How to control chakras and energy flows. How to learn to manage your own energy. Two practices available. Negative human energy

Every day we are forced to take some action, and for this we need a lot of strength. If fatigue has become a habitual state for you, it means that you do not know how to manage your energy. There are five simple rules, with which you can support your energy balance during the day.

In the morning, nothing is impossible for us. We feel cheerful, ready to work, and it would seem that nothing can interfere with our plans. However, we cannot always distribute our strength correctly, so by the evening we feel tired, and the desire to do business disappears. The problem is that we do not have unlimited energy reserves, and any activity we do during the day requires a certain expenditure of energy. Learn to manage your strengths, and soon your life will change for the better.

How to determine your main source of energy

To learn how to manage your energy, you first need to know where we get it from. There are four main energy sources with which we can make up for the lack of strength.

Body. By increasing your body tone, you can replenish your energy reserves. First of all, pay attention to your diet. Try to eat healthy and be sure to eat foods that give you strength and improve your mood. Don't forget about physical exercise. Do not overload your body with heavy physical activity: morning work-out or a light jog will give you strength and confidence. Good sleep is the most The best way gather strength. Lack of sleep is main reason fatigue, which means you won’t have enough energy even to perform the simplest actions.

Intelligence. We can say that the mind rules our life. He is a kind of engine that helps us achieve our goals and guides us on the right path. In addition, it is an important energy source. Reading books and gaining new knowledge can increase your energy. Choose literature that you will enjoy reading to recharge yourself with positive energy.

Emotions. It turns out that our emotions not only saturate our lives, but also give us vital energy. Of course, if they are positive. Spend more time communicating with loved ones, attend interesting events, or simply take daily walks to places that bring back pleasant memories to you. Fill your life with bright moments so that you can experience as often as possible.

Soul.Human soul full of secrets. Sometimes we ourselves cannot understand what is happening in it. It is already known that emotional experiences, frustrations and grief deprive us vital energy. So how can you make up for your lack of strength? First of all, you need to get rid of negative feelings and emotions. They not only deplete our energy supply, but also destroy the biofield. Because of this, failures begin to haunt us, and problems become more numerous. Very often it is for this reason that we cannot move on and achieve our goals.

How to manage your life energy

As it turns out, managing your energy is not that easy. But if you learn to do this, you can change your life for the better. To do this, you must follow five basic rules.

Do useful things. Life is too short to waste it, and useless activities not only waste our time, but deprive us of our strength. To spend energy correctly, you need to learn to plan your daily routine and strictly adhere to the plan without violating it. If you are tempted to put off an important task until another day, remember Golden Rule: “never put off until tomorrow what you can do today.” Decide what you need to achieve your goal and start working on yourself.

Get rid of negative thoughts. Positive emotions can enhance our energy background, and any negativity, on the contrary, deprives us of vitality. To manage your energy, learn to get rid of negative thoughts. Problems at work or in your personal life, financial difficulties and many other troubles fill our lives and do not allow us to think about more important things. When we focus too much on our problems, we waste our energy. Try to think more positively and remember that any difficulties are just temporary.

Avoid unpleasant communication. Energy vampires surround us everywhere. If they are near you, then you will feel your strength leaving you. Communication with such people requires a huge expenditure of energy, and the result will be very disastrous for you. Many people cannot immediately recognize that a vampire is near them, so rely on your senses. Firstly, even a short conversation with a human vampire leaves an unpleasant aftertaste. Secondly, during communication you may feel weakness, headaches and a sharp deterioration in your condition. Spend your energy only on communicating with positive people.

Take time to relax. In order for your work to be productive and not require a huge expenditure of energy from you, rest. It is better to work in short periods and take at least a little time for breaks, rather than work tirelessly and feel tired at the end of the working day. Do the most important things that require more energy and focus first. Leave the simplest and most minor tasks for last. This way you will learn to properly distribute your strength and even in the evening you will feel cheerful.

