Business plan for opening a summer cafe with calculations. Things to consider. Opening procedure and nuances to consider

Restaurant business plan: general information+ selection of class and type of institution + 9 sections of the document + recommendations for writing a resume + 20 main stages of project implementation + 6 ways to attract audience interest + standard list of equipment + cost and income estimates + 6 risk factors.

Also in XVIII century The restaurant business was born for the first time. The modern catering industry moves with the times, and today more and more investors are ready, after studying the restaurant business plan in detail, to invest their money in this business.

After all, the restaurateur proper organization The establishment will receive a pleasant reward for all your efforts. The same applies to investors who want to receive their profits.

Even if you have enough of your own funds to start and you don’t plan to attract investors, drawing up a plan for further actions to open a restaurant is the most important task at the first stage.

What is important to know before opening a restaurant?

Business in the area Catering unlike any other. This is a very labor-intensive, responsible business that cannot be carried out “without one’s sleeves.” Keep in mind – it is characterized by huge risks and unpredictable results.

To be successful, the future restaurateur must be informed in the most different areas, since the restaurant represents a unique economic unit. It is both a trading and manufacturing enterprise, requires its future owner to have knowledge in areas such as design, architecture, cooking, and marketing.

Despite the fact that many tasks are assigned to staff, the entrepreneur must understand financial matters, be able to work with people, control expenses, purchase products, worry about good service your clients and so on.

A large burden of responsibility falls on the shoulders of those who want to open their own restaurant:

  • Firstly, the restaurant business in Russia is still very young. Only in Lately Russian market food services began to gain momentum. At the same time, in this field of activity I managed to form high level competition, and only strong players manage to stay afloat.
  • Secondly, even opening a modest restaurant is a costly business, both financially and in terms of time.

Here are just a few of the responsibilities:

  • search and rental of premises;
  • development of a technical plan together with engineers, builders, designers;
  • preparation of a business plan for the establishment;
  • purchase of equipment and its installation;
  • restaurant decoration;
  • provision of dishes and other paraphernalia;
  • formation of a staff of hired workers;
  • concluding agreements with service companies for waste removal, disposal, etc.;
  • purchasing food and drinks;
  • menu creation;
  • financial hassles (invoice statements, wages, etc.);
  • restaurant maintenance;
  • payment of rent, utilities, taxes, etc.

The public loves not only tasty and healthy food, but also a pleasant atmosphere. Therefore, the restaurateur also needs to create an atmosphere of cordiality and celebration in the restaurant, so that customers can eat deliciously outside the home and have a good time. Only then will they return to the restaurant again and again.

As you can see, you can’t do without dedication to your business in the restaurant business. However, the reward is worth it. The minimum profitability can be 20-25%, and with effective management reaches 60%.

If you are ready for this, think carefully about the type and class of the restaurant, its location and concept, because this will need to be reflected in the business plan.

1. Select the type, class of restaurant and room.

Impossible without instructions distinctive features restaurant and its type.

Restaurants may vary in the variety of products they offer. These are specialized establishments where the menu is made up exclusively of fish, cheese, meat products, etc. These also include restaurants whose assortment represents national/foreign cuisine. There are also non-specialized catering establishments.

According to location, the division occurs into:

  • dining cars;
  • food courts;
  • "heavenly" restaurants;
  • hotel restaurants;
  • landscape restaurants, etc.

Based on the interests of the audience, restaurants are opened healthy eating, clubs, salons and restaurants.

The purpose of the premises and composition determine the type of establishment - mobile, permanent.

Restaurants can be classified both by form and level of service: Buffet, off-site service, when food is delivered upon order to a remote location, classic (with the presence of waiters).

There are 3 classes of public catering establishments (hereinafter POP):

  • Lux – elite restaurants with high prices and appropriate level service. Such establishments are also characterized by luxury, a rich menu, a wide range of services provided, the specificity of serving dishes, and a corporate style.
  • Higher – restaurants aimed at visitors with average incomes. They are associated with comfort, a variety of both gourmet and ordinary dishes, the presence of a bar with a large catalog of cocktails and drinks, and original design.
  • First. In the language of restaurateurs, these are fast foods where people can order standard options dishes according to affordable price. Self-service and simple interiors are typical for fast foods.

Having decided on the type of your restaurant and the class to which it will belong, you need to choose a room. The location to some extent determines the future of the establishment.

If you want to provide your restaurant with a large flow of customers, consider options located in noisy city areas or sites on busy streets. It is best when the restaurant is located in a place where both offices and residential buildings are located. Then the influx of people is guaranteed not only during the day, but also in the evening.

Before purchasing a property or signing a lease, find out what kind of business operated there previously. Try to avoid places where establishments have been declared bankrupt more than once.

The winning criteria for a premises are:

How to prepare a restaurant business plan: mandatory components of the document

Any plan for one or another type of activity describes the project, reflecting the goals of the business organization, the stages of its implementation, marketing research, analysis of the competitive environment, financial calculations and other necessary information.

He can simultaneously act as a guide to further actions, and performance evaluation commercial offer, used during negotiations with creditors to encourage investment.

The mandatory components of a restaurant business plan are:

We suggest considering each item separately.

1) Where does a ready-made restaurant business plan begin?

A summary is a “chapter” of a business plan, which represents one of the most important sections of the document. He is the first thing investors pay attention to. However, they write it as a last resort.

This happens because the resume indicates brief information, taken from the entire restaurant plan. The overview section is designed to arouse interest among lenders by displaying the concept of the establishment. The introductory part of the business plan shows how you plan to achieve your goals.

First, the name of the project is written in it. In this case: “Business plan... for a restaurant.” Instead of a pass, the specification of the establishment, for example, a “fish restaurant,” is entered. Next, important information about your future enterprise is indicated, taking into account that their volume should not exceed 10% of all information (1-2 A4 sheets) set out in the plan.

Thus, the following are reported: organizational and legal form, legal address, bank details, number of staff, goals and mission, advantages of the establishment, financial prospects, the amount required to open a restaurant, sources of its receipt.

When writing a resume, the plan should be followed business style, keep your paragraphs concise but informative. This section requires a clear statement of goals and an explanation of the essence of the project in language accessible to readers.

