Zoning of the large hall. Zoning the living room: subtleties in combining rooms. Zoning with lighting

Divide living space into functional areas owners of small one-room apartments and studio apartments are forced to do so.

It is also advisable to zone a room when its area is quite large.

IN small studios As a rule, there are 2 zones: the kitchen and the one where they receive guests and relax at night.

Here the entire living space consists of approximately equal areas: for cooking, sleeping and receiving guests.

Living space with separate kitchen area, can be shared different ways. At the same time, the living area will be both functional and homely.

Guest space with bedroom

You can make your sleeping place cozy and suitable for relaxation only by separating it and hiding it from strangers.

If the area of ​​the room is large enough, then it is better to place a full bed here. It would be better if it was equipped additional modules storage, shelves and niches.

Otherwise, you can install a folding sofa.

To delimit zones, it is possible to install shelving or a wall-mounted wall, on one side of which there will be shelves for storing things, and on the other side it is no different from a blank wall partition.

Another option for delimiting space is to install a translucent glass partition.

This design looks elegant and stylish. A simpler and cheaper option is a folding screen, which can be easily carried or removed if necessary.

In the presence of large areas The area can be fenced off with a plasterboard structure.

A very effective example for zoning is the use of color and lighting fixtures. In the first case, the guest area is decorated in a brighter palette of shades, while the sleeping area is decorated in a more muted palette.

As for lamps, it is advisable to install a floor lamp near the sofa and use spotlights above the bed.

Guest area and office

If the room combines the functions of a living room and an office, then it is quite simple to delimit the zones.

You can install a desk and a comfortable chair in a room of any size - the office part is already ready.

Main condition - quality lighting workspace.

Single guest and kitchen premises

If it is necessary to separate the kitchen area from the living room not only visually, it is worth installing the set at an angle, that is, so that a wall is formed on the side of the living room.

Today, a more modern and attractive option is to place a bar counter, which will not only serve as a table for lunch, but also as a delimiter of zones.

The podium on which you can install a bed looks very impressive.

Guest and children's rooms

This is perhaps the most difficult task zoning, because adults also need an area for recreation, and children need to organize enough space for play and development.

If the room is large, then it is advisable to delimit it with a full-fledged partition with sliding doors or curtains.

For conditional differentiation, you can resort to installing racks in which books, toys and other things will be stored.

It is better if the children's area is located in the window area so that the kids have enough natural light.

When combining a living room with a dining room, you should definitely think about having a soft sofa and a small table in the relaxation area. And big dining table with chairs in the eating area.

Hanging on the wall will complement such a room. big TV, which will be convenient to watch from anywhere in the room.

Design techniques for zoning space

To solve the problem of zoning the area into functional areas, they resort to some design and arrangement techniques.

Doors with sliding structure– such canvases are small-sized and easy to install. In addition to their functional qualities, these doors have an aesthetic appearance.

Furniture manipulations in zoning are very effective. From correctly placed furniture groups depends on the functionality of the space.

False fences are small walls up to two meters that help to conditionally divide a room into parts.

Such designs are represented by both solid canvases and models with openings.

A podium - such an elevated superstructure will clearly delimit the room, designating a designated part.

It is better to install such a structure where ceiling surfaces tall. The space under the podium is used as extra bed for storage.

Curtains - this technique is advisable to use in bedrooms or children's rooms combined with a guest space. Thick curtains do not allow light to pass through, thereby providing restful sleep and rest.

Distinctive finishing materials. Here we should talk about ceiling, wall and floor surfaces.

So, it is better to use tiles for the kitchen area, but it is better to cover the living room with laminate panels or linoleum. Possible option with different coatings on the walls.

Distinction by light - the main thing here is to be guided by convenience and comfort. Each zone should be illuminated based on needs, and appearance lamps are selected to suit the style concept of the room.

Photo examples of how to zone a living room space

Zoning a room in order to create two full-fledged rooms is not an easy task, but it can be solved. Connecting the living room with the bedroom is a forced step; it is used when there are not enough free meters in the apartment. To combine two functional areas, you need to rely on the size of the room, general style apartments, owners' wishes and advice experienced designers. Taking all these nuances into account, you can truly get comfortable room

Subtleties of separation

The living room and bedroom must perform certain functions, which usually conflict with each other. The living area is intended for gatherings with guests and spending time during the day, and the bedroom should be as comfortable as possible for a good night's rest.

When the size of the apartment does not allow for a separate bedroom and living room, you need to know the intricacies of combining these two zones. It is important to make sure that the combined zones look harmonious and that none of them stands out.

