What is the volume of the drainage hole for a bathhouse? How to make a drain in a barrel bath. The simplest option for organizing a bath drain


There are a lot of companies offering design and construction of baths, but in finished projects very rarely there is a mention of a cesspool for a bathhouse. However, the need for its construction is obvious, so you need to know how to properly drain a bathhouse.

Why do you need a cesspool for a bathhouse?

In any bathhouse there is a rather humid atmosphere, and a large amount of water is used for washing. Of course, this rule does not work if the bathhouse is not working, but during operation in the bathhouses a lot of liquid is consumed. In addition, if there is a need to wash the bathhouse, again there is a need to remove all the used water somewhere.

That is why you need to think in advance about where all this water will flow, even before building the bathhouse itself. If this is not done, then after some time under bath room a large amount of stagnant water will appear, entering through flooring. The result will be an unpleasant picture: the room will be dominated by bad smell, and the underground space will be covered with mold. Naturally, this will have a very negative effect on the quality of washing.

All this allows us to say that a cesspool for a bathhouse is needed, because any person who comes there wants to relax, gain strength and health. In uncomfortable conditions, such a result cannot be achieved.

How to properly make a septic tank for a bathhouse

Once the decision about the need for a pit has been made, then next step will design its structure. To address this issue, you need to find out how a cesspool for a bathhouse is designed and how it should work.

Therefore, when designing, you must pay attention to the following parameters:

  1. The number of people who will wash in the bathhouse. The volume of the pit will directly depend on this indicator: what more people, the more water will be drained at a time (more details: " "). Thus, the volume of the pit must be sufficient to hold as much water as can be used by all users of the sauna. The result can be either a mini septic tank for a bathhouse or a full-fledged sewage pit.
  2. The nature of the soil and soil water at the location chosen for the pit. If the groundwater lies deep, then there should be no problems: there is no need to strengthen the structure, since the soil is quite hard and its drainage properties are quite sufficient. If the groundwater is high, then everything will be much more complicated: the walls and bottom of the pit will need to be strengthened (more details: " ").

When creating a septic tank in a bathhouse with your own hands, you must comply with the relevant building regulations. If all the requirements and rules are met, then the structure will not have to be disassembled and reassembled, and this applies not only to the sewer system, but also to the bathhouse itself. The quality of the drainage system in this case will be a necessary addition, fulfilling its function and extending the service life of the entire bathhouse.

Wastewater disposal

All bath drains can be disposed of in several ways, which have many differences.

The most common methods include:

You can use a cesspool for a bath only if the soil water is at great depth: otherwise the pit will simply fill with water that got there from the ground. Optimal place for the location of the pit will be small area, located at a distance of three meters from the building. First, a pit is dug that corresponds to the indicators calculated in the project. Often a hole with dimensions of 1x1 m is dug.

If the soil in the area is dense, then there is no need to strengthen the dug hole: it can hold out on its own. In addition, water, passing through the bottom and walls of the pit, will be purified by microorganisms that live in the soil. In the case of loose soils, everything is a little more complicated, and the structure requires strengthening. For this you can use different methods and materials: boards or slate installed around the perimeter, brickwork, perforated concrete rings or solid concrete pouring. In any case, among these options there is the most suitable one for a particular situation.

There is another method of strengthening the structure - a septic tank from a bathhouse barrel. Experts do not recommend using this method, since in the first winter the earth will push the barrel to the surface. All this suggests that the first stage of construction is very labor-intensive, and a lot of attention needs to be paid to it so as not to solve constantly arising problems in the future.

Proper cesspool design

Arranging a drainage pit requires a certain amount of construction work, including earthen ones. You can dig a hole using technical means, and with your own hands, and there is no point in dwelling on this issue - after all, it is much more important to discuss all technological aspects.

At the first stage, you need to decide what size the septic tank for the bathhouse with toilet will be, what shape it will be, and what material will be used to decorate the walls. Septic tanks for baths and toilets can be made from different materials: metal barrels, car tires, concrete rings or bricks are used. The design itself can be round or square. Experts recommend combining brickwork and round shape drainage pit for the bathhouse so that the load is distributed as evenly as possible.

Another important nuance is how to make a septic tank for a bathhouse airtight, and is it necessary? There is no universal answer to this question, but there are aspects. For example, sealed pit has some advantages, but to pump out its contents you will have to call a sewer truck at least twice a year.

