How to arrange batteries in an apartment. How can you cover radiators? What you can do yourself

A popular solution for masking batteries

The most common way to hide a battery is to cover the wall with plasterboard. This method has its advantages (fast, easy and inexpensive) and disadvantages (reducing the area of ​​the room). It is also necessary to pay attention to the fact that, without practical knowledge and experience in working with drywall, masking batteries can become a real pain. It should be remembered that completely close heating devices plasterboard is not recommended. To ensure proper air circulation, slits are made in the material, which are subsequently closed with special decorative screens. The use of such screens also helps to maintain radiators.

Another advantage of drywall is the ability to hide not only radiators, but also the pipes leading to it. Along with this, it is more expedient to cover the entire wall with material when renovating the entire room.

How to hide a battery - easy and simple!

An easier and less expensive way is to cover the batteries with a hanging screen. Today there are a huge number of different models:

  • hinged screen with cover;
  • screen boxes;
  • metal screens;
  • wooden screens;
  • MDF screens;
  • glass screens.

Hanging screens will help hide the batteries when the renovation of the room has long been completed. Installation of such models does not require special knowledge and effort; they are installed by hanging them on the battery. The hanging screen does not interfere with air circulation and heat exchange, performs a decorative function and greatly facilitates the process of maintaining the heating device. Such screens are produced with two options for pipe connections - one-sided and two-sided.

Box screens most often used to disguise batteries installed in hallways and along blank walls. Such models not only perform a decorative function, but also serve as an excellent piece of furniture. They can be used as small shelves on which you can put your favorite trinkets, and if you have a cat in your house, believe me, the surface of such a box will become its favorite resting place during cold weather. The boxes also differ in size, so if you have fairly low radiators, use small-sized products that can easily be turned into cozy and comfortable benches. Their finishing can also be done in various techniques, this is both openwork carving and decorative overlays, and the possibility of applying any image to the front of the box, the main thing is that such a screen does not disturb your interior, but becomes a real addition to it.

Metal, wood and MDF screens for batteries can also be made in the form of a box or have a flat shape, which is ideal for masking batteries built into niches or hidden by drywall. The screens offered today have original design- these are carvings, drawings and forged decorations, thanks to which you will not only hide radiators, but also preserve the interior of the room.

How to hide a battery - an original approach

Don't want to install screens and deal with drywall? Show off your creativity- visually dissolve the battery in the interior. Paint the radiator in the color of the walls or, conversely, make the radiator the main highlight of your room. Today you can use the services of a printing company that will print the image you choose on self-adhesive paper - later you can easily place it on the radiator and make your interior unique. You can paint the batteries yourself - some draw with colored pencils, some give the batteries the color of their favorite animal, and some prefer to imprint their favorite flowers and patterns on it.

Crafters can experiment with different textures and shapes, giving the batteries original look. Today you can easily find master classes on decorating heating devices with various covers in the shape of animals; you can also use the remaining yarn and wrap it around the radiator (it is not at all necessary that the yarn be of only one shade).

If you know how to work with beads and beads, prepare a frame according to the size of your battery and create an original bead curtain or curtain of woven beads, which you attach to the frame.

Everything is in your hands and depends entirely on your capabilities!

How to hide the battery - photo

Planning a room renovation a certain style Apartment residents try to think through all the little details. And then the question arises of how to close the battery. In the interior of a classic and retro style quite appropriate detail in the form cast iron radiator. Other design styles include ribbed cast sections and even plates bimetallic heating don't fit. You need to install a box or cover the battery in the room with a screen. Then there is a risk of freezing. Decoupage practically does not change the power of the heat flow. You can do it yourself.

Difficult choice between heating efficiency and beauty

The number of sections of the heating battery takes into account the area of ​​the room. The rules for installing a radiator strictly regulate the distance to the floor, wall and window sill. Compliance with these rules is necessary for normal room temperature in winter time. The heated air should rise freely. A cold one takes its place. Radiation from the heated metal goes to the sides.

If you completely close the batteries, you get big gas savings. The water returns to the boiler room hot and can be brought to the required temperature with minimal heating. The room remains cold because the path to heat flow is closed. The interior has beautiful view. The heating does not perform its function, the room is cold.

For normal heating of the room, it is necessary to ensure maximum conditions for heat radiation.