Subtleties of zoning:

  1. Before you begin to delimit zones, you need to determine the primary zone. If this is a bedroom, then it should be larger and the main emphasis should be placed on it.
  2. The style of both zones should be in the same direction. You can use one color design, ornament, furniture design. The two zones must be somehow combined to emphasize each other. Their similarity will help create a cozy atmosphere.
  3. It is not advisable to locate the bedroom near the entrance. This will disrupt the intimate atmosphere of the space, which is extremely necessary for relaxation. It is better to hide the bed from prying eyes and put it in the background.
  4. A bed located near the window will look advantageous and cozy. After all, waking up in a bright room is much easier than in the dark. And to create semi-darkness in daytime You can use thick curtains during the day.
  5. The living area should have plenty of artificial light, so that in evening time it was not too dark for either the hosts or the guests. Several sconces will outline the line of the hall from the bedroom.
  6. In a small room it is better to stick to minimalism. The room should contain only the most ordinary pieces of furniture, without an abundance of accessories.

Having resolved all the issues about zoning the room, it’s time to decide how to delimit two zones in one room. A design with a partition, screen, shelving, aquarium, fireplace or canopy may be suitable for this purpose.

It all depends on the size of the room and financial opportunities owners. In any case, the fence should not interfere or create obstacles to movement.

Options for different areas

You can divide the space only taking into account the layout of the room and the apartment itself:

  • What can be done over a large area cannot be done in a studio.

  • IN one-room apartment As a rule, although there is only one room, it has a size of 18-20 square meters. m, and therefore you can show your imagination in it. Using a plasterboard or glass partition, you can separate the living room from the bedroom. It will look beautiful and one zone will not interfere with another.

  • A completely different situation arises in a small room of 14 square meters. There is no way to use a material partition here. Only transformable furniture that folds and unfolds at the request of the residents can solve the problem. For example, a sofa can not only be a place for sitting, but can also replace a bed for sleeping at night.


  • Interesting solution For small area 16-17 meters – vertical zoning. To do this, the sleeping place is located under the ceiling, which will become a comfortable and safe bed. This place of solitude allows you to take a break from the outside world and immerse yourself in reading at any time. But this option is only suitable for a room with a high ceiling.

  • .For the studio apartment, the designers came up with an elevator mechanism, which allows you to lower the bed from under the ceiling to the floor if desired. During the daytime, you can place it under the bed workplace or a place to relax. You can control the mechanism using the remote control. This option is expensive, but it is the one that can save space as much as possible.

  • In a square room easiest to install folding sofa, which will simultaneously serve as a bed and storage space. In this case, it is best to complement the interior with a coffee table on wheels, which can be freely moved if necessary.

Various ways furniture will help you furnish any room to create a cozy bedroom-living room in which you will be truly comfortable. For example, a built-in bed will save space during the day and become a sleeping place at night. It is quite easy to take it out and put it away, and most importantly, it is completely invisible in the daytime.

Separator options

There are many ways to visually separate a bedroom and a living room, each of which is capable of giving the interior uniqueness:

  • Installing a niche in the sleeping area will allow you to visually isolate it from the living room. In the niche itself you can install lighting that will illuminate the living room in the evening. A practical idea It could be the installation of storage boxes in a niche.

In this case, all bedding will be hidden from prying eyes, but will be at hand.

  • The sleeping segment can be zoned with curtains. To do this, it is necessary to install cornices to the ceiling, along which it will be convenient to move the curtain. This will make it private sleeping corner, while the hall will retain its functionality.

  • You can fence off one part of the room from another with a shelving unit. This is the cheapest and effective method, which, in addition to visual fencing, will create additional space for storing small items. The shelving itself can be completely blank and not allow light to pass from one part of the room to another, or it can be made of through shelves to create a free image of the room.

  • The fireplace looks original to separate the two sectors. It will not be possible to install a real one in the apartment brick fireplace, so you can buy an electric version.

The advantage of this method is that the living room with a fireplace will become a place of peace and relaxation, while the bedroom will be very warm on cold nights.

  • Glass partition installed when the size of the room allows it. To achieve absolute privacy, you can use curtains that can easily cover the glass. And by drawing the curtain, an abundance of light from the living area will penetrate into the bedroom.

A sleeping place does not have to have big sizes, the main thing is that it can be easily reached.

  • The best option zoning the space can be a partition made of plasterboard. This material is affordable and does not require much skill to install. In addition, its stylish design will transform the living room and divert attention from the bedroom hidden behind it.

