How and with what to cut drywall at home with minimal losses. How and with what to properly cut drywall at home How to cut drywall at home with a knife

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How to cut drywall: a review of the 3 most popular tools

Don't know how to cut plasterboard sheets? Based on my experience, I can offer three options for this: suitable tool. Detailed description each of them will help you make your final choice.

Option No. 1: mounting knife

Drywall, in essence, is gypsum board, wrapped in cardboard. It is enough to cut the paper shell so that the plaster can be broken off with your own hands. A mounting knife can easily cope with this task.

If you don’t have the tool described in your workshop, then you don’t have to run to the store to get it. For small volumes, it is quite acceptable to use any sharp blade, for example, a well-sharpened kitchen knife.

Advantages and disadvantages

Positive sides:

  • Low price. On family budget purchasing a mounting knife will have virtually no impact;
  • Simple operating instructions. It is enough to walk along the line drawn in advance with a blade, cutting the cardboard and making a groove in the plaster, after which the sheet simply breaks;

  • Multifunctionality. A sharp knife is always useful around the house.

Negative side:

  • Limited opportunities. The fact is that with the help of the tool in question, a plasterboard sheet can only be divided into strips. More complex shapes cannot be cut out.

Option number 2: special hacksaw

A hacksaw for drywall makes it possible to create plasterboard sheet openings of various shapes.

The narrower the hacksaw blade, the more accurate and accurate the cut will be.

Advantages and disadvantages

The drywall saw has an obvious advantage:

  • Allows for shape cutting.

But the disadvantages are also immediately apparent:

  • Narrow scope of use of the tool. A blade designed for cutting gypsum is not very convenient to work with other materials;
  • Low speed. If you need to divide the gypsum board into two parts, it would be better to use a knife, as using a hacksaw will be slow and tedious.

Option number 3: electric jigsaw

What is the best way to cut gypsum fiber board or gypsum board? Of course, with a jigsaw. This can be seen from the description of its advantages:

Pros and cons

In terms of performance, a power tool always outperforms a conventional one. This case is no exception, and the electric jigsaw boasts the following advantages:

  • Versatility. With its help you can cut out a shape of any complexity. In addition, by installing the appropriate nail file, you can use the device to work with any other building material;

  • High speed. The electric motor quickly copes with the task and allows you to save your own energy.

The only drawback:

  • Relatively high cost. But we should not forget that such a tool will always be useful on the farm.

Offers from manufacturers

Here illustrative examples Some jigsaws that will help you cope with cutting drywall of any complexity:

  • Model BOSCH PST 700 E:

Prices are valid for spring 2017.

  • Model Makita 4329:

Hello friends! Recently, a friend and I were renovating his apartment, and we had a question about what and how to cut drywall. We tried it with a grinder: it worked quickly, but the huge amount of dust forced us to abandon the option. We took a stationery knife with a thick blade - we outlined it, cut through one side, and got the result. We also experimented with a jigsaw, which we borrowed from a neighbor, and then took a metal file. As a result, we noticed that everyone seemed comfortable different ways. If you are working with drywall, I advise you to try all the tools and find the right one. I’ll tell you now what the options are.

A standard sheet has dimensions of 2.5 x 1.2 m, but, as a rule, they do not fit anywhere intact. Naturally, there is a need to cut drywall. The set of tools for this is the most minimal - a metal ruler or rule, a measuring tape, a small plane, a pencil and a stationery knife. There are several ways to cut drywall, they are quite simple, and almost every person can do it on their own, with their own hands, without the help of professionals.

Method one: how to cut in straight lines

Cutting sequence plasterboard panels: a-cutting cardboard and part of the gypsum core; b-fracture of an uncut gypsum medium; c-cutting cardboard on the back side of the sheet; g-edge processing.

The first step is to take measurements. Guided by our drawings or project plan, we measure all the parameters of the future piece with a tape measure and draw a cutting line on the front side of the gypsum board. It is important to draw with a simple pencil and under no circumstances use markers, since the mark from any felt-tip pens will be visible even through putty. We apply a metal ruler or rule to the line; you can also use a piece of profile. Carefully and evenly we begin to follow the markings with a stationery knife. You need to do this several times to cut through. upper layer cardboard and gypsum core by a couple of millimeters.

We slightly move the entire sheet so that the cut is slightly beyond the edge of the surface on which we cut the drywall. Afterwards, we simply bend it with our hands at the place of the cut with a little effort and our sheet breaks, remaining hanging only on one side of the cardboard. Take a knife and trim the layer of cardboard on the back side of the sheet. We process the edges of the cut piece with a roughing plane, and all that remains is to screw it onto the profile prepared in advance. You don’t need to be a super-specialist, everything is quite easy and simple to do with your own hands.

Method two: how to cut drywall corners

Often during the installation of gypsum boards there is a need to cut not just a solid line, but an angle in the shape of the letter “L”, for example, near windows or doorways. The beginning is exactly the same: we take measurements, mark the lines. Here you will need to cut through the shortest side with a thin hacksaw, and then do everything according to the method described above, using the same stationery knife. There are special cone-shaped saws for gypsum plasterboard with finely spaced teeth on sale, but if you don’t have one at hand, then absolutely any hacksaw will do. Gypsum itself is a soft material, and there are usually no problems with cutting.

Various shaped pieces are cut in the same way. With a certain degree of dexterity, you can easily achieve the most varied and bizarre shapes using just a knife.

Third method: jigsaw for cutting drywall

Drywall can also be cut with a jigsaw. Whatever the designer’s flight of thought, any curves and any shapes will be within the power of a power tool. The same applies to the need to make internal cuts in the sheet, most often these are decorative circles and ovals or some kind of technological holes for lighting or ventilation. Of course, you can achieve the same result using a knife, but it will take much longer. In addition, the edge will practically not need additional processing with a plane, which will significantly save time.

