Treatment of plastic windows before winter. From theory to practice: self-adjustment of windows for winter. Caring for fittings

The Russian climate is characterized by sharp temperature changes in the cold and warm seasons. The difference between summer highs and winter lows is tens of degrees. Plastic windows can be used at temperatures from −40 °C to 60 °C, so residents of most regions of our country do not have to worry about the ability of the window to withstand winter frost or summer heat. However, consumers must properly care for their windows to ensure they effectively protect the room from too low or too high temperatures.

Having prepared your window for winter, you can enjoy
comfort and warmth

Why prepare your window for winter?

Plastic windows require maintenance regardless of the time of year. For example, keeping windows clean is not just a matter of aesthetics and hygiene. By promptly removing dirt from windows, you prevent solid dirt particles from damaging the profile and glass. Therefore, the first step in preparing for winter is washing the windows.

Plastic translucent structures are mechanical systems, the mobility of which is ensured by fittings. Cleaning, lubricating and adjusting the fittings is the second stage of preparing windows for the cold season.

The thermal insulation properties of a window depend on the tightness of the sashes to the frame. Therefore, before winter it is necessary to clean the rubber seals, check their integrity and lubricate them with a suitable product. This is the third stage of preparing translucent structures for winter.

How to properly wash plastic windows before winter

Start preparing for winter by removing the mosquito net. Wash it under running water in the bathroom and clean it until spring.

If you have a window with a ventilation valve, close it during cold weather. However, do not forget about the need to regularly ventilate the room even in frosty weather. This is necessary to prevent the formation of condensation.

Drainage holes required

For the cleaning plastic windows Microfiber cloths and mild detergents should be used. Never use sponges with an abrasive layer, as they damage plastic and glass.

The detergent should not contain abrasive particles or chlorine. Also, do not use old newspapers to clean glass. They leave invisible scratches on the surface. Use a soap solution made with dishwashing detergent to clean the window.

Be sure to remove dirt from the drainage holes. They ensure the removal of moisture from the window, which prevents it from fogging and freezing. You can clean the drainage hole with a match or toothpick.

Be sure to wash the rubber seals with soapy water. Do not allow dirt and dust to remain between the seal and the profile. They can usually be easily removed with a damp cloth.

How to insulate plastic windows: deal with fittings

The fittings ensure the mobility of windows, as well as fixing the sashes in the desired position. Elements of fittings need to be cleaned from dirt and dust, as well as the application of protective lubricant. The fittings can be washed with a soap solution without abrasive particles and a soft cloth. Do not use for cleaning metal parts window treatments containing harsh chemicals.

After cleaning, wipe the fittings with a dry cloth and lubricate the moving parts machine oil. You can also use silicone oil or petroleum jelly.

The degree of fit depends on the position

Now you need to adjust the fittings.

The degree of fit of the sash to the frame is adjusted using eccentrics or locking pins. They can provide strong, standard or medium pressure (see diagram).

In winter, it is necessary to adjust the trunnions in such a way that they provide maximum pressure on the sash. To do this, take a hex key and install the eccentric in the position indicated in the diagram. The loose fit mode should be used in the summer, while the standard fit is suitable for the off-season.

If you cannot install the eccentric in the desired position, contact the specialists who installed your window. Also call a professional if completely closed design obviously leaks air. This problem can usually be resolved by adjusting the hardware.

What to do with the seal

The seal needs to be washed
and lubricate

It was noted above that rubber seals ensure a tight fit of the sash to the frame. The consumer must ensure that the seal is clean and free of cracks and holes.

The seal is cleaned using a soft cloth and soap solution at the same time as washing the profile and glass unit.
After this, the seal must be wiped with a dry cloth and lubricated. Silicone oil should be used as a lubricant. It protects the rubber from cracking.

What else you need to know

Consumers also have other questions in the context of using plastic windows in cold period. The most common ones include the following:

Why do plastic windows leak in winter?