  • Another zoning option is a two-level ceiling. It will visually divide the room into two parts, but will not eat up precious space. It's good if one of the ceilings is slightly different in color or has LED backlight. This will make the room look more comfortable.

  • Sliding partition- This is an alternative to curtains. With its help, you can hide one zone from another without interfering with the layout of the apartment. There should be no difficulties with a sliding door and it will not spoil general form rooms.

  • You can distinguish one part of the room from another through textiles. For example, if you use in the living room dark colors in the upholstery of the sofa and armchairs, and in the bedroom you can focus on pastel colors.
  • By the way, color palette can also become a separation of two functional areas. If you decorate the hall in dark colors With bright accents, and make the sleeping area very soft and light, then you can get ideal zoning.

  • If you give preference to forged products, you can add mystery to the space. For example, if you protect the bedroom from the living room with treacherous flower stands. It will look advantageous if you choose bright and unusual plants.

You can protect your intimate sleeping area using sliding doors. Moreover, they can be made from any material that the residents want.

Stylistics for different residents

As soon as the apartment residents started major renovation in their apartment, they must immediately decide on its future style. The purchase of materials and furniture, as well as color schemes, completely depends on this.

Not all styles are equally suitable for adults and teenage room. To arrange a children's area in the living room, you need to study the features of styles and choose the most suitable one.

That is why, before combining a bedroom with a living room, it is necessary to study the style directions and their characteristics:

  • Classic is conservatism and luxury in one bottle. The abundance of calm tones allows you to use this style in any room and for any age. The advantage of this direction is the absence of colorful accessories and precision of lines. Can only be used natural materials, such as wood, stone, leather and flax, which will have a good effect on the health of residents. And to add luxury to the bedroom-living room, you can resort to expensive wallpaper and textiles with gold embroidery.

  • Modern is a warm and cozy direction, which implies a lot of free space and an abundance of interesting accessories. The room must have fresh flowers, natural carpets and picturesque paintings. Modernism does not limit residents in the choice of furniture in the bedroom-living room, so it can have absolutely any shape and color.

  • Loft is a popular trend that allows you to combine things that seem incompatible at first glance. For example, against the background concrete walls it's quite possible to put classic furniture. The loft values ​​space, so there should not be a lot of furniture in the bedroom-hall. You can limit yourself to a bed, wardrobe, sofa, TV and coffee table. Of course, it all depends on the size of the room. As for color, these should be natural shades with the addition of burgundy or orange accents.

  • High-tech is minimalism in its purest form. It can combine cool shades of iron and glass materials with mirror surfaces, unusual shapes of furniture and appliances. In the sleeping part of the room you can put a comfortable compact bed and a wardrobe, and in the living room there is a comfortable sofa, plasma TV and an unusual coffee table. It is teenagers who will appreciate this style the most.

  • Country music is the embodiment of rustic comfort, which is sometimes so necessary for older people. Simple textiles, wooden photo frames, wooden furniture And ceramic products. A fireplace and a wool carpet will complement the interior, creating a truly rustic atmosphere.

And the living room turns into both a communication area for the whole family and a place for adults to retire. These two options have their own ideas and solutions. We will tell you which ones in this article.

General recommendations for organizing space when zoning into a bedroom and living room

The main principle is do no harm. If you are not sure how the zoning result will look in reality, make markings with laces or old boxes. Only then will you be able to evaluate how convenient and how functional such a division will be in the future.

Advice! How smaller room, the less bulky the partitions should be. Ideally, in small spaces these should be light curtains that can be easily removed during the daytime, freeing up space.

Don’t forget that by identifying zones, you willy-nilly limit the influx fresh air and light into one of the rooms. The exception is rooms where there are two, for example, corner options. The bedroom area must be allocated in such a way that your sleeping place does not catch the eye right from the threshold.

Advice! It is better to have a place to sleep daylight, this way your body will be less stressed during sleep and better adapt to your biological clock. In addition, it is better to use in the bedroom Spotlights with dim light, while in the living room area standard chandeliers are preferable.

The best option for partitions may be ultra-modern ones made of conductive glass. If necessary, for example, in the evening such a partition becomes matte (due to the influence of current), and during the day it becomes transparent, so that the entire room will be naturally illuminated.

Basic approaches to zoning a one-room apartment

Enough for zoning large rooms from 18 m², massive plasterboard partitions are most often used. This is a fairly durable, lightweight, but at the same time good noise and light insulating material. In addition, it can be coated with both and others. The drywall is mounted on special guide rails.

For small spaces Zoning using different color contrasts, for example, gluing, is suitable. This technique will help to visually divide the areas, separating the sleep area from the rest of the space. Can be used during registration different materials, both , and .

