Dressing room 3 meters. Making your own wardrobes. Placing the entrance along the long side of the room

Hallway - business card each apartment or private house. The room not only optimizes the living space, but also carries an aesthetic and functional load. Standard furniture does not always accommodate the necessary things if the room is small.

Hallway design open type with more functional content.

The dressing room has a number of advantages:

  1. Unity – the storage system takes into account rational arrangement all planes;
  2. Conciseness - the use of built-in modules for a small room;
  3. Cost-effectiveness – the ability to save money through the use of a facade;
  4. Reconstruction of surfaces – leveling of minor irregularities.

There are also disadvantages:

  1. Lack of mobility - embedded systems cannot be moved to another location;
  2. Repair - after completion de installation work produced redecorating individual areas or the entire room;
  3. Complexity of assembly - to arrange the structure, certain knowledge and skills are required.

Design of a dressing room in the hallway.


All furniture for the hallway should be as spacious and functional as possible. Drawers, containers or boxes are suitable for small accessories. Everyday items are located with easy access to them. Seasonal clothing is placed on top. High long pencil cases are installed for shoes. Shoes and summer footwear are placed on special hangers. A mirror in the full height and a small, comfortable pouf.


Ideal for small rectangular corridors corner option dressing room. Rational design maximizes the space for the whole family's belongings. The configuration in the hallway is most suitable for small apartments. Modular design implies a capacious storage system:

  • Open shelves;
  • Pull-out drawers;
  • Metal crossbars.

Bulkyness is significantly reduced mirror side, visually enlarging the room. Corner multifunctional locker room - alternative dressing room.

Corner dressing room in light colors with a small mirror will fit perfectly into the space of a small hallway.

In a niche

A wardrobe in a niche is a budget-friendly way to place things without disturbing the unity of the space. Compliance is important stylistic decision home design. Doors can be:

  • Swing;
  • Folding;
  • Sliding;
  • Pendulum type.

The fabric used is:

  • Tree;
  • Glass;
  • Plastic;
  • Laminated surfaces.

Design of a dressing room in a niche.

Glossy, reflective surfaces will help to increase the space in small hallways. The dressing room is usually quite spacious in the niche. Used as a closet and changing area.

Open type

Illusion spacious hallway provides an open-type dressing room. Variation involves the arrangement of all things in the field of view. It is necessary to maintain order. The design of the system consists of metal or wooden dividing walls and fairly spacious shelves. The compartments at the top and bottom are closed with doors.

Small items and things are stored in decorative containers and boxes. It is recommended to place a comfortable pouf or small couch along the shoe racks and with things. The dressing room assumes the continuation of the room, so it does not deviate from the unity of style.


The parameters of a closed dressing room depend on the size of the hallway. In small, narrow hallways, installation of compact options is suitable. In both cases, the main advantages stand out:

  • Isolation of things;
  • No dust pollution.

Wardrobe closed type hidden behind the doors.

The equipped room allows you to do fittings for any occasion. Installing an ordinary mirror will turn the dressing room into a real toilet room. Correct location involves choosing a location, ventilation and lighting system.

Arrangement, filling and storage systems

Sometimes it is not practical to use wardrobes made of solid wood, chipboard, or MDF. These are too cumbersome options. Remaking such structures is problematic. Metal systems are gaining popularity. Represent the modules located on vertical structures. Two types of fastening:

The fastening system depends on the decision of the manufacturers. Each suggests minor changes to the placement of what is needed.

Mobile modification systems are equipped with notches along the entire length. This allows each element to be moved independently of the other. Can be moved from row to row. The height of the shelves and the width between them are adjustable. To fasten components, racks with a straight section are selected. Grooves are cut on both sides.

Shelves and drawers are selected individually. Made from wood, metal, plastic or other materials. Installed on racks or pulled out.

This photo shows more varied contents for the dressing room.

To save money, it is not difficult to build a dressing room with your own hands. You will need round chrome furniture pipes and fasteners. The mobility of the structure will depend on the design methods.

For clothes, there are not only standard storage systems, but also interesting devices:

  • Skirt hangers - strips with clips are attached to the guides, allowing you to hang skirts and trousers evenly;
  • Hangers with crossbars;
  • Retractable designs for ties;
  • Retractable brackets;
  • Pantograph - a lowering bar;
  • Wall rod.

