New types of devices for internal heating systems. Characteristics of heating devices. Design of heating devices. Selection and placement of heating devices. Elements of the water heating system: fittings and expansion tank

In order for the long-awaited warmth to come into the home, it is not enough just to burn the fuel in the furnace and load the coolant with the calories received. It is necessary to transfer the precious cargo to the premises that need it without unjustified losses. This is exactly what heaters do.

The most important place among them are water heating devices. Water as a heat carrier has many advantages: it has high fluidity, it is ecologically impeccable, it is affordable.

Heating appliances hydraulic systems heating - these are radiators, convectors and water (not to be confused with electric!) Underfloor heating. There are also smooth and cast-iron finned tubes, but they are mainly used for heating industrial buildings.

Radiator translated from Latin - "radiant", up to 30% of the heat flux it gives off in the form of radiation, the rest - in the form of convection. In a convector, the convection phenomenon that gave it its name (from the Latin convectio - bringing, delivery) accounts for over 90% of the heat flow. In city apartments and modern suburban housing, heating devices are the main "acting heroes" of heating systems. In city apartments and modern suburban housing, heating devices are the main elements of heating systems. Heating appliances, with rare exceptions, are always in sight, and design is important for them. According to marketers, he is given priority by up to 50% of buyers. However, beauty that is difficult to ration is an important, but not the only characteristic that the buyer pays attention to.

The choice of heating equipment

First of all, the buyer pays attention to the thermal power of the device. . has improved markedly in recent years thermal insulation of premises. The result is that much less thermal energy is spent on heating them than a decade ago. But during the same time in our apartments, the number of household appliances (computers, microwave ovens, audio systems, etc.) has visibly increased, whose total effect on the air temperature in the room cannot be ignored.


In a single-pipe system, heaters are connected in series. As a result, each subsequent coolant comes colder than the previous one. That is, the temperature depends on the distance of the radiator from the heat source. Such a system is difficult to regulate, and the heating devices used in it must have low hydraulic resistance. At two-pipe system heating, the coolant is supplied through one pipe, and discharged through another, which allows parallel, independent connection of heating devices. Another advantage of the "two-tube" is that it allows you to maintain low operating pressures in the system, thereby increasing the service life of communications and making it possible to use cheaper thin-walled radiators. Such schemes are most common in countries Western Europe. In Russia, however, especially in houses built in the 1950s–80s, single-pipe systems predominate.

Therefore, even today the problem of maintaining the optimum temperature, the possibility of its correction is relevant. The consumer needs regulated heat. Warmth that can lead to a reasonable compromise between two opposing desires - not to feel discomfort and pay less for the price that rises every year thermal energy. Such heat is brought into the house by easily controlled heaters that adequately respond to changes in air temperature (it’s very good if they work in automatic mode).

It is also an axiom that the consumer should receive absolutely safe heat. That is, completely excluding even the minimal possibility of mechanical and thermal injuries. A modern heater should be pleasant not only externally, but also to the touch. Although the temperature of the water circulating in it may approach 90-95 °C, the temperature of the enclosure should not exceed the absolutely safe 40-45 °C. This is important both for furniture and for electrical appliances that are undesirable to be placed next to heating ones. Modern radiators and convectors have reduced the previously quite extensive "exclusion zone" to zero. And now, in the immediate vicinity of them, you can without any fear place TVs, refrigerators and even expensive leather furniture.

For a modern city dweller, who spends almost twenty-four hours a day within four walls, it is very important that he is also warmed by healthy warmth. Lower than the old conventional batteries, the temperature of the outer surface and an increase in the proportion of convection - these are the two main factors that ensure a more even distribution of air temperature in the room, eliminate the causes of drafts, and also contribute to the natural normalization of humidity, preventing the formation of mold and fungi in the room and, as a result, improve the well-being of the people who live in these premises.

Hot water heating systems tend to shrink in size, which in principle does not affect the heat supply.

The design of heating devices is not only expressive forms or eye-catching coloring, but also small sizes. The evolution of heating devices along the path of reducing their mass and volume does not come from aesthetic considerations alone. The small size is also economical. The heater is smaller (that is, its own mass and the amount of coolant contained in it at a time), which means that its thermal inertia is smaller, it responds faster to temperature changes, changing to the desired mode. For example, a heating system with JAGA copper-aluminum radiators reaches its full capacity in just 10 minutes.

The desire to minimize the volume occupied by the heater, brought to the absolute, is expressed in the production of the mini series, presented in the assortment of many manufacturers. These devices are so small (their height is only 8–10 cm) that they can simply be hidden under the floor, which, however, is not necessary at all - a radiator or convector can serve as an interior decoration no less than a stylish interior door, an original lamp or panel on the wall. But to hide communications (valves and piping) under the casing is quite reasonable for any size.

What are they made from?

Radiators and convectors are made from various materials– steel, cast iron, aluminium, combinations of several metals (bimetal radiators).

When choosing a radiator for your home, you need to pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • working and test (or pressure testing) pressure; usually their ratio is in the range of 1.3–1.5;
  • nominal heat flow (flow determined under normalized conditions: temperature difference - 70 ° C, coolant flow rate - 0.1 kg / s when it moves in the device according to the "top-down" scheme, atmospheric pressure - 1013.3 GPa);
  • dimensions (length, height, depth, center-to-center distance);
  • mass and a value derived from it - specific material consumption (measured in kg / kW);
  • price.


Cast iron radiators. Cast iron has a high thermal conductivity. For these reasons, heaters made from it can be used in systems with large swings pressure and bad preparation water (increased aggressiveness, contamination, pieces of scale). Just all these qualities are possessed by single-pipe systems prevailing in multi-storey construction.

Cast iron radiators have been produced for over 100 years. This is a kind of classic, on which more than one generation of our fellow citizens was “brought up”, usually calling this heater a battery. Until the 1960s, almost the entire range of heating appliances in our country was formed from batteries. And today, this heater, prematurely written off by many, still holds up to 70% of the Russian market.

Modern heating radiators have a good design and high heat dissipation.

In our country, cast-iron radiators are most often used, consisting of two-channel sections connected to each other. The number of sections is determined by the calculated heating surface. Single-channel, and abroad multi-channel (up to 9 channels in one section) cast-iron radiators are also used.

Their disadvantages include high weight, a significant percentage of factory defects - cracks and cavities resulting from poor-quality casting and reducing a potentially very long service life. According to the regulations, the warranty period for radiators is 2.5 years from the date of commissioning or sale within the warranty period of storage, and manufacturers and sellers promise at least several decades of flawless service for these devices. Sometimes cast-iron radiators are reproached for the lack of an attractive appearance (remember: "accordion battery"). However, the use of modern design and powder paints can give charm to these veterans.

Systems in which cast-iron radiators are involved, due to the large thermal inertia, are not easy to regulate. Although there is a way out of this situation, and in some models, by reducing the capacity of the sections, it is possible to effectively use thermostatic elements (such, for example, RTD-G, RTD-N thermostats from Danfoss).

Domestic products prevail in this class of heating devices. Among the foreign ones, cast-iron sectional radiators of firms can be distinguished Roca(Spain), Viadrus(Czech), Biasi(Italy), "Santechlit"(Belarus), Turkish radiators Ridem.

Steel panel radiators formed from two stamped sheets. In our country, their production began in the 1960s. They are distinguished from sectional cast iron ones by their lower weight (specific gravity per 1 kW is approximately three times lower) and thermal inertia. They are considered "sissies" because they are more sensitive to hydraulic shocks that occur when the system is stopped or started and are afraid of corrosion provoked by frequent drains or high oxygen content in the coolant. In systems where multiple "above normal" pressure surges occur, rely on long term service of steel panel radiators is not necessary. Typically, the operating pressure of devices of this type does not exceed 9 atm.

expert opinion V.V. Kotkov
Commercial Director of HitLine Group of Companies

It can be argued that the proportion of progressive (in relation to the classic cast-iron ones that still prevail) designs of radiators is increasing. Today, up to 5 million sections of aluminum radiators are produced annually in Europe. To a large extent, the development of this production is stimulated by the Russian market, where the demand for them annually increases by 5-10%. Therefore, leading Western companies they try to adapt their products as much as possible to Russian conditions (the problems with water treatment that exist in our country, high unstable pressure in central heating systems, etc.). Although, by tradition, many Russian construction companies give priority to cast iron radiators, the number of firms working with aluminum is steadily increasing. After all, an aluminum radiator is not just a private technical solution, but the solution to a whole range of problems related to efficiency, safety and design. It is able to fit into a modern interior, it does not need to be masked, spending a lot of money on it.

Steel panel radiators are widely used in low-rise construction. They are especially appropriate for a two-pipe heating system, which is preferred in cottage construction. AT high-rise buildings it is reasonable to install them if there is an individual heating point, i.e., a boiler room. Three-quarters of steel panel radiator sales are from the private developer, high-end residential and civil buildings. The most famous models of firms in our country are: VSZ(Slovakia), Dia Norm, Preussag, Kermi(Germany), Korado(Czech), DeLonghi(Italy), Stelrad(Holland), Purmo(Poland), Roca(Spain), DemirDokum(Turkey), Impulse West(England, but assembly in Italy), Dunaferr(Hungary).

