Can asthma be treated with herbs? Asthma treatment with herbs Herbs for asthma

Together with traditional methods of treating asthma, folk remedies are often used. Most actively used herbs for asthma. They help restore bronchial patency due to expectorant and mucolytic properties. Below is the TOP 7 most effective plants against inflammation of the respiratory tract.

One of the herbs used in bronchial asthma is hyssop. Its inflorescences are used for pathologies of the lungs and bronchi, but it must be used carefully because of a number of contraindications, which include kidney disease, stomach ulcers, and epilepsy.

Prepare a medicinal decoction of hyssop as follows:

  1. It is necessary to grind its inflorescences in the amount of 20 g.
  2. Next, pour them with 1 liter of boiling water and cover with a lid.
  3. After 40-60 minutes, the composition is filtered and drunk one tablespoon twice a day: on an empty stomach in the morning and at bedtime. The therapeutic course is 21 days.


Few people have heard of a beautiful plant called shandra. Its medicinal raw materials are the stem and leaves. It contains essential oils, resinous substances, fineness and promotes sputum discharge.

You need to remember the beneficial properties of the herb shandra, and how to brew it for asthma.

The following recipe is effective against the disease:

  1. Two teaspoons of raw materials are poured into 250 ml of boiling water.
  2. After 10 minutes, the composition is filtered.
  3. Drink tea 3-5 cups a day until relief occurs.
  4. Ginger

The well-known ginger has antibacterial, expectorant and antispasmodic properties. It contains vitamins A, C, calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, fatty acids and many other useful substances.

In chronic bronchial asthma, ginger juice is effective. It is drunk on an empty stomach, diluted with a spoonful of water. Initially, you need to take 7-10 drops of juice. Then gradually increase the dosage to 30 drops. The course of treatment is 2-3 months. It is useful to drink juice in early autumn to strengthen immunity by winter.

At the first sign of asthma, it is advised to steam your feet with ginger. It is necessary to add one tablespoon of the crushed plant to a basin of hot water. Feet soar for 20-30 minutes, then wipe dry and put on socks.


Asthma symptoms include cough and dyspnea. Pharmacy chamomile will help get rid of shortness of breath and other unpleasant manifestations of the disease. It has softening and expectorant effects. It is also used as an herbal remedy for asthma.

The medicinal value of the plant is due to the presence of useful elements, including:

  • salicylic and caprylic acids;
  • vitamin C;
  • carotene;
  • polysaccharides;
  • chamazulene.

Chamomile is used to make medicinal tea. It is necessary to pour 2 tablespoons of dried chamomile flowers with a glass of boiling water and insist for three hours. For 7 days, you need to brew a mug of chamomile tea and drink it on an empty stomach to reduce the number of attacks.


One of the most effective herbs for asthma in adults is eucalyptus. This evergreen plant is characterized by a powerful healing effect and has the following properties:

  • antimicrobial;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • immunomodulatory;
  • painkillers.

Eucalyptus oil helps to thin out the mucus that builds up in the lungs. You need to add 3-5 drops to boiling water and breathe deeply with this steam. Such procedures give a quick effect.

There is another recipe. For the treatment of asthma, you need to take two large spoons of dry eucalyptus, pour a glass of boiling water and cook for 3-4 minutes over low heat. The cooled broth should be consumed in small sips throughout the day. It is taken until relief comes.


Among the popular herbs for asthma is turmeric. Many are accustomed to using it as a spice for various dishes. However, it is not only a spicy-aromatic, but also a medicinal plant that has antiseptic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. Turmeric helps relieve asthma and eliminate its dangerous consequences. It is especially effective in the case of an allergic nature of the disease.

Spicy powder is taken with hot milk. This should be done 20-30 minutes before meals three times a day. Add half a teaspoon of turmeric to half a glass of milk. Drink the drink every day until complete recovery.


Since ancient times, people have been using horseradish as a cure for many diseases. Its roots and leaves contain vitamins and active chemicals. It contains a lot of ascorbic acid, carotene and minerals. It copes well with bronchial diseases, eliminates suffocation and other unpleasant symptoms.

You can reduce the viscosity of sputum with horseradish and lemon juice. To do this, grate 100 g of the plant and mix with the juice of two citrus fruits. Take medicine for half a teaspoon in the morning and afternoon every day. It can cause tearing. You can not drink the composition. The course of therapy is 3-4 months, but improvement can be felt within a week.

This recipe is suitable for treating asthma in adults and children from 5 years of age. However, he has contraindications: gastritis, stomach ulcers, allergies.

