Group of methods of forensic psychological examination. Forensic psychological examination. Grounds for appointment. Analysis of the situation that led to the commission of illegal actions

In the forensic psychological examination, the following research methods are used:

  • 1. Observation method, allowing you to study the behavior of the subject in natural conditions in the process of communication, study, work. This method for an expert is of an episodic nature and is carried out in the assessment system cognitive processes, communication, activities. To confirm the facts of observation, they use the testimony of relatives, colleagues, neighbors, as well as characteristics from the place of study and work (that is, the data of the observed environment are analyzed).
  • 2. Natural experiment method, which can be carried out as part of an investigative experiment in order to restore the picture of the crime. By the behavior of the subject, you can get Additional information about the identity of the offender.
  • 3. Conversation method (question-answer method), with the help of which the attitude of the expert to various aspects of life, norms of behavior, moral principles, etc. is clarified.
  • 4. Method of educational psychology, which includes a description of the life of the subject (anamnesis of the personality, the background of the development of deviations in the psyche).
  • 5. Study method the results of the criminal case, which provides for the psychologist to familiarize himself with the documentation, letters, testimonies written by the hand of the accused himself. In this case, the handwriting is assessed, vocabulary, literacy of presentation and, in general, the level of development of the personality of the accused.
  • 6. Test Method, which uses specially designed tasks, tests to assess memory, thinking, emotional-volitional sphere, personality traits subject (for example, tests MMPI, TAT, Rosenzweig, Rooschach, etc.).
  • 7. Laboratory experiment, allowing to objectify the observations of the psychologist. It is carried out very rarely, as there are no special laboratories and equipment. This method provides for special polygraphic studies, referred to as a "lie detector", in which the features of galvanic skin response (GSR), electroencephalogram (EEG), rhythmocardiogram (RCG) to emotionally significant stimuli are recorded.

When psychological examination is used psychological research method, through which the mechanism, structure, functioning and various characteristics are studied mental activity. Thus, psychological research is also possible in relation to a mentally ill person. In this case, the task of the psychologist will not be the diagnosis of pathology (this is the sphere of competence of the psychiatrist), but the assessment of how the pathological changes personalities influenced the change psychological behavior personality, how pathology "corrected" the action psychological mechanisms.

The psychological research method includes general and special methods; aggregate special methods forms techniques. TO general methods psychological research includes: psychological diagnostics, forecasting, design, methods of influence. Not all of them are equally valid in forensic science. In particular, the method of influence has a limited scope. The same can be said about the method of psychological experiment (not every situation can be ethically modeled to achieve expert goals).

Common Methods are modified through special techniques depending on the specifics of expert tasks and goals.

For example, psychological diagnostic method implemented through special methods: biographical, observation, conversation, instrumental personal techniques, techniques for studying characteristics selected areas mental activity... Usually, a complex of special methods is used for diagnostics, depending on the purpose. It is the method that plays an important role in delineating the competence of psychology and psychiatry, psychological and psychiatric expertise. Unlike psychology, psychiatry studies the causes and nature of mental illness. However, such a substantive distinction is not enough. A psychologist and a psychiatrist can study the same object, but from different angles. The way of studying is predetermined by the specifics of the method.

Psychiatric examination is characterized by by the method of psychiatric analysis, by means of which distortions, deviations in the functioning of psychological laws and patterns, diagnostics of such deviations as pathological or non-pathological are revealed. If the phenomena identified by the expert do not fall under psychiatric diagnostics (cannot be defined as pathological), then the competence of the psychiatrist is limited. Psychological diagnostics and psychological analysis- the competence of a psychologist. When a pathology is detected, the psychiatrist makes diagnostics, determines the degree of deformation of the emotional, intellectual and volitional spheres, states the degree of preservation of certain personality qualities, explains psychopathological behavior in the categories of psychiatry.

Purpose - the most complete and objective research conducted by an expert psychologist by order of the investigative or judicial authorities. The range is limited by the requirements of the legislation governing the production of expertise.

III. Research methods (classification of psychological research methods proposed by B.G. Ananyev)

1st group. Organizational methods:

- comparative method- a way to study mental patterns by comparing individual phases mental development individual;

- longitudinal method- (from English longitude) - repeated examination of the same persons over a long period of time;

- complex method - representatives of different sciences participate in the research; in this case, as a rule, one object is studied by different means... Research of this kind makes it possible to establish relationships between phenomena different types, for example between physiological, psychological and social development personality.

