Finishing of house facades with modern materials. Exterior cladding of a house: materials and technologies Different cladding of a house

The facade of any building is its architectural garment, its outer shell. And the first impression that you get about the whole house depends on what it will be like. Of course, the chosen method of finishing the exterior of a private household reflects taste preferences, favorite color palette and even the lifestyle of the owners. But when planning the appearance of the facade of the house, it is important to remember not only the visual appeal finishing materials, but also a functional component. The finish must protect from moisture and be resistant to corrosion, withstand frost and easily tolerate active sunlight, insulate the building and be non-toxic, not harm the health of homeowners and the condition of environment.

When choosing a style for the exterior of a building, it is important to take into account several components: the climate and surrounding nature, the territorial specifics of the location of the house, the appearance of neighboring buildings and your desire to merge with the general stop or, on the contrary, to stand out from total mass private houses.

When deciding on the style of the facade, you need to remember that design is a flight of fancy and the canons are alien to it, so most houses decorated these days have a mixture of at least two stylistic trends, and sometimes more, in their designs and finishing methods.

Country style in the design of facades of private houses

Features of national culture, art and territorial location are reflected in the methods of construction and decoration of architectural structures in different countries. Cosmopolitanism in architecture and beyond has led to the fact that there are no restrictions on the use of certain elements of the national style outside the state. It’s not at all difficult to find a house in Russia made in the German or French style.

For example, this modern a private house harmoniously combines the presence of classical, Central European and German style half-timbered This is indicated not only by the design of the building, but by the method of finishing. To give already finished building half-timbered style, it is enough to use dark colors in finishing surfaces wooden beams, placed on a light background. This type of surface treatment is quite economical and quick to implement, but you need to be prepared for the fact that the beams will need to be replaced every 15-17 years.

Country style is characterized by the use natural materials- stone and wood. Even if the stone is artificial, and thanks to modern technologies, it is almost impossible to distinguish it from natural one. This style of facade design will come in handy for houses located outside the city, near forests or mountains.

As you know, the Provence style is part of the country style, which has French roots. Unlike “pure” country, which is dominated by warm shades, Provence tends to be colder and brighter color scheme. And white color can be called a favorite of this style.

Completely finishing a house in the Provence style can be quite difficult for economic reasons. Finishing all the walls with stone, even artificial, may require a lot of money. Therefore, in the design of the facades of private houses, designers often resort to mixing modern finishing materials, such as sandwich panels or siding, leaving only the base of the building for cladding with expensive stone.

The warm shades of the building's stone cladding look incredibly harmonious against the backdrop of wildlife, fitting perfectly into the local landscape.

Sometimes country style is combined in design with the high-tech direction, despite the almost diametric principles of both styles. Modern technologies, simplicity and rigor, minimalism and clear lines meet the smoothness and warmth of natural materials.

French country has always been characterized by snow-white windows, divided into several sections, and the use of light colors to decorate building gables and small balconies.

IN modern houses It is often difficult to determine whether the appearance of a building belongs to a particular style; perhaps this is due to the fact that at the design stage, rarely does anyone think about stylistic directions, and the question of choice arises already at the stage of finishing the facade surfaces.

The chalet style as a way of organizing building facades is very common in the West, especially in France and the Alps. Initially, it arose as a housing option for shepherds living at the foot of the mountains. Currently, the style has undergone many changes and has acquired the status chic option arrangement of the facade of a private household. The use of wood and stone for surface finishing takes style to a different level of financial costs. This style is more suitable for a country retreat; meeting a chalet-style house in the urban jungle will be a rarity.

This country style has oriental roots. The design of the roof and the simplicity of the overall decoration indicate oriental motifs, which are also reflected in the landscape design of the private courtyard.

And this private house is closest in its style to modernism. A slightly shocking style, for those who are not afraid to be in the center of everyone's attention. Flights of fancy, freedom of thought, lack of restrictions are the credo of this style.

Minimalism and industrialization are the main features of modern private houses

If we talk about private households located within the city or near it, then recently there has been a tendency to industrialize the exterior of buildings. The minimalist style, combining elements of the high-tech movement, has become increasingly popular among homeowners and designers.

As a rule, houses in a minimalist style are simple in terms of geometry and facade decoration. Clear forms, simplicity and conciseness are the basic concept of modern buildings.

Even the use of natural materials, or their artificial analogues, for finishing private houses in the case of minimalist design does not allow us to doubt for a second general style homeownership.

At first glance, it is difficult to determine whether this building is residential or industrial, often only the dimensions and landscape design private courtyards indicate the presence of homeowners.

Often a house in a minimalist style has big windows, panoramic ensembles. In general, space, or rather its abundance, is the main criterion of minimalism not only in the exterior, but also interior design such houses. Nothing superfluous and complete freedom.

