Shambo septic tank made from a plastic barrel. How to make a septic tank from a barrel with your own hands: step-by-step instructions. Using the gutter

Making a septic tank with your own hands from barrels is one of the simplest and cheapest ways to ensure cleaning Wastewater. Its production does not require much time, and the materials are available. At the same time, a treatment plant of this type is quite effective and gives high quality removing impurities.

In septic tanks of this type, wastewater is treated primarily mechanically:

  • Partial clarification during the deposition of the largest particles of impurities occurs mainly in the first of three series-connected containers.
  • Smaller inclusions settle in the second tank, into which water flows from the top of the first barrel.
  • The “native” bottom of the third barrel is usually removed, and when installing a septic tank, the lower part is backfilled with sand, gravel or expanded clay. This material acts as a filter.

Passing through the ground achieves optimal results, but this method is not suitable for areas with groundwater located close to the surface. To ensure sanitary safety in such cases, drainage of treated wastewater through filtration fields is organized. Such structures are perforated pipes insulated with geotextile, which come out of the third barrel at an angle of 45° to each other and are located in trenches parallel to the surface.

The use of septic tanks from barrels

It is advisable to build a septic tank at the dacha with your own hands from barrels in the following cases:

  • as a temporary structure during the construction phase of a house before the sewer system is installed,
  • with a minimum amount of waste, typical for periodic visits suburban area without permanent residence.

Such requirements are due to the small volume of tanks. The capacity of large barrels is usually 250 liters Therefore, the volume of a septic tank from three tanks will be 750 liters. At the same time, according to the terms of sanitary standards, the septic tank must accommodate three daily “portions”.

It is advisable to build a septic tank from plastic barrels with your own hands as a separate treatment plant, For example, for shower or bath.

The advantages of such designs are:

  • low cost (used containers are often used),
  • simplicity of design and installation,
  • smaller volume earthworks due to the small volume of tanks.

Pros and cons of the materials used

Do-it-yourself sewerage in a dacha can be made from a barrel using plastic or metal containers. Usually used most affordable option However, if you have a choice, you should consider the pros and cons of each option before making a decision.


  • light weight, ease of transportation and installation,
  • ease of making holes for pipes,
  • absolute waterproofness, eliminating the possibility of soil contamination,
  • resistance to corrosion from water or aggressive substances that may be contained in detergents.


  • due to their small mass, plastic barrels require reliable fastening to the foundation in order to prevent them from floating during floods, which can lead to destruction sewer system,
  • Due to the plasticity of the material, there is a danger of squeezing soil reservoirs during the cold season.

Iron barrels

Advantages of a septic tank from metal barrels:

  • high strength,
  • structural rigidity,
  • waterproof provided the walls and bottom are intact.


It should be noted that more often a homemade septic tank from barrels is made using plastic containers.

Materials and tools

Before making a septic tank from a barrel, in order to avoid unplanned interruptions during the work process, it is better to prepare everything you need in advance.

Main components:

  • metal or plastic barrels,
  • sewer pipes(most often used with a diameter of 110 mm), the total length of which is 1-2 meters greater than the length of the main line,
  • tees corresponding to the diameter of the pipes,
  • sewer covers for barrels,
  • pipes for ventilation (in some cases sewer pipes can be used),
  • covers for ventilation (purchased or home-made protective canopies),
  • corner fittings,
  • flanges, couplings.

Installation materials:

  • PVC glue (if plastic containers are used),
  • sealant,
  • cement,
  • sand,
  • crushed stone,
  • fastening cables or clamps.


  • Bulgarian,
  • shovel,
  • electric mixer

Septic tank installation

Sewerage from barrels with your own hands requires certain steps preparatory work before starting installation. We will consider the option of making a septic tank from three barrels, but the same remains for a septic tank from two tanks.

Technological holes are made in each barrel.

In each of their barrels, in addition, holes are made at the upper end (or lids, which are often provided with tanks for ease of cleaning) for ventilation pipes.

In each tank, the inlet is located 10 cm above the outlet.

Important: When making a septic tank from iron barrels with your own hands, the metal barrels for sewerage are coated with an anti-corrosion compound inside and out.

The pit for the septic tank is dug out of the barrels in such a way that when installed, there is a gap of 25 cm on each side of any tank. The bottom of the pit is covered with crushed stone or a sand cushion is arranged.

  • To fill the foundation, step formwork is installed. When placing barrels with a sequential decrease in level (each is 10 cm lower than the previous one), the volume of the tanks will be fully used, which is very important with the small capacity of septic tanks of this type. If the removal of purified liquid is provided through the bottom filter of the third barrel, the last tank is installed directly on crushed stone, without a foundation.
  • After pouring the foundation at the stage of solidification of the solution, rings or hooks are installed into it, to which clamps will cling to fix the containers. Just in case, it is better to “anchor” not only plastic, but also iron tanks.

If wastewater removal will be carried out through a filtration field, then the trenches for laying corrugated pipes can be dug at this stage.

Once the foundation has gained strength, you can begin installing and securing tanks, installing pipes and sealing joints at their entry points. Experts recommend not using silicone for these purposes, preferring other types of sealants, for example, epoxy.

The trenches of the filtration field are covered with geotextile, and after laying the perforated pipes, the material is wrapped with the edges overlapping each other.