The use of graphs and lists is allowed in the introduction, but there is no need to overload the plan with them. When describing your business, focus on what is good about it and why it is worthy of the attention of creditors.

If the summary captivates them, then they are guaranteed to study the entire document. Below you can see a restaurant business plan (an example of writing a resume). By working according to this template, you will simplify your task.

2) What will be the stages of project implementation in the business plan for opening a restaurant?

Usually in this section of the plan they first write: “begins from the moment the investment is received.” After this, you must indicate the end of the period, say 24 months. The stages of business implementation can be outlined separately in the Appendix, which must be mentioned in at this point plan.

Regardless of the restaurant format, you have to go through the following stages:

All activities are outlined in the plan, indicating the conditions for implementation and the time spent on each action.

3) Basics of drawing up characteristics of an object in a restaurant business plan.

The section of the business plan that addresses the characteristics must be submitted general information about the restaurant. It substantiates the choice of the restaurant segment and the location of the establishment.

In addition, the characteristics of the business plan must include:

  • price category POP,
  • determining the type of kitchen and equipment,
  • provision of basic and additional services.

When outlining the concept of a restaurant, you should describe the range of dishes offered. Eg: “In the Health restaurant, 45 dishes are available to customers: dietary meat, vegetable salads, low-calorie desserts + 20 soft drinks”.

It would not be amiss to mention in the plan the parameters of the premises chosen for the restaurant, its capacity, number of halls, presence/absence of a courtyard, design style. Once you're done, describe your target audience.

Based on this factor, the restaurant’s pricing policy is determined. The establishment’s operating hours are another detail whose inclusion in the business plan is recommended.

And remember: this section helps the future restaurant owner and lenders see what the business will actually look like.

4) The importance of developing a restaurant marketing plan.

A marketing plan displays all the research you've done about modern trends market. Its importance lies in determining the direction of activity.

This section in a restaurant’s business plan consists of the results of an analysis of market conditions, the wishes of visitors, an assessment of the level of competition, and the determination of competitive advantages.

When analyzing the current market situation, an entrepreneur must take into account external factors, including political, legal, technological, social, and cultural. When researching market players, you need to weigh all sides - both strengths and weaknesses, business threats, opportunities.

Similar restaurants located in an area of ​​500 m can deprive you of 2/3 of your profit by luring away visitors. Therefore, researching local competitors is essential.

Some turn to specialists to analyze the activities of competitors. But the services of professional marketers will cost the restaurant owner a considerable amount. You can obtain the information required for your marketing plan yourself and for free.

To do this, follow the tips in the picture:

If competing establishments are registered as legal entities, the legal way to obtain information about them, including financial statements, is to contact Rosstat.

You will have to pay for the service, and business data may be presented with underestimated income, but this way you will find out the results of competitors’ activities, the average bill for the services of other restaurants and POP.

Information about the market situation can also be found in the public domain. According to statistics over the past years, there are over 30 thousand POPs in the Russian Federation, and the premium segment of the restaurant business is not that busy. If an entrepreneur decides to open a restaurant of this class, where there is no active competition, the investments made in the business will pay off relatively quickly.

Having found out how much Russians are willing to pay for food, services and leisure, you will be convinced that the amount of consumer spending does not exceed 4% (this is more than for healthcare and communications).

And the preferences of the population lead to their increase, therefore, the business of opening and running a restaurant is promising. Pay special attention to analyzing customer potential.

Rosstat will help you find out the turnover of retail trade in food and catering, which is important in business planning.

For 2016-2017 The following picture emerged:

Try to fill your marketing plan with more than just text material. Display numerical values, which you may have a lot of as a result of the work done, in tabular form. The best option There will be a diagram included in the restaurant business plan.

At the end of the marketing plan, state the strategy, i.e. the course you have chosen to achieve high performance results. Business strategy is determined on the basis of various aspects, one of which is the formation of consumer opinion.

Mention in the plan the measures that will be taken to inform about the opening of the restaurant, create an image and attract the target audience:

  • (signs, bus stops, announcements on transport, radio, television, media), video, audio advertising;
  • creating your own web resource;
  • holding social events;
  • printing and distribution of promotional products (booklets, posters, business cards);
  • provision of infrastructure;
  • Creation good conditions labor.

Write in your marketing plan that you are definitely going to post information about the restaurant on the Internet, for which popular web platforms and a business card website will be used.

5) Development of a restaurant production plan.

The section of the business plan following the marketing one shows production capacity establishments, characteristics of the premises. It includes calculations of procurement costs necessary equipment.

For example, the cost of a standard distribution line used in fast foods starts from 750 thousand rubles. If you plan to prepare exclusive dishes, the costs will be appropriate.

It is difficult to unambiguously estimate all costs, but approximate calculations required. Do not forget to include in the production plan the total funds that will be spent on the purchase of furniture, bar counters, household items and equipment, dishes (dining room, kitchen, main and spare), attributes for sorting restaurant tables, and interior decorations.

In addition, you will have to spend money on an automation program for the control and accounting system. The minimum price for the most advanced computer product, R-Keeper, is about 10 thousand dollars. A cheaper option is “Restaurant 2000”. Another budget alternative could be “1C: Public catering”.

The plan's expense item includes the purchase of vehicles used in the future for various restaurant needs.

EPP equipment should be aimed at stimulating productivity growth and comply with safety regulations. Therefore, it is better not to spare money on supplying the restaurant with high-quality and efficient equipment.

The business plan indicates: name, model, quantity and technical specifications devices required for the restaurant.

For example:

  • electric stoves, ovens;
  • deep fryers;
  • microwaves,
  • refrigerated tables;
  • thermal showcases;
  • vegetable cutters, meat grinders or blenders;
  • coffee machines/coffee makers;
  • thermopots;
  • kitchen scales;
  • racks for dishes;
  • ice makers;
  • washing baths, dishwashers;
  • refrigeration chambers.

Colorfully arrange sorting items in your business plan:

6) What is the organizational plan of a restaurant based on?

The sixth part of the business plan outlines organizational issues. In it we're talking about about the organizational and legal form of the restaurant, management and service personnel(quantitative/qualitative characteristics).

