What is the best way to paint the ceiling in the kitchen? What paint is better to paint the ceiling in the kitchen? Preparing the ceiling for painting

The paint for the ceiling in the kitchen is selected according to external influences. There is already high humidity here, but even if the room is not heated, then the influence of the temperature difference will be very noticeable.

Today we will look at the best way to paint the ceiling in the kitchen and how to do it correctly. Also in the video in this article and photos you can see different dyes and make the right choice.

When deciding what to paint the ceiling in the kitchen with, first of all you need to understand what in this room affects the durability of the coating, what kind of pollution you are fighting, what exactly affects appearance coverings.

  • The first thing that comes to mind is, of course, fat. Fat and soot, eternal companions of the cooking process. They first settle on kitchen surfaces, are absorbed and change their color or form an unpleasant coating. Based on this, you select a coating that is suitable for wet cleaning.
  • Another source of trouble for the ceiling covering in the kitchen is the constant increase in humidity, since the creative process of creating a culinary masterpiece involves constant evaporation of moisture. Accordingly, you get one more parameter for choosing paint. It must be moisture resistant.
  • Constant temperature fluctuations in the kitchen area. This must also be taken into account when selecting coverage. After all, differences can be very significant, especially in winter time, when there is a decent minus outside the window, and you ventilate the room while the oven is running. Your coating should not react to temperature differences.
  • And of course, don’t forget about your neighbors. Of course, a neighbor is not a source of pollution. But it can definitely cause a flood problem in your brand new kitchen. Unfortunately, modern coatings having mass useful properties, have not yet received the parameter - protection from a neighbor.

Making a choice of dye

Taking into account everything that was said earlier, it is worth formulating briefly what properties a paint coating for a kitchen ceiling should have.

  • Of course, the material for painting must be non-toxic and environmentally friendly, meet all safety standards, and have a certificate of quality and compliance.
  • Again, we repeat, do not change its basic properties due to changes in temperature and humidity, and do not emit foreign odors.
  • When choosing paint for the ceiling, be guided by the fact that wet cleaning in the kitchen it is a taken-for-granted process and the paint should easily withstand minor mechanical stress.
  • It’s good if the paint contains an antiseptic that prevents mold.
  • And of course, good color rendering and UV resistance are very nice bonus to the quality of the paint.

Why we paint - we figured it out. We found out what criteria the paint must meet. Now we come to the heart of the question: what kind of colors can these be?

Whitewashing the ceiling

We disassemble the ceiling in the kitchen with what to paint, starting with traditional material. This is whitewash. This coating is easy to apply with your own hands and its price is low.

  • Whitewashing is the simplest, cheapest and, perhaps, the most old method improving the appearance of the ceiling surface. Our grandmothers also used it to tidy up their ceilings.
  • Today it is still popular, perhaps because of its environmental safety and, of course, the budget side of the issue. The materials used are lime or chalk, and the equipment used is a brush. So much for painting costs. Definitely a budget renovation.

The painting process comes down to several nuances:

  • It is important to prepare the surface for whitewashing. However, this stage applies to all coatings. The ceiling surface must be thoroughly cleaned of previously applied materials, somehow old whitewash, putty. The degree of cleanliness should be up to concrete.
  • Then putty the joints and other irregularities on the slabs. Otherwise, all your painting efforts will go down the drain. The coating will be a “fur coat”, so to speak. The already not very clean process will turn into a solid white stream of newly removed coating.
  • Then, as experienced painters recommend, it is necessary to create an increased level of humidity in the room.

Attention! Whitewashing is applied in two or even three layers. It is not recommended to interrupt painting in one layer, since upon drying and further application, a joint will form at the point where painting was interrupted. It is better to start painting from the window. This is from the observations of practitioners. In this order, all application flaws will be less noticeable.

Taking into account the not very pleasant nuances in the process of working with whitewashing. You can add another fly in the ointment to your desire to save money. You will receive an unremarkable ceiling, with a coating of dubious quality.

