Dollar Tree. Dollar tree: zamioculcas flowering, care at home Dollar tree care flowering

Over the past few years, the dollar tree has become one of the most popular plants among gardeners. According to Feng Shui practice, this flower promises prosperity and wealth to its owners. That is why it has become fashionable to give zamioculcas as gifts for birthdays and housewarmings. The second reason for the great popularity of the dollar tree is its very easy care. Growing the plant at home does not require special attention.

Dollar tree: photo, flower description

The plant got its name because of its green, glossy beautiful leaves. One fleshy leaf contains about ten feathers. The height of the tree, with good care, can reach more than one meter. Its tuberous root stores water, which the plant needs during periods of drought. Zamioculcas is similar in its properties to Crassula or money tree.

The dollar plant grown at home rarely blooms. A dollar flower is an ear of light pink, light yellow or white color, covered with outside big leaf. It reaches 8 cm in length. It is not particularly decorative and looks a bit like a spathiphyllum flower.

For Zamioculcas to begin to bloom, he certain conditions are required:

If all conditions are met, the dollar tree can bloom at a young age.

Features of growing Zamioculcas

At home for dollar tree It's not difficult to care for at all. However, there are still some nuances in plant care.


Zamioculcas is light-loving, so it needs to choose a well-lit place. However, in the first few days the flower must adapt to new conditions, so it needs to choose a place with partial shade.

In the future, the plant can put on the windowsill, shading it from direct sunlight. Otherwise, the leaves may get burned and become covered with yellow spots.


The dollar tree will grow and bloom well in summer period at a room temperature of +25C.

In winter, the flower needs more low temperature, at which it will gain strength for active growth in the summer. Flower growers recommend keeping the plant at a temperature of no more than +16C. You can even take the pot with zamioculcas to an insulated loggia if the temperature there does not drop below +12C.

Air humidity

The flower needs a humid climate, which can be achieved in two ways:

  1. Spray the leaves of the plant daily with settled water at room temperature.
  2. Place the flower pot on a tray filled with damp moss, drainage or peat.

Since the leaves of the dollar tree are fleshy, the plant will not suffer from lack of moisture. Plant installed on a windowsill heating season will feel bad. Therefore, under such conditions, it is recommended to wipe the leaves with a damp cloth.

Rules for watering and fertilizing

The correct watering regime is key moment when caring for a dollar tree. The plant can survive without moisture for more than a week. Therefore, Zamioculcas is perfect for those who often leave their apartment or for a long time.

Water the plant abundantly, but only after the soil in the pot has completely dried. It is impossible to water Zamioculcas too often, because it the tuber may begin to rot. That is why there should be no stagnation of water on the surface of the soil and in the pan. Overwatering is much worse for a dollar tree than overdrying the soil.

During the period of active growth, the plant requires nutrients. Therefore, Zamioculcas needs to be fed once every two weeks. For this purpose, fertilizers for cacti or succulents sold in specialized stores are used.

In winter, if the plant is kept in a cool room, stop watering and fertilizing.

Dollar tree - replanting

The root system of the plant consists of dense tubers that are quite vulnerable. If transplanted carelessly, they can be damaged, which often leads to the death of the flower. Therefore, Zamioculcas should be replanted slowly and with extreme care.

A dollar tree is transplanted in three cases:

  1. A few days after purchase, since in stores plants are sold in shipping pots with peat. Immediate transplantation is not recommended. The plant must adapt to new conditions.
  2. The young plant is replanted annually. The pot is chosen a little larger.
  3. Adult plants are transplanted only after the roots fill the entire earthen ball and begin to protrude from the pot. The best time Spring is considered to be the time for replanting.

For Zamioculcas it is better to choose clay or ceramic pot. The roots of the plant, growing, can easily break the plastic container.

Definitely at the bottom of the pot drainage needs to be installed. Soil can be bought at the store. You should choose a soil mixture intended for cacti. For good air permeability, it is recommended to add expanded clay to the soil, which should be fine-grained.

To avoid damaging the roots, replanting is carried out using the transshipment method. The flower, along with a lump of earth, is taken out of the old pot and carefully placed in a new container prepared in advance. In this case, you need to make sure that the upper tubers remain bare by about one centimeter. They cannot be completely covered with earth.

Dollar tree sap is poisonous and can cause burning and itching if it comes into contact with the skin. Therefore, when replanting a plant, you must wear rubber gloves.

At home, Zamioculcas can be propagated in three ways:

  • cuttings;
  • dividing the tuber;
  • leaf.


The tree reproduces in this way if the plant is already mature. The cutting is cut from a branch bare below, on which a small bud has formed.

The roots should appear in 2-4 weeks. Caring for the cuttings at this time involves constantly moistening the substrate.

Tuber division

The root system of the dollar tree can be easily divided and planted in pots. This can be done when transplanting an adult plant.

Each division should be planted in a pot that is approximately 3-4 cm in diameter wider than the rhizome. The container for planting young plants should not be very deep.

Reproduction by leaf

This is the simplest and at the same time long-term method of reproduction dollar tree.

  1. A small leaf is separated from the plant branch and goes deep into the loose substrate or peat.
  2. The earth mixture is slightly moistened.
  3. It is best to plant several leaves in a container at once.
  4. Place the container with seedlings in a well-lit place.

The tuber on such leaves can ripen within several months. To speed up this process, you can cover the container with polyethylene, creating greenhouse conditions for the seedlings.

Possible problems when caring for Zamioculcas

Growing a dollar tree is generally not a big deal, but there is still some involved in caring for it. some problems may arise.

Although Flowering of the dollar tree is very rare and is not distinguished by its beauty, this does not prevent it from remaining one of the most beautiful indoor plants. With its spectacular waxy leaves, Zamioculcas can decorate any home or office.

dollar tree

Dollar tree flower benefits and harm

Dollar tree or indoor Zamioculcas flower: planting, care, propagation, watering, replanting in autumn, winter, cultivation, feeding at home, diseases, signs and superstitions. Why is Zamioculcas called the flower of celibacy?

