Building a house from foam blocks with your own hands. House made of foam blocks: a comfortable, reliable and economical home with your own hands Make a house from foam concrete yourself

Foam block is one of the most popular materials in suburban construction. Like any other, it has a number of advantages and disadvantages that should be taken into account before starting work. To build a house from foam blocks with your own hands, you need to carefully study the basic properties of the material and the technology for working with it.

Material characteristics

Foam block is artificial construction material, having a light porous structure, which consists of a filler (sand) and a blowing agent (synthetic or organic surfactants). Pores occupy more than 50% of the material.

The main characteristics of the foam block include:

  • strength (strength classes B0.35 - B40);
  • density (density grades D200 - D1200);
  • frost resistance (frost resistance grades F15 - F500);
  • thermal conductivity;
  • vapor permeability.

Depending on the density brand, the purpose of the foam blocks is determined:

  1. Thermal insulation (D200 - D350) blocks with a density of 200–350 kg/m 3. Due to their high porosity they have low thermal conductivity and are only suitable for thermal insulation. Load-bearing walls cannot be erected from such blocks due to their very low strength.
  2. Structural and thermal insulation (D400 - D600). Universal blocks for the construction of load-bearing walls with a sufficient degree of thermal insulation. They are used mainly for low-rise buildings.
  3. Structural (D700 - D1600). Blocks with very high density, which are used for the construction of buildings of unlimited height.

If the height of your future home is no more than three floors, then it is more rational to use structural and thermal insulating foam blocks of strength grades D400, D500 or B600. The dimensions of the blocks of the indicated brands are accepted according to GOST. The thickness is selected, as a rule, depending on its purpose (internal, external wall or partition).

Table: ratio of block parameters

Advantages and disadvantages of a house made of foam blocks

The advantages and disadvantages of foam blocks as a building material are also characterized by the features of a house built from it. Compared to other materials, it has a number of advantages:

  1. Low thermal conductivity.
  2. Low weight, thanks to high porosity, which allows without much labor and special equipment work alone. Thanks to this, the structure puts less load on the foundation, which allows it to be made less powerful.
  3. Large size, which increases the speed of construction.
  4. The low price of the foam block affects the cost of the house itself.
  5. The non-combustibility of the foam block, which provides the house with the first degree of fire resistance.
  6. Durability and no repair costs.
  7. Compliance, which allows you to easily saw blocks into pieces and make holes in them.
  8. Unique appearance, which is achieved by various finishing methods.

Thanks to these advantages, foam blocks are widely used in private housing construction. The construction of walls from them can be done by a person without experience and without special equipment. Despite the obvious advantages of the material, it should also be said about its disadvantages:

  1. The use of special glue for the installation of foam blocks, which provides the entire wall structure with the necessary strength. It is much more expensive than cement-sand mortar, which will certainly affect the overall cost of the house.
  2. The need for exterior finishing to protect the material from exposure to precipitation (plaster or facing brick).
  3. Can be used in rooms with a relative air humidity of no more than 75%. In other cases, it is necessary to provide vapor barrier protection, which again will affect the overall cost of the house, especially if it occupies a significant area, for example, a swimming pool.
  4. The need for additional thermal insulation, since a wall one block thick may not pass the thermal engineering calculations.

Before you choose wall material, which you will use when building a house, you need to take into account all its features so that unexpected problems do not appear during construction or after putting the house into operation.

Photo gallery: options for exterior home decoration

Necessary materials and tools for building a house with your own hands

To build a house from foam concrete blocks, you need to prepare the blocks themselves, glue mixture and reinforcing bars.

Materials must be protected from precipitation throughout construction.

The tools that you will need at different stages of construction need to be prepared in advance:

  • a notched trowel or trowel for applying the adhesive mixture;
  • hacksaw for sawing blocks to required sizes;
  • hammer-pick for giving irregular shapes to blocks;
  • rubber mallet (used for work on installing blocks in the desired position);
  • the plane is designed to level out significant unevenness;
  • sanding board for final leveling surfaces;
  • construction cord for orienting blocks along it during laying;
  • level for checking the horizontality of surfaces;
  • plumb line to check the verticality of the masonry;
  • container for mixing the solution;
  • drill with a nozzle for mixing the solution;
  • a spatula is used for grouting seams, cracks and chips;
  • brush for cleaning blocks.

Optimal dimensions of the house and calculation of materials

Before building a house, the most important stage is its design. When determining dimensions, you should be guided by the following conditions:

  • the size of the existing site;
  • the number of people living in the house;
  • degree of complexity of the project;
  • the number of premises required;
  • desired construction cost.

The required number of foam concrete blocks is calculated as follows:

  1. The length of the walls of each floor is determined: L 1 = (6.0 × 4) + (8.0 × 2) + 3.0 = 40.0 m and L 2 = (4.5 × 4) + (8.0 × 2) = 34.0 m.
  2. Wall area with a floor height of 2.5 m: S 1 = 40.0 × 2.5 = 100.0 m 2; S 2 = 34.0 × 2.5 = 85.0 m 2.
  3. Calculate the net area of ​​the walls minus window and door openings standard sizes(window 1.5 × 1.5 m; door 0.9 × 2.0 m): S 1h = 100.0 - (2.25 × 4) - (1.8 × 4) = 83.8 m 2 ; S 2h = 85.0 - (2.25 × 2) - (1.8 × 2) = 76.9 m 2.
  4. The obtained values ​​are summed up: S total = 83.8 + 76.9 = 160.7 m2.
  5. The required number of foam blocks with a height of 198 mm and a length of 598 mm is calculated. For 1 m2 of wall you will need 8.5 pieces, therefore for an area of ​​160.7 m2: 160.7 × 8.5 = 1366 pieces.
  6. The number of additional blocks and blocks in case of battle is also taken into account (24 pieces): 1366 + 24 = 1390 pieces.

