of the diet.

Vegetables are added to all dishes. The meal starts with a salad, stew or sandwich with cucumber, parsley and tomato slices. A vitamin cocktail is prepared from celery and apples, which cleanses the body of toxins.

Vegetables are a source of fiber. And coarse dietary fiber is necessary to reduce appetite, normal bowel function and a fast metabolism. You can live without sausage, cutlets and hot dogs, but you can’t live without broccoli, carrots and sweet peppers.

To avoid the temptation to return to the previous diet, all prohibited foods are removed from the lockers and the refrigerator. No stockpiles of biscuits or canned peas for a rainy day. The store is sent with a list. And they only buy what it says.

Sport is not a punishment, but a way to become stronger and healthier. It is not necessary to sign up for a gym and lift barbells and kettlebells. You can always choose the option of physical activity that will bring pleasure. Morning jogging is easy to replace with half an hour of dancing to energetic music or a bike ride.

Instead of fitness, master roller skates or a skateboard. Get your body in shape with swimming or Nordic walking. Make friends with a volleyball or basketball. And if it’s completely lazy, then it will be limited to a half-hour exercise or stretching.

Sport is a source of vivacity and a hormone of joy. But you shouldn’t overstrain in the first months either, otherwise the body will quickly get tired of excessive loads, and the brain will decide that it lived much better without dumbbells and skipping ropes. Laziness will appear. And it is very difficult to fight the desire to lie on the couch.

In order for the body to get used to the sport, 2-3 classes per week are enough. And for people who want to quickly lose weight and tighten their body, it is recommended to supplement stretching with other types of physical activity. For example, walking. Do not get on a trolley bus, but walk to the nearest store with your own feet. Walk from office to apartment and vice versa. Play football or badminton with friends instead of watching pizza and beer TV shows.

Tip: If the brain does not agree to do at least exercises, you need to put a chair next to the bed in the evening and put a sports uniform on it. When you wake up, immediately take off your pajamas and change into a comfortable suit. Pants and a T-shirt make you think of a morning run, and a person gets motivated.

The main thing is to set yourself micro-tasks. Do not run 5 km without preparation, but do 15 squats today, and 20 tomorrow. If expectations are not met, the desire to do anything disappears. And vice versa. Small victories make you proud and move forward.

Some people find it hard to deal with laziness alone. In such cases, it is recommended to find a sister in misfortune in social networks or forums. A girl who is ready to run in the morning or evening or go to the pool. It is also useful to organize friendly competitions. For example, who will jump more on a rope, do push-ups or pull up. But the atmosphere should be warm and friendly. Humiliation and mutual insults do not help to achieve a high result, but only kill the desire to practice and improve your own body.

Bad habits and positive thinking

In the first weeks, a person feels euphoria. He is passionate about the new rules of nutrition, enjoys playing sports. Tells everyone around him that he no longer eats chemistry and products with GMOs. But gradually the enthusiasm fades, giving way to laziness and the desire to buy at least 200 g of sausage. If a beginner stumbles, he will return to his starting positions and will not want to repeat the experiment with the transition to a healthy lifestyle.

It will take the body 2 to 3 months to get used to the different routine and develop healthy habits. Optimism will help you endure the test. You need to look at things positively. Praise yourself for small successes, as well as regularly set small goals for yourself. You can write a list with tasks for a month or several weeks. And for each completed item, reward yourself with a series of your favorite series, beautiful clothes or books.

It is important that a person is surrounded by like-minded people. When all the relatives twist their fingers to their temples and offer not to engage in nonsense, it's hard not to give up. If there are no healthy lifestyle fans among real friends, you can either change the company or find “colleagues” on proper nutrition on forums or social networks. Experienced athletes are happy to share their tricks with beginners and guide them on the right path.

If one of the reasons for switching to a healthy lifestyle was the desire to lose weight, in the first month it is not recommended to weigh yourself and take measurements of your waist, chest and hips. Due to constant exercise, fluid accumulates in the muscles, which causes swelling. The body is visually enlarged. The body weight is also growing. If a beginner sees that the weights show 2-3 kg more than before, he will be upset and decide that a healthy lifestyle does not suit him. But after all, the body acquires a beautiful outline only 3-4 months after the transition to the light side, so you need not despair and exercise regularly.

It is equally important to give up bad habits:

  • smoking;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • neglect of the rules of personal hygiene;
  • computer addiction;
  • overeating.

You can’t first run 2-3 km, and then sit on a bench and drink a bottle of beer. Alcohol cancels all achievements, just like cigarettes. The body does not benefit from online games, cakes and buns, stressful situations. Of course, not every person is able to quit a prestigious job and settle in the mountains or in the forest, but you can learn yoga and meditation. Get massages regularly. Spend the weekend in nature. And also love dousing with cold water or a contrast shower. All these procedures relax the nervous system, increase immunity and help not to lose control in stressful situations.

