Projects of country houses with a bathhouse inside. A bold combination: a house with a bathhouse under one roof. Projects of houses equipped with baths after construction

Would you like to make a sauna in your home? Be prepared to meet serious requirements and a non-standard environment, since the options for connecting such a room with a living room are quite unusual. True, for the pleasure of going to the bathhouse by the shortest route, you will have to “pay” by observing special rules for the operation of the building.

Nuances of designing a house with a bathhouse

A house with a bathhouse can appear in one of two ways: even at the design stage of a residential building or after its construction as an extension on any side. Most often the second happens.

Usually a bathhouse appears after the construction of a residential building

To combine a house with a bathhouse, you will have to take certain measures:

Video: implementation of a house project with a bathhouse

Options for combining a house with a bathhouse

The dilemma “how to connect a bathhouse with a house” is solved by the most in interesting ways, among which pride of place is occupied by the use of a veranda, the reconstruction of the first floor, the arrangement of a gazebo and the organization of a swimming pool.

Bathhouse with veranda under one roof

Dreams of a separate entrance to a bathhouse made inside the house are destined to come true if the transition between the two rooms is designed in the form of a closed and glazed veranda. With this approach to business, winter will never be able to spoil the mood of lovers of bath procedures.

The “sauna plus veranda” project is quite complex and requires large financial investments. It involves the purchase and installation of high-quality double-glazed windows, wall protection thermal insulation material, laying non-slip tiles on the floor and using heating equipment.

A bathhouse with a glassed-in veranda is a real find for those who don’t want to return home from the bathhouse across the street, where it can be cold

A bathhouse with a veranda can be arranged so that one exit from it leads into the house, and the other leads directly to the street. This option is especially attractive for those who like to cool their body warmed up in the steam room in a snowdrift or simply refresh it in the cool air.

By combining a bathhouse with a veranda, it will be possible to save on construction, since for bath room Only three walls will need to be built. But the biggest advantage of such a project is the convenient location of the bathhouse, as if at some distance from the house, which guarantees complete silence and tranquility for those who like to steam bath.

The bathhouse, separated from the house by a veranda, will give steam room lovers precious peace

Bathhouse and home together

You can connect a bathhouse with a house in three forms:

Those interested in placing a bathhouse on the ground floor of the house may like the layout, which eliminates the need to create a separate recreation room and restroom. With this arrangement of rooms, it will be possible to organize a steam room and a dressing room with a shower, and also become the owner of a terrace, ideal for spending time in the fresh air.

You can make a bathhouse in the house next to the kitchen and bathroom

Another winning option for planning a house with a bathhouse inside involves the absence of a terrace and the presence of a pool of 15 m². This two-story building is deprived of a rest room, but it has a spacious dining room and living room.

The described structure can be called special, because the second floor mansard type is not located above the bathhouse. Such a distinction between rooms and baths significantly reduces the cost of creating steam, hydro and thermal barriers for floors between floors.

On the ground floor of the house you can place both a bathhouse and a swimming pool

Combining a bathhouse with a gazebo

You can connect a bathhouse with a gazebo, which is considered a very original solution, using an intermediate link - a gazebo. With this room, the owners of a bathhouse inside the house will protect themselves from the winter cold and will be able to enjoy increased comfort.

It is better to make a single whole out of three buildings after discussing this issue with the architect, since the gazebo, house and bathhouse are not at all similar to each other in terms of design complexity and purpose.

A gazebo can serve as a transition from a bathhouse to a house

To make the gazebo in combination with the bathhouse and house convenient and comfortable, you should take note of some tips:

  • the best option for a gazebo combined with a bathhouse is a closed or even glazed room with huge windows for the unhindered penetration of natural light;
  • the floors in the gazebo between the house and the bathhouse should be wooden, not tiled or stone, which exude cold and slip underfoot;
  • In order to save resources, it is advisable to combine heating, water supply and electricity at home and bathhouses with the communications of the gazebo, which will only benefit from this by becoming warm;
  • The ventilation of a gazebo located close to the bathhouse must be thought out to the smallest detail, otherwise moisture will accumulate in it.

Most suitable for combining with a house are a gazebo and a bathhouse, connected to each other by a wall and a pitched roof.

A house in a complex with a bathhouse and a gazebo looks like something exotic

Bathhouse with a swimming pool under one roof

Anyone who constantly has people visiting would like to own a bathhouse combined with a swimming pool.

In a room with a steam room, you can safely create both a stationary and a mobile pool. To build the first one, you will need to dig a pit of considerable depth, lay it in the ground sewer pipes and install filters for water purification, and for the second one to appear, you won’t have to do anything grandiose.

A house with a bathhouse and a swimming pool is a very real object

The location for the pool can be any area in the bathhouse. But experts strongly advise equipping a bathhouse with an artificial pond in two-story building. Moreover, on the first tier of the house they recommend creating a steam room and a swimming pool, and on the second - spacious room recreation.

When combining a bathhouse with a swimming pool, you must keep in mind that without good waterproofing nothing good will come of it. By allowing moisture to penetrate to the upper floor, the owner of the house will quickly face a serious problem - the appearance of fungus on the interfloor floors.

It is important that a house with a bathhouse and a swimming pool is well waterproofed

The design of a bathhouse with a swimming pool must include a staircase to the second floor - compact, spiral or wide classic. The shape doesn't really matter, all that matters is that the object is made of wood.

It is advisable to install a ladder only inside a building. There is absolutely no need for this object to be outside, because in winter, when climbing up it after a steam room or swimming in a pool, a person runs the risk of catching a cold.

