Ideas for a small bath. Interior of a small bathroom. Bet on light colors

The design of a bathroom, regardless of its size and shape, gravitates towards laconic and balanced design solutions. A beautiful, functional, well-thought-out design is simply bound to charm and delight. After all, it is from this room that our day begins and ends, it is here that we take care of our beauty, forget about unresolved problems, and receive a certain feeling of joy and pleasure. Therefore, it is very important to arrange a harmonious and functional bathroom space, taking into account not only modern design trends, but also your own preferences.

Selection of color palette

Competent color design space creates a visual perception of its expansion or, conversely, decrease. Wall shades and splashes of color create a certain psychological mood and directly affect our emotional state and mental comfort.

There are several dominant ones that experts recommend following when designing a bathroom.


Everyone knows that achromatic is a win-win option in small spaces. It enhances the perception of airiness and increased volume, achieved with the help of ceiling lamps and highlighting individual design elements.

Choosing White color As the dominant color for all surfaces of the bathroom, it is necessary to provide bright spots of color in the design of accessories. This will avoid negative impact monotonous space, which is not in the best possible way influences human energy.

Snow-white marble tiles - stylish solution for decorating bathroom walls


Extravagant and energetic, very powerful and influential purple for the bathroom are chosen by people who are leaders in their inner feelings. Therefore, it is important to analyze how comfortable all family members will feel in the updated space.

The first thing you need to do when you start decorating the interior of the bathroom is to correctly calculate the saturation of shades. It is not recommended to add a lot of dark color into a limited volume. It is advisable to dwell on the noble lilac tone promoting relaxation and peace of mind.

To add dynamics, you can alternate wall tiles with varying degrees of purple tone saturation. At the same time, it is taken into account that this range requires addition with another less active color. The most harmonious is the white tone. Combines with purple, gray, green, and golden colors.

Purple color is an excellent background for white sanitary ware, from the bathtub to the sink

Black and white

The combination of two achromatic colors, black and white, is a classic and virtually win-win option in bathrooms with a relatively large area.

Usually the floor and some elements of furniture and accessories are decorated in black. This avoids some heaviness. White solution upper surfaces and walls gives the room more light and visually increases its volume, so you shouldn’t skimp on its presence in the interior.

You can choose interesting, elegant, intertwined black patterns on a white tile background. A varied combination of these colors on the floor adds dynamics. Active red color in small quantities enhances the overall impression and emphasizes the noble depth of achromatic tones.


Solid brown color for the bathroom interior is chosen by calm and confident people. With the right selection of contrast, it is possible to create a cozy, luxurious environment where cleanliness and order reign.


The positive color of freshness, which is green, is associated with nature and spring. It simultaneously calms and fills with energy, creates an atmosphere of calm and gives a feeling of peace.

By shaping your future design in these shades, you are guaranteed to get an original and truly interesting bathroom interior.

For small rooms, experts do not recommend using too rich shades. Best fit light palette, which harmonizes the space, makes it balanced and welcoming. As additional ones, you can take almost any shade, but in small quantities. Successfully enhance the tonic energy of green: orange, white, yellow and beige accessories.

Inimitable malachite color in harmonious union with snow-white plumbing - a practical and correct solution


Relaxing blue has always been one of the popular colors when creating bathroom designs. It does not stand out with expression, so sometimes it requires the addition of a contrasting texture. This can be a framing border, vertical or horizontal, a small fragment on the surface - floral, geometric, etc.

If by nature you are an introverted and irritable person, you should not choose dark varieties of blue for yourself, choose a calmer option. The ceiling can be made white, which will neutralize some of the sad note inherent in a large amount of blue.

Concerning flooring, then it is best to give your preference here tiles carried out in light colors. It should be approached with due attention, since a lot will depend on its quality.

Style solutions

You can give even a modest miniature bathroom a feeling of sophistication and prestige by designing its space in a certain style direction.

Provence. Gravitating towards nature, the Provence style presupposes the presence of light walls, white under the floor. Selected bedside tables with bright floral ornament. Towels with embroidery, wicker soap dishes, and forged fasteners for shelves would be appropriate. Wooden carved elements fit well.

Classic. You can add a touch of classic style to your bathroom design by selecting tiles that imitate natural objects - stone, wood. The calm beige tone of the walls, doors, cabinets, and shelves finished in noble red wood creates an atmosphere of aristocracy.

Above classic style time is not a factor, it is always in demand and popular. Elegance and purity are his main strong point.

East style. The mysterious oriental notes that appear in the design of the bathroom look fresh and picturesque. It is enough to choose tiles for the wall and floor with a sophisticated, bright pattern, and the space will be completely transformed. Adds the inherent luxury of oriental interiors with color - gold, red, lilac.

Style eastern interior has its own peculiarity. In it, it is very important to maintain harmony and not overload the space with small details. One of the shades should be dominant, and the rest are designed to create an overall harmonious atmosphere.

Silver, gilding, gloss - all this emphasizes and makes the oriental interior special

Japanese style. For small spaces, laconic and elegant is one of the most suitable. When creating it, it is important to avoid crude imitation. Surfaces are made monochromatic in a combination of two, less often three shades. For example, black floors, brown furniture, gray walls and ceiling. Or white walls with red panels and black plumbing.

In a Japanese interior, a combination of lilac and pink, red and yellow is welcome. Drawings on panels and plumbing fixtures can be in the form of hieroglyphs or elegant plant motifs.

The Japanese style of interior design is naturalness and simplicity, therefore decorative elements - rugs, wall fans are made from natural materials.

