Electronic heating system for a private house. Economical heating with electricity: is it possible? Types of electric heating systems

There are many ways to heat a private home; for these purposes water, steam or air heating. Electricity, solid fuel or gas can be used as heat sources.

Many people, when choosing electricity as a heat source, make the same mistake - they install the cheapest appliances with their own hands and then pay a lot of money for heating.

It is best to install modern electric heating in a private home with your own hands, although it is more expensive, but after a short period of time you will be able to compensate for your costs, since you will pay much less for electricity.

Modern heating boilers can work for various types fuel, but that's it more people makes a choice towards electricity.

Such heating is not only economical, but also safe, and installing everything necessary equipment you can do it yourself.

Unlike solid fuel boilers, everything here works fully automatically, there is no need to constantly add fuel and periodically clean the chimney.

The main disadvantage of this type of heating is the high price of electricity, but if you select and install the equipment correctly, then such electric heating of a private house will be economical and profitable.

One of the most common options is to use an electric boiler to heat a house or apartment. Its installation scheme is no different from the installation of gas equipment, but this does not require special permission.

Fig.1 Application of an electric boiler

If you previously had a gas boiler or a solid fuel boiler, then the heating circuit does not change, you just need to replace the boiler, you can do all the work yourself.

The disadvantage of this option is that it is unprofitable to use for small rooms.

The smallest boilers will consume 5-10 kW/hour, and if the boiler is double-circuit, then this figure will be even higher.

To reduce electricity costs, controllers are installed that help maintain optimal temperature. But despite this, such a heating scheme will be unprofitable for small houses.

Electric convectors

If we talk about modern electric convectors, they are a modernized electric heater. They have heating elements installed, and there may also be fans; one such device consumes from 0.5 to 2.5 kW per hour.

Fig.2 Electric convector

In order to reduce energy consumption, electronics are installed in them, which allows you to periodically turn the device on and off, this allows you to reduce energy consumption by almost 2 times.

The installation diagram of such devices is very simple, so you can do all the installation work yourself.

There is no need to lay pipes, but you will have to install powerful electrical wiring.

If you do everything from scratch, the cost of installation and equipment will be significantly less than when installing an electric boiler.
If we talk about energy costs, they will be approximately the same.

Infrared heaters

More recently, modern infrared heaters have appeared on our market. Most often they are installed under the ceiling or in the floor; these can be either heating devices or a special infrared film.

Fig.3 Infrared heating

The peculiarity of this type of heating is that it is not the air that is heated, but the objects that are located in the room and the air is heated from them.

This method ensures that this heating is economical and convenient.

Typically, the installation scheme of these devices involves the use of controllers, which allows reducing energy costs by almost 2 times.

The disadvantage of such heating is the high cost of equipment and its installation. If you do not have special skills, you will not be able to install such a system yourself.

Heat pump

The operation of this equipment is based on the principle of a refrigerator. Everyone has seen how the compressor heats up during operation of this equipment. Heat pump operation reverse work refrigerator.

The main advantage of this type of home heating is its efficiency, since its operation consumes a minimal amount of electricity.

But the price of such equipment is still very high, and it will not be possible to install it yourself and you will have to invite specialists, and this is an additional expense.

It is necessary to install heat pumps at the stage of building a house, since it will be difficult to install it in a finished room.

Other types

The so-called electric “warm floor” is often used to heat a home. Read our article about what installation features are.

To do this, mats or cables are installed in the floor and thus the room is heated, while thermal energy spreads evenly and creates an optimal temperature in the room.

Fig.4 Warm floor

This option is very convenient, since there are no radiators in the room, which take up free space and this provides opportunities for design execution.

The use of fan heaters allows not only to maintain the temperature, but also to create air-thermal curtain. This method allows you to heat the room very quickly.

Fan heaters can process air only indoors, or they can partially take it from outside; if filters are installed, the house will also be ventilated.

Cost of equipment and its installation

Table 1. Cost of equipment.

Fig.5 Heating system

If we talk about the cost of installation, then, for example, installing a boiler and heating system will cost you approximately half the cost of the equipment and all components of the heating system.