It doesn’t hurt to make a shower inside a house with a bathhouse and a swimming pool

The bathhouse in which the pool is built may well be equipped with a shower, a room for firewood or other fuel, as well as a storage room. It is better to make the shower room closer to the pool, and this is quite logical: after swimming in chlorinated water, the body should be rinsed.

Features of the roof of a house with a bathhouse

By covering the house and bathhouse with one roof, the owner of the building receives a great advantage - the opportunity to save on building materials.

During combined construction, the roof simply must be solid. Otherwise, the building will quickly lose its solidity.

Above two buildings for various purposes It is reasonable to build one roof from two or four slopes, since it will never fail in protecting a complex structure from precipitation.

The gable roof over the bathhouse and the house unites different buildings into a single ensemble

In the case of a bathhouse as an extension to a residential building, the choice is made between a pitched and gable roof. When a decision is made in favor of a roof with one slope, its highest part is placed almost close to the wall of the house and placed under the roof of the house.

Before building the roof frame common to the bathhouse and the house, it is determined whether there is a need for an attic or attic. If a room directly under the roof is unavoidable, then its construction begins immediately, and not after the construction of the entire rafter system. Working in this direction, carefully calculate the height of the roof both above the bathhouse and above the house.

During the construction of a roof frame that simultaneously covers several buildings, two holes are prudently left: one under chimney at home, and the other for the chimney of the bathhouse.

A house with a bathhouse cannot have less than two chimneys

Any material can serve as the final coating for the roof, common to the bathhouse and the house. However, according to people with experience in this matter, it is cheaper and easier to create a roof deck from galvanized sheets or metal tiles.

A bathhouse inside a house, unlike a separate building, does not require large amounts of money for maintenance. There is a simple explanation for this: a bathhouse in a complex with a residential building does not suffer from a sharp change from heat to cold and vice versa.

However, having a bathhouse inside the house poses a serious threat - the walls of the building run the risk of becoming covered with fungus due to strong air humidification. At the same time, it may appear in the house bad smell. The only way to save a building from such a “disease” is to ventilate the bathhouse after each use.

By opening a window or door in the bathhouse after all procedures, you will be able to avoid big problems with the service life of a residential building

The only thing worse than spoiled air and dampness is carbon monoxide poisoning of the inhabitants of the house. Therefore, in a bathhouse combined with a house, it is necessary to create good forced or natural ventilation. The latter can be a hole for air flow above or below the stove. And a hole that extracts waste oxygen is made under the shelf.

The location for the exhaust vent or device is usually found as low as possible relative to the heating structure. Otherwise, the bathhouse will lose hot air accumulating at the top of the room.

The hood in the bathhouse is created under the shelf, next to the floor

If it is impossible to equip the steam room with a hood, then you can find a good replacement for it - a gap of 10–15 cm wide left between the door and the floor, or a small window at the bottom of the room, which will open if necessary.

It is customary to equip a bathhouse created on the ground floor with a forced ventilation system.

To help the bathhouse get rid of moisture more quickly, it doesn’t hurt to make a drying hole in the ceiling above the door. It must be closed while heating the bath and taking water procedures.

The drying hole in the bathhouse inside the house removes moisture from the room faster

A bathhouse that has a place inside the house can do without special protection of the walls from the cold. The material that retains heat is placed in the room, taking into account the rules for arranging a steam room.

The house connected to the bathhouse is heated in the usual way. At the same time, the steam room does not need to be specially heated in winter, because it is reliably protected from freezing.

A bathhouse heated right in the house must be closely monitored, since it is considered an extremely fire-hazardous object.

It makes sense to combine a bathhouse with a house, although it seems like a strange decision. By taking a step towards originality, that is, by building a steam room inside a building, you can really paint simple weekdays or weekends in bright color.

Houses with a bathhouse are often found, and no less often there are different opinions about such a solution, both negative and positive.

We decided to figure out how appropriate a bathhouse is in a private home, and how to properly equip it.

Bathhouse inside the house


The bathhouse is combined with the house, it’s convenient.

To get the most objective picture, we will consider all the pros and cons of placing a bathhouse in the house.

Let's start with the positive aspects:

  • When a bathhouse is built along with a house, you do not need to spend money on separate foundation and a separate roof, and these are the two most expensive components in the construction of a residential premises;
  • At home, heating, water supply and sewerage are combined into one system, so there is no need to install a separate boiler room, septic tank and water supply system, and this significantly reduces the cost of the project;
  • A bathhouse inside the house does not need powerful separate thermal insulation, just general thermal insulation is done taking into account the requirements of the steam room;
  • A country house combined with a bathhouse does not require a separate piece of the site, which in some cases is the determining reason for choosing this option;
  • A house with a bathhouse is convenient. There is no need to run from room to room around the yard, which is especially important in the cold season. In addition, there is always a kitchen, rest rooms, and all kinds of amenities nearby;
  • There is no need to arrange a separate bathroom for a bath, since the house already has one;
  • The house is heated by default, and the need to maintain a positive temperature in the bathhouse in winter automatically disappears.

In fact, all you have to do is add a steam room to your bathroom, since the rest of the rooms (dressing room, shower, relaxation room) are already present in the house.

We see that the main advantages come down to savings and convenience, and this, you see, is quite important in our time. Very often owners country houses They are simply unable to allocate a place on the site that meets all the requirements of SNiP and GOST, so they have no choice. Significant cost savings and the convenience of a steam room located right in the house are the main arguments of supporters of combining bathing and living spaces.


