What can you put a gazebo on at your dacha? A gazebo made of wood and how to build it yourself. Types of summerhouses

About the summer gazebo - cozy corner every summer resident dreams of for relaxation and feasting.

At the same time, not every owner of a country plot has financial opportunities in order to make this building luxurious and capital.

A roof over your head and protection from the wind are the two main tasks that an inexpensive gazebo for a summer house should perform. How to build this structure with minimal costs Money and personal time we will discuss in this article.

What materials can be used?

The simpler the design, the cheaper the material and the lower its consumption, the more profitable the construction. Following this golden rule, we will consider options for making the foundation, frame and roof of an inexpensive summer summer gazebo.

Wood for all construction purposes

The most affordable and easy-to-work material is wood. In a few days you can assemble the base, frame and roof of the gazebo from it. In passing, we note that the support frame is made of timber, under which a columnar foundation is required, for budget gazebo not required.

A light canopy can be built without it by burying oak or larch posts 40-60 centimeters into the ground. To increase the resistance of wood to rotting, the ends of the pillars are treated with bioprotection or simply burned over a fire for 5 minutes. After such heat treatment, the service life of the racks increases significantly.

Anyone who objects to this option should remember the history of wooden architecture in Rus'. In those days on wooden columnar bases Not only simple log cabins were built, but also boyars' towers.

A cheap gazebo can do without a plank floor. To do this, the area allocated for construction must be filled with fine gravel mixed with sand and compacted well. If you want to place a gazebo on the lawn, then there is no need to remove the grass cover. Soft grass underfoot - no artificial surface can replace it. sunlight for normal height There are enough plants under such a canopy, and rare watering of the “living floor” will not bother you.

Inexpensive wooden gazebo can be made not only from lumber. If you are going to cut off a couple of old fruit trees, do not rush to use them for firewood. Parts of the trunk of an apple or pear tree, cherry plum or cherry tree are excellent stands for a summerhouse.

A picturesque frame made of trunks will look great under a roof made of wooden planks. To ensure tightness, the seams between them need to be filled with thinner boards, and then the entire roofing deck should be coated with an indelible antiseptic. Stumps uprooted after cutting trees can be used as foundation columns.

A good owner has no waste. Therefore, all industrial wood (boards and trimmings of logs) remaining from the construction of a log house can be successfully used to build a summerhouse.

Metal is expensive, we only use it for racks

Anyone who is used to doing everything thoroughly can refuse wooden posts for the frame and buy four square steel pipes(50x50 mm, wall 3 mm) of suitable length. Even without pouring concrete columnar foundation, they will last in the ground for at least 20 years. To save money, the roof trim, rafters and lower stiffener in this case can be made from wooden blocks, attaching them to the pipes using self-tapping screws.

More expensive capital option– drilling wells for installation of cuttings of asbestos cement pipe with a diameter of 100 mm, pouring it with concrete and installation wooden frame We don't rule it out. It can be used if you want to make a plank floor in the gazebo, raising it from the ground surface by 15-20 cm.

A prefabricated metal gazebo is ideal for installation on a grassy lawn. If you are satisfied with the price, then feel free to buy such a structure and place it on your site.

Two pipes and a piece of fabric - the gazebo is ready!

Continuing the “pipe” theme, let’s give another example of an inexpensive gazebo. Two bent pipes and a piece of durable fabric is all that is required to make an original summer canopy.

The fabric canopy here replaces both the roof and the walls. It can be moved in any direction, adjusting the level of illumination in the gazebo and covering it from wind and rain. A stationary table and benches are not needed here. Here's a portable kit country furniture it will come in handy.

When considering materials suitable for constructing an inexpensive gazebo, one cannot help but. It can be used to make not only the roof, but also the walls of this structure. By bending a sheet of polycarbonate in the form of an arch and securing it to a light frame, we get a “barrel” gazebo - a popular a budget option for the dacha.

The roof of the gazebo is the head of everything!

Inexpensive roofing for a light shed can be made from metal tiles, polycarbonate, boards or asbestos-cement slate. All of the listed materials can be easily and quickly mounted on a metal or wooden frame.

Those who want to build an original shingle or reed roof over a gazebo will first have to carefully study the technology and the nuances of its installation.

