Finishing the entrance doorway with PVC panels. Do the finishing of the entrance door slopes yourself: a simplified procedure. What are door slopes

During the construction of a house or apartment, during the renovation of the home, it is necessary to change interior and entrance doors. Doors can be installed professional craftsmen, you can do this yourself. After installing these necessary structures in the house, the question arises of how to avoid disturbing the design of the room.

Image 1. Scheme of finishing slopes with plasterboard.

Finishing door slopes with cement

All work on making slopes consists of several sequential steps:

  1. Need to seal first door frame. This is done inside and outside the room immediately after installing it and hanging the door leaf. Most often used to get work done polyurethane foam from a can. After it dries, the excess is removed using a metal spatula and a sharp knife. Foam filling all the gaps between the box front door and the wall, will help keep the room warm.
  2. You can check the reliability and tightness with the flame of a lit candle or lighter at tightly closed door. It must be carried along the entire perimeter of the box. If it deviates, the seam can be treated with foam again. If instead of foam was used cement-sand mortar, then no blowing usually occurs.
  3. Cement mortar is used to level sections of the wall from the box to its main surface. After the cement has dried, it needs to be sanded and primed.
  4. Next, they begin to install the platbands, which perform a decorative and protective function.
  5. All that remains is to paint the slopes of the front door in desired color paint using a brush or roller.
  6. It's just general scheme doing the work. Very often they use plasterboard, plastic, and wood.

Drywall slopes

To correct large uneven walls, strips of plasterboard are used (image No. 1). The work is performed in several steps:

  1. The strips are cut to the size of the door opening. You can do this normally electric jigsaw, a hacksaw with fine teeth. But when working with these tools, a lot of dust is generated. It is much easier and cleaner to do this work using a sharp construction or stationery knife. A knife is drawn along the marking line, cutting through the cardboard layer and going slightly deeper into the gypsum layer. Then the material is broken along the cut line and the cardboard is cut through on the opposite side.
  2. The cut strips are applied to the vertical and horizontal walls of the opening. If necessary, adjustments are made to the cutting of the material.
  3. You can attach drywall to the wall using dowels. In this case, it is necessary to drill several holes in the wall through plasterboard panel, insert the dowel and tighten the self-tapping screw. The head of the self-tapping screw must be recessed into the drywall material to a depth of about 1 mm. These recesses are later sealed with putty. Faster fastening of panels special glue. It is applied to the entire surface of the drywall. You can apply separate adhesive pads every 10-15 cm. First, the vertical parts are attached, then the top horizontal one.
  4. Final finishing. Corner joints for strength and beauty are made with special perforated corners. Then the entire structure is primed and applied thin layer putties. After drying, it is sanded, primed again and subjected to final finishing by painting or pasting with various finishing materials.

Drywall is excellent finishing material. But remember that it is quite fragile. A careless impact may cause the cladding to crack. In addition, it requires additional processing.

Slopes made by plastering

Plastering window and door slopes using a screed: 1 - wall, 2 - mortar, 3 - lath, 4 - position of the screed when plastering the slope, 5 - box, 6 - screed.

It's very simple and pretty cheap method. Before starting the main work, it is necessary to protect the new door from contamination. plaster mortar, from the appearance of scratches and potholes. This can be done by tightening the door leaf and frame parts plastic film And masking tape. To complete the work you will need:

  • masking tape;
  • dry or ready-made putty;
  • fine-grained sandpaper or mesh;
  • primer composition;
  • construction level;
  • Master OK;
  • plaster mortar;
  • painting corner;
  • mixer for stirring the solution;
  • bucket for working mixtures.

The sequence of work may be as follows:

  1. Areas of the wall to be finished are cleaned of traces old plaster, from dust and dirt, are treated with a primer.
  2. Plaster is applied. Perforated paint corners are attached to the corners using plaster mortar.
  3. The plaster layer is dried and sanded until a smooth surface is obtained.
  4. After priming, the surface can be painted any color. It is possible to apply decorative plaster.

Laminate and MDF slopes

Image 2. Scheme of finishing slopes with MDF platbands.

