How to make a ladder to the second floor. Wooden staircase to the second floor - step-by-step instructions for calculation and manufacturing. Features of manufacturing a spiral staircase

Most private houses nowadays have several floors. It is cheaper to build such a house, since you can get more living space with a smaller foundation. After all, it is the foundation that accounts for the main expenses during construction. Yes and organize convenient layout two-story house easier.

But the presence of a larger number of floors requires the construction of stairs, which often frightens those who are building their house or cottage. To them, such work seems complicated, but in reality, everything is quite simple. Nice ladder easy to build with your own hands, just knowing some features.

What does the staircase consist of?

Stair elements

First you need, of course, to understand what it is, what its main elements are. The basic design here is so simple that the differences between different types minimal.

Firstly, everyone knows that it consists of steps. They bear the main burden. The steps do not hang in the air, they rest on one of two types supporting structures- bowstrings or stringers.

  • Bowstrings are two thick boards in which special grooves are cut for steps and risers. Such grooves are made according to a template. The bowstrings are tightened with cords made of both metal and wood;
  • Unlike bowstrings, stringers are not straight boards, but have a sawtooth shape. Horizontal cuts are used as support for steps, and vertical cuts are used to attach risers. Another difference between a stringer and bowstrings is that during construction you can use not two boards, but one. In the latter version, the steps rest on the walls.

Stringer marking scheme

An optional, but present almost everywhere, element is risers. Their main function is decorative. Risers make it possible to hide inner space stairs.

Also optional, but highly desirable, are handrails that increase the level of safety of use. Sometimes stairs have elements such as a supporting step or special platforms.

What are the types of stairs?

In the majority modern houses They make one of their three main types - marching, rail-mounted, screw. At the same time, they choose based on aesthetic preferences, availability of free space in the house, budget and other parameters.

Marching stairs

The most common flight stairs

The simplest and most common design is marching staircase. Although, having such an important advantage - ease of construction, it also has one important drawback - it takes up quite a lot of space. As a result, its construction may not be justified in a small house.

Depending on the number of storeys of the building, its size, staircases of this type are built with one flight, two flights, three flights, etc. Marches are individual segments that can consist of a different number of steps, but usually no more than fifteen. The optimal number is ten steps.

In addition, they are divided into open and closed. In most cases, owners make a choice based on aesthetic preferences, because the only difference between them is the presence or absence of risers. Open staircases are chosen by those who want a feeling of lightness in the interior.

Their device is similar. They also differ simply in the type of support they use. They can rely on bowstrings, or they can rely on stringers. At the same time, there is no total preference for one type of support. It all depends on the wishes of the owner or location. For example, for a staircase against a wall, it is quite logical to use a stringer as a load-bearing beam.

To save space, they are often made with a turn. In this case, trapezoidal rotary steps, called winders, are used. The most common angles of rotation of flight stairs are 90 degrees (quarter-turn staircase) and 180 degrees (half-turn staircase). They also come with a 360-degree rotation, but then they can also be classified as screw-type.

Stairs on rails

Staircases on the rails have a modern, technological and easy look

With the growing popularity of interiors in high-tech or modern style, the popularity of staircases on rails has increased. They really have a modern, technological and at the same time lightweight look. They got their name from the German word “bolz”, meaning “bolt”, which is what their main one is called. structural element– large hanging balusters.

A special feature of the design here is the absence of a frame, which creates the feeling that it is floating in the air. Its role is played by the steps themselves and the bolts mounted to the handrails.

There are several types of staircase designs on rails. You can choose one that only involves the use of balusters, or one with one side supported on a wall, bowstring or stringer. Quite common combined options. The choice depends only on the taste and planning features of the house.

In addition to aesthetics, they have one undoubted practical advantage - high maintainability. Any element, from steps to railings, can be very easily dismantled.

Spiral staircases

Spiral staircases are popular in both modern and classic interiors

Spiral staircases are popular in both modern and classic interiors. They are valued primarily for the fact that they take up very little space (example in the photo). If you have small house, then this is the choice for you. Their compact, small-sized proportions allow efficient use of space. On the other hand, there are some drawbacks - they are not wide and steep, and self-assembly, although not very difficult, requires more work than in the case of marching ones.

Today, two main designs are used:

  • The first of them involves the use of bent-glued handrails, onto which the steps are attached. This design is quite complex, but also particularly beautiful;
  • The second, the most common and classic, involves the use of a central support and curved handrails. The steps are attached both to the support and to the handrails. This design is simpler and does not have such strict requirements for the strength of materials as the first.

Design spiral staircase may also provide for supporting the steps on the wall. In this case, special recesses are made in the wall, to which they are attached. It will not necessarily have the shape of a circle; it may well be polygonal.

Make a staircase: Requirements

You need to design a staircase at the design stage of the entire house. At the same time, several need to be taken into account simple conditions and requirements:

  1. It is necessary to take into account where it will be installed;
  2. How many residents will use it and how often, and what age these people will be;
  3. Will there be a need to carry something very heavy along it;
  4. It is required that the slope angle not only does not exceed 42 degrees, but is also constant along its entire length;
  5. The minimum width should be 80 cm and no less;
  6. Steps must be installed based on a minimum design load of 200 kilograms per meter. cubic;
  7. The minimum design load for railings is 100 kg per meter. cubic;
  8. Stair railings should not be too low. Their smallest height can be no less than 80 cm;
  9. Balusters should not be too sparse, the clear distance between them should not exceed 15 cm.