A plastic window can leak in two cases. Firstly, this is due to a violation of installation technology. If the installer did not ensure tightness assembly seams, the window will leak in the literal sense of the word. To eliminate this shortcoming, you need to contact the company that installed your window.

Secondly, consumers often talk about window leaks when in fact we're talking about about the formation of condensation. Moisture condenses on windows due to the large temperature difference between the glass and the air in the room. This happens when you choose the wrong glass unit, which does not provide sufficient thermal insulation. Moreover, a similar situation arises if warm air from the heating radiator does not reach the window due to the window sills being too wide. IN similar situations Consider replacing the window and/or sill.

Moisture condensation on windows also occurs due to high humidity in room. To solve this problem, ventilate the room several times a day.

Is it possible to install windows in winter?

During the cold season, the demand for plastic windows decreases. Window companies offer discounts to customers to compensate for forced downtime. Many consumers do not take advantage of this opportunity, believing that high-quality installation possible only in the warm season.

In fact, windows can be installed at temperatures down to −15 °C. In this case, specialists must use “winter” polyurethane foam, and also heat the insulating tapes to operating temperatures. The question remains of the temperature drop in the room in which the installation is being carried out. Indeed, the room remains without a window for several tens of minutes. If you have the opportunity to temporarily stay in a neighboring room, you don’t have to put off installing windows until spring. And if you live in one-room apartment, and even with a small child, it’s better to postpone installation work.

By the way, installing a plastic window in winter allows you to immediately identify and eliminate all shortcomings of the installation work. In the cold season, any draft indicating leaky seams will not go unnoticed.

You can quickly prepare your window for winter

If you have a suitable quality window, the installation work was carried out in compliance with technology, and the fittings were adjusted by professionals, then preparing for winter will not take you much time. It is enough to remove mosquito net, close ventilation valve, wash the window, lubricate the fittings and seals. After this, adjust the eccentrics to the maximum fit mode. Now you can brew tea and enjoy the comfort and warmth.

The climate in Russia is famous for its sharp temperature changes in cool and warm periods. The difference in temperature summer period and winter reaches 10 degrees. Metal-plastic PVC windows can be used at temperatures from −40 C to 60 C, so residents of even the Siberian regions of our country do not have to worry about the ability of the windows to withstand winter frost or summer heat. At the same time, consumers must properly care for their windows so that they effectively protect the room from too low or too high temperatures.

Why you need to prepare your windows for winter

Plastic windows require maintenance regardless of the time of year. For example, keeping windows clean is not only a requirement of aesthetics and sanitary hygiene. When removing blockages from windows, you prevent damage to both the profile and glass by solid particles of dirt. For this reason, the initial step in preparing for winter is washing the windows.

Plastic translucent systems are mechanical concepts, the mobility of which is supported by fittings. Cleaning, lubricating and adjusting the fittings is considered the 2nd stage of preparing windows for the frosty period of the year.

The thermal insulation properties of a window depend on the tightness of pressing the sashes to the frame. For this reason, on the threshold of winter, it is imperative to clean the rubber seals, monitor their integrity and coat them with a lubricant. This is considered the 3rd stage of preparing translucent systems for winter

Drainage holes need to be cleaned

How to wash plastic windows before winter

Start preparing for winter by removing the mosquito net. Rinse it under the bathroom tap and hide it until spring.

If you have a window with a ventilation valve, close it during frosty periods. But don’t forget about the need to constantly ventilate, including in cold weather. This is to prevent the creation of condensation.

To clean plastic windows, you should use microfiber items and detergents. Do not under any circumstances use sponges with abrasive coating, as they damage plastics and glass.

Special detergents should not contain grinding components or chlorine. In addition, do not use old printed materials to clean glass. They retain barely noticeable scratches on the surface. To clean the window, use a soap composition made from dishwashing detergent.

Be sure to remove dirt from the drainage holes. They ensure the removal of moisture from the window, which prevents it from fogging and freezing. You can clean the drainage hole with a match or toothpick.