  1. The gap between the wall and the radiator to allow air to rise upward.
  2. The distance from the floor to the battery is 3 times greater than to the wall. Cold air should freely enter the place of the risen, heated one.
  3. The convection flow of hot air rises freely. The distance to the window sill is more than 10 cm.
  4. The front part of the radiator should be as open as possible to infrared radiation coming from the front panel of the sections.

Closing the radiators means losing heat. We need to find best option, beautiful decor and minimal losses.

Boxes, grilles and screens for heating radiators

Closing the radiators of the heating system

The box completely blocks all flows and heating is ineffective. The exception is the manufacturing option in accordance with the requirements:

  • the box does not have a bottom bar and hangs at a distance from the floor;
  • in the upper part there are holes for air outlet;
  • The area of ​​the holes on the front panel is larger than the remaining body of material.

Such a box is easy to make with your own hands if you know how to work with metal. You can make a structure from plasterboard by taking fire-resistant sheets and treating them with a primer. The parts are made according to the size of the cast iron radiator:

  • 2 side racks, at the same time the legs on which the box rests and the remaining parts are hung;
  • Front Panel;
  • top panel.

Hanging screens are sold in the store. They are made of metal and reduce heating slightly. The heating radiator is closed and has an aesthetic appearance.

When placing the battery in a wall niche, it is convenient to make gratings with your own hands. The simplest option is narrow wooden slats. They are installed on long distance from each other. The area of ​​infrared radiation decreases slightly. The convection current circulates freely. The room is warm and the radiator is nicely camouflaged.

Screen from frosted glass with a beautiful pattern it looks stylish. It can imitate a fireplace and simply decorate a room with its design. The area of ​​infrared radiation is completely closed and half of the heat flow is lost.

Attention! Do not use plastic to create the box and screen. When heated it releases harmful substances and quickly collapses.

Decorative batteries

We cover the radiators of the heating system with decorative grilles

For apartment owners who have the opportunity not to save on repairs, construction stores designer radiators for sale. They are made of pipes with high heat transfer, beautifully intertwined in a basket or waves. The surface of the heater is chrome-plated or painted in the selected color. The radiation area is completely open. The room has a beautiful bright decor made from a heating radiator.

Among design options and a bench with pipes under the seat encircling the legs. Polished metal looks great in modern interior. The bench under the window has a practical use.

Decoupage - the optimal transformation of a radiator with your own hands

Decorative grilles for heating radiators

Create a battery decoupage with your own hands not only a budget option decoration of heating systems. You can fantasize and create any compositions and drawings. The radiation area does not change. Air convection remains the same. The room is warm and beautiful at the same time without extra costs for heating.

Decoupage is created from any materials that can withstand the heating temperature of a cast iron radiator and plates bimetallic battery. Available for sale for those who cannot draw vinyl stickers. Decoupage turns out beautiful, but when heated too much it is harmful.

I use colored fabric. I choose natural material from cotton and linen. I cut out flowers on it and glue it to the surface of the radiator. Pipes can turn into branches. I additionally screw leaves onto them and plant butterflies. Everyone can invent and create their own decoupage using paints, fabric, hot glue and other items at hand.

Installing a reflector on the wall increases the efficiency of the radiator

Decorative grilles for batteries

When closing the radiators, care must be taken to increase the heat flow in the room. The first is the location on the wall of a special shielding thermal insulation material. The simplest and cheapest consists of a sheet of foam rubber covered on one side with foil.

Foam rubber glued to the wall is a good heat insulator. It does not allow cold to reach the battery. Shiny foil reflects heat and partially returns it to the radiator, the rest air flow takes it upstairs. The heater sections become even hotter.

Any communications that have been laid or are located in plain sight have always been a problem. It can be very difficult to fit them into general interior premises. But a particularly common problem is how to properly close the heating radiator in a room. After all, an important condition must be maintained - nothing should be an obstacle to good heat transfer.

There are many ways that allow you to close heating radiators and at the same time ensure a comfortable temperature regime.

If this is not possible, then screen creation options are perfect. Namely, the design of the radiator different ways, which allow you to hide it. Several options should be highlighted:

  1. Installation of a hanging screen.
  2. Creation of a wooden – removable element.
  3. The use of plasterboard slabs is for the box.

It should be noted that the last point is the most popular at the moment. At the same time, it cannot be considered the most ideal. The fact is that creating a solid box is a rather controversial decision. After all, in case of any breakdown or leakage, you will have to disassemble it completely, which is very inconvenient.