Making a staircase: Calculations

Before making a staircase, it is necessary to make correct calculations

Having taken into account all the above requirements and choosing the appropriate type of staircase, you can safely begin building it yourself according to the drawing.

Success self-construction depends on correct calculations. By calculating the design parameters of the staircase, you determine those dimensions that best contribute to ensuring comfortable and safe movement. Moreover, convenience is supported by a certain relationship between lifting and moving forward.

When designing, you need to remember that all steps of one flight must have the same dimensions. At the same time, the sum of the double height of the riser and step should not be less than the length of the average human step, which is 60–66 cm.

To achieve the greatest convenience, it is worth maintaining the difference between the width of the step and the height of the riser at 12 cm, but the greatest safety is achieved when the sum of these parameters is at least 46 cm.

When calculating the angle of inclination, it is taken into account that the distance from the plane of each step to the ceiling should not be less than two meters.

The optimal tilt angle is considered to be in the range from 23 to 37 degrees.

Naturally, the larger it is, the less space the structure will occupy, but at an angle of more than 45 degrees it will simply be inconvenient to climb.

In order to determine the total length of a simple flight of stairs, you can use the formula H2 + D2 = L2, where H is the sum of the distance from the ground floor floor to the ceiling and the thickness interfloor covering, and D is the size of the projection onto the floor. In order to determine the size of the projection, you must first find out the number of steps required. To do this, you need to divide H by the selected step height. After which the resulting number of steps is multiplied by their selected width.

Make a ladder according to the instructions: ladder on bowstrings

There are many types of ladders, now we will talk about the ladder on bowstrings.

Staircase to the second floor on bowstrings

How to make a bowstring

You need to start building a staircase on bowstrings by making them. Why choose either a durable solid and fairly thick board or a durable laminated veneer lumber. The length of the boards is selected based on the length of the stairs or flight. You also need to prepare ties with which you will fasten the beams so that they do not move apart different sides during operation.

The markings are done before the strings are installed. This stage plays an important role, since its incorrect implementation often leads to a banal distortion of the steps. In order for the groove cutouts to be completely identical and located equidistant from each other, a homemade template is used when marking. Use as a template thin sheet plywood.

On the inside of the board you need to draw a boundary line, 5 cm away from the edge, otherwise the bowstring has a chance to turn into a stringer.

It is these lines that will act as the boundaries of the steps. Then they take the template, apply it and outline the places for future grooves, moving it to the end. The location of the grooves on the beams of the bowstrings should be mirrored.

Bowstring installation

Mounting bowstrings does not require any special skills or a lot of time. The whole procedure consists in attaching the string with self-tapping screws to the floor and floor coverings. Sometimes, if a very large load is expected, support beams are used. But such a design is rarely found in interiors, due to its bulkiness and lack of practical necessity.

Cutting out elements

To cut grooves use a regular milling machine. This requires two or three approaches, no more. They almost always start with side cuts, after which they make additional ones that make the work easier using a chisel. The optimal depth is 1.5–2 cm. At the end, the grooves are cleaned and the edges are lubricated with glue before installing the steps.

How to make steps and install them

Making steps is one of the simplest procedures among all installation works. Take a dry board. Its thickness should be at least 3.5 cm. The width should correspond to the one that was chosen for the steps during the calculations. The board is cut based on the width of the stairs, including the railings. After cutting it is polished. The procedure for making risers looks almost the same. Unless you can use a thinner board - up to 2 cm.

When assembling a flight of stairs, the steps are first attached, for which self-tapping screws are used. The best option are 6x90 self-tapping screws, of which there should be six pieces.

It is also possible to mount without using additional accessories, but only for glue. But its strength depends on how tightly the step fits into the groove.

Sometimes steps are attached to strings without using grooves. Then, hammers or bars are attached to the inside of the boards using metal holders, on which the steps are placed. The risers can be attached to the bowstrings either with or without screws.

How to make railings and install them

You can either make the railings yourself or buy ready-made ones. Although they may differ from each other in appearance, their design is the same - the railings consist of handrails and balusters. Handrails are usually made from boards, and balusters are made from square bars. Moreover, the latter can be either very simple or carved.

The number of balusters should usually correspond to the number of steps. Two of them, installed at the beginning of the staircase and at its end, play the role of support. All the rest are decorative.

They also help to safely use the structure. The fasteners are self-tapping screws, which can be hidden using a decorative plug. After securing the balusters, handrails are attached to them. For this you also need self-tapping screws.

Staircase on stringers

Staircase to the second floor on stringers

Making stringers is in many ways similar to making bowstrings, although these two types of support structures use slightly different principles for holding steps.

Using this technology, temporary, outdoor (street) homemade stairs in houses.

You need to choose a solid board made of hard, durable wood. The board must be dry.

