Brick pressing. Types of bricks – facing, clinker, ceramic, silicate, hyper-pressed. Production scheme for semi-dry pressing

Alexandrovskaya Brick Company produces and sells hyper-pressed bricks M-300, F-100, used for cladding houses, cottages, any buildings, fences, gazebos and even fireplaces.

Hyperpressed brick is artificial stone. It got its name because of the production technology - the semi-dry hyperpressing method. Hyperpressed brick combines the advantages of brick ( standard size and convenience during laying) and stone (strength and durability).

The bricks produced by our company have shown excellent performance as facing material and began to be actively used for beautifying all kinds of buildings. Why did I start using this one? in great demand? Yes, everything is simple, it usually comes in two colors: burgundy and brown, but the colors of hyper-pressed brick can be made in almost any color that the customer needs. Buy hyperpressed brick in ACC and you can significantly reduce your material costs for cladding the facade of any buildings compared to the use of natural stone.

The advantages of single hyperpressed brick from our plant are undeniable: it shows a high level of strength - 200-600 kg/cm2 (for 10-story buildings 150 kg/cm2 is required) and successfully resists stress, while remaining safe and sound. Hyper-pressed facing brick has high level frost resistance - more than 100 cycles, whereas in Russia 35-50 are needed, excellent resistance to temperature changes.

Exemplary production our brick made this facing material high-tech, in other words, it does not create any difficulties during installation, which cannot be said about ordinary clay ones. Our hyperpressed brick plant allows us to produce not only durable and technologically advanced, but also environmentally friendly finishing material, which is very important when constructing residential buildings.

Low price, compared to other companies, will allow you to buy hyper-pressed brick from a manufacturer in required quantity and save some more cash for other purchases.

Almost no building in our country has been erected without the use of brick for many decades. This reliable and affordable material, which is made from artificial stone, is still just as popular in construction industry, just like many years ago.

The majority of the population lives in private brick houses, and from my own experience I was convinced of all the advantages of walls made of brickwork. Such structures are highly resistant to any precipitation (rain, hail, strong gusts of wind, snow) and are immune to mold.

About mechanical resistance brick wall and it’s not worth reminding once again about its strength and long service life, most likely. In addition, the material is immune to destructive influences aggressive environments and, what is very important, does not pose any environmental hazard to humans.

Thanks to its excellent construction performance, facing bricks have earned due popularity among domestic consumers. In this case, we mean the products Russian manufacturer in all its diversity and varieties.

The most popular type, as before, is single face brick with standard parameters: height 6.5 cm, width 12 cm, length 25 cm. The production of one-and-a-half, double and non-standard bricks is also gaining momentum. In accordance with the strength indicator, all these products are divided into grades - the higher the grade number, the greater the strength of the brick.

Although ten years ago we had the opportunity to observe brick buildings exclusively in white or red, today the color scheme is more extensive. There are several dozen different colors and tones, and there are approximately the same number of options for product textures. This entire huge range, combined with excellent performance characteristics, makes facing brick the most profitable building material for the construction of residential suburban buildings.

All the faces of the brick are given their own names: the large one is “bed”, the small side is “poke”, the long side is “spoon”. There are four main types: clinker, silicate, ceramic, hyperpressed.

Clinker brick

This is magnificent construction material with a lot of positive performance characteristics. It is resistant to moisture and adverse climatic conditions, and provides high heat and sound insulation. Thanks to its dense structure, it wears out little over time and practically does not become dirty.

Clinker bricks are made from special, refractory types of clay, fired in special kilns at temperatures above 1000 degrees Celsius. Thanks to this production method, the material acquires uniformity, strength and durability.

This type is universal - it can be used in any type of construction. New buildings are erected from it, and old buildings are reconstructed with its help. Window openings are decorated with clinker bricks, columns are made from it, etc.

When finishing facades, special facade clinker is used, including glazed - multi-colored. Colored clinker bricks can have a matte or glossy surface - it depends on the glazing method. And the easiest way is to coat the finished clinker in two layers with paint of the desired shade, and then send it to the oven. Secondary firing is carried out at a temperature of about 1200 degrees, and the applied paint is tightly sintered with the “original” brick surface.

Glazed multi-colored clinker bricks do not lose their brightness for a long time. They are used, for example, for façade mosaics.