Fee Recipes

To get rid of inflammation of the respiratory tract, the collections of the following expectorant herbs are successfully used:

  • 30 g of elecampane root, 30 g of spring primrose root, 30 g of coltsfoot leaves;
  • 40 g of pine buds, 30 g of plantain, 30 g of coltsfoot leaves;
  • 50 g marshmallow, 50 g thyme;
  • 20 g of chamomile flowers, 20 g of fennel fruit, 20 g of mint leaves, 20 g of valerian root, 20 g of cumin fruit.

All herbs for bronchial asthma are mixed and prepared according to the same principle:

  1. A large spoonful of the collection is poured with 200 ml of boiling water.
  2. Then the composition is kept in a water bath for 15 minutes.
  3. Take half a glass three times a day until the condition improves.

Collections of herbs improve sputum discharge, facilitate breathing. It is important to make sure that the asthmatic has contraindications.

Herbal treatment for asthma involves the use of other plants, including:

  • clover;
  • corostavnik;
  • gray hiccup;
  • wild rosemary;
  • budra ivy.

A competent combination of conservative treatment and folk remedies will help get rid of asthma attacks and strengthen the body's defenses. It is advised to periodically change the composition of expectorant herbs for asthma, so as not to cause the body to become addictive. You can learn more about herbal therapy from your doctor.

Bronchial asthma is a formidable and insidious disease, accompanied by debilitating bouts of painful suffocation. The topic of our conversation is folk methods of treating bronchial asthma.

Asthma in most cases has a chronic form, that is, a person is permanently under the sword of Damocles, because an attack can overtake him at any time, anywhere and completely suddenly.

Bronchial asthma in children is quite successfully cured, but acquired in adulthood, this serious disease, alas, is practically incurable and haunts a person all his life. But this is not at all a reason for despair, since modern medicine has the widest range of tools to minimize the painful manifestations of asthma, stop or even prevent attacks, and significantly improve the quality of life of asthmatic patients.

Bronchial asthma: causes, mechanisms

In this article we will talk about whether it is possible to use alternative methods of treatment for people diagnosed with bronchial asthma. But first, let's look at the mechanism of this disease and its causes.


Asphyxiation attacks occur due to spasmodic narrowing of the lumen of the bronchi, and these spasms, in turn, are caused by swelling of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. Edema develops as a result of increased sensitivity of the smooth muscles of the bronchial walls to all kinds of irritants. Thus, the nature of asthma is closest to that of an allergic reaction.

It is not always possible to say with certainty what exactly caused bronchial asthma in a particular patient.

Among the causes of this disease are:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • exposure to hazardous industries (prolonged inhalation of toxic fumes of chemical reagents, building dust, etc.);
  • ecological trouble, damp and cold climate;
  • chronic respiratory tract infections (chronic bronchitis and others);
  • let's not forget about smoking, which by default is accompanied by chronic bronchitis.

In addition, aggressive allergens can cause asthma-like attacks: house dust, plant pollen, caustic household chemicals, strong odors of perfumes, and some drugs.

Bronchial asthma: symptoms, course

This disease is characterized by a paroxysmal course. In the intervals between attacks, a person can feel quite satisfactory. The attack begins sharply. Suddenly there is severe shortness of breath, turning into suffocation.

Breathing quickens, becomes difficult, especially in the exhalation phase - a person has to push the air out of himself with effort. At the same time, dry whistling rales are heard in the chest. There is a cough, dry, hacking. Sputum does not go away or leaves in a minimal amount. A characteristic feature of asthmatic attacks is that they can occur in the middle of the night when the patient is at rest.

When making a diagnosis, it is important to differentiate bronchial asthma from other inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system, in particular, from chronic bronchitis. In some ways, these states are similar, but there are several fundamental differences.

For example, the nature of the cough: with bronchitis it is constant, moderate, intensifies in the morning, accompanied by moist rales and sputum discharge, with asthma it rolls in attacks, dry, hacking, not accompanied by sputum discharge, does not bring relief.

In contrast to the paroxysmal nature of bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis is characterized by a more even, sluggish process. An exacerbation of chronic bronchitis can start from hypothermia, while an asthma attack is always associated with exposure to some allergen.

If you have a confirmed diagnosis of bronchial asthma, treatment with alternative methods should be prescribed by a specialist pulmonologist. Success will be brought by a competent integrated approach, which includes a branched drug regimen (it will include anti-inflammatory drugs, special anti-asthma drugs, drugs for relieving seizures, hormones if necessary), a special diet, a set of breathing exercises and, of course, traditional medicine recipes.

To stop seizures, you need to always have a pocket inhaler with you so that you feel calm anywhere. It is important to understand that an asthma attack that has begun can cause a panic state, which, in turn, will increase spasms and suffocation. Such is the vicious circle.

