How can you use banana peels? Banana peel fertilizer: an unusual use for a familiar product. Whiten teeth thoroughly and effectively

It turns out that banana peels have many beneficial properties. Some people use it to clean their teeth, shoes, etc. In this article, we will look at the use of banana peels as fertilizer for plants. The peel of this tasty yellow fruit is very rich in various useful elements: phosphorus, calcium, potassium, etc.

Banana peel for plants

People have known for a long time that the peel of this fruit can be used for fertilizer. In Russia, this method of fertilization is very popular. It is also worth noting that the peel perfectly improves the growth and development of not only domestic but also greenhouse plants. It is worth recalling the recent sensational project called “Banana Land”. Its creators suggested soaking the skins in water until they decompose completely, and then watering the resulting mixture over the plants. Not everyone liked this method of fertilization. The fact is that when decomposed, banana peels smell very unpleasant. Despite this, many researchers confirm that such watering qualitatively improves the structure and microflora of the soil.

Still, not all summer residents accepted this helpful advice. Many remain faithful to chemical fertilizers from the store. But in vain. In addition to the fact that banana peel is ideal for fertilizing indoor plants, it perfectly nourishes winter greenhouse plants that really need warmth and light. Magnesium, present in the peel of the sweet berry (yes, a banana is a berry), is very useful for weak indoor plants that need powerful nutrition. Potassium, which is abundant in the peel, is also very useful for “house” plants. It is worth noting that banana peel fertilizer is most useful for rose flowers.

Precautionary measures

A banana without a peel is very useful for people, but the peel itself can become an indispensable fertilizer for indoor plants. And yet, if you prepare the fertilizer incorrectly and do not follow important rules, you can cause more harm to the plants than good. To avoid such a negative result, you need to know some features of the peel. Firstly, it must be washed very thoroughly. If you neglect this, the plants will receive a dose of chemicals, and not useful substances. The thing is that banana peels have a waxy coating. Fruits are specially coated with wax so that they do not deteriorate externally during transportation. But you should understand that some manufacturers use ordinary wax, and some use unsafe carcinogens. Also, many suppliers use a solution of chlorine and ammonium sulfate to remove milky juice from bananas. Of course, soaking in such a solution does not add any beneficial properties to the skin. Especially unscrupulous suppliers use ethylene to make the fruit ripen faster. This is a rather dangerous substance that has an extremely negative effect on the functioning of the human hormonal system.

Regular rinsing of skins in water will not give any result. The peel should only be washed with soap and hot water. In addition, it should be thoroughly cleaned of pulp.

Fertilizer for rose flowers

Banana peel fertilizer for rose flowers is very easy to prepare. First you need to thoroughly rinse the skins. After this they need to be dried. This can be done in any convenient way: using a dryer, oven, battery or sun. They need to be dried until they turn dark brown, almost black. Also, the peel should become quite fragile.

After the drying stage has been completed, you can begin grinding the skins in a coffee grinder. If the drying process occurs naturally, under no circumstances should you rush it. The powder obtained after processing the skins with a coffee grinder must be mixed with the soil. The most suitable proportion is 1:10. You can add ready-made fertilizer during plant replanting. You can also simply pour it on top of the pot and water it generously. You should not add fertilizer more than once a month.

Banana peel fertilizer can be prepared in another way. To do this, you need to wash and dry the peel. Then you have to break it manually. What happens is poured into the bottom of the pot as drainage.

Reviews about this method of preparing fertilizer are very positive. Many lovers of indoor plants note that banana “feeding” is especially useful in autumn and winter. Flower growers have noticed that after such fertilization, the plants “grow” beautiful lush foliage.

Using fresh banana peels

Banana peels for flowers can also be used fresh. Many people like this recipe much more because of its ease and practicality. After the skins are thoroughly washed, you need to cut them into small pieces. It is more convenient to do this with scissors. The resulting pieces of banana peel should be buried in the soil on maximum depth so that the skins do not become moldy. The main disadvantage of this recipe is that the exact dosage is difficult to determine. Only experienced gardener can tell you what amount of fertilizer will be most effective for which plant. Ordinary fans add as much peel as they deem necessary. In this case, it is worth remembering that it is better to put less than to overdo it. The fact is that the plant can react negatively to an excess of fertilizer. In addition, the skins must decompose in the substrate, and this process occurs very slowly. To speed it up as much as possible and bring additional benefits to plants, you can use nitrogen fertilizer. It must be mixed with skins in equal quantities.

Liquid fertilizers

Banana peel for plants is very effective in liquid form. Moreover, such recipes for preparing fertilizer are very simple. It is necessary to wash and peel the banana skins and dry them thoroughly. After this, they are brewed like tea. After the “drink” has cooled, it can be used to water the plants. For 1 liter of water you will need 5-6 tsp. banana peel. To maximize the effect, it is advisable to dry the peels for this recipe on a radiator. It is best to store blanks in paper. If you don’t want to make “tea,” you can simply grind the peel and sprinkle it on the soil.

There is another recipe. We prepare banana skins for use according to all the main stages (cleaning, drying, chopping). Fill the jar (1 liter) halfway with the peel and fill it with cold water. It is necessary to infuse this water for one day. After this, you need to remove the peel from the jar and add water. You can water the flowers with the prepared infusion.


It is worth giving here one original recipe for preparing banana fertilizer. It is quite difficult to say anything about its effectiveness, since reviews real people almost not. Still, the recipe is there. To prepare a banana smoothie, you need to grind the peel of one banana in a blender and add 200 g of water. There is no need to infuse or filter the cocktail - it can be used immediately. In each pot you need to put 2 tsp. cocktail. Repeat once a month.