Like all construction technologies, a house combined with a bathhouse has its drawbacks.

They are mainly dictated by the operating features of the bathhouse, and especially by safety considerations:

  • The steam room is characterized by very high humidity and temperature, which, if the heat and waterproofing of the room is poor, can cause significant damage to many structural components and elements of the house and lead to its premature deterioration, as well as increased wear;
  • Furnace equipment represents increased fire danger. If it is located near residential premises, especially inside them, the safety requirements are especially stringent. Even if you follow them, you cannot completely eliminate the risk of fire, and this is a big responsibility;
  • The combustion of large volumes of hydrocarbon fuel leads to the release of significant amounts carbon monoxide(CO), which is a dangerous toxin that can cause serious illness and even death if inhaled. Therefore, combustion products must meet the most stringent requirements.

At self-installation indoor bathhouse, all safety requirements and technical specifications that must be taken into account in the project.
You cannot build a bathhouse in a house with your own hands without a competent design, as this is extremely dangerous.

The conclusion from this is this: if you decide to save money and combine a bathhouse with a house, you will need to minimize everything possible risks. This can be done using modern building materials and technologies, however, a professional should select them and determine the installation method at the design stage.


We will not consider in detail the construction of the entire house, but will only dwell on the most crucial moments.

Therefore, the instructions that follow are not step by step guide, but only concerns the nodes that should be addressed Special attention:

  1. Project . We will never tire of repeating that design is one of the most important stages any construction, especially when we're talking about about potentially dangerous objects. The combined steam room must be designed together with the house, and a professional civil engineer with qualifications sufficient for such tasks must work on the project;

  1. Foundation. When creating a foundation, you should immediately lay that part of it that will serve as the basis for the furnace. This will greatly simplify the work in the future;

  1. Moisture protection. The waterproofing of all components in contact with the steam room and shower area must be increased and multi-level, and all surfaces should be protected: floor, walls and ceiling;

  1. Thermal insulation. If the house does not provide external thermal insulation of the walls, then it will have to be done at least on the walls of the steam room and shower room; in addition, it is better to insulate the steam room completely so that it does not transfer heat to adjacent rooms;

  1. Ventilation . Except natural ventilation at home, you should equip a forced ventilation system for the premises, which will completely eliminate the possibility of accumulation of carbon monoxide and other products of fuel combustion;

  1. If the walls of the steam room and shower consist of timber, then the lower crowns should be selected very carefully: it is better if they are made of larch or laminated timber, and their treatment with antiseptics, fire retardants and moisture-repellent compounds must be flawless and certified;

  1. Retraction flue gases . The oven must be equipped effective system removal of combustion products of wood or gas. The places where the chimney comes into contact with building structures (walls, ceilings, roofing) must be decorated with special shaped parts that prevent these from heating;

  1. Furnace equipment must comply with SNiP and GOST standards, it is better if it is built by a professional or purchased from a store.

Despite the fact that the price of the project increases due to additional requirements and safety conditions, heat and waterproofing, ventilation and others, they cannot be neglected - this is extremely dangerous for the house and its residents.


It is possible to combine a bathhouse and a house in one room, but this will require a certain approach to the construction of a number of units and structures. No less attention will have to be paid to safety measures related to the operation of furnace equipment, flue gas removal and ventilation.

The video in this article, which we selected and posted for you, will tell you more about the rules of these moments.

Many people who are planning to build a private house and love a bathhouse often have the idea of ​​connecting these rooms. And it happens that the site is small and there is simply no space on it to place a free-standing bathhouse. What are the options for combining a bathhouse with a house?


Just like anyone else construction project, a house and a bathhouse built as a single complex have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Let's talk about the pros first.

  • Convenience for owners. There is no need to put on warm clothes to go to the bathhouse and come back.

If it is customary for a family to visit the sauna with children, it is even more comfortable.

  • Reducing the risk of colds. In the case of using a bathhouse as a prevention of colds, it is logical that steamed people should not go out into the cold after it, risking catching this same cold.
  • Project budget. Setting up a steam room in your home is much cheaper than building it separately. In addition, it is easier to equip network engineering– they will be integrated with the networks at home.

  • Space saving. This is very convenient when the plot of land is small (less than 10 acres) or it is inappropriate to place additional buildings on it.
  • A sauna installed inside the house does not require large maintenance costs, as if it were a free-standing structure.
  • In a bathhouse, if it is part of the house, you can dry, for example, laundry. Or design a laundry and drying room during construction.

As you can see, there are many advantages, and they are quite significant. Now let's look at the shortcomings.

  • The main inconvenience of such a project is the need to comply with and implement fire regulations and norms. The material from which the house is built and the place where the bathhouse is located must fully comply with them. For houses with baths built of wood, the requirements are especially serious.
  • Ignoring SNiPs and other mandatory rules during construction will lead to the fact that the relevant services (this includes sanitary, fire, electricity and others) will not issue permission to put the facility into operation. Accordingly, it will be illegal to operate such an object. If you do not report that there is a bathhouse in the house, you can seriously suffer - large fines will be issued and utility networks will be turned off.