Treatment of bronchial asthma folk methods

Let's start with the simplest. You can quickly stop the beginning attack in the good old way: breathe over hot boiled potatoes, wrapping your head in a towel.

Be careful not to burn the respiratory tract.

There is nothing better for the broncho-pulmonary system than saturated sea air. If there is no opportunity to settle on the shores of the warm sea, you can get by with sea salt baths.

At the same time, be careful if there are diseases of the heart and the female genital area.

Medicinal plants, herbal preparations

Ginger tincture

400 grams of peeled and washed ginger is grated and poured with alcohol so that all the ginger is covered. Keep in a warm place for two weeks, shaking occasionally. When the tincture becomes yellowish, it is filtered, squeezed, defended and drained. Take twice a day for a teaspoon, washed down with water.

Wormwood infusion

A tablespoon of dry grass Chernobyl (wormwood) is poured with a glass of boiling water, insisted for half an hour, filtered. Take a tablespoon half an hour before meals before each meal.

St. John's wort for asthma

St. John's wort alcohol tincture. A tablespoon of dry chopped St. John's wort is poured with a glass of vodka, insisted for a week, filtered. The resulting remedy is taken three times a day, 25 drops.

Celandine tincture

The tincture of celandine is prepared in exactly the same way. It helps with difficult breathing. Take with caution in patients with gastrointestinal problems.

Herbal remedy for asthma

You can buy the so-called breast collection at the pharmacy and supplement it with a teaspoon of licorice root and anise fruits. The composition expanded in this way (a tablespoon) is poured with a glass of boiling water, insisted for two hours, taken in a tablespoon three times a day.

One to two tablespoons of viburnum decoction with honey three times a day will significantly improve your well-being with asthma symptoms.

turnip decoction

Turnip decoction will help prevent night attacks of suffocation. Rub a medium-sized turnip on a coarse grater, add 0.5 liters of water, boil for 15 minutes. Filter. The resulting decoction is taken in a glass before bedtime.

Yarrow infusion

A tablespoon of dry chopped grass is poured with a glass of boiling water, insisted for 2 hours, filtered. A glass is drunk during the day, divided into three doses.

healthy eating

In addition to the use of herbal medicine, try to establish a diet.

You will have to limit the consumption of fatty meat, nuts, alcohol, citrus fruits, strawberries, caviar and seafood, exclude fried and smoked foods.

Carry out the treatment of bronchial asthma with folk methods in combination with the therapy prescribed by the attending physician, but do not forget to work on your state of mind. Asthma, like many other diseases, is very afraid of your positive mood and confidence that everything will be fine!

Folk remedies for bronchial asthma are very popular, but is this approach justified?

Bronchial asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory system, which is manifested by recurrent bouts of difficult noisy breathing, dry cough. Modern medicine has a number of drugs that allow you to control the course of the disease well and ensure the achievement of stable remission. But many people believe that it is much safer to be treated with "herbs" rather than "chemo." Let's try to figure out if they are right.

Phytotherapy: benefit or harm?

Treatment of bronchial asthma with folk remedies at home is quite acceptable, but only under the following conditions:

  • folk methods should complement drug treatment, and not replace it;
  • Before starting treatment, it is necessary to consult a doctor and obtain his consent.

Patients should understand that herbal medicine and other folk methods are not a panacea and are not without drawbacks. Experts, on the contrary, emphasize that herbal remedies for bronchial asthma are potentially dangerous. The fact is that any medicinal plant contains many biologically active substances, and it is not known what effect each of them can have on the human body, since such studies have not been conducted.

Folk remedies for asthma will never replace the traditional treatment of this serious disease. They can be used as part of complex therapy and only after consultation with your doctor.

The composition of pharmacological preparations is precisely known and constant, while the composition of plants is unstable. It is largely determined by environmental conditions (presence of pollution, climate, chemical composition of water and soil). In fact, various unknown and sometimes toxic impurities can be included in the composition of plants.

It is not a guarantee of the safety of phytopreparations and a long history of their use. For example, the herb aristolochia (kirkazon) was widely used in China as a cure for bronchial asthma, tuberculosis, and hypertension. A few years ago, dietary supplements with aristolochia were actively sold in Western Europe. But scientific studies have shown that this, harmless at first glance, weed is fraught with a huge danger to human health. Its long-term use leads to irreversible damage to the kidney tissue and contributes to the development of malignant tumors of the upper third of the urinary tract.

The concentration of active substances in medicinal plants is negligible, much lower than in pharmaceutical preparations, so one should not expect a quick and lasting effect from them.

At the same time, it is not worth completely abandoning the use of folk methods for bronchial asthma. Many of them are quite effective and their use has a scientific basis, but they can only be used on the advice of a doctor and as part of the complex therapy of the disease. It is unacceptable to completely replace drug therapy with folk remedies, as this threatens the development of serious complications.

