We make the floor in the country house with our own hands. Do-it-yourself wooden floors in a private house. The stages of work on laying monolithic concrete floors on the ground are carried out in this order

If in the city, and especially in high-rise apartments, it does not matter what the floor is made of, then in private houses, including country houses, the material used to make the floor has great value. In this article, together with the website, we will look in detail at two options for solving the question of how to make a floor in a country house with your own hands - we will study the principle of making a wooden and concrete floor, compare these bases with each other and decide on the question, which one is better?

How to make floors in a country house with your own hands photo

How to make floors in a country house with your own hands: which is better, wood or concrete

As they say, everything is known in comparison, and the advantages of wooden and concrete floors are visible only in relation to each other and in relation to different conditions operation. This is exactly the analysis we will conduct, comparing the advantages and disadvantages of concrete and wooden floors in the country.

And this is not just my individual opinion - all this is shown by practice, and it is the most useful adviser who points specifically to a concrete floor, which is the answer to the question, which floor is better in the country? It is with the technology of its manufacture that we will begin to study the construction of the floor in the country.

You can see how to make a proper floor screed in a country house in this video.

What to make a dacha floor from: the intricacies of making a concrete base

By by and large, the installation of a concrete floor in a dacha is not much different from a similar subfloor poured in houses located in the city. The technology is the same, with the exception of some points. In particular, they are dictated by the fact that in country houses concrete is poured directly onto the ground, and not over floor slabs. To make it easier to understand the entire process of making such a floor, let’s look at this technology point by point. It can be represented in the form of the following sequence of work.

In principle, you can do without all these difficulties, but then you will not be able to make a high-quality and durable floor. After just a couple of years, cracks will begin to appear on it, and this will lead to dampness and the appearance of all kinds of living creatures in the house.

How to lay a floor in a country house: features of a wooden floor

There is no need to say much here, since laying a wooden floor country house It is no different at all from any other material. The only exception is that it would be wrong to lay boards directly on the ground, even if you raise them to a decent height. Such a floor will not last long, and after five years it will have to be replaced or overhauled.

The ideal option would be to perform under it concrete preparation using the method described in the previous version and, after drying, cover it with a high-quality layer of waterproofing. Only after this will it be possible to produce a standard wood flooring, and fill the space underneath with mineral insulation (it is better to avoid foam plastic in the case of a wooden floor).

Which floor is better in the countryside photo

Another point that cannot be overlooked when installing a floor in a dacha is wood processing - at a minimum you will need antiseptic impregnations. In addition to them, it is also advisable to impregnate the wood with moisture-repellent compounds. And that's not all - you will also have to take care of high-quality ventilation underground. In most cases, holes are made in the floor - a pair in each room, in the most inconspicuous corners. To prevent anything from crawling into the house from these holes and, conversely, to prevent all sorts of bugs and spiders from entering the underground, the holes can be closed with decorative grilles with a fine mesh.

The best way to cover floors in a dacha: finishing options

In principle, for a dacha would be suitable any of the modern floor coverings, but some features of country premises should be taken into account.

Not many floor coverings fully meet these requirements, so the question of what is better to cover a wooden or concrete floor in a country house can be solved quite simply. Ideally, it is better to lay tiles on a concrete base; linoleum is also suitable. At least it’s not so pity due to its inexpensive cost. If we talk about wooden flooring, on which it is somewhat problematic to lay tiles, then, undoubtedly, the best option there will be linoleum for him.

In general, if we sum up everything written above, then we can only say one thing - if everything is done correctly and the question of how to make floors in a dacha with your own hands can be solved without deviations from technological process, then any coating can be used as a finishing flooring. Laminate flooring is no exception - if you take care of it and don’t kill it with dirt, then it will serve faithfully for many years.

A dacha is a meeting place for family and friends, an area of ​​relaxation, peace and unity with nature and one’s dreams. Whatever the size, scope, style and features of your dacha, it should be comfortable and cozy for living, which means you need to find out how to insulate the floor in your dacha to make it pleasant to be inside.

