Insulating a house, which is better than mineral wool foam. The better way to insulate a brick house from the outside with polystyrene foam or expanded polystyrene. When is extruded polystyrene foam better than others?

Not a single construction of a building, residential or industrial, is complete without the issue of insulation. Today, markets offer a lot of insulation materials for walls, roofs, floors or partitions. The question often arises, which is better: mineral wool or polystyrene foam?

Retains heat in the room for a long time;

Save money: no need to purchase additional energy;

Environmentally friendly: do not harm human health;

Among the widely used thermal insulation materials, builders distinguish the following:

Many people cannot understand which is better: mineral wool or polystyrene foam. Both materials have their advantages and disadvantages.

The main materials for the production of foam plastic are:

Phenolic, epoxy, urea, silicone resins.

Production involves heating, thermal expansion and molding of polystyrene granules. Due to the fact that the slabs consist of 90% air, this material is considered one of the best insulation materials. Expanded polystyrene boards different thickness have.

This material is very popular when insulating the facade or foundation of a house. One of the main positive aspects of polystyrene foam is its low price. In addition, polystyrene foam boards are lightweight, but at the same time have excellent strength and durability characteristics.

Installation is not difficult. Expanded polystyrene is a hygroscopic material. That is, even if exposure to moisture occurs, the foam will not lose its thermal insulation properties.

But, along with all the advantages, polystyrene also has disadvantages. Speaking about which is better, polystyrene foam or mineral wool, it is necessary to note the advantage of mineral wool over polystyrene foam in soundproofing properties. Polystyrene foam does not have the same soundproofing properties as mineral wool. Foam plastic, compared to mineral wool, has a much lower vapor permeability coefficient. Foam plastic is deformed at t 60\xB0C. organic solvents destroy the material, that is, it is not resistant to such organic liquids. In construction, it is used only for insulating residential premises; industrial buildings and high-rise buildings (above 30 m) are not insulated with polystyrene. The biggest disadvantage of polystyrene foam is its susceptibility to flame. Expanded polystyrene boards, when ignited, go out on their own, unless, of course, the requirements of the standard are violated during production.

Mineral wool is a fibrous material. Melting rocks, metallurgical slags And various mixtures, manufacturers receive mineral wool. It is precisely because rocks are used that the material is of high quality and has good performance and long-lasting properties.

There is also a blast furnace production of mineral wool. It is obtained from slag, but it is not suitable for thermal insulation of large industrial premises. It is used only for insulating residential buildings or apartment walls.

The positive aspects of mineral wool include the following:

Vapor permeability and resistance to moisture penetration;

High thermal resistance;.

Mineral wool has good fire resistance because non-flammable silicate melts of igneous rocks are used in its production. High temperatures do not cause deformation processes, and mineral wool is not destroyed. Experts recommend insulating rooms where various flammable substances are planned to be insulated only with mineral wool slabs. The material prevents the spread of fire and the source of ignition in case of fire.

When the question is what is best to choose for insulating a room, warehouse or residential building, you should not forget that if there is a mouse in a private house that has access to sheets of foam plastic, then most likely the rodent will ruin the material in several places. This will never happen with mineral wool: rodents are not able to damage even a centimeter of this durable and strong material. Mineral wool has high biological and chemical resistance to various chemicals. Mineral wool is resistant to temperature changes, sunlight and moisture. Having insulated his house with these materials, the owner will definitely not worry about mold or mildew ever appearing on the walls.

Mineral wool is not capable of deforming after shrinkage of the house.

The performance properties of polystyrene foam are good, but sometimes it happens that it begins to leak cold air at the junctions. By using mineral wool, the occurrence of “Cold” cracks is excluded.

Due to the fact that mineral wool is non-hygroscopic, there is no penetration of moisture into the room or onto the walls. Before installing mineral wool, the sheets must be treated with a water-repellent agent, because the water absorption of this material is very low.

When building any room, the level of humidity inside the building is very important. In order to remove water vapor and condensate, it is necessary that the heat-insulating material have good vapor permeability properties. Mineral wool is just the material that has a high vapor permeability rate.

Mineral wool has high thermal resistance. This means that it has the ability to resist external changes and maintain a certain temperature in the room. Different geometries and directions of mineral wool fibers have different thermal conductivity. Randomly directed fibers are considered ideal.

Mineral wool has excellent sound insulation. Polystyrene foam also prevents the penetration of sound waves, but mineral wool has a much higher ability.

Mineral wool has high strength and is an anti-corrosion material. When metal objects come into contact with cotton wool, corrosion is guaranteed not to occur.

Mineral wool is an environmentally friendly material and does not affect human health. Of course, cotton wool releases some substances, but they are absolutely not harmful to humans.

Installation of mineral wool is not difficult at all. The material is easy to cut with a regular knife or hacksaw and easily takes the shape of any surface.

Mineral wool is a durable and strong material that will last for hundreds of years if installed correctly. During production, basalt stone is added to mineral wool - this explains its long performance properties.

The only drawback of mineral wool is the cost. Only if you compare what is cheaper, mineral wool or polystyrene foam, then, of course, foam plastic will win.

Results in comparison of mineral wool and polystyrene foam.

Disputes often arise around the question of what is better to insulate a room, mineral wool or polystyrene foam. These two materials are good thermal insulators, but each of them has priorities in technical properties.

Firstly, when choosing insulation, you need to start from the type of room you plan to build and insulate. Secondly, the cost of polystyrene foam and mineral wool is different, so for those who need to save money and do not have extra in cash Of course, it is better to choose polystyrene foam. But the grandiose construction of a flammable materials warehouse will require maximum security. It is necessary to insulate such a room not only in order to retain heat inside, but also in order to avoid spontaneous combustion of objects on hot summer days.

Another nuance during construction is vapor barrier. The polymer structure of the insulation system is in no way compatible with mineral wool. The polymer outer layer practically does not allow moisture to pass through. The resulting condensation can disrupt the thermal insulation properties of mineral wool. In such cases, it is better to use polystyrene foam. It has the ability not to let or accumulate steam. All condensate evaporates through the joints.

Speaking about the ability to resist flame, we can also confidently answer the question of which is better: mineral wool or polystyrene. Of course, this is mineral wool. Although polystyrene also has the property of extinguishing immediately, fire is still possible. Mineral wool does not burn under any circumstances. This material will withstand temperatures even above 1100\xB0С. Why does polystyrene burn? It contains fire retardants that prevent fire. But after 5-10 years, these substances cease to act due to the influence of temperature changes. Therefore, it is possible that after 10 years of operation, the foam may catch fire.

The cost of both materials is different and varies depending on who produced them. Manufacturers often raise the price of polystyrene foam or mineral wool due to its popularity trademark. Along with this, there are manufacturers who do not violate the technology of manufacturing materials and sell them at a price that is much lower than brand names.