Folk ways to treat bronchial asthma

In this article, we will not consider such exotic folk remedies as, for example, the ingestion of ammonia or hydrogen peroxide. They are not only completely ineffective, but can also cause poisoning, burns of the mucous membranes and, ultimately, deterioration of the patient's condition.

Any medicinal plant contains many biologically active substances, and it is not known what effect each of them can have on the human body, since such studies have not been conducted.

Let's talk about herbal medicine for bronchial asthma and the use of bee products.

Treatment of bronchial asthma with herbs

Phytotherapy of bronchial asthma should be aimed at eliminating the main factors that provide the mechanism for the development of bronchial obstruction. For this purpose, medicinal plants are used that have a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and anti-allergic effect. They can be applied both separately and in the form of fees.

Pine cones

An infusion of pine cones gives a good effect not only in bronchial asthma, but also in inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract (pharyngitis, bronchitis). To prepare the infusion, you need to take 2 green pine cones and rinse them thoroughly under running water. The cones are placed in a thermos, a small piece (no more than 2 cm in diameter) of pine resin is added to them and poured with half a liter of boiling milk. Insist 4 hours. Then filter and take one glass twice a day. The course of treatment is 4–8 weeks. If necessary, it can be repeated after a short break.

Aloe healing balm

Balm recipe:

  • aloe leaves - 250 gr.;
  • honey - 350 gr.;
  • wine (quality Cahors) - 0.5 l.

Before cutting the leaves, aloe is not watered for 10-15 days. The collected leaves are wiped from dust with a slightly damp cloth. Then they are broken into small pieces and placed in a liter jar, poured with wine and honey. Stir until the honey is completely dissolved and insist in the refrigerator for 15 days. After that, strain the mixture through several layers of gauze, squeezing out the leaves.

In the first two days, you need to take a tablespoon 3 times a day. Then the dose is reduced to a teaspoon 3 times a day.

This product is intended for adults only. Since the composition of the therapeutic balm includes alcohol, its use in children is strictly prohibited!

Phytotherapy of bronchial asthma should be aimed at eliminating the main factors that provide the mechanism for the development of bronchial obstruction.

garlic oil

It is possible to treat bronchial asthma, bronchitis, SARS with the help of garlic, which has a pronounced bactericidal effect. To prepare garlic oil, you need to take 100 g of softened butter and add 5 finely chopped garlic cloves to it, salt a little to taste. Store the resulting mixture in the refrigerator and use it like regular butter (use for making sandwiches, add to mashed potatoes). Garlic oil has a pleasant taste and aroma, it is eaten with pleasure not only by adults, but also by children.

Ginger for asthma

It has long been known that ginger has an immunomodulatory and bactericidal effect. Therefore, its use has a beneficial effect on the course of respiratory diseases, reduces the risk of complications. Recently, in the course of a scientific study conducted by researchers at Columbia University, it was found that ginger also has bronchodilator properties, that is, it is able to relax the smooth muscles of the bronchi. With bronchial asthma, the use of ginger in conjunction with traditional medicines allows you to quickly stop an asthma attack.

Peel and rinse a small piece of ginger root under running water, grate it on the finest grater and squeeze out the juice. Then mix one teaspoon of ginger and lemon juice, add half a teaspoon of honey or sugar to this mixture. Pour half a glass of boiling water and cool. The medicine is taken during an asthma attack in a teaspoon every 30 minutes until the symptoms of bronchial asthma, such as shortness of breath and dry cough, disappear.

The composition of pharmacological preparations is precisely known and constant, while the composition of plants is unstable. It is largely determined by environmental conditions (presence of pollution, climate, chemical composition of water and soil).

Kalina from bronchial asthma

Quite an effective remedy for bronchial asthma is a decoction of viburnum. To prepare it, you need to mash one tablespoon of ripe berries in puree and pour a glass of warm boiled water. Let it brew for 10-15 minutes, then bring to a boil and cook under a closed lid over low heat for 20 minutes. Cool, strain. Top up with boiled water to the original volume and add a teaspoon of honey. The resulting decoction should be drunk in small sips throughout the day.

Essential oils

  • peppermint oil - delays the release of histamine cells, improves nasal breathing;
  • lavender oil - has an anti-inflammatory and sedative effect;
  • eucalyptus oil - has an antiseptic effect;
  • tea tree oil - has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects.

Any of these oils is used for steam inhalation. To do this, heat ½ liter of water to a temperature of 55-60 ° C and add 2-3 drops of essential oil to it. Breathe, leaning over the pan and covered with a towel for 10-12 minutes. Similar steam inhalations can be repeated during the day 2-3 times. They should be done no earlier than 1.5-2 hours after eating. In children, this method of treatment is not used.