Recipe from experienced gardeners

As we already understood, banana peels are very useful for indoor plants. Above we considered the most simple recipes, which are available to every housewife or gardener. They don't require additional costs and special methods for processing the peel. However, professionals can also tell you how to prepare banana fertilizer correctly and most effectively. It is believed that it is best to use a water extract.

First you need to peel and dry the peel. Drying should be natural. Approximately 3-4 skins should be placed in a 3-liter jar of water. After 5 days, you need to filter the tincture. After filtration, you can water your plants with it. Keep liquid fertilizer it can take about a month, the main thing is that there are no traces of fermentation.

Step-by-step cooking guide

It is better to prepare such fertilizer only by professionals. They know how attractive banana peels are to various bacteria. To avoid many mistakes, let’s consider the process of preparing this fertilizer step by step:

  1. It is best to use distilled water. If this is not possible, you should boil tap water at least 10 minutes.
  2. At the same time, you can treat the jar with a stream of hot steam.
  3. Continue cooking only when the kettle has cooled down. Don't wait until it cools down completely. The main thing is that the water does not burn your hands.
  4. As soon as the peel is filled with water, the jar is tightly closed and placed in a dark place. It is believed that if you put the jar in a cardboard box, you can be guaranteed to protect the infusion from fermentation. In addition, this is useful advice from a practical point of view: if the jar suddenly bursts, nearby things will not be damaged.
  5. Before using the fertilizer, it is diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio. You can use tap water for this.

Side effects

Banana peels for indoor plants can also cause some inconvenience. Despite the relative ease of preparing fertilizers and their high efficiency, they can contribute to the occurrence of side effects. The smell of banana peels can attract various pests (fruit flies, ants). At the same time, fertilizer is an excellent weapon in the fight against aphids. If you rub the leaves of houseplants with tincture, it will quickly disappear.

In addition, if you approach the issue of preparing fertilizer superficially, you can only harm the plants. Without careful processing and peeling, there can be no question of a healthy infusion.

It is also worth remembering that banana peels are not a panacea for all diseases. Plants need care and feeding with various fertilizers.

Banana pulp

Don't forget about banana pulp. It is also very beneficial for plants. If you don’t eat bananas because you know how many calories are in 1 banana without peel (which is from 70 to 130 kcal), and you don’t want to add extra centimeters to yourself, then fruits can be used more rationally. Banana pulp is believed to be a quick and easy remedy to help a plant that is in particularly poor condition.

The fertilizer recipe is very simple. It is necessary to crush the pulp of one banana with a fork and pour it with a small glass of water. The resulting pulp should be poured under the root.


Banana peels are very useful for seedlings. The most common recipe is freezing the peel. It is necessary to peel the skins and cut them into small pieces. Fertilizer should be stored in freezer. The advantage of this recipe is that it is available at any time of the year. It is best to make banana “tea” for plants from frozen skins.

What other benefits can banana peels provide for indoor plants? You can make compost, as it is perfect for bulbous plants. To do this, you need to pour banana peels into a bucket of soil. The quantity is not strictly specified; it is advisable to use more skins. All this must be filled with Baikal fertilizer and mixed. After 30 days, you need to add fresh skins and a little “Baikal” again. After about 2 months, when the compost becomes greasy and black, it can be used.

Undeniable, we know almost nothing about the benefits of peels and, out of habit, we throw them in the trash. In reality, a banana peel is a very useful object.

Everything is by analogy: if in Russia grandmother’s advice on how to effectively use onion skins, then in the southern countries many ways were invented to make banana peels work in everyday life, in the garden and for the benefit of our health.

Here best tips how to use banana peel.

Banana peel for weight loss

Banana skins, which are included in the diet of residents of India and the Caribbean, not only turn ordinary dishes into a delicacy, but also help to lose weight. excess weight. We're serious. Banana peels are now officially considered a weapon against extra pounds.

Why is the peel called a superfood for weight loss? For starters, it's chock-full of nutrients like vitamin A, lutein and other antioxidants, including B vitamins, which play an important role in metabolism. The peel contains tons of soluble and insoluble fiber—even more than the fruit itself. Both types of fiber prolong feelings of fullness and lower cholesterol levels.

Unripe banana peels are high in probiotics, which are important for maintaining a healthy balance of internal flora, which promotes weight loss. Green skins are also rich in resistant starch, which resists digestion and promotes fat burning. In addition, banana is a known source of potassium. This mineral increases calorie expenditure during a typical workout. Keep in mind that 40% of banana potassium is in the peel.

But it's not just about weight loss. Green peel is an excellent antidepressant. Research shows that by eating just two skins a day for 3 days, you can increase the levels of tryptophan, serotonin and dopamine in the brain, which are responsible for good mood, by 15%.

The yellow peel contains fewer micronutrients, but it has anti-cancer properties that green skins do not have.

Having convinced yourself of the benefits of banana peels for weight loss, it’s time to move on to the question of how to use them. Banana skins are edible regardless of their ripeness. But when we're talking about When it comes to cooking, green and yellow peels should be perceived as completely different products. Green skins contain more starch and, when sautéed, develop a texture similar to that of green peppers. Unripe skins absorb the flavors of all ingredients and are good in spicy savory dishes.

The yellow “wrapper”, unlike the green one, does not require heat treatment. It adds a traditional banana flavor to dishes, making it more suitable for desserts or sweet drinks. You can add it to your morning smoothie along with the fruit itself - and that’s it, no more unnecessary movements.

About the health benefits of banana peels

Banana peel is edible and contains many vitamins. In India and Polynesian countries it is used as food. This, of course, sounds strange to us: we are accustomed to considering only the pulp as the edible part of the banana.
The peel is useful because it contains potassium, magnesium, vitamin B6 and B12. Our body needs these vitamins, and in order not to lose the opportunity to get them, you can bake, boil or fry the whole banana.

Banana peels can be eaten raw. The peel can also be used in cocktails.

