What to make a fireplace tabletop from. Instructions for making beautiful portals for electric fireplaces. Portal Design Guide

Today, many people have begun to make fireplaces in their homes as a means of heating, as well as as a decorative component. The main thing when creating decorative fireplace this is his portal, which primarily acts as a decorative design.

Portals at fireplaces are their outer parts with a recessed combustion chamber. In order to make a portal, there is a wide variety of materials, for example, they are made of wood, stone or polyurethane, and they also come in cast iron and have completely different styles.


Many people believe that a fireplace is a very expensive business, but this is not at all true, if you know how to make it, you will get beauty affordable price. If you still decide to make a fireplace in your home, then first you need to choose a style to decorate the appearance. There are several types of portals by style:

  • The classic portal is the most common today; such portals are made discreet and strict in design. Basically, such portals are not decorated in any way, and the accessories here look superfluous.
  • Country portals are often made for heated fireplaces using wood; their design is very simple and made of stone materials.
  • Art Nouveau style for portals implies the most various shapes and colors. Here you can combine both classics and modern technologies. Such portals look perfect in absolutely any interior.

Material selection

When you decide on the style of the fireplace, you will need to decide on the necessary finishing materials and their quantity.

Manufacturers offer a wide variety of materials, among which the following are very popular:

  • Parquet board
  • Drywall
  • Natural wood
  • Self-adhesive film
  • Wooden beams or plywood
  • Acrylic paints
  • Polyurethane stucco moldings

Today, they most often work with plasterboard, it is easy to work with and this material outperforms others in its properties.

To make a portal yourself you will need the following tools:

  1. Metal plasterboard profile
  2. Required amount of drywall
  3. Insulation
  4. Two spatulas, as well as putty
  5. Tassels
  6. Primer
  7. Mesh for seams
  8. Metal corner
  9. Sandpaper
  10. Metal profile made as a box shape.

Work for the portal of the desired fireplace

First of all, choose a place for it, then you will need to install metal profiles, how large it will be depends on your preferences. To fasten the profile, it is best to use self-tapping screws; there are special ones for working with metal.

When the profile is installed, you need to cut off the necessary pieces of drywall and attach them to the frame of the metal corner. Corners and seams must be puttied.

Before decorative finishing, you need to go over the putty with a primer, then use sandpaper to treat the entire surface of the portal in order to get rid of unevenness.

What is an electric fireplace?

Not everyone has the opportunity to install a wood-burning fireplace; it could be an apartment or office where this is not possible, but you want the room to be cozy and inviting. good mood. It is very rare to make fireplaces with wood fireboxes for apartments, and what to do in such a situation?

We developed and put into production electric fireplaces specifically for apartments; they differ from ordinary ones in that they perform the function of a regular heater; such fireplaces are absolutely safe and work from a power outlet.

For an electric fireplace, the portal is made according to the same principle. Specialists use plasterboard and chipboard, stone and plywood, brick and eraser for their construction. The material should be selected depending on finances, most often they use chipboard or plywood. There are no prohibitions on the use of such materials, since such a fireplace does not really burn.

Electric fireplace table top

The main difference between an electric fireplace is the countertop, which simply needs to be done. This tabletop is made in three types:

  1. Made from thick plywood and tiled on the top.
  2. It is made of wood and must be varnished
  3. Using MDF provided there is plastic on top

But before starting work, you need to be well prepared; you need to have some tools and auxiliary items on hand:

  • Frame for a portal of the required shape made of metal
  • Tabletop.
  • Spatula.
  • Putty.
  • Material for decorative finishing.

Before making a portal, you need to choose a shape for it; they are made angular or rectangular, depending on whether it will be located in a corner or along the wall.

To avoid mistakes, make sketches of the portal on a piece of paper the way you would like to see it, use your imagination and you will succeed. After making the sketch, you need to transfer it to the actual dimensions of the portal, this will help you estimate required amount materials. The easiest way to make a portal for an electric fireplace is using plywood or drywall.

Stages of work:

The lower component of the frame is made and attached to the frame vertical racks and their top trim occurs.

Installing the portal, you need to attach it tightly to the wall using the corners. Attach the sheet material using self-tapping screws (chipboard, plywood, plasterboard).