2nd group. Empirical methods:

a) observation- purposeful, organized perception and registration of the object's behavior;

b) self-observation- observation, the object of which is mental states, the actions of the object itself;

c) experiment- this is an active intervention in the situation on the part of the researcher, carrying out systematic manipulation of one or more variables and registration of concomitant changes in the behavior of the object;

d) psychodiagnostic methods:

- tests- standardized questionnaires, as a result of which an attempt is made to obtain an accurate quantitative or qualitative characteristic of the studied mental phenomenon or personality as a whole;

- questioning- one of group methods a survey on pre-developed questions in order to obtain various indicators opinions of people;

- survey- is a method based on obtaining the necessary information from the subjects themselves by means of questions and answers;

- sociometry- method of psychological research interpersonal relationships in a group, a team in order to determine the structure of relationships and psychological compatibility;

- interview- a method consisting in the collection of information obtained in the form of answers to the questions posed;

- conversation- a method providing for the direct or indirect obtaining of information through verbal communication;

e) analysis of performance results- a method of mediated study of mental phenomena based on practical results, objects of labor, in which the creative forces and abilities of a person are embodied;

f) biographical method- study of the personality according to the available facts of her biography;

g) modeling- This is the creation of an artificial model of the studied phenomenon, repeating its main parameters and expected properties. This model is used to investigate this phenomenon and draw conclusions about its nature. It is used when the application of other methods is difficult or impossible.

3rd group. Data processing methods:

- quantitative (statistical) method- some methods of applied mathematical statistics used in psychology mainly for processing experimental results;

- qualitative method- the establishment of various properties, characteristics of the studied mental phenomena, the differentiation of the material into groups, its analysis.

4th group. Interpretive methods:

- genetic method- a way of studying mental phenomena, which consists in analyzing the process of their emergence and development from lower forms to higher ones;

- structural method- the establishment of structural links between all personality characteristics.

Characteristics and conditions for the effectiveness of the methods

legal psychology

The choice of methods for studying the personality of subjects of various legal relations, as well as the adequacy of the methods themselves, largely depends on the nature of the issues requiring resolution. Lawyers use some methods on their own without any outside help, while others can be used only by specialists in a particular field of psychology, as, for example, it happens during a forensic psychological examination, as well as in the course of a professional psychological selection persons to serve in law enforcement agencies, applicants to educational institutions.

First of all, let us dwell on the methods that are widely used not only by psychologists, but also by lawyers themselves in their practical activities in the process of investigating crimes, in the course of consideration of criminal cases, civil disputes in court.

1. Method of conversation (interview). Main purpose conversation consists in the fact that in the process of communication in a psychologically favorable environment to obtain the necessary information about the person of interest and other persons.

During the conversation, an opinion is drawn up about his development, intelligence, mental state, about his attitude to certain events, people. And although with the help of conversation it is far from always possible to obtain comprehensive information, nevertheless it helps to form a definite opinion about the subject, to determine the most tactically correct line of behavior towards him.

For his part, during a conversation, a lawyer should make a favorable impression on his communication partner, arouse his interest in the issues discussed, a desire to answer them, and participate in a dialogue. The conversation helps the lawyer to demonstrate their positive traits, the desire to objectively understand certain phenomena. Therefore, she is important tool establishing and maintaining psychological contact with persons with whom the dialogue will continue in one form or another.

Questions about the identity of the interviewee should not be asked from the outset. It is better if they arise naturally as a result of a conversation on topics that are more neutral in their content.

2. Method of observation. Obviously, any conversation is accompanied by mutual observation, the so-called visual contact of communication partners. In psychology, direct and indirect observation are distinguished. According to the nature of contacts with the objects under study, observation is subdivided into direct and indirect, according to the nature of interaction - included and non-included (from the outside) observation.

The observation method is widely used in legal practice for cognitive purposes, for example, by an investigator during investigative actions. So, during the inspection of the scene, search, interrogation, investigative experiment, presentation for identification, the investigator has the opportunity to purposefully observe the behavior of the persons of interest to him, their emotional reactions and, depending on this, change the tactics of his behavior.

Along with this, the investigator uses information from indirect observation. Comparative analysis of the results of direct and indirect observation of the behavior of certain persons in different conditions allows you to get additional information.

From this point of view, the observation method gives a lot of positive things. However, it is rightly noted that during the observation "one can easily confuse the essential with the secondary, or interpret some events based on what the observer expects to see, and not on what actually happens." In such cases, we can face the most common errors, the so-called gala effect, or halo effect leading to exaggeration or understatement of the severity of certain human properties, with "averaging errors" arising as a result of logically incorrect inferences, under the influence of professional deformation, the effect of group, suggestive pressure, mental attitude towards a particular person.

In order to increase the effectiveness of observation, neutralize erroneous ideas, it is necessary to be more strict about your conclusions, more objectively record the specific results obtained, not succumbing to the temptation to judge complex phenomena on the basis of first, sometimes superficial impressions.