Be sure to wash the rubber seals with soap and water. Do not allow dirt and dust to remain between the seal and the profile. As a rule, they can be easily removed with a damp cloth.

The degree of contact depends on the position of the eccentric

Setting up fittings for insulating plastic windows

The fittings ensure the mobility of windows, and also fix the frames in the desired position. The components of the fittings need to be cleaned from dirt and dust, in addition to applying a protective lubricant. The fittings can be cleaned with a soapy substance in the absence of abrasive elements and a soft cloth. Do not use resources containing hostile chemical elements to clean metal window elements.

After cleaning, wipe the fittings with a dry cloth and lubricate the mobile components car oil. In addition, it is possible to use silicone technical oil or Vaseline.

Next you need to configure the hardware.
The degree of pressure of the door to the frame is adjusted using eccentrics or locking pins. They have every chance of guaranteeing powerful, normal or moderate pressure (see diagram).

In winter, the trunnions should be adjusted in this way so that they guarantee maximum door pressure. To do this, take a multi-faceted wrench and put the eccentric in the state prescribed in the diagram. The low adjoining procedure should be used in the summer season, and the regular adjoining procedure is suitable for the off-season.

If you can’t determine the eccentric to the required condition, go to the experts who installed the window for you. In addition, call a specialist if the entire closed system clearly allows air space. As a rule, this problem can be resolved by adjusting the fittings.

What to do with the seal

It was previously noted that rubber seals guarantee a strong connection of the door to the frame. The customer is obliged to ensure that the seal is clean and free of cracks and holes. The seal is cleaned using a soft cloth and a soap solution at the same time as washing the profile and glass unit. After this, the seal needs to be rubbed with a dry rag and oiled. Silicone technical oil should be used as a lubricant. It protects the rubber from cracking.

The seal must be washed and lubricated

What else you need to know

Consumers also have other questions in the context of using plastic windows during the cold period. The most common ones include the following:

Why can plastic windows leak in winter?

A plastic window can leak in two ways. Firstly, this is done due to pathology technological processes installation If the installation technicians have not ensured the tightness of the installation seams, the window will begin to leak in the literal meaning of the word. In order to eliminate this flaw, you should go to the company that installed your window.

Secondly, consumers often report leaking windows when in fact they are talking about condensation formation. Humidity condenses in windows due to a significant difference in temperature between the glass and the atmosphere in the room. This happens when you choose an unsuitable double-glazed window, which does not guarantee sufficient thermal insulation. In addition, such a picture is formed if the heated air from the heating radiator does not reach the window due to very large window sills. At similar times, consider the task of replacing the window and/or window sill.

Humidity condensation in windows also occurs due to high humidity in the room. In order to resolve this problem, ventilate the room several times a day.

Is it possible to install windows in winter?

In the cool season, the demand for plastic windows drops. Window companies give customers discounts to compensate for forced downtime. Some clients do not take advantage of this opportunity, attributing that high-quality installation is only possible in the warm season.

In fact, it is quite possible to install windows at temperatures down to −15 C. In this case, professionals are required to use “winter” polyurethane foam, and also heat the insulating tapes to operating temperatures. The question remains of the temperature drop in the room in which the installation is being done. In fact, the room is for several 10 minutes. remains without windows. If you have a chance to stay in the next room for now, you won’t have to delay the installation of windows until spring. And if you live in a one-room apartment, and also with small child, it is better to postpone installation work.

You can prepare your window for winter much faster

If you have an optimal high-quality window installed, the installation work is carried out in compliance with technology, and the fittings are arranged by craftsmen, then preparing for winter will not take away from you a large number of time. Simply remove the mosquito net, close the ventilation valve, wash the window, lubricate the fittings and seals. After this, adjust the eccentrics to the closest fit. Now all that remains is to brew some tea and enjoy the comfort and warmth.

