Glass partitions in the bathhouse: which ones to install and is it worth it? Glass partitions for saunas and baths Glass block in the wall between the sink and steam room

Modern building and decorative material in the form of glass blocks provides ample opportunities for interior design. Using these glass “bricks”, you can implement the most unexpected solutions for decorating rooms. Such designs are very convenient to use - they transmit light perfectly and are characterized by high thermal and sound insulation. To mount a wall or partition from glass blocks, you will need to take into account some features of working with this material.

Many remember fragments of walls and blank windows industrial buildings And public premises from glass blocks. Then this material was undeservedly forgotten for some time. Currently, glass blocks are experiencing a rebirth - using these products of a new format, you can create unexpected and original solutions not only for exterior finishing private houses, but also to create original and unique interiors various rooms.

Glass blocks are products made from two glass plates of thick glass (frosted, transparent, painted in the mass or with a pattern), connected together in a hermetically sealed manner. closed design. The air gap gives this building material excellent sound and heat insulation characteristics. Glass blocks are made with a smooth or corrugated surface. Depending on the relief, they can be transparent, scattering or directing light. On sale are glass blocks of rectangular and square shapes, as well as triangular, corner and even round products, with a thickness of 7.5 to 10 cm, weighing about 2.5-4.3 kg. Standard sizes glass blocks are 19x19x8 or 24x24x12. There are samples of Euro glass blocks on sale, in which the ends are coated with paint - thanks to this, the mortar seams in the masonry do not show through.

This material has a number of advantages, including the following:

  • natural composition;
  • high wear resistance and durability - walls made of glass blocks are resistant to abrasion, mechanical damage, moisture, and temperature changes;
  • thanks to the presence air gap, glass blocks retain heat perfectly and provide excellent sound insulation, approaching the characteristics of brick wall or modern plastic double-glazed windows;
  • a wall made of glass blocks can withstand even a mild earthquake. In addition, glass blocks are not flammable; in the event of a fire, they do not melt or crack for a long time;
  • ease of assembly and ease of use - glass blocks are a unique building material that does not require subsequent finishing in the form of cladding or painting, since they themselves have pronounced decorative properties;
  • moisture resistance, thanks to which glass blocks can be used for construction interior partitions and walls, as well as glazing of windows in rooms in the mode high humidity(in swimming pools, bathrooms, toilets).

Glass blocks effectively scatter the sun's rays without preventing their penetration into the room, giving the lighting softness and comfort. At the same time, transparent products provide the effect of a panoramic view, and corrugated ones close the room from prying eyes.

Application of glass blocks

Decorative glass blocks in the interior of premises various styles look very impressive. They are convenient to integrate into various surfaces for decorating walls, windows, and partitions.

This material is used in construction for the following purposes:

  • when remodeling housing to erect walls in a new convenient option, since glass blocks allow you to build walls without weighing down the space. Please note that this material cannot be used for the construction load-bearing walls, since a similar load may appear for a given building material excessive. It is worth considering that a wall made of glass blocks, separating the room from the hall or corridor, lets in sunlight and will add illumination to the room, and embossed glass blocks will protect the room from prying eyes;
  • a partition made of glass blocks with a flat or stepped top can be erected quickly and without special costs labor and time. This design is especially relevant in bathrooms and toilets. Since this material has water-repellent properties, it can be used to create bathing areas. Glass blocks in the bathroom allow you to zone different zones, protecting you from prying eyes when bathing and protecting the room from splashing water. Such glass block partitions look very harmonious in a room with high humidity. Showers made from glass blocks are safer to use than their glass counterparts.

How to install glass blocks with your own hands

To install glass blocks with your own hands, you will need to take into account a number of nuances of working with this construction and decorative material. It is important to note that glass blocks can only form a built-in structure, which requires support in the form of a wall or an end post.

There are several methods for laying glass blocks:

  • classic method - using a wooden guide frame or a module made of metal profile, which is attached to the floor, walls and ceiling. Used to secure masonry cement mortar In addition, tile adhesive can be used as an adhesive for glass blocks. Tile adhesive is more viscous and elastic, while it dries quickly and fixes glass blocks efficiently;
  • frame method - conveniently mount glass blocks on a base in the form of a special frame, and they must be fixed using a compact structure. To secure the masonry to the frame, you can use silicone sealant, liquid nails, etc.