Therefore, the organizational plan answers the following questions:

  • What specialists need to be recruited?
  • What will be the conditions and work schedule (permanent, contract, etc.)?
  • What is the salary, etc.?

The composition and number of personnel are influenced by:

  • nature of service (combined, self-service, through waiters);
  • dimensions, specifics and capacity of the restaurant;
  • % of attendance on weekdays/weekends and holidays;
  • cost category;
  • assortment of dishes, etc.

The restaurant staff usually consists of: cooks, manager, hall manager, waiters, bartender (1-2 people), accountant, cleaners, cloakroom attendant, musicians, security.

It is also reported in the business plan job responsibilities every employee. For a waiter, this means friendliness and respectful, attentive treatment of guests, thorough knowledge of the menu, a neat appearance, correct filling out of the bill, paying guests, etc.

7) The financial part of the restaurant business plan.

The seventh point of the business plan is the least creative. Required here mathematical calculations and focus to find out the cost of the project. The cost estimate contains conditional costs for paperwork, registration, purchase of equipment and other equipment, textiles, tailoring of uniforms, and printing of printed materials.

Also, separate expense items in the restaurant business plan will be:

  • advertising;
  • room decoration;
  • rent and utilities;
  • salary;
  • taxes.

The calculation also includes funds spent on the purchase of food and drinks, and other costs of doing business.

After the calculations, your plan should roughly look like this table:

Then we start calculating revenue. net profit. When an implementation program is drawn up, the supposedly low threshold of profitability, the plan for production volumes and provision of services for the billing period are considered.

Having formed a financial statement of losses and profits, the movement Money, you will see a more realistic picture and understand whether you can “pull” the restaurant and how much you need to borrow.

The restaurant business plan describes in detail the sources of financing, the system of guarantees you provide to investors, the projected income structure, and key performance indicators.


8) What risks are assessed in the business plan?

Despite all efforts to convince creditors of the reliability of investments in your restaurant, potential risks cannot be avoided. Their detail and objectivity of assessment depends on who you are drawing up a business plan for - yourself or investors.

First, you need to submit a list of the risks themselves. Secondly, describe in your business plan the actions that you are going to take if they actually occur.

Risks may be unexpected When natural disasters occur, fires are not your fault. Then the losses are covered by insurance.

The second group of risks mentioned in the business plan is commercial. Such a threat looms when marketing research is poorly conducted, resulting in underestimation of competitors, shortcomings in the analysis of market conditions, etc., emerge.

The third and fourth types of risks – economic And political, respectively. They can be less predictable, since they are caused by the political situation in the country, crisis, and declining demographics. Poorly selected restaurant staff is another reason for risks.

Serious factors for restaurant bankruptcy or other unfavorable events may include:

In the conclusions of the business plan, its developer must summarize the work done. As a rule, they follow the established rules here, emphasizing that this type of business is high-risk, but at the same time, promising and profitable.

From startup to success: opening a restaurant from A to Z.

How to write a business plan? Step by step guide

Restaurant business plan - example to study

If after reading this article you still have questions, we recommend downloading any ready business restaurant plan from the proposed samples.

Example No. 1 can be downloaded from the link -
Example No. 2 see here -
Example No. 3 is clearly presented here -

Restaurant business plana starting point an entrepreneur who wants to occupy a niche in the catering industry. If the marketing and pricing policies are correctly structured, the approach to organizing all processes and creating a reputation is chosen correctly, the restaurant will bring the expected profit.

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Today, one of the most promising and rapidly growing areas of business is catering. This industry has a dynamically growing turnover and generally positive dynamics.

In 2016, compared to 2015, the restaurant market showed slight growth and exceeded 1,350 billion rubles, according to the Unified Interdepartmental Information and Statistical System (EMISS), which is supervised by Rosstat. Growth continues in 2017. At the same time, the Russian public catering market remains far from saturation, especially in regions remote from Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Therefore, today opening a cafe is a feasible and promising business. Before starting a project, you need to conduct a thorough analysis and draw up a business plan.

As part of this work, we will analyze a family cafe with Italian cuisine, where it is pleasant for both children and parents to relax.

Success Factors:

  • Affordable prices
  • Family format
  • Fast service
  • Convenient location
  • Modern interior
  • Nice atmosphere

The initial investment amount is 3 170 000 rubles

The break-even point is reached at 3 month of work.

The payback period is from 12 months.

Average net monthly profit 366 000 rubles

Return on sales 21 % .

2. Description of the business, product or service

3. Description of the sales market

Every year the demographic situation in our country is improving: the number of families is growing, the birth rate is increasing. In the current rhythm of life, it is becoming increasingly difficult for parents and children to find time to spend evenings together. And the diversity of taste preferences creates additional obstacles. Thus, the relevance of this project cannot be overestimated.

The target audience mostly represents families with children.

In an unstable economic situation, there is a redistribution of clients from one segment to another. Thus, people who previously visited expensive restaurants are moving to establishments with a lower price category. And the habit of eating in public places remains with the population at any time. Subject to the optimal ratio between price and quality, it is possible to capture big piece market.

4. Sales and marketing

5. Production plan

The goal of the project is to open a family format cafe.

Business registration

Organizing a cafe requires solving the following issues:

  • obtaining permits from the fire service and SES;
  • registration of health certificates for all employees;
  • collection of documents (lease agreement; permission to place a catering establishment in a specific premises; results of a medical examination by personnel);
  • registering a cash register;
  • conclusion of contracts for: garbage removal, fire inspection, fire alarm, panic button (security), deratization and disinfection, accounting support;
  • signing contracts for the supply of products.

Selecting a location

Large shopping center in any area of ​​the city.

Large shopping centers provide rental holidays for the first 1-2 months. That is, during the preparation of the premises you will be exempt from paying for the premises.

Characteristics of the premises

  • Area: kitchen - 40 m2, hall for visitors - 100 m2, games room - 60 m2;
  • Availability of water and electricity supply to the kitchen;
  • Ventilation, air conditioning, sewerage;
  • Capacity: hall - 60 seats, playroom - 15 children.

The interior of the room is in soft colors using bright elements. Clear zoning of the main hall and the children's room.

You can choose both mobile and tabletop games. For active people, you can install a sports complex or playground with soft surfaces, swings, labyrinths and slides. Among board games Puzzles, mosaics, and construction sets are perfect.