You can install equipment such as a convector, heated floor and fan heater yourself; you do not need any special knowledge or equipment.

Gradually, humanity is switching to the use of “clean” energy and electricity is becoming one of the main sources of heat.

There is a large selection of methods and equipment that provide heating in the house using electricity, and in each case an individual choice must be made. The main thing is that the heating system is efficient, reliable and safe.

Electric heating of the house. Electric heating options and solutions

At the moment Vacation home or the cottage can be heated in several ways: natural or main gas, liquid or solid fuel. But with all the variety, don’t forget about electricity. Most often electric heating devices They are used not as the main method of heating the house, but as an additional or temporary one. However, not all houses can be supplied with gas, and the use of all kinds of solid fuel boilers for one reason or another is not possible or not suitable. In such cases, heating the house using electricity is used - an electric heating system is created.

Types of electric heating devices and heating systems

Modern technologies allow the consumer to choose quite a large number of electric heating equipment. Thus, everyone can choose the best option for themselves in all respects. So today there are many solutions for electric heating of the house.

The oil-filled radiator is the most popular heater because it is easy to operate and affordable for every consumer. At the same time, it does not require special installation skills; it is enough to place it indoors and connect directly to the network. He is metal structure inside, which contains mineral oil and a special heating element.

Modern models are equipped with a thermostat, cable storage compartment, and also have good protection against overheating. In addition, the oil radiator may have a horizontal position sensor, which turns off the heater if it falls. And with the help of the built-in timer, you can significantly save energy consumption, since it is possible to regulate the heating time of the room.

The cost of a radiator and its power directly depend on its size and number of sections. Most often, such heaters have from 5 to 12 sections and a power from 1 to 2.5 kW. In order to choose the right model, you should know that 1 kW is enough to heat a room of up to 10 sq.m.

In addition to their low cost, oil radiators are distinguished by their mobility and silent operation. During the heating process, their body has a low heating temperature, which is not only safer for others, but also does not burn oxygen and dust. Thus, regular use of oil radiators is not harmful to health.

The convector is the same radiator, only with a smooth body. If an oil-filled radiator heats a room in the form of thermal radiation, then this heater works by raising heated air along the surface and lowering cooler air. The convector is a device that has a protective decorative body made of metal. There are holes at the bottom for cold air to enter, and at the top for warm air to exit. At the bottom of the structure there is a heating element (heating element).

Some models may be equipped with a thermostat, which makes it possible to automatically maintain the selected air temperature. This device designed for mounting on a wall, most often it is mounted under a window so that the heated air rising upward eliminates the cold air coming from the window.

Due to its operation, an electric convector has some disadvantages: dust is spread throughout the room with the circulating air. Therefore, during operation of such a heater, frequent wet cleaning is advisable.

Heating using such equipment occurs through special lamps that emit a large amount of heat. The operation of such lamps takes place in a spectrum invisible to the human eye. In this case, it is not the air itself that warms up, but the objects in the room.

If installation traditional systems heating requires a fairly large amount of time and financial costs, then in order to warm up the house using an infrared heater, these costs will be much less. Today, there are models that are designed for installation both on the wall and on the ceiling.

Film infrared heaters

These heaters belong to the Plen system (Film Energy Heaters) and are capable of heating the area of ​​the house, while consuming 15 W per 1 sq.m. Automatic temperature control is possible with an accuracy of up to one degree, and it is also possible to use economic heating as needed (in work time, For example).

If we compare costs, then heating with gas and a film heater of the Plen system are almost the same, but at the same time significantly less than when heating with a convector. And if other heating systems require regular Maintenance, then you can forget about infrared heaters for good.

The film heater has the following types:

  • ceiling;
  • floor.

The first type of heater works according to a natural principle, which can be compared to the heating of our planet by the Sun. Infrared rays that reach a hard surface, in our case, furniture and floors, heat them up. And they, in turn, after heating, transfer heat to the surrounding space.

The second variety floor option, the heater from the Plen system is most often used as additional method heating a private house. Therefore, its area should be equal to the zone of human activity.