The classic method of installing glass blocks

Before installation, the surface to be treated should be cleared of debris, dust and residues. old decoration. Then you need to apply markings to the base base. To determine the size of the wooden module (frame) for fixing the masonry, you need to lay out a row of glass blocks and insert plastic dividers between them. After this, you should measure its length and height and calculate the required dimensions of the frame, which will be installed in place of the future laying of glass blocks. After drilling holes in the frame, it must be attached to the wall structure using 50 mm dowels and screws. To level the frame module, you can use wood chips placed between the wall and its supporting surface.

After preparation base surface You will need to prepare an adhesive mixture. To lay glass blocks, you can use tile adhesive or prepare cement-sand mortar in a ratio of 1:3. In order to increase the plasticity of the mixture, it is recommended to add PVA glue to it (at the rate of 200 g of glue per five buckets of solution). For laying transparent glass blocks, it is preferable to use adhesives white– in this case, the seams of the structure will look more aesthetically pleasing. Please note that you should not cook right away. a large number of adhesive solution, as it tends to harden quickly.

Before installation, it is necessary to check the integrity of the glass blocks, since manufacturers provide a guarantee for this material before starting installation work. The protective film should not be removed from the blocks until work is completed to prevent damage to the glass plates. If such a film is not available, you can use any polyethylene film, securing it to the surface of the blocks using paper tape.

When installing glass blocks, reinforcement should be used by laying rods made of galvanized or stainless steel wire vertically and horizontally in the joints of the masonry - so that they form metal mesh, fixing structure. To do this, reinforcing rods must be secured in the wall structure, fixing them in pre-prepared holes. Metal rods are laid on plastic mounting crosses, and contact with the glass should be avoided. At the end of the work, the crosses remain inside the masonry and are rubbed down.

To lay glass blocks, you can use the following step-by-step instructions:

  • first you will need to install vertical reinforcing rods into the holes on the bottom of the frame;
  • Next, apply an adhesive solution up to 1 cm thick to the horizontal surface of the frame at the bottom;
  • Having laid the mortar on the side surface of the frame to fix the first glass block, you should install the first glass “brick” and fix it by pressing it into the layer of mortar;
  • according to this principle, it is necessary to lay out the bottom row, leveling it with a mallet, and then install mounting crosses between the glass blocks, apply a layer of adhesive mixture on top and install a reinforcing horizontal rod, fixing it in a previously prepared hole;
  • Next, you will need to sequentially lay glass blocks in rows according to the method described above, interspersing them with reinforcing rods.

To avoid subsidence and curvature of the constructed wall, it is recommended to carry out installation gradually - 3-5 rows at a time, leaving time for further drying of the seams for at least 12 hours. After fixing the glass blocks, remove excess adhesive mixture with a sponge.

After installation, you should wait until the structure dries completely - this will take several days. Next, you will need to carefully chop off the parts of the plastic crosses protruding from the masonry, if any. In addition, you should pay attention to the seams - in order for them to look quite aesthetically pleasing, it is necessary to apply a grouting composition of a suitable shade. To seal the seams you will need to use silicone sealant.

After completing the above work, you should thoroughly wipe the glass blocks with a clean cloth. If necessary, the remaining adhesive mixture can be removed from the surface of the glass using an anti-scale agent or solution of hydrochloric acid– in this case, you will need to make sure that this liquid does not penetrate the seams.

For installation of structures round shape glass blocks use the same classical installation method. The only difference is that when laying arches it is necessary to bend the horizontal reinforcement, giving it the required form to get a rounded wall. In this case, mounting crosses for adjusting the thickness of laying seams should only be used with inside designs. To lay the rounded part of the wall, it is recommended to use halves of glass blocks, since in this case a denser reinforcing mesh will be used, strengthening the structure. In addition, by using smaller bricks, it is easy to minimize the discrepancy between the external and internal seams, as a result of which the wall will look neater.

