What to make a hanging chair from. Various models of hanging chairs with your own hands. Why you should make a hanging chair with your own hands

Rest plays an important role in the life of every person, as relaxation allows you to restore strength and take your mind off the difficult everyday life. For this purpose in modern world There are many devices, one of which is a hanging chair. Undoubtedly, you can buy it at a furniture store, but it is much better to do this work yourself, which will save money family budget. The finished product can be hung both in a city apartment and in a country house. It is very convenient to read books, have a conversation or drink tea in the garden. To make it, you don’t need to put in a lot of effort and time. How to make a hanging chair yourself from scrap materials will be discussed in this article.

Features and Disadvantages

A chair, like any interior item, has its positive and negative characteristics. Let's look at them. The advantages include:

  • originality (adding to the interior);
  • exclusivity (if you make it yourself, you can get a one-of-a-kind copy of a hanging chair);
  • comfort (the main advantage that will allow you to enjoy comfort at any moment).

The list of disadvantages is smaller, but it is important to take them into account to avoid mistakes:

  • necessary reliable system fastenings, thought out in advance;
  • cannot be mounted on a suspended or suspended ceiling.

To solve the problem with fastening, it is important to decide on the model of the chair itself, since today there are a large number of.

Note! If, when designing a chair, it is intended to be used in several rooms, then it is worthwhile to immediately provide for several fastening systems. This will allow you to easily and without special effort transfer it at the right time.

Main classification

There are the following types of hanging chairs:

  1. Fabric frame. The design and appearance resemble a hammock, the ends of which are secured not at the sides, but at the top. Another difference is the size. The convenience of this form lies in the fact that the material accepts the shape of the human body.
  2. Cocoon chair. Comfortable and practical closed design allows you to hide from the outside world and be alone with your thoughts.
  3. Hanging chair. A practical model for children and teenagers, shaped like a drop. For safety, some designs have doors that will prevent the child from falling out.
  4. Chair with stand. This model does not need to be fixed to the ceiling, since the entire load is taken on by a special stable leg-stand.
  5. With a frame made of rattan, wicker, plastic or acrylic. The base material is used to make the chair frame, which is then covered with fabric.
  6. Glass chair. Popular model modern interior. If necessary, it can be moved throughout the house.
  7. Swing chair. A common design for placement in a garden or recreation area on the site of a country cottage.

In addition, there is another classification that divides all hanging chairs according to several criteria:

  • material for manufacturing;
  • method of fastening (axial and rod);
  • maximum load (depending on the quality and strength of the materials used);
  • shape (bubble, cone, bag and closed type structures).
Note! Most hanging chairs are designed for a load of up to 100 kg, these include plastic, fabric and rattan models. For loads up to 200 kg, it is necessary to choose acrylic options.

As already mentioned, most chair models can be made at home from existing materials and a standard set of tools. So, the easiest to manufacture is the model with a cover. To do this, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • aluminum hoop with a diameter of 90 cm;
  • durable fabric 1.5 m wide - 3 m;
  • filler;
  • non-woven fabric or trouser tape;
  • metal buckles – 4 pcs;
  • slings – 8 m;
  • a metal ring of small diameter, but strong enough (for hanging a chair).

The only tools you need are a sewing machine and all the tailoring supplies ( tape measure, chalk, scissors, pins, threads, etc.).

The first step is to make a cover. To do this, a 3-meter fabric is cut into two identical squares measuring 1.5 × 1.5 m. To cut a circle correct form, each piece of dense material is folded 4 times, a circle with a radius of 65 cm is outlined, plus a dotted line is drawn inner circuit, retreating 4 cm. Cut it out. You also need to make markings for the slings: guidelines can be obtained by ironing the folded material with a hot iron. So, the first pair of lines will be located at 45° relative to the bend, and the second at 30°. After all the markings are ready, you can lay out the fabric, cut out circles and smooth it out well.

Next, we make 15x10 cm slits along the contour of the Y-shaped markings, which turned out inside the rectangles. To ensure that the cuts are the same, we fold both pieces of fabric one on top of the other and pin them together. Using non-woven fabric and an iron, we glue the edges, first bending the petals of the slots.

Sew the circles along the dotted line, leaving a small hole to turn the cover inside out and insert the hoop. The filler is cut into strips and the frame (hoop) is covered with them so that it does not press. We also fill the case with an even layer of padding polyester, not forgetting to secure the edges with a hidden seam. To strengthen the material on the frame, it is worth quilting in several places. The length of the sling depends on the height of the ceilings, but on average it is 2 m. It is necessary to cut 4 pieces, which are fixed through the prepared slots. The upper ends are secured to a ring, which will be suspended on a mounting system from the ceiling.

Note! You can use a metal hula hoop as a hoop or make it yourself from a metal-plastic pipe.

For video instructions on how to make such a hammock, see below:

Features of sewing a hammock chair

If you want to sew yourself suspended structure, but at the same time spending a minimum of time and effort, then the hammock chair will become the best option and a way out of the situation. To make it, you need to prepare the following materials and tools:

  • a piece of dense fabric measuring 2x1.2 m (the load that the chair can withstand depends on the density of the fabric);
  • nylon rope;
  • block or plank of wood;
  • steel carabiner;
  • centimeter and chalk;
  • scissors;
  • sewing machine;
  • iron.