For subsequent repairs, which will again require time and effort to clean the surface. And this time will come very quickly, due to the fact that chalk and lime absorb grease and soot very well, causing your ceiling to quickly acquire an unpleasant yellowish tint with larger dark spots.

Water-based material

Water-based paint (see How to prepare a ceiling for painting with water-based paint: instructions), another leader among our craftsmen when choosing a coating for a kitchen ceiling. Again, this is a price-quality ratio.

Attention! With its relatively low price, compared to lime or chalk, it has a significantly higher durability.

  • In addition, an important property is that these paints are absolutely environmentally friendly. And for wooden buildings, it is also worth noting the importance of the fact that the water-based coating allows the room to breathe, creating a natural microclimate.
  • Another important plus is that the surface covered with such material can already be subjected to, albeit gentle, but wet cleaning. Still not being washing surface, however, it is already more resistant to moisture and mechanical stress than whitewash.
  • Unlike chalk and lime, this coating does not require repeated application, which in turn avoids emphasizing unevenness on the ceiling surface, and its resistance to fading makes this material even more interesting to work with.

Acrylic dye

Acrylic paints (see How to paint a ceiling with acrylic paint yourself), despite all the advantages of water-based coatings, are a new, higher quality alternative on the market of paints and varnishes.

  • Despite their closeness to water-based coatings, they have significantly more possibilities both in the choice of color, and despite the fact that they contain various additives and resins, they are more resistant to light, water, and mechanical damage.
  • Ceilings covered with acrylic paint can easily be washed and even rubbed, of course not with a brush, but thoroughly and with soap. The only thing worth considering when applying paint to a surface is the color rendering features.

Attention! When adding tone to the base, remember that real color you will see the surface only after drying, and it will be a tone, or maybe two, lighter than what you see in the main container.

Of course, when deciding to paint the ceiling with an acrylic component, you must understand that the price in this case is much higher. But taking into account the significantly greater durability of the coating, the ability to keep the surface clean is made this type paints are one of the most common when repairing kitchen surfaces.

Silicone dye

Silicate paints are right for you. If you are a supporter of ideal glossy coatings, you will definitely like this type of material. Durable, wear-resistant, perfectly smooth due to the stele contained in its composition.

Attention! There are only continuous advantages, except for one small but very significant point - in fact, the surface should be perfectly clean, without previously applying any materials.

  • Because of such subtlety, this material is not used very often. Today, a similar result can be obtained by installing a suspended ceiling.
  • Silicone paints are an absolute hit among coatings today. They combine all the advantages of acrylic and latex, in addition, they have excellent leveling properties, contain an antiseptic, are easy to clean and repel water. If you have decided to spend a lot of money on materials for kitchen renovations, then you can’t think of anything better.

Latex dye

Latex paint is suitable for those who are very sensitive to cleanliness and plan to spend every week general cleaning kitchen surfaces using chemical artillery of a kitchen nature.

This type of paint is safe, does not absorb odors, and is absolutely resistant to moisture and mechanical stress.

Repair is a done deal. The preparations are complete. The materials have been selected.


  • Remember that it is best to work with materials from one manufacturer. Since no one can predict what reaction the components of mixtures from different brands will give. Incompatibility of the latter will add to your unnecessary hassle, not to mention the additional costs.
  • The instructions were not invented to decorate the packaging. Read it and use it. There's a lot of useful stuff there. How to dilute, how to paint. In general, it’s a curious thing.
  • And do not use bathrooms to destroy the remains of building mixtures. You don’t want to immediately start new repairs in terms of pipelines and toilets.
  • In winter, do not buy materials on open trays; they freeze and lose their properties.
  • Prepare the base plane carefully and efficiently, not just the appearance, but also the durability of the coating will depend on this.

You can read how to paint the ceiling in the kitchen on the pages of our website, and having done the work yourself, you will not be interested in the question of how much it costs to paint the ceiling in the kitchen. So look at the photos and make your choice.