Frame method of installing glass blocks

To install glass blocks, you can use an easy-to-implement, but more expensive method of laying without cement mortar. This design is lighter and looks more aesthetically pleasing compared to the classic installation method.

To do this, you will need to use a specially made frame system in the form of a metal module or a wooden one (made from dry sanded boards) - with cells of a suitable size into which glass blocks are inserted. In this case, it is necessary that the cell size matches the size of the glass blocks with an accuracy of 2 mm. This design will need to be painted suitable color and securely attach it to the walls, floor and ceiling - for this you should use dowels or anchors. It is important to carefully align this module vertically and horizontally.

Next, you will need to place glass blocks into the cells of the prepared frame and fix them at the joints using silicone sealant, which resembles colorless rubber after hardening. It will take up to 10 hours for the joints to dry, after which frame construction will be ready for use.

Application of glass blocks - photo

Installation of glass blocks - video

Glass blocks today - high-tech material giving many options interesting solutions interior design for all areas of the house. Glass block harmonizes with almost everything finishing materials and is suitable for rooms of any configuration.

Glass blocks provide a lot of possibilities for interior design. Glass blocks are an excellent material for swimming pools, bathtubs and showers, baths and saunas, since they only benefit from water and steam. Translucent blocks allow light to pass through, but limit visibility, and are suitable both for dividing space and for installing windows and partitions of various shapes.

In hallways and corridors, glass blocks add light through refraction and reflection. A glass block partition for the hallway will allow natural light to be retained in this usually darkest room of the house.

Glass block partitions

Using glass blocks as fencing, you can simultaneously create a stained glass work of art in the form of a glass picture or panel and hide the passages of pipes, ventilation parts or other utilities.

Walls and partitions made of glass blocks are not always worth making in a large area; it is practical if you need to divide a room. Several glass blocks mounted into existing partitions will enliven the interior and make you take a fresh look at the usual decor.

In kitchens, glass blocks are often used as panels above the cutting table and sink, which results in a lot of light, a feeling of cleanliness, and is practical for washing and cleaning. Glass blocks can be washed with any detergent. The glass block bar counter looks original, especially with LED lighting.

Glass blocks are very popular for decorating loggias, balconies, and in the country - for verandas or terraces. Sunlight and glass always a win-win, light and shine are guaranteed with any design. In addition, glass blocks are ideal for exterior decoration, since they are not afraid of either cold or heat and are not afraid of UV rays.

A huge range of glass blocks, both imported and domestic production, an abundance of colors, textures and surfaces - from mirror to matte and patterned, allow you to realize any fantasies, and themselves give scope to the imagination.

Installation and laying of glass blocks

Glass blocks – heavy material, and requires support. The base for a partition, pier or wall made of glass blocks must have a reserve bearing capacity. The weight of one block can be from 1.5 to 3 kg or more, and the sizes also vary greatly. There are two ways to install glass blocks.

Laying glass blocks in the frame

The first method - laying in special frames or cassettes - provides a stable structure with an almost perfectly flat surface. Frame materials are wood, aluminum, plastic, polyurethanes, in various colors and textures. The frame not only does not spoil the aesthetics of the wall, on the contrary, it can add an additional artistic effect. Frame cells are made according to the size of the blocks. When laying, there is no need to check horizontality and verticality, and the work goes much faster.

Before you start laying glass blocks into the cells of the frame, you need to firmly fasten the frame to the supporting surface of the floor and the adjacent wall. If the partition is ceiling-height, it is also attached to the ceiling before laying the blocks. The fastening must be reliable, and the frame must be strictly vertical; check with a plumb line or using a laser level. It must be remembered that the weight of the structure will be considerable, and stability is a guarantee safe operation.

Fastening of glass blocks in cells is carried out using special rubber gaskets. Plus this method– simple replacement of one or more blocks in case of damage. You only need to have a small supply of blocks. Another advantage is that such a partition can be disassembled and mounted in another place. Decorative partitions or partitions are installed in this way.

In order to lay out a decorative column, arch, vault or canopy, you need to carry out the masonry using adhesive compounds, with special fasteners and reinforcement. This kind of work should only be trusted to professionals. It is possible to create glass greenhouses from glass blocks and winter gardens, they are successfully used for finishing ceilings, floors and stairs. But such complex installation requires skill and knowledge.