For this private house, strict geometric shape A very simple finishing option was chosen. The top floor seems to be shrouded in snow-white lace. A striking example of the fact that minimalism does not have to be boring.

When decorating houses in a minimalist style, light colors are often used. This is due to the fact that large areas The undiluted surfaces of modern buildings would look quite difficult in a dark palette of colors.

And this house is saturated and bright colors has an incredibly festive look, despite the simplicity of its geometric shapes.

More modestly sized homes are often full of contrasts in terms of color choices. Application of slatted finishing method vertical surfaces also often found in modern private buildings.

Administrator 2015-02-21 06:59:12 2015-02-21 06:59:12 Modern design of facades of private houses

Exterior decoration of a house, a wide range of options available on the modern construction market, can transform the walls of any building, both old and new. But, Besides, Right installed material perfectly protects surfaces from influence external factors, preventing their erosion and destruction.

If the house is just being designed, it is recommended at this stage to foresee in advance how and how its walls will be decorated. If a decision is made to protect and renovate the façade of an old building, then this issue needs to be approached more responsibly, since you will have to select the finish not only according to its aesthetic and quality characteristics, but also according to its compatibility with the wall material. Therefore, you should familiarize yourself with various options finishing to make it easier to decide on the right choice.

At what stage of construction is facade finishing carried out?

Before moving on to considering various facade finishing materials, it makes sense to immediately decide at what stage of construction the installation work should be carried out. This is also important because finishing installed at the wrong time can be damaged during the installation of other building elements.

  • So, first of all, Finishing work are carried out only after window and door blocks are installed and secured in the openings of the house.
  • Secondly, almost any structure shrinks during the first year after construction, sometimes quite significantly, which can significantly damage the façade finishing. Therefore, final finishing activities are recommended to be carried out after this period.
  • After a year of shrinkage, before finishing, all surfaces of the building should be checked for verticality and horizontality. If significant distortions appear, the wall may have to be leveled using plaster or lathing, depending on the material from which the house was built and the chosen finish.
  • It is recommended to carry out facade work at moderate temperatures, approximately from +5 to +25 degrees, at which the materials are in their natural state, without expanding or contracting.
  • Some of the finishing materials have considerable weight, so they will significantly increase the load on the foundation, and this factor is especially important to take into account when finishing an old house. If doubts arise on this issue, it is best to invite a specialist who can calculate the possible additional load on the foundation of the house and its admissibility.

Plaster finishing of the facade

Brick facade finishing

Brick cladding is the only finishing method that can be carried out before window and door frames are installed in the openings, so with this approach another durable layer of the wall is built, and when installing frames or frames, they will not harm the finishing in any way.

Quite often, between the main wall and the facing layer of brick, insulating material is laid, for example, such as mineral wool, or fill the gap between them with polyurethane foam, expanded clay or vermiculite backfill.

Fake diamond may be correct and irregular shapes and is made in the form of tiles or fragments of “wild” stone with chaotic chips on the outer surfaces.

If the stone is made and laid in strict accordance with existing technological recommendations in this regard, then it is difficult to distinguish it from natural one. True, the artificial material will have to be periodically tinted, and possibly covered with a special façade varnish.

Facade finishing with panels

Facade panels are made from different materials- it can be metal, polyvinyl chloride, fiber cement or wood, so to speak, “for every taste and budget.” Panels are produced in different sizes, so it is possible to choose exactly the option that will be most convenient for installation. On sale you can find single-layer and multi-layer finishing slabs, therefore, if there is a need, along with finishing, to also insulate the walls, then it makes sense to choose sandwich panels in which thermal insulation material is prudently installed.

The panels reliably protect walls from external natural influences, keeping them without damage for a long time, as they are combined into a single covering.

Modern façade panels have high strength and resistance to corrosion and ultraviolet radiation. They are great for cladding the walls of old houses, transforming them beyond recognition, since many of them imitate a natural stone, wood, brick and other finishing coatings.

Metal panels with polymer coating

Metal panels made from aluminum or galvanized steel. Their surface can be smooth, profiled or even textured. The thickness of the metal sheet is sometimes up to 0.55 mm. The surface of the panels can be coated with different polymers - plastisol, glossy or matte polyester, as well as pural.

This type of panel is characterized as follows:

— their service life is 30 years or more;

— high frost resistance is expressed;

— resistance to corrosion processes;

— moisture resistance;

- absolute non-flammability;

— ease of installation;

- variety color solutions;

— resistance to acids and alkalis;

— impact resistance – up to 50 kg/cm².

The disadvantage of these panels is the complete lack of insulating and soundproofing qualities.

Vinyl panels

Vinyl facade panels can be called the most popular material for surface finishing, as they have an excellent appearance and a variety of options offered

Prices for wooden lining

The panels are assembled together into a single wall cladding, most often using locks or latches, and the cladding is fixed to the wall (or to the frame structure) using dowels or self-tapping screws.