The sewing technology is quite simple and does not require special knowledge and skills:

  1. The fabric is folded in half and 40 cm is removed from the top of the free edges. From this point, draw a line to the lower right corner and cut according to the markings. When expanded, a trapezoidal segment is obtained. Thanks to this action, the result is not an ordinary hammock, but a chair.
  2. The bottom and top edges are folded twice and ironed well with a hot iron to secure. For reliability, they are stitched on a sewing machine.
  3. The side edges also need to be folded 2 times at an angle of 90°. The rope should pass freely into the resulting cavity. The seams are sewn.
  4. In a wooden block, 2 holes are drilled at both ends, the diameter of which should be slightly larger than the thickness of the nylon rope. The holes must be located at a distance of 2 cm from the edges, and the same number of centimeters should be between the holes. The prepared block is opened with any paint and varnish material.
  5. For reliability, the ends of the rope are burned to prevent unraveling. A strong knot is tied on one side, then passed through the first hole in the bar, then pulled through the side edge of the material and fixed on the second hole. The same actions are repeated on the other side.
  6. A carabiner is attached to the block and the chair is hung from a hook in the ceiling or to a tree branch in the garden.

A wicker chair will look no less original in a similar design.

Note! When choosing a material for sewing a hammock, you need to combine it with the interior of the room. Thanks to this, the design will easily fit into the interior and complement it.

Hanging chairs made of durable materials

In addition to fabric and ropes that can be used as the basis for chairs, there are other options:

  • plastic;
  • plexiglass;
  • metal.

Most often they are used to create models such as an egg or ball hanging chair. It is very difficult to make them yourself, since they require special knowledge, skills and tools that not every owner has. Therefore, professionals advise purchasing them in specialized stores or ordering them from individual design workshops.

Some models can be suspended from the ceiling, but the best option would be a special metal stand. Such models will have more advantages:

  • it becomes possible to carry them, which indicates mobility;
  • If desired, the chair can be detached from the stand and suspended from the ceiling or a tree.
Note! Keep in mind that not all options are suitable for placing a hanging chair outdoors, so it is better to give preference to those that are not afraid of moisture.

A few words about fastening systems

To make a hanging chair, it is important not only to select durable materials, but also to create reliable fastening. It must be designed not only for the weight of the structure, which can be made of heavy materials (for example, a ball chair is made of dense plastic with a durable frame), but also the weight of the person who will sit on it.

Another criterion that is taken into account when developing fasteners is maximum load to cover the ceiling. It is calculated in kg/m2. If the weight is large, the entire load will have to be distributed across the ceiling, for which a power frame is built, which is connected with anchor bolts.

Note! During play, children will swing and jump on the chair, which increases the load, so this option should be considered.

In principle, this is only a small part of what can be said about the designs and features of hanging chairs. We have considered the manufacture of the simplest options. You can add something different to each of them, for example, decor or tulle to protect against annoying insects.

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Work days modern man keep him in suspense. Weekends allow you to relieve fatigue, during which you need to restore strength and completely escape from the hardships of everyday life. Many city residents go to their dachas outside the city for the weekend. This allows you to be in nature and completely relax from the bustle of the city.

Those who stay in the city for the weekend can be offered a lot of devices for relaxation and rest, one of which is a hanging chair that resembles swing. You can buy a ready-made model in a store, or to save a little on your family budget, you can make it yourself. The device is used not only in the apartment, but also in nature, in country house or at the dacha.

Hanging chair

Such a device became known from a designer from Denmark in the middle of the last century. As before, this item is classified as designer furniture. It is used in a country house or apartment. For its manufacture, modern materials are used, an unusual shape is made, and an ergonomic design is created.

A hanging chair is a comfortable and convenient bed made of modern materials or wicker or rattan. They fasten it to the ceiling using a hook. Thanks to this fastening, you can ride in the chair as if you were a child on a swing. An example would be Ikea hanging chairs.

This piece of furniture is essential for those who love to swing. Having settled down comfortably on the pillows, taking a book in your hands, you can sway a little and immerse yourself in a world of tranquility.

Types of chairs

Depending on the material used, products are divided into the following types:

  1. Armchair with rigid frame. It can be made from rattan, wicker or modern materials: plastic or acrylic. For comfort, you can put a pillow or soft mattress on the seat.
  2. . The design is similar to a hammock, but differs in size and fastening. This option is softer. If you swing on the soft cushions of such a hammock chair, you can perfectly relax and unwind. It is not difficult to make such a chair with your own hands.
  3. hanging. This model differs from the others in that it is ¾ closed. This makes it possible to completely disconnect from the outside world and bustle and fully relax. The walls of this invention are made wicker in the macrame style.
  4. Drop chair. The model resembles a hanging house or a nest chair in which a child will be comfortable.
  5. Chair on the counter. This method of fastening differs from all others in that the structure does not need to be attached to the ceiling. It can be installed in any corner of the house, apartment or yard.

For the manufacture of hanging chairs, modern synthetic materials who do lightweight design, flexible and silent.

Advantages and disadvantages

TO merits include the following indicators:

  • comfort;
  • originality;
  • exclusivity.

If you buy a chair, then first of all it should be comfortable. Its appearance must match the interior of the room in which it will be located. But an exclusive model can only be made with your own hands. Then you will be sure that no one else has such a product.

Such a wonderful swing has flaws:

  • the fastening system must be reliable and thought out in advance;
  • It is not possible to install a hanging wicker chair in a room with suspended or suspended ceilings.

Gallery: DIY hanging chair (25 photos)

Hanging or on a stand

Considering in detail the types of hanging chairs, you need Special attention pay attention to the structure on a metal stand, which is installed on the floor. This model is considered more functional due to its mobility. The chair can be moved and installed in any place convenient for you.