Which is better for insulation: polystyrene foam or mineral wool, All about repairs

What is better for insulation: polystyrene foam or mineral wool? Not a single construction of a building, residential or industrial, is complete without the issue of insulation. Today, sales markets offer

Polystyrene foam or mineral wool, which is better to use for home insulation?

If you ask home owners or construction contractors what is best to use for insulation, the answer is usually two names - mineral wool and polystyrene foam. In some cases, after a short thought, you can hear the addition - expanded polystyrene, penoizol and a couple of other names of insulation.

This once again confirms the relevance of foam plastic and mineral wool for insulation work. But when asked which of these two materials to choose, it is difficult to wait for a reasoned and unambiguous answer.

Polystyrene foam or mineral wool? How is mineral wool different from polystyrene foam?

The choice of one or another material for insulation should take into account the priority criteria inherent in different types buildings and their technological parameters. In this case, you need to be able to distinguish the differences between these two materials. The first thing that attracts attention is the type of insulation. Mineral wool belongs to the category of roll insulation, and polystyrene foam is produced in slabs. Although increasingly, mineral wool is also produced in the form of slabs.

But when choosing, you should be more interested in the practical argument, and it is usually customary to pay attention to the thermal conductivity coefficient. And here the comparison does not give any special priorities.

Mineral wool with a density of 50 kg/m3 has a thermal conductivity of 0.039 W/(m*K). I wonder what similar characteristic Foam plastic also has thermal conductivity, with a slightly lower value - 0.038 W/(m*K).

However, despite the similarity of this parameter, the heat capacity of both materials is slightly different. By comparing thermal insulation efficiency, you can see what layer of insulation is needed to achieve heat retention.

But feasibility must also be considered taking into account how harmless each of the materials will be for the structure of the house and for the residents. The vapor barrier properties indicator shows just such suitability. The dense structure of the foam does not allow moisture to pass through at all. At the same time, convection between the insulation and the insulated surface is completely absent. Thus, there is a risk of moisture accumulation, which can lead to damage to the walls when the dew point shifts.

At the same time, mineral wool, due to its fibrous structure, has a higher degree of convection, thus allowing air masses to pass through, which does not contribute to stagnation of humidity near insulated surfaces.

However, this same property also affects the insulating efficiency of both materials. When mentioning thermal conductivity, identical parameters of mineral wool and polystyrene foam were visible. But in fact, efficiency also depends on how high the density of the material is and its vapor permeability.

The efficiency also decreases when installing both materials. But this comparison is dominated by the efficiency of foam. When insulated with this material, the slabs fit closer to each other. In this case, the seams are puttied. As a result, a more monolithic layer is formed, practically eliminating the presence of cold bridges.

When insulated with rolled material, mineral wool quickly loses its shape. The tightness disappears at the joints and cold bridges form. Mineral wool in slabs is more effective, especially if it is laid very tightly and securely fastened.

Comparing technological indicators mineral wool and polystyrene foam, it becomes obvious that under certain conditions the properties of both materials are identical. For example, the looser structure and lower density of polystyrene foam practically duplicates the properties of mineral wool produced in rolls.

And, nevertheless, when insulating a house with polystyrene foam, you need to pay attention to its features.

For example, the inability to convect air and low vapor permeability can lead to the fact that heat will not flow to the insulated surface. Thus, the dew point will be shifted inside the insulated structure, thereby cooling the room faster.

And, based on this, it is undesirable to insulate the internal surfaces of the room with foam plastic.

But polystyrene foam as an insulation material shows a high degree of efficiency in insulating a building from the outside.

  • It is absolutely suitable for insulating external walls
  • It is also beneficial to use it when insulating attic spaces and roofing structures
  • The excellent effectiveness of polystyrene foam is manifested when it insulates the surface of the foundation base. Foam plastic is especially often used for insulating strip foundations.
  • Polystyrene foam is practically indispensable for insulating balconies and loggias
  • This insulation is used for insulating industrial premises and agricultural buildings
  • There is practically no alternative to polystyrene foam when insulating cooling units

And this material is also very convenient for insulating small structures. architectural forms– trade stalls, park gazebos, bathhouses.

If you have uneven walls, and there is no suitable space for sheathing. Then polyurethane foam insulation will be an excellent solution; read and see more about the features of its installation here. Modern devices allow you to use it yourself, saving money on construction crews.

What is better to insulate with mineral wool?

Insulation with mineral wool is effective in cases where it is not advisable to use polystyrene foam.

  • For example, when insulating wooden surfaces Due to the inability of foam plastic to allow air and moisture to pass through, the structure may experience damage. Therefore, it is definitely needed as the most suitable insulation for walls. wooden house use mineral wool
  • Mineral wool is also effective in those places where the effect can be felt high temperatures– it can withstand up to 800 degrees
  • The use of mineral wool is justified when sound insulation is necessary - this parameter is higher than that of polystyrene foam
  • Mineral wool is convenient for insulating pipeline communications

Video about the disadvantages of foam plastic and mineral wool

When deciding on the choice of materials, it is important to accurately understand their shortcomings. Watch the video for myths and truth about mineral wool.

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1 Comment

I insulated the dacha, which is made of wood, with mineral wool. A corner wall The apartments were insulated with polystyrene foam. It has become much warmer. If concrete surfaces, then choose polystyrene foam. If wooden, then use mineral wool, which allows air to pass through and the wood will not rot. Everything is done very simply, you can do it yourself.

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Foam plastic or mineral wool - which is better, we analyze the pros and cons of both materials

The most common insulation materials often make you think about the priorities of choice: polystyrene foam or mineral wool - which is better? Parameters that seem identical at first glance

The better the insulation of the outside walls of a house with polystyrene foam or mineral wool

If you are wondering what is the best way to insulate the outside walls of a house with polystyrene foam or mineral wool, you have come to the right place, we will help you find the right answer. But know that polystyrene foam has some pros and cons, mineral wool has others, in the end, you decide what to use.

We will just introduce you to their cost and efficiency ratios so that you can make your home ideal for keeping cool in summer and reducing heat loss in winter.

There is no ideal insulation

You are not the first person interested in such information. Unfortunately, experts admit that it is only planned to create an ideal insulation in the future; now work is underway for this at world-class production facilities. And in order to insulate your home, you need to take into account the design features and the advantages and disadvantages of materials that may affect the installation process and further operation.

Polystyrene foam, as well as penoplex, are so familiar, inexpensive materials which many people choose for insulation. Or mineral wool - more expensive, but also more durable as insulation. It is necessary to consider each individual case in detail, and then decide whether polystyrene foam or mineral wool is better.

There were situations when people, having chosen one of the insulation materials, were later disappointed. Often the reason is hidden not in the material, but in the installation method, the conscientiousness of the work performer, so you should also pay attention to this. Regarding the parameters of materials, we will consider what you need to pay attention to when choosing insulation that is used to insulate the external facade.

