Professional image interests and preferences in the profession. Describe a professional image example. Do I need to indicate all my merits?

Study of professional self-determination in adolescence and adolescence is inextricably linked with the study of professional interests and inclinations. As L.A. notes in his work. Golovey, professional self-determination is a complex psychological education that includes cognitive interests, life guidelines, professional orientation and professional plans. The connection between professional self-determination and interests is also pointed out by E.Yu. Pryazhnikov and T.A. Egorenko, saying that “the choice of profession can lead to professional self-determination, provided that a school graduate chooses a profession according to his abilities, interests, inclinations, and aspirations.”

Researchers identify in adolescents different types interests. Essential in the development of a teenager’s interests, according to S.L. Rubinstein, is the beginning of specialization and differentiation of interests, their focus on a certain area of ​​activity, professional - literature, technology, art, a certain scientific field, which occurs under the influence of the entire system of conditions in which the development of a teenager occurs.

Our study involved 2,372 eighth-graders from 49 educational complexes in the Northern Administrative District of Moscow (1,152 girls and 1,220 boys). To study the interests and professional preferences of students, we used the “Map of Interests” methodology (modified by O.G. Filimonova) and a career guidance questionnaire that we developed. The data obtained show that every third boy and every fifth girl have not yet thought about choosing a profession, while among girls there are more of those who doubt their choice of profession, and among boys there are more of those who have decided and are confident in their choice (Table 1).

Table 1 Choice of profession




haven’t thought about choosing a profession

doubt the choice

have decided and are confident in their choice

Girls more often than boys believe that ignorance of their abilities and capabilities is the main reason why they cannot decide on a career choice (62.85% of girls and 50.74% of boys). This may be due to the fact that girls are more anxious and prone to introspection. Poor knowledge of the world of professions was cited by every fifth teenager (19.7% of girls and 22.05% of boys) as the reason for difficulties in choosing a profession.

The study of the interests and professional preferences of adolescents was carried out using a modified “Interest Map” method. The technique involves assessing the degree of your interest in 17 different professional areas on a scale from +2 (like it very much) to -2 (don’t like it at all). There are 5 statements for each area. Thus, maximum interest is expressed by a score of +10, complete lack of interest by a score of -10. Analysis of the research results showed that there are significant gender differences in the answers of eighth-graders. On average, girls are twice as likely as boys to choose the fields of biology and medicine, as well as the field of foreign languages, four times more often to choose the field of pedagogy and psychology, and six times more often to choose the field of art. Boys give preference to exact sciences and the technical field: on average, twice as often as girls they choose the fields of mathematics and physics, six times more often in the field of information technology, eight times more often in military affairs and sports, ten times more often in the fields of technology and transport (Table 2).

table 2

Distribution of eighth-graders' interest in professional fields

Professional areas


Maximum positive

answers, number of people

Maximum positive

answers, number of people


Geography, geology


Physics mathematics


Information technology

Psychology, pedagogy

Military affairs, sports

Philology, journalism


Service sector


Foreign languages


These data are also confirmed by the results of the survey. Teenagers were asked to choose the area of ​​activity or knowledge that most interested them from the list provided. Twice as many boys choose the field of exact sciences (mathematics, physics) - 39.75%, while 18.32% of girls chose this field. The humanities field (literature, journalism, linguistics, pedagogy, psychology) was chosen by almost half as many boys as girls (20.74% of boys and 47.48% of girls). Also, almost half as many boys chose the field of art (music, theater, visual arts) - 15.33% of boys and 39.32% of girls.

Among the boys who have decided on a profession and are confident in their choice, the majority are those who have chosen the profession of a doctor (every seventh teenager names it). The next most popular professions are programmer, cook, engineer, military man, machinist, auto mechanic, lawyer. The most common profession among girls is a doctor (every fourth girl named it). The following professions follow: architect, journalist, psychologist, cook, teacher, veterinarian. As we see from these data, the professional preferences of adolescents have gender differences - girls mainly choose professions related to the humanitarian sphere, and boys - in the field of technology and transport.

We also carried out an analysis of the school subjects most preferred by eighth-graders.

It turned out that 10% more girls than boys named the most favorite school subjects related to the humanities (Russian language, literature, foreign language). Exact sciences (algebra, geometry) are preferred by 10% fewer girls than boys, but subjects such as computer science and physics are preferred twice as much fewer girls than boys. Girls are twice as likely as boys to name their favorite subjects related to the artistic and aesthetic cycle (art, music, world art culture). Thus, we see that the data obtained using various methods are consistent: girls’ interests more often lie in the humanitarian field. The humanitarian orientation of girls is manifested in their preference for school subjects in the humanities, as well as in the choice of professions in the humanitarian spectrum. Boys are more interested in the exact sciences, the fields of technology and transport, they choose the corresponding professions and prefer subjects related to the field of exact sciences. In this regard, it is of interest to study the influence of passion for school subjects on the professional plans of high school students N.M. Shchedukhina (2010). She suggested that there was a relationship between planning for career prospects and engaging in school subjects. This connection was found only in some subjects: mathematics, biology, physics, chemistry, history, social studies, Physical Culture, World Art. It was also found that passion for school subjects related to relevant professional plans has a positive effect on school performance.