In this model, you can easily detach the frame from the rack and hang it from the ceiling using a pre-prepared mount. Get a hanging hammock chair.

Placement in the interior

For any interior, you can choose a hanging chair. If we consider classic style, then you need to choose a good rattan model for it, Mediterranean style will complement the white cobweb chair, in rustic style a hanging hammock will look good, and for a modern the interior will suit cocoon, round form or a plastic egg. IN modern style A chair made of metal rods will fit perfectly into high-tech.

hang ball chair(another name for “bubble”, which means “bubble”) can be done in a room or in a recreation area. The model should be made in the same color and from the same material as the other furniture in this room.

If you want to focus on a hanging swing, then you need to choose extraordinary model(for example, with backlight). You need to place it in the middle of the room. It is desirable that the material from which the chair is made is unusual. If you live in an apartment with your significant other, then the second swing can be placed near the bed or in the recreation area.

A ball-shaped chair can be decorated with a pattern to suit your taste. In addition, you can choose the color of the backlight and change it depending on your mood. Green or light green color perfectly relieves stress; red color can energize and lift your spirits.

Armchair for cottage and garden

Outdoor chairs can be combined into a separate type. If for a residential premises it can be made from almost any material, then for placement on the street its material must have the following properties:

  • resistance to temperature changes;
  • density and reliability;
  • resistance to natural disasters.

If we consider natural material for making a chair, then you need to pay special attention to artificial rattan . Unlike natural material, it better withstands the influence of weather conditions, and therefore will last much longer than natural ones. For the winter, furniture should be removed from the street. To store it, you can use any unheated room or utility room with normal humidity.

Making a chair yourself

Option 1

The chair consists of several rings woven together using macrame. To make such a device yourself, you need to purchase:

The diameter of the recommended rings may be smaller - indicated maximum dimensions for such a chair. As for the thread, it should not be purchased in parts, but at once the entire required length in order to avoid differences in color or quality. If all materials have been purchased, then you can start working.


Option 2

If you are not familiar with the technique of weaving macrame, you can make a hammock chair from textiles.

To work, you will need a gymnastic hoop with a diameter of 90-93 cm. You will need dense fabric of a color that not only appeals to you, but will also add a certain zest to the interior of the room. In addition to the hoop, to make a textile product you will need:

  • 3 meters of durable and thick fabric any color, it can be thick cotton or thick denim;
  • synthetic padding as a filler for a fabric cover;
  • a zipper, the length of which will be equal to the diameter of the hoop;
  • 4 buckles and ring fasteners for hanging;
  • 3 meters of non-woven fabric or braid;
  • 9 meters of belt tape.

Instead of a ready-made gymnastics hoop, you can use a bent metal-plastic pipe.

You need to make two circles with a diameter of 1.5 m from fabric. To do this you need:

  • divide the fabric in half;
  • Fold each resulting piece into quarters;
  • mark a radius of 75 cm from the center and cut off the excess fabric.

On the resulting fabric circles you need to make markings and cut out holes for the slings. You need to work with two circles at the same time to make it symmetrical.

In one circle in the middle you need to insert a zipper, the length of which will correspond to the diameter of the circle. Unfasten the zipper, and stitch the two circles together with right sides facing each other at a distance of 1 cm from the edge.

Turn out the resulting cover and iron it. Cover the hoop tightly with strips of padding polyester, and then with the same fabric as the product itself. This will be more reliable during subsequent use.

Insert the hoop into the case with your hands. Using strong thread, make blind seam around the entire circumference.

You need to hang the finished swing using belt straps. To do this, the workpiece must be divided into 4 equal parts. Thread the ends into cells specially made for slings, tie them in a knot, and melt the edges with fire. This is so that during use the tape does not begin to unravel.

It’s not at all difficult to make or buy a hanging chair for yourself. The main thing is that it matches the interior and fits perfectly into the decor.

It is also important that the product is convenient. To determine this, you just need to sit down or climb into it. Do not hesitate to do this in the store, since the comfort of your rest will depend on the convenience and strength of the swing. By getting a wicker hanging chair, you will say goodbye to stress forever as you will have a cozy place to retreat to.

Peace and tranquility are, one might say, one of the most important criteria when arranging the interior of a room in a house (apartment) or when improving the landscape design of a country courtyard. A DIY hanging chair will bring not only visual calm to this picture, but also physical, serene relaxation during its use. The hanging chair is designed to lull a person and lead to a thoughtful philosophical conclusion, when used directly - measured rocking.

Types of hanging chairs

There are at least 6 options for hanging chairs, which can be installed both indoors and in the courtyard, under the canopy of trees.

So this is:

  1. Wicker hanging chair. It consists of a frame of two hoops, one of which is like the entrance to the chair, and the second is the seat itself. This structure is braided with ropes. To strengthen the skeleton of the composition, you can additionally install supports between the hoops in the form of segments from other hoops corresponding in length;
  2. Hammock hanging chair. This form of hanging chair is also comparable to a hanging chair made of a soft frame covered with fabric. Convenient because it has comfortable adjustable dimensions and ease of installation;
  3. A hanging chair from the ceiling or vice versa, its prototype is a hanging chair that is installed on a stand. The advantage of a hanging structure on a stand is that it is portable. However, a chair suspended from the ceiling also has its own peculiarity - the design will take up less space in the room and will support more weight of the person resting in it;
  4. Rattan hanging chair with rigid frame. It is made from wicker, acrylic or durable plastic. At the same time, execute similar look It is very difficult to install a wall chair on your own. For a comfortable time on such a chair, its seat is decorated with soft pillows or miniature mattresses;
  5. Cocoon hanging chair. It is notable for the fact that three-quarters of it is hidden by rope wicker walls, made using the macrame technique. An ideal modification of a hanging chair for those who dream of privacy;
  6. in the form of a drop. This type of chair is more suitable for children, as it has an association with small a cozy house, in which the child can feel like he’s in a shelter and forget about the world around him for a while.