Therefore, the first thing you need to do is review heating system. Check the joints and connections, inspect the radiator for possible leaks or blockages. Only after this preventive work and replacements damaged areas begin the direct installation of the structure that will cover the battery.

The design for hiding the radiator must meet the following parameters:

  • Streams of warm air should not encounter obstacles on their path. This ensures uniform heating of the entire room.
  • All threaded connections and air and water relief valves must be easily accessible.

Attention! Very often an option is allowed, which can be found in some apartments. It lies in the fact that heating radiators are completely hidden by gypsum boards. This is unacceptable.

Battery screen

This option is the simplest and most popular. Screens may vary appearance. Often there are structures made of metal. There are two types:

  • Hangable. They are simply applied to the battery without any additional fastening. Therefore, with any contact they can fall.
  • Built-in. They are inserted into specially prepared boxes made of wood or plasterboard. Very convenient option. In addition to those made from metal, there are plastic, wooden and HDF ( fibreboard high density).

Which option to choose depends on your specific situation.

Creating a gypsum plasterboard box for a built-in screen

This option is the most common. It is quite convenient to make a box while finishing the walls with plasterboard, then you can immediately create a frame for it that will be included in the overall structure.

Stage one: preparation

Before hiding the heating radiator, it must be prepared. It is very convenient when modern batteries are used, but with cast iron ones you will have to tinker.

  1. By using iron brush remove old layer paints.
  2. The surface is degreased.
  3. Check joints, nuts and seams. If necessary, tighten or change.
  4. The surface is painted with metal paints with a high temperature threshold.

Usually, through the holes in the structure covering the battery, it is still partially visible, so the finish of the device itself cannot be ignored

Prepare the necessary tools:

  • a hammer drill with a drill or an impact drill with drills;
  • screwdriver, metal scissors or jigsaw;
  • construction knife and level;
  • sandpaper with a block;
  • hacksaw;
  • tassels;
  • container and set of trowels;
  • ruler (tape measure) and pencil.

You will need the following materials:

  1. Drywall boards.
  2. Perforated corner.
  3. Metallic profile.
  4. The mesh is serpyanka.
  5. Self-tapping screws and dowels.
  6. Primer.
  7. Putty.

On a note! Sewing a battery with plasterboard is not as easy as it seems. At least required minimal experience work with metal profile and gypsum boards.

Stage two: marking

Determine how the box will look - hanging in the air or standing on the floor:

  1. When the box is joined to the flooring, three main lines are immediately measured and marked - two side and the front.
  2. If it hangs, then remove the distance from the floor. Mark a line on the wall and check it for level.

Then markings are made on the walls. Do not forget that from the edge of the box being built to the edge of the radiator there must be at least ten centimeters.

The result is a rectangle that will mark the edges of the fastening of the future structure.

Stage three: creating a frame

Profile frame for the box

For this, a metal profile is used. Installation technology:

  • The profile guides are applied to the lines marked on the wall. They are pre-cut required height. Use a drill to drill several mounting holes. They do this so that marks remain on the wall.
  • Holes are drilled according to these points into which dowels are inserted.
  • The profile is placed at the fastening points and secured with screws.
  • Thus, all parts of the metal frame are installed. Do not forget to fasten them with connecting elements.

Advice! Between the metal profile and the surface, provision should be made for laying special shock-absorbing material.

It should work metal carcass, which will be securely attached to the base. It would be better to immediately close the heating pipes - for greater convenience, they are considering a removable option.

Stage four: sheathing

The further process will be completely uncomplicated when compared with the work that has already been carried out.

The sequence is:

  1. To close the heating point in the room, mark it on a sheet of drywall in advance. Using a hacksaw ( electric jigsaw) cut it into necessary elements. Small parts can be easily cut with a construction knife.
  2. The space for the screen is immediately calculated. He can be different sizes, most often they use 60*90 cm and 60*120 cm. It is better to measure the selected option using the internal frame. A couple of millimeters are removed from the obtained result.
  3. For greater convenience, each cut section is marked on the reverse side. Or they do it differently - they install them right away.
  4. The parts cover the necessary places. Self-tapping screws are used for this. They are screwed in increments of fifteen centimeters.
  5. The screws are screwed in flush with the surface.