For a bathhouse, it is better to create a leaky pit so that its characteristics are more similar to a septic tank, and not to a simple cesspool. To equip such a structure, you need to lay the bottom with a material that provides a high-quality drainage effect. Sand, crushed stone or broken brick work well.

Drainage is best laid in order of increasing fractions. That is, you first need to fill the bottom with a layer of sand, and then lay the bricks on top. The same material is well suited for laying gaps in brickwork. Small gaps between the bricks in the masonry will ensure sufficient filtration quality. Practice shows that the optimal gaps are 3-centimeter slits: a larger gap will not improve filtration. Experts advise using clay brick, which interacts much better with acidic environment Wastewater.

The masonry must be equipped with a hole in which the outlet pipe will be installed. It is better to make this hole higher so that unpleasant odors from the pit do not enter the bathhouse. This is how you create a cesspool for a bathhouse with your own hands.

One of the important structures on this site or territory of a private house is a bathhouse. This is a place where you can relax and unwind, invite friends to take a steam bath. The quality of the structure’s operation depends on the correct construction of not only the bathhouse itself, but also the sewage system for it.

There are many projects for building a bathhouse, where nothing is said about the arrangement sewer system, so the question arises whether a drainage hole is needed for a bathhouse or not.

A bathhouse is a utility building that requires water to function. In addition, water is used to restore order here. The waste generated needs to go somewhere. If they are thrown onto the site, they will soon saturate the soil so much that an unpleasant, stagnant odor will appear, and fungi and mold will begin to form under the floor. This trouble can be prevented if there is a drainage hole under the bathhouse.

When calculating sizes cesspool for a bathhouse, as well as sewerage systems for a home, many factors must be taken into account to ensure maximum performance of the structure. First you need to draw up a design for a sewage pit, choose what type it will be, and calculate the volume. In particular, you should pay attention to the following parameters:

  • who will use the bathhouse and how often;
  • characteristics of the soil where the drainage pit will be located.

Calculation of cesspool volume

If there are many users, then a cesspool is needed bigger size. Sandy soils are better able to absorb liquids, so in this case you can build a small waste pit. But on loams and clay, water leaves very slowly; additional absorption area is needed here.

In areas where the soil is stable, there is no need to additionally strengthen the walls. But where the soil is crumbling, care should be taken to ensure that the hole does not fill up. Errors during the construction of a cesspool will affect the quality and durability of its functioning, so you should take into account all the nuances when carrying out work in order to avoid troubles during operation.

Since mostly water will accumulate in the cesspool under the bathhouse, and they will not be steaming there constantly, there is no need to install complex design, a regular cesspool in a bathhouse can handle waste collection and recycling.

Necessary materials

In the process of building a cesspool, you will need tools and materials that are probably in the home owner’s garage or in the summer resident’s arsenal. Depending on what structure will be installed, the materials are selected. If on site good soil, does not crumble, absorbs water, additional strengthening of walls and bottom is not required. However, such conditions are very rare. In most cases, it is necessary to ensure that during operation the cesspool under the bathhouse does not fill up or become clogged with earth crumbling from the walls.

Bottom of the drain pit

A drainage pad should be placed at the bottom of the drainage pit to more thoroughly clean waste from the pit. Crushed stone and sand are often used for this. The following materials are excellent for strengthening walls:

  • brick;
  • slate;
  • reinforced concrete rings;
  • tires;
  • metal barrels;
  • plastic tanks.

The most optimal and economical option is the use of improvised materials, that is, those that are at the owner’s disposal. These could be used tires from a car (large), bricks left after dismantling some utility structures, metal barrels that were once used for economic purposes.

Land works

In the process of arranging a sewer system for a bathhouse, the first stage will be earthworks. For this you can use special equipment, or you can dig a trench with your own hands. The second stage is much more labor-intensive, but economical. Using the equipment requires access to a bathhouse.

Land works

After excavation work, soil remained on the site. If you leave it like that, it will ruin the aesthetics of the site. It is necessary not only to dispose of it, but to use it usefully. This soil is often used to sprinkle garden beds if the soil is of good quality. If not, you can simply dispose of the soil.