Starting in autumn, cold weather approaches us, at first slowly, appearing only at night, and then more and more clearly, reminding us of itself with the first frosts. Winter period and can completely surround the house with a shroud of snowy elements, and spring prepares streams of melted snow and temperature changes. All these impacts directly affect your home, its surface and internal microclimate. Insulating the floor in your dacha will help keep dampness and cold from entering your rooms, maintaining a temperature level inside that prevents the appearance of dampness, mold, and condensation. Such work will not only improve your life in this house, as numerous reviews say, but also keep the structure itself - walls, floor, ceiling - in good condition, which will allow you to use the house for a long time without carrying out repairs and restoration work.

Waterproofing layer

First encounter with low temperatures occurs in the basement - the place where the foundation meets the subfloor. This is where it’s worth waterproofing and insulating if you don’t want to later deal with the consequences of floods and dampness. The waterproofing procedure involves laying an impregnating layer or roll film. You can use special mixtures to fill the floor, which will reliably protect against moisture, this is very convenient. Roll coating applicable only for perfectly smooth walls without cracks; moreover, they must be dry, so it is better to carry out the work in the hot season.

The floor in the country house is most often concrete, because this material is the most durable and comfortable, so it will become your basis. Before carrying out any kind of work, it must be cleaned of dirt and dried. Mold stains or other growths must be removed. If the room goes underground, waterproofing must be done along the perimeter of the walls, since water will rise along their entire height, especially during the period of melting snow.

General operating procedure and insulation materials

To organize floors in your dacha with your own hands, you need the correct sequence of actions. First you need to prepare the subfloor - this base surface, which remained after the work of the builders. A layer of insulation is added to it, which is selected individually, and a finished floor covering is installed on top of it. At each stage, it is important to follow the work technique so that moisture and dust do not accumulate between the layers.

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Flooring materials for dachas have long been tested in practical application and selected for construction sales. Polystyrene foam is a material made from polymer, it has low density and good thermal insulation properties. This material can be used in sheets, blocks or as loose filler. It is quite light, so it needs to be firmly fixed. A warm floor in a country house can also be made using polystyrene foam. This is a more expensive material. There is also a liquid form - penoizol, which can also be used. Insulation with mineral wool is used less frequently, as it can sag over time, forming gaps.


Preparing for independent work on thermal insulation

To arrange a floor in your dacha you will need a basic set of tools. This is a screwdriver and a set of screwdrivers for working with self-tapping screws, a hacksaw for working with wooden beams, a stationery knife for shortening and trimming material. For measurements you will need a tape measure and a building level. To fix the insulation you will need furniture stapler. For impregnation you will need an antiseptic and a primer, as well as a brush for applying it. To organize a grid for laying insulation you will need wooden beams or sheets that you can cut. For the top layer you need Decoration Materials. The cost of floor insulation in a dacha can be calculated by measuring the square footage of the room. Photos and video materials that will examine each stage of the work in detail can help in the work.

Wood floor insulation

Wooden floors often deteriorate. If you purchased a house or inherited it, you need to meticulously inspect its condition. It happens that a house, quite suitable in terms of decoration and layout, turns out to be resting on half-rotten beams. Perhaps the builders did not saturate them with a solution that improves the properties of wood, and over time it became damp. If the floor is unusable, you need to dismantle it. All boards must be torn off from the base in the form of a ceiling of beams. This is labor-intensive work, but it must be done.

It is better to lay the floor in the dacha from new boards. It is better to fasten them with self-tapping screws rather than nails. They are easier to handle and dismantle. In addition, their fastening will not be a test for the tree, since the hole can be shot with a power tool. The boards should fit tightly together to prevent air from leaking from the basement or crawl space. By the way, you can fill it out metal mesh to prevent the movement of rodents if they become infested.

A layer of insulation will provide a warm floor in the country house. Install around the perimeter of the floor wooden joists- beams between which the insulation will be laid. The distance between them can be from 40 cm to a meter. A vapor barrier film is laid on them, which is held together furniture stapler. It is better to seal any gaps or breaks. Secure the film at all folds so that it adheres to the joists and floor. Both polystyrene foam and expanded polystyrene are suitable for insulating floors in a dacha. Mineral wool is recommended as a filler for seams and joints. Insulation blocks are easy to cut, crumble and cover, so anyone can handle this job. The layer can be from 5 to 20 cm, depending on whether you plan to live indoors in winter.