All these models can be found in many IKEA stores, while the hanging chair itself, as well as its components, are relatively inexpensive, and purchasing it will only be a matter of time and desire.

However, for those who intend to make a hanging chair with their own hands, do not despair either. You can make your own individual and ordinary hanging chair using the elementary diagram presented below.

Standard design scheme for a hanging chair

In order to make a simple and simple hanging chair, you will need to purchase the following list of materials and tools:

  1. Two hoops of different diameters made of metal-plastic or PVC pipes, which will then need to be rounded and given the desired round shape in terms of dimensions.
  2. Strong cords and polyamide threads for fastening hoops.
  3. Slings, wooden rods and foam tapes (you can use either tape or glue instead of tapes).
  4. Construction tape (or measuring tape), scissors, needles, cotton threads and a knife.

If the chair is subsequently going to be covered with fabric, then in addition you will need to purchase some padding polyester for padding the seat and back.

So, the diagram for constructing a hanging chair with your own hands is as follows:

  1. A hoop with a smaller diameter is braided using the macrame knitting technique, in the form of a “checkerboard” mesh with flat knots, or any other pattern that has strong fastening of transverse threads.
  2. Then two hoops, a braided small one and a large one, are fastened together foam tapes so that it looks like a standard hanging chair.
  3. Next, the resulting design of two hoops is woven along the back with a similar pattern as on a small hoop, and finally, at the bottom, if desired, it is decorated with fringe.
  4. To ensure the strength of the structure, spacers are installed in its widest part - on the back - in the form of wooden rods, which are cut at the ends for fixation, thereby creating additional strength for the hanging chair;
  5. Also, at your discretion, to your taste, you can beautifully and neatly cover the resulting shape of the chair with fabric.
  6. In conclusion − finished model, using slings, hang it in the desired place, securely fixing it to the ceiling.

Hanging chair - comfortable and unusual garden furniture designed for a relaxing time on fresh air. This device appeared in the 50s of the last century and in a short period of time became an integral part of the house, claiming to be a truly cozy home.

A beautiful “cocoon” can be used as a swing, a place to sleep or meditate. It is noteworthy that it is easy to make a hanging chair for your home or garden yourself from available materials.

Users often search:

Types of hanging chairs

Currently, there are several types of products:

  1. With a rigid frame made of rattan and plastic. The structure is covered with strong fabric. Also, vine is used as a base.
  2. With a soft frame (reminiscent of a hammock). The main difference is the size: the chair is smaller than a hammock and therefore takes up little space. This product adapts to the human body, which means it is comfortable to sit and lie in.
  3. Cocoon chair. A distinctive feature of this modification is the 75% hidden internal space. This effect is achieved thanks to wicker walls - macrame. “Cocoon” will appeal to those who love a secluded holiday, hidden from prying eyes.
  4. “Drop” – as a rule, used in a children’s room. The chair looks like little house, sometimes equipped with doors. An excellent rocking chair for a child.

Making your own hanging chair

Making a comfortable hammock for a comfortable time is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. First you need to prepare the necessary parts:

  • Metal hoop with a diameter of 90 cm.
  • A piece of strong fabric 3 m long, 1.5 m wide.
  • Braid, non-woven fabric or dublerin.
  • Eight meter sling.
  • Steel ring for mounting the structure to the ceiling.
  • 4 iron buckles.
  • Sewing supplies, measuring tape and scissors.

Let's take a closer look at choosing a hoop. The following materials can be used as a supporting structure:

  1. Gymnastics hoops. Aluminum and plastic are not suitable for this purpose, as they will not withstand the load of an adult’s body. Only steel models can be considered. The maximum cross-section of such a hoop is 16 mm, while to make a durable product you need 32 mm, which is twice as much (for a wicker chair this figure should be 40 mm). However, the gymnastic ring is perfect for children's version. The small cross-section is compensated for by multilayer filler.
  2. Softwood. Such hoops are lightweight, but require careful processing, since moisture and heat contribute to the destruction of the wood.
  3. Metal-plastic water pipe. Perhaps, the best option to implement the idea. PVC is a cheap and durable material. The hoop is made by rolling a cut piece of pipe into a ring. For fastening, parts made of wood or plastic are used.

The list of materials suitable for creating a hoop is not limited listed options. Everyone chooses the basis for the frame themselves - it all depends on their imagination.

Preparing the cover

Cutting the material for a hammock chair requires care and attention. When in doubt, it is better to leave a small supply of fabric; later it can be removed without any problems.

The principle is: measure seven times, cut once.

  1. To begin, let's take a 3-meter piece of fabric and cut out 2 squares from it - each 1.5 meters long and wide. We fold both 4 times. In the corner in the center we mark a circle with a diameter of 65 centimeters. Draw a line along the marked points. Cut out identical circles from each square. Move 4 centimeters from the edge of the circle and draw a dashed line segment.