After this, a marking template is made, similar to the one used to make the bowstring. The template simulating protrusions must correspond to the calculated dimensions of the steps. This time there is no need to draw an indentation line, since it will not be the grooves that need to be cut out.

It is most convenient to use a jigsaw to cut out protrusions. After they are cut, they need to be sanded.

At first glance, making a staircase yourself may seem like a rather complicated task that requires calculations, the right choice material and certain skills. But this is only at first glance. It is enough to familiarize yourself with how everything is done to understand that there is nothing complicated here.

Making your home comfortable does not require too much time, too much effort, or significant financial expenditure.

There are also types of stairs for limited space– folding, retractable, ladder-cabinets. They are temporary and made mainly of iron.


Watch a video from YouTube on how to make a ladder with your own hands.

Construction of a two-story private house, cottage or dacha - profitable solution allowing you to expand your living space. To save money usable area In such buildings, small-sized stairs are installed. Such designs differ in the number of steps and the shape of the marches. At the same time, a compact staircase to the second floor must meet the requirements of practicality and safety.

Stylish and compact staircase configurations

Small stairs are installed to save useful space. When making them, they make sure that the steps are located as close to each other as possible, but it is convenient to move along them. It is necessary to carefully select a model in order to install the safest possible structure in your home.

Even such a compact staircase can look very organic

Of particular importance is the shape of the opening and its width. The choice of the type of design of small dimensions depends on these indicators. The dimensions of the steps are the main data that should be taken into account. It is important to understand what types of structures are best suited for small spaces.

Single march

Single-flight models are the simplest. However, when installing such stairs to the second floor, you can save space. The minimum required space for a 3-meter floor height is 80x180 cm.

Designers decide for this purpose on various non-standard solutions. For example, these include models in which the treads are narrowed on each side.

Staircase structures with one flight can also be folding and retractable.


Models with march turns are installed in a corner or against a wall. The platforms in them play the role of an element necessary for a turn. Turns are performed 90° or 180°. Double-flight stairs do not take up much space, but it is quite convenient to go up and down them. Winder steps in such cases are simply irreplaceable. The minimum required space for a 3-meter floor height is 160x180 cm.

Udachnoe corner solution for a small area

Thanks to the installation of such a structure, the narrow passage to the second floor becomes more elegant. Compared to straight marches, when moving you have to change the direction of movement. There are other differences:

  1. Compactness. They do not take up much space, and the parameters remain optimal.
  2. Convenience – it is convenient to move around them even with a large object in your hands.
  3. Aesthetics. Corner products look interesting and neat.
  4. Safety. According to this indicator, rotary products are safer than screw ones.


Small-sized screw models are popular today. These structures are installed both in multi-level apartments and in country houses. The ease of operation of such structures lies in compliance with the rules of ergonomics - movement up and down is carried out comfortably, and no problems are created under the steps. dead zones. It is more profitable to place such a staircase to the second floor of a house in a small area. Minimum dimensions in plan with a floor height of 3 m - 130x130 cm.

The steps are attached to vertical rack in a spiral. One of the main advantages of screw products is the elegance of their forms. They are made of metal or wood - in any case, they can fit into a modern interior.

However, screw products also have their disadvantages. For example, if a person is carrying a large object in his hands, it will be uncomfortable to descend. Wooden models give the house a cozy atmosphere.


If you have to go upstairs infrequently, it is better to install in country house folding type design. It is great for the attic. Its advantage is the ability to fold if necessary. Small retractable models are attached to a hatch in the ceiling. You can easily fold the structure back and then push it back. For attic maintenance, a folding design is an ideal option.

This model can be installed in any area of ​​the house. Its choice depends only on the location of large-sized furniture. In addition, installing a folding model does not affect the interior.

There are several types of such products:

  • telescopic;
  • retractable;
  • folding;
  • sectional.

The width is usually close to that of conventional attached structures. As a rule, it is 60-65 cm. With a large slope, you can only go down it backwards.

When choosing suitable type designs of small dimensions look at the overall design of the room. The main thing is that it is durable, ergonomic and safe. Such a small staircase for a summer house is installed where the attic is rarely used. It is effective to install such structures in houses with ceiling heights of up to 3 m.

Small solutions

If it is necessary to install a staircase that would not “conceal” the space and be as comfortable as possible, pay attention to small-sized structures. There are several types of such products that can meet the requirements of practicality and reliability.

Modular designs

When installing modular lifts on the second floor, you can experiment with the interior and choose different assembly options. You can make them yourself, which is the main advantage. Modular designs There are screw, spiral, L- and U-shaped. They can also be rounded. Modular system allows you to give the staircase any shape in plan, and adding required quantity elements allows you to gain arbitrary height.

Install them in openings different widths and length. It is important to install correctly modular staircase– the safety of residents depends on this. At the same time, attention is paid to the residence of persons with disabilities in the house. disabilities– children and elderly people.

Choose a modular staircase with a small opening to the second floor in accordance with the following recommendations:

  1. Before choosing, measure the area of ​​the room and find out the dimensions of the opening.
  2. It is better if the structure is equipped with railings that will ensure safe movement.
  3. For ease of ascent and descent, choose stairs without risers - this ensures comfort when placing your feet.
  4. The design of the structure is created taking into account general style premises.