6. Organizational structure

For organizing any type of business, one of the most important factors is personnel. This project requires a team of 13 people:

  • Manager;
  • Cooks - 2 people;
  • Waiters - 4 people;
  • Administrator - 2 people;
  • Nannies/animators - 2 people;
  • Kitchen workers for washing dishes and cleaning - 2 people.

Accounting will be outsourced.

It is especially important to pay attention to the selection of chefs, because the kitchen is business card catering establishments. Also pay attention to the selection of personnel to work with children. They must have experience, be especially sensitive, attentive and friendly. After all, the quality of rest, and, accordingly, the perception of your cafe by parents depends on the child’s mood.

The main goal of the employees is to cultivate in customers the desire to return to your establishment again and again.

Basic requirements for personnel:

  • Availability of a medical record;
  • Experience;
  • Neatness;
  • Accuracy;
  • Honesty;
  • Hard work;
  • Responsiveness;
  • Friendliness.

All employees, except the administrator and manager, are paid a fixed salary. Premium part wages manager - 2%, administrator - 1%. Waiters receive tips.

A detailed calculation of the payroll, taking into account the bonus part and insurance premiums for 24 months, is presented in the financial model.

7. Financial plan

A detailed sales plan for 24 months, financial results and forecast of economic indicators of business performance are presented in the financial model.

8. Risk factors

Despite all obvious advantages family cafe, like any kind entrepreneurial activity has its risks.

The cafe is a popular establishment not only among its clients, but also among entrepreneurs who decide to organize a business. To understand whether it is profitable this business in this article we will cover the following questions: where to start, registering a cafe, nuances in choosing a room, a list of necessary equipment, what you need to know about hiring staff, calculating profitability, and other concepts.

The work of a restaurateur is very difficult, but if you work with dedication, you can achieve great success. Provided that the project is properly organized, a public catering establishment has always been considered a profitable business. To open a large restaurant you will need large start-up capital, and in this case there are high risks that the business will not justify itself. The cafe is a smaller establishment, so the opening costs will be lower and the risks will be smaller.

To organize a cafe from scratch, you need a business plan, because any business begins with planning. The key to the success of a future enterprise is the planned budget, volume and timing of its implementation. As a sample, we will draw up a business plan for a medium-sized establishment.

It is planned to organize an establishment called “Sweet house”.

The goal of the project: a compact cafe with a confectionery concept.

Project description: a small cafe in the city of Samara, located in the busy Bezymyanka microdistrict. The rented premises include: 1 spacious hall with 35 seats, 1 kitchen area, 1 storage room. A café was also previously organized in this premises, so there are savings on costs major renovation and refurbishment. Redecoration needs to be done dining area and kitchens.

The concept of the establishment is a confectionery, the main signature dishes are sweet products and desserts. The menu will also include regular dishes, snacks and drinks. The average check should approximately be up to 400 - 500 rubles. The target audience is children, students, families with children, employees of nearby offices, and tourist groups.

Opening hours: from 10.00 to 22.00.

Market analysis: in the selected microdistrict there is sufficient quantity There are cafes of the same type, but there are no cafes with a confectionery focus. A distinctive feature of the establishment will be individual approach to each visitor, the willingness to prepare and serve a dessert that, for example, will not be on the menu. Daily choice of “dessert of the day” and a 5% discount on it.

Advertising campaign: a major advertising campaign will be carried out once, after the opening of the establishment. It is planned to use social networks, radio advertising, and handing out leaflets on the streets to further promote the cafe to the market.

Equipment and furniture: the rented premises already have some of the stationary equipment and furniture for the cafe, but you need to purchase the following:

Refrigerator cabinet (2 pieces);

Table for processing raw materials (1 piece);

Bar stand (1 piece);

Tables for clients (15 pieces):

Chairs (35 pieces);

Wardrobe hangers (2 pieces);


Employees: The staff work schedule is two shifts, so it is necessary to hire:

Administrators – 2 people;

Waiters – 4 people;

Bartenders – 2 people;

Cooks – 2 people;

Kitchen workers – 2 people;

Dishwashers - 2 people;

Cleaners – 2 people;

Accountant (freelancer) – 1 person.

Financial calculations: the cost of opening a cafe will be:

Rent – ​​100,000 rubles/month;

Purchase of products – 130,000 rubles/month;

Purchase of alcohol – 50,000 rubles/month;

Purchase of equipment and furniture – 500,000 rubles;

Payment of wages – 300,000 rubles/month;

Utility bills – 60,000 rubles/month;

The approximate amount of start-up capital for opening a cafe will be 1,150,000 rubles. The approximate profit will be 200,000 rubles/month. The approximate payback period for a cafe is 1-2 years of successful operation. Profitability will be up to 40%.

Selection of conceptual direction for a cafe

How to open your own cafe? It is worth deciding on the concept of the establishment, who the cafe will target, what dishes will be on the menu, and where it will be located. You also need to come up with distinctive feature establishment, its zest, to attract the interest of visitors. It is very difficult to combine the chosen concept of the establishment with further searches the required premises with the required technical and engineering characteristics. Very often the concept of a project has to be changed radically due to the impossibility of finding a suitable building. Therefore, experts recommend that you first find a premises and then develop a concept, especially if the entrepreneur has limited financial resources.

The pricing policy of a cafe should correspond to its format and style. For example, if the cafe is for young people and is designed for a student audience, it is not worth putting expensive dishes and drinks on the menu, they will be in little demand.

