Solar powered systems for the home. It will be both inexpensive and convenient. DIY solar panel installation.

Providing a residential building with electricity is an important prerogative of every owner. Along with the more familiar connection to central system New options began to appear. IN Lately even installed solar panels for home. The cost of the kit is somewhat high, but in operation similar systems They completely justify themselves.

If you decide to use a photovoltaic power plant, you should note that it takes more time to determine the necessary documentation. However, for our clients, all documents and any subsidy request are processed by us. This administrative process is usually completed within 3 months. But the installation of the solar system itself usually doesn't last more than a day or two and doesn't interfere with the normal functioning of the home's occupants, Smazic says.

Since the government supports sustainable forms of energy recovery, you can apply for a subsidy from the government's New Green Economy program as a future PV power plant owner. Anyone who wants to give sunshine can apply for a grant.

Compact arrangement of panels on the roof of the building

Output electric current becomes possible thanks to the influence solar radiation onto the surface of silicon wafers. When hit by direct rays, electrons are shifted from their own orbits, creating a directed movement of charged particles.Before you buy solar panels for a private home, you need to familiarize yourself with the main types of converters.

The largest contributors will be those households that choose to build a battery-powered photovoltaic power plant. Additionally, if you choose the right solar system supplier, they will resolve the subsidy request for you, saving you a lot of work and stress. The perfect sign for opponents of paperwork and office circulation.

Solar panels can be installed on any type of roof, including flat roof. In addition, there is on the market wide choose panel mounting options, so there are no obstacles for any type of roof. In Czech conditions the most optimal place for solariums is sloping roof with a slope of 35°, which is ideally oriented to the south. Problems can lead to roof shading.

Monocrystalline panels

A characteristic feature of such products is the one-way orientation of the light-sensitive cells. Thanks to this, it is possible to significantly increase efficiency, but in this case the susceptibility to sunlight in cloudy weather is reduced. In this regard, the devices are recommended for use in southern regions where there are not many cloudy days.

Solar panels can be installed almost anywhere. However, if the roof is protected from neighboring buildings, trees, chimneys, columns or other obstacles from many sides, then, of course, the performance of the entire system is reduced. Even partial shading causes a significant decrease in performance. Additionally, if one panel is clouded, all panels of the panel are negatively affected. Then the question is whether the installation of a solar system will pay off under such conditions, explains Lukasz Smarzyk, who has several dozen successful projects of photovoltaic power plants.

Polycrystalline wafers

Due to the multidirectionality of silicon crystalline cells, the efficiency of the elements is somewhat reduced, but the operating efficiency in cloudy weather increases. The panels have a square shape and a heterogeneous structure, which is explained by the presence of heterogeneous crystals.

High cost of batteries

When your roof is on, you can check here. The most complex and expensive type of photovoltaic power plant is a model that produces energy stored in special batteries so you can use it whenever you want and then gradually switch off from electrical dependence from the grid. You gain a higher degree of energy self-sufficiency.

Climatic conditions in the Czech Republic

However, the development of such battery systems is moving forward with milestones, so their price is expected to continue to decline in the future as prices rise. Solar panels logically work most efficiently when direct sunlight is directed at them. The more cloudy the sky, the lower their performance. And since the Czech Republic is not only located below the equator, typical fluctuations are characteristic of the local weather, which is also reflected in fluctuations in the amount of energy generated.

The main advantage solar panels is high energy efficiency in cloudy weather when the light is diffused.

Amorphous batteries

Such products have a silicon layer of very small thickness. It is sprayed onto the surface in a vacuum. Plastic, metal or glass foil is used as a base. Although the efficiency of the panels is relatively low, performance in cloudy weather and the level of light absorption are at the proper level.

Despite significant energy savings on sunny days, we cannot rely solely on the sun in our climate, so we need to use an additional energy source to cover electricity consumption on days when the weather does not want panels.

For the same reason, it is also advisable to install panels where the greatest energy consumption occurs during the day. Most photovoltaics will use electric heating, heat pump, pool or electric water heating.

A significant disadvantage of thin-film wafers is the relatively rapid burnout of the silicon coating.

Combined analogues

We should also look at hybrid solar panels for the home, reviews of which are mostly positive from users. With this option, amorphous silicon is combined directly with microcrystals. In contrast to the same polycrystalline analogues, the efficiency of hybrid systems in diffuse light is higher.

