How to insert doors with an accordion yourself. Dismantling the accordion door: design features. Preliminary preparation for self-installation

When starting to furnish the interior, the question of optimizing the space in the room often arises. Among our compatriots, making such a decision is becoming more and more popular. The accordion doors will help to cope with this. Their name speaks for itself, the presence of an opening and closing mechanism is the main feature of these doors. In interior doors such as an accordion, hinges are not used. When opening, the door does not interfere or touch other objects. It neatly folds into an accordion, thereby opening the passage.

For many, the accordion door is associated with cheapness, when the use of doors in small-sized dwellings made it possible to save much-needed square meters of space. It is important to note that today the installation of accordion doors is part of the design and creation of a unique interior, and not a need to increase the functionality of the room.

What are accordion doors made of?

For the manufacture of such doors, MDF and PVC are used. At first glance, the differences are so insignificant that they are simply not paid attention to. The appearance is very attractive and harmonious in both forms. Plastic is a very light material, it is not susceptible to rapid contamination and damage, so its service life is quite long. The lightness of plastic can be both a plus and a minus of this product, because with prolonged use, there is a feeling that the door is loose. It is worth noting that in the modern production of PVC lamellas, stiffeners are used, so the door may only appear flimsy in appearance, while in reality it is not. It is much easier to install plastic accordion doors than from MDF. Its elements can be fastened together manually, they can be easily adjusted to the required size of the doorway. Also, they are very easy to configure and eliminate small errors that are possible during installation.

The door made of MDF is more massive, which creates some inconvenience in use. It requires careful strengthening to the base. A big plus, in comparison with a plastic door, is excellent sound insulation, as well as stability. During installation, the complexity can cause the weight of the door, so all dimensions and levels must be strictly observed.

The accordion door is a rather simple design, which consists of panels of various widths, connected to each other. The outer panel is attached to the door jamb, and on the other side is attached a roller that will move along the rail. The rails are fastened to the top of the jamb. The sashes are fixed in the open and closed position by means of stoppers. Bearings allow for quiet and easy handling.

What is needed to install accordion doors

Accessories and fittings are sold with the door. It is very important to purchase the necessary materials for the doorway. It can be platbands and any extras. Pay attention to the thickness - it must be at least 15 mm, as it must withstand the load and weight of the door. Prepare the tools required for installation in advance. For this you will need:

  • impact drill;
  • for sizing, tape measure;
  • level, as well as a plumb line;
  • puncher (if there is a need to expand the opening);
  • miter box;
  • hacksaw for wood;
  • building corner;
  • wooden blocks;
  • foam for installation (polyurethane).

Preparing the doorway

Before starting installation work, you need to prepare the door opening. First of all, dismantle the old doors and loot, if necessary, knock down the solution under it to the ground. Calculate the measurements of this opening. Following the instructions, decide on the dimensions of the accordion door, then it will become clear to you what to do next: expand or reduce the width of the opening.

We form a box of pre-prepared additions, the nut is not needed here. The upper crossbar is attached to the upper edge of the vertically located extensions, with their ends, attracting them with self-tapping screws.

The finished box is installed in the opening. For this, wooden substrates are used as wedges. Complements are attached to the wall with anchors, two on top and three on the sides.

Plastic accordion doors

After fixing the anchors, blow out the formed gap with polyurethane foam. As soon as it dries up, proceed with the installation of the accordion door.

How to set guides

As part of the accessories for the door there is a profile called a guide. So that the dimensions are accurate, it is with the guides and we will begin the installation of the doors. We measure the length of the profile and cut off the excess. Use a miter box, then the cut will be almost perfect.

In the same way, we measure and cut the profile, which will serve as a fastener for the blind part of the door leaf. We apply it and adjust it to size. We drill holes with a diameter of 3 mm for self-tapping screws in the profile. At the top, the distance between them will be 5 - 7 cm on the side 15 - 20 cm.

We collect the door leaf

At this stage, we start assembling the canvas itself. For this, we use the plates that are included in the door kit. Sometimes this is not necessary, since the door can be sold assembled. But if you still have to do everything yourself, then you will have to try. The plates are attached with a rod, their number is determined by the width of the doorway. Having assembled the door into a single structure, we install the lock panel on the right side, and the fixing side panel on the other side. Their installation is carried out using strips, which are fixed with stoppers. Next, set the sliders. From the lock panel through one, fastenings alternate. And finally, a magnetic lock is installed on the accordion door from the side of the lock panel.

MDF doors are assembled a little differently. Here the strips are interconnected by a long axis, which must be passed through special holes on all parts. After completing the door assembly, as in the version with a plastic door, we install the rollers and mount the necessary fittings. All this will be easy to do if you strictly follow the instructions attached to the product.

Completing the assembly and securing

When everything is completely assembled, there is only one concern left, this is the installation of the accordion door into the prepared frame of the doorway. The rollers located on the door leaf are inserted into the grooves of the guide profile. After inserting the door, it must be folded in the center of the opening. This is the most convenient location for further installation.

