Finishing the toilet with plastic work panels. Finishing the toilet with plastic panels: design options. Advantages and disadvantages of wall plastic panels for a bathroom

If you decide to repair the toilet with plastic panels, do it yourself. Sheathing walls and ceilings with these materials is not at all difficult, and even a non-professional can do it. As a result, you will receive a large number of advantages, and the finish itself will cost you several times cheaper than using ceramic tiles.

Do-it-yourself ceiling in the bathroom in 15 minutes

What is a plastic lining?

Plastic panels intended for the toilet are a lining that is light in weight and is made of PVC materials. It can be used to decorate both walls and ceilings.

The outer surface of the lining is smooth, and can be matte, glossy and even mirror. A large assortment of material, the presence of a variety of colors, allows you to apply any design to decorate the bathroom. In this case, the plastic surface can be:

  • white color, matte;
  • white, glossy;
  • with imitation of wood, marble and other expensive finishing materials;
  • with a pattern that is applied to the surface using a special film.

Inside, these toilet modules have a porous structure. Their thickness is from 8 to 12 mm, length - from 2.5 to 6 m, and width - from 0.1 to 0.3 m. Such a variety allows you to apply any design when decorating the toilet.

Advantages and disadvantages of this material

Toilet finishing plastic panels allows you to get a lot of benefits:

The main disadvantage of this material is its low resistance to combustion. Most often, plastic is not flammable. But when exposed to high temperature or fire, it begins to smolder and melt. In this case, toxic gases are released, which are very dangerous.

Also, finishing the toilet with plastic panels will steal at least 3-4 cm on each side. If there are large irregularities, the width of the room decreases even more. Therefore, this material is not suitable for a bathroom with a small area.

What design solution can be applied to the bathroom?

The design of the room when using plastic modules can be varied. This material can be revetted as all surfaces from the ceiling to the walls, as well as a small part of them. For example, install panels on the wall from the floor to half the height of the wall. On the upper part, you can apply cladding with putty. Thus, the room can be easily cleaned. The lower part, which gets the most dirty, can be easily cleaned with detergents and disinfectants.

You can also use modules that, after installation, form a pattern. This way it is easy to create cozy atmosphere, applying any design of the room. Panels that imitate expensive wood, granite or stone cladding look good. In this case, the design of the bathroom will be very successful.

Necessary materials

Do-it-yourself repair of the toilet with plastic panels is very simple. The design of the room must be thought out in advance, since the choice of specific materials depends on it.

In this case, you need to purchase:

  • the required number of PVC panels;
  • edging elements;
  • accessories for decorating the surface;
  • slats for creating a frame - wooden, aluminum, plastic;
  • dowel;
  • self-tapping screws - you need to choose with wide hats at the rate of 2 pieces per 1 running meter of the profile.

It is also necessary to prepare tools that will help to carry out the installation as quickly and correctly as possible. To do this, take a building level, tape measure, jigsaw or hacksaw, screwdriver, drill.

Surface preparation

Before installing PVC modules, it is imperative to remove old finishing materials from the walls and ceiling. This will help to increase the usable area in the room, which is significantly reduced in the future.

Also be sure to repair the plumbing, sewer system and electrical wiring. Replace old pipes, cables, check the quality of the connecting elements. This will help prolong the life of the finish. In case it happens emergency situation, it will be necessary to completely dismantle some of the panels, which most often become unsuitable for further use.

To prevent the formation of fungus and mold on the surface of the walls, be sure to treat them with a primer. The design of the room must be thought out in advance, since additional planks must be fixed at the installation site of the washbasin and cabinets.

Frame installation

Making a frame for this design is very simple if you follow the following recommendations:

  • When using wooden slats, treat them with an antiseptic solution. This is best done the day before the frame is installed. Treat it outside with a liquid that prevents the formation of fungus, and wait for it to dry.
  • Along the perimeter of the room at a distance of 2-3 cm from the ceiling, you need to attach rails or a UD profile. In the latter case, you need to use dowel-nails. Fasten the profile every 0.6-0.7 m.
  • In the direction of the floor, fasten the following rails in a horizontal position. Install them every 0.5 m. Attach to the wall in the same way with dowels.
  • On top of the crate, install a U-shaped profile in the corners of the room.

Toilet cladding

It is very simple to make a reliable covering from plastic panels. Before installation, cut each element so that its length was 1-1.5 cm less than the height of the room. This shortage of material is compensated for when installing decorative strips.

The lining process consists of next steps:

  • Install the start panel in the right place, while the narrow shelf should be inserted into the profile, which is located in the corner of the room.
  • Using self-tapping screws, attach the panel to the frame in the place of a wide strip on the surface of the lining.
  • Thus, install all plastic modules.
  • Install additional finishing strips near doorways and in the corners of the room.

Only after facing the walls, you can proceed with the installation of panels on the ceiling. The installation of the frame in this case is carried out in the same way. At the same time, along the perimeter of the ceiling, you need to attach a special bar for mounting the plinth.

The panels are interconnected using a special lock and self-tapping screws to the frame. In this way, you can do the installation of plastic lining in the toilet with your own hands.

Video: Plastic toilet design and decoration

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How to mount PVC panels for the toilet yourself, and why they are good

It so happened that tile traditionally reigns in our bathrooms. There is nothing to say here, the lining is certainly good and reliable. But such pleasure does not come cheap. Apart from the cost of the material itself, it is often necessary to pay almost the same amount for laying, because not everyone can handle such work. But now there is a great alternative - PVC panels for the bathroom and toilet. Based on my own experience, then I will tell you why people love PVC panels so much and how to mount this coating with your own hands in several ways.