The top layer will already become the finishing coating; it can be laid from chipboard, wood panels, plywood. Here it is important to level the base so that all the boards are on the same plane. Between them, gaps are acceptable, and even necessary, that will allow the material to expand and contract depending on humidity, in its natural mode. Fastening here should be done carefully so that there are no protruding screw heads or other irregularities on the surface. Such a floor in the country house will retain the heat that will be produced by a fireplace or convector, and will also maintain the temperature inside slightly higher than that outside, even during your absence.

Installing a concrete floor at the dacha

The specifics of insulating floors in a country house with a concrete base allow for several methods of insulation. The first is reminiscent of working with a wooden floor, and the second is only suitable for a concrete base. So, insulating the floor using film and layers of heat-insulating material in a dacha can be done with your own hands. The film is laid in one layer, its footage is easy to calculate. In this case it is necessary preliminary work– sealing cracks and chips using cement screed and putties.

After the surface has dried, it is adjusted to wooden frame. The distance between the beams is at your discretion, but it is better that it is no more than 80 cm. A film is laid on this base and secured with a stapler. The space between the beams is filled with heat-insulating material.

Its thickness may vary, but it is worth considering that a small gap is required between this layer and the top flooring, that is, the height of the log should exceed the height of the insulation layer by 0.5-1.5 cm.

The second option for the floor in the country house is a little more interesting. First, the floor is leveled using putty or screed. Next, you can lay a layer of roofing felt for additional insulation. Insulation is laid on it - always in the form of slabs. They are glued together to form a single layer. Filling with screed secures them completely. After drying, the flooring is laid depending on your preferences.

Warm floors using technology

Those who have wondered how to insulate a floor in a country house have probably heard more than once about “warm floors.” This is holding heating system under the surface of your floor. For these purposes, a cable or flexible tubes through which water is driven can be used. The heat source can be any heating boiler - gas or electric. Such a system is laid on top of a layer of insulation, distributed under the entire floor, in the form of circular or parallel fastening of wires or tubes. Such heating will help you feel comfortable and maintain the air temperature in the room. In this case, experts will be able to advise you on how to make a floor in your dacha.

The floor in the dacha creates the atmosphere. It’s one thing when you can calmly walk on it in socks, or even barefoot, sit on the carpet in the evenings, allow children to play with toys on the floor, and quite another thing when it’s icy and any contact with it only threatens to catch a cold. For a dacha floor you don’t need a lot of materials, and working with them is simple and straightforward. Having settled in new house, or deciding to spend the winter outside the city, be sure to remember about the structure of the house, because its most vulnerable places are the floor and roof. An insulated floor in your dacha will save money on heating and subsequent repairs, so be sure to do everything necessary work. They can be done year-round, as long as your subfloor is not damp.

Wood is a material valued for its environmental friendliness, aesthetics and durability, and therefore it is not surprising that dacha owners choose wood as a construction resource for constructing floors. Coating from natural material laid not only at the dacha - in small summer houses, a wooden floor can be laid in a brick cottage or a foam concrete structure. How to lay a wooden floor in a country house and whether it can be done with your own hands - we’ll figure it out together.

Wood flooring installation process

In the process of constructing a wooden floor covering, whether in a country house or in a brick cottage, there is nothing complicated: the work can be done with your own hands. However, in order to obtain a beautiful, strong and durable coating as a result of the work, it is necessary to take into account many nuances when performing it, and also to study well the theory of floor laying.

IN brick house, cottage or small wooden building floors can be arranged with your own hands different ways. Let's look at the two most popular options:

  • A floor covering created on a rough layer and with an additional layer of insulation (sound insulation), located on a base of soil or on overlapping beams;
  • The floor is made of wood, built on a concrete base with an insulating layer.

In country houses, the first option is more often used. Moreover, this method creates floors on the first floor or basement, and it can also be used when arranging floor coverings on different floors of the building.

In the second option, the flooring design is built completely differently and can be modified and modified to reduce costs. More often, this method is used to make floors in brick cottages and apartments; it makes sense to lay floors in the kitchen on a concrete base.

The indicated methods for laying a wooden floor differ significantly from each other, but some points will be common for any type of base made of natural material. We will get acquainted with these general points in the next section of the article.

General principles for arranging wooden floors

About to put in country house floors made of natural material, plan work for the end of spring. This is important because during this period the tree will absorb less moisture. If the assembly of floors in a cottage or house cannot be postponed until the recommended time and the work must be done in the summer, choose a dry, hot period without heavy rains and dew.