Every detail of the Japanese interior adheres to the main principle oriental style- simplicity and convenience

Loft style. For brave people who gravitate toward making non-standard decisions and who have fairly spacious bathrooms, they will like the modern, free loft style. It is characterized by a rough finish on one of the walls - like stone or stone. The remaining surfaces are made monochromatic.

Complete freedom is allowed in the installation of plumbing fixtures and furniture. If space allows, the bath can be raised onto a podium or placed in the center of the room. There should not be many bright spots, for example, a red sink next to a white bathroom and cream walls.

High tech. Avoiding pomp and showiness, the modest style is ideal for small spaces. The walls are usually made monochromatic, while rich and bright shades are allowed.

A characteristic feature of this style is the absence of decorative pretentious elements. Preference is given to simple, clear lines of furniture and plumbing fixtures with metal, plastic, and glass surfaces.

A floor with imitation marble in combination with mosaic tiles in the sink area fits perfectly into the design of a high-tech bathroom.

Most often, the colors that predominate in high-tech style are white, gray and black.

Minimalism. A strict and orderly style with clear lines and the absence of flashy decor is appreciated by calm, accomplished people. Surfaces are designed in plain pastel or achromatic shades.

In the interior design of a minimalist bathroom, there are usually two colors. Most often you can find a combination of white with gray, blue with turquoise, milky with light chestnut. The union of these shades will give the interior calm, harmony and balance. All accessories and fittings should, if possible, be hidden behind the fronts of wall cabinets.


The main criterion for selecting bathroom furniture is its high moisture resistance. Due to the small area, it is convenient to place a wall cabinet on one of the walls, where there will be various hygiene items, household cleaners and detergents. The most advantageous option is cabinets with mirrored doors and lighting.

A cabinet with sliding or hinged doors is most often installed under the sink. It conveniently accommodates a laundry basket. If preference was given to an open sink on an elegant leg, then a basket is selected without transparent facades. It must be equipped with a lid. Exterior decor should fit into the interior style.

Mirrors are placed separately on the walls and even under the ceiling, if when developing a design project for the future design of the bathroom, a decision is made to use them as decorative elements designed to visually expand the space.


When developing the design of the future bathroom interior, it is important to remember that ceiling chandelier rarely present in these premises. For such a piece of furniture you need enough big square. More often, one corner lighting fixture is installed on the ceiling, covered with a lampshade.

Ceiling solutions are gaining popularity among modern solutions. Spotlights with the required level of water protection. Wall sconces serve as a tool for zoning even a small space. They are placed above the mirror, next to the shelves.

Any lighting fixtures wet conditions, typical for a bathroom, must be installed by professional electricians. The minimum distance from any lamp to a bathtub or sink is 0.6 meters.

Combined bathroom

In an effort to expand the space, some people decide to remodel by removing the partition between the toilet and the bathroom. It must be taken into account that the wall cannot be dismantled without coordinating the alteration project with BTI specialists.

Having completed all the preliminary steps, they begin to create a design in the expanded room.

  • It is advisable to make the ceiling in a classic white color. Installation of moisture-resistant tensile structures is allowed. Most suitable material for conditions with high humidity is polyvinyl chloride. It is not susceptible to mold growth, is easy to clean, and, if necessary, will protect against leakage from above.
  • The walls are most often laid out ceramic tiles. Thanks to the expanded space, you can turn to interesting collections that combine both plain and textured types of tiles. They make up harmonious composition and do not require additional effort in choosing colors. There can be many options. An interesting dynamic is created if three walls are plain, and the third is filled with tiles with geometric or floral patterns.

You can decorate the lower part of the walls with a pattern, and make the top monochrome, using tiles with patterns as a decorative border. It can also serve to zone space, highlighting, for example, an area near the sink.

Mosaics are increasingly being used in bathroom interiors. Similar decorative finishing should not be dominant, since it actively attracts attention to itself. With its help, you can frame a mirror or decorate the walls around the shelves, visually highlighting this area.

Tile or porcelain tiles remain the most popular types of floor finishes. Darker colors are often chosen than on other surfaces, which avoids excessive contrast in the room.

Recently, polymer ones have appeared in combined sanitary rooms, creating a feeling of depth if a decorative pattern is placed under the transparent surface.

Regardless of the size of the room, it is important to place plumbing fixtures, furniture, and accessories in such a way that there is no feeling of chaos. There are several techniques that work for the harmonious organization of combined space:

  • Mount a wall-mounted compact toilet;
  • To store the necessary cleaning, washing, and hygiene products, use a wall cabinet with mirrored facades;
  • Install a washbasin combined with a cabinet in which the washing machine is placed;
  • A corner shower stall with a sliding door is selected.

A universal solution that makes the design unique and the space endless is a volumetric panel equipped with LED lighting from the inside. The drawing is selected in accordance with the general theme of the design being created. Modern trends gravitate towards abstraction, which allows, if necessary, to introduce a bright modern sound into a monotonous interior.

Video: beautiful bathroom interiors

In this video you can get acquainted with best designs bathrooms, and also choose for yourself suitable style interior

The main criterion when creating a bathroom design is the preferences of all household members. Remember that everything in this room must be perfect. An atmosphere that causes anxiety and discomfort is not allowed here.

June 27, 2019 / / Here

Creating a practical and beautiful design for small bathrooms is not always an easy task. After all perfect combination functionality and attractive aesthetics sometimes require smart and creative ideas. That's why you should take advantage of a few tips that show how to make a small bathroom comfortable, practical and beautiful. Choice the right style and optimal use of available space are essential factors.

Small bathroom design: interesting and practical ideas

With the right layout, you can transform your small bathroom into a functional and visual one. attractive room dreams. Just because you have a small bath doesn't mean you have to sacrifice style. Using several optical techniques and practical solutions With space-saving designs, you can make a limited area appear larger and more attractive. Take a look at these great small bathroom ideas and see how you can feel at ease even in the most cramped of spaces.