Stage five: finishing

Begins The final stage finishing. It consists in treating the created box with putty. You need to close all the seams well. The process looks like this:

  • The seams are slightly unstitched; a construction knife is suitable for this.
  • The areas to be trimmed are primed.
  • Perforated corners are placed on the corners.
  • External seams are coated with the mixture and a sickle mesh is applied.
  • Apply to the surface finishing layer putties.

The result is a design that has a “window” into which the screen is inserted. Thus, it is possible to close any heating radiator.

On a note! Very often it is possible to create a fairly large box that can be used to store unnecessary things.

If it is more suitable for the room wooden structure, then it can be made completely removable (shown in the photo below). Thus, it is possible to close the heating radiator and not have to carry out numerous works.

They do the following:

  1. The markings are removed. Take into account the places where pipes are supplied.
  2. A wooden box is made, which is immediately equipped with an external lathing.
  3. Corner hooks are installed along the outer perimeter, the hinged part of which is screwed to the wall.

Now all that remains is to put the box in its place. It will also be easy to remove.


To close any heating element use special screens, which you can do yourself. The main thing is to correctly calculate the size of the structure and construct the frame.

Heating radiators do not always serve as interior decoration. These devices have been flashing before our eyes for years, bringing negative emotions. It is not surprising that many owners have the idea of ​​somehow decorating this “log in the eye.” But in order for the radiator decor to be harmonious, you need to know some secrets.

How to hide a battery in a room

WITH technical requirements Once we figure it out, design issues begin. First of all, you need to pay attention to the color. Often on a colored wall, a white radiator looks like an eyesore. A white radiator looks harmonious on white, or very light wall. If this modern model, then there is no need to hide anything. They simply blend into the background. They simply don't exist.

If the color of your walls is far from white, but the walls are plain, everything is solved simply. similar in color. If you hit the right tone, it’s perfect; if not, that’s okay too. A difference of two or three tones in one direction or the other does not matter. Here are some examples in the photo.

If you choose the right color, then there are simply no radiators in the interior (click on the picture to enlarge its size)

What to do if there is a drawing on the walls. Nowadays, if they glue wallpaper with ornaments, it’s usually on one wall, or at most two. The rest are pasted over with plain or almost plain wallpaper with different textures. Then you can stick strips of one or another wallpaper onto the radiator plates. Which ones you need to look at, as they say, “on the spot.” Cutting out the strips is not difficult; you can lightly bait one first and then the other. And in this way, empirically, determine what will look more harmonious.

The most correct way from a design point of view is to recess the radiator in a niche, and then cover this niche with a screen. But it must be from wall to wall, and the same color.

If the depth of the resulting niche and the level of illumination of the room allows, you can make a table out of it. In this case, you can generally use a fabric screen for the radiator.

How to hide a heating radiator (click on the picture to enlarge its size)

Another way to hide the battery is to close any functional design. Naturally, it should be lattice. For example, give the screen the appearance of a chest of drawers, attach shelves to the side, as in these photos.

One option is to make the radiator screen look like a piece of furniture (click on the picture to enlarge its size)

One option is to make a closet that reaches the height of the window sill across the entire width of the room. One part of it will cover the radiator - the second will actually serve for storing things.

A more difficult method to implement correctly is to decorate the radiator under the fireplace. It is important not to overdo it with details. For example, here is a screen in the form of a fireplace. This structure is assembled from sheets of plywood, then covered with film.

The middle part is simply an attached piece of paper with the appropriate coloring. Looks great in the photo.

How to decorate a radiator under a fireplace with your own hands (click on the picture to enlarge its size)

The most common way to decorate radiators standing along one of the walls is by adding them. It can be made of wood or MDF. But he looks ridiculous alone. More details are needed that will justify its location in this particular place. Here are some ideas that might be helpful to you.

Just placing the screen near the wall is the same as writing: “here we hide the radiator” (click on the picture to enlarge its size)

Screens are also used to decorate heating devices under window sills. But covering only part of the wall is the same as writing in large letters “we are hiding the radiator.” A the main task is to hide it, not stick it out. What is the difference can be seen in the photo.

If the screen is from wall to wall, or the entire width of the window, it will not attract attention (click on the picture to enlarge its size)

Recent trends do not exclude the use of screens. It's still the most affordable way hide the battery. The main idea when decorating radiators is that everything should be logical. If the screen is either the entire width of the window, or, if necessary and possible, then from wall to wall. The colors and stylistic decisions. If frames are needed, they should match the mesh. You can create contrasting or eye-catching frames when the room has the same color and style frames on other objects.