A fully assembled septic tank made from barrels is filled with soil. It is better to fill plastic containers with water at this time to avoid deformation. During the backfilling process, the soil is periodically carefully compacted.

In a separate article on the site, it will be easier to create a treatment facility with it, but it will still not be possible to completely do without loading equipment.

Installation of a sewer system for a private house. Selecting a location, conducting internal and external communications.

Types of plastic drainage wells presented. Scope of application and installation.

Nuances of construction

When installing septic tanks from barrels in the country with your own hands, you should take into account some nuances and rules:

Rules for choosing the volume and location of septic tanks

The daily water consumption rate is 200 liters per person, and the septic tank must be able to accommodate wastewater. Collected within 72 hours or 3 days. Thus, subject to permanent residence, a three-chamber septic tank made of 250-liter barrels is suitable only for one person. Therefore, septic tanks of this type are used only for temporary residence or for treating wastewater from one point (for example, from a bathhouse). In most cases, they try to somehow increase the capacity of septic tanks, which is why among treatment facilities made from barrels there are practically no two-chamber options (they have too small a volume).

It is important to comply with sanitary requirements regarding permissible distances from septic tanks to certain facilities. For example, distance from the source drinking water must be at least 50 meters. Garden plants and fruit trees must be located at least 3 meters from the treatment plant. The distance to the road is at least 5 meters.

In a city apartment, sewerage and running water are the norm. As for the dacha plot, there are no such conditions there, but people still want comfort. Outside the city, it is not always possible to use centralized treatment systems, which is why many property owners outside the city install a septic tank on their own.

The solution of the problem

To do this, you can use one of many technologies, but most often the sewer system is installed using barrels, which are convenient to install and easy to get. It is better to purchase a septic tank for a private home pre-assembled. But if we are talking about a dacha, then barrel sewage will be sufficient, which involves soil or mechanical purification.

Choosing a location for a septic tank

If you decide to install a septic tank from a barrel with your own hands, then it is important to choose the right place. The system should be removed from wells, drinking wells and reservoirs at least 30 m. The distance from the beds should be 10 m, from underground pipelines - 5 m. Work on the arrangement of such a sewer system should begin at a distance of 5 m from the foundation.

As for green spaces such as trees and shrubs, the distance to them should be 3 m. It is important to maintain a minimum step to sources of drinking water, this will prevent their contamination and reduce the likelihood of the spread of infection.

Before starting work, it is important to remember that wastewater will enter the system in a small volume, because usually the owners of suburban real estate do not live in such houses permanently, they may visit the site on weekends or be present during visits. However, it is important to comply with construction and sanitary standards.

When building a septic tank from a barrel with your own hands, you should not place it close to the foundation, because in this case the water will begin to destroy the foundation. Sanitary standards are prescribed for a reason; if they are neglected, this can lead to health problems and liability under the law. When choosing a location for a septic tank, you should consider:

  • soil composition and properties;
  • relief of the site;
  • climatic conditions;
  • the need to arrange an access road for a sewer truck.

What is important to consider?

Before starting work, it is important to study the composition of the soil. As for sand, it allows moisture to pass through quite easily, while clay soil should be supplemented sand cushion. It is important to pay attention to the terrain features of the site. The pipe must be laid at a certain slope from the house to the receiving barrels, then the wastewater will move by gravity.

If you are building a septic tank from a barrel with your own hands, then it is also important to take into account the climatic conditions. Experts recommend studying how much the air temperature drops in winter period, because this allows you to find out what the level of soil freezing is. If the septic tank is planned to be pumpable, then it is important to ensure that there are access paths for the sewer truck.

The most simple system for a summer cottage consists of two iron barrels and an external pipeline. Pipes can be made of plastic, and their diameter can be 110 mm. If the diameter is smaller, the system will not be able to cope with the peak volume of sewage. A septic tank made from barrels can only be installed when it is lying groundwater at a level of 4 m.

The slope of the sewer pipeline should be 0.03, this will ensure gravity flow. The vertical value should be 3 cm per linear meter. If pipes are supposed to be laid above the soil freezing level, then they should be insulated using moisture-resistant thermal insulation.

Sewage device

Quite often in Lately consumers build a septic tank from barrels with their own hands. You too can follow their experience. At the first stage, it is important to choose the material of the containers; it can be plastic or iron. The first option will be easier to install; in addition, it is resistant to corrosion, but swelling of the soil can lead to deformation of the structure.

Among Russian summer residents, iron barrels with a capacity of 200 liters are more common. After firing, this container becomes ideal for a sewer sump. The container is inexpensive and durable, and is also lightweight, which allows you to carry out the work yourself. One of the main disadvantages of iron is its susceptibility to corrosion. But the walls of the product can always be treated with an anti-corrosion compound similar to bitumen mastic.

How to avoid mistakes?

In order for the container to last longer, it should be covered with bitumen and paint material. If you decide to install a septic tank with your own hands from a barrel for country toilet, then it is important to consider the choice of material from the point of view of the need to fill the foundation. The plastic is quite light, so it must be fixed on a concrete pad, otherwise the product may float during floods.

With iron such problems will not arise. According to sanitary standards and rules, the volume of the septic tank must accommodate wastewater in the amount of 3 daily norms. This is true for a water consumption of 5 m3 per day, which is relevant for country sewerage. However, it is important to remember that these data are for cleanable sumps.