The guide is fastened with self-tapping screws, along the entire length, observing a distance of 5 - 7 cm. Next, we attach the side profiles, reinforcing the blind part of the door to the desired profile. It is necessary to check the ease of opening and closing the doors, as well as the adherence of the door to the profile, from the side where the handle is located. The fit should be snug.

The final stage

When all the installation work has been done, it is necessary to install the platbands around the entire door perimeter. Using a miter box and a hacksaw, we adjust the platbands, trimming the excess at an angle of 45 degrees. You can attach the platbands using liquid nails or ordinary furniture. At this stage, the installation of the doors is completely completed. The same method is used to install a book-door.

The desire to make your home cozy, comfortable, functional dictates the rules for choosing interior items. Interior doors serve as a means of dividing zones, protection, sound insulation.

The standard swing design does not always easily fit into the dimensions of the house. Space saving required. Sliding doors cope with this task. One of the varieties is the accordion door.

Until recently, the accordion was not considered an exquisite decor. But technologies are developing, which made it possible to make the accordion door a modern element in the interior. Is it possible to install an accordion door with your own hands? Whether difficulties arise or everything is easy to do yourself. Let's talk about this, considering the design features of the accordion canvases.

Knowing some of the subtleties, you can install the accordion door with your own hands.

According to the principle of the layout, the accordion door is similar to its accordion object of the same name. Cloths one after another smoothly fold or straighten like accordion furs. They help to save room space, because when they open, they reduce their size by two or three times, while remaining in the opening. There is, of course, an inconvenience if the doorway is narrow, and even the canvases reduce its width. But in general, this is offset by the ability to reduce the presence of the facade in a small room.

The accordion door looks aesthetically pleasing in any design.

Today, the accordion door has become relevant not only as an economical option, but also as an individual design decor. The accordion layout system is used for shower cabins, protecting the premises from water; for cabinets that are installed in narrow rooms; for dressing rooms, hiding them behind an exquisite decor. Accordion doors can divide the space like interior partitions, folding along the entire length and opening completely the room, if necessary.

Factories produce different models of accordion doors according to the inner filling of the canvases. It can be MDF panels, plastic, fabric, mirror, glass, less often wood. Solid wood is a heavy material, even when perfectly dried. The fittings may simply not be able to withstand heavy cloths. If the array is used in the production of an accordion, then with the strengthening of the system of the web on the rails or using a veneer on a thin basis.

The design feature of the accordion doors is not diverse. These are rectangular canvases of different sizes. Width starts from 100 mm and more. The smallest opening that will allow the accordion door to be installed should not be narrower than 600 mm. The rest is a matter of imagination and the width of the opening.

It is necessary to choose high-quality designs that have a reliable basis. The frame of the panels must be rigid so that it does not fall apart under accidental force.

Accordion door fittings can be purchased from any specialized department.

The accessories are always sold as a set; only the number of canvases can vary from the width of the opening. The complete set of an accordion always includes an upper guide, a system of rollers. For massive structures, the lower rail is also used so that the product does not sag under heavy load. The lower part is usually recessed into the floor, does not interfere with the movement of users.

For installation, a door frame is not required, as with the installation of hinged interior doors. The jamb can be ennobled in advance with decorative coatings or covered with docks purchased on your own. Otherwise, there should be no problems during installation. Therefore, you can install the accordion door with your own hands, without overpaying to the masters. We will help you master the installation of the structure, if you decide to do everything yourself.

Installation sequence of the accordion door

As with any installation, at the first stage, the opening is prepared and the accordion door of the required size is bought. If, with facades installed in a box, the size may have errors (mounting foam will close everything), when installing a sliding accordion, we determine the dimensions after preparing the opening.

Do-it-yourself door installation.

The minimum clearances are needed only at the top and bottom of the blade for ease of movement of the accordion along the rails.

  1. After dismantling the old kit, preparing the opening, we take measurements in height and width. The store sells an accordion door with a set of that number of canvases, for what width the future structure is designed. But in place you will have to adjust the height of the panels, the length of the guide. Sometimes an accordion overlaps a space more than a meter wide. Then a double-leaf accordion can be chosen, that is, the doors will open to the right / left at the same time so that the structure is not heavy.
  2. Decide before you start installing the accordion door with your own hands, in which direction you need to open the facade.
  3. Top hardware mounting options.
  4. You can install the guide on self-tapping screws by pre-drilling holes in the right places, installing dowels for fasteners.
  5. We measure the width of the opening, cut off the desired length, if the profile is larger than necessary.
  6. Install the plank to the upper surface of the opening. If there are no holes, make them yourself using a drill and drill of the correct diameter.
  7. We install vertical profiles in the same way, sawing off the height if necessary.
  8. The second method of installing horizontal and vertical profiles with your own hands is distinguished by the presence of clip-locks that allow you to snap the bar with a mallet.
  9. Drill holes in the wall, install the bottom of the clip. Fasten the other half of the lock to the profile.
  10. Attach the clips by lightly pushing the bar or tapping with a mallet.
  11. Similarly, set the vertical profile on both sides.