The obvious advantages of this finishing material include the following qualities:

— long service life, about 30 years;

working temperature from - 50 to +50 degrees;

— excellent water resistance;

— ease of processing and installation;

— low weight of the material – about 5 kg/m²;

— complete inertness to corrosion and biological processes;

— relatively low thermal conductivity – about 0.16 W/m׺С;

— high resistance of the material and coloring pigments to ultraviolet rays.

The disadvantages of such cladding include the fragility that polyvinyl chloride acquires at low temperatures, therefore there is a risk of chipping and cracking under intense mechanical stress.

Facade two-layer thermal panels

Equipped with a layer of polyurethane foam, they have high thermal insulation qualities, since this insulating material has a closed cellular structure consisting of 96% air. The thickness of the thermal insulation layer can be from 40 to 100 mm, on top of which it is fixed decorative cladding made from polyurethane, polyvinyl chloride or metal.

The “advantages” of this facing material include the following qualities:

- fairly long service life - from 30 to 50 years;

— high frost resistance;

— low thermal conductivity of 0.028 W/m׺С, which helps to minimize heat loss through the walls of the house;

- low moisture absorption;

— resistance to external influences and the emergence of microflora colonies;

— operating temperatures from -48 to +100 degrees;

— small mass of panels, amounting to only about 5 kg/m²;

— the cladding requires virtually no maintenance;

- simplicity is noted installation work. This is even more important because performing one installation operation immediately provides a solution to the problems of both finishing and insulating the walls.

The disadvantage of the cladding is that the material melts when exposed to an open flame or high temperatures. But, at the same time, it does not contribute to the spread of fire, since it is self-extinguishing.

Facade sandwich panels

Sandwich panels consist of three layers - two rigid outer sheets, which are made of metal, magnesite board, fiberboard or PVC, and a layer insulation material, laid between them - mineral wool or polyurethane foam is most often used as it.

Such a panel is not only a reliable protective and decorative finishing for walls, but also as insulation and soundproofing for the walls of the house. Basic performance characteristics This facing material largely depends on the type of insulation material and its thickness:

Some characteristics wall sandwich panels– shown in the table:

Panel thickness (mm)Specific gravity (kg/m²)Thermal conductivity kW/ (m²×ºС)Fire resistance index GOST 30247-94 (EI)
50 14.1 9.5 0.84 0.78 EI15EI15
60 15.2 9.7 0.71 0.65 EI30EI15
80 16.3 10.1 0.57 0.49 EI45EI15
100 18.5 10.4 0.47 0.4 EI60EI15
120 20.6 10.9 0.38 0.32 EI60EI15
140 22 11.3 0.35 0.287 EI70EI15
150 24 11.5 0.32 0.27 EI90EI15
180 27.8 12.1 0.26 0.23 EI90EI15
200 30.5 12.5 0.2 0.2 EI90EI15
250 37.2 12.9 0.16 0.19 EI90EI15

In this table, some materials and indicators are designated by letters that have the following meanings:

— MV – mineral wool (usually basalt);

— PPU – polyurethane foam.

Fire resistance index EI - loss thermal insulation properties and violation of the integrity of the panel. The value shows duration of the period(in minutes), during which the surface of the panel not facing the fire maintains a temperature that meets the safety criteria.

Other specifications sandwich panels look like this:

- declared operational period - 30 years or more;

— resistance of the cladding to corrosion and fungal infections;

- environmentally friendly material;

Fiber cement facade panels

Fiber cement panels are made from cement with the addition of mineral fillers and cellulose fibers, which make up 10% of the total volume. This finishing material is used for cladding both new and old houses. The panels are mounted on a wooden or metal sheathing fixed to the wall, and they are usually fastened to each other using tongue-and-groove locks.

The panels can have various reliefs that imitate natural materials - stone, wood or brickwork. An acrylic or polyurethane coating is applied to the surface of the slabs, and sometimes a layer of stone chips is also used in addition to it. Panels are produced different thicknesses, which varies from 8 to 15 mm. The mass of a slab with a thickness of 8 mm is 16 kg/m², and a slab with a thickness of 15 mm is about 30 kg/m².

Positive traits of this material are as follows:

— service life of the cladding is at least 20 years;

— high frost resistance of the material;

— inertness of slabs to corrosion and biological damage;

- resistance to ultraviolet radiation, since the coloring compositions contain substances that absorb sunlight;

- absolute non-flammability of the material;

— resistance to temperature changes;

— environmental friendliness of the cladding;

- sound absorption - about 29 dB.

Among the shortcomings we can highlight following points:

— some models of slabs require additional finishing with acrylic paint after installation;

— the hygroscopicity of the material is 7%, which can lead to deformation processes;

- not very high impact resistance of the panels - about 0.25 kg/cm².