What does our complete offer include?

Are you thinking about a rooftop photovoltaic power plant? family home and looking for a suitable installer? It offers add-ons as part of its energy services. Solar panels, inverters, support and protective elements, fastening to the roof structure, electrical wiring, storage tank for energy storage heating water, preparation of the inverter for connecting batteries, as well as supply and installation of the battery.

Consultation, user training and recommendations on the appropriate mode of system operation, transport and assembly, system integration and commissioning, including its revision. To build a rate, we need to know: the type and location of the property, or the dimensions of the roof and roof, the price of electricity and the estimate of energy consumption for the day or annual energy billing, the use of electricity for domestic purposes.

Related article:

Solar batteries for home: kit cost and technical specifications

Since the price of solar panel kits for a home can vary depending on the initial parameters, it is proposed to consider several systems at once, suitable for certain operating conditions. Correct selection power and other characteristics will allow you to do without unnecessary expenses.

After accepting the offer, we will contact you and offer a specific solution. After accepting the final offer and signing the contract and power of attorney, we will send you a request to connect to the distribution network. We will provide connection to the distribution network.

Based on the information we find, we will prepare an indicative proposal and approximate the financial analysis your power plant. We will prepare an individual proposal and we will attach a draft contract and a power of attorney so that our employees have the necessary administration.

Typically the kit includes:

  • solar panels;
  • batteries;
  • inverter;
  • charge controller.
For your information! All elements of the system have different service life. The plates themselves can last on average up to 50 years, the inverter with a controller - up to 20 years, and the batteries - no more than 10 years.

We will install the solar power plant itself. Full installation solar power plant, including design and implementation of all administration, with connection to the distribution network. Photovoltaic power plant with a power of about 3 kW is intended for the roofs of standard family houses with conventional appliances or passive family houses with electric heating. To achieve good savings from a photovoltaic power plant, it is important to consume as much electricity as possible in the building.

The photovoltaic power plant with a power of about 5 kW is intended for the roofs of standard family houses with electric heating. The annual interest rate is valid throughout the entire repayment period. The term of a consumer loan is the last monthly payment until the due date.

Cost of solar panel kits for home: prices from reliable manufacturers

The products are quite popular HiminSolar . The manufacturer produces reliable solar panels for the home. The cost of the kit for a company with a high standard quality characteristics quite acceptable. The panels are capable of operating in a wide range temperature range, without losing performance in rainy weather too much.

See how to be as energetically self-sufficient as possible

The current demand for electricity in households is usually different from what the photovoltaic power plant actually produces. Therefore, it is advisable to use excess electricity in another way - redirect it or store it. The best way Energy saving is battery storage, which allows you to use electricity only when you need it, so you can be as self-sufficient as possible.

Make the most of electricity

Do you want to gain self-sufficiency and independence? This allows maximum energy consumption. In the morning, when you usually have a high electricity consumption, the sun is unfortunately not enough, so the photovoltaic power plant produces too little.

Rated power, kWEnergy reserve, kWhPeak power consumption, kWAverage productivity per month, kWhPrice in rubles
1 3,3 1,5 120 202 000
2 5 3 240 398 000
2,4 10 5 320 438 000
3,6 10 5 430 739 000
5,4 10 5 650 900 000
Helpful advice! When purchasing solar panels for country houses you can choose systems with lower power, since energy costs in such buildings are not very high.

In contrast, it is usually noon at home, but the photovoltaic power plant is at full speed and the electricity produced can be stored in batteries. It will be saved for later use. Electricity consumption is usually highest in the evening, but the panels on the roof no longer produce it.

The energy from the photovoltaic panels is controlled by cables in an inverter, which converts D.C. V alternating current. The inverter is connected to batteries and home closet. From the inverter, electricity passes through circuit breakers to all devices connected to the switch.

Another reliable manufacturer - SunShines . The company operates successfully on Russian market since 2010. It also produces ready-made kits of different price categories so that the consumer can choose best option for specific conditions.

Approximate prices for components

Above are the prices for ready-made systems, however, its elements can be purchased separately if necessary.

If you wish, you may prefer to use the excess electricity for your preferred use - for example, heating water, swimming pool, charging an electric car or heating. If the power plant even produces more than you can this moment, the device automatically saves excess electricity in the batteries. You can then use it later when the photovoltaic power plant cannot cover your consumption with immediate production - for example, in the evening or at night when the sun is off and the power plant is not producing electricity.