Laying glass blocks on mortar

The second method of masonry is without a frame, using special solutions or adhesives. Many craftsmen lay glass blocks on cement mortar, but experts recommend using tile adhesive, most often called Knauf brand. Glue for laying glass blocks is preferable to cement, since it is elastic, viscous, “stretches” when laying, has better adhesion to glass than cement, and also dries much faster.

The blocks are laid end to end. The first row of blocks is laid on a profile fixed to the floor. The floor surface must be clean and perfectly level. They begin laying the partition from the wall, and lay out no more than three to five rows in one “shift”, due to heavy weight glass blocks. The masonry should be maintained so that the mortar is firmly bonded to the surface of the blocks; you cannot rush.

Deformation adhesive composition in the seams can ruin the whole thing. The joint lines will be curved, and this is unacceptable both for the stability of the structure and for aesthetic reasons, since the shining geometry of the glass blocks next to the curvature is greatly inferior.

Reinforcement of glass block partitions

Glass block partitions require reinforcement, this required condition. The reinforcement will be galvanized wire with a diameter of 4 to 6 mm; for high partitions, wire with a diameter of 6 mm should be used. The wire is laid both horizontally and vertically, forming a frame.

Two rods are installed vertically, one closer to the outer sides of the glass blocks, the second - to the inner ones. Horizontal rods, there are also two of them, are laid inside the “frame”, next to the vertical ones. Vertical rods will not be visible, since mounting crosses are used during laying. It is much easier to accurately line up all horizontal and vertical seams and maintain their thickness using crosses.

The choice of crosses for glass blocks is extremely important, since these crosses determine the width of the seam. Ideally, the seams should not be noticeable; the thinner they are, the cleaner and brighter the glass block wall will shine. The sizes of mounting crosses are different - from a minimum of 2 mm, which is not suitable for all glass blocks, but mainly imported (Italian and Czech Vetroaerredo, and German companies), to 5 mm and 10 mm.

Glass blocks should be protected during the installation period both from splashes of glue, which will be difficult to remove, and from all accidents during work. Some manufacturers' units have protective film, if it is not there, then it should be glued. Any will do polyethylene film, it is convenient to attach it to the front surfaces of the blocks using paper tape. You should not remove protective films before installation is completely completed.

The dry mixture is poured into a container, mixed until completely homogeneous, preferably with a construction mixer or a drill with an attachment. The recommendations of the mixture manufacturer should be taken into account. The masonry is laid in rows, placing crosses, and not forgetting the reinforcing rods. Correct the position of the blocks rubber mallet. The horizontality and verticality of the masonry should be verified in each row, using a plumb line and building level, but it’s better to use a laser level, and, as already said, lay no more than five rows per day.

One small nuance can either enhance the positive effect of the work or spoil it - these are the colors and quality of the tile grout for the joints. You need to choose carefully, and remember that the colors of some grout in the joints look darker.

Basic rules for installing glass block partitions

Basic rules for all glass block structures:

  • The surface under the lower tier must be perfectly flat.
  • The use of glass block structures as load-bearing structures is excluded. Only fencing function, zoning and design. The point here is not the strength of the blocks themselves; it is enough with a reserve, because the thickness of the glass walls is about a centimeter (7-9mm). Significant weight and small thickness of the blocks require perfectly level and stable support, strong bracing, and strict verticality. Complex curved structures, including arched ones, are also made from glass blocks, but in these cases there is a load-bearing frame.
  • The most big square partitions are possible 15 m2. More is not possible for reasons of stability, since glass blocks are very heavy and collapse may occur.
  • It is better to remove protective films from blocks as soon as possible. last resort, after all finishing is completed.

Installation of glass blocks into a frame is simple and can be done even without experience. Installation on a mortar or adhesive mixture is labor-intensive and requires skills and constant alignment of the vertical and horizontal. Stability is the main condition for the safe operation of a glass block structure. Installation using the second method is usually trusted to specialists.