The tabletop must be connected to the portal. In order not to spoil the tabletop, it is better to cover it so as not to stain it. Treat the seams with putty. Next, cladding is done with any material you like.


When all stages of the work are completed and the fireplace frame is made, you can install an electric fireplace in the middle, and it will delight the owners in the evenings. Regardless of whether you have a decorative fireplace or a real one, it will always look elegant and add zest to the interior of your apartment or house. It can also be decorated interesting decor, put beautiful candles or favorite family photos, and how great New Year’s boots look with gifts for family members.

The history of fireplace portals dates back to ancient times, when they were simple design in the form of stones laid out in the shape of a circle, and the main function for which it was made was protection from fire. Several centuries later, the ancient Romans began to use designs that acquired more attractive shapes and were similar in appearance to modern models.

It was the master masons of that time who invented and created the first chimney system, which was improved for some time by subsequent generations. Already in medieval period portals for fireplaces began to serve exclusively decorative functions, as they do today.

With the passage of time and the invention of centralized heating systems fireplaces began to gradually become a thing of the past, and with it the interior living rooms lost an important decorative element that gave the premises additional comfort and harmony. From time to time, interest in these structures revives again, but is replaced by classic models much more modern electric fireplaces are coming.

An electric fireplace, framed in a decorative and elegantly designed portal, can provide the opportunity to immerse yourself in a warm and cozy fairy tale, especially on cold autumn evenings or frosty winter mornings.

A portal that is original and elegant appearance will certainly become a real decoration of the room design. The rich assortment that the market can offer today will help you choose the most suitable model taking into account the specific design of the entire room and will allow the electric fireplace to fit harmoniously into it.

What material can it be made from?

It is not necessary to purchase a fireplace portal finished form, it is quite possible to make it yourself with your own hands.

To carry out this process you can use whole line various materials, the most popular are:

  1. Laminated parquet boards. Most often they are used to create special decorative devices, which in essence are not a portal for an electric fireplace, but only imitate this design. They usually contain candles, which replace heating elements or a hearth. However, the material can also be used to construct portals for real fireplaces.
  2. Combined use of galvanized metal profile and plasterboard. A significant advantage of plasterboard-based materials is that they are easy and convenient to cut at home, creating individual parts and elements of the required shapes and dimensions. It is also convenient to bend the material and give it any shape, which is also a significant advantage, since, if necessary, you can create any element from it for decorative design portal.
  3. Combined use of timber and plywood. These types of material are recommended to be used in conjunction with metal profile, which will be required to create the frame. Overall plywood is good and economical material, which can be a good alternative natural wood if there are budget restrictions. Looks good with additional cladding if used to create it fake diamond or ceramic tiles.
  4. Natural wood. It is one of the most preferred varieties of all materials that are available for the construction of such structures, since it gives the portal not only originality of style and elegant appearance, but also solidity. However, we must remember that wood also has a number of disadvantages, the most important of which is the material’s susceptibility to influences. environment, for example, change temperature conditions And high humidity, which negatively affects such a parameter as durability.
  5. MDF or chipboard. The main advantage of such material is its availability. Moreover, it is not necessary to purchase chipboard; it can be obtained by dismantling old unnecessary furniture, which will save money on a small budget. Most often, in such cases, additional grinding of the joints is required, for which you will need to take care of the preparation necessary equipment, facing with plinths and covering surfaces with additional layers of antiseptic and protective varnish. Possible installation and ceramic tiles with help liquid nails, it will be an additional factor that increases the visual appeal of the portal for the electric fireplace.

All of the above materials can be combined with each other, creating original and unique models.

You can also use:

  1. Artificial or natural stone.
  2. Heat-resistant acrylic or water-dispersion paint.
  3. Decorative film on a self-adhesive basis.
  4. Tapestry.
  5. Stucco molding made from polyurethane.

One of the main advantages of electric fireplaces is the complete absence of heating parts. open type, this gives a certain freedom in selecting the desired material.

The main selection criteria are:

  • The size of the available budget.
  • Existing work and processing experience specific types materials.
  • Shape, modification of the fireplace and its general functionality.

Most people prefer plywood or chipboard, since these materials are the most optimal in terms of price and quality.

Another feature that distinguishes portals for electric fireplaces from classic version, the presence of a countertop is mandatory.