It should be understood that the rationale for the effectiveness of essential oils is purely theoretical and is not confirmed by the results of clinical studies.

Modern medicine has a number of drugs that allow you to control the course of the disease well and ensure the achievement of stable remission.

Treatment of bronchial asthma with bee products

Traditional medicine widely recommends the use of bee products (honey, royal jelly, flower pollen, propolis) in the treatment of bronchial asthma. However, it must be remembered that all these products are strong allergens and in some patients can provoke an asthma attack. Therefore, before starting treatment with honey or propolis, you should always consult with your doctor. It is important to take into account the fact that no more than 50 g of honey can be consumed per day. In severe bronchial asthma, apitherapy is contraindicated.

The most popular honey remedies used for bronchial asthma are:

  1. Honey balm. Mix honey, lemon juice, aloe juice, cranberry juice, onion juice, black radish juice, 96 ° ethyl alcohol and sugar in equal proportions by volume. The container with the mixture is stored in the refrigerator, shaking occasionally until the sugar is completely dissolved. Take 3 times a day half an hour before meals, 2 tablespoons. This remedy is contraindicated for children. The course of treatment is 1 month.
  2. Alcohol tincture of propolis. To prepare it, you should take 80 g of propolis and place it in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. Then grate and pour cold water. After 5 minutes, the water is drained, and the resulting precipitate is dried. The propolis prepared in this way is placed in a dark glass bottle and filled with 300 ml of 70° ethyl alcohol. Seal tightly and infuse at room temperature for 15 days, shaking vigorously from time to time. The finished tincture is filtered through several layers of gauze and stored in a dark place. Adults take 20 drops of tincture 3 times a day, after dissolving it in a small amount of warm boiled water or milk.
  3. A mixture of honey and royal jelly. Mix honey with royal jelly in a ratio of 100:2. Adults are advised to take 1 teaspoon 2 times a day half an hour before meals. The mixture should be kept in the mouth until completely dissolved. In children, the dosage is determined by age and should be selected by a doctor.
The rationale for the effectiveness of essential oils is purely theoretical and is not supported by the results of clinical studies.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize once again that folk remedies for asthma will never replace the traditional treatment of this serious disease. They can be used as part of complex therapy and only after consultation with your doctor.


We offer you to watch a video on the topic of the article.

Bronchial asthma, known since ancient times, is an inflammatory disease of the respiratory tract. World statistics show that about 10% of the population suffer from this disease. One of the causes of this disease is the poor state of the environment.

There is no reason to hope for an alleviation of the situation, the ecological situation in the world is only getting worse. For this reason, bronchial asthma and its treatment with folk remedies have become the subject of numerous articles.

This issue is of constant interest to readers because the standards of treatment used by official medicine are mainly aimed at eliminating the symptoms of the disease, stopping seizures and preventing them. Drug treatment does not provide a complete cure, and can produce side effects that cause chronic liver and kidney diseases.

Causes of bronchial asthma

Allocate the main forms of the disease:

  1. hereditary, in this case, there is a predisposition to the onset of the disease if the next of kin had asthma, urticaria or atopic dermatitis (), seasonal fever;
  2. Non-infectious-allergic(atopic) in this case, the cause is an allergic reaction of the body to various irritants, such as:
    • Certain foodstuffs;
    • wool of pets;
    • Medications, particularly anti-inflammatory drugs such as indomethacin and aspirin
    • Household dust containing waste products of dust mites;
    • Chemical detergents and cleaners, etc.;
    • Mold spores;
    • Tobacco smoke;
    • Traffic fumes;
    • Pollen of plants at the time of seasonal flowering;
  3. infectious, appears in predisposed people, due to chronic diseases of the bronchi and lungs caused by viral or other infections. Frequent infectious diseases are caused by a poor state of the immune system, this requires special attention;
  4. hormone dependent the form of the disease directly depends on changes in the hormonal background of the body;

Asthma can also be caused by emotional stress and nervous tension.

How does bronchial asthma manifest?

Most often, asthma is manifested by bouts of shortness of breath, accompanied by an annoying cough, such conditions can turn into attacks of suffocation.

This causes swelling and bronchospasm, and increased formation of thick mucus. Because of this, the lumen of the respiratory tract narrows and normal breathing is disturbed.

An attack can last for hours, or it can develop into an asthmatic condition.

Treatment of bronchial asthma in children and adults

An appointment with a pulmonologist and a subsequent examination will help determine the cause of the disease. The main condition in the treatment of bronchial asthma, by any method, is the systematic implementation of all doctor's prescriptions and strict adherence to nutritional rules.