This heating system has interesting fact: According to research, infrared rays with a wavelength of 5 to 15 microns have a beneficial effect on human health and the body as a whole. And these are the waves that a film infrared heater (IR) emits. Therefore, in addition to its direct purpose, an infrared heater can fight colds, stomach problems, and also promote weight loss and the treatment of cellulite. In addition to the listed advantages, this type heating is quite economical, fast and efficient.

Electric heated floor

Today, this method of heating a home is extremely popular. Its system is as follows: a heating coil is laid under the floor electrical cable and a temperature sensor (instead of a cable there may be an infrared heater film or electric mats). Thus, the warm floor heats the air in the lower part of the room, which then, due to its lightness, rises upward. The temperature difference between the floor and ceiling is 3-4 degrees.

However Maximum temperature can be about 30 degrees, otherwise it would not be comfortable to move around the room with a higher temperature, and not every floor covering can withstand higher heating. Therefore, the “warm floor” system is most often used as an additional method of heating the room.

The operating principle of a heating system based on an electric boiler is quite simple. You can compare it with all the usual water heating, the batteries of which are found in almost every apartment. The water heated in the boiler room enters the apartment through pipes and then fills the radiators, which, when heated, give off heat and actually heat the apartment. It’s the same here, only the heating boiler is your own, a closed loop of pipes and heating radiators is located only in your house and by controlling the temperature of the water heating in the system, you can regulate the temperature inside each room.

The option of heating houses with help appeared relatively recently. Its operating principle is to transfer heat from a thermally insulated environment. The location of its heat exchanger should be an environment with a constant temperature (river bottom or soil). Installing such a system will require quite a lot of money, but during its operation it will save resources up to 80%. At the same time, in winter, using a pump, you can extract heat to heat the house, and on hot days, cool air.

To decisions like this heat pump can also be attributed to and wind turbines, whose main task is to convert the received energy into electricity (they themselves do not heat anything, they only produce energy). But then it’s up to you to choose which method of electric heating at home to use.

Advantages of electric heating

Heating a private home with electricity, in addition to several disadvantages, also has many advantages. So, when heating rooms with electrical appliances, no harmful emissions occur, like with fuel-burning boilers. Therefore, this method is completely environmentally friendly. At the same time, in order to heat the house, additional labor and financial costs will not be required for the construction of a chimney or arrangement of a boiler room.

Electric heating equipment is simple and safe operation, since in this case no contact with liquid fuel or gas. And in order to control the heating elements and maintain the desired temperature in the room, no special skills or effort are required. Do not forget about the high coefficient of efficiency (efficiency), thanks to which almost all the heat is directed directly to heating.

Disadvantages of electric heating

The main problem in this situation is the rather large financial costs of electricity. Therefore, the main thing is to carefully choose heating devices. It may be that the cost of the equipment itself will be low, but the energy consumption is significantly higher than that of more expensive models. And low cost cannot guarantee high quality equipment.

Another nuance when heating a house using electricity is the state of the relevant communications. If the wiring leaves much to be desired, then there will be no guarantee of uninterrupted, and most importantly, safe power supply.

Modern trends in the development of electric heating make it possible to improve electric heating devices every year, making them more automated and economical. Thus, every person who decides to heat their home with electricity will be able to choose the appropriate option for themselves.

Owners of country houses quite often visit their dacha in summer time, and in winter they pay visits several times a month. Therefore, many owners do not consider it advisable to design a stationary system in their country house gas heating and solve the problem low temperatures using electric heating. Unlike traditional types heating, electric heating country house has a number of significant advantages, among them:

A solid list of advantages makes owners think about heating design country house using devices powered by electricity, such as electric boilers, electric oil batteries, ceramic heating panels, heat guns, inverter batteries, infrared heaters, fan heaters.

A modern electric boiler for heating a dacha is one of the most common types of heaters. It can provide full heating in a country house that is not connected to the gas supply system. Choosing the right one electric boilers for heating a dacha in terms of power, you can use one device for efficient heating the entire area of ​​the house.

Approximately ten square meters area should account for one kilowatt of boiler power.