Total for construction two-story house 1390 pieces of foam concrete blocks will be required. If you compare the cost of a house box of the same size made of brick or wood, then one of the most important advantages of a foam block will be obvious - its price.

Price for foam blocks in different regions slightly different. When choosing a manufacturer, you need to pay attention to the quality of the product and the distance of production from the construction site.

Determining the type of foundation and its structure

Before the construction of the foundation begins on the site, a geodetic alignment of the axes is carried out clearly according to the project.

When determining the type of foundation for a house, you need to pay attention to the level groundwater site, freezing depth and soil type, load on the foundation. As a rule, when an owner builds a home with his own hands, he neglects high-quality design and survey work due to the significant financial costs of it. If the groundwater level and soil type can be checked independently by drilling a well to 2.5 - 3 m, then calculating the load on the foundation, determining the required depth and its type is best left to professionals.

As a rule, if the groundwater level is at a depth of less than 2 m, then a slab is installed monolithic foundation. If this indicator is more than 2 m, the level of soil freezing does not exceed 1 m, the soil is slightly heaving or non-heaving, then most often a shallow strip monolithic foundation is built. The work on its installation is not particularly difficult, and even a non-professional can do it.

To mark, dig a trench of the required depth and width and lay it on the bottom. sand and gravel backfill 15 - 20 cm thick and install the formwork, which is made from planed boards 5 cm thick. Spacers are installed in 1 m increments so that the concrete does not deform the structure.

In parallel with the construction of the formwork, reinforcement is laid. Before concreting, the boards are moistened with water and concrete is laid in stages, compacting each layer by vibration. After completing this work, the foundation is covered with cloth or sawdust and kept moist to prevent cracking. Now the formwork can be disassembled, after which waterproofing work can begin. They are needed to protect the foundation from the effects of groundwater and precipitation. Waterproofing is applied to everything external surfaces in different ways using materials that differ in price, complexity of application and service life.

After all work is completed, the area around the house is leveled to ensure water drainage from the building. After 28 days have passed, the foundation can be loaded and the construction of walls can begin; this time is necessary for the concrete to gain its required strength.

Step-by-step instructions for building walls from foam blocks

After the foundation is fully established, you can begin building the walls:

  1. Before installing the first row of foam blocks, you must check the horizontalness of the foundation with a building level. Regardless of its type, the horizontal deviation should not exceed 30 mm. If this condition is not met, then the surface must be leveled.
  2. Next you need to apply cement-sand mortar 1 – 2 cm thick, and lay a roll of waterproofing material on it. It is preferable to lay it with an overlap of 150 mm.
  3. The construction of the first row of external walls is the most important work throughout the entire construction. The blocks are installed strictly according to the design, because all subsequent rows will depend on the quality of the first one. Initially, the building material is placed in the corners of the building on a cement-sand mortar. The upper surface of the blocks is checked with a building level for strict horizontality and, if necessary, knocked down with a mallet.
  4. A mooring cord is pulled between the corner blocks, relative to which intermediate ones are laid out on a cement-sand mortar, completely closing the first row of the building.
  5. If there is a need for a block custom size, then it is sawed hand hacksaw. The surface is not always smooth, so if necessary it is leveled with a plane.
  6. The second row of external walls begins to be laid approximately 2 hours after the mortar of the first has set. They begin to lay blocks from the corners of the building, subsequently filling the gaps relative to the stretched cord. Place them on the adhesive mixture, which is evenly distributed over the surface with a notched trowel. Each block is checked with a level for horizontality and verticality.
  7. Subsequent rows are placed with bandaging with the previous ones to a depth of at least 100 mm. Any dust and dirt that appears should be removed immediately with brushes.
  8. The connection of the internal walls to the external ones is carried out using a bandage, while the walls are checked for horizontal coincidence.
  9. To build partitions, special connections are used that are placed in the seams. The anchors are placed at one end into the wall and at the other into the seam between the partition blocks. Flexible connections are installed every two rows of masonry.
  10. To provide additional stability to the walls and protect the masonry from cracks, it is necessary to carry out reinforcement. The reinforcement is placed in recesses in the blocks, which are first made with a wall chaser.
  11. To install lintels over window and door openings, ready-made prefabricated structures of the required dimensions are usually used. First of all, you need to pay attention to the support area and installation accuracy. To ensure this, the jumper is tapped with a rubber mallet. If its length is more than 125 cm, then it is necessary to provide additional support elements to support it. The supports are disassembled after installation adhesive solution required strength.
  12. If the height of the house is more than 1 floor, then an important stage of construction will be the installation interfloor ceilings. The slabs are not supported directly on the blocks. For these purposes, a monolithic reinforced concrete belt is poured over the foam block walls, and floor slabs are placed on it. Armopoyas binds load-bearing walls building along the perimeter and evenly distributes the load on the walls. The dimensions are almost always standard: width - 300 mm, height - 200 mm. Considering that the armored belt violates thermal insulation outer wall, then it requires additional insulation.
  13. After the concrete in the reinforced belt gains strength, the floor slabs are supported on it.
  14. The second floor is built similarly to the walls of the first. To obtain a smooth surface, significant irregularities are removed with a plane, excess adhesive solution is removed with a spatula, and the cracks are rubbed.
  15. The attic floor of a house made of foam blocks is made by analogy with the interfloor floor, or a beam structure made of wood or metal is used.
  16. The roof can be pitched, gable, hip or mansard.

    Roof installation work is carried out in the following sequence: installation rafter beams, implementation of lathing and counter-lattice, installation of thermal insulation, covering with roofing material. As the latter, natural or soft tiles, metal tiles, roofing steel or rolled materials.

  17. After completing all of the above work, they begin to decorate the exterior of the house.

To ensure the required strength of the masonry, the order of ligation of longitudinal and transverse seams should be observed. You need to check the evenness of corners and horizontal surfaces several times and immediately correct any detected deviations.