With proper installation, wooden and thatch roofs will last 10-15 years without replacement.

Side fencing - lattice or wattle fence?

Having dealt with the foundation, posts and roof of an inexpensive gazebo, you can move on to its side fencing. One of profitable options there will be cellular polycarbonate here.

In addition, the garden gazebo can have fencing made of openwork wooden lattice. It is attached to the frame posts and the top roof trim.

If you plant climbing plants (grapes, ivy or hops) next to such a structure, then in a few years the summerhouse will look very picturesque.

Nature will generously fill an inexpensive frame made of wooden blocks with beautiful green “curtains” and will more than reward you for your efforts.

The side fence of the gazebo can be built from straight, not very thick branches, using rustic fence technology. They are woven between steel posts made of thin pipes or ready-made branch “screens” are made and secured to the main frame.

Can't build a cheap gazebo? Grow her!

Despite the strange sound of this call, the most cheap gazebo not built, but grown. You can use willow seedlings for this. This tree is characterized by its high growth rate and flexibility.

Anyone who wants to build a gazebo cheaply and can wait until it grows should plant willow branches (diameter 5-15 mm, length 2-3 meters) along its perimeter in the fall. This will take your first step in organic architecture. This fashion trend is now actively developing not only in the West, but also in Russia.

Having tied together a kind of spatial frame from living branches, all you have to do is control their growth and periodically trim the willow shoots that grow inward and outward.

3-4 seasons and your dacha will be decorated with a free living structure, and neighbors will start coming for consultations and bringing their friends on excursions.

We will consider the most “expensive” option for building a summerhouse, its main stages and the total cost of materials.

As already mentioned, the most expensive structure is one that stands on a columnar foundation, has a wooden support frame and a plank floor.

Its construction includes several stages:

  1. Marking points for drilling wells for pipes;
  2. Drilling 4 holes with a diameter of 150 mm and a depth of 60-70 cm using a hand-held hole drill;
  3. Cutting asbestos-cement pipes “weave” into pieces and installing them in pits;
  4. Installation of reinforcing bars with a diameter of 14-16 mm in holes. At one end they need to be threaded to attach the frame;
  5. Concreting columns for the upper cut;
  6. Marking, cutting and installation of support frame beams;
  7. Plank flooring;
  8. Installation of gazebo frame racks;
  9. Installation of timber for the top frame and roof rafters;
  10. Installation roofing(polycarbonate, metal tiles, slate);
  11. Making a side fence from wooden slats.

The approximate estimate for materials for the construction of a budget gazebo measuring 2x2 meters looks like this:

  • Cement M500 – 210 rub. (1 bag);
  • Small crushed stone – 60 rubles. (1 bag);
  • Sand – 200 rub. (3 bags);
  • Reinforcing bars diameter 14 mm, length 0.8 meters, 4 pcs. – 96 rub.
  • Beam (section 10x10 cm) for the support frame, frame racks and roof trim - 1,440 rubles. (0.3 m3 at a price of 4,800 rubles/m3);
  • Edged floor board – 720 RUR. (0.12 m3 at a price of 6,000 rubles/m3);
  • Timber for the roof frame, sheathing and side railing – 672 RUR. (0.14 m3 at a price of 4,800 rubles/m3);
  • Sheet material for roofing (8 wave slate) – 960 rub. (4 sheets for 240 rub./sheet);
  • Self-tapping screws for wood – 380 rub. (2 kg for 190 rub./kg).

Having summed up all the costs, we get 4,738 rubles. This is the approximate amount it will cost you to make a summerhouse.

Today it is becoming increasingly popular to buy summer cottages, but even more fashionable is to equip them yourself. For example, a do-it-yourself gazebo is not just cozy and beautiful, but also proof to yourself that you can do anything if you want. So where to start?

Stages of building a garden gazebo

First of all, we carefully clean the selected area where we plan to build a gazebo with our own hands, from various debris, unnecessary building materials and all kinds of rubbish.

If there are any stumps or snags, it is better to get rid of them immediately, since this will be much more difficult to do later.