Arrangement technology

If you are thinking about the question of how to make a septic tank from barrels with your own hands, then at the first stage you need to carry out excavation work. They involve preparing a trench for laying pipes that will run from the house. For reinforced concrete barrels it is also necessary to dig a pit. The top of the container is sprinkled with soil. The pit should be deep enough; a gap should be left on the sides, the width of which is 0.25 m.

When setting up a septic tank from barrels in your country house with your own hands, you must decide whether you will use the system in the winter. If this is the case, then thermal insulation work should be carried out. In this case, the containers must be located below the soil freezing line, otherwise the water will freeze. This approach requires additional deepening of the pit; an excavator may be needed.

Work methodology

On next stage Holes should be made in the barrels. In the first container, one of them should be located on top; it is intended for the pipe coming from the house. The second hole should be on the side; it is the outlet and is used to overflow into the next tank.

In the second container, a hole is made on the side, and the second - from the bottom. To be precise, the second barrel must be deprived of the bottom to allow drainage into the ground. This will allow you to make a septic tank from a barrel with your own hands without pumping. The inlet hole should be located 20 cm higher than the outlet hole, otherwise the water may flow back. In order to eliminate welding work, it is necessary to cut a hole and install rubber seals, plastic pipes are inserted into them, and the connections are treated with sealant.

A cushion of sand and gravel must be poured onto the bottom of the prepared pit; its thickness can vary from 10 to 30 cm. The preparation is well compacted, barrels are placed on it and connected by a jumper. They can be lined with insulation, which is sometimes expanded clay or polystyrene foam.

Before connecting the barrels, fill the sides with soil. The soil is poured in layers of 20 cm and compacted. At the next stage, the pipe that comes from country house. It is inserted into the first container using a tee; its free end will be used for ventilation. At the final stage, everything should be covered with soil.

Features of a septic tank made from metal barrels

If you are building a septic tank from iron barrels with your own hands, then it is important to concrete the bottom. The second container should be located slightly lower than the first. For work, it is better to use barrels of 200 liters or more. It is recommended to insulate the septic tank on all sides; this process should not be neglected, laying the material only at the bottom of the pit. After backfilling is completed, the system should be covered with roofing felt, iron or wood covers, the latter of which are needed to provide access to the containers if it is necessary to pump out wastewater.

Volume increase

If you want to increase the volume of the structure, you can stack several barrels on top of each other and weld them together. Additional iron jumpers can be mounted to securely fasten the products to each other. The formed joints must be well waterproofed; hot bitumen is usually used for this. No matter how well a septic tank is built with your own hands from a barrel of fuel and lubricants, after 4 years the tanks will have to be replaced, because they will begin to rust and rot under the influence of aggressive wastewater.

Features of preparing a pit for installing plastic barrels

Quite often, country property owners build a septic tank from plastic barrels with their own hands. You can see photos of such systems in the article. When preparing a pit for installing containers, you should be guided by parameters that will be larger than the geometric dimensions of the compartments used. Along the perimeter of the pit, the step between the sides and the barrels should be 0.25 m. The bottom must be well compacted, covered with sand and filled with concrete solution; if necessary, formwork should be used.

You can install embedded metal elements into the resulting base, which will help secure the barrels. They must be made with loops. When making a septic tank from plastic barrels with your own hands, you must additionally secure the tanks to the base using special belts, also called bandage belts. They make it possible to achieve a 100% guarantee that the barrels will not float during a flood.

When making holes in plastic containers, you should step back 0.2 m from the lid of the first tank. The pipe from the residential building will be installed here. On the opposite side of the chamber, another hole should be made, which is shifted downward by 0.1 m. In the first container, you will need another hole for the ventilation riser.

If you decide to make a septic tank from plastic barrels with your own hands, then it is recommended to add a removable lid to the first compartment, because a huge amount of solid waste will accumulate in it, which will have to be cleaned out from time to time. If you do not plan to construct it, then holes are made in the second barrel, which are located at an angle of 45 ° relative to each other. These holes will be needed for drainage pipes.


A septic tank made with your own hands from plastic barrels (200 liters) may require the presence of filtration fields instead of a filtration well. For pipes, it is necessary to prepare trenches that have a slope of 2 cm per meter. Geotextiles are laid at the bottom of the trench, and its sections are thrown over the sides of the ditch. Next, it is backfilled with crushed stone, on the layer of which drainage pipes are placed. The trench is filled with crushed stone, and geotextiles are laid on top again. At the final stage, the ditch is covered with earth, at which point we can assume that the filtration fields are ready.

During operation, the first compartment will be filled with sludge and solid waste. For cleaning, you should use the services of a vacuum cleaner. The volume of sludge will increase by 80 liters over the summer, however, with constant visits to the dacha, the system may overflow long before the end of the season. These operating features, of course, must be taken into account before the system is designed.

Owners of country houses do not want to give up the usual city amenities and have to install a sewer system on their site themselves. Often it is a simple cesspool made from a barrel or something else, but if there is running water and household members actively use plumbing fixtures, its capabilities will clearly not be enough.

The dacha sewerage scheme includes a sewage collector, internal and external pipeline networks. Depending on the financial opportunities, the collector is built of brick, concrete rings, large in size car tires, eurocubes or 200 l barrels.