Features of interior decoration of a house made of foam blocks

main feature interior decoration walls made of foam blocks is an undesirable implementation of wet processes, because the water absorption of this material should be no more than 12% of its own volume. For this reason, walls are very poorly plastered, and preference is given to finishing materials, installed on frame structures. The most popular options:

  • plastic panels;
  • plasterboard (gypsum plasterboard) sheets;
  • gypsum fiber sheets (GVL).

All these materials require installation on wooden or aluminum frames. The surface of gypsum plasterboard and gypsum fiber board requires finishing with putty and subsequent application decorative material(wallpaper, paint, textured plaster). In addition, wall surfaces in rooms with high humidity it is necessary to provide a vapor barrier so that excess liquid does not accumulate in the foam blocks and does not lead to their premature destruction.

In a bathroom, for example, a vapor barrier film is pre-attached to the wall, and on top of it - frame structure made of gypsum fiber sheets on which you can glue ceramic tiles. By using different ways The interior decoration of the premises can be given a unique and inimitable design.

Video: foam concrete blocks - pros and cons

The construction of any house must be treated responsibly, especially if the work is carried out on our own. Before starting, it is advisable to develop a project, calculate and purchase the required amount of building materials, prepare tools and study in detail all stages of construction. A house made of foam blocks is not particularly difficult to construct, but it is very important to follow the sequence of all work and strictly follow technologies so that the structure meets the requirements for strength, stability and durability.

Has everything for building a low-rise house more people use innovative rational ideas. New technologies that use new generation materials are increasingly used to build housing. Among these materials are foam concrete and aerated concrete. As a rule, foam concrete is used for the construction of country residential buildings. The final design is reliable, durable and durable, and the cost of construction will be quite affordable. Foam concrete is known for its relative cheapness compared to other building materials. Its ability to retain heat allows the material to be used for the construction of houses in places with an unstable climate.

Advantages of a house made of foam blocks

Houses made from this material are reliable and high performance. Among the advantages of building a house from foam concrete are the following qualities:

  • environmental safety of the material;
  • non-toxic, does not emit dangerous odors and toxins when high temperatures environment;
  • has high levels of thermal insulation and noise insulation;
  • convenient to use when constructing a structure;
  • light weight;
  • Compared to materials such as brick, it is large in size.

Due to the fact that foam concrete is not heavy and bulky, a building can be built much faster than using other building materials. To cut the foam block you do not need to use special tools; you can easily cut the material using a hacksaw. The big advantage of the foam block is that after installation, there is no need to finish or level the walls.

But the most important advantage of this product is that you can build your own nest with your own hands, without the involvement of construction crews and expensive equipment. This allows you to save a considerable amount. You can build a house alone, but two people can handle the job simply and easily.

The price of the material deserves a separate discussion. If you compare the blocks with other materials, they are much cheaper. But when choosing a material, you should remember that among foam blocks the difference in prices directly indicates quality. When building your own home, you should not ignore this point. Buying the cheapest material can be an unpleasant surprise later, after finishing the work.

Disadvantages of material for building a house

The product does not have many disadvantages, but it is necessary to talk about them as well. The biggest negative feature of foam blocks is that they are unstable to mechanical stress. Blocks crack due to improper transportation or careless handling. But the most unpleasant and unexpected thing is that the block can break when placed in the wall. This happens when the foundation shrinks and the soil moves.

The porous structure of foam blocks, which significantly lightens their weight, causes high hygroscopicity. In order for the material to remain a reliable heat insulator, it is necessary to take care of waterproofing. Otherwise, the pores of the block will absorb moisture, lose their thermal insulation abilities and collapse.

Another disadvantage is that a house made of foam blocks requires external finishing. Even high-grade blocks do not look elegant and solid. That's why external finishing necessary. In this case, the minus becomes a plus because this finish provides additional waterproofing.

Choosing foam concrete for housing construction

After deciding to build a house yourself, you need to decide on the material from which the house will be built. If the choice is made on foam blocks, then you should understand the variety of offers of this material:

  • Density of foam concrete - depending on the density of the material, the purpose in construction is determined. These can be foam blocks for construction, for thermal insulation, and mixed - structural - insulating.
  • Type of material - on construction market several are offered standard sizes, depending on the need, you can use: a classic monoblock, a block with voids, a Lego foam block. Foam block - Lego makes it possible to use the material in vertical masonry.
  • Category and grade of blocks - if planned finishing on top of foam blocks, then it is permissible to use any category of building material. The difference between the first and second grades is only in minor external defects of the latter: chips, scratches, not perfectly straight edges. But when laying blocks the best variety, the time spent on aligning seams increases. Also spent more glue or mortar for connecting the blocks together. External flaws can be covered finishing coat. So it’s up to you to decide what type of materials to use. There are three types of foam blocks. The difference between the third and the first reaches large numbers. The first grade is three times more expensive than the third.
  • It is worth buying material from a base located as close to home as possible. Due to its fragility, a long road can significantly reduce the number of entire blocks.

House project made of foam blocks

Contacting specialists to design a residential building is a very expensive service. You can create a project yourself and it will not cost any financial costs, and you will be able to take into account all the nuances and design a house for yourself and your needs.

When planning the construction and planning the upcoming house, keep in mind that small area It is advisable to build a house on several floors. In this case, many buildings will be collected in one place: cellar, garage, basement, the house itself. If the plot is large and does not limit construction big house, then housing should be built taking into account the number of residents. When designing yourself, it is best to opt for a one-story building. The simpler the architectural structure, the easier it is to erect and strengthen it. The simplicity of the future home will save money, effort and time on its construction.

Instructions for building a house from foam blocks

Before starting construction, you should prepare the tools that will be needed during the construction of the house:

  • Master OK;
  • mallet;
  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • roulette;
  • scissors;
  • building level or plumb line;
  • putty knife;
  • chisel;
  • screwdriver;
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • Bulgarian;
  • electric drill;
  • sawmill;
  • concrete mixer.