Bright bathroom design: the role of lighting

If you're looking for space-saving ideas for small bathrooms, it's worth considering creating proper lighting. Recessed lights make even the smallest and narrowest rooms seem much larger. Natural light coming through a large window is undoubtedly optimal solution. Windowless bathrooms can also be greatly transformed by the right lighting. For example, replace individual large light fixtures with multiple spots on the ceiling and run floor-level lighting that will look great. When entering a room, all the right places are illuminated, giving a feeling of more space.

Mirror for decoration design

One idea for small bathrooms that makes the room feel more spacious is to use a mirror. Not only does it look elegant and especially useful on the wall, but it's also a clever trick for making a small bathroom look bigger. A mirror visually enlarges the space. Don't forget that it's best to light it from three sides. The light source from the left, right and top does not change the mirror image.

Usage practical furniture and organizers

Due to their size, small bathrooms quickly become dirty and cluttered, so you should ensure that you have as much storage space as possible. Of course, it is very practical if such an area serves as a useful area. For example, a vanity with a spacious vanity is an ideal solution for quickly storing supplies, towels and toiletries. If you have open shelves in your bathroom, you can use matching boxes and baskets in different sizes to provide even more organization and clarity. In addition, sorted hygiene products are at hand - saving valuable time.

Narrow and tall cabinet- another space-saving idea. It doesn't take up much space but offers enough storage for small cream tubes, towels or cute decorative items. Another idea for small bathrooms that are used by multiple people is to use wall hooks without making the room look crowded.

Tiles for a small bathroom

Tiles in the bathroom are almost mandatory. How to find the best option for a hygiene room, even if it is small? IN last years The bathroom has become one of the most important in the house. Today its importance is much greater than it was several decades ago, since the room is not only functional and easy to maintain, but should also provide good rest.

Select neutral color tiles for a small bathroom. Use similar shades for wall and floor tiles. Dark colors in a small bathroom will make the room feel more cramped. If possible, use towels and bath sets of the same color. Install built-in wardrobes, wall shelves in niches, and a mirrored cabinet. In a small bathroom, you can also introduce natural materials such as wood and stone. Their colors are very suitable for small spaces and give a small bathroom an especially comfortable atmosphere. To add chic to the room, the walls and floor should be made of identical materials. It also opens up a small bathroom and makes it more attractive.


Fine mosaics are not only very popular nowadays, but they also give every bathroom a glamorous, high-quality look. Another plus is the numerous tiny tiles that attract everyone's attention and thus distract the eye from the narrowness of the room. When it comes to the size of tiles for small bathrooms, there are two options: small mosaics, which can be used to create complex patterns, and large tiles measuring 30 x 60 cm.

White tiles

It's no secret that in small rooms You should focus on light colors. So even the tiniest bathroom with white tiled walls looks more spacious, bright and airy. This choice especially recommended for the interior of bathrooms without windows.

Black and white bath

If you have a small bathroom, you must make the room look cohesive. Fully tiled bathroom with open shower looks attractive. When placing furniture in an oversized space, you should also ensure that the furniture is not rearranged. Otherwise, furnishings can act as barriers in small bathrooms and create an undesirable effect. Choose large and wide tiles, they also make the room appear larger. Your bathroom will have a calm atmosphere when tile joints dense. If you want to bring dynamics to the room, you can alternate black and white. To prevent a small bathroom from appearing too dark, there should be more white.

Patterned tiles

Just because your bathroom is a little smaller doesn't mean you have to go without stylish patterns. On the contrary, such patterned tiles have the same effect as original mosaic: their attractive appearance attracts all attention and allows you to forget about a small amount square meters.

You like bright patterns and rich colors, ethnic atmosphere and a certain retro style? Then colorful folk tiles are what the bathroom needs, no matter how small it is. However, to avoid over-coloring, you should be careful not to cover all the walls in this manner. One surface in a folk print is enough. The rest should be restrained.

Wide tiles

In general, small bathrooms with large tiles look more spacious. In this case, you can even use darker flowers. The feeling of space becomes even more uniform and open when walls and floors are made using the same materials and colors.

Marble tiles

As mentioned, small bathrooms can work well with large tiles. You can easily make your dream of noble marble come true in a mini-bath. Tiles should only be laid on small area, so it won’t take a lot of money to design a luxurious bath.

Small bathroom: shower or bath?

A narrow, small, often windowless bathroom is a problem in many apartments. With the right bathroom furniture and a little skill, you can create enough usable space to operate the space comfortably. A small bathroom can quickly look cramped if the toiletries and furniture are too large. However, for such a space you can choose both a shower and a bath.

Small baths for small bathrooms

A standard bathtub size of 170 by 75 centimeters is not suitable for small bathrooms. You should consider compact options.

Corner baths

A corner bath fits perfectly into a limited space. With such plumbing fixtures, the corners of the room can be perfectly filled. This will also open up a lot of storage space around the bathtub. This type of bathing bowl is available in different sizes. They have a length of 135 to 180 centimeters and a width of 135 to 145 centimeters. As in classic bathtubs, the height of corner models ranges from 42 to 50 centimeters.

Asymmetrical baths

Asymmetrical bathtubs provide plenty of space for the upper body and taper at the feet. Therefore, they can be installed on the narrow side next to front door, and at the same time leaving a sufficiently large passage. Typical dimensions: length from 150 to 170 centimeters, width from 70 to 100 centimeters, height from 42 to 50 centimeters.

Extra deep baths

Extremely deep bathtubs are ideal for rooms that have maximum length 160 centimeters. These bathtubs are suitable for sitting bathing, as they have a height of 50 to 70 centimeters.