Choosing a room for a cafe

What else is needed to open a cafe? the main task— find a premises that will meet all the requirements for a catering establishment. Its popularity will depend on the successful location of the cafe. For a small cafe suitable room up to 200 m2 in size. Here are a number of principles that you need to adhere to when choosing a room for a cafe:

The cafe should be close to its consumer, for example, if it is a student cafe, it should be next to a university, for a children’s cafe, either an amusement park or a shopping center is ideal, and so on;

Optimally convenient transport access to the establishment is desirable;

Economy cafes should be opened in residential areas, elite cafes should be opened in the city center;

If a cafe previously operated in the selected premises, and it was closed due to unprofitability, you should not start your own business there;

Technical characteristics of the premises (water supply, sewerage, Electricity of the net, heating), must cope with the load placed on them;

You should familiarize yourself with the urban development plans in this area, whether reconstruction or demolition of this premises is planned in the near future;

You should find out whether the redevelopment of the premises is legal, if it was carried out;

You should find out whether it is allowed to place a sign with the name of the cafe, as well as advertising posters, on the facade of the building;

Assess the possibility of arranging a parking lot for customers of the establishment;

The following requirements must be presented to the premises for organizing a cafe in it::

Technological areas of the establishment should be located downstream technological process, for example: warehouse premises – production workshop – trade and customer service area – administrative area;

There should be no barriers between rooms for rapid movement between them;

It is impossible to allow counter-intersection of the movement of such processes as the supply of clean dishes and the removal of dirty ones, the receipt of raw materials and the removal of production waste;

The system of entrances and exits must be carried out in accordance with the layout of the premises, namely, the entrance to the visitors’ hall should only be from the front facade of the building, the entrance and exit of warehouse premises - from the yard, the warehouse and production premises should not be a walk-through;

It is necessary to organize areas of the premises so that in case of an accident or emergency, visitors can freely leave the building through an emergency exit;

The room must correspond fire safety standards and standards;

Organization of premises for a cafe

In a cafe, any dish from the menu, before it reaches the client’s table, goes through several production cycles in different technological zones. A properly organized cafe should contain the following areas:

1. Warehouses - these areas store raw materials, products for preparing dishes from the menu, as well as kitchen tools. Warehouses where perishable foods are stored must be equipped with refrigeration and freezer compartments;

2. Washing shop - a room in which dishes, containers, and equipment are washed. Must be equipped with containers, shelves, racks;

3. Vegetable shop – here technological processing vegetables pass through, they are washed, sorted, peeled and cut;

4. Meat and fish workshops – meat and fish and semi-finished products from them are processed in this room;

5. Cold shop – designed for the production of snacks, salads, desserts and sandwiches;

6. Hot shop – this is where the technological process of cooking food is completed. Designed for frying, stewing, baking hot dishes, preparing first courses. Must be equipped with ovens, stoves, refrigerators, tables, shelving and other equipment. The hot shop can also include a confectionery section and a distribution area;

7. Retail premises (visitors’ area) – this premises is where visitors are directly served, there are trade displays, a bar, a toilet room for visitors, a cloakroom;

8. Administrative premises - intended for the administration and employees of the cafe, these are rooms for work and rest of staff, bathrooms, showers, offices of the director, accountant and others.

The ideal option for organizing a business would be to purchase premises for a cafe, but this option is not always possible for an entrepreneur. Therefore, with a small start-up capital, a businessman will be helped out by renting premises. Since in the premises under the cafe it will still be necessary to carry out renovation work, the scale of the future renovation plays a role in the choice of premises, for example, if the premises already have a kitchen, warehouses and a hall, you will only need to refresh them, but with bare walls you will have to work from scratch and large financial costs will be required.

When starting the redevelopment of a premises for a cafe, you need to order the development of a project from a special organization, which will take into account all the requirements for a public catering establishment. Further finished project The cafe premises must be submitted to Rospotrebnadzor for approval.

Business registration and reporting

To open a cafe, registration of business activity is required, as well as obtaining a number of permits and approvals for its operation. The following documents are required to open a cafe:

Approval for the design of the premises (in case of redevelopment of the building) from Rospotrebnadzor, the fire inspectorate, the architect, the city administration - this project must be drawn up by a licensed body;

Notification about the start of work of the establishment from Rospotrebnadzor;

Coordination of dishes from the establishment’s menu with Rospotrebnadzor;

Obtaining a license to sell alcohol;

For reference tax accounting The registration and legal form of activity management is ideal - individual entrepreneurship or limited liability company.

But when choosing this form, you should take into account some nuances:

It is possible to sell alcohol (this list does not include beer, cider and beer drinks) only in the case of, since it does not give such a right;

It is easier to register an individual entrepreneur and maintain tax records;

The way out of the situation would be to register the cafe itself as an individual enterprise, and the bar as a Limited Liability Company.

A single tax on imputed income is the optimal form of taxation for a cafe registered as an LLC. The space of the leisure hall in this case should not exceed 150 m2. For individual entrepreneurs, both UTII and the patent taxation system are suitable. For the latter, the hall area should be within 50 m2.

Accounting and tax accounting can be entrusted to an outsourcing company or you can hire a freelance accountant.

Cafe equipment

To organize a cafe you will need a lot of different equipment. It is classified depending on its purpose, namely:

Refrigeration – for storing food, drinks, semi-finished products and desserts: refrigerators, freezers, display cases;

Thermal - for preparing dishes, bringing semi-finished products to readiness: ovens, ovens, stationary frying pans, boilers, display cases;

Mechanical – for preparing products for subsequent processing: slicers, mixers, bread slicers, vegetable slicers, dishwashers, etc.;

Other – equipment for neutral processes: bathtubs for washing dishes, tables, racks, carts, shelves, waste bins and so on;

Bar - for serving the bar and preparing drinks and cocktails: blenders, coffee grinders, coffee machines, toasters, ice makers, juicers, etc.;

Weighing - for weighing products, ready-made portions of dishes, and so on;

Meat and fish - for manipulating fish and meat: grinders, saws, knives, minced meat mixers, equipment for preparing sausages, cutlets, etc.;

Bakery – designed for preparing baked goods and desserts from flour: dough mixers, bread machines, pasta machines, etc.

Search for staff for a cafe

Finding staff for a cafe is not an easy task, because the success of the establishment depends on the level of training of employees. The number of employees depends on the size of the cafe and its concept. All service and food service employees must have medical records with the results of a medical examination.

When looking for staff for his cafe, an entrepreneur should have an idea of ​​what kind of team he would like to see, for example, cohesive, friendly, interchangeable and honest, ready to work in a team.

If not everything, then a lot depends on the cook in the cafe. The chef prepares the food that visitors order, and naturally they should like it so that they come here again next time. At an interview when hiring chefs, you should ask them to cook something from the proposed menu - to evaluate their culinary abilities. The cook must not only prepare the food deliciously, but also present it beautifully. In a small establishment, the responsibilities of the cook include ordering and receiving food, as well as drawing up technological cards.