In children, most often, the cause of the disease is hereditary predisposition, allergic reactions and nervous stress.


If the child initially has a predisposition to an allergic reaction, prevention is needed:

  • hardening;
  • Maintaining a clean home;
  • Do not allow smoking in the house;
  • Ensure proper nutrition, excluding allergens;
  • Timely identify those substances to which the child's body gives allergic reactions (test in a specialized laboratory);
  • Do not use drugs unless absolutely necessary;

Equally, these preventive measures apply to adults.

Treatment in childhood, to a greater extent, should be aimed at desensitizing the body and strengthening the immune system.

Other means

Therapeutic measures during an attack are usually aimed at relieving spasm and reducing swelling of the bronchial mucosa, thinning sputum and neutralizing an allergic irritant.

Attention! A variety of sputum-removing agents and antibiotics cannot be used in the treatment of bronchial asthma! Their reception is necessary only when the exacerbation of asthma occurs against the background of an associated infection.

If in children asthma is manifested by attacks and with systematic treatment and observance of preventive measures, a complete cure can be achieved, then in adults, attacks occur much more often, the disease passes from a mild form into more severe forms over time and the treatment is aimed not only against allergies, but also to strengthen immune system, as well as to eliminate foci of infection.

Most often resort to treatment with hormones, which has a detrimental effect on the body as a whole.

Below we have given effective folk recipes, you will find a few more methods in another article about that.


In addition to medical treatment, one can consider, as an option, an appeal to homeopathy. Treatment of bronchial asthma with homeopathy gives good results, the point is in the approach - homeopathic doctors, unlike traditional medicine doctors, look for the cause of the disease not only in a particular organ or system, but evaluate all the factors that affect the onset of the disease: living conditions, hormonal status, state of the nervous system and much more.

A complex treatment is prescribed to restore the body as a whole, and not just to relieve disturbing symptoms.

Treatment of bronchial asthma folk remedies

This type of treatment is also aimed at removing allergic sensitization, mucosal edema and spasms of the bronchial system, strengthening immunity and eliminating inflammation. Some recipes are similar to those used for.

Attention! If medication is prescribed, it is impossible to arbitrarily cancel medications and switch to herbal treatment without the consent of the doctor. Need a doctor's consultation!

The following herbs are used to relieve inflammation: medicinal sage, meadowsweet, licorice, goat willow, lungwort lungwort, sweet clover, common yarrow, common raspberry, plantain, peeled chamomile (pharmacy), the list goes on.


Herbs used to strengthen the immune system in asthma are divided into 2 groups:

  • strong action: euphorbia Pallas, rhodiola rosea, membranous astragalus, leuzea safrolovidnaya, kopeechnik tea - these herbs are undesirable to use during an exacerbation, because of the risk of deterioration;
  • mild action: large celandine, small duckweed, purple echinacea, wild rosemary, common cocklebur, field horsetail, common strawberry, veronica officinalis - they can be used in any case;

Herbs with antispasmodic properties: dill, fennel, anise, cumin, chamomile, wild rosemary, rhomboid ragwort, cudweed, field mint, creeping thyme, calamus, goose cinquefoil, St. John's wort, horsetail ephedra.

Herbs that thin phlegm and make it easier to expectorate: coltsfoot, stinging nettle, thermopsis, officinalis, wild rosemary, hyssop officinalis, blue cyanosis, horseradish (root).

To combat swelling of the walls of the bronchi used diuretic herbs: lingonberry leaf, bearberry, field horsetail, knotweed.

You can use decoctions and tinctures of these herbs individually and in collections, we offer our readers some recipes for traditional healers.

Important! You should always pay attention to the existing contraindications, do not use those herbs that can worsen the patient's condition, given his underlying diseases.

1. Composition that relieves an asthma attack in children well

  • wild rosemary - 25 g,
  • small stinging nettle leaf - 15 g

Grind, mix and boil in 1 liter of boiling water. Infuse for 3 hours in warmth, drain and drink ¼ cup in four doses after meals.

2. Collection based on licorice root

  • licorice root naked - 20 g,
  • fruits of anise ordinary, - 20 g,
  • medicinal sage, leaf - 20 g,
  • common pine buds - 20 g.

10 g of the mixture per 1 glass of cold water, heat in a water bath for 15 minutes, cool for 45 minutes, strain and add the volume of boiled water to one glass. Take a warm decoction after eating 1/3 cup, with an interval of 4-5 hours, at night - half a cup.

3. Collection based on pine buds

  • pine buds,
  • plantain (leaf),
  • coltsfoot (leaf).

All ingredients are in equal parts. Take 4 teaspoons of the collection for 1 glass of cold water, and after 2 hours, boil for 5 minutes, let it brew for -15 minutes. Strained infusion to drink in 3 doses per day. The course of treatment is one month.