Regardless of the method used to install floors, it is extremely important to pay maximum attention to the quality of the lumber. The tree must be treated with special agents against rotting, moisture, insects, as well as a fire retardant compound.

Types of materials used in floor assembly

For the construction of floors from natural building materials in the countryside, the following options are most often used:

  • Sheet type building material. This variety includes plywood, chipboard and OSB;
  • Uncut board;
  • Lumber from laminated veneer lumber;
  • The boards are folded.

The first two types of material are used in construction work rough foundation. In the future, a top decorative covering will be laid on the subfloor of the basement or first floor, which can be formed from boards, laminated veneer lumber or seamed lumber. Decorative coating subsequently painted or varnished as shown in the photo.

To ensure that the floors are not only beautiful, but also durable, it is important to choose high-quality wood of the right species. You can find out which wood species is best suited for floor assembly by watching the detailed video review attached to the article.

Arrangement of covering on beams and on an earthen base

Typically, floors are laid on a soil base when installing on the first floor or in the basement of a building. In this case, it is extremely important to strengthen the logs as reliably as possible, as well as create waterproofing and heat-insulating layers (sound insulation layer). For these purposes, a special foundation is built:

  • A layer of soil of such thickness is removed over the entire area of ​​the room that it is possible to go deeper into the soil twenty to twenty-five centimeters lower than the ground level around the building;
  • A layer of crushed stone is poured into the resulting depression and another layer of sand is created on top;
  • Each layer is spilled and carefully compacted and leveled;
  • On sand layer brick columns are being built on which the logs will rest. The average width of a support column is two bricks, height is from twenty to forty centimeters. Bricks in columns are laid out on cement mixture and are displayed one level at the top. To avoid missing a level, you can use a special measuring tool (laser level) or stretch the grid along the walls;
  • The number of columns, as well as their location, can be calculated by the following formula: A minimum of two edge tables are required to support each joist. If the lag is too long, another column must be made in the center. The distance between the pillars is calculated based on the size of the elements and the amount of load that will fall on the logs. Without certain knowledge, it is not easy to perform such calculations, so it is better to entrust them to professionals, that is, seek help from a design organization.

Attention! If you are installing the floors in a country house or cottage not in the basement or on the first floor, and not on a soil foundation, but on overlapping beams, you can begin installing the joists without any preparatory work.

On next stage During work, a layer of waterproofing material must be laid on the columns or overlapping beams. To protect the floor from moisture, sheet roofing felt is usually used. Insulation from moisture in bathrooms and kitchens should be especially reliable! It is worth paying attention to the quality of waterproofing and soundproofing work when building a floor from scratch (from the basement). Next, the logs themselves are installed - they are laid out on special plates, the width of which must be at least two centimeters. The elements are firmly fixed with anchors.

Important! First, you will need to lay a log on one side of the room, then on the other (opposite) side and bring them to the same level with dies. After making sure that the elements are positioned perfectly evenly, you can begin installing the remaining joists.

Along the lower edge of the base elements, bars are packed (the width of the bars is 50x50 millimeters). These bars are necessary to complete the work of assembling the subfloor. If the floor is built on a soil foundation (in the basement), and you will lay the logs on support columns, the beams will need to be nailed across the base element and maintain a distance of forty to sixty centimeters between them. If the floor covering is assembled on overlapping beams, the beams are nailed to the side of the joists, from below, on both sides (photo). The bars are fastened with nails or self-tapping screws.

At the next stage, elements of the subfloor are cut from lumber. These parts are laid out on the bars. Next you need to make a layer of thermal insulation (sound insulation). At making the right choice material for these works, the thermal insulation layer will also serve as sound insulation. Experts recommend using rolled mineral wool or basalt slabs. Mineral wool is an ideal material for constructing a kitchen floor, because it not only has the ability to retain heat well in a room, but also has increased vapor permeability.

The insulation is laid out so that there are no cracks or gaps anywhere. However, the height of the insulating layer is chosen in such a way that there is a small ventilation gap between the insulating layer and the height of the joist boards. Next, you need to lay the membrane material for vapor barrier. The membrane strips are laid overlapping, and all joints are carefully taped with special tape or tape. Let us dwell on the moment of arranging waterproofing of the floor in a country house or cottage in more detail.