Then we determine what size we want to build our gazebo. Let's say total The number of people the building can accommodate is 15-16 people. We make our own drawings or take ready-made ones. Below in the article you will find drawings garden gazebo, but they are suitable for a different type of gazebo, not the same as in the photographs in the article. We outline the places where our foundation will be poured, then we should dig a hole of a suitable size and arrange the formwork.

Do-it-yourself gazebos for a summer residence do not require the same amount of work as, for example, the construction of a country house or other premises, but some procedures in all construction processes are still similar.

Despite the fact that a gazebo is a room that is as open as possible, the structure must be strong enough to protect those in it from rain and wind.

The next stage is the installation of load-bearing vertical structures, then floor beams. Vertical structures They are connected with special logs and the whole thing is covered with ordinary floorboards.

Wooden structures are coated with primer deep penetration and finally painted in any color you like. As a rule, most people who make summer gazebos with their own hands prefer pleasant, unobtrusive shades of pastel colors, close to beige and brown.

In combination with green foliage it looks very harmonious. It is worth remembering and taking into account the fact that whatever the weather conditions, every year the gazebo should be repainted so that it is minimally exposed to destruction.

It is best to make a roof for a gazebo with your own hands, as shown in the photo, flat and slightly recessed into the structure. In order to rainwater water falling on the roof did not accumulate there, but could drain, a homemade drainpipe was installed.

Next to the main gazebo, you can dig a small pit, if you can call it that, which can go down to 70 centimeters below ground level. A small amount of crushed stone is added to the sandy soil to form natural drainage for sufficient drainage Wastewater. Here you can equip a small special area for barbecuing (the only thing you need to do is make sure that there are no branches on top).

If you decide to build a wooden gazebo with your own hands, do not forget about the area for children - another small area, on which you can install .

The final stage is the improvement of our gazebo: installation of barbecues, tables and other necessary accessories. You can put soft, bright pillows on the benches, and put massive candles in elegant candlesticks on the tables. Since the gazebo is mainly open design, its virtual walls should be protected from prying eyes and created comfort. This can be done using light light tulle or special awnings.

It is noteworthy that modern wooden gazebos with your own hands are not just a dull little “hut” with cracked green paint, as we remember from childhood, but entire mini-entertainment centers, in which there is a place for cooking barbecue and for quiet, secluded conversations, and for children's entertainment.

Drawings of a garden gazebo

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the drawings of the garden gazebo:

Many people are trying to buy suburban area. But after the implementation of the plan, many questions arise regarding the arrangement of this space. How, where and what to place is a personal matter for everyone. But almost everyone considers it necessary to have a gazebo on the territory of their dacha or country house. In the summer they spend a lot of time there. The whole family gathers to have breakfast, lunch and dinner in a cozy gazebo. Therefore, the construction of such a facility must be taken very seriously.

If you wish, you can build a gazebo with your own hands that will suit you and your family in all respects. Before starting work, create a building project on paper; you will need it to calculate the consumption of materials and other important things. It is also important to take into account the features and price of building materials. A gazebo is considered economy class if the material for its manufacture was used at a budget level. Let's understand all these subtleties.


The location of the gazebo on the site depends on the goals that the owners pursue when installing it. Many people treat the gazebo as a place for feasts. This is far from true; it is pleasant to read fascinating literature in the gazebo, and women like to do handicrafts there.

If you want to have family meals, feasts in the gazebo, or just have breakfast together in the morning, then it is better to choose a place close to home. The path between the house and the gazebo should be level, without obstacles, so that it is convenient to carry dishes and dishes.

If we consider a gazebo as a place where you can relax, retire, and escape from the hustle and bustle, then in this case it is better to place homemade design closer to the garden. Hanging tree branches comfortably darken the space - just what you need on a hot summer day.

If the family has small children, then it would be better to combine a small playground on the site with a gazebo.

This makes it much easier to keep an eye on the children; you can watch them play while doing your hobby in the gazebo.

In the case where the dacha was recently purchased and the owners are just deciding on a recreation area, it is important that the gazebo is located in the recreation area.


When constructing the structure, only coniferous wood is used.