This photo shows different variants placing clothes in the dressing room.

Shoe storage systems

The main problem may be shoe placement. The abundance of pairs is not easy to arrange in one place. Typical sets of equipment for storing shoes can solve the problem:

  1. Practical retractable system. The modules are located on the mobile frame;
  2. Wall-mounted mini chests of drawers or hanging organizers;
  3. Ergonomic wheel;
  4. Swivel cabinet or drawers;
  5. Hangers with clothespins for winter shoes.

Cheap and practical way storage of seasonal shoes - grids with hooks. The mechanism is often used in shops. Hooks are attached to the mesh or perforated panel. Convenient adjustment of distance and pad type.

When arranging a dressing room, you can find interesting devices among commercial equipment. All shoe stands are designed for maximum occupancy with minimal space.


Natural wood is used to create expensive, luxurious wardrobes. For economical options apply MDF materials, laminated chipboard. Compartment doors are often wooden or made of durable glass. Storage systems in the form of baskets and boxes are usually made of plastic, rattan or wicker.

Wardrobes in dark shades are suitable for spacious rooms. Bed shades are suitable for small areas. In both cases, the overall design concept of the apartment is taken into account.

If there is insufficient natural light or its complete absence, it is important to pay attention artificial lighting. Ceiling chandelier does not reveal a full overview of the entire storage system. Illumination of individual zones is required. LED Strip Light And Spotlights create soft, diffused light. Proper design organizes the space, creating maximum functionality and comfortable storage.

Making a dressing room project

Making your own dressing room requires advance training in the intricacies of the work. It is recommended to watch the training video or study the necessary literature. This will eliminate errors during the manufacturing process.

The first step is to create a dressing room project. The circuit implements the subsequent execution of actions. How to make a dressing room in the hallway with your own hands, important points sketch formation:

  1. First, a drawing of the compartment is created;
  2. The data is transferred to paper or to a special program on a PC. Without sufficient experience and skills, difficulties often arise;
  3. The dimensions of racks and shelves are formed. A depth not exceeding fifty centimeters is taken into account.
  4. If difficulties arise in the selection, the finished drawing is taken as a basis.
  5. The presence of doors, sizes and configurations are determined: standard, swing, sliding types.
  6. Reliable fasteners for all elements are thought out.

The completed project contains necessary calculations and a visual visualization of the dressing room. Additionally, an estimate of the required material is drawn up.


To make the structure you will need some tools and materials for the work. The list is compiled based on the information from the compiled project:

  1. The frame is created from guides and rack profiles. It is important to consider the thickness of the partitions. Thick ones take up a lot of space, limiting space;
  2. The partitions are covered with plasterboard up to fifteen millimeters. It is advisable to choose moisture-resistant varieties;
  3. The frame is filling soundproofing materials, for example, mineral wool;
  4. For finishing work: putty, mesh that strengthens the putty layer, finishing in the form of wallpaper, paint or wall panels;
  5. Lighting devices, sockets, switches, wires for electrical wiring;
  6. Accessories for storage systems, doors and other possible elements;
  7. Shelves, racks, mirrors, other filling elements. When choosing, they rely on the layout, individual wishes and financial capabilities.

Work plan

Self-production of a plasterboard dressing room is easy to implement if all steps are carried out sequentially.

Installation of the structure:

  1. Apply markings to the walls using a building level;
  2. Make holes for the dowels according to the markings;
  3. Secure the profile with screws;
  4. Mount the ventral posts into the guides, taking into account a distance of sixty centimeters;
  5. Assemble the structure;
  6. If available in wardrobe doors strengthen the structure with special jumpers.

The resulting device must have strong foundation. Avoid deflections, distortions, and instability.


The wardrobe rack is able to embody all the ideas of the owners. Increases capacity, functionality and appeal. Made from affordable and easy-to-process materials. Sequence of stages:

  1. Apply markings to the walls and floor;
  2. Install the guides, taking into account the formation of a groove for attaching the racks;
  3. Carry out the sheathing based on general style and preferences.