For it, it is also necessary to separately select the material, the most common are:

  1. Natural wood, the coating of which must be coated with a special antiseptic and varnish to ensure the durability of the material.
  2. Plywood with increased thickness, which can then be additionally covered with ceramic tiles.
  3. Medium density fiberboards.

Required Tools

If the choice was made in favor self-construction portal for the fireplace, you will also need to prepare in advance the entire necessary set of tools, fixtures and preparations in accordance with the list below:

  1. A metal profile in the shape of a box.
  2. Plasterboard or metal profile.
  3. Plasterboard sheets.
  4. Elements of structural insulation.
  5. Special mixture for putty.
  6. Several spatulas.
  7. Brushes of different sizes.
  8. Mesh for finishing seams.
  9. Corners made of metal material.
  10. Sandpaper.
  11. Tabletop.
  12. Frame for the structure made of metal.

DIY making

Making your own portal for a fireplace requires a careful and attentive approach.

In order to obtain a high-quality design that will meet all the requirements for it, you must adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

  1. First things first initial stage, prior to construction, the shape of the portal is determined, which largely depends on the type of electric fireplace itself. Traditionally, triangular models are used for placement in corners, and square or rectangular varieties are used along the surface of the walls.
  2. It is recommended to draw up a visual design diagram in in paper form. In order not to pay large quantity time to complex drawing processes, you can take advantage of software, intended for use on personal computers. Many modern programs are free and freely available on the Internet. At the same stage, the volume of building materials that is expected to be used in the construction process is calculated.
  3. After completing all preparatory work You can proceed directly to the construction process. First you will need to assemble the lower part of the frame structure.
  4. Special metal stands are attached to the assembled part of the frame in a vertical position.
  5. It is necessary to tie the fixed racks in their upper part.
  6. Installation of ports using pre-prepared metal corners. All ports must be attached to the wall surface.
  7. Selected variety sheet material must be fixed and secured with screws or self-tapping screws.
  8. It is necessary to connect two elements - the portal itself and its tabletop. In order not to stain or damage it during further installation, it is recommended to cover the surface with unnecessary paper or polyethylene material.
  9. Check the structure for seams and any cracks, after which they must be sealed with putty on the upper part of the structure. At this stage, special attention must be paid not to miss even the smallest cracks, since they will in the future affect the reliability and durability of the electric fireplace and the portal for it in particular.
  10. Using the selected finishing material The structure is being clad. The most recommended varieties are special finishing tiles or any types of stone, since they have the longest service life.
  11. Wait completely dry completed design, after which it will be possible to install the electric fireplace itself.

DIY drawing of a false fireplace made of plasterboard

For those people who decided to make a portal for the fireplace with their own hands, experienced craftsmen and qualified specialists have prepared the following recommendations that can help in the construction process:

  1. It is highly recommended to look through catalogs that present ready-made portals for electric fireplaces, even if the goal is not to purchase these devices. Pictures are most often taken by professional craftsmen and designers, so their study, as well as evaluation general style premises, can greatly help in choosing the direction in which to move when deciding on the appearance of the structure.
  2. When choosing the material from which the portal will be made, it is necessary to take into account the design and appearance of the fireplace itself. Both designs must have the same style and be combined with each other.
  3. When designing the frame, it is necessary to double-check the selected dimensions and the accuracy of their calculation several times, since errors made pose a risk of causing mechanical damage to the surface of the fireplace or its electrical part during its installation.
  4. The use of natural wood as the main material will add sophistication to the portal and an attractive appearance, but the construction technology will be more complex.
  5. When using wood, it is recommended to use special wood glue on a synthetic basis to fix and fasten individual elements.
  6. When making calculations, it is necessary to take into account not only the dimensions of the electric fireplace and the portal for it, but also the area of ​​the room in which they will be located. Yes, owners small rooms that do not require a large amount of free space, it would be best to abandon construction floor models. In such cases, it is recommended, if possible, to abandon the idea of ​​using a portal altogether in favor of installing an electric fireplace in partitions, furniture, or directly into the wall surface.
  7. It is best to purchase the hearth itself in advance of the start of construction of the portal. Despite the fact that its dimensions and all specifications you can check with the manufacturer or look in the catalogue, you can still make a mistake with the dimensions due to availability additional elements decor, protruding parts of the mounting system, wires or other objects. If such a mistake is made, then the entire structure will have to be redone, starting from the very initial stage.