Carefully select the material for the load-bearing parts, they are the most important. For their construction, pine and larch are usually used, since these species are less susceptible to rotting. In Rus', log huts, bathhouses and other structures have long been built. To this day, logs as a material do not lose their relevance. Technologies continue to develop, the material is produced in greater quantities, while maintaining quality. Log buildings are distinguished by their durability, beauty and unusualness. Rounded logs are actively used for the construction of closed and open gazebos; there are no restrictions here. Accordingly, there are logs with different diameters

for different buildings. The timber is made from coniferous species tree. The cross-section of the bar used for the gazebo is usually 100 by 100 mm or 150 by 150 mm, the length of the bar is up to 7 meters. For construction, summer residents use timber for the foundation, vertical racks . The roof base is also formed wooden beam

. For the remaining parts of the gazebo, an edged board is better suited.

This material has its advantages:

Profiled timber is distinguished by its geometry and is connected to each other through tenons and grooves.

  • The advantages of this material:
  • Simple assembly of the structure. It is much easier to build a gazebo from profile timber; the elements are assembled like a construction set.

Does not require grinding, the material is processed at the factory.

The price of profiled timber is much higher than usual. The carriage, or gable beam, has a special Norwegian connection

, thanks to which the structure becomes very durable. It also has side cuts that increase the space from the inside, unlike ordinary timber. U gable beam

  • has its drawbacks:
  • Assembly. The carriage is not easy to assemble.

Many summer residents like metal gazebos, and this is not surprising. The material is considered inexpensive, given that metal is durable. You can create elegant decor from it; metal pavilions complement the overall exterior of the house well.

A person who has worked with a welding machine and has experience can cope with this work. The most simple design- This is a frame made of pipes, the roof surface is tiles.

Visually, metal structures, despite their strength, look very fragile and light. Metal gazebos can be built on any surface of the earth. Such gazebos are often moved from one place to another. The ability to move the structure is a definite plus.

If, nevertheless, the owners of the site are confused by the rough appearance of the metal, then in this case they come to the rescue original ideas related to artistic forging. But forging various patterns and parts is expensive, but such beauty will last a long time. Another advantage of metal is that it can be combined with other materials. As an example, there is a gazebo with metal carcass, and the roof is made of polycarbonate.

Please note that under the influence of the hot summer sun the metal quickly heats up to high temperatures, which can bring some discomfort. But this design definitely has more pros than cons.

Gazebos made of brick or stone can be either open or closed. Often brick gazebos are multifunctional and they usually have a barbecue, smokehouse or fireplace installed in them. Gazebos made of natural stones look impressive, but the cost of such a structure is very high. There is no point in talking about the strength of stone and brick - everyone knows that these materials are very durable and last a very long time.

Polycarbonate gazebos are becoming increasingly popular; they compete with structures made from other materials. Such summer pavilions look very modern.

Let's consider its advantages:

  • Strength. Material purchased this the required characteristic thanks to the cellular structure.
  • Light transmittance. Transparent polycarbonate allows approximately 90 percent of sunlight to pass through, but summer residents prefer colored polycarbonate. So shaded inner part gazebos, which is necessary on a hot sunny day.
  • UV protection.
  • Flexibility of polycarbonate sheets. This is what allows structures to be given any shape.

  • Weight. Due to its lightness, transportation is inexpensive. The light weight also makes installation much easier.
  • Wide choice of colors. IN color palette you can easily find the shade you are interested in. It often happens that other gazebo materials do not suit the house exactly. color characteristics, then you should pay attention to polycarbonate.
  • No additional processing.

Types of structures

There are many options for gazebo designs. By the way, gazebos differ from gazebos in that they have a fairly high foundation, while gazebos are built practically on the ground.

Open gazebos are the most popular in Russia. The classic type of gazebo is the most common pitched roof on support pillars. For the foundation, it is better to choose stone, brick or massive logs, this applies to heavy structures. Usually it is enough to fix the posts deep in the ground. The space between them can be decorated with beautiful grilles and boards, depending on the general view plot. A canopy can be used as a roof.

Typically, summer residents limit themselves to a gazebo, in which three walls are fenced, and the fourth wall is the entrance. There are benches inside and a table between them. But there are more original ideas - you can install a fireplace or barbecue inside the gazebo.

Open gazebos may differ and be made of different materials, With different roofs etc. However, they have the same advantages and disadvantages.