4. Collection based on clover

  • clover flowers;
  • stinging nettle leaf;
  • marsh rosemary flowers;
  • chamomile (flowers);
  • elecampane high root;
  • lingonberry leaf;
  • three-leaf watch (grass);
  • alder gray leaf;
  • yarrow (herb);
  • meadow rank (grass).

All for 1 tbsp. spoon, mix together. 2 tbsp. brew spoons of the collection in 500 ml of boiling water and leave for 8 hours. Take the filtered solution 4 times a day before eating food and 1 time before bedtime.

5. Alfalfa juice

  • Alfalfa juice ½ cup; carrot juice ½ cup

Alfalfa is rich in chlorophyll content, its juice, mixed with carrot juice, is useful in reducing phlegm.

6. Mumiyo - as a remedy for asthma

Mumiyo - from 0.2 to 0.3 g mixed with milk or beef fat and honey. Breeding mumiyo in milk 1:20. The duration of the course is 25–28 days, in total 2–3 courses of treatment with a break of 10 days.

7. An old healer's recipe that helps at the time of a seizure, from the collection of Dr. Kurennoy P.M.

During an attack, drink a barley drink in small sips, the so-called barley coffee, swallow small pieces of ice, inhale vapors of ammonia, put mustard plasters on the calves, rub the body with hair brushes. The air in the room where the patient is located should always be fresh, you can’t smoke there, if it was already smoky before the attack and it’s impossible to open the window, put a bowl of ammonia next to the patient’s head.

Bronchial asthma is popularly called "toad". The main cause of this disease is the presence of an excess amount of waste products in the body, which causes irritation and inflammation of the respiratory tract. Therefore, the system of treatment with medical drugs does not lead to the release of the body from the toxic load, but strengthens it. This is what is often obtained in the process of treatment with pills.

Meanwhile, Dr. G. Shelton believes that no other treatment brings relief from asthma attacks as confidently and quickly as curative fasting. He does not recommend fasting only for thin and weak patients. In such cases, fasting of a safe duration should be followed by periods of light feeding, and in principle fasting should be continued until complete clearance and the disappearance of symptoms and abnormal sounds in the lungs. You can choose another way of treatment - become vegetarian.

Asthmatics should drink raw vegetable juices. In summer, you need to eat more of a wide variety of berries, fruits, salads from dandelion leaves, plantain, nettle, calendula, lungwort, nasturtium and other plants mixed with beets, apples, cabbage, carrots with addition dill , spices and vegetable oil.

Wild plants are the purest products, therefore, an increase in the diet of plant products that have not been subjected to chemical and heat treatment contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes, the restoration of a reduced immune status and a decrease in the severity of bronchial asthma.

As an expectorant and diuretic, you can drink warm tea from the flowers. red clover and Hypericum along with honey. In case of a sudden (night) attack, one should swallow barley coffee with pieces of ice, smell ammonia, apply mustard plasters to the calves, and rub the body with brushes. Tobacco smoke must be avoided.

Medicinal plants are successfully used to treat bronchial asthma. Make a collection of 1/2 cup leaves burdock , the same number of leaves aspens , 1 teaspoon firs fresh, add half a teaspoon of soda and a glass of water. Keep 5-6 days in a dark place and drink a tablespoon 1 time per day in the morning or before bedtime for a week.

Traditional medicine recommends an infusion of the following herbs for bronchial asthma: calamus root - 1 part, wild rosemary -2, coltsfoot -2, tricolor violet - 2, elecampane root -1, cypress seed (seed of wormwood cypress) -3. A tablespoon of herbs is brewed overnight with a glass of boiling water and kept warm. Take into account an important circumstance and never neglect it: no herbs can be boiled in aluminum or in general in metal utensils. Take, starting in the morning, 2 tablespoons 3 times a day before meals and a fourth time at night.

Grigory Rasputin treated bronchial asthma with a decoction of coltsfoot flower buds powder . Boil 2 tablespoons of the powder for 5 minutes in a glass of water. It is recommended to brew the herb together with the same amount of apricot kernel powder to enhance the effect. The decoction is taken in three doses during the day.

Siberian recipes include treatment with crushed cannabis seeds . A tablespoon of crushed seeds is boiled in a glass of water or milk. Decoction to drink during the day in several doses.

Successfully used for treatment is a simple mixture consisting of wild rosemary -50 g and nettles -25 g, which is brewed 1 liter. boiling water and drunk 2 times a day for a tablespoon until the infusion is over.

It will not be difficult to prepare a decoction wormwood - 1 tablespoon per glass of water. Drink in three doses during the day, but you can replace the intake of vodka tincture - a tablespoon of wormwood in a glass of vodka and take 15-20 drops after two weeks of infusion.