Sewage scheme with a barrel as a septic tank

Scheme and rules for organizing sewerage with a septic tank in the country

It is quite possible to equip a septic tank for a dacha with your own hands. Before starting work, draw up detailed diagram sewerage installations. Drawings can be seen in the photo. The location must be marked on the diagram storage capacity, internal and external wiring pipeline network. Building codes and the rules determine the required angle of inclination of the pipes, features of the collector design and other parameters. Please note that simply pouring wastewater into a pit without pumping pollutes the soil and nearby aquifers.

Requirements for the placement of treatment facilities on a summer cottage

Treatment facilities at a summer cottage should be located no closer than thirty meters from reservoirs, wells and artesian wells. In order to bad smell did not penetrate into residential premises, the minimum distance of the septic tank from the house is five meters. This distance should not be extended much either, since this will significantly increase the cost of laying the external sewer network.

Minimum distances from the septic tank to various objects

Care must be taken to ensure that the unpleasant odor does not disturb the neighbors, and the treatment plant should not be located too close to the boundaries of the site. Fruit trees and other green spaces with a developed root system should be located at a distance of at least three meters.

Types of country sewerage

The easiest way to do it yourself is to make a regular cesspool for a private home or cottage into which waste will simply be drained. At the same time, it will pollute environment. To prevent unpleasant consequences, a sealed container.

The simplest cesspool from a barrel

This is a more acceptable way of arranging a waste disposal system, but in this case, frequent “visits” of the sewer truck are necessary. A more modern type of country sewage system is a septic tank, in which the liquid fraction of waste settles and, after filtration, is removed from the collector. The use of bacteria that decompose organic matter helps to create a septic tank without pumping.

Sealed cesspool

For arrangement cesspool dig a pit at least two meters deep. If the terrain of the site is difficult, it is located at the lowest level.

Sealed drain hole convenient for small waste volumes

The walls of the tank are laid out brickwork or they stack ready-made concrete rings, tires from the Kirovets tractor, two-hundred-liter barrels on top of each other, and so on. A layer of waterproofing is laid on the bottom of the container, all butt joints are reliably sealed to prevent wastewater leakage.

Filter well

A filter well is constructed in the same way as a sealed cesspool, only instead of waterproofing, a fill of gravel or crushed stone with sand is made at the bottom of the shaft. It forms a filter layer, percolating through which liquid waste fractions get rid of contaminants before penetrating into the soil.

Construction of a filter well made of plastic barrel

This design of the treatment plant makes it possible to pump out waste from the tank much less frequently, since it is filled only with solid fragments. The quality of wastewater treatment is improved if you install not one, but several filter wells connected to each other by overflow pipes.

Applying a filter field

Using a filtration field helps to make a septic tank without pumping. Its design requires a large area of ​​free space on the site.

Device of a small filtration field

The filtration field is an underground area in which sedimentation and purification of wastewater passing through the sewer occurs. From there they are discharged through perforated pipes into drainage system.

Using the gutter

It’s good if it’s close to a storage facility sewer tank there is a drainage ditch. In this case, the wastewater passing through the collector can be directed directly into it. To do this, they dig a hole near the canal, filling it with crushed stone or gravel as a filter layer. Wastewater is sent there, which, after passing through the filter, enters the drainage ditch.

Options for materials for a septic tank in the country

Depending on financial capabilities, the septic tank at the dacha is made from the most various materials. With virtually no material costs, you can get large-diameter decommissioned tires from the nearest tire repair shop or auto company.

An example of organizing two chamber septic tank from tires

Tires from the Kirovets tractor are suitable. They are laid on top of each other in a dug pit. A septic tank made from ready-made concrete rings is even faster and more reliable. The wastewater receiver can be lined with brickwork. Large-volume barrels and so-called Eurocubes, which are sealed plastic containers, are also used.

When installed, they are concreted on the sides, since they are light in weight and can move when the ground water level rises.

Installation depth of the septic tank and pipe laying

The depth of installation of the septic tank and laying of the sewer pipe directly depends on the level of soil freezing in a particular region. If wastewater freezes in the sewer system, it will burst the pipes, and in the spring everything will have to start again.

A sewer pipe used only in summer does not need to be buried

The optimal volume of a septic tank in the country

The required volume of a septic tank at a dacha depends on the number of people permanently residing there. It is believed that one person consumes up to two hundred liters of water per day. By multiplying this figure by the number of household members and increasing the resulting value by approximately twenty percent, we obtain the optimal volume of storage capacity.

Of course, in a summer cottage, that is, without the use of a shower and bath, this parameter will be much less.

Construction of a simple cesspool from a 200 liter barrel

A cesspool from a 200 liter barrel can be easily made with your own hands. For its arrangement, it is better to choose plastic containers. Compared to metal products, they have the following advantages:

  • excellent resistance to aggressive chemical environments;
  • more for a long time services;
  • simplified installation due to low weight;
  • no need for anti-corrosion treatment;
  • high levels of tightness.

A plastic barrel can serve as a cesspool for a long time

When buried in the ground, plastic containers should be securely secured using cables pulled to concrete slab installed as the base of the structure. Otherwise, a homemade septic tank may “float” to the surface at the most inconvenient moment. Plastic barrels installed in the pit should be filled very carefully so as not to damage them.