Video: example of using special cement panels for finishing a facade

Finishing the facade with clapboard and siding

Lining for finishing facades is made from different materials and can have various shapes, as well as the names. Thus, such cladding is made from traditional wood, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and metal.

Wooden facade lining

This type of material is a well-processed board with different sides groove and tenon, which work like a lock when installing the lining on the wall.

Wooden facade lining is made in different forms, so when choosing it you need to immediately decide what effect you would like to get after installation is completed.

The lining is made from different breeds wood - this can be oak, larch, ash, pine, spruce, aspen, linden and other materials. The price of finishing directly depends on what wood it is made from. In addition, the cost also depends on the class of finishing material, of which there are four, and each of them has its own quality parameters:

— Extra class is a high-quality lining with a perfectly flat and smooth surface that does not have any flaws.

— Class “A” lining also has high quality, but minor irregularities and the presence of one knot per 1500 mm of length are allowed on its lamellas.

— Class “B” is a material of average quality, which may have more flaws, such as dark spots, as well as up to four knots for every 1500 mm.

— Class “C” - low-grade lining, which is allowed a large number of knots with a diameter of up to 25 mm, as well as dark spots and blind cracks.

When choosing lining, you must remember that this classification applies to all types of wood from which the finishing material is made.


Essentially, it is the same lining, but unlike it, it is fixed to the surface of the walls with an overlap and does not have lock connections"groove-tenon" This material is made from wood, vinyl and metal, can have a polymer coating in various colors, and also imitate the textured pattern of wood or stone.

It should be noted that the shape and method of fastening this material even more reliably protects the wall than traditional lining. This feature is ensured by the fact that each of the lamellas in the upper part, along its entire length, has a slope along which moisture falling on the surface has the opportunity to flow down the cladding without getting on the main wall or the insulation attached to it.

Produced in the form of single or double lamellas. In addition, for finishing the facade, especially its basement part, panels are used that have various reliefs that imitate smaller tiles or brickwork. Distinctive feature siding panels is also an overlapping method of fastening, that is, the upper mounted row is superimposed on the mating locking part of the lower one.

If you plan to install this cladding on concrete or brick wall, as well as on top of the insulating material, then to secure it it is necessary to equip the wall with wooden or metal sheathing. If you need to sheathe a flat wooden wall, then the lamellas or plates are fixed to it using self-tapping screws.

Because wooden lining can also take the form of siding, the table below shows comparative characteristics cladding made of vinyl, metal and wood:

IndexVinyl (acrylic) sidingMetal (steel) sidingWood siding
Raw materials for the manufacture of claddingPolyvinyl chloride (PVC)Galvanized steel with polyurethane coatingNatural wood of various species
Temperature for installation workFrom 0 to +35 degrees - this is explained by the ability of the material to expand at elevated temperatures and become brittle at low temperatures.Not limitedNot limited, but before installation it is recommended to adapt the wood to the ambient temperature.
Operating temperatures during operationFrom -50 to +50 degreesFrom -50 to +80 degreesFrom -80 to +80 degrees
Ignition temperatureNon-flammable, melting point + 450 degreesNon-flammable when exposed to high temperatures deformation of the material occurs+ 300 degrees. For comparison, the burning temperature of a match: + 600 degrees
Fire safetyDoes not support combustionDoes not support combustionHighly flammable material
HygroscopicityNon-hygroscopicNon-hygroscopicHigh, so special wood treatment is required
Sensitivity to temperature changesMedium - panels can "play" due to linear expansion.LowAverage
Surface treatment (optional)Not requiredNot requiredImpregnation with antiseptics and fire retardants is required.
ColoringNot requiredNot requiredRequires paint, stain or varnish.
Color rangeAbout 20 pastel monochromatic colors, as well as imitation of the texture of natural materialsMore than a hundred colors and imitation of textured patterns, as well as several types of decorative coatingsThe color range is limited by the colors of wood; it can be expanded by using coloring compounds.
Color restorationImpossibleIt is possible by using special coloring compounds, but the price for them is quite highPerhaps using special coatings.
Types of surface texturesSmooth, embossed, imitating brickwork, natural wood, stone chips.Smooth, embossed and embossed.Smooth
Use of panels and slats of different sizesNot possible for the main finishing material, but possible for fittings.Maybe
InstallationLightweight, thanks to special mounting areas on the panels designed for fastening elements.Easy to install and secure.A more complex process when installing horizontal slats.
Resistance to mechanical stressHigh at normal and low at negative temperatures, as the material becomes brittle.Low, deformation (dents) is possible after even minor impacts.High
Scratch resistanceHigh. Such damage is invisible, since the material is colored in the mass.Average. If a scratch is made, corrosion can damage the metal over time.High
Sound and thermal insulationAverageLowHigh
Cladding careNeeds cleaningDoes not require complex cleaning, just wash it with water.Requires periodic maintenance - cleaning and replacement of the protective paint coating.
Weight1.8÷2.25 kg/m²3.9÷5.8 kg/m²Depends on the species and quality of the wood.
Cladding thickness0.7 – 1.2 mm0.48 – 0.61 mm20 – 40 mm
Maximum lamella lengthup to 3,660 mmup to 6,000 mmup to 6,000 mm
Environmental friendlinessThe quality is confirmed by certificates.Natural material that creates a favorable microclimate.
Service life guaranteed by the manufacturerUp to 50 years with proper installation.Up to 50 years with proper care.