For example, a 6 kW electric boiler is suitable for heating a cottage with an area of ​​about 60 square meters. For large country houses exceeding 85-90 square meters, it is advisable to install a 9 kW electric heating boiler, which will cope with its functions and will not operate at peak performance.

Depending on the design features, there are several boiler models:

Having selected a specific design, you can order an electric boiler on the manufacturer’s official website. Currently, electric boilers are sold by many domestic and foreign brands. Therefore, before making the final choice of an electric boiler for heating a house outside the city, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the specifics of devices from different manufacturers.

Electric boiler Proterm

A brand from Slovakia has been supplying Proterm electric heating boilers to domestic markets for quite some time. All equipment is different good quality assembly, high degree of automation and safety. By installing a Proterm electric boiler at the dacha, the price of which is about $400 for a single-circuit model with a power of 6 kW, the owner will solve the problem of heating the house in cold winters for a long time.

If the dacha has a bathroom or shower, then it is necessary to buy a double-circuit electric boiler to provide the house with hot water supply. A Proterm boiler with two circuits is slightly more expensive, but the high price is justified by the wide functionality and practicality of the device.

Russian-made boiler Evan

In the assortment of the Russian brand Evan, you can choose an electric double-circuit wall-mounted boiler for your dacha, the price of which is about $800 for a model with a power of 12 kW. Boilers from this brand have a built-in circulation pump, expansion membrane, pressure gauge, remote room thermostat and on indicator. Thanks to good design The Evan electric heating boiler is in no way inferior to imported analogues.

To ensure the safety of the boiler, manufacturers have equipped it with a number of functions:

Electric boiler from the Rusnit brand

The affordable Rusnit electric boiler is also produced in the Russian Federation. By purchasing a 9 kW electric boiler from the brand’s line, the owner will be able to provide efficient heating in a country house, the area of ​​which is approximately 90 square meters with a ceiling height of up to three meters. This boiler is easy to install, has a compact outer casing and is easy to adjust operating settings.

Boilers from the Rusnit brand are characterized by the following specifics:

  • protection against overheating is provided;
  • has a remote room thermostat;
  • The power indicator function is programmed.

Electric boiler for a summer residence - the final choice

Having decided on the brand, the consumer will have to solve another dilemma, namely, answer the question: install a 380V electric heating boiler at the dacha or give preference to a model that operates with a 220V mains voltage? It is worth understanding that the first option requires good wiring that can cope with high loads. Therefore, owners of old country houses with poor wiring should refuse the idea of ​​using a 380V electric heating boiler for heating, the price of which is about $500 for a 6 W model.

Summing up the consideration of the option of heating a dacha using electric boilers, we can highlight a number of nuances.

The advantages of the devices include:

The disadvantages of devices should also be taken seriously:

  • high electricity consumption;
  • a solid investment in purchasing a quality boiler from a reliable manufacturer.

Oil batteries

Electric oil batteries appearance They resemble conventional water radiators, but heating of the coolant, in this case the oil located in the metal body of the device, is carried out using electrical energy. Various models oil heaters are capable of efficiently warming up the air in a room with an area of ​​10 to 25 square meters. They are often floor-mounted and equipped with a number of auxiliary options, such as an operation timer and thermostat.

Features of oil heaters:

Electric convector

This device does not have a number of disadvantages attributed to oil analogues, so at home outside the city using a convector can be a reasonable choice. The convector uses a high-resistance metal spiral hidden under an attractive compact body to heat the air. When the lower layers of air are heated, the natural principle of convection of air masses comes into play and uniform heating of the entire country house is achieved.

Convector specifications:

Ceramic heating panels

More recently, electric heating systems country house began to be supplemented with ceramic panels. These devices demonstrated excellent consumer characteristics. They have an aesthetic design, a neat body and require simple installation. However, the main advantages of ceramic heating panels lie not in the competent design of the housing, but in the operating features. These devices are in many ways superior to convectors and oil heaters.

They can demonstrate the following capabilities:

The only nuance that owners of country houses should study before deciding to purchase a ceramic panel is the cost of the appliances. At the moment, the price of panels on the market is quite high, and given the fact that several devices are required to fully heat a dacha, their purchase will cost a hefty sum.