  • Failure to comply with engineering and technical standards and rules can, for example, result in high humidity inside the house (this is especially true for wooden buildings). And from this it’s a stone’s throw to such troubles as mold or mildew, which destroy and deform all structures in the house. Therefore, it is imperative to take care of the correct hydro- and vapor barrier, and also ensure good ventilation in the bath.
  • Sewerage in the bathhouse will have to be done separately, since in common pipe It is not advisable to drain all the water from the steam room - the load is too large.
  • If a wood-burning stove is installed in the bathhouse, then it is necessary to properly adjust the draft so that soot does not settle on the walls and ceiling.
  • For insurance companies, houses combined with a bathhouse are objects of increased danger. Accordingly, the sum insured will be much lower, and the terms of the insurance policy will be much stricter.

You can place the bathhouse either in the basement or basement (if available), or next to the bathroom and toilet.

Building drawings

A house and a bathhouse located under one roof can be built in two ways:

  • the project was initially designed for the construction of a complex;
  • The bathhouse acts as an extension to an already built house.

The second option is more common: first a house is built - a country house or for permanent residence, and after that thoughts about a bath appear. You can use ready-made projects, or you can develop it yourself.

There is currently a decline in popularity classic layout private houses with separate buildings: bathhouse, garage, gazebo, summer kitchen. Modern projects are becoming increasingly widespread big houses and cottages, under the roof of which rooms of different purposes are combined: rooms of the house, a garage and a bathhouse. Since there is now a huge selection on the building materials market - from brick to aerated concrete, it is not difficult to implement these projects.

Cottage projects with a built-in bathhouse and garage have many advantages.


  • the bathhouse and garage can be located in the ground floor (basement), living rooms- on the first;
  • if the house is one-story, then, of course, all rooms will be located on one floor;
  • you can make a bathhouse and a house under the same roof, but with different entrances, connecting them inside with a passage, then you can get into the bathhouse extension without passing the entrance to the house;

  • if the construction is planned to be two-story, there are even more options - 2 floors will allow you to plan the layout of the rooms as you wish;
  • there are also many so-called “one-and-a-half-story” houses - with an attic, in which there can be a workshop, an office, a billiard room or a children’s room;
  • The size of the garage can also be different: for one or two cars, 6x8 m, 6x6 m, also the dimensions of the bathhouse can vary - 6x8, 6x9 m, it can be with or without a rest room, together with a bathroom or separately from it.

One of the main advantages of the combined facility is the convenience of the owners. I put the car in the garage and you’re already wearing slippers. The same applies to the bathhouse - no need to walk through the frost across the entire site and back. The hostess can put a mask on her face and, without fear of being seen by prying eyes, calmly walk around the house, then return to the bathhouse and finish the spa treatments.

The owner can combine soaring in Finnish sauna with friends with a friendly billiards match.

A house, garage and bathhouse combined together save a huge amount of space on the territory of the dacha. On it you can create beds, greenhouses, a greenhouse or such interesting design solutions, How alpine slide or rockery. The most space is saved if the house is small but two-story. Then, for example, you can install a boiler for a bathhouse in the garage, and replace the rest room in the bathhouse with a kitchen in the house. You can place the grill on the terrace near the bathhouse. A sauna stove can become additional source heat for the whole house. In addition, it is much easier to install communications once than to connect them to each building separately.

The layout of the house with the letter “G” is also very interesting option for the merged project. You can make the most of the entire area by using corner rooms and arranging them as conveniently as possible for the owners. Optimal area for a fairly comfortable placement of a house with a bathhouse (and a garage) - 10x12 m. You can “build” everything into it - an attic, a terrace, summer kitchen with canopy, fireplace, barbecue. The layouts of houses 9 by 15 are also interesting; they are among the most popular among owners of country houses. If there is not much space on the site or the above options are not so budget-friendly, there are also 8x8 houses. This the average size, which can be no less comfortable for a family if the layout is successful. The most budget option is a 6x8 house, but it requires very careful design so that it does not feel crowded.


The basis of the bathhouse is the walls; they determine the reliability of the building, the quality of thermal insulation and, to a large extent, the comfort inside.

Most often, bathhouse walls are built from:

  • bricks;
  • foam concrete, aerated concrete;
  • wood concrete;
  • tree.

Brick walls are very difficult to lay. They have high thermal conductivity, so increased thermal insulation will be required. A foundation must be laid under brick walls.

Arbolite is a mixture of cement and organic fillers., mainly shredded wood. Its properties are similar to foam concrete; it is also produced in the form of blocks. You can make it yourself directly at construction site, the technology is very simple. There is only one main drawback - low resistance to moisture.

Foam concrete and aerated concrete blocks have much higher thermal insulation qualities Moreover, they are much lighter and do not require a massive foundation underneath.

The size of a standard wall foam block is 20x30x60 cm, and one is equal to 13 sand-lime bricks. It’s not difficult to build walls from foam blocks yourself.

If you build walls from wood concrete, they need to be covered with a protective coating.

Wood is most often used to build baths in our country. There are enough wood species suitable for this; experienced builders prefer larch, pine, and cedar.

To raise the log house of a bathhouse, the following materials are suitable:

  • logs (solid or rounded);
  • sawn timber with a rectangular cross-section;
  • profiled timber;
  • glued profiled timber.

You can use either wet or dried material. The first one is better suited for a log house. The more moisture in the material, the more the log house will shrink. Glued laminated timber practically does not require shrinkage. A log house takes longer and shrinks more than others. There is no need to mention that wood is the most environmentally friendly material, therefore, to build a bathhouse fits better Total.

Interior Design

If speak about interior decoration baths, then, as a rule, it is not included in finished projects. Architects develop only a project, and then the imagination of either the owner or the designer he invites comes into play.

The fundamental step is the choice of finishing material. It is not necessary to take one type of wood; their combination will give the bathhouse originality. Of course, you need to take into account the properties of the material you have chosen, otherwise you will face a lot of disappointments.