Assembling the accordion door

Perhaps assembling panels into a single canvas is the most painstaking part of installing an accordion door with your own hands. The instructions supplied with the product must be followed carefully.

Accordion door mounting scheme.

A step-by-step illustration will allow you to correctly assemble the panels with your own hands.

  1. We take measurements of the height of the opening.
  2. We measure the required length on the canvas, making allowances for the depth of the profile, leaving a gap from the floor.
  3. Cut off the excess, repeating the procedure with all panels.
  4. Let's move on to connecting the panels to each other. For this, special hinges are provided that allow the doors to fold and re-open. Depending on the weight of the panels and the permissible load, two or three connecting hinges can be installed on the surfaces.
  5. Place the canvases in the desired sequence on the floor. They must be tightly adjacent to each other so that no gaps appear in the hinged position.
  6. Check the compatibility of the panels along the top and bottom lines.
  7. We drill holes for fastening with loops. Sometimes the hinges are replaced by an end profile and a vertical profile, which allow you to combine the elements of the accordion door with your own hands in a matter of minutes. You just need to follow the recommendations in the printed instructions.
  8. The accordion door set includes a metal mount, into which all the canvases are inserted one after another, forming a single plane.
  9. A roller or several rollers is placed at the end of the profile under the facade, allowing the entire web to move without problems.
  10. When assembling the accordion into a single structure, pay attention to the location of the outer panels. A lock and a handle will be fixed in the lock part. The outer panel will fit into a vertical profile installed on the wall of the opening.
  11. Having assembled a single canvas, we proceed to the stage of hanging the accordion on the guide profile in the upper part of the opening.
  12. Sometimes it is difficult to get the rollers and stoppers into the guide due to the close location of the jamb. Then there is the option of installing the guide profile only on the middle self-tapping screw, so that it becomes possible to move it to the side to insert the fasteners into the groove.
  13. We return the profile to its place.
  14. We check the operation of the accordion door. The movement should be light, noiseless.

Installing the handle and lock

At the final stage, you need to fix the handle, lock, included in the kit or purchased yourself. Usually the lock is magnetic, but some consumers want the door to lock securely.

  1. On the extreme canvas, the accordions from the side of the lock make the necessary technological holes for the lock and the handle. We preliminarily make markings for planting door fittings. The handle should be slightly offset from the edge of the accordion door, because the panel fits into the vertical profile, tightly adjoining the wall. A tightly fitted handle can interfere with the tight fitting of the accordion door.
  2. Once again we check the smooth running of the canvas, the absence of cracks, distortions.
  3. When choosing an interior door an accordion with a system of upper and lower profiles in the complete set, it is necessary to fix the lower rail before installing the door leaf.
  4. It is usually recessed into the floor in the area of ​​the nut. The length corresponds to the width of the opening.
  5. When installing, the lower set of wheels is started first, and then connected to the upper rail.
  6. The floors must be perfectly level. If there are irregularities, slopes, it is necessary to level the surface in order to avoid the folding of the accordion door out of order.
  7. After completing the installation of the accordion door with your own hands, take care of the decorative platbands around the interior portal on both sides.

If this is not necessary, the do-it-yourself installation process can be considered complete.

If your choice fell in favor of the accordion door, you need to buy it correctly so that the do-it-yourself installation will be a pleasure, not a problem.

  • Buy an accordion door in accordance with the interior, taking into account the technical features of the rooms.
  • Do not take the accordion door if the opening is only 500 mm. In the open position, it will be difficult to move from one space to another. You will always come across a folded door.
  • Correctly calculate the number of canvases required for installation in the interior opening.
  • Do not try to save money when buying an accordion door, because a cheap door will not last long. In production, cheap plastic and weak fittings are used that cannot withstand heavy daily loads.
  • Buy a few additional panels in case of unexpected damage to the elements of the canvas. It will be easy to replace the damaged one with your own hands if the panel is available. Production is constantly being updated, old models are being discontinued. An additional element will allow you to avoid missing the required part from the seller.

After reading the detailed guide, installing the accordion door with your own hands should not cause any difficulties. To consolidate the information, we recommend watching a video clip with detailed recommendations.

Accordion sliding doors are often installed where there is no way to put a standard one (a wide opening, a closet, etc.). The door must fulfill not only its direct responsibilities, but also fit into the design of the room. Interior and entrance doors are available in a wide variety of sizes, colors, textures and materials.

Of course, you can't experiment with much, but you can show skill on the interroom. the accordion gives us such an opportunity. Conventional swing doors require space to open.

And in a small apartment, sliding ones are very popular. One of the options for such a door is (hides in the wall or moves in parallel). The accordion sliding door can be installed in any type of room.

It can be used in the living room, bedroom and study. Very popular in kitchens. A plastic accordion door is used instead of a curtain for a shower or bath. A person who knows how to drill a hole, hammer in a nail and know how to use a level will be able to install it with his own hands.