Heat guns

At the dacha, you can use electric heating guns that will help maintain the desired temperature. These devices are environmentally friendly - during operation they do not create harmful emissions and do not pollute the atmosphere. Depending on the design features, the device can use a spiral or a heating element for heating and operate from both a two-phase and three-phase network.

Choosing electric gun for a summer residence, preference should be given to a model equipped with a thermostat.

Such a gun will cost slightly more than similar models without a thermostat, but will provide a number of functional advantages:

Inverter radiator

Inverter heating batteries have proven themselves well - they are not afraid of power outages and have greater autonomy, unlike all the devices listed above. These devices have the ability to accumulate electrical energy and consume it in cases of emergency power outage. It is very beneficial to use such devices in regions that have problems with the quality supply of electricity.

Advantages of inverter batteries used for heating country houses:

Disadvantages of devices:

  • high price;
  • the need to comply with certain installation rules recommended by the manufacturer.

Infrared heaters

Dacha owners who prioritize the creation of economical electric heating will come to the aid of infrared heaters - unique devices that demonstrate impressive energy efficiency indicators. For a long time, this type of device aroused skepticism among ordinary people and many did not believe in the advertised effectiveness and profitability of infrared devices. However, over time, the owners were able to personally check consumer qualities devices of this type and highlight a number of advantages and disadvantages.



  • high price;
  • presence of a characteristic sound during operation of the device.

Fan heaters

If country house ik has small area, then an inexpensive fan heater can handle its heating. Among those listed in the review heating equipment, this device has the most compact body and affordable price. However, the use of the device has a number of features. It is worth understanding that the device dries out the air and does not contribute to the creation of a healthy microclimate; it requires constant monitoring, since it is a fire hazard and operates with a characteristic monotonous sound.

Each country house has its own distinctive features, therefore the choice of the type of electric heating must be made individually. The owner of the house can familiarize himself with the common types of electric heaters and buy the optimal device, which will become the basis of the heating system of the country house.

Comfortable living conditions in the private sector are possible only if all communications are connected - electricity, gas, water supply, heating system, sewer system. The main issue is providing housing with uninterrupted heating during the cold season. Wanting to save useful space, many owners country houses refuse installation stove heating and choose electric.

Advantages of installing electric heating

  1. Installation of the system is characterized by a low price level.
  2. Electric heating can be installed at any time of the year.
  3. The system does not require special maintenance or preventive inspections.
  4. The better the house is insulated, the less costs for its heating and payment for electricity consumption.
  5. The room is heated in a short time.

If a gas pipeline has not yet been connected to your site, the option of installing electric heating is optimal. To do this, there is no need to lay pipelines, which significantly saves finances and labor costs. Using the autonomous mode, you can maintain a comfortable temperature in your home for a long time.

Equipment options

To organize heating you can use:

  • Oil and liquid-free electric radiators. They are distinguished by high safety and efficiency indicators.
  • Cable and film heating systems in floor coverings. Popularity heated floors V Lately everything is increasing. Heating cables are used to heat the floor different types. They can be mounted directly into concrete screed or under the floor covering. Installing a heated floor requires theoretical knowledge and work experience. Thin film, mat or heating cable systems differ in installation and connection.

Before installing the heated floor, reliable thermal insulation of the base is done. In each room where underfloor heating is installed, a thermostat is installed to regulate the operation of the electric heating system. Such floors are installed in all rooms or selectively. Most installations are carried out in bathrooms, toilets or kitchens.

  • Wall convectors are dry and liquid. Dry convectors immediately convert electrical energy into heat. Their main advantage is that they can be turned off for a long time without the threat of defrosting. There are no particular difficulties with the installation of convectors. For each installed convector there is a grounded power socket with a circuit breaker installed in the electrical panel. Liquid convectors are filled with non-freezing liquid or water. After switching off, such a convector still gives off heat to the room for some time.

  • Infrared heaters heat nearby objects and the floor, and they warm up the air. Their use makes it possible to separately regulate the set temperature in each room. If you have five rooms in your house, you will need five infrared heaters, automatic machines, thermostats and electrical cable. One of the advantages of this home heating system is the saving of usable space.