Do-it-yourself assembly and connection of a septic tank from plastic barrels

Assembling and connecting a septic tank from plastic barrels with your own hands is not particularly difficult. First, a pit is dug to bury the tanks in the ground. For better cleaning wastewater, two plastic containers with a volume of at least two hundred liters each should be installed. They are connected to each other using an overflow pipe.

Two-chamber septic tank with overflow from plastic barrels - practical option

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The following video has been carefully selected and will certainly help you understand what is presented.

Owners of private households, in an effort to save money, install an economical version of sewage containers - a septic tank made of barrels, designed to create home comfort in country house. Local sewerage, with an autonomous cleaning system, allows you to launch a convenient infrastructure in populated areas, where there are no centralized systems. In suburban areas at dachas, there is no point in installing expensive septic tank options, because suburban dacha plots come to life only in the summer.

Manufacturers offer a wide range of cleaning systems, however, many prefer to design and manufacture a homemade septic tank at their dacha, the price of which will be minimal. Such an independent cleaning system with a septic tank as the main working element is easily built from scrap materials at hand.

Let's analyze how to make a septic tank from barrels with your own hands, if you purchase finished design postponed. The article describes technological nuances manufacturing and installation of homemade containers, step-by-step instructions with photo illustrations are provided. The video will help you understand the process better.

If not nearby the site centralized network water supply and sewerage, there is a need to build autonomous system. A self-made septic tank from barrels disposes of wastewater in accordance with hygienic standards.

The design is designed to withstand a certain volume of sewage, taking into account the people living in the house. Installation homemade device recommended for the following reasons:

  1. Reduced costs.
  2. Independent purchase of components + use of existing materials.
  3. Use of available tools.
  4. The equipment is installed according to a modular scheme, that is, the possibility of additional equipment is calculated in advance - connecting additional drain pipes to reserved entry points.

Only a person who has built his own drainage system understands weaknesses design and knows its maximum capabilities. Having calculated the approximate norms of water consumption of the family, the frequency of residence and, having studied the features land plot, unnecessary financial costs, physical losses, and “emergency situations” caused by low capacity can be avoided.

On a note! The principle of operation of a cesspool made from barrels is the construction of multi-level settling tanks, as a result of which overflowing, waste settles and the separation of wastewater into water and sludge is ensured.

After the process is completed, about 65% of the water is discharged into the ground, and sediment accumulates at the bottom until it is pumped out of the treatment plant.

What are the pros and cons of plastic and metal barrels

The basis for the construction of an autonomous sewer system is a tank-barrel. For arrangement, two types are used - metal or plastic. Since making a septic tank from barrels with your own hands is not so easy, the choice of container is up to the owner. Metal containers usually have a capacity of 200 liters. Plastic - available in large sizes. Based on economic considerations, it is better to install existing containers. But when you plan to buy containers, you should explore different options.

Plastic version

Pros of use:

  • Little weight;
  • Ease of installation;
  • Ease of making holes;
  • Completely waterproof;
  • Corrosion resistance.

Disadvantages of products:

  • The low weight of the product requires stable attachment to the foundation to avoid “floating” when flooded due to excessive rainfall;
  • The elasticity of the material leads to compression of the containers by soil.

Iron version

Advantages of iron barrels for the construction of a cesspool:

  • High rigidity and strength of products;
  • Sufficient water resistance;
  • Stability of the structure.


  • Susceptibility to corrosion, which requires the application of a waterproofing coating;
  • The labor-intensive process of making holes using power tools.

The main disadvantage of a barrel sump is the small volume of the chambers. This is the reason for the frequent pumping of sludge.

Please note! If the volume of the chambers corresponds to barrels with a capacity of 200/250 liters, the discharge of wastewater must be regulated.

How a homemade sewer sump works

All waste flows into the sewer lines, and from there into the reservoir, the so-called pit. In this barrel, the wastewater is “filtered” and most of the pollutants are deposited. Through a connecting pipe, wastewater from the first tank enters the second tank. The process of filling sections occurs in a strictly regulated order, which is achieved by placing containers on a ladder at different levels.

The outlet and inlet are positioned so that water enters the next tank before its level rises to the inlet pipe. Gradually, the heaviest dirt particles fall to the bottom, while small and light ones continue to move through the structure. To ensure that waste flows freely through the sewer lines, a homemade septic tank made from barrels is made with a slope.

In addition to mechanical cleaning, the process also involves colonies of microorganisms that form in containers after 2-5 weeks and process organic contaminants.

After processing in the second chamber, wastewater is sent to a storage facility or drainage system. In the first case, the accumulated water is drained after some time. If used drainage well, the liquid is discharged into the ground. In the settling tank, discharges are purified by 65-80%. If a higher level of purification is needed, use a third barrel. The more departments the discharges pass through, the higher the degree of purification becomes. For a summer cottage, a double level is sufficient.

Methane generated during wastewater treatment is removed using ventilation. It is placed vertically at the sewer exit from the house or near the last section of autonomous equipment. To get rid of unpleasant odors, a siphon can be installed in the shape of a “knee”.