When exploring methods of cosmetic finishing, many stop at painting. This option is quite affordable in terms of the cost of materials, not too complicated for self-execution and implies a certain creative freedom. So, before starting the renovation, you need to find the answer to the main question: what paint is best for the ceiling in the kitchen.

Types of surfaces

IN modern apartments meet the following options ceilings:

  • Surface whitened with lime or chalk. It is highly not recommended to paint such a ceiling after it has already been existing coverage, since it loses its adhesive properties over time. Simply put, the old whitewash will most likely crack and fall off along with the new coat of paint. The best option For such a surface, clean it down to the base and only then apply paint.
  • Concrete ceiling. After careful preparation and eliminating defects, it is perfectly painted with many types of paintwork materials, it is only important to choose the right one, how to paint a kitchen ceiling in this case.
  • Paintable wallpaper. One of possible ways finishing the ceiling in the kitchen, although not always advisable. The paint adheres well to the wallpaper: the only thing is that it is better to use acrylic or latex paints (on water based).
  • Foam ceiling tiles. Excellent material for those who want to tidy up their kitchen without extra costs: easy to install, long lasting if handled carefully. Tiles can be painted with water-based paints, but you should carefully study the manufacturer's recommendations. Some types of paint can corrode the foam surface or apply unevenly, leaving stains and streaks. Laminated or plastic tiles painting won't work.
  • The ceiling is made of plasterboard. To finish gypsum plaster structures in the kitchen, water-based paints are usually used: they adhere perfectly, and the painted surface can subsequently be washed without fear of ruining the coating.
  • Wooden ceiling. Not the most common material for finishing the ceiling in the kitchen, it is quite capricious and requires special processing. It is recommended to paint the lining before installation, since when high humidity and temperature, the tree will “walk”: unpainted areas will be exposed.

Important: Any surface needs preparation for painting. It is recommended to remove the old coating layer, and the ceiling must be dust-free after repairing all defects.

Most standard option is concrete surface. Technology cosmetic repairs The installation of such a ceiling is not too complicated: it is only important to consistently carry out all stages of finishing and follow the recommendations of the builders.

What to paint with?

Choosing which one paint the ceiling in the kitchen, It should be remembered that in this room there is often high humidity and temperature, there are drafts, and dirt and grease settle on surfaces. Respectively, ceiling covering must be resistant to such external influences and frequent washing.

Variety of paints suitable for kitchen ceiling, quite a bit of. The main ones:

  • Water-based. Their advantages are safety of use, low cost, efficiency and good leveling properties. The disadvantages include the need to update the layer after 2-3 years and the fact that the paint does not have high moisture resistance. Ceilings painted with water-based emulsion can be washed, but even using a damp sponge will abrade the surface.
  • Acrylic. The advantages of materials include the absence unpleasant odor, quick drying, safety and a wide variety of colors. The paints are perfectly tinted in the desired shade, fit well on any surface, and are resistant to high temperature and humidity. The disadvantage is the same low strength and fragility: wet cleaning is acceptable, but over time it spoils the coating.
  • Alkyd enamels. Perfect for painting ceilings: they last a long time original appearance, resistant to moisture and detergents, easy to apply. But there is one significant drawback - very strong smell. Painting with enamels can only be done in well-ventilated areas. Also, to remove a layer of such paint, you will have to work hard.
  • Latex, silicate and silicone paints. They are considered the best for use in rooms such as the kitchen: they are easy to clean, perfectly hide uneven ceilings, and are resistant to any cleaning agents, even aggressive ones. Ideal in everything except the price: painting will cost a decent amount. However, given the durability of the coating, the costs are quite justified.

Note: silicone paints have one more important advantage before other types of paints. They contain an antiseptic, which eliminates the need to first apply special compounds to the surface to be painted.

Of all the paints listed above, water-based paints can be called the most universal, affordable and easy to use. It can be used on any surface. If you want the ceiling to look as attractive as possible and retain its appearance for a long time, it is recommended to pay attention to more expensive and high-quality paints with a special composition and properties.