Another option is a block house, which is made from the same materials as traditional cladding, but differs in its shape, imitating a semicircular cut of a log. Thus, a house sheathed with this type of material looks like a log house. All characteristics siding presented in the table also correspond to the qualities of a block house made of vinyl, metal or wood.

Based on all the data presented in the publication on various facade finishing, it will be possible to draw a conclusion about which of them is most suitable for a specific structure built from a certain material. Probably, at the same time it makes sense to evaluate not only the quality and decorative features cladding, but also the possibility of carrying out independent installation, since inviting craftsmen always costs a considerable amount.

Exterior wall decoration is an important part of the design of any building. After all, the facade of the house is business card owners. It reflects their preferences and forms the first impression of the home as a whole. External finishing, in addition to being decorative, also serves as insulation and also plays the role of protection. load-bearing walls from the effects of temperature changes and natural precipitation. In this article you will learn how to decorate the facade of a private house.

Nowadays there is a huge amount building materials, which can be used for exterior decoration of the building. Before you begin work on the design of external walls, you need to carefully study the positive and negative qualities all finishing materials and decide what final result you plan to get.

The exterior decoration of a private house also depends on design solution interiors - it is necessary that there is harmony between them. Only then will the house look not just like a structure made of stone and concrete, but a comfortable and cozy home in which you will want, as they say, to live and live well and make good money.

In addition, the choice of finishing material is influenced by:

  • selected façade design style;
  • climate;
  • budget for construction work.

What materials are there for exterior home decoration?

A modern facade is usually finished with artificial or natural stone, brick, vinyl or metal siding, porcelain stoneware, plastic or wood panels, and plaster.

Wood paneling

Wood is considered an excellent thermal insulation and environmentally friendly material. Most often for making wood panels oak, cedar, and pine are used.

Note! How to decorate a wall with your own hands: 150+ best photos decor examples

The positive aspects of wood are its strength and resistance to precipitation. The disadvantages include the need for special care: the wood must be treated every year with special compounds to protect it from pests.

Cladding with metal panels

Metal panels are one of the most practical facing materials for external walls of buildings. They are usually made of steel or aluminum. Metal panels have a long service life and do not require any special care.

The design of a facade with such cladding looks stylish and beautiful, especially if it includes wooden or stone finishing elements.

Decoration with vinyl panels

Vinyl siding does not require any maintenance. Photographs of the facades of private houses show that it can be used for cladding any buildings, regardless of their type. It is affordable.

Another advantage is the variety of colors and styles (it can be stylized as stone or wood). Also on vinyl good thermal insulation, but the impact resistance is less than that of wood and metal.

Brick cladding

Brick is a unique finishing material. With it you can create different ornament, and it also gives the whole building a cozy appearance. In addition, its advantages include:

  • ease;
  • durability;
  • no need for special care;
  • ease of installation;
  • excellent thermal insulation properties.

The disadvantage is the high cost.

Finishing with natural or artificial stone

Just like brick, stone is the most expensive facing material. In addition to significant financial investments, it requires serious efforts. Stone cladding is a rather complicated and time-consuming process. As a result, buildings are usually only partially finished with stone.

But such design of facades gives a private house a particularly chic and representative look. Such a building will have a higher value upon subsequent sale.

Concrete finishing

In Western Europe, the popularity of cladding external walls with concrete is only growing every day. You can expect this to happen soon fashion trend will reach our country.

First, it must be said that external walls are finished with concrete if they need to be strengthened and strengthened. Such facades look very stylish. In addition, concrete has the ability to highlight the beautiful appearance of wood and other finishes.

Facade plaster

Finishing with plaster can be done by anyone. A plastered facade can have a quite beautiful appearance, especially if you apply textured plaster. Speaking about the qualities of this coating, it is durable and weather-resistant.

Finishing with other facade panels

In addition to panels made of wood, metal, vinyl, panels from:

  • Fiber cement. They are resistant to frost, lightweight, and durable. Another advantage is the variety of texture solutions. The downside is the high cost. Mounting is done on a metal frame.
  • Foam plastic. The peculiarity of such panels is the presence of a reinforced layer of plaster and the absence of the need to install a frame. The disadvantages include the impossibility of attaching them to the facades of wooden buildings - this can lead to rotting of the wood.
  • Glass. Glass panels Made from special impact-resistant glass. They have good heat and soundproofing properties. The disadvantage is the high cost of the material and significant costs during its installation.