Ceramic brick

The second common class of such building materials. Currently practiced various ways manufacturing, development innovative technologies promotes the emergence of new methods. It is noteworthy that in factories with the same professional equipment clay or raw materials may vary significantly. However, the constant requirement for the raw materials used is its homogeneity.

As a rule, red clay is used to make this type, which is why the brick received the corresponding name - “red”. Clay of other colors is less commonly used; depending on the color of the clay used, a brick is obtained a certain color. Practice shows that when constructing large construction projects, it is advisable to use bricks from one batch due to the fact that it is almost impossible to select a similar color from different batches.

Sometimes during the construction process you come across black or mustard-colored ceramic bricks. This is a defect: burnt or unburnt, which cannot be used for laying walls. When struck, a defective product makes a dull sound.

During the production process, it is possible to add various pigments to the feedstock, which allows you to obtain various colors. Currently, ceramic bricks are usually produced by plastic molding.

The optimal raw material in this case is clay containing up to 30% sand. The sand content in the raw material prevents significant shrinkage during the laying process. When clay of a certain composition has been extracted in the required quantity, it is moistened with steam and thoroughly mixed until a plate-like, homogeneous mass is obtained. This mass is used to form raw bricks.

It should be noted that it initially has a larger volume (by about 10-15%), since subsequent shrinkage is taken into account. The formed raw material is sent to drying, where it reaches a humidity of 6-8%, then the products are sent to a kiln for firing, the temperature in the kiln is 1000 °C. Sometimes certain additives are used to speed up the combustion process.

Semi-dry and dry pressing

Brick produced by semi-dry or dry pressing is usually used to create products with more strict, clear shapes; it is characterized by lower frost resistance. For this production method, clay (raw materials) is selected in accordance with other parameters. Thus, the moisture content of low-plate clay for dry pressing is 7-8%, and for semi-dry pressing – 8-12%. In this case (as opposed to plastic molding), the clay is crushed until it turns into powder. The resulting powder is molded in special presses and, with a greatly reduced drying time (semi-dry method) or without drying at all (dry method), is converted into raw brick, which is then fired.

Sand-lime brick

It consists of 90% quartz sand and 10% lime and various additives. The shape is given using dry pressing, and then, using a temperature of 170-200 degrees, it is subjected to water steam. With the development of new construction technologies A wide range of colored sand-lime bricks appeared on the building materials market.

The color of sand-lime brick differs from that of ceramic brick. This is due to the fact that the coloring material is added initially to the mixture, due to which finished product has the same color throughout the entire volume.

However, the disadvantages of sand-lime brick are the prohibition of its use, for example, in the construction building foundation or basement structures, because prolonged exposure to ground salts can damage the building material. It is also strictly prohibited in the construction of home stoves, fireplaces and chimneys, since Maximum temperature operation - no higher than 550 °C. On top of that, it is heavier than the others, which significantly reduces its range of applications.


The production of hyper-pressed bricks is carried out using the semi-dry compression method. The basis for the manufacture of the material is crushed limestone, it ranges from 82 to 83% finished product. To adhere limestone, cement is used, approximately in a proportion of 12-15%. Effective color is achieved through the use of coloring pigment; it is present in approximately a proportion of 2-3%. Coloring agents are usually iron oxides.

After thoroughly mixing all components, production begins. The finished mass is always homogeneous. Acts as a solvent in production plain water. The prepared composition is sent under the press. The process requires exposure to the material elevated temperatures. In this case, the smallest particles of the mixture seem to be welded together, and ready-made composition becomes much denser and turns into a dense brick.

The essence of the method is that at ultra-high pressure the structure of the material is reconstructed and the final product undergoes a significant improvement physical properties. After pressing, the pallets with tightly packed bricks are moved to the next chamber, where steaming takes place.

The operating temperature here is 70-90 degrees. Drying takes approximately 10 hours. From this workshop the products are sent for rustication. You can start laying newly produced bricks after five days.

Technical characteristics exceed those of traditional ceramic or silicate. It is distinguished by increased strength, correct cut geometry, and high color fastness. Taking into account that the starting raw material is limestone, and durable natural pigments are used for coloring, the brick retains its natural color for a long time. The products are characterized by environmental safety.