In a fairly quick period of time, plastic windows managed to take a leading position in terms of the number of their installations, since the vast majority of windows in homes and industrial buildings- these are PVC windows. In order for a plastic window to serve you for a long time, it must be maintained special care, which we will talk about.

Rules for caring for plastic windows

Caring for plastic windows is a mandatory procedure, otherwise the window will begin to lose its tightness, the fittings may fail, or rapid wear will occur. rubber seal and much more. After it has been done, it is necessary to remove the protective tape that is glued to the profile, since after a while it will be very problematic to remove it due to exposure to sunlight.

Now regarding washing plastic windows. It is necessary to wash plastic windows with special window cleaners and special napkins or rags. If any dirt appears on the profile, under no circumstances should you clean it with sharp objects: a knife, scraper, etc. To remove complex stains, use special products to remove stains from a plastic surface or directly from PVC windows.

Before washing the window profile, we recommend that you first remove the layer of dirt and dust; this is best done with a brush made of soft and thick bristles. Then the window can be wiped with a napkin or rag, after applying detergent to its surface.

Preparing windows for the change of season

The fittings of plastic windows need to be adjusted 2 times a year.

  • How to care for plastic windows in winter
Caring for plastic windows in winter includes: washing window profile and glass, as well as converting the sash clamps to winter mode so that the sash fits more tightly to the profile when closing and does not pass through it cold air. This is done before the winter season in October-November.
  • How to care for plastic windows in summer
Caring for plastic windows in the summer includes: washing the profile, glass and moving the clamps to summer mode so that the sash is not pressed too tightly against the profile.
  • Adjusting the sashes
Due to temperature changes, the window profile may narrow and expand, and because of this, the sash may begin to rub somewhere. To adjust it, use a hexagon. How to adjust the window sash is demonstrated in the picture below.

How to care for plastic window fittings

The fittings are a complex mechanism that is responsible for the movement of the sash. In order for the mechanism to work freely, it must be lubricated with machine oil. To do this, pour oil into the moving parts of the window, then move the window from one position to another several times.

Caring for plastic window seals

Proper care of plastic windows also includes care of the rubber seal of plastic windows. Please note that it is the rubber seal that ensures high-quality sealing of the window profile. Like any rubber, the window seal wears out: it becomes hard and inelastic, dries out and cracks. In order for the window seal to last as long as possible, it must be cleaned and lubricated 2 times a year, as mentioned above: before starting summer season and before the start of winter.

In order to clean the window seal, it can be either removed or cleaned in this state. If you have removed the seal, place it in a container of warm, soapy water for a few minutes, and then rinse clean water and wipe with a dry cloth. Next, insert the seal into the sash and into window hole, then applying it to a rag silicone agent, treat the surface of the seal.

Plastic window care products

To care for plastic windows, use as follows: special sets products for the care of plastic windows, as well as individual ones. To care for windows you need:

  • Glass cleaner (for example Clin);

  • Plastic profile cleaner;

  • Seal cleaner or soapy water + silicone grease;

  • Machine oil for lubricating fittings.

Plastic windows have become a part of our lives. Almost every family has already installed or is going to install such windows, and most of them have a completely logical question - how to care for plastic windows? Let us note right away that they are good because they do not require any special maintenance.

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The basis metal-plastic window amounts to PVC profile, which does not dry out, does not turn yellow, does not need to be tinted and, most importantly, does not contain harmful substances for a person. In addition, the seals consist of very high quality rubber and their service life is no less than the service life of the window itself. I would also like to note the fittings, which are simple to install and practically do not break.

Clean your windows regularly

Window cleaning

Plastic windows are washed with the same means as wooden ones and do not require any special detergents or cleaning agents. The only thing is that we do not recommend using acidic or other aggressive agents that can damage the surface. In addition, it is not advisable to scrub the fittings with special diligence, since there is a lubricant inside it and with frequent and thorough washing, this lubricant can be washed out.

How to wash plastic windows?