Before starting renovations, it is necessary to prepare not only the ceiling, but also the room as a whole.

All open surfaces must be covered with polyethylene or old newspapers. To secure film or paper, it is better to use construction tape. It leaves no residue and, most importantly, is easy to remove.

If there are foam cornices installed around the perimeter of the ceiling, which also need painting, it is also recommended to stick tape under them to protect the walls. Once the paint has thickened, it can be easily removed without damaging the coating.

Take care of good lighting: At the stage of preparing the ceiling, it is important to see all the irregularities. During the painting works Availability the right light will help you notice all poorly painted areas and correct mistakes in time. Best to use energy-saving lamps with glow white, equipped with a lampshade.

How to prepare the ceiling

Any surface must be cleaned of dirt, dust and old coating. In the case of concrete, the following additional measures are required:

  • puttying uneven surfaces;
  • sanding the entire surface of the ceiling;
  • removing dust with a vacuum cleaner or mop, broom;
  • priming (it is advisable that the manufacturer of primer and paint be the same).

Attention: After puttying, you need to maintain a time interval until completely dry putties: this information can be found on the can. As a rule, the interval is from 12 to 24 hours.

Ceiling priming start by passing the corners and perimeter, carefully processing all places inaccessible to the roller. Then they prime with a roller, rolling the ceiling in stripes. After completing all necessary preparatory work and the primer layer has dried, you can begin painting.

A few words about tools

Professional craftsmen consider the best device to be a roller with a short pile on a long handle. If you have sufficient experience and skills, you can use a spray gun, but it is mainly suitable only for water-based paint.

The basic set of tools required for DIY painting ceiling in the kitchen, includes:

  • short nap or nap roller middle length about 30 cm wide;
  • small roller with long pile for finishing the surface;
  • radiator brush and paint brush;
  • paint tray;
  • masking tape.

If you plan to use a spray gun, you need to take care of the means personal protection: mask and glasses.

When working with a brush, to avoid paint splashing and protect your hands, you can use a device that is ingenious in its simplicity - an ordinary paper cup placed on the bottom of the brush handle.

Note: saving on tools is not the best way to reduce costs when carrying out cosmetic repairs. Do not reuse rollers and brushes and try to wash them off of paint. For each type of painting work, it is recommended to purchase new consumables.

During short breaks in work, you can preserve the appearance of your tools and prevent them from drying out by placing them in a jar of water or paint. In this case, you need to ensure that the pile of the roller or brush does not touch the walls and bottom of the container.

The ceiling of no room in the apartment is subjected to the same test as kitchen ceilings. Therefore, before starting renovations, you should think about how to finish the surface and, if you decide to paint, then you should understand which paint for the ceiling in the kitchen is better.

Before deciding what to paint the ceiling in the kitchen with, it is worth understanding what harmful factors affect the surfaces:

  • First of all, it is high humidity. During cooking there will always be fumes, in addition, here the water tap is opened, all surfaces are often wiped. But humidity is not always present. Usually during the day and at night the moisture dries out quickly. Therefore, the paint for the ceiling in the kitchen must either “breathe” and allow all fumes to pass through, or be resistant to such influences;
  • Temperature fluctuations when ventilating a room can vary greatly even with positive outdoor temperatures. In winter, the kitchen ceiling may undergo significant temperature changes, which may create unsightly stains and streaks on the surface;
  • using gas equipment emerging combustion products ( geyser, stove, oven), as well as when cooking, soot and grease settle on the ceiling, which will lead to yellowing of the ceilings;
  • possible risk of flooding by neighbors above. Often, many water supply communications pass either through the kitchen riser or nearby, so when emergency situations leaks are possible. This doesn’t happen often, but this option needs to be taken into account.

Based on all of the above, before you start renovating, you need to decide which paint for the ceiling in the kitchen is better.

Old proven method

Acrylic and latex paint compositions

The most popular paints for kitchen areas. The compositions are easily applied to the surface. They are elastic and have excellent covering ability.