A drainage hole for a bathhouse with your own hands will not be complete if you do not provide a drainage layer, which is laid after digging a pit. The bottom of the cesspool for a bathhouse must be made waterproof, and the walls will be responsible for collecting liquid from the container. Sprinkle the bottom with a mixture of sand and crushed stone. It's good if there is construction waste, they will also work great. The drainage layer must be at least 20 cm.

Construction of a cesspool

Upon completion of the excavation work, you need to lay a drain pipe in the trench and begin finishing the walls and roof of the cesspool. The scope of work will depend on what material is used. The most simple solution is to use a large plastic or metal barrel. You can find an unnecessary container at home, or you can buy it at hardware store a special tank from which a cesspool for a bathhouse is made.

From slate

Sewerage for a bathhouse can be made using wave slate, which remained after dismantling old roof. This method is great for areas with sandy soil. The work process is simple. First, the first sheet should be laid on the bottom of the pit, then each subsequent sheet should be placed so that its edges are in contact with the edges of the previous sheet.

Construction of a slate cesspool

You can fill the space and create additional drainage by filling the container with broken slate.

From tires

Car tires can also be used to create a cesspool for a bathhouse. Due to the fact that solid waste in this sewage tank will not be accepted, the design can be extremely simple. Used car tires will probably be found in the garage.

Construction of a tire cesspool

The construction process will consist of the following stages:

  • using a grinder you need to cut off the sides of the tires;
  • carefully place the tires in the pit on top of each other;
  • fill the bottom of the cesspool with crushed stone;
  • make a hole for the drain pipe;
  • Place a sheet of metal on top and lightly sprinkle it with soil.

Made of brick

Brick has a number of advantages, so it is used quite often to build a cesspool for a bathhouse. The material is not cheap, so you shouldn't buy it. If there is no old brick remaining after dismantling the building, it is better to use another option for constructing a sewer system. The advantage of brick is that it is not at all afraid of water, low or high temperature, resistant to chemicals and microorganisms living in the soil. The disadvantages of the material are that it is not easy to work with, and the price is too high to buy new brick for the construction of a cesspool for a bathhouse.

Any bathhouse, be it a black-heated bathhouse or a state-of-the-art sauna with electric ovens, bubble pools and Jacuzzis require a drain. A drainage pit for a bathhouse is an irreplaceable part, the construction of which should be thought about even before construction begins.

You should immediately make a reservation that if there is a sewerage system or, at worst, a drainage ditch near your site, then the construction of a drainage pit becomes impractical. In this case, all work on draining water from the bathhouse is reduced to laying pipes to a ditch or liquid waste receiver.

In order to assess the level of occurrence groundwater look at the vegetation cover of the area. If there are a lot of moisture-loving plants on it (foxglove, horsetail, sedge, nettle, cattail, hemlock, coltsfoot, horse sorrel), then the groundwater lies close to the surface.
In such a site, it is extremely undesirable to build a cesspool with drainage into the ground.

Determining the type of drain pit

A drainage pit in a bathhouse is not hydraulically complex and its construction can be done by any physically healthy person who can hold a shovel and trowel in his hands. Physical health will be needed to dig a hole of the appropriate size, and a trowel to lay bricks. Our instructions will help you with the rest.

Drainage pits can be divided into three types: sealed, with drainage into the ground and septic tank.

Let's consider the use of all three types in more detail.

  • Sealed cesspool. Used in areas with high groundwater levels. In this case, a sealed container of suitable size is simply dug into the ground, into which it is made. In this case, you should definitely take care of the convenience of access to it, because... such a pit should be pumped out periodically. The price of such a structure is determined by the cost of the waste container.

  • Pit with drainage into the ground. The most commonly used type. Suitable for both summer cottages, and for private households not equipped with sewerage.

If you use scrap materials for construction (old truck tires or unnecessary iron barrels), as well as construction waste as drainage - the price of such a structure will approach zero. If you build from used bricks or waste from the construction of the bathhouse itself, then the price will increase by the cost of the masonry mortar.

  • Septic tank. The most complex structure, allowing the output to be practically clean water. There are septic tanks different types: from the simplest, with mechanical settling of water, to complex energy-dependent ones with several stages of filtration.

Choosing a type treatment plant Naturally, the first thing you should do is look into your wallet. And if it turns out that it contains sufficient quantity relatively free finance - you should give preference to a septic tank industrial production. If not, then you can try to build it yourself.