It has a strong bronchodilator effect budra ivy . Prepare a tincture from a tablespoon of leaves in a glass of vodka. Take 15 drops three times a day.

It is recommended to use the roots for the treatment of asthma. raspberries , which must be collected in late autumn. Washed and dried roots are boiled (50 g per 1/2 liter of water) for 30-40 minutes. Take 1/4 cup three to six times a day, depending on the severity of the disease.

In the treatment of bronchial asthma there is a sequence: Pour 1 glass of water into the kettle, add a teaspoon of soda. When the water boils, put a paper tube on the "nose" of the kettle and breathe this steam for 10-15 minutes to separate sputum.

Leeches are able to quickly perform the complex work of restoring health in bronchial asthma.

In many cases, it would be useful to pay special attention to the healing properties of certain stones. It is known that many diseases were treated with malachite, including asthma. And if you wear a sapphire stone as a ring on your left hand, it will help you with asthma. For the same purpose, a topaz stone is worn around the neck in silver, it relieves asthma attacks. Effective in asthmatic attacks is the stone of the Sun - amber, wear it to your health in beads, in a ring!

Treatment of cough of all types with herbs

It is treated like asthma. Used decoction of herbs eryngium as an expectorant for coughs of various origins. Prepare a decoction by boiling for 5 minutes 1-2 tablespoons of herbs in a glass of water. Take a tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

To treat this disease, you can use other, more common and well-known herbs:

· Leaves wild rosemary in the form of infusion is taken 3-4 times a day before meals. To do this, take a teaspoon of herbs and insist 1 hour in a glass of boiling water.

Grass budry ivy in the form of a powder, 1/3 teaspoon is washed down with water or in the form of an infusion, taken orally 3-4 times a day. Grass Veronica officinalis in the form of an infusion of a teaspoon in a glass of boiling water for two hours. Take 2-3 tablespoons 3-5 times a day.

Flowering grass gray hiccup in the form of an infusion of a tablespoon in a glass of boiling water for two hours. Drink 1-3 tablespoons 3-4 times a day.

Flowering grass field barnacle in the form of an infusion of two teaspoons of herbs in 1/2 liter of boiling water. Drink a glass 2-3 times a day.

· Plants coltsfoot in the form of an infusion for 1-2 hours, two tablespoons in 1/2 liter of boiling water. Add honey to taste and drink half a cup 3-4 times a day.

Grass lungwort medicinal in the form of an infusion of one tablespoon in a glass of boiling water for an hour. Drink for 3-5 receptions.

· With a strong cough, bronchial catarrh, a freshly prepared glass of carrot juice is mixed with two tablespoons of honey and a glass of milk and drunk 1/2 cup 3-5 times a day. Use more often in food turnips, radishes, radishes.

Young shoots with leaves black nightshade (tablespoon) insist 2 hours in 1/2 liter of boiling water and drink half a glass of tea 3-5 times a day.

· Leaves plantain (2 tablespoons) insist an hour in 1/2 liter of boiling water, drink half a cup 3-5 times a day.

rhizomes couch grass (1-2 tablespoons) insist overnight in 1/2 liter of boiled water and drink 1/3 cup 3-5 times a day.

It is important not to waste time and use plants blooming rye to prepare an infusion from them - from 3-4 tablespoons by infusion in three liters of boiling water for two hours. It should be treated in this way for at least 10-12 months in order to be cured of this disease forever.

Make up a collection of pine buds , leaves plantain and coltsfoot leaves 1:1:1 and prepare an infusion of two tablespoons of the collection in 1/2 liter of boiling water for two hours. Drink half a glass 3-4 times a day.

Mixture of grass wild rosemary , leaves and roots stinging nettle 1.5:1 use as tea, brewing in boiling water, and drink half a glass of honey 5-6 times a day.

Infusion from a mixture of herbs thyme, flax seed, dill seed 2:1:1, prepared from a tablespoon of the collection in a glass of boiling water after 1-2 hours of infusion. Drink half a cup 3-4 times a day.

Chew conifer resin (pine, spruce) pea 3-4 times a day.

Naturally, these plants can be used in various combinations. Try to pay attention to which herb or collection of herbs had a noticeable effect on you at the very beginning of the reception, and especially to note those herbs, the use of which led to a temporary exacerbation of the course of the disease. This often indicates the revival of the body's defenses. And in this case, you should not stop treatment with this herb or collection, but continue it, but the dose should be temporarily reduced. It is important to periodically change the composition of the herbs used so that the body does not get used to the treatment system.

We wish you good luck and stay healthy!

A. Baranov, Doctor of Biological Sciences, T. Baranov, journalist