Waterproofing of floors made from eco-friendly materials must be carried out without fail: proper waterproofing in kitchens, bathrooms, verandas, and basements in the country is especially important. How to do it correctly?

There are several ways to make proper waterproofing in a wooden country house, but the most popular is the method of creating a moisture-protecting layer from rolled materials.

The essence of the work will be as follows:

  • Rough coating in the bathroom, kitchen, or any other room country house it is carefully cleaned of debris, it is also advisable to level the surface;
  • Then the coating prepared in the above way is applied bitumen mastic. The substance should be applied in a dense layer to the floors in the kitchen, bathroom or other room of the house, without leaving any gaps. The mastic must dry completely and form a rough coating film;
  • After the mastic layer has dried, roll it out onto the coating. roll material. The material usually used is roofing felt or thick polyethylene film. The material is strengthened on the surface and covered with another layer of mastic on top. If insulation from moisture is carried out in the kitchen, basement, or other room of the dacha, it is advisable to make several layers, but their number must be odd.

It is also important to know that this type of moisture insulation is only possible in rooms where the air temperature does not rise above 25 degrees Celsius. If your kitchen has a poor hood or no ventilation at all, it is better to do waterproofing differently.

In addition to waterproofing and thermal insulation work in a house with a wooden floor, it is imperative to make a high-quality sound insulation layer. Protection from noise is needed because eco-friendly material conducts sound well and without soundproofing, you will hear any rustle from the street in your home.

He will tell you how to choose materials for sound insulation and how to carry out work on its arrangement. detailed video instructions from professionals:

Now let's look at the stages of work on constructing wood floors on a concrete base.

Assembling floors on a concrete base

On concrete base floors are assembled and installed much easier. There is no need to prepare the base, and the logs themselves can be laid with extreme frequency to effectively reduce the load and prevent deflections in the structure.

Currently, many people not only want to have apartments in big cities, but also want to purchase real estate outside the city. Dachas are once again becoming more widespread and popular. Here you can raise children fresh air, grow natural vegetables and fruits in your own garden and enjoy unity with nature. Everyone has their own country house. For some it’s a whole cottage, for others it’s a small one. wooden frame or brick building.

For owners country houses The pressing problem is the choice of flooring. Despite the abundance of materials that today offers construction market, consumers are tormented by the question: “How to cover the floor in the country? How to choose the right flooring to ensure the quality and durability of the repairs made in a private home?”

The article provides an overview of the most common types building materials for arranging the floor, the advantages and disadvantages of each type of coating and its scope are considered.

Types of flooring for a private home

In any private home there are different types premises depending on their areas of operation. To determine which material is best to cover the floor in a particular room, you need to know all the factors that are typical for this area (temperature, humidity, influence aggressive environments, proximity to heat sources and others).

The main types of flooring for a summer residence:

  • concrete screed;
  • linoleum;
  • laminate;
  • parquet;
  • ceramic tile;
  • wooden floor.

Let's look at each material in more detail and determine the areas where the coating will most effectively perform its main functions.

Concrete screed

If you paint a concrete floor with paint in any color, you can get rid of an important drawback of this type of coating - the formation of cement dust. Painting concrete will help fill the pores of the material and give the surface additional abrasion resistance and a favorable appearance.

The main disadvantage concrete covering the fact that the floor remains cold at any time of the year was considered. Because of this, concrete floors were not used in living rooms building. Modern technologies made it possible to correct this feature of the material by introducing the concept of “warm floor” into construction. Now lay on the prepared base heating elements and fill the surface with concrete. Having hardened, the floor covering forms monolithic structure, the temperature of which is regulated by the owner. Even in an unheated room, “warm floor” is an effective solution.

Concrete flooring is the base for other floor coverings, such as laminate, parquet, linoleum, etc.

However, it must be taken into account that it is difficult to lay a concrete screed evenly. Such a coating is almost never smooth. You can correct unevenness while spending a minimum of money and time by laying plywood on the base. Linoleum and parquet are laid directly on plywood, and a backing is first laid under the laminate.


There are several varieties of linoleum. This material can be single-layer or multi-layer, smooth and textured, thin and dense. The price of linoleum varies from 150 to 800 rubles per square meter. The color of the material is varied, often the coating imitates wooden parquet or laminate.