There are a huge number of varieties of shower cabins in all shapes and colors on the plumbing market. But if you want something truly original and at the same time aesthetically attractive, you can create a unique design with your own hands from tiles and glass blocks.

The popularity of shower cabins is growing every day. And of course, many people want their design to be different from other stamped factory plumbing units. However, not everyone can afford to purchase an option with a unique design. This is not a reason to be upset - a shower cabin, created with your own hands from glass blocks and tiles, can compete in all external and technical parameters, with any ready-made design design at significantly lower costs.

Advantages of glass block shower partitions:

  • creativity and originality;
  • relatively low turnkey cost if you do the installation yourself;
  • big choice sizes, shapes, colors of material, light transmittance;
  • the ability to install both coal and radial shower partitions;
  • strength and durability;
  • naturalness;
  • ease of installation;
  • high rates of heat and sound insulation;
  • ease of care.

Step-by-step installation of a shower cabin made of tiles and glass blocks

Before starting installation, please read rough plan works

It consists of:

  1. Surface preparation.
  2. Arranging a podium for a pallet and installing a drain ladder.
  3. Installation of tiles on walls and a tray with outlets for plumbing fixtures.
  4. Laying glass block partitions.

Preparing the surface for a shower stall

This stage, in fact, does not even include adapting the surface itself to the upcoming installation, but preparing the room itself.

The bathroom should be freed as much as possible from furniture, plumbing fixtures, and washing machine and other equipment.

All released drains should be covered with protective caps or wrapped with plastic film.

Installing a drain and arranging a tray

Let's look at how to install a drain and at the same time equip a shower tray.

The work is carried out in the following order:

  1. Mark the place where the structure will be located, taking into account the thickness of the glass block partitions and their shape.

  1. Remove old floor tiles in this area.
  2. Sand the surface of the screed and eliminate cracks if any.
  3. Treat the floor with a deep penetration primer.
  4. For waterproofing, apply a layer thoroughly bitumen mastic or other waterproofing, paying special attention to seams and corner joints.
  5. After the waterproofing has dried, brick sides should be installed around the perimeter of the future pallet or formwork should be made, coated with mastic again and filled with concrete.

  1. Next, you need to cut a piece of polystyrene foam (50 mm thick) and place it tightly in the pallet. It will serve as a heat and sound insulator.

Note! It is polystyrene foam that should be laid, and not the “reflector” so beloved by would-be masters, which they persistently place under the screed, reducing its strength.

  1. After this, make a cut in the material under the drain, install it and connect it to the sewer outlet. It should be installed flush with the finishing surface, so immediately raise it to the desired level and fix it.
  2. Then fill the starting layer of the rough screed with cement-sand mortar mixed in a ratio of 1/3.

  1. After drying, fuse the isoplast onto the screed, filling the entire surface with the membrane.
  2. Fill in finishing screed with slopes towards the receiving funnel of at least one centimeter for every meter.

  1. After drying, you should cover the finishing fill with mastic, after which you can begin laying the tiles.

Installation of tiles on the shower tray and walls

Installing tiles or mosaics on a shower tray and adjacent main walls is no different from installing them on other surfaces. The only thing is that you should choose products with moisture resistance markings “I” or “AI” and “BI”, which means that this tile is moisture resistant, its water absorption coefficient is no more than 3%.

Before installation, you should also treat the work areas with a primer with an antiseptic, this will improve the adhesion of the ceramics to the screed.

If you use grout, take a moisture-resistant one.

Don't forget the conclusions. During installation, be sure to cover them with something to prevent moisture and solution from getting into the holes.

Laying glass block partitions

Consider the installation of a rectangular glass block screen.

This can be done in one of three main ways:

  • classic;
  • using reinforcement;
  • frame with a cellular module.

The classic way of laying glass blocks

The easiest installation of glass blocks on an area of ​​up to 15 m2.