Why people choose PVC panels

I will not argue that PVC paneling of the toilet is the best and almost the only possible option, but still the advantages of such a cladding are much greater than the disadvantages, judge for yourself:

  • Everyone knows that only wallpaper is lighter than plastic, therefore, any base will withstand such a lining. In this case, it does not matter at all what kind of walls you have, concrete (including newfangled foam and aerated concrete) or wood. Plastic will fit perfectly both on the walls and on the ceiling;

  • If you choose traditional frame installation, then you will not need to level the walls. Many prefer not to even plaster. You can imagine how much the cost of the project is reduced;
  • Polyvinyl chloride material is absolutely resistant to any humidity, plus on modern models fungus and mold do not start, they are initially covered with an antiseptic. While moisture resistance should not be confused with waterproofing, PVC cladding is exceptionally good. decorative coating, waterproofing is different and, for example, in the bathroom, it will need to be equipped separately even before the installation of plastic;
  • Caring for such panels is no more difficult than caring for tiles. A simple sponge and a traditional detergent are enough here;

  • Modern plastic has a wide palette of colors and textures, such cladding can imitate most popular coatings, which is much superior to the same tile;
  • And finally self-finishing toilet with PVC panels costs at least 3-5 times cheaper than professional installation good tile. Agree, it is difficult to argue with such an argument.

This cladding also has negative points, but they are rather controversial:

  • So opponents immediately point out that plastic burns and at the same time releases toxic compounds. This is true, but modern panels are made from self-extinguishing material, from a cigarette or short circuit they can only melt, a strong fire is extremely unlikely. And if you are not going to fry a barbecue or warm yourself by a fire in the toilet, then you have nothing to be afraid of;

  • Some say that do-it-yourself finishing requires serious preparation, and so, from my own experience I can tell you for sure that they are lying to you. If you are able to drill a hole in the wall with a puncher, and are not afraid of screwdrivers and hacksaws, then you can do it, such work will not be a problem for you;
  • The only one in my mind real minus is a small loss of usable space. The fact is that with frame mounting, you really lose at least 30 mm on each surface. Although do not forget that there is also a frameless version. I will also talk about this technology.

Technology and mounting options for PVC panels

Like any similar work, repairing a toilet with PVC panels is conditionally divided into several main stages. This is, first of all, the choice of material, the preparation of the base and the actual installation itself.

Finishing the toilet with PVC panels begins only after the floors are equipped, plumbing and doors are installed. All capital parts, for example, a sink or a heavy wall cabinet are attached to the base.
The maximum that you can hang on a plastic cover is small photo framed or light mirror. On the ceiling, such a panel can still withstand the built-in LED spotlight.

A few words about the choice of material

External coverage data is, of course, important, but most bathrooms in domestic apartments do not shine with dimensions, so I recommend paying priority attention to the strength of the panel. If this does not play a special role on the ceiling, then thin plastic on the wall can be easily pushed through by accidentally leaning on it or hitting it with an elbow.

When choosing panels, pay attention to front side. If internal stiffeners are visible on it, then you are dealing with a thin, low-quality material and you should not take it.

In general, PVC panels are available for exterior and interior decoration, we are naturally interested in the second option. The width of such slats varies from 120 mm to 500 mm.

Now let's talk about the material for the frame. If you have had to install drywall, and you know how to handle UD and CD profiles, then such a frame will be almost ideal.

For people who are far from such work and are faced with mounting the frame for the first time, I recommend using wooden slats. Minimum size such rails 20x25 mm. But if it's a loss for you usable area in 10 mm does not play a big role, it is better to mount the frame from a 30x30 mm bar.

Don't skimp on fittings different kind corners, skirting boards and fillets should be taken with a small margin. When cutting corners, it is very easy to make a mistake, and you definitely don’t want to run for a new bar to the market. Moreover, the price of such a product is quite affordable.

In addition to frames made of metal profiles and wooden block, similar designs can be assembled from special guides with movable clamps. Such a cladding is more expensive, but it is very easy to dismantle and reassemble if necessary.

Frame installation

First of all, remember that the frame guides are mounted perpendicular to the PVC facing strips. In wet rooms, which are the toilet with a bathtub, most often the panels are mounted vertically, respectively, the frame slats run horizontally. This is done so that water does not accumulate in the locks, but flows down them.

As you understand, between the plastic coating and the wall we have a gap equal to the thickness of the frame slats. In a warm and humid room without drafts, this is just a resort for fungus and other similar vegetation. Therefore, even before the start of work, the entire room must be covered with an antiseptic a couple of times.

There are enough similar compositions on the market now, and with a waterproofing effect. Although if you are dealing with brick or classic concrete wall, then you can limit yourself to two or three times the surface treatment with a solution blue vitriol It's cheap and quite effective. Some whiten with lime, it dries well. But in both cases, the result is quite worthy.

Wood and aerated concrete must be covered with a deep penetration waterproofing primer. Here it is better to use special compositions, they are different and all have instructions, so there is no point in writing about it.
Theoretically, you can paint with oil paint, but it is not durable and such savings will cost more.

If the frame is made of wooden bars, then they should also be well saturated with an antiseptic. Of course, you can spend money on a special composition, but I prefer to do it easier, I cover it with working off a couple of times engine oil, cheap and efficient. Such slats will stand for more than a dozen years and nothing will happen to them.