If it’s not difficult to assemble a tool, using both what you have and borrowed from friends, then you will have to work hard to develop a project. There is a lot of preparatory work, during which it is necessary to agree on a project for water supply, drainage, heating system. An electrical and gas supply plan must also be in place. It is necessary to keep clear records of issues, expenses, plan everything and be able to be flexible.

The two most important issues that must be taken into account:

  • obtaining certificates permitting construction should be taken into account, if the site does not have a source of water, it is necessary to drill a well, and a building for storing tools is also necessary;
  • After solving the previous issues, you should start procuring material and preparing tools, and it is not practical to buy all the material at once; purchasing as needed is more economical.

Foam block installation technology

Laying foam blocks is no different from laying bricks or cinder blocks. If there is at least minimal experience construction, it will not be difficult to build walls from foam blocks. Even if this is your first experience in construction, if you use a level, even a beginner will be able to build walls. Moreover, laying blocks is easier than cinder block, because it is much lighter and simpler than brick, because the foam block is larger.

Before laying the first row, you should not forget about waterproofing - roofing felt is laid on the foundation. It will prevent moisture from penetrating into the porous structure of the foam block. First, corner blocks are laid, and a corner five to six blocks high is immediately laid. You should use a level to check how level the foundation line is, if necessary, cement mortar correct all discrepancies. When laying foam blocks, the level is constantly monitored; if necessary, add more glue or mortar; if necessary, you can use a mallet. It is not recommended to leave defects for later; all defects are eliminated immediately. Every five to six rows, reinforcement is laid around the perimeter of the entire building.

Calculation of foam blocks for home

In order not to find yourself in a situation where too much or too little was purchased to build a house, it is necessary to correctly calculate the required quantity in advance. To do this, you should develop the most accurate drawing possible. You can come up with drawings for a house made of foam blocks yourself, use existing ones, or invite an architect or designer to help.

A sketch of the house is drawn on a large Whatman paper with an emphasis on the following details:

  • width, length, height of the house;
  • building walls, windows and doors.
  • wall dimensions: not only length and height, but also thickness);
  • sizes and number of door and window openings;
  • foam block sizes.

The simple step of calculating the quantity without taking into account the openings of windows and doors can be done quickly. It's a simple process. The total length of the walls is multiplied by the height and width. The number is fixed. It will not be difficult to calculate the number of foam blocks that are saved taking into account the openings if the sizes of windows and doors are the same. The width, height and thickness of the opening are multiplied and thus the result is obtained. It is multiplied by the number of windows or doors. Ultimately, all the results are summed up. To calculate the number of blocks, you need to divide the volume of the walls by the volume of one block. If you are afraid of making a mistake and buying extra blocks, you can use an online calculator that will help you calculate the number of foam blocks for building a house correctly.

Foundation for a house made of foam blocks

Any construction of a home begins with digging a pit into which the foundation will be poured. When building a house from foam blocks, they are most often made strip foundation. The pit is immediately dug taking into account the characteristics of the strip foundation. The depth of the foundation depends on climate zone, the level of freezing becomes a decisive factor. Thus, the depth can vary from seventy centimeters to one and a half meters. The pit is dug according to the size of the house with an additional meter on each side of the house.

You can dig a pit yourself by hand or use the help of an excavator, at your own discretion. The soil that will be collected after digging can be useful for flower beds, slides and the like; it is not recommended to remove it.

The process of building a foundation is one of the most important stages in housing construction - the stability of the home is directly related to the strength of the foundation. During the construction process, it is necessary to pay attention to the creation of a special cushion of sand and crushed stone. The thickness should be at least thirty centimeters, the compaction of sand and crushed stone should be as much as possible.

For the foundation frame, it is necessary to use reinforcement up to one and a half centimeters in diameter. A rod is installed every meter; the height of the reinforcement must correspond to the height of the foundation. The rods are welded together using horizontal rods. After this, the formwork is installed. For this, boards are used that are connected in the shape of a shield, the thickness of the future foundation should reach half a meter, the height varies depending on many reasons, but as a rule, no more than seventy centimeters. Between the boards there is a screed that will prevent the concrete from breaking the integrity of the formwork. Most often, grade 500 cement is used to fill the foundation. The composition should be similar to thick sour cream. Concrete is compacted using a shovel. Within a week, maybe a little more, the formwork is not removed, it is necessary to allow the solution to dry well and set. After the deadline has expired, the boards are removed, and the base of the house is ready for subsequent construction work.

Finishing walls from foam blocks

All buildings made using foam blocks require special finishing. Without technology, the work will be thankless. Foam concrete will not perform its main functions and may collapse. Improper finishing can cause mold and mildew. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to pay special attention to waterproofing. Due to the porous structure, conventional fastenings cannot be used; special materials for foam concrete should be purchased. This affects and increases the cost of interior finishing. Speaking about interior decoration, we mean:

  • sealing seams between foam blocks;
  • use of a special water-repellent primer and insulating film;
  • insulation;
  • wall putty;
  • plaster;
  • painting.

Based on the selected material, you may need gypsum plaster, dye, wooden frame, primer with water-repellent composition, reinforcing mesh, mineral wool, insulating film.

For waterproofing, choose a film or primer, and be sure to putty the seams between the blocks to prevent the penetration of cold air. Internal walls are insulated using mineral wool in rolls or in the form of slabs.

You can also use a wooden frame. It all depends on your preferences or abilities to do this or that work.

You can see photos of houses made of foam blocks at the end of the article. Diversity existing options may prompt you to create your own, best project.

If you still have questions about how to build a house from foam blocks, watch the video. The construction algorithm, basic requirements for materials, issues of masonry, finishing are discussed in detail in the video. This will help you build a house yourself and enjoy the coziness and comfort of your home.

The construction of houses from foam blocks is developed in many regions of the country. This building material has a number of undeniable advantages, but it has some special features. All these problems need to be considered before building a house from foam blocks.