  • Low costs. Open gazebos do not require glazing, most of them do not require a foundation, and there will be no cost for this.
  • Protection from sunlight and rain, while still providing access to fresh air.
  • Portable structures allow you to change the environment at the request of the owner.

The main disadvantage of open gazebos is that their protective characteristics are practically absent. Such a gazebo will not save you from the coolness late summer evening. Insects easily penetrate inside. Strong wind also causes discomfort, take shelter in the gazebo open type it's unrealistic from him.

A closed gazebo is essentially a small house.

The advantages of such a gazebo:

  • Weather protection. You can spend time in it warm days, and on rainy days.
  • There are many more options for arranging the space. This is the same as equipping own house, choose furniture, decorate, etc.
  • Year-round use. If heating is installed, then in any weather conditions it is possible to stay there, even in winter time of the year.

Now let's look at the cons:

  • Finances are of considerable importance; a closed gazebo performs almost the same functions as a house, and accordingly, the financial costs for it are the same as for a small house.
  • Laying the foundation is mandatory.
  • The area must be quite large. If the area is small in size, then a closed gazebo will look out of place on it. It will be inconvenient for the owners to live on such a site.

Glazed closed gazebos are considered the most beautiful. It's nice to be in them in the evenings, watching the sun go down. However, glass is a fragile and quite expensive material, which can cause a lot of problems for owners.

Open and closed gazebo are very different from each other, and are installed for different purposes. Before purchasing materials, drawings and calculations for the future structure, consider the type of gazebo. What is important about it is only dinners with family outdoors in summer or year-round use gazebos? Once you have decided on this, proceed to the rest of the work.

Shape and dimensions

It is difficult to single out any specific standards. Each owner independently selects the shape, size, and decor of the gazebo. But the basic forms still exist.

The construction of a hexagonal gazebo must be treated with particular responsibility. If there is a need to increase it a little free space, then benches can be built into the structure. This way they will take up much less space.

The oval shape of the gazebo is interesting; it is rarely used by summer residents.

With a rectangular figure there are much fewer difficulties; it can be set to absolutely any length and width parameters. A significant advantage of rectangular gazebos, in contrast to hexagonal and oval ones, is that they are more spacious.

Selecting dimensions garden house, create drawings and diagrams. They will make it easier to understand the structure of the structure.

Step-by-step manufacturing instructions

Made of wood

The work will require the most common building materials, which any gardener or summer resident can find:

  • sand;
  • crushed stone;
  • cement;
  • impregnation, paint, protective coatings;
  • roof covering material.

It is imperative to visualize the future gazebo graphically; without a drawing it will be impossible to build a gazebo. This way you will see the overall picture, what material you will need and in what quantity. The image will also simplify calculations, because it is visually easier to navigate the structure.

Draw a general plan of the site along with the house and other objects located on the territory. This way you will calculate the installation location of the structure.

Using a square, mark 4 right angles, taking into account the desired length and width of the structure. You can check how right the angles are by measuring the length of the diagonals. In a rectangle they are equal.

You can use the well-known Pythagorean Theorem. A diagonal squared will be equal to the sum of the two sides whose length is squared. If equality is satisfied, then the right angles are marked correctly.

When building a hexagonal gazebo, the order of work will be slightly different.

Place a peg in the ground and tie the end of a rope to it. Take the second peg and tie the other end, the stretched rope between the pegs is the radius. By changing the length of the rope, change the radius. Use the second peg to outline a circle.

Now it is important to mark the vertex points of the hexagon. Draw a straight line through the center of the circle, at the intersection of which with the circle two points are formed; in the figure these are M and P. The line can be positioned as you like, but be guided by your preferences. If the gazebo will be located along the fence, then this line should be parallel to the fence.

We drive the same stake that was in the center into one of the points. Don't remove the rope, otherwise you will change the radius and no regular hexagon will come out. For example, we put a stake at point P, then with another stake we mark points on the circle O and T. We do the same with point M.

When all six points are found, you need to drive a peg in place of each. This way the point marks will not be lost.

As mentioned earlier, the foundation for a lightweight gazebo is made of wooden material not required. Its role can be brick, stone or tile laying.