Before starting the installation, we check the presence of parts and fasteners.

The folding door set for the accordion should include:

  • top rail (aluminum guide);
  • sash panel;
  • two roller carriage runners;
  • hinges for connecting panels to each other;
  • adjusting key;
  • installation elements and other accessories.

For standard doorways up to 1 meter wide, the bottom rail is optional. Platbands and extensions may not be included in the set. These are purchased separately.


The measurement of the height and width of the doorway is done even before the door is purchased, otherwise it will not be possible to find out the required number of panels in the sash. Installation begins with mounting the rail.

Guide rail width for standard opening = 33 - 35 cm and height - 33 - 39 mm. If the width of the doorway is less than the length of the guide, we cut it off with a hacksaw for metal.

The distance between the holes in the guide should be 25 - 30 cm. Through these holes it is attached at the top of the doorway. We drill new ones if necessary.
If the flaps open from right to left, we install the latch on the right side, if from left to right, then respectively - to the left.

We put the end panel axis into the latch, place the carriage slider in the rail. We fix the guide in the upper part of the doorway (with self-tapping screws - 20-30 mm). Now we will install 2 metal axles in the end flap - from the top and from the bottom.

To do this, mark the position of the axes and drill holes for them (in the absence of these holes). The hole depth should be less than the axle length.

The end of each axle will protrude slightly (the installation instructions usually indicate the size). We fix the axes on the panel - the lower and upper axes must coincide both horizontally and vertically.

Under the axis, which is located in the lower corner of the doorway, we install the receiving plate, marking the position relative to the latch (previously installed on the guide).

On the upper end of the panel, installed last relative to the panel with iron axles, we drill a hole for attaching the slider. Lay the panels side by side in such a position in which they will be hinged.
Do not confuse the arrangement of the left and right panels.

Install loops

We carefully mark their location on the shutters, mark the required distance with a pencil.
Place 3 hinges between adjacent flaps (not at the outer ones).

This is a horizontal arrangement of hinges of the same level (low, middle or upper), it should be the same on all leaves. No displacement is allowed, as the panels will be skewed and cracks may appear.

Having marked the position of each of the loops (between them vertically, the distance should be the same), we fix three loops on one sash. We expose them on the back of the sash. We connect adjacent panels with hinges so that the distance between them is 3 mm.

For the handle, we drill a groove on the outer panel, it must be installed on the outer panel near the hinge joint. We drill a groove between the panels for a locking lock.

Now you can hang the assembled sash on the mountings. We fold the sash, lift and put the metal axles into the landing plates. Next, we connect the axis of the carriage with the plate of the extreme sash.

A key is required to adjust the position and movement of the sash. By tightening or loosening the nuts on the end or carriage axes, we adjust the sash.

What to do if the doorway into which the accordion door is mounted is more than a meter. To cover it, you will need more top runners and a support to adjust the sash travel at the bottom of the opening. You will need a lower rail, carriage wheels fixed on one or two panels are put into it.

The guide is recessed into the floor or hidden by a threshold. Dirt will accumulate in the guide channel and will not be easy to clean completely.


Despite the advantages of using accordion doors, they also have disadvantages. A large number of bearings, joints, etc. reduces their reliability. When buying an inexpensive accordion door, pay attention to the fittings.

The quality of the fittings plays a big role in how long this product will last you. Typical disadvantages are poor sound and heat insulation.

They do not close tightly and it is very difficult to achieve their isolation. If you want to create peace and quiet in the room, the accordion door is not the best option for this purpose.

Otherwise, the accordion is an excellent solution for rooms with a small area. They not only look beautiful, but also make it possible to usefully use each unit of the area of ​​the room.

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Watch the video: Folding doors

Doors with an accordion opening are often used to fill non-standard openings, because the canvas itself can be considered non-standard. The peculiarity of such a door is that it does not consist of a solid material, but of thin vertical panels, which allow it to be folded in a certain way. This design saves enough space without requiring additional wall fixing. Of the minuses of the accordion door, its fragility is considered. In order for the panels to slide apart correctly, they must be thin, which means that the canvas is easily damaged.

Accordion doors: instructions and video

For many years, sliding and folding doors have been installed in small rooms. Why? Because they allow you to save the scarce free space. With this type of interior door, furniture can also be arranged more efficiently in the room. Today these doors have not lost their relevance, and on the contrary, the demand for them has increased even more.

There are many home improvement stores where you can buy these products, but the largest selection is at Leroy-Merlin. Everyone knows these stores. The range includes not only functional, but also aesthetically attractive models. Such an accordion door can become a real highlight of the interior.

Benefits of accordion doors

So, such an interior door, due to its design and features, has several serious advantages.

The door takes up a minimum of usable area. This system consists of a set of doors and a folding mechanism - it is designed in such a way as to take up as little free space as possible, both in the open and in the closed state.

Also, due to the design, it is not necessary to exert great efforts to open or close these doors. In mechanisms, there is only minimal friction between parts and surfaces - this makes folding doors extremely easy to work with. This also includes their noiselessness.