You need to start the installation of the frame by installing vertical support rails around the perimeter in all corners. This is the main skeleton of the structure, guide fittings will be attached to it, so they need to be mounted clearly on a plumb line. If the wall is very curved, then wooden wedges are placed under the planks.

Fastening of any frame strips is carried out according to standard scheme. First, a series of through holes is made in the plank with a thin drill, so that the drill leaves a mark on the wall. After that, the bar is removed, and holes for plastic dowels are drilled in the designated places. When everything is ready, you just have to insert the dowels and fix the bar with self-tapping screws.

There is one small nuance here. Vertical guides should not rest against the floor and ceiling, a gap of about 5 mm is left between them. As a rule, during installation, trimmings of the same plastic are inserted from above and below, and after fixing with self-tapping screws, they are pulled out. It is advisable to drill under the screws on the bar under the screws, so that the hat is hidden in the bar.

With the installation of horizontal rails, everything is a little easier. They are also fixed to the walls with self-tapping screws, but in order for the bars to stand on the same level (meaning the case with strongly curved walls), they are screwed to the ends of the side vertical supports.

This can be done using metal corners or simply by driving a self-tapping screw from the side, at an angle of 45º into both strips at once. On curved walls, so that the planks do not bend, wedges are placed under them.

Horizontal guides, to which the PVC panels will actually be attached, are installed in increments of 30 - 50 cm, it all depends on the strength of the panels themselves.

Often in city apartments all communications, that is, sewer riser, plumbing and so on, run along rear wall toilet. So, PVC cladding provides an excellent opportunity to hide all this "beauty". In this case, the two vertical support rails are mounted not at the rear corners, but in front of the pipe package. On them, with the help of corners, a horizontal crate is fastened and sewn up.

And in order to provide access to communications, swing doors from or OSB boards. By the way, these doors can also be sheathed with plastic, as a result they will merge with the general background.


PVC sheathing with toilet panels, or rather fixing them on a wooden frame, can be done in different ways. Some masters recommend using small carnations with wide hats for this. Theoretically, this is possible, there is no error here.

But there is one important nuance. You will have to hammer these nails into a narrow mounting strip at the edge of the panel and if you miss once and hit the panel itself with a hammer, it will crack and need to be replaced.

Now there is such a convenient device as construction stapler. plastic mounting plate on the edge of the panel itself is thin and easily penetrated by the sharp legs of metal brackets.

The price for this stapler is quite adequate, plus it can come in handy more than once on the farm. And if you are absolutely sure that you will not have to disassemble the plastic lining in the foreseeable future, feel free to mount it on brackets.

But personally, I prefer to mount the panels on small self-tapping screws. True, for this it is desirable to have a normal screwdriver, wrapping such a number of screws with a screwdriver will tire your hand.

This method is also good because it does not matter at all what kind of frame you have, wooden or assembled from metal profiles. It’s just that one type of self-tapping screws is taken for wood, and another for metal.

The technology of installing PVC panels is extremely simple. First, fittings, that is, corners and skirting boards, are attached to the guides. it milestone, everything here should be as accurate as possible. The grooves in all guides have a depth of at least 10 mm, this must be taken into account when cutting the planks.

In my opinion, it is best for PVC panel lovers to cut with a hacksaw. Some masters cut with a sharp shoe knife or even metal scissors, this is possible, but in order not to spoil the edge, you will need to practice.

Polyvinyl chloride is prone to temperature deformations, so the bar itself is cut off taking into account the damper gap to compensate for expansion. Simply put, you need to measure about 5 mm less than the maximum size in length.

Then everything is simple. The bar is slightly bent, inserted into the lower and upper guides of the fittings, and then advanced until it enters the side groove of the starting corner. Now you need to fix the panel on each horizontal rail with a self-tapping screw or bracket.

The plastic panel has a spike on one side and a groove on the other. The spike of the first panel should be hidden in the groove of the fittings. The spike of the next panel is inserted into the groove of the previous one, after which it is fixed on the guides. And so on, until you sew up the entire wall.

Particular attention should be paid to the end panel. In the vast majority of cases, it will need to be cut along the entire length. It is cut off about 5 mm narrower than maximum distance between the grooves of the previous panel and fittings.

After that, insert it into the guides and first push it all the way into the groove of the fittings, and when it enters, slide it back until it fully enters the groove of the previous panel. As you remember, the grooves on the fittings are much deeper and the difference in size will not be noticeable.

It is inconvenient to start the extreme trimmed strip immediately into the upper, lower and side groove. So that the edges of these grooves do not straighten out or even worse do not crack, I recommend bending them in advance with the help of wide metal spatulas, although an assistant is needed here.

If, when installing the extreme PVC panel, you managed to stretch the plastic walls of the grooves, which happens quite often, you can return them to their original appearance by heating them with a hairdryer and ironing the plastic through the fabric with an iron. And in order not to damage the panel itself, while you are heating, insert the blade of a metal spatula into the groove.

I already mentioned above that there is also mounting on kleimers. So, here you will need special guides. They are equipped with two grooves into which the kleimers are inserted and move along them like on rails.

By itself, the kleimer is a flat metal bracket with a small "tongue". When you insert the bar into the grooves and advance it until it stops, the clamper is adjusted from behind and presses the mounting strip with a tongue. No screws or staples for you, everything is simple and beautiful.

Instructions for lining the toilet ceiling with PVC panels are not much different from wall cladding technology. Unless you first need to lay an electrical cable under the lighting, and hide it in a corrugated metal hose. Naturally, when installing the frame, it will be necessary to take into account the depth of the built-in ceiling soffit. The hole for it is cut out with a special crown using an electric drill.