Changing habits that have been developed over years or decades is difficult. No need to set ambitious and unattainable goals. It is better to complete micro-tasks and celebrate success. Gradually give up harmful foods and accustom the body to sports. Practice calmness and optimism. Temper the body and mind. And do not give up, even if it seems that you will never be able to switch to a healthy lifestyle.

Video: 5 reasons why it is difficult to switch to a healthy lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle is the foundation of both physical and spiritual health. Many have heard about it, read it, because now it is a trend, but at the same time, not all people fully understand what a healthy lifestyle is.

Most people who start to lead a healthy lifestyle give up this venture within a few weeks, and some even after a day. Their desire to become healthier and change their lives quickly fades and disappears through a lack of motivation and the wrong approach.

How often have you made a promise to yourself from tomorrow to start living a healthy lifestyle?

You started to adhere to some kind of regimen, eat right, play sports, but you weren’t enough for a long time.

Or you have long had a desire to lead a healthy lifestyle, but you do not know where to start, you do not have a complete guide and idea of ​​what healthy lifestyle?

When I first decided to lead a healthy lifestyle, I thought it was easy. Then it seemed to me that a healthy lifestyle is the absence of bad habits, not eating after six and playing sports 1-2 times a week. But that's not all!

A healthy lifestyle is a conscious choice for everyone, as you begin to think and analyze what you eat, what you do, you understand what is harmful to your health.

A healthy body is a product of a sound mind!

So how do you get started with a healthy lifestyle?

1. Change your mindset.

I think this is the most important thing! After all, all the sources of problems in our lives begin in our head. You must change your thinking. Many now write that the main thing here is motivation, but as statistics show, it is not enough for a long time.

Healthy lifestyle- this is not only some kind of diet, exercise, hygiene, first of all - this is the creation of oneself as a person, the ability to be responsible for one's life.

Developing healthy thinking means having a positive attitude towards the surrounding reality, excluding the appearance of destructive states and emotions, such as anger, resentment, envy, irritation, everything that harms your health, both physical and spiritual.

You can learn more about this in my articles:

2. Develop willpower

To begin with, it is better to start with small and simple actions to improve and strengthen your body. Gradually give up harmful products, start doing a little exercise in the morning, drink more water, walk more. Taking gradual and daily actions will help you stay on the path to a healthy lifestyle.

How to lead a healthy lifestyle?

I suggest you follow some basics of a healthy lifestyle that will ensure excellent health and healthy functioning of your body.

  1. Adjust your water balance.

We are 80-90% water and every day 1.5 liters of water comes out of our body in different ways. Our minerals come out with it. Therefore, it is very important to replenish them.

Tea, coffee, borscht - does not count as water! In the morning we got up - a glass of water, washed ourselves, brushed our teeth - a glass of water. We had breakfast, an hour passed - a glass of water. All day water! At night a glass of water.

You need to reach your physiological norm of water (30 ml / kg of weight). That is, if my weight is 50 kg, multiply by 30 mg. = 1.5 liters of water per day, this is my norm. But do not forget about the quality of the water. It is very important!

  1. Proper nutrition.

I do not mean diets that only harm the body, but a complete, healthy diet.

Friends, well, there can’t be everything that you need in sausage and cookies for full development!

The first thing to do is to remove harmful and eternal food from the diet.

“Eternal food” is something that does not disappear at the appointed time. For example, you buy milk, and that expiration date is a year or, for example, sausage. It cannot contain meat because meat costs more than sausage. This also includes all CO2 drinks, sweets, mayonnaise, white bread, instant coffee, canned food, premium flour products, packaged juices, etc.

Try to eat natural products, that is, natural cottage cheese, and not cottage cheese with fruit filling; drink natural yogurt and kefir, not fruit yogurt, etc.

More fruits and vegetables!

Choose lean meat - beef, lamb, chicken, rabbit.

An excellent alternative to products with premium flour is whole grain bread and pasta with durum flour, unleavened bread, brown rice.

Don't forget legumes like beans, peas, chickpeas.

Eat more non-fast food cereals. And accustom yourself to start the morning with oatmeal, a very healthy porridge. I myself can not imagine my morning without this porridge.

More details in this article ""

You must understand what you eat! And remember, it is better to eat a little, but often, than to overload your stomach.

  1. Purification and strengthening of the body.

Arrange yourself fasting days and stick to fasts. After all, Christian posts were invented for a reason. The fasts were invented so that people could cleanse themselves of internal toxins, cleanse the body and soul. Try fasting and you will see that your body will thank you for it. Give him the opportunity to rest and recuperate. Start simple. Arrange for yourself fasting days when you eat only vegetables and whole grain bread, for example. Also, many practice one-day fasting. Believe me, it will not harm your body, but rather give strength.