Most models of folding doors are equipped with a system that prevents the independent movement of the leaf. The design provides for special latches that prevent the door from moving spontaneously. Also, with the help of them, the canvas can be fixed in the desired position.

Another advantage of these door designs is their affordable prices. Among the huge number of presented models, you can always choose a door for every taste.

Cons of folding doors

Such designs have a lot of advantages, but you should not forget about the disadvantages. The choice of the door should be done only after their analysis.

The accordion door, unlike others, has practically no sound insulation. These canvases are not suitable for installation in bedrooms and children's rooms. The thermal insulation performance of these doors is also poor.

The design, for all its advantages, does not have sufficient rigidity. These doors are not intended for intensive use and can only be used at home.

It is also not the best choice for toilets and bathrooms. The materials from which folding doors are made are subject to moisture and temperature extremes.

Device and materials

A folding door is a series of movable slats that are connected to each other. The door works like a blind. When the owner wants to open the door leaf, the lamellas or sashes fold in and slide towards the edge of the opening. The door segments move along a special guide - depending on the size of the door system, it can be at the top or bottom.

The leaves of these doors can be made from a wide variety of materials. So, in production, plastic, wood, metal, MDF, as well as bamboo, glass, textile materials and leather are widely used.

In the catalogs you can find truly unique solutions - there are both strict, modern types of doors, and products in a classic style.

Accordion and book

These are two separate types of folding mechanisms. They are very similar to each other. However, a book, unlike an accordion, has only two flaps.

Also, the accordion is lighter and takes up less space. The book is a transitional option between classic swing doors and a folding one. It is more massive and heavier.

Pay attention to the completeness of the door - there must be seals in the grooves. This allows for an additional level of sound insulation.

Often, folding doors in a hypermarket are presented in the sales area assembled, but you can buy them disassembled - it is imperative to study the finished structure for gaps between the doors. There should not be any large gaps. You should also test the door for smoothness.

Accordion door in the interior

The accordion door is not only a space-saving solution, but also a stylish decor element. Manufacturers make slats in a wide variety of colors and textures.

Lightweight and compact design, as well as the absence of the need for a door frame - this is the ability to use the "accordion" not only as a door, but as a partition. With the help of such a solution, you can effectively zone the space - this is very important in studio apartments. There are models on sale that allow you to install the door to the entire height of the room.


Interior accordion doors, price

Small kitchens, small bedrooms, small corridors. Not everyone was lucky with living space and more than half of the owners of apartments built in the Soviet period have to put up with the fact that the area of ​​the apartment does not correspond to the needs of the family at all. Today we will consider one important question that very few people really think about - how much space do doors steal.

How much is an accordion door

Buying a small apartment, we do not even think about the fact that of the 40 square meters for which we pay, much less is actually used. The first thief of usable volume is an ordinary swing door. On the side where it opens, the space is actually not used, and this is at least one and a half square meters of area for each door. So are we going to put up with it?

Of course not. To save space, interior accordion doors have long been used.Their price may be even lower than that of some swing doors and certainly lower than that of any model of sliding doors, which also save space a lot, but are much more difficult to install and more expensive after purchase.

For example, plastic interior accordion doors with a magnetic latch and with a complete assembly kit will cost 2.8-3.2 thousand, depending on the manufacturer. The same wooden doors from solid pine, oak or alder can be bought at a price of 6.5 thousand rubles.

Accordion door design

Accordion doors in design resemble book doors, but with the difference that the book folds only in half, and the accordion can have many more sections and, as a result, it saves space even more, in no way inferior to functionally standard or sliding doors. By design, such doors resemble blinds - they consist of many lamella sections with a width of 10 cm or more.

The sections are fastened together with hinges, and for smooth operation, in the upper or lower part of the door, a bar is installed along which the rollers move. Thus, the lamellas are folded into an accordion, and it, in turn, occupies a space of no more than 100 mm of area.

Advantages and disadvantages of interior folding doors

From a practical point of view, accordion doors have more than one advantage over a swing door:

  • saving free space;
  • very simple installation;
  • interesting appearance;
  • affordable price;
  • variety of materials.

Installation of such a door, in fact, takes no more time than installing a conventional window cornice.

In fairness, it is impossible not to note some of the design flaws of the accordion door:

  1. The presence of many moving parts makes the structure potentially unreliable.
  2. Folding doors cannot prevent the spread of odors.
  3. Lack of soundproofing.
  4. Due to the design, such doors often jam, but as a rule, this happens with errors during installation.

Due to the uniqueness of the design of such a door, there is no need to talk about a special variety of design options, although there are both glazed and deaf versions of lamellas on sale.

Naturally, doors with blind lamellas are stronger and more reliable, regardless of what they are made of - wood or plastic. Glazed canvases, quite predictably, may have less reliability and durability, and a shorter service life.

Design and selection of accordion doors

On the other hand, externally glazed accordion doors look very impressive, light and almost weightless. Often, designers use the stained-glass technique for decorating glass inserts, so you can choose a structure for any interior design, for any stylistic direction.