The front door is often made of wood. Even if it is metal, the inside is still in most cases finished with wood of different species.

For execution internal slopes in this case, laminate and MDF are ideal. These materials are highly durable, do not deform over time, and do not harbor harmful microorganisms.

The disadvantages include only a very limited choice of colors.

Working with laminate and MDF consists of the following steps:

Image 3. For slopes, you can use leftovers and trimmings of the laminate.

  1. Sealing the box after its installation.
  2. Removing the remaining foam and priming the wall.
  3. Installation of auxiliary rails to which the panels will be attached. They are fastened with ordinary dowels and self-tapping screws. To install dowels in the wall, you need to drill appropriate blind holes.
  4. Laminate or MDF panels are glued to the auxiliary slats. To do this, you can use special glue; many do this using polyurethane foam. It is applied to the back side of the panel and the panel is pressed against the wall, aligned using building level. After about an hour, the foam dries and holds the material firmly.
  5. Door trims are installed. From above they are sawn at an angle of 45°. To obtain an even angle, you can use a miter box.
  6. All seams are sealed. It is better to perform this procedure with colorless silicone. Final version slopes from MDF are shown in image No. 2, from laminate - in image No. 3.

If desired, a layer of thermal insulation from mineral wool. Such slopes do not need to be painted; they can be washed with water.

Correctly executed slopes of entrance doors give the frame a neat appearance and protect the room from unnecessary noise and cold air.

To do the work yourself you need good material, desire and time. The best material, which does not require additional finishing, a panel made of laminate and MDF has proven itself. It installs very quickly and has a presentable appearance.

Installation new door is characterized by the incompleteness of the process if care is not taken to ensure that the slopes leading into the apartment are equipped. Their installation - The final stage repair work in the part of the room where the door is located.

For high-quality design of the door space, they usually turn to specialists. At the same time, familiarization with the relevant information allows you to carry out such work independently. It is enough to study the tips and recommendations below to arrange the slopes of the doorway yourself.

By slopes of the type in question we must understand the part of the wall that forms the door frame and serves as its frame.

IN Lately the design of this space has become mandatory, which is in demand for the overall design of the corridor. If you avoid carrying out the indicated work, the aesthetics of the apartment as a whole will be compromised. In this regard, it is necessary to approach design comprehensively.

Types of finishing materials

Choosing the “right” material is a big part of success when finishing slopes. If you do not have experience in finishing work or it is minimal, then refuse to implement it too much. complex tasks on arranging the space near the door.

Otherwise, you can experiment. Exists a large number of materials, working with which does not require serious builder skills.

MDF panels

Well-known material, characterized by diversity color range. Able to provide finishing of slopes in any room, regardless of the interior.

MDF panels are fastened using either regular nails or liquid nails. Self-tapping screws are also used.

The positive aspects of the panels include:

  • aesthetic appeal;
  • variability of texture, which allows you to give the slopes an expensive and sophisticated look;
  • the ability to withstand mechanical influences, if their strength is not very strong;
  • ease of installation, when all the work can be done by one person without resorting to the services of specialists;
  • high noise insulation characteristics.

As for the disadvantages, they also exist:

  • strong impacts can damage the panels or cause scratches on them;
  • the appearance of the panels is subject to change if this material is used in rooms where the environment is excessively humid, for example, in baths;
  • Dirt accumulates on the panels, which is problematic or in some cases impossible to wash.

Decorative stone tiles

The interior, complemented by decorative tiles, acquires originality and respectability. A natural stone looks expensive. In our case, it is replaced by imitation, but this does not reduce the “degree” of aesthetics too much. Fastening decorative tiles produced through the use of a special solution.

The advantages of this material are as follows:

  • light weight;
  • moisture resistance;
  • affordable price;
  • no need for complex care;
  • a wide range of textures, which allows you to choose tiles that imitate almost any stone;
  • preservation of physical characteristics under significant fluctuations in background temperature.

The main disadvantage of decorative tiles is their fragility. In this case, difficulties may arise in the process of finishing the door space with its help. The size of the tile and the size of the doorway do not always match. This forces you to trim the tiles. This is where it arises difficult moment. Such work requires certain qualifications that are usually not available to non-professionals.