Control your emotions. To succeed in life, you need to learn self-control. Try not to react to small things and take difficulties for granted. To be on a positive wave more often, read books, draw, listen to music or chat with friends. There is a huge amount energy resources, which help a person gain strength and achieve his goals. Don’t forget that every day should bring you as many positive emotions as possible - this important rule conservation of internal energy.

To move towards your goals, despite difficulties and problems, you need to have required quantity energy. However, not only people, but also some objects can deprive us of our strength. Find out if they are present in your home

Good afternoon, ours dear readers! Irina and Igor are writing for you again. It's no secret that everything in our lives is saturated with energy flows. Life itself is a kind of energy message.

And in the life of any person, his performance, mood, well-being and sense of strength directly depend on how he manages his vital energy.

Today in our article we will talk about how to properly distribute vital energy.

Why learn to properly distribute your energy?

There is probably not a single case known in the world where a person in a state of depression has achieved success in anything.

Everything is right successful people almost always cheerful, full of strength and new ideas, they prefer to act rather than think about negative aspects affairs. They are all great at managing the time they spend on certain tasks, and also remember to set aside time for re-energizing, inspiring activities and simply relaxing the mind and body.

If your lack own strength associated primarily with the inability to set priorities and organize your time, then you need to master the methods. Time management techniques will help you in mastering planning, which you can master thanks to one of the video courses:

  • “The Master of Time – highly productive time management according to the system of Evgeniy Popov”
  • “Time management, or how to increase your efficiency”
  • Free online video course “Setting and achieving goals. How to achieve results in any business?

But most often, the reasons for the loss of vital energy are the presence of internal negativity associated with dissatisfaction with oneself, the presence of destructive relationships that literally empty your life channels, as well as the desire to control everything around, dissatisfaction with the imperfections of the world around you also takes a huge part of your strength.

In order to achieve success and increase your own, you need to learn to manage your energy flows, and for this you need to learn how to maintain strength, restore energy flows and increase them.

Conservation of strength

With maintaining your strength, everything is simple - you just need to eliminate the factors that take it away.

So, first of all, you should learn to accept yourself as you are with all the imperfections and shortcomings. Ideal people can not be!

Just like the world around you, it is not ideal, it does not correspond to your “wants,” but you should learn to accept it that way, then your energy flows will not go negative and be poisoned by negative emotions.

Paulo Coelho wrote in one of his books:

We are never what others want us to be. We are what we want to be. The easiest way is to blame others. We can spend our lives cursing the world, but our successes and failures depend entirely on ourselves. Trying to stop time is a waste of energy

It can be more difficult to protect yourself from negativity that comes from outside, for example, when communicating with friends or colleagues.

You need to learn to recognize relationships that “suck” your energy field and try to avoid such people.

As a rule, such people are trying to lead you to negative emotions, any scandal or conflict, or they are trying to shift the burden of their own problems onto your shoulders, trying to evoke pity and sympathy for themselves. You should also get rid of such relationships.

Restoring energy flows

In order to learn how to restore energy flow, you need to know its sources.

The sources, or so-called energy channels, are our body, mind, soul and emotions.

If in the middle of the day you feel more physical fatigue, this indicates that the body’s energy is running out, that you need to switch to using another energy source, for example, meditate, thereby starting to use the energy of the soul, or communicate with pleasant people, which activates the energy of emotions, or read a book, which will help activate energy of the mind.

This way, you will allow your body to rest and replenish its energy reserves.

Cultivating a value system aimed at a positive perception of yourself and the world around you will also contribute to the growth of your vitality.

Energy multiplication

Increasing your energy flow is possible if you constantly focus on and improve your own skills and abilities.

In addition, a huge supply of vitality brings with it new positive impressions and vivid emotions.

Such emotions can be given to you by something new or a short trip to nature or the countryside, or communication with animals.

It is also possible to replenish your energy channels through engaging in some kind of creativity, which will give vent to your emotions and fill your life with positive impressions. It can be anything: painting, modeling, knitting, music, dancing, embroidery or something else.