When choosing accordion doors, you should pay attention to the number of sections. In principle, the fewer sections, the more reliable the whole structure, but the more the door will take up space when folded. As for the materials, there are only two of them - wood and plastic.

Plastic doors are not very durable, because, like the lamellas themselves, their entire mechanism is made of plastic. But the price for them is three times lower. Often plastic structures are installed in the bathroom, bath, pool, sometimes they can be seen as a shower curtain or shower cabin.

Wooden accordion doors are more durable, since their entire mechanism is made of metal and alloys. Depending on the width of the section, they can be designed in completely different ways, including all possible types of glazing that are used in hinged interior doors.

Even judging by the photo, we can say that accordion doors made of wood look much more attractive than plastic ones, but their weak side is considered to be the poor resistance of wood to moisture. If you choose the right model for the existing interior, the accordion doors will show themselves in the best possible way, and with good care and proper installation, they will last a long time and without breakdowns.


Plastic doors accordion

Such doors are indispensable in apartments with a lack of free space. Interior sliding doors "accordion", the installation of which does not require changing the doorway, practically do not take up space when closed, and the folding mechanism turns them into a compact design. This makes it possible to install furniture where swing doors do not allow it.

  • It is possible to buy interior doors "accordion" for large apartments. In such rooms, they will simultaneously perform two functions: the usual one, by dividing rooms, and the opposite - they will help to combine the space of neighboring rooms, to make it unified.
  • The "accordion" interior door is also suitable for rooms with limited space, you can buy it for kitchens, bathrooms, closets, etc.

Sliding interior doors are safe, lightweight and, for example, will not pinch a child's hand, do not sag and can be installed in openings of any size.

Advantages of designs:

  • security;
  • saving space;
  • originality;
  • ease of use;
  • reliability.

High-quality installation of folding doors is a guarantee of their long-term operation

We offer only reliable folding mechanisms, which we supply with "accordion" interior folding doors - the installation of such structures requires experience and knowledge. Therefore, before you buy a model you like, you should make accurate measurements. This work will be undertaken by our masters.

And one more advantage of the doors offered by the House of Doors company is the variety of offers. You will be able to find a model that perfectly matches your existing or planned interior.


How to install a wooden accordion door in the kitchen yourself

In the process of building or renovating premises, one cannot do without arranging doorways. After all, not only do the interior structures provide a functional separation of rooms, in addition, they can be used to solve aesthetic problems, ensuring a flawless appearance and ergonomics of any room.

If we take into account that recently minimalism has remained the predominant trend in the design of residential premises, then it becomes clear that many owners of their own homes are striving to use alternative door systems, which include accordion doors.

That is why in today's informational article we would like to describe in detail the method of how to install an accordion door with our own hands.

Advantages and disadvantages of accordion doors

Interior doors are expensive construction products, and therefore it is advisable to install them only after a scrupulous analysis of the accessory you like. Accordion doors are no exception, and therefore, before the direct purchase process, it is advisable to clarify all the advantages and disadvantages of these structural elements.

Undoubtedly, the most important advantage of the accordion door is the saving of free space in the premises. Indeed, unlike traditional swing doors, such sliding systems in the process of operation simply fold, in fact, always staying in the immediate area of ​​the opening.

This advantage allows you to install any attributes of furniture in the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe doors, without worrying that they will interfere with the operation of folding systems. In addition, the accordion doors will perfectly cope with the assigned tasks in rooms with limited area (kitchens, bathrooms, corridors). Also, due to the design of such doors, the likelihood of damage (stains, scratches, chips) of the wall modules adjacent to the opening is excluded.

The second most important advantage of accordion doors is the simplicity of their installation and ease of maintenance, because such doors do not sag, they are not negatively influenced by external factors (for example, excessive humidity), and besides, using such sliding systems, you can equip almost any size opening.

Plus, the "accordions" are distinguished by their safety (due to their light weight and the absence of places of possible pinching), environmental friendliness, functionality and novelty.

If we consider the disadvantages of the presented doors, then we should highlight their low mechanical strength and low heat and sound insulation.

Preparing to install the door

The main structural difference of the accordion door is that the horizontal part of the doorway acts as the base surface to which the entire structure is fixed (using the guide profile), therefore, the correct preparation of the specified building element should be approached very scrupulously.

Indeed, in addition to the fact that the opening should have a clear geometric shape (both vertically and horizontally), it is very important to achieve the possibility of fixing all kinds of fasteners to its planes. Why, in the process of correcting the opening, it is advisable to use cement-based mortars, or to construct a frame of the opening from sheet materials (drywall, MDF, plastic), and use elongated fastening materials (screws, anchors, etc.) to fix the fittings.

Accordion door installation technique

The installation of an accordion sliding door should begin with the procurement of components, because it is very important to prepare all the necessary accessories and building components in advance.

Well, in addition, you should stock up on platbands, accessories and fasteners.