Cladding external walls with sandwich panels

A sandwich panel consists of two sheets of metal and a layer of insulation and a vapor barrier layer between them. Pros: light weight, ease of installation, excellent thermal insulation, durability, moisture resistance, fire resistance.

If the top layer is damaged, the panel can be easily restored, without the need to replace most of the facade. The disadvantage is that such material is not cheap.

Covering the external walls of a house with siding

This is probably the most common and a budget option facade finishing. Siding can be installed on both insulated walls and walls without insulation. This facing material is used to hide facade defects. It is moisture resistant and comes in a variety of textures and colors. Vinyl, metal, wood, and cement can be used to make it.

The ideal cladding is the one that best protects bearing structures home from various kinds precipitation. This is the most important point, which you should pay attention to when choosing facing covering facade.

Of all the finishing materials that meet this requirement, choose the one that is easiest to install and further care, which has the best thermal insulation and moisture-repellent properties.

Photos of the facades of private houses

October 5, 2016
Specialization: facade finishing, interior finishing, construction of summer houses, garages. Experience of an amateur gardener and gardener. We also have experience in repairing cars and motorcycles. Hobbies: playing the guitar and many other things that I don’t have time for :)

Finishing the facade of any building requires several important functions, including the formation of the design of the building, its thermal insulation and even the protection of walls from negative impacts environment. Currently, there is a huge range of finishing materials, which, on the one hand, simplifies the finishing, and on the other hand, complicates the choice. To help you in this matter, below I will talk about several modern versions finishing, their features and technologies.

General information

Conditionally everything existing options decoration of the facade of a private house can be divided into several types:

  • wet (plaster) – involves the use of all kinds of plaster solutions, which are applied to the walls in liquid form;
  • dry - carried out using hanging frames and all kinds of panels that are mounted without the use of liquid solutions;
  • cladding - in this case, the walls of the facade are covered with finishing materials, for example, tiles, stone, etc.;
  • brick cladding – consists of erecting facing masonry around the perimeter of the house.

Wet finish

If you are interested in the cheapest finish, then plaster is excellent choice, as it provides an attractive appearance to the house and at the same time is cheap. True, for the sake of objectivity it is necessary to mention some of its shortcomings:

  • wet finishing is less durable than dry;
  • finishing can be done only in the warm season;
  • finishing takes longer, while the process itself is more labor-intensive;
  • the surface turns out to be less durable than when finishing using a dry method, especially when it comes to technology in which the façade is plastered over insulation.

Keep in mind that plastering work There are several types:

Rough plastering

Rough plaster is performed for the purpose of leveling walls for subsequent finishing, for example, for painting or finishing with decorative plaster. Can be used as a plaster composition cement mortar. However, if you want the coating to be truly high-quality and durable, it is better to use special plaster mixtures.

The cost of such mixtures depends on the manufacturer, but in general it is quite affordable:

Below we will briefly consider how to decorate the facade of a house with plaster yourself:

  1. work begins with preparing the facade - removing the old coating, cleaning it from dirt, etc.;
  2. then the surface of the walls is covered with two layers of primer;
  3. After this, a reinforcing mesh is attached to the walls. The canvases should overlap by about 10 cm. However, if the thickness of the plaster does not exceed 10-15 mm, the mesh does not need to be used;
  4. if the plaster will be laid down in a thick layer, it is necessary to attach beacons to the walls, which will provide flat surface walls For this purpose, special profiles are used, which are glued with cement mortar.

The beacons must be positioned so that they are all in the same vertical plane. To do this you should use building level In addition, you can stretch the threads between the outer beacons on the wall to align the intermediate guides;

  1. then, using special equipment or manually with a ladle, as shown in the photo above, a liquid layer of plaster (spray) about 5-7 mm thick is applied to the wall;
  2. after the first layer has dried, a second layer with a thickness of no more than 15-20 mm is applied. In the process of casting it, the composition is immediately leveled by the rule along the beacons;
  3. After completely leveling the walls, you need to wait for the mortar to set, and then you need to rub it in with a special trowel. In this case, you need to remove the beacons and fill the cracks with plaster solution.

To align the outer corners, special plaster perforated corners should be glued to them.

After the plaster has hardened, it is necessary, after which you can begin the subsequent finishing.

Decorative plastering “fur coat”

Is quite popular exterior decoration walls, which is called a “fur coat”. It consists of a special application of ordinary plaster mortar to the walls.

To perform such finishing, you need special equipment that supplies the solution under pressure and sprays it. The result is original texture which resembles a fur coat. Hence its name.

I must say that “fur coat” is the most budget finishing. At the same time, you can paint the facade and get a completely presentable appearance of the house.