Also, the beginning of a healthy lifestyle life- This is the rejection of all bad habits. I will not write now about the dangers of smoking, drugs and alcohol. So much is said and written about this, but it is of little use. Because it all starts with thinking and knowing where you are going. Remember, it's your choice to keep killing your body with alcohol, drugs, and smoking, or to become a conscious person and make conscious choices, every day...

And another way to strengthen the body is this. Now, for many, hardening evokes associations with swimming in an ice hole or pouring cold water on it. But remember, everything should be gradual! Personally, I practice contrast showers and towel rubdowns. It perfectly tones up in the morning, especially after a morning run.

And, of course, do not forget about normal sleep - at least 7-8 hours, so that the body completely rests and recovers.

  1. Movement is life!

We all know about it, but we still continue to lead a passive lifestyle. But just half an hour of walking every day will save you from many health problems in the future. Understand that a sedentary lifestyle makes you sick and weak.

Start your day with a little exercise. I start the day with the usual arm and leg swings, bends, stretches, squats. I spend 10-15 minutes on this. But after that you will feel that your body has woken up, energy will appear. At the same time, turn on the music and start your day with positive emotions.

Active time spent. On non-running days, I do yoga, dance, meditate, or increase my morning workout to 20-25 minutes, adding abs, legs, glutes, and arms. I try to walk more.

If you have a sedentary job, just get up sometimes, squat, walk around and you will immediately feel much more alert. I talk about this in more detail in the article ""

Try several options for exercise and choose what suits you and likes it. After all, we are all individuals.

The main thing is not to lie on the couch!)

And don't forget about relaxation. Start practicing meditation or just find time to be alone and relax. Take relaxing baths, go for a massage, sauna, etc. After all, positive emotions are the basis of your health and beauty.

Healthy lifestyle is not only the observance of some principles and rules, it is your every minute choice, your attitude to the world, your thinking, concern for your development, love for yourself and others. In general, it is very simple to start leading a healthy lifestyle, all that is needed for this is to want to!

Friends, if you have any additions or recommendations, please share them in the comments! Let's practice a healthy lifestyle together!

I like it I don't like it

Small changes lead to big changes. Use these simple tips, take a step in the right direction and turn your body into an impregnable fortress!

You may think that you have already taken a giant step towards a healthy lifestyle, but the truth is that proper nutrition is not limited to drinking protein shakes and whipping up a dozen egg whites for breakfast. If you really want to restore health or simply strive to replenish your vitality, you need to understand that sometimes small, but correct changes are enough to achieve the goal. Change your taste habits a bit, dust off your outdoor shoes, and this can be a great starting point. Use these 40 tips as a roadmap to get you on your way to better health.

1. Avoid refined foods

Cutting out refined, powdered foods can drastically change your diet. These foods are so heavily processed that the real nutrients in them, as a rule, no longer remain. Cutting out junk food will not only help you manage your weight and maintain normal blood glucose levels, but it will also leave more room for nutrient-dense foods loaded with vitamins and minerals. Trade the skyrocketing (and crashing) energy of a sweet glazed donut for much healthier fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

2. Take fish oil

Fish oil helps fight depression, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes. In addition, it reduces the risk of developing oncopathology and improves the composition of body tissues. Considering the possible benefits, fish oil can safely be called a supplement that everyone should take. You will need 3-6 grams per day, depending on how often you eat oily fish.

3. Drink green tea

Filled to the brim with powerful antioxidants, it helps prevent certain diseases and keeps you feeling great. Green tea is rich in catechins, antioxidants that neutralize free radicals and protect cells from damage. It has also been reported that green tea prevents the development of cardiovascular disease, in particular arterial hypertension and congestive heart failure. Green tea speeds up metabolism and dramatically increases calorie burning. You can turn even plain water into a real healing elixir by quenching your thirst with 2-3 cups of green tea daily.

4. Get in the sun

Don't forget to be in the sun. Sunlight is a great way to boost production in the body. Vitamin D strengthens bones and helps fight depression. Try to spend 15-20 minutes in the sun daily.

5. Don't overeat

We live in a world where many people eat constantly - even when they don't feel hungry. Fight this habit. Getting up from the table with the feeling that you would have eaten more, you can stop the accumulation of adipose tissue. Thus, even when faced with overeating on some day, a fasting day will help you compensate for this.

6. Make time for HIIT cardio

High-intensity exercise is not only a great way to improve physical condition, but also a great helper in the fight against stress, stimulating the secretion of endorphins, the happy hormones in the body. At least 20-30 minutes of high-intensity training three times a week will give excellent results.