Linoleum – perfect solution for flooring in a private country house, since the material has a low cost, aesthetic design and is moisture resistant. This type of flooring can be used in living rooms, hallways, kitchens, covered verandas, and even in the cottage bathroom. Linoleum laid on plywood or other leveling coating forms a flat, smooth and aesthetically pleasing floor.

The disadvantages of linoleum include the softness of the material; under the influence of loads, the coating bends, forming creases, preserving traces of furniture.

Attention! It is not recommended to cover wooden floors with linoleum. Air does not penetrate through the rolled material. Wood can become deformed, collapse and rot under the influence of condensation that forms under the linoleum layer.


A coating of this material will improve the appearance of any surface. The color of the laminate and the shade may vary, as well as its price category. However, to use such a coating it is necessary to take into account the positive and negative sides material.

In a private house, laminate flooring is laid in living and dry rooms. The material is abrasion resistant and is very difficult to push through furniture. The panels are easily laid on the prepared surface. Laminate is environmentally friendly material without chemicals and other toxic components, it is resistant to fungus and mold. Regular wet cleaning and careful operation will preserve the original appearance of the floor for 7–10 years.

When laying laminate flooring, special requirements are placed on the horizontal and even surface of the flooring, since even minor deformations lock connections slats affect not only the appearance of the floor, but also its performance characteristics. You can properly prepare the floor by laying plywood on the base and then using a laminate underlay.

Another feature of laminate is negative impact moisture on it. Moreover, the cheaper the material, the worse it reacts to the humid environment of the room. Swelling of the laminate, creaking of floorboards can occur when improper use coverings.

When laying laminate flooring, it is better to choose a higher quality class of product, which is close in cost to parquet. Of course, do not install this flooring in rooms with high humidity.


Wooden flooring made from selected planks existed back in the 13th–14th centuries in noble houses in Europe. And now parquet is an expensive material, because it is formed of piece products with grooves from hardwood: oak, ash, beech, wenge, mahogany, etc.

The advantages of parquet include:

  • ecologically pure natural material;
  • durable, there are ways to update and repair decking;
  • exquisite appearance, it is possible to lay the boards in the form of an artistic ornament.

The disadvantages of parquet include the following:

  • high cost of coverage;
  • complexity of installation;
  • sensitivity to moisture;
  • requires constant care.

To extend the life of the parquet, it is necessary to paint it with several layers of varnish. Painting is carried out with a brush and roller, controlling the thickness of the layer. While preserving the natural color of the wood, painting the parquet with varnish will make the floor covering moisture-resistant and protect the surface from abrasion.

Ceramic tile

In a private home you cannot do without ceramic tiles. This material is used to decorate the floors and walls of bathrooms, toilets, work surfaces and kitchen areas; it can be used on the veranda. You can choose absolutely any color and pattern of the tiles. There are glossy and matte ceramic surfaces.

Ceramic tiles are an environmentally friendly, hard and durable material that will last for many years. Ceramics are not afraid of moisture, aggressive environments and temperature influences. When laying tiles, you can independently regulate the evenness of the surface using an adhesive composition.

The only drawback is the fragility of ceramic tiles. If you drop a hard object on the surface, the tile may break.

Wooden floor

The most common floor covering in a private country house is a wooden floor. As a rule, such coating meets the price-quality ratio. The board is often inexpensive, and painting the material gives the wood a number of advantageous properties and allows you to create any interior design.

Initially wooden plank has a number of disadvantages:

  • susceptible to fungus and mold;
  • may dry out and become deformed over time;
  • moisture negatively affects the material.

You can protect your new wood floor by painting it with varnish or paint.

Attention! Before painting a wooden floor with varnish or paint, it is necessary to prepare the surface: level the base by sanding the wood using grinding machine, apply a primer to the surface.

To save natural look and the natural color of wood is better to paint the boards with a special varnish. However, it should be noted that the varnished floor must be used carefully, without scratching the coating with heels or furniture.

Often, wooden floors and plywood are painted to ensure durability of the coating, protect it from deformation and the effects of fungus and mold. The question arises: “What paint is best to paint wooden flooring in a private home?”