Interior decoration performs a large number of functions:

  • insulation and waterproofing of the bath;
  • extending its service life;
  • influence on the body through excretion useful substances into the air at high temperatures;
  • decorative function.

Dressing rooms and rest rooms are well decorated with pine. It is inexpensive, easy to process and has an interesting structure. Pine is not suitable for a steam room, since when the air temperature rises, it releases resin, which will cause a lot of inconvenience. No chipboard and no linoleum are allowed - these are flammable materials, moreover, when heated, the latter releases various kinds of substances that are of little use to humans.

Linden or larch are better suited for finishing the steam room and sink. There will be no burn from touching these rocks when the air is heated. In addition, both types of wood do not lose their attractiveness for a long time. appearance. It is also good to decorate the steam room with alder, birch, aspen, and cedar. These types of wood do not conduct heat well, so they do not heat up much. In addition, they dry out very quickly at the end of the bath procedure.

None chemical coatings They cannot be used in a steam room, because all of them, when heated, evaporate toxic substances.

To seal a room, the walls are often lined with clapboard, under which there is mineral insulation and aluminum foil.

If the steam room has no other finishing options other than wood, then in the washing room and especially in the relaxation room there is room to explore the design and implement all the interesting ideas. If space and finances allow, you can make a removable floor in the washing room, under which there is a small pool or jacuzzi. There is no room for a pool - no problem, you can make a plunge pool out of a barrel and relax in it. A waterfall instead of a shower and a natural “wild” style - original solution for a home bath. Designers will be surprised by all sorts of finds - just look at a shower in the form of a huge watering can or furniture made from barrels in the dressing room.

Excellent layout - with two lounges: a small tea room, decorated with wood, next to the steam room, and a large one, for example, with billiards. And lamps hidden under supposedly torn boards along the walls will add modernity to the interior. Externally, such a building with a house can be designed as a tower or a fairy-tale palace.

Exterior finishing

Purpose exterior finishing bathhouse is the insulation of its facade. If you make it ventilated, then drops of moisture will not settle on the walls. This will extend the service life of the bath. When choosing any material, you need to remember that it must be combined with the decoration of the entire house, since these rooms will be combined. Or you can decorate the bathhouse with the same material with which the house itself is lined, without distinguishing its walls from the background of the main building.

The following materials are suitable for finishing:

  • siding (vinyl or metal);
  • lining (wood, plastic);
  • imitation timber;
  • block house.

Metal siding is non-flammable and is excellent for finishing a bathhouse. Siding panels are available in widths from 0.2 to 1.2 m, and come in more than 15 colors. There are many manufacturers of it both in Russia and abroad.

Traditionally, when planning to build a bathhouse on suburban area, a separate place is allocated for it, usually located at a decent distance from the living space. However, not everyone can afford such luxury, since many have limited plot sizes. In this case, if you don’t want to completely abandon the idea of ​​​​building a bathhouse, then you can make a steam room inside the house.

Types of projects of houses equipped with baths

All house designs that have a steam room can be divided into three types:

  • The house is equipped with a steam room after construction;
  • The project initially implies the presence of a bathhouse. Most often these are two-story buildings or houses with an attic;
  • The structure is attached separately to the house, but is under the same roof as the building and the entrance is made from the house.

Projects of houses equipped with baths after construction


The project of a house with a steam room inside is called a “built-in bath-sauna.” In essence, it is a wooden cabin heated by a stove-stove. In the city, electric heating is usually used, and in country house You can also make a wood stove.

If you have already decided to make a bathhouse inside the house, then you should keep in mind that its price will depend on several points:

  • Is a ready-made prefabricated product purchased or will it be made by hand?
  • The complexity of implementing the entire project;
  • What materials will be used;
  • What will be the quantity and quality of accessories that the cabin will be equipped with?


The steam room inside the house has a number of advantages, among which are:

  • The ability to enjoy the process at any time of the year without fear for your health.
  • The influence of external temperature is limited.
  • Not required extra bed Location on.
  • Ability to use communication systems at home.
  • Savings on construction.


Of course, along with the advantages, the design of a house with a bathhouse inside also has many disadvantages:

  • If you use one heating system, then to warm up the bath you will need to heat the entire house.
  • Building a stove inside a steam room worsens its overall fire safety.
  • There is high humidity in the room, so the bathhouse must be equipped with a forced ventilation system.
  • It is impossible to place a bathhouse on the shore of a reservoir.

Advice! It is best to line the inside of the steam room walls with clapboard. The material has good performance properties, in addition, the style of a Russian bath will be maintained.

In the photo - a bath house made of timber

Bathhouse project

Typically, such structures are used for country dachas when the owner's funds are limited. In this case, a steam room with a washing and technical room is located on the first floor, and the second or attic floor allocated for living rooms.

Such a building has the same advantages and disadvantages as the project described above, with the exception that the bathhouse can initially be made more spacious and comfortable.

Project of an attached bathhouse


Since the disadvantages of a steam room in a house are quite serious, the project can be slightly complicated and a bathhouse can be made under the same roof as the house, but at the same time outside its aisles, i.e. attach a room to the house.

This option has a number of obvious advantages, among which are the following:

  • Saving on electrical wiring and plumbing.
  • One of the bathhouse walls will be a finished housing wall, which also ensures savings and better heat retention.
  • With this arrangement, you won’t have to travel a long way from your home to the bathhouse, which is very comfortable in winter time.
  • The size of the steam room is not as limited as in the case of organization inside the house.