Features of selecting the characteristics of thermal insulation material

Deciding whether it is better to insulate the outside walls of a house with foam plastic or mineral wool involves discussing the following characteristics of the materials:

  • Strength.
  • Low moisture absorption coefficient.
  • Length of service life.
  • Weight/efficiency ratio.
  • Weather resistance.
  • Safety.
  • Easy to install.
  • Resistance to biological influences.
  • Possibility of reinstallation at any time of the year if necessary.

We will consider a list of these properties that polystyrene foam and mineral wool have below; this information will help in deciding whether it is better to insulate a house with polystyrene foam or mineral wool, relative to your current needs.

If we take as a basis the ratio of the thickness of the material and the thermal insulation effect that is achieved with its help, then penoplex is superior to other insulation materials. However, we must remember that, for example, for old clay houses, insulation with brickwork is more suitable - this will give additional stability to the building.

Details about mineral wool

Stone wool began to spread when insulating houses relatively recently, within a few recent years. Features of its production provide the following advantages:

  1. Non-flammability (withstands up to 950 degrees C).
  2. Low thermal conductivity coefficient.
  3. Soundproofing.
  4. Excellent thermal insulation and vapor permeability.
  5. Resistance to biological effects (rodents and fungus do not spread).

Like any insulation currently on the market, mineral wool also has disadvantages:

  1. High price.
  2. It is relatively heavy.
  3. Upon contact, it can cause allergies, as it is dust of organic origin.
  4. Harmful substances in the composition.
  5. Absorbs moisture and condensation.

Details about foam

To understand the properties of the material, let's analyze its structure. Expanded polystyrene in the form of plates consists of a large number of small balls filled with air.

It follows from this that there is no circulation or movement of air in it, due to which it perfectly performs the function of a heat insulator. Its advantages include the following parameters:

  • noise suppression;
  • service life even in conditions high humidity and low temperature conditions;
  • lightness of slabs;
  • ease of installation;
  • resistance to biological influences.

The disadvantages of polystyrene foam are partially neutralized by the constant improvement of its varieties, for example, they invented penoplex, extruded polystyrene foam, the properties of which are very different from conventional polystyrene foam. The main disadvantage continues to be its decomposition at temperatures above 60 degrees. C, and why use insulation, which emits when heated harmful substances. Mice also love to chew on it; they don’t feed on it, but they chew on it with great joy.

Suitable place for polystyrene foam

Maximum effective solution Now he will combine types of insulation depending on the type of surface. For example, polystyrene foam is good as insulation for slopes and foundations. It is good for them to insulate non-residential premises, for example garage doors, etc.

Suitable place for mineral wool

Mineral wool is mainly used to insulate floors and ceilings. Outside, cotton wool is used to insulate walls. To avoid moisture ingress, follow the installation technology and additionally reinforce the mineral wool with a reinforcing mesh from the bottom of the facade. Or they use a combined method of installing insulation - in places with high humidity they lay penoplex.


Foam plastic or mineral wool are effectively used to insulate facade walls. If you focus on the price-quality ratio, penoplex wins. If the cost factor is not considered, then it is better to choose mineral wool. The perfect solution is a combination of materials.

In any case, when self-installation, you need to adhere to related technologies. Otherwise, you will get “cold bridges” that nullify the entire thermal insulation process, and fungus and mold, and other troubles that require additional costs.

Thanks to the author, the article is interesting and informative. I would like to add a little regarding ideal insulation. He is. Very interesting system insulation called Velit Plus. And from the proposed insulation options, I would choose mineral wool.

What is the best way to insulate the outside walls of a house with polystyrene foam or mineral wool?

What is better to choose for insulating the outside of your home: polystyrene foam or mineral wool? Features of selecting the characteristics of thermal insulation material

What is better: mineral wool or polystyrene foam - differences and best areas of application

Developers often argue about how to insulate walls; what is better: mineral wool or polystyrene foam? Some people think that EPS (extruded polystyrene foam) will the best option for thermal insulation of a house, for some not. In principle, the thermal conductivity coefficients of each of these heat insulators have very close values. But their other parameters are too different, so let’s deal with everything in order.

How is mineral wool different from polystyrene foam?

Attention! The term mineral wool refers to several types of insulation materials; for more details, see the material: Technical characteristics of mineral wool, its brands and selection criteria. In this article we will talk specifically about mineral basalt wool, because only its properties can be compared with polystyrene foam and a choice can be made. All other types of mineral wool will be inferior to both basalt wool and expanded polystyrene.

Ability to pass steam

The vapor permeability coefficient of both regular and extruded polystyrene foam is 0.03 mg/(m·h·Pa). For mineral wool this figure is 10 times higher. This means that it has a better ability to pass evaporated water. Although in practice, wall insulation consists of several layers with different vapor permeability. The final vapor permeability will correspond to the characteristics of the material for which it is minimal. That's why different types insulation materials come closer to each other.

If the insulation system has a polymer structure, then mineral wool should not be used. The fact is that both the base of the system and the outer layer, made of polymer, do not allow moisture to pass through well. If condensation gets inside, saturating the layer of mineral wool, then the water will not be able to evaporate, and the insulation will lose its thermal insulation properties. After all, if you wet the cotton even slightly, it will not hold heat well. Therefore, when insulating a house, you need to be guided by the rule: a good vapor barrier must be made on the side of the house, and material with greater vapor barrier must be laid closer to the outer walls. This way, excess moisture will go outside.

Polystyrene foam does not allow steam to pass through, but does not accumulate steam either. Steam penetrating from the side of the room is usually discharged through the joints and irregularities of the insulation.

This property can be both a plus and a minus, so here, as they say, it’s a draw.

Ability to resist fire

Here, mineral wool has a clear advantage - because this material does not burn at all. Note that some types of basalt fiber wool can withstand temperature environment up to 1000 degrees. Celsius. Expanded polystyrene not only melts easily, but is also capable of burning on its own. Some may argue that fire retardants are added to polystyrene foam, which prevent it from maintaining combustion. Yes, they are absolutely right, but their effect wears off over time and the foam begins to support combustion. And here is a video clearly demonstrating what happens when extruded polystyrene foam burns, basalt wool, polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam and ecowool.

Video: How insulation burns

Question of price

In this parameter, both insulation materials are approximately equal. The cost of both basalt rock mineral wool and polystyrene foam varies depending on their density. This indicator also affects the brand.

What is more convenient to install

Expanded polystyrene (both regular and extruded) is stronger and more resilient than mineral wool. It is easy to cut and sand. However, it is quite problematic to glue this insulation in such a way as to avoid the appearance of cold bridges at the joints of individual elements. This problem is solved by using foam sheets with an L-shaped edge. Mineral wool can be dense and elastic only in mats laid in the frame and on the facade. But the joints of its sheets are so small that there can be no question of cold bridges.