If you do not have special equipment, you can apply the fur coat using a broom and stick. In this case, the broom needs to be dipped into the solution and hit with its base on a stick towards the wall. As a result, splashes will fly onto the wall, providing the necessary texture.

As for the technology of applying plaster, it is extremely simple. Moreover, in this way it is possible to finish both the facade of a plastered house and an unplastered one, if, of course, the walls have minor irregularities. The main thing is to ensure that the composition spreads evenly.

Applying decorative plaster over insulation

I’ll say right away that decorative plaster can be applied directly on top of the rough coating, however, as an example, let’s consider the most difficult option– plastering over insulation. This finishing technology is called “wet facade”.

To complete this work you will need the following materials:

  • facade insulation - most often mineral mats or expanded polystyrene are used for these purposes;
  • glue for installing insulation;
  • umbrella dowels;
  • fiberglass mesh;
  • facade decorative plaster - the cost depends on the type of mixture composition. On average, the price starts from 340 rubles per bag;
  • paint for exterior finishing.

When purchasing, make sure that the brand of insulation is suitable for finishing using the “wet facade” technology. This information, as a rule, is contained on the packaging.

The finishing process itself is as follows:

  1. as in the previous case, work begins with preparing the facade and priming it;

  1. then the facade is covered with insulation. The slabs must be located in the same plane and the seams must be bandaged, i.e. according to principle brickwork. To ensure that the insulation can be aligned with the wall, the adhesive should be applied in lumps.
    At this stage, the window slopes are also covered with insulation;

  1. then the insulation is additionally fixed to the wall with dowels. The latter should be located as shown in the diagram above. The dowel caps must be recessed, otherwise they will interfere with further finishing;
  2. after this, the existing gaps in the thermal insulation must be filled with scraps of insulation or special foam. In addition, convex areas should be rubbed with a special grater so that the resulting walls are completely smooth;
  3. after this, the screw heads should be filled with glue and also glued metal corners to all external corners. Thus, preparation for reinforcement is carried out;
  4. Next, the fiberglass mesh is glued. To do this, adhesive several millimeters thick is applied to the surface of the insulation, after which a mesh is applied to it and embedded in the solution with a spatula. Keep in mind that the mesh should overlap and turn over at the corners.
    After the surface has dried, the glue is reapplied in a thin layer. Wherein you need to try to level the surface of the walls as carefully as possible. This procedure is similar to puttying.;

  1. After the glue has dried, two layers of primer are applied to the surface using a paint roller. Try to prime the walls with an even, thin layer to avoid drips;
  2. Next, decorative plaster is applied. It is best to perform this procedure with a wide spoon. It must be leveled on the walls so that the thickness of the layer is almost equal to the grain of the filler;

  1. after the composition has set, the surface must be rubbed using the same grinder, making reciprocating or circular movements;
  2. At the end of the work, the facade is painted. The paint is applied in two layers paint roller. Hard to reach places can be tinted with a brush.

Decorative plaster must be applied in one go, otherwise border joints will be noticeable on the surface.

This is the installation process wet facade completed.

Wall-mounted finishing

Finishing nuances

Curtain façade, or dry finishing in other words, has recently become increasingly popular. This is due to the durability and practicality of such a solution. Besides, facade materials

for such finishing they are available in a wide range, which allows you to give the building any design.

Before getting acquainted with these materials, let us briefly consider the features of this technology. It consists of installing the frame on the walls, which allows you to place insulation and vapor barrier between the sheathing and the wall. Of course, insulation is an optional procedure and is performed at will.

  1. The frame installation process looks like this:
  2. work begins with preparing the facade - unnecessary elements are dismantled, crumbling and falling off old plaster is removed;
  3. if the facade will be insulated, before installing the frame you need to attach a vapor barrier mesh to the walls; further installed vertical racks , which can be used or metal profiles that are used for installing drywall. To fix the racks on the wall, you can use adjustable brackets, which in turn are attached to the wall with self-tapping screws or dowel nails.
    The principle of installing racks is reminiscent of installing guides for plaster, since they all must be located in the same vertical plane. In this case, the distance from the wall to the rack should be slightly greater than the thickness of the insulation, and the distance between the racks should be equal to the width of the insulation;

  1. then insulation is placed in the space between the studs. On top of it, another layer of vapor barrier is attached to the frame;
  2. At the end of the work, counter-lattice slats are attached to the frame, to which façade finishing materials for the walls are subsequently fixed. The location of the counter-lattice depends on the type of finishing material and the location of its mounting holes.

This completes the installation of the frame.

Sheathing materials

We have become familiar with the main points of installing the frame, now I will tell you what materials can be used to cover the frame.

So, most often for these purposes they use:

  • wood finishing materials - such materials include lining, block house, imitation timber and logs. In addition, recently it has become fashionable to sheathe walls with plank. Essentially, this is the same lining, but with beveled ends.