The basis of hyperpressing technology is the use natural materials. The manufacturing process is absolutely harmless to environment, as a result of production no harmful waste is generated. Due to the absence of firing and drying processes under the influence of high temperatures, production is characterized by low energy intensity.

Technological production standards provide for the content of at least 8-10% cement in pressed bricks, which is three times lower than the parameters for the production of vibropressed bricks, which require 20-25% cement.

Still, pressed bricks are not without certain disadvantages. Standard sizes products 250 x 120 x 65 with a weight of 4 kilograms, which can lead to shrinkage of the foundation. It is also distinguished by longer production times. They are characterized by higher thermal conductivity than ceramic or silicate. However, all these “cons” are successfully offset by the advantages of this building material.

Brick parameters Hyperpressed brick Clinker brick Sand-lime brick Ceramic brick
Compressive strength, kg/cm² 150-300 300-500 75-200 100-175
Frost resistance, cycle 75-150 50-100 35-50 15-50
Moisture absorption,% 6-8 Less than 6 6-12 6-8
Thermal conductivity, W/m° C 0,7-0,8 0,7 0,3-0,7 0,3-0,5
Weight for size 250x120x65., kg. 4 3-4 3,8 3,5

The properties of bricks are divided into the following types:

  • According to a complex of physical and mechanical indicators: frost resistance, strength, water absorption. In this category, the leading position is occupied by clinker, followed by hyperpressed facing, and in third place is ceramic. Sand-lime brick will require the greatest attention to calculate the strength and durability of the facade.
  • According to thermal properties. In this category, ceramic comes first. It is he who will best maintain the microclimate in the room.
  • According to the load on the foundation. And again the leader is ceramic cladding. Average indicators are clinker and silicate. And if you use hyper-pressed, the load on the façade will be the greatest.

If you are going to clad an already finished building, be sure to seek advice from specialists in order to strengthen the existing foundation as best as possible.

When drawing up design and technical documentation, it is necessary to take into account:

  • The use of clinker and ceramic bricks does not involve the implementation of thin-walled partitions, which are made with half-brick masonry, due to the presence of only one front face. To obtain a 120mm thick wall with two front facades, it is recommended to use hyper-resinned bricks. The same result can be achieved by performing double masonry with “American” bricks (250X60X65), combining them with their back sides.
  • The use of hyper-pressed brick requires additional hydrophobization finished wall(impregnation waterproofing materials to increase the strength of the structure). This is necessary to prevent the formation of microcracks that have a destructive effect on the façade of the building or fence.
  • The use of any type of “American” brick allows for the economical construction of facades due to its low cost relative to other materials with similar parameters. Due to the capacity of this thin brick, the cost of transportation is halved.
  • Individual architectural design is possible when using facade bricks contrasting shades or plain bricks with different textures on the front edges.
  • The main classification depends on the intended application. For example, when creating facades, facing (facing) brick is used. To build a high-quality structure, it is necessary to take into account its type. In accordance with the manufacturing technology and the nature of the materials used, ceramic, clinker, silicate, and hyper-pressed bricks are distinguished.

Hollow and solid brick

As a rule, everyone is familiar with solid brick, which is a briquette with a small volume of voids (less than 13%), or with their complete absence. It is used for the construction of internal and external walls, the construction of pillars, columns and other structures that, in addition to their own weight, also carry an additional load.

The requirements for solid bricks are high compressive strength, bending strength, and frost resistance. Porosity is determined by its absorption of moisture when weather conditions change, as well as its heat-insulating properties. Solid brick does not have high resistance to heat transfer, so if the external walls are made of this material, then, as a rule, they need to be additionally insulated.

Hollow brick can have up to 45% voids of the total volume, its weight is significantly less than that of a regular brick, which greatly simplifies working with the material. As a rule, it is used for laying partitions, lightweight external walls, and also for filling the frames of high-rise buildings. Voids can be closed on one side and through, square, round or rectangular shape, depending on the location - horizontal and vertical.

The presence of voids leads to savings in raw materials required for the manufacture of hollow bricks (compared to the manufacture of solid bricks). That is why this type is also called “economical” due to its affordable cost. It should be noted that the presence of closed volumes of dry air helps to increase the thermal insulation qualities of building materials, so you can save material by making the walls thinner. When laying, it is necessary to use a sufficiently thick masonry mortar that will not fill the voids. Otherwise, the main advantage of hollow brick will be reduced to zero.