The work is divided into several main stages:

  1. Prepare the surface - clean it from dust and dirt.
  2. Apply the markings using a level and a simple pencil, for plastic, metal or wooden frame taking into account tile joint(width of crosses) on the floor, ceiling, adjacent walls.
  3. Attach the starting profiles to the bases using dowels.
  4. Install metal inserts, if the dimensions of the glass blocks in height or width of the structure are not enough, since it will not be possible to trim these products.
  5. Prepare a mixture - cement-sand mortar 1:3 plus 40 g of PVA glue for each bucket of mortar (glue will increase the plasticity of the mixture). You can also purchase a specialized white mixture; if the glass blocks are transparent or light-colored, the masonry will look much better with light-colored seams.

Glass blocks are laid as follows:

  1. On the horizontal and vertical guides, apply about 1 cm of adhesive along the height and width of the block.
  2. Place the block and press it to secure it.

  1. Further installation is carried out in the same way. Place special crosses between the blocks for an even seam.

You can lay out no more than three rows per day, otherwise the masonry may “float”.

A fully laid out screen will dry for about five days, during which do not apply any unnecessary mechanical force to it.

Glass block screen with reinforcement

Allows you to create structures from 15 m 2, and in addition it is durable and reliable way fixing glass blocks.

Step-by-step instructions:

  1. Clean the installation area from dust and dirt.
  2. Using a level, check the evenness of the vertical and horizontal planes.
  3. Fasten two wooden slats to mark the boundaries of the partition.
  4. Lay the first glass block following the instructions above.
  5. Insert a reinforcing rod or plate with an anti-corrosion coating and a diameter of 6 mm into the middle of the seam between the first and second product. Fix it in the base surface.

  1. Repeat the procedure with subsequent blocks until the end of the row, remembering to place crosses to maintain an even seam.
  2. Place the first side rod or plate horizontally on the mounting crosses of the row. Fix the ends of the rod into the base - the wall or into the guide element.

  1. Install the reinforcement in both vertical and horizontal rows, while avoiding contact of the metal with the glass blocks and completely immerse them in the adhesive mixture.

Lay no more than 3-4 rows per day.

Upon completion of installation, without waiting for the solution to completely dry, carefully remove its excess from the seams and from the surface of the glass. If the structure is curved, the reinforcement should be bent along the structure.

Frame method of installing glass blocks

Consists of level installation modular design, wooden or metal with a range of cell sizes that matches the dimensions of the glass blocks exactly up to 2 mm. If you choose this method, screw the module to the base surface using dowels and paint it a suitable color.

Fix the blocks with special silicone sealant. it hardens much faster than a conventional solution and this design is completely ready for use after 12 hours.

The advantages of such installation include speed of installation and structural strength. The disadvantages are the high cost of the module.

Door installation

If the cabin is supposed to have a door, then its hinges should be attached to the base surface using dowels. Fixing to the screen is only possible if it has a durable modular frame.

An option without door frame, in this case, you can curtain the opening with a shower curtain.

Features of care

A glass screen is no more difficult to maintain than regular tiles. It's easy to clean warm water with soap or other detergent. However, using abrasives, both media and metal brushes, not recommended, they may scratch the glass.

A shower cabin made of glass blocks and tiles, created with your own hands even according to ready-made sketches, is a unique, inimitable design that can decorate any bathroom and show the individuality of the owners when minimum costs for installation.

Glass structures are impervious to moisture, so glass block partitions in the bathroom are becoming more and more popular every year. At the same time, the methods of using glass blocks in the bathroom are quite diverse.

About the features of a shower room made of glass blocks and about various types You will learn about glass blocks in the bathroom and in the bathhouse from our article.

Glass blocks for the bathroom - their features and varieties:

1. Glass blocks in the bathroom interior can be used to divide a room, that is, as a partition that separates the shower stall and the toilet.

Glass block construction in the bathroom

2. A wall made of glass blocks in a bathroom can consist of either single inserts or be made entirely of them.

3. The glass block design in the bathroom is in perfect harmony with ceramic slabs on the walls.

4. Glass blocks in the bathroom they make the room more attractive and brighter.

5. If the bathroom is used by more than one person at a time, then a glass block partition is created from relief matte “bricks”.

Rotunda-shaped partition in the bathroom

6. Glass blocks in a bath or shower improve illumination because they have such an excellent property as light transmittance.