Resistant to aggressive kitchen environments, do not crack and do not become dirty for a long time. But if soot or stains form, such ceilings can be thoroughly washed. The main thing in this case is to exclude the use of abrasives.

It is possible to choose paint with a glossy or matte effect. will give the room volume and airiness, but will emphasize all ceiling irregularities. Therefore, apply acrylic or latex paints you just need it to be perfect flat surface. Matte compositions can slightly mask cracks or other defects in floors.

Silicate and silicone coatings

A fairly common coating for kitchen ceilings. The paint is easy to apply with a roller. Withstands moisture and significant temperature changes. Another good characteristic is that mold and fungal growths do not develop on the ceilings.

Surfaces can be washed and cleaned without fear of damaging the paint layer, and it is worth considering the long service life. At proper care The ceiling can last about ten years without repair.

These coloring compositions have absorbed everything positive properties for painting kitchen premises. Silicone paints can mask small defects in floors, as they have exceptional elasticity and covering ability. Withstands significant changes in room temperature and humidity. This coating can be washed repeatedly.

Perhaps the only drawback of this coloring composition is the cost.

It is quite high, but if you use silicone paint to repair kitchen ceilings, you can forget about repairs for a long time.

From all of the above, it is worth drawing a conclusion about how to paint the ceiling in the kitchen. You can choose an inexpensive whitewash composition, but do repairs every two years, or buy expensive coverage and forget about repairs for many years.

Necessary work in preparation for painting

Painting ceiling surfaces will not take much time. The main thing during renovation is to properly prepare the floors before painting the ceiling in the kitchen.

For example, chalk or limescale must be washed off or removed with a spatula.
Other coloring compounds can be removed using special solvents, which are sold in building materials stores. Having applied the composition to the surface, leave it for a while and then remove it with a scraper or spatula.

Another mandatory work must be done after the previous layer has been removed - puttying cracks, chips, seams and other ceiling defects. Large cracks must be repaired while removing the old paint layer.

Having primed the ceilings and embroidered seams and cracks with a special compound, they begin to putty the defects. The main thing is to thoroughly dry the primer and putty joints before painting the surface.

In order not to be distracted while working, you need to prepare all the tools and materials in advance:

  1. table or stable comfortable height ladder;
  2. a paint roller of sufficient width for priming and painting the ceiling surface;
  3. special adhesive tape or masking tape;
  4. high quality brushes for treating hard-to-reach areas;
  5. comfortable clothing that does not restrict movement;
  6. spatulas and scrapers of various widths;
  7. putty compounds, paint for ceilings, primer, water;
  8. painting tray for primer and paint.

Knowing the sequence of all work, selecting necessary tool and painting compounds, repairing kitchen ceilings will not take much time.

The kitchen has special requirements for the condition of the ceiling. A number of features of this room leave their mark on the choice of materials and requirements for color durability. The topic of our article is how to paint the ceiling in the kitchen.

Our goal is to achieve an equally ideal surface

Kitchen features

And how, in fact, does the kitchen differ from all other rooms? Why are these special requirements for her?


Cooking always involves fumes. Whether you cook with gas, in a steamer or microwave oven— air humidity rises. Moreover, it fluctuates within a wide range throughout the day due to the operation of ventilation.

Temperature fluctuations

The temperature range at which you have to exist is much wider compared to other rooms. When you ventilate your kitchen in winter, the walls and ceiling cool down to a temperature not much above zero; Cooking on gas will easily heat the ceiling above the stove to 50-60 degrees.

Please note: a hood above the stove, however, will reduce both local heating of the ceiling and the temperature in the kitchen during cooking in general. On excess humidity it will also have an impact.

Fat and soot

When frying, fat inevitably settles on all horizontal surfaces and... the ceiling. If you cook on gas, a huge amount of soot is added to the fat. The paint for the ceiling in the kitchen should be selected taking into account frequent wet cleaning.