Small bathroom with shower

The problem is that standard shower trays with an opaque curtain make the bathroom appear smaller. In a small bathroom, the shower should be installed from floor to ceiling, and the stall should be made of glass. This way, the eye perceives the entire surface as a single whole, and the bathroom appears larger. You should use the following types of shower trays, which are especially suitable for limited space in the hygiene room.

Square shower tray

Available in sizes from 70 by 70 centimeters. Some manufacturers offer from 65 to 65 centimeters. The advantage is that the shower tray does not have to be placed in one corner of the room, it can also be mounted on the wall.

Rectangular shower tray

For narrow bathrooms, rectangular shower trays are recommended, which can be purchased from 75 x 80 cm.

Pentagonal shower tray

This shape is suitable for a corner shower and has a floor area of ​​75 by 90 centimeters or 80 by 80 centimeters.

Corner round shower tray

Quarter circles are shower trays, which must be at least 80 centimeters long. These models also offer more shower space than pentagonal options. Round shape requires a shower stall with rounded doors.

Without shower tray! Your best bet is to ditch the shower tray and tile the base of the shower with the same tiles as the rest of the bathroom. This is how the room looks bigger. This way, users of a small bathroom will have more usable space. Water in this option can flow through the shower channel or drain at floor level.

Small bathroom with toilet

In small bathrooms, old sanitary objects often take up a lot of space. It's because of them standard sizes, which are not suitable for small spaces. In addition, in general, the shower, bathtub, sink and toilet were previously installed next to each other along the wall, which additionally took up usable area. An excellent solution would be hanging installation, allowing you to arrange bathrooms in a new way. The system is simple: specialists attach water and drainage pipes along the wall of the room. At the second stage, the cladding is done with plasterboard. Special mounting elements help with attaching the sink and toilet. The advantage of this approach is that there is no need to open walls to install new lines.

Wall mounting at half height creates space for hygiene items, representing a shelf. Mounting blocks have a depth of 17 to 25 centimeters, their height changes as needed. The wall projection can be immediately used as a storage option. If the wall element cavities lack technology and pipes, this space is ideal for hidden shelves.

Sink and furniture under the washbasin

Hooks and vanity can be used to create plenty of storage space around the sink. A large number of storage space can be lost around the vanity with wall structure without reason. Additionally, standard-sized sinks are often too bulky for a small bathroom. To avoid wasting a lot of space, a furniture washbasin with a small sink is recommended. They are available in many options and sizes. If guests also use the bathroom, it is recommended closed cabinet, since it hides all the jars. If the bathroom is for family use only, open shelves provide easy access to daily toiletries. The sink must be built into the cabinet. This opens up storage space around the sink and makes the surface of the fixtures appear larger than with countertop fixtures. In terms of shape and size, the range of built-in sinks is large. Accurate measurement is important to find the optimal sanitary facility.

Modern small bathroom design: storage space

Using free space for shelves and wall cabinets creates ample storage space. Small bathrooms don't have enough space for regular cabinets. Therefore, storage space must be created in other ways. In principle, it is important not to overload small spaces with furniture. Instead of a lot of small cabinets, it is better to choose the following storage spaces, which offer enough space and make a small bathroom look tidier:

Furniture and hardware stores have many accessories that can be placed in the bathroom:

Important! All interior accessories used in the bathroom must be waterproof so that they are not damaged by excessive humidity.

Bathroom in a small apartment with heated towel rail

The problem is that the classic finned radiator is not suitable in height and width for small bathrooms, as it takes up a lot of wall space and reduces the usable space inside the room. In a small room it is advisable to use heated towel rails. Their slim and flat design fits perfectly into small bathroom corners. In addition, heated towel rails are excellent at drying textiles. Remember, the greater the heating capacity, the higher the radiator. Models are available from 50 centimeters.

Washing machine in a small bathroom

In a small bathroom, the washing machine takes up valuable storage space and doesn't look very nice. If you need to place washing machine in the bathroom, you can use a kitchen cabinet with two doors under the sink to store the washing machine. The appliances are located under the countertop. If the washing machine is located behind a door or, for example, between a wall and a shower stall, it usually does not good review. It can be hidden using folding walls or blinds that are attached according to the instructions in front of the washing machine.

In addition to choosing suitable furniture for bathrooms and washrooms, there are other ways to make a small bathroom feel bigger.

Tip 1: Create more usable space

For small bathrooms, it's worth fighting for every centimeter of free space. Therefore, saving space is of utmost importance. To keep items that are regularly used from standing around, you can install containers on the wall. This applies, for example, to a soap dispenser, hair dryer or toothbrush. To fix them, you do not need to drill holes in the tiles. They are available with special adhesive strips that are easy to remove or can be purchased with suction cups. Again, use niches. A narrow piece of wall behind a door or between hygiene items can be considered as a place for additional hooks. It can be attached to baskets or hangers with several small pockets. This creates new space for small parts.

Tip 2: No visual outline

In large bathrooms, it makes sense to visually separate separate areas. In small rooms it is better to emphasize the unity of space. Furniture placed throughout the room in long, narrow baths, as well as the use different colors, have the form of optical barriers. Instead, it is better to arrange the bathroom evenly.

Tip 3: Color Design

Colored accents are allowed. This is achieved, for example, with the help of accessories. Don't forget that colors have a significant impact on the effect of a room. Anyone who wants a small bathroom to look great uses light colors or colors from the same palette for tiles and furniture. For example, you can combine beige and brown, white and yellow, or different shades of gray. The fewer contrasts and complex transitions contained in color scheme, the calmer and larger the bathroom will look. Classic white remains popular because the eye recognizes fewer outlines in a given tone, which makes the room feel more spacious.