Subtleties of frameless mounting

PVC panels for the bathroom and toilet can be mounted without a frame, directly on the walls and ceiling, only for this smooth curvature on the plane should not exceed 3 mm, there is no question of any potholes and distortions at all. The technology in this case is much more accessible - the panels and fittings are simply glued to the walls and ceiling.

As the main adhesive composition, as a rule, the so-called "Liquid Nails" are used, this is a fairly common construction adhesive with an optimal price-quality ratio.

But working with him has one peculiarity. First, glue is applied to the wall and a panel is applied to it. After that, it comes off and is left for 3 - 4 minutes for winding, and only after that the PVC plank is finally glued.

On this topic, I have a case from life, it will be useful for you. One of my acquaintances, having bought an apartment on the secondary market, inherited from the previous owners of the service, taxed tiles. The tiles were good, but very old and ugly. There was neither the desire nor the means to knock it down and lay down a new one, and the dimensions of the premises were more than modest, frame installation would have made them generally miniature.

The man acted simply. He washed and degreased the tile well, then cut the PVC panels and glued them to the tile using double-sided construction tape. On a panel 250 mm wide, he used 3 fixing strips, but this is not a dogma, you can glue it in different ways.

When funds appeared, and it came to expensive elite repairs and redevelopment, it was very problematic to tear off this plastic. So keep in mind, this option also has a right to exist.


August 1, 2016

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PVC panels or, simply put, plastic is much more popular than the same ceramic tile when it comes to design. And, choosing between the same tiles and plastic panels, many tend to favor the latter. What is so attractive material? Everything is simple! Main advantages of PVC panels are their low cost and ease of installation compared to the same ceramics. If we compare prices, then making panels will cost at least 4 times cheaper than laying tiles. Moreover, the water resistance of both the one and the other material remains at its best.

Of course, ceramics are much stronger and more durable, but we must pay tribute - and PVC panels can last a long time if they are treated with care. In addition, they are quite resistant to hot steam or chemicals. Other advantages of the material are as follows.

  1. Ease of installation- so that you do not have to do a lot of work. And you don't need a lot of tools. Plus, you don't have to deal with adhesive solutions for laying tiles. And you do not need to have any special skills to carry out the work either.

  2. No need to level the walls before finishing. So, in case the panels will be mounted on the frame, the base does not need special preparation (at least it does not need to be leveled).
  3. It will be possible to use the toilet immediately after the installation of the panels. After all, you don’t have to wait until the tile adhesive dries.
  4. You can install PVC panels in absolutely any room, but most often they finish the walls in the bathroom, toilet, kitchen, bathroom.
  5. Large selection of color variations makes it possible to choose panels for any interior style. Some panels can imitate wood, stone and other natural materials.

    PVC panels for the toilet - photo

  6. Panels are very easy to clean. It is enough to dilute the soap solution and wipe them with a cloth dipped in it.

On a note! Even if you pay for the installation of panels by a master, and not do everything yourself, in any case, you will be able to save a lot of money. Panel installation services are much cheaper than the services of a good tiler.

Most panel manufacturers report material lifespans of 25 years on average. However, in general, this aspect will directly depend on how carefully the owner of the toilet treats the finish. By the way, during installation, even on the frame, the panels steal very little free space (no more than 5 cm), so that they can be mounted even in narrow and cramped rooms.

Prices for popular finishing wall panels

Wall panels

Disadvantages of PVC panels

An ideal material that does not have any flaws does not exist. So PVC panels also have their drawbacks. It is important to know about them before deciding to purchase such material.

  1. Whatever one may say, part of the free space of the panel is still stolen during installation. Especially it concerns wireframe method installation. If a few centimeters along the walls can play a big role, then it is better to refuse to install panels and choose some other finishing material.
  2. If the walls are curved, then it will be impossible to mount the panels on the glue, only the frame method is allowed.
  3. PVC almost does not burn, but when melted, when it is exposed to high temperatures, it will emit very caustic smoke, which, in case of fire, can play a cruel joke on the owner of the apartment.
  4. No one is protected from fakes, and when buying material, you can run into low-quality PVC. It can be hazardous to human health. Also panels. Bad quality do not differ in strength and durability.

Despite the presence of these shortcomings, PVC panels have still been and remain one of the most popular materials. And it is unlikely that anything in the near future will be able to shake their position.

Prices for glue various types of glue Kreps

Clay Kreps

Any PVC panel is, in fact, a lining, a plastic board that has a very low weight. The surface of the material is smooth and even, and the panels themselves should not be curved. If you look at the panel from the end, you can see that there are pores in the middle of it. The straps themselves can have different dimensional parameters.

Table. Parameters of PVC panels.

As for colors, PVC panels can be painted in any shades and will perfectly cope with the imitation of a row. natural materials. Their surface can also be either matte or glossy, there are also mirror options.

On a note! As for the pattern on the panels, it can be applied printed or by sticking a thermal film. There are also photo panels that look like the previously popular photo wallpapers. And in this case, you can choose absolutely any pattern for decorating the walls.

As for the choice of material, a number of recommendations should be followed in order to acquire really high-quality and nice panels. Unfortunately, there are a lot of fakes and bad material on the market.

Advice! AT small spaces it is much more convenient to work using narrow panels. But in the spacious ones you can install wide ones. Narrow ones are generally much easier to mount, and there are few scraps left from them. Optimal Thickness panels for installation in the toilet is 8 mm.