It took root in our country not so long ago, but is already so loved! Dollar tree or zamioculcas is a chic decoration for your apartment or house.

Geraniums, violets, cacti, aloe and Kalanchoe - you've probably heard about these plants, or they have already taken root well on your windowsill. What do you know about the dollar tree? it is also called zamioculcas. The name does not appear very often; you probably know little about it. However, this plant grows very beautiful if it is properly cared for. Caring for a dollar tree is very interesting. The plant will definitely respond with lush foliage and young shoots to your efforts.

Read the article to understand all the intricacies of growing zamioculcas.

Zamiokulkas will perfectly complement minimalist interiors

Dollar tree - zamioculcas flower: types, benefits and harm, homeland, poisonous or not?

Like many other plants, there are enough species of dollar tree to choose from them one and only “your” option.

Zamioculcas has the following common names:

  • dollar tree
  • eternal tree
  • zanzibar pearl
  • fat man
  • aroid palm
  • golden tree

Zamioculcas will become part of your apartment or house

Zamioculcas is partly classified as a genus of succulents. This is the name given to plants that grow on dry sandy soils somewhere in the depths of deserts. Africa can be considered the birthplace of the dollar tree. It was Africa that created all the most favorable conditions for the creation of such a beautiful and powerful plant.

This is interesting! Zamioculcas is incredibly popular in China. There it is considered a symbol of the New Year.

Zamioculcas is unpretentious in care, but it requires compliance with certain standards in handling itself, which we will talk about a little later in the article.

Zamioculcas is the common name. Includes several subspecies:

  • Zamioculcas lacentata
  • Zamioculcas zamifolia
  • zamioculcas zamicro
  • variegated zamioculcas

Relatively recently this beautiful plant appeared in Russia. Therefore, new species have so far been spared by selection. Despite this, in 2007, a mini-Zamioculcas variety was developed, which is only 60 cm high instead of the standard 100 cm. Its name is Zamicro.

Unpretentious lover of sunlight and dry air

It is a mistake to believe that the dollar tree is poisonous. Its leaves contain a substance that, if it enters the oral cavity, can cause a slight burning sensation, but will definitely not lead to death. This does not mean that Zamioculcas should now be used as spicy herb in the salad. Just keep in mind that your pet's restless behavior or your child's tears may be due to the fact that both of them have tried the plant.

We will have to talk a little about the benefits of this plant. It does not purify the air like chlorophytum and does not disinfect it like pine needles. The dollar tree plays a purely decorative role.

It is believed that Zamioculcas brings woman's happiness to the house. But for this, the flower must be given with pure intentions and without malicious intent.

A plant with large, fleshy leaves of a dark emerald color.

Why is Zamioculcas called the flower of celibacy, can it be kept at home?

If you believe the signs, then all flowers in one way or another affect the atmosphere in the house and their owners in particular. There are many legends and rumors about Zamioculcas, but which of them can be considered true and which are fiction? The question is not an easy one.

Opinions differ regarding Zamioculcas. Some call it “women’s happiness,” others call it “the flower of celibacy.” Who to believe? It's up to you to decide. For some, the dollar tree will indeed be a flower of celibacy, but for others it will not. Or maybe it’s not the flower at all? It is very unwise to blame a plant for your failures.

Even if a flower doesn’t bring you happiness, it will definitely please the eye.

Most women are sure of the opposite. Zamioculcas does bring happiness to the house. Yes, happiness is not simple, but feminine. Real female happiness. According to signs, in order for happiness to come to the house, a flower cannot be bought, but must be accepted as a gift from a loved one. Despite the fact that Zamioculcas does not require special attention, its condition needs to be monitored. Withered leaves, yellow tips, limp stem - any of these signs indicate that you did not care about the plant and you will have to wait for quite a long time for female happiness.

The flower serves as decoration for high-level hotels and restaurants

Why did Zamioculcas bloom, cry, die: signs and superstitions

And again let's turn to signs. According to folk beliefs In addition to female happiness, a flower is capable of attracting wealth and prosperity to the owner’s house with its energy. What is this connected with?

Historical reference. Even 100 years ago, the flower was available only to noble gentlemen who had the means, green pieces of paper, to cross the ocean and buy this foreign miracle. Perhaps because of its considerable value at that time, the plant was nicknamed the “dollar tree.”

Crassula is also a plant known to many with the nickname “ Money Tree" But its leaves are much smaller and more likely resemble coins than large bills.

Zamioculcas can be planted next to Crassula to attract all types of bills and coins

One of the most important signs related to Zamioculcas can be considered the following: “If the plant withers, financial problems await the owners.” Perhaps this is true. After all, the dollar tree still affects the energy of the house. At least for this reason, you should take care of it at the proper level.

Another sign: “Zamioculcas is suddenly in bloom - remember, dear, your dream.” A dream means a wedding, pregnancy, the birth of a child, or at least the appearance of a worthy man on the horizon. All this relates to a woman’s dream, a woman’s happiness.

It will be bad for those people in whose house Zamioculcas dies. You can correct the situation by establishing care, but even if this does not help, perhaps soon problems with money will become serious. In this situation, we can advise you to avoid all kinds of financial risks and save the plant as soon as possible. If, despite all your persistent efforts, the flower withers, perhaps all your financial efforts will also go to waste.

This is what Zamioculcas leaves look like when viewed closely

But what about the fact that the plant began to “cry”? But you can cry both from happiness and from grief. Therefore, in this case, any conclusions are rash.

To believe signs or not is a matter for each person personally. For many cultures this had and still has weight.

Zamioculcas: what kind of soil, soil, pot is needed for planting and replanting?

Usually, the soil of succulents is perfect for this plant - soil with a large admixture of sand, small brick or expanded clay, quite dense, not like clay. It is good to add peat and soil taken from soil to such soil. deciduous trees during the period of crown shedding. That is, in the fall. This information will be useful for making your own soil mixture.

In the store you can ask for soil for succulents if you are not very knowledgeable about the types of soil for different types plants.