Ability to resist heat loss

As already mentioned, manufacturers indicate almost identical values ​​for the thermal conductivity coefficients of mineral wool and polystyrene foam. It was experimentally possible to find out that polystyrene foam still provides top scores. The fact is that only very dense basalt wool, produced in the form of slabs, has the same thermal conductivity. But the rolled material, which becomes looser after rolling, is inferior to expanded polystyrene in terms of thermal insulation properties.

After all, the PPS inside is a set of closed cells with air. This structure allows the material to retain heat very well.

But mineral wool releases warm air outside - because it does not have insulated cells. As a result of convection, layers of air move from the warm side of the insulator to the cold (outer) side. As a result, a room insulated with mineral wool cools faster than one insulated with polystyrene foam.

Any polystyrene foam, even the most inexpensive one, works better than mineral wool as a heat insulator. After all, all manufacturers refrigeration equipment and water heating devices are chosen for insulation. If these insulation materials are used together (in multilayer thermal insulation), then polystyrene foam should not be located outside. Otherwise, the requirement to increase vapor permeability from the inside of the walls to the outside will not be met. To meet this condition, the outer layer must be mineral wool. It seems that the answer to the question is now clear: what is warmer - polystyrene foam or mineral wool.

On the issue of environmental friendliness

Previously, polystyrene foam was made from styrene, and freon was used in the production process. This material was not suitable for use inside homes, as it emitted harmful gases. But now more stringent requirements are imposed on the environmental friendliness of materials. Both European and Russian manufacturers have stopped using freon to make foam plastic. Therefore, it is absolutely safe for outdoor use, in any quantity, but indoors it should be used carefully - without being too carried away with quantity.

About the service life of polystyrene foam and mineral wool

You can often hear or read that after 8 or 10 years the foam begins to deteriorate. But this only happens if the material has no protective coating. And then rain, snow and sun rays (especially) can really damage the foam. But in thermal insulation systems, PPS usually has a decorative coating on top. And the moisture formed as a result of the settling of condensate leaves it through moisture transfer. Old refrigerators are made of foam and nothing has been done in 30 years. A german houses, insulated with it, last 35 years (Polish - 20 years, Baltic - 15 years). Let's keep this in mind when deciding what to choose - polystyrene foam or mineral wool.

As for basalt wool, its fibers are made from volcanic rocks, so they are not afraid of various aggressive environments This naturally affects the great durability of this material.

In addition to regular polystyrene foam, there is also extruded polystyrene foam, which is superior in performance to both simple polystyrene foam and mineral wool. The EPS inside has identical cells, evenly spaced. It can be used not only for insulating floors, walls and roofs, but also for the construction of various buildings and structures, as well as roads. Extruded polystyrene foam is used not only in the construction of private houses, but also on an industrial scale.

What is better to insulate with polystyrene foam?

This material has proven itself very well in places where air humidity is quite high but insulation is required.

  • Foam plastic will not do anything when in contact with wet ground, so it can perfectly insulate foundations, as well as various engineering structures located underground. Tens of years will pass, and the insulation will remain the same as at the very beginning. It is often used in the construction of multi-layer foundations as a middle layer. It turns out to be a very reliable and high-quality foundation.
  • When building houses without basements, on monolithic foundation, it is also convenient to use polystyrene foam. Plates of this material are laid on a leveled area, and then a layer of concrete is poured on top of them. The slabs themselves can be either one row or several. After the concrete has hardened, the walls of the house begin to be erected.
  • To prevent the foundation of the house from freezing, it is very effective to insulate not only its vertical, but also its horizontal part with polystyrene foam. Expanded polystyrene slabs are laid along the foundation. Then they are covered with additional layers if necessary. waterproofing layer. This method of insulation reliably protects the foundation from frost.
  • The walls of houses (both inside and outside) can also be effectively insulated with polystyrene foam. It is best if these walls are block or brick. A high thermal insulation effect is achieved when using polystyrene foam to insulate interior spaces, and the formation of a dew point is not observed.
  • For non-ventilated roofs (warm, flat roofs) PSBS grade of polystyrene foam is used. A waterproofing layer must be placed on top. For cold roofs that are ventilated, thermal insulation is carried out differently. The inside of the roof is insulated with polystyrene foam, leaving space for ventilation. This prevents water vapor from condensing.
  • It is also good to insulate floors and ceilings between floors with foam boards. A layer of insulating material is placed under them, and concrete is poured on top.
  • A variety of packaging is also made from polystyrene foam, and it is also used for thermal insulation of refrigerators, freezers and special isothermal vans.

Mineral wool or polystyrene foam, which is better, warmer and more practical?

What do you think, mineral wool or polystyrene foam - which is better? After all, both materials are equivalent in thermal conductivity. But there are some nuances. And each of the insulation materials has its own areas of application.

The choice of insulation type is an important point in the construction of both multi-apartment and low-rise private houses. Properly selected material will provide a high degree of heat conservation, help avoid heat loss and make the house truly energy efficient.

Two popular insulation materials are polystyrene foam and mineral wool. Each of them has their fans. Some believe that thermal insulation with polystyrene foam is the best option, others prefer mineral wool building materials in slabs and rolls. To understand which option is better, it’s worth understanding in more detail and learning about their properties.

What to choose?

The difference between mineral wool and polystyrene foam

Mineral wool- a material made from stone or glass fiber. Sometimes mineral wool mats are impregnated with special compounds. They not only help the insulation maintain its given shape, but also additionally protect the insulated structure from fire, damage by insects, mold, and mildew.

Plates, rolls and mats

Styrofoam is a polymer foam mass from which slabs are formed that are easy to use. Among its properties are low water and vapor permeability, insulation with a high degree of heat retention. A modern subtype of material - extruded polystyrene foam - is distinguished by valuable performance qualities. It does not emit harmful compounds when heated, and is not damaged by rodents and insects.

Types of expanded polystyrene

Cotton wool is looser and is able to accumulate moisture between the fibers. It can cake, which reduces its heat-saving properties over time. But mineral wool mats and slabs are not afraid of even open flames and do not support the combustion process.

Polystyrene foam does not require the installation of moisture protective agents - membranes and films; it itself prevents moisture from entering the structure. But when insulating with foam plastic, special attention will need to be paid ventilation system– it does not have vapor permeability, so the rooms can be stuffy.

What is better polystyrene foam or mineral wool for high-quality insulation of houses? The answer to this question cannot be unambiguous - both types of heat insulators do an excellent job of saving heat, but each of them has special properties needed for different situations.

Analysis of material characteristics

Almost any structure can be insulated with foam plastic or mineral wool. Both types of insulation are easy to use and allow for quick installation. But what to choose? First of all, it is worth understanding the operational features of both insulation materials.