Hyper-pressed brick is a high-tech facing material. In most cases, brick blocks are used for design purposes. Any architectural building will be transformed in an instant if it is decorated with such building materials. Hyperpress stone will add attractiveness and elegance to your home. This one is environmentally friendly pure material can be purchased on our website.

Features of the material

The hyperpressed block is produced using a non-firing method. Thanks to the “cold welding” process, which is performed at the pressing stage using crushed shell rock, quality cement and water, hyperpressing is carried out. Compared to ceramic or sand-lime bricks, this type is not subject to production processes such as drying, firing and steaming in a heating apparatus under pressure. High-quality and durable building materials are sold on our website, where prices are set lower than those of competitors.

Hyper-pressed brick contains crushed shell rock, Portland cement clinker, water and various pigment paints. The stone is characterized by high strength, low water absorption and excellent frost resistance. When laying the material, provide air gap, the thickness of which should be at least 40–60 mm. Possessing high density, brick block It weighs a lot, which primarily increases the load on the foundation.

Large selection of hyperpressed bricks

The facing stone is distinguished by a huge selection of colors, textures and sizes. In the assortment of our online store, hyperpressed bricks have the following colors:

  • grey;
  • red;
  • yellow;
  • terracotta;
  • Ivory;
  • chocolate;
  • Bordeaux;
  • moon marble.

In Moscow and other large cities, facing brick has become a very popular design stone. The price per piece on our website depends on the height, width and thickness of the material. The MosTrading company cooperates directly with manufacturing plants, so we do not inflate the cost of goods and deliver products on time.

Hurry up to buy a variety of building materials and build beautiful structures. You can explore the entire range and get acquainted with all quality certificates at our central office. All contact information is listed on the website.

IN modern construction boundary between areas of application different groups materials are being reduced at a rapid rate. This is largely facilitated by the introduction of new technologies in production processes. Traditional brick usually associated with masonry walls and partitions. The function of facing components is assigned to tile products, siding and wood. At the same time, hyperpressed facing brick is capable of performing tasks decorative finishing, and ensure the strength of the formed walls. The methods of its production have a number of significant differences from the production of conventional bricks, which determined unique qualities of this material.

Manufacturing technology and equipment

Production is carried out using hyperpressing technology. In special molds under a pressure of more than 20 MPa, the cement-mineral mixture for bricks is compacted. The production uses special equipment for hyper-pressed bricks, which is used to form a conveyor line. The standard list of such units includes the following:

  • main installation for carrying out the hyperpressing process (press);
  • concrete mixer;
  • conveyor line;
  • installation for cutting bricks;
  • molding equipment for bricks with a chamfer.

A special feature of this manufacturing method is the high load on the raw material mass, from which high-strength hyper-pressed bricks are subsequently obtained. The technology virtually eliminates the retention of voids, which affects the hardness and durability of the material. Somewhat efficient technological process increases due to the separation of crushing and mixing processes.

Composition of hyperpressed brick

Most of the raw materials for making bricks using the hyperpressing method are slags and waste. In particular, processed products from metallurgical plants, asbestos-cement plants, power plants and mining and processing enterprises are used. About 10% of the composition is formed by finely ground limestone rocks with the inclusion of water and cement. The remaining portion, which makes up the hyperpressed brick, includes marbles, dolomites, shell rocks, travertines and other elements. Based on the composition, one can trace the differences between this technology. Thus, compared to the production of ceramic bricks, the molded products are not fired or dried. If we compare with the production sand-lime bricks, then we can note the absence of sand in the composition.

Material characteristics

Of course, consumers for the most part do not go into the intricacies of technological processes and immediately pay attention to what characteristics hyper-pressed brick for cladding has. So, among technical indicators The following are worth noting:

  • strength indicators vary from 100 to 400 kg/cm2;
  • the average weight is 2000 kg/m 3 ;
  • water absorption capacity - 3-7%;
  • frost resistance - 300 cycles;
  • fire resistance corresponds to the group of non-combustible materials;
  • low thermal conductivity, the indicators of which correspond to special thermal insulators.