It is important to understand that high price is not always an indicator of quality. Sometimes the cost of the material can be heavily inflated by resellers. It is worth focusing on the manufacturer, that is, on the brand, as well as on the physical characteristics of the panels.

When purchasing material, you must not forget about fittings (for example, corners). And it is important to choose the same color and type as the selected panels. As for the rail for the frame or starting profiles, it is important to choose neat and even products.

The process of mounting panels on the walls (do-it-yourself step-by-step instructions)

Installation of panels is quite simple, and if you have the time and desire, you can do everything yourself and save a lot of money on paying for the services of a master. You will need a minimum of tools. This level, cutting tool, screwdriver, pencil and tape measure, perforator.

Step 1. The first step is to carry out small preparatory work. It is required to remove all old coating from the walls (tiles, lagging paint, etc.). Also, if planned overhaul, even before the installation of PVC panels, it is required to replace the water and sewer pipes. Before installing the panels, the walls should be treated with a primer and dried well.

Advice! Immediately you need to outline the places where cabinets and shelves will be installed, if they are conceived by the designer. This will allow you to equip the places of their fastening - just hanging furniture on walls with PVC trim will not work. Also, immediately you need to lay ceramics on the floor or finish the base with another material.

Step 2 The panels must be brought into the house and left alone for several hours so that they catch up with the temperature environment. It is impossible to mount panels that have just been brought in from the street (especially from frost). You also immediately need to purchase starting profiles and overhead corners for decoration.

Step 3 It is worth making immediately boxes for plumbing and sewerage. You can make them from a metal profile, and then sheathe them with drywall.

Step 4 Now you need to glue the starting profile for the panels onto the sealant. It is glued down along the wall and along the doorway in the corner. In this case, the walls in the toilet are even, which means that when installing the panels, you can do without a frame.

Step 5 Next, you need to measure the height from the floor to the ceiling or to its frame. The result obtained must be transferred to the panel and draw a straight line with a marker or pencil using a square. By the way, the cut line of the panel should be slightly less than the length obtained during the measurements - by about 5 mm. This will make it easier to install the panels.

Step 6 Now, along the intended line, you need to cut off the excess panel. You can cut PVC with a grinder or a clerical knife. Thus, it will be necessary to adjust the height of all panels. If you need to cut the panel along the length, then it is worth cutting it with a clerical knife along the edge of the desired honeycomb from the front and back sides.

Prices for angle grinders (grinders)

Angle grinders (grinders)

Step 7 Next, you can install the first panel. It needs to be brought into the starting profile and be sure to level it. The evenness of the rest of the row will depend on how evenly the first panel is installed.

It is important that the panels are installed evenly

Step 8 The panel needs to be fixed. This can be done with a self-tapping screw screwed into the sidewall of the panel, or you can put it on a sealant.

Prices for polyurethane sealant

Polyurethane sealant

Step 10 After the panels are installed on the wall, you need to close their joints with corners planted on the sealant.

Step 11 After finishing the installation of the walls, you can start finishing the ceiling. If it will be produced with PVC panels, then you need to act according to the same principle - to gradually fasten each panel to a metal profile. True, the fixation will be carried out precisely due to self-tapping screws.

If the installation of PVC panels will be carried out on the frame, then the walls must also be prepared, and then the bases of the frame - wooden slats or metal profiles - should be fixed on them. Starting profiles are then attached to them, and then panels are installed. You can mount them on rails with self-tapping screws or a construction stapler.

Video - Installation of PVC panels on the frame

Video - Installation of PVC panels on glue

Decor and decoration: interesting solutions (photo)

When choosing the design and style of the toilet, it is important to take into account your own wishes and preferences in the first place, but you should not neglect the tips experienced craftsmen and designers. First you need to decide on the general colors rooms and decide which panels to buy - having a pattern or plain, glossy or matte, etc. Here it is worth starting from the general design concept in the apartment.

If the toilet has a small area, then it is worth stopping at plain light panels. Although in some cases the drawing may look quite organic and will not steal free space. Panels can also be combined different colors, as well as strips with images or plain.

Marine style, which was once popular in bathrooms, bathrooms and toilets, is now far from the only design option for these premises. Sometimes panels look very cool under a stone or imitating the jungle, etc. And sometimes it’s worth stopping at a black and white classic.

On a note! Wood effect panels do not always look good in the toilet, but a lot will depend on the overall design concept, as well as directly on the very shade of the panels. Sometimes these toilets are quite cozy and visually warm.

If you don’t have your own ideas, then you can find a lot on the Web. interesting options decorating the walls of the toilet with panels. Some of them may be to your liking, and they may well be embodied in your own restroom. If you want to do something unique, but your imagination is tight, then you can take as a basis some ready-made version, after looking at the photos, and bring it to life, modifying it a little or altering it for yourself.

Panels - great way decorate a bathroom or toilet beautifully and inexpensively. Moreover, it can look stylish and expensive. The main thing is to choose the right color of the material and perform the finishing work themselves with high quality. A few ideas for decorating a toilet with PVC panels can be found in this material above.

The bathroom is very important room in any apartment, which is why many people are concerned about the question - how to finish the toilet. What is this room? As a rule, we are talking about a small, separate room for sanitary purposes, however, someone loves to retire here in order to be alone, just to read. That is why it is very important that the bathroom is distinguished not only by convenience, but also by cosiness, comfort, beauty.

Finishing steps

How to finish the toilet in the apartment? The scheme is something like this:

  • First work with the walls;
  • Then they make the ceiling;
  • After the floor covering is equipped.