ImageDeviceCost in rubles
Delta GX 12-200 battery29 900
Inverter IS-24-300024 400
UPS PRO 4.5 kW61 300
Polycrystalline panel 300 W23 130

What controls the functionality and performance of a photovoltaic power plant?

A discount on electricity for consumption that you do not cover with your own production, guaranteeing favorable electricity prices for 36 months with the ability to seamlessly monitor the functionality and efficiency of your PV power plant for free. If you discuss the product, you will also be able to monitor the overflow of energy into the distribution network and monitor the use own energy. We also provide you with remote monitoring of the functionality of your PV power plant with the ability to connect to service center.

Helpful information! Delta batteries, represented by the GX series, are manufactured using GEL technology. The electrolyte is sulfuric acid, thickened in the form of a gel, which ensures temperature stability.

Installation work

In order to save money, some consumers install solar panels for their home with their own hands. This process involves fixing the panels in a suitable place and serial connection components.

Is a photovoltaic power plant suitable for my home?

The combination of direct consumption of energy produced in the house with the channeling of unused energy to the boiler has proven to be excellent choice. The entire installation took just one day. Joseph H. Turnov. Darina S. Prague 6. Pavla P. Haviřov. The photovoltaic power plant is suitable for everyone who wants to achieve partial self-sufficiency, contribute to fresh air and use clean energy. In homes, the solar power system is ideally combined with hydronic heating, air conditioning, a swimming pool or a pole to heat the building in spring and autumn.

Panel layout options

The plates themselves can be mounted in several places:

  • Installation on the roof of a house involves the creation supporting structure from profiles.
  • Installation on walls is not done so often, but it is acceptable. In this case, a special frame system is installed for holding.
  • Attaching to a separate support such as a barbell is suitable option, if the roof of the house is shaded or has weak load-bearing capacity.

On what roof can the panels be installed?

You've already decided on photovoltaics, but don't you know if it's right for your home? See what you need to know before you apply for subsidies or have your project run on your own photovoltaic power plant. Photovoltaic power plant can be installed on all types of roofs. The tilt angle is 35°, but is not prerequisite. It is important that the roof's load-bearing capacity is sufficient. Panel assembly in pure west and east seems very suitable due to consumption requirements and time of use.

Helpful information! In some cases, solar panels are mounted on balconies, if they are not shaded by trees, neighboring houses and other structures. In this case with outside the railing is arranged with a metal frame.

General rules

First of all, when installing, you should adhere to a certain angle of inclination, which is usually equal to the geographic latitude. It is important to maintain the azimuth. For the northern hemisphere it is 180 degrees.

When snow falls, the efficiency of the system can be reduced to zero, so unimpeded access to cleaning must be ensured. You don’t have to worry about this if the panels are fixed on the side surface at an angle that is close to 90 degrees.

When installing a large number of plates arranged in rows on inclined structures, it is necessary to avoid shading the elements with each other. The distance between the lines must be sufficient.


Although the cost of a set of solar panels for a home is quite high, the systems are beginning to be actively used by individual developers of various categories. They are often combined with other options, especially if there is no nearby centralized network. This is one of the environmentally clean ways obtaining electrical energy.

Video: the whole truth about solar panels

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IN modern conditions The issue of economical housekeeping is more than relevant, which is directly related to the constant rise in price of conventional energy resources, periodic economic crises and the disruption of the ecological balance on our planet. Switching to, for example, solar water heaters, airy solar heating, is a way to save money and take care of future generations.

Today, to install the appropriate equipment, you can use the services of professionals or install an air system. The second option is 4 times more economically profitable, since price is an important factor for decision-making, the consequences of which will produce results for many years.

Improvement of pre-existing technologies plays a direct role in the process of integration into modern system management of residential and industrial premises.

Therefore, for economically and technologically correct design of the system and installation of its elements, it is necessary to have the most complete picture of the possibilities of heating a house with solar panels.

Homemade systems: how solar energy is used

Solar space heating system.

Even a novice craftsman can equip solar heating with his own hands, but working with different types devices has some differences. It's about about solar panels and solar collector.