The floor in the country house is usually wooden, laid without using concrete screed. This choice of flooring technology is dictated by several factors:

There are no particular differences in the construction of the floor in a dacha and in any other individual building. As an exception - laying boards in one layer in the simplest summer house where there is no need for insulation. After all, the requirements for gender remain the same. It must be durable and warm.

In a country house, when installing flooring, it is worth additionally providing enhanced protection against the penetration of rodents through cracks and treating all wood materials against rotting.

Floor in a country house

Parquet, parquet board, porcelain stoneware and tiles are practically not used in dachas, unless we are talking about a full-fledged country mansion. This means that the horizontal height difference of the country floor is allowed within a wider range.

Basic principles of flooring in a country house

As a rule, the floor in the country house is insulated. This involves the presence of two layers of flooring material with insulation between them.

The basis of the floor, its durable frame, is logs. The subfloor is fixed to the joists from below. An insulating layer is laid on it. Another layer of material intended for vapor barrier is attached to the insulation, and the construction is completed by laying the finished floor. To ensure that the floor does not deform and serves for a long time, the following should be provided:

  • a sufficient number of supporting supports for each log;
  • presence of space in the floor for ventilation;
  • fastening floor boards with gaps near the walls.

Video - Installing a floor on joists. Installation of subfloor

Floor arrangement diagram

Methods for installing a country floor

Structurally, you can choose one of two floor installation methods.

Ways to protect your dacha floor from moisture

The problem when installing a floor in a country house is strip foundation often becomes its protection from dampness coming from the ground. The durability of the floor largely depends on good ventilation of the subfloor. Therefore, taking care of it begins with a project that necessarily provides for the arrangement of vents in the strip foundation. Vents are holes located oppositely. They are opened in the warm season and closed for the winter if the country house is intended to be used in winter.

In areas where the level is high groundwater, simple underground ventilation may not be enough. Evaporation rising from the ground saturates the logs and leads to their rotting. Plastic film will help correct the situation. It needs to be spread under the entire area of ​​the house and covered with a layer of regular sand. By taking these precautions, you can significantly increase the longevity of your entire floor structure.

Columnar or screw foundation by definition, allow free passage of air. The logs on such a foundation will never rot, but the lack of strapping and warm heaping around the entire perimeter leads to the need for more serious floor insulation.

Logs - bars rectangular section, laid parallel to each other as the base of the floor. Hardwood is used coniferous wood. The main selection criterion is strength. Do not use material that shows signs of rotting. Availability large quantity bitches are not scary. For the logs of a country house, timber with dimensions of 50x150, 100x150 mm is suitable. How bigger room, the greater the requirements for the strength of the base. Sometimes it is enough to lay paired boards on edge.

The location and height of the logs are selected.

The height of the log should ensure ventilation gap between the insulation and the finished floor. The dimensions of the lumber chosen as the floor frame and the thickness of the insulation must match each other. For example, with a log height of 150 mm, it is not always possible to lay insulation with a height of 100 mm. It is necessary to take into account that several centimeters will go under the subfloor board and cranial block. The log can be increased in height with additional slats.

There must be a waterproofing material between the joists and the concrete. As a rule, roofing felt is laid in 1-3 layers. There are hydrophobic mastics that have the desired properties, but their use is not widespread.

Before laying the logs, it is worth considering the desired location of the finished floor boards. If you want the boards to lie along the length of the side of the room, then the logs need to be laid across. The logs must lie strictly horizontally and in the same plane. The evenness of the finished floor depends on compliance with the last condition. The adjustment is carried out with pads of various thicknesses, which are placed between the joist and the support. You can check the correct installation of the joists using building level, rules maximum length or laser device. Some craftsmen suggest checking the plane using a tensioned thread, but this method does not provide sufficient accuracy due to its sagging under its own weight.

Laying logs on posts

The ends of the logs rest on the foundation (or mortgage crown), and the middle part rests on the posts. They are needed so that the floor does not sag over time. The choice of distance between the posts depends on the strength of the wood used and the cross-section of the logs. The thicker the beam, the fewer posts needed. The space between the joists, as a rule, corresponds to the width of the insulation.