You can find more recommendations on how to distribute your life energy in the book by Peter Axt and Michael Axt-Gadermann “Lazy people live longer: How to properly distribute vital energy” .

Do you have any secrets for replenishing your own energy channels? Share your experience with us.

Communication with positively minded people is also one of the methods of replenishing vitality; on our blog you can always find supportive articles or get a charge of positivity in the comments! See you soon!

Best regards, Irina and Igor

Two practices available.

First and foremost: we must remember that there are no people with weak or strong energy, but there are people who know how to manage their own energy or who do not know how. And there is only one reason for this inability - the only one - is the reluctance to master this skill. Learning to quickly concentrate the energy that surrounds us (bioenergy), cosmic energy and earth energy is not so easy

You need to approach this issue very seriously and apply enviable perseverance, as well as spend a lot of effort and time - and only under these conditions will you get results.

Energy must be treated as a material structure. Energy is not, attention, only in us, but also around us. As mentioned above, there is earth energy, space energy and bioenergy. You cannot work with just one of them; you need to use all three energies at the same time. If you work only with cosmic energy, as most people practice today, there is a risk of pumping the upper chakras and moving away from the energy of the earth - our parent, which gives us life, health, food and helps in the restoration of the body. That is, to deprive ourselves of stability, grounding, and without good earthly support we cannot see a healthy and strong organism.

The main thing to remember is that the earth and space and bioenergy are living and intelligent structures.

Practice number 1.

Sit back, light a candle white and mentally imagine that energy is concentrated in your palms, which gradually begins to give warmth, and your palms feel it. Not everyone will succeed in this practice right away; many will need a lot of time to really feel the warmth, and maybe even the heat in their palms. Once you have learned to concentrate heat (energy) in your palms, you can move on to next stage- the stage of working with your body.

Practice number 2.

Before you begin, mentally you must set yourself specific task. Determine which organ or system of the body you want to direct your energy to and what problem you want to eliminate. The statement of the problem must be extremely clear and understandable.

Next, you give yourself the attitude that you do not remove anything, do not fight anything, do not treat, but destroy, namely, burn and throw away the problem. Give yourself the command: “all the energy went into the left (right) palm, I will normalize the work...” and pronounce the name of the organ or system with which you decided to work this time. Then place your palm on the projection of this organ and begin the impact. There are organs that cannot be affected by contact - these are the kidneys and the heart. In this case, the work is carried out only with the left palm through the solar plexus. Place your left palm on the solar plexus, and the command is also given: “All the Energy went to the Left Palm, I normalize the work of the kidneys, or I normalize the work of the heart, or I normalize the pressure.” Choose one of three teams. Continue working until the desired result is achieved. The practice can be repeated many times.

All the practices that I have now introduced you to can be applied strictly to eliminate your own problems; you can only work to restore your own body.

Under no circumstances should you work with another person using these methods, without the additional ability to put up a special defense. I especially draw your attention to the fact that if you start working with another person without knowing the techniques special protection, you will inevitably take on all his illnesses and problems upon yourself. Therefore, it would be right to start by learning how to restore your body by managing your energy. Yuri Melnikov.

How to manage your energy (for beginners)

Every person has a certain amount of vital energy. In India it is called prana, in China Qi, in Japan Ki. In all esoteric teachings, including magic, the first thing they learn is to recharge and control this mystical energy...

What does energy management do?

*Eyes are closed.

*Imagine it even more vividly.

The most favorable time for this practice is early morning or night. During these hours, the planet's atmosphere is literally overflowing with free cosmic energy and you can easily take advantage of it. It should also be noted that all such energy practices should be performed on an empty stomach and in a calm state of mind.

How to manage your body's energy. How to determine your main source of energy

To learn how to manage your energy, you first need to know where we get it from. There are four main energy sources with which we can make up for the lack of strength.

Body. By increasing your body tone, you can replenish your energy reserves. First of all, pay attention to your diet. Try to eat healthy and be sure to eat foods that give you strength and improve your mood. Don't forget about exercise. Don't overload your body with heavy physical activity: morning exercises or a light jog will give you strength and confidence. Good dream- the best way to gain strength. Lack of sleep is the main cause of fatigue, which means you won’t have enough energy to even perform the simplest actions.