A fairly common question is how to decorate a toilet other than tiles. In fact, the choice of finishing materials is great, but when working, it is important to take into account the fact that the level of humidity in this room is very high.

Like it or not, the main finishing material for bathrooms is still ceramic tiles. The tile is used for wall cladding, it is also chosen to cover the floors.

It is not difficult to explain such popularity - the tile responds perfectly to moisture, as well as open water, therefore, this is a very big plus. If you want to use some other option, you should pay attention to the plastic panels for finishing the toilet, but we will talk about this a little later.

Wall covering

Before talking about how to decorate a toilet other than tiles, let's talk about trends in this area. Bathrooms that look bright, beautiful, and tasteful are considered a good tone in our time. Tiling - this option can be called aesthetic, practical. However, if you pay attention to the cost, such a solution will not be cheap, the work will be quite time-consuming. It is important to remember when choosing tiles for the toilet that the room is not too spacious, therefore, it is worth giving up dark colors- to prevent visual reduction of space. The ideal way: buying light-colored tiles - the dimensions will increase visually, as if “opening up” towards visitors.

What is also good, in our time, manufacturers make tiles of various characteristics - the choice is rich both in terms of texture and shades, there are many decorative elements for tiles. To make the bathroom look more comfortable, it is recommended to select some combined options- to look bright, but not too catchy.

It is important to remember that the tiles in the toilet often come into contact with certain chemicals Therefore, the material must have moisture resistance, acid resistance.

An excellent option, for example, is a tile with high chemical resistance. A simpler solution, at the same time the most optimal and cheapest, is to decorate the toilet with plastic panels. To do this work, you do not need any serious skills. Let's talk about how to panel the toilet, what work needs to be done for this.

Wall decoration with plastic panels

How to finish the toilet with plastic panels? This is not difficult - first they make a crate: wooden blocks are attached to the walls of the bathroom, they should be 0.2 by 0.3 cm or so.

When the crate is completed, plastic panels are installed on it. For fastening, they usually choose a construction stapler - in this case, it turns out to work very conveniently and quickly.

Special transitional plastic corners are installed at the corners. You can choose plastic panels both by pattern and color, but the main advantage of this material is its excellent resistance to moisture. Of course, there are other finishing options - you can, for example, choose MDF lining: in this case, the bathroom will be decorated "under the wood."

The fact is that repair is a rather acute, painful topic for any modern man. It becomes especially disturbing in the soul when the repair will be carried out in the toilet or bathroom. If you choose traditional tiling, you will need a large amount of money - it is unlikely that the budget of an ordinary family will cope with such a “damage”.

If finances are limited, it's time to finish the toilet with PVC panels - this method is being chosen more and more often today when the question arises of how to finish the toilet other than tiles.

What are the advantages of PVC

Per last years this finishing material has gained great popularity, but what is most interesting is that not every person knows about all its advantages.

  1. For example, the panels will not rot - even after a few years the material will not change its properties.
  2. Also, the panels are very beautiful, especially in modern design. You can hardly find anything better for the same price.
  3. Fast installation work: it does not take a lot of time to finish the toilet with PVC panels.

If the bathroom has a standard shape, and you have all the necessary materials and tools at hand, you can finish the cladding, if desired, in one day (of course, this does not include finishing). What can I say - efficiency today is a priority for many works, all the more you can forget about cement, tiles, and other tedious procedures.

What you need to work with PVC panels

First, select the panels themselves. Here you can do everything according to your own tastes - the choice color solutions rich today, so everyone will find something interesting for themselves. It should also be remembered that it is necessary to acquire the necessary expendable materials, the necessary tools - without all this, it will hardly be possible to sheathe the walls of the toilet with plastic panels. What do you need to buy for cladding?

  • A quality utility knife: you need to make sure that it can cut panels optimally, without any effort. Thinking of using in this work kitchen knife? It is possible and so, but at your own peril and risk - plastic, as a rule, quickly blunts metal, cut lines will also turn out to be crooked.
  • Self-tapping screws, screwdriver: during work, you will have to fasten panels to the crate. Dowels may also be required.
  • We need bars, the section of which is 3 by 10 cm, or you can choose aluminum profile, the main thing is that it has a similar configuration.
  • If you plan to throw panels directly on the wall, you need to get liquid nails, a gun for their application, mounting foam.
  • Repair work should not be started without a tape measure, building level, decorative skirting boards and profile corners.

Choice of paneling method

If the decision is made, it's time to find out how to panel the toilet. To begin with, it is worth understanding which method of fixing the panels on the walls to use. There are two possible ways:

  1. On a crate made of wood or a metal profile;
  2. With foam.

If the second option is chosen, it is worth buying cylinders on which the expiration date is “fresh”. In this case, the foam output will be much greater. Which method should you personally choose? If the bathroom in the apartment is spacious enough, there are even brick or concrete walls, it makes no sense to work on the crate. Plastic panels are best attached to liquid nails.

Be sure to keep in mind - in the process of work you will have to be patient, in a matter of seconds PVC does not stick. Moreover, you will need to either hold the panels yourself, or install spacers between the walls.

Gluing panels on liquid nails is nothing complicated in such work, so let's talk about how to work with the crate correctly.

Preparing for paneling

Before starting work, the toilet needs to be prepared - all trim elements that may interfere are removed, sockets and lighting devices are removed. If the work can be complicated by hoses or pipes, in an ideal situation it is better to dismantle it all, otherwise it will be much more difficult to finish the toilet with PVC panels.