Pencil case

Used for storing clothes and small items. narrow cabinets. The pencil case can be equipped with retractable side hangers. The stages of creating a pencil case do not cause difficulties or problems:

  1. Choice necessary materials. Pay attention to the special side rollers;
  2. Assembling the hanger and securing the rollers;
  3. Fixation of the rear and upper walls;
  4. Hanger location;
  5. Side panel assembly.


The type of dressing room is decided at the first stage when drawing up a sketch. If finishing is done on plasterboard sheathing, you can fix decorative elements. Finishing sequence:

  1. Fixation plasterboard sheets to the frame;
  2. Putty with the prevention of cracks due to self-adhesive tape;
  3. Applying a second layer;
  4. Primer with protection against excessive moisture;
  5. Painting or paneling.

Ventilation and lighting

The dressing room often does not have windows. No influx fresh air and natural lighting. Worth considering proper ventilation and installation of lighting fixtures:

  1. Construction of partitions and doors with technological gaps;
  2. Hole in the wall above the baseboard level;
  3. For private houses ventilation holes are done directly in the floors.

For optimal lighting, several lamps are needed, taking into account the features of the dressing room. One or more lamps on the ceiling, LED lights in the volumetric compartments of the structure, mirror illumination.

An example of lighting in a dressing room without windows.

Wardrobe room - rational storage of all kinds of clothing items. Designing it yourself is not difficult. At the beginning of work, it is important to familiarize yourself with the teaching technique in detail and understand the nuances. Well-designed sketches and drawings will make the work easier. Quality materials will extend the service life.

Video: DIY dressing room

Not everyone is lucky enough to have a spacious dressing room with an area the size of a regular bedroom or a little less. Don’t be upset, some people don’t have it at all – they just can’t allocate precious meters. But the room is necessary, even necessary - there are a lot of things, even more accessories.

So it's better to have a room like this small size than it won't exist at all. And you can develop a project and then implement the design of a small dressing room without much difficulty even in a Khrushchev-era building of 2-3 sq.m.

This question is asked by women and girls who are unable to allocate a decent room for storing clothes. That’s why they go to extremes and install wardrobes, bedside tables and shelving.

But even a small dressing room is still preferable, and here's why.

  • The apartment will become much more spacious. After all, there will be no cabinets, chests of drawers, shelves for shoes, or hooks for bags and hats along the walls. All items will be placed in a specially designated place.
  • There will be more order. Even if you accidentally throw an item on the back of the sofa, sooner or later it will be transported to the dressing room.
  • When entering the dressing room, things are immediately visible and there is no need to rummage through narrow shelves, turning everything upside down.
  • Here you can use all the walls to the ceiling, and not the space that the cabinet dimensions allow.
  • In the dressing room itself, instead of cabinets, you can install open shelves, put chests of drawers below, and a vertical hanger in the corner. Both a mirror and an ironing board, which was previously peeking out from behind the door, will fit here.
  • Items neatly laid out on shelves or hanging freely on trampolines, as practice has shown, preserve their original appearance longer.

Selecting a layout

You can organize a dressing room or, in the English style, a dressing room with your own hands in a separate room, giving it a balcony, a closet, and in the bedroom itself, by partitioning off a corner. Sometimes, for the sake of such convenience, a bathroom is combined, and the freed meters are used for the intended purpose.

The layout of the dressing room is chosen depending on the place where it will be.

  • Corner. Cabinets, racks and shelves are installed along two adjacent shelves. The dressing room can have a mirror and a vertical hanger in the corner. The third side is a screen or sliding doors. Such a dressing room can be arranged in the bedroom, and the bed can be placed with the headboard against this partition.
  • L-shaped. One side is the entrance. The other two are formed by adjacent walls. Fourth - additional wall. This is a furniture element - shelving with closed back walls.
  • U-shaped. This is the most optimal layout, since three walls are used. Boxes and racks, rods in two rows (the top row of clothes is lowered by a pantograph), shelves, drawers - you can store whatever you want in them. In addition, this layout will also adjust the bedroom.
  • Parallel arrangement. Racks and shelves are built into opposite walls.
  • Linear. The difference from the previous one is that only one wall is involved. The dressing is somewhat reminiscent of a wardrobe, but without division into zones and without traditional furniture filling.