Intelligence. We can say that the mind rules our life. He is a kind of engine that helps us achieve our goals and guides us on the right path. In addition, it is an important energy source. Reading books and gaining new knowledge can increase your energy. Choose literature that you will enjoy reading to recharge yourself with positive energy.

Emotions. It turns out that our emotions not only saturate our lives, but also give us vital energy. Of course, if they are positive. Spend more time communicating with loved ones, attend interesting events, or simply take daily walks to places that bring back pleasant memories to you. Fill your life with bright moments so that you can experience positive emotions as often as possible.

Soul. The human soul is full of secrets. Sometimes we ourselves cannot understand what is happening in it. It is already known that emotional experiences, frustrations and disappointments deprive us of vital energy. So how can you make up for your lack of strength? First of all, you need to get rid of negative feelings and emotions. They not only deplete our energy supply, but also destroy the biofield. Because of this, failures begin to haunt us, and problems become more numerous. Very often it is for this reason that we cannot move on and achieve our goals.

Every person has a certain amount of vital energy. In India it is called prana, in China Qi, in Japan Ki. In all esoteric teachings, including magic, the first thing they learn is to recharge and manage this mystical energy...

What does energy management do?

If, using the technique described below, you learn to manage your life energy, you will be able to direct it both inside and outside your body. You will also have the ability to direct energy to any other body. And if you imbue this power with a specific intention, then the omnipotent energy will accomplish any of your tasks.
This technique allows you to learn how to manage your energy during a breathing session, moving it throughout the body and outside it.

* Sit comfortably cross-legged or on a chair and relax.
* Place your hands on your knees, fingers folded in a gesture of knowing.
*Eyes are closed.
* Breathe in a rhythm of 5-5-5-5. 5 sec. inhale, 5 sec., hold, 5 sec., exhale, 5 sec., hold on exhalation.
* This rhythm allows you to enter the magical dimension of reality.
* Breathe this way until natural breathing is established and control can be relaxed.
* Bring the counting of seconds and breathing to automaticity.
*When breathing is established, imagine purple glowing ball in the area of ​​the crown.
*Imagine an energy ball as brightly as possible.
*Imagine it even more vividly.
* As you inhale, imagine that you are drawing in a bright violet beam of energy from space directly through the top of your head.
* While holding your breath, this ray feeds a bright purple ball and charges it with energy.
* As you exhale, visualize the ball moving from the top of your head to any part of your body.
* While holding the exhale, move the ball back to the top of your head.
* Move the ball to various areas bodies and organs - try to feel it realistically.
* Try opening your eyes and moving the ball outside your body.
*Imagine a ball flying right in front of you.
* With the power of thought, control the movement of the energy ball.
* An energy ball can heal any disease if it is ordered to enter a diseased organ and heal it, although inexperienced magicians will not succeed on the first try.
* Charge the ball with some idea or thought and direct it towards achieving your goal.
* You can order the ball to fly to your friend and instill in him the idea that he would call you.
* You can direct the ball to heal your illness or the illness of a loved one.
* Continue the practice until you feel slightly tired.

The most favorable time for this powerful practice early morning or night. During these hours, the planet's atmosphere is literally overflowing with free cosmic energy and you can easily take advantage of it. It should also be noted that all such energy practices should be performed on an empty stomach and in a calm state of mind.

Qi energy is the very breath of life, no matter how metaphorical and poetic it may sound, Qi is no less real than material things. You can't touch it, but you can feel it and learn how to control it. The correct flow of Qi in the human body is the key to health and longevity.