Once you have wondered how to care for plastic windows, the first thing that comes to mind is what material should be used when washing so as not to disturb the surface. Ideal option will use a cotton or viscose rag. Then the risk of scratching the metal-plastic window will be minimal. And as a detergent will fit aqueous solutions alkaline based, which cleans well almost any contaminant. Under no circumstances should you use powders for washing, and the water should not be too hot.

Cleaning drain holes

Such drainage channels are designed to remove moisture accumulating in the window. They are located at the bottom window frame. They are easy to find; to do this, you just need to open the door slightly. Sometimes they need to be inspected periodically, as they tend to become clogged with dirt.

Cleaning such drainage channels is very easy. To do this, you need to take a wooden or plastic stick. required diameter and clean these holes. The frequency of this type of work is once or twice a year and takes 2-3 minutes of your time.

Caring for fittings

Once you understand how to care for plastic windows, let's look at the issue of caring for the fittings. All metal-plastic windows are equipped high quality fittings, requiring virtually no maintenance. However, to increase its service life and preserve its appearance, some actions will have to be performed periodically. Approximately three years after the start of operation, it is necessary to lubricate all moving parts of the mechanism 1-2 times a year. It needs to be treated with oil that does not contain acids or resins or with industrial petroleum jelly. Lithium grease is ideal because it does not damage the anti-corrosion coating. Lubricant is added to the slots in the fittings.

Treat windows by special means


The seal in a metal-plastic window is rubber placed around the perimeter of the window. It is designed to isolate the room from dust and drafts. To prevent natural wear and tear of this material, it must be wiped clean from dust 1-2 times a year. Typically, wiping is carried out with a damp cloth or soft cloth. To improve the cleaning and prevention of rubber, it is possible to wipe it with silicone oil.

Adjusting plastic windows

To increase the service life of the window, you need to take care of plastic windows in winter and summer. A major role in increasing the service life of a metal-plastic window is played by the process, which is carried out independently.


European windows need to be adjusted in autumn and spring.

This planned care, which sets the windows for winter and summer mode. To switch the window to winter mode, you need to tighten the hardware clamps that press the sash against the profile. This is done to further ensure tightness so that cold winter air does not penetrate into the room.

Remove rust from moving parts

Switching the window to summer mode

To adjust for summer mode, we, on the contrary, loosen the clamps to avoid additional wear. That is, the main purpose of the adjustment is to change the degree of pressure of the window to the profile. This operation is performed either with a Phillips screwdriver, it all depends on the type of window and its manufacturer, which ensures the required clamping position. Typically, a plastic window sash has three clamps, two of which are located in the central part and one on the side. With the help of such simple actions, we significantly increase the service life of the fittings.

Adjusting a dropped sash

Sometimes it happens that the window sash begins to cling to the profile or steel clamps. It’s even worse if the window blows out and this trouble happens during the cold season. And despite what you did proper care behind plastic windows in winter, such an embarrassment can happen to anyone.

In this case, there is no need to panic; the problem can be fixed on your own. For this repair we will need a hex screwdriver. With its help we must remove the protective covers from adjusting mechanism and make the settings.

Wipe the inside of the frame from excess moisture

Regulatory mechanism

To raise or lower the sash, we insert the hex screwdriver vertically and begin to turn. At the same time, you need to remember that by turning the screwdriver clockwise, we raise the sash, and by turning it counterclockwise, we lower it. If you need to adjust the sash on the sides, that is, move it to the right or left, then insert the hexagon horizontally and begin to turn it. Moreover, by scrolling clockwise, the sash moves to the left, and by turning the hexagon counterclockwise, the sash moves to the right.


This problem occurs quite often in winter and causes quite serious inconvenience. There can be so much moisture that the window sill will be constantly flooded and because of this, mold will form on it and on the walls in the window area, and fighting against it is not a pleasant pleasure. Therefore, caring for plastic windows in winter implies solving this problem.


The first thing you need to do to combat fogging is to ventilate the room.

It is clear that in winter it will not be possible to do this often, but twice for 3-5 minutes will not cause much inconvenience.