We use banana peel inside:

  • To provide the body with B vitamins and vitamin A (the health of our skin).
  • We use it as a raw material containing dietary fiber (removes toxic substances and stimulates intestinal motility).
  • To replenish the body with potassium ions (it is involved in the process of ion exchange of body cells).
  • As a source of probiotics (improves digestion).
  • As a means of increasing the production of leukocytes in the body (protecting the body from pathogenic agents in the blood).
  • As a stimulator of the formation of serotonin and dopamine (hormones of joy).

Banana peel has undoubted medicinal and nutritional properties and can help in the treatment of many diseases.

Treatment of depression- The peel of a ripe banana is an excellent remedy for depression, because it is simply “stuffed” with serotonin, which improves mood and adds happiness. Research from the University of Taiwan showed that when you eat two banana peels a day for 3 days, your serotonin levels increase by 15%.

Improves sleep- Banana peel is rich in tryptophan, which promotes a good night's sleep.

Reduces cholesterol- Banana peel contains much more soluble and insoluble dietary fiber than the banana itself. Therefore, it is able to reduce the amount of cholesterol, thereby preventing cardiovascular diseases, strokes and cancer.

Improves cardiovascular health y - banana peel prevents atherosclerosis, preventing plaques from forming on the walls of blood vessels.

Promotes weight loss- because, as already mentioned, it contains a lot of dietary fiber, thereby giving a feeling of fullness: it prevents overeating.

Detoxifies the body- because high fiber content creates an excellent environment for the growth of probiotics - beneficial bacteria in the intestines that strengthen the immune system. Plus it helps avoid constipation, which also detoxifies the body and improves the immune system.

Cancer Prevention- Banana peel contains anti-carcinogens that prevent this disease. It also contains cytoprotective and antimutogenic agents that reduce the risk of cancer. At the same time, banana peel contains carotenoids and polyphenols, just like green tea, which promote a healthy immune system.
Specifically banana peels promotes the production of white blood cells, which increase the overall resistance of the body.
You can either consume puree or drink banana tea. Boil the peel for 10 minutes, then add honey. In any case, this is a healthy drink.

Supports red blood cells- Research shows that banana peels make your red blood cells stronger and more resilient. To protect the body from free radicals, the peel of unripe bananas is even more suitable.

Contains many nutrients a - the peel is very rich in potassium (for the health of the heart and blood vessels and the regulation of water metabolism), contains vitamin B (for vitality), magnesium (for detoxification and regulation of blood sugar).

Banana peel for inflammation and redness of the eyes. It is enough to apply fresh, unspoiled skin to the eyes for a while.

Treats vision and is an antibiotic- banana peel contains a lot of lutein, which is important for eye health, prevents cataracts and macular degeneration. Banana peels also contain a variety of antifungal components and antibiotic agents, thereby providing significant health benefits.

Skin health and anti-inflammatory effect- thanks to anti-inflammatory agents, banana peel helps reduce any inflammatory processes.
The peel is useful for those suffering from warts, psoriasis, scabies, helps with insect bites, rashes and helps maintain the skin in excellent healthy condition.

Banana peel for joint and muscle pain. For 0.5 liters of vodka, take the crushed peels of 4-6 bananas. Leave for 3 to 6 weeks in a dark place at room temperature. Rub the sore areas at night, every day for 3 weeks.

Prepare a decoction of banana peels
Researchers know the fact that banana peels contain many vitamins and nutrients - it’s time we take advantage of this for our health. Use banana peels to add nutritional value to your juice or smoothie. To do this, boil the peel in boiling water for 10 minutes, remove it and let the broth cool. Add it to your favorite juice, compote or smoothie to taste - it's that simple.

Peel puree

Puree the peels in a blender with the addition of apples and cinnamon. It has been proven that after consuming such puree, the level of serotonin and dopamine in the body increases.

Banana smoothie
You can create a wonderful banana smoothie using the whole banana, including the peel. Take a whole banana, add one and a half cups of milk, half a spoon of vanilla, ice to taste and beat in a mixer. Consolidation!

Dried peel
The banana peel is cut into 2.5 cm pieces and dried in the sun, and later, to use the dried banana pieces in dishes, they are steamed.

Making homemade vinegar
Use banana peels to make amazing homemade vinegar! Prepared on the peel, such vinegar will have an interesting sour, slightly bitter taste with sweet undertones, and will literally absorb all the benefits of the banana peel.
This vinegar can be included as a salad dressing and as an ingredient in marinades.

Banana peel in folk medicine

Removal and resorption of bones on the feet with a slight deviation of the 1st toe
It is most effective to apply by wrapping the peel around the first finger with a “latch” on the bone (see photo 1).

Or banana peel should be attached inside to the bone. Secure with tape and wear simple socks.

It is advisable to do the procedures 3-4 times a day. The duration of the procedures is no more than half an hour; after the procedure, wipe the application site with a cotton swab or cloth soaked in warm water.

Whitening teeth
It turns out that you can successfully whiten your teeth at home using banana peels. Each time after brushing, we rub the soft side of a banana peel on the surface of the teeth in order to remove stains from the enamel and neutralize potential harm from the chemicals of the toothpaste. The resulting effect is achieved due to the high concentration of minerals in the peel that are beneficial for teeth.

Brush your teeth as usual using toothpaste, then rub the surface of your teeth with the soft white part banana peel for two minutes. The minerals in the peel, such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese and phosphorus, are good for your teeth and will help brighten them. Brush your teeth again to remove any banana residue.

Treatment of psoriasis and acne
Psoriasis is painful flaking skin. Rub the fleshy part of a banana peel onto the affected areas to relieve psoriasis symptoms such as pain and dryness.

In case of acne, follow the same steps. You will notice improvement within a few uses.