Tubular and sectional the radiators are outwardly similar, although they are structurally different - there are no tubular sections as such, and the tubes are connected by two monolithic collectors. Both have an attractive appearance and organically fit into almost any interior. The streamlined shape of the radiator eliminates the possibility of injury to a person. The small capacity of the sections contributes to effective thermoregulation. And if some of its elements are made of a finned tube, then it is possible, without changing the linear dimensions, to significantly increase the power of the radiator.

The working pressure of tubular steel radiators is higher than that of panel radiators - 10 or more atm.

In our market, this type of radiators is represented mainly by German brands Bemm, Arbonia, Kermi.

Aluminum called radiators made of an alloy of aluminum with silicon (the content of aluminum itself is from 80 to 98%). Aluminum is a material that has high thermal conductivity, but places high demands on the chemical composition of the coolant. The disadvantage of radiators made of aluminum-silicon alloy with a high content of silicon is the generation of hydrogen upon contact with water. The excellent design of most radiators somewhat spoils the automatic air release valve installed on each device, since active hydrogen evolution occurs during operation.

A significant part of the Russian market of aluminum radiators is occupied by products of Italian companies: Rovall, Industrie Pasotti, Global, Alugas, Aural, Fondital, Giacomini, Nova Florida. There are also Spanish radiators Roca, Czech Radus, English Wester, etc.

Bimetal radiators. They look like aluminum. The sections consist of two thin-walled steel pipes (channels for the passage of the coolant), pressed under pressure with a high-quality aluminum alloy. The logic of this symbiosis is based on the fact that aluminum has a high thermal conductivity, and steel has strength, which guarantees the operation of the device at excess pressure. Italian firms are the actual monopolists in the production of bimetallic radiators. The most famous brand is Sira.

Bimetal radiators are both durable and efficient.

Convectors. The basis of the convector design is a heating element enclosed in a casing. Leaking to him from below, chilled room air heats up and rises. Due to this, more than 90% of the heat is transferred by convection.

Most widespread convectors received in autonomous systems. They are especially effective at low coolant temperatures. So, they are able to warm up the room at a water temperature of only 40 ° C. For the convenience of the user, the convector is equipped with an air valve and a drain tube. The built-in thermostat and the regulator of a pressure of water do its operation economic.

The convector fits especially harmoniously into the modern architectural environment, which actively uses large windows, bay windows, winter gardens etc.

Structurally, it can have four solutions. Radiator convectors are a combination of two devices, reflected in the name itself. They are installed near windows, on the floor or on small stands. Plinth convectors are located in the floor under large windows. The low height (90–100 mm) does not require niches, and a weak convective flow can be increased by a slowly rotating fan. Convectors recessed into the floor - best option for living quarters on the first floors. The device is placed in a kind of shaft, passing along the window cold air freely enters the convector, and the flow warm air provides natural circulation in the room. And finally, convectors covered with a decorative screen. Unlike radiators, a closed convector does not lose heat transfer at all, on the contrary, the screen helps to increase traction.

Pipes for water heating

The functioning of heating devices of hydraulic systems is impossible without pipes. The first polymer (polyvinyl chloride) pipes were made in 1936 in Germany. The first pipeline of them was built in the same place in 1939. But the active introduction of polymer pipes in water supply and heating systems began in the mid-1950s, and in our country since the early 1970s.

Both for systems using classic radiators and for warm floors XLPE pipes are best suited. They are not afraid of a short-term increase in temperature up to +110 °C (their normal operating temperature is usually +95 °C). With all the advantages, they have one minus - a high price.

Used in heating systems propylene pipes. But at the same time, the high coefficient of thermal expansion of the material should be taken into account. The service life of polymer pipes can reach 30 years or more. The gasket must be hidden: they are hidden in skirting boards, shafts, channels or floor structures. If heating systems use polymer pipes, then in order to protect them from exceeding the parameters of the coolant, it is necessary to provide for the installation of automatic control devices.

The advantages of plastic and metal combine metal-plastic pipes. They are combined with other materials, do not allow oxygen to pass through, and due to the smooth inner surface, they have less resistance to leakage than steel, which, in conditions of mass use, saves a lot of energy. Guarantee period service - at least 20 years, but, as a rule, in reality it reaches 30-50 years. For comparison, according to the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation, galvanized steel pipes in internal systems serve an average of 12-16 years, and the "black" - half as much.

Competing devices for hot water heating systems

Type of heating device Stamps The price for a conditional unit of equipment with a capacity of 1 kW (in euros)
Steel tubular radiator Arbonia Kermi
Copper-aluminum radiator (Belgium, Russia) JAGA, Isotherm 100
Bimetallic radiator (Russia, Czech Republic) SIRA, Style, Bimex 85–95
Cast aluminum radiator (Italy) Elegance, Nova Florida, Calidor Super, Sahara Plus, Global MIX, Global VOX 64–75
Aluminum extrusion radiator (Italy, Russia) Opera
RN ("Stupino Radiator")
Steel panel radiator Kermi, Korado, DeLongi, Stelrad 50
Convector (Russia) "TB Universal" 25
Cast iron radiator MS-140
Demir Dokum, Roca

Warm floors

It is logical to make a smooth transition from pipes to water heated floors. This heating system has many advantages. Firstly, low (40–55 °C) coolant temperature contributes to energy savings. Secondly, due to the participation in the heat emission of the entire floor surface, an almost ideal horizontal and close to ideal vertical temperature distribution is ensured. So, if the floor surface temperature is 22-25 ° C, then the air temperature at head level is 19-22 ° C. People, according to research by hygienists, feel most comfortable if their head is a little colder than their feet. In the hot season, running water with a temperature of 10–12 ° C through pipelines can effectively cool the room. Thirdly, water warm floor make it possible to rationally use the living space.

In new buildings with bulk concrete floors the floor heating system consists of several layers: concrete slab, hydro, sound and heat insulation, film, pipes, concrete screed(the most common concrete grade not lower than M-300 is used), a cement layer for leveling the floor and coating. In older buildings, the dry installation method is used when heating pipes installed in the insulation of the carrier layer in special metal plates that ensure uniform heat distribution.

A water heated floor can also be installed under a wooden floor mounted on beams. To do this, from a board, chipboard, moisture-resistant plywood or DSP ( cement particle board at least 20 mm thick) a subfloor is made.

Fastening pipes in circuits is carried out using reinforcing mesh and wire, fastening tape and mounting brackets.

In accordance with Russian regulations, the average temperature of the heated floor should not exceed 26 °C. Therefore, before entrusting the role of the main heating system to the water-heated floor, it is necessary to carefully calculate whether the heat “removed” from it is enough for the room or whether a backup system is still needed.

How to choose the best radiators

Russia is located in a climate zone where heating systems are used for a long time. Sometimes housing is heated even for six months. Therefore, experts recommend a more careful approach to the choice of heating devices.

The modern market offers a huge number of models designed for different conditions operation. Often technical features become the fundamental criteria to be guided by when buying. But there are still a lot of additional nuances, which we will talk about.

Existing Requirements

All heating systems have one purpose - they are designed to create comfortable living conditions in the winter season. The temperature in the room should be at least 18–20 degrees, but this is not the only condition that a heating device must meet. Let us designate other criteria and requirements, on the basis of which one can judge the efficiency of the heating device and the degree of its perfection.

Criteria classification

All criteria are conditionally divided into several groups:

  1. Sanitary and hygienic. There are standards that limit the maximum surface temperature. Appliances should have the smallest horizontal area, which does not allow a large amount of dust to accumulate. The shape of the installation must allow for easy cleaning, removal of dust and other contaminants, and cleaning of nearby surfaces.
  2. Economic. Any installation must guarantee an optimal ratio of price and efficiency, minimizing the costs of manufacture, metal use and maintenance during operation.
  3. Architectural and construction. AT recent times great attention is paid to ergonomics and versatility of devices. They should fit well into existing stylistic concepts and occupy a small amount of space.
  4. Assembly and production. Any unit must have sufficient strength and reliability. And its installation should not require the involvement of a super-professional workforce.
  5. Operational. Modern heating installations should be able to regulate heat transfer, provide sufficient heat and water resistance when operating within the maximum allowable technical parameters.
  6. Thermotechnical. It is important to maximize the heat flow, which gives the coolant per unit area of ​​the room.

It is almost impossible to find a heating device that would meet all these requirements, since ideal designs no. Therefore, manufacturers are still experimenting in this direction, offering modified installations to potential buyers. This explains the wide range of such products. Each species meets one of the above requirements. Therefore, when choosing a unit, it is necessary to focus on priority criteria.

For example, for medical institutions, the sanitary and hygienic component is important, for design interiors - architectural and construction. And in the domestic sphere, most often they pay attention to installation, production and operational requirements, so other indicators may be a little worse. To understand the priorities in more detail, it is necessary to study the classification of modern heating appliances.

Types of heat transfer

All heaters, taking into account the method of transferring heat flow, can be divided into two large groups:

  1. convective systems.
  2. Radiant modes.

Convective appliances transfer heat by moving air masses. It is known from the school course of physics that air, when heated, rises, there it cools down and falls down. Convection systems consist of installations that heat the air in the room and create natural convection processes in it.

Radiant systems transfer heat using infrared radiation. They act similarly to a natural source of heat - the sun, which does not heat the air, but objects. Accumulating heat, they then give it to the surrounding space.