Life energy Qi

Qi – fundamental concept subtle energy in Chinese philosophy and medicine. The character 氣 (Qi, Chi, Ki) is many meanings in one:

Energy permeates everything - every centimeter of space, material object, human body. Without Qi there is no life, love, strength, achievements. Chinese sages divided the general Qi in the human body into 4 groups:

  1. The primary energy of Yuan Qi is concentrated in the kidneys and controls all other energy;
  2. Respiratory internal energy Qi (Tsong) - nourishes the blood, circulates throughout all systems and organs;
  3. Nutrient (Yin) – the body receives it through nutrition;
  4. Protective (Wei) – muscles, skin. Barrier from negative impacts destructive energies.

How to feel Qi energy?

Every person can feel their energy; this is not something supernatural. There is a simple exercise, Qi energy - awakening, which allows you to feel the flow of cosmic and internal flows:

  1. Starting position: stand straight, the distance between your feet is approximately 45 cm.
  2. Bend your knees slightly, spring a little to relax them. The back is straight.
  3. Stretch your arms to the side, forming a cross, raise your fingers up, with your palms forming a right angle to your arms.
  4. Close your eyes and stand in this position for 5 to 10 minutes, noticing your sensations. Even a beginner feels how the energy moves from the fingertips, through the hands and into the body.

How to use Qi energy?

Qi is the energy of life, without which a person cannot do anything. If you start consciously working with the energy of Chi (Qi): accumulating, spending, the quality of life improves, a person moves to another evolutionary level. Chi energy can be used for various purposes: meditation, healing, learning, and interaction with cosmic energies. But in order for all this to become possible, you need to practice and develop energy - without daily exercise, the conscious use of Qi is impossible.

Qi energy - how to develop it?

The development of Qi energy affects a person in several directions: mind-body-soul - their harmonization occurs. Therefore, in order to maximize vital energy, nutritional balance is important. physical activity and spiritual practices. A person who has embarked on the path of self-knowledge and practices working with energies will be able to fully realize the potential given by nature and the divine.

Chi energy - exercises for energy accumulation

All famous Qigong and Tai Chi practitioners are long-lived, with a clear mind, what could be the best proof that Qi energy is not a myth? The fast pace of life in large cities leaves little time for oneself; how to restore Qi energy during a busy schedule of daily activities? Practice 15-20 minutes a day, and the result will be a surge of energy and good health. Qi energy – exercises:

  1. Working with breathing. Take a comfortable body position. Breathing cycle inhale-exhale - all attention to breathing. It is important to note the thoughts that come to mind, but not to analyze them, let them go and concentrate again on inhalation and exhalation. Important point: breathing is not easy chest but also the diaphragm (the stomach is involved). Breathe for several minutes (3 – 10).
  2. Practice for hands. Helps develop Qi. Performing the exercise: the right hand is at face level, the palm looks down parallel to the ground, the left is at the level of the solar plexus, the palm looks up. Imagining what's in your hands big ball, slowly move your palms in a circle, as if rotating a ball. Concentrate on breathing.

Meditation - receiving Qi energy

In ancient times, attentive people noticed that trees exist longer than people, the assumption was that trees receive energy from Heaven and Earth. This is how an exercise appeared - meditation, in which the “Big Tree” Chi energy is trained:

  1. Open channels. For this, the index and middle fingers right hand fold it in the shape of a scraper and run the bent phalanges along the sides of the fingers of your left hand, mentally clearing away dirt and opening the channels. Repeat, changing hands.
  2. Get into position: feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent. The tongue touches the upper palate, the eyes are closed.
  3. Imagine that your legs grow deeply into the ground and turn into the roots of a mighty tree, absorbing energy from the earth, and your body stretches to the sky, the Moon, the Sun, absorbing the energy of the cosmos itself. Raise your hands to the level of your navel, while moving your elbows away from your body, imagining that there are fragile tennis balls in your armpits. The hands are rounded, and there is a large ball of energy between the palms and the navel.
  4. Concentration on energy: The Qi of the Earth passes through the feet-roots, and from above there is a powerful flow of Qi of the Cosmos, while the energy ball rotates between the palms and the navel.

How to control Qi energy?