    Cutting out squares

  2. We put two holes on the first circle. They are designed for slings. Next, fold the fabric 4 times and iron it. We take the folds as guidelines. Two slings should have a slope of 45 degrees, the others - 30 degrees each. Having highlighted the corners, open the circle and iron it again. The result is axes indicating the slot points for the sling.
  3. Select on all axes required holes– rectangular shapes 10 cm wide and 15 cm high. Y is marked in the inner part. The cut will be made along its contour. We fold the circles together, but in such a way that the threads do not overlap each other. Because of this, the case will be able to better withstand the load. Place the circle on top. Cut the marks on two circles at once.
  4. We bend the ends of the cut holes to the reverse side. We attach braid around the perimeter of the figure or treat it with doublerin so that the material does not fall off. Next, cut through completely and sew along the edge, leaving 3 mm.

    Bend and stitch the edges

  5. Leaving the marked 4 centimeters at the edges, we connect the circles to each other, marking a slot for inserting the hoop. We cut the gap left so that we get teeth along the entire edge. Turn the cover right side out and iron it.
  6. We cut out the filler into strips, then we cover the hoop (preferably in 2 layers). We insert the processed structure into the case. Moving the ring towards the edge, we sew all the circular parts at a distance of approximately 7 cm from the end.

    Insert and sew up the hoop

  7. Turn the edges of the unstitched cut intended for inserting the hoop inside out. We carefully cut off the allowances on the front side so as not to damage the correctness of the circle. We connect the edges and sew on a machine, leaving a few millimeters. We move the frame to the stitched end, baste the fabric by 7 cm.

    Sewing the edges

  8. The padding polyester mode is used through the slots and we move it inside the material, securing it with threads. We close the side holes with a hidden seam. Then we fix the cover on the hoop, stitching it along the verified 7-centimeter basting. After every 4 stitches we wrap a knot. Further rows are made at a distance of 7 cm from the previous one, so that the thick fabric can gather into soft folds.
  9. Sling mode for four 2-meter segments. It is better to burn the edges over a flame. We insert the end into the hoop through the prepared slot. It is necessary to fold it so that a loop is formed. Using a needle, we cut and stitch. The algorithm is the same for all slings.

    Attaching the slings to the hoop

  10. We insert the end of each into the buckles, then into the ring and again into the buckle. Everything needs to be woven well to be able to change the height and tilt of the chair. The ring serves to collect the slings.

Pattern example

Hanging chairs are a kind of swing, a cozy place for relaxation and privacy.

Making a wicker chair

The macrame technique allows you to create original products yourself.

Photo: egg-shaped wicker hanging chair - a comfortable place for reading books in the fresh air

This unusual structure consists of several circles woven together in macrame. For such an “egg” you will need the following parts:

  • 2 metal-plastic rings with a cross-section of 35 mm. One for the backrest measuring 1.1 m, the other for the seat – 70 cm.
  • Polyamide 4 mm thread 900 m long. In the store, ask about the option with a polypropylene base, which guarantees strong knots.
  • Twelve meter slings.
  • 2 thick ropes to connect the hoops.

It is worth mentioning that rings of a smaller diameter are suitable for the product, since the specified characteristics are the maximum for a chair. It is better to buy the thread of the required length immediately to avoid differences in color or quality. After preparing all the parts, you can safely begin work on creating the “egg”.

Any patterns are suitable for weaving the back. The cord is attached to the top. Work is carried out in a downward direction. On the lower hoop, the knots are tightened, and the remaining threads are collected into tassels. The design requires reinforcement with 2 wide cords connecting the seat to the back. Slings are attached to the finished product - and the “egg” hanging chair takes its well-deserved place in the summer cottage.

By making such a device, you will receive cozy corner for a secluded holiday and forget about problems and stress for a long time!

The hanging chair has long gained popularity among other pieces of furniture. The incredible feeling of weightlessness and the feeling of light swaying is familiar to everyone from childhood and is associated with swings. Such a chair will help bring back these memories and become an original addition to the interior. It will not be difficult to create a hanging chair with your own hands if you have a minimum set of tools and work skills, and the result will be unique and inimitable furniture.

Every person who has a dacha near the city will agree that in the warm season they want to be in nature more often. Everyone needs outdoor recreation, and a hanging chair will come in handy in this case. Moreover, having made a hanging chair with your own hands, you will be able to obtain such dimensions that will allow you to install it on small balcony or directly in the apartment closer to the window.

This is interesting! The first hanging chairs appeared in the middle of the last century in Denmark and were initially used to decorate a garden plot, but then modifications began to be made that were successfully placed in small apartments.

The hanging rocking chair is comfortable spot for relaxation, made from natural or artificial materials: rattan, nylon, plastic, metal or glass. Finished design suspended from a ceiling hook using a long cord, chain or other means. In addition, there are types of floor products for the installation of which you do not need to use a ceiling, because they are mounted on a special pipe bracket. Both options are distinguished by their ability to swing and spin, especially if there is enough free space around the installed chair.

Unusual methods of execution, shapes and various materials allow self-made hanging swing chairs to be adjusted to any size and style of the room. With the right approach, the finished product can withstand weight up to 200 kg, which makes it possible to fit two adults or an adult with a child. According to the main types, chairs are divided into the following options:

  • wicker;
  • fabric;
  • hard;
  • soft.

All product models must be characterized by the ability to swing in different sides or rotate. The only option for a chair that can only rotate in a circle is a product that is attached to both the ceiling and the floor at the same time. More often it is installed in a situation where there is no free area for swinging, but you want to install furniture.

Why you should make a hanging chair with your own hands

An unusual appearance, an excellent addition to the interior - these are far from the main advantages that a person receives after making a hanging chair with his own hands at home. When making a product for yourself, you can think in advance about its parameters that are most suitable for installation in a specific room, because this furniture can be used even in small studio apartments. Do-it-yourself wicker chairs have a number of undeniable advantages.