Attention! Don't forget to add a generous layer of drainage (about 1.5-2 cm) to the bottom of the pot!

For a small plant, choose a small pot; for a large plant, choose a larger one.

The larger the plant's root system, the larger the pot should be, but don't go overboard with the size. The ideal option is when the diameter of the pot is 1-2 cm larger than the diameter of the rhizome.

The material for the pot can be anything from plastic to fired clay and ceramics. It all depends on your preferences.

How to plant and replant zamioculcas at home in autumn and winter?

Zamioculcas are planted in small pots. You can plant several shoots or leaves in one container so that the root system is formed correctly.

Advice! In a large pot, the shoot or leaf will take root and grow very slowly. Therefore, make sure that the container is the size of the flower.

The initial planting of the plant is carried out as follows:

  1. A layer of drainage is poured into a pot with holes in the bottom under the water.
  2. The next layer is pre-prepared soil (purchased or “own assembly”). The soil is poured into the pot so that 1.5 cm remains from the top edges of the pot.
  3. A small depression is made in the ground under the root or leaf of the plant.
  4. The flower is planted in this recess. After this, the stem is dug in so that the root is not visible at all.
  5. The ground is not watered very abundantly with settled water.

Landing complete! You can plant several leaves in one pot at once, if the volume allows.

rooting plants in pots

Planting can be done at any time of the year, but transplantation can be done exclusively in the spring and summer. In winter, it is better not to disturb the plant.

When replanting later, just add a little more land along the edges of the pot.

Dollar tree - Zamioculcas flower, when does it bloom at home?

The Zamioculcas flower blooms very rarely at home, like most succulents. This is due to many factors:

  • soil
  • improper watering
  • poor lighting
  • nutrient-poor soil
  • improperly selected soil
  • too tight or loose potty

Even if all conditions are met, there is no guarantee that the flower will delight you with its bloom.

This is how the dollar tree blooms

You may not even notice the Zamioculcas blooming at first. The plant shoots several arrows, at the end of which you can see a long spongy cone, like a cattail. Only cattail in this case has Brown color, dollar tree - light beige. In the end, the decoration of this flower is not the bloom, but the leaves themselves.

How to properly care for Zamioculcas and how often to water it at home?

Flower care is minimal: timely watering, well-selected soil from the beginning and good lighting. If the lighting and soil are selected once, then the plant will have to be watered approximately once a week in the summer. In autumn-winter it is even less common.

Important! When watering, focus on the surface of the soil in the pot. It should be fairly dry, but not too dry. There should be no cracks, as well as stagnation of moisture. Succulents tolerate drought much better than overwatering.

Watering is carried out from above, and not into the pan

The plant does not require pruning of leaves. You can only occasionally remove old leaves, which can interfere and create too much crown volume.

In general, the Zamioculcas plant has a rather interesting structure. What we are accustomed to calling a rhizome in ordinary plants is a stem in Zamioculcas. And long arrows with leaves are just large leaves on which smaller ones are located.

How to propagate Zamioculcas with a leaf or branch?

Zamioculcas has several methods of reproduction.

  1. Leaf plate. The leaf is cut off, dried in gauze for 1-2 days, and then planted in moist soil. Cover with foil for several days or plastic cup, periodically ventilating.
  2. Rhizome. The plant is removed from the pot and the root is divided in half. This method is only suitable for adult plants.
  3. A twig. To do this, the branch is cut along with the bud, then the principle is the same as that of a leaf. This method is faster than the first, but slower than the second. You can wait several months for new leaves.

There is also a method of propagation by seeds, but in our latitudes, unfortunately, this plant does not grow, so obtaining seeds is extremely problematic.

This is how Zamioculcas is transplanted

Dollar tree - zamioculcas flower: what to feed and fertilize?

The dollar tree can, in principle, survive without fertilizers. Of course, then it will significantly lose growth and may even begin to shed its leaves, but this is unlikely to lead to the death of the plant. Most likely it will simply “freeze.” To prevent this from happening, regularly feed Zamioculcas with fertilizers for succulents.

Important! Fertilizers for deciduous or flowering plants are not suitable for Zamioculcas!

Feeding mineral fertilizers It is customary to alternate with feeding organic fertilizers. The fertilizer concentration should be 50% of what the manufacturers recommend on the packages.

Good fertilizers will add several tens of centimeters to the plant's growth.

How to correctly place zamioculcas in the interior according to Feng Shui?

According to Feng Shui, similar plants are placed in the wealth zone, which is in the southeast of the house. Choose a bright place and place the flower there. It is believed that this way the apartment will have the “right” energies that will help attract money and prosperity to the house.

Try not to place the flower in direct sunlight, for example, on a windowsill. The plant really doesn’t like this!

To enhance the monetary “increase” that zamioculcas promises you, we recommend placing a $1 bill folded several times under the pot.

In terms of energy, fleshy leaves promise well-being at home in financially

Zamioculcas grows poorly: what to do?

If your flower is not growing well, looks pale and stunted, a possible reason may be the following:

  1. You have dried out the plant. If you don't water it for several months, the flower begins to wither.
  2. You have overwatered the plant. Stop watering and wait until the soil is top layer will dry well. Then wait a little longer and resume watering, this time moderately.
  3. You placed the zamioculcas in too bright a place or in direct sunlight. The plant really doesn't like this. Choose a shaded place for it.
  4. You are not fertilizing the plant. In this case, growth stops.
  5. The potty is too small or too uncomfortable. Many indoor plants require cramped pots. Zamioculcas is among them.
  6. You are replanting the flower too often. Leave it alone for a while and, if other conditions are favorable, the dollar tree will begin to grow.

This is a list of the most probable causes, along which the plant may not grow. The list could be continued, but after reading our article to the end, you will probably determine for yourself what is wrong with your handsome man.

A good atmosphere in the house also contributes to the growth of the flower.