Solar panels allow you to accumulate energy and then use it for heating, heating fluids, and for power supply. electrical appliances. Photocells, which are the basis of batteries, are difficult to make yourself. Therefore, they are bought, connected into a chain and fixed in a separate housing, installing all the elements correctly.

Solar collectors (solar systems) heat private houses, additionally organizing hot water supply. Photocells are not required for the collector. Reviews indicate that even a novice craftsman can organize solar heating from scrap materials.

Flat solar systems are glazed and insulated boxes with coolant inside. The main element vacuum manifolds are tubes in which energy is converted.

So, the difference is that with the help of a battery you can produce electricity, and with the help of a collector you can heat water.

Diagram of the solar system.

Economic efficiency of using a solar energy generator

Solar heating panels generate electrical energy through photovoltaic reactions. On average, one module has a power from 50 to 300 W with an efficiency of up to 30%, which is a low figure. The economic benefit lies in a different - efficient - energy production, which allows you to recoup costs within 3 years of system operation. Once you have installed solar heating, you can forget about the problem for 25 years, since this is the period that manufacturers set for the operation of the equipment.

Advantageous parameters of this type of heating include saving internal usable space, which is achieved by installing a heating battery on the roof of the building. In this case, you should adhere to certain rules:


  1. Equipment providing solar heating is installed on the south side, since this is where greatest number heat.
  2. The roof should not be horizontal, but inclined - approximately 45°.
  3. Solar panels are quite heavy, so rafter system The roof of the house must be strong. The threat of collapse is most likely in winter time when snow accumulates on the roof.
  4. In the yard, on the side of the house where the batteries are located, there should be no trees or buildings creating a shadow.

The calculation of the area of ​​space required for batteries is carried out individually, but you can get your bearings by taking into account the following parameters: for middle zone To heat a house with an area of ​​100 sq.m., you will need about 30 sq.m. of batteries. The need should be taken into account isolated place in a house in which equipment will be installed that will be used in cloudy weather or in the dark.

The economic benefit is also determined by the type of system that is connected to the electric boiler, in particular:

  • electric;
  • water

The first is the most popular due to its efficiency in slightly heating large areas of the house, for example, heated floors. Electrical system easier to adjust according to weather conditions and the number of people in the house. Equipment electric heating easier to install, and there are no bulky pipes and radiators under the windows.

Components of the system.

Vulnerability of the alternative heating system

Calculating the efficiency of a solar battery for heating a house allows you to determine its payback period. As already mentioned, this is 3 years, but subject to several conditions.

Firstly, if there is not enough energy and the house has to be heated with gas, the costs of solar heating increase, which as a result leads to an increase in payback periods.

Reducing the cost of operating equipment for heating a home with solar panels can be achieved by improving energy efficiency indicators. In other words, before moving to alternative source energy, it is necessary to take care of thermal insulation, eliminating the possibility of heat leakage. Insulated walls, roof and floor, caulked cracks in windows and doors will reduce energy costs, which will reduce the payback period.

Secondly, effective work Home heating systems using solar panels are only possible with proper care. Surface contamination will reduce energy efficiency. Therefore, it is recommended to clean the external units at least once every six months.

Water solar heating.

Reviews from home owners solar system heating indicate the need to create a backup system, for example, gas boiler. If there is a centralized power grid, it is possible to provide the possibility of switching its power during seasons with an insufficient number of sunny days. Most often the need additional source energy arises in winter, but in autumn and spring heating with solar panels is economically feasible.

Operating principles of basic heating systems

To provide heating and water supply hot water The house uses two systems that use different coolants - water and air. The design of such systems is somewhat different, as is their efficiency.

Water solar heating can consist of the following elements:

Such solar heating of the house works on the principle of heat transfer from pre-heated water passing through pipelines and heating devices. The calculation confirms the economical consumption of material used for heating, which is achieved due to the heat capacity of water. It is believed that when heated to one temperature level, water has 4000 times more heat capacity than air.

Consumer reviews indicate the complexity of installing and operating water solar equipment, the need for constant monitoring of the generator operation. At low temperatures the water filling the pipeline freezes and expands, causing the entire system to collapse. Equipment can only be installed during the construction of a house or its major renovation.

Air solar heating and hot water supply is provided warm air, pumped by special fans. The difference between this system is the use of powerful fans rather than pumps.