Walls built from foam blocks have fire safety, high strength and excellent heat and sound insulation.

The use of foam blocks can significantly reduce construction costs. The ease of processing and the speed of their installation persuade many to use this building material. The question itself, how, is no more complex than when constructing walls from other materials.

Selection of foam blocks for construction

Foam blocks are foamed concrete cut into blocks the right size. The basis of the material is a mixture of cement and sand, in which, with the help of a special substance, air pores are formed, evenly distributed throughout the entire volume. Unlike aerated concrete, where the pores are filled with gas, foam concrete contains only air, which ensures its environmental friendliness.

When choosing foam blocks, you should take into account that they are available in different sizes and with different degrees of porosity. The latter characteristic leads to a difference in mechanical strength and thermal insulation properties. An increase in the number of air pores in the thickness of the block leads to a decrease specific gravity material, reducing compressive strength and increasing thermal insulation parameters.

The brand of foam block indicates the density value that determines the air content; for example, brand D600 - foam block has a density of 600 kg/m³. Based on density, it is customary to divide foam blocks into the following types: heat-insulating (up to 500 kg/m³), structural-thermal-insulating (500-900 kg/m³) and structural foam blocks (1000-1200 kg/km³). Accordingly, their purpose is determined - for load-bearing walls it is necessary to use foam blocks no lower than D900, and for partitions D400 is sufficient.

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Features of using foam concrete

The choice of material grade and wall thickness is determined by the climatic conditions of the area where the foam block house is being built. External load-bearing walls should be built from structural blocks that have low thermal insulation properties. This requires laying a second layer of thermal insulation blocks. Therefore, in areas with cold climates external walls must be at least two-layer; at the same time, for the south you can get by with one layer of blocks.

Porous concretes have a fairly low resistance to alternating and periodic vertical loads. This condition requires strengthening of areas where such loads are possible. In places where wall slabs, door and window openings are installed, it is necessary to manufacture reinforcing belts or strong lintels.

The penetration of water into the air pores significantly reduces all the main advantages of foam blocks. This necessitates reliable external waterproofing of walls. Mandatory for walls made of foam blocks external plaster with the addition of special waterproofing compounds.

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Step-by-step instructions: building a foundation

For the foundation of a house made of foam blocks, a pit is dug 80-170 cm deep, taking into account the depth winter freezing land. The dimensions of the pit are selected with a margin of 60-100 cm on each side for the convenience of making the foundation. A foundation cushion of sand and small crushed stone up to 30 cm thick is poured into the bottom of the pit and compacted. Then a frame is assembled from reinforcement with a diameter of up to 15 mm. The reinforcing frame of the foundation consists of vertical and horizontal rods. The distance between the vertical bars of the reinforcement is 1-1.5 m. It is advisable to secure the reinforcement by welding.

Then, on both sides of the reinforcing frame, formwork is assembled for pouring the mortar. The formwork is made of wooden or plywood panels. A distance of 30-80 cm is established between the formwork panels, depending on the thickness of the wall. The height of the formwork is at least 70 cm. Side shields the formworks must be parallel to each other, and in the upper part they are fastened with jumpers.

Used to fill the foundation concrete mortar, mixed in the proportion: 1 part M500 cement to 3 parts sand with fine crushed stone. The cement-sand mixture is mixed with water to a thick consistency. Filling is done in the following order. A layer of cement mortar is poured onto the sand cushion (cement with sand in a ratio of 1:4 without adding crushed stone). After this, the main concrete solution is poured.

Filling is carried out in layers (each layer is approximately a third of the height of the foundation) along the entire perimeter of the house with the obligatory compaction of the mass using a vibrator or bayonet shovel. The drying time of the foundation is 7-10 days, after which the formwork is dismantled and the gap between the foundation and the soil is filled with earth. If the reinforcement sticks out from the surface of the foundation, it must be cut off.

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Laying walls from foam blocks

Building a house from foam blocks first of all means building walls from this material. The construction of a wall begins with leveling the surface of the foundation. To do this, first use a level to check the horizontalness of the surface. Then the foundation is leveled with cement mortar. 1-2 layers of roofing material are applied on top of the foundation to ensure waterproofing of the base layer of the wall. Sheets of roofing felt are laid with overlap.

Scheme of laying foam concrete with horizontal diaphragms: A – brick diaphragms; B – diaphragms made of foam concrete and reinforced steel.

Produced using special glue for foam blocks. It is possible to use cement-sand or cement-sand-lime mortar. A layer of glue is applied to the surface of the previous layer and to the bottom surface of the block. The construction of the wall begins with laying corner blocks to a height of 3-5 blocks. The block laying system depends on the thickness of the wall. With a single-layer wall, the blocks are laid in one row long side along the wall.

If a two-layer wall is provided, then laying can be carried out in two ways: two identical parallel layers or interlaced laying, when after 3-5 longitudinally laid blocks a block is laid in the transverse direction. Bandaging the rows should prevent the seams between blocks in two adjacent rows from matching. This is achieved by the fact that the first row starts from a longitudinally laid block, and the second row starts from the end of the block perpendicular wall. This ensures that the blocks are offset relative to each other in adjacent rows.

For the quality of the entire wall, accurate laying of the first row is very important. To control the masonry line, it is necessary to pull the cord along the future wall between the corner blocks. When laying the blocks, they are tightly installed on the glue and pressed with your hands. If necessary, you can use a mallet with a rubber layer. The horizontalness of each layer is checked by level. The entire thickness of the wall is formed at once. If surface defects are discovered during the laying of the row, they must be eliminated immediately.

Increased strength is achieved by reinforcement. Reinforcement is made using reinforcement with a diameter of 8 mm. The first installation of reinforcement is carried out on top of the first row of foam blocks. To do this, two parallel channels measuring 40x40 mm are cut out on the surface of the blocks in the direction along the wall. Channels are formed around the entire perimeter of the house. Reinforcement is placed in the channels, then the laying of the next row of blocks continues. Reinforcement is laid every 4-5 rows.