Another way to combat this is to wipe the glass with a soft cloth soaked in a mixture of alcohol and glycerin in a ratio of 20 to 1. If this method does not help, then perhaps the reason lies in the incorrect installation of the metal-plastic window during installation and claims should be made to the installers.

Before the start of the winter season, you must remember to take off Mosquito nets. Before putting them away for the winter, you need to wash the mesh in a soapy solution. By following all these recommendations, you are guaranteed to extend the service life of your plastic windows to 25 years or even more, and during this entire time you will forget about drafts and other problems associated with poor care.

How to care for plastic windows video:

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Thanks to plastic windows, homes have become more comfortable and cozy. Winter has ceased to be a terrible enemy. Distinctive features PVC windows are characterized by their strength, reliability and long service life. But these products also require periodic repairs.

So that windows can protect you in winter time, maintaining heat, it is necessary to produce preliminary preparation. Thanks to such work, the windows will function normally. Preparing windows for winter includes a number of activities. How to switch windows to winter mode? How to prepare plastic windows for winter?

Let us consider in detail the following algorithm of actions:

  • First, you just need to wash the windows and do it thoroughly. It is necessary to wash the slopes, the window sill, and the profiles, especially if they are made of plastic material. Do not use aggressive cleaning agents for cleaning. chemicals. Glass needs a rag and a soft sponge to clean. Windows should be washed on both sides: internal and external. When opening PVC windows, pay attention to the channels intended for drainage; they also need to be cleaned. This can be done using a toothpick or other sharp instrument or object.
  • Pay attention to the moving components of the window hardware. Pressure rollers - this is where the largest cluster mud. Dirt is the main obstacle to the normal functioning of these elements. To clean, use a brush that has hard bristles - this will help get rid of dust and old grease.
  • Once cleaning of windows and areas that are difficult to reach is completed, it is necessary to lubricate the mechanisms. For this you will need silicone lubricant. Buy lubricant foreign manufacturer, since it has a long service life. If you don't want to spend your money on it cash, then you can use solid oil. According to many people, ordinary vegetable oil can be used as a lubricant. But this is far from true. After a certain period of time, the vegetable oil dries out and becomes a kind of “sandpaper” that can make the mechanisms unsuitable for functioning. This may happen after about a year. When you lubricate the pinch rollers, be sure to turn the handle at this moment. Thanks to this, the lubricant can be evenly distributed throughout all parts.
  • Next, check the condition of the seals. This procedure must be taken seriously, because seals affect general meaning temperature in the house. If strange noisy sounds appear inside the room, and the windows sweat, then these signs indicate a damaged seal. To increase the service life of the seal, it is necessary to clean and lubricate it occasionally. Use imported silicone as a lubricant. Lubricate the entire length of the seal to prevent freezing and drying out. If you notice wear and tear, you need to replace the product. It is possible to do this yourself. Before purchasing, be sure to pay attention to the shape of the planting area because it may vary. The sealing element must be removed using a flat screwdriver and install the new product. To make the job easier, lubricate the planting area. Once the work is completed and the sealing thing is set, it is necessary to carry out a generous treatment of the sealant, from its upper part.

Follow these four steps when cleaning out accumulated dirt. This is the first step to prepare the windows.

Adjusting the window for winter

As soon as winter approaches, it is necessary to carry out window adjustments. This will help switch them to winter mode. The procedure is that the frame must be pressed tightly against the window to prevent the penetration of drafts. For this job you will need a hex wrench.

The sides, which are positioned horizontally, are adjusted from top to bottom across the panels. To carry out such adjustment, there are sockets in the window hinges intended for a hex key.

To adjust the top panel, the window must be open. To lift the edge of the panel, which is located opposite the hinge, the tool must rotate to the right. To lower, rotate the tool in the opposite direction.

If the plastic window is located low, but you can control it from the street side, then you do not need to open the sashes to adjust it. Therefore, you will be able to make an offset of two millimeters. Or eliminate the bevel, also by two millimeters.