Why do the leaves turn yellow, dry out and fall off, the stem wrinkled, spots on the trunk, the tuber of Zamioculcas rot - what to do, how to save: Zamioculcas diseases, their treatment

Sometimes it happens that the gardener loses sight of some detail, and the plant begins to wither before our eyes. If this happens to your Zamioculcas, read below for a list of possible causes of the flower's illness.

How does the disease manifest itself? What is How to treat
Yellow leaves, brown spots Burns Keep away from direct sunlight
Yellow leaves, limp, without spots Abundant watering

Reduce watering and wait until dry

earthen coma and resume watering

Shriveled stem Root problems or overwatering

Perhaps it was damaged during transplantation.

If the situation is not critical, time can help.

The plant will take root on its own.

If a long time has passed, but the flower is getting worse, it is recommended to remove it from the pot and inspect the root (stem).

Remove the affected areas, or remove the entire stem and root the leaves.

Spots on the trunk Possible infection or burns Assess the nature of the stains to understand what exactly to treat. Seek help from Internet articles or from experienced flower growers.
The root has rotted Too much watering or disease

Dig up the flower and remove the affected parts.

Sprinkle with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. You can sprinkle it lightly with ash.

Treat with pest control or antiseptic.

These were the basic rules for caring for Zamioculcas. We hope this article will help you grow a beautiful and large flower!

Video: Big ZAMIOKULKAS home care / Dollar Tree

Rules for caring for Zamioculcas (dollar tree) at home: how to water, what to feed and much more

Zamioculcas is becoming increasingly popular among indoor plant lovers. It is grown not only in homes, but also office premises due to ease of care and unpretentiousness.

For its successful development and preservation of its decorative qualities for as long as possible, it is enough to follow a few simple rules.

Zamioculcas belongs to the Araceae family. It has a second name, which is known in everyday life - “dollar tree”.

Origin: arid regions of Africa. The special structure of the tubers and stem allows Zamioculcas to survive long periods without water. It has a thickened trunk on which there are leaves covered with a waxy coating.

Is the dollar tree in bloom?

Flowers are cobs, but achieving flowering at home is a rather difficult task.

  • Home care
  • Plant placement
  • Soil and replanting
  • Watering and humidity
  • Growing and Reproduction
  • Top dressing
  • How does a dollar tree grow?
  • Benefits and harms


Home care

How to properly care for indoor Zamioculcas (dollar tree) flowers at home?

Homemade Zamioculcas flowers do not require special care at home. After purchasing a plant, it must be adapted to the room in which it will now be located. Before reaching the store counter, Zamioculcas was grown in a greenhouse, where the most favorable conditions were created for it.

The plant was then placed in shipping soil and a small pot. During the process of moving, plants experience stress, and when they find themselves in new conditions, they can shed some of their foliage, which is the norm.

Important: Zamioculcas grows quite large at home, so it requires a spacious container. In addition to growing upward, the tuber itself also grows in width.

Accordingly, it is necessary to choose a pot for Zamioculcas that will allow Zamioculcas to grow freely and turn into a beautiful specimen.

When caring for a dollar tree at home, it is necessary to take into account that there is no need to replant immediately, but if you want to renew the soil, or the tubers become crowded, then the plant is carefully removed from the transport pot, slightly shaken and planted in new land into a larger container.

Even ceramic pots will work for dollar trees. The dollar tree also looks beautiful in floor flowerpots.

Read on to learn about the specifics of watering, including after replanting.

The houseplant Zamioculcas is quite unpretentious; it will grow both in the shade and in the sun, however, bright lighting is preferable for rapid and uniform development.

The presence of a large amount of light is desirable; it is better if it is bright but diffused, then the leaves will retain their bright green color.

The dollar tree indoor plant also tolerates direct sun well, but the leaves may become pale in color.

Where is the right place to place a dollar tree?

In summer it grows well in open spaces, balconies and verandas. In winter, place it as close to the light source as possible, preferably on a south window.

Favorable temperature is normal room temperature, in winter it is advisable not lower than 16 degrees, since at low temperatures problems not only with growth are possible, but also the appearance of diseases, and even the death of the plant.

Soil and replanting

The soil is light and nutritious. Leaf and turf soil are mixed, peat and coarse sand are added. You can also add fine expanded clay. There must be a layer of drainage at the bottom of the pot and holes made to drain excess moisture.

Young specimens of Zamioculcas are transplanted annually into a wider container. For adult specimens, it is enough to replant once every 2-3 years. After transplanting, water very little, as the plant needs time to adapt and resume growth.

You can learn more about how to transplant a dollar tree in the video below:

Watering and humidity

All parts of Zamioculcas are designed to retain moisture during long dry periods. Zamioculcas does not require excessive watering. This plant does not like excess water. The main rule when watering a dollar tree: it is better not to water it. Excessive watering is especially dangerous in cloudy weather and winter time.

How often to water Zamioculcas (dollar tree)?

In summer, watering once a week is sufficient. In winter, especially if the room temperature is low, watering is done very rarely, sometimes once every 2-3 weeks is enough.

Important: if there is excess moisture, the tubers may rot and the plant will die.

Zamioculcas easily reproduces during transplantation by dividing tubers. Dividing an adult plant into 2-3 parts, they are planted in different pots.

There is also a known method of propagation by cuttings. To do this, the stem with leaf blades (compound leaf) is completely separated by breaking it off from the base of the tuber.

After this, the stem is placed in sand or perlite, watering lightly. Before planting in the ground, the leaf is dried for several days. outdoors. It is advisable that it has a bud, then the appearance of roots is much more likely.

The propagation method is also used with individual leaf blades, which are also placed in light soil, perlite or clean sand, and then covered with a glass or bag. Rooting of cuttings and leaves takes 1.5-2 months.

Let's take a closer look at how to propagate Zamioculcas leaves in the video below:

Top dressing

What and how to feed Zamioculcas?

During the period of active growth of green mass, apply fertilizer for decorative leafy plants, diluted at half the concentration, or fertilizer for cacti. They do this 2 times a month. The soil is first watered and then fed with a solution of fertilizers. Fertilizers for Zamioculcas can be used universal, but it is better to alternate organic and mineral.