If a 50x150 block is chosen for the base of the floor, then it must be laid at intervals of slightly less than 60 cm, so that mineral insulation, cut in half, fit well and tightly between adjacent joists. If the timber is larger, for example 100x150, this distance can be increased to 90 cm. It is undesirable to leave more than 90 cm in any case, because the boards between the joists will inevitably sag and the floor will begin to creak. The owner chooses which logs to buy and at what distance to install them based on the budget allocated for construction. But saving at this stage is impractical.

The purpose of the subfloor is to serve as a support for the insulation. Therefore to his appearance, laying density and board thickness requirements are low. Can be used unedged board, and even a business croaker. This also applies to laying the floor on the second floor, since the ceiling is usually sheathed. The subfloor is also made from sheet materialsthin plywood or OSB boards.

The subfloor is laid on a so-called cranial beam specially attached to the joist. This is a block of small cross-section, for example, 30x40, which is nailed to the bottom of the log along its entire length and provides support for a board or piece of plywood. The boards are placed close to each other. Small gaps between them do not lead to a deterioration in the thermal properties of the floor, but after large gaps Mice may enter the house.

At this stage of work, it is worth thinking about protecting the wood from rotting, exposure to living organisms, and fire. It is best to treat the logs, cranial beams, and subfloor boards with special compounds that are commercially available. It is not recommended to use the common method of treating used motor oil for reasons of environmental safety.

It is better to carry out impregnation while the subfloor is not yet laid.

The finished subfloor is processed in a different way. It is whitened by covering it with a thick layer of slaked lime. This gives the floor excellent bio- and fire-retardant properties.

Choosing insulation for a country floor can sometimes be difficult. After all, he must:

  • be light;
  • retains heat well;
  • do not absorb moisture;
  • Mice don't like it.

The insulation is laid close to the joists.

Common options are foam and mineral wool, do not fully satisfy these requirements. The first serves as a home for mice and is not entirely harmless. The second tends to accumulate moisture, which spoils wooden elements floor. There is an alternative to these materials. This expanded clay, glass wool, wood concrete– here it is a fairly loose, wet mixture of cement and old sawdust.

But no matter what kind of insulation is laid on the floor, the principle remains the same. A “pie” is formed, each layer of which serves a specific purpose.

If everything is done exactly this way, the insulation will be carried out properly. The bottom membrane layer cannot be replaced with a completely waterproofing film layer. If you do this, moisture will gradually be absorbed into the insulation. It is especially dangerous to spill something on the floor, because the liquid will have nowhere to go. The only thing that can replace the bottom vapor barrier is cardboard or paper.

This The final stage work. Before laying upper layer country floor, you need to decide on the choice finishing coating. Sometimes they are served by ordinary edged board. Increasingly, the finished floor is made of plywood or fiberboard and covered with linoleum. In order for it to lie well and not warp, you need to adhere to certain laying rules.

Sheet materials can serve as the finishing floor.

  1. A small gap of 1.5-2 cm is left around the entire perimeter so that the natural wood-based material can freely expand with increasing humidity. On last stage When working with the floor, these gaps are covered with a plinth.
  2. Before laying, the boards are sorted and sheets cut to size. Make sure that the joint of several seams does not fall into one point.
  3. Fasten the floor to the joists with self-tapping screws. The floor installation is completed by laying the finishing coating or painting.

Summer houses not intended for permanent residence, may not have an insulated floor. To install it, you will definitely need to lay the logs. But neither a subfloor nor a layer of insulation is used. It is important to lay the logs through the waterproofing layer. The boards of such a floor should fit very tightly to each other. To better align them, use a wooden wedge. A bracket is hammered into the joist, or a block is nailed to it, thereby providing support. By driving a wedge between the outer board and the stop, a better connection is achieved.

Diagram of a concrete floor

Sometimes the owners decide to pour a concrete floor in their dacha. Then, on a carefully leveled and cleared area, apply sand cushion, which is carefully compacted, better with the help of technology. A layer of waterproofing is laid on the sand. This can be a thick film or roofing felt laid overlapping. A masonry mesh is spread on this layer and rough screed layer no more than 10cm. This stage of pouring the floor is mandatory.

To prevent the floor from remaining cold, insulation and waterproofing are laid on top of the rough screed. A layer of finished floor is poured above, usually a cement-sand mixture. This coating can be equipped with a “warm floor” heating system.

Installing a floor in a dacha requires care and strict adherence construction technologies. The video located on this page will help you better understand the basic principles of its installation.