The same applies to the construction of multilayer, volumetric structures. Here it is necessary to cut many pieces of various shapes and sizes, which will subsequently be attached to each other. Depending on the design of the room, similar designs in combination with color scheme can create the impression of three-dimensional drawings.

There are times when you need to saw off some part of the drywall already screwed onto the profile or make holes or cutouts directly in the wall. In these cases, a jigsaw is simply irreplaceable. So if you don’t yet have this miracle device, then it’s time to think about purchasing it. Moreover, he will become an excellent assistant in other work matters. you will enjoy the achievements you achieved with your own hands for many years to come.

In any repair, safety precautions must be observed. Work with sharp cutting tools should be done with protected hands, using cotton gloves. Plastic goggles are needed to protect your eyes. It is dangerous to use glass glasses, as there is a risk of damaging your eyes with small fragments. When working with a jigsaw, a lot of dust is generated, so the room should be well ventilated.

Very often, when cutting plasterboard sheets with a regular knife, it is not always possible to make the edges smooth. If you still close your eyes to this defect and use sheets with uneven ends, then the parts will not fit tightly to each other, thereby adding to your unnecessary hassle. And it’s not even about aesthetics, but about quality!

When cutting out parts, the craftsman must ensure that the sheets are the same. Therefore, for such work you need a special planer for drywall.

Planer for cutting drywall

Popularly, this tool is often called a “plasterboard grater” or simply a “grinding plane.” This tool belongs to a variety of rasps (popularly known as a “carpenter’s file”). Outwardly, it resembles a plane with a plastic or metal body to which a handle is attached. By the way, the handle in some roughing planes can be attached in two positions. Therefore, you can customize the tool to suit you.

Talk about what such tools do from environmentally friendly pure material, not worth it. It is unlikely that anyone would think of using uranium for this. For metal base very often an alloy of aluminum and silicon or pure aluminum is used. Removable blades are made of hardened steel. They are fixed to the body using a tension screw.

It is worth remembering that the size of the blade is usually equal to the size of the body. Most often you can find roughing planes in two sizes: 140x40 mm and 250x40 mm.

How to properly use a plane when cutting drywall

Place the sheet of drywall with the convenient side (usually with the ends being processed up) and move along the end, lightly pressing the tool. If you press down harder, you will remove a part that is thicker than planned. Moreover, if you have never had to work with a roughing plane before.

This instrument does not require any special care. During operation, dust and metal shavings may accumulate inside the housing. To remove it, simply turn it over and shake off the roughing plane. If a lot of dust has accumulated, you can use a metal brush.

How much does it cost and where to buy a tool for cutting drywall

It doesn’t matter how much you pay for this tool, because in operation they are all almost the same, only the service life is different. Of course, if you do not plan to throw it away as soon as you cut one sheet of drywall, but plan to use it often, then it is better to purchase a more expensive tool. In this case, the “more expensive - better quality” scheme works.

A roughing plane can be purchased at a building materials store in your city or in an online store. When purchasing, pay attention to the body (if there are any defects on it), as well as the quality of the blades. You can choose a brand based on reviews or your own experience.

How and with what to cut drywall correctly

Milling cutter for processing gypsum plasterboard - many have heard about such a tool, but what it is and how it works has not been tested from their own experience. Actually, she’s not the only one cutting drywall. What is the best way to do this is worth considering in more detail.

Drywall cutter

Milling is the processing of material, both metallic and non-metallic, by cutting. The cutting tool in this case is a milling cutter. It has a rotational movement, and the workpiece that is being processed is translational.

A router cuts not only grooves, but also virtually any kind of geometric holes in a sheet of drywall. From a functionality point of view, a router is better. It can also process sheet edges.

To mill drywall, either disc or router routers are used. Disk ones are used mainly only when it is necessary to make long straight grooves. Such a tool cannot cut a curved pattern.

Which cutter for drywall should I choose? If you have to make rounded surfaces or radii, you need a U-shaped cutter. And if we're talking about about sharp corners, a V-shaped cutter for drywall is preferable.

Drywall cutting tool (video)

Hacksaw or wood saw when cutting drywall

This tool should be narrow. If you use a wide hacksaw, the sheet can be damaged. When cutting, the sheet must be secured so that there are no breaks.

A roughing plane will also be needed to clean up the edges of the cut. Sometimes, however, this function is performed by sandpaper or even a grater, but if drywall is used for partitions, niches, multi-level ceiling, you can’t do without a plane.

How to cut a profile for drywall

The frame for the plasterboard structure also needs to be cut.

The profile can be cut with the following tools:

  • hacksaw for metal;
  • grinder;
  • metal scissors;
  • manual machine;
  • desktop cutting machine;
  • jigsaw with a metal file.

It’s difficult to say which is better, but use an angle grinder as a last resort. It’s not that she won’t take the profile, her “minus” is large quantities sparks during operation.

How to cut drywall correctly

Working with plasterboard is not so difficult, especially if you have it at hand good tool, and you are still determined not to saw, but to cut.

Tips for cutting drywall:

  • You need to cut on a stable and level surface, otherwise the material may bend.
  • Cut large sheets in several passes.
  • GCRs must be dry; moisture can damage them.
  • A frame for drywall can be safely formed even from small parts, but these fragments must be firmly attached to the wall.
  • If the cuts on the profile are not perfectly straight, they will eventually be covered with sheets, so no need to worry.

Curly cutting of drywall deserves special attention. Most suitable option- a jigsaw, it’s both more convenient and easier to work with. If this is not the case, a drywall hacksaw will help out.

If you have to work with drywall frequently, you need to have several special tools in your arsenal.

You may need:

  • plasterboard plane,
  • jigsaw,
  • mounting knife for drywall,
  • hacksaw for drywall.