Technical features of the convective system

Types of electric convectors

The most striking example of a convective heating method is autonomous and central heating systems. They use various radiators as heating devices.

According to the material of manufacture and the form of construction, they are divided into:

  1. for sectional batteries.
  2. Tubular.
  3. Panel.
  4. plate models.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of each type?


Sectional batteries are separate heating units, consisting of a different number of sections, which determines the power of the heater. Sectional radiators can be made from different materials. The most common- these are cast-iron models, but relatively recently analog products made of steel, aluminum or bimetal have appeared. For higher efficiency, they are made in the form of ribs and channels, have different heights and widths of the ribs, as well as a manufacturing design.

Almost all of them require a large number coolant. Some have significant limitations for use, but they all have one thing in common - the convection way of functioning. To understand where and how a particular device can be used, you should pay attention to the technical features of each.

Cast iron sections

Cast iron heating appliance

Pig-iron radiators - the most ancient heating device which lives the second life today. The design familiar from childhood is outdated, so cast-iron radiators began to fit poorly into modern interiors. Manufacturers have not been able to find the best alternative so we made some concessions. O They did not change the shape of the front panel, rounded the corners, reduced the size of the sections, added automation and made a convex three-dimensional ornament for each section. As a result, the devices have changed outwardly, so buyers again turned their attention to them.

Cast iron is the only metal that today is ideally suited to the conditions and features of the operation of a central heating system. It is resistant to corrosion and unpretentious to the quality of the coolant. Cast iron, although it heats up slowly, gives off most of the heat by radiation, heating the room more evenly over its entire height.

Almost all products are designed for an internal system pressure of 9 atmospheres. But they have a large margin of safety, and long-term use of devices has shown that they are able to function effectively even at an operating pressure of 15 atmospheres. The hydraulic resistance of cast iron is minimal, so batteries from it can be used where natural circulation is provided.

Despite extensive modernization, manufacturers have not yet succeeded in eliminating another drawback. Cast iron products are still heavy, with each section weighing an average of 8 kg. Therefore, it is difficult to transport cast-iron radiators and install them alone. Cast iron appliances are still difficult to clean and many people don't like their rough surface.

aluminum sections

The very first receiver of cast iron products was aluminum sectional radiators. New devices are devoid of the disadvantages of cast iron products, but they have completely different disadvantages that are also worth mentioning. But first about the good.

aluminum radiator

Aluminum installations have improved technical indicators:

  1. High level of heat transfer and ideal surface plane.
  2. Improved convection transfer method.
  3. The small weight of each section - up to one and a half kilograms against eight.
  4. Reduced volume of used coolant - 0.25 liters of water is consumed to fill one section.
  5. Rapid heating of the room.
  6. Possibility of installation of automatic units that regulate the mode of operation of each section.
  7. Wide operating pressure range.

Given these technical features, one could call aluminum batteries ideal heating appliances, if not for one BUT. Brittle metal is very sensitive to the pH of the coolant. If it even slightly exceeds the permissible limits, aluminum begins to break down from the inside and becomes porous, like a sponge. Therefore, any water hammer will provoke a leak.

When using parts made from other metals, electrochemical corrosion occurs, which can also lead to utility accidents. Therefore, the use of the described products is permissible only in autonomous systems, where it is possible to control the quality of the supplied water and use cleaning filters.

Bimetal sections

Bimetallic heating radiators

An alloy of two metals was supposed to be a compromise between reliability, ease of operation and efficiency. Manufacturers managed to create a good alternative to cast iron products. Externally, bimetallic sections are similar to aluminum radiators. They have all their advantages and at the same time are devoid of many disadvantages.

Technologists have figured out how to eliminate the contact of the coolant with fragile and capricious aluminum. In bimetallic radiators, water moves through steel pipes that are installed inside an aluminum casing. Steel is a durable material that can withstand working pressures up to 30–45 atmospheres. At the same time, the entire product weighs not much more than aluminum models.

There are no restrictions on the use of bimetallic products today. From the inside, steel parts are coated with special polymer compositions which prevent the development of corrosion phenomena. The only drawback of such radiators is the high price compared to other products. And it is this circumstance that is hindering the growth of bimetal popularity.

Tubular appliances

Radiators in the interior

Tubular batteries differ from sectional ones in design. They are made in the form of vertical curved tubes connected to each other from below and from above using collectors. The efficiency of heat transfer is influenced by various factors - the size of the model, its height, width and diameter of the tubes.

Three types of tubular batteries can be found on sale:

  1. Steel products.
  2. Tubular convectors.
  3. Towel dryers.

All of them differ from each other by a mass of design features, which are also worth noting.

Steel tubular radiators

The technical features of steel tubular instruments are well known. The height of the products can be both 0.3 and 3 meters. The wall thickness of the pipes also varies. For example, for Russian manufacturers it is 2mm. The device is designed for a pressure of 10-12 atmospheres, but domestic producers produce models that can withstand a working pressure of 15–22 atmospheres. The method of heat transfer is dominated by the radiative rather than the converter mechanism.

The smoothness of the curves and the absence of corners make it easy to clean the device, so the tubular steel radiator is the most hygienic model of all. She has one drawback - low corrosion resistance. The fact is that steel is subject to oxygen oxidation, so it is necessary that the radiator be filled with water all the time. Provide this condition where it operates central system heating is extremely difficult. Indeed, in the summer, public utilities drain water from the common system. Therefore, use tubular models in apartment buildings it is forbidden.

Note! There are no tubular steel batteries absolutely resistant to corrosion. But Russian products are made taking into account domestic operating conditions, and European models do not differ. big thick pipe walls. Also, European manufacturers do not process the internal parts of the parts, while Russian tubular devices are coated from the inside with special polymer compounds that increase their service life.

Tubular convectors

Steel tubular convectors

Radiator convectors are a new generation of heating devices. In cross section, in such models, the tubes look like a donut. The pipe has double walls, between which the coolant flows. This design made it possible to double the heat transfer of the devices. At the same time, the efficiency of the process increases due to heat transfer by the device walls, as well as due to the creation of a converter flow, which is formed between the inner walls of the pipes.

Ease of maintenance, beautiful appearance, a completely new design - these are the main advantages of the described device.

Towel dryers

It is worth mentioning separately another type of tubular heaters - heated towel rails. They perform two functions at once - they heat the bathroom and dry towels.

You can connect heated towel rails to central heating by mounting them in the heating cycle. In our country, this element is connected to the DHW system, so the device often fails. And all because the steel from which these devices are made is afraid of oxidation processes. When connected to a hot water supply, water enriched with calcium, iron and other impurities enters the radiator, which gradually leads to the “overgrowth” of pipes. As a result, heated towel rails quickly become unusable.

Note! When connected to a heating cycle, this does not happen. Therefore, when choosing a model, you should pay attention to the features of its connection. On sale there are models made of different materials. More than others, heated towel rails made of black or stainless steel, stranded, aluminum or brass are common. Experts recommend purchasing stainless steel models.

Often, non-ferrous metals require compatibility with the materials from which other elements of the system are made. For example, in order for copper heated towel rails to function well and for a long time, it is necessary to connect copper pipes and fittings to them, and this is a very expensive pleasure. If you do not follow this rule, it will not be possible to prevent abrasive wear.

If the model is connected to the DHW system, it is worth choosing double-circuit products. They have a longer service life. Hot water flows through one circuit and heats the other. In this case, the dryer tubes do not come into contact with the aggressive medium of the coolant, do not overheat and do not experience system pressure.

Panel batteries

The name itself speaks of the design of such devices. rectangular shape acts as a heating source. In this case, the coolant circulates between steel sheets with vertical channels, which increases the usable area of ​​the installation.

In finished form, such a unit may contain several panels welded together. They are placed parallel to each other and covered with a special powder enamel, and the upper and side parts are closed with decorative inserts.

The technical features of this model are as follows:

  • The installation is light in weight.
  • On sale are products that have different sizes and differ from each other in width and height.
  • The device has a slight inertia.
  • 75% of the heat is transferred using the converter method.
  • The working pressure for each model is different, so it is necessary to choose a device, taking into account precisely this value.

All of the above indicators can be attributed to positive aspects. But such a choice also has disadvantages. The first is a little water pressure. The maximum figure is 10 atmospheres, so panel radiators are very sensitive to water hammer. But this is not the main thing.

The inner surface of the panels is not protected by anything, therefore, when interacting with oxygen, the steel quickly becomes rusty and “loses weight”. This means that panel devices for heating can only be used in autonomous systems that are constantly filled with water.

Plate batteries

steel radiator

Lamellar radiators are convectors in their purest form, the main advantage of which is reliability. The design is always closed on top with an aluminum case, so you can’t get burned on such batteries. Their heat transfer is 95%. Thermal inertia is negligible.

But the plate device has more disadvantages than advantages. This is an unpresentable appearance, and low heat transfer, and the need to maintain a high temperature of the coolant. In addition, due to the low intensity of heat convection, the room warms up inefficiently.

But modern manufacturers are trying to improve such models, struggling with their negative points. Specialists managed to achieve good success in this direction. Firstly, now copper tubes are used to make the base, on which copper and aluminum plates are mounted. Secondly, modern models have original design, which fits perfectly into popular stylistic concepts. And this circumstance is very popular with those who dream of exclusive interiors.