In this case, it is of particular importance correct location baths The entrance must be made through a heated room so that there is no temperature difference. Otherwise, the heat will disappear quickly.

Some of the disadvantages inherent in the above-described projects are also present in this design. This applies primarily fire safety and the impossibility of placing the building on the shore of a reservoir.

Extension dimensions

If organized correctly inner space bathhouse, then an extension 2.5 m wide and 3.5 m long will be sufficient for it. True, for the sake of such compactness it is necessary to sacrifice some premises, which are most often made into hotels.

For example, a washing room can be combined with a steam room, dividing the zones using an interior partition. It is best if this partition is made of brick and trimmed with tiles. This will provide the necessary level of heat retention and moisture insulation.

This compactness has another advantage - it takes less fuel to warm up this bath. Moreover, the wood-burning stove can be installed in such a way that.

Foundation and walls

The main difficulty of the project is the construction of the foundation, since the foundation must be buried to the depth of the foundation of the main house. As for the material, it is best to use the same one from which the house itself is built. This will eliminate the need for connecting structures, which will simplify construction.

Advice! Before starting the construction of walls, it is necessary to lay waterproofing. To do this, you can use several layers of roofing felt.


If the steam room is attached separately to the house, then it is necessary to take a particularly responsible approach to insulating the steam room. The best option is to cover the outside walls with mats made of mineral wool, on top of which the structure is sheathed with siding. Thanks to this, the extension can look harmonious with the facade of the building.

The floor and ceiling of the steam room also need to be insulated with mineral wool (

If the size of the plot does not allow building a separate bathhouse with a separate functional area and a set of communications, it is possible to erect a single building under a common roof. The correct design of such construction will allow you to create a comfortable complex, the use of which will be profitable even from an economic point of view.

Construction of a bathhouse under the same roof as a house can be:

  • designed in advance;
  • made as an extension to the wall.

IN Lately It is the second option that is most common. To carry it out, a trench is dug and a monolithic concrete is laid. strip foundation. External walls are constructed from the same material as the house (but there are also options for joining timber with brick, frame technologies, etc.). Wooden sauna the outside is also sheathed with a layer of insulation and siding.

If the bathhouse is part of a residential building, before designing it is important to provide and think through the following communications:

  • ventilation system (high humidity can destroy the supporting structure);
  • waterproofing to protect building materials from moisture both from outside and inside the bathhouse;
  • combination with a bathroom with autonomous or centralized sewerage(economically beneficial);
  • general electrical wiring.

It is advisable to make a kitchen wall an adjacent wall (it is possible to install a single stove). Options for combining a bathhouse and a residential building with a covered passage corridor are also popular. This option allows you to comfortably visit the bathhouse in winter without going outside, and provided there is sufficient space and a heating system is installed, it is easy to install a font or swimming pool in the passage.


The combination of a house and a bathhouse can be divided into three degrees:

  • at the planning stage, when the bathhouse complex is located on the ground floor and combined with a single roof of the house;
  • a full-fledged extension of the log house, when the roof is extended and covers the bathhouse complex;
  • the use of a common wall, when the joining of buildings is facilitated and a smooth transition from the house to the bathhouse is observed.

It is important to consider the location of the exit from the bathhouse, since in winter separate entrance can bring inconvenience, which is usually corrected with the help of a covered glazed veranda. Such a project is more complex and costs more, taking into account the need to install high-quality double-glazed windows, insulate the walls, lay non-slip coating on the floor and heat the room.

House with a bathhouse – photo


During the construction of a full-fledged bath complex combined with residential building, special attention is paid to the foundation. The features of the foundation depend on the material of the walls and the planned load. The foundation must be solid and built separately from the foundation of the house. The fact is that high humidity can lead to cracks and the foundation moving away from the overall structure.

The depth and thickness of the foundation is determined depending on the height of the future bathhouse and the materials used, but experienced builders recommend laying the foundation below the freezing point of the soil to prevent any movement and deformation when changing seasons and the accompanying heaving of the soil.

Scheme - the principle of joining the main house and the extension
Options for connecting the foundations of the extension according to the scheme of open (a, b, c, d) and closed (e) contours: 1 – existing house; 2 - extension

When planning, it is important to ensure the sewerage outlet. To do this, 2 pipes are installed to drain the house and bathhouse separately. If not available main sewer, then you will have to make a separate cesspool for the bathhouse. If plumbing is being installed, then it is also better to use a separate pipe for the future bath.

For one-story wooden house, combined with small sauna, a strip foundation with a depth of up to 0.5 meters and a width of up to 30 cm is suitable. For a brick or block house, you will need to create a full-fledged foundation, installed according to the rules, which can withstand a heavy load.

A universal solution is the construction of a monolithic strip foundation, the diagrams of which are presented below.

Attention! It is better to carry out work on pouring the foundation in the warm season, since the finished foundation must be thoroughly dried and allowed to stand for 21 days before construction continues. IN winter period The best option for installing a base for a bathhouse is screw piles. For a bathhouse with dimensions from 4x4 to 6x6 you will need 4-9 stainless steel screw piles with a diameter of 108 mm and a wall thickness of 4-5 mm.

Foundation construction instructions

- the number in brackets indicates the pillow material: 1 - medium-sized sand, 2 - coarse sand, 3 - a mixture of sand (40%) with crushed stone (60%);
- above the value line for insulated walls wood panels, below the line - for log and timber walls.