3. The method of self-observation (introspection). This method consists in the fact that the researcher is at the same time a subject, observing himself and fixing everything that happens to him during the experiment. In the practice of a lawyer, self-observation is of an auxiliary nature.

Self-observation can be used by a lawyer as a method of self-knowledge, allowing him to reveal his characterological characteristics, personality traits in order to better control his own behavior, to neutralize in time, for example, the manifestation of unnecessary emotional reactions, outbursts of irritability in extreme conditions caused by neuropsychic overload, etc.

4. Questionnaire method. It is characterized by the homogeneity of questions that are asked to a relatively large group of people in order to obtain quantitative material about the facts of interest to the researcher. This material is subjected to statistical processing and analysis. It is used in the study of the mechanism of the formation of criminal intent, the professiogram of the investigator, professional suitability and professional deformation of the investigator. It is currently used by practitioners to investigate some aspects of the causes of crime.

In parallel with the questionnaire, "public opinion machine"... The main advantage is complete anonymity.

5. Experimental method. Experiment is one of the common methods for studying personality. For example, an investigator has the right to make investigative experiment... In some cases, the purpose of such an experiment is to obtain data on a person's ability to perceive a particular phenomenon, an object under certain conditions. As a result of this, it is possible by investigative means to obtain information of psychological content about the qualitative side of the processes of perception from the witness, as well as on some other issues.

Widely used experimental method when conducting forensic psychological examination in order to study the mental processes of the subject: perception, memory, thinking, attention. With the help of specially developed experimental psychological techniques (tests), quantitative and quality characteristics mental cognitive processes of a person.

The experimental method studies the dependence of the characteristics of mental processes on the characteristics of external stimuli acting on the subject (according to a strictly defined program). Views: laboratory and natural experiments.

Laboratory experiment circulated in scientific research and when conducting a forensic psychological examination (a complex laboratory equipment). Disadvantages: the difficulty of using technology in the context of the practical activities of law enforcement agencies; the difference between the course of mental processes in laboratory conditions from their course under normal conditions.

The disadvantages of a laboratory experiment are overcome by using the natural experiment method.

6. "Biographical" method. The main purpose of this method is to collect information about facts and events that have social and psychological significance in a person's life, from the moment of his birth to the period that interests the investigator, the court. During the interrogation of witnesses who know the accused well, information is found out about the parents, the social environment in which he grew up and was brought up, his relationships with others, about his studies, work, interests, inclinations, past illnesses, injuries, character. When necessary, various medical documents, characteristics from the school, from the place of work, personal files, letters, diaries, etc. are studied. All this information helps to understand the reasons for this or that human behavior, the motives of his actions.


1. Conducting a psychological examination

2. Practical example conducting a forensic psychological examination

3. Methodology for conducting a psychological examination

4. Using the test method

List of used literature


When investigating crimes and considering cases in court, it becomes necessary to use special psychological knowledge... The Criminal Procedure Law establishes two main forms of using special knowledge: 1) participation of a specialist in investigative actions (for example, the participation of a psychologist in the interrogation of a minor); 2) the appointment and production of forensic examinations. These forms have a certain similarity; they differ in procedural features, powers and status of the person involved as a specialist or expert.

Forensic psychological examination is an expert study, the subject of which is the facts related to the mental activity of a person and that are important for the judiciary. Important research in this area was carried out by L. V. Vladimirov, Ya. A. Kantorovich, V. A. Vnukov, A. E. Brusilovsky, and others. M. M. Kochenov also made a significant contribution to the development of domestic forensic psychological examination. ... R. Ratinov, A. V. Dulov, M. V. Kostitsky. T. Nor, Yu. M. Grosheva, etc. The works of these authors not only propose a definition of the subject and methods of a forensic psychological examination, the functions of a forensic expert, but also consider problems related to the grounds for the appointment of an examination, the range of issues it solves, the competence of an expert , the procedure and conditions for conducting complex examinations and the capabilities of state expert institutions, where such examinations should and can be carried out at a modern level. The main function of a forensic psychological examination is to obtain, on the basis of the practical application of special psychological knowledge and research methods, new facts that make it possible to accurately and objectively assess the individual characteristics of the human psyche (individual psychological characteristics of a person, mental states at one time or another, the characteristics of cognitive processes, etc. etc.). It should be noted that the forensic psychological examination examines the manifestations human psyche that do not go beyond the norm (the study is carried out in relation to mentally healthy people). Therefore, it is necessary to distinguish the subject of forensic psychological examination from forensic psychiatric (examining certain disorders or mental illnesses).

Target test work- get acquainted with the methods of psychological examination in various branches of psychology, be able to substantiate the battery of methods for this examination.