Expanded polystyrene

Expanded polystyrene is a foam plastic familiar to everyone. Today they also produce an improved modification for insulating facades - polystyrene foamed by extrusion.

Types of material

Conventional polystyrene foam consists of easily separated light grains, each of which has a porous structure. It is used for insulating facades, attics, and outbuildings.


Does not accumulate moisture, easy to install. During the cutting process there is no dust that irritates the skin and respiratory tract.


Able to support combustion, melts at high temperatures. Does not allow steam to pass through, so condensation may appear on the surface.

What is insulated with foam plastic

Extruded polystyrene foam can be used to insulate the façade if necessary, to protect interior spaces or load-bearing frame from the influence of moisture.

Mineral wool

The best insulation is mineral thermal insulation based on fiber from volcanic rocks. It does not burn, does not react with chemical compounds, and does not attract interest from rodents and insects.

Types of mineral wool

Mineral wool insulation is distinguished by the degree of density, the origin of the fiber, and the form of delivery. Two types of thermal insulation building materials - slab and roll - are used for different areas that require insulation.


Fire safety, environmental friendliness, long term services.


Can absorb moisture, accumulating it between the fibers. As a result, the quality of insulation decreases; also, in the case of installing roll-type cotton wool, the material can slide and cake under the weight of the accumulated moisture.

Where is it better to use mineral wool?

Mineral wool thermal insulation materials are used on facade walls (slabs) and for insulating gables. During installation, it is worth considering the need to lay a moisture and vapor barrier membrane.

Comparative analysis of the main criteria of insulation materials

To understand which insulation is best to choose to solve the problem at hand, it is worth considering the technical characteristics of both options.

Vapor permeability

Vapor permeability indicators for thermal insulation materials vary:

  • polystyrene foam – 0.03 mg/(m.h.Pa);
  • mineral wool - about 10 times higher.

This means that mineral wool allows steam to pass through better. Practice shows that thermal insulation is multi-layered, and each layer has its own vapor permeability coefficient.

If insulation requires the presence of a polymer structure, then roll insulation is not recommended.

The base and outer layer of the thermal insulation system, made with the participation of polymers, minimally allow moisture to pass through. Getting condensation inside can lead to a deterioration in the basic thermal insulation characteristics of the insulation.

Vapor permeability

Polystyrene foam is not capable of transmitting moisture, but it cannot accumulate it. The steam that comes out from the side of the rooms is easily removed through uneven areas and gaps. It’s definitely difficult to say whether this is a disadvantage or an advantage.

Moisture accumulation

In the manufacture of mineral wool insulators they are often used adhesive compositions, but the material is characterized by increased water absorption. Rates vary depending on density. For polystyrene foam this figure is lower and almost approaches zero.

Fire Resistance

This parameter is excellent for mineral wool insulation - mineral wool wool does not burn, does not contribute to the flare-up of a flame, and melts only at very high temperatures, which can only be achieved in industrial conditions.

Fire resistance

Stone wool mats and slabs can easily withstand temperatures up to 1000°C.

Expanded polystyrene does not resist high temperatures well - it melts, burns itself and easily maintains combustion. To improve performance characteristics, special compounds - fire retardants - are added to the material in production. But their effect ends over time with prolonged exposure to fire and high temperatures. Therefore, polystyrene foam cannot be considered fireproof.

Environmental friendliness

Previously, when producing polystyrene foam, freon was added to the composition, which released dangerous fumes. Today, foreign and Russian manufacturers have stopped adding this element due to high environmental requirements.

Ecological cleanliness

For external insulation, polystyrene foam can be used without restrictions, but for internal insulation it is worth reducing the amount of material; as an alternative, replace it with roll insulation, characterized by high environmental friendliness.

Resistance to heat loss

The thermal conductivity coefficients of insulation materials indicated by manufacturers practically do not differ from each other. However, foam plastic shows better results when insulated. Although the wool in the slabs is not inferior to polystyrene foam in terms of thermal conductivity, its rolled counterparts cannot boast of this.

Note that a room thermally insulated with mineral wool cools much faster than one insulated with foam plastic.

Even inexpensive polystyrene foam surpasses the performance of thermal insulators in rolls. With joint multilayer insulation, the outer layer should be mineral wool and the inner layer should be foam.

Ease of installation

Extruded or regular polystyrene foam is a material that is as convenient to use as possible. It is easy to cut and does not require special equipment or tools for processing.

Dense and light, it is available for work even with the participation of amateurs in the process. Minus – loose joining of edges. This leads to the appearance of cold bridges. The solution to the problem is to use slabs with an L-shaped edge. They fit together without gaps and, accordingly, cold bridges.

Mineral wool insulation is also lightweight, although more than that of polystyrene foam. Cutting them to size does not require complex and expensive tools.

Disadvantages - the occurrence of dust during the laying process - fragments of mineral fiber, as well as lower density (to avoid caking and sliding, it is better to use mineral wool slabs). But the joints of the material are so dense that blowing and cold bridges are simply excluded.


Polystyrene foam is not considered one of the most durable insulating building materials. Over time, it can deteriorate under the influence of moisture, wind, ultraviolet rays sun. But it is worth remembering that the design usually implies protective layer on top of the insulation. It could be like facing materials, as well as special plasters and putties.

Proper installation and protection of polystyrene foam can achieve a fairly long service life of the thermal insulation layer - up to 50 years.

Life time

Mineral wool can last for centuries. It is made on the basis of volcanic rocks, which ensures the longest possible service life. The only thing that can cause a decrease in the thermal insulation characteristics of the material is caking of mineral fibers. To prevent this from happening, you need to choose the right type of mineral wool insulation. For horizontal surfaces, mats of sufficient thickness are often used; vertical surfaces are better insulated with slabs. They are denser, so they do not cake or slide.


The cost of heat insulators is approximately the same. The price is affected not only by the density of the materials, but also by the reputation of the manufacturer. In addition, in different construction stores it may also differ.

The best manufacturers on the market

One of the first manufacturers to enter the Russian market with proposals for mineral wool insulation - URSA. Later, products from Knauf, Rockwool, and Isover appeared. These manufacturers are still considered the best. Analogs from other companies are cheaper, but the quality may not be for the better.

Trusted manufacturers

The most famous manufacturers of extruded and conventional foam plastic today are Penoplex, Elite-Plast and TechnoNIKOL. Any of the presented brands guarantees decent quality insulation based on polystyrene foam.

The problem of choosing between polystyrene foam and mineral wool insulation for insulation often arises. Below there are two useful tips that can help even a beginner make a quick decision:

  • basalt wool is suitable for thermal insulation of various facades before finishing, thermal insulation of gables, the main thing is to provide vapor and waterproofing;
  • polystyrene foam is relevant for thermal insulation of facades of brick and wooden houses.