7. A glass block partition can also be used to hide pipes in the bathroom.

8. You can get a beautiful and unique wall in your bathroom by replacing the window with glass blocks, and no one will be able to see you. That is, an atmosphere of comfort and privacy will be created.

Glass block window in the bathroom

9 . A shower cabin made of glass blocks will fit perfectly into the interior of an apartment, even with a small area.

10. A shower room made of glass blocks can be created in different ways, for example, by blocking the shower, leaving only a small opening for entry and exit.

11. Create a glass block shower wall in the shape of a square, triangle, oval or any other irregular shape.

12. If you like to pamper yourself in the shower stall, then a two-step staircase, similar to the staircase in a bathhouse or sauna, which is enclosed by a wall, is perfect for you.

Colored glass block inserts in the bathroom enclosure

13. Glass blocks in a bathhouse are a good solution for decorating the entire room. For example, they can be used to create an original bench or window.

14. The bathroom can be created in the form of a cube, hemisphere or parallelepiped. To smooth out the corners in a cubic bathroom, you can install small ledges like a ladder.

15. Glass blocks in the bathroom (photo) can also be used to cover the floor, while being equipped with lighting and heating.

Glass block partition in the form of steps

16. If you combine glass “bricks” of different shades of colors, you will get an unsurpassed and stylish design glass block shower - see photo.

17. Glass blocks in the bathroom are suitable in any style, with the exception of the classic one, which is logical, because there they will look ridiculous.

18. Glass blocks are a safe material, because their surface is even and smooth, and you cannot get hurt on it.

- look for the answer to the question posed in this article!
Traditionally, the best are considered. Read more about them in the materials on our website!
You can compare glass blocks produced in Russia, the Czech Republic, and China by reading the analytical report at:

Glass blocks in the bathroom interior - photo

Bathroom separated from the bathroom by a partition made of glass blocks panoramic window made of glass blocks in the bathroom Shower stall in a small apartment
Window made of glass blocks in a bathhouse Floor made of glass blocks in a bathroom interior

Glass blocks are used not only for finishing buildings industrial type, they are used in modern interior, perform various decorative inserts or completely walls. The material is made from glass mass, it turns out transparent, which allows more light to pass into the room. The blocks are hollow inside, the glass thickness reaches 7 millimeters. Using glass blocks modern look You can create an original interior; they are used to create columns, partitions, and make wall and ceiling inserts.

Characteristics of glass blocks

Glass blocks can have different colors and textures; they come in transparent or multi-colored, matte and decorative type, that is, with patterns. The material may have different shape, rectangular, square, triangular, glass blocks can also be end, corner or in the form of columns.

Thanks to the glass material, the blocks are transparent, non-flammable, and have an aesthetic appearance. A vacuum is created inside the blocks, due to this the material is considered energy-saving, and it also performs thermal insulation functions. Glass block has good contact with water, so it can be used for finishing swimming pools and wet rooms.

Also, glass block has a high level of sound insulation, fire safety, the material is environmentally friendly, and is not picky in cleaning. If damage occurs to one block, there is no need to disassemble the entire surface; it is enough to replace an element or a separate section.

Glass blocks are resistant to low temperatures, also produced special material, which can withstand significant loads.

A surface made of such material does not require further finishing, for example, plastering, painting or wallpapering. To clean the blocks from contamination, they can be washed with plain water or various glass cleaners.

Methods for laying glass blocks

Let's look at how to lay glass blocks. The material can be laid in three methods. The first method is labor-intensive and resembles brickwork. First, the site of the proposed structure is cleaned of contamination, after which an adhesive mixture is prepared. To connect glass blocks to each other, you can use special compounds or adhesive mixtures, which are suitable for ceramics.

Then two rods made of steel are laid on the floor surface stainless steel type, they serve as a reinforcing material. Special holes are made in the wall where the ends of the rods are inserted. After this, holes are made in the floor and the rods are secured vertically. The blocks are laid according to the type of brick laying, the seams must be unstitched, and the material itself must be cleaned of mortar. The surface is left to dry for up to ten days, and then the seams are rubbed with a special compound to match the color of the blocks.