There is another relevant remark - you can often stumble upon messages on the net, as if the timber is not the best best material for the crate. They write that it can deform, swell - because of this, the wall will immediately begin to look not very attractive. If it is true that the humidity level in the room rises regularly, it is worth considering the following statements: common sense they have. But there is also a way out - just before sheathing the toilet with plastic panels, the timber is carefully processed: any antiseptic for wood is suitable for this. If the humidity level is normal, there is no reason to worry at all.

Starting work on finishing the bathroom with PVC panels

First, the crate is attached. Since almost always the panels will be located from top to bottom, it is necessary to fix the bars perpendicular to the floor. To fulfill this work dowels are usually used. Since something will also need to be done with the ceiling, the crate is also attached to it.

It is recommended to maintain a distance of up to 400-500 mm between individual bars. The correctness of fixing the bars is constantly monitored - this is done using the building level.

Before sheathing the toilet with plastic panels, you need to fix it in the corners decorative profiles- the very ones where the corner panels will then be inserted.

Get to work from the corner. One edge of the PVC panel is inserted into the profile, after which the second side is attached to the screws.

The screw must be screwed into the lock, which is flexible and large.

How to cut plastic panels– many people ask this question. In fact, there is nothing complicated here: the panels are turned over with the wrong side out, laid on some solid base, then an incision is made with a clerical knife. It turns out a line, the panel breaks along it, the thin layer of plastic that remains is cut off with the same knife.

Already with the next panel, everything will be easier: it must be inserted until a distinct click occurs. Then re-attach with screws. You can finish the ceiling in the PVC toilet in the same way (if these works are in the plans, a profile should be installed on its surface). Next, you can take decorative overlays and plinth, with which you can easily hide defects, various technological gaps.

Something like this, everyone can finish the toilet with plastic panels. There are no special, insoluble difficulties in the work. The main thing in the process of execution is to carefully fasten the panels to each other - so that there are no gaps. It is better to put ceiling plinths on glue - they are needed only for decoration.

Finishing MDF panels (lining)

We have analyzed in detail how to panel the toilet, now a few words about MDF panels. These are very thin, light panels, the facing layer of which imitates expensive wood species. Often this finishing option is chosen for large toilets, or for those cases when you want to get a room decorated in a classic style.

What is good lining? The panels are moisture resistant, perfectly tolerate the effects of various microorganisms, harmful fungi - thanks to all this, MDF panels can be called hygienic, safe for domestic use.

Yes, this option in terms of cost will cost more than tile, but there is significant savings when compared with natural wood. In general, the walls in the bathroom can be whatever you want - the most important thing is that they are water resistant and smooth.

Wallpapering bathroom walls

If we consider the decoration of the walls of the toilet with wallpaper, we can say that this is the cheapest, fast way decorate the room. The main basic condition for such work is smooth, smooth walls. But there is one drawback - many wallpapers are very susceptible to a wet wall. If you choose wallpaper for finishing the toilet, then only moisture resistant or vinyl.

How to finish the ceiling of the toilet

Facing the ceiling of the bathroom - the second stage repair work in this room. Everyone knows that the toilet is the place where you need to regularly perform wet cleaning. That is, the ideal solution for the top is a moisture-resistant ceiling. There are several options for finishing this place:

  • Moisture resistant drywall;
  • Plastic plates;
  • Suspended structures made of aluminium.

Today, stretch ceilings are often chosen. This tool is very attractive. What is most interesting, in a similar design you can install Spotlights. This is a big plus for small spaces - the fact is that light from the lamps is reflected on shiny surfaces, thanks to which the space can be optically expanded.

An alternative solution that will tell you how to finish the toilet is to equip the ceiling with foam plastic decorative plates. However, you can just paint the surface in some pretty color. Shelves in the bathroom, made of PVC panels - a really good, practical solution.

Floor cladding

Processing the floor begins at the final stage of repair in the toilet. Of course, the best suggestion is to tile the floor in the bathroom. This method looks great, it is very easy to clean if you use certain cleaning products. On the floor, the tiles are selected taking into account some requirements, for example, it should be well combined with the coating that is on the walls. The design, which was carefully chosen for laying tiles on the floor surface, will make the toilet more voluminous visually.

The floor in the toilet is often subjected to temperature changes, and there is also high humidity. In the toilet (when compared with the bathroom), only waterproofing can be performed - it is usually applied not only to the floor, but also to the surface of the walls - at least 20 cm.

The ideal solution is tiles in the toilet, both for the floor and for the walls. But there are also more economical ones. practical options, for example, linoleum. To carry out the laying of this material, special skills are not needed; these floors are easy to equip on their own. If you want the toilet to have a film underfloor heating, you should definitely implement it - it will be very comfortable in the room. At the end of laying the floor, skirting boards are installed. What is also interesting is that various communications usually lie in the toilet: sewer, water pipes and so on. It is important to make the finish so that all these elements are hidden from view. But access to them should always be - if necessary, special doors are mounted so that you can quickly get to one or another communication node. Boxes are often made of plastic or moisture-resistant drywall, it is also finished - usually the same material is chosen as for wall cladding. This is the only way to achieve the ultimate goal - a practical, comfortable, comfortable bathroom in the apartment.

Video: toilet finishing

We bring to your attention great video- how to decorate the toilet with your own hands. After viewing, everyone will understand that such works are not too complicated, so it is not so important to seek help from specialists.

Not a single family in our country and abroad could do without such an important event as repair. In any case, it is inevitable that it is necessary to carry out repair and finishing work, both in the bathroom and in the toilet. And here there is not such a wide spread in methods and materials, as, for example, in the living room or bedroom, but even a small separate toilet can be turned into a stylish and cozy place.