Banana peel and first aid

Removing splinters
If you cannot remove the splinter using improvised means, place a piece of banana peel with the inside on the area with the splinter and secure with a band-aid for 24 hours. Enzymes will draw the splinter to the surface of the skin, where you can easily remove it, and heal the wound.

Healing scratches, burns and bites
Banana peel contains a number of natural oils and enzymes that relieve pain when sunburn, scratches and abrasions, and also contribute to their faster healing.
In addition, she reduces inflammation and irritation from mosquito bites and other insects.

Apply the fleshy part of the banana peel to the scratch or bite area and secure with a bandage or simply wipe.
Repeat the procedure at least once a day until the wound heals.

Wart removal
Banana peel is folk remedy wart removal. Place it on the inside of the wart, secure with adhesive tape and bandage and leave overnight.

Change the pieces of peel regularly.
Repeat the procedure until the wart disappears.
Some warts may take less than a week to get rid of; others may take up to a month.

Banana peel and its beneficial effects on the skin

The minerals and antioxidants in banana peel are good means to maintain healthy skin

Benefits for the skin
. Massage a piece of ripe banana peel onto your face, trying to rub the contents of the soft side into it. This massage can be performed once every few days.
Natural fruit acids and nutrients contained in the peel will gently exfoliate the skin like a peel, nourish, moisturize and give softness and radiance.
Some even note a decrease in wrinkles with such a regular ritual.

Get rid of acne with banana peel
Rub the white side of the pimple. Leave on your face and do not wash off.

To soften the skin of the hands

Banana peel nourishes and moisturizes the skin well, so it is useful to use it to soften the skin of your hands.

Banana peel for household use

Polishing our shoes
Leather shoes began to look worn and shoe polish no longer as effective? The banana peel is at it again! Contrary to logic, for this we need not the outer waxy side, but the soft inner side of the banana peel - it is this that is rich in fruit acids necessary for polishing.

Due to the natural oils and waxes in banana peels, they can be used to clean and shine leather shoes. Rub the inside of the peel onto the shoes, then buff with a paper towel or dry cloth.

Cleaning silver
The same fruit acids found in banana peels are ideal for polishing silverware and jewelry. We wipe the prepared silver with the inside of a piece of peel to restore its natural shine.

Or grind it in a blender, add water until you get the consistency of toothpaste. Then, using a soft cloth and a small amount of prepared paste, begin to polish the silver and you will see that the dark coating will begin to disappear.
After this, wash off any remaining banana residue and polish the surface. soft cloth to restore shine.

Restoring a scratched CD or DVD disc
Place the disk that has small scratches, on flat surface label down. Rub the shiny surface of the disc first with the edible part of the banana, then with the banana peel for 2 minutes.
The pulp and wax from the peel will help clean and polish the disc. Wipe off any remaining banana with a clean, soft cloth dampened with glass cleaner and allow the disc to dry.

Getting rid of midges
Banana peels can easily help get rid of such scourges as midges. Place the peel in a plastic bag, turning it halfway out. Wait a couple of hours until all the midges are collected on the peel, close the bag and throw away.

Banana peel for use in the kitchen

Banana peel tea
You need to cut the banana peel into pieces and cook with 2 cups of water for 5 minutes. Let the water cool, then pour in the tea. Add a little honey for taste.

Banana peel kvass
You can make delicious kvass from banana peels. The skins of fresh bananas are chopped into slices (about 150 grams) and placed in a gauze bag at the bottom of the jar (you need to press it down with something). Add sugar (a glass), add water and add a little bifidoc (up to 3 tsp). Cover the jar with gauze and leave for two weeks.

Tenderizing chicken breast
Next time you're planning to cook chicken breast, add ripe banana peels to the Dutch oven. With its help, the meat will remain juicy and soft.

We line the bottom of the frying pan in which we plan to cook the meat with banana peels so that the meat remains juicy, tender and does not burn. This trick is often used in Asian cuisine.

Of course, before heating a banana peel, you should wash it thoroughly and remove any waxy coating, if any - we don’t need any extra chemicals.

Banana peel for plants

Banana peels are rich in potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium and nitrogen. These macronutrients promote healthy growth of plants, including tomatoes, peppers and roses.

As a fertilizer
Cut the banana peel into small pieces to speed up the decomposition process, place it around the plant and cover it with soil. It will decompose, releasing nutrients into the soil.

Probably the most popular and easiest way to use banana peels is to put them in your compost pile. The peel will add potassium and phosphorus contained in it to the compost, which will promote the development of the root system and improve the overall condition of the plant if you fertilize the soil with such compost.
However, it must be taken into account that good compost must consist of many components, so the content of banana peels in it should be dosed.

For fertilizing indoor plants You can air dry the banana peel or use the oven to speed up the process.
When it darkens and becomes brittle, crumble it and put it in a bag for later use. If necessary, add crushed peels to the pot and mix with soil.

Feed the peel to the worms
Worms love banana peels. belongs to earthworms the main role in decomposition organic matter, falling into the soil, in enriching it with humus and all other plant nutrition elements raised from the deep layers of the earth by the root system.
The presence of worms in the soil is an indicator of its fertility and health. Rooting in the ground, worms absorb not only humus, but also bacteria, algae, fungi with their spores, and protozoa, disinfecting pathogenic microflora.

Worms also have another specific feature that is very useful for our gardens and vegetable gardens. It is connected with their unique ability to form, improve and structure the soil, This prevents wind and water erosion.

Aphid repellent
Banana peels placed in the soil around the base of the plants will help keep aphids away from them.
To do this, you need to cut the peel into small pieces, let them dry and bury them a short distance from your plant.

Or chop the peel into small pieces, place in a cup and place under a rose bush to repel aphids.
Old or dried peels can also be used.
Tiny garden pests They don’t like the gases that banana peels release during decomposition, so they will go looking for more suitable housing.