Possibility of flooding

There is another potential problem with the kitchen ceiling: above it there is a sewerage system and water supply for the neighbors above. If so, flooding is possible.

Of course, this is an emergency situation; however, it will be very nice if after the flood you don’t have to do big renovation kitchens.

Paint selection

How to paint the ceiling in the kitchen? Let's look at the main types of coatings with their advantages and disadvantages.


The traditional material, which was used to paint ceilings back in the century before last, is not losing ground.

And now lime remains far from the worst choice for the kitchen:

  • Lime does not release any harmful substances; on the contrary, it absorbs them.
  • Whitewashing is a ceiling painting method that is unrivaled in its cheapness. All expenses come down to the purchase of not large quantity quicklime and a brush (or roller).
  • The lime remains on the ceiling in a fairly thick layer, masking minor surface defects. This is where the concept of “whitening” was born in relation to cracks or small irregularities.

Of course, the properties of lime are not limited to the advantages alone, otherwise other materials would not have become so widespread:

  • Several layers of whitewash over time form visible irregularities, which are often removed only with the plaster.
  • The ceiling remains dullly standard. We are not talking about designer delights in the case of whitewashing.
  • from ingrained fat and soot. The only way to make your smoked ceiling snow-white is to whitewash it again.

Whitewashing with lime is the record holder for the cheapest ceiling covering

Water-based paints

When deciding what to paint the ceiling in the kitchen with, many people opt for water-based paints.

How justified is this choice?

  • Both during painting and later, the paint does not emit harmful substances or simply pungent odors into the atmosphere.
  • The cost of paint is not much more than that of lime: water-based emulsions are very cheap compared to competing solutions.
  • A ceiling covered with water-based paint can already be wiped several times with a damp cloth without visible damage to it by brushing off the dust. However, it cannot be called a washable coating.
  • In rooms with wooden floors this paint (like lime) does not interfere with the natural filtration of water vapor. In the kitchen wooden house thanks to this it will not be stuffy.
  • The coating with water-based paint is much thinner than with lime. If so - influx old paint we won't see much longer.

Acrylic paints

According to builders, acrylic is best paint for the kitchen ceiling. It has all the advantages of water-based emulsions and is devoid of their main drawback: a ceiling painted with acrylic paint can be washed.

Advice: however, do not get carried away with the use of caustic liquids and abrasives. Acrylic coating It can still be damaged. Regular warm water With laundry soap quite enough to clean the kitchen ceiling.

Instructions for painting a kitchen ceiling

Of course, you can simply renew the old lime and water-based paint by applying another coat.

However, if you want your kitchen ceiling to look good for a long time, painting the kitchen ceiling should include the following steps:

  1. We remove many years of layers of paint, whitewash and dilapidated plaster. To clean the ceiling, you can use a hammer drill or a steel spatula.
    In addition, stock up on a respirator and close the doors to the room tightly. Otherwise, absolutely everything in your house will be covered in dust. Your task is to strip the floor down to the concrete. It is permissible to leave only the most durable areas of plaster.

  2. Do you see brown spots under the removed plaster? Yes, that's exactly mold. One of the reasons why it is better to clean old plaster completely.
    How to deal with it? A more expensive (and reliable) option is an antimicrobial primer. For example, Ceresit ST 99. It will not only destroy mold, but also protect against its occurrence in the future. A cheaper alternative is any cleaner that contains chlorine. Domestic Whiteness is quite suitable.
  3. Prime the surface. For what? Now it is very heterogeneous and the plaster will hold up differently on areas of old plaster, bare concrete or caulking cement mortar heating risers.
    The primer will bring it to a common denominator, at the same time strengthening the areas with old plaster. Any penetrating primer will suit us, for example, Ceresit ST17.
  4. Leveling the surface. Irregularities of a centimeter or more are plastered with building mixture; small (half a centimeter or less) irregularities are best sealed with polymer cement putty.
  5. After the plaster has dried and starting putty It is advisable to putty the ceiling again. Now with gypsum putty. This operation is designed to remove minor irregularities.
    Six hours after application gypsum putty until perfect condition with a large, and then a fine grout mesh on the holder.
    It is better to check the absence of irregularities with a steel meter or a straight rod: on a matte surface, differences and gentle irregularities are poorly visible.
  6. Re-priming the ceiling. You can again use a penetrating primer, or you can use the paint diluted with water by 10%, which we are going to use to paint the ceiling.