Attention! Choosing heavy tiles creates some danger. Elements of the slope in its upper part may lag behind. This is a threat to human health, and possibly his life.


Another common material used in decoration. He does not have natural origin, but completely safe from an environmental point of view.

The advantages of laminate include:

  • color variety;
  • high strength index;
  • trouble-free removal of contaminants;
  • serious shelf life (up to 15 years);
  • excellent thermal insulation characteristics;
  • the ability to easily attach one or another to the surface of the laminate decorative element(just use glue).

The main disadvantages of this finishing material are that it does not tolerate temperature changes and high humidity. Such conditions contribute to the rapid loss appearance and reduction technical parameters. Installing laminate on the frame leads to a noticeable reduction in the doorway.


A doorway trimmed with plastic is the best option if you want to save money. This type of material is distinguished by its reasonable price, light weight and variety of textures. It also does not require complex care.

The disadvantage of plastic lies in its fragility. Physical impact applied with little force can lead to deformation of the material or it may simply break.

Decorative rock

A material that can add luxury to the interior. It's expensive, but worth it.

Finishing by decorative stone has a lot of positive aspects:

  • installation on any surface without taking into account how flat it is;
  • less significant weight compared to natural stone;
  • installation in any doorways is possible, regardless of their size and shape;
  • immunity to moisture and high temperatures;
  • does not absorb odors and is easy to clean;
  • environmental Safety;
  • ability to retain heat;
  • wide choice of textures.

There is only one negative point of decorative stone: it is not recommended to use it as a material exterior finishing doors facing the street.

Attention! Slight destruction of the material is possible with sufficient low temperatures when there is severe frost.


The cheapest finishing option. With the help of plaster, slopes are not only sealed, but also leveled.

The advantages of this material are as follows:

  • acts as insulation;
  • has acceptable strength;
  • does not require complex care;
  • gives a unique appearance, which depends on how exactly the plaster is applied;
  • can last for a very long time.

The negative perception of plaster as a finishing material for slopes is due to the fact that the finishing process leads to dirt and dust. You can also add to this long term drying (up to 5 days).


The availability of this material and ease of installation explain why it is so popular. If you decide to cover the slopes with plasterboard, you will not need any qualifications or experience. Desire is enough.

Drywall is:

  • cheap;
  • safe from an environmental point of view;
  • reliable, as the material is durable;
  • for a long time, which is determined by high operating characteristics;
  • comfortable due to heat retention and sound insulation properties;
  • functional (you can arrange any doorway, regardless of its shape).

A certain disadvantage of drywall is the fear of moisture. Although this is not entirely a minus. There are moisture-resistant types of this material on the market. Choose one of them to get rid of the mentioned disadvantage.


Suitable for decorating openings that differ non-standard sizes. The appearance of vinyl slopes is self-sufficient, that is, they do not require additional design. Critical temperature changes do not harm this material in any way. Installation of vinyl slopes is accessible to everyone.

It should be taken into account that the use of vinyl is associated with the release harmful substances present in this material. If you want to receive high performance strength, then buy expensive material.

How to properly make front door slopes with your own hands

Making slopes is greatly simplified if plasterboard is used. To put this into practice, you need to prepare not only material of this type, but also the appropriate tool:

  • a ruler of sufficient length that can be replaced with a straight rod;
  • tape measure, level, pencil;
  • stationery knife, spatula, hammer;
  • screwdriver, hammer drill, drill.

Before you begin direct installation, you need to check how far the base of the wall is from the door slope. If this distance is insufficient, the drywall will go beyond the edge of the slope.


  1. Prepare the workpiece in accordance with the side slope. The sheet of drywall should be 1 cm larger than it. If this is not the case, then the workpiece will not fit into the gap that forms the opening and the box.
  2. Make a recess in the mounting foam where the side piece will be inserted. It should be slightly bent on the other side, and then foam should be applied, which must be done along the entire length.
  3. Press the sheet tightly against the wall, keeping its position vertical. Seal existing cracks with polyurethane foam.
  4. Install the second slope in the same way as described above.
  5. Prepare a blank for the upper part of the opening (1 cm more), and make a recess in the mounting foam where the drywall sheet will be installed.
  6. Install the top, observing the correct angles formed by combining the side sections of the slope and the top. You will need a level for this.
  7. Secure the sheet with polyurethane foam.
  8. Wait until the polyurethane foam dries (1 day) and begin decorating the drywall.