Most often, wood materials are used for private wooden houses, as they are environmentally friendly and allow them to maintain their natural, attractive appearance. Price wood materials starts from 300-350 rubles per square meter;

  • plastic (vinyl) siding - consists of panels that resemble in texture wooden boards. This material is a good alternative to wood, as it does not require maintenance, and plastic is cheaper - from 200 rubles per square meter;
  • metal siding- this is another alternative wood coverings. Externally, the panels reliably imitate the texture of wood, which is applied to the surface using a photographic method.

The disadvantage of this material is its high cost, noise during wind and precipitation, as well as high thermal conductivity. In addition, the cost of the material is quite high, ranging from 400-500 rubles per square meter. Therefore, metal siding is most often used for finishing residential buildings;

  • plastic facade finishing boards - in terms of performance they resemble vinyl siding, since plastic is used as a base, however, they differ in appearance. Their surface imitates natural stone, tiles, brickwork, etc.;
  • basement siding - can externally imitate a variety of finishing materials, from plaster to natural stone. This material is more durable and wear-resistant than wall siding. It is often made from reinforced cement.

  • façade cassettes are square panels made of galvanized steel, aluminum or composite alloys. Typically, this material is not used for finishing residential buildings, so it is more suitable for offices and shopping centers.

These are, perhaps, all the most common materials for finishing the facades of houses using the dry method. All of them, as a rule, are attached to the frame using self-tapping screws, so their installation does not cause any difficulties. The only thing is that some panels require pre-installation starting profile, which should be located strictly horizontally along the perimeter of the building.


Considering different kinds finishing, it is impossible not to mention wall cladding with materials such as:

  • thermal panels;
  • clinker tiles;
  • a natural stone;
  • brick.

Thermal panels

Thermal panels are facade slabs that consist of two layers:

  • bases - is an insulation made of polyurethane foam, polystyrene foam or extruded polystyrene foam;
  • decorative coating - it can be marble chips, clinker tiles or other material that performs a decorative function and protects the insulation from environmental influences.

Thus, Thermal panels allow not only to veneer, but also to insulate walls. Their installation does not require a frame, since they are fixed using dowels.

The cost of thermal panels depends on the manufacturers and materials from which they are made, but in general these cannot be called budget:

If you are thinking about how to decorate a facade for decades, then it is best to give preference to clinker tiles. Some manufacturers guarantee it for 100 years or even more.

The fact is that this material is really durable and not afraid of atmospheric influences. Externally, the tile resembles a brick, so a wall finished with it cannot be distinguished from brickwork. Moreover, it is on sale big choice its colors and shades.

Clinker is glued to the walls like regular tiles special glue. True, this process cannot be called simple, since the tiles must be positioned evenly and the seams must be uniform. In addition, grouting joints is a rather complicated procedure, so it is better to entrust tiling to specialists.

The cost of clinker tiles starts on average from 1000 rubles per square meter. Tile cost from European manufacturers can reach several thousand rubles per square meter.

A natural stone

Natural stone on facades always looks fashionable and attractive. In addition, this material is practically eternal. True, along with its advantages, it also has some disadvantages:

  • has a lot of weight, as a result of which it places a large load on the foundation;
  • the cost is quite high compared to other materials - the price of processed stone starts from 800-1000 rubles per square meter. True, in order to reduce the cost of finishing, natural stone can be replaced with its artificial counterpart, made of plastic concrete.

Therefore, stone is most often used to decorate not the entire facade, but only its individual elements, such as the base, corners of the building, etc.

The stone goes well with other finishing materials - brick, clinker tiles, plaster, etc. In addition, the facade using it can be decorated with additional decorative elements. For example, façade mosaic looks very beautiful.


Brick has been one of the most popular facing materials for many years. This is due to his attractiveness appearance, strength and durability. In addition, it reliably protects the facade walls from negative influences.

But, like other materials, brick has its disadvantages:

  • heavy weight - therefore, before finishing the facade, it is necessary to make a foundation, unless the foundation of the house was originally designed for such cladding;
  • high cost - starts from 10-15 rubles per brick;
  • enough complex installation– facing masonry must be done by a high-class mason.

The construction of facing masonry resembles construction regular wall in "half a brick". The only thing is that every three rows must be connected with flexible ties. In addition, vents should be made at the top and bottom of the wall to ventilate the space between the walls.

Here, in fact, is all the information about how and how to beautifully decorate the facade of a house.


The decoration of the facade of the house can be done according to different technologies and using a variety of finishing materials. To do right choice, you should decide on the design of the facade, the budget you plan to spend on finishing, as well as the tasks of finishing - this could simply be decorating the facade or insulating the walls.

If you have any questions regarding the finishing of the facade or the choice of materials, ask them in the comments, and I will be happy to answer you.