Once again, it is worth noting that a circular saw is not suitable for working with drywall.

Many of the tools are multi-functional and can inspire new drywall designs.

How to cut drywall correctly (video)

How to cut holes in drywall

Drywall has proven itself to be a universal finishing material. Thanks to excellent operational characteristics and comparative simplicity of operation, it can be used to solve a wide range of problems. However, there are some peculiarities in handling it. For example, when you need to cut round hole in drywall, certain difficulties may arise. How to correctly carry out the necessary actions will be discussed further.

There are many options for creating a hole in drywall, but this process must be approached very carefully.

Cutting drywall straight

So, if there is a need to make a technological or decorative hole in a sheet of drywall, then you should take into account that the problem can be solved in several ways. The choice of option should be made based on specific conditions and the availability of tools.

Special drill attachment

You can make a round hole in drywall using a special drill attachment on a drill. This option can be considered the simplest and most convenient for independent implementation. To do this, you need to purchase crowns (round drill bits) from a specialized store that will correspond to the required dimensions. The element is clamped in the drill chuck, and the required holes are drilled using pre-applied markings. Similar drills are most often sold in sets, so there are no problems with selection the right size should not arise.

One of the most convenient ways to make a hole in drywall is with a hole saw.


If you need to drill a hole of a large diameter or it is not possible to purchase a special drill, then you can use a simple jigsaw. To do this, markings are made in the right place. After this, you need to use an ordinary drill, the diameter of which will be slightly larger than the width of the jigsaw blade, to make a through hole on the marked line. Next, using the resulting hole as starting point, a circular cut is made. If necessary, the inner edges of the resulting hole can be sanded.

Tile drill

Another option for making holes in drywall for lamps is to use a special tile drill. Despite the fact that such use of attachments of this type can be considered inappropriate, there are no difficulties in performing the task. The nozzle can be adjusted within a certain range, so its purchase can be considered a universal solution.

Hacksaw blade

Even more simple solution you will use a hacksaw blade for metal. Here we will repeat approximately the same actions as when working with a jigsaw. Due to its availability, this option can be considered the most acceptable in most cases. It is important to note that you should be careful when working with the blade, because it is quite possible to get injured when sawing. To avoid this, you can take simple precautions, for example, wrap one side of the fabric in several layers with electrical tape or put heat-shrink tubing over it. If not needed, such an improvised handle can be removed.

Other methods

If for some reason the above methods are impossible to use, the problem can be solved in another way. So, for example, a number of holes are drilled according to the markings with a regular drill. They must be performed at a distance of several millimeters from each other. Next, with a light blow of the hammer handle, the inner part is knocked out, and the remaining irregularities are removed using coarse sandpaper.

In addition, you can use a simple stationery knife. As a guide, you can take a round object of suitable diameter, such as a saucer or bottle. Several passes with a knife are made around the improvised template, resulting in a fairly neat hole.

Thus, it is obvious that there are quite a lot of options for how to make a hole in drywall for a lamp, so every home craftsman can choose the most suitable method for himself.

How to cut drywall and profiles correctly: all methods

Drywall today is cut into separate fragments in several ways. These include:

  • a method when you need to cut a sheet in a straight line;
  • cutting drywall along an indirect line.

Both methods are easy to do with your own hands if you follow simple rules, which we will consider below for each option separately.

How to cut drywall straight

Very often it is necessary to cut the slab in a straight line in order to complete the sheathing of the frame in certain places. For this you will definitely need a drywall knife. According to many experts, it is increasingly better to use it instead of analogue substitutes.

cutting drywall using such a knife involves the following preparatory procedures:

  • place the slab (moisture-resistant, regular or fire-resistant sheet) on a stable and flat surface;
  • We apply the necessary markings on the plate to cut out the pieces we need. Marking is especially necessary if you need to cut a hole of a certain size for a lamp or socket;
  • We apply the markings with a simple pencil. It is not advisable to use a marker or pen;
  • On the back side of the slab we make marks at the bottom and top, and then connect them using a long and even strip. You can use marking thread.

Now that the markings are done, you can cut out the necessary pieces as follows:

  • the knife must be well sharpened. In this case, its length should be adjusted - it should not exceed the thickness of the sheet being cut;
  • We lightly run a knife along the marked marks several times. For greater evenness, you can not remove the rail;
  • turn the slab over to the other side and tap on the cut. It will be enough to tap your fist several times;
  • fold the sheet along the line at the cut site. Now the cut piece is supported only by paper;
  • cut the remaining layer of paper and get flat piece slabs

In this way you can cut a whole sheet and get perfectly even pieces.

When covering walls and ceilings, you always have to cut certain pieces not in a straight line. For example, you need to make a hole for a socket, switch or lamp. In such a situation, the knife independent the tool cannot be used. To cut a hole of any diameter, you need to take a hacksaw with fine teeth.

Where a knife can't do it, a drywall hacksaw can do it. With its help, you can easily cut a hole of any diameter and size.

You need to cut holes using a hacksaw in the following way:

  • Place the slab on a flat surface:
  • apply markings in the right place;
  • We take the hacksaw in our hands and cut short sections with it at the bends, at the beginning and end of the cut;
  • We take a knife and cut through the gypsum board using the technology that is used when cutting in a straight line.

It is much more difficult to cut sheets along a curved vector. You can also use a knife here, but the cut will be uneven and will need to be adjusted using a plane.

In this situation better Just use an electric jigsaw. You can also use a metal file, as it has small and frequent teeth.

Note! When using electric jigsaw there will be a lot of dust. Therefore, you need to cover your eyes with safety glasses and wear a respirator.

How to quickly cut drywall

Drywall is truly universal material, when it comes to internal works in room. With its help you can erect partitions, sheathe walls and ceilings. In addition, drywall can be easily processed, bent, and is quite affordable. But when making any structure, you will have to divide a solid sheet into separate parts or make holes in it. Want to know how to cut drywall and what tool to use? The answers to these questions can be found in our article.