Regardless of the fuel type and design, every fireplace looks stunning. An integral element of the design is always the top shelf, on which various decorative elements can subsequently be placed.

You can plan and install the countertop both at the initial stage of building the fireplace and after all the work has been completed. However, before you begin the process itself, you need to get acquainted with the types of shelves and understand how best to build them.

Interesting wooden portal

Types of materials

Most often, the following materials are used to create these products:

  1. Various types of natural wood.
  2. Artificial stone fireplace shelf.
  3. Shelf made of natural stone.

The first two options are the most accessible. To create a countertop made of natural stone, you will have to spend a considerable amount of money, but as a result, the owner will receive a luxurious product that emphasizes the refined taste and high status of the residents. For the first experiment, if you plan to make a shelf with your own hands, it is better to stick with wood. It’s easier to work with because the material is malleable.

Impressive stone structure

If you want the shelf above the fireplace to be made of natural stone or its imitation, then you will have to buy ready product, or order it according to the dimensions of the structure. The fact is that to process stone and create any elements from it, special equipment is required.

Mounting methods

If we consider options for fixing the purchased shelf, then there are only two ways: mount it into the structure or attach it to supports. Embedding technology general design suitable for products that use stone or other heavy material, due to their heavy weight.

In addition to providing high pressure on the support of the structure, the material also does not allow it to be secured with nails or screws. If the fireplace has a shelf made of stone, then it should be purchased before the structure is erected.

A wooden shelf can be fastened to the base of the fireplace using special supports and clamps. Due to the fact that you can easily drive a nail or screw a self-tapping screw into the presented material, you don’t have to worry that the tabletop will fall off. The supports most often take the form of wooden blades located inside the structure, but they can be forged, in the form of a beam attached to the front of the fireplace in a horizontal direction. Another popular support option is side columns.

Cassette fireplace in the form of a home hearth

Features of stone products

Before getting acquainted with the features of this product, experts pay attention to the fact that a tabletop of this type is installed during the construction of the fireplace.

If the structure is of an open type, which is completely inside the room and is not connected to the wall, then the installation process will be less labor-intensive. The natural stone itself has heavy weight(this material is also used to make kitchen tables, so it’s not hard to imagine how heavy the shelf will be). Actually, all that needs to be done to install the shelf is to purchase it according to the dimensions of the structure, buy a special fixing solution, apply it to the top of the fireplace, and then place the purchased shelf on it. In this case, additional fixation of the product is not required.

If the fireplace is a built-in type, then the pre-purchased shelf should also be mounted into the wall. During the installation process, it is necessary to calculate the width of the product and the depth of its immersion in the wall. Make sure that the fireplace shelf protrudes approximately 15 cm forward in relation to the entire structure. As a result, the structure will be securely fastened both to the base of the fireplace and to the brickwork.

Original bedroom design

It is worth considering the situation when the fireplace has already been built, and the desire to decorate it with a shelf has just appeared. There may also be two scenarios here. In the first case, when rough wall finishing is used in the room, do the following:

  • Make a channel in the horizontal direction (depth 5 cm, and width corresponds to the width of the shelf).
  • Clean the made groove from debris and dust.
  • The shelf is inserted and secured with small, inconspicuous wedges.
  • Finally, the joints are sealed with a putty mixture.

However, if you follow a simpler path, then you need to purchase special columns for the fireplace in the store and install them on both sides of the firebox. To fix the element and the surface of the hearth, special glue is used. After drying, glue is applied to the top of the columns, and a stone shelf is placed on them.

Do-it-yourself wood production

The tabletop above the fireplace is a necessary decorative element. It completes the design and makes it possible to further decorate it with photographs, vases or candles. The product itself is practically no different from ordinary wooden shelves used in the interior, which are mounted into the wall.

Original solid timber construction

Making a mantel begins with collecting necessary materials and tools, including:

  1. Wood of the selected species to create the upper part of the shelf (a block 1.23 m long and 22 cm wide).
  2. Wood of the required species for the construction of the lower part of the shelf (a block 1 m long and 22 cm wide).
  3. A tree of a suitable species for constructing the lower part of the shelf (a block 1 m long and 11 cm wide).
  4. Wooden cornice for the front part (length 1.3 m and width 9 cm).
  5. Wooden parts for the side parts, two pieces (length 13 cm, width 9 cm);
  6. Support beam (1 m long and 11 cm wide).