Despite certain difficulties in the manufacturing process, production allows us to produce various models bricks In terms of performance properties, the material itself remains the same, but the structural and textural qualities are quite different. On construction market You can find hyper-pressed facing bricks in the following assortment:

  1. Chipped. It has a specific texture that imitates chipping.
  2. Figured. May take various forms geometric shapes, which increases the aesthetic merits of the cladding.
  3. Full-bodied. It is highly durable and suitable for traditional masonry.
  4. Hollow. Typically used for decorative exterior finishing with heat insulator function.

It is also worth noting that hyperpressed brick is produced in different colors, which significantly expands the possibilities of aesthetic design of buildings. The standard shades for such bricks are yellow, red and green.


Owners of houses built using such bricks generally praise the purchase. In terms of strength, durability and reliability, the material does not cause criticism. Moreover, many complain that the products cannot be manual processing. On the one hand, this speaks about the quality of the material, but on the other, it requires the use of special equipment that will allow cutting hyper-pressed bricks. Reviews also note the heaviness of the material. Still has an effect high density products and, as a result, an increase in weight. By the way, the weight of one brick reaches 4 kg. As a result, both transportation and handling of the material on the construction site become more difficult, especially if we're talking about about large parties.

There are also complaints regarding color fading, although this factor depends on the integrity of the manufacturer who produces the hyper-pressed brick. Reviews note that the straight sides of the elements especially fade in the sun. Therefore, if texture qualities are important, then it is recommended to purchase “torn” brick - this texture is least susceptible to fading.

How much does hyperpressed brick cost?

The high cost can be attributed to another disadvantage of such bricks, but their operational advantages pay for them. On average, prices vary from 17 to 22 rubles. a piece. This is the cost of solid material. But it is important to understand that hyperpressed brick, the price of which does not exceed 20 rubles, in most cases has a minimum level of density relative to technological standards. If you need to get high-quality and durable walls, then it is advisable to purchase material that is more expensive and with a maximum level of density.


When considering the option of purchasing hyper-pressed products, many are faced with the question of how this material differs from ordinary bricks. By by and large it wins in two ways. These are durability and aesthetic properties. It is obvious that hyper-pressed brick, given its density, will provide the building with high reliability. This is stated not only by manufacturers, but also by builders who used this material.

Decorativeness, variety of textures and textures are also an important advantage. It is not without reason that such bricks are used not only by private homeowners, but also by developers of large shopping centers. Respectable appearance can be obtained using other materials, but not all of them are capable of providing similar strength and reliability indicators.

High-strength hyper-pressed brick is a building material obtained from a cement-lime mass by semi-dry hyper-pressing with further hardening of the blanks in a special chamber or at room temperature. The main area of ​​operation is finishing of internal and external structures. Products differ exact dimensions, ideal geometry, ability to withstand significant loads.

Release technology

The price of dry-pressed products, as they are also called, is determined by the production method. The main components (about 90%) are limestone, crushed stone waste, dolomite, marble, blast furnace slag, enrichment residues coal, iron ore. The composition is supplemented with high-quality cement and pigments that impart color.

The adhesion of the particles of the prepared mass is carried out without exposure to high temperatures. The pressing process resembles cold welding, as a result of which modules are formed that are as close as possible in terms of technical specifications to natural stone.


Artificially created products are classified according to their functions into ordinary and facing materials. Due to the relatively high cost, it is rational to buy this type for decorative purposes.

Face stones are presented:

    smooth blocks - allow you to form structures in modern style, easy to clean, easy to clean from dirt, dust, stains;

    rusticated blocks - characterized by a relief surface on one or two faces, in demand during the construction of ancient objects.

Where is it used?

The scope of use extends to the following tasks:

    cladding of facades, plinths, fences, gazebos, fences;

    construction load-bearing elements building;

    decorating window and door openings;

    organization interior design(fireplaces, walls, partitions);

    implementation of designer landscape compositions.


Our company offers you the purchase of this product in Moscow at wholesale prices. The product has advantageous properties that are superior to similar materials:

    stability to aggressive conditions, atmospheric, mechanical influences;

    economical consumption masonry mortar due to ideal parameters;

    exceeding the performance characteristics of ceramics and silicate type;

    attractiveness, wear resistance, durability;

    simplicity mechanized processing;

    high adhesion with cement compositions;

    feasibility of installation in any season of the year.

You can clarify the delivery conditions and get advice on the selection of construction materials using the form on our website or by calling +7 495 369‒33‒88.