Types of tools for cutting drywall

You don't have to guess for long to understand what cut drywall. To do this, use the usual available tools:

  • plane;
  • a special hacksaw;
  • electric jigsaw.

It is not necessary to buy a knife, although there is a special one for cutting gypsum boards. Almost anyone will do here, the main thing is that it is well sharpened. It is better to choose a hacksaw with fine teeth and a thin blade. A jigsaw is convenient for cutting holes and will significantly speed up the whole process, and a plane is useful for processing edges. Assembly knife This is not very suitable for this, since the edges will not be perfect. In addition, for high-quality cutting of drywall you will need measuring tool. A tape measure, a ruler, usually a simple pencil - all this is needed for marking.

Now it’s worth talking about the technology for cutting drywall and what tool to use for this.

Regular drywall cutting

To begin with, it is worth taking careful measurements and drawing out the sheet. After all, the slightest mistake can lead to additional costs. A metal ruler is applied to the line marked with a pencil. And only make an incision along the ruler. Only the top layer of cardboard is cut through, while the bottom layer remains untouched. Important nuance: The knife must be very sharp.

After this, all that remains is to place the gypsum board vertically and tap on it. It will break exactly along the line. The only negative: using a drywall knife does not give perfect edges, but they can always be further processed. This method is well suited for simply dividing a sheet into several parts. If you need to make holes, use another tool.

How to cut drywall in a non-straight line

In some cases, repairs require the creation of complex holes, which are needed for places with a large number of pipes and communications. For example, if you need to make a cutout for a beam, proceed as follows: one side of the drywall is cut with a knife, and the other is sawed through using a hacksaw. Then a break is made and the edges are processed.

For cutouts for communications, the main difficulty is marking. It is best to make a drawing on paper, which is then transferred to plasterboard. Straight lines can be cut with a hacksaw, and curves can be cut with a drywall cutter. And we must not forget that gypsum board is a fragile material, so you need to act carefully and without haste.

What is the best way to cut round holes in drywall?

GCL is a material that is perfect for covering walls and erecting partitions. They can be figured, using decorative lighting. With this option, the question arises of how to cut drywall under Spotlights or sockets.

The most accurate holes will be obtained when using a jigsaw. But if it is not available, do not despair. You can try cutting the circle with a knife and then knocking it out with a hammer. Small holes, for example, for sockets, are cut using a drill bit.

How to cut already installed drywall

There are times when you need to make a cut in a sheet installed on the wall. How to cut drywall correctly in this case and what tool to use? First, you should check the quality of installation and the stability of the frame. If everything is in order, then choose equipment depending on the shape of the future hole.

If you need to make an L-shaped cut in drywall, you will need a hacksaw and a knife, and for round holes, only a hacksaw. First, make a small hole (the original one), and then make a hole of the required diameter.

It can be seen that even such a simple (at first glance) procedure as cutting gypsum boards has its own nuances. Therefore, if you have questions, you can watch a video on how to cut drywall. Another good way— practice on the leftover material. In any case, such experience will be useful at almost all stages. home renovation. Is not it?

The best way to cut drywall

Perhaps the most common material when carrying out modern repair work is GKL (plasterboard sheet). The ease of use combined with its low cost has led to the fact that today drywall can be found in almost any home. On the ceiling and walls, in the bathroom and toilet as a tool for creating niches and arches, this material truly deserves its place in our lives. After all, in terms of practicality and reliability, it has no equal.

But how to work with such material, what tools are needed - this is what you need to think about first of all if you are going to use it for your own purposes.

A knife for drywall, although it doesn’t seem so at first glance important tool, in fact, is the basis for the quality and speed of work, because sheets of material are cut with its help. Let's take a closer look at the options for knives and other cutting tools for gypsum boards.

Hand tool for cutting drywall

Of course, it is better to use a knife with a tape measure and other tools for marking drywall.

The most popular and easiest way to cut drywall is with a paint knife.

Installing drywall requires creating parts with different configurations. At home, the apartment owner makes such decisions infrequently, so purchasing expensive electric saws impractical. General purpose tools are suitable for cutting.

Selecting Tools

In industrial enterprises, plasterboard is required in large quantities. Therefore, special hardware installations have been developed for cutting gypsum boards. At home, everything is much simpler - improvised tools that can be found in every apartment are used.

In order to avoid additional planing of each detail at the end of the work, it is necessary to cut the drywall as evenly as possible. To achieve this goal mark the markings on the plaster using a pencil and a measuring tape. If the latter is not among the tools or the length of the drywall exceeds 2.5 m, then you can mark the surface using a metal profile.

Several tools can cope with cutting drywall:

  • cutter (hacksaw) for metal or wood;
  • jigsaw;
  • construction knife with replaceable blades;
  • electric drill.

The last tool is suitable for drilling an even circle of small diameter. As the radius increases, it is necessary to use feather drills or round saws.

An electric drill is suitable for creating holes for the core of door locks. A regular hacksaw for metal or wood can cut drywall. The tool is distinguished by a thin blade with a frequent row of teeth. Preserved between sharp ridges minimum distance to prevent the formation of nicks.

Dense plasterboard sheets can be cut construction knife. The device is easy to use due to its double-sided sharp blade. Over time, the core becomes dull, but manufacturers put several additional elements. Therefore, if necessary, the blade can be easily replaced with a new one.

To cut drywall with a construction knife, you need to mark it and place a metal ruler along the pencil mark. Holding the profile, make a cut with a knife. If the plaster is of small thickness, the construction knife can be replaced with a stationery knife.

To decorate a room with a high humidity coefficient, take moisture resistant drywall, which contains antiseptic elements. They give the surface of the plaster a greenish tint. Additional components do not affect the density indicator, so it is possible to cut moisture-resistant drywall using similar tools for cutting the classic version.