Organizing a cafe from scratch – difficult task, requiring impressive starting capital. How much does it cost to open a cafe? At the opening small cafe in the regional center, up to 1 million 200 thousand rubles will be required, subject to renting premises and conducting cosmetic repairs. For more global reconstruction of the premises, the amount of starting capital will increase significantly to 2 million rubles. How to open a cafe correctly? The first step is a business plan, then find a premises, register a business, collect a package of documents to obtain permits and approvals for implementation trading activities, purchase equipment and furniture, hire staff. A competent approach to business organization will help achieve successful results and reduce the payback period of the project. If you have not yet decided what you want to open, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with other business options in the section.

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Recently, an increasing number of cafes have been opening in our country. Statistics show that many of them begin to close six months after opening. There could be a lot of reasons for this. For example, incorrect management, lack of advertising, and not even tasty food. Those who want to open such an establishment will need a cafe business plan. It will help the owner not to go into the red, but to receive profit and many clients in the future.

Description of the cafe project

Any business plan begins with a description of the project. It must indicate the type of establishment being opened and the location where it will be located. In addition, it is necessary to list the number of seats, the area of ​​the premises, and the personnel who will work in the cafe.

You should also indicate full list inventory and equipment that will be purchased or leased. If the cafe operates not in 2, but in one shift, it will be necessary to hire a waiter, administrator, cleaner and cook. The number of people will depend on the type of cafe, the area of ​​the premises and the amount of funds invested.

If shift work of personnel is planned, then the number of people should be doubled. If a business plan is needed in order to receive a grant from the state, then in this case it is necessary to take into account the benefits that such a cafe will bring to the population. In addition, you need to pay attention to social indicators, relevance and the possibility of creating additional jobs. If a business plan is created in order to receive investment, then the calculation of income and expenses (profitability), as well as the time and payback of the establishment must be clearly calculated.

How to open your own cafe

Which cafe to choose and how to analyze the market

Before preparing such a catering establishment for opening, you should definitely conduct an analysis of your closest competitors. These actions will help you figure out what type of establishment will be in demand in a particular city. To do this, you need to determine the following points:

  • whether there will be demand for the dishes on the menu;
  • what is the income of the population in a particular place;
  • where the establishment will be located;
  • how the number of elderly people, the working population, and young people is distributed.

After such an analysis has been carried out, it will be possible to pay attention to the pricing policy of public catering. In addition, you need to select the type of establishment, as well as select a signature menu. On next stage it is necessary to analyze the activities of competitors. Special attention you need to pay attention to the mistakes they make and not make them yourself.

The type of establishment will determine the costs of opening a cafe.

Some of the most popular and relevant today are pancake shops, anti-cafes, cafes for children, as well as sushi bars.

Not so long ago, Internet cafes were popular, but they were replaced by regular cafes, since every establishment of this kind must now have wi-fi. An Internet password is provided to guests upon visit.

What does the success of a cafe depend on?

This factor is influenced by the proper location of such an establishment. It is best to open such a business in a densely populated and very busy area. At the same time, you need to remember that anti-cafes will be popular in big cities. As for small settlements, it is better to open children's cafeterias or establishments that have a banquet hall. They can be used for weddings, birthdays and corporate events.

It is very important that there are convenient access roads to the building. This also applies to parking, since most guests will arrive in their own cars. It is also better to locate a cafe near a crowded place. These include bus stops, shopping centers, railway and bus stations. At the same time, you need to remember the purpose of such an institution. For example, when opening a cafe for children or young people, you need to make sure that there is an institute, park or other places near the building that such people like to visit.

It should be taken into account that rent in this case will be one and a half to two times higher than in residential areas. If the cafe will be rented approx. business centers, then it is most advisable to include business lunches in your menu. To begin with, after opening, you can slightly reduce the price of such dishes. This will be especially beneficial if competitors’ establishments are nearby.

Cafe design example

Business registration

To make it easier to register your organization, you can turn to the help of special Internet services. They have everything you need to complete the necessary documentation. To do this, you need to select the registration type of LLC or Individual Entrepreneur. In the second case, fewer documents will be needed and reporting will be much simpler.

In addition, you can save on accountant services by contacting online services. They will help produce necessary calculations and save a lot of money. All reporting will be generated automatically and also signed using an electronic signature.

A properly composed menu is the key to success

One of the most important points Part of creating a cafe is developing its menu. It is recommended to prepare both banquet (holiday) and standard everyday. At the same time, you need to remember that all dishes included in the menu must correspond to the type of cafe.

For example, in an establishment intended for children, you should not use alcoholic drinks, spicy or fatty foods. Not only delicious food, but also the original names of the dishes can attract guests to the cafe. It is best that they are not banal and standard. It is advisable to add originality to both the name and description.

You should decide in advance where exactly the products for cooking will be purchased. You also need to choose good suppliers. As a rule, the standard menu in a cafeteria contains about 20 types of drinks and twice as many dishes. They include both hot and small snacks. It is best to update the company menu each time for certain holidays that are celebrated by almost all residents of the city.

Business plan using the example of opening a certain cafe

In this example you can see how to open a cafe for children with 48 seats.

Such a ready-made business plan has been developed for any city whose population does not exceed 1.5 million people. It is planned that the average check will be 700 rubles. from one person. The cafe should be in a public place and consist of a kitchen and several small rooms auxiliary purpose. As for the target audience, it will include couples with a child, as well as children with their mothers, grandmothers, and grandfathers. Work time standard - from 8 to 20 pm.

It is best to choose a premises for a cafe close to places where people most often gather. These are parks or metro stations. It is advisable to choose an area where there are no such catering establishments.

This will allow you to quickly gain profit and make a profit. One of the most obvious competitive advantages over other cafes is discounts for regular customers, an animation program, as well as a bright and memorable design.

Original cafe interior

Cafe design

Experts say that the most attention-grabbing colors are yellow, green and orange. It is not recommended to use red and other aggressive colors for the cafe façade and decoration. In addition, holding pranks for children will be very effective. To do this, you can organize win-win lotteries, and choose small inexpensive souvenirs as prizes.