The covering of door and window openings in the wall must be strengthened. To do this, steel corners measuring at least 80x80 mm are installed above the openings. The corner is installed on both sides of the wall and should be approximately 60 cm longer than the width of the opening. Sometimes a reinforced concrete beam is used.

The top of the wall must end with a reinforcing belt on which the ceiling will be installed.

Such a belt is usually made of reinforced concrete beams or steel channels.

Reinforcing elements are secured with anchor bolts.

Always dreamed of having your own own house far from the city, from roads, from cars? You have land plot V great location, have you completed all the bureaucratic procedures and are now the full owner of the site? Well, dreams must become reality, which means it’s time to think about your own home. First of all, about what material you are going to build it from, what kind of roof it will be, external and internal cladding.

In this article you will learn why it makes sense to build buildings from foam concrete; we will tell you how to build a house from foam blocks with your own hands.

Construction of a house from foam blocks

Looking for weak and strengths this material, it should be understood that if foam concrete had any significant disadvantages, due to which the construction of a house would be impractical, then, most likely, houses would not be built from this building material all the time. Architects, in this case, would not have proposed hundreds of expensive projects houses made of foam concrete.

Let us list the main advantages of this material. It is precisely because of these advantages that many builders decide to build foam concrete houses:

  • Foam concrete walls have the same ability to “Breathe” as wooden ones.
  • Foam concrete is a type of very heat-resistant material; it keeps heat well in winter and cool in summer.
  • Foam concrete has soundproofing properties.
  • From the point of view of environmental standards, foam concrete is clean and does not require additional processing.
  • Allows you to save on heating.
  • Over time, foam concrete becomes stronger.
  • Affordable price because it contains simple, affordable components.
  • The volume of the blocks is equal to the volume of fifteen bricks, despite the fact that their weight is half as much, and it is much easier to build from foam concrete.
  • Houses made of foam concrete do not require foundations that can withstand particularly heavy loads.

Despite the convincing list of advantages, if you decide to build a house from foam blocks with your own hands, you will have to face some disadvantages of the material:

  • The house must be built exclusively according to frame technology, thus, you will have to experience all the disadvantages of frame construction.
  • It will be necessary to carefully monitor the quality of each connection and make labor-intensive calculations and measurements. If you do not have proper experience in construction, you will need a specialist designer.
  • The structural basis of the blocks requires insulation; be especially careful when choosing it.


Here are some reviews from those who dealt with this type of material during construction:

Vladislav Voronin, novice builder, Engels:

“I participated in the construction of a house made of foam blocks twice: the first time, so to speak, I helped. The second time, the guys and I laid out the armored belt and started laying down the blocks. I got the impression that with proper design, foam blocks are the building materials of the future. You can build almost any building from it - a garage, a house, or even a full-fledged two-story mansion. The house was built in almost a month. The main thing to remember is that professionals must work in a team, because if you deviate from the standards, the finished house will not be durable.”

Igor Korchygin, owner of a house made of foam blocks, Moscow region:

“Seven years ago, my wife and I decided to build our own house and bought a plot with a ready-made foundation. For everything together they paid about 1.5 million, despite the fact that half of the money went to the site. Thus, the house cost (give or take) 800 thousand. The price included foam blocks and roofing, support posts and a team of four people to build an armored belt. There was one large load-bearing wall inside the house. The armored belt was erected within one day. The dimensions of the walls grew and grew every day, I laid a huge number of blocks myself, but not without advice (they advised how to properly moisten the surface of the blocks with water for better masonry). I saved not only money, but also nerves and time. It’s funny now to see how people give advice, saying that a house made of foam blocks will not last, it will not be as warm as we would like, etc. If you have any doubts, don’t build anything at all, but if you want to build, I recommend foam block structures to everyone.” .

Step-by-step construction of a house from foam blocks

Step #1. Paperwork.

To get started, you'll need documentation. To start building a house with a clear conscience, solve all the formal procedures - obtain building permits, for the site, develop or modernize water supply systems, drainage, heating and electricity issues.

A rationally laid out water supply system is the key to comfort

Step #2. Order in the workplace.

Avoid the usual order of things. Construction is not dirty place, where everything around is dangerous and chaotic. Provide water supply to the construction site, allocate a special place for tools and building materials. The area should be clean - no nails, screws or scraps of foam blocks. There should be a designated area for you and those who will help you, tools should be protected from rain, covered with a thick tarpaulin, if necessary.

Mark all future buildings on the site, think through everything in advance, including the number of people you may need.

Step #3. Construction materials and soil preparation.

Construction of the foundation is considered one of the main stages of building a house. You will have to consult with many people and read a lot of literature.

Preparing the soil for a strip foundation

The best option is a strip foundation. According to the project, you need to make precise markings on the site, according to which you will dig a pit, either manually or using equipment.

Step No. 4. Pit.

Before laying the foundation, sand must be poured into the pit (the layer thickness is no more than 0.25-0.3 m of sand). It is necessary to pour crushed stone on top of the sand - its thickness should be the same. After compaction, the concrete pad can be considered ready. After this, it is necessary to assemble the reinforcement frame.

Pit filling scheme

The reinforcement must be attached to each other as firmly as possible and high level- no slipping or shifting.

Installation of formwork

The next stage is the installation of formwork. You will need strong boards that will be fastened into a shield. They must be placed strictly parallel to each other, otherwise the pit will not be level. From above, all panels must be connected to each other with transverse wooden fasteners.

Now it’s time to prepare the concrete: one volume of cement + sand (three units) + small crushed stone. The solution is poured onto the pillow, then erect the entire structure. The foundation tape should have a width of 0.3 to 0.5 m and a height of 0.7 m or more.

If you have completed the foundation, now it’s time to start bringing in building materials: foam blocks, glue, reinforcing rods, waterproofing.

Step #5. Walling.