Thanks to small platforms and compact turns, it is easy to save living space. First, they pay attention to the safety of the product and only then to its appearance. Modular structures are installed in a house where you need to move between floors quickly. Often this design is chosen for installation in a bathhouse.

Goose step staircase

Among single-flight structures, it is worth highlighting the “goose step” staircase. It does not take up space, but also does not restrict movement when ascending and descending. When changing the size of the march, it is important to maintain optimal width pitch and slope range. If, even when choosing extreme values, it is not possible to create a rise to the second floor, it is not worth saving space for constructing a staircase.

The difference between the design is the alternate narrowing of the tread on each side. This allows you to create comfort when moving, while keeping the length of the march relatively short.

This design can become the highlight of the entire interior.

The goose step staircase is designed for comfortable movement in confined spaces. For such models optimal slope– 50° – 60°. Their width is reduced to 60-80 cm. Moreover, the ratio of the height of the riser and the width of the tread in such structures is quite unusual. If you transfer it to a regular one-flight staircase, moving along it would be unsafe.

Important convenience and safety issues

When installing stairs to the second floor small house It is important to combine the design with the background style of the interior. There are still some requirements to consider:

  • compact dimensions;
  • safety;
  • comfort of movement.

The design should not be too steep - no more than 60°. The slope is calculated based on the possibility of its use by children and the elderly. It is better to equip the structure with railings. The coating is chosen so as not to slip on it when moving. If the staircase is made of polished stone, you can lay a carpet on it.

Often structures have to be made with a large slope - up to 75° degrees. In this case, the steps are set to a fairly large depth. You can increase the convenience and safety of the stairs by installing handles that you can hold on to when ascending and descending.

Safety regulations:

  • starting from the first meter, the stairs are equipped with a fence 90 cm high;
  • the gaps between the railing posts should not exceed 10 cm;
  • the width of the tread should be sufficient for comfortable placement of the foot - 25-30 cm;
  • for ease of grasping by hand, the handrails are created with an optimal diameter of 32-60 mm;
  • all steps must be the same height.

Optimal sizes of fences and handrails

When designing a staircase to the second floor, it is important to take care not only of its ergonomics, but also of functionality. Therefore, such structures are created according to individual drawings. You can perform the calculations yourself using free

If you have already built two-storey house or you are the owner two-level apartment, then the topic of constructing a second floor staircase will be of interest to you.

In order to acquire a comfortable and high-quality staircase system, you have only three ways: buy a ready-made structure in a specialized store, order required model master carpenter, make a staircase with your own hands.

This article is dedicated to those who chose the third option. In it you will learn a lot useful information about the staircase design, and also get acquainted with the step-by-step detailed instructions on making stairs in photos and videos.

For owners of a two-level home, a second floor staircase is a necessary attribute of the interior

What kind of stairs are there - a little theory

Before you start building a staircase with your own hands, you need to decide on the type of structure that will be most suitable for your home.

Types of stairs by design type

We will choose a system from three types:

  • Marching.
  • Screw.
  • Combined.

Let's look a little at each of them.


This type is the easiest to produce and therefore, if you decide to make a staircase with your own hands, then this option will be the most suitable for you.

Single-flight designs, despite their apparent simplicity, can be beautiful and effective

Marching stairs, in turn, are divided into types:

  • one-march;
  • two-flight;
  • multi-march.

Both the first and second types are considered not difficult to manufacture and are in greatest demand.


Such stairs are a spiral going up to the second floor. This type saves a lot of room space, but it is labor-intensive to produce.

The spiral staircase is original and beautiful, but its manufacture is best left to professionals


These systems combine the two previous types. Their manufacture is the most difficult and therefore not suitable for self-construction.

Combined systems more complex to manufacture and it will be quite difficult for a beginner to install them

Making a staircase with your own hands - manufacturing instructions

First, let's decide on the material of manufacture and prepare the tools necessary for the job.

Material selection

To produce a staircase structure, you can choose:

  • tree;
  • stone;
  • concrete;
  • metal;
  • plastic.

To make stairs you can use the most various materials

The most suitable material For self-made the stairs are definitely natural wood. Its advantages are obvious:

  • environmental friendliness and safety;
  • non-toxic;
  • ease of processing;
  • relatively economical price;
  • long service life.

Therefore, for the construction of our stairs we will choose natural wood. It is best if it is pine wood - spruce, pine. You can also use ash, beech, maple, oak, birch and other species.

Natural wood is the most the best choice for making stairs with your own hands

So, we have decided on the type of structure to be erected - this is a flight of stairs. We also chose the easiest to process and environmentally friendly material – natural wood. Next moment you should prepare the necessary tools.

Preparing the tool

To make a wooden staircase with your own hands we will need:

  • Measuring devices – tape measure, ruler, level.
  • Hand-held electric drill.
  • Hacksaw for woodworking.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Hammer.
  • Electric planer.
  • Sandpaper.