Another option that occurs quite often is the separation of zones using furniture. This could be a closet or.

If you have small room, then it is best to use, which can save extra space. In this case, you can even get a spacious one, but during the day it will turn into a false rack.

For your information! You can decorate zones not only with the help of walls and partitions. Modern materials and architectural techniques allow you to make maximum use of the possibilities of the floor and ceiling.

The easiest way to use this option is if you have high ceilings, however, sometimes even in a small space you can achieve good results.

For small rooms it is advisable to use . For example, make partitions from mirror coatings. In the design of small spaces, small prints and light shades. - one of budget options, the curtain can not only separate the zones, but if necessary, it can be made either transparent or completely impenetrable.

Advice! To save space, a massive TV can be hung from the ceiling on a swivel mount. This way you can watch TV both in the bedroom and in the living room.

Zoning the bedroom and living room in one room using furniture

Most often, shelving or racks are used to zone space. Firstly, it is very practical, since the wall plays a role, which frees up the rest of the space. If the rack is blank, then the side with the shelves is usually turned towards the zone.

Sometimes the furniture can be universal, for example, niches for storing clothes will be on the side of the bedroom, and for storing books or other small items, photographs, vases and so on, on the side of the living room.

Pay attention to the selection sleeping place. It is best to use folding structures -. Full value is acceptable under certain conditions free space.

A good option saving space, as mentioned above - transformable furniture. Such solutions can significantly reduce the lack of space during the day.

Advice! If you are a fish lover, a thin, lighted aquarium can be an excellent divider. But for its installation it will be necessary to carry out appropriate communications.

Advice! Avoid dark shades. The prevailing tones in the design should be pastel shades: white, mint, milky, light blue.

For contrast, you can use similar, but darker shades of the palette. It is not necessary to select zones on both walls; sometimes it is enough to visually identify only one of them. Combination options: classic ornament contrasts with the stripe, plain walls with patterned, as well as materials of different textures.

Important! Wallpaper that is too rich and contrasting in combination should be placed on only one of the walls.

Wherein bright wall will become the accent of the room, attracting attention. You can also zone with color using furniture of different shades. For example, the selection of bright furniture in rich colors, and in pastel colors. The rest of the space can be used as furniture and partitions.

To increase the area of ​​the living room-bedroom, you can combine it with a loggia. The room will become more spacious, and in the freed-up corner you can place a desk, a dressing room, or a bar counter. If the size of the loggia allows, then you can completely move the sleeping area to this area. Thus, you will leave the living room dimensions unchanged, and there will be no need to install a partition separating the bed from the rest of the living area. The advantage of such a redevelopment will be not only an increase in the total area of ​​the room, but also its level of illumination due to the penetration of more daylight.

The main condition for connecting a loggia to a room is its insulation (glazing, installation of the system heated floors, installation infrared heater provided there is insufficient heat from the usual one located in the room). The merger is considered a redevelopment of the premises, so you need to take care of permission for repairs from the relevant authorities.

When decorating a loggia, it is better to use the same color scheme, as in the room, so that it looks like a continuation of it. Otherwise, there is a risk that the room will visually become shorter.

Combining a living room with a work area will help you in a situation where you don’t have the opportunity to set up your own office. In this case, the room acquires two functions at once: it combines the possibility of rest and work.

Living room with work area: pros and cons

This design solution has its positive and negative qualities. Good side is that such a combination, in addition to saving space, makes the interior more original. Besides, usually in living rooms good lighting what creates favorable conditions for labor.

But there are also pitfalls. For example, extraneous sounds from the recreation area can distract from work, and household members, not wanting to disturb the person working, simply will not be able to have a good rest.

Before you decide on this design move, it’s worth weighing the pros and cons.

Where should the work area be located?

If you still decide to combine work area with a recreation area, you first need to decide on its location. The office should be located in the side of the room, for example, in the corner. If it is located in the center of the room, household members will not be able to rest.

It is especially appropriate to locate the work area near a window that will provide natural light.

The work area can become completely isolated if it is placed on a balcony or loggia. It is very important to take care of insulating this area so as not to freeze during the cold season. If the balcony is small, you can destroy the partition so that everything you need fits in this area. But when locating the work area in this place, it is worth considering the disadvantages, for example, noise from the street can distract from work, and dust in the warm season can damage equipment.


One zone will be the hall, and the second will be the office. The division must be clear. You can apply your own ideas or borrow them from famous designers. There aren't many options for a pentagonal room. A piano will fit well into the fifth corner.