Managing Qi energy becomes possible by following basic rules:

  • accumulation and regulation through practical exercises;
  • reducing importance and expectations - if a person is fixated on getting results quickly, then about harmonious development qi can only dream;
  • grounding – if irritation occurs after practice, limb tremors should be grounded (massage, salt bath).

In order not to become your constant companion, you need to learn how to manage your energy. Today I want to invite you to think a little about whether you know how to do this. After all, no matter how much we talk clever phrases, but until a person himself understands where he stumbles, there will be no changes in his life.

Managing human energy is the most important life skill. Because without it, a person will inevitably face health problems. Accordingly, he will no longer have the strength and ability to move somewhere, create something, or take care of someone.

Let's take a little time today to think about whether you really care about your health and want to be energetic.

Work with the Diary

First of all, answer yourself this question:

Do I have the level of energy
which I need for life?

Draw two scales from 1 to 10 in your Diary. On one, mark your health level. On the other is your energy level. Are you satisfied with this state of affairs?

If you don’t like it, then the situation needs to be corrected urgently. Believe that you already have all the answers. You just need to be able to reach your subconscious. So now you need to continue the following four phrases with complete honesty:

  1. If I were more energetic during the day, I would then...
  2. If I wanted to become more energetic, first,
    what I would do is...
  3. If I want to make my diet more energy-intensive,
    then I will eat the following foods:...
  4. I will have time to play sports,
    if I'm just...

When you respond, please leave more space on this page. Throughout the week, think about these questions constantly. And write down everything that comes to your mind.

Basic principles of energy management

Human energy management, like the world, is based on three pillars:

    1. Correct thoughts.
    2. Proper food.
    3. Physical exercise.

All this helps us remain cheerful and vigorous for a long time. Therefore, if you take them seriously and use the advice that you can find on this site, then you simply will not have problems with energy.

Correct thoughts.

Look, as if everyone knows that you need to watch your thoughts. And not only for those that randomly appear in your head. But also for those that come along with various negative information. So, how many people have given up watching negative news, TV, yellow press, etc.?

But all of these are devourers of your energy. Giving up this gives. After all, we ourselves notice that when you have good mood, then energy is added. And especially, if you go in, there will be a sea of ​​it. But why are there so many sad thoughts and people don’t try to deal with them?

It all starts with your head.

Proper food.

Food is our main source. But modern eating is increasingly reminiscent of throwing fuel into the furnace of a steam locomotive. Just to throw in anything, in the hope that everything will be processed inside. Has anyone thought about how difficult it is for our body?

A couple of years ago there was a cool advertisement about Pechenka. When all the organs had gathered and Liver said that she couldn’t do it anymore and was leaving. What started here! In real life, the liver will not be able to take it and leave. But she dies quietly. Because some people find unhealthy food tasty. Or there is not enough time to eat properly.

  • It is especially important to eat in the morning, because breakfast is energy for the whole day. It is in the morning that the body produces many substances that normalize metabolism. The usefulness of breakfast has long been proven by scientists. They claim that breakfast increases a person's performance by 30%, and a long break in food can cause gallstones.

Your life is your choice that you make every day.

Physical exercise.

Exercise does more than just maintain our muscles. Thanks to them, blood moves better throughout the body. But blood is the main artery that is connected to every cell. The nutrition of cells and their cleanliness depend on its movement. Because the blood takes with it all waste substances.

Be sure to play sports at least 3-4 days a week. Do your best not to disrupt these activities. Believe me, your energy tone, performance, appearance and vigor for the whole day will be your real reward.

Be aware and take care of yourself. Managing human energy begins with the simplest thing - taking care of your health.

Video of human energy and how to manage it. Documentary

Energy must be treated as a material structure. Energy exists not only in us, but also around us. As mentioned above, there is the energy of the Earth, the energy of space and bioenergy. You can't work with one of them it is necessary to use all three energies simultaneously. If you work only with cosmic energy, as most people practice today, there is a risk of over-pumping the upper chakras and moving away from the energy of the Earth - our parent, who gives us life, health, food and helps in the restoration of the body. That is, deprive yourself of stability, grounding, and Without good earthly support we cannot see a healthy and strong body.