Optimal set necessary tools

Preparing the main elements

Before installing the staircase system, it is necessary to prepare the following parts:

  • Processed boards of the required sizes (in accordance with the drawing).
  • Bars for the production of steps.
  • Boards for steps.
  • Bowstrings or stringers (depending on the type of construction).
  • Railings, balusters, handrails - these parts can be purchased ready-made.
  • Fasteners – screws, self-tapping screws, bolts.

This figure shows in detail all the components of the structure.

Main stages of installation

To make a high-quality staircase with your own hands, use with the following instructions on production in photos and videos.

Stage 1. Schematic drawing

Let's draw a drawing on which we indicate the main elements of the future structure.

Stage 2. Perform the necessary calculations

Carrying out design calculations is probably the most grueling process, but it still needs to be done. This can be done in several steps:

  • we determine the height of the structure - to calculate it, measure the distance from the plane of the floor of the first level to the floor of the 2nd floor. This will be the length of the march;
  • we determine the height of the steps - usually the most optimal height for a person of average height 17 centimeters;
  • we will calculate how many steps and risers will be needed - for this, we divide the height of the stairs, which we have already measured, by the height of the steps (17 cm);

Before making a staircase, it must be calculated
  • tread width - for convenience when walking, the smallest value of this parameter should be 22 cm, and the largest should be 40 cm.

Stage 3. Making a kosour

We cut the beam prepared for this part to the required size and cut out the notches the right size for installing steps.

Stage 4. Checking the stringer

To do this, we place it in the place where the stairs will be located, and if necessary, we make adjustments to the part.

This diagram shows detailed calculations stringer

Stage 5. Attach the stringers

We attach the stringers and fasten them together to the top beam using anchor bolts.

The stringers are securely secured with anchor bolts

Stage 6. Installation of steps

The risers are attached to the stringer using self-tapping screws.

Building a staircase in a house is not an easy process, but it is doable. The main difficulty lies in calculating the angle of inclination and span parameters, because not only the ease of use, but also the durability of the structure depends on this. A durable and beautiful staircase to the second floor with your own hands is an opportunity to test your strength and gain experience for further home improvement.

First you need to decide on the type of staircase in order to make the calculations correctly. The most commonly used stairs in the house are wood, concrete and metal; According to the configuration, they are straight, rotary and screw. There are also combined designs of varying complexity.

Concrete products require a very strong base and a lot of time to manufacture, but they are the strongest and most durable. Installation of metal structures will not be difficult for those who know how to use welding, and a wooden staircase can be made by anyone who is familiar with the technology of this process in detail.

A straight flight of stairs to the second floor is considered the easiest to install; it consists of a small number of parts, takes up little space, and does not require complex calculations. Screw structures are used where there is little free space; They look very elegant, but are not always easy to use. Lifting something large and heavy up such steps will be problematic. Multi-span structures are more difficult to build, but they are ideal for houses where long distance between floors.

Simple wooden staircase

A single-flight staircase consists of stringers, railings, treads and risers. The tread is the horizontal part of the step, the riser is the vertical part. Stringers are load-bearing elements structures that have special cutouts along the upper edge for attaching steps. Bowstrings are often used instead of stringers - load-bearing beams with grooves for steps. Risers and railings are not mandatory elements, but for convenience and safety it is better when they are present.

The height of the stairs is equal to the distance between floors plus the thickness of the floors. To simplify the calculation of the length of the span and base, you first need to determine the parameters of the steps. If the house is inhabited by elderly people and children, the optimal step height is 15 cm; for others, a height of 20 cm will be more convenient. Making the riser even higher is not recommended, since the rise will be too steep and less comfortable.

The width of the step is 20-30 cm, and here a lot depends on how much space can be allocated under the stairs. The wider the steps, the more space the structure takes up. When suitable dimensions have been selected, the number of steps and the length of the base can be calculated. To do this, divide the height of the stairs by the height of the riser, round the resulting value to a whole number, and then multiply by the depth of the tread. For example, if the total height is 3 m and the riser height is 20 cm, 15 steps will be required:


With a step width of 25 cm, the length of the base is 15x250=3750 mm.

Manufacturing technology

When the calculations have been made, you can begin to manufacture the staircase elements. Stringers require very dense solid wood, because they must support not only the weight of the structure, but also people. A template is cut out of thick cardboard, on which the cutouts correspond to the size of the steps, and the slope equal to angle the inclination of the stairs. At the ends of the stringers, grooves are cut for attachment to the base and upper ceilings, after which markings are made according to the template.

For further work you will need:

  • jigsaw;
  • sander;
  • building level;
  • anchor bolts;
  • drill;
  • hammer.

Using a jigsaw, protrusions are made on the stringers according to the markings, then they are processed on both sides with a grinder. Holes for fasteners are cut out in the floor beams or metal supports are installed. A support beam is installed on the floor of the first floor along the line of the lower step and secured with anchor bolts. After this, the stringers are installed, making sure to check the angle of inclination using a level. The stringers are secured at the bottom and top with anchor bolts.

The next step is making the steps. To do this, take dry boards with a thickness of 36 mm or more; their width should be equal to the width of the steps or be slightly larger. For risers, you can use boards with a thickness of 20 mm or more. The length of the blanks must correspond to the width of the stairs - from 80 cm to 1.2 m.