The next step in the installation work is the direct assembly of the door leaf (in the event that the accordion door is realized disassembled). At the same time, when performing this operation, it is advisable to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Perform all work on a clean, flat surface (so as not to damage the door material);
  • It is imperative to use the attached instructions with filling in the required fields (allows you to accurately determine all the required dimensions);
  • If it is necessary to cut off excess guide profiles (upper, side), use a hacksaw for metal and a miter box in order to ensure an even cut.

In addition, in the process of assembling the accordion door, it may be necessary to cut the panels along the length (depending on the height of the opening), for which it is also advisable to use a hacksaw for metal and a miter box, cutting each of the door panels to a given size in turn. Well, at the end of the work, it is advisable to protect the cutting sites with special plugs and decorative stickers. In other words, installation operations should be started only after complete preparation (cutting, assembly) of all the required components.

Well, after connecting all the accordion plates into a single canvas, on one side of it (for example, on the right), the side lock panel should be fixed, and on the opposite side, the side fixing panel should be installed. Moreover, for fastening the listed panels to the canvas, it is advisable to use special strips with stoppers.

The final stage of assembling the accordion door is the installation of sliders, due to which the entire door will be held in the cavity of the guide profile. They must be fastened directly to the elements of the door leaf, using self-tapping screws, starting the installation from the locking side, mounting the elements through one plate.

Accordion door installation technology

In most cases, it is not associated with significant difficulties and is implemented in the following sequence:

First, in the place of the proposed installation of the profiles (top and side), recesses should be prepared (with a diameter of 6-8 mm and a depth of at least 40 mm), into which plastic dowels should subsequently be sunk.

Moreover, the step of the location of the fastening points should be selected in such a way that in the area of ​​installation of the side panels it is at least 400 mm, and on the horizontal profile it is equal to 100 - 150 mm.

After that, the web runners are inserted into the grooves of the upper guide rail (it is recommended to lubricate the rollers with technical vaseline beforehand) and the latter simply snaps onto the cleats in a horizontal position.

Then, using a similar technology, you should install the side guides (fixing and locking) and insert the outer door leaf into the fixing strip, ensuring that adjacent elements are snapped into place using a docking strip.

Well, at the end of the work, you should install a magnetic lock and additional elements, and then check the performance of the entire structure in various modes.

In order for the folding doors to fully perform the required functions, it is advisable to adhere to the following recommendations during installation operations:

  1. Carry out work only at a positive air temperature;
  2. For high-quality door operation, the elements (guide profiles) should be placed using a building level or a plumb line;
  3. If there are no snap-on clamps in the product kit, the guide rails can be fixed directly through the material body, for which perforation should be made in the profiles with a predetermined pitch. And after that, simply screw them to the base of the opening. Moreover, if we talk about the method of installing the upper horizontal profile, then it is advisable to fix it on one screw in order to freely insert the panel rollers into the grooves (you can turn the upper guide element around the screw axis), and then carry out the final fixation of the aluminum rail over the entire plane.

Considering all of the above, the question of how to install the accordion door on your own will not seem daunting. And a convenient sliding system will be able to delight households for more than a dozen years.

The main idea of ​​almost any design solution in terms of decorating an apartment or house is the division of rooms among themselves and the formation of separate compositions within each. Interior doors are naturally the most important element in dividing space. Now the conversation will focus on how to install the accordion door with your own hands.

Until recently, most people associated this type of door with a cheap option for those situations when, in a small volume of housing, it is required to save and save every square meter of space. In their modern form, accordion sliding doors are already a stand-alone design element, and not a forced compromise. On sale there are many different variations of accordion doors with a wide variety of design styles. The basis for such doors can be both PVC and MDF strips. At first glance, the differences are not even so obvious. And in fact, and in another case, the appearance of the doors is pleasant and harmonious.

Plastic is naturally much lighter and less prone to damage and dirt. It is easy to clean and can last long enough. The downside is, again, its somewhat excessive lightness. Indeed, when using such a door, there is a certain feeling of its flimsy. However, the latest versions of PVC lamellas are made with a more sophisticated system of stiffeners, so they only seem flimsy. In terms of installation, plastic accordion doors are somewhat lighter. Firstly, the door elements are easily snapped together manually and can be easily adjusted in size to the required dimensions of the doorway. Secondly, it is much easier to set up such doors, as well as to correct possible flaws during the installation process.

Doors from MDF are already much more massive, and this affects the ease of use. This does not add any difficulties in opening and closing, but the sound insulation and stability of the door is clearly better than in the case of plastic. The installation of such doors is complicated mainly by the weight of the door and the need to especially strictly observe all levels and markings during installation. Among other things, doors with an accordion made of MDF should be fastened much better.

What is required to install the door?

The doors themselves are sold with all the necessary set of spare parts and fasteners. In high-quality products, there are always several spare strips for the possibility of increasing the width of the door.

a typical complete set of an accordion sliding door.