The main thing to remember is that the Earth and Space and bioenergy are living and intelligent structures.

Practice No. 1

Sit comfortably, light a white candle and mentally imagine that energy is concentrated in your palms, which gradually begins to give warmth, and your palms feel it. Not everyone will succeed in this practice right away; many will need a lot of time to really feel the warmth, and maybe even the heat in their palms. After you learn to concentrate heat (energy) in your palms, you can move on to the next stage - the stage of working with your body.

Practice #2

Before you begin, mentally you must set yourself a specific task. Determine which organ or system of the body you want to direct your energy to and what problem you want to eliminate. The statement of the problem must be extremely clear and understandable.

Next, you give yourself the attitude that you do not remove anything, do not fight anything, do not treat, but destroy, namely, burn and throw away the problem. Give yourself the command: “All the energy went into the left (right) palm, I’ll normalize the work...” and pronounce the name of the organ or system with which you decided to work this time. Then place your palm on the projection of this organ and begin the impact. There are organs that cannot be affected by contact - these are the kidneys and the heart. In this case, the work is carried out only with the left palm through the solar plexus. Place your left palm on the solar plexus, and the same command is given: “All the energy went into the left palm, I normalize kidney function, or normalize heart function, or normalize blood pressure.” Choose one of three teams. Continue working until the desired result is achieved. The practice can be repeated many times.

All the practices that I have now introduced you to can be strictly applied to solve your own problems, you can only work on recovery own body.

Under no circumstances should you work with another person using these methods, without the additional ability to put up a special defense. I especially draw your attention to the fact that if you start working with another person without mastering special protection techniques, you will inevitably take on all his illnesses and problems upon yourself. Therefore, it would be right to start by learning how to restore your body by managing your energy.

We are human, which means we have intelligence, at least some of us do. Reason or that which is responsible for ordering, systematization, classification and, accordingly, management in us. We cannot cut it off, we cannot remove what nature has given us. For this reason, we must define terms and definitions. To be defined means to be in the same coordinate system, to say and mean the same thing. Let's do it.

Qi (氣) is a type of vital life energy that gives us the ability to exist in the truest sense of the word. Qi (氣) is currently measured only indirectly, the energy is perceived in the form of sensations, although measurements are carried out using physical methods - the Voll method. Indirectly, this means that we can feel Qi (氣) as a potential difference: heat - cold, fever - calm, scatteredness - concentration, even more precisely as fullness vitality. All religions of the world have the concept of vital energy, spirit, if you like. Qi (氣) energy cannot be explained in words, it can only be felt and experienced. Qi energy (氣) is an eastern concept, but there are synonyms that imply it in all ethnic groups of the world - prana, pneuma, spirit. The East, however, has given us precise methodology and methods for managing Qi energy on the physical, emotional and mental levels. This methodology is based on the basic philosophical concepts of the East. Philosophical, but having material and practical side medals. This:

  • The theory of the five elements (elements) of Wu Xing;
  • Theory of six Ki, Ki energies;
  • Theories about the energy concepts of our life - Qi, Shen and Jing.

Chi energy is what makes our heart beat. If you feel aging and chronic fatigue, you are in the right place.

I practice Sujok therapy, Qigong, and this is primarily work with Qi (氣) energy. People who first felt the energy of Qi are wondering - How to control the energy of Qi (氣)? For myself, I answered it a long time ago: you need to learn not so much how to manage Qi energy, but how to simply use this energy without taking too much from nature. How to control electricity, magnetic, gravitational fields? Questions will immediately arise, for example, what kind of electricity - constant or alternating current is used, what is its frequency, etc. Area, environment of application? Terms and conditions necessary tools for use. The same thing arises when asking how to manage Qi (氣) energy.

It is much more important to know what you can and absolutely cannot do with Qi (氣) energy.

The main rule in managing Qi energy is to do no harm.