Make sure you only use a few pieces of peel for this, as more can attract wasps, rodents and other large pests in search of the sweet snack.

Use the peel to water plants
Place it in a large jar and fill it with water.
Let the peel steep in plain water for just a day and you will get a product that will provide your flowers with the necessary microelements and energy.

The resulting fertilizer can be diluted in a ratio of 1:5, and the peel itself can be infused several times.

Plant cleaning
Clean the leaves of houseplants with the white soft part of a banana peel. Wipe each sheet to remove dirt and dust and restore its natural shine.

This trick can be successfully practiced for the waxy leaves of plants such as croton, ficus, monstera, calathea and hoya.

That's how much benefit there is from an ordinary banana! Of course, this does not mean at all that you now need to give up everything else and eat only these fruits.

We should also not forget that our body is “tailored” to its habitat. So combine the benefits of overseas bananas with the benefits of your usual apples and pears. In the end, no one can cancel the delicious ones!
Based on materials

Standard behavior. We ate the banana and threw away the skin. Let's try to break your stereotypes. We ate a banana, we find useful uses for the peel, we are not used to throwing money away.

Folk sign. Slipping on a banana and breaking your arm means wealth. Gold and diamonds will stick to your hand, like in the movie The Diamond Arm. Of course this is a joke, everything serious is below.

  • We treat psoriasis. Rub the inside of the peel onto the affected areas.
  • We fight against blackheads and small pustules on the face. Lubricate the inside of the banana skin.
  • You got stung poison ivy. Save yourself by applying banana peels to the irritated surface of the skin.
  • Get rid of warts. Rub the skin into the wart every day before going to bed.
  • Many people got rid of plantar warts I apply fresh peel with a bandage at night.
  • Heal yourself from skin problems allergies, irritation of bruises. Place the peel on the desired location and secure it with a bandage. We make a bandage at night.
  • When random rank Don’t worry if you don’t have antiseptic on hand. Apply banana skin to your scratch.
  • To improve the condition facial skin. Before going to bed, wipe your clean face with the skin and go to bed. In the morning, rinse off any remaining fibers with water.
  • Prepare banana lotion. Pour one skin into a glass of boiling water, leave for 4-6 hours. Banana lotion will help remove pigment drops and freckles.
  • Frozen cubes can be used for facial massage.
  • At irritation and pain in the eyes apply the skins for 10-15 minutes.
  • At migraine and apply to the sore spot.
  • Grind an unpeeled banana in a blender. The mixture will produce an increased dose lutein for treatment vision, serotonin to combat depression And alkaloid bufotenina libido enhancer.
  • An alcoholic tincture of banana skin is used for compresses to treat troublesome joints. Infuse 5 dried and crushed skins into 0.5 liters. vodka 2 months.
  • Whiten teeth. Rub the tooth after eating with the peel or on toothbrush add chopped skin.
  • The crushed peel together with the stem of the fruit is anthelmintic this means.
  • Speeds up healing of burns.
  • To loosen itching and from insect bites wipe the desired areas.
  • If applied to bruise, then it will come down faster.
  • Substances in the peel help pull glass and splinters out of wounds. Secure the skin with a bandage and leave overnight.
  • Clean leather or silver items and then polish them with a rag.
  • On a hike, use it as water purification filter. Dry the banana skin fibers and then finely chop. Pour approximately 50 grams of powder into a liter of suspicious water, shake, then let it settle. Good for powder particles sticky particles of heavy metals lead, cadmium, uranium, etc.. Pour the powder onto a clean cloth and run the settled water through it.
  • Important digression: Banana peels used for drying must be free from rottenness and Brown. It is better to use golden-yellow or light green colors. Dry in a dark and ventilated place. Oven and light are contraindicated.
  • Use of the peel for asthma and cough. Many people are interested in this question. But unfortunately scientific works There is no use of the peel for these purposes. But several facts are known that Cuban doctors have come up with a cure for cough and asthma based on banana peels. And another fact - Bananas contain ephedrine, which is used to make medicines for bronchitis and bronchial asthma. At home in medicinal purposes For coughs, use a banana with honey. Logically, if this medicine calms a cough, it can also help during an asthma attack. Here is a recipe that has helped many people: Prepare a mint decoction in advance (or buy essential peppermint oil at the pharmacy, the recipe requires 5 drops), brew 1 tbsp in a thermos. per glass of water and let stand for 6 hours. Then mix well 1 pc. banana with 2 tbsp. honey (preferably sweet clover, angelica, linden, buckwheat, acacia). Pour strained and warm (45-50 g) mint infusion (or 2/3 cup) into the honey-banana mixture. warm water with 5 drops of oil), mix everything until smooth. Divide the resulting medicine into 3–4 parts and take it throughout the day, as it quickly deteriorates.

Healing kvass based on banana peel.

What are the benefits of peel-based kvass?

It is a strong immuno-restorative agent; therefore, it is contraindicated for people with transplanted organs and implants. When the kvass is ripe tryptophan is formed– an amino acid that is not produced by our body. This amino acid rejects diseased and foreign cells affected by viruses and cancer. Lack of tryptophan leads to the development of cancer, diabetes mellitus, dementia, pulmonary tuberculosis.

Plus, kvass produces mucopolysaccharides, in particular heparin and hyaluronic acid, which in the pharmaceutical market cost about $1,000,000 per 1 kg. Mucopolysaccharides slow down aging and provide protection against many dangerous diseases. They are a natural lubricant for internal organs body.