Such a disadvantage as uneven heating of the room easily turns into a virtue where the ceiling height exceeds standard sizes. Large front halls, lobbies, exhibition stained-glass windows, indoor pools, loggias and winter gardens - wall-mounted models, linear varieties, as well as appliances built into the floor are used here today.

The operating pressure in plate batteries is 16 atmospheres. There are exclusive copies in which the working pressure reaches 37 atmospheres.

So far, manufacturers have not been able to eliminate another drawback of the described option - poor compatibility with operating system, as well as difficulties in caring for the device.

Technical features of the radiant system

Movement of heat in a radiant system

A radiant system differs radically from a convective one. It makes no sense to describe the technical features, since their study is the lot of specialists. But let's take a closer look at the advantages of this heating method and outline the main types of devices.

Positive points

  1. Radiant heaters have an efficiency of 95%, which is explained by the direct conversion of electricity into heat. For comparison, this figure is 50% for converter systems. It is impossible to believe the claims of manufacturers that they were able to achieve 100% of indicators in this regard. This is against the laws of physics. The efficiency of any device mounted on the wall will drop by 30%. In addition, it "eats" the usable space and warms up the air that is under the ceiling. And a person “uses” the already cooled air, which tends to the battery.
  2. A radiant device heats up a room much faster. Even when it is turned off, the room cools down for a long time. And all this happens due to the fact that it is not the air that is heated, but objects, which then themselves give off heat.
  3. The absence of convection eliminates the movement of air masses, as well as temperature differences. As a result, no
  4. Heating modes in radiant heaters can be controlled by adjusting the temperature and creating more comfortable conditions.
  5. The described installations always work silently. In addition, any unit is easy to mount, move to a convenient place, and also dismantle.
  6. Modern models consume 30% less electricity.

Types of devices

There are two types of radiant devices:

  1. long wave models.
  2. Infrared heaters.

They differ from each other in different intensity of heating of the heating element. In infrared heaters, the heater heats up to 800 degrees, and in long-wave heaters - only up to 250 degrees. But the second variety is fireproof, does not burn oxygen, heats the room evenly and creates very soft comfortable heat.

Other varieties

Which underfloor heating is better

There are several more types of heating devices that cannot be attributed to either converter models or radiant devices. This is a "warm floor" system and radiant films.

Warm floor

In terms of efficiency, warm floors occupy an intermediate step between convectors and radiant systems. So far, this is the most expensive heating option, moreover, it is complex and time-consuming. To install underfloor heating, it is necessary to open the floor, make a screed, lay electric heating mats or a pipeline for hot water.

Therefore, in addition to the cost of the elements themselves, complex and time-consuming finishing work will have to be included in the final price. Moreover, the described system is not mobile, the dismantling and transfer of the main elements is impossible without further overhaul.

Emitting films

Emitting films - latest know-how, which is just beginning to appear in Russia. They are able to become a worthy alternative to underfloor heating, but so far the capacities of the products are extremely limited.

In addition, the efficiency of the devices is much lower than that of long-wave heaters. Therefore, while radiating films are not very popular. But the future lies with them, and experts are sure of this.

Generalization on the topic

We have given a detailed classification of existing heaters, outlined their technical advantages, as well as the features of each operation. From this information it can be seen that so far there are no perfect designs that could be called universal and effective.

But modern production is able to provide consumers with a huge range of products, making it possible to choose an installation taking into account individual requirements. Until recently, it was difficult to find a couple of alternative options. Today is just a listing. existing models can demonstrate huge opportunities modern heating systems.

In the heating system, heating devices are used, which serve to transfer heat to the room. Manufactured heating devices must meet the following requirements:

  1. Economic: low cost of the device and low material consumption.
  2. Architectural and construction: the device must be compact and match the interior of the room.
  3. Production and installation: mechanical strength products and mechanization in the manufacture of the device.
  4. Sanitary and hygienic: low surface temperature, small horizontal surface area, easy to clean surfaces.
  5. Thermotechnical: maximum heat transfer to the room and controllability of heat transfer.

Instrument classification

Distinguish the following indicators when classifying heating appliances:

  • - the value of thermal inertia (large and small inertia);
  • - the material used in the manufacture (metal, non-metal and combined);
  • - method of heat transfer (convective, convective-radiation and radiation).

Radiation devices include:

  • ceiling emitters;
  • sectional cast iron radiators;
  • tubular radiators.

Convective-radiation devices include:

  • floor heating panels;
  • sectional and panel radiators;
  • smooth tube devices.

Convection devices include:

  • panel radiators;
  • ribbed tubes;
  • plate convectors;
  • tubular convectors.

Consider the most applicable types of heaters.

Aluminum sectional radiators


  1. high efficiency;
  2. light weight;
  3. ease of installation of radiators;
  4. efficient operation of the heating element.


  1. 1. not suitable for use in old heating systems, as heavy metal salts destroy the protective polymer film of the aluminum surface.
  2. 2. long-term operation leads to the unusability of the cast structure, to rupture.

Mainly used in central heating systems. Operating pressure of radiators from 6 to 16 bar. Note that the greatest loads can withstand the radiators, which were cast under pressure.

Bimetal Models


  1. light weight;
  2. high efficiency;
  3. the possibility of prompt installation;
  4. heat large areas
  5. withstand pressure up to 25 bar.


  1. have a complex structure.

These radiators will last longer than others. Radiators are made of steel, copper and aluminum. The material aluminum conducts heat well.

Cast iron heating appliances


  1. not subject to corrosion;
  2. transfer heat well;
  3. withstand high pressure;
  4. it is possible to add sections;
  5. the quality of the heat carrier does not matter.


  1. significant weight (one section weighs 5 kg);
  2. brittleness of thin cast iron.

The operating temperature of the heat carrier (water) reaches 130°C. Cast iron heaters serve for a long time, about 40 years. Heat transfer performance is not affected by mineral deposits inside the sections.

There is a wide variety of cast iron radiators: single-channel, two-channel, three-channel, embossed, classic, enlarged and standard.

In our country economical option cast-iron appliances received the greatest use.

Steel panel radiators


  1. increased heat transfer;
  2. low pressure;
  3. easy cleaning;
  4. simple installation of radiators;
  5. small weight compared to cast iron.


  1. high pressure;
  2. metal corrosion, in the case of using ordinary steel.

The steel radiator of the present time heats up better than cast iron.

Steel heaters have built-in thermostats that provide constant temperature control. The design of the device has thin walls and responds quickly enough to the thermostat. Inconspicuous brackets allow you to mount the radiator on the floor or wall.

The low pressure of steel panels (9 bar) does not allow them to be connected to the central heating system with frequent and significant overloads.

Steel tubular radiators


  1. high heat transfer;
  2. mechanical strength;
  3. aesthetic look for interiors.


  1. high price.

Tubular radiators are quite often used in interior design because they decorate the room.

Due to corrosion, conventional steel radiators are currently not produced. If the steel is subjected to anti-corrosion treatment, this will significantly increase the cost of the device.

Radiator made of galvanized steel is not subject to corrosion. It has the ability to withstand a pressure of 12 bar. A radiator of this type is often installed in multi-storey residential buildings or organizations.

Heating appliances of convector type

Convector type device


  1. small inertia;
  2. small mass.


  1. low heat transfer;
  2. high demands on the coolant.

Convector-type appliances quickly heat the room. They have several manufacturing options: in the form of a plinth, in the form of a wall block and in the form of a bench. There are also floor convectors.

This heater uses copper tube. A coolant moves through it. The tube is used as an air stimulator (hot air goes up and cold air goes down). The process of air change takes place in a metal box, which does not heat up.

Convector type heaters are suitable for rooms with low windows. Warm air from a convector installed near the window prevents the incoming cold air.

Heating appliances can be connected to a centralized system, as they are designed for a pressure of 10 bar.

Towel dryers


  1. variety of shapes and colors;
  2. high pressure indicators (16 bar).


  1. may not perform its functions due to seasonal interruptions in water supply.

Steel, copper and brass are used as manufacturing materials.

Towel dryers are electric, water and combined. Electric ones are not as economical as water ones, but allow buyers not to depend on the availability of water supply. Combined heated towel rails must not be used if there is no water in the system.

Radiator selection

When choosing a radiator, it is necessary to pay attention to the practicality of the heating element. Next, you need to remember the following characteristics:

  • overall dimensions of the device;
  • power (per 10 m2 of area 1 kW);
  • working pressure (from 6 bar - for closed systems, from 10 bar for central systems);
  • acidic characteristics of water as a heat carrier (this heat carrier is not suitable for aluminum radiators).

After clarifying the main parameters, you can proceed to the choice of heating devices according to aesthetic indicators and the possibility of its modernization.

Types of heaters in the heating system

Types of heating devices: aluminum, sectional, bimetallic, cast iron, steel panel and tubular radiators, convective type devices and heated towel rails.

Water heating devices. What to choose?

If ten years ago Russian consumers had access to almost nothing but cast-iron radiators, now we have a wide selection of different heating appliances. However, starting only from the appearance when choosing them, you can create considerable problems for yourself. You should be aware that the operating conditions of heating devices in Russia (single-pipe heating system, the presence of water hammer) do not always meet the operating requirements of many imported radiators. Therefore, the main criterion when choosing a device should be its maximum adaptation to specific operating conditions. You should be aware of the limitations that sales consultants will not always inform you about.