How does a dollar tree grow?

Its growth does not occur very quickly, mainly from spring to early autumn, when there is a lot of sun. Gradually, a stem appears from the tuber, the leaves on which are twisted. As they grow, they unfold. Each subsequent stem (compound leaf) is higher than the previous one. Zamioculcas can reach a height of 1 meter and looks effective in any room.

Plant care in winter

How to care for a dollar tree indoor plant in winter?

Like most plants, in the cold season Zamioculcas goes into a dormant period. At this time, special treatment is required.

It is not recommended to lower the room temperature below 12 ºC, otherwise the plant may lose some of its leaves.

How often to water Zamioculcas in winter?

Watering Zamioculcas in winter must be done with extreme caution. They give little water and very rarely - no more than once every two weeks. Some experienced flower growers It is recommended to water this plant once a month in winter. However, one should take into account the dryness of the air and the presence central batteries heating. Zamoculcas tolerates prolonged dry soil well.

Attention: spray the plant in winter period It is also not recommended, it can lead to rotting of the leaves.

If suddenly the leaf blades begin to turn yellow due to dry air, it is necessary to increase the humidity in the room. For these purposes, install bowls with water or use a humidifier.

How to feed Zamioculcas in winter?

Fertilizing is usually not given in winter, since new shoots do not form at this time. But if the plant begins to grow, then you can add a weak solution of universal fertilizers to the water.

In winter, the dollar tree flower should be placed in as bright a place as possible. It will also tolerate shade, but it may lose its decorative appearance and some of the leaves.

Benefits and harms

Is it possible to keep a dollar tree at home?

Keeping this plant at home is considered a good omen and brings profit. The home flower Zamioculcas is not considered poisonous plant. For people prone to allergies, the leaves can cause skin irritation. It is not recommended to allow animals near the flower so that they do not accidentally ingest parts of the plant: allergies and digestive disorders are possible.

Zamioculcas is a convenient and unpretentious plant for home and office. Since it requires infrequent watering, the flower can be completely safely left for a long time without fear that it will die.

That is why modern designers It is often used as interior decoration. It grows slowly, but also lives long. From a small plant, after a few years, a tall and beautiful specimen grows.

Is the dollar tree (zamioculcas) really a flower of celibacy?

Girls are primarily interested in the question of whether it is possible to keep Zamioculcas at home? This is true for many. Not only is it difficult to persuade a modern groom, accustomed to open relationships, to marry. Zamioculcas (celibacy flower) can also cause damage. This matter needs to be fought in a radical way. But, on the other hand, Zamioculcas contributes to the accumulation of green dollars. How do you get rid of it? So you can end up broke. What should a poor girl choose?

Is it true that Zamioculcas is a celibate flower?

It turns out that the question of the effect of the flower and the decoding of the signs is very important. After all, you don’t want to lose your chances either for suitors or for money. What to do if you were given this beautiful plant as a gift? After all, the present was made with only one purpose - to contribute to your financial well-being! Don't get rid of it. Or is personal happiness more important? And for the sake of the wedding ceremony, can you throw the gift in the trash? This, of course, is a personal question. Everyone does as their soul whispers to them. Just before we part with the plant, let’s try to consider what people say about it. Where did the information come from that Zamioculcas is a celibate flower? The first thing they will immediately say about him is this dollar flower. This is the main sign associated with the plant. It is believed that its plump green leaves can affect the owner’s income. At the same time, financial growth will be significant. Some eyewitnesses claim that as soon as the plant produces a new leaf, they receive a certain amount of money completely unexpectedly.

And yet, why is Zamioculcas a flower of celibacy? According to some reports, such an unpleasant rumor arose because the plant looks very similar to spathiphyllum. They have very similar characteristic flowers, reminiscent of a phallic symbol. But if spathiphyllum is a muzhegon, then what does Zamioculcas have to do with it? The external data of plants does not yet indicate the similarity of their “characters”.

There is also a very interesting rumor among the people. They say that zamioculcas brings happiness to its owner. This pleasant phenomenon only occurs at the moment of flowering of the plant. Then real feminine happiness can descend on the hostess. But it is very difficult to make this “slow” plant bloom. It blooms extremely rarely and only when very favorable conditions. Maybe this is the main reason for the unpleasant rumors. Imagine they gave you a flower, thereby linking your destinies. Now you will find your happiness when the “greedy” zamioculcas blooms. This means there is nothing to be afraid of and there is no need to rush to the landfill with the plant. Take good care of your pet: he will help you save up money and meet your destiny at the right time.

Zamioculcas mascot

The meaning of the flower is dollar plant. If it was given to you, then caring for it is equivalent to caring for own business. As soon as a new leaf appears, prepare your wallet. The money will definitely come. If the plant starts to hurt, prepare for losses. Please note that by trusting Zamioculcas, you will receive greater protection. But you have to pay for plant magic own time. Fortunately, Zamioculcas is not picky. You can water it infrequently. Just make sure there is enough moisture in the air, otherwise the leaves will begin to turn yellow.

So, Zamioculcas may be a muzhegon, only temporarily until it blooms. But this event promises you real female happiness, which you won’t mind waiting for. Moreover, the noble plant will look after your financial well-being. So if you gave it to me, keep it at home and love your plant guardian angel!

Zamioculcas “celibacy flower” - why? What signs?

Zamioculcas - the flower of celibacy (also the dollar tree) is one of the unusual indoor plants with which various legends and beliefs are associated. In some houses it appears because it attracts the owner with its originality, in others - because of various signs associated with it.

Why is Zamioculcas called the “flower of celibacy”?

Why zamioculcas is a celibate flower interests many indoor plant lovers. There are several versions regarding this. The main thing is considered to be the similarity with the leaves of spathiphyllum, which is considered a muzhegon plant. There is no scientific confirmation of this reason for the appearance of the belief and the name of the flower - celibacy. It is also impossible to find evidence that women in houses with a plant cannot get married.