In some cases, it may not match the tone of the walls, but the tone of the window frame and window sill. But here the style must also match.

Decor of heating radiators in the bathroom

Basically, nothing new. Two main techniques: hide it in some piece of furniture. In the bathroom these are usually cabinets.

In the bathroom, the same principles apply: everything must be justified (click on the picture to enlarge its size)

If this is not possible for some reason, you can install a screen. Suitable from (this is “improved” MDF) or plastic. Despite the fact that MDF and HDF are made from wood fibers, they tolerate moisture well, so they will stand fine in the bathroom. But again, don’t hang boxes on the wall. It’s better to paint the radiator to match the walls. It will look more harmonious than something sticking out on the wall.

How to close a radiator in the kitchen

To all the methods described earlier, you can only add a window sill-tabletop. This technique will help not only decorate the battery, but also increase the working surface. And since many kitchens in houses old building cannot be called spacious, then such a “bonus” is sometimes more significant than aesthetic considerations. You can not close the radiator as in the photo on the left, or use it as in the option on the right.

Covering with a countertop is a great option for the kitchen (click on the picture to enlarge its size)

Another good idea is to make a side table, like in the photo. In this case, the color of the countertop should match the color of the walls. There is, however, a considerable disadvantage - you cannot make the tabletop perforated. But if there is an air gap along the floor and under the window sill, this will help matters. Just one more subtlety: choose a material for the countertop that is not afraid of overheating and does not emit harmful substances when heated.


You can close the radiators different ways. When choosing one of them, you must not forget that the main task of radiators is to distribute heat. A main principle decor - everything should be harmonious and logical.

The appearance of modern heating devices is quite presentable, but let’s be completely honest - not all of them meet our aesthetic requirements. What can we say about battered batteries that probably don’t even fit into a minimalist interior. Therefore, it is understandable that many people want to not only decorate them beautifully, but also preserve all the functionality of the equipment for heating their homes.

To learn how to cover a heating radiator with a screen, an absolute understanding of the laws of heating engineering is not necessary. It is enough to comprehend simple truths:

  • Heating of the room is carried out through a combination or separate application two techniques: convection and infrared radiation.
  • Convective heat exchange ensures uniform heating of the air, and infrared radiation transfers heat to surrounding objects.
  • Any method aimed at closing the radiators beautifully leads to losses in heating power. For example, a glass screen with artistic painting completely solves the problem of decorating heating appliances, but the temperature in the house will immediately drop. The reason is that glass almost completely neutralizes infrared radiation.

The more reliably the heat exchanger is disguised, the greater the heat loss will be. This fully applies to blind reflectors, which prevent the spread of infrared radiation and convection.

The same picture with blank panels covering top part batteries - they completely block the path warm air, that is, the principle of convection does not work. Hence the conclusion, which is also the answer to the question of how to cover heating radiators in an apartment - the cover should have more holes, so heat loss will be minimal.

Additional requirements

Screens also play the role of protection, because the temperature of the coolant is quite high. Especially it concerns centralized systems heating, where values ​​can reach +100°C. The use of protective grilles is justified primarily in children's rooms.

Simple screen models are inexpensive, so purchasing them is not a problem. Installation also won’t take much time, especially since almost everyone has with a minimum of tools. However, certain requirements should be taken into account when choosing and installing:

  • It is necessary to ensure the accessibility of communications and heating devices, which is important during operation and repair. Plumbers believe that gratings should not be fixed; attached screens are best.
  • High-quality screens do not become an obstacle to the passage of heat; on the contrary, they only contribute to the dissipation of heat flow.
  • Products should not contain toxic components that can be released under high temperatures.
  • Good products are not subject to deformation even with strong heat.

Wood products are considered the best choice when purchasing gratings. If you haven’t yet decided how to hide the battery under the window, then this product is perfect.

Plastic screens, especially from lesser-known manufacturers, may contain harmful toxic elements. The issue of authority is not an issue for them, so the use of low-quality components in the pursuit of excess profits is not ruled out.

Factory options or the best way to close heating radiators in an apartment or house

Modern industrial decorative grilles fit well into a residential interior, while simultaneously masking unsightly heating devices. The price of most copies is quite acceptable, all that remains is to make the right choice.