The shelf above the fireplace, created by yourself, is wooden, so to attach it you will need nails (regular, slate) and screws for working with drywall. Next, the manufacturing process itself is presented for consideration.

Manufacturing diagram in accessible form

First of all, you need to start creating the upper and lower parts of the shelves. In addition, it will also be necessary to cut the front beam (the cutting angle is 45° degrees). After this, you need to make holes in the bars into which the screws will be screwed. Using a milling machine, you can make an edge in the panels located on the sides and top. The step width is no more than 30 cm, after which the workpiece is sanded with sandpaper.

The next step is to secure the completed pieces. To do this, first glue is applied to all the elements, then the upper parts, lower and side parts are connected, and then they are fixed with slate nails. The same scheme is used to fix the top panel.

The cornices for the shelf under the fireplace are cut at an angle of 45° degrees; if this is not done, the elements will not connect to the lower and side parts. For precise fit of planes and correct angle It's better to use a miter box. Then the blanks are fixed to the main structure with glue, and 40 mm slate nails are driven into them.

After this, you can install the shelf support beam. Using a magnet, you need to understand where the stand is located inside the wall. Then, using a simple pencil, they draw a horizontal marking line, make beacons, and attach the beam itself with a pair of screws. The shelves will need to be attached to the support.

A wide selection of materials for finishing and interior items makes it possible for every home owner to try to realize their personal design fantasies and preferences to the maximum. You can do this by installing a fireplace in your home. This interior detail will give the room a feeling of warmth, comfort and will be conducive to good rest.

Making portals for fireplaces: types of design

A fireplace, be it a conventional wooden one or an improved electric one, which is not only a structural device for providing warmth in the house, but also a stylish decorative element of the interior, is now included in every fifth home in our country. When determining the design of the device, the main component of the fireplace plays a decisive role, which allows you to get away from the usual and already boring heating devices.

Choosing a fireplace portal is not an easy question, and sometimes even some people abandon their plans at the initial stage, realizing that the idea of ​​​​installing the object will not correspond to the design of the entire room.

Those who were not afraid of difficulties and decided to install a fireplace in their home need to know a few tips and positive aspects that will be provided to them when they reach the final goal of their plan. In addition, during the arrangement it is necessary to develop drawings and follow the sequence of construction stages. And they begin with choosing the design of this element.

The main types of portals for an electric fireplace:

  1. Classic design. Thanks to its rigor and kindness this type fireplaces are common in country houses.
  2. Country style portals. For wood fireplaces they are the best solution.
  3. Fireplace portals in the widespread Art Nouveau style. They are a great addition to rooms with different stylistic solutions.
  4. High-tech portals involve the use of metal and glass for their equipment. Portals are designed in this style quite often.

When choosing the style in which you will equip your fireplace portal, you need to consider the cost building materials, which will be used during the construction process.

Do-it-yourself portals for fireplaces

If you are planning to buy an electric fireplace that belongs to a low price category, then you should keep in mind that they are usually sold without additional decorative elements. But don’t despair, all additional accessories can be purchased separately.

However, the most profitable solution, from the point of view of economy Money, the portal will be assembled from specifically designed kits. It is also allowed self-production element cladding.

Independent work will give you the opportunity to realize all your fantasies and visions on this issue. And also make a careful selection of materials both in terms of quality and price.

The following materials are used for the manufacture of electric fireplaces:

  • Plywood or timber;
  • Drywall;
  • Laminated parquet board;
  • Self-adhesive film;
  • Polyurethane stucco;
  • Acrylic based paint.

The most common material for making fireplaces today is polyurethane. Its budget side allows the material to be used in almost all types

DIY polyurethane portals for fireplaces: beauty and ease of finishing

Synthetic polyurethane is one of the cheapest materials. However, due to its inherent versatility, it can be used to make a portal yourself. In most cases, the design of an artificial portal for a fireplace is made from polyurethane stucco or one-piece fireplace kits.

The finish consists of several elements:

  • Floor base or called podium;
  • Firebox;
  • Two vertically located racks;
  • Top cover and decorative elements.

There are other modifications in which there is no podium, and the overlays are already built into the surface. U-shaped or corner structures can be mounted directly into the wall of the room.