Signs and superstitions associated with the plant

There are many signs associated with the flower, and they relate not only to marriage, but also to material well-being.

  1. If a woman herself buys a plant in a store, then when she pays for it, she gives away her happiness with the money; and therefore, as long as the flower is in the house, nothing will work out in her personal life.
  2. If a young plant is given to a woman, and she gives the giver several gold-colored coins for it, then it will begin to work as a powerful magnet to attract happiness, and soon the owner will meet the groom.
  3. The plant is able to understand how it is treated and respond to the owner in kind. If Zamioculcas is loved and surrounded with care and concern, then he reciprocates and brings the woman good luck in personal affairs and prosperity.
  4. Property of attracting material well-being and female happiness manifests itself several times more strongly if the plant is given as a gift for a holiday, especially on New Year, birthday or Christmas. A zamioculcas given for a wedding also brings happiness, but it should not be given for the birth of a child.
  5. Only a completely healthy plant attracts material well-being.
  6. The zamioculcas received as a gift must be replanted as soon as possible, using expanded clay and a few coins as drainage. This will enhance the plant’s ability to attract material well-being.
  7. If the leaves on the plant begin to turn yellow and fall off, you should be careful with money and not make risky financial transactions, since what is happening is a warning that a sharp deterioration in your financial situation may occur.
  8. If unmarried woman Zamioculcas blossomed, then soon a marriage proposal will be made to her.
  9. If you sell the sprout from home flower, then your happiness will be given away along with it. Zamioculcas can only be given as a gift, receiving a ransom of several coins for it. You cannot give away sprouts on days that are significant to you, so as not to also give away your happiness.

There are many signs related to indoor plants, but everyone must decide for themselves whether to believe in them or not.

Zamioculcas - home care

The flower belongs to unpretentious plants, but everything is required for him proper care, without which he will feel bad and will not be able to fulfill his purpose of attracting well-being.


The moment of watering is the most important for a plant. If the soil is moistened incorrectly, the flower will begin to hurt and most likely die.

Zamioculcas tolerates a lack of water much easier than an excess. If water stagnates, the plant’s roots will begin to rot, and it will be impossible to save it. It is also impossible to overdry the flower.

For irrigation, use only clean, settled water at room temperature. The saucer that stands under the plant should be left dry after watering, pouring out all the water that has flowed out of the pot. The soil must be dry before watering. You should not water Zamioculcas when the soil in the pot is even slightly moist.

A flower that grows in a small pot is watered more often. It is also worth considering that in winter the plant needs less water than in summer.

The plant needs a temperature from +19 to +26 degrees and dry air. The flower is photophilous and tolerates direct sunlight, but at the same time it can adapt to partial shade. In very hot weather, Zamioculcas requires shading.

The plant needs a regular flow of fresh air. To do this, the room must be ventilated, but the flower should not be in a draft.

Top dressing

For feeding, you should use special liquid fertilizers that are intended for cacti and succulents. As a last resort, products for decorative deciduous plants are applicable. Fertilizers are dissolved in water in the proportion indicated in the instructions.

Fertilizer should be applied to moist soil, making sure that it does not get on the leaves. Feeding should be done once every 2 weeks from spring to autumn. In winter, the plant has a dormant period, so fertilizer is not required.

Is the flower poisonous?

The plant is poisonous and poses a danger to small children who, due to their natural curiosity, put various objects in their mouths and can become seriously poisoned by chewing a zamioculcas leaf. IN severe cases poisoning poses a danger to the child's life.

Adults, if for some reason they swallow a piece of a plant leaf, dangerous poisoning they won't receive it. For them, the maximum harm will be reduced to vomiting and diarrhea.

Can I keep it at home or not?

According to popular belief, the plant is not only possible, but necessary to have in the house. The presence of Zamioculcas will benefit women and men equally, whether married or not.

If a person is not superstitious, then you can simply buy a flower in a store. When do signs have great importance, you need to hint to your loved ones that you would like to receive this houseplant as a gift.

Myths and truth about Zamioculcas

The truth about the plant is that it is poisonous. Also, the flower quickly reacts to unfavorable environmental conditions, which is why the microclimate in the apartment can be determined by its condition.

  • All the signs that a flower attracts money and happiness are nothing more than a myth, which for many makes the plant especially attractive.
  • Like all indoor plants, Zamioculcas decorates the apartment, and if it appearance I like it, it's worth having it at home.

The flower has an unusual appearance, which allows it to fit perfectly into various interiors offices, banks, reputable institutions. IN last years he gained great popularity and recognition.

Tell me please, do you love money? In a good sense of the word, of course. Which ones are bigger, rubles or dollars? What, a stupid question? Of course, dollars are more interesting these days, who can argue. Do you know how and with what to attract them to you? Work for foreign currency, right. Making an exchange at a bank is also correct, but what else? Do not know? Then open it terrible secret, don't tell anyone about her. Dollars are attracted by a magical flower called zamioculcas - the dollar tree, and today we’ll talk about how to care for it.

What kind of animal is zamioculcas or dollar tree?

Zamioculcas (pronounced "zamioculcas"), commonly known as dollar tree, is a flower of the araceae family native to tropical Africa. Like the money tree, Zamioculcas is a succulent, that is, a plant that can accumulate moisture inside the leaves, trunk and roots for its further gradual consumption. The dollar tree has very beautiful fleshy leaves covered with a waxy coating, consisting of 8-12 divided feathers. And underground this plant hides a powerful tuberous rhizome - a real reservoir water reserves for a rainy day. The growth of the dollar tree reaches a meter, and unlike the money tree, it has the ability to bloom. resembles an ear of corn, in which small, inconspicuous flowers are collected, hiding under a green leafy blanket. However, this event is quite rare even in nature, let alone at home. But this is not the main thing. The main thing is that the dollar tree is unpretentious, and caring for it is easy even for a novice amateur gardener.

If you grow a plant, you will be interested to know about. This is, perhaps, all you need to know about the dollar tree and how to care for it. Place this tropical guest on your windowsill, and let the dollars flow to you like an endless river.