  • Water electric heating has found its way wide application for heating private houses. From gas system or a stove with a water circuit is distinguished by the installation of an electric boiler. If the house has already installed water heating, the electric boiler can be installed instead of or parallel to the old boiler. The disadvantage of such a system is the use of a water circuit.

These systems are used to constantly heat the building. To temporarily heat a house with electricity, use an electric fireplace or fan heater.

Heating system installation

If you have theoretical knowledge and experience working with electricity, installing electric heating at home with your own hands will not be difficult. Before starting work, it is necessary to complete a package of documents in order to avoid unpleasant surprises in the future.

There is no need to coordinate the installation of the system only when the electrical appliances used are additional sources heating the building.

All work on installing the heating system is divided into three stages:

  1. System design.
  2. Installation.
  3. Launch.

During design, a diagram is developed taking into account the operational rules of the structure. The heat is calculated and calculated general power power load. All this should be done by a specialist. A detailed diagram of the space heating system is drawn on a separate sheet, indicating branches, turns and outlets.

When the project is fully drawn up and all calculations have been carried out, it is time to purchase all the components. You should begin installing panels with differential circuit breakers for each heated room.

Taking into account the location of boilers and other devices, cable routing is done. The cable length is calculated according to the diagram. For electrical system It is better to use a PVS 3×1.5 mm cable.

If you plan to install heated floors or ceiling panels, they are being installed. Having completed the cable installation, you need to begin installing and connecting heating devices.

When starting the system, the main attention is paid to temperature conditions on all devices. First time is running intensive heating of the rooms, and when the set temperature is reached, it will be time for the system to operate normally. Inclusion electrical appliances will occur only when it is necessary to heat the air to the set temperature.

How to save on electric heating?

All systems presented in this article operate on electricity. The maximum efficiency indicator is for long-wave infrared heaters and convectors. The larger the building, the higher the energy consumption. For large rooms, using electric water heating will be effective.

To save money on paying for energy consumed in the house, you need to install a tariff meter and carry out maximum heating of the premises during the period of low tariff.

It is advisable to install new windows and doors in the house, insulate the ceilings, walls, floors, verandas and balconies.

High-quality insulation of the house will allow the system to operate in an economical mode.

For water heating parallel connection solid fuel (gas) and electric boilers provide significant advantages.

With a little effort, you will soon be able to provide your family with a reliable heating system made by yourself.


Despite the fact that infrared heating is not new today, many people view it with distrust. We offer you a video from which you can learn more about this type of system.


Long gone are the days when the only way to create autonomous heating was a wood stove. Thanks to the development and improvement of technology and the availability of emerging materials, there are a large number of heating options, one of which is electric heating of a private home. Many experts are confident that this heating method can be called the most effective and environmentally friendly. And what is important is that this method allows you to save far from endless reserves of minerals.

Electric heating of your own home

Types of electric heating

Modern powered by electricity heating systems represented by a huge variety of devices various types:

  1. oil radiators;
  2. electric convectors;
  3. thermal fans;
  4. long-wave infrared devices;
  5. "warm floor" systems;
  6. electric boilers of various modifications;

The systems made up of the above devices operate either directly from electricity or heat a country house using a coolant circulating in them - water, oil or non-freezing liquid.

Oil radiators

This method of heating a home has been used for a long time and remains popular for a long time. The oil radiator itself is a mobile unit, often mounted on small wheels and operating directly from a 220V outlet. The efficiency of the devices is very high, since electricity is converted into heat without the use of any intermediate elements.

Oil cooler suitable for additional heating

With the help of such heaters, you can only heat a small room, and of course they are not suitable for heating the entire house.

Electric convector

Heating in a private home using an electric convector is considered one of the most effective and popular methods, largely due to the fact that its use allows you not to consume oxygen and maintain the balance of humidity in the room.

Electric convector fits into any interior

Possibility of power regulation combined with excellent technical characteristics allows you to use convectors both for heating a small room and the whole house.

The main part of the device is a heating element that converts electricity into heat.