Air solar heating has high level Efficiency, since there are no transmission elements in its circuit. Heating system combines with a climate control system, which allows you to create and maintain a comfortable indoor microclimate. Due to the low inertia, the room is heated very quickly. Airborne solar heating has proven its effectiveness, and its price is determined depending on the volume of heated premises, average annual weather conditions and some other factors.

Airborne solar heating system.

Before purchasing necessary equipment and its installation requires the following calculation:

  1. The power of the air heater, taking into account that the room must receive sufficient heating, and heat losses must be compensated.
  2. The speed of supply of air that heats up.
  3. Inevitable heat losses that occur through the walls of the room, windows, doors, due to drafts or other reasons.
  4. The diameter of the air duct, taking into account the aerodynamic characteristics of the entire system, which will determine the amount of air pressure loss.

If the calculation turns out to be incorrect, the thermal heaters may overheat, vibration, and additional noise may occur, which creates discomfort and subsequently leads to system failure.

A simple option for air heating at home

The simplest option is to create solar air heating with your own hands from metal corrugated sheets. The material calculation is as follows: to create a box measuring 180x120x15 cm, you will need moisture-resistant plywood 1.2 cm thick for the side walls and 0.7 cm for the back wall.

Along the perimeter of the finished box, a 4x4 cm beam is attached to the back wall, on which mineral wool is laid in a layer 4 cm thick. The surface obtained after insulation is sewn up with corrugated board and painted black matte paint with heat-resistant characteristics.

The principle of operation of the air manifold.

In the middle of the box, strips are nailed, the size of which corresponds to the distance from the wall to the glass, which will then be installed. The planks are nailed in the form of a labyrinth to create the necessary air circulation. A rectangular hole is cut in the lower part of the side wall through which air is supplied. The hole is protected by a mesh or air filter. Glazing solar collector is complemented by careful sealing of all joints.

On the side opposite to the air supply hole, another hole is cut in which the fan is installed. When the sun's rays hit the corrugated sheet, heat is generated. It will then be pumped to heat the room. Do-it-yourself solar heating allows you to get about 60°C at the outlet at a temperature of +10°C.

We use drainpipes for heating

Do-it-yourself solar air heating from corrugated sheets allows you to save on expensive energy resources in the spring-autumn period, subject to heating small areas. Airborne solar heating, created from heat-conducting materials, has more impressive dimensions and output. aluminum pipes predominantly rectangular in cross-section.

The collector consists of a large box, the length of which is equal to the length of the house. To create a durable frame, boards 3-4 cm thick and moisture-resistant plywood from 0.8 to 1 cm are used. The principle of creating a collector is the same as in the case of corrugated sheeting: back wall the knocked down box is insulated with mineral wool, the sides - with polystyrene foam. Layer mineral wool covered with an aluminum sheet to which pipes are attached using clamps.

The figure schematically shows the operating principle of airborne solar collectors.

The collector made of aluminum pipes, providing air-based solar heating, has a peculiarity: the inlet and outlet openings for air are located in one part and are separated wooden partitions. Next, glazing is carried out (transparent slate can be used), painting and installation of fans at the entrance and exit.

The finished collector is installed at an angle to the house, and air ducts are supplied to it through a trench insulated with foam plastic.

Do-it-yourself solar air heating, created using the described technology, in winter until 15.00 inclusive at sub-zero temperature not lower than 10°C allows you to get air at the outlet with a temperature of 65°C. Calculation of heat volumes that can be obtained in summer time, gives even more impressive performance, so it is recommended to shade the equipment to avoid overheating.

We heat water with solar energy

Solar water heaters can be purchased in stores or made by yourself. The price of equipment depends on the volume of the tank and the number and type of tubes. On average, these figures range from 26 to 80 thousand (you can heat from 127 to 340 liters of water).

You can find hundreds of designs of such equipment, but the greatest demand is for portable solar water heaters, which, if necessary, can be taken to the country or taken with you on a hike. Reviews confirm that the opportunity to have hot water day and night - a serious argument in favor of creating a convenient collector.

The most labor-intensive part of a future water heater is the tank. To make it, you will need a sheet of galvanized iron, from which the base of the tank is cut out with allowances of 2-2.5 cm. After shaping, the joints are carefully soldered. Careful calculation will allow you to do the job from one sheet, but if that fails, you can create a structure from two galvanized sheets.