How to choose a place to install a septic tank

If you decide to install a septic tank from barrels in your country house with your own hands, choose the right place. The structure must be removed from:

  • Wells, wells and other sources at 30-50 m;
  • Building foundation - 5-10 m;
  • Green spaces: shrubs/trees - 3-5 m;
  • Underground pipelines - 10-15 m;
  • Basement and vegetable beds- 10-20 m.

Wastewater enters the system in small portions, since owners of country real estate do not visit their dacha every weekend. Construction and health restrictions must be adhered to at all times. Any sanitary standard has its own reasons, its violation will lead to problems with health and law.

Important! Strictly maintain a distance between the source of drinking water and the septic tank. This will avoid contamination and reduce the likelihood of water contamination and the spread of infections.

When setting up a homemade septic tank from plastic barrels, do not place the object near the foundation; the treated wastewater will begin to destroy its foundation. When choosing a location, the following factors are taken into account:

  1. Soil composition and properties – sandy soil easily passes water; clay, loam and other dense soils are unsuitable for absorbing large amounts of moisture, so storage tanks are built or the drainage system is expanded with the addition of large quantity sand and crushed stone.
  2. The terrain of the site - the house should be located above the sump, and not vice versa, since the process occurs by gravity and a slope in the opposite direction will not allow wastewater to move in the right direction.
  3. Depth groundwater– nearby groundwater may be contaminated by runoff or waterlogging of the soil near the tanks may occur due to excess moisture. In this case, the drainage pit is concreted.
  4. Climatic conditions - it is necessary to ensure that the chambers do not freeze at low temperatures temperature indicators. If the pipe is installed above the freezing level, it is insulated with waterproof insulation.
  5. Free access for sewage trucks - you need to create access roads for the machine to extract sewage.

What features does the design have?

The more sections the wastewater passes through, the cleaner it becomes at the final stage. The most common model is a three-section one, designed to filter viscous dark brown wastewater.

At the final stage, a hole is made in the last barrel that opens onto the filtration field. This post-treatment drainage mechanism consists of perforated pipes located underground. The pipeline is placed in trenches, where geotexile is preliminarily laid, and sand/gravel is backfilled on top.

Note! Such a complex structure is recommended to be installed to clean the dirtiest sewage.

To clean light dirt from a bathhouse or kitchen, one or two compartments are enough. The simplest two-chamber system consists of tanks and an external plastic pipe, with a diameter of 110 mm. If the diameter is smaller, the structure will not cope with a large amount of waste. Iron barrels installed if groundwater is below 8 meters; if the level is slightly higher, there is no better option than plastic containers.

The slope of the sewer line is 0.03. The vertical value is 3 cm per meter. The post-treatment of light wastewater is carried out in an absorption well located in a second tank filled with gravel/sand.

What materials and tools are needed

After preliminary calculations chamber septic tank: volume, sewage range, hydrogeological status of the soil, freezing depth, size and required slope - you can start building a septic tank from plastic barrels with your own hands.

To work you will need:

  1. Two or three barrels made of polymer material with a volume of 200/400 l.
  2. Corrugated plastic + sewer pipes for installation. The length is determined by the distance from the house to the containers with sewage + a margin of several meters.
  3. Ventilation pipes with a neck diameter of 110 mm. Pipe length no more than 1.5 m.
  4. Angles and tees.
  5. Couplings, flanges.
  6. Cement.
  7. Fine crushed stone with 49 mm granular elements.
  8. Glue for PVC connections components.
  9. Epoxy sealant.
  10. Rubber seal to seal the pipe inlet.
  11. Sand.
  12. Sewer covers.

If there is a possibility of waterlogging, concreting of the lower layer of the pit will be required. For this you need:

  • Concrete mixer;
  • Electric mixer;
  • Mixing tank;
  • Transition fitting and steel cables for fastening barrels at the bottom.

If the soil is soft, strengthen the walls of the pit with wooden or steel mesh it's simply absolutely necessary. Mineral wool for pipelines, foam or polystyrene is needed to construct an insulating layer for sewerage equipment.

What is the sequence of work

To properly make a septic tank from a barrel, you need to remove the sewer pipes from the house before starting excavation work. From the outlet site, start digging a trench forward to the wastewater sump. The sewage system depends on the following procedure:

Important! After installation, fill the barrels with water 20-30 cm below the neck. This will help protect the septic structure from deformation under soil pressure.

After testing for water permeability, we proceed to the final backfill. We gradually lay it layer by layer. You can throw stones, bricks, etc. into the connectors construction garbage to obtain a rigid structure.

The upper part is insulated and optionally covered with foam. Only sewer tank covers and ventilation ducts must remain above the ground.

General principle of organizing individual sewerage

When the septic tank is ready for use, they install general rules its use for each family member. Small tank volumes require more careful attention to the number of liters used. It takes three days for partial filtration of water to occur. Therefore, make sure that the containers are not overfilled within 72 hours.

Do not dispose of poorly or completely non-degradable items in the sink. Only organic matter is suitable for this method of getting rid of waste. If you plan to clean the chambers yourself, then the sludge from the barrels should be placed in a fertilizer pit and mixed with weeds and soil. In a couple of years they will turn into excellent fertilizer.

Don’t put off the problem of waste disposal until tomorrow; start planning your model today. How to make a septic tank from barrels with your own hands - The best decision, allowing you to create autonomous sewerage at the dacha with minimal investment.