The last two options can hardly be called dressing rooms in the full sense of the word. But if the task is simply to compactly place shoes, clothing and accessories, then why not.

Choosing a style

A dressing room is a place that should stylistically echo the room next to which it is located, for example, a bedroom.

Agree, the design project of a classic dressing room in a rustic bedroom, or high-tech shelving and classic bedchamber furnishings will look ridiculous.

However, by playing around with the same racks and playing with the color of the finish, dissonance can be avoided.

  • Minimalism, loft, hi-tech. These are racks with metal supports and the same or glass shelves.
  • You can get closer to the classics if the frame and shelves are made of wood. But glass shelves are also suitable.

Dressing rooms have their own interior style - boiserie. This is when the shelves are attached not to the frame installed along the walls, but to the wall itself. Practical, since the room is not burdened by vertical racks.

But not every wall, especially plasterboard, will support the weight of the shelves along with the contents. Then you can supply special cabinet modules for dressing rooms, examples of which are in furniture catalogs.

Arranging a dressing room

In a small dressing room, ergonomics is important, so choosing furniture for it should be especially scrupulous.

The design can be stationary or rod (racks).

  • Ceiling cabinets without doors are an ideal option.
  • Racks with compartments of different heights and widths are also an excellent solution. The depth is selected taking into account the purpose of the department - for shoes or accessories, for folded items or for outerwear.
  • Pull-out cabinets with a bottom for underwear or crossbars for scarves and trousers.
  • Storage system for coats, blouses, jackets. It is estimated that a height of 0.5-0.7 meters is enough for short clothes on hangers. For outerwear and dresses you will need 1.5 m. Since we are using the entire height of the walls, it makes sense to place these two sections on top of each other.
  • You will need shelves for bags (but they can also be hung on a vertical hanger, the hooks of which go in a spiral), crossbars or shelves for shoes, shelves for folded clothes (sweaters, T-shirts, bed linen, etc.), drawers for gloves.

It is worth leaving space for storing umbrellas and ironing boards. And put baskets on the free shelves.

  • Light colors of decoration and contrasting furniture look good.
  • Choose practical materials.
  • Shoe boxes, extra covers, bags are not needed. They're in the trash.
  • Sort through your clothes thoroughly. Perhaps the time has come to part with some.
  • The lighting is predominantly spot lighting. A chandelier in a small dressing room will look bulky.
  • Consider ventilation. There is no window, so access to fresh air is limited. Don't build walls up to the ceiling.
  • If the dressing room has a window, then make sure that sunlight does not spoil things.
  • Mirrors, glossy or chrome surfaces will make the room larger and brighter.

Remember that the Dressing Room is not a closet, so declutter it regularly. And then it will be a stylish and functional room.

What girl doesn’t dream of more spacious storage for clothes and shoes. But opportunities do not always allow without loss of precious square meters X usable area solve these issues. Even if there is enough space, a dressing room is very complex project. It is possible to arrange such a room with your own hands - let's see how to organize everything.

Pros of a dressing room

Most small apartments use a closet to store clothes, and many private homes also have one. But separate, even small room, allocated for such tasks, is much better.

A dressing room is very convenient and economical. In a separate room in the bedroom, hallway or another room, you can fit significantly more clothes than in the largest closet, and everything that is stored there will always be at hand and in sight. No more rushing between the closet and bedside tables.

The dressing room will fit all your things: underwear, outerwear, bags, shoes and various accessories.

Another plus is that the wardrobe will allow you to remove bulky wardrobes from the apartment. This will facilitate the visual perception of space - only light furniture will remain. As a result, the whole room will only benefit from this; you can install a soft corner or other desired furniture in the living room in the place that was previously occupied by a closet. In the hallway you can remove hanging clothes from sight.

Equip wardrobe system Doing it yourself is also an opportunity to save money. It’s enough to sit down and calculate what will be more profitable: buy several cabinets, drawers for storing things, shelves to equip the space in the wardrobe, or spend money on a massive wardrobe, two or three chests of drawers and several cabinets.

A separate spacious room for clothes is multifunctional. Pillows, unnecessary blankets, and mattresses are placed here. There are always several shelves for a photo album and boxes with various little things. You can also store an ironing board here, and if the room is large, you can even arrange a laundry room.