Tip 4: Smart Wall and Floor Design

In a small bathroom, you should choose large tiles. Because a small number of joints between tiles creates a smooth surface. Laying slabs with polished edges reduces the joint width. In addition, it is advisable to buy material that is already the right size for the walls. This means the row can be glued to the wall without having to cut the molds. Trimming can result in thick grout edges in the corners of the room, reducing wall surfaces. If you want to completely avoid joints, you must plaster the entire bathroom wall. This creates a uniform surface without tiles.

If wall and floor designs with monochrome tiles are too monotonous, you can add a little luxury to your bathroom. Accents with glitter mosaic options or with elements of gold leaf - real masterpieces. Reflection of light allows you to further illuminate the space. Shimmering mosaic tiles give the bathroom a sophisticated look.

Tip 5: Free surface

Free surfaces make rooms feel more spacious. Therefore, wall-mounted plumbing is optimal. In addition, it is worth cleaning up everything that is on the floor. These items include a weight scale, hair dryer, or towels. Also, bath mats should be used sparingly. Instead of several small ones, one larger one is recommended.

Tip 6: Pay attention to the door

Instead of traditional interior door use a sliding structure in the bathroom that slides into the wall. Install a shower enclosure made of glass and a glossy surface to visually open up the room. Instead of a standard vanity, opt for a wall-mounted vanity for more space. Replace a large bathtub with a smaller version or consider a walk-in shower. Use corner furniture and plumbing.

How much does it cost to renovate a small bathroom?

The total cost of a small bathroom depends on the equipment requirements, as well as the share of your own contribution. Square meters play only a small role. The price of hygiene products varies depending on the brand, shape and quality. Standard white ceramic products are cheaper than colored sanitaryware models. Even those plumbing fixtures that have at least one special function, for example, a bathtub with a Jacuzzi, are already more expensive. Special designs, for example, shower walls beyond standard sizes are also impressive in cost. The same applies to special sanitary ware and furniture for small bathrooms.

The finishing of the room also varies in price, whether it is, for example, tiling up to the ceiling or only halfway. Because when the tiles are laid halfway up, the master must plaster and paint the rest of the wall. Here it is worth comparing which of the two options is cheaper. Therefore, it is impossible to give a fixed guide for renovating a small bathroom. Whether it's minor repairs, replacement of fittings or a complete bathroom renovation, room modernization is possible for any budget.

How to save money on renovating a small bathroom?

It is worth taking upon yourself as much as possible in advance more work, even if the craftsmen were commissioned to design a new bathroom. This includes the removal and disposal of old sanitary installations, furniture and tiles. In addition, you can independently prepare the floor and walls for the new flooring: after removing old tiles and glue residues, it is necessary to prime gypsum plaster so that the new material adheres well. It is recommended to apply sealant around water spray areas such as showers and bathtubs.

Depending on the manufacturer, there are large differences in the cost of shipping plumbing fixtures. It's worth comparing. Installing new pipes and pipelines initially entails additional costs, but in the long run such costs pay off. As for Khrushchev buildings, their energy and water consumption is often significantly higher than in new buildings, where more economical sanitary facilities are installed.

The trend shows that the bathroom is increasingly becoming a wellness oasis and a refuge from everyday stress. Not all rooms have a lot of space, so it is important to use the available space wisely, because even with a little money, your bath can become a relaxing place that perfectly combines convenience and beauty. Consider photo ideas for arranging a comfortable small bathroom.

If your bathroom is modest in size, do not be discouraged: there are at least several technical options to expand its space. Firstly, due to the real increase bathroom space by redevelopment. This method gives a significant increase in square meters by combining, for example, a bathroom with a storage room or - the most popular move - a bathroom with a toilet. Beautiful modern small bathroom designs - 50 photo ideas.

Less radical than redevelopment, but nevertheless effective and successful way- expansion of space due to the optical effect created by light colors. It is light and cold shades that help visually expand the space of a small bathroom; the main thing is to choose them correctly. Making a few bright accents is not at all forbidden, but you should avoid using contrasting colors, especially on one wall. The same rule must be followed when choosing furniture - it should visually merge with the walls and match the tone of the ceramic tiles. Modern small bathrooms design photos:

In addition to color, other qualities of objects will also come to the rescue - for example, the ability to reflect. In addition to the traditional mirror above the sink, you can choose cabinets with mirrored doors, tiled floor use decorative elements with a mirror effect. A good option for a small bathroom would be to choose a stretch ceiling with a glossy surface - it will reflect light and expand the space, and will also save you from the consequences of flooding.

Design of a small bathroom without a toilet photo, if technical capabilities allow, then instead of one of the walls you can put frosted or stained glass, which, allowing light to pass through, will undoubtedly become the highlight of the interior. We should not forget about the benefits of bright lighting; it is better if there are several light sources and the light is saturated. Small bathroom in Khrushchev design photo:

Interior design for a small bathroom

One of the main secrets - rational use the entire space of a small bathroom. This mainly means that you cannot afford anything extra. Leave the sink, cabinet, heated towel rail, shower and possibly washing machine. If possible, it is better to hide all pipes and communications in niches or walls, select furniture of small sizes and with rounded edges, and remember the advantages of a corner location.

Decorating a small bathroom with tiles photo design. Rational space planning, good layout, compact equipment, light, mirrored, transparent materials– the key to success in the design of your small bathroom. Modern small bathrooms design photos:

Small bathroom design project - the artist's secrets

The design of the bathroom and toilet is an unplowed field of opportunity for experimentation. If you have nowhere to apply your inspiration and artistic taste for a long time, translate it into bathroom design: tiles, mirrors, shelves, various shapes and the size of the plumbing, in a word, a lot of opportunities for a creative person. Your own bathroom and toilet design is no joke; there is something to be proud of. How many of your friends can boast of this? Most likely, the majority preferred to leave the bathroom design project to professional craftsmen. And you can do it yourself!