Correct cutting

A few simple rules will help you cut drywall correctly:

  • Working with plaster requires taking safety precautions. Even a pinpoint cut or small break crumbles the material. This releases dust that is hazardous to the body. Protect your eyes and lungs with goggles and a respiratory mask.
  • It doesn't matter which side you cut the drywall from. However, experts recommend starting with the surface that will be in contact with the wall or ceiling.
  • Cutting a profile leaves behind jagged edges. You should not waste time on leveling them, because subsequently the flaws are hidden with plasterboard.
  • Drywall sheets should be cut in dry rooms. In conditions of high humidity, the material quickly swells and becomes unsuitable for use even after drying.
  • Flexible drywall can be cut correctly on a stable surface with a smooth surface.

The facing material itself consists of two layers of cardboard. They are covered with a thick gypsum layer. This structure provides fire resistance and strength by increasing density. Therefore, to implement a point cut, it is enough to deepen the cut several times with a sharp blade using gentle movements from top to bottom. After which the sheet must be broken along the cut line. In this case, it is important to keep the drywall in one position, preventing the blade from moving when cutting the cardboard layer.

This is effective when cutting drywall that is leaning against a wall surface. You can hold the layer of material with your foot.

On the wall

Finish if necessary plasterboard material window opening or wall corner, gypsum board cutting is carried out directly on the load-bearing surface. In this case, the plaster edge coincides with the edge of the wall. To create such a model, use a larger piece of drywall than required. The material is attached to the wall surface, after which excess elements are cut off from the plaster.

The procedure requires reliable fastening to a supporting surface. Cutting begins from the side of the plasterboard sheet, which fits tightly to the support. Pressing on unnecessary detail, you need to follow the marked line several times. After this, the remaining cut elements are cut off from the reverse side.

Holes for lamps and sockets

Specialists cut holes for sockets or lamps after installing and securing the drywall. For beginners, you can do without preliminary fastening. For this purpose, it is first necessary to accurately calculate the position and parameters of the future hole.

It is important to remember that the lumen itself is small in shape, which is subsequently hidden by additional plastic frame(for decorating a socket or lamp base).

All calculations must be applied from the back surface of the drywall. For the cutting itself you will need a screwdriver or drill. The tool must have additional circular attachments with fine serrated blades. If you don't have a gun, a classic hacksaw will do. The holes are uneven, but correspond to the calculated parameters. All flaws are covered with canvas.

Uneven line

When cutting drywall in the form of a wavy curved line, you cannot get by with a regular hacksaw or construction knife. When using them, smooth curves turn out to be uneven. To achieve a perfectly smooth surface, you need to purchase or rent a jigsaw with small blades. In this case, the tool creates a huge amount of gypsum dust. Because of this, it is necessary to take care personal protection eyes and lungs.

Upon completion of the manufacture of parallel parts, bending of the plasterboard elements follows. The first step is to create a rectangular sheet of gypsum material that matches the size of the space between the straight pieces. A centimeter tape measure will help you measure your step correctly. Thanks to its flexibility, you can measure the arch length along the bend.

The front surface has an increased density compared to the back side of drywall. Because of this, the arcuate part is bent in such a way that the back surface of the material is stretched. To bend the future arch evenly, you can resort to a template. The latter is made of plywood.

  • On one side, the arc is bent with a needle roller. In this case, it is necessary to constantly press on the drywall. The roller needles will penetrate the gypsum material up to 5 mm.
  • At the end of the work, the surface of the drywall is moistened with water until softened. This stage requires a long time and patience. As the drywall swells, it needs to be gradually bent.
  • As soon as the part settles tightly in the template form, it is fixed until completely dry.

For sloping elements with a radius of more than 40 cm, the bend is not so steep, thus the manufacture of the part does not require additional wetting. Identical elements of a wavy type can be realized using transverse cuts. The result is an accordion that needs to be secured with a primer. When bending drywall, all cracks must be filled with putty.

For high arches it is not possible to bend the gypsum material. When installing such an element, triangular cuts are made with scissors in increments of up to 10 cm. The distance depends on the steepness of the bend.


It is easy to achieve a perfectly round hole using a drill with special drill bits. The nozzle is pressed perpendicularly to the surface of the drywall. By pressing the trigger, they begin to drill a hole.

The drill is not capable of creating decorative holes of large diameter or rounded parts (for example, wavy elements). A hacksaw can easily cope with such a task by cutting the internal elements. To do this, you need to cut a line and insert a canvas with pencil markings. Then it is sawed according to the markings.

It is inconvenient to work with a hacksaw with drywall on the floor, so it is best to place a sheet of plasterboard on the table. Moreover, the plaster will have to be laid in such a way that the cut part is outside the countertop.

Experts can cut with a regular knife, then knock out the circle with a sharp push. However, in the absence of professional skills in working with drywall, an uneven gap will form with jagged, chipped edges.

In a straight line

Before starting work, you need to take measurements in the room so as not to make mistakes when cutting parts. A simple pencil will help you mark the cut lines. It is better not to use a marker or pen. Caustic ink leaves marks that show through the putty layer.

When drawing the main lines, you must first make equal marks at the top and bottom of the sheet. After this, apply a level or a metal ruler to the points, along which a straight segment is drawn.

Upon completion of the calculations and application of the appropriate markings, the drywall is placed on a surface parallel to the floor. For cutting, it is more convenient to use a construction knife, since the sharp blade can be adaptively adjusted during work. It should be remembered that the length of the tip should not exceed the thickness of the drywall. It is recommended to make the cut using a metal ruler, which is placed on top of the pencil markings. To create a straight line, you need to additionally run the cut 3 times with the tool.