Would need:

  • 3 liter jar
  • 3 cups chopped banana peel
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • leaven. 1 tablespoon of bifidokefir or teaspoon of sour cream (fat content not higher than 15%).
  • gauze bag. You can do without gauze, but this way the kvass turns out cleaner.
  • pure water

Technology for preparing kvass based on banana peels:

  1. Pour 1 liter of lukewarm water into a jar
  2. pour granulated sugar into a jar of water. Stir the water until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  3. add the starter and shake the jar again
  4. put the peels in a gauze bag and put it in a jar (or skins without a bag)
  5. add water to the top and cover with cloth or gauze instead of a lid
  6. put in a dark place, room temperature for two weeks
  7. We monitor the process, remove mold from above as often as possible
  8. after 14 days, saw through cheesecloth into a clean container and put in the refrigerator.


The following technology can be used. After 2 weeks, pour only 1 liter of drink from the can. Add 50 - 80 grams to the leftovers. sugar (don't forget to mix) and a liter of water. If you did everything correctly, then in four days the kvass will be ready again. This cycle can be repeated up to ten times without loss of quality.

Drink 1 glass 30 minutes before meals 3-4 times a day. To improve the taste, you can add citrus peels or mint.

Uses of banana

Banana body lotion.


1) 1 medium sized banana. For oily skin, green is better; for normal and dry skin, use ripe fruit. approximately 170 - 250 gr.

2) Lemon or lime juice. approximately 0.5 - 1 tsp. If your juice curdles the milk, don't add it. Make without it, or as an alternative, any alcohol-containing food liquid above 38 degrees.

3) Powdered sugar equal to the weight of a banana. Unrefined cane sugar is best; if not, use regular sugar.

4) Cow or goat milk. Equal to the weight of a banana + a little more, you need to take into account boiling.

Cooking method.

  1. Mix banana and powder until smooth.
  2. Mix the gruel and milk, add juice if you don’t mind. Place on the stove and bring to a boil.
  3. Cool, filter, add alcoholic liquid and mix. Everything can be used.

For the lazy, it is better to make a banana mask for the skin.

It's quick and easy to do. Mix a banana with 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, or instead of juice use yogurt, kefir, sour cream, or whatever fermented milk you have on hand. We bring the mixture to thick sour cream, everything can be smeared on problem areas.

Banana hair mask.


  • Banana - 1 piece
  • Egg - 1 pc. chicken, or 3 quail.
  • Honey - 1 tbsp.
  • Dark beer - 100 ml.

All ingredients can be placed in one bowl and mixed to a paste-like state; a blender is best suited for this purpose.

We apply the mask along the entire length of the hair, put it on top plastic bag or a shower cap. Keep the banana mask on for 1.5 – 2 hours. Then you can wash it off warm water and wash your hair with baby shampoo.

Evgeniy Sedov

When your hands grow from the right place, life is more fun :)


A very useful fertilizer for indoor or garden flowers, for vegetable seedlings, fruit trees And berry bushes- banana peel. By using fertilizers made from these wastes, the flowers on the window will delight you with abundant blooms, vegetable seedlings will grow strong, because... they receive almost all the necessary elements for full development and growth. Many gardeners are already familiar with this miracle fertilizer, but for some it will be useful to read this article. Why is banana peel one of the... better basics for preparing vitamin supplements?

Benefits of banana peels for plants

Banana peels as a fertilizer in gardening are not new; they have been used for a long time. Advantages home feeding, compared to store-bought counterparts, is that the first product does not contain chemical additives. Benefits of banana peel:

  • improvement of microflora and soil health;
  • harmless growth stimulation;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • stimulation of disease and pest control;
  • saturation with useful microelements, as a result, plants tolerate transplantation and lack of sunlight and heat less painfully.

Chemical composition

The composition of banana peel is almost similar to the pulp of this fruit, but there are some differences. The minerals contained in the skin are:

  • potassium;
  • sodium;
  • phosphorus;
  • manganese;
  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • nitrogen.

More than 90% of the mass of a banana peel comes from liquid and organic nutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, lipids). The volume of water content in the skins depends on the time of harvesting, the degree of ripeness of the fruit, and its shelf life. Such component composition found a practical use for banana peels in industrial production.

Almost every mineral or organic component is a useful substance necessary for normal development and the functioning of the organic system of a person, animal or plant. Their consumption is mandatory, otherwise a general malaise of the body develops. Obtaining nutrients from banana peels must be correct because... they also contain some harmful toxic elements that accumulate in the skin.

Mechanism of action

Having studied the composition of the peel, it is immediately clear that such waste is ideal for feeding plants. The mineral complex contained in the fruit and peel is useful for growth, development, flowering and fruiting. The peels of vegetables and fruits very often contain a rich vitamin and mineral composition - this has become a prerequisite for the use of banana peels in gardening. When all these microelements decompose, they perfectly nourish the roots, stimulating active growth and flowering.

The skin contains a large number of plant growth hormone, because fruits are picked unripe and treated with substances to ripen them at the time of sale. Banana peel feeding activates seed germination, seedling rooting, and the development of young shoots. This fertilizer is used to stimulate the growth of vegetable seedlings, feed greenhouse crops or indoor flowers, especially those that do not have enough solar heat and light. Magnesium promotes photosynthesis, so it will appeal to winter greenhouse and indoor plants.

Features of application

Fresh banana peels contain substances similar in action to papain, which is used in cooking to soften tough meat, but can destroy root system. In addition, the concentration of useful components in a fresh product is high, so you can use fresh peel only by placing it under the roots, but with a mandatory layer of soil. You can make banana skins biologically inactive, while maintaining their mineral composition, in the following ways:

  1. Oven dry or microwave oven at minimum power - not the most suitable method, because most of harmful products decomposition of organic matter remains in the product.
  2. Fry in a dry frying pan over low heat.
  3. Brewing with boiling water is equivalent to the first method.
  4. Natural drying in the sun or radiator - almost all decomposition and metabolic products evaporate, but due to the duration of the process, rotting or fermentation of the raw materials is possible.
  5. Freezing in the freezer - the result is similar to natural drying, but rotting or fermentation of the product is excluded.
  6. Scalding with boiling water and leaving for 1-2 hours. After this, the infusion is drained, and a sour substance is used, in which growth stimulants remain, but most of the mineral components are lost.
  7. Drying for fresh air under direct sunlight - all mineral complex, growth stimulants, and harmful organic matter evaporates.