In what cases is it not advisable to make a dressing room?

A separate room for storing outerwear, linen and shoes, and various small items is a necessary thing even for a small apartment. It’s another matter when the apartment is one-room – this is the economy segment. There is no place to steal precious space, and there is no storage room in such apartments. In this case, it is not advisable to build a wardrobe. In any other cases, such a functional room will only be a plus.

A dressing room can be arranged even in a small niche


Modern construction market offers a lot various materials, which can be used to build a dressing room in an apartment. Drywall, wood, metal, and plastic are widely used. You can work with any materials yourself, the main thing is to purchase them in the right quantity. When finishing, glass wallpaper, tiles, and paint are used as desired. Choice suitable material depends on the chosen scheme and layout of the dressing room, as well as the characteristics of the room in the apartment.

Drywall dressing room

It must be borne in mind that drywall is a material not intended for making furniture. It's still finishing construction material for leveling walls, ceilings, dry screeds for lightly loaded floors. And a wardrobe is something like furniture; drywall here will be too heavy and fragile.

Furniture solutions made from plasterboard are based on a frame that has a rather complex structure.

After the system is assembled, you will need to carefully engage in finishing work. For arrangement utility room, and the wardrobe is a kind of utility room, labor intensity and the total price of the project along with construction work too high, and the capacity is reduced, since a durable plasterboard shelf will be at least 5 cm thick.

However, for a dressing room it is important to have a mass of blind cavities that are lined with vapor-permeable materials. Humidity will be regulated, gypsum craton will eliminate sudden changes microclimate in the apartment. But neither clothes, nor shoes, nor any other things like this.

In the video: creating a dressing room from plasterboard.

Wooden wardrobe

There is no guarantee that clothes in the dressing room will be wet. Excess moisture will lead to mustiness. A wardrobe made of wood will allow you to remove excess moisture– even painted wood has pores, it is able to pick up excess moisture vapor from the air.

Laminate has all the benefits of wood, but does not have the porosity. However, laminate has such advantages as affordable price, high strength and moisture resistance. There is just one more nuance - unlike wood, laminate is not able to breathe, and for a dressing room this is very, very important.

Laminate is a good substitute for wood, but you can use chipboard and laminated chipboard; you can often find wardrobes made of plywood.

How to make a comfortable dressing room yourself: step-by-step instructions

Start building yourself wardrobe space not difficult. There are a lot of interesting projects. It is important to choose the right the required diagram regarding the layout of the room. It is also necessary to have skills in working with wood or drywall. It is better to do the work step by step - detailed step-by-step instruction will help any home handyman.

Step No. 1 – Planning (diagrams and drawings with dimensions)

Developing the first part of the project will not be difficult and will not take much time. Now there are ready-made drawings and diagrams that just need to be adapted to specific situation. Eat interesting ideas and for a small room, which is very important for many.

There are several popular schemes:

  • Corner;
  • Linear;
  • L and U-shaped schemes;
  • Parallel structures.

When looking at the drawings, pay attention to the dimensions. The design is developed based on how large the area is. Rooms with an area of ​​4 m2 are considered the most comfortable and standard. It is this kind of room that will perform its original functions of storing things.

Corner dressing room

At the first stage we do the project - planning is very important. The corner design allows you to move away from the optimal size of 4 square meters and use less space. Even a size of 1.5x1.5 m will be sufficient for such a design.

  • it is easy to work with even at home;
  • no debris remains after installation work;
  • the overlap will provide minimal load on the surface;
  • Plasterboard partitions are easy to finish.

You can place drawers and shelves different ways, but it is much more convenient to distribute them from both walls in the resulting room. If you use only one wall, it will be irrational. Interior arrangement It’s better to design using open shelves - racks will make it easier to access clothes and also free up space. The door is chosen taking into account the limited space.

Linear design

This arrangement is convenient to use near walls. It’s easy to build such a room at home, but it’s most relevant in the bedroom. There are no beveled corners - this will facilitate the process of arranging furniture. It is easy to distribute internal elements in such rooms. You can arrange retractable hangers for clothing items. One movement of the hand is enough, and the necessary clothes will be in sight.