Interior design of a small bathroom photo - and even if the area for experiments is not particularly large, it does not matter. The design of a small bathroom can be no less, if not more, creative and original than the design of a huge one. The main thing is not to be afraid to make your own bathroom design project.

Bathroom design: what color tiles fits better Total? If you are faced with the task of designing a small bathroom, and you do not want to visually shrink it even more, then choose light colors. Any bright or dark tiles can be used for the toilet - who said that the design of the bathroom and toilet should be the same? Your bathroom design can be built on contrast. Decorating a small bathroom with tiles photo design:

If you want to maximize visual perception, minimize the design of the bathroom; the tiles will work to increase if they do not have patterns, ornaments, “grain” and other small details. It should also be as large as possible. When designing a bathroom project, remember that white color, in principle, increases the appearance. The combination of white and metal also works well. Look at the photo for the design of a small bathroom without a toilet - built-in lamps will also complement it well - they save space and look very modern and stylish.

How else can you improve your bathroom design?

What aspects are included in the design of a bathroom: tiles, plumbing and much more. Speaking of plumbing! How modern man When designing a bathroom, you can’t help but think about a fashionable achievement of progress - a compact shower stall. The design of a small bathroom with a shower will look even more elegant, and there will be even more space! A shower cabin can become a bright detail that will decorate your bathroom: the glass doors can be covered with film with a pattern - bright or sophisticated. Interior design of a small bathroom photo:

Thanks to the shower cabin, you can also link the design of the bathroom and toilet together: the pattern on the film can repeat the pattern on the tiles, wallpaper or borders in the toilet. In addition, the shower cabin is much easier to clean: as a creative person who does not like routine, you should appreciate this! Modern small bathrooms design photos:

As you can see, designing a small bathroom is a non-trivial task, but also a very interesting one. A creative mind can handle it without difficulty and turn the design of a bathroom and toilet into a work of art. Small bathroom in Khrushchev design photo:

A bathroom is a room whose interior should not only be convenient and practical in terms of the use of plumbing items, but also aesthetic, cozy, and comfortable. In the bathroom it is necessary to create a relaxing atmosphere that helps not only to carry out water and sanitary procedures, but also to relax after working day, gain strength for new achievements. Every little detail is important in the formation of such a design, not to mention the selection of the main components. This publication is dedicated to ideas for decorating modern bathrooms. We hope that large selection design projects will help you get inspired for a major renovation or minor remodel of your bathroom.

Current ideas for creating original finishes

The finishing of a bathroom should perform several functions - reliably protect surfaces from high humidity and temperature changes, and be practical in terms of maintenance. But we expect not only functionality and practicality from the design of the ceiling, walls and floor in a utilitarian space; the aesthetics of the decoration, the originality of the choice of color or texture solutions, and the creative combination of various finishing materials are also important.

One of the most current methods combining materials of different colors within the bathroom - a combination of light and dark surfaces. Contrasting design always helps not only to emphasize the ideal geometry of the room, but also to bring dynamism to the interior. In addition, against a dark background, snow-white plumbing fixtures look especially impressive. With the help of local dark finishing, you can create an accent and emphasize the originality of the shapes of plumbing fixtures.

Another popular way to combine bathroom decoration is to combine neutral tones with materials. bright colors, colorful designs and patterns. This can be a combination of light ceramic tiles and bright mosaics with a metallic sheen (gold, copper or silver). No less popular is the combination of textured tiles imitating masonry or concrete wall with products that have a bright print, a thematic design or even photo printing.

Unusual plumbing – the highlight of the interior

Obviously, most of the bathroom space is occupied by plumbing fixtures– bath or shower, sink, toilet. One of the simplest, but at the same time effective solutions To create an original interior is to purchase creative models of plumbing fixtures. Unusual shapes or colors in themselves can become a highlight of the bathroom design and do not require any accompaniment in the form of original accessories. Each popular plumbing manufacturer has a line of original models of bathtubs and sinks, console (hanging) toilets and bidets, spacious or compact hydroboxes. The choice of original plumbing fixtures will depend on the size of the utilitarian room, the needs of a particular family and its financial opportunities.

Wall-hung models of sinks, toilets and bidets not only help save precious usable space in small bathrooms, but also introduce modern stylistic motifs into the interior.

Plumbing accessories in an unusual design

The shine of chrome accessories for bathroom plumbing will no longer surprise anyone. Depending on the chosen style of bathroom design, you can choose antique faucets and shower heads (copper, brass coatings with a deliberately applied patina) or ultra-modern accessories made of ceramics, in black or white.

Black faucets, shower heads and other sanitary accessories look incredibly stylish, fitting perfectly into modern style interior, hi-tech and contemporary. The contrast of dark tones helps not only to emphasize important functional segments, but also to create contrasting dynamics in the character of the interior.

Practical and aesthetic storage systems

Not a single bathroom, even the most modest in size, is complete without storage systems. But the possibilities of a utilitarian space are not limited to a traditional cabinet under the sink or a wall cabinet with mirror door above her. Depending on the size of your bathroom, you can choose the following original options for creating storage systems or surfaces.

Built-in storage systems are always aesthetically pleasing, spacious and save useful bathroom space. These can be either cabinets with fronts or racks with open shelves. It is only important to take into account that all materials must be impregnated with special antiseptics against the formation and proliferation of fungal bacteria

Original open shelves themselves can attract attention, not to mention their contents. The most relevant use of wood is to create small, but at the same time quite spacious shelves. Aged wood or a deliberately untreated surface will fit perfectly into a modern bathroom design style.