For eighth graders the following academic year is decisive. In the ninth grade, they will need to decide: to receive secondary vocational education or, having chosen a profile, to continue their studies in the tenth grade. As O.V. writes in his study. Kuznetsova, 87.5% of tenth graders and 80% of 11th grade students believe that in order to successfully choose a specialized education, it is necessary to know one’s psychological qualities (abilities, interests, personal characteristics). Teenagers note the importance of acquiring in-depth knowledge in the disciplines of the school curriculum that interest them. Schoolchildren believe that specialized education makes it possible to “take only those subjects that will help in the profession”, “better understand the subjects”, “improve your academic performance”, “discover your abilities”, “develop your skills and talents”. Specialized education is “help for entering a university,” “an opportunity to study your favorite subjects in depth,” “a chance to improve your knowledge.”

In our opinion, it is necessary to systematically monitor the interests and professional preferences of students from grades 8 to 11 in order to identify adolescents with unformed interests and preferences for further correctional and developmental work with them. It is also advisable to include material on professional self-determination in programs for school subjects: acquaintance with professions that can be obtained within a given subject area, professional tests (practical exercises within the program). It is necessary to organize design and research activities within the program, subject competitions, olympiads and quizzes. Positive results The integration of subjects in various fields also provides benefits - for example, conducting joint lessons in literature and technology, biology and physics. Such events will contribute to the development of adolescents’ interests and, consequently, professional self-determination.


1. Golovey L.A. Professional self-determination on the threshold of adulthood: indicators, factors, crises. On the threshold of growing up. Collection of scientific articles / Ed.: L.F. Obukhova, I.A. Korepanova. – M.: MGPPU, 2011. – 297 p.

2. Kuznetsova, O.V. High school students’ ideas about a specialized school // Modern psychology: theory and practice: Materials of the 1st international scientific and practical conference June 29-30, 2011: - M., 2011. – P.117-121.

3. Pryazhnikova E.Yu., Egorenko T.A. The problem of professional development of personality [Electronic resource] // Modern foreign psychology. 2012. T.1 No. 2. P.111-122 URL: (access date: 03/31/2013)

4. Rubinshtein S.L. Fundamentals of general psychology - St. Petersburg: Peter Publishing House, 2000. – 712 p.

5. Filimonova O.G. Modification of the interest map // Newspaper " School psychologist", 2007. No. 2.

6. Shchedukhina N.M. The influence of passion for school subjects on the professional plans of high school students [Electronic resource] // Psychological Science and education 2010. No. 4. URL: (access date: 03/31/2013)


professional preferences and personal characteristics of future lawyers

T.D. Dubovitskaya, professor of the department of criminal law, process and criminology of the Sterlit-Mak branch of the Bashkir state university, Doctor of Psychology

Choice future profession, preparation and subsequent self-realization in it together constitute one of the most important aspects human life activity. And it's no wonder that so many psychological research V last decades are devoted to the problem of professional self-determination and self-realization of a person in the profession. In particular, A. Maslow believed that self-actualization manifests itself through passion meaningful work. K. Jaspers connected self-realization with the work to which a person devoted himself. V. Frankl saw the fullness of human life in a person’s ability to find new meaning in specific case and throughout my life. I.S. Cohn argues that self-realization manifests itself through work, work and communication. That is why it is so important that ensuring a specialist’s competitiveness is not only the goal of training, but also his personal goal.

Professional activity, as is known, places specific demands on the person performing it, including the characteristics

personality. In turn, successful performance of professional activity presupposes a person’s awareness of the requirements it imposes and their compliance with personal characteristics. At the same time, it is reasonable to expect that a person is unlikely to choose a profession in which, in his opinion, he cannot achieve success. In this regard, the question arises: to what extent does a person correlate his personal characteristics with his professional preferences?

Among the factors influencing the choice of profession and the success of self-realization in it, the personality traits and properties of the person himself undoubtedly play an important role. A person, as it were, “tryes on” a profession for himself, ultimately giving preference to the one in which, in his opinion, he can achieve the greatest success in obtaining and self-realization. At the same time, in general, three options can manifest themselves in assessing one’s capabilities and abilities: adequate assessment, lack of self-confidence and overestimation. Unfortunately, even if a person objectively has the opportunity to

ty, and the ability to achieve success, his lack of self-confidence is the factor that does not allow him to develop and realize himself in the desired direction. And at the same time, with a strong desire, even with serious constitutional defects, a person finds ways to compensate for missing abilities and achieves success. Especially when we're talking about already about actually future specialists who receive vocational training and are really familiar with their future profession.

In our study, the task was to identify the relationship between the preferred profession and a person’s personality traits. The subjects were fourth- and fifth-year students of the Faculty of Law of the Sterlitamak branch of the Bashkir State University, a total of 75 people (25 boys and 50 girls).

As is known, legal professions are very different from each other and present different requirements towards employees, which, in turn, determines the prestige of various legal professions. In this regard, students were first asked to rank several legal professions according to their preference. The professions ranked were judge, prosecutor, lawyer, investigator, notary, and legal consultant. The resulting ranks were subsequently converted into points. The students were then tested using a multivariate personality questionnaire R. Cattell. The results of ranking legal

of certain professions and R. Cattell's test were subjected to correlation analysis. Let's consider the results obtained.