The location of the future bathhouse is determined, along the perimeter of which pegs are driven in. The construction twine is stretched evenly along these pegs, used as a guide.

Next, the width of the foundation is set aside, the cast-off is installed and the second line of twine is pulled. It is mandatory to check the diagonals of the foundation and the accuracy of all right angles. For measurements it is convenient to use a rangefinder and laser level, as well as a plumb line for installing stakes and castings.

A trench is dug along the perimeter of the walls (in accordance with the markings). The walls should be smooth. If the soil is sandy, it is advisable to install temporary formwork, which will prevent the walls from falling to the bottom.

We must not forget about the trench for communications - the drainage system. If central sewerage is provided, then the trench is drawn to the nearest insertion into the pipe. If central sewer is not available, then the trench is drawn to drain hole, furnished separately from the house.

A pipe is installed in a trench under communications at a slight slope and filled with sand and soil. The trench under the foundation of the bathhouse is filled 2/3 with crushed stone and coarse sand. This backfill is moistened with water and compacted.

In the resulting trenches, formwork is installed, knocked together from boards of the same length. In this case, the foundation level must be 20 cm above the ground. The inner walls of the formwork should be lined with film or roofing felt. It is necessary to provide and install ventilation pipes – vents – in the foundation.

Connected reinforcing bars are placed in the trenches. The frame is fixed plastic clips(the frame should be 5 cm from the walls of the formwork and the bottom of the trench, and 5-10 cm from the top point of concrete pouring).

A. - mesh with two working reinforcement rods; b. - mesh with three working reinforcement rods; V. - T-shaped joint; g. - L-shaped corner joint; d. - additional MZLF reinforcement with a large sole width, when the sole is more than 60 cm wider than the base (the additional mesh is located only in the lower part.
1 - working fittings (A-III); 2 - auxiliary reinforcing wire ∅ 4-5 ​​mm (Вр-I); 3 - vertical reinforcement rods ∅ 10 mm (A-III), connecting the upper and lower mesh; 4 - reinforcement for strengthening the corner ∅ 10 mm (A-III); 5 - connection with wire strands (twisting length is at least 30 diameters of the working reinforcement); 6 - additional working fittings ∅ 10 mm (A-III)

Concrete is being poured. Concrete mix is leveled, and after drying (during this period it is recommended to cover the tape with film and periodically moisten it with water from a watering can) it is supplemented with waterproofing ( bitumen mastic or roofing felt).

Attention! When constructing a bathhouse extension, it is important to remove the soil near the foundation of the house near the adjacent wall in order to lay a new foundation at the same level.

Prices for roofing material

roofing felt

Video - Extension to the house. Tape base

Features of the construction of walls and windows

When building a bathhouse from logs and timber, it is important to remember about shrinkage, which continues for several years in a row. If you decide to use brick or blocks for construction, remember that it is necessary to vertical walls, as well as compliance with masonry rules.

If the bathhouse is being built as an extension, then it is important to accurately join the walls and ensure a reliable connection. To do this, holes are drilled in the wall of the house for the reinforcement rods, which are driven in so that their opposite end in the future will be fixed into the masonry of the wall of the future bathhouse.

As for windows, today they are very popular metal-plastic structures. They are distinguished by their practicality in use, ease of installation, minimal maintenance and long service life. When working with such windows, it is important to follow two basic rules:

  • each window must be equipped with an opening window;
  • structures should not be very large and have jumpers.

Ignoring these rules will make it very difficult to ventilate the room in winter.

Video - Installation of windows and casing in a wooden house

Video - Installing a pigtail with your own hands

Instructions for constructing sauna walls from logs

During construction log bathhouse, it is important to know the nuances of laying logs so that the structure lasts as long as possible and its structure is not damaged.

The first crown is laid out from the thickest types of logs. In this case, it is important to treat the lower part of the crown with an antiseptic, and the upper part with mastic, which is responsible for waterproofing the structure.

The corners are made “into a bowl”, that is, the ends of the logs necessarily go beyond the boundaries of the future walls. This design will protect against moisture and blowing. The styling looks most impressive " swallowtail", which requires a lot of effort and experience. To construct it, it is better to contact an experienced carpenter.

Marking and cutting out a log frame “into a bowl”

The simplest installation option is an “end tongue” connection:

Corner notches of a simplified design “into the end tongue”

A tenon is made from the end of the log, and a groove is cut into the side of another log.

The same grooves are made at the bottom of all logs, which guarantees even and reliable laying.

The logs are connected to each other using dowels and dowels.

Video - Construction of walls using dowels

To build quality bath walls timber with a section of 15×15 or 15×18 is used. The above method promotes even laying with reliable fastening of the logs. In this case, metal or thick wooden pins can be installed in the corners and in the central part of the beam for maximum structural strength.


Between each crown there should be an additional layer of insulation in the form of strip flax or jute, which is cut into strips, laid between the logs and nailed with a stapler. Experts recommend using jute, since it practically does not compress after installing the walls and shrinking the bathhouse. For a more aesthetic appearance, jute rope is used, which reliably covers the joints.

The nuances of roof construction

In case of combined construction, the roof must have a solid structure. Its separation can lead to a rapid breakdown of the integrity of the building. It is better to use a 2- or 4-slope roof, since it has a large area and high stability that can withstand such complex design. Before you start building the roof, it is important to decide whether an attic or attic is required, since this part of the house must be built right away.

Example of an extension with a pitched roof

What is important to remember when building a common roof:

  • it is important to accurately calculate the height of the roof of the bathhouse and residential building;
  • be sure to make two chimneys - separately for the house and the future bathhouse;
  • A system of ebb tides and reliable snow holders is immediately installed.