If a layer of plasterboard is placed on a table, it is necessary to move the plaster so that the part to be separated does not come into contact with the table surface. Once the cut is deep enough, you should pick up the edges of the drywall and break along the line with a sharp movement. For the final cut, an additional cut is made on the opposite side with a construction knife.

When sawing drywall on the floor, after additional movements, the drywall product must be placed in a vertical position. The cut part must be separated from the unnecessary part with gentle pushes along the front side (make a break). After which the remaining fragments are cut with a blade.

It is important to remember that you should not use a circular saw to cut drywall. Fine teeth rotating at high speed produce a dense column of dust. Solid particles settle in the lungs and on the mechanical parts of the tool, causing damage to both the person and the inside of the circular saw.

Letter "G"

The shape of drywall curved in the letter “L” is used for lining a door or window opening, as well as when creating any corner model.

The work begins with calculations and marking the line with a pencil. For implementation, you can use a hacksaw if you don’t have a specially serrated drywall saw at hand. Gypsum is a soft, pliable material that does not create problems when cutting.

Using a tool you need to cut out a short part. The long one is cut out according to the “straight line” method.

Edge processing

The work doesn't end with cutting the drywall. Sharp and uneven edges need to be smoothed. You can handle nicks and chips using sandpaper.

It is recommended to level with gentle movements until a smooth surface is achieved. Upon completion preparatory stage fasciation is carried out. Two-thirds of the thickness of the drywall sheet must be cut off from each edge. Next, a chamfer is cut at an angle of 45 degrees with a plane. If you don't have a suitable tool, you can use a regular knife.

How do you cut drywall? How to cut drywall correctly

Today, plasterboard is widely used in construction and renovation. You can work with this material yourself. However, you should first find out how to cut drywall so that no difficulties arise during the repair process. Below are the basic ways of working and the tools you will need.

Cutting tools

How do you cut drywall? To cut it there are special devices, which

are quite expensive. They are used in enterprises where work with drywall is carried out on a large scale. For home use You can use available tools that are found in every home.

First of all, you need to mark the sheet of drywall so that you can cut it straight. This is done using a tape measure, a simple pencil and a long ruler.

Several tools can be used to cut the material. So, how to cut drywall:

  • hacksaw for metal;
  • construction knife;
  • jigsaw.

In rooms with high humidity moisture-resistant plasterboard is used. It differs from ordinary material by the presence of antiseptic additives in its composition. Some people have a question about how to cut moisture-resistant drywall. It is not much different from regular material. It can be easily recognized by its green color. When cutting it, you can use the same tools. Let's tell you in more detail how to work with each of them.

The best way to cut drywall

A hacksaw for metal differs from the one used to saw wood because it has a thinner blade

blades. With its help, drywall is cut very easily. The edges of the material remain smooth and have virtually no jagged edges. The sheet of material must be placed on some support and cut along the marked line.

A construction knife with a sharp double-sided blade can easily cut a thick sheet of drywall. To make the edge of the sheet even, you should first draw a marking line and attach a metal ruler to it. An incision is made along it with a knife. If the drywall is thin enough, you can replace the construction knife with a regular stationery knife, which is used for paper.

A jigsaw is convenient for making shaped cuts. When working with drywall, it is recommended to purchase files with fine teeth, which are used for metal.

How to cut drywall correctly

There are several useful tips that will make your work easier:

  • Drywall - flexible material. To avoid breaking it during operation, you need to place the sheet on a stable, flat surface.
  • When cutting a large sheet, you should do it gradually.
  • There should be no moisture in the workplace, otherwise the material will become wet and unsuitable for use.
  • Which side you cut the drywall from is not so important. However, it is best to make the cut on the surface on which it will be attached to the wall.
  • When cutting the profile, do not worry about uneven edges. They will subsequently be covered with a sheet of drywall.
  • When working with the material, you should understand that it can crumble heavily and create dust. Be sure to protect your eyes and respiratory system.

Cutting along straight lines

First you need to lay the drywall on a flat horizontal surface and

mark on both sides of it the lines along which the cut will be made. After this, a metal ruler is applied to them and pressed with your hand. We take the knife in the other hand and draw it along the line several times to make the cut deeper.

Some people think that they can do it just fine without a ruler. However, you should not neglect it. It is quite difficult to make an even cut without it. Of course it is possible, but you will have to take the time to get a neat edge. With a ruler, everything is done much faster.

When the cuts become deep enough, a sheet of drywall should be placed on its edge and tapped on the back side. Typically, several weak blows lead to a break in the drywall sheet along the line. Now all that remains is to cut the cardboard layer with a knife.

Shaped cutting

There are situations when you need not a straight cut, but a curved or round one.

For example, if you are making an arch or a hole for lighting fixtures. In this case, it is best to use a jigsaw.

They need to work slowly, drawing clearly along the intended lines. The saw should be narrow with small teeth. It must work at high speed. If you cut carefully, the edge will be smooth.

If you don't have a jigsaw, you can use a hacksaw or a construction knife and a hammer. Make deep cuts strictly according to the markings. Place the drywall on a flat, recessed surface so that it sits underneath the hole you are cutting. Now hit this place with a hammer. After the unwanted part falls off, turn the drywall over and cut off the excess paper.

Edge processing

When drywall is cut, its edges should be slightly aligned so that there is no

nicks and chips. This can be done using sandpaper. Gently go over all the edges until they are smooth.

The final stage of preparing the material includes its fascia. To do this, you need to cut off a few millimeters of gypsum from each edge (about two-thirds of the sheet thickness). The chamfer is removed with a plane or knife at an angle of approximately 45 degrees.

After installing the drywall, all gaps between the sheets of material must be filled with putty. When the seams are dry, you can begin painting the surface or wallpapering it.

How to cut a profile

Drywall sheets are attached to a special profile. It is made of metal
for maximum structural strength. How to cut a profile for drywall? You can cope with this work using:

  • hacksaws for metal;
  • jigsaw;
  • metal scissors.