We build our own drainage pit for a bathhouse

Let us examine in more detail the structure of a drainage pit for a bathhouse. Since there is no need for a hole. It should be borne in mind that sooner or later any septic tank will either have to be cleaned or filled up and a new one made.

Therefore, we will not consider options for constructing from old barrels and tires. The former are unsafe in case of cleaning, and the latter, in addition to being unsafe, are also not environmentally friendly.

In our article we will tell you how to make a drainage hole for a bathhouse with drainage into the ground from brick or cinder block. Let's look at all the stages in more detail.

Choosing a place

When choosing a location, you should be guided by only one rule - the septic tank should be located no further than two meters from the walls of the bathhouse. Otherwise, the slope under the drain will be too small, and the water may stagnate. And this means that in addition to unpleasant odors, troubles will be added frequent blockages drain pipes.

Digging a pit

This is the most labor-intensive part of all work. The main problem will be the use of the excavated earth. Fertile soil can be scattered under plants, but clay and sand will have to be removed. Large stones and crushed stone can be left - they will be useful for cladding and drainage.

The cylindrical shape of the drain pit is preferable to the cubic one because distributes the load on the ground more evenly.

We do the cladding

If the soil on the site is dense and absorbent enough, then no special wall cladding is required. However, in our latitudes, such types of soil are quite rare, so the walls of the pit need to be strengthened.

For these purposes, it is best to use ceramic bricks or natural stone– they are cheaper and absorb less water. In addition, you can use special concrete rings.

If the cladding is made of brick, then it should be placed on edge for less material consumption. Between the bricks leave gaps sufficient for water drainage.

Filling up the drainage

After finishing the cladding, we fill in the drainage. Fragments of brick and cinder block, as well as large construction debris, will be used. In this sense, the construction of a bathhouse will be very useful for us - both the drainage hole will be filled and the construction waste will be disposed of.

The thickness of the drainage layer must be at least 20 cm.

The walls of the drainage pit should be raised 30-70 cm above ground level. The building is covered with a tight lid on top to prevent foreign odors from arising. The drainage hatch should be made spacious enough for ease of maintenance.


In conclusion, I would like to note that the septic tank lid is well-kept area may not look very nice. Therefore, you can arrange a small flower bed or other element on it landscape design. When installing these, it is important not to fill the lid with heavy soil, so that if necessary, it can be moved without damaging the beauty.

And the video in this article can clearly answer these and some other questions on this topic!

When building a bathhouse, it is necessary to make a sewerage system to drain wastewater. There are many options for this, however, a drainage pit for a bathhouse is most common in private buildings. main reason, according to which this structure is being built - slight pollution and a small amount of wastewater, which, as a rule, contains water and detergents in insufficient quantities to contaminate the site.

A simple drainage system will help clean wastewater. Therefore, the construction of a septic tank or other type of sewage system specifically for a bathhouse is impractical for economic and environmental reasons. It should be taken into account that a drainage pit cannot be built if the groundwater in the area is located close to the surface of the earth.

If there is a drainage system from another building or room nearby, then you just need to connect the drain pipes from the bathhouse to it.

First you need to draw up a design for the drainage pit. This does not require a large amount of work and preparation large quantity different schemes and documents.

Several factors should be taken into account that directly affect the size and location of the sauna drain:

  • water consumption, which depends on the number of visitors and the frequency of washing;
  • composition and characteristics of the soil in the area where the bathhouse is located;
  • at what level is the groundwater located?

If the bathhouse is small in size and the number of people living in the house does not exceed 4-5 people, then the water consumption will be small. There is also no need to visit her every day. sense. In this case, a hole one and a half meters in size and no more than two meters deep is sufficient. If there are many residents in a private house and there are many guests, then the size of the drainage pit must be increased. This is not difficult to determine in each specific case.

Also in size sewer device affected by the presence of a swimming pool, which significantly increases the amount of wastewater, since the water in it should be changed as often as possible for hygienic reasons.

The quality of the soil affects the design of the drainage pit. If the soil is weak or sandy, then the walls and edges of the pit need to be strengthened so that it does not collapse due to the abundance of water.