The loop located at the bottom allows you to adjust the vertical sides. To gain access to the hex socket, you must remove the safety cap. Also, to raise the tool, twist it to the right, and to lower it, turn it in the opposite direction. The shift value is two millimeters.

When changing the pressing force along the vertical and horizontal parts, do not forget that the eccentrics responsible for this are located throughout the edging. When turning the handle, each eccentric moves beyond its clamping point.

To increase the frame pressing force, the eccentric must turn to the right. To reduce the force, it must turn in the other direction. Each eccentric has specially designed marks. Thanks to them, you can determine the pressing force of the frame. Therefore, if the mark is located where the seal is, this means that the pressure is strong. If the mark is turned where the street is, then the clamp is weak.

Some windows have eccentrics that can be turned using ordinary pliers.

In the places where the hinges are located, there are devices that regulate the clamping force. The degree of force is determined by the protrusion of the tongue. The length of the tongue determines the tightness of the frame against the window. Changing the length of the tongue is done using a hex key.

To increase the length of the tongue, the tool must be rotated left side, if the loops are located on the left side. If the loops are located on the right, then you need to twist it to the right. During winter period you need to press the frame as hard as possible. In summer, the pressure should be weak.

The main thing is not to overdo it. Do not press the frame too hard, otherwise the sealing material will wear out faster.

Also, in preparation for the winter season, the hinges also need to be adjusted, that is, pressed firmly. From the hinge located below, you need to remove the specially designed cap and turn the bolt located perpendicularly.

You can adjust the pressing force of the hinge, which is located on top, if there is a flap. Its installation is carried out for ventilation, thus you can use a key. During this work, hold the window, because it is fixed using a single hinge.

The procedure for insulating plastic windows

If after some certain period after PVC installations Since the windows begin to let in drafts and do not retain heat, it is necessary to insulate them. But first you need to find out the reasons for these problems. Let's look at the main reasons:

  • The rubber seal has worn out. A replacement needs to be made.
  • The area where the frame and slope meet is depressurized. For liquidation this deficiency, the slopes should be removed, insulated and reinstalled. We close the windows.
  • It is possible that after you installed plastic windows, shrinkage of the walls may have occurred. To eliminate this problem, additional adjustment of the fittings is necessary.

On winter days, plastic windows can be insulated using film. This method is expensive, but at the same time the most effective. The film is applied from the street side. In rare cases, thermal insulation is carried out with inside. The film must be stretched over the entire surface of the frame and must be attached along the edges.

During this process material tension, force and uniformity must be controlled simultaneously. If the material is poorly tensioned in any place, strong wind may form a breakthrough. If it works, then the hole should be sealed with tape so as not to waste money on purchasing a new product.

When choosing a film material, you need to pay attention to frost-resistant characteristics. Required material has a yellowish tint. High-quality film is hard to find on construction market, so buy it at a large construction market. So as not to spoil appearance premises, buy material that is intended for greenhouses. This product has a higher cost, but it will last a long period of time due to its high level sustainability.

Installation of this film consists of attaching it to the edges of the frame using tape. The windows need to be closed.

Instead of tape, you can use a construction stapler, but defects will appear on the frame. The main processes of thermal insulation and sound insulation are provided by double-glazed windows.

There is PVC insulation that can replace film. This insulation is environmentally friendly pure material. Manufacturers guarantee high-quality thermal insulation. PVC insulation can withstand low temperature and is not subject to deformation. You need to decide for yourself which material to choose.

When you winterize your windows, pay attention to these tips. Preparing plastic windows for the winter with your own hands is a guarantee of maximum comfort and coziness in the room. The entire premises will be switched to winter mode. Carry out the work carefully and carefully.

Don't skimp on thermal insulation materials. Don't forget to clean the surface before starting the procedure. You will be able to switch the windows to winter mode. Prepared plastic windows for the winter will not allow cold into the room.