Construction can begin, which means start building walls. Having processed the foundation waterproofing materials, you can start laying foam blocks. To do this, use special notched spatulas.

Coating the foam block with a solution

It should be noted that laying walls is a pleasant job (from the point of view of visibility of the result), but not easy. Particular care must be taken to place the first row of blocks. The quality of further rows depends on its evenness.

Start of construction of walls

Do not forget that the strength of the house depends not only on the material, but also on the principles of masonry - use the binding of foam blocks exactly as with brick: in each row, move the blocks according to the principle of “row relative to the previous row” by half the length of the foam block. This type of masonry will make a great contribution to the strength of the future home.

Dilution of glue for foam blocks

Glue for foam blocks must be prepared according to the recommendations on the packaging; with a notched trowel, it must first be applied to the side edges of the blocks, and then to the bottom. Then lay the block. The level needs to be checked not every row placed, but every block placed. Yes, the work is painstaking, but the result will bring you so much joy and pride that it is worth it.

We invite you to watch a video that shows how in 15 days the guys built a house from foam blocks with an area of ​​90 square meters:

Reinforcement and insulation of walls

Reinforcement is the key to strength. The reinforcement procedure is very important. Those who complain about the fragility of a house built from foam blocks, as a rule, initially decided to save on reinforcement. It is this process that prevents cracks from appearing in the future. After you have laid out the first row of foam blocks, you need to make grooves on their surface using a wall cutter (as a rule, a size of 0.4 m x 0.4 m is sufficient, and at the same time step back from the edge of each block by at least 6 cm). Make two grooves, they should be parallel and have rounded corners. Be sure to clean the grooves from any remaining dust, after which the adhesive solution should be poured into them. Place reinforcing rod inside. Then continue laying the rows. Every 3-4 rows it is necessary to repeat laying the armored belt. Some builders reinforce each row, this significantly slows down the construction process, but we can only guess how much this strengthens the structure!

Cleaning grooves for armored belts

You should know that when working on window and doorways, we should not forget about metal corners. The length of the corner to be laid (placed above the future window and doors) must be at least 0.6 m greater than the width of the opening itself.

According to observations, a team of 4 people copes with the construction of the walls of a 120-meter house on average in a week. If you work at a relaxed pace, three weeks will be enough.

Attic and ceiling

In order to build a ceiling, as a rule, use finished goods, namely concrete plates from the factory and wooden beams. When buying beams, remember that they must be dry. It is advisable to tie the beams with 3 cm boards.

The most correct is ground assembly attic structures with further lifting and installation. The structure should be sheathed with boards, then waterproofing layers should be laid, and then the roofing should begin.

We are building a wooden frame for the second floor

Facade finishing

Since you are building a house, this means that you, first of all, want for yourself and your family comfortable conditions accommodation. The appearance of the house is an important component of comfort, so the surface of the walls must be finished from the outside, otherwise the house will darken and turn into a “gloomy castle.” Moreover, the aesthetic component is not main reason the need for external work, the finishing enhances the parameters of foam concrete, the house becomes stronger and warmer, moreover, the sound insulation characteristics increase.

Exterior decoration of the house

There are several ways exterior finishing foam block house:

  • Decorative panel. It is necessary to leave an air gap between the walls and hanging cladding.
  • Mixtures that are used as concrete plaster.
  • Stones or bricks for finishing.
  • Painting with silicone, waterproof and steam-resistant paint.

As for the interior decoration, here “there are no comrades according to taste and color” - the interior design depends solely on your taste and imagination.

Roof d oma from foam blocks

When erecting the roof of a house, you should remember that its weight should not be too large, because, otherwise, the load on the edges of the walls will be unacceptable.

If the walls of the house were made of reinforced concrete, then the roof could be anything, but with foam blocks things are somewhat different - the material has a cellular structure, you should try not to load it, excessive forces on the blocks can lead to destruction.

In order to make the roof lighter, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • use a lighter lattice shape;
  • use a hollow wooden crossbar;
  • Use channels that are based on OSB;
  • Use corrugated sheet materials, copper sheet structures, and metal tiles for roofing.

House made of foam blocks - an intermediate stage of construction

A house made of foam blocks for a summer residence takes first place in popularity. Blocks – universal material, which, moreover, may have different sizes and density.

To build a regular block house, the density most often chosen is 500 or 400. You can lay denser blocks on the first floor if you plan to build a two-story country house or a building with an attic, and lighter ones on the second floor. But you should not choose blocks with a density below 400, as they are too loose - they hold heat well, but even self-tapping screws will not hold well in them.

So, if you decide to start construction budget house from foam blocks with your own hands, our tips and recommendations will definitely help you.

Where to begin

The construction of cottages from foam blocks begins with preparatory work. The territory itself is being prepared where the house will stand, the location of the building relative to the cardinal points is being clarified, and markings are being made. Block foundation Vacation home should be more solid than for a frame, so it’s better to go with a strip one.

It’s not difficult to make a budget strip foundation even on your own, but you will have to spend some time constructing the formwork, which is a device into which cement will be poured. Typically, formwork is made from boards that are connected by special spacers. The width of the foundation depends on the size of the blocks, and the depth - on the expected weight country house from foam blocks, but below the freezing point.

So, we dig a trench under the foundation, install the formwork and pour cement. It is better to order cement with a mixer, since to independently prepare such a volume from a dry mixture you will need a huge container and a long period of time. And creating a foundation in several stages will lead to a decrease in its strength at the joints.

Overall, under block house a foundation is needed that is more solid than that for a frame house.

Foundation waterproofing

After the foundation has hardened and the formwork has been removed, it is time to continue building a house from foam blocks.

It is necessary to waterproof the foundation. This can be done using ordinary roofing felt. The base on which you will lay sheets of roofing felt should be coated with special resin. It acts as an additional waterproofing agent, and in addition, it prevents the roofing felt from moving during the laying of blocks, securely gluing it to the concrete.