Significant cost savings. The price of goods in the store includes rental of premises, staff service, everything public utilities and even the cost of parking, so even an inexpensive product will cost much more. If you make it yourself, you only need to buy cheap scrap materials - and you can save up to 90% of the original cost in the store.

Simple manufacturing process. Making a hanging egg chair or any other model with your own hands is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. You can find a large number of detailed master classes and step by step instructions. The main thing is to have the desire and enough free time.

An original addition to the interior or exterior of a home. Even beautiful and massive furniture made from natural solid wood, many are already tired of it. Using a hanging chair in the interior will “dilute” the appearance of the home and make it non-standard, especially if you show your imagination and give the furniture an unusual appearance.

A reason to be proud of your work. If you approach the production of an adult or child seat with your own hands with trepidation and perseverance, the result will be a unique designer item, one of a kind. You can easily surprise all guests with your work of art and design talent.

Ideal sizes. Only by creating the product yourself can you take into account the nuances of the configuration of the room in which you plan to install it, and create a swing chair that will ideally complement the interior and match the size and style of the room.

This is interesting! The technique of weaving the backs of some chairs is similar to the technique of making fishing nets.

The main options for hanging chairs: cocoon, hammock, nest

Modern shopping centers provide wide choose options for chairs, some of which are not difficult to make at home. Of course, creating a wicker hanging chair with your own hands will be easier for someone who is familiar with sewing, weaving, or at least knitting.

The work of making a chair will be enough for everyone in the family, because it is appropriate to involve children in decorating the finished product, whose ideas are often more interesting than those of adults. Before you make a hanging chair with your own hands, you need to examine the unnecessary things that take up space in the garage or pantry, because they may well become the basis for a hanging hammock or children's swing. In any case, finding and buying components for a chair is much cheaper than purchasing a finished product.

It is the easiest way to make a hanging hammock chair with a soft frame with your own hands. Unlike a hammock bed, which is distinguished by the presence of two fastenings, for a hammock swing it is enough to make only one fastening, and it will be slightly smaller in size than the standard version.

To make a hanging ball chair or nest, you will need a gymnastic hoop, but not a plastic one, but a durable metal one. Among other models, the ball is the most popular because it has an unusual, interesting shape and laconic design that fits into any interior. Based on personal preferences, weaving techniques, colors and decorative ornaments. In addition to the hoop, to make a ball chair, it is enough to have thick textiles, wooden blocks and decorative cord for weaving.

Swing chairs are made from various materials, while the frame can be either hard or soft. Despite simple design, the chair looks attractive and sophisticated. Such a hanging chair is used for a summer house, veranda, balcony, as well as for living rooms such as a bedroom, living room or children's room. The main materials that will be required for self-production are textiles, wood blocks and threads to create a seat and backrest.

The cocoon chair, or egg, is considered a favorite model of hanging furniture for children because it has high sides and a small entrance. In such a chair you can comfortably hide from prying eyes and do your favorite things in solitude: read, knit or just dream. When making a hanging cocoon chair with your own hands, the frame is made quite rigid, and the walls are woven using various techniques using wicker, rattan, twigs or any other suitable materials.

To create a wicker chair on a rigid frame, acrylic threads, wicker, metal, plastic or rattan are used. According to reviews, the hanging chair resembles a rocking chair, which is not installed on legs, but is attached either to the ceiling or to a tree branch. To make the base, textiles, leather base, wooden slats, wicker or rattan are used.

Materials needed to make a floor or ceiling-mounted chair

There are many options for making a hanging chair. Let's consider what materials are most often used for its manufacture.

Textile. Inexpensive and available material, which is simple and easy to work with. The strength of the finished product will depend on the type and quality of the chosen fabric. To create a chair, you can use either canvas sewn from old but thick denim fabric, decorated with rivets or patches, or raincoat fabric or tarpaulin. The more natural the fabric, the more comfortable it will be to be in the swing: if the fabric does not breathe, the skin will sweat in the summer.

Knitted fabric. For those who know how to crochet, knit, or even hand knit, this foundation will be easy to complete. The main thing is to use dense yarn and do not make too large distances between weaves so as not to fall through.

Macrame weaving. It involves the use of a durable cord, which is characterized by high performance qualities. An openwork hanging macrame chair looks light and airy in the interior; it will decorate a home made in any style.

Vine. Natural material, which is not only pleasant to the touch, but also attractive appearance. Wicker furniture looks especially beautiful on the veranda or in the living room of a chalet-style house or in an apartment with an ethno-interior. It is only important to pre-treat the branches with antifungal and anti-mite mixtures. To make the chair last longer, it is recommended to varnish it from time to time.

Rattan. Both artificial and natural rattan stand out. However, you need to know that artificial variant The material has higher characteristics: it is designed to hold more weight - up to 200 kg, while the load on natural rattan should not exceed 120 kg. In addition, artificial rattan better withstands the impact high humidity and does not fade in the sun, but it has a higher price than its natural counterpart.

Interesting information! More and more often on the Internet you can find master classes “DIY hanging chairs”, where thread from plastic bottles. Such furniture is popular because it can be used outdoors, it is not exposed to moisture and gives plastic a second life.