The next step is to purchase or rent equipment. For this purpose, contracts for its supply are concluded. For example, this business plan provides for the purchase of 2 refrigerators, 1 gas or electric stove, 5 kitchen tables. Among other things, you will need comfortable chairs or armchairs for cafe guests (48 pieces). As for the tables for visitors, 12 pieces are enough for the establishment. Also, do not forget about buying a juicer, microwave oven and 12 hangers for


The next step is to hire staff. These are three waiters, two cooks, one administrator and two cleaners with a shift schedule. In order to save on an accountant, you can hire a freelancer with the appropriate education.

Cozy cafe


The calculation will consist of the following points:

  • cafe renovation RUB 155,000;
  • rent 35,000 rub. per month;
  • use of design services RUB 120,000;
  • advertising (flyers and social networks) RUB 18,000;
  • salary to employees 245,000 rubles;
  • chairs, tables and equipment RUB 370,000;
  • purchase of products for dishes in a cafe 75,000 rubles.

According to this calculation, if you have your own funds to open such an establishment, but lack 250,000 rubles, then you can contact the Ministry of Economy and receive this money under the small business support program. To do this, you must provide a sample with calculations to the local administration of the city or other settlement. You should know that in order for a cafe not to make losses, one check on average must be at least 700 rubles.

In this case, the business will pay off within 12 months and the establishment will make a profit.

Attracting clients

Despite the first flow of visitors, such advertising campaigns must be carried out regularly. Experts recommend doing this every 3-4 months. In the future, when the cafe begins to make a profit, you can advertise once every 7-8 months or once a year. This will allow the business to stay afloat and bring in new profits by attracting customers.

Effective advertising tools include business cards, posters, and media advertising. In addition, we should not forget about affiliate exchange. This means that the cafe can be advertised in taxis. In turn, in a cafe, on each table there may be business cards of such a service. No less effective is the creation advertising pages on social networks. This will enable a large number of audience.

As an addition, special services should be included in the establishment’s price list. Additional income will come from organizing children's birthdays, other holidays, as well as weddings and corporate events. It is best to allocate a separate room for these purposes.

Moreover, it should not be forgotten that according to the law Russian Federation, establishments located on the first and other floors of residential buildings should only be open until 11 o’clock. Therefore, it is recommended to rent or purchase a building that is separate.

Cafe design example

Opening procedure and nuances to consider

In order to properly organize a business, you should be very attentive to solving legal issues. To do this you need to do the following:

  • register as an individual entrepreneur (through the tax office or MFC);
  • notify the Pension Fund;
  • choose which tax system will be used;
  • draw up a contract for the purchase and sale of premises or its lease;
  • install a fire alarm (coordinate this with the State Fire Inspectorate);
  • contact the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station to obtain a conclusion on the normal sanitary condition of the premises.

At the same time, we should not forget about food. When opening a cafe, you should enter into supply agreements with trusted suppliers. Information about them can be found on the Internet.

Before choosing who will carry out the activity (LLC or individual entrepreneur), it is necessary to decide whether the cafe will sell alcoholic beverages. The fact is that only legal entities (LLC) are allowed to sell alcoholic beverages in our country. As for individual entrepreneurs, in the Russian Federation they are not issued licenses to sell alcohol.

What else to consider

When choosing premises for such a catering establishment, experts recommend paying attention to the layout, rental price, number of exits and entrances, as well as its condition. In addition, one should take into account the distance from a bus or tram stop, as well as compliance with SanPin and fire safety standards. Among other things, you should find out exactly how such a premises was used before renting.

It is not recommended to choose a room that is located on the second floor or higher. It is best to give preference to the first floor. Moreover, it is very important appearance cafe. The design of such a catering facility must correspond to its type and reflect its name. In order for the cafe to make a profit in the future, it is recommended to hire designers who will provide an example with calculations for design. There is no need to skimp on this point.

Depending on what dishes will be presented on the menu, the cost of equipment will depend. This must be written in the business plan. It is necessary to take into account that you will need equipment not only for preparing certain dishes, but also for storing them. It must be remembered that the room must be well ventilated. Otherwise, the products may spoil. Experts identify the following types of classic cafe equipment:

  • electric or gas oven;
  • dishes;
  • freezers;
  • cutting tables;
  • sinks;
  • kitchen appliances.

The latter include toasters, devices for frying French fries, ovens, blenders, mixers, meat grinders, etc. However, you need to remember that it is best to choose high-quality equipment. Otherwise, it may break very quickly, and this will lead to unnecessary expenses. This list can include plumbing fixtures, lighting, as well as furniture for utility rooms and a hall in which it is planned to receive guests of the cafe.

It should be remembered that it is necessary to take the most responsible approach to choosing an employee in a cafe. Unprofessional staff can ruin any catering establishment. This also applies to saving on wages.

Despite the fact that a cafe is expensive and not easy to create, the money invested will return and multiply in a short time if you approach this issue wisely.

For a long time, we can observe that more and more new catering establishments are opening, be it cafes or restaurants. According to statistics, many of them close in the first year of existence.

The reasons may vary. These include poor quality services and improper management. Therefore, it is important to draw up and approach this matter responsibly even at the planning stage. Let's compose financial plan, but first let’s look at the features inherent in this document.

Project Description

IN project description business plan indicates:

  • type of cafe, its location, address;
  • room area, number of seats;
  • determined full list equipment and inventory that needs to be purchased;
  • staff. When carrying out activities in 1 shift, you will need: an administrator, a cook, a waiter, a cleaner. With shifts, the number of personnel will be doubled.

If a business plan is drawn up to receive a grant, it is necessary to take into account the relevance and benefit to the population, socio-economic indicators, and the possibility of creating new jobs.

When drawing up a plan for investors, it is important to make accurate estimated calculations of costs, income, profitability and payback time of the project. Private investors are primarily interested in these components.

Market analysis and choice of cafe type

In preparation for the opening, you need to carry out market and competition analysis. It will help determine what type of cafe will be in demand in a particular city or area.

Wherein determine:

  • standard of living and income of the population;
  • number of residents (ratio of youth, working-age population and elderly);
  • division of cafes into categories;
  • location of such establishments;
  • demand for services of this kind.