Plastic panels for bathroom and toilet walls

Many have heard about the wonderful and beautiful PVC panels that can be used both for bathroom or bathroom walls and for the ceiling, and some types of such panels can also be laid on the floor surface. It all depends on the personal wishes of the person and his material capabilities.

On today's rich building material On the market you can find a wide range of types of plastic panels that can harmoniously decorate any bathroom and merge into the concept of almost any design.

Material types:

  • Wall panels made of plastic, decorated with a decorative frieze;
  • Sheet plastic panels of sheet type;
  • PVC panels imitating wood;
  • Photo panels;
  • Plastic panels with a pattern applied by a laser;
  • PVC panels with thermal printing.

Photo panels – decorative panels with photographs printed on them. They allow you to design wall panels with almost any image, whether it is a view of a fantasy world, a magnificent waterfall or the face of an unloved boss.

It all depends on the wishes of the customer and the ideas of the design specialist.

Each of these types of panels for finishing a toilet or bathroom can be used in an interior of any complexity and theme, whether it is a hint of a Victorian house, or an imitation of Provence or Art Nouveau style.

Option to finish the toilet with PVC panels: examples and photos

Despite the fact that many people have long seen what beauty can be done with plastic wall panels, what the most interesting and exclusive ideas can be realized, they still do not understand why friends or relatives gave their preference for just this type of panels, if there are many other materials, for example, MDF panels.

The whole secret lies in the advantages of PVC panels over other decorative wall materials:

  1. In the case of finishing the walls of the toilet with plastic panels, a person does not face such a question as special preparation working surface walls. Panels can be mounted even on not the smoothest surface. This, as practice shows, allows you to save material resources that are usually spent on additional work wall alignment. In addition, the panels allow you to hide defects and uneven walls.
  2. Light plastic panels can be installed by one person, this is also a big plus, because in the bathroom or, especially, the toilet, there is not much space for several masters to turn around.
  3. PVC panels are an exclusively environmentally friendly finishing material. For all the time of its service, plastic under any temperature conditions remains safe for people and animals. Finished toilet such wall panels does not rot, mold or fungus does not form on it even at the highest humidity, which makes plastic material ideal for use in the bathroom.
  4. Finishing with such plates guarantees easy cleaning. Any housewife will confirm that this is a big plus when you don’t need to think about how best to carry out wet cleaning in a particular room.
  5. Ease of installation allows installation even for a novice master.
  6. Excellent looking material. Any picture can be displayed on the panels. It all looks beautiful and impressive.
  7. Long service life. With proper care, plastic panels can last for many decades.
  8. sheathing pvc walls panels is quite cheap due to the availability of prices for the material itself.

All these advantages of plastic panels allow them to become an increasingly popular and popular material for use in the interior of a toilet or bathroom. And yet, as practice shows, there can be no pluses alone. At wall panels PVC has a minus - they can be quite fragile, and break if you lean on them or throw something heavy or sharp at the wall.

The use of panels in the toilet: photos and decor methods

Design solutions of specialists may involve the use of plastic panels for perfect different surfaces and planes. The panels themselves are made of plastic, depending on the thickness and maximum load, can be installed on different surfaces.


  1. On the walls. The classic use of plastic panels. Here, the choice of the type and quality of the material depends only on the wishes of the person himself, the idea of ​​the designer or the amount of available funds.
  2. On the ceiling. Often used to visually enlarge the space. For example, with the help of panels, you can turn the ceiling into a sunny clear sky, or a starry night sky. The ceiling thus sheathed in large toilet able to make the human brain perceive the bathroom on a larger scale.
  3. On the floor. The floor version of the panels is not used so often, but is also quite popular. With the help of panels, you can make the bottom of the ocean out of an ordinary boring toilet floor or simply space floor, that is, everything your soul desires.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that at this stage in the market of building and finishing materials there is an extensive selection of panel colors for any purpose. You can find red, black, white panels, colorful or with drawings.

Panels using photo printing are very popular.

For example, this method can allow you to recreate in the bathroom or toilet room the atmosphere of being on a paradise island or in open space or the ocean where it will be created full feeling that the master among exotic fish, especially if the walls, the floor, and the ceiling are made in the same style.

Repair in the toilet with plastic panels: photos and examples

When the choice is made according to the place of installation of the panels, their appearance, colors and all the nuances are clarified, the question arises before the person “how to install plastic panels?”. Exist the following options- contact a specialist finishing works, pay him a certain amount and enjoy the work done or do everything yourself. The latter option is more economical, besides, if you make repairs with your own hands, it will be much more pleasant.

If you decide to carry out extensive installation yourself, then you should first determine the type and features of installation work with plastic tiles. If self-adhesive is used pvc tile, then the work will not take much time. Will need to be removed protective layer and glue the finishing material to the surface. It should be understood that in this case it is better to stick on flat surface. Installation with glue - the back surface of the tile is processed thin layer glue. Then it is glued to the surface of the wall of the bathroom or toilet. Installation work using crates - in this case, a perfectly smooth surface is not required. A plastic or metal batten system is attached to the wall, to which plastic panels are subsequently glued. Tiles and panels are fixed with adhesive solutions.

Finishing the toilet with plastic panels: design (video)

Someone prefers to make repairs all at once in the whole house or apartment at the same time, someone prefers a leisurely gradual repair, when you are first busy with one room in your home, then another, and gradually the whole house is repaired, but having done everything according to your ideas, turns out very nice.