Workplace zoning provides comfort to both the working person and his household. Partitions are used for this different types. For example, solid partitions provide complete insulation. Screens and curtains can act as light partitions, which will additionally create coziness in the room. You can also separate the work area with furniture if you place cabinets so that they hide the entire work area.

Decorative panels will serve not only as screens, but also as decoration. Aqua panels or 3D panels will look very beautiful and stylish. Plastic screens connected to electricity, in addition to the above functions, will additional source light, and in the dark everything looks as impressive as possible.

You can put it as a partition large aquarium: it is quite expensive, but the result compensates for the costs. This method will delight guests with its originality and beauty.

The work area can be highlighted using color. If the living room interior is bright and catchy enough, it is recommended to create a work area neutral colors to ensure maximum concentration on work.

However, do not forget about the main rule: the work area, in addition to comfort and discreet style, should not stand out too much in the living room. In this case, the room will not look harmonious.

In addition to these techniques, you can also transform the space, for example, create a niche in the wall. This solution will be as comfortable as possible for the employee. It is possible to place the work area on a small podium; this will qualitatively highlight the work area among other items, but it will not be very convenient or practical.

It is recommended that the work area be positioned with its back to the main part of the living room so that the worker is not distracted. However, placing the office facing the seating area can also be beneficial if there are small children who need to be looked after.

Furniture placement

Most important point in this matter - convenient and beautiful accommodation work furniture in the room. With the space for receiving guests, everything is simple: you should place a TV, a coffee table, a sofa or a couple of armchairs here. Coffee table can be classic or “transformable”, which, if desired, can be expanded, which will make it look like a full-fledged dining table.

Convenient solution for the work area there is furniture on casters, which can be easily taken out, for example, during the holidays, when the family is expecting a large company.

Of course, it will be more convenient for the company to relax in free space.

In order to successfully place the necessary furniture without the effect of cluttering the room, you first need to remove from the room what you can do without. Extra furniture and objects will clutter up the space as much as possible and interfere with free movement. Bulky furniture also looks outdated; it is better to replace it with multifunctional items.

After this you need to place the desktop - essential element the interior where most of the work is done. It can be placed diagonally in relation to the room itself. This way the entire corner of the room will be occupied, which will make the work area especially cozy. The table itself should not be too large; the presence of drawers and compartments for placing equipment (computer, printer, etc.) is a plus.

If the size of the table allows for excess, you can place sweet photographs, decorative candles or figurines on it.

The main thing in this matter is not to overdo it, so that the accessories do not distract from the important work.

In especially small rooms it can be used retractable tables – when assembled, they take up virtually no space. On balconies or loggias, you can use the window sill as a table if you expand it with plasterboard. Often in small living rooms the work area is hidden from prying eyes, for example, hidden in a closet.

The selection of a chair is very important: comfort during work affects performance and does not harm the musculoskeletal system.

A transparent table and chair will harmonize with any interior without attracting undue attention. It is appropriate to place an outlet near the table so that you do not have to stretch wires and extension cords across the entire room, which will cause discomfort to the residents and will look sloppy.

To store things, you can use racks, which can also serve as a screen. Don't forget about wall shelves, which take up virtually no space. They can be filled with literature, folders, and so on.

Placing a sofa in the work area is not The best decision because it reduces labor productivity. And placement on the wall cork board, on the contrary, is very convenient. You can attach notes, reminders, and current documents to it; this will help save important sheets that household members may mistakenly throw away or simply get lost in a pile of other papers. In addition to practical benefits, this element can be used as a decoration that attracts attention.

Despite all the options, the most convenient is making custom-made furniture. This method will help you realize all your design solutions in life.


It is known that colors affect the performance and general psycho-emotional state of a person:

  • Cool shades of colors increase concentration at work;
  • Bright colors(yellow, green, blue) affect the creative mood, this perfect option for people whose work involves creativity and the need for creative thinking. However, you should not use these colors separately, as they will distract from the main work;
  • Blue color has a calming effect and helps to concentrate, while blue is too relaxing and distracts from details;
  • Red color in small quantities gives a supply of energy and confidence in own strength;
  • Warm shades will only distract from the task at hand; this is the worst option for accountants and those whose work involves precise calculations and in-depth analysis.


Most often they give preference to the classic or colonial style. Perfect fit discreet style– high-tech, minimalism, loft. This style will not distract from work and will not allow you to relax too much. They also use the colonial style in a diluted form.

Ladies, especially lovers of needlework, prefer to decorate their workplace in Provence or shabby chic style.