Operating principle: The operation is based on the principle of convection: air enters through the holes at the bottom of the device, warms up and is released through the cracks at the top of the convector.

The electric heating device itself is placed in a metal case, making it perfect for any interior. Convectors are mounted on the floor, mounted on the wall, and can function separately or as part of a system.

Air conditioners

Air conditioners operating in heating mode should also be classified as electric heating devices. This type of heating is considered the most economical: considerable energy costs are almost completely compensated by the high efficiency of the device. And the power can be adjusted using the device settings.

Air conditioner operating diagram for heating

Disadvantages: this method electric heating differs in the complexity of maintenance, as well as a relatively high price.

Infrared heating

Infrared (film) electric heating of a private home is an innovative, technically complex, but increasingly popular type of heating. This method is the most economical, but the equipment itself still costs too much.

Operating principle: heat directed from the heating element through the heater is evenly distributed over the surface of nearby objects, and they transfer it to the surrounding air.

Operating principle of infrared heating

Advantages: IR heaters have low energy consumption. With their help, it is possible to provide both spot and zonal electric heating. After disconnecting the heater from the mains, objects remain warm for a long time and warm the room themselves.

You can do infrared electric heating of a private house with your own hands: assembling and dismantling the system is easy to do yourself.

The location and installation of IR heaters is practically unlimited - the main thing is that they are not at the same level as the person’s head. Also, we must not forget that the emitters warm up objects placed nearby.

Warm floor system

Heating a home using this system can be done as the main heating method or in addition to another.

Operating principle: heat from the floor rises to the ceiling, evenly distributed throughout the room.

The heating parts are made up of two-core and single-core cables hidden under the floor covering. A surface-mounted, built-in or programmable thermostat can be used.

Disadvantages: high susceptibility to mechanical damage and significant repair costs. During the repair process, it may be necessary to dismantle flooring and the use of special equipment to determine the exact location of the cable break.

With existing experience and initial knowledge, it is quite possible to create electric heating for a private house with your own hands using a “warm floor” system.

Heating a home using infrared floors is not yet a popular method, although it is quite rational and very economical.

Operating principle: only solid objects can be heated by IR rays; the coating transfers the resulting heat to the air, which is distributed throughout the room through convection.

Advantages: this type of heated floors is not subject to voltage surges and continues to function even with some defects and damage. The system can be installed under any surface, with the exception of parquet.

Advantages of using an electric boiler

Despite the existence of various types of equipment, heaters that heat the coolant liquid are most often chosen for individual houses.

The cost of the equipment is affordable for almost everyone, and installing electric boilers does not cause any difficulties.

According to the heating method, electric boilers are divided into three types:

  1. heating elements;
  2. electrode;
  3. induction

1. A heating element boiler is the traditional and most commonly used option. The coolant is heated using a familiar element. The heating element receives heat from electricity and transfers it to liquid, which spreads through the pipeline and heats the radiators located in the rooms.

Classic heating element boiler

2. Electrode electric boiler equipped with an electrode that acts on free water ions, resulting in the generation of heat. Such a heating device is absolutely safe due to its immunity to liquid leakage, since if there is a lack of liquid, the device simply stops working.

3. Induction electric boilers consist of a pipeline that moves the coolant and a radiator that generates an electromagnetic field that interacts with the metal. Energy is transferred to the coolant by vortex flows created by electricity. A heating element not provided as such.

This is what an induction boiler looks like

The main advantages of electric boilers are::

  • quiet operation;
  • environmental Safety;
  • when installing the control unit, electric heaters operate in automatic mode;
  • no need to install a chimney;
  • ease of installation.
Single- and three-phase electric boilers are manufactured by both Russian and foreign manufacturers. In practice, Russian-assembled devices, according to their design data and technical parameters They are in no way inferior to imported ones, but their price is much lower.

Heating with an electric boiler has one significant disadvantage - the consumption of expensive electricity. This method heating is most often implemented when it is impossible to use other cheaper sources.

If you can afford using electricity to heat your home, then this method will be the best.

Electric heating schemes for a private house

The electrical heating circuit of a house is determined in accordance with:

  • the total volume of all residential and non-residential rooms;
  • calculating the need for pipes and batteries.