You can always reconsider your options and choose a building material that is suitable in terms of cost and characteristics.

The given recommendations serve as the result of an economic calculation and have been verified empirically. For each specific situation the heat insulator is selected separately - it is recommended to take the advice of experienced consultants in construction stores.

When planning to build a house, you always have to decide how to fit within the budget allocated for these purposes. Not every family can afford to spend money recklessly.

In the middle of the last century, when construction industry did not yet have modern materials and construction technologies, the issue of thermal insulation of the house was solved in only one way: the external walls were built of such a thickness that provided the necessary level of thermal insulation in the conditions of a certain climatic region. For example, in Western Siberia the thickness brick wall should have been 640 mm, although it load bearing capacity significantly exceeded what was necessary (even for a multi-story building).

The emergence of new insulation materials makes it possible to erect thinner enclosing structures with their subsequent insulation from the side of the building facade. This makes it possible to save on wall material, but requires costs for the home insulation system. However, construction is still cheaper.

The choice of insulation also affects the financial component of construction, so here too many developers strive to save by choosing more cheap material- Styrofoam. Others are categorically against the use of this insulation, despite its excellent thermal insulation properties, and choose mineral wool.

In order to give preference to any material, you need to understand the features and properties of each of them.

What are polystyrene foam and mineral wool?

Polystyrene foam is foamed polystyrene (porous white granules), produced in the form of sheets and slabs of various thicknesses, as well as in the form of bulk material.

EPS sheets and slabs (expanded polystyrene) are used for thermal insulation of various building structures. Bulk material can be used as fill-in thermal insulation of partitions or individual hard-to-reach cavities, as well as as an additive to mortars, improving their thermal insulation characteristics.

Mineral wool is not such a clear concept. This is a general name for fibrous thermal insulation made from mineral raw materials.

There are three types of mineral wool:

  • slag;
  • glass wool;
  • stone wool.

In this case, we will consider PPS and stone wool, since slag and glass wool cannot compare with it in terms of thermal insulation and many other characteristics.

Stone (basalt) wool is a fibrous insulation material, the raw materials for the production of which are rocks. During the production cycle, the crushed raw materials are melted at a temperature of 1400 degrees, after which the liquid mixture is blown out in the form of thin threads, from which mats and insulation boards are then formed. Since the production process of mineral wool is more complex and energy-intensive, its cost is higher than that of PPP.

Mats and slabs made from stone raw materials have wide application in construction, as well as other industries (for example, mechanical engineering).

Let's start with the main indicator - thermal conductivity. The lower its value, the better the material resists heat loss. It must be said that PPS and stone wool slabs are produced not only in different sizes and thicknesses, but also in different densities.

The higher the density, the less porosity of the material, the worse it retains heat. But for some structures, the decisive indicator of the possibility of using a particular material is its density, which directly affects the resistance of the insulation to deformation.

The table shows the indicators of PPS and mineral wool slabs of various densities:

The table shows that the thermal conductivity of the materials is very close, but for foam plastic they are still slightly better.

– an important indicator indicating how well the material transmits water vapor. From this point of view, foam plastic is far from a model - it almost does not allow steam to pass through. True, it does not get wet and does not lose its properties.

But for the walls of a house this can be very, very critical - the accumulation of water vapor on their surface, which is filtered from inside the building to the outside, can lead to the formation of condensation and destruction of the wall material. This effect is especially dangerous for wood, which quickly begins to rot and collapse, although walls made of stone blocks or bricks will also begin to lose strength over time.

The same indicator for mineral wool is about 10 times higher - that is, it passes steam quite well, bringing it out. But it is very important that the insulation is well ventilated, otherwise the moisture accumulated inside it will cause it to lose its thermal insulation properties. Therefore, the facade thermal insulation system, in the case of using stone wool, must always provide the necessary ventilation gap, through which excess moisture will be removed from the insulation.

Fire safety– also a critically important indicator for the material used in the construction of a residential building. PPS not only burns actively, but also releases extremely toxic substances that are deadly to people and animals. Although fire retardants are added to it during production, this does not greatly reduce its flammability. Modern extruded PPS is somewhat more resistant to fire, but it also cannot be compared with stone wool.

From this point of view, mineral wool, which practically does not burn and has the ability to self-extinguish, is much safer than foam plastic.

Environmental friendliness– an important indicator for materials used inside the building. During installation outdoor system it does not play a critical role in insulation. But, for the sake of fairness, it should be noted that from this point of view, mineral wool insulation leaves expanded polystyrene far behind.

Of course, this only applies to certified products from well-known manufacturers.

Otherwise, the material may release formaldehyde and also become quite dusty over time. It is the ability of PPS to release harmful gas when heated (even not during a fire) that makes it extremely undesirable for insulating walls or other structures from the inside.

Life time. As for stone wool, it is more than 50 years (subject to correct installation thermal insulation). Polystyrene foam can also serve for a long time - up to 30 years, but only on the condition that it is isolated from the effects of adverse factors external environment, especially UV radiation. It provokes rapid aging of the material and its destruction. Therefore, after covering the walls with foam plastic, you need to protect it from the external environment as soon as possible by applying insulation over it decorative plaster(which, by the way, significantly reduces the possibility of fire) or other decorative coating.

– also provides big influence on the durability of the material and its performance characteristics. In this regard, both insulation materials exhibit high resistance to mold, mildew, and the proliferation of microorganisms. But for rodents, both materials are a desirable place from the point of view of nesting.

Ease of installation It is worth considering for each material separately.

When using polystyrene foam, consider the following:

  • The lightness of the material makes it easy to load, transport and use.
  • You need to cut PPS slabs carefully - they break and crumble easily.
  • It is difficult to join the plates so that there are no cold bridges between them (except for sheets with grooves).
  • The material can be attached directly to the walls (glued and secured with mushroom dowels), without a frame. In this case, the dowels will also become cold bridges.

Mineral wool:

  • Attachment to vertical surfaces requires the mandatory installation of a frame, which increases the cost of installation and its timing.
  • Due to the elasticity of the material, the slabs are joined tightly, without cold bridges.
  • High-density boards can be cut well with a hacksaw.
  • When working with basalt wool, you need to use skin, respiratory and eye protection, since the material is still a little dusty and itchy.

Thus, you need to make a decision about using a specific insulation based on its properties, capabilities and location.

Where is it better to use insulation, based on their properties and considerations of feasibility?

Considering the good tolerance of high humidity by polystyrene foam, it is better for them to insulate some types of structures.