To provide sewerage to a private home, wastewater treatment equipment is used. Can be purchased ready septic tank or make the design yourself.

Any materials can be used for this. One option is to make a container from barrels. Various designs allow you to create a complete cleaning system.

The barrel cleaning system can be made into two or three chambers. Drains in this design flow into the container by gravity. To do this, it is installed below the sewer pipes.

Initially, the waste enters the first container, where primary processing occurs - separation of heavy fractions. Then the lighter water passes through the pipes into the second chamber. Here, additional purification is carried out through aerobic or anaerobic processes.

The treated wastewater enters the third tank, and through it exits to the filtration fields.

Photo: view of septic tanks made from barrels

The completed structure can last for several years. To increase service life, it is necessary to check the first container for clogging or siltation. If you need to increase the volume of the system, then install an additional barrel in the cascade.

What kind of barrels can you take?

When building a treatment system with your own hands, you can use any containers. It may be suitable for this old barrel made of plastic or metal, the main thing is to check it for leaks before installation.

This is due to a number of advantages:

  • a wide range of products designed for septic tank equipment;
  • ease of installation. Plastic is completely ready for use; it does not need to be pre-treated like metal tanks;
  • high stability. Barrels withstand the aggressive effects of wastewater that enter it well. Thanks to this, plastic barrels will last longer, unlike metal ones;
  • good tightness. This protects against the penetration of groundwater into the product or the leakage of waste from it;
  • does not require the use of heavy equipment. Due to the light weight of the containers, the installation process is greatly simplified.

Photo: light weight of plastic barrels

It is more difficult to make from barrels, unlike metal products. Since in winter the septic tank may be squeezed out of the ground or pushed out during spring floods due to the high amount of groundwater.

For reliability plastic container secured to the concrete base using cables. Also, during installation, you should carefully backfill the soil to avoid crushing it.

For not big family or seasonal use, a septic tank is built from metal containers, barrels or cisterns. Such products are not suitable as a full-fledged sewer system.

Their popularity is due to the ease of installation and compactness of the device. Each of the barrels has a lid or it can be made independently from wood. To install such a septic tank, you need to dig a hole, the walls and bottom of which must first be concreted.

The disadvantages of the system from metal products attributed to their low resistance to moisture and waste water. Before installation, the barrel must be insulated and treated with an anti-corrosion agent.

Even after this, they do not have a long service life. Take containers from of stainless steel it is irrational because it is very expensive.

It should also be noted that when choosing a barrel with thin walls, it may be pushed out during operation. The products have a small volume of 200 to 250 liters, so they are not suitable for a large family.

Photo: barrel with thin walls

To ensure reliable sewerage, it is best to use factory-made polymer barrels.

They have the following properties:

  • material strength, tightness and corrosion resistance;
  • easy installation. To obtain reliable system all installation rules must be followed;
  • no restrictions on use and low cost.

Photo: barrels of different sizes

When choosing a tank for a septic tank, you must take into account the following calculations: 200 liters barrel per person.

This formula takes into account the presence in the house washing machine and a bath, as well as year-round presence of residents.

DIY septic tank from plastic barrels

For small country house Where residents do not live permanently or use water sparingly, plastic barrels are suitable.

It is not difficult to install such a sewage system yourself. It can consist of two containers that act as a sump.

The third tank is . If you do not pour black waste into the system, then the sewer system is unpretentious in maintenance. When removing waste from the toilet, the equipment will need regular cleaning with sewer equipment.

With constant or frequent use country house you need to choose products with a larger capacity: tanks, tanks or plastic cubes. The process of their installation is no different from the installation of ordinary plastic barrels.

When placing a septic tank, the following rules should be observed:

  • it should not be located close to the house, parking lot or road. The equipment must be located at a distance of at least 5 m from the property and 2 m from the highway;
  • the distance from the house should not exceed 15 m, since long distance will complicate the installation process. In this case, it will be necessary to install an inspection well and deepen the pipes;
  • provide an approach to the design of cleaning equipment.

Septic tank made of metal barrels

A system made of metal products does not require large material costs and complex installation work. To organize the system, it is necessary to prepare two barrels with a minimum volume of 200 liters.

Installation begins with preparing the pit. Then holes are made on the side of the products for the inlet of the overflow and the outlet of the drainage pipes. The sewer pipe is inserted into the nearest container with a mandatory slope.

The second barrel and each subsequent one should be located lower than the previous one.

Photo: septic tank made of metal barrels

All joints must be sealed. The septic tank is insulated on all sides except the bottom with polystyrene foam. Then the equipment is backfilled. Cover it with any available material, taking into account the holes for pumping out.

When organizing a septic tank from metal barrels, you should be prepared for the fact that after 3-4 years they need to be replaced. This happens due to the rotting of containers under the influence of aggressive waste.

How to build a septic tank from two containers

To create a septic tank from 200 liter barrels, you need to take two containers. If sewerage is needed to serve a large family, then the volume of products should be increased.

Important! You need to choose barrels made of high-quality plastic, which will ensure the strength of the structure, since it will be resistant to caustic waste and corrosion.

In addition to containers, drainage and waste pipes should be prepared for sewerage; their size depends on the distance from the house to the installation.

Such a septic tank operates as follows: in the first part, organic waste is separated, and in the second, wastewater is split into light and heavy substances. The lightened water leaves the septic tank, and the remaining remains at the bottom and forms sludge.