How to apply
The process of upgrading slopes should begin with creating corners, which will require putty.

It is implemented like this:

  1. a not very thick layer of putty is applied to the corner, which is done using a spatula;
  2. After drying, serpyanka is applied to give strength. It is also covered with putty in one layer;
  3. the final layer of putty is applied, but after the previous one has dried. The thickness of this layer should be minimal. Any irregularities are not allowed.

If the slopes are to be painted, then they must first be plastered twice. Wallpapering makes it possible to eliminate the need to apply putty.

Arranging door slopes cannot be called too difficult a job, especially when materials that are familiar to everyone are used. Anyone can do it themselves without resorting to the services of professionals.

All you need is:

  • carefully study the relevant recommendations and advice;
  • If possible, seek advice from a specialist;
  • purchase the “right” materials, that is, those that will allow for simple and quick installation of door slopes.

After entrance doors have been installed in an apartment or house to ensure the safety of the home, it is necessary to Finishing work. From the outside, the entrance doors are improved with the help of platbands, and if there is damage to the wall, they are sealed with mortar. WITH inside everything needs to be done beautifully, and to hide the unevenness, slopes are made. You can make them yourself, there is nothing difficult about it. It is necessary to select the material, and then carry out all the work in accordance with the developed technologies.

Features of the design of entrance door slopes

If the doors are installed by professionals, then finishing the slopes is not their responsibility. You will either have to pay extra for such work or do it yourself. If you understand the sequence of finishing, you can handle it without any problems.

Slopes of entrance doors not only allow you to give a beautiful and complete look to the entrance to an apartment or house, but also hide the attachment points of the door frame, thus increasing protection against burglary. In addition, properly executed slopes help to insulate entrance doors and increase their soundproofing characteristics.

Even the most expensive and beautiful doors will look unsightly if there are no slopes at all or they are done carelessly. When designing this element, it is necessary to take into account both the material of the door leaf and frame, as well as the design of the corridor. The slopes must fit harmoniously into the interior of the room, so special attention must be paid to the choice of material for their manufacture.

Door slopes are:

For entrance door slopes you can use:

  • plastering. It's cheap and reliable way, but to cope with it, you need to have certain skills. First you need to properly prepare the solution, and then evenly distribute it over the surface of the wall around the door frame;
  • panels secured with glue. The walls are carefully leveled, special glue is applied to them, and then glued finishing panels. They may be made of different materials, but the principle of performing the work is the same;
  • panels installed on the frame. This finishing option allows you to close uneven walls. The frame is made of metal profiles or wooden blocks, attached to the wall and panels are installed on it. Inside you can hide wires and other communications, install lighting or lay thermal insulation material.

What materials are slopes made from?

There are no ideal materials, they all have their advantages and disadvantages, and the choice depends only on financial opportunities and taste preferences of the owner of the house or apartment. To do it correctly, you first need to familiarize yourself with the characteristics and features of all used slope finishing options:

  1. Drywall. This is a popular, but rather labor-intensive method. First, the sheets are attached to the wall, and then puttied and covered with finishing material. The result is a perfectly flat surface that can be painted in the desired color. Among the disadvantages, it should be noted that over time the paint will be smeared, and if wallpaper is glued, it may tear.

    Using drywall to finish slopes is a popular, but rather labor-intensive option.

  2. Ordinary plaster. This type of finishing requires special skills to obtain a beautiful and flat surface. After plastering the opening, it will also need to be painted or wallpapered. The main advantage of this option is its low cost. Minuses - finishing coat Over time, time can become damaged, and during operation a lot of dirt and debris can be generated.

    After plastering, the slopes must be finished with finishing material

  3. Decorative plaster. This modern look previous material, it is applied to a previously plastered surface. You can choose textured plaster or with colored chips. This coating has a long service life and beautiful appearance. Its disadvantage is that it is expensive, and also that the work is quite dirty and labor-intensive and also requires special skills.