The object of the study of a forensic psychological examination is the mental manifestations of a person that do not go beyond the norm, that is, that do not raise doubts about his mental usefulness. Forensic psychological examination is aimed at studying the content and structure of individual consciousness and behavior of people in the process of performing certain actions or reflecting phenomena surrounding reality... With the help of a forensic psychological examination, it is possible to obtain data that make it possible to understand and correctly assess the features of mental activity and manifestations of people, which are important for conclusions of a legal nature. In particular, the conclusions of expert psychologists contribute to the correct assessment of the testimony of witnesses, victims, accused in cases where they raise doubts about their reliability; minors - when it is assumed that their testimony has fantastic layering; accused - when their actions are inadequate to their states and properties, etc. A wide range of issues, the solution of which is predetermined by the presence of special psychological knowledge, classifies forensic psychological expertise as one of the most important and fairly widespread actions in the practice of forensic investigation.

Psychiatry is a branch of medical science that studies disorders in the neuropsychic sphere of a person.

Currently, there are ample opportunities in the conduct of a forensic psychological examination. The competence (main directions) of forensic psychological examination can include: 1) establishing the ability of accused minors who have signs of mental retardation (temporary delay) in mental development not related to mental illness, to fully understand the significance of their actions and determine the measure of their ability to direct these actions ; 2) establishing the fundamental ability of mentally healthy witnesses and victims (taking into account their individual psychological and age characteristics, level of mental development) to correctly perceive the circumstances that are important for the case and give correct testimony about them; 3) establishing whether the accused was in a state of physiological passion at the time of the crime; 4) establishing whether the accused was in the period preceding the commission of the crime, or at the time of the commission of the crime, in emotional state, significantly affecting the ability to correctly understand the phenomena of reality, the content specific situation and on the ability to voluntarily regulate their behavior (emotional states such as strong neuropsychic stress); 5) establishing the ability of mentally healthy victims of rape cases (primarily minors) to understand the nature and meaning of actions committed with them and to resist; 6) the establishment of the fundamental possibility of the subject in a specific situation of various mental states that make it impossible or significantly complicate the performance of professional functions in the field of modern technology management; determining whether the subject was in such a mental state at the time of specific actions; the establishment in the subject of individual psychological characteristics that do not allow him to perform professional functions for a sufficient high level in the event of unexpected hindrances in his activities, the complication of the situation and, in connection with this, increased requirements for the psychological capabilities of a person; 7) the establishment of individual psychological characteristics in the subject that can significantly influence the content and direction of actions in a particular situation; 8) establishing whether the deceased was in a mental state predisposing to suicide in the period preceding death, and, if he was in this state, what could have caused it.

Note that the above list does not exhaust the entire range of issues that may arise in the course of legal proceedings. The circumstances, the clarification of which may be important for the investigation and trial, are very diverse and often dictated by the specific situation.


So, quite often a forensic psychological examination is appointed to determine the presence or absence of physiological affect at the time of the crime. In criminal law, the term "strong mental agitation" is used, caused by the unlawful or immoral actions of the victim and is considered a mitigating circumstance (Article 66 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine). Strong emotional excitement is used as a synonym for the psychological concept of physiological affect.

In psychology and psychiatry, physiological and pathological affects are distinguished. Pathological affect is defined as an emotional outburst in which a person is unable to control his actions and give an account of his actions. A person's consciousness is seized by one emotionally specific idea (irreparable grief, unbearable resentment). The pathological affect is established by a complex psychological and psychiatric examination.

Affect is a relatively short-term and strong emotional experience (a bright short-term emotional reaction). The emergence of affect is a critical point of experience. Literary sources note that affect is an extremely strong, violent experience (anger turning into rage, fear reaching horror, melancholy reaching despair, etc.). The physiological affect is characterized by the existence of a slowdown in intellectual and volitional processes, a violation of the integral perception of the environment. There are three stages in the development of affect: 1) preparatory; 2) an affective explosion; 3) the post-emotional period.

The difficulty in establishing the state of physiological affect is due to the fact that it cannot be reproduced again. In the process of forensic research, a retrospective analysis, psychological analysis of the results of human activity is carried out. Thus, in the criminal case against T., accused of committing a murder, a forensic psychological examination was ordered to determine whether the accused was in a state of physiological passion at the time of the crime. From the materials of the criminal case it was known that on January 7, 2008 at about 4:30 am. near the Yubileiny restaurant in Kharkov, in the process of a quarrel that arose out of personal hostile relations, which later grew into a fight between T. and P., on the one hand, and V., V., on the other hand, T., considering L. for one of the attackers on him and on his brother (P.), he struck the latter in the chest with a kitchen knife he had, from which L. died after a short period of time.