Hinged shields with top cover

Most often they are made of metal. Inexpensive products are made of painted iron, more expensive ones are made of stainless steel. The advantages of such panels include:

  1. Ease of installation - knowing how to cover a heating radiator with a decorative screen, the main work can be done with your own hands without the help of specialists.
  2. No obstacles to heat transfer - almost all products are manufactured with holes to improve convection. The shape of the holes is for every taste.
  3. Manufacturability - hinged panels are designed for one- or two-sided pipe connections.

Flat panels

The most common category, which is used to decorate heating devices located in niches. At the same time, such grilles play a decorative role in the interior of residential premises. In stores you can find a large assortment of screens with various designs, carvings and forgings, some of them can be compared to works of art.

Made of wood

Such false panels are ideal for any interior. If you have at least assembly experience , then the problem of how to hide the battery with your own hands does not exist for you. Products can also be made to order, in some carpentry workshop.

Wooden structures will help to withstand the elegant component of country style or all the rigor of classicism. Thinking about the topic of how to close heating radiators in own apartment, it is worth remembering the cost of manual individual work– it is several times higher than consumer goods copies.

And yet, deformation of the wood due to temperature changes and humidity fluctuations cannot be ruled out. You can avoid such consequences only by purchasing a product made from high-quality wood.

Made of metal

Such fences attract, first of all, their affordability. The design component of such products is quite primitive, which is why they have low price. However, despite this, they perform their function fully.

The panel is made from thin sheet metal that can be painted any color. More expensive specimens are made of stainless steel; their appearance is aesthetic and elegant.

Made of plastic

Taking into account affordability plastic products, you should not count on their durability. Moreover, not all of them meet the standards, as a result of which, when heated, they can release a bunch of harmful substances.

Box screens

You can find out how to hide a battery in a room from photos of similar interiors. However, even modern heating devices do not always correspond to the design concept of the room. Then you have to completely isolate them “out of sight.” Box-shaped grilles are classified according to the type of material from which they are made.

MDF screens

One of the most common options for decorating heating appliances. Craftsmen who know how to carefully cover a heating radiator with a screen insist on this particular material. The MDF structure is not as difficult to maintain as wood, and is easy to install with your own hands.

An important advantage of such products is that their cost is 50-70 percent less than wooden ones. And this with characteristics that are not inferior to analogues made from natural wood.

The glass screen looks very aesthetically pleasing and can easily complement stylish design any premises up to a corporate building. Depending on the appearance, glass panels are divided into:

  • Matte.
  • Transparent.
  • Plainly colored.
  • With unique photo printing.

Of course, the glass structure is fragile, so manufacturers produce samples with a thickness of at least 6 mm. For greater safety, you can buy tempered glass, it combines mechanical strength and heat resistance. Even if the panel manages to break, the fragments will be small and have blunt edges.

Do-it-yourself: how to cover a heating radiator in a room with a decorative screen

Decorative camouflage of the radiator assembly is easy to perform on our own. There is a wide scope for flight of fancy here. Making a box quickly and technologically is quite possible, especially since such a product is guaranteed to be original. They usually use MDF or ordinary fabric for work, or even assemble a composition from both materials.

The material is available in various colors, the shape of the holes is also selected according to individual preferences. In the process you will need an electric drill, drills, a hacksaw, a stapler and screwdrivers. From Suppliesmetal grid, screws, glue and furniture legs. The work consists of the following stages:

  • Take the dimensions of the battery pack. Add 50-60 mm to the height indicators, and 80-100 mm to the width.
  • Mark the prepared plate (fabric) and cut out the front part of the screen.
  • Add 40-50 mm to the depth indicators, the width is already known. Cut the side parts of the structure to size.
  • If you have already chosen how to cover the heating radiators in your house or apartment, and it turns out to be MDF without holes, then you will have to make them.

  • WITH inside secure the mesh to the box using self-tapping screws. The fabric is attached with liquid nails.
  • Assemble all the parts using corners and screws for fastening from the inside.
  • To stabilize the box, attach legs to its bottom.

Of course, the description is not too detailed; some points will depend on individual conditions. But the direction of the process is not difficult to understand, and the rest depends on desire and experience.

  • A combination of different colors in the lattice frame, color range and perforation forms helps to realize any variation in interior design.
  • When the battery is not located in a niche, for camouflage would be better suited box-shaped screen.
  • Battery grids from natural materials ideal for classic or vintage interiors. Designs from artificial materials used in modern design.
  • Wooden barriers will not only protect children from burns, but will also fit into any interior.