  7. Finally, after the primer has dried, our chosen kitchen paint is applied to the ceiling and possibly the walls. Be sure to use at least two layers, the first of which must dry before applying the second. The orchestra plays a tune.

Let us give you a few useful tips affecting the ceiling in the kitchen - how to paint, how to prepare the surface and much more.

  • It is better to paint the ceiling from the window. In this case, you will achieve the most evenly colored surface. Visually, of course.
    Do you want theoretical justification? It will not happen: this is simply a practical observation of generations of repairmen.
  • One coat of paint is applied at a time. If you pause for an hour or two, a stripe will be noticeable at the junction of the dried and fresh areas.
  • For ceilings it should be used only and exclusively matte paint, which masks inevitable surface flaws. The glossy finish only highlights them.

If you want to cite as a counterargument the beautiful appearance of glossy suspended ceilings- remember that the surface there is just perfectly flat.

  • It is better to work with materials from the same brand. The reason is the fact that they are precisely tested for compatibility. But what happens when you combine primer from one manufacturer and paint from another - the grandmother said in two.
  • Strictly follow the instructions on the packaging. If it is recommended to dilute a kilogram of mixture in half a liter of water, do not estimate the consistency by eye, but measure out five hundred milliliters.
  • Think in advance about how to dispose of liquid waste. Hint: the toilet is not suitable for this. Categorically. After solidifying in it construction mixture you will have to go get a new toilet.

If the solution hardens in the basement sewer, all the apartment drains along the riser will end up on the first floor.


Before you start purchasing paint and primer, think again about whether painting is worth your choice. Slat ceilings or PVC panels will give at least no worse results with much less time and effort.

The peculiarities of the processes occurring in the kitchen dictate certain requirements for finishing various surfaces. When choosing finishing material For the kitchen, attention is paid not only to the beauty of the finish, but also to its practicality, ease of maintenance, resistance to stains and durability. Moreover, this applies to all work surfaces in the kitchen, as well as walls and ceilings. If you are choosing paint for the ceiling in the kitchen, which one is better in each specific case, you can decide after you familiarize yourself with the nuances of choice and the types of paint mixtures. It is equally important to correctly apply the selected paint composition and prepare well base surface to coloring.

Understanding which paint is best to paint the ceiling in the kitchen will come after we understand the features of this room. The severe contamination of kitchen surfaces is due to the fact that the cooking process involves cooking, which releases large amounts of water vapor, frying, which leads to the formation of a greasy coating, and other types of heat treatment.

When deciding what paint to paint the ceiling in the kitchen, consider the following nuances:

  1. During frying, a lot of fat and soot are released, which settle not only on the surfaces adjacent to the stove, but also on the ceiling. Moreover, such contaminants can even be washed off warm water problematic, which is why the finish must withstand intensive washing using detergents.
  2. Since water vapor is generated during any thermal processing of food, there is increased humidity in this room and the formation of condensation on all surfaces. That is why the best paint for a kitchen ceiling is one that is resistant to high humidity and direct contact with water.
  3. In winter, it is quite hot in the kitchen while cooking, so housewives often open the window or set the windows to ventilation mode. As a result, there are observed in the room sharp jumps temperatures In this regard, painting the ceiling in the kitchen should be done with compounds that can withstand temperature changes without peeling or cracking.
  4. When trying to figure out which paint is best to paint the ceiling in the kitchen, do not forget about the ease of repair. Often the ceiling surface in this room needs local repairs. It is important that after painting a certain area there are no discrepancies in color or visible layers.