Sometimes the foundation is not coated with resin, but it is still better to do it. The resin doesn't cost much, and you can coat and lay the waterproofing in one day.

What you will need

No matter how even we strive to make the foundation, soil subsidence cannot be uniform. Therefore, in 99% of cases, the first row requires a lot of concentration for the installer. You will also need the following tool:

  1. Great level.
  2. Small level.
  3. Long tape measure for measuring walls.
  4. A short tape measure for measuring load-bearing partitions.
  5. Shovel for applying cement mortar.
  6. Rubber hammer.
  7. Wide brush.

Also for construction you will need masonry mortar, construction adhesive and foam adhesive. Masonry mortar is used at the first level of blocks, when it is necessary to significantly level the level. The difference in total can reach several cm, and only masonry will help to lift the blocks. When choosing it, please note that some types are able to smooth out even 8 cm of inaccuracy.

An adhesive solution will be needed to fill the gaps between the blocks and for small, up to a couple of cm, errors. Foam adhesive is sold in cans and can be used when the blocks lie perfectly flat. It practically does not create gaps between the blocks, is well distributed in space and tightly glues the building material together. Working with foam is much easier and installation is faster, since there is no need to mix the solution.

First level: special attention to markings

In order for the first layer of blocks to lie flat, you need to work “under the rope”. Since the blocks should hang slightly over the foundation with outside, the rope is stretched along the outer edge of the house. It should run exactly along the edge of the block. Use a laser level to determine the height of the rope. This is especially important if the foundation has some skew. Since the blocks can only be raised to the highest point, we use more masonry mortar where the level is lower.

After placing cement mortar on the foundation waterproofing, we install the first block and check it with a short level. If there is a misalignment, we use rubber hammer until the block lies flat. Once we have achieved perfect evenness, we lay the second block, gluing both blocks with adhesive solution to each other. We again check the evenness with a level along the top surface and along the side wall of the future house.

It’s better not to rush and lay out the first layer perfectly evenly, because the errors will add up, resulting in a general warp of the wall.

Second block level: residual alignment

For the second layer, masonry mortar can no longer be used. If any errors remain, or the solution has settled too much in some place, use an adhesive solution. If you are sure that everything is smooth, you can use foam. Sometimes the entire second layer is laid on foam, except for 1-3 blocks that unexpectedly fall into the masonry mortar.

Correct application of the solution: we create inside air gap, retaining heat

Foam, as we wrote above, is very easy to work with. Before applying it, the block is moistened with water, for which a wide brush is useful. The foam is pressed under pressure in two parallel strips onto the bottom block and onto the side wall. It holds the building material securely and dries very quickly. Try not to get yourself dirty, as it is extremely difficult to remove foam from clothes or hair.

Just remember the rule: each laid block must be checked by level from above and from the side.

Third layer: foam for minimal seams

The third layer is usually easy to install. The blocks are easy to lay on the foam, and you no longer need to level them so carefully. No, we continue to use the level every time, but as a rule there is no need to correct anything. However, the time has come to use the reinforcement.

Iron reinforcement 15 mm thick is sufficient to create a rigid coupling between all blocks. You can throw two 20 mm reinforcement in the corners for greater reliability.

Interesting: the total distance between seams on a 10 meter wall will be reduced by 15-20 cm if you use foam instead of adhesive for blocks.

How to use fittings

IN top layer wall, using a homemade iron corner, a groove is made into which the reinforcement is laid. It is sealed with adhesive mortar or cement mortar. As a result, all blocks will be connected to each other not only with glue, but also with iron. Special attention attention should be paid to corners and transitions to load-bearing walls.

The reinforcement is laid through at least one level of blocks. If the building is large and heavy, then each layer can be fastened with iron. If you are building garden house made from small foam blocks, reinforcement may not be used.

Important: determine in advance where the windows will be. You'll have to tinker with them. The windows are reinforced on top either with concrete lintels or metal corners.

Second floor or attic

Economy class foam block houses often have an attic. The ceilings in them are usually made of wood. You can choose laminated veneer lumber, edged boards or ready-made I-beams.

Floor beams are mounted at a distance of no more than a meter from each other, but it is better to take a step length of 60 cm. The beam can have a cross-section of 150x225 mm and fit into aerated concrete wall it should be at least 15 cm.

The length of freely hanging beams should not be more than 6 meters, otherwise they begin to bend under their own weight. If the distance between the walls is more than six meters, load-bearing walls are erected inside the house.

After the ceiling, the gables are erected. Usually, when calculating the number of blocks, door and window openings are not taken into account. These extra, remaining blocks go to the gables. The gables themselves, especially if attic floor made residential, usually also have windows.

By doing the construction yourself, you can build a house from foam blocks for a million or even less. Houses made from economy class foam blocks meet all the requirements for modern construction projects, and at the same time are affordable for any budget.

Convenience of a bay window: more inside than outside

House with a bay window made of foam blocks - creating additional space in the house

A house made of foam blocks with a bay window is a popular construction project primarily because of its convenience. A bay window expands the space, but also increases the cost of the project itself. The presence of this feature of the house will have to be taken into account from the construction of the foundation. However, the advantages outweigh all the difficulties:

  1. Expansion of space when the inside of the house looks more spacious than the outside.
  2. The original appearance of the building.
  3. Additional separate area in the room.
  4. Possibility of creating an extensive view thanks to the installation of windows.

If you don't build it yourself

If you don't see yourself as a builder, you can try to buy a ready-made house. Today, prices for houses made of foam blocks have dropped significantly, and it is quite possible to choose the option of a small budget house for 1 million.

The big advantage is that buildings made of foam blocks can last for a very long time. And if you cover it with foam plastic (at least 5 cm), then it will not be afraid of frost, wind, or cold. Foam concrete does not deteriorate, does not rot, and is not attacked by bugs, like frame houses, and this is a big plus. It is ideal for permanent residence.