When constructing a bathhouse as an extension, the roof can be single-pitched or gable. When arranging a lean-to structure, the highest roof, exactly the bath roof, should be adjacent to the wall of the house and go under the main roof. Ceilings to strengthen the structures, they should be built from 10x10 cm timber or boards laid on edge with the same width. Then a sheathing is attached to the bottom and top of the beams, on which heat and vapor insulation is applied. Roof rafters should be installed so that the roof slope angle is 20%. Then the roofing material is laid, and the remaining gaps and cracks are sealed using polyurethane foam.

The material for the roof can be anything, depending on the wishes of the owners. However, it is economically beneficial to use metal tiles or galvanized profiles. These materials require the creation of a simple frame with wooden joists. Bitumen or ondulin roofs will require not only professional installation, but also the creation of a special surface. But outwardly they look more respectable and impressive.

Prices for metal tiles

metal tiles

Step-by-step instructions for constructing a roof for a bathhouse

Let's consider the option of building a gable roof for an extension bath. The roof of the bathhouse will be connected to the main one gable roof at home, the result will be a single design of a bath house.

Mauerlat To begin with, a mauerlat is laid on the walls of the house. In the case of building a log house, the last log or beam of the wall serves as the mauerlat. For block and brick walls The Mauerlat is made of concrete, which is poured into formwork with mandatory reinforcement. If a wooden mauerlat is laid on a brick structure, roll insulation must be laid between the wall and the beam, and the beam itself is fixed with anchors.
Overlap Ceiling beams are laid on the Mauerlat, for example, from a board with a section of 10x5 cm (installed at the end) or timber 10x10 cm. It is convenient to fasten with perforated corners and galvanized screws (8 screws for each corner). The pitch of the beams is chosen to be 60 cm.
Front board filing

Ends ceiling beams must protrude beyond the Mauerlat. The ends are leveled, then a sheathing board is attached to them. Please note that the roof of the bathhouse under construction protrudes above the wall of the extension to the same distance as the existing roof of the house.
Rough flooring Before installing the rafters, it is necessary to secure the boards to the floor beams. You can use both edged and unedged board, as well as OSB. Fastening can be done with small gaps.
Marking We attach two 150 cm wide boards to the gable of the existing roof. This will be the first rafter truss, which is convenient for marking the rest of the rafters. From the intersection point of the nailed boards, measure the distance to the ceiling. We put a mark - this point will be the middle of the roof. From the intended central point, we measure the distance to the right and left canopies (the ends of the floor beams with a hemmed board), for example, it will be 1.5 m. On the opposite side of the roof, we mark the central point, measuring the same one and a half meters.
Installation of support beams for rafters At the marked point we fix a vertical beam with a cross-section of 150x50 cm and strengthen it with slats. We fasten the cross beam from the point of connection of the boards first roof truss to a vertically installed beam (cut the vertical beam to the length required).

The horizontal board will serve as a support for the rafters.

Assembling the rafters

We calculate the angle of the roof, the length of the rafters, cut out the first rafter, and try it on in place. Using the template, the remaining rafters are cut from a 150x50 cm board. IN top point forming the ridge, we connect the rafters with long 200 mm nails, using perforated fasteners. The bottom mount is similar.
Pruning We will later cut off the protruding corners of the ceiling beams with a saw.
Strengthening the structure We strengthen the rafters with horizontal jumpers for greater stability of the structure. We strengthen the corners of the roof base with vertical supports made of small-section timber.
We attach a vapor barrier to the installed rafters. We shoot the material with a stapler.
We attach sheathing boards and counter-lattens to the vapor barrier to create a ventilated roof. We decorate the overhangs by cutting off the excess protruding sheathing boards.
We sew up the gables with inch boards; to do this, we attach vertical bars to the outer rafters, and then fix the boards horizontally with self-tapping screws.
Installation of finishing roofing material We complete the work by installing metal tiles or corrugated sheets, a ridge, and, if necessary, installing snow guards and wind strips.

Bathroom floor installation and interior decoration

When building a bathhouse, it is important to pay special attention to the arrangement of the floor. It is important to remember that this room will be constantly exposed to moisture. Therefore, the most convenient and cost-effective option is a concrete floor in the form of pouring a screed with a slight slope towards drain pipe. For additional and reliable floor insulation, expanded clay or penoplex is used.

Penoplex prices


Video – Floor in the bathhouse

The drain pipe, as a rule, is located in the central part of the room and has an outlet to the cesspool. At sandy soil such a pit can be located directly under a bathhouse with dimensions of 60x60x60 cm. But if the soil is clayey, then the water will be poorly absorbed, and accordingly, it is better to make a conclusion away from the bathhouse.

Video - Do-it-yourself sewage system in a bathhouse

At the same stage, the installation of the drain ladder is carried out. After the screed has dried, you can begin finishing the floor. It is recommended to use ceramic tiles with a textured non-slip surface. We must not forget about careful waterproofing of those places where the floor connects to the walls of the future bathhouse. For this, a screening method using bitumen or laying any waterproofing material can be used.

Video - Drain in the bathhouse

The walls and ceiling in the bathhouse are usually sheathed wooden clapboard. In many modern bath complexes owners prefer to replace wooden trim with ceramic tiles. She is no less different aesthetically pleasing as well as strength and durability. At the stage of finishing work, it is already possible to arrange the premises: installation of equipment for the bath, electrical wiring and furniture.