When deciding how to make a drainage pit for a bathhouse that would provide high-quality drainage of wastewater, it should be positioned correctly. The wastewater outlet must be located at a distance of three to six meters. It is impossible to build a pit closer due to the inevitable smell of sewage and the possibility of destruction of the foundation. If the water drainage point is located far away, then additional costs for pipes will be required. And make the pipes have a normal slope long distance It is quite difficult for the water to drain by gravity.

If groundwater is located close to the surface of the site, then any hole will constantly fill with water. In this case, you need to build sealed container for wastewater that should be pumped out periodically or other more advanced wastewater disposal and treatment systems should be used.

Construction materials for the drainage pit

Provided the soil is strong and durable, it is not necessary to strengthen the walls and bottom of the drainage pit. It is enough to dig a pit required sizes, and at the bottom make a cushion of layers of sand and gravel for wastewater treatment.

Such good conditions do not occur often in practice. Therefore, some types of construction work will have to be performed. The walls of the bathhouse drainage pit must be strengthened. To do this, you can cover them with brick or slate. Or install tanks made of metal or plastic. Installation concrete rings also suitable, however, this option is not the cheapest.

When installing containers, several drainage holes must be made at the bottom so that the water gradually drains into the ground. This also requires a bed of sand and gravel to filter wastewater.

Products made of metal, asbestos or plastic can be used as drain pipes. Plastic pipes are more preferable due to low price and ease of installation.

Construction of a drainage pit for a bathhouse

After choosing a location for the drainage pit, it is necessary to dig a pit and a trench for the connecting pipe. Then you need to build the walls of the future pit.

If you use brick, then the laying of the drainage pit is made with a thickness of no more than half the length of the material.

In this case, holes should be left at a certain distance so that the drains go into the ground. Brick deteriorates over time, so if there is natural stone, then such walls will be the strongest. Limestone in conditions high humidity quickly collapses - its use in this case is impractical.

After strengthening and building the walls, it is necessary to fill the bottom with a layer of sand and gravel. The thickness of the pillow should be at least twenty centimeters.

The top of the pit wall needs to be covered concrete slab or make a screed. Covering the pit should be done vent and insert a pipe to extract gases that are formed due to the storage of wastewater. You also need to make an inspection hatch to monitor the level of wastewater and, if necessary, pump it out.

Some owners country houses on top of the pit floor slab they will equip a flower garden or flower bed for conservation appearance area of ​​terrain.

The drain pipe must be laid in the ground to a depth of more than half a meter or more, depending on the freezing of the soil. In this case, the slope of the pipe should be three centimeters per one meter of length so that wastewater leaves the bathhouse by gravity.

Possible options for arranging drainage pits for a bathhouse

In our country, drainage pits are popular, which are made from used vehicle tires. For this purpose, it is best to use tires of tractors and heavy-duty vehicles, since they have big size and a sufficient level of rigidity and strength.

The side parts of the tires must be cut using a grinder or electric jigsaw. In this case, it is necessary to provide a hole for inserting the drain pipe. Then the tires must be installed on top of each other in the pit, and in the lower part drainage must be made from gravel, sand or construction waste. On top of the structure you need to make a lid from a piece of metal and sprinkle it with soil for additional insulation winter and creation good looking plot of the house.

The following scheme for a drainage pit for drains from a bathhouse is quite simple and cheap. For this purpose, parts of slate are used, which are laid on the bottom of the pit perpendicular to each other. This is needed to create between sheets air gap through which water will pass. The drain pipe must be positioned so that the drainage from it falls on the top sheet of slate . Walls can also be strengthened using this material.

Both options are acceptable if there is a small load on the area where the pit is located. If cars pass through this place or there is a road, then these schemes will not work.

Drain pits can also be made from other materials that each home owner chooses for this. However, we must not forget that the arrangement of drainage pits for a bathhouse, as well as other sewage systems, must necessarily comply with the requirements and rules for the protection environment, this is facilitated by drainage, which must be carried out as the tank itself is filled. You should combine the convenience of the location of the bathhouse and its drainage pit with the cleanliness of the area.

Always requires the organization of a device for draining water. It is necessary to take care of the drain even before its construction begins. The drainage pit is the basis of the entire drainage system. Option for water drainage drain hole is very popular among summer residents. If near summer cottage available sewer communication or a ditch, then making a hole will become impractical. In such cases, it makes sense to run drainage pipes to the sewer system and or ditch. It is strongly not recommended to make a drainage hole in areas of land with a high groundwater level, as this will not lead to any benefit, and the efforts will be wasted. Therefore, before you start building the bathhouse itself, there is no need to rush into preparing the drainage pit. If a drainage hole is still needed, then we begin construction.