During the design process, you need to take into account that the optimal depth of the dressing room is 1.5 m. However, partitions inside will narrow the space - you should not install them. If the housing area allows, then narrow rooms will not be comfortable, but free space there won't be enough.

L- and U-shaped design

An L-shaped layout is when the dressing room is part of the room. The peculiarity is that it is not necessary to make a partition here. The instructions recommend using only open-type shelving, since the issue of saving precious space, as well as the issue of ergonomics, is very urgent. The same instructions provide for the almost complete absence of any partitions in the design.

If you look at the sketch, you can clearly see that the method is very economical - to make the partition you need to purchase additional materials.

They also use designs with the letter P. They are good only for large and spacious rooms, but they allow you to place a lot of clothes and rationally fill the space.

What are the benefits of U-shaped walk-in closets:

  • are highly practical and very interesting in terms of design;
  • due to the unusual design, you can emphasize the interior;
  • you can get optimal storage for clothes and more;
  • Such schemes require a large number of different boxes for small items, gloves, and accessories.

If you choose the right one color design, you will get a very simple, functional and visually attractive dressing room. Due to the presence of functional elements, it will be very comfortable to use.

Parallel type

Designing and arranging a dressing room according to this scheme is the simplest solution. This is a popular example, often used at home by ordinary craftsmen. More often this design can be found in the hallway and storage rooms. To implement the design, it is necessary to organize only a few partitions. Separated furniture sets are also used.

This scheme is good if you arrange it in a passage room, but not in the corridor. If the room is deaf, you should choose a different project.

Step No. 2 – Installation work

Let's see how to make a dressing room. Required option chosen design work finished, location selected. All that remains is to implement the design in metal and drywall. Plywood is also suitable, you can make a structure from laminated chipboard.

Step-by-step instructions for installation work:

1. First we make markings according to the drawings and diagram.

2. A frame is assembled from a profile on which the entire structure will be attached. In these works the main thing is accuracy. Profiles should be fastened as securely as possible - they will withstand high loads.

3. When the frame is ready, you can cover it with sheets of plasterboard, plywood or chipboard on both sides. As a result, a niche is formed, into which the electrical wiring and lighting system are then hidden.

4. In the case of drywall, all the resulting seams are carefully taped with a special tape and then puttied.

In the video: DIY installation of a pantry (dressing room) made of plasterboard.

Step No. 3 – Finishing the dressing room

When the design is ready, you can move on to finishing works. There are several ways: finishing with plastic panels, regular painting or wallpaper. The last option is the simplest.


Wallpaper is, of course, not the best solution, but one of the budget ones. You should first prepare the walls: clean them from dust and dirt, if necessary, fill up uneven areas and joints (in the case of drywall). The gluing technology is no different from the usual one. Wallpaper can be chosen to suit personal taste.


Here you can use plasterboard systems, pvc panels, lining - you can do whatever you want. But you shouldn’t complicate the ceiling design too much. It is enough for the ceiling to hide the wiring and lamps. It would be enough. The ceiling can be painted or wallpapered.


It is best to design the structure in such a way as to use sliding doors. Not only are they functional, but they can also add flair to a design. Even children can use such a door - it’s so easy. Installing sliding systems is also very simple.

A corner dressing room requires a slightly different approach. Here you need an appropriate door - a radius or accordion door.

Step No. 4 – Lighting and ventilation

This point should be taken Special attention. There should be enough lighting. If there daylight, then this is good, but it is better to organize additional ones - these can be any lighting. The number of lamps is determined by the size of the room. So, in a small dressing room, only two light sources are enough.

It would also be useful to illuminate the linen drawers internally using LED strips.

It is very important to choose the right ventilation system to the dressing room. It allows you to automatically ventilate the room and guarantees protection from unpleasant odors and dust. It is better to choose special ventilation solutions.

If you don’t want to buy an expensive option, then you can get by by installing a fan. It will also need an inlet hole. Power is calculated by the following formula– the volume of the room is multiplied by 1.5. This will be the final performance.

Step No. 5 – Arrangement: filling and storage systems

It is necessary not only to assemble the structure and install light there, it is much more important internal filling. It also needs to be designed. The ergonomics and functionality of the dressing room depend on the correct filling.