T. was born on June 11, 1974, the first of two children in the family (he has a younger brother P., born in 1979). In childhood, he grew and developed without any peculiarities. In 1981 he entered high school, and in 1989 he finished 8 classes of secondary school. In the same year he entered the engineering technical school, where he studied for six months, then entered the GPTU-11, which he also did not graduate from. In 1991 he entered an evening school, where he studied for one year and did not complete his education. Later he worked as an implementer. T. had previously been prosecuted for theft and hooliganism.

According to the conclusion of the forensic psychiatric examination of T., signs of psychosis, dementia, and other mental disorders does not detect, can report on its actions and direct them.

Subject T. in the course of the conversation is communicative, understands the purpose of the research correctly, keeps himself freely, answers questions adequately. In a conversation, he assesses his personality as a conflict, claiming leadership ...

Establishment mental state T. at the time of the commission of a crime involves the implementation of a retrospective psychological analysis of illegal behavior based on the materials of the case.

T. arrived at the Yubileiny restaurant, where a disco was held at 24:30. On January 7, 2008, in order to visit his brother, P. T., together with those present, drank alcoholic beverages. From the testimony of T .: "... I drank about 100 g of brandy." A quarrel occurs between P. and V., during which the latter cut P.'s neck. From the testimony of T. away ".

The situation leading to the commission illegal actions, was completely controlled and understood by T. So, at that time T. said that "... today is a holiday and no conflicts need to be created on anyone's side ..." In addition, the situation was also controlled by other people. From the testimony of T .: "... my brother and the stranger were taken away by a guard." After the quarrel, T., P., L. and others "continued to sit at the table, drink alcohol, dance."

References to the reality of the threat from B. and his company are untenable, since T. freely left the disco, went home for a gun and a knife, and returned. T.'s actions were purposeful. From the testimony of T .: "They threatened us with reprisals ... after that I went, took a gun and kitchen knife... went to the cinema, where he hid a gun and a knife on the sports ground near the fence. "

An analysis of the situation shows that the quarrel between B. and P. did not contain an immediate threat to T. From the testimony of T. as well as a large kitchen knife and went back. " The nature of the conflict situation shows the absence of a subjective impossibility to find a way out of it at the moment. This situation was not affective, it did not contain violence or insult to T.

Analysis of T.'s behavior shows a certain preparation for the commission of a crime. He went home, took a gun and a kitchen knife, and hid them in the street. From the testimony of T .: "... Having come to the Yubileiny restaurant, I hid my gun and knife on the street, and went to the disco myself. Having entered there, I sat down at the table at which I had sat earlier ... I took the knife to scare away unknown. "

T., with the help of his brother, suggested that B. go out to find out and took him to the place where the gun and knife were kept. From the testimony of T .: "... my brother brought a guy of short stature to the street. I asked him about it. In order to understand, namely, to beat him." From B.'s testimony: "... Senior T. talked about something with the younger and they walked in my direction together. The elder walked past the exit, saying nothing, and the younger, coming up to me, said:" Let's go and talk ".

Analysis of the situation shows the absence of the preparatory (1st) stage of affect in T., i.e., actions during deployment in time were purposeful, consistent. The stage of affective explosion (2nd stage) was also absent, since L. did not take part in the fight and did not pose a threat to T. From the testimony of T.: "I knew L. as a classmate of my brother, we never fought with him." Therefore, L. could not act as an affectogenic stimulus. T. well remembers the sequence of his actions and the mechanism of striking. Analysis of T.'s behavior at the moment of stabbing L. and V. shows the absence of subjective suddenness of the onset of emotional stress, characteristic of affective arousal.

T.'s behavior is not typical for physiological affect in the 3rd stage (post-emotional period). After committing a crime, T. performs consistent and expedient actions. From the testimony of T: "... I took the gun from him and put it in the case that was with me. After that I went home and hid it in the basement." After committing the act, T. and his brother P. go to their aunt in the village. During this period, there are no signs of emotional, intellectual or physiological exhaustion, characteristic of deep physiological affect. Post-criminal behavior testifies to the ability to control their actions, their expediency and direction.

One of the directions of forensic psychological examination is the establishment of individual psychological characteristics in a subject that can significantly affect the content and direction of actions in a particular situation.

The development of forensic psychological expertise is associated with the emergence of its new directions (types). So, the new areas can include forensic psychological examination of a criminal group, forensic psychological examination of phonograms and video recordings, forensic psychological examination of determining moral damage, etc. ), psycholinguistic, pathopsychological, etc.).


When conducting forensic psychological examinations, a set of methods is always used. Forensic psychological examination involves the study of the human psyche, the psychological mechanisms of his behavior. This is what determines the specificity of the chosen methods. In each specific case, the choice of research methods depends on the tasks of the examination and the questions that are put to the permission of the forensic expert.