Fertilizer for flowers

Banana skins, making up about 35% of total mass fruits contain as many nutrients as fruits. According to experienced flower growers, banana peel fertilizer for indoor plants activates their growth and protects them from diseases. If you become familiar with all the ways to use peels in floriculture, you can both save money and significantly improve the health of your “green pets.” Banana peels are used to wipe the leaves of indoor flowers to remove dust.

This banana peel flower food replaces potassium-phosphorus fertilizers, which has a beneficial effect on the development, growth, budding, and flowering of plants. Those gardeners who are accustomed to using industrial fertilizers may speak negatively about the natural analogue, although banana fertilizers are not inferior to them, for example, humate. If the peels are used in combination with grape shoots, you can get the most effective fertilizer, which contains most of the periodic table.

Feeding seedlings of nightshade and asteraceae crops

Compositae and nightshade crops have an internal biofilter, so it is recommended to use fertilizer from banana waste for sunflowers, eggplants, and tomatoes. The result is especially noticeable when using fertilizer in the northern regions of the country. This fertilizer is recommended to be used only for seedlings. During the flowering and fruiting period, it is recommended to use dried or dried peels.

For which plants can banana peels be used for feeding?

How to make fertilizer

Raw materials are prepared in several ways, using:

  • fresh skins;
  • water infusion;
  • dried or dried peel;
  • dry crust powder;
  • fried skins;
  • compost;
  • freezing;
  • complex fertilizers from various natural components.

Fresh crushed skins

The simplest, but no less effective method feeding seedlings or seedlings - crushed fresh skins. To prepare, the peel is cut into small pieces and buried under the root before planting, avoiding direct contact with the roots. After just 7-12 days, not a trace will remain of the crusts - they completely decompose, giving themselves to the plant. After such feeding, even weak plants activate growth.

The harmful components with which the fruit was treated before sale remain for a long time on the surface of the peels. They must be washed thoroughly before use. It is not recommended to use this method for fruit trees and root vegetables, because One wash won't get rid of it harmful substances. To make the fertilizer safer, it is better to process the raw materials.

Dried or cured peel

A simple and easy way to prepare potash fertilizer is to dry the skins in a natural way: in the summer - in the sun, in winter - near the radiator. Properly dried peels are completely dry, uniform dark color, without black spots and unpleasant odor. Ready fertilizer stored in paper bag or plastic container. Use as needed - bury in pot when planting indoor flower, add to cups when picking seedlings.

You can dry banana peels in the sun while hanging on outdoors. To do this, banana peelings are strung on a thread and hung in a sunny, well-ventilated place, like mushrooms. Thus, the entire complex of vitamins and minerals is preserved, and no trace remains of harmful impurities.

Ground dry skins in powder form

First you need to dry the peels in the oven, electric dryer or naturally. Grind dry raw materials in a coffee grinder or blender. The resulting powder can be directly sprinkled onto the soil in a flower pot and then filled with water. Repeat the procedure once a month. If mold appears on the surface of the soil after fertilizing, then it is better to apply the portion under the soil, without direct contact with air.


This fertilizer is more difficult to prepare, but it is worth it. Add a lot of banana peels to a bucket of plain soil and stir well. Then they fill it with “Baikal” fertilizer - this is a live fertilizer, which consists not of the usual mineral and organic components, but of microorganisms. A month later, the crusts and “Baikal” are added again and stirred well. After 30-60 days, the crusts will rot and natural compost will be ready.

Water infusion

To prepare an aqueous extract, the peel must be washed, the stalks removed, placed in a 3-liter sterile bottle, and filled with boiled water to the top. All procedures are carried out over gas oven or a burner. Sterility is important because... Protozoa, for example, the ciliate slipper, can reproduce. Leave for 5 days, then the infusion is drained and filtered through cheesecloth. The shelf life of the product is 30-45 days, but the starter may ferment. Before use, the aqueous extract is diluted with water 1 to 1 and heated to room temperature.

Feeding application rates

Certain crops may require more or less of the nutrient, but the usual dose is: 1 tablespoon per liter container flower pot. The rate may decrease depending on the degree of development of the root system and the type of plant:

Watering flowers

Banana water for flowers - no universal remedy, each plant is individual. But there is general rules which are recommended to be followed:

  1. All flowers are fertilized after watering so as not to burn the root system.
  2. Plants that are watered drip irrigation, can be fed constantly, but the prepared solution must be diluted by half with water.
  3. Watering with water extract indoor flowers, it is important to monitor soil moisture, because with an increased rate, rotting of the roots is possible.
  4. Plants need to be fed once every 7-14 days, depending on general condition flower.

Recipes for complex fertilizers with banana peel

In addition to banana peels, many other food wastes are used as fertilizer, which feed and improve disease resistance:

  • onion peel;
  • potato peelings;
  • eggshells;
  • citrus fruit peels;
  • leftover brewed tea and coffee.

Fertilizing with magnesia and eggshells

To prepare this fertilizer you will need:

  • magnesia – 40 g;
  • water – 2 l.;
  • dried banana peels – 6-8 pcs.;
  • powder eggshells– 4 tsp.

Cooking process:

  1. Grind the dried peels into powder.
  2. Pour all ingredients into water.
  3. Stir until the magnesium dissolves.
  4. Keep refrigerated. Use as a spray - spray foliage and soil.

With orange zest

A complex fertilizer that combines the beneficial properties of bananas, glucose (sugar) and orange peel - a natural fertilizer for indoor plants. Fill a three-liter jar with orange and banana peelings 30%. Pour 30 g of sugar and add water. Leave for 20 days, stirring every 5 days. After 3 weeks, the infusion is filtered. Before use, dilute with distilled water in a ratio of 1 to 20. It is recommended to feed the plants no more than once a month.