The ranking allowed us to identify three groups of professions that did not differ in the degree of preference within the group, but clearly differed from each other between the groups. The first group (the most prestigious professions) - judge, prosecutor; second group (middle level) - lawyer, notary; the third group (the least prestigious) - legal adviser, investigator. Moreover, boys and girls did not differ in the distribution of their professional preferences. Although it is known, for example, that there are practically no female prosecutors. At the same time, the profession of an investigator, although it was in last place, is, as you know, one of the most popular legal professions.

Interesting results were obtained by calculating correlations between preferred professions and personality traits students on the Cattell test. In young men, in particular, the following significant correlations were revealed (p< 0,05).

Preference for the profession of a judge is directly proportional to factor N (straightforwardness - diplomacy) and negatively correlated with factor Q4 (relaxation - tension). That is, young men who prefer the profession of a judge are characterized by diplomacy, manifested in emotional restraint, insight, caution, prudence, and the ability to find a way out of difficult situations.

At the same time, they are also characterized by relaxation, manifested in calmness, apathy, excessive satisfaction, and equanimity.

Preference for the profession of a prosecutor is negatively correlated with factor C (emotional instability

Emotional stability). That is, young men who prefer the profession of a prosecutor are characterized by emotional instability, impulsiveness, mood swings, instability of interests, low tolerance, irritability, and fatigue. Indeed, the profession of a prosecutor allows one to demonstrate these qualities, but how much this benefits the case remains questionable.

Preference for the profession of an investigator negatively correlates with factors O (low normative behavior - high normative behavior) and N (straightforwardness

Diplomacy). In this regard, such young men are characterized by a tendency to inconstancy, susceptibility to the influence of feelings, self-indulgence, disorganization, impulsiveness, flexibility in relation to social norms, freedom from their influence, sometimes unscrupulousness. They are also characterized by straightforwardness, tactlessness, spontaneity, simplicity of tastes, contentment with what they have, and lack of discipline. Perhaps the manifestation of these qualities allows the investigator to be creative and act at his own discretion, but these qualities, apparently, can also explain the lowest popularity

of this profession among future lawyers.

In girls, slightly different significant correlations between preferred professions and personality traits were revealed.

The preference for the prosecutor's profession among girls is directly proportional to factors such as L (gullibility - suspicion), O (calmness - anxiety), Q4 (relaxation - tension). Thus, the profession of a prosecutor correlates with such personal characteristics girls as caution, self-centeredness, wariness towards people, the desire to blame others for mistakes, irritability; anxiety, fear, self-doubt, apprehension, sensitivity to the approval of others, guilt and dissatisfaction with oneself; composure, energy, anxiety, frustration, irritability. As you can see, the listed set of qualities does not bring anything good to the profession of a prosecutor. Apparently, it is precisely because of this that women are practically not allowed into this profession.

The preference for the lawyer profession is directly proportional to factor B (restraint - expressiveness) among girls. That is, the profession of a lawyer is preferred by girls who are characterized by cheerfulness, enthusiasm, impulsiveness, emotional brightness in relationships between people, dynamic communication, and emotional leadership in a group. The listed qualities are effective

They can definitely help with the work of a lawyer.

The profession of an investigator correlates directly in girls with factor B (intelligence) and inversely in proportion with factor A (closedness - sociability). This profession really requires extraordinary intelligence, acumen, high level verbal culture, and girls who prefer this profession may well succeed here. Higher isolation, expressed in secrecy, a tendency towards objectivity, excessive severity in assessing people, is also what allows a female investigator to be successful in her work. It should be noted that girls who prefer the profession of investigator differ in better side in terms of their personal qualities from young men who prefer the same profession. And in practice this is true. It’s probably not in vain that last years female investigators became popular detective characters.

Factor A (closedness - sociability) in girls is directly proportional to the preference for the professions of a notary and legal adviser, which is not at all surprising. Willingness to cooperate, attention to people, activity in eliminating conflicts, ease in establishing direct interpersonal contacts - these are the qualities that are primarily needed by notaries and legal advisers.

For girls, preference for the legal profession is characterized by an inversely proportional correlation.

lation with factors b (gullibility

Suspiciousness) and Q4 (relaxation - tension), which is also very significant for their success in the profession. Openness, agreeableness, tolerance, complaisance, compliance, combined with calmness and equanimity help to successfully solve many problems that a legal adviser faces. The low prestige of this profession is due to the low motivation associated with the listed qualities. As is known, a legal adviser is often limited in his career growth, and in material rewards.

The study confirmed the assumption made about the relationship between professional preferences and personal qualities future specialists. Also received an explanation for the low

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  • Personality of a juvenile offender: development trends and possibilities for rehabilitation


  • Studying and diagnosing the diversity of people’s professional interests is a task no less important than drawing up classifications of professions; more precisely, these two tasks determine one another: after all, motives, as we know, arise within the framework of already existing activities, and the more new professions become, the more diverse and professional preferences of people.

    The study of professional interests is accompanied by two methodological difficulties: firstly, people often have insufficient information about existing professions; secondly, there are social stereotypes and family scenarios that limit a person in advance in expressing his preferences (for example, a young man who loves small children is more likely to In general, he will not want to work as a teacher in a kindergarten).