    Decorative plaster has a long service life and beautiful appearance

  4. MDF panels. This is the simplest and affordable way. To install MDF panels you will need simple tools, and even a novice master can cope with such a task.

    Finishing slopes with MDF panels is simple and quick

  5. Laminate. Laminate, like MDF panels, is easy to install. It's cheap and available material, but the slopes from it will not look very presentable for expensive apartments won't fit.

    Laminate is not suitable for finishing entrance door slopes in apartments with expensive interiors

  6. Natural wood. It's expensive and environmentally friendly material, but it is not difficult to attach. This solution is suitable when the hallway is decorated in the appropriate style. Wooden surface must be periodically treated with special compounds that protect against moisture and rot.

    Natural wood is suitable when the hallway is decorated in the appropriate style

  7. Chipboard panels. This material has a low cost, but its service life will be short. Chipboard is afraid of moisture and high humidity begins to delaminate.

    Chipboard panels are afraid of high humidity

  8. Extensions are ready-made special elements that are used for finishing slopes, both entrance and interior doors. You can choose a material that will exactly match the door frame. The cost of additions is higher than panels or laminate, but their appearance is more attractive.
  9. PVC panels. They will be cheap, we can handle it installation work anyone can House master. Plastic is not afraid of moisture, has a long service life, and is easy to care for. The disadvantage of PVC panels is their not very presentable appearance.

    Even a beginner can finish slopes with the help of PVC panels

  10. Natural or fake diamond. You can create from stone beautiful slopes, which will also have a long service life and high wear resistance. The disadvantage is that laying stone requires a certain skill and a lot of time. If the slopes are finished with natural or artificial stone, then the adjacent walls must be plastered, since wallpaper or panels are not suitable in this case.

    Artificial stone slopes have beautiful view and high wear resistance

  11. Mosaic and tiles. This is also a durable and strong material, but tiles are usually used in the kitchen, bathroom or toilet and many people do not perceive it on the slopes of entrance doors. In addition, laying tiles, and even more so mosaics, takes a long time and requires special skills.

    Not all people perceive tile slopes, since this material is usually used in the kitchen and bathroom

Required tools and materials

In order to finish yourself door slopes, first you need to decide on the method of their installation. Depending on whether the surface will be plastered or the material will be laid with frame and frameless way, you may need:

The main stages of finishing the entrance door slopes

After you have decided on the method of finishing the slopes of the entrance doors and purchased necessary materials and tools, you can begin installation. Almost any home craftsman can do this work with his own hands; it is enough to carry out all the steps in accordance with the developed technologies.

Preparatory work

Although they are used for finishing slopes various materials, preparatory work in all cases they are performed the same way:


It is best to plaster the slopes of entrance doors at the stage of apartment renovation, since a lot of dirt is generated during the work.

  1. Surface primer. This step is necessary to ensure good adhesion of the solution.

    Primer increases adhesion of materials

  2. Installation of beacons. Beacons are installed using a building level. They allow you to mark the thickness of the plaster application and help distribute it evenly.

    Beacons help to apply the plaster in an even layer

  3. Installation of the corner. Using a solution, fix the corner at the junction of the wall and the slope.

    The corner protects the junction of the wall and the slope

  4. Attaching the painting mesh. It is necessary to increase the strength of the plaster layer.
  5. Application of the solution. The solution is poured over the beacons, after which it is distributed as a rule.

    After applying the solution, it is leveled using the rule

  6. Primer of the plastered surface.
  7. Applying finishing putty.
  8. Grouting the surface. The coating is processed with a fine grater to make it perfectly smooth.

    To carry out grouting, use a special tool and a mesh.

  9. Painting. Water-based paint is usually used because it dries quickly and has virtually no odor.

    Water-based paint is used to paint slopes

Video: plastering door slopes

Adhesive finish

Can be glued to slopes different materials, including drywall, laminate, MDF or chipboard panels. This method can be used when the walls do not have serious defects. Minor deviations from the level can be corrected by applying a layer of plaster, the thickness of which should not be more than 8–10 mm.