Having carried out such an analysis, it will be possible to implement a pricing policy, determine the type of cafe, and select a menu.

The next step will be analysis of competitors' activities. Having identified mistakes in the activities of competitors, the main thing is to prevent them from appearing at home. It is important to add some “zest”.

The costs of opening a cafe are determined type of establishment. Today the following are considered relevant and in demand:

  • children's cafes;
  • Internet cafe;
  • anti cafe;
  • sushi bars;
  • pancakes

The features of various types of cafes and examples of their opening are discussed in the following video:

The success of a cafe largely depends on its competent location. Focusing on a wide audience, you need to make sure that the establishment is located in a busy, densely populated area. Thus, today’s mega-popular Internet cafes and anti-cafes are unlikely to be particularly in demand in cities with small populations; they are most popular in megacities.

Important principles are considered:

  • convenient access roads and parking;
  • being “in plain sight”, near train stations, bus stops, and in shopping centers.

When opening, for example, a youth or children's cafe, it is advisable to make sure that it is located in the city center, park, near entertainment clubs, an institute, etc. Accordingly, the rental price will be much higher.

Providing such a service as a business lunch will be more in demand near business centers.

If you have not yet registered an organization, then easiest way This can be done using online services that will help you generate all the necessary documents for free: If you already have an organization and you are thinking about how to simplify and automate accounting and reporting, then the following online services will come to the rescue and will completely replace an accountant at your enterprise and will save a lot of money and time. All reporting is generated automatically, signed electronically and sent automatically online. It is ideal for individual entrepreneurs or LLCs on the simplified tax system, UTII, PSN, TS, OSNO.
Everything happens in a few clicks, without queues and stress. Try it and you will be surprised how easy it has become!

Menu development

To work, you need to develop a cafe menu. It is advisable to prepare the usual everyday and festive (banquet) items.

The menu should match the type of cafe.

What will attract visitors to the establishment is not only the quality of the prepared dishes, but also their names. It is recommended to avoid banal names. You can make some originality both in the description and name of the dishes.

When creating a menu, it is important to determine at this stage exactly where groceries will be purchased for their preparation, select responsible suppliers.

The classic menu includes no more than 40-50 dishes and 30-40 drinks. You can update the list of dishes for the holidays ( New Year, Easter, March 8).

Financial plan

So, using an example, you can determine the volume of approximate investments, profitability and calculate profitability.

Target: opening of a children's cafe.

Description of the project. It was decided to open a children's cafe with 50 seats in a busy place in Kazanso with an average bill of 500 rubles per person. In addition to the hall there will be utility rooms and a kitchen.

The target audience: children, mothers or grandmothers, married couples with kids.

Schedule: from 9.00 to 21.00.

Market analysis: The premises for the cafe were chosen not far from a place where people relax - a park. There are catering establishments in this area of ​​the city, but there are no children's cafes among them.

Competitive advantages before other establishments: availability bright design, a system of discounts for regular visitors, an entertainment program for children.

Marketing policy. Planned for initial stage conduct an advertising campaign. Further attraction of customers is based on advertising in in social networks and distributing leaflets.

Equipment. Conclude supply contracts production equipment and furniture:

Staff. At the initial stage, it is planned to hire: an administrator, 2 cooks, 4 waiters, 2 cleaners. Accounting services will be performed by a freelance accountant.

Calculation of profits and expenses

Opening costs will be:

  1. Rent of premises - 25,000 rubles/month.
  2. Renovation of the premises - 150,000 rubles.
  3. Purchase of decorations and designer services - 150,000 rubles.
  4. Advertising campaign - 20,000 rub.
  5. Purchase of furniture and equipment RUB 350,000.
  6. Salary per month - 180,000 rubles.
  7. Purchase of food: 100,000 rub.

Budget cafe: We have our own funds to open a cafe. Planned get a grant from the Ministry of Economy in the amount of 200,000 rubles under the program to support young entrepreneurs.

For a cafe to operate at break-even, the average bill should be at least 500-600 rubles. Then pay off business will be able to do so in a year.

Tips for starting such a business are outlined in this video:

Marketing plan

Events will help attract visitors advertising campaign . Here you can use both free and paid methods.

It is advisable to conduct such campaigns not only at the initial stage, but also regularly thereafter.

Let's introduce some ways to conduct an advertising campaign:

  1. posters;
  2. business cards;
  3. radio advertising;
  4. partner exchange (for example, a taxi driver can distribute business cards among his clients in exchange for advertising of his services by employees of a new cafe);
  5. create a page on social networks and advertise your services in this way.

It is also important to provide Additional services in the cafe price list. Carrying out fun children's parties, corporate events, weddings will bring additional income. It would be good if a separate hall, prepared specifically for these celebrations, would be used for these purposes.

Sequence of actions to open this business

To organize a business, it is important to resolve legal issues at this stage:

IMPORTANT. When choosing a method for carrying out the activities of an individual entrepreneur or LLC, you need to proceed from whether you plan to sell alcoholic beverages in a cafe, since permission to sell can only be obtained legal entities(OOO). For individual entrepreneurs no licenses are issued.

At selection of premises it is important to pay attention to:

  • rent price;
  • room layout, condition;
  • number of inputs and outputs;
  • availability of public transport stops, remoteness;
  • how the room was previously used;
  • Does it comply with fire and sanitary safety standards?

It is advisable, when choosing premises for a cafe, to give preference to those located on the first floors.

Cafe design very important. It must reflect its name and match the type. In this case, it is advisable to contact professional florists and designers. You should not save your budget, because with a competent approach to the design of the establishment, all investments will easily pay off.

Equipment costs depend on what kind of dishes you plan to prepare. They must be specified in the business plan. There must be equipment for both storing food and preparing it.

So, classic set of equipment can be called:

This list should include necessary furniture for the hall and utility rooms, plumbing, interior items, lamps, etc.).

In a business plan, it is preferable to divide the purchased equipment into categories.

It is no less responsible to approach the selection personnel. There is no need to hope that over time they will learn everything. It's better to hire professionals. Unqualified, rude staff and tasteless food are ready to deprive the cafe of visitors once and for all.

Creating a cafe is not easy and expensive, but with the right approach, the money invested can easily be returned back.