There are still very unusual option a foundation made of wheels, or rather, tires. The tires are filled with cement and can be secured with a large metal pin.

Wooden stumps are also used as a foundation. But if the soil is clayey and often wet, then this method will not work.

Important points when pouring the foundation:

  • Mandatory sand-crushed stone cushion. This applies to all types of foundations, except piles.
  • Concrete should dry gradually, preferably in a damp environment. Moisten the coating periodically, otherwise it will only dry out. top part and then it will crack throughout the entire foundation.
  • The finished foundation must be protected from external influences. Roofing felt or other more expensive materials will cope well with this task.

If you want to make a gazebo with a barbecue, then the foundation of the structure must support the weight of the barbecue. Then it is better to use a slab foundation, which will carry such weight and the corresponding load well.

To tie along the bottom of the vertical posts, use a beam that is attached to the logs. Next, the racks that will hold the roof are attached. Fastening to the joists is carried out with nails. The posts must be exclusively perpendicular to the ground.

After installing the racks, work on the flooring begins. For this, boards that are resistant to rot and other external influences are used. To fasten the boards you will need screws or nails. A pair of screws or a pair of nails are attached to each end of the board. If they are fastened with nails, it is recommended to make holes for them in the board in advance. This makes the wood less likely to crack.

The roof starts with the frame. Best suited for square gazebos hipped roofs, but the easiest way is to build a single-slope one. Cut from timber rafter legs, they are attached in pairs at an angle. Auxiliary struts are symmetrically attached to each of the legs.

A sheet of plywood is usually used to cover the roof. Self-tapping screws are used for connections, after which the plywood itself is covered for protection with roofing felt, then with bitumen shingles.

The tiles are very light, and working with them is also quite simple. The covering is attached to the flooring using large nails. For cornice tiles a hair dryer is used. Next comes the installation of ordinary tiles. Nails must be long in order to secure plywood, eaves and ordinary tiles.

Before laying out the tiles, the film is removed from it, it is laid overlapping, each time overlapping the seams. The nails must go through all layers of the shingles, otherwise they will come loose over time.

The tiles are cut off along the edges of the roof, and these places are coated with bitumen glue. A ridge tile is laid across the ridge with an adhesive layer, securing it with nails.

Buying flexible tiles, watch the batch number, it must be the same. It happens that in different batches there are different shades of material.

Made of metal

Pay attention to the soil, level and compact it. Experts advise laying out the surface paving slabs. Thus, metal structure it will be more stable, there will be no distortion of the structure, and if you want to remove the gazebo, then in its place there will be a flat platform made of tiles (for the collapsible type).

Having their own house outside the city, many people think about building such a cozy and useful things nearby with him. After all, you must admit that a chic garden, well-groomed beds and neat paths with impeccable fences do not create a complete picture garden plot, without a cozy gazebo on it. Today is a rare occasion when Vacation home dispenses with a full-fledged recreation area on the territory or a small garden gazebo. Construction of a summerhouse is great way not only decorate landscape design, but also create extra bed for complete unity with nature. In the gazebo you can have a great breakfast with the whole family in the early morning, enjoy evening tea, or accommodate guests invited for a picnic. Under the roof of a cozy building you can hide from scorching sun or shelter from the rain. Decorating a gazebo is another chance to show your talent as a designer and add coziness to your property.

Main types of gazebos

Let's look at the main options for making gazebos located on the territory of a country house.

An open gazebo is the easiest to assemble. The simplicity of the design allows you to meet it in the shortest possible time and create a full-fledged recreation area. An open gazebo for a summer house is assembled from support posts and a hinged roof, after which it is decorated decorative elements and partitions between the pillars. Inside the gazebo you can place a comfortable table, benches or chairs with pillows and blankets, and next to it you can organize an area with a barbecue and grill.

IN open gazebo in warm weather it is very pleasant to enjoy the singing of birds and the gentle sun, this the best option for family meetings.

However, in cool weather there is a risk of freezing outdoors, so in winter this design loses all its relevance.

A closed gazebo is a house closed on all sides by walls. In such a gazebo, bad weather and insect attacks are not scary. You can stay in it until late at night and not disturb those who have gone to bed.

However closed space will not allow you to fully enjoy nature and to breathe fresh air, you will have to go outside periodically.