No less originality can be achieved by using shelves attached to the ceiling in several tiers, consisting of metal and wooden elements. A whole composition of open shelves inevitably attracts attention.

Mobile storage systems include various baskets, trays, wicker or wooden containers that are filled with bath accessories. Just one such detail can add a touch of homely warmth to the most austere bathroom interior.

Whatnots on wheels are no less mobile. Two or three tiers of shelves allow the design to be spacious, easy to use and at the same time an aesthetic storage system.

In order to organize not just a comfortable, but an incredibly convenient and relaxing reception water procedures, it is enough to equip the utilitarian room with a small board (the width of the bathtub). You can put a book on it, place candles, a small vase of flowers, an aroma lamp or a glass of juice.

Original hangers and holders

You can also add originality to the bathroom interior with the help of minor details, for example, unusual holders for towels, bathrobes and other bath accessories.

How about using a small ladder as a hanger? The advantage of such a device is its mobility - you do not need to drill the walls (along with ceramic or stone tiles) or use any other type of fastening. You can not only hang textiles on the rungs of the stairs, but also attach containers for all sorts of small items.

Bathroom lighting system

Lighting fixtures for the bathroom are no less important than the correct choice of plumbing fixtures and accessories. Even in a room of the most modest size, it is difficult to get by with just one ceiling lamp - it should be spot lighting in several places on the ceiling or strip lighting around the perimeter. It is important to create the required level of illumination in the mirror area above the sink (or a pair of sinks) - this can be a backlight built into the mirror surface or Wall lights. In a small bathroom, the lighting system helps create visual extension volumes of space.

If the height of the bathroom ceiling allows the use of hanging lamps, then it makes sense to use the lighting device not only for its intended purpose, but also as a decorative element. Original model Chandeliers or pairs of pendant lamps can bring creativity to a bathroom design and become accent elements of the interior.

Candles can hardly be considered elements of a bathroom lighting system, but they can definitely be used as a decorative element. Not to mention the fact that candles help create a special, relaxing atmosphere for a leisurely bath and other water treatments.

Decorative elements

Often the bathroom interior has a rather austere appearance. This is especially true for small rooms, which, in order to visually increase the space, were decorated exclusively in light colors. So that the walls covered with light tiles do not evoke associations with a sterile operating room, small accents and details that attract the eye are needed. This could be a beautiful shell, a starfish, an original plant (and it won’t be difficult to find a variety that really loves humidity), hand-painted vessels for liquid soap, bath salts and other bath accessories.

Ideas for modern bathroom design

A bathroom is a room in which everything should be as practical and aesthetic as possible. In this article you can learn about the nuances of a small bathroom, what interior items to choose, what plumbing fixtures to choose, and how to achieve maximum optimization of the space.

Small bathroom, how to distribute free space.

Standard bathroom sizes are 4-6 square meters. m., everything higher (7-10 sq.m.) is a large bathroom.

Bathroom size 2-3 sq. m. very small. This room contains only all the essentials, that is: a bathroom and a sink.

Basic principles for arranging bathroom attributes:

  • For convenience and to increase space, the door should open outward and preferably into a blank wall (where nothing can be placed);
  • It is recommended to place the sink and mirror so that when entering the room the eye immediately falls on them;
  • The bathtub should be placed against the wall, occupying the entire space (so that there are no gaps between the wall and the bathtub);
  • To save space, washing machine can be installed under the sink;
  • Under the sink there can be a cabinet instead of a washing machine;
  • You can save space with a shower stall.

Advice: a bathtub or shower cabin is installed for more than one year, perhaps the family has or will have children and elderly people, then the best option for them is a bathroom.

Bathroom and toilet separately

As a rule, a bathroom is 2-3 square meters. m. very small. It is necessary to accurately take all measurements of the room, and then choose where and what objects will be located. And only then choose the plumbing fixtures, since if you choose them in advance, they may not fit in size.

Separate bathroom pros and cons:

  • When there are two in a family and more people, it is possible to take a bath and use the restroom without embarrassing anyone;
  • There is not enough space, all necessary communications must be cramped;
  • It’s an inconvenience to always have to go into the next room after using the restroom.

Combined bathroom

This option has both pros and cons.

Positive sides:

  • More space;
  • There is no need to go to the bathroom after using the toilet;
  • Possibility to place all necessary communications in the bathroom.


  • Inconvenience for big family when the bathtub is occupied and access to the toilet is blocked;
  • Constant smell of air freshener in the bathroom.

Advice! If you need to combine a bathroom and a restroom, but you don’t want to create inconvenience, you can purchase a bath curtain.

Corner bathroom - is it a good choice for a small room?

A corner bath is a good solution for a small bath. It helps save some space.

Saving space depends on the size of the corner bathroom; it can be either modest in size or large.

And also on how the rest of the plumbing will be placed in the room. And depending on this, it can, just like it eats up space, optimize it.

In a very modest corner bathroom, an adult most likely will not be able to immerse himself comfortably in it, but will have to take a shower.

But in this case, you can install a shower stall.

But if there is a child in the family, it will be more convenient to bathe him in the corner bathtub.

Shower stall is a great option for a small bathroom

A shower cabin helps save a significant amount of space in the bathroom. And also with the help of color and material you can visually expand the space.


  • Saving space (in small bathrooms this is very important);
  • No water splashes while taking a shower;
  • Cold air does not enter the stall while taking a shower;
  • For children there are special models with a deep tray;
  • In a shower stall the risk of injury is lower than in a bathtub;
  • Saving water (while bathing in the bathtub, more water is wasted than in the shower).