Against aphids on plants

If you drop a few banana peels into the soil around a plant in the garden, there will be much less aphids on the foliage, because these insects cannot tolerate potassium. A water infusion is made from the skins, which repels aphids and nourishes the plant:

  1. Place the peels of three bananas in a 3-liter jar of water.
  2. Leave for 2 days.
  3. Then strain the infusion and dilute with water 1 to 1.
  4. Water the plant at the root or spray it.

Advantages and disadvantages of banana peel fertilizer

Advantages of using crust feeding:

  1. Banana skins are a source of nutrients that are essential for healthy plant growth.
  2. Naturalness of raw materials.
  3. The crusts decompose quickly.
  4. Many ways to use and prepare skins.
  5. Low cost.

Banana peel as a top dressing has its disadvantages:

  • Bananas are brought from distant countries and picked unripe. In order for fruits to ripen, they are treated with chemicals and soaked in a solution of chlorine and ammonium sulfate.
  • Fertilizing does not completely compensate for the deficiency of nutrients.
  • When recycling banana waste, an advantage turns into a disadvantage: banana peel fertilizer for fruit crops You can use it sparingly or prepare it in special ways.
  • To ensure rapid ripening, bananas are treated with ethylene, which negatively affects the human hormonal system.
  • The smell of banana attracts insects - fruit flies, ants, bees.

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Briefly about banana

In Russia, bananas are an affordable and popular tropical fruit, especially in winter period. Many people eat one banana a day.

According to statistics, in our country in 2015 there were almost 9 kg of bananas per capita per year, in Ecuador - the main supplier of bananas to Russia - banana consumption was about 74 kg per capita per year.

In the tropics, bananas are very common, they are eaten and used for various purposes. Banana skins are also used there, for example, even for launching ships because of their good glide.

It is convenient to eat a banana anywhere, its peel comes off well and we easily and simply throw away this compact skin, and this is 40% of the weight of the fruit that we paid for in stores or markets, i.e. we are simply throwing away 40% of its value. So let's be practical and take a closer look at the peel.

Beneficial properties of banana peel

It is known that the peels and skins of many vegetables and fruits are very useful, and sometimes even more useful than the fruits themselves. For example, red grapes - it is the grape skins that contain bioflavonoids that fight heart and vascular diseases and aging of the body.

What about bananas? They are useful in fiber, potassium, magnesium phosphorus and other elements, vitamins B, C and PP (we especially lack these vitamins according to the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences), enzymes, antioxidants, serotonin and tryptophan. Bananas contain a lot of sucrose and are a good energy drink.

It has been established that the fiber content in the peel is even greater than in a peeled banana, and fiber is beneficial for the gastrointestinal tract. intestinal tract(effectively cleanse the intestines), reduces the development of cardiovascular diseases, because banana peels contain 40% of potassium, which is so necessary for our heart to function. Lutein (a carotenoid) contained in the peel improves vision by preventing age-related changes in the lens.

How to use banana peels

In Asia, banana peels are widely used for food: for example, in drinks - chopped peels are infused in water, in hot tea, smoothies are prepared, and the peels are also fried, laying, for example, beaten chicken fillet on inner side skins placed in a frying pan or barbecue - such chops become juicy and do not burn.

But this is how they use freshly picked bananas; in our country it’s a completely different matter.

Transported on long distances bananas are picked green in the tropics, transported by refrigerated ships at a temperature of 13 - 15 degrees, then treated with a mixture of gases (95% nitrogen and 5% ethylene) - a composition identical to what bananas emit when ripening (as well as other fruits, for example, apples ).

In addition, there is information that picked bananas are treated with preservatives E 230, 231, 232 - chemicals containing phenol. In some countries these additives are prohibited.

Therefore, we won’t take risks and won’t use banana skins for food. There are still options for using the skins in everyday life. What are they?

Using the inside of a banana skin you can:

  • Wipe the skin of the face and hands, which improves the condition of the skin, nourishes and moisturizes it;
  • Whiten teeth by rubbing them;
  • Apply compresses from the peel for burns (including sunburn), abscesses, insect bites;
  • Peel the leaves of indoor plants;
  • Clean leather shoes;
  • Clean silver cutlery and jewelry from oxide deposits;
  • Enrich the soil with minerals by placing cut banana peels shallowly in the ground (or compost in the garden), and by drying the peels, crumbling them and spreading the crumbs on the surface of the soil indoor plant or soil in a garden or vegetable garden;
  • Water and feed indoor and garden plants with a solution rich in enzymes and microelements.

Enriching the soil with banana peel infusion

Now it is urgent to enrich the soil with useful elements not with chemical fertilizers, but with natural preparations and solutions. One of them is a fermented solution of fruit peels and peelings. To do this, use the skins and peelings of bananas, apples, citrus fruits (you can also add vegetable peelings and herbs), water, sugar and plastic container with screw cap.

And the fermented composition is made like this:

Water is poured into a plastic container (1 part by weight), sugar is poured, preferably unrefined cane sugar (1 part), the solution is shaken and skins and peelings of fruits and vegetables are added (3 parts). The container should leave 20% space for air and gases released during fermentation.

The container is tightly closed and the gases are released from it every day, carefully opening it. It takes about 3 months to infuse the skins for complete fermentation. Then the mixture is filtered and used for watering and feeding plants, diluting 1 liter. the resulting solution per 1000 l. water (1 ml per 1 liter of water) for irrigation and 2 ml per 1 liter. water for feeding. Such a useful solution can be stored for years.

If you don’t have time to wait, you can simply cut up banana skins and infuse them in water to water your plants.

Banana peel for decoration