Cast iron sectional radiators.

This type of heating appliances is installed in most old Russian houses. A classic example of such a radiator is the domestic model MS-140, which has an operating pressure of 9 atm, a test pressure of 15 atm.

What are the advantages of cast iron radiators? They are resistant to corrosion and not very picky about polluted water, which is very important when used in city houses with central heating.

Corrosion resistance is very important in conditions when the water from the heating system is drained for the summer, and it turns out that the radiator for these "dry" months is left to rust, which is typical for district heating most Russian cities. The large diameter of the passage hole and the low hydraulic resistance of most cast iron radiators allow them to be successfully used in systems with natural circulation.

The disadvantages of cast iron radiators are obvious. Firstly, cast iron is heavy, which complicates installation, transportation, etc. Secondly, cast iron radiators have a high thermal inertia, which makes it difficult to adjust the temperature in the room. Thirdly, most of them are far from a work of art, often they do not fit into the interior (with the exception of some stylized imported models).

And the last significant drawback is the difficulty of removing dust that accumulates between sections.

Up to 70% of the heat from cast iron radiators is transferred into the room through radiation and only 30% through convection.

Aluminum sectional radiators.

In recent years, aluminum radiators have won a significant part of the Russian market from cast iron ones. Due to what did this happen? First of all, due to high heat transfer and lightness - the weight of one section without water is only about 1 kg, which greatly facilitates transportation and installation. Often the choice in favor of aluminum radiators (which, of course, are made not from pure aluminum, but from an alloy) is made due to their attractive design.

Aluminum radiators less inertial than cast iron, and, therefore, quickly respond to changes in temperature control parameters.

The most common models with center-to-center distances are 500 and 350 mm, but many companies also offer non-standard options - 400, 600, 700, 800 mm, etc. The length of an aluminum radiator determines its power. By “assembling” the device from separate sections, it is possible to accurately select the parameters necessary for heating a particular room.

There are two options for aluminum radiators:

- cast (each section is cast as a single piece, to which the bottom parts are welded);

- produced by extrusion. In this case, each section consists of several elements mechanically connected to each other.

The working pressure of aluminum radiators from different manufacturers differs quite significantly. We can conditionally distinguish two types of aluminum sectional radiators:

- standard "European", designed for a working pressure of about 6 atm, but it should be borne in mind that it is good for use only in cottages and other autonomous heating systems;

- "reinforced" - a radiator with a working pressure of at least 12 atm.

The most significant drawback of aluminum radiators is their corrosion dependence, which increases when other metals are present in the heating system, which leads to the formation of galvanic couples. Nevertheless, if you take into account all the requirements and follow the recommendations for the operation of these radiators when designing and installing a heating system, then they will serve you faithfully for many years.

Bimetallic sectional radiators.

Bimetallic radiators are structurally made of an aluminum body and a steel pipe through which the coolant moves. Their performance properties are better than those of aluminum. Due to the strength of steel, they withstand greater pressure (the working pressure for many of them is 20-30 atm or more) and allow you to slightly reduce the requirements for the quality of the coolant, which are very significant for ordinary aluminum ones. On the other hand, they took their main advantages from aluminum radiators - good heat dissipation and modern design.

Roughly speaking, a bimetallic radiator is steel frame filled with aluminium. The coolant in them almost does not come into contact with aluminum. It moves along steel tubes, which in turn transfer heat aluminum panels, and they heat the surrounding air. Outwardly, such radiators are very similar to aluminum ones.

Bimetal devices are suitable for urban district heating systems, but like any other metal pipes, they are gradually overgrown with sludge deposits. In addition, as for all radiators in which the coolant comes into contact with steel, the high oxygen content is harmful to the "bimetal", which contributes to the development of corrosion.

Steel panel radiators.

Steel panel radiators are one of the most commonly used in individual heating systems (for example, in country houses). They are distinguished by a small thermal inertia, which means that it is easier to control the temperature in the room with their help. The working pressure of most models of steel panel radiators is 9 atm. Thanks to the widest range of models, it is possible to choose the panel radiator that is optimal in terms of parameters for almost any room. standard height these heaters - 300, 350, 400, 500, 600 and 900 mm (there are also lower ones - 250 mm), width - from 400 to 3000 mm, depth - from 46 to 165 mm. The range of panel radiators of each of the leading manufacturers consists of several hundred models of different depths, widths and heights.

The name of this type of heater gives a fairly accurate idea of ​​their appearance. It is a rectangular panel in the vast majority of cases white. Structurally, a panel radiator consists of two steel sheets welded together (usually 1.25 mm thick) with vertical channels, in the cavity of which the coolant circulates. To increase the heated surface, and, as a result, heat transfer, steel U-shaped ribs are welded to the back side of the panel.

If we talk about the shortcomings, then, like all steel products, they corrode when in contact with water, are sensitive to hydraulic shocks and are designed for low pressure. Steel radiators can be used in individual systems, and their installation in city houses is highly undesirable!

There are three types of panel radiators: bottom, side and universal connection. Radiators with a bottom connection can be fitted with a thermostatic valve, on which a thermostat can be installed to maintain the set temperature in the room. As a rule, the cost of radiators with a bottom connection is higher than those with a side connection.

Typically, manufacturers of panel radiators include brackets (brackets) for mounting the radiator on the wall in the scope of delivery. But if placement on the wall is undesirable for some reason, then you can purchase special legs for installing the device on the floor.

Panel radiators are perhaps the most common type of heating devices in most civilized countries.

Steel tubular radiators.

Radiators of this type are among the most beautiful. Due to the relatively small volume of coolant, they quickly respond to all commands of thermostats. The working pressure of tubular radiators is quite high (usually 6-15 atm). Their advantages include the fact that, unlike most other heaters, they are very easy to wipe and wash.

Disadvantages - in the absence of an internal protective coating, the high price, which limits the distribution of this type of heating devices in Russia, is subject to corrosion.

Convectors (plate heaters).

Steel convectors quickly became popular in modern Russian city houses. This is not surprising - thanks to their simple design, they are easy to manufacture and quite cheap. Structurally, this is one or more pipes with metal "ribs-plates" put on them. Convectors are considered highly reliable devices, since there is practically nothing to break. There are no joints in them, respectively, they will not flow. Convectors can be both with a protective decorative casing, and without it. The first option is more aesthetic. In devices of this type, almost all heat is transferred by convection. By placing the convector under the window, you can effectively cut off the cold air penetrating into the room. The thermal inertia of such heaters is low, which ensures fast regulation. Usually they are designed for a fairly high operating pressure (about 15 atm).

It seems that such a mass of advantages should allow the simplest convectors to displace all other heating devices from the market. Why isn't this happening?

One of the reasons is the uneven heating of the premises, especially with high ceilings. As you know, convectors practically do not radiate heat into the room. They help move warm air up, under the ceiling. In addition, when using convectors, some of the dust is carried away from the floor by air currents. Also, it should be borne in mind that the heat transfer of convectors is low, respectively, their efficiency in systems with a low coolant temperature is low.

In addition to the simplest, cheapest and not very efficient convectors, there are options with good design and high heat output. These devices are made not only from steel, but also from copper, or copper in combination with aluminum. Models of convectors built into the floor are produced.

Water heating devices

Water heating devices. What to choose? If ten years ago Russian consumers had access to almost nothing but cast-iron radiators, now we have

Devices and equipment for water heating system

Equipment for the water heating system includes a heat generator, heaters and heat pipes. Modern appliances hot water heaters efficiently heat the room and at the same time save energy. True, water heating systems require a longer and more complex installation, and pipes and radiators "steal" part of the room, but so far they are the most preferable.

Recently, wall-mounted gas boilers have been installed in homes. They contain a pump, a safety valve, an expansion membrane tank, and a control panel. Such boilers are both single- and double-circuit. The former only heat the house, the latter also supply hot water.

Types of water heating devices: heat generator and boilers

A heat generator (hot water boiler) is one of the devices of a water heating system, which is a unit that, in the process of burning fuel, heats the coolant. The layout of modern hot water boilers is the same: a heat exchanger is placed inside the metal case, the differences are only in the design of the case.

The material for the body of the heat generator is steel or cast iron. The cast-iron boiler is not subject to rust, but it weighs quite a lot, which makes it difficult to transport and install. In addition, such a device is afraid of sharp temperature contrasts, unlike a steel boiler, which does not suffer from temperature changes. The service life of a cast-iron boiler is 50-60 years, a steel boiler is no more than 15 years, after which it will need to be repaired and worn parts replaced.

A heat exchanger for water heating equipment is also made of steel or cast iron, sometimes copper (the latter material is the best), but more importantly, is there a protective coating on its inner walls. If so, then soot will not settle on it, which will increase heat transfer and save fuel.

Gas and liquid fuel boilers are united by the fact that they operate in automatic mode throughout the heating season, do not need special care and have a high efficiency of 96%.

A liquid fuel boiler can operate exclusively on high-quality fuel. According to Russian standards, the market sells summer (marking "L"), winter (marking "3") and arctic (marking "A") diesel fuel. The air temperature during operation must be at least -5; not lower than -30 and not lower than 50 °С, respectively.