  • There is no way to completely immerse yourself in water and enjoy it for hours;
  • Inconveniences for the elderly;
  • Requires daily care (needs to be cleaned of plaque).

Advice: For optimal space saving, it is better to install the shower in the corner.

How to place the washing machine

The washing machine takes up a lot of space in the bathroom, this is especially noticeable if the bathroom is small.

There are a few good options placement of the washing machine:

  • Under the sink (if the spaces are close);
  • Under the countertop, near the sink (you can place a cabinet or shelves under the sink);
  • In the kitchen (can be installed under the countertop).

In the first option, perhaps due to the size of the washing machine, the sink will be located high. To do this, it is advised to raise the floor during repairs, except for the place where the machine stands.

The second option in a small bathroom is less possible if there is already a full bath there. But if you give preference to a shower stall instead of a bathtub, then there will be enough space.

In this case, a cabinet, shelves, and laundry basket can fit into the room without any problems.

In the third case, this solution is quite beneficial, since it saves space in the bathroom.

This has a number of disadvantages:

  • Noise from the machine (the door to the bathroom can be buried, someone regularly comes into the kitchen, so the noise will be annoying);
  • Often a washing machine is used instead of a basket for dirty clothes; this is less appropriate in the kitchen than in the bathroom (often the machine door is open, and this creates inconvenience);
  • Storing powder and products nearby is not advisable (there is a possibility of it spilling during the washing process, and there may be products nearby).

Advice: if you don’t want or have the opportunity to raise the floor, you can buy a special sink (water lily) and choose a washing machine of the required size for it.

Decorating a small bathroom

The bathroom is an important and frequently visited place in the apartment. It should be convenient, comfortable and functional. The material for finishing the bathroom will depend on financial capabilities, the complexity of working with it, as well as in the future how easy and simple it is to clean.

Ceramic tile

This is a frequently used and fairly common material. Ceramic tiles are moisture-resistant, reliable, and tolerate temperature changes well.

The process of laying tiles is not complicated, so you can do it yourself. Such tiles will last a long time, are easy to care for and do not require special care. She also looks quite stylish.

It can be chosen in any color and size. One disadvantage of this material is its high price.


This material is used as often as ceramic tiles. Mosaic is resistant to moisture and can withstand temperature changes. This material is also quite durable and reliable.

Mosaic can be used on the walls of the room, on the bathroom itself, on the sink. It can be selected in the form of squares, rectangles, rhombuses, hexagons.

And also what is its advantage, with its help it is possible to cover any surface (in the form of an arch, a ledge or a niche).

Mosaic tiles are cheaper than ceramic tiles, but more expensive plastic panels. Its main disadvantage is the installation process (it is quite long and labor-intensive, since it is much smaller in size than tiles). For quality work and a good aesthetic appearance, you need to hire a specialist.

Plastic panels

This option for wall decoration is cheaper than ceramic tiles and mosaics. This material also tolerates temperature changes well and is resistant to moisture.

Plastic panels are simple and easy to clean and do not require special products. They are quite reliable if the work is done well and correctly (if the seams are not sealed with sealant, they will allow moisture to pass through).

Plastic panels can be selected in any color. A very important and significant disadvantage of this material is that over time mold and fungal spores may appear on it.

Choosing a cabinet and mirror for the bathroom

There is very little space in a small bathroom. Accordingly, everything that is there should be as functional as possible.

At the same time, there should be a minimum of interior items. They should not take up much space, since the room is small, it is recommended to choose small-sized items.

There are two options from which you will need to build:

  • Shower cabin;
  • Bathroom.

In the first option everything is quite simple. In the corner of the room you can install a shower stall, in the rest of the room there is a sink on the countertop, a cabinet under the sink, and a washing machine next to it.

Above the sink you can install a mirror the entire length of the tabletop.

Advice: for a small bathroom it is recommended to choose large mirror, it visually increases the space.

In the second option, there is very little space in the room. In such cases, the washing machine is installed under the sink, and above it is a mirror cabinet (it will not eat up much space, you can store everything you need in it, and there is no need to install a mirror).

Advice! At the renovation stage, it is advisable to think over the future layout of the bathroom (know in advance the placement of the bathtub or shower).

For convenience and to save space, make a niche in that exact place (for storing soap, shampoo, etc.), this will be much better than additional shelves.

Finishing the floor and ceiling in the bathroom

Most often used for finishing bathroom floors:

  • Tiles (the material will last a long time, is moisture resistant, easy to care for, if water gets in, the floor will be slippery);
  • Linoleum (the simplest and most financially profitable material);
  • Natural wood (an expensive option, the material requires constant care, is afraid of moisture (needs to be treated with a protective coating));
  • Natural stone (the material is quite expensive, resistant to moisture, and will last a long time).

The ceiling in the bathroom is most often painted. A suspended ceiling is made less often. Both of these options will work well in any case, but a suspended ceiling is much more beautiful and elegant.

Advice! It is advisable to make the ceiling and walls in light colors, and the floor darker.

Light selection

Light in the bathroom different time day is needed for different purposes, so sometimes it is needed less, and sometimes more.

It is very important that this room should be very well lit and safety should not be forgotten.

Main types of lighting:

  • Main light (one light source is located on the ceiling, illuminating the entire room, but in the bathroom a curtain is often used (it will prevent light from entering the bathroom));
  • Spotlights (evenly placed throughout the room and, accordingly, there will be no problems with individual zones).

It is necessary not to forget about working lighting - this is the light above the sink or above the mirror. For this you can use wall sconces, spot light or directional lamps.

They can be installed above the mirror or on the sides of the mirror (so the lighting is more uniform).