After trimming, each workpiece must be sanded to remove sharp cuts and irregularities. The process of installing the steps is very simple: the lower cutouts of the stringers are coated with wood glue and risers are applied, aligning them along the edges. They are secured with self-tapping screws and laid on top of the steps. Glue is needed so that under load wooden elements didn't creak.

Having laid all the steps one by one, they begin to install the railings. Railings consist of balusters and handrails; For the manufacture of balusters, square beams or shaped pieces of wood are used. Balusters are installed either on each step or every other step, depending on the slope and length of the span. Self-tapping screws are used as fasteners, which are often closed with special plugs for beauty. If the staircase to the second floor is located in the center of the room, railings can be installed on both sides.

The finished structure is sanded again and treated with an antiseptic primer. After this, you need to cover the wood with varnish, paint or other composition that does not form an overly smooth surface. If the steps are rough, this will increase their safety for household members. The coating is applied in 2 or 3 layers, with each layer being completely dry before applying the next.

In a spacious house with concrete floors the second floor can be made of concrete stairs. Most often, two types of structures are installed in houses - monolithic and combined, in which only the stringer is concrete. The second option looks more attractive and elegant. For the manufacture of concrete stairs You definitely need formwork and a very strong foundation.

During the work you will need:

  • edged board covered with film or waterproof plywood;
  • durable timber 100x100 mm;
  • knitting wire and fittings;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • concrete solution.

Boards for formwork are chosen with a thickness of 3 cm, the thickness of plywood should not be less than 18 mm. All dimensions are calculated in the same way as for a wooden staircase, but the base must be as strong as possible. They start by assembling the formwork: boards or plywood are knocked down according to the drawing, observing the angle of inclination and preventing the formation of cracks.

The finished formwork is installed between floors and secured with wooden blocks. After this, reinforcement is laid out inside the frame, tying the transverse rods with wire. In the places where the railings are installed, wooden plugs are fixed, and then the formwork is poured ready-made solution. The frame must be filled immediately, otherwise the solidity of the base will be broken.

When the concrete has set well, the formwork is removed, and the surface of the steps is periodically moistened to avoid cracking. You can begin finishing only after completely dry and strengthening of concrete. To make a combined staircase, pouring the stringer is done in exactly the same way, but the formwork is made much narrower and takes into account the installation of steps.

For finishing monolithic design use wood, stone, tiles and other materials. When facing, the weight of the material should be taken into account, because tiles and stone place a greater load on the base than wooden panels. On concrete stringer Any steps can be attached; such a base goes especially well with wood.

For the manufacture and installation of straight metal stairs for the second floor you will need:

  • steel channel No. 10;
  • metal corners;
  • welding machine;
  • sheet iron;
  • file and grinder with a grinding attachment.

The channel is cut into pieces and a frame is assembled from them according to the size of the stairs. Corners are welded to the side edges of the frame at regular intervals equal to the height of the step. All corners should be parallel to each other. To make it easier to install the structure, the steps are welded after installation and fastening of the frame.

The upper ends of the frame are securely fixed with anchor bolts to the ceiling of the second floor, the lower ends are fixed to the floor. Next, the steps are welded from sheet iron and the railings are attached. Upon completion of assembly, the joints are ground with a nozzle or treated with a file, and then covered with an anti-corrosion primer.

This design takes up little space and looks more decorative. With a height of 2.5 m, you will need to make approximately 15-17 steps; the base diameter will be about 2 m. The most common way to install spiral staircases is to string trapezoidal or triangular steps onto the central axis. The narrow part is 15 cm wide, the wide part is 30-35 cm.

To make a spiral staircase yourself, you will need:

  • steel pipe with a diameter of 50 mm;
  • pipe with a diameter of 55 mm;
  • wooden slats for the template;
  • corners for steps;
  • welding machine;
  • file;
  • primer.

The smaller diameter pipe is the central post, so its length should correspond to the distance between the first and second floors. For greater stability of the structure, it is recommended to concrete the stand at the base, first aligning it vertically. A larger diameter pipe is cut into cylinders about 25 cm long. The cuts must be made strictly perpendicular, otherwise the steps will not be aligned horizontally.

It is very important that the cylinders fit snugly on the central pipe and did not form any backlashes. If a tight connection does not occur, sealing rings will be required.

To make steps, it is convenient to use a template made from slats. Wood slats glued together so that the corners inserted into the frame form a step of the given parameters.

Each stage is welded to its own cylinder and carefully ground. After all the elements have been manufactured, you can begin assembling the structure. The steps are placed on the axle pipe, the angle is set and tightly welded to the axle.

The final stage is attaching the railings and finishing. Railings can consist of fittings, chrome-plated tubes, thin profiles; Forged railings look very elegant. All metal surfaces must be sanded, primed and painted.

In a similar way, a spiral staircase to the second floor is assembled from wooden steps. Wood blanks are made in the form of a trapezoid, in the narrow part of which a hole with a diameter of 50 mm is drilled. By using special seals the steps strung on the axis are fixed on the central post. Next, the railings are installed, the wood is primed and painted, and decorated with decor.