Photo: septic tank made of two barrels

Installation from cubic barrels

For the manufacture of cleaning system increasingly began to resort to still barrels. The best option There will be installation of two Eurocubes with a volume of 1000 liters. The equipment is easy to install due to the light weight of the products.

To operate the system, it is enough to place containers in the trench and connect them to each other using an overflow pipe.

The work also consists of bringing the drainage pipe to the aeration or filtration field.

Installing a septic tank from vat barrels consists of the following steps:

  • Preparing the pit. It should be 20 cm wider than the container;

Photo: preparing barrels
  • The bottom of the trench is equipped with a concrete pad. Still barrels are lowered into a pit and connected by an overflow pipe;

Photo: still barrels are lowered into the pit
  • the waste pipe is connected to the receiving tank, and is discharged from the second barrel drainage pipe. It should be located below all the others. The pipe is taken out into a separate hole, which is covered with crushed stone 40 cm wide and a trench is buried;

Photo: the pipe is taken out into a separate pit
  • All joints are sealed and strengthened;

Photo: sealing all joints
  • the system is filled with water, after which concreting is performed, filling the voids between the Eurocubes and the walls of the pit. To install ventilation pipes, holes are made in the upper part of the two containers;

Photo: installation of ventilation pipes
  • after hardening concrete mixture, after about a day, the surface above the septic tank is covered wooden shield. It must have openings for inspection hatches and ventilation pipes;

Photo: insulation with a layer of foam plastic
  • Then a layer of polystyrene foam or other insulation is applied and the structure is buried.

The homemade septic tank is ready, it can be put into operation. This design is characterized by durable material and long service life.

Installation process

To create a septic system from barrels, you need to follow these steps:

  • formation of holes in two products in the upper part. Their size must match the diameter of the flange that will subsequently be inserted there;

Photo: cutting holes for fan pipes
  • providing entry for fan pipe. To do this, you need to make a hole in one of the barrels. Its size must also correspond to the diameter of the fan fittings. Installation of the flange into the side of the product is impossible, since the surface of the barrel is uneven;
  • waterproofing joints. You can use any product for this; mastic is best;

Photo: waterproofing joints
  • connection of drainage pipes. To do this, you need to prepare two holes on the side of the second barrel that correspond to the diameter of the pipes;

Photo: connecting drainage pipes
  • for the first, a concrete pad with a height of no more than 25 cm should be provided at the bottom of the pit. It turns out that it is installed higher than the second product;

Photo: concrete pad at the bottom of the pit
  • then the barrels are connected to each other and drainage pipes are installed. A drainage filter is made using crushed stone;

Photo: drain filter
  • At the next stage, it is recommended to check the slope of the pipes; there should be a 2 cm slope per 1 m of length. This is done using a level;

Photo: pipe angle
  • backfilling the septic tank. It should be carried out carefully so as not to damage the joints and the body of the product;

Photo: backfilling a septic tank
  • system check. Before connecting the equipment to the sewer, you should check it for leaks. To do this, you need to fill the septic tank with water.

At installation work It should be taken into account that if a turn is required when laying sewer pipes, the angle should be no more than 90 degrees.

Important! In this case, be sure to install a rotary well for free access for the purpose of cleaning them. The trench for the pipes must be made in a safe place.

If this is not possible, then backfill the pipes with a 30 cm layer of earth. Sand and crushed stone are placed at the bottom of the route and this mixture is compacted. Then the sewer pipes are installed and filled in.

What materials and tools need to be prepared?

Depending on the structure being created, different materials may be needed.

In order to make 220 liter barrels you will need the following materials:

  • crushed stone (fraction 1.8 - 3.5 cm) - 1 car, about 9 cubic meters;
  • geotextiles – 80 m2;
  • plastic barrel with a volume of 220 or 250 l - 2 pcs.;
  • sewage pipe ( orange color), with a diameter of 110 mm – 5 m;
  • corner for sewerage under 45 and 90 degrees. 4 pieces each;
  • Y-shaped tee for sewerage – 4 pcs.;
  • perforated drainage pipe in the filter 5 m – 2 pcs.;
  • coupling, flange – 2 pcs.;
  • meter level – 1 pc.;
  • wooden peg – 10 pcs.;
  • PVC glue, two-component epoxy sealant and plumbing tape - 1 pc.

To carry out installation and assembly of the sewer system, you will need a kit simple tools: rake, jigsaw and shovel.

Barrel prices

Name Options price, rub. Region
sheet thickness 4-6 mm 23 500 Tyumen
Metal container for septic tank 8 cu. m. 40 000 Tyumen
Eurocube 1000 l 1 700 Saint Petersburg
Eurocube 1000 l 2 500 Saint Petersburg
Fiberglass container 2000 l 47 000 Ufa
Fiberglass container 3000 l 58 000 Ufa
Polyethylene container Qudro 600HZ 600 l 7 950 Moscow
Polyethylene container Quadro 300HZ 300 l 4 480 Moscow

Making a septic tank from barrels does not take much time and allows you to provide sewerage for a country house. When choosing a material for a purification system, it is necessary to take into account the number of people in the house, seasonality and the volume of wastewater per day.

Video: septic tank for a dacha from a Eurocube