In the second method, laying is carried out using a solution; in order to ensure that the distance between the blocks is the same, special crosses are used. First, lay the first row using a level construction type and lighthouses, between the glass blocks there are crosses and rods that serve as reinforcing material. Using a spatula, spread the solution onto the surface of the laid row and the side part, then press the block against the crosses. Excess mortar is removed from all joints, and after drying, grouting is performed. On final stage, the surface of the blocks is washed with a sponge.

The third installation method uses a special frame, and cement-type solutions are not used. First, a frame is made of wood or plastic, the cells of which correspond to the size of the glass block. The finished frame is secured on all sides with screws to all adjacent surfaces, that is, the floor and walls. A glass block is placed in each cell, and it is fixed using special rubber or sealant inserts. Using rubber gaskets, the blocks can be easily pulled out and swapped if necessary. The frame can have any shape, square, rectangular or in the form of steps.

The frame can be made not only from plastic or wood; aluminum or polyurethane are also used for its manufacture. soft form. Such walls will not have high sound insulation; they are used only as decorative elements.

What is the texture of glass blocks?

Glass blocks may differ in external signs. Their textured surface It can be smooth, embossed, light-scattering, that is, matte on the inside or outside, and light-directing, namely embossed on the inside.

In order to increase light permeability, the ends of the blocks can be covered with amalgam. The ends of Euro glass blocks are coated with white paint. Thus, after laying them, the solution will remain invisible. Also, sometimes a hole is made at the ends to fill the block with paint.

Advantages of glass blocks

  1. The material is durable and reliable, resistant to humidity, low temperature, and fire.
  2. The glass block has a high light transmission function, thanks to this, the room can be made visually spacious and bright.
  3. Using this material you can give your interior an original design.
  4. Glass blocks can have various sizes, shapes and colors, this allows you to combine the material and get an unusual surface.
  5. Thanks to the tightness, inner space does not get dirty, but outer surface easy to clean with a sponge.
  6. The material has high thermal and sound insulation, it is able to absorb noise, is fire resistant, environmentally friendly, resistant to humidity and sub-zero temperatures.
  7. The surface made of glass blocks does not require further finishing.

Glue method for laying glass blocks

  1. The block located at the edge is fixed on the guide horizontally.
  2. For connection vertical surfaces, use special dividing strips.
  3. Before you start laying the second row, install the horizontal guide again and attach it to the wall.
  4. The glue can harden either quickly or over a long period, depending on its type.
  5. At the end, all joints are grouted with the required color, and then the blocks are washed from the solution that has fallen on them.

Laying glass blocks on cement mortar

  1. The solution must be spread not only on horizontal surfaces, but also on vertical walls.
  2. Using a building type level, measure the evenness of the installation.
  3. In order to strengthen the structure, reinforcement is performed with rods.
  4. After the solution has hardened, the seams are rubbed with the required color and the surface is washed away from dirt.

Basic rules for laying glass blocks

  1. The solution used when laying glass blocks should not contain large grains of sand, otherwise the product can be scratched.
  2. As soon as the solution dries a little, any dirt from it must be removed so that the surface has a beautiful appearance.
  3. If the material is smeared with grout, it must be removed wet before the stains dry. For this, acetic acid is used.
  4. When laying matte glass blocks, the protective film is removed after all joints have been grouted.
  5. The rod for reinforcement should only be galvanized or steel, its diameter reaches 6 millimeters. The rods are placed vertically and horizontally. Iron will quickly become unusable, that is, it will become covered with corrosion due to a thin layer of solution.
  6. Glass blocks can be laid in no more than three rows at a time so that the structure does not move or bend. You can knock down glass blocks using a rubber hammer.
  7. If installation is carried out external walls, then their area should not be more than 15 m2, otherwise the bottom row of blocks may burst from significant weight.
  8. Since glass blocks are used to make built-in surfaces, some kind of support must be located along their edges.
  9. When making a frame, the cells must correspond to the size of the glass block, tolerance 2 millimeters. The void at the top is filled with sealant or a rubber gasket is installed.

Using glass blocks you can get an original surface; their installation does not require special knowledge, you can do it yourself. The material is easy to care for and has a number of advantages, different original decor in the interior.