Forensic psychological research begins with the study of the materials of the criminal case. Careful examination of such materials forms the basis for retrospective psychological analysis activities of the participants in the event. The information contained in the protocols of investigative actions is examined, the testimonies of various persons (witnesses, victims, accused) are analyzed. Special attention it is necessary to refer to documents that contain information about the socio-psychological characteristics of the personality of the subject, his behavior at the time of the commission of the crime, and his attitude to what he had done. It is necessary to analyze the results of a forensic psychiatric examination.

Conducting a forensic psychological examination involves the use of a biographical method. This method involves the study of the subject from the point of view of the stages of life that have passed him, the identification of facts that have psychological significance. In the course of applying the biographical method, it is expected to obtain data on the subject's parents, his relations with his family (with parents, brothers, sisters), the most important milestones his life (characteristics of preschool, school and adulthood).

Each forensic psychological examination provides for the use of the method of conversation with the subject. It is about the direct communication of the forensic expert with the subject. Such a conversation should be conducted according to a pre-developed program, in accordance with the studied materials of the criminal case. The conversation is carried out by asking questions to the expert. The immediacy of communication presupposes the establishment of psychological contact with the subject. In this plan essential has respect for the rights of the individual of the expert, respect for his honor and dignity, independence from other participants in the process. The expert psychologist must always bear in mind the presumption of innocence (the accused of a crime is not yet a criminal).

In the course of a conversation with the subject, the observation method acquires great importance. Observation allows you to register reactions to stimuli, changes in behavior in the course of asking questions, attitudes towards certain events, persons, circumstances. With this method, certain psychological characteristics subject.

In Russia, the first known attempt to conduct a forensic psychological examination dates back to 1883. It was undertaken during the investigation of a criminal case on charges against a Moscow notary Nazarov of raping an amateur actress Cheremnova. As Cheremnova told the investigation, on the day of the crime she made her debut on stage. The agonizing expectation of the performance, the excitement experienced on the stage, caused Cheremnova, according to her, such a deep decline in physical and mental strength that, left alone with Nazarov, she was unable to resist him. Wanting to obtain objective information about the impact on the psyche of the experiences associated with the first performance on stage, the investigator decided to interrogate two famous actresses - MN Ermolova and A. Ya. Glama-Meshcherskaya. An attempt was made to obtain information about the psychological state of the actor on the day of his debut.

Forensic psychological examination is a psychodiagnostic examination, the end result of which is a psychological diagnosis (establishment of individual psychological characteristics of a person). In this regard, psychodiagnostic techniques (tests) are important. Tests are classified on various grounds: according to the characteristics of the tasks used (verbal and practical tests), according to the forms of the examination procedure (group and individual tests), according to the direction (intelligence tests and personality tests).

In the production of forensic psychological examinations, personality research methods are used ( MMPI test- Minnesota Multidimensional Personality Questionnaire; thematic apperception test - TAT; Rorschach test, etc.); thinking research methods (story by picture; method of pictograms; method of exclusion, etc.); methods of studying memory (memorizing words; method of indirect memorization; memorizing ten numbers, etc.); methodology for studying perception and attention (studies of the perception of the shape of objects; studies of the volume of attention, etc.).

The tests used in the practice of forensic psychological examination must be valid. Validity is one of the main criteria of the test, meaning its suitability for research purposes; This is a complex characteristic of the test, which includes information about the area of ​​the studied phenomena and the representativeness of the diagnosis. In addition, the test must be reliable - reflect the measurement accuracy, as well as the stability of the test results to the action of extraneous random factors.


The term "test" comes from english word test, which means check, test, try. The test is a specific task (system of tasks) that allows you to measure the level of development of a particular psychological property (quality) of a person. In psychology, the term "testing" is also used, meaning the conduct of a check or test using standardized items (tests) that differ in the corresponding scale of values. Testing is used to measure individual differences.

In psychology, intelligence tests are distinguished (to identify the mental potential of an individual), personality tests (measured different sides personalities: attitudes, values, attitudes, emotional properties, etc.), creative tests (for studying creativity personality), achievement tests (determining the degree of possession of specific knowledge, skills, skills), projective tests (for a holistic study of the personality, based on the psychological interpretation of the results of projection (transfer of the subject's own properties or states to external objects), etc.

In particular, for the purpose of studying the cognitive sphere, for example, perception, the method of explanation can be used plot pictures, which consists in presenting the subject with certain pictures: funny, sad, with a complex plot. This takes into account the activity and desire of the subject to consider the picture, the time spent. As a result of testing, data on the intelligence of the face, the ability to highlight a significant, emotional reflection (response) can be obtained.