Fireplaces made of polyurethane can be called the simplest in terms of installation method, fireproof due to their high heat resistance and providing an environmental component for the cladding of the element. The presence of a wide variety of elements and shapes that can be used for finishing will allow you to give the structure any design you desire.

Making a decorative homemade fireplace box

Having decided on the design of our portal and choosing the material from which we will make it, we can safely move on to the construction work itself.

First of all, we need to make a plasterboard frame for the fireplace. For this we need a standard metal profile, sheets of drywall and self-tapping screws.

We make racks, crossbars, form a box and cover it with plasterboard. Don't forget about the need high-quality fastening guide profile both to the wall and to the floor. Availability quality basisrequired condition to further strengthen both the upper part of the portal and its exterior finishing. Therefore, it is important to check all stages of work using a level and plumb line, which is especially necessary to avoid even the slightest deviation from the plane.

Decor options that are most often preferred:

  • Imitation of brickwork;
  • Glass mosaic;
  • Hand painted;
  • Framing with artificial stone.

Drywall is very suitable for portals with electric heating. It will make it possible to simulate various options products.

How to make an electric fireplace with your own hands: step-by-step instructions

The fireplace portal is considered the face of a man-made hearth, which provides a brighter and more pleasantly memorable impression of the fireplace. Most often, the portal is used for built-in options. Their distinctive feature is the need to equip a combustion window. Typically, the fireplace lining must be structurally connected to it, and therefore, to decorate a home fireplace, you can use ready-made portals, which are used in accordance with individually developed sketches.

Stages of making a fireplace:

  • Decide on the location of your portal;
  • Take measurements of the future structure;
  • Complete the preparations;
  • Strengthen the frame in height and width;
  • Try the electric fireplace on the opening;
  • Take care of the electrical wiring;
  • Cover the product with plasterboard;
  • Saturate the surface with primer;
  • Paint with decorative paint.

As decoration, you can safely use acrylic paint, artificial stone, tapestry fabric, and self-adhesive film and even modeling from plaster. The next stage of work will be the manufacture of a pipe for the hearth podium and a tabletop and mesh. Here you can give free rein to your imagination and choose any fireplace format you like. The work also uses drywall and profiles. It is necessary to begin installation by giving the desired shape. Then, by cutting, we make a hole in the upper part of the structure and fasten the frame to the wall with guide profiles. On the contrary, it is necessary to perform the same operation at the same distance. The frame can be connected to each other with the remains of the profile and strengthened using the same method as the portal was fastened. The next step it is necessary to cover the pipe with plasterboard, prime it and decorate it. The portal design can be whatever you want. It can be a simple pattern or plating with complex design details. Do not use plywood or wood to decorate the fireplace; they cannot withstand hot air masses and become deformed and destroyed. Upon completion of the work, you can glue the decor, if it was part of your plans. Or perhaps you planned to use minimalist tactics and not complicate it with details. Having done everything as you planned, you can relax by the fireplace and enjoy the work done.0.00 (0 Votes)

The presence of a fireplace in a room makes the environment warmer and more comfortable. If, for some reason, you cannot or do not want to equip a real fireplace with a fire and all the accompanying attributes, consider decorating a false fireplace with your own hands.

To realize this idea, you can use many different materials. At the same time, you will be able to cope with all the activities on our own. Check out the features available solutions, read the instructions and get to work.

What can you make a decorative fireplace from?

Craftsmen have come up with a variety of designs for false fireplaces. We present to your attention an overview of the most popular of them.


This material allows you to bring the design as close as possible decorative design to the appearance of a real fire. A false fireplace is made of decorative or facing bricks under jointing.

Anyone who has at least once encountered carrying out this activity can cope with the implementation of this event. masonry work. However, you must first make sure that the existing floor can support the weight of the finished structure, especially if it has large dimensions.

A beautifully laid out brick decorative portal does not need any additional support. To decorate it, it is best to use a massive wooden shelf– the combination is very successful and attractive.

laminated chipboard

Plates with laminated coating and others similar materials Perfect for decorating false fireplaces.

In order for the structure to have a neat and attractive appearance, it is necessary to thoroughly prepare for the upcoming work. Preparation comes down to creating a drawing indicating all the dimensions of the future false fireplace. Using this drawing, you can order cutting of the slabs from a specialized company, or you can do it yourself if you have the required skills.