    One of the first attempts to study professional orientation was made in 1920 by E. Strong, who created special method diagnosing interests of Blank Strong. In 1974, the methodology was significantly revised, as a result of which it began to allow diagnosing a person’s preferences in five areas related to the profession: these are the professions themselves (represented in accordance with awareness), academic subjects(thanks to which career guidance arises), individual actions (for example, public speaking, repairing watches), entertainment and everyday communication with people (the very old, representatives of risky professions, etc.).

    The results indicate a person’s propensity for one of the six groups of professions identified by J. Holland: these are practical, research, artistic, social, entrepreneurial and conventional professions. Based on the fact that within each professional group several variants of professional activity coexist, the methodology also includes a scale that records academic orientation (the desire to continue one’s education) and an extroversion-introversion scale that diagnoses the attitude towards people and the subject’s ability to establish contact with them, which also important for orientation within of this type professions.

    Another attempt to study professional interests was reflected in the family of questionnaires developed by G. Kuder, which are based on measuring the correspondence of the structure of the respondent’s interests with the interests inherent in the professional reference group. Kuder identified ten areas of interest: activities on outdoors, technical, computing, educational, artistic, literary, musical, social and clerical types of professional activities that formed these groups based on their empirical content (theoretically, these groups could be balanced and subordinated somewhat differently, but then this would be a classification of professions).

    Professional interests

    1 Ability to process materials
    2 A penchant for business contacts
    3 Tendency to uncreative work
    4 Tendency to moral education of people
    5 Tendency to take special care of one's prestige
    6 Tendency to intellectual activity related to communication
    7 Propensity for scientific and technical activities
    8 Tendency to abstract thinking and creative work
    9 A penchant for technology and machine control
    10 Tendency to engage in productive activities that bring visible results

    If we return to the problem of classification of professions, then interests and inclinations, of course, are taken into account among other professionally important qualities; they are distributed among ten factors, various combinations which represent examples of interest in various types professional work.

    In domestic psychodiagnostics, the Differential Diagnostic Questionnaire by E. A. Klimov is used, which makes it possible to determine in adolescents a propensity for one or more of the following five groups of professions: man-man, man-nature, man-sign, man-artistic image, man-technology. However, despite all the validity of this typology, there are many professions that occupy an intermediate position between the identified types.

    S. K. Nartova-Bochaver

    Nakonechnaya Alexandra, Dyachenko Yulia

    Presentation of the five main types of existing professions. Ten most popular professions in modern Russia. Preferences of schoolchildren of different age groups of MAOU Gymnasium No. 11 “Harmony” in choosing professions based on a survey.



    Main Department of Education of the Novosibirsk City Hall

    Palace of creativity for children and students "Junior"

    Open city competition of research projects

    students in grades 5-8

    Direction: humanitarian project

    Choosing a profession is your future

    Dyachenko Yulia Alexandrovna

    MAOU No. 11 “Harmony”

    7th grade

    Project consultants:

    Andreichenko Olesya Nikolaevna

    higher history teacher

    qualification category contact number manager:


    Davydenko Natalya Alekseevna

    candidate historical sciences,

    associate professor of the department National history NSPU

    Project portfolio

    Project: “The choice of profession is your future”

    Project participants:

    Nakonechnaya Alexandra Evgenievna

    Dyachenko Yulia Alexandrovna

    Project consultants:

    History teacher of the highest qualification category Andreichenko Olesya Nikolaevna; Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of National History of the NSPU Natalya Alekseevna Davydenko

    Class: 7

    Name, number of the educational institution where the project was carried out:MAOU gymnasium No. 11 “Harmony”.

    Subject area:social science, sociology.

    Time spent on the project:January 2013 - April 2013

    Project problem:preferences of students of the 7th and 10th grades of MAOU Gymnasium No. 11 “Harmony” in professional choice.

    Objective of the project: determination of preferences in choosing a profession modern schoolchildren of different age groups using the example of students from MAOU Gymnasium No. 11 “Harmony”.


    1. Introduce the five main types of professions;
    2. To identify the preferences of schoolchildren of different age groups of MAOU Gymnasium No. 11 “Harmony” in choosing professions based on a survey.

    Project type ( by type of activity):search, research.

    Technologies used: multimedia.

    Project Product Form:multimedia presentation; comparative diagrams based on a survey conducted among students in the 7th and 10th grades of Gymnasium No. 11, its analysis and comments.


    Acquaintance with literature on the topic “Choice of a profession”;

    Preparation of questions for the questionnaire “Choice of a profession”;

    Conducting a survey among students in the 7th grade (83 people) and 10th grade (50 people) of the gymnasium;

    Processing and analysis of survey results;

    Presentation of survey results in the form of diagrams;

    Presentation of the survey results in a comparative table.

    Scope of the project result:

    Educational (social studies and economics lessons, class hours);

    Extracurricular activities (club work to study professions, parent meetings, etc.);

    Social (cooperation, assistance to teachers, parents and students).

    The work will be of interest to older schoolchildren, their parents and teachers, as well as anyone who is faced with the problem of professional choice.

    Performance:a project has been created that presents the preferences in choosing professions of students in the 7th and 10th grades of MAOU Gymnasium No. 11, giving an idea of ​​the professional preferences of modern teenagers.

    I.Introduction……………………………………………………………….……. 5-6

    II.Choice of a profession is your future………………………………………………………..7-13

    A). 5 types of professions

    b). Top 10 popular professions

    V). Preferences of schoolchildren of different age groups of MAOU Gymnasium No. 11 “Harmony” in choosing professions


    IV. List of used literature and sources……………..….…….16


    1. Introduction.

    All works are good -

    Choose according to your taste.

    V.V. Mayakovsky

    A profession is a type of human labor activity that requires a certain level of knowledge, special skills, and training of a person and at the same time serves as a source of income. Profession determines a person's position in society. When choosing a profession, a person chooses not only a job, but also a way of life.Nowadays, it is difficult for a person to choose a profession, because the world of professions is quite diverse - specialists number more than 7 thousand professions, of which several hundred are the most in demand. Character and abilities are the combination that most influences the choice of profession. “What do you want to be when you grow up?” - this question worries not only teenagers, but also their parents. What profession should you choose for yourself so as not to make a mistake with your choice?

    Target given research work- determination of preferences in the choice of profession of modern schoolchildren of different age groups using the example of students of MAOU Gymnasium No. 11 “Harmony”.

    The goal was achieved through the following tasks:

    1. Introduce the 5 main types of professions;
    2. Determine the 10 most popular professions in Russia and Novosibirsk;
    3. Based on the results of the survey, to identify the preferences of schoolchildren of different age groups of MAOU Gymnasium No. 11 in choosing professions.

    Object of study:modern professions.

    Subject of study: preferences of students of the 7th and 10th grades of MAOU Gymnasium No. 11 in professional choice.

    Methodological basis of work. When processing the materials used, we proceeded from the need to analyze, compare and subsequently summarize the data obtained during the student survey.

    Source base. Our work is based on materials from our own sociological research conducted among students in the 7th and 10th grades of MAOU Gymnasium No. 11 “Harmony” (133 people in total).

    The following publications were useful in writing this work. First of all, this is the encyclopedia for children “Choice of a Profession” by the Avanta+ publishing center.The book introduces the world of professional activity in an interesting, objective and accessible way, allowing you to look at the problem of professional self-determination as a natural stage of human development. The facts influencing the choice of profession are discussed in detail.

    Issues of job search and employment are discussed, information about the labor market is provided, and popular, rare and dangerous professions are discussed. Authorsarticles - leading specialists in the field of career guidance, scientists, university teachers. Book of psychologistsA.G.Gretsova and T.A.Bedareva “100 popular professions. Psychology of a successful career for high school students and students" is focused on professions that involve obtaining higher education, popular in modern world. It describes the hundred most popular professions.The main emphasis is on professions that have recently spread and are popular among modern youth: web designer, logistics, merchandiser, marketer, advertising specialist, etc. In addition to descriptions of professions, the book also gives psychological mechanisms their choice.

    When working on the project, information about the characteristics of various professions was drawn from electronic sources - materials from various Internet sites.

    Practical significance. The information used in this work can be useful in social studies lessons, classroom hours, dedicated to the issues of choosing a profession, will be of interest to everyone who is faced with an important life choice.

    Work structure. The work consists of three parts: introduction, main part and conclusion. The work also includes a list of references and sources used and applications with the results of measurement materials.

    I.Choice of profession is your future.

    A). Five main types of professions.

    Depending on the subject of work, all professions are divided into five types: “Man – nature”, “Man – technology”, “Man – man”, “Man – sign systems”, “Man – artistic image”.

    "Man is nature."Here the main, leading subject of labor is nature.

    Professions: master livestock breeder, livestock specialist, agronomist, dog handler, etc. Among the professions of the “man - nature” type, one can distinguish professions whose subject of work is: plant organisms, animal organisms, microorganisms. This division does not mean that human labor is directed only at the items mentioned above. Plant growers, for example, work in teams, use a variety of equipment, and deal with issues of economic evaluation of their work. But still, the main subject of attention and concern of plant growers is plants and their environment. When choosing a profession of this type, it is very important to understand exactly how a person relates to nature: as a place for relaxation or as a workshop in which he is going to devote all his energy to production. And one more point that must be taken into account when choosing these professions. The peculiarity of biological objects of labor is that they are complex, changeable (according to their internal laws), and non-standard. Plants, animals, and microorganisms live, grow, develop, and also get sick and die. An employee needs not only to know a lot about living organisms, but to anticipate possible changes in them. A person is required to have initiative and independence in solving work problems, caring, and foresight.

    "Man - technology". Here the main, leading subject of labor is technical objects (machines, mechanisms), materials, types of energy.

    Professions: carpenter, mechanical engineer, architect, electrical installer, radio mechanic, etc. Of course, the work of workers here is aimed not only at technology, but still the leading subject of professional attention is the area of ​​technical objects and their properties. When processing, transforming, moving and evaluating technical objects, the worker is required to have precision and certainty of actions. Since technical objects are always created by man himself, in the world of technology there are especially wide opportunities for innovation, invention, and technical creativity. Along with creative approach In the field of technology, a person is required to have high performance discipline.

    "Man is a man". Here the main, leading subject of labor is people.

    Professions: doctor, teacher, psychologist, hairdresser, tour guide, manager, director of an artistic group, etc. To successfully work in professions of this type, you need to learn how to establish and maintain contacts with people, understand people, understand their characteristics, and also acquire knowledge in the relevant field of production , science, art.

    A short list of qualities that are very important in this work: sustainable good mood in the process of working with people, the need for communication, the ability to understand the intentions, thoughts, moods of people, the ability to quickly understand people’s relationships, the ability to find mutual language with different people.

    “Man – sign systems”. Here the main, leading subject of work is conventional signs, numbers, codes, natural or artificial languages.

    Professions: programmer, project architect, business architect, translator, draftsman, engineer, topographer, secretary-typist, etc. To successfully work in the profession, you need special abilities to mentally immerse yourself in the world of seemingly dry notations, to be distracted from the actual objective properties of the surrounding world and focus on the information that certain signs carry. When processing information in the form of conventional signs, the tasks of control, verification, accounting, processing of information, as well as the creation of new signs and sign systems arise.

    “Man is an artistic image.”Here the main, leading subject of work is the artistic image, the methods of its construction.

    Professions: artist, painter, musician, designer, stone carver, literary worker. One of the features of professions of this type is that a significant proportion of labor costs remains hidden from an outside observer.

    B). Top 10 popular professions in Russia and Novosibirsk.

    According to information taken from the encyclopedia “Choice of a Profession”top ten most popular professions in Russia in 2010-2011. looked like this:


    2. Marketer

    3. Menchandiser




    7. Media planner


    9. PR manager

    10. WEB professions.

    Popular professions are in demand in the modern market of trade and information services. This is in the spirit of the times and, in our opinion, promising.

    In modern Russia it is considered high paying job in people of professions such as “Man - nature” and “Man - technology”. Abroad, there are highly paid professions such as “Man - people”, “Man - nature”. This is due to the lack of specialists in these areas, high mental costs or professions that are harmful to health. In England and Germany there is almost no unemployment, so people choose professions that develop technology and teach the future generation. Unemployment is widespread in Russia, which proves the high demand for the most frequently in-demand professions.

    If we talk about the most in-demand professions in our city, then in 2012 this rating, compiled by the Research Service of the HEADHUNTER company, taking into account wages, looked like this:

    1.Head of the sales department (average salary 50,000 rubles)


    3.Sales manager

    4.Sales representative






    10. Secretary (18,000 rubles).

    When analyzing the obtained figures, attention is drawn to the fact that Novosibirsk accountants were at the very bottom of the ranking, ahead of only secretaries in the top ten with a proposed salary of 18,000 rubles. Even drivers in Novosibirsk earn more (24,000 rubles).

    The professional choice of Novosibirsk residents indicates the good development of a young, promising city and that the urban population keeps up with the times. Specialists employed in the trade and information sectors are paid well wages for their knowledge and skills.

    We assume that the tops presented above will continue to exist for another five years, as society develops and each country is looking for something new and bringing new technologies to the market.

    If we talk about the attractiveness of professions among students of our Gymnasium, then the following situation arises (see tables below):

    Preferences of gymnasium students in choosing professions

    7th grade

    10th grade







    7. Law enforcement officer








    5.WEB designer






    Comparing the data obtained, we can observe that preferences in choosing attractive professions among middle school and high school students differ, although both have entrepreneurs, economists, and lawyers among their priorities. It is interesting that both groups also contain professions that are considered dangerous - law enforcement officers and rescuers. The profession of a programmer is also popular (in the modern world, as already noted, information Technology occupy one of the leading places). And the profession of a teacher is present only in the list of professions for 7th graders (the lowest rating); high school students do not consider this profession as a possible one for themselves.

    Comparing the data obtained, we can observe that the preferences in choosing unattractive professions among middle-level and high school students also coincide - janitor, loader (requiring a lot of work). physical labor), salesman. The professions of educators and teachers occupy the lowest positions among high school students; apparently, the children care more about their own well-being than about the benefit to society. By the way, in the 1960s. 27% of children in our country dreamed of becoming teachers - this is the first place among all professions. By the 1980s, this number had dropped to 18.5%. 16% boys Soviet Union dreamed of becoming astronauts. 8% of girls in the USSR wanted to become ballerinas. In the top ten preferences of current schoolchildren, as we see, preferences are given to other professions.

    Surprisingly, many professions named by students as unattractive are in great demand in our city, such as hairdressers, drivers, and loaders. There is a shortage of trade representatives on the market - sales managers, merchandisers, accountants and auditors. If we try to make a forecast about the possible future employment of current gymnasium students, we can assume that they will not be left without work. In the city, you can take retraining courses in the required professions and get the necessary job.

    D).Preferences of schoolchildren of different age groups of MAOU Gymnasium No. 11 “Harmony” in choosing professions.

    The purpose of the survey was to identify the professional preferences of schoolchildren who will take the State Examination in two years and those students who will take the Unified State Exam in a year.

    The objectives of the survey were to find out how schoolchildren of different age groups of our Gymnasium relate to the world of professions, and whether they have made their professional choice. Four 7th grades - our peers (83 students) and three 10th grades (50 students) took part in the survey. Students were asked to answer the questionnaire [Appendix 1]

    What did the survey show?

    Results of a survey of 7th grade students.[Appendix 2]

    • The majority of 7th grade students have already chosen their future profession - 82%; did not choose - 18%.
    • Of the 83 students surveyed, 50.6% plan to study in Novosibirsk; in another city in Russia - 21.7%; abroad - 27.7% (Germany, France, USA), do not plan to study - 0%.
    • They know it professionally important qualities future profession 30.7%;
    • 24.7% know where to get the profession they like;
    • 23.1% of students know the subject, content and working conditions necessary for their future profession;
    • 21.3% know the demand for this profession in the labor market;
    • of the 18% who have not decided on a profession, 58.6% of students finally explain this by the fact that they cannot choose from several options;
    • of the 18% who had not decided on a profession, 20.6% did not choose a profession because they do not know the world of professions;
    • of the 18% who have not decided on a profession, 14% of students do not know at all how to choose a profession;
    • Of the 18% who have not decided on a profession, 6.8% do not know their capabilities well.

    Results of a survey of 10th grade students.[Appendix 3]

    The results of the survey showed that:

    • The majority of students chose a profession - 85%; 15% did not choose;
    • Of the 50 students surveyed, 62.5% plan to study in Novosibirsk; in another city 25%; abroad 12.5% ​​(France, England, Turkey), do not plan to study - 0%.
    • 27.2% of students know the professionally important qualities of their future profession;
    • 25.6% of students know where they can get the profession they like;
    • 31% of students know the subject, content and working conditions necessary for their future profession; 16.2% of students know the demand for this profession in the labor market.
    • Of the 15% who have not decided on their choice of profession, 16% cannot decide from several options;
    • Of the 15% who have not decided on their choice of profession, 34% do not know the world of professions;
    • Of the 15% who have not decided on their choice of profession, 29.5% of students do not know how to choose a profession;
    • Of the 15% who had not decided on their choice of profession, 20.5% of students did not choose a profession because they did not know their capabilities well.

    Comparative table of survey results for 7th and 10th grades

    7th grade

    10th grade

    1.Where do you plan to study after graduation?

    A) in your city;


    62, 5%

    B) in other cities;


    B) outside Russia


    Germany France USA


    France England Turkey

    Don't plan to study

    2.Total chosen profession

    Didn't choose a profession






    D) the demand for this profession in the labor market







    D) I don’t know how to choose a profession


    The figures presented in the table indicate that the majority of students in grades 7 and 10 have already chosen a profession. To obtain higher education, students prefer universities in Novosibirsk, and some want to receive education abroad (Turkey, England, France, USA) or in another city (Moscow, Tomsk). Students in grades 7 and 10 who did not choose a profession, in most cases did not do so because it was difficult to choose from several attractive professions or because they were poorly versed in big world professions. Most students have an idea about their future profession: they know professionally important qualities for their future profession, they know where to get a profession, subject, content and working conditions, and the demand for this profession in the labor market. Although knowledge about the future profession is different. As we expected, students choose professions related primarily to information technology.


    Working on this topic, we characterized five main types of professions, identified the 10 most popular professions in modern Russia and in the city of Novosibirsk; Based on the survey, we identified the preferences of schoolchildren of different age groups of MAOU Gymnasium No. 11 “Harmony” in choosing professions and came to the following conclusions.

    Depending on the subject of work, all professions are divided into five types: “Man – nature”, “Man – technology”, “Man – man”, “Man – sign systems”, “Man – artistic image”. And every person who thinks about choosing life path, must determine what type of profession he belongs to.

    Studying the ranking of the most popular professions in Russia, we learned that specialties related to trade and trade are in demand in the modern labor market. information services. This also applies to the situation in our city.

    Comparing the data obtained as a result of a survey of students in the 7th and 10th grades of Gymnasium No. 11, we came to the conclusion that the preferences in choosing attractive professions among middle school students and high school students differ, although both of them list the priorities as entrepreneur, economist and lawyer. It is interesting that both groups also contain professions that are considered dangerous - law enforcement officers and rescuers. The profession of a programmer is also popular. And the profession of a teacher is present only in the list of professions for 7th graders (the lowest rating); high school students do not consider this profession as a possible one for themselves.

    Studying the preferences of schoolchildren of different ages Our Gymnasium in the choice of unattractive professions, we also found similarities - janitor, loader (requiring a lot of physical labor), salesman. The professions of educator and teacher occupy the lowest positions among high school students (in 10th place among 7th graders); apparently, the children care more about their own well-being than about the benefit of society, choosing popular and highly paid professions. Surprisingly, many professions named by students as unattractive are in great demand in our city, such as hairdressers, drivers, and loaders. There is a shortage of trade representatives on the market - sales managers, merchandisers, accountants and auditors. If we try to make a forecast about the possible future employment of current gymnasium students, we can assume that they will not be left without work. In the city, you can take retraining courses in the required professions and get the necessary job.

    The figures presented in the tables and diagrams indicate that the majority of students in the 7th and 10th grades have already chosen a profession. To obtain higher education, students prefer universities in Novosibirsk, and some want to receive education abroad (Turkey, England, France, USA) or in another city (Moscow, Tomsk). Students in grades 7 and 10 who did not choose a profession, in most cases did not do so because of the difficulty of choosing from several attractive professions or because they are poorly oriented in the big world of professions, or perhaps they hope that they will do it for them parents? Most students have an idea about their future profession: they know professionally important qualities for their future profession, they know where to get a profession, subject, content and working conditions, and the demand for this profession in the labor market. Although knowledge about the future profession is different.

    Summing up the results of our survey, we realized that schoolchildren first of all want to get an education in their hometown, and this is probably due to the fact that they live here, their relatives and friends live here, who can help with their studies. Among 10th grade schoolchildren, the percentage of those who have decided on a profession is higher than among 7th graders. This is due to their older age.

    The survey conducted showed the relevance of our chosen topic, since some 7th grade children and even 10th graders still have little knowledge of the world of professions and are not able to make their professional choice; they do not know themselves well.

    We think that the current choice of students will not completely coincide with the real one and, nevertheless, the majority of the students surveyed have forecasts for their future lives, which suggests that this issue has already been thought about and is important for us, teenagers.

    This project, in our opinion, is promising. Firstly, it is possible to trace the dynamics of professional priorities after a year (for 10th graders) and over several years (for 7th graders). Secondly, it is possible to find out attitudes towards choosing a profession using the example of peers from the USA and Great Britain. Our foreign friends are ready to give their answers to our questions about professional interests. We believe that attention should also be paid to the issue of the role of parents in children’s choice of profession.

    List of used literature and sources.

    1. Encyclopedia for children “Choice of a profession” / chief editor. E. Anayeva. – M.: World of encyclopedias “Avanta+”, Astrel, 2009 – 428 p.

    2.Gretsov A.G., Bedareva T.A. “100 popular professions. Psychology of a successful career for high school and college students." - Peter. - St. Petersburg - 2009 – 272 p.

    Annex 1

    Questionnaire “Choice of a profession.”

    1. Where do you plan to study after graduation?

    A) in your city;

    B) in other cities;

    C) outside the borders of Russia (specify the city, country) __________________

    2. Have you chosen a profession?

    a) yes

    b) no

    3. What do you know about your future profession?

    A) subject, content and working conditions;

    B) professionally important qualities;

    C) where you can get this profession;

    D) the demand for this profession in the labor market.

    4. If you didn’t choose, why?

    A) I don’t know the world of professions well;

    B) I don’t know my capabilities well;

    C) I can’t choose from several options;

    D) I don’t know how to choose a profession.

    5.Top five most attractive professions for you

    6.Top five most unattractive professions for you.

    Appendix 2.

    Results of the study among 7th grade students.

    Based on the results, we can conclude: 7th grade students plan to: study in Novosibirsk - 50.6%; in another city - 21.7%; abroad - 27.7%, do not plan to study - 0%.

    Most 7th grade students have chosen a profession.

    Chose - 82%; did not choose - 18%.

    30.7% of 7th grade students know the professionally important qualities of their future profession; 24.7% of 7th grade students know where to get this profession; 23.1% of students know the subject, content and working conditions necessary for their future profession; 21.3% of 7th grade students know the demand for this profession in the labor market.

    Of those who have not decided on a profession: 58.6% of students cannot choose from several attractive options; 20.6% of students did not choose a profession because they do not know the world of professions; 14% of students did not choose a profession because they do not know how to choose a profession; 6.8% of students did not choose a profession because they do not know their capabilities well.

    Appendix 3

    Results of the study among 10th grade students.

    Based on the results, we can conclude: 62.5% of 10th grade students plan to study in Novosibirsk; in another city 25%; 12.5% ​​and 0% do not plan to study abroad.

    Most of the students chose a profession. Chose - 85%; not chosen - 15%

    27.2% of students know the professionally important qualities of their future profession; 25.6% of students know where they can get this profession; 31% of students know the subject, content and working conditions necessary for their future profession; 16.2% of students know the demand for this profession in the labor market.

    16% of 10th grade students have not finally chosen a profession because they cannot decide from several options; 34% of students did not choose a profession because they do not know the world of professions; 29.5% of students did not choose a profession because they do not know how to choose a profession; 20.5% of students did not choose a profession because they do not know their capabilities well.

    The professional interests of specialists are a topic of close attention of the employer in finding a suitable employee for a qualified workplace. For example, information about your interests in the professional field will tell you whether you will work with passion, and partly whether you will be able to cope with the assigned tasks. In ours with you professional fields and areas, dear friends, there are jobs that provide quality goods or services. Some of them require people with the necessary skills, others with necessary knowledge and skills, and on the third - with relevant professional knowledge, and with sound professional skills and a demonstrated interest in doing this particular job. Therefore, there are times when one or another professional interest in a candidate’s resume takes on the weight of a gold bar. Please remember this. Even if you are interested in a “simpler” job, know that communicating your interests professional field, will always make your resume stand out from among competitors who have ignored the statement of such information. Using the example below, we will analyze when certain professional interests in an applicant’s resume attract Special attention employers who select candidates to fill a vacant job position.

    As a result of working with this example, it will become clearer which interests are professional, which ones should definitely be written about in a resume, and which ones are better to remain silent about. If you have any questions, you can ask them in the comments - we will definitely answer and help you figure it out as best as possible. Don't wave your arms. The country needs valuable personnel and perhaps you are one of them. Just understand the topic and tell employers about your professional interests clearly and concisely. Well, whoever is “at a loss”, let him bury his talents in the ground and not complain that employers and clients “don’t care” - perhaps they just mirror his own attitude towards himself and his work. Sometimes it happens.

    Here is the main hint for you, for example.


    To remember and state in your resume the professional interests that are most suitable for the chosen vacancy, forget for a while about your benefits. Make it your priority potential client or the organization you want to work for, and focus only on them. In your professional interests, they should see what is important, necessary and profitable for THEM now.

    An example will indicate the golden thread that firmly ties your professional interest to a specific vacancy or organization. Click!