Panel installation process glue method consists of the following stages:

Video: adhesive finishing of the slope

Frame method of finishing slopes

In order to eliminate the possibility of surface deformation after applying plaster or installing heavy MDF sheets, it is used frame method slope finishing. To create a frame, both metal profiles and wooden blocks, treated with an antiseptic.

Work order:

Finishing slopes with artificial stone

To decorate the slopes of entrance doors in an original way, artificial stone or clinker tiles. In this case, they follow the rule: there is more stone on the bottom, less on top. This solution allows you to smooth out the transition to other finishing materials, and the unevenness gives the slopes a more natural look.

Sequence of work:

Video: creating entrance door slopes with your own hands

Already in the apartment. Reliability, safety, high-quality protection that protects against heat loss and all kinds of external sounds and noises is ensured. Now all that remains is to clean up the mess. WITH outside Entrance doors are most often decorated with platbands or sealed with mortar by master installers or independently during installation. On the inside, everything is much worse. Bare concrete, bricks, and door fastenings are visible. It is necessary to organize slopes to hide all this disgrace. The finishing of the entrance door slopes can be done by installers, however, not every company undertakes this. In this case, you will have to do this work yourself. The process itself is not particularly complicated with any method of forming slopes. Below is just presented detailed instructions about how to make slopes with your own hands.

Methods for making slopes

The main purpose of the slope is to give a normal appearance to the doorway and reliably cover the fastenings of the door frame, thereby increasing the burglary resistance of the entire structure. There are several ways to form slopes:

  • sealing with mortar and plastering;
  • gluing the finishing material with a solution;
  • frame cladding with finishing material.

The division is made precisely according to the method of forming the slope, because you can choose a wide variety of materials for cladding: laminate, MDF, plasterboard, plastic panels, wooden slats, cellulose panels and much more. The main thing is to decide how to fasten the slopes of the front door with your own hands.

Sealing the entire slope with mortar is the most acceptable option in terms of protection and sound insulation. Moreover, the result is a slope that does not bend and has no voids. However, this option is somewhat cramped in terms of design. Alternatively, you can create a slope using textured plaster and coloring.

If, in addition to filling with mortar, you also install various finishing materials, you can achieve absolutely any appearance. So this option, when fully executed, combines the advantages of the first method and has no actual disadvantages.

Without good slopes even the most luxurious door loses all its appeal.

The third way to make a front door slope involves mounting a finishing material, such as MDF, plasterboard or plastic, on a pre-constructed frame made of wooden blocks or a metal profile. This option is ideal when forming slopes using another method requires an prohibitively large amount of solution to completely fill it. As a result, money is saved and it is possible to make the slope more aesthetically pleasing. Moreover, with a frame structure it is easier to achieve evenness and maintain all levels, which is not unimportant for visual perception.

This option for slopes is great for installing lighting and switches directly into or above the doorway. This way it will be possible to illuminate the hallway directly at the entrance to the apartment. In addition, when frame structure slopes it will be easier to subsequently carry out such communications as wired Internet or cable television.

Preparatory work

For any method of slope formation preparatory stage the same. Before any work door leaf and the door frame should be covered with film and masking tape to avoid damage. First of all, all particularly protruding parts are combed off, which may interfere with the installation of the frame of the future slope or will protrude above the plastering level. Then the entire surface is swept and primed. It's better to use a primer deep penetration. Only if the wall is made of foam concrete or similar loose material, a surface primer is used.

At the preparation stage, you can also lay a power cable to connect a switch that will light the lamps in the hallway. If you plan to use the option with frame fastening slope, then better gasket put the wires aside until the frame is installed.

Tip: For clarity, display the outline of the future slope on the floor. Subsequently, it will be easier to navigate using these marks.

Plastering the slope

Beacon profiles are installed on the prepared and primed surface. With their help, it is easier to create a smooth surface for the applied solution. Beacons can be secured using mortar. It is better to use gypsum mortar, it sets quickly and you can proceed to the next stage sooner.

Place small piles of mortar in two or three places along the length of each end and install beacons. By using bubble level adjust the position of the beacons in one plane.