If you want to save money, laminated boards can be replaced with more budget analogue– Chipboard. Once the structure is assembled, you can customize it to your liking.


Polyurethane decor

Products made from polyurethane are used primarily for decorating already ready-made structures. However, if desired, all kinds of moldings, platbands and half-columns can be glued directly to the wall. Such a design will not look like a full-fledged fireplace, however, special decorative techniques will allow you to benefit from the portal, making it look like a real fireplace.

For example, you can attach a mirror to the back wall of the “firebox” of such a fireplace. Thanks to this technique, the depth of the “firebox” will increase. To enhance the effect, you can attach a wooden shelf, stylized as a fireplace, above the portal.

This material is most often used to decorate false fireplaces. Drywall is characterized by extreme ease of assembly and goes well with a wide variety of finishes. From sheet material you can create spatial forms of almost any complexity. At the same time, the cost of drywall makes it accessible to a wide range of buyers.

Sheet construction requires mandatory finishing. But this is rather an advantage of the material, rather than its disadvantage - over time, the cladding can be changed without dismantling the decorative portal itself.

Beautiful fireplace made of plasterboard with an unusual plaster finish

False fireplace made of plasterboard: step-by-step assembly instructions

Instructions for creating a false fireplace yourself will be discussed using sheet plasterboard as an example.

The first stage is preparation of tools and materials

Start by preparing your kit for work. First of all, you will need the drywall itself. When choosing a material, be guided by the features of the selected finishing cladding. If you plan to finish with tiles, it is better to buy a moisture-resistant modification of drywall.

To fasten the frame elements, buy self-tapping screws. The recommended length of the fasteners is 1.4-1.6 cm. You also need to buy self-tapping screws with a countersunk head for fixing the sheets. In addition, you need to purchase dowel nails for attaching profiles to the floor and walls.

Next, focus on the features of the selected finish. If you are going to wallpaper or paint the portal, purchase a primer and putty. If the false fireplace will be tiled, buy tile adhesive and grout for the joints.

Select the required amount of materials individually, taking into account the dimensions of the future decorative fireplace. Plasterboard construction can have a wide variety of sizes. When choosing a specific option, be guided by the available space and personal preferences.

12.5 mm1200x2500 mm3 sq.m28.9 kg
12.5 mm1200x2700 mm3.24 sq.m31.2 kg
12.5 mm1200x3000 mm3.6 sq.m34.7 kg

Kit necessary tools includes:

  • screwdriver;
  • electric drill;
  • scissors for cutting metal;
  • level;
  • roulette

The second stage - installation of the frame

First step. Mark the walls and floor to install the profiles. Work according to the drawing. Place marks taking into account the selected dimensions of the fireplace.

Second step. Secure the guides along the marked lines. If you commit to concrete surface

, first attach the profile to the base, drill holes according to the markings, insert dowels into them and after that attach the guides.

Third step.

Install the posts into the guides. Fasten the products using self-tapping screws.

Before attaching the profiles, it is recommended to check the evenness of the wall using a plumb line. If deviations are detected, fix the guides using direct hangers. These products will allow installation of products strictly vertically.

The third stage - lining the frame with plasterboard

Mark the sheet according to the dimensions of the fireplace and cut out the necessary parts. For the material it is most convenient to use electric jigsaw. If this is not available, cut with a simple wallpaper knife. In this case, you will need to first cut the cardboard layer on one side of the sheet, carefully break the board, and then cut the second layer of cardboard.

Fix the sheathing elements to the frame. Screw the screws into the material so that their heads are slightly recessed. The recommended spacing of fasteners is 100-150 mm.

There shouldn't be any problems attaching the sheets. Even without such experience, you can cope with the sheathing. Just remember that this is a relatively fragile material, so try not to drop it and do not press too hard on the screwdriver when screwing in the fasteners.

Video - Making a false fireplace

Stage four - finishing

Having covered the frame with sheets of plasterboard, all you have to do is complete the finishing decoration of the structure. When choosing a finishing option, focus primarily on the design features of the room as a whole.

Most often, artificial stone is used for cladding false fireplaces made of plasterboard, decorative brick And . To attach finishing elements, tile adhesive or liquid nails are used. When performing cladding using tiles correct form, lay them with equal gaps. To decorate them, use special plastic crosses.