  • Foundations and other underground structures - here the insulation will be perfectly preserved and will not lose its properties for a long time.
  • Monolithic foundations of houses without basements. First, polystyrene foam is placed in the pit, and then the base is poured with concrete.
  • The walls of buildings are made of blocks or bricks, which are little susceptible to mold and mildew. The material can be used both outside and inside the house.
  • Non-ventilated flat roofs, protecting the PPS on top with a layer of waterproofing.
  • Balconies and loggias.
  • Floors and ceilings of technical basements.
  • Refrigerators, isothermal vans and cold rooms.

Stone wool performs best when insulating the following structures:

  • Walls of wooden buildings, floors, partitions. When insulating external walls, mineral wool should be part of the ventilated facade, protected by a vapor barrier membrane.
  • Brick low-rise buildings - as an internal thermal insulation layer in the wall cavity, as a middle layer in the manufacture of three-layer concrete panels and metal sandwich panels.
  • Any frame-type buildings - both for vertical and horizontal, as well as inclined and curved surfaces.
  • Heat, water and gas lines, as well as industrial equipment.

For external insulation of stone or block walls In a residential building, you can use both insulation. The cost of PPS is lower and it is easier to work with, but the increased flammability of the material makes many people refuse it.

For wooden buildings The choice is clear: stone wool.

If the construction of a house or its major renovation We have reached the stage of insulation, then it’s time to choose high-quality insulation. The most popular today are polystyrene foam and basalt wool. Both types of materials have proven themselves with the best side. However, some technical characteristics of insulation speak in favor of one and against the other in specific cases. Therefore, in our material we examine in detail what is better for insulation - stone wool or polystyrene foam.

Important: in the article we will compare exclusively basalt insulation, which is a type of mineral wool. But only stone wool has thermal conductivity approximately identical to polystyrene foam. All other types of mineral wool materials are inferior to foam plastic, and therefore will not be considered as its competitors.

Comparative characteristics of both types of insulation

Fire resistance

One of the most important criteria, which the developer or master pays attention to. In this case, the advantage is on the side of stone wool. Thus, stone insulation is an absolutely non-flammable substance, which is confirmed by certificates and the “NG” marking on the packaging. Moreover, stone wool is considered a self-extinguishing insulation that prevents combustion. That is why basalt slabs are more often used at points of contact with flammable devices and objects. Rock mineral wool begins to melt only at a temperature of 1114 degrees Celsius. At the same time, polystyrene foam burns well under direct exposure to fire. And even the use of fire retardants, which, as the manufacturer claims, prevent combustion, is not entirely reliable. Because these substances evaporate over time and the foam boards are prone to burning again.

Thermal conductivity

It is known here that insulating a house using stone wool and expanded polystyrene is almost equally effective. However, through trial and testing, experts have found out that foam plastic slabs will be warmer and better. Because this material has a closed-cell structure, unlike stone wool. Thus, foam insulation definitely works better. In terms of thermal insulation qualities, only basalt wool, which has a high density and high rigidity, is identical to polystyrene foam. Other types of stone wool (soft mats and semi-rigid slabs) are inferior to expanded polystyrene.

Vapor barrier

An equally important factor that will regulate the formation of condensation on the wall material under the insulated facade. Thus, for polystyrene, vapor permeability is 0.03 mg/(m h Pa), while stone wool can transmit moisture/evaporation by 10 times greater. This is why basalt insulation definitely wins if you don’t know what is best to choose as insulation.

It is worth knowing that when installing a multilayer insulation system for a facade, insulation materials must be positioned in such a way that the vapor permeability of the insulation decreases towards the walls of the house. However, if the insulation system contains plastic/polymer materials that do not allow moisture to pass through or accumulate, then using stone wool in tandem is not recommended. Therefore, if you want to glue mineral wool slabs onto polystyrene foam, then you take all the risk upon yourself. Condensation can accumulate on polystyrene walls and gradually destroy the structure of the wool. Although, if you install the foam plastic correctly with technical gaps for evaporation removal, then it is quite possible that the answer to the question “is it possible to glue basalt wool to the foam plastic” will be “yes”. But everything is strictly individual and depends on the initial wall material Houses. Yes, according to brickwork This can be done by strictly adhering to the technology and recommendations of professionals. Use polystyrene foam and stone wool on top wooden facade forbidden. Because wood breathes, but polystyrene foam does not. Over time, moisture from condensation will simply “eat” the wood.

Advice: when installing insulation, in any case, a layer of vapor barrier material should be laid. In this case, a lower level of vapor barrier should be located closer to the walls, and a larger vapor barrier should be located closer to the facade finishing. This way condensation and evaporation will escape outside.

Structure and strength of the material

Expanded polystyrene has a structure of many closed cells filled with air. Hence the low mass of the insulation and its reduced thermal conductivity. In addition, it is precisely this structure that prevents the foam from deforming over many decades. In turn, stone insulation has a fibrous structure connected by air and phenolic resins. That is, air can circulate freely through the stone slabs. That is why, even with the highest rigidity, basalt wool slabs can sag over time. Of course, this will not happen very soon, but still. So here the answer to the question “what is better” is unequivocal - polystyrene foam.

Convenience and ease of installation

If we consider both types of insulation in order to choose which is better, then the situation here looks like this:

  • Polystyrene foam is considered a fairly elastic and pliable insulation material. It is easy to cut and install. However, when placing foam boards on glue, it is not always possible to avoid small gaps due to cells crumbling during cutting. Thus, cold bridges appear. Correct the situation either with polyurethane foam, or using special foam plates with an L-shaped protrusion.
  • In turn, mineral wool is easily cut using construction knife(with low density) or hacksaws for wood (with a density of 80 kg/m3. Also, joints for stone wool are more even and precise. However, stone wool produces allergenic stone dust, which requires the use of protective clothing when carrying out work.

Environmental friendliness of materials

Polystyrene foam is considered less environmentally friendly material than stone slabs. And although, according to modern standards, smaller doses of styrene and phenols are used for the production of polystyrene foam, it is still undesirable to use polystyrene foam inside the house. But this material is well suited for outdoor work. Stone wool is considered a more environmentally friendly insulation material.

Price of insulation

The cost of both types of insulation is approximately the same and starts from 6 USD. per pack of 10 sheets. But the price may vary depending on the manufacturer, thickness and hardness of the stone wool sheets. Foam plastic is characterized by upward price changes depending on the thickness of the slabs.

Foam insulation for home

In order to figure out what is better to insulate a particular object (with foam plastic or stone wool), we offer several recommendations for the use of this or that type of insulation. So, it is better to insulate the following objects with polystyrene foam:

  • The foundation from the ground side and any utilities located underground.
  • Foundation as an intermediate layer between monolithic slabs and a screed.
  • Houses that do not have a basement are also insulated with polystyrene foam. In this case, the slabs will effectively prevent cold from entering the house from the ground.
  • External insulation of brick and block walls of a house, even if a wet facade is installed. Wet type of work is not dangerous for foam plastic.
  • It is also good to insulate non-ventilated roofs with polystyrene foam.
  • It is good to lay polystyrene foam in the interfloor ceilings of brick and panel houses.