Qi (氣) needs and can be accumulated. How to accumulate Qi (氣) energy? This proper nutrition, diets (for example, peanuts cause yang heat), moderation, abstinence in everything, physical exercise (regular and specialized);

Emotional balance is an extremely important aspect when accumulating Qi (氣) energy. Excessive emotions cause Yang Qi (氣), which accumulates in the middle dantian and literally burns you. At the very least, you age faster. Control of emotions - most important aspect when working with energy.

Shen and Yi training. In other words, managing intentions aimed at balancing one’s emotions, actions, and actions.

Yes, you can control Qi (氣) energy with the help of intention. Manage Qi (氣) energy by changing the focus of your Yi and Shen. Intention develops through daily. DAILY workouts with a capital T.

Regularity creates structure, and structure is what keeps you in shape. Here are the main and simplest exercises:

  • Inner smile
  • Six Healing Sounds
  • Strelnikova’s breathing exercises are paradoxical, as an element of breathing exercises;
  • Autogenic training classes;
  • For fans of CC and Toltec practices - tensegrity. By the way, there is a simplified version of tensegrity or magical passes of the ancient Toltecs;

Every day you will spend no more than 30-60 minutes on the whole complex of these exercises. Believe me, it's worth it. After 2-3 months of training, you will not have a question about how to feel the energy of Qi (氣).

Now about the control of Qi (氣). With the help of Qi (氣) when there is enough of it. You can:

  • Heal;
  • Predict events by increasing your own intuition.
  • Preserve and prolong youth. The Taoists have been saying for 120 years - this is not a Taoist.

In order to control Qi (氣), you need to have it, accumulate it. By adjusting the flow of Qi (氣) energy, you will automatically understand how to control it. You cannot control a device or gadget with a low battery, you cannot control something that does not exist. Once there is a battery, it can be used in a variety of ways. The same thing happens with the management of Qi energy (氣), i.e. it must be cultivated and nurtured.

IMPORTANT. Don’t overdo it, let go of expectations – this affects emotional background and accordingly to the harmonization of Qi (氣).

Release Yang Qi (氣) – heat energy using six healing sounds.

Ground yourself. How to know that you are not grounded is increased aggressiveness after meditation, trembling in the body, uneven timbre of the voice, tremors of the limbs, insomnia.

Instead of asking how to manage Qi (氣) energy, I would ask why to manage Qi (氣), or rather the goal, the focus of energy management.

The simplest goals of QI energy management (氣) are:

  • Health – physical, emotional, if you want mental;
  • Healing yourself and loved ones;
  • Good physical form;
  • Longevity;
  • Foresight, intuition.

It is IMPORTANT to know that Qi control (氣), practices that use the power of QI, is not a religion. Yes, there is religious Qigong - Neigong, but this is not blind faith, but practice, training - psychological and physiological.

We don’t know everything, there are many discoveries ahead, just a few decades ago the Earth’s gravitational and magnetic field was calculated by “increment”, delta. That is, geophysicists took a magnetometer with a dry horsehair with a magnet attached to it, and by the way the magnet stretched the hair, they calculated the Earth’s magnetic field, according to the principle - less here, more there. Only recently have quantum and proton magnetometers appeared that immediately measure the actual force magnetic field at a specific point in specific quantities - Tesla. This happened thanks to the discovery of an elementary particle of a magnetic field, but the graviton has not yet been discovered and therefore gravity is still measured according to the principle - there is less here than there.

With the energy Qi (氣), everything is more complicated - Qi (氣) is life itself, and yet a living person can accumulate it, feel it and control it. The only thing left to do is to discover a particle, but this relates to logic, not to actions, but in the meantime we accumulate and manage energy - we get a real result.

In order to learn how to control Qi (氣) energy, you need to follow three simple steps.

  • The first step is to feel the Qi (氣) energy;
  • The second step is to activate the Qi energy (氣);
  • The third step is to learn to live and manage Qi (氣) energy.

To get started, a video with the wonderful Qigong master Lee Holden will help you, who will tell you how to feel the Qi energy.