Brick or stone finishing is unlikely to fit into modern interior. In such a situation, it is best to use paint or decorative plaster. The surface must first be carefully treated with putty, sealing the joints between the sheathing elements and eliminating any kind of unevenness. After puttying, the surfaces are additionally sanded with sandpaper.

Otherwise, when choosing a finishing option, be guided by your taste preferences.

Finally, all you have to do is install an electric fireplace in the firebox opening or decorate free space at your own discretion. For example, instead of installing an electric fireplace, you can install warm and soft lighting in the firebox - an excellent option for classic interior. More modern and bold decision– decoration of the “firebox” using multi-colored LED strip.

For decoration back wall firebox, you can use a mirror. Attach it to the surface, and line the bottom of the firebox with decorative logs or other material, for example, shells and pebbles.

Installing several candles in the firebox different shapes and size, you will create a real fire in your fireplace.

There are many ideas for decorating a false fireplace. You can use the proposed solutions or come up with something yourself - everything is limited only by your imagination.

Good luck!

TOP 10 best hearths and electric fireplaces

Photo Name Rating Price

⭐ 99 / 100
#2 ⭐ 98 / 100 1 - vote
#3 ⭐ 97 / 100 1 - vote

⭐ 96 / 100 1 - vote
#5 ⭐ 95 / 100

Hearth RealFlame Epsilon 26 SIR ⭐ 94 / 100

RealFlame Fobos Lux BL S ⭐ 93 / 100

Electrolux EFP/W-1100RRC ⭐ 93 / 100
#9 Royal Flame Dioramic 25 LED FX ⭐ 92 / 100

RealFlame Dewy ⭐ 91 / 100

Prices for electric fireplaces and stoves

Electric fireplaces and stoves

Video - Do-it-yourself false fireplace

An electric fireplace model with an ultra-modern design. The body of the device is made of high-tech plastic; the back wall has 3 color modes. The hearth lighting has 10 different shades. Using the remote control remote control you can change any settings. A type of decorative fuel is stone dummies. An electric fireplace can be built into a portal or any other furniture, or hung on a wall.

  • remote control control;
  • there is a shutdown timer;
  • wide selection of firebox and wall lighting;
  • the fireplace quickly warms up the room;
  • The device is economical in energy consumption.
  • not found.

Electric fireplace Royal Flame Space 2

Model of an electrical source with a 3D effect. The user has the ability to adjust the flame level using the control panel. Performance in heating mode is a maximum of 1.5 kW, allowing you to heat a room of up to 30 square meters. The device has 2 heating modes and overheat protection.

  • control settings using the remote control;
  • can be integrated into any portal;
  • 2 heating functions: 0.75 and 1.5 kW;
  • wood cracking sound effect;
  • presence of a timer.
  • high price.

Electric fireplace REALFLAME 3D FIRESTAR 33

Modern electric fireplace design created using latest technologies. The device has a rounded shape and large width, and thanks to its ultra-thin depth it can be built into any furniture or niche. The manufacturer offers the model in four color solutions. The body of the electric fireplace is made of MDF, the inside is lined with heat-resistant metal tiles. Due to this design, the risk of burns is eliminated, which is very good for owners, especially for families with small children. The flame simulation function and the heating mode are independent of each other, but if necessary they can be combined. Consumers noted the modern appearance of the device, the realistic image of a fire, its sound effect and the ability to replace modes with a control panel.

  • two operating modes are independent of each other;
  • the presence of a “crackling fire” function;
  • control of settings using the remote control;
  • great design.
  • no timer.

Electric fireplace Electrolux EFP/W-1200URLS

Mounted model of electric fireplace with a power of 2 kW. The device has 3 operating modes: two heating and decorative. It is possible to choose the flame visualization option: wood or coals.

  • control settings remotely;
  • there is a sound effect of crackling wood;
  • During heating mode the fan is noisy;
  • no timer.

Electric fireplace Electrolux EFP/W-1250ULS

Built-in electric fireplace model. It can be installed either in the portal or without it. Decorative image with the effect of an active flame. Thanks to the viewing angle and 3D effect, the electric fireplace can be viewed from different angles.

  • suitable for rooms with any interior;
  • there is an air humidification function;
  • You can adjust the flame level.