It is not recommended to use a grinder at home because it produces a lot of sparks. Metal scissors will be quite sufficient. They are able to easily cut iron without creating unnecessary debris and shavings.

The profile can be cut into small pieces. Once the drywall is attached, it will not be visible. The main thing is to screw the profile well to the wall or other surface to ensure the strength of the entire structure.

Working with drywall is quite simple. Due to this, it is in great demand for interior decoration premises. Now that you have learned how to cut drywall, you can independently change your apartment beyond recognition without spending money on professional finishers.

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How and with what to cut drywall and make holes in it

From this material you will learn how to cut drywall, in addition, we will look at how to cut drywall and make rectangular and round holes in it. To do this, you will need a few tools and knowledge of basic techniques on how to do it. We'll also show you how to use materials efficiently to reduce waste while still delivering superior results. From our experience, we know that although the cutting process is not very difficult, it will take patience to master it. An unsatisfactory result may be obtained due to inaccurate measurements or the use of the wrong materials and tools. To learn how to cut drywall the best way, read this article for tips on how to avoid common mistakes.

Preparation and application of markings

To cut drywall, you will need the following:

  • use a knife only with a sharp blade;
  • if you intend to attach plasterboard both to the ceiling and to the walls, then first you need to sheathe the ceiling, and only then proceed to the walls;
  • If you need to cut drywall along a complex path, cut the length first and then the width.

Remember that when working and attaching drywall, it is very important to use as many whole slabs as possible. This way you will reduce the cost of materials, there will be less work, and the cladding process will go faster. Therefore, you need to carefully measure and study the surface you are working with, and then make a plan for using the slabs so that you have to cut them as little as possible.

If you need to attach drywall to large area, we recommend using 3.6 meter slabs instead of 2.5 meter ones. This way you will save time and material.

Step 1: To cut drywall like a pro, use quality tools. If the sheets large sizes(120 cm wide), it is better to cut them leaning against the wall under small angle. And small sheets (up to 60 cm wide) can be cut on the floor. If this is your first time cutting drywall, it is better to practice doing it on the floor. First you need to decide which side to cut the drywall from. To do this, make sure that the sheet of drywall is facing towards you. front side. It is on this side that the incision will be made.

If you don’t know what is the best way to cut drywall, then from our experience we can tell you that in most cases, it is best to use a good utility knife. But sometimes you have to use other tools. For example, a hacksaw for drywall is convenient to use for cutting holes of various shapes.

The minimum set of tools you will need when cutting drywall.

Smart advice. If you are cutting drywall against the wall, place several pieces of wood underneath. This will make the cutting process easier and protect your fingers from damage.

Step 2. First, you need to use a tape measure to determine the size of the slab to be cut. Do this very carefully, otherwise the slab may simply not fit - it will turn out to be either too small or too large. Also make sure that the vertical edges are aligned with the center of the sheathing, otherwise the slab joints will not be rigid enough. Measure using a tape measure and make a mark in the desired location with a pencil. In our example, we want to cut the slab in half, so we make a mark in the middle.

Marking a sheet of drywall.

Smart advice. It is very important to do precise measurements, otherwise you will spend a lot of time and money correcting errors in the connections. Be especially careful when working alone.

Step 3: To get a perfect straight cut, use a ruler. If you want to achieve results professional level and you have to cut drywall often and a lot, we advise you to get a large cutting tool and not use homemade or homemade tools.

Slide the strip along the drywall until it reaches the desired mark.

Using a rail to cut drywall

Cutting a sheet of drywall

Step 1. Gypsum board consists of two layers of paper that cover both sides with a thick layer of gypsum. This combination creates a relatively durable building material that is also fire resistant. Therefore, in order to get an accurate and high-quality cut, it is enough to walk along the slab with a sharp knife and then break it in this place. To make a cut, run a knife along the plasterboard sheet from top to bottom several times. To make the correct cut, you need to move the knife confidently, without jerking and exactly along the marked line. When cutting through the paper layer, you need to hold the bar firmly in one position, otherwise the cut may turn out uneven.

The same procedure must be performed if you rarely use drywall not on the floor, but leaning it against the wall. Holding the strip down with your foot, run the knife along the drywall several times from top to bottom. There is no need to cut many times, as this will only dull the knife blade.

A sheet with a cut paper base.

As you can see in the picture, the cut should be completely even. Otherwise, you will not be able to break the slab evenly. The goal is to completely cut through the paper layer and lightly grab the plaster.

Step 2. Now you need to break the slab along the cut. If you followed the previous steps correctly, the drywall sheet should break along the cut. Hold the sheet with your feet and simply fold it.

Of course, there are a lot of options for how you can make the break yourself. It is quite difficult to explain all these procedures in two sentences, but we assure you: in practice it is very easy to do. The most important thing is to make the right cut. How you break it is not important.

But if you find it difficult to grab a large sheet of paper with your hands to bend it, then press it down with your knee. If you are not confident that you can cut a slab well, then practice on scrap sheets first.

We break the plasterboard board.

Step 3. After the sheet is broken with a utility knife, cut the paper layer from the back side of the plasterboard. If you have broken the plasterboard correctly, you should have no problem cutting off the paper layer from the back.

We trim the cardboard layer from the outside.

Step 4. Place the cut slab against the mounting location to see how accurate the cut is. If the cut slab is a little larger, use a rasp to remove excess material. Remember that when working with a rasp, you will create a lot of dust. Therefore, try to make accurate markings.

How to make holes in drywall

Next we will talk about how to make a hole in drywall. Learning how to make holes in drywall is important because it often needs to be done to install new outlets, switches, and other fixtures. In addition, you have to cut round or rectangular holes in order to repair damaged areas of drywall. Although cutting holes in drywall is quite simple, in order to do it professionally, you need to use certain tools and have some skills. Therefore, we advise you to work with caution and follow our instructions exactly. step by step explanation before starting work.