So where to start? Like any other building - from design. Specialists in the field of engineering are not required here, but you need to make a few calculations. Answer the questions:

  • How many people will visit the bathhouse?
  • What are the characteristics of the land on the site?
  • How high is the groundwater level?

About the fact that high level It is better not to make a drain hole for groundwater, as has already been said. But how do you measure the level itself? The most accurate method is drilling a well. But not everyone has a drilling rig lying around in their garage. Take a closer look at areas where vegetation is not watered. If they grow there moisture-loving plants, then there is definitely water in the ground. The vegetation is dense, which means the hole needs to be dug deeper. The volume of the cesspool will depend on how intensively the owners use the bathhouse. The more people are expected to visit the steam room and shower, the larger the volume of the pit will be required. If there is a shortage in the end waste water may overflow. Is the soil loose? Then you will need to strengthen its edges. If the soil is hard, then it’s a plus for time.

Having determined all the characteristics of the land and the “productivity” of the future bathhouse, you can choose a place for the pit. Bathhouse construction experts advise digging a hole two meters from the walls of the bathhouse itself. Too far - then the required slope will not be provided and the water will stagnate.

Materials required for construction

With dense and well-absorbing soil, there is a lot starting materials not required. In this case, there is no need to strengthen the walls of the pit. The bottom can be filled with crushed stone and rack sand. However, cases with such ideal land are not common in our country. In the vast majority of cases, the walls of the pit have to be strengthened, otherwise it may crumble. Brickwork, slate or similar material works well for this. Another option: plastic or metal barrel with a cut out bottom, in the lower part of the walls of which you will need to make several holes so that the drain water is filtered through the ground.

An advantageous pit shape option is a cylinder. A pit made in this form distributes the load on the soil evenly, reducing the risk of structural failure to a minimum. The cube-shaped camera is inferior in this regard.

Trench preparation and excavation work

Where to put the excavated soil? If the soil is of good quality, sprinkle it on an area with vegetation. Stones, sand and clay for removal. We decided to equip a pit brickwork, ceramic bricks- that's it. Durable material that does not have “hydrophobia”. You can save on bricks by laying bricks edge up. You need to leave holes between the ends - this is an outlet for water. Simple and helpful advice– using natural stone, so as not to spend money on brick, is beneficial.

Is the masonry complete? Then we begin to form the bottom, a waterproof bottom! The same crushed stone and sand will serve as backfill. Construction waste is also suitable. It is better not to underestimate the bedding layer, at least 20 cm. Top part The masonry should exceed the ground level by 30-40 cm. The pit is covered with a concrete slab or metal sheet.

If vehicles will pass along the site above the pit, then the thickness of the slab should be at least 30 cm. In case the soil does not absorb well drain water, then you can leave holes in the slab so that when the pit overflows, you can pump out the wastewater. Only this hole needs to be covered with something, otherwise you can accidentally fall into it. The strengthening is complete, all that remains is to fill it outer part already dug soil (fill the unusable part of the hole with sand). In the place of the former pit, you can grow plants or create a passage.

Pit made from old tires

As a rule, the drains do not contain solid waste, which means that the arrangement options can be very simple. Special materials may not be required at all. Improvised means will also do. BOO car tires perfect for this. The larger the tire diameter, the better. The sidewalls of old tires need to be cut off using a grinder or jigsaw. So, the prepared tires are placed on top of each other in the pit. The lower part of the pit is also filled with crushed stone. In the tire lying on top you need to make a hole for the drain pipe and adapt it. After this, you need to put on the cylinders a metal sheet and fill it with soil level.

Drainage hole made using slate

Wave slate is perfect for filling a drainage hole. The first sheet is placed on the bottom. The second is superimposed on the first so that their waves touch each other with high points. Subsequent sheets are placed in the same way until 30-40 cm remains to the top of the hole. A drain pipe is inserted into the gap of the top quarter of the slate masonry. You can strengthen the structure by filling broken pieces of slate, and then filling the remaining empty space with soil. This method is mostly suitable for sandy soil.

The last two methods should not be used if it is expected that vehicles will pass through the hole.