Even novice gardeners can care for the dollar tree (zamioculcas), but some rules must be followed. Let's share secrets.

How to care for indoor Zamioculcas flower

Zamioculcas was brought to Europe from Kenya almost 200 years ago. It, like the well-known anthuriums, dieffenbachias, spathiphyllums and monsteras, belongs to the aroid family.


  • life expectancy ≈ 10 years;
  • popular varieties: zamyefolia, variegated (variegated), lanceolate, dwarf;
  • type of roots - tubers;
  • characteristics of the leaves: color - all dark shades of green, covered with a glossy waxy shell, reaching a meter in size, slightly convex at the base.

Video about flower care

Choosing soil for Zamioculcas

If you don’t like messing with the soil, buy a universal mixture for zamioculcas (dollar tree).

Suitable options:

  • Ecoflora,
  • Terra Vita,

The plant also takes root in succulent substrate. You can prepare the soil yourself by mixing equal parts of sand, peat, leaf soil and turf soil.

Interesting:Zamioculcas is popularly called the dollar (currency) tree. According to legend, after each new leaf appears in the owner’s wallet, the flower noticeably grows. And the bad news: if the plant withers or turns yellow, expect financial losses.

An unpretentious indoor flower grows in any soil, and to prevent water from stagnating and rot from appearing, ensure high-quality drainage and loose soil.

Lighting for Zamioculcas

Even if you place a zamioculcas flower in a dark corner, it will survive. Only in such a location will the leaves fade and stop growing (and you can’t expect any profit).

Do not miss:

For a comfortable existence, place the flower on the windowsill, or preferably near it, facing southwest.

Bright diffused light revitalizes growth, refreshes, and is favorable for flowering. In summer, feel free to put it on the balcony or take it outside.

How to water dollar tree

The main rule: do not be too zealous, excess moisture is dangerous for the development of rot that is fatal for zamioculcas. To prevent this from happening, watch the soil: the soil is dry, which means it’s time to water.

Use slightly warm water and moisten generously. During the cold season, watering once every two weeks is sufficient.

Female sign: The blossoming of the dollar tree is a harbinger of the appearance of a man in the family. At least that's what single ladies think. Perhaps this superstition arose due to the specific phallic shape of the inflorescence.

air humidity and temperature

Strict rules for temperature conditions for the dollar tree, as such, no, but there are useful recommendations. It is not necessary to spray, but it is good to sometimes wipe the leaves with a damp cloth (at the same time you will remove dust).

Optimal temperature 16-25 degrees, a decrease or increase of 3-5 degrees is possible, but undesirable. In other conditions, Zamioculcas will die, and goodbye, female happiness and financial well-being.

For flower lovers indoor flowers I recommend articles:

Florists have created many that are distinguished by their external splendor.

Feeding the flower

If the dollar tree looks healthy, no additional care is needed. Alarm signals: severe yellowing, falling and drying of leaves, the appearance of dark spots on them; excessive stretching of shoots.

For feeding (leaf and root), ready-made mixtures for succulents are suitable. The procedure is carried out according to the instructions, the frequency is once or twice a month (in spring and summer). During the cold period, it is undesirable to use fertilizers.

Replanting and propagating indoor plants

Carefully remove soft, questionable areas, sprinkle the “wounds” with root or charcoal. In the future, growth slows down; replanting can be done every 3-4 years.

Important: The plant is poisonous; wear gloves when working with stems or rhizomes.

Reproduction is carried out by dividing the bush or cuttings (both shoots and individual leaves are suitable for the latter).

Diseases and pests or how to save a dollar tree

Found it on the Internet interesting video about this theme. All cases of damage to zamioculcas leaves, the causes of the disease, why the leaves turn yellow and how to properly treat the flower are described quite clearly. I recommend:


For a comfortable existence in the house, plants are necessary:

  • diffused light;
  • loose and well-drained soil;
  • moderate watering.

Even lazy gardeners can take care of this tropical beauty. The main thing is not to overdo it with water and fertilizers. It is unlikely that the flower attracts money or men, but, without a doubt, it decorates the interior.

The dollar tree (scientifically called “zamioculcas”) has gained popularity relatively recently and has become a wonderful decoration for many home and office interiors. Zamioculcas is very unpretentious in care, which is incredibly pleasing to a beginner in the gardening topic, so let's figure out how to properly replant the plant

How to determine whether Zamioculcas needs a transplant?

We all understand perfectly well that replanting is always stressful for a plant, so it is important to be able to determine whether it is as necessary in practice as it may seem.

  • The dollar tree, in principle, grows very slowly, so there is no need to subject it to unnecessary tests. Zamioculcas should be transplanted for the first time immediately after purchase.– the soil that sellers use rarely contains useful minerals and serves only as a temporary refuge for the flower. In fact, it is a transport substrate unsuitable for life.
  • It is customary to replant a young plant (and this is approximately the first 3-5 years) once a year, according to the development of its root system. For an adult flower, the pot is changed approximately once every three years.
  • If you see that the roots of the dollar tree have filled the entire volume of the pot and have begun to grow a moisture-storing tuber, this is a sign that a transplant is necessary. Overgrown roots can often deform the pot, but this is completely extreme.

When to replant a dollar tree?

If you just bought a zamioculcas, then this question should not arise at all. It should be replanted after two weeks, when the flower adapts to the new climate. But if your plant has already settled down and found a place in the house, then change the pot in spring or summer - in the warm season.

It is advisable to wait until the end of the flowering period, but not in the case of a young plant. Remember that the more often you replant a dollar tree, the more actively it grows.

Transplantation after purchase: are there any special features?

New climate, watering conditions and even lighting - all this can leave an imprint on the plant.

That’s why you shouldn’t rush into transplanting after purchase – give the zamioculcas a couple of weeks to acclimatize. The most important thing is not to forget about him when immersed in everyday worries, because an African friend will not survive in a store container.