When the solution under the beacons has hardened, you can begin to fill the slope with cement-sand mortar. Cement and sand are mixed in a ratio of 1:4 and thoroughly mixed with a mixer attachment inserted into a drill at low speed. The solution should be similar in thickness to curd mass. You can add a little gypsum.

Using a trowel and spatula, apply the solution to the doorway slope and level it along the beacons. As soon as the solution has dried, which is at least a day, you can begin applying the starting and finishing putty. dried out finishing putty finally compared using an abrasive mesh. After this, you can open the slope with paint.

Formation of a slope using finishing material for mortar

In this case, materials such as drywall, MDF, plastic slopes etc., are strengthened with cement-sand mortar or adhesive composition. The surface has already been prepared: leveled and primed.

It is best to indicate the level of the future slope and provide normal support for the sheathing material. To do this, screw the screws into the wall so that their heads form one plane. In this case, the thickness of the sheathing material is taken into account, because it will rest on the heads of the screws. After this, you can fill the entire space of the slope around the perimeter with a solution.

For reliability and for the sake of economy, the first layer is a cement-sand mortar, which forms a layer slightly smaller than the height of the supporting screws. Next, select an adhesive composition suitable for your sheathing material. Glue solution It is applied in an even layer over the surface of the slope and on the strips of material on the reverse side.

Carefully placing the sheets of material on the slope, they must be pressed down until they rest on the caps of the screws. The correct installation is checked using a level; if necessary, you can correct the position while the solution has not yet set.

If there is a gap between the sheathing sheets and the wall, it must be sealed with mortar. After this, you can attach the platbands, if any.

Video: nuances of primary finishing of slopes

Mounting slopes on a frame

Even though the solution will not be used, the entire surface of the wall under the slope should still be primed. This will prevent it from crumbling over time. Next, parts are prepared for mounting the frame.

Wooden bars and slats can be used as material for the frame, or metallic profile, which is used for the construction plasterboard walls and ceilings. Given the thickness of any of these materials, care should be taken to level the wall on which the frame will be mounted so that the frame elements fit snugly against the wall.

The frame elements should be secured using plastic dowels and impact screws of the required length. Along the entire perimeter of the doorway, two slats or profiles are attached in parallel, placing them on both edges of the future slope. To strengthen the structure between the main load-bearing elements jumpers are fixed. This is especially important at the corners between the sides of the doorway and the top.

Before sheathing the frame, you can just start laying the cable to the installation site of the switch.

Fastening the sheathing is slightly different for each type of material:


It is enough to secure it with self-tapping screws around the perimeter of the slope. The gap between the sheet of drywall and the wall is filled either with mortar, or sufficiently wide platbands are installed. The edges plasterboard slopes reinforced with special perforated corners. The joints between the pieces of drywall are sealed with construction tape. The entire surface is puttied and leveled with a float using the finest abrasive. After this, you can paint the slopes or wallpaper them.


This material undoubtedly has the best aesthetic qualities, and also greater strength and wear resistance than other materials. The elements are secured using small nails, clamps or self-tapping screws. The main thing is that each type of fastening does not interfere with the installation of the following slope elements. Corners and fastening points are covered with platbands or corners, which are glued throughout the entire structure using liquid nails.

MDF is the most popular material for slopes, and it is used to make maximum amount ready-made solutions. Therefore, installation of such slopes is usually the simplest.


Laminate strips can be laid both across and along the ends of the doorway. When laying transversely, it is enough to fasten the first lamella to the frame from below along the edges. Subsequent elements are installed with a snap lock. The last lamella must be secured. All intermediate ones can be secured, for example, through one or even two elements. Along the upper horizontal slope, all laminate strips must be secured at the edges. The longitudinal strips of the laminate are attached in at least three places: along the edges and in the center.

Plastic slopes

Plastic slopes are being installed, as well as plastic lining, in almost the same way as laminate. Since this material is less durable than laminate, it needs to be fixed more often. The fact that near the front door the material will be subject to heavy loads and frequent impacts is taken into account. Therefore, fastening strips plastic sheathing slopes are located every 10-15 cm.