Liquid fuel (diesel oil) is the most expensive. However, it will have to be stored, for which it will be necessary to equip a room or platform for containers immersed in the ground (in this case, it will be necessary to put up with an unpleasant smell). When diesel fuel is burned, sulfur compounds are formed that settle on the walls of the boiler (steel boilers are more susceptible to this, therefore, as a rule, cast iron is used to make the boiler, but the weight of the unit increases significantly).

At present, gas is a relatively cheap fuel. It provides more usable heat than other fuels. In addition, it is more environmentally friendly; almost completely burns out, leaving no soot in the firebox; does not require storage; easy to account for using gas meter. For a metal boiler body, gas is more practical because it does not suffer from corrosion and, therefore, is more durable.

Solid fuel boilers (operating on coal, wood) will require time and effort for maintenance, since you will have to load fuel into them (it will still need to be harvested and stored somewhere), remove ash, clean out soot, and the efficiency of this type of heat generator does not exceed 65 %. There are, however, considerable advantages, in particular, a solid fuel boiler is multifunctional (it can be combined with cooker); durable (up to 20 years); easy to repair, as it often involves replacing a burned-out part; cheap.

The operation of an electric hot water boiler is expensive, although there is an opportunity to save money, since the equipment is equipped with convenient system temperature control, allows you to use the economy mode, etc. However, you need to be sure that there will be no interruptions in the power supply (although this can be overcome - you can mount an emergency power supply unit). To heat a house up to 150 m2, the boiler must have a power of up to 16 kW, for a house of 200-300 m2-24-32 kW.

Combined boilers for water heating

It is clear that a heat generator operating on one type of fuel, such as gas, is preferable. But different situations are possible, the way out of which will be the purchase of a combined boiler in which a replaceable burner is installed that can operate on both gas and diesel fuel.

However, this type of water heating devices has its own nuances, in particular:

  • such a heat generator will cost a little more than a boiler designed for one type of fuel;
  • its efficiency is approximately 10-20% lower than that of a gas or liquid fuel boiler;
  • since the boiler is a large-sized unit, a separate room will have to be allocated for it;
  • some of its accessories fuel pump, blower fan, etc.) are powered by electrical network. Prolonged power outages in winter can result in a pipeline rupture. For such situations, you need to buy a powerful electric generator.

The heating boiler must have a certain power, and it must exceed the heat loss of the house by about 15-20%, which still need to be able to calculate. For reinsurance, you can buy a more powerful unit (the price of the equipment also depends on this parameter), but then it is possible that part of its heat output will not be used, i.e., in fact, the money will be wasted. If you buy a less powerful boiler, you can freeze all winter, even if it works at full capacity. Thus, it is better to seek the advice of a specialist.

In models of boilers of previous generations, a decrease in power entailed a decrease in efficiency. Modern equipment equipped with several power levels, thanks to which it is possible to reduce the heating capacity of the unit and the amount of fuel, and this will not result in heat loss. The latest invention hot water boilers with modeling heads, in which the stepless power reduction does not affect the efficiency of the equipment.

Heating can be combined with a hot water supply system, for which it is enough to install a double-circuit hot water boiler. They are of various types - flowing, accumulative or in combination with a boiler.

To transfer heat from the coolant to the air, heating devices are used, without which the efficiency of the water heating system would be extremely low. Due to the special design of heating devices, it is possible to extract the maximum amount of heat from the coolant.

Parameters of water heating equipment

Heating appliances of water heating systems are classified according to such parameters as:

  • heat transfer method. According to this criterion, convective (convectors and finned tubes), radiation (ceiling radiators) and convective-radiation (sectional, panel, smooth-tube) heating devices are distinguished. Convectors in a casing and sectional radiators have the maximum heat transfer, the minimum is smooth-tube devices and convectors without a casing (here it is appropriate to note that for 100; the heat transfer of a sectional radiator with a depth of 140 mm, made of cast iron, is taken);
  • type of heating surface, which can be smooth and ribbed;
  • the value of thermal inertia. There are heaters with high inertia (sectional radiators) and low inertia (convectors); S material from which the device is made. It can be metal, ceramics, plastic, a combination of different materials;
  • instrument height. On this basis, high heaters (more than 65 cm), medium (from 40 to 65 cm), low (from 20 to 40 cm) and plinth (up to 20 cm) are made.

Elements of the water heating system: fittings and expansion tank

To be able to regulate the operation of a water heating system, various shut-off and control valves are used, which include:

  • heat generator piping fittings, which include a pressure gauge, an air vent, a safety valve, pressure and flow sensors, a hydraulic separator, make-up units and air removers;
  • radiator fittings, the function of which is to regulate the flow of coolant entering the heater and its heat transfer.

For this purpose, adjusting, shut-off and drain valves, thermostats, air vents, bottom reinforcement, side injector unit: pipe fittings.

Another important element of the water heating system is expansion tank. The need for its inclusion in the system is dictated by the property of water to increase in volume when heated and return to its original volume when cooled. The part that balances this expansion is the expansion tank, or damper.

Its functions include the following:

  • contain the excess coolant formed when its temperature rises;
  • compensate for the lack of water when cooling or a small leak;
  • collect air that is released from hot water and that enters the heating system with cold water.

Among the damper disadvantages, the following are known: the probability of losing useful heat, which can be given off through the walls of the tank when it is installed outdoors; bulkiness. The damper is open and closed. The first is rectangular or cylindrical. A place for it is allotted in the attic, that is, at the highest point of the heating system. A closed damper is installed in the boiler room, leading to the return line in front of the circulation pump.

Heating devices of water heating systems and their types

Types of water heating devices: heat generator, heating appliances and heat pipes | Online magazine about the construction site "Build a House!" - only reliable information.

A brief overview of modern heating systems for residential buildings and public buildings

The right choice, competent design and high-quality installation of the heating system is the key to warmth and comfort in the house during the entire heating season. Heating must be of high quality, reliable, safe, economical. To choose the right heating system, you need to familiarize yourself with their types, features of installation and operation of heating devices. It is also important to consider the availability and cost of fuel.

Types of modern heating systems

A heating system is a complex of elements used to heat a room: a heat source, pipelines, heating devices. Heat is transferred with the help of a coolant - a liquid or gaseous medium: water, air, steam, fuel combustion products, antifreeze.

Building heating systems must be selected in such a way as to achieve the highest quality heating while maintaining comfortable air humidity for a person. Depending on the type of coolant, the following systems are distinguished:

Heating devices of the heating system are:

As a heat source can be used:

  • coal;
  • firewood;
  • electricity;
  • briquettes - peat or wood;
  • energy from the sun or other alternative sources.

air heating

The air is heated directly from the heat source without the use of an intermediate liquid or gaseous heat carrier. The systems are used to heat private houses of a small area (up to 100 sq.m.). Installation of heating of this type is possible both during the construction of a building and during the reconstruction of an existing one. A boiler, heating element or gas burner serves as a heat source. The peculiarity of the system is that it is not only heating, but also ventilation, since it heats up indoor air indoors and fresh coming from outside. Air streams enter through a special intake grille, are filtered, heated in a heat exchanger, after which they pass through the air ducts and are distributed in the room.

Adjustment of temperature and degree of ventilation is carried out by means of thermostats. Modern thermostats allow you to pre-set a program of temperature changes depending on the time of day. The systems also operate in air conditioning mode. In this case, the air flows are directed through the coolers. If there is no need for space heating or cooling, the system works as a ventilation system.

Installing air heating is relatively expensive, but its advantage is that there is no need to warm up intermediate coolant and radiators, due to which the fuel economy is at least 15%.

The system does not freeze, quickly responds to temperature changes and warms up the premises. Thanks to filters, the air enters the premises already purified, which reduces the number of pathogenic bacteria and contributes to the creation of optimal conditions to maintain the health of people living in the house.

The lack of air heating is overdrying of the air, burning out oxygen. The problem is easily solved by installing a special humidifier. The system can be upgraded to save money and create a more comfortable microclimate. So, the recuperator heats the incoming air, due to the output to the outside. This reduces the energy consumption for its heating.

Additional purification and disinfection of air is possible. To do this, in addition to the mechanical filter included in the package, install electrostatic filters fine cleaning and ultraviolet lamps.

Water heating

This is a closed heating system, it uses water or antifreeze as a coolant. Water is supplied through pipes from the heat source to the heating radiators. In centralized systems, the temperature is regulated at the heating point, and in individual systems - automatically (using thermostats) or manually (tap).

Types of water systems

Depending on the type of connection of heating devices, the systems are divided into:

According to the method of wiring, they distinguish:

In single-pipe systems, the connection of heating devices is in series. To compensate for the loss of heat that occurs during the successive passage of water from one radiator to another, heaters with different heat transfer surfaces are used. For example, can be used cast iron batteries with many sections. In two-pipe, a scheme is used parallel connection, which allows you to install the same radiators.

The hydraulic mode can be constant and variable. In bifilar systems, heating devices are connected in series, as in single-pipe systems, but the heat transfer conditions for radiators are the same as in two-pipe systems. Convectors, steel or cast iron radiators are used as heating devices.

Advantages and disadvantages

Water heating is widespread due to the availability of the coolant. Another advantage is the ability to equip the heating system with your own hands, which is important for our compatriots who are accustomed to relying only on their own strength. However, if the budget allows not to save, it is better to entrust the design and installation of heating to specialists.