As mentioned above, most often Zamioculcas is transported to Russia from other countries. To do this, it is planted not in soil fertilized with minerals, but in special containers filled with a special substrate. It doesn't have nutrients, and accordingly there can be no development.

Attention! The Dollar Tree is pleasing to the eye at any age. It lives for a relatively long time (5-10 years), so they often buy it when it is already an adult. And the biggest fear when buying flowering plant– fear of losing all beauty. We’ll disappoint you right away: if you risk replanting Zamioculcas during the flowering period, it will definitely drop its flowers. Such stress will not pass painlessly for him, and he will try to adapt.

Which pot should you choose?

Choosing a flowerpot – important question, because the comfort of the plant and the development of its root system depend on it. If the time has come for replanting, then do not take sudden steps, but buy a pot that is only a couple of centimeters larger in diameter than the previous one.

Keep in mind! A flowerpot that is too large will slow down the growth of leaves and the entire surface part of the zamioculcas, because ground part The flower begins to develop only after the root system has grown and the entire volume of the substrate has been mastered.

The tree is very picky about the shape of the pot. Ideal option there will be a wide flowerpot with a narrowed lower part.

The flowerpot should have holes at the bottom through which it can come out. excess liquid during watering.

It is impossible to give clear advice regarding the material, because there are always risks.

Plastic containers are easily transformed by the influence of roots, and clay flowerpots can limit development and lead to the death of the tree. When choosing the lesser evil, stop, of course, on plastic - it can be easily cut and replaced. It won't be that easy to deal with ceramics.

Choosing soil

There is no particular dilemma with the soil.

In its natural environment, Zamioculcas grows on mountain plateaus, so experts have found that The dollar tree feels best in the lightest and loosest soil possible where air can easily penetrate.

Such soil provides the roots with moisture and, equally important, oxygen.

When choosing soil, pay attention to its components. It will be great if the soil is well nourished initially, but otherwise you can make your own mixture of sand, leaf (or turf) soil, and peat. Humus will bring considerable benefits - with it the plant will grow more actively.

There is no need to mix the soil yourself. You can always buy ready-made soil mixtures, choosing those designed for cacti or succulents. However, experienced gardeners advise adding to purchased soil expanded clay or perlite - with it the flower will grow more actively.

How to replant at home?

Timely transplantation of a dollar tree is the key to its health and beauty. We have already learned how to determine the need to change the flowerpot, and now let's reveal the rest of the secrets of success and look at the process step by step.

  1. Specialists give Zamioculcas transplantation a completely different name - transshipment. This is the name of the optimal method with which you will not damage either the root or leaf systems.
  2. To transfer it, you need to either cut the container or carefully break it (if the flowerpot is clay). It is best to place the zamioculcas itself in the root solution while preparing a new pot.
  3. Prepare the drainage: pour expanded clay onto the bottom of the flowerpot, filling about three centimeters of the volume. The rest remains with the soil, but there is no need to pour it out right away. Cover the drain with a thin layer and place the dollar tree on it.
  4. The final step is to transfer the remaining soil into the pot - fill the entire space with soil and compact it a little. There is no need to water the flower - Zamioculcas does not like excess moisture.

Step by step photos of the process

  • Laying drainage material

  • Adding soil

  • We check whether it is possible to pull out an adult plant.

  • If the plant cannot be simply pulled out, then cut the pot. We don't water.

  • We try to minimally injure the plant.

  • Transfer the lump of soil to another pot.

Care after transplant

Caring for Zamioculcas is very easy for one reason: it does not like special attention. The place for it should be chosen in accordance with the lighting: diffused light is required, which is most often found on a windowsill on the western or eastern side, but the plant does not tolerate direct sunlight and can get burned. If you decide to place the pot on the south side, shading is necessary.

From the point of view of Feng Shui, zamioculcos should be placed in the southeastern sector, where it activates the energy of wealth.

It is not necessary to water often; water is required only after the soil dries. The flower loves warmth and dryness! With excessive watering or lack of sunlight, the money tree may get sick - and this will have a hard time.

Reference! Your plant needs feeding from time to time; the younger the plant, the more often it is needed. In the first year, experts advise feeding Zamioculcas once every two weeks, later - once a year ( late spring or in summer). Mixtures for succulents are always suitable as fertilizer.

How to plant a flower?

Zamioculcas can be propagated using feathers or leaves.

It often happens that a leaf that has fallen on its own already has a formed tuber - and this is real luck.

All that remains is to plant it in the soil and wait for the root system to form. The process does not depend on the person in any way and, strictly speaking, does not require anything.

If there is no fallen leaf with a tuber, then separate it from the bush, dry it a little (4 days), and then plant it in sandy soil. The process will speed up if you choose the largest sheet possible. It will not be difficult to care for it, the main thing is watering.

Watering rules

Just because your money tree isn't growing doesn't mean you need to water it more often!

The most big mistake for beginners, they flood Zamioculcas, but for an “African” this is much worse than drought.

It only needs water after it has completely absorbed what is already there, so always wait for the soil to dry completely. As for the quantity, there should be enough liquid so that it saturates the entire depth of the soil.

Possible mistakes

The dollar tree is an extremely hardy plant. It is unpretentious and persistent, so even pests are not particularly scary for it.

The only threat to Zamioculcas is a persistent owner and inept care. Try not to overwater the plant, do not injure its root system and do not forget about feeding. This way you will get the most beautiful flower possible!

Yellow leaves: what's the problem?

And who said that yellow leaves- This is problem? Be aware: it is too early to conclude that the plant is sick.

Zamioculcas grows slowly, and some of its leaves manage to age, turn yellow and fall off.

New shoots will definitely appear in their place, and you can only worry if this does not happen. Leaves may turn yellow due to:

  • Drafts;
  • Sudden temperature changes;
  • Low amount of moisture;
  • Pests.

Determine the cause and eliminate it as soon as possible. Healthy plant will delight you with its foliage all year round, if you take care of it in a timely manner!

Useful video

Learn more about Zamioculcas transplant from the video below: