Make a rocking chair from profile pipes yourself. DIY rocking chair: is it worth the candle? Where to place a rocking chair at your summer cottage

Secondly, a simple and at the same time effective health simulator. Thirdly, it is surprisingly comfortable to relax in, read a book or indulge in sweet, addictive and enveloping laziness.

Since the statement that all diseases stem from nerves is largely true, a rocking chair can become a unique pill, a miracle cure for many diseases.

Rhythmic, uniform and calm swaying puts the human nervous system into some semblance of a trance - the body calms down, relaxes, but the parasympathetic nervous system just the opposite - it is activated.

A person relaxes, distracted from the daily routine and obsessive thoughts. A relaxed mind is “lazy” to control the body, the muscles relax, beginning to fully rest and recover, accumulating a reserve of strength.

A rocking chair will help overcome sleep problems, because measured rocking is the same manipulations that a mother performs when rocking her child to sleep. cradle. Just half an hour in a rocking chair - and deep healthy sleep will take you into his arms.

A rocking chair will help patients with tachycardia - rocking seems to set a certain uniform pace to which the heart adjusts. It trains the vestibular apparatus - after it it is easier to endure long trips in a car, train or plane.

Today, rocking chairs are made from different materials, but our most popular products are from rattan and vines.

What to make a rocking chair from: selecting materials

To make a reliable, strong and durable rocking chair, you need to use high-quality wood - coniferous varieties, oak or larch. Often, to simplify the work, plywood is used - its sheets are not only easy to saw to obtain a part of the required shape, but it is also quite plastic and lends itself well to further processing (sanding, painting).

The choice of material is almost entirely determined by the location where the rocking chair will be placed. An outdoor rocking chair should have additional protection and treated with antiseptic agents that minimize the impact of adverse aggressive natural factors(frost, rain, snow) and will allow you to maintain aesthetic appeal for as long as possible.

For a dacha, the best option seems to be a combination of metal and wood - the base (frame) is made of forged metal, and the seats are made of wood. And stores are increasingly offering plastic rocking chairs, which have two undoubted advantages: low price and high immunity to all natural influences.

How to make a rocking chair with your own hands: the most affordable options

The main part of the rocking chair design is two runners (skis) that have an arched shape, due to which, in fact, the chair can rock. These runners can be short or long. In chairs with long runners, the depth and amplitude of the swing is quite large; a person goes from a sitting position to a reclining position. Rocking chairs with short runners provide a calm and sedate rocking motion, which is why they are especially popular with older people.

To make a simple rocking chair, you don't even need a detailed drawing of a rocking chair. It is enough to take a ready-made, for example an old, chair (1) with wooden legs. Let's make two supports (2), for this we make two elements from bars that will have the same curved base. We also saw out the cheeks (3), which we later use as the bottom for the chair legs.

For each leg of the original chair, we cut out two limiting bars (4) - a total of eight. We nail the appropriate stops at the required distance for each support for all legs. Both supports have outside screw in three (6) furniture bolts - this will give the chair stability and ensure safe swinging. Prepare an end plate (7) for each limiting timber. Having inserted the legs of the chair into the prepared grooves with limiters, we cover the limiters with closing plates and fix them using a hammer drill. For convenience, you can add a footrest (8) to the front.

Similarly, you can upgrade a chair with metal legs by making special fastening loops from metal

Plywood rocking chair

For plastic modeling, plywood is the most favorable material. Using a jigsaw, you can get a design that will greatly simplify the process, because structurally it combines the two most important (and most difficult to manufacture) elements of a rocking chair - the runners and the sides. In addition, the absence of joints significantly increases the strength of the structure.

For production we will need:

  • jigsaw
  • screwdriver
  • plywood – sheet at least 15 mm thick
  • oak (pine) slats with a cross-section of 10x50 mm - about 20-35 pieces, the length depends on the manufacturing option - a single or double chair. For a single seat, the length of the rail is 1200 mm.
  • timber (pine, preferably oak) – 30x50 mm, 3 pieces, equal in length to the slats
  • self-tapping screws

We draw a pattern on graph paper, transfer the design to plywood and cut out the side panel with a jigsaw.

After this, we sand all the parts and remove small chamfers. If the rocking chair is intended for a summer residence, Special attention the ends will be required - they require maximum protection from moisture. Therefore, the ends of all parts are impregnated with hot drying oil, after which the wood fibers are slightly flattened with a hammer - this way the moisture will be absorbed much less. Before the beginning general assembly The processing-varnishing procedure for the ends must be carried out twice.

We mark holes for connecting bars (tsars) at the foot, middle part and headboard. To achieve maximum accuracy, after preliminary marking, the sidewalls are aligned and a hole is drilled. The drawers are secured with Euroscrews and additionally secured with wood glue. After this, we evenly fasten the slats onto the already assembled frame with self-tapping screws. After completing the assembly, you need to fill the holes above the screws, sand all the parts again with fine sandpaper, treat them with an antiseptic, cover them with stain (if you like) dark colors wood) and coat the resulting chair with waterproof varnish.

If it is possible to use an angle grinder and a welding machine, you can assemble metal carcass. To do this you will need a steel corner (20x20x3 mm) and a steel strip (thickness 4 mm, width 40 mm). After assembly, the frame is painted, after which holes for self-tapping screws are drilled along the entire length of the seat and backrest, which will be used to fasten the wooden facing strips.

Advice! Before assembly, be sure to treat the metal parts with an anti-corrosion compound.

Life and surrounding events fly at a rapid speed. Often, before we know it, the week is over, the weekend has flown by, and it’s time to start the race again. How often at such moments do we dream of a cozy place where we can retire and dream of eternity? Or maybe you just need to sleep and read your favorite book, covered with a warm blanket, while feeling the swaying of a swing or a hammock?

A rocking chair is an original and beautiful part of your home interior.

A rocking chair is an ideal option for this. It will be a great addition to the garden or on the porch of the house, where you can bask in the warm rays of the sun and listen to the birds singing. Also, the chair can fit perfectly into the urban interior of an apartment - you can relax on it after working days and do what you love: knitting, reading, watching movies.

If a child appears in your home, any mother will dream of a place where she can easily rock the baby to sleep and relax on her own. Such rocking chairs in stores are not cheap, and it is not always possible to find furniture that perfectly matches the interior of the room.

A rocking chair is an ideal way to create an atmosphere of comfort and tranquility.

An excellent option would be to make such a chair yourself. The advantages in this case are undeniable: you will be able to choose the right size, design, material and feel a great sense of pride that you were able to create such beauty with your own hands.

An absolute plus homemade rocking chair- it matches exactly your tastes.

If you decide to make a rocking chair with your own hands, you must first consider the types and designs of products, familiarize yourself with various materials, from which such a process as making a chair will bring pleasure, and the features of working with these materials.

A simple wicker rocking chair will add a lot of comfort to your home.

Let's look at the main types of products:

  • Classic rocking chairs on regular runners- harmonize both in modern and classic styles. Manufacturing technology does not require extensive experience in furniture production, but the basics of practice must be present. The runners swing smoothly with a small radius, but with strong swing there is a risk of tipping over.

These chairs are made with a low seat for a more stable position.

  • Rocking chairs on runners with bumpers. If classic armchair must be done with an average (normal) landing height - it is recommended to equip the arches with bumpers - the runners are designed so that the ends are curved in the opposite direction.

In this version, the arches prevent the chair from turning over, but getting up from the chair is uncomfortable and hard due to the presence of these bumpers.

  • Rockers with elliptical arches - chairs guarantee a soft, gentle rocking, but with a large swing there is a risk of tipping over, because of this it is recommended to equip them with bumpers, as in the previous version. For garden plots, we offer the option of elliptical rocking chairs with an awning, which prevents tipping over.

A rocking chair can be small and neat.

  • Multifunctional rocking chairs 3 in 1 - when sitting down, it looks like a standard chair for level sitting; when tilting back, the runners switch to rocking mode; when reclining further, the chair turns into a lounger.

However, visually such a chair looks bulky and the process of switching from one function to another is inconvenient; sharp jerks of the body are required.

Having considered the main options for chairs, if you have no experience in furniture production, we recommend taking a closer look at the classic version; making a rocking chair is not as difficult as it might seem.

Having decided on the model, it is important to decide on the materials.

Materials for rocking chairs

There are many materials from which a chair can be made. There are popular models that are most often used in the manufacture of rocking chairs.

Let's consider everything possible options and let’s look at the most popular ones in more detail.

  1. Willow vine is an easy-to-produce material that looks beautiful on the finished product; the main drawback is moisture intolerance, i.e. It is not recommended to install outdoors.
  2. Rattan is a vine native to Southeast Asia, not inferior in beauty to willow materials, but not durable. When working with rattan, glue and special knitting are used - nails and screws should not be used.
  3. Forged metal is a durable and strong material; forged products are decorated with a variety of metal patterns. Exclusively outdoor version of a rocking chair.
  4. Soft (leather) parts - there are rockers made of plywood, covered with another material, for example, leather - they can be classified as strict office options;

Some chairs can be easily transformed.

So, the most popular materials are rattan and willow. Let's try to understand their properties.

Rattan is a liana from the palm family that grows in a humid region; its structure is porous and moisture-resistant. Rattan is not afraid of rain and furniture made from it is often installed in garden plots and in the courtyards. Furniture made from this material is environmentally friendly, beautiful and comfortable. However, due to porosity, the material can quickly fail, and repairing such furniture will cost half the cost of the product.

Its wood is very flexible and easy to work with.

Willow is a tree we all know; its structure is homogeneous; therefore, this material is less flexible in comparison with rattan. It is also not recommended to leave a willow chair in the rain, as the wood structure may swell and deteriorate. In rattan, the porous structure does not allow the use of anything other than glue, so the lashes have to be fixed with special knots. It is also worth noting that willow material will be much cheaper than rattan.

When making furniture from willow, craftsmen use self-tapping screws and special glue.

Now, knowing the main indicators different breeds wood, you can decide for yourself which material is closer to you and is suitable for you.

The variety of materials allows you to create a large number of excellent specimens.

The easiest way to make a rocking chair with your own hands, especially if this is your first such work, is from plywood. As a first experiment, we recommend using maple plywood, as it is very hard material, having a high density and a beautiful texture - pattern.

With this type of material, making a chair will bring you pure pleasure.

Let's look at the features of working with plywood. For structural strength, three layers of plywood are used, and the middle one should be twice as thick as the outer ones, for example, if we need a total thickness of 20 mm, then we glue 5-10-5 mm, we need to glue it with a special waterproof glue and can be further strengthened with small nails.

When connecting parts, you can use self-tapping screws in addition to glue.

Also, the structure of plywood allows you to develop unusual shapes. It is enough to draw the desired blank and cut it out with a jigsaw. Also, when working with plywood, it is important to take into account that it must be impregnated with a water-polymer emulsion and varnish at least twice.

Such a product will be much stronger and more resistant to external influences.

Below we offer step-by-step instructions for consideration. how to make a rocking chair with your own hands . Let's consider 2 options for chairs, for both we will use plywood as the main material. Before starting production, it is important to decide necessary equipment so that your work does not stop in the middle of the cycle due to the lack of some materials or tools. So, you will need:

  • Templates for frame parts;
  • Plywood boards and bars;
  • Jigsaw;
  • Reed threads;
  • Grinder machine;
  • Screws, small nails, self-tapping screws;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Drill – for drilling side holes;
  • Water-repellent impregnations, varnishes.

Tools for making your own rocking chair.

Rocking chair manufacturing process

DIY rocking chair made in classic style with curved runners, will be an excellent option for your first experience in furniture making. Wicker elements made of reed will also be used, which will create beautiful patterns and comfort when planting.

A rocking chair can easily be made at home.

So, we need 3-layer maple plywood, onto which we will apply pre-created templates and make the frame of the product. You can create a drawing of a rocking chair yourself or search the Internet for ready-made shape options.

We cut out all the elements using a jigsaw and a grinder.

It is very important to carefully treat the surface of all wooden elements; they should be smooth, without burrs or rough areas, therefore, in order for the templates to be accepted required type they also need to be cleaned with sandpaper.

We connect the parts using screws.

Don’t forget that the back and seat of our chair will be decorated with reed patterns, so we leave their central part empty. That is, we only create the frame from plywood. Along the entire perimeter of the resulting frame we make small identical holes at a distance of 1.5-2 cm from each other.

In the future we will attach reed threads to the holes.

After our base is ready, we begin to work with the reed. We interweave it with threads vertically and horizontally throughout the entire surface of the seat, like weaving, and secure it with strong knots in the previously drilled holes.

We perform similar actions with the back of the product.

When the product is formed, everything wooden elements need to be treated with a protective coating at least 2 times.

After drying, seal with a double layer of varnish.

Let's consider another simple version of the original rocking chair made of plywood. The chair consists of two sidewalls in the shape of a boomerang and transverse rails from wall to wall in the amount of 14 pieces.

The chair is made of plywood 15 mm thick.

To begin with, let's draw out 2 sides of the chair using the template and carefully cut them out according to the markings with a jigsaw. All edges of the sidewall must be sanded with sandpaper.

You should get 2 large “boomerangs”.

We glue the supports to the side walls with wood glue and, for reliability, secure each of the bars with a self-tapping screw.

We also attach our guides to these supports with self-tapping screws.

After completing all the above steps, we will have the frame of our rocking chair ready. We treat the sides of the chair with stain in two layers; you can proceed to the second layer only after completely dry first.

The ends of the sidewalls can then be varnished or painted with glossy paint.

Our chair is ready.

All that remains is to decorate it. To do this, take soft pillows of the required color or a small flexible mattress and attach it to the frame using ties. Soft elements can be purchased at the store or made yourself. To do this, it is better to take natural fabric as upholstery and foam rubber 5 cm thick.

We cut out the part we need in size from the foam rubber and put a pre-sewn cover on it.

We are sure that making one rocking chair with your own hands will encourage you to conquer new heights, and you will want to make a similar or another rocking chair with your own hands for all family members, so that you can get together on quiet, cozy evenings and talk about events that have happened and plans for the future, slowly swaying on the chairs we made ourselves.

A rocking chair will help you quickly and completely relax.

You can make such furniture using custom sizes, including children's sizes for the youngest members of the family. Such evening or morning motion sickness creates a relaxing, calming effect that is so necessary for a person in modern world. These chairs are environmentally friendly, as they are made from natural materials.

They are beautiful and can decorate your interior in your apartment, on your balcony or in your courtyard.

Most rockers do not require special care, they easily tolerate cold temperatures. Some materials do not tolerate strong moisture, so such furniture cannot be left outside for the winter.

We are sure that every owner of a rocking chair will consider it his favorite place to hang out.

Making a rocking chair with your own hands is not at all difficult; a minimal set of tools and a great desire are enough.

VIDEO: DIY rocking chair - 44 ideas.

Rocking chair in the interior – 50 photo ideas:

Furniture made with your own hands will please not only the eye, but also the wallet. A great start for any craftsman is a DIY rocking chair. This original item will highlight and complement any interior. All you need to create an exclusive model: carefully selected material, correct drawing and, of course, the desire to create a masterpiece.

What to make a rocking chair from?

The master class on creating this furniture begins with the selection of materials. Since it must be durable and reliable in order to serve for a long time, it is worth giving preference to durable, environmentally friendly clean materials. To make furniture, it is better to choose plywood, wood, metal or wicker. It all depends on the chosen model.

  • The plywood product will fit perfectly into country house interior– it is openwork, light, but has a serious disadvantage – fear of water. It can be placed either in the house or taken out into the gazebo, but sudden rain can significantly damage the chair.
  • A product made of wood (beech or oak) can be called eternal, but under the condition proper operation with the material. It has practically no drawbacks, except for one thing - working with wood is more difficult than, for example, with plywood, you must have certain carpentry skills.
  • A metal product is resistant and durable, but has a disadvantage - it is very heavy. Due to the influence of metal on the center of gravity, the chair sways quite sharply or may tip over.
  • A wicker product made from wicker is the most ergonomic. No nails or screws are used in manufacturing; all connections are held in place by weaving and glue.

We make furniture

A homemade rocking chair has standard dimensions, so the drawing for creating the product is general. However, there are still minor features, and they should be taken into account when designing at home.

Plywood chair

You will need:

  • 3 sheets of high-quality plywood (preferably 1520x800 mm in size), the sheets should be different thicknesses– 4, 10, 15 mm;
  • 20 screws or self-tapping screws;
  • wood glue (PVA is not recommended);
  • jigsaw

Having made the drawing, we prepare the patterns. Thick cardboard that can hold its shape is suitable for this. Cut out the details. Be sure to leave a margin of 1-2 mm at the edges. After this, using pencil patterns, the plywood sheets are marked. The parts for the model are cut out with a jigsaw.

It should look like this:

  • From the thickest plywood sheet(15 mm) – 2 side elements, 2 racks, 2 seat supports and 2 strips measuring 470x45 mm; plus an additional crossbar 540x45 mm and a strip 485x45 mm.
  • From a 10 mm sheet - 18 strips 540x30 mm and 16 crossbars 500x30 mm for the seat.
  • From a sheet of 4 mm - 2 bases in the shape of a square for the seat and back.

Now the DIY rocking chair requires assembly. Be sure to clean the parts with sandpaper before doing this, otherwise the product will look untidy. First of all, it is necessary to glue the existing crossbars onto the base of the seat and backrest from thin sheets. Now all parts are coated with special paint; alternatively, you can use varnish or stain (this is a more economical option). It will take 3-5 hours to dry completely. All parts are assembled together and fastened with screws or self-tapping screws. For the beauty of the product, it is worth closing the fastening caps with special plugs. Final stage– footrest. Its base should be made of metal. An old handle from a rake or shovel will do. The main thing is that the length is approximately 530-550 mm. Plywood is attached to it.

Made of wood

You will need:

  • 3 euro pallets made of wood;
  • 4 linear meters of timber 50x100 mm (can be taken in 60 cm pieces);
  • threaded rods 90 cm – 4 pcs.;
  • bolts with lock washers (diameter 12 mm) – 10 pcs.;
  • M10 bolts 50 mm long – 6 pcs.;
  • wood glue;
  • cardboard tubes 5 mm thick;
  • jigsaw and drill;
  • high grit sandpaper.

Before you make a rocking chair out of wood, you need to draw a drawing. Only after this can production begin.

You should start by disassembling the pallet. You need to pull out all the metal (staples, nails and screws) from it. If you do this carelessly, the structure may rot over time. We process all damaged corners and edges with sandpaper.

Now it's time to work with the bars. 2 side trapezoidal frames are made from 6 bars, L-shaped side frames for the seat are made from 4, and the bars for the runners are rounded with a saw (to ensure stability of the chair when swinging, the front part of the runners is made shorter and with a high curvature in relation to the back). All fastenings in this model are made on tongues so as not to damage the wood.

At the beginning of assembly, a cut is made on the top of the runners, and the vertical racks sidewalls coated with glue. Drying time at home is a day.

The next step is to drill holes in the L-shaped sides for the seat for the cardboard tubes. They will be the back. It is worth leaving 5 mm gaps between the tubes to allow air and moisture to circulate. Before fastening, the tubes are lubricated with glue. It will take 4-5 hours to dry. All that remains is to insert the threaded rods into the joints between the seat and the side supports. We tighten them with nuts. If the rods are peeking out, you can simply cut them off and cover the cuts with plugs. The chair is cleaned and sanded again, then varnished.

Made of metal

The master class on creating a rocking chair from metal is more complex than previous options. In this case, a welding machine is used, as well as special tools.

You will need:

  • steel rods with cuts 20x20 mm;
  • steel sheet – 2 mm;
  • steel corners 40x40x3 mm;
  • welding machine, drill, grinder or hacksaw;
  • set of screws for metal.

When developing a drawing, the width of the runners must be calculated. A wide arc is provided around the runners to make the furniture stable.

Steel rods are cut into meter-long sections and welded to the main frame. Indentations, or so-called frame step, equal 5-6 mm. The steel is bent into an oval and welded to the base. The steel sheet is screwed to the seat part with metal screws. The master class on creating metal furniture is over.

All welding seams in the finished product are cleaned. A grinder or file is suitable for this. The chair must be treated with an anti-corrosion agent or painted. For convenience, wooden planks are placed on top of the metal on the seat or braided with vines.

From the vine

Before you make a rocking chair with your own hands from wicker, you will have to master the weaving technique and the basics of preparing the material. For beginners, bird cherry or willow branches are suitable, which need to be harvested and processed using a special technique.

You will need:

  • woven lower bench, seat, back, armrests;
  • 25 willow twigs with a diameter of 3 cm and about 50 thin ones with a diameter of 5 mm.

Using a jig (special tool), we bend the rods, fix the frame with the lower seat, attach the back and transverse rods. Woven armrests are attached to the base using special nails. Inlaid rods are inserted vertically and horizontally into the back of the product.

The final stage - a chair made of wicker requires decoration. Along the edges you can make decorative weaving from a thin ribbon.

Any master class offers universal calculations for work and drawings. To create an exclusive model, it is worth adjusting the furniture to the person who will use it.

Making a rocking chair with your own hands is one of the ways to decorate a recreation area in a living space or personal plot. At home, such a convenient and practical piece of furniture is especially popular and in demand.

In the manufacture of such interior items, a wide variety of materials are used, including natural wood, reliable metal and durable modern plastic. The most common furniture is from Italian manufacturers, the design of which is characterized by the presence of arc supports installed on both sides.

Such The special feature of the chair allows you to swing on it. Less common are models that have a solid rounded base. Another feature of the rocking chair is the presence of a comfortable backrest and armrests, and in some models there is convenient stand for legs.

Dimensions vary depending on the application, and all models can be divided into home, street or country and garden and office. Classic version presented as relatively light, simple in shape and affordable garden models.Basketry It is not advisable to use it for a long time street conditions. Natural materials such as wicker or rattan quickly become unusable as a result of exposure to direct sunlight.

Experts recommend that for use in outdoor conditions, give preference to rocking chairs made from the most sustainable materials in the form of metal, plastic and synthetic fabrics. The design of furniture for home use can be selected depending on the interior features of the room. Besides everything else, all types are divided into children's and adult models. The first option is small in size and is often presented in a playful form, so it can look like a rocking horse, dog or bird.

Master class on making a rocking chair from plywood and wood with your own hands

Homemade, the easiest or simplest product - best option if necessary, save money and get original design. Easiest way to do it yourself wooden product. Simple rocking chairs, chairs and swings made of wood always go very harmoniously with any interior style.

DIY rocking chair: collecting parts (video)

Drawing up drawings with dimensions

You can use a ready-made drawing and, if necessary, make minor modifications to it, or develop an assembly diagram yourself. When choosing the first option, it is recommended to give preference to designs with a small number of connections, due to the need to obtain the most monolithic and reliable product.

The frame base consists of a couple of main parts:

  • boomerang-shaped sidewalls;
  • fourteen cross bars.

The stops are made from five-centimeter bars with a cross-section of 2.0x4.0 cm.

Standard sizes finished model:

  • height – meter;
  • length – 1.2 m.
  • width – 60 cm.

After the drawing is drawn up, the template is transferred to graph paper, strictly observing the scale. As a rule, creating patterns is the most simple options, having a minimum number of structural elements, does not cause difficulties.

Materials and tools

It is assumed that plywood with a thickness of 1.5 cm or more will be used as the main materials to create load-bearing structural elements, represented by side supports and racks. For the manufacture of backrest slats and any decorative elements plywood one centimeter thick is suitable. You may also need connecting bars with a cross section of 30x50 mm, but in a simple model you can do without them.

The most accurate cutting of plywood can be achieved by using an electric jigsaw. Smoothing of plywood ribs is carried out using power tools of the appropriate modification in the form of household grinder or a low-speed drill with a milling attachment. All irregularities can be removed with a fine file or fine sandpaper. Antiseptic compounds are used to treat wood. Assembly is carried out with glue and galvanized self-tapping screws, the heads of which are recessed.

Manufacturing stages

The DIY manufacturing technology is as follows:

  • preparing a template for the side parts on thick cardboard;
  • cutting out plywood parts according to a template;
  • processing the ends in the cutting area with sandpaper;
  • cutting out transverse plywood strips 60 cm long and 4 cm wide, followed by sanding with sandpaper;
  • cutting out stops for cross bars from 2.0 x 4.0 cm timber;
  • making markings on each side for installation of thrust bars;
  • fastening the thrust bars using wood glue.
  • fastening the sidewalls with transverse strips.

The fully finished frame is treated with protective compounds. Good result give two layers of stain and furniture varnish.

How to make a rocking chair from wicker at home

Flexible branches of bird cherry or willow are ideal for weaving. The design of a wicker rocking chair is presented:

  • lower bench;
  • seat;
  • back;
  • armrests.

Manufacturing technology:

  • preparation of 25 long rods, the diameter of which is 30mm and large quantity thin rods, 5mm thick;
  • Thick rods are bent using a jig;
  • thin rods secure the frame legs to the crosspiece and frame;
  • the leggings are tightened;
  • shootouts are established;
  • the upper part of the backrest is mounted;
  • seat cross rods are installed;
  • armrests are woven from rods;
  • the armrests are attached to the arms using nails;
  • the upper part of the armrest rods is attached to the side supports;
  • preparation of inlaid rods and their installation on the back of the seat.

On final stage All elements of the wicker chair are decorated using decorative weaving from thin cut tape.

How to make a wicker rocking chair with your own hands (video)

Features of making a rocking chair for a summer cottage made of metal

At home, quite often, corrugated pipes or other types of metal are used to make rocking chairs. A metal structure made of metal rods is connected using welding machine or drill and bolts in accordance with the following technology:

  • the drawing can be made according to the sample simple chair, the dimensions of which are transferred to scale paper;
  • the radius of the planned arc determines the standard swing range of the manufactured structure;
  • the basis of the structure is steel rods with a cross-section of 20x20 mm, cut in accordance with the dimensions shown in the drawing;
  • Arcs are bent from rods and welded to the legs on a frame assembled in accordance with the drawing;
  • rods can be welded at a distance of 5-6 mm, which allows you to get the most durable and reliable design, but requires increased consumption material;
  • sheet metal is welded or screwed onto the frame base along the entire length of the seat and backrest;
  • All elements are sanded finished design and subsequent primer and painting.

A more popular version of a metal structure is a design based on a bed made of a fully curved sheet metal, fixed on arcs, which are steel or aluminum pipes. Often the metal structure is replaced with a frame based on plastic pipes. The seat bed can be made of durable and reliable tarpaulin.

Other unusual options

A very interesting option is the double rocking chair. This model resembles a sofa and is the best comfortable option for a country seating area.

Required Tools:

  • electric jigsaw;
  • disc sander;
  • screwdriver;
  • a square with a long measuring ruler;
  • roulette;
  • hammer;
  • spatulas and brushes.

Twelve euroscrews, 5x120 mm in size, and 140 self-tapping screws, 4x45 mm in size, are used as fasteners. During the work you will also need drying oil, wood varnish, putty and an antiseptic solution.

Technology self-made:

  • making a drawing and template on a metric grid with subsequent transfer of the outline to plywood;
  • cutting plywood blanks from plywood and timber. Production of drawstring ties and side elements from 30 mm thick euro plywood. The side parts are cut out using a jigsaw in strict accordance with the pattern. Cutting three drawers measuring 80x12 cm;
  • cutting blank bars to create the surface of the seat and back of the product. To cut 35 elements 120 cm long, bars with a cross section of 5.0x2.5 cm are used;
  • sanding all cut parts and removing small chamfers using a grinding machine, after which the end parts of the parts are impregnated with hot drying oil.

The assembly of the structure consists of attracting the drawers to the sidewalls using confirmations. Through holes are drilled in the planes, and the frame is tightened using Euroscrews. The holes above all installed screws must be filled very carefully and thoroughly. At the final stage of assembly, mandatory treatment with antiseptic solutions and triple coating of the surface of the entire product with a special waterproof varnish are carried out.

Varieties of rocking chairs (video)

Self-assembly of a rocking chair is not only a way to save money cash on the purchase of home and country furniture. In the last few years, use in home interior and landscape garden territory pieces of furniture made independently - a tribute to fashion and very original way registration

Some pieces of furniture can hardly be called necessary. But after a hand-made rocking chair appears in the house, the inhabitants will be surprised how they could manage without such a pleasant device before.

Rocking chairs are made both from modern available materials: plastic, cardboard, and from traditional ones - wood, rattan, metal. Giving preference to metal corrugated pipes (i.e. steel pipes with an oval, round or rectangular cross-section), the master receives a product that has a number of advantages. Furniture made from such raw materials is lighter, stronger and, as a rule, inexpensive. After all, to create furnishings, remnants of materials that remain after other work are often used.

Simple rocking chair from the designer

This master class is for those who know how to weld metal. Minimalism has been in fashion for a long time. Try making a simple yet distinctive rocking chair. Pay attention to the work of Belgian designer Muller Vann Severen. His works are distinguished by geometry, simplicity and functionality.

The frame of the rocking chair is made of steel tube, and thick textiles are used for the seat. The choice of color is limited only by your imagination. Such furniture can be placed in an ultra-modern apartment, put on a loggia, or create a comfortable corner for relaxation near a country house.

Prepare materials for work

First of all, you should prepare existing or specially purchase metal pipes that will become the base of the rocking chair. A round or oval profile with a diameter of at least 2 cm is best suited. In addition, you will need a piece of durable (preferably with a high cotton content) material 120x130 cm in order to sew the sling seat. You should also have on hand:

  • Metal welding machine.
  • Eye and hand protection.
  • Grinder with cutting and grinding attachments.
  • Bending device metal pipes(pipe bender).
  • Primer for metal.
  • Paint (color of your choice) on metal.
  • Magnetic angle for welding.
  • Tape measure, pencil.
  • Sewing machine.

Before you start creating a chair, you will need to select or cut the necessary blanks from the pipe:

  • 4 parts (A) 65 cm long;
  • 2 elements (B) 26.8 cm each;
  • 2 parts (C) 86.7 cm long;
  • 2 elements (D) each 60 cm;
  • 2 parts (E) 89.6 cm each.

Scheme with letter designations details will help to imagine the design and method of arrangement of all workpieces.

If necessary, you can change the given size of the chair to your own, proportionally increasing/decreasing all parameters. Be careful when creating a product bigger size, choose a profile pipe of a larger diameter so that the base can withstand a greater load.

Description of work

  1. Prepare the ends of the steel pieces so that they fit snugly together when joined. Using a grinder and a sanding attachment, make rounded notches in the indicated places:
  • on steel rods A, cut and sand both ends;
  • on parts B, make notches on one side only;
  • On each rod C, sand one end in this manner.

Attention! When welding parts, be sure to place them on flat surface(on a large table or on the floor) to avoid skewed connections.

  1. As indicated in the photo below, assemble the side parts of the chair first. Using a magnetic welding square, make sure all parts are 90 degrees to each other. When welding, to ensure that the angle is not broken, you can also use any cinder block as a template.
  2. When the two sides are completely ready, attach two front and two back parts A to them.
  3. Now you need to give the desired bend to the chair runners (E). If you have a pipe bender at your disposal, then the task seems simple. If there is no special equipment, find a suitable device. You can find some clever ideas online. For example, the solution could be a forked tree trunk and an additional metal rod (thin and solid, not a pipe). Place the rod between the trunks, put the part on it, slowly pressing on the free end of the pipe, give it shape. Do the work carefully, the bend of both parts should be as similar as possible.
  4. Solder the ends of the curved pieces (E) to the chair legs. This completes the most difficult part of the work.
  5. Use a grinder with a sanding attachment to clean the joints so that the joints are neat, smooth, and without dangerous sharp edges.
  6. Clean the frame with a sponge soaked in soapy water.

For further processing, it would be good to hang the frame, then all metal parts will be processed equally.

  1. First, cover a clean, dry frame with two or three coats of primer. Each subsequent layer should be applied only after 24 hours when the previous one has completely dried.
  2. If desired, paint the metal base with the paint color of your choice or cover it with 1-2 layers of matte varnish.

Entrust the manufacture of the cover to a person who knows how to work on sewing machine. Instead of new fabric you can take an old blanket, then the fabric does not have to be folded in half.

  1. Fold a piece of prepared fabric 120 cm wide and about 130 cm long in half to make a rectangle 60x130 cm. Sew two long sides to make a sleeve. Turn it inside out. Fold the edges of the sleeve inward and sew them up as well. Such careful work will extend the life of the fabric part of the rocking chair.
  2. If you can position the product as shown in the photo, sew the chair onto the frame with a machine. Otherwise, try to do this work manually as efficiently as possible.

That's all, your rocking chair made from pipes with your own hands turned out to be no worse than a designer one.

Chair made of polypropylene pipes

A rocking chair is easy to build from polypropylene pipes small diameter. If you pick everything up necessary details, then the work will not take too much time.

Materials and tools

To assemble the chair you will need:

  • Polypropylene pipe with a diameter of 25 mm for load-bearing parts.
  • Polypropylene pipe with a diameter of 20 mm for transverse elements.
  • Drill with a thick drill bit.
  • Apparatus for welding polypropylene pipes.
  • Metal reinforcement with a cross-section of about 14-16 mm will be located inside the entire structure, giving it stability and rigidity.
  • 8 fittings for triple connection of pipes of suitable diameter.
  • 2 fittings for corner connection at 90 degrees.
  • 6 fittings for 45 degree corner connection.
  • Sand or a heat gun and a plug for a pipe with a diameter of 2 cm.
  • Tape measure, pencil.

Cut a pipe with a diameter of 2.5 cm into pieces (2 identical) of each size:

  • 5 cm – lower parts of the side support;
  • 40 cm – parts of the side support;
  • 51 cm – parts of the side support;
  • 62 cm – parts of the side support;
  • 18 cm – upper parts of the side support;
  • 22 cm – parts of the side support that need to be given rounded shape;
  • 220 cm - runners that need to be given a rounded shape.

From a pipe with a cross-section of 2 cm, prepare 18 blanks 60-65 cm long for the crossbars.

Description of work

  1. First of all, it is necessary to give the runners and the upper parts of the base a rounded shape. When doing this work, you should try to make paired parts as similar as possible.

A plastic pipe can be given any shape by heating the bend. But when heated, plastic releases toxic substances. Most in safe ways is the use of a special hair dryer or hot sand. Heat the sand in the oven to 95-130 degrees. Close one end of the pipe with a plug. Using a metal funnel, fill the tube with sand. Give the desired shape and leave to cool.

When performing work involving heating plastic, use respiratory protection and stay in a ventilated area!

  1. Assemble the side parts of the chair, placing it inside metal fittings. The assembly procedure is shown in the diagram below.
  2. On both parts, make markings for the crossbars.
  3. Drill holes up to 2 cm in diameter in these places.
  4. Place the reinforcement in the cross members so that the ends protrude 3-4 cm.
  5. Having placed the ends of the reinforcement in the holes, attach the transverse parts and solder them using special equipment.
  6. Insert the ends of large arcs into the outer tees and solder them.
  7. Use the remains of the pipe to make additional reinforcements for the chair. Use a tape measure to determine desired length details. Cut them off. Weld one end of each to the tee, the other to the arc.

All that remains is to sew the cover on foam mattress and place it, securing it to the frame with ribbon ties.