Particular attention should be paid to the design, which should not only protect people from rain, snow and sunlight, but also be visually aesthetically attractive.

A gazebo with a barbecue area solves the problem of cooking over an open fire. This gazebo is equipped with a special grill and a high-quality chimney.

It can be equipped with a full kitchen area with a stove, cabinets, a table for preparing food and a separate dining area.

Living gazebo - lightweight design, the main part of which consists climbing plants, creating dense green walls (hedges). In such a gazebo it is preserved full feeling unity with nature, enjoy the smell of plants and invite friends. At proper care Such gazebos can please the eye for more than one season.

You can also decorate such a gazebo with grape seedlings, the fruits of which will hang in beautiful clusters, while creating natural shade.

Materials for production

Wooden gazebo. Wood is the most popular material for the construction of buildings of this type. It is easy to make a structure from it with the desired design and various shapes, the main thing is to correctly determine its size, and impregnation with water-repellent agents will make it possible to preserve original appearance wood for a long time.

Typically, spruce or pine is used for the construction of wooden gazebos, less often oak. The tree is quite light construction material, so it is not necessary to build for construction.

Stone or brick gazebo- an excellent option for building any type of gazebo in which you plan to place a barbecue. The grill and barbecue can be placed on a special stand or podium made of stone and brick.

Fabric gazebos for summer cottages will become your favorite place to relax. A gazebo in the form of a tent looks very interesting, attracts attention and allows you to diversify an ordinary yard.

It can be arranged using soft pillows and then it will become a real decoration for your site.

Metal gazebos can be purchased relatively inexpensively from manufacturers, as in finished form, and make it with your own hands, while realizing your dreams and fantasies.

Usually these are very simple structures, not overloaded with details, made of wrought iron, which gives them a special charm.

Choosing the right style for summer construction

Classic - nothing superfluous, everything is laconic and strict. A gazebo of regular shape, rectangular, without additional decor, furnished with the simplest pieces of furniture. This is a simple option for a dacha where you plan to spend little time and not have frequent long gatherings.

Rustic style - an interesting design with carved windows, shutters, a real stove and various details such as a samovar, a tablecloth, dried herbs and candles instead of lamps.

Construction of a gazebo in rustic style- enough difficult process, requiring special flair and certain knowledge

Oriental style - exotic design for a country gazebo. The basis may be a real Chinese pagoda with light walls and a multi-tiered roof. The decor welcomes the presence of pillows and lampshades, as well as many Chinese lanterns.

Decorate country house for relaxation on the territory of your plot, you can do it in any style that suits the owner of the estate.

There you can put a rocking chair, a table with your favorite books, an old gramophone with records. In any case, having such a house will sometimes allow you to feel in complete harmony with nature and spend a little time alone with yourself.

The simplest wooden gazebo, photo report of the construction.

A gazebo in the country, this perfect place for recreation, every summer resident can build it, no special construction skills are required here, just look step by step photos construction of a gazebo.

This time we'll do a simple gazebo made of timber and boards with a gable roof with a slate ceiling.

We build a gazebo with our own hands photo.

STEP. 1. We make a columnar foundation; it is enough to pour 6 supporting concrete supports. The structure of a columnar foundation is described in detail in this article. Supporting concrete pillars need to cover waterproofing material, for example, pieces of roofing felt, otherwise the wood will draw moisture from the concrete.

STEP. 2. We make the strapping from timber; the timber is secured at the corners with tenon joints and self-tapping screws.

STEP. 3. Install supports and make top harness from timber. The supports are attached to the harnesses metal corners and also with self-tapping screws. Bottom harness We cover it with used motor oil, which will serve as an excellent antiseptic and protect the wood from rotting and insects.

STEP. 4. We fasten the rafters for gable roof. The angle of inclination of the roof slopes must be at least 30 degrees.

STEP. 5. We fill the rafters with a sheathing of boards and lay the covering material. In this case, slate was used, but it is better to work with corrugated sheets; it is much lighter and easier to install.

Slate laying scheme, first the bottom row of slate is laid, then the top row with an overlap, the laying direction is towards the most windy side.

We lay a wooden floor, fasten the side walls of the gazebo and the roof gables.