The boiler volume is determined according to:

  • heating system capacity;
  • power of heating elements.

When choosing all the components and components, you should first of all take into account the material they are made of.


It is better to prefer pipes made of polypropylene (the latest generation polymer) due to the following features:

  • it is quite lightweight, and the process of installing communications will be quick and uncomplicated;
  • this material can also be called the most advantageous - unlike those susceptible to corrosion iron pipes, the service life of this material is about 50 years.

The electric heating circuit also includes batteries, which are designed to heat the air and provide comfortable thermal regime in the rooms.


The efficiency of heating a country house largely depends on the type of radiators chosen.

  • temperature changes,
  • exposure to aggressive environments,
  • corrosion,
  • have a long service life.

These batteries can also be used for forced circulation coolant. They do not take up much space and are a wonderful addition to any interior.

Material for installation of electric heating

To install electric heating you will need the following components:

  • pump equipment;
  • thermal relay;
  • polypropylene pipes;
  • radiators;
  • fittings and tees;
  • soldering apparatus;
  • special scissors.

Heating a house with electricity in most cases involves water heating with an electric boiler and a separate tariff meter for consumed electricity.

The tariff meter allows you to save up to 40% of money if the heating of the house is turned on during the period of maximum reduction in the cost of electricity - at night. To use the heat generated at night and heat the home during the day, it is recommended to include in the applied schemes a heat accumulator, which is a container that accumulates heat and releases it into the system when necessary.

It would also be a good idea to take care of creating good thermal insulation of structures, which will further reduce heating costs.

Features of pipe routing

For pipe routing it is necessary to use fittings (tees). One end of the pipe is installed inside this nozzle, and the fitting itself is then put on the coupling part.

Pipe routing can be:

  • bottom;
  • one- or two-pipe;
  • horizontal or vertical.

In conditions individual house The most effective and efficient wiring is arranged around the entire perimeter of the room.

The distribution of pipes around the perimeter of the room is optimal

Connecting parts polypropylene pipes carried out under the condition that they are heated by a soldering apparatus. The result is a strong and durable connection of all elements of the heating system.

Pros and cons of heating your home with electricity

Heating a private home with an electric boiler has many undeniable advantages:

  • Ease and simplicity of installation work.
  • Installing the system does not require the use of complex and expensive tools. Make electric heating in own home you can do it yourself. The equipment is not large in size and is mounted with minimal costs, and equipment already in use can be easily transported and transferred to different rooms. There is no need to install a separate boiler room and chimney.

  • Safety.
  • When operating electric heating systems, no harmful emissions are generated due to the complete absence of combustion products. Neither materials nor equipment contain any harmful substances.

  • Low costs.
  • No preparation or development required project documentation, invitations special services, no permits required.

  • Quiet and reliable operation.
  • Properly made electric heating does not require any maintenance by third-party specialists. The equipment is characterized by quiet operation due to the absence circulation pump and a fan.

  • Easy to use.
  • There are no quickly wearing elements in the system; there is no need to monitor the fuel level and pressure sensors.

  • High efficiency.
  • The ability to quickly heat and warm up the house even during the most severe frosts. The system is equipped with special equipment with which the temperature in each room is regulated, which also allows optimizing costs during the heating season.


  • Significant energy consumption.
  • This is the main disadvantage, since the cost of electricity is quite high. In some areas, this method of heating a home may be completely impractical and unprofitable.

  • Dependence on external energy supply.
  • If for any reason the electricity is turned off, heating will be impossible.

  • Susceptibility to voltage fluctuations in the network.

This is often typical in rural areas. The problem can be solved by purchasing a generator, but this will also increase costs significantly.

Important! Before choosing electric heating, you should consider the condition of your home wiring. It is necessary to know specifically how much power is supplied to the house and what part of it can be allocated for heating.

Features of various heating systems

Each of the considered types of electric heating has its own advantages and disadvantages, which should definitely be taken into account if you want to arrange good system heating your own home. In any case, you should think about insulating a house at the design stage, since the efficiency and economy of heating using electricity largely depends on this.