In order to study the perception of the subject, the method of finding numbers using Schulte tables is effective. The essence of the test is as follows: tables or tablets are used on which the numbers from "1" to "25" are written in different order. They are written differently on each of the five tables. The subject is asked to find, show and say aloud all the numbers in order and do this as soon as possible. In evaluating the results, the difference in the amount of time spent on each table is taken into account. An increase in it on the last tables indicates fatigue, acceleration - about slow working. At the norm, each table should take the same time (from 30 to 50 s).

For the study of the cognitive sphere, the method of memorizing ten words can be applied. The subject is read ten words and asked to repeat in any order. The experiment is repeated five times, an hour later - again. The memorization curve may indicate a weakening of active attention, fatigue, "getting stuck" on an error. Some modification of the test in question in the form of a method of memorizing ten numbers was used in the troops special purpose to determine the characteristics of memorization by subjects in extreme conditions (ten different two-digit numbers were proposed).

The visual-motor test "Bender's forms" is aimed at detecting brain damage, determining emotional disorders. Nine simple figures are shown at once on one card. There are eight cards in total. The subject is asked to copy each image from the sample in front of him. The analysis calculates the time and nature of each task.

The use of test methods does not allow for a simplified approach. The history of legal psychology knows the periods when the use of testing was proposed in order to determine involvement in a committed crime. In particular, there was a recommendation to use the "blot" test (in psychology - the Rorschach test) to "diagnose" involvement. If the subject in Rorschach inkblots noted a similarity with traces of blood, it was concluded that he was involved in the crime. However, an introduction to psychological practice the Rorschach test was one of the major achievements of XX century psychology. This test is designed to diagnose hidden attitudes, motives, character traits. The main theoretical principles of Rorschach were as follows. If a person operates on the whole spot as a whole, it means that he is able to perceive the basic relationships and is inclined to systematic thinking. If fixed on small details, which means that he is picky and petty, if in rare cases it means that he is inclined to "extraordinary" and is capable of heightened observation. Answers to White background, according to Rorschach, testify to the presence of an opposition attitude: in healthy people - about a tendency to discussion, about stubbornness and self-will, and in mentally ill people - about negativism and strange behavior.

In the practice of determining professional suitability and in the production of forensic psychological examinations, standardized personality questionnaires... In essence, the questionnaire is a certain set of questions, each of which is logically connected with the main research problem and is designed to study and evaluate individual properties and manifestations of personality. The most famous questionnaires are: PEN Questionnaire (Hans and Sibylla Eysenck); Mini-cartoon questionnaire (an abbreviated version of the Minnesota MMPI Personality List); characterological questionnaire of K. Leonhard; Cattell test (16PP questionnaire); pathocharacterological diagnostic questionnaire Lichko et al.


In the process of performing the test, we got acquainted with the methods of conducting a forensic psychological examination using a practical example. Methodology for modern development technical means there are a huge number - therefore, to choose a certain technique, you need to be guided by certain rules and directions. In this work, we partially familiarized ourselves with the battery of methods for this examination.


2. Nagaev V.V. Fundamentals of forensic psychological examination: Tutorial for universities - M., UNITY-DANA, 2000 - 333 p.

3. Nor V.T., Kostitskiy V.M. Forensic psychological examination in criminal proceedings - Kiev, Vishcha school, 1985 - 56p.

4. Krylov I.F. Forensic examination in criminal proceedings - L., 1963 - 314p.

5. Sidorov B.V. Affect, its criminal-legal and criminalistic significance (socio-psychological and legal research) - Kazan, Kazan University, 1978 - 160 p.

6. Konovalova VE, Shepitko V.Yu. Fundamentals of legal psychology: Textbook - H., Odyssey, 2006 - 352 p.

7. Mostova Sh.M. Legal psychology - K., BIRA-R, 1999 - 120 p.

8. Safuanov F.S. Forensic psychological examination in criminal proceedings: Scientific and practical manual - M., Gardarika, 1998 - 192 p.

Forensic psychological examination- this is independent view forensic examination, consisting in the use of special (professional) psychological knowledge to establish the circumstances included in the process of proving a criminal and civil case... Conducted by a leading person - a psychologist - in relation to a person or situation.

TO subject expertise includes a wide range of circumstances that characterize the subjective side of the act, the presence and limits of consciousness of leadership (controllability) of their behavior in criminal situations, as well as states and personality traits that are significant for the individualization of responsibility and the type of punishment.

Objects expertise are sources of information, both material and ideal. The main object is the human psyche.

Materialized sources of information about psychological activity a person may relate to:


    interrogation protocols, documents,

    products of mental activity (diaries, letters ...),

    recorded experimental-psychological. survey participants angle. process.

It is carried out by specialists. Usually graduates of psychological faculties, taking into account specialization (children / sports / etc.).

The methodological basis of EIT is made up of general psychological scientific principles: p. Determinism, p. Development of the human psyche in the unity of his consciousness and activity, p. System.