What materials are used for the frame of hanging chairs: photo examples

If you look at photos of hanging chairs with your own hands, you will notice that most often a gymnastic hoop is used to make the frame. If the chair is made for a small child, it is permissible to use a plastic hoop, but in most cases it is recommended to buy a durable metal hoop for this, which makes the structure more rigid and reliable. Other materials used to create the frame include:

  1. Metal pipe. The design will be safe and durable, but will differ in the rather large weight of the finished product - from 7 kg and above. Other additional difficulties include the need to use special pipe bending equipment.
  2. Tree. The finished chair will be light in weight, pleasant and warm to the touch, and also environmentally friendly. In this case, you need to remember the features wooden products, which are susceptible to moisture absorption and drying out when exposed to sunlight. It is necessary to pre-treat the frame with impregnations and repeat application at least once a month in case of active use.
  3. Metal-plastic pipes (PVC). A DIY hanging chair made from PVC pipes will not only be lightweight, but also not subject to corrosion. Due to the plasticity of the material, no additional accessories in order to give it the required form. To firmly secure the ends together, wooden or plastic bushings are used, which are additionally fastened with self-tapping screws for reliability.

Helpful advice! To make a chair, you should not use materials that have obvious defects: cracks, chips or breaks. This will not help significantly save on production, but such a chair will serve for a very short period of time.

Basic techniques for weaving hanging swing chairs

In order to make a wicker hanging macrame chair with your own hands, several weaving techniques are used, which differ in the finished relief, the pitch between the links and the density. Conventionally, techniques are divided into two large groups - openwork and smooth weaving.

The smooth weaving technique involves minimum clearance between the rods, here are the following main options:

  1. Basic or general weaving. Suitable for both experienced people and beginners. For work, purchase flat but wide ribbons, which are woven in a checkerboard pattern using a step of 1?1. The result is a simple but durable fabric.
  2. Striped. Initially, a vertical base is woven using a thin rope. Horizontal stripes are made in increments of 2?1, with a slight shift in the pattern.
  3. Fish tail. Weaving with a diagonal offset of 2?2 is used.
  4. Ladder. There is also a 2×2 step, which moves in opposite directions in each row.
  5. Christmas tree. The fabric is woven in stages. First, several starting planes are performed using step 3?2. Then each position is shifted towards the adjacent row. The result is a dense canvas with a highlighted central corner.

The openwork weaving technique involves mainly two types of ornaments:

  1. Tetrahedral weaving. The pattern resembles a six-pointed, acute-angled star.
  2. Hexagonal. A rather complex weaving method reminiscent of oriental motifs.

Before you start manufacturing, you should make preliminary drawings of the hanging chair with your own hands, which take into account the dimensions and materials. You can create a plan yourself if you have some skills in such work, or use ready-made options from the Internet. Wherein finished drawing You can customize your own chairs to suit your taste by downloading programs available online that help you make furniture items yourself:

  • PRO100;
  • Basis-Cutting;
  • Astra Furniture Designer;
  • bCAD;
  • Basis Furniture Maker.

Features of the hanging hammock chair

Not the simplest, but the most convenient, are considered to be self-made hanging macrame hammock chairs, for which a rigid frame is used. Most often, gymnastic hoops or PVC pipes are used for this. In addition to the macrame technique, ordinary textiles can also be used, but these hammocks do not look so airy.

The advantage of the macrame technique is that it does not require sewing machine and resort to sewing. The entire structure consists of a frame and wicker fabric, the pattern of which is selected based on the complexity of production and personal preferences. So, to create a hammock chair you will need two hoops different diameters. To decorate the seat, a circle with a diameter of 80 cm is suitable, but for the back you should choose a slightly larger diameter - 110-120 cm. To braid such rings, you will need following materials and tools:

  • approximately 700-900 m of polyamide or acrylic cord;
  • 12 meters of sling rope;
  • strong cord to secure the hoops;
  • wooden rods;
  • centimeter or tape measure;
  • scissors;
  • gloves.

The easiest way to manufacture is to work with a ring made from a PVC pipe with a cross-section of about 35 mm. Calculate desired length pipes to make a certain diameter can be done using the formula: 3.14? ring diameter. If a base diameter of 120 cm is required, should this figure be multiplied by the number? - it will be 376.8 cm. This means that to achieve the required diameter you will need to use a pipe 3.77 meters long. To connect the ends of the tube to each other, you need to use wooden or plastic spacers, additionally fixed with self-tapping screws.

The main stages of making an original hammock chair

The back is made using a soft rope with a diameter of 4-5 mm or other durable but pleasant to the touch cord, which can be found in hardware store. The advantage of weaving with acrylic cord is the creation of strong knots that do not shift under load.

Helpful advice! It is better to immediately buy a cord of the required length, which will be enough to make the chair, so that later you do not have to select a different color material.

At the first stage of creating a chair, you need to tightly wrap the surfaces of the hoops - without gaps or sagging. To prevent the braid from moving out, tighten it after 20-25 turns. After this, they move on to decorating the seat; for this, threads are attached to a ring made of a pipe with a smaller diameter at the same distance from each other. Then, using imagination, one of the weaving options is used, most often it is a simple checkerboard pattern. The nodes must be flat.

Before you start decorating the back, you need to connect the hoops together. At one end the rings are attached as close as possible. The depth of the seat of the hammock chair depends on how far apart the opposite sides are. The back is woven either with the same pattern as the seat, or with a different one. Work begins on decorating the back from top to bottom, after which the ropes are tightly secured to the bottom circle.

When the work is completed, the long tails can be made into fringes, or the leftovers can be used to weave strong cords for hanging. The result of the work will be original and comfortable armchair, which can be installed outdoors and in the apartment.