Video - How to make a staircase to the second floor

Video - Do-it-yourself wooden staircase

Just yesterday, when driving along the highway through private sectors, we encountered only similar ones to each other. But a person strives for comfort, wants his home to be different from the rest. Two or three-story buildings won’t surprise anyone anymore. But if there is more than one floor, you should take care of access to the premises from above. This prompted us to the topic of today's conversation - in a private house with our own hands. The design of such a design is not complicated, but requires careful calculations and compliance with the required parameters. Let's figure out what types of similar structures are found, how they are installed, and what the cost of the finished structure is.

There are 4 types of structures:

  • marching;
  • screw;
  • ladders on rails;
  • combined.

Important! Each type has separate design features that ensure the design can be used for a particular situation. The choice depends on the available space, financial opportunities home handyman.

Let us consider in detail the features of each type, comparing them in detail.

Types of marching stairs

People encounter such structures every day. Any entrance apartment building equipped with marching type steps. Such stairs can be characterized as follows: climbing up the steps, climbing in a different direction. Such designs are most common in private homes. There are several reasons for this:

  1. ease of installation– a home craftsman without experience can handle the job (subject to following certain rules and instructions);
  2. they are easy to use– lifting large loads or using stairs for elderly people and children will not be a problem;
  3. variety of possible designs– having installed the winder steps, the marching structure is made serpentine, bending in any direction.

Spiral staircases to the second floor: features and disadvantages

Such elements are mounted. They do not take up much space, but installation is more complicated than the marching version. Such stairs to the second floor (wooden or metal - it doesn’t matter) are applicable only on the condition that large-sized cargo (wardrobes, sofas) will not be lifted along them. Operation in this “key” is impossible due to its small dimensions. On the other hand, such elements are installed in order to preserve the usable area, which requires only 1.5-2 m2 for their construction.

Visually, screw structures seem lighter than other types. The load here falls on the central support - a pipe or beam, around which the steps are located. But external lightness should not deceive experienced craftsman. If the calculations are correct, such steps can withstand a weight of up to 200 kg. Another advantage we note visual extension space. This is noticeable in rooms with low ceilings. You cannot ignore the cost of materials, which are required less than for other types of construction.

Aesthetic appearance is also not the least important among the advantages. A ready-made spiral staircase to the second floor can revive even a dull one, introducing originality and uniqueness.

Stairs on rails: what are they?

This type stands apart from others. The difference from the rest is maintainability. The damaged stage can be replaced without damaging other parts - there is no need to disassemble the structure. Installing this type of staircase in a house to the second floor will add charm and aesthetics to the interior of the home. Appearance depends on use.

Design features of combined elements

The home master can combine various designs, taking the best from each type. The limitation here is only the limit of imagination, therefore it is impossible to talk about all the possible combinations.

Do-it-yourself interfloor stairs for private houses, based on a personal project, turn out to be exclusive. It is impossible to find two identical designs. This does not apply to elements industrial production who order via the Internet or directly from the company that manufactures them. The uniformity, the “blurred” look is becoming the reason for the popularity of independent design and installation of flights of stairs by home craftsmen.

Materials for the manufacture of staircases

For the manufacture of such elements, wood, stone (which includes concrete) and specially manufactured high-strength glass are used. Making stairs to the second floor from wood or metal is the cheapest, most accessible and therefore popular option.

Advantages and disadvantages of wooden stairs

Wood has always been considered the most environmentally friendly pure material. In addition, wood carries positive energy. If we compare rooms with wooden and metal structures, in the first case the house seems warmer and more comfortable than in the second.

Despite the high cost, home craftsmen are increasingly choosing noble types of wood for the manufacture of railings, balusters, and steps. Oak, beech or mahogany are used to make them. You should not think that investing so much money is pointless due to the fragility of such material - this is a delusion. Properly treated, protected wood can last more than 50 years. And if you take care of the elements, periodically treating them with special compounds, we can say that their service life is unlimited.

Stairs on a metal frame and their features

The metal frame can carry steel steps or wooden, glass or concrete (stone) elements. When presenting an iron frame, an inexperienced craftsman assumes an unliftable, heavy structure. However, when the right approach it can even turn out “airy”, as if floating.

Important information! If the home craftsman is far from the drawings, you can turn to professional designer. He will be able to create a project taking into account all the wishes of the owner.

The durability of metal structures is not in dispute - in the absence of increased protection, they will last much longer than the house itself. The type of construction does not matter - products are made from this material various forms, sizes. Paints and enamels are used for decoration, but the combination of ferrous metal with non-ferrous metal (usually copper) or stainless steel.

Using glass or stone to make steps

Durable steps look chic. However, the high cost of such material does not allow its use for budget options. Brick and concrete are more suitable for apartment buildings, but natural stone can be played up in such a way that even masters who have seen many similar designs will be surprised.

Important information! When planning direct or corner stairs to the second floor from natural stone or concrete, you should take care of preparing the foundation at the design stage of a private house. Otherwise, the entire structure will simply go under the floor under its own weight.