It is better to make the shelves retractable and place them so that there is 35-40 cm between them. The depth is made more than 40 cm. Wide shelves make it convenient to stack clothes. In cases with long shelves, one or more additional supports are required.


When choosing the location of the shelving in the room, do not forget that they store linen, as well as various small items. You need to immediately think about what will be stored on open shelves. This is a practical solution, so they should be made in different sizes. It is important to identify the needs and you can confidently act.


The filling of the dressing room should be modern. Innovation comes to the rescue. There are special hangers for trousers and skirts; clothes are fixed on them very gently, and there are no wrinkled marks left. The hangers themselves pull out from the niche. They have different sizes, which is very convenient.

You can also purchase convenient device- This is a hanger organizer. The device is used to organize things.

You can install a pantograph - this is a kind of elevator. It will allow you to use the dressing room space right up to the ceiling and there will be no damage to comfort. The elevator is attached to the crossbars on the sides and to back wall. The only drawback is that it can only be used with light clothing.

Shoe storage systems

You'll have to buy a special module. It is a compact retractable system. There are also hanging organizers and stands. A specific solution is selected based on their needs and the size of the room.

Using sliding doors in the bedroom, the dressing room is separated from the rest of the area. The door facade must be made in such a way that it fits into the design. But such ideas are only relevant for spacious rooms. Look how it looks in the photo.

In one of the cottages, the attic was used as a dressing room. The walls are high enough to accommodate hangers for coats, fur coats, and jackets. IN bottlenecks store shoes and accessories. But this is true for a private home.

If there is a staircase at home, there is always free space under it. Here you can arrange a dressing room - it will be hidden from view and will not hide the space. It's perfect. You can assemble special retractable structures and a body made of wood and plywood, which will be hidden in the space under the stairs.

Take a look at what the dressing room looks like in the photo. Although the staircase is at an angle, this did not prevent us from using the space.

A dressing room is a great way to place not only clothes and shoes, but also various household items in one place. However, many people are intimidated by the construction of this small room. Don't worry, you can do it with my own hands from scratch, and at a very low cost.

First, decide on the location of the dressing room. If you have enough large hallway, you can take small angle from there. Plus, this way you won’t lose useful space in other rooms.

To build a dressing room, you can use plywood, wooden boards, chipboard. But cutting the chipboard with gluing the edges will be the most simple option on processing and cost. In this project, the dressing room was built with dimensions of 100 by 180 centimeters.

Youtube | Bubenita

For the wardrobe body

  • 2 pieces of chipboard 50x266 cm;
  • 1 piece of chipboard 100x266 cm;

For shoe shelves

  • 6 pieces of chipboard 80x30 cm;
  • 4 pieces of chipboard 50x30 cm;

For mezzanines

  • 2 pieces of chipboard 80x40 cm;

For bottom rack

  • 2 pieces of chipboard 100x30 cm;
  • 6 pieces of chipboard 80x30 cm;

For top rack

  • 2 pieces of chipboard 150x20 cm;
  • 6 pieces of chipboard 80x20 cm;


How to do

Youtube | Bubenita

To attach chipboard to the wall, you can use ordinary plastic corners. Drill holes in the wall, insert dowels and screw the corners with screws. Corners are attached to the ceiling, walls and floor.

Youtube | Bubenita

The largest part is installed as the second wall, two smaller parts will serve as the front walls with the entrance.

Youtube | Bubenita

Depending on what kind of dressing room you want to see, you may need drawers, shelves, and rods. For the shelves, it is enough to assemble the chipboard by screwing the boards to the sides using confirmations.

Youtube | Bubenita

Use special holders to secure clothes rails to the wall.

Youtube | Bubenita

Instead of sliding entrance doors You can hang an ordinary curtain. This will help make the space more comfortable and also save money. To hang it, you can use the same rod as in the dressing room if the curtain has rings.

The cost of such a room will be about 10 thousand rubles with all consumables.

The presence of a dressing room in a house or apartment will not please rare owners. But not everyone has the opportunity to organize this room, since it is difficult to manage relatively small area, so that there is enough space for everything. But if a renovation is underway, and one of its goals is to equip a dressing room on the available meters, all options are considered.