This will save you from many problems in the future - leaks, breakthroughs, etc. Disadvantages - freezing of the system when turned off, a long time for warming up the premises. Special requirements apply to the coolant. Water in the systems must be free of impurities, with a minimum salt content.

Any type of boiler can be used to heat the coolant: on solid, liquid fuel, gas or electricity. Most often, gas boilers are used, which involves connecting to the main. If this is not possible, then solid fuel boilers are usually installed. They are more economical than electric or liquid fuel designs.

Note! Experts recommend choosing a boiler based on a power of 1 kW per 10 sq.m. These figures are indicative. If the ceiling height is more than 3 m, the house has large windows, there are additional consumers, or the premises are not well insulated, all these nuances must be taken into account in the calculations.

Steam heating

In accordance with SNiP 2.04.05-91 "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning", the use of steam systems is prohibited in residential and public buildings. The reason is the insecurity of this type of space heating. Heaters heat up to almost 100°C, which can cause burns.

Installation is complex, requires skills and special knowledge, during operation there are difficulties with the regulation of heat transfer, noise is possible when filling the system with steam. Today, steam heating is used to a limited extent: in industrial and non-residential premises, in pedestrian crossings, and heating points. Its advantages are relative cheapness, low inertia, compactness. heating elements, high heat transfer, no heat loss. All this led to the popularity of steam heating until the middle of the twentieth century, later it was replaced by water heating. However, in enterprises where steam is used for industrial needs, it is still widely used for space heating.

Electric heating

This is the most reliable and easiest type of heating in operation. If the area of ​​​​the house is not more than 100 m, electricity is a good option, but heating larger area not economically viable.

Electric heating can be used as an additional in case of a shutdown or repair of the main system. It is also a good solution for country houses in which the owners live only occasionally. Electric fan heaters, infrared and oil heaters are used as additional heat sources.

Convectors, electric fireplaces, electric boilers, floor heating power cables are used as heating devices. Each type has its own limitations. So, convectors heat the rooms unevenly. Electric fireplaces are more suitable as a decorative element, and the operation of electric boilers requires significant energy costs. The underfloor heating is mounted with advance consideration of the furniture arrangement plan, because when it is moved, the power cable may be damaged.

Innovative heating systems

Special mention should be made of innovative systems heating, which are gaining more and more popularity. The most common:

infrared floors

These heating systems have only recently appeared on the market, but have already become quite popular due to their efficiency and greater economy than the usual electric heating. Warm floors are powered by the mains, they are installed in a screed or tile adhesive. Heating elements (carbon, graphite) emit infrared waves that pass through the floor covering, heat up the bodies of people and objects, which in turn heats up the air.

Self-adjusting carbon mats and foils can be mounted under furniture legs without fear of damage. "Smart" floors regulate the temperature due to the special property of the heating elements: when overheated, the distance between the particles increases, the resistance increases - and the temperature decreases. Energy costs are relatively low. When the infrared floors are turned on, the power consumption is about 116 watts per linear meter, after warming up it decreases to 87 watts. Temperature control is provided by thermostats, which reduces energy costs by 15-30%.

Heat pumps

These are devices for transferring thermal energy from a source to a coolant. In itself, the idea of ​​a heat pump system is not new; it was proposed by Lord Kelvin back in 1852.

How it works: A geothermal heat pump takes heat from the environment and transfers it to the heating system. The systems can also work to cool buildings.

There are pumps with open and closed cycle. In the first case, the installations take water from the underground stream, transfer it to the heating system, take heat energy and return it to the place of intake. In the second, a coolant is pumped through special pipes in the reservoir, which transfers / takes heat from the water. The pump can use the thermal energy of water, earth, air.

The advantage of the systems is that they can be installed in houses that are not connected to the gas supply. Heat pumps complex and expensive to install, but allow you to save on energy costs during operation.

Solar collectors

Solar installations are systems for collecting solar thermal energy and transferring it to a coolant

Water, oil or antifreeze can be used as a heat carrier. The design provides for additional electric heaters that turn on if the efficiency of the solar installation decreases. There are two main types of collectors - flat and vacuum. An absorber with a transparent coating and thermal insulation is installed in the flat ones. In vacuum, this coating is multilayer, in hermetically sealed collectors a vacuum is created. This allows you to heat the coolant up to 250-300 degrees, while flat installations can only heat it up to 200 degrees. The advantages of the installations include ease of installation, low weight, and potentially high efficiency.

However, there is one “but”: the efficiency of the solar collector depends too much on the temperature difference.

Our compatriots still most often prefer water heating. Usually, doubts arise only about which specific heat source to choose, how best to connect the boiler to the heating system, etc. And yet there are no ready-made recipes suitable for absolutely everyone. It is necessary to carefully weigh the pros and cons, take into account the features of the building for which the system is selected. If in doubt, a specialist should be consulted.

Types of heating systems: an overview of traditional and innovative heating methods

Modern building heating systems. Which heating systems are better: traditional or innovative. What to consider when choosing a heating system and

Their absence would make the water heating system inefficient, since the walls of the pipeline are minimally adapted for this. The heat transfer capacity of a radiator depends on a number of factors:

  1. area of ​​its heating surface;
  2. type of device;
  3. location in the room;
  4. scheme, in accordance with which it is connected to the pipeline.

One of the indicators characterizing heating devices is the test pressure. During pressure testing of the heating system, heating devices are subjected to hydraulic shocks (here it should be noted that in Russia, during testing, it is customary to raise the pressure pressure to 15 atm, which cannot be withstand by imported heating devices, since in the West the pressure is increased to 7-8 atm), and in During operation, the internal surfaces suffer from chemical and electrochemical corrosion. If the devices successfully withstand such tests, then they will last a long time, as they are of high quality. In addition, heaters must comply
requirements of a different nature.

Among them are the following:

  1. heat engineering, i.e., heating appliances must provide the maximum density of the specific heat flux falling per unit area;
  2. assembly, which means the minimum labor and time costs during installation and the necessary mechanical strength of the devices;
  3. operational, i.e., heating devices must be heat-resistant; waterproof, even if the hydrostatic pressure reaches the maximum permissible value during operation; having the ability to regulate heat transfer;
  4. economic. This means that the ratio of the cost of heating devices, their installation and operation should be optimal, and the consumption of materials in their manufacture should be minimal;
  5. design;
  6. sanitary and hygienic, i.e. have a minimum horizontal surface area, so as not to turn into a dust collector.

Classification of heating appliances

Options Instrument type Varieties
Heat transfer method convective




Finned tubes

Ceiling emitters

Sectional radiators

Panel radiators

Plain tube heaters

Type of heating surface

with a smooth surface

Ribbed surface

The value of thermal inertia With low thermal inertia

With large thermal inertia








over 65 cm

40 to 65 cm

20 to 40 cm

Briefly describe the different types of heating devices.

A convector is a ribbed heater equipped with a casing made of some material (cast iron, steel, asbestos cement, etc.) which increases its heat transfer. The convection of the heat flow of a convector with a casing is 90-95%. The functions of the casing can be performed by a finned heater. Such a heater is called a convector without a casing.

The casing plays not only a decorative role - it is functional - it increases air circulation near the surface of the heater.

Despite the rather low heat transfer coefficient, lack of resistance to hydraulic shocks, increased requirements for the quality of the coolant, convectors are widely used. The reasons for this are low metal consumption, light weight, ease of manufacture, installation and operation, fashionable design. It would be unfair not to notice that convectors have another very unpleasant drawback - the convection air flows that arise during their operation raise and move dust and other small particles around the room.

The convective type heater is a ribbed tube. The material for it is flange cast iron pipe 1-2 m long, outer surface which is a thin ribs cast during the manufacture of the pipe. Due to this, the outer surface area increases many times, which favorably distinguishes it from a smooth pipe with the same diameter and length, which makes it possible to make the device more compact. In addition, the device is quite simple to manufacture and quite economical, i.e., the cost of its production is low. A number of serious shortcomings:

  1. low temperature observed on the surface of the fins, despite the circulation of a high-temperature coolant;
  2. big weight;
  3. low mechanical strength;
  4. unhygienic (ribs are difficult to clean from dust);
  5. out-of-date design.

Nevertheless, finned tubes are used - usually in non-residential premises, such as warehouses, garages, etc. They are mounted horizontally in the form of a coil, connected with bolts, flanged cast-iron double taps (practitioners call them rolls) and counterflanges.

A variety of radiative heating devices is a ceiling radiator, which, when heated, begins to give off heat, which, in turn, is first absorbed by the walls and objects in the room, then reflected by them, i.e. secondary radiation occurs. As a result, a radiant interchange takes place between the heating devices, the enclosing structures of the house, and objects, which makes the stay of a person in such a room very comfortable. If the temperature drops by 1-2 °C, the convective heat transfer of a person increases, which has a positive effect on his well-being. Hence, if convective heating the optimum temperature is 19.3 0С, then at radiation - 17.4 °С.

Ceiling radiators differ in the design of one element and come with a flat or wavy screen.

Of the advantages of a ceiling radiator, it should be noted such as a favorable atmosphere in the room; an increase in the temperature of the surface of the room, which reduces the heat transfer of a person; savings in thermal energy used for heating. However, this type of heating devices also has disadvantages, including significant thermal inertia, heat losses through cold bridges that occur in those places of enclosing structures in which heating elements are installed; the need to install fittings that regulate the heat transfer of concrete panels.