How to make your own hanging egg chair (cocoon or ball)

Based on the type of design, a self-made cocoon chair is characterized by maximum closedness of the internal space. Other distinguishing characteristic models - high side edges that meet the back and fence off the internal space with three sides. The shape of the chair resembles an egg, a ball or a cocoon.

You need to be prepared that the drawings of a hanging cocoon chair are characterized by the greatest complexity, and the product itself is of considerable size and needs a strong and massive frame. For these reasons, the egg chair is one of the most difficult options to implement. For the frame, structures made of pipes or hoops are more often used, which is why the product has a rounded shape.

To make the frame, you will need to take at least three rings, which are additionally reinforced for rigidity with the help of arcs installed perpendicular to the main hoops. Thus, the ball is divided into conditional segments. Before fastening the hoops to each other, as in the previous case, they must be wrapped with a synthetic cord, which is additionally glued to the base every 10 turns.

To fill the space between the segments, use the same rope or a thinner one, which will make the weaving openwork. To add color to the product, you can purchase colored polyamide threads. In addition, soft wooden slats can be useful for decoration, which will need to be drilled and firmly attached to the base.

For the seat, it is recommended to install a wooden round seat, which is complemented soft pillow, because the spherical bend can interfere with a comfortable stay in the ball. For convenience and to create more soft backrest You can also attach a padding polyester pillow that you sew yourself.

After you have made a hanging cocoon chair with your own hands, you need to think about ways to secure it. Most simple option hanging the product is considered to be top part using a cord or rope. There is also a floor mounting option, for which you will need to purchase a metal rod and make a base using welding.

Wicker hanging chair using wicker or twigs

To make a nest chair with your own hands, you will need to first prepare processed branches. The following tree species are suitable for this:

  • bird cherry;
  • rattan;
  • broom

To make a hanging garden chair or an apartment option, you need to purchase the following materials:

  1. Long rods of the selected type of wood - about 500 pieces. The best diameter of the rods is 7-10 mm.
  2. Metal pipes or hoop needed to create a strong frame. You can braid the base using rods or by using polyacrylic fiber to tie the frame.
  3. The rope or rope that will be needed to secure the swing to the ceiling or tree branch.

Helpful information! A popular option is a DIY floor chair-nest, which is installed on a metal or wooden support. The disadvantage of such a product is the inability to swing, because it is more like a regular chair for sitting.

The sequence of actions when making a swing-nest with your own hands is as follows:

  1. Pre-cut rods are cleared of bark and beaten. This is done to make the material more flexible and amenable to weaving.
  2. A frame is formed. To do this, take a round steel hula hoop, rounded metal pipe or durable PVC hose.
  3. The cross is being prepared. To do this, 4 or 6 rods are fastened together with a rope pre-moistened with glue, which form the shape of a cross. The length of the vine should be equal to the diameter of the future seat.
  4. Tightening the cross. The rods are passed either from above or from below the cross. Vine after vine is wrapped around the cross until the desired diameter is formed, usually 80-100 cm. The last rod of the braid must be secured with a cord and coated with an adhesive mixture.

After the base is ready, they proceed to making the sides, the size of which is thought out in advance. Initially, you need to secure the frame rods to the base, the height of which will be the future height of the product. The interval between the frame rods should not be less than 2-3 cm. Then the vine branches are threaded between the rods. You need to weave the product from the bottom up, gradually rising and forming the internal cavity of the nest.

The rods should fit as closely as possible to each other, and the end of the last rod is hidden in the main weave using an awl. This must be done so that the edge does not stick out and cannot cause injury. At the final stage, cables are attached to the sides of the finished nest, which will then be used to hang the product.

Features of a simple hanging children's swing chair

Children's swing chairs are considered the simplest and fastest option, which can easily be completed independently in one day. Moreover, if you approach the manufacturing carefully, it is quite acceptable for adult swing lovers to use it.

Before you start creating a swing, you need to check the availability of materials such as:

  • dense fabric (about 2 meters, but a little more is better);
  • meter wooden stick;
  • sewing machine;
  • drill;
  • rope;
  • strong nylon thread for sewing;
  • paint, if you want to make the product brighter.

First you need to fold a two-meter fabric in half and, stepping back 18 cm from the upper left corner, draw a diagonal line to the lower right corner to form a triangle. Then the resulting triangle is cut out and removed. At the same time, the main part is unfolded and the sides of the cut are stitched, grabbing a centimeter along the edges. To create cavities that will serve for pulling the fastening cord, you need to bend 3 cm from two long sides and sew them either by machine or by hand.

Further along the edges wooden block or a stick, two holes are made, the distance between which is at least 4-5 cm. In this case, the interval between the holes at different ends should be about 70-75 cm. A cord is threaded into closely spaced holes, which is fixed with strong knots at the base of the beam. At the top, in the central part of the corner, another knot is knitted, by which the finished product will be hung on a hook.

Long hanging pieces of cord are passed through special holes in the fabric and drilled holes, and are also fixed at the base of the beam. First one and then a second oval steel carabiner is installed on a hook, firmly fixed to the ceiling with anchors in advance, into which the swing loop is thrown. This will ensure high-quality and safe skiing.

Making the frame and base is an important stage of work that affects the safety of using the chair. After manufacturing these elements, you can begin decorative design which will make the product unique and inimitable.

It is necessary that the color of the chair textiles be in harmony with the surrounding environment. It is independent creation that makes it possible to install a product that best suits the surrounding interior. Moreover, the design of the chair is quite simple, and the materials for manufacturing are not very expensive. All it takes is a little imagination and perseverance.