One of the main methods examination is

    Study of the materials of the criminal case and documents related to it.

    Acquaintance with general psychological information about the subject (characteristics from work, survey of colleagues)

    Psychological characteristics of the subject at the time of a criminal situation (interviews of eyewitnesses, self-report of the expert)

    Conversations with the subject and other participants in the process

    Experimental psychodiagnostic examination of the subject using various test methods.

S-P E is carried out mainly on an outpatient basis, but it can also be inpatient (mainly psychological and psychological examinations).

It is inappropriate to carry it out in the early stages.

Conclusion S-P E- written, in the manner required by law. Consists of three parts:

    Introductory- time, place of drawing up the conclusion, brief information about an expert, legal basis the examination, the name of the procedural documents, the time and place of the examination, the persons present, whether all the materials were presented to the expert (it is impossible against the will of the subject matter expert, the expert has no right to change the wording of the questions posed by the investigator, etc.)

    Research: research tasks / methods, techniques, processes / graphs, formulas, diagrams, personality profiles

    The final: Answers to the questions posed, they are the conclusions of the study. Answers should be clear, concise, and do not allow for ambiguous interpretation. If other field consultants are required to obtain a response, this should be indicated. The expert is not entitled to provide answers to legal questions.

The recognition of the expert opinion by the court as justified and reliable makes the conclusion a source of direct and indirect. evidence.

The expert opinion has no advantages over other sources of direct and indirect evidence. It is also considered by other participants in the process. Should be carried out with respect for the rights of the individual, there can be no psychological and physical coercion. The expert should not disclose, should not be an interested person.

Within the framework of the EIT, the usual psychodiagnostic research of the subject is carried out (in some cases, according to the program of the usual pathopsychological research). It is important to understand that in any behavior the components of each of the three spheres of the psyche are represented in some way: cognitive, emotional and personal, Therefore, understanding any behavioral act involves considering the participation and interrelationships of these three components in its existence and conditioning.

Thus, psychodiagnostic research within the EIT should include the identification of three main blocks:

  • a) study of the features of the cognitive sphere of the subject;
  • b) study of the characteristics of the emotional sphere and psychoemotional status;
  • c) the study of the personal characteristics of the subject.

When compiling a battery of methods, it is advisable to be guided by the principle of complementarity. More reliable conclusions are obtained when data obtained using one technique are confirmed by data obtained using other techniques. V expert study the number of techniques should not be too large. The examination is limited by time, the inability to repeat the study, and other reasons.

It should be noted that not all methods developed in other industries psychological science can be used in the production of XLPE. The existing limitations are related to the object and subject of the expert study:

1. Due to the presence of the attitudinal behavior of the expert (the accused or the victim, whose behavior is often also morally defective), not all methods are applicable.

The reliability of the data obtained in the study of deviant behavior is significantly reduced due to the high probability of his social (and sometimes criminal) condemnation, which forces the subjects to give socially desirable answers, demonstrating a high tendency towards set behavior.

Attitude behavior - behavior determined by the desire (attitude) to "present" oneself in a more favorable light. As a rule, this is associated with a desire to actively influence the results of the research, but may be associated with the desire to "look good" or to please the given researcher.

In psychology, the following types of attitudinal behavior are distinguished.

Psychological simulation is a deliberate demonstration of the mental properties of a person and states that are absent in the subject. Usually, qualities are simulated that appear positive to the subject. For example, a person may feign self-confidence that most of the time they do not feel. But sometimes qualities are simulated that, in his opinion, may please the other person.

Dissimulation is a deliberate concealment by a subject of his mental properties of personality and states. Mainly the qualities that are perceived to be negative to the subject are dissimulated: aggressiveness, hostility, etc.

Aggravation is a deliberate, emphasized demonstration of the subject's psychic personality traits and states. For example, since there is a myth in everyday consciousness that highly emotional, anxious people are prone to affect, then during the examination of affect it is these properties that are most often aggravated. The subject, as it were, "sticks out", emphasizes the quality that he actually has, but not so pronounced.

It should be noted that in the behavior of the subject, all these forms (or types) of attitudinal behavior are manifested simultaneously: he simulates some of his qualities, dissimulates others, and aggravates others. The task of the psychologist is not only to identify attitudinal behavior, but also to analyze its forms. Often times, features of attitudinal behavior can provide valuable information about personality traits of the subject.

The more socially disapproved of the types of deviant behavior that we study, the more likely it is to receive socially desirable answers from the respondent or subject. Due to the high tendency towards setting behavior in studies devoted to deviant behavior, it is desirable to use “protected” methods, that is, having scales of control of sincerity and reliability.

  • 2. Methods widely known in psychodiagnostic practice should be applied.
  • 3. Limited ability application of projective methods (due to the subjectivity of their interpretation).