Requirements for flights of stairs

The safety requirements for such structures are regulated sanitary standards and rules, specifically document SNiP 2.08.01-89 (“Residential buildings”). It is stipulated here that the width of the flight of stairs should not be less than 1.2 m, and the recommended dimensions for height, depth of steps, and slope of the flight are also prescribed. Regardless of the individuality of the calculations in each specific case, the requirements of SNiP are subject to mandatory compliance. Otherwise, there is a risk of structure collapse or risk of injury during operation.

Compliance with established standards implies not only safety, but also ease of use. All sizes provided regulatory documents, are justified by accurate calculations, allowing you to be confident in the convenience of the mounted structure.

We bring to the reader's attention several photos of projects of wooden stairs in private houses, made by home craftsmen without experience in such work.

Parameters of interfloor flights of stairs: dimensions of steps, angle of inclination and their calculation

Calculation of the angle of inclination, size of steps - the most important stage when creating a staircase project for a private house. This means that it would be a big mistake to ignore this topic. Let's look at the average generally accepted parameters and try to understand how to make the correct calculations.

Related article:

Calculators specially developed by our team will help you do this. In this publication we will talk about the types of staircase structures and figure out how to calculate all the main dimensions.

Width of a flight of stairs: average dimensions and calculation methods

As already mentioned, the recommended span width is at least 1.2 m. This size allows two adults to separate on the stairs when moving in opposite directions, and also does not interfere with the transfer of large items and pieces of furniture. This does not apply to screw structures - they are intended to replace the standard flight of stairs in confined spaces.

Step height: convenient calculation of parameters

This parameter also has an average recommended value, which is 12-25 cm. It turns out that any size limited to the specified range will be correct. Exact figure depends on middle length human step, inclination angle. Calculations can be made that eliminate the human factor, which means the result of the calculations will be free of the possibility of error.

Online calculator for calculating the size of a flight of stairs

What factors influence the inclination angle of the span?

According to SNiP standards, a straight staircase to the second floor must have a slope of 30˚ to 45˚. But again other parameters come into play - the height of the span and the area used for installation. The most convenient way is to combine these parameters and insert them into the appropriate fields of the online calculator, which shows the length of the horizontal projection depending on the angle of inclination.

Online calculator for calculating the length of the horizontal projection depending on the angle of inclination

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DIY staircase diagram to the second floor in a private house

Drawing up a diagram of the future flight of stairs is the most important stage of the work. To make it easier for the reader to navigate, we offer several photo examples of drawings of a staircase to the second floor with or without a turn. Perhaps one of the schemes is suitable for installing your own structure. If not, then the drawings will help you create your own project, different from those proposed by us.

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How to design and implement a compact staircase to the second floor

The main rule is that the height from the steps to the ceiling should not be less than 1.8 m, otherwise you will have to bend over when climbing, which is quite uncomfortable. The thickness of the load-bearing beams is at least 35 mm (the longer the span, the thicker the supports and load-bearing elements are used). You should not install a flight of stairs with less than 3 steps. The maximum number depends on the wishes of the master. However, according to the laws of physics, the more steps, the more unstable the structure.

Important! If you have doubts about your abilities or a home master, having taken on a project, realized that he cannot complete the work, it is better to turn to professionals for help. By paying for their services, he will be confident that the flight of stairs will not collapse during operation.

If you do not have enough experience in installing such structures, you should pay attention to simple flights of stairs. A good choice is to draw up and implement a project for a single-flight or double-flight staircase. The choice of material depends on the skills of the home craftsman. If welding is your thing, a metal frame is designed. If the carpentry is closer - wooden structure more good choice. Let's consider the algorithm for constructing flights of stairs in a private house. Consider the algorithm for constructing flights of stairs in a private house.

Do-it-yourself wooden staircase: step-by-step instructions with examples

It is always easier to understand the algorithm of actions by looking at photo or video examples. We offer you step-by-step assembly instructions with a photo report of the work being performed. But first...

Very important! Use the same tape measure for design measurements and subsequent measurements. Situations often arise when the measurement different instruments leads to discrepancies in the final indicators, which is unacceptable.

Illustration Action to be performed

The main thing is to make calculations and draw up a project. The diagram is drawn by hand, or compiled using a professional program, of which there are plenty on the Internet.

According to the drawn up project, we mark the boards prepared in advance. It is important to observe dimensions down to the millimeter. It will not be possible to subsequently correct finished parts with smaller dimensions.

We cut out the elements along the marked lines, grind them, and prepare them for assembly. Corners are processed milling machine or with a plane and sander.

We begin installation. Bearing structures(stringers) we fix as firmly as possible. This is the safety of your loved ones who live in the house with you, guests, and relatives.

The next step is to install the load-bearing beams and mark them according to the design. Laser level it will come in handy here.

In addition to fastening with self-tapping screws, we use mounting adhesive. This will add strength to the structure.

We cover the space under the future stairs with clapboard. This will be a pantry, closet or a place for children to play hide and seek.

We begin attaching the risers. We use glue and for fixation.

The steps are mounted in the same way. The strength of the structure depends on the reliability of fixation.

IN last resort we install the main supporting balusters and install the railings. Their strength will provide protection against falls from heights.