Important: it is imperative to lay vapor and waterproofing under the foam insulation.

Stone wool for home

  • First of all, basalt slabs are ideal for any wooden buildings, since wood breathes at full capacity, releasing steam from the heat inside to the outside.
  • Premises made of wood with a high level of humidity inside - baths and saunas.
  • All possible interior partitions and sandwich panels frame houses can also be insulated with stone wool.
  • When insulating the facade, the outer walls of the house can also be equipped with basalt slabs. But in this case, a mandatory ingredient for the composition of the “warm cake” should be a vapor barrier membrane.
  • Sloping roofs are also insulated with stone wool, attic floors etc.
  • The use of stone fiber wool is relevant where installation of fire-hazardous communications is expected. It is mineral wool that can contain and prevent possible fire. In this case, polystyrene foam has no place here.
  • In addition, basalt insulation boards are used as a soundproofing material.
  • And in addition we can say that with the help stone insulation it is possible to cover the main lines and pipelines of the for various purposes from gas to heating mains.

Important: it is stone wool that is used for industrial enterprises for insulation of complex equipment.

Advice: if a wet façade is to be built over stone wool, then a reinforcing mesh must be laid under the plaster.

When it comes to home insulation, consumers have to compare insulation materials. Most often, the most popular ones are compared, so the question of which is better, foam plastic or mineral wool, is found on every construction site.

There are no better insulation materials

Every building material has certain technical characteristics. All insulation materials have their own areas of application. Usually, where one material is good, the second turns out to be “bad”, i.e. not suitable. But in other conditions the first cannot be used, and the second will be better.

What is more suitable - polystyrene foam or mineral wool - will have to be decided based on the specific conditions of use. Most often, in private houses, developers are concerned with issues of large-scale insulation of foundations, walls, roofs or ceilings, as well as floors. The insulation areas are large, the volume of materials is not cheap. Therefore, the importance of choosing and correctly using thermal insulators is very significant.

Which insulates better?

Comparing the thermal conductivity coefficients of insulation materials indicated in various sources, one can notice that for foam plastics it is indicated approximately the same - about 0.037 W/m?C. And for mineral wool, you can find a significant spread - literally from 0.03 W/mS to 0.06 W/mS.

This is due to the desire of manufacturers to sell more mineral wool, and to play on the opportunity to indicate not operational, but laboratory values.

It is necessary to take into account the moisture content of the layer in the structure, shrinkage and compaction of the material or the use of denser samples - for calculations, the mineral wool coefficient is taken as 0.45 - 0.55 W/mS....

Thus, polystyrene foam insulates on average 17% better. But this is not so significant when choosing insulation, and does not at all determine which one is better. The choice is influenced by something completely different.

Vapor permeability

The main criterion for choosing between foam plastic or mineral wool is the vapor permeability of these materials. The corresponding coefficient for foam plastics is taken as 0.03 mg/(m·h·Pa). And for mineral wool - 0.3 mg/(m h Pa), i.e. it can pass through itself 10 times more steam. It will allow moisture to escape almost freely from the structure, and the plastic will resist the movement of steam. In “breathable” materials such as aerated concrete or wood, it will simply prevent moisture from escaping and cause them to become moist.

First of all, you need to look at the vapor permeability of the layers; will the outer insulating layer block the exit of moisture from the structure? The outer layer should be more vapor-transparent than the inner one.

Moisture accumulation

Ordinary expanded polystyrene foam (foam) can become moisturized and accumulate moisture. It cannot just be in the ground or in a damp basement. On the wall it must be protected from sunlight and sediment by a continuous layer of plaster.

But mineral wool can absorb water like a sponge. A prerequisite for its use is constant ventilation with outside dry air. Those. it is closed either with hanging panels, under which the air stream moves, or with a particularly vapor-transparent thin layer of plaster. Embed cotton wool into concrete (heavy) structures without ventilation. gap with the jet is always questionable and not a recommended option here.


It is better to pay enough attention to the issue of flammability of materials and be guided by fire standards when choosing insulation materials. Expanded polystyrenes smolder, support combustion when exposed to flame, but at the same time emit a large number of the most dangerous poisons. Those. It is impossible to be in the smoke from foam plastic.

For this reason, polystyrene foam indoors, without fencing with fire-resistant layers from the living space (30 minutes of exposure to flame), should not be used.

Mineral wool can heat up to an average of 1000 degrees without melting, only with increased emission of phenolic binders.

Environmental friendliness

The harmfulness of mineral wool is quite widely known. It contains tiny, microscopic-sized stone fibers, which are very dangerous for living cells. Causes severe illness. In addition to them, the material contains formaldehyde in the binder resin, which is always released.

Mineral wool cannot be located inside the premises in an uninsulated state. The jet ventilating the insulation should only be thrown outside.

Expanded polystyrene is also not environmentally friendly pure substance, and when heated above 60 degrees, it significantly increases the release of decomposition products, including poisons - styrene... The material cannot be used in conjunction with hot pipelines, where electrical wiring runs...

Where is it better to use mineral wool?

Sometimes developers want to insulate cheaper - from the inside. But the use of insulation on the internal surfaces of structures is highly undesirable for many factors and cannot be recommended here.

Mineral wool is usually used in the following cases when insulating a private house.

  • External insulation of walls from any materials, using technology that involves finishing the facade ready-made panels and ventilation of the insulation underneath.
  • Thermal insulation of the facade with dense mineral wool samples under a thin plaster layer.
  • To create a barrier to heat escape through the roof. In this case, the insulation is ventilated under the roofing.
  • IN wooden floors with security effective ventilation underground and barriers to moisture coming from the ground.

When is foam plastic usually used?

  • For insulating walls made of heavy dense materials, by sticking polystyrene foam and then plastering it. Most apartments are insulated this way.
  • For attic fireproof floors, no lathing is made for dense insulation samples.
  • For pitched roofs, provided that the layer is enclosed from the inside with a fireproof finish (3 cm thick plasterboard...)
  • On balconies and loggias from the inside, under paneling or plaster.

When is extruded polystyrene foam better than others?

But foam plastic has " close relative"- extruded version, warmer, which is distinguished by the fact that it does not accumulate water at all (does not become moistened) and does not allow steam to pass through it.

It is used to insulate:

  • flat roofs;
  • foundation and plinth;
  • soil under roads, near gates, around the house under the blind area (foundation protection);
  • pipelines in the ground;
  • wet basements from the inside;
  • from the inside of the room, walls made of any materials, if for some reason it is impossible to insulate the outside, provided that a fireproof finish is created.

As you can see, using the three best insulation materials - mineral wool, polystyrene foam, extruded polystyrene foam - it is not difficult to insulate a house comprehensively, and at the same time do everything correctly...