To make a hole in drywall, you will need the following:

  • line;
  • pencil;
  • tape measure and stationery knife;
  • drill;
  • ring attachment for drill;
  • jigsaw;
  • drywall hacksaw.
  • take precise measurements to make rectangular holes;
  • Be careful not to damage pipes or electrical wires when cutting holes;
  • To cut a hole in drywall, wear a respirator mask.

Cutting a rectangular hole

Step 1. Determine the place on the sheet of drywall where you need to make a hole. If you plan to install a socket in this hole, then you need to place the socket box in the required place and outline its outline. To do this, use a tape measure to measure the distance from the left side of the stove to the left and right edges of the box. Also measure the distance from the bottom edge of the slab to the extreme top and bottom of the electrical box. Given these dimensions, use a ruler to mark the location of the hole for the box on the plasterboard.

We mark the sheet and determine the location for the hole.

Step 2. Using a drill with a large diameter drill bit, make 4 holes on the sides of the rectangle. As you can see in the picture, the holes need to be made inside the rectangle and as close to the cutting lines as possible.

We drill holes in the drywall for the jigsaw blade.

Smart advice. You can drill holes not on the sides, but in the corners of the rectangle. The holes should be large enough for the jigsaw blade to fit through.

Step 3. Insert a jigsaw blade into each of the holes to cut a rectangular opening. Do this with great care, making sure that the file follows exactly the drawn lines.

Cut a rectangular hole in the drywall.

Smart advice. To avoid inhaling dust, wear a respirator mask. It is better to make the hole too small than too big, since the excess can always be removed with a rasp.

Step 4. Once you have cut the hole in the drywall, you need to check its suitability. To do this, insert a box from a switch or socket into the hole you made to see if everything is done well.

Finished rectangular hole.

Smart advice. You can cut holes in already installed slabs, but there are a few things to consider. Before carrying out work, make sure that there are no pipes, wires or other communications in this area.

How to make round holes in drywall

Step 1. First you need to determine what you can use to cut a hole in the drywall. There are several ways to do this. To do this, you can, for example, use a crown, a ballerina or a small hacksaw.

A set of bits that can be used to cut holes in drywall.

Before you start making holes, you need to make appropriate markup. To do this, you need to determine and mark the center of the future hole.

We mark the center of the future hole.

Step 2: Select a Crown required size and secure it in the drill chuck. Now place the core bit in the center of the hole you are cutting and start drilling. For a quality hole, we recommend cutting to average speed and gently press the drill.

Smart advice. Be careful not to press the drill too hard to prevent the bit from getting stuck in the plaster. To make a quality hole, you need to be patient.

Making holes using hand tools

Method 1. You can cut a round hole in drywall using a regular knife. First you need to outline the shape of the future hole. To do this, you can attach a box from an outlet, switch or any other round object to a sheet of drywall and mark the outline of the future hole. Then the same outline should be marked on the back side of the sheet. Both the first and second circuits must match.

We outline the outline of the future hole.

Then, using a knife, you need to completely cut through the cardboard layer. Once you have cut through the paper layer on both sides, lightly tap the plaster with a hammer. The hole is ready. Now check if the electrical box fits there.

Method 2. If you want to make a hole in an already installed slab drywall, then you need to use a different method. Draw a circle on the drywall, tracing the outline of the switch or outlet box with a pencil. Before cutting a hole in drywall, make sure there are no pipes or electrical wires. Also make sure that the box will be placed in a suitable location.

Next, use a drywall saw to cut a hole in the board. To make the hole even, punch the drywall in one place and start sawing from there.

Video: How and how to cut drywall

Lesson 4. How to cut drywall at home

In this article we will learn how to cut drywall at home. In the previous lesson, we completely made a frame to which you can already attach drywall. But the gypsum boards themselves must first be cut to size. Now we will figure out how this is done.

How and with what to cut drywall at home

The answer to the question of how to cut drywall at home is very simple - for this we need an ordinary sharp painting knife.

It is highly undesirable to use an electric jigsaw to cut gypsum board.

How to cut part of a leaf

So, we place a sheet of drywall with the inner (back) side on the floor (table) or place it upright, with its elbow on the wall, with the inner (back) side facing the wall, the outer (front) side towards you. Using a tape measure and a pencil, mark the distance that needs to be cut on the outer (front) side of the gypsum board. Make two marks on the top and bottom of the sheet with a pencil:

Then we take the rule ( building level, an even strip) apply to the marked marks and mark the line.

It's better to repeat it twice.

After we have cut the paper, we need to refract the sheet along the cut we made. To do this, take a sheet and turn it towards you inside. We hold one part of the sheet in the left hand, the second (cut off) in the right. Moderate movement right hand on yourself (you can also help synchronously with your knee) break the sheet along the cut made:

The sheet broke exactly along the cut line:

The straight cut is ready.

How to make a cutout in a sheet

But what to do if you need to make a cutout in a plasterboard sheet:

or holes, slits, for example, under engineering Communication, pipes. After all, if you just run a knife along each of the three sides of this rectangle and then start breaking it out, then nothing will come of it. If we apply force, a fracture will occur that is not at all along the contours we need. So what should we do? Here we need to act differently.

To do this, take a knife for drywall, colloquially “Fox”:

and saw through two sides:

And we simply cut through the third side with a painting knife - only paper:

Lightly hit the spot:

All that remains is to cut the paper on the other side with a knife:

Below is a link to a video about another drywall knife. I haven’t worked with him personally, but judging by the video, he cuts quite interestingly. In principle, if you are working with any tool for the first time, then, of course, you need to adapt:

In this article, we learned how and with what to cut drywall at home.