7. Sleep 8 hours every night

35. Buy dark chocolate

No, that doesn't give you the right to empty a box of Snickers in the middle of the night. But if from time to time you crave chocolate, do not deny yourself the pleasure and eat one slice of dark chocolate a day. Dark chocolate contains at least 60-70% cocoa and is rich in flavonoids, which have a beneficial effect on the health of your body. Allow yourself to enjoy chocolate, and the rest of the time it will be easier for you to stay on the right course and carefully control the calorie content of the diet.

36. Stretch

Despite the obvious benefits of exercise for, many of us pay very little attention to them. Meanwhile, stretching develops flexibility, improves coordination and balance, and promotes blood circulation in the body. Spend 10 minutes a day stretching and deep breathing; it will help you relax, energize, relieve stiffness and muscle tension.

37. Throw out artificial sweeteners

It's clear that it's best to stay away from sugar, but don't think that replacing it with artificial sweeteners is a great solution. These brainchildren of the chemical industry threaten you with headaches, anxiety and digestive problems. In a word, you will not feel your best.

38. Listen to your body

If there is a golden rule of diet that everyone must remember, then it is "there are no iron rules." A diet that is perfect for one person can be a real disaster for another. Every person is unique. Of course, fundamental principles are relevant to all diets, such as adequate calorie intake and adequate protein intake, but there is always room for maneuver. Listen to your body and make adjustments. This is the best path to success.

39. Step into the green world

Make green leafy vegetables the centerpiece of your diet. Three leafy vegetables that you can never have too many are kale, spinach, and broccoli. They are rich in antioxidants, dietary fiber and vitamins K, C and A. By the way, cabbage has more than beef, and these powerful vegetables contain practically no calories.

40. Walk more often

Walking shouldn't be your only exercise, but it's a great way to stay moving while burning off some extra calories. The simplest exercise that can be done daily. As a low-intensity, joint-safe activity, walking strengthens the heart, burns calories, improves cardiovascular fitness, and strengthens bones.

About a healthy lifestyle

“Health is harmony and balance between various aspects of human nature, the surrounding reality and way of life ... "

With enviable regularity, almost each of us promises to engage in a healthy lifestyle. We look for information on the Internet, buy books, watch programs and, as a rule, we understand that this is all so difficult, it takes a lot of time and effort, and we get so tired at work, we have a lot of domestic and social affairs. ... And we return to our usual way of life, having decided for ourselves that next time I will definitely start.

It is not necessary to drastically rebuild your lifestyle and switch to complex health systems. The main thing is to start! Take a small step towards a healthy life. Even a very small change in this direction makes us healthier and thus prolongs our life. And when this, even the most insignificant, action becomes a habit, take another step, and so on.

Start with this...

  1. Drink more water. Most of us don't actually drink enough water every day. Water is essential for our body to function properly. Did you know that over 60% of our body is water? That is why it is so important to drink good water regularly so that the body works properly, toxins are removed from the body and proper metabolism occurs. You need to drink water regularly, as it constantly leaves our body through urine, feces, sweat and breath. The amount of water we need depends on various factors such as humidity, your physical activity, your weight, but in general we should drink at least a couple of liters of pure water a day.
  2. Enough sleep. If you do not get enough sleep, it means that you were not able to restore strength and during the day you will be lethargic and, in order to somehow replenish energy, you will be drawn to small snacks, which are often classified as unhealthy foods. Get plenty of rest and you won't need to snack to cheer up. In addition, lack of sleep causes premature aging.
  3. Active lifestyle. Physical activity should be supported not only 2 times a week for an hour, I do fitness. You should be physically active every day. Movement is life. Research has shown that regular physical activity has many health benefits, including longer lifespan, reduced risk of disease, improved body function, and weight loss. If possible, replace the transport with walking, the elevator with the stairs. Do gymnastics at home.
  4. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Fruits contain many vitamins and minerals. Did you know that oranges provide many more health benefits than vitamin C? Any vitamins and pills cannot replace fruits, which contain useful substances and minerals by nature.
  5. Reduce the amount of processed foods in your diet. The more additives foods contain and the more processed foods are when they are cooked, the less benefit they bring to the human body. Processed foods are bad because they lose most of their nutritional value when processed and contain preservatives that are bad for our health.
  6. Say no to sugary and fatty foods. These are sweets, cakes, chocolate, cookies, cakes, smoked or fried meat and much more. They not only do not bring benefits, but also harm the body.
  7. Do not drink alcohol and try to stop smoking, as well as passive smoking. It has been proven that bad habits (alcohol, nicotine, drugs) cause immeasurable harm to your body as a whole and to many organs separately.
  8. Love yourself. How much do you love yourself on a scale of 1-10? If you scored less than five points, then think about why this happened. If you do not love yourself and think badly about yourself, then those around you will not love you all the more. Bud