Heating of the premises can be solved by installing convective-radiation heating devices - radiators. Their distinctive feature is that they simultaneously give off heat using convection, which accounts for 75% of the heat flux, and radiation, on which the remaining 25% fall.

Structurally, radiators are presented in two options:

  1. sectional;
  2. panel.

Sectional radiators differ in the material from which they are made.

First of all, it is cast iron. Radiators from it have not lost their popularity since the beginning of the 20th century. And even now, when aluminum and steel radiators are quite affordable, cast iron ones are only strengthening their positions, especially since the former are less durable and therefore endure the cataclysms of domestic heating networks worse.

Sectional aluminum (more precisely, aluminum-silicon alloy) radiators are pressed sections and collectors. They are cast and extruded. Firstly, each section is a single piece, and secondly, these are three elements connected by bolts using sealing elements or put on glue. Aluminum radiators have a number of positive qualities that distinguish them favorably from cast iron appliances. Firstly, they have a high heat transfer due to the finned sections; secondly, they heat up faster themselves and, accordingly, the air in the room; thirdly, they allow you to regulate the air temperature; fourthly, they are light in weight, which facilitates both the delivery and installation of the device; fifthly, they are aesthetic and modern in design. There are also very significant disadvantages: weak convection ability; increased gas formation, which contributes to the formation of air congestion in the system; the risk of leaks; heat concentration on the ribs; exactingness to the coolant, primarily to the pH level, which should not exceed 7-8; incompatibility with elements in the heating system made of steel and copper (in such cases, galvanized adapters should be used to avoid electrochemical corrosion).

The fins of all radiators must be strictly vertical.

Steel panels are produced in different versions - single and double row, with a smooth or ribbed surface, with and without a decorative enamel coating. Heating devices of this type have certain advantages, in particular, high heat transfer; insignificant thermal inertia; small mass; hygiene; aesthetics. Of the minuses, it is necessary to indicate the small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heating surface (in this regard, they are often mounted in pairs - in 2 rows with a gap of 40 mm) and susceptibility to corrosion.

Concrete panel radiators are panels with concrete, plastic or glass channels that differ in their configuration, and heating elements of various shapes - serpentine or register. Heating devices, in the manufacture of which two metals are used (aluminum for fins and steel for conductive channels), are called bimetallic. A section of such a radiator consists of two vertical steel pipes (it should be noted that the diameter of the internal channels is rather small, which is a disadvantage), coated with an aluminum alloy (the process is carried out under pressure), connected by means of steel nipples. Gaskets made of heat-resistant rubber rubber can withstand temperatures up to 200 °C and provide the necessary tightness.

Water heating risers can move when heated, damaging the plaster, therefore, during installation, they must be passed through pipes larger than the diameter or sleeves made of roofing steel.

Such models are devoid of the disadvantages characteristic of aluminum and steel radiators, but they have an important advantage - thanks to the aluminum case, they have high heat dissipation. The ability of aluminum to heat up quickly allows you to control and regulate heat consumption.

The working pressure for bimetallic devices is 25 atm, crimping - 37 atm (due to the latter, bimetallic radiators are preferred for systems with high blood pressure), the maximum temperature of the coolant is 120 ° C. In addition, they are suitable for installation in various heating systems, while the number of storeys of the house does not matter.
As heating devices, steel pipes with a smooth surface, which are given a serpentine or register shape and which are placed at intervals smaller than the diameter of the pipes, can be used (the latter is important in detail, since with an even greater decrease in the distance, mutual irradiation of the pipes begins, which leads to a reduction in heat transfer device). Heating devices of this design show the highest heat transfer coefficient, but due to their significant weight, large dimensions, unaesthetics, they are usually installed in non-residential premises, for example, in greenhouses.

The place where the thermostat with a built-in air temperature sensor will be located must be located in a heated room at a height of 150 cm from the floor, protected from drafts, UV radiation and not adjacent to other heat sources.

Thus, having an idea of ​​what heating devices are offered by modern industry and the market, it remains only to make the right choice. In doing so, the following criteria must be followed:

  1. type and design of the heating system;
  2. open or hidden pipeline laying;
  3. the quality of the coolant intended for use;
  4. the value of the working pressure for which the heating system is designed;
  5. type of heating devices;
  6. house layout;
  7. the thermal regime that is supposed to be maintained in the premises, and the duration of the tenants' stay there.

In addition, it must be remembered that the operation of heating devices is associated with such problems as corrosion, water hammer. You need to carefully study the available material, consult a specialist, find out from the seller or look for information about manufacturing companies, find out how long they have been working on the domestic market, which particular heating devices are best adapted to the conditions of our reality. All this will help to avoid a rash purchase and will be the key to a successfully operating heating system.
After the heating devices are purchased, it becomes necessary to place them in the premises of the house. And there are options here (by the way, this should also be foreseen in advance in order to buy heaters of the appropriate height).

So, metal heaters are placed along the walls or in niches in 1 or 2 rows. They can be mounted behind screens or open.

However, usually heaters take their place under the window near the outer wall, but even so, a number of requirements must be observed:

  1. The length of the device must be at least<50-75 % длины окна (об этом уже было сказано, но, следуя логике изложения, считаем возможным повторить). Это не относится к витражным окнам;
  2. the vertical axes of the heater and the window must match. The error can be no more than 50 mm.

In some situations (subject to short and warm winters, short-term stay of people in the room), heaters are placed near the inner walls, which has certain advantages, since the heat transfer of heaters increases; the length of the pipeline is reduced; the number of stands is reduced.

There are wishes regarding the height and length of heating devices.

With high ceilings in the house, it is preferable to install high and short batteries, with standard ones - long and low.

Heating appliances can be safely called the crown of any heating system. Without them, any water heating loses all practical meaning. In this article we will talk about how the most common types of heating devices are classified and what advantages they have. So, let's begin!

The first type of classification is according to the method of heat transfer.

There are 3 ways to transfer heat from a heater to the environment:

  • radiation (radiation),
  • convection (direct air heating)
  • radiation-convective (combined) method.

Heat transfer by radiation. Also called radiant heat transfer. Any heated body emits infrared (radiation) rays, which, moving perpendicular to the radiation surface, increase the temperature of the bodies on which they fall, without increasing the air temperature. Further, the bodies that receive radiation become warmer themselves and begin to produce infrared rays, heating the surrounding objects. And so it goes in a circle. At the same time, the temperature at different points in the room remains the same. An interesting fact is that radiation (infrared) radiation is perceived by our body as heat and does not harm our body at all, exerting on it, according to doctors, even positive effects. Radiation heating devices (radiators) are considered to be those devices that emit more than 50% of heat into the environment by radiant heat. Such devices include various kinds of infrared heaters, "warm floors", sectional cast-iron and tubular radiators, individual models of panel radiators and wall panels.

Heat transfer by convection. The convective method of heat transfer looks completely different. The air warms up from contact with the hotter surfaces of convection heaters (convectors). The heated volume of air rises to the ceiling of the room due to the fact that it becomes lighter than colder air masses. The next volume of air rises to the ceiling after the first, and so on. Thus, we have a constant circular circulation of air masses "from the radiator to the ceiling" and "from the floor to the radiator". As a result, there is a feeling familiar to the inhabitants of rooms heated by a convector - at the level of the head, the air can be warm, and a feeling of cold is felt in the legs. Convective appliances are commonly called heating appliances that carry out convection of at least 75% of the heat of the total volume. Convectors include tubular and lamellar convectors, ribbed tubes and steel panel heaters. Radiative-convective method of heat transfer.

The radiative-convective or combined method of heat transfer includes both types of heat transfer described above. They are possessed by devices that give off heat to the environment in a convective way by 50-75% of the total amount of heat transfer carried out. Radiation-convective heating devices include panel and sectional radiators, floor panels, smooth-tube devices.

The second type of classification is according to the material from which the heaters are made.

Here we are dealing with 3 groups of materials:

  • metals,
  • nonmetals,
  • combined.

Metal heaters include heaters made of steel, cast iron, aluminum or copper, as well as possible combinations of two of the listed metals (bimetallic heating devices).

Non-metallic heating devices are rare in the market for household heating products. In the manufacture of such devices, glass is almost always used.

The class of combined heating appliances usually includes panel radiators (they consist of an external concrete or ceramic insulating layer and an internal metal - steel or cast-iron heating elements) and convectors (metal pipes with ribs located in an additional metal casing).

The third way to separate heating devices is according to the degree of thermal inertia.

In this case, thermal inertia is the residual heat transfer to the room after the heater is turned off. Thermal inertia can be small or large (depending on the diameter of the pipes and specific types of heaters).

The last way to classify thermal appliances is by their linear dimensions (meaning height and depth).

Since the dimensions often depend on the specific model and local requirements for space heating, it does not make sense to describe this method of classification.


This article has covered some of the concepts that describe how heat transfer works. In addition, standard methods for classifying the main types of heating devices present on the domestic market for heating equipment were given. We hope you found something interesting in this article. Happy to be of service!

If you want to learn more about the characteristics of the main types of heating devices, we strongly recommend that you read the series of articles “The main thing about heating devices” on our website!