From the materials, it is also necessary to purchase and prepare everything necessary to prepare the doorway itself. For this, any suitable accessories and platbands are suitable. It is only important that the thickness of the material is at least 15 mm in order to withstand the weight of the door and, accordingly, all the loads during operation.

From tools and building materials, you will need the following:

  1. hammer drill;
  2. puncher (in case you need to expand the existing doorway);
  3. roulette;
  4. plumb line and bubble level;
  5. building corner;
  6. hacksaw;
  7. miter box;
  8. bars or wooden bowls;
  9. polyurethane foam.

Preparing the doorway

You can, of course, mount the accordion door inside the existing door frame. However, this will significantly reduce the usable opening width. It is best to dismantle the entire old door along with the box and knock down the mortar under them all the way down to the base (brickwork or concrete wall). After that, you can take measurements of the resulting opening and check with the list of nominal door dimensions with a different number of elements. Such a list is included in the instructions for the door. It is only important to consider the width of the extensions. As a result, it becomes clear: is it necessary to slightly expand the opening or, conversely, reduce the dimensions to the required parameter with the help of extensions, polyurethane foam and bars.

The prepared addons are cut to form a box without a nut. In this case, the upper crossbar is attached with its ends to the upper edge of the vertical extensions and fastened with self-tapping screws.

Important: In order not to damage the material, you should first drill the holes in the place where the self-tapping screw is installed with a drill of a smaller diameter (2 mm) and only then screw in the self-tapping screws.

After the box is ready, you can insert it into the doorway and fix it with bars and other wooden substrates as wedges. For reliability, it is better to use several bars equal in width to the doorway, form spacers in the center and along the lower edge so that the extensions do not bend during installation. To fix the extensions to the wall, long anchors are used, installed three on each side and at least two on top.

Once the anchors are screwed in, you can fill in the gap between the extensions and the wall. After the foam dries, you can proceed directly to the installation of the sliding accordion door.

Installing the guides

In order not to be mistaken in the calculations, it is better to start with the installation of guides and other fasteners. The set of parts for the accordion door includes a guide profile. According to the instructions, the required profile length is measured and the excess is cut off. It is advisable to use a miter box so that the cut is perfectly even.

In the same way, according to the instructions, a profile is cut off for attaching the blind part of the door and the counterpart from the side of the handle of the future door. After that, we check all the dimensions, but only by attaching the profile, without fixing them. In the profiles, holes are made in advance for self-tapping screws. In the upper profile, holes with a diameter of 3 mm are drilled every 5-7 cm on the side ones, after 15-20 cm.

If the profile is designed for fastening using special clips, then you can already start installing the clips around the perimeter of the doorway. Usually, the same clips are used for the upper guide (rails) and the profile on which the blind part of the accordion door leaf will be attached. On the side where the finishing groove and the magnetic lock will be installed, slightly different smaller clips are used.

The upper rail should be reinforced so that the clips are spaced about 5-7 cm apart. On the sides, you can limit yourself to installing only 4 or 5 clips evenly in height.

Assembling the door leaf and mounting the rollers

All strips from which the door leaf will be composed should be cut so that they fit in height. This takes into account the stock for the roller system from above, which is inserted into the rail. A ventilation gap of approximately 7-10 mm should remain at the bottom of the door, as is the case with any interior door.

How to assemble an accordion door is described in detail in the instructions attached to it from the manufacturer. It is very important to comply with all the necessary assembly points, because different manufacturers have their own design features.

In a simple version, the plastic strips of the door leaf are connected directly using grooves or using additional gaskets. In this case, the two parts to be connected are displaced and connected by the edges, after which one part is pulled along the second to the end.

In the case of MDF, a method is often used in which the strips are connected using a long axis, which is threaded alternately through the lugs on each of their parts.

After all the elements are connected and the door leaf is completely assembled, rollers and other accessories that come with the kit should be placed. As in the previous case, everything is done strictly according to the instructions.

Final assembly and fixing

Now it remains only to install a folding interior door-accordion inside the prepared doorway. The door leaf is inserted by rollers into the guide profile. When all the elements are inserted, the door is folded and positioned in the center of the profile. In this state, it is most convenient to install the guide in the doorway.

the final view of a typical accordion door assembly

In the case of using clips, the guide snaps onto them. If necessary, use a rubber mallet to securely engage. In other versions, self-tapping screws are used, which first fasten the rail along the edges, and then along the entire length every 5-7 cm.

The next step is to attach the side profiles, and the blind part of the door leaf is fixed to the corresponding profile. At this stage, the ease of movement of the door and its tightness to the counter profile from the handle side are checked.

If everything is fine, then the handle is installed. When the door is closed, the location of the counterpart of the lock is marked and a latch with a magnet is screwed onto the door frame.

Completion of work

When everything is finally fixed and checked, you can start installing the platbands around the perimeter of the doorway on both sides. With the help of a hacksaw and wort, the excess parts of the platbands are cut off at an angle of 45 degrees, limiting them in length. It is possible to fix the platbands both on liquid nails and on special furniture nails with secret caps or without them at all.

Video: an example of installing an accordion door