It is almost impossible to arrange a wardrobe in a small hallway. But if it is at least elongated, then you can still come up with a storage system. There are a lot of hallways with a length of only 3 m, and a width of 1 m can only be found in very rare apartments. Most likely, this means 1 m of usable area, which remains in the furnished hallway.

So, what kind of wardrobe can be elongated and narrow hallway? A long wardrobe with a shallow depth, a maximum of 45 cm, is assumed.

Today you can see many options where a screen or decorative curtain is used instead of doors.

This example may seem unconvincing. But only if you don’t see specific screens, very beautiful, modern, interesting.

Of course, 3 meters is quite a bit; the narrowness of the room does not make it possible to create a truly spacious dressing room. We have to sacrifice other room furniture - poufs, banquettes, chests of drawers. But here it’s a matter of choice; if there is a chance to move the dressing area to another room, do so.

How to convert a 3.5 sq.m corridor into a dressing room

But, let’s say, there are no opportunities to make a wardrobe in another place. Then you will have to wisely manage the hallway area. And there are already several options.

About the design features of modern hallways for narrow corridors We will tell you in the material:

If the corridor is not narrow, you can install a corner cabinet:

  • Despite its unusual configuration, it is quite roomy;
  • The saved space will allow you to put more furniture in the corridor, or vice versa, not to put anything, making the room simply spacious;
  • A corner wardrobe and a bench-sofa are a set that is very convenient in the hallway and is as practical as possible.

But if the corridor is extended, then corner cabinet no need to say. Then the dressing room option would be a long wardrobe located along one wall. As far as the length of the wall allows, make the cabinet that way. Next, the most important thing will be to think about the proper filling of the closet so that it really becomes a dressing room.

Modern hallway 3x4 square: ideas for a dressing room

But the wardrobe is not always the only thing correct option for the hallway. Since built-in furniture is immobile, this type of design is not of interest to everyone. Well, there is certainly an alternative.

Options for dressing rooms in the hallway:

  • Dressing room with swing doorsclassic model. Such furniture will be decorated with interesting fittings. I usually make three compartments in such a closet. The bottom compartment stores shoes, the middle compartment is the largest, and the top compartment stores either hats or things that are rarely used.
  • Dressing room with open shelves. Interiors aerial view Today they are quite popular - without doors or any restrictions. Facade details may be missing completely or partially.

There can also be a corner option - for example, a radius, rounded cabinet would be interesting. But there is another story connected with the niche in the hallway. This is very convenient option for arranging a dressing room.

Niche and hallway design 3 sq.m.

The owners who have a niche in the hallway can be said to be very lucky. The dressing room can be placed in it without violating the integrity of the space. And if you paint the side wall of the dressing room in the color of the walls of the hallway, then you yourself will create the effect of a niche. Such design move has become popular in recent years.

Other options for arranging small dressing rooms can be found in our material:

Stationary furniture is rarely placed in a niche; more often it is built-in wardrobes.

Sometimes apartments already have cabinet-type structures that were originally built into a niche. But filling them can be extremely inconvenient. If you are not in the mood to redo this original built-in wardrobe, you can at least slightly adjust its contents.

But still, clearer zoning is more convenient. Once upon a time, a room was divided into two parts with furniture, but such a division looks cumbersome and is rarely successful.

Therefore, dividing gypsum boards by a wall is the most convenient:

  • It turns out to be two rooms in one, the dressing room occupies a smaller part, but everything that should be in one place is concentrated in it;
  • This division organizes space;
  • Outside plasterboard construction can be decorated decorative niches, backlight, etc.

Sometimes three meters of the bedroom wall (meaning a length of 3 m) is used to equip a long, wide, spacious wardrobe. This is also convenient, and if you make mirrored facades, the space will visually increase.

Design development of a dressing room photo 3 sq.m (video)

Having a dressing room in an apartment is, in a sense, a luxury. But if it is comfortable, compact, and roomy, many people can afford it. Take advantage of the offers of modern masters, manage them wisely design features the same hallway, and you will succeed.

Correct decisions!

Examples of design of a dressing room 3 sq.m (interior photo)