Choosing paint for the kitchen

Now let's talk about the best way to paint the ceiling in the kitchen. Despite some advantages of whitewashing (snow-white surface, protection from mold and rot), this finish is short-lived. Due to the settling of grease and soot and constant humidity, the whitewashed ceiling will have to be renewed within a year.

Modern interior paints offer many benefits. They have all the characteristics needed for a paint mixture suitable for painting a kitchen ceiling. Among a large assortment of paints, you can easily choose a composition that suits its characteristics and price.


Aqueous emulsions based on polymer components differ affordable price and environmental cleanliness.

The advantages of this paint for painting the ceiling in the kitchen include the following:

  • by adding pigments, the desired shade is obtained;
  • the composition is completely harmless (it has no odor and does not emit harmful substances);
  • the paint layer dries quickly, regardless of the room temperature;
  • water-based emulsion is used to paint surfaces made of concrete, plasterboard, brick, wood, plaster (it is not suitable only for metal products, because it causes corrosion);
  • paint does not interfere natural ventilation surfaces;
  • If necessary, the coating is simply washed off with water.

Important! A ceiling painted with water-based emulsion cannot be washed with water or various detergents and soap solutions. But even such a ceiling in the kitchen will last at least 4 years.


When deciding what to paint the ceiling in the kitchen, pay attention to acrylic paints. This is a water-based acrylic emulsion.

To her positive qualities include the following:

  1. Due to its good hiding power, the base ceiling does not need to be carefully prepared, because the paint layer will hide minor defects.
  2. Acrylic emulsion is comfortable and easy to apply.
  3. Fast drying is an additional advantage.
  4. The composition is completely harmless, it does not smell and does not emit harmful components.
  5. Among the large assortment of color options, you can easily choose the desired shade.
  6. Colors can be mixed if necessary.
  7. The painted surface is resistant to high temperature conditions.

The disadvantages of acrylic compositions include the impossibility of intensive washing. The ceiling is wiped with a slightly damp cloth. The downside is the price of the material, which is higher than that of water-based emulsion. Although the paint layer is wear-resistant, its final strength is gained over several weeks.


Base paints alkyd varnishes with a solvent of white spirit or kerosene have the following advantages:

  • This paint for the ceiling in the kitchen is highly wear-resistant, so the surface can be intensively rubbed and washed;
  • the paint layer is not afraid of conditions of high humidity and temperature changes;
  • the surface can be washed with detergents;
  • the alkyd composition is convenient and easy to apply;
  • Any base is suitable for work (metal and wood are no exception);
  • large selection of colors and textures.

Cons alkyd paints called the pungent odor that appears during the painting process, as well as the high cost of the paint and varnish mixture. In addition, to clean the surface of old paint you will have to use a special solvent.


These coloring compositions are produced on the basis of water with the addition of synthetic rubber and pigments.

Their advantages include the following:

  1. The paint layer is quite durable and wear-resistant, so the surface can be rubbed intensively.
  2. Due to its good hiding power, the paint hides minor defects basics.
  3. The surface is stain-resistant and easy to clean.
  4. The composition does not smell during the dyeing process and does not emit harmful fumes.
  5. Extensive color palette and many textures are the undeniable advantages of the material.
  6. The surface can be washed with detergents and soaked with plenty of water.

Important! The only drawback of latex compounds lies in their high cost.

Selecting paint colors for the kitchen

For getting harmonious interior It is equally important to know what color to paint the ceiling in the kitchen.

When choosing a shade, follow the advice of designers:

  • Low ceiling in small room It is better to paint it with light paint with a glossy texture. This will visually expand the space and make the kitchen seem higher.
  • To achieve a harmonious interior, do not make the ceiling too dark. Perfect option– the shade of the ceiling is 3-4 tones lighter than the color of the wall surface.
  • If the interior requires it, you can make a dark matte ceiling. But keep in mind that the ceiling surface will visually drop lower, so this option is only suitable for spacious kitchens.
  • If you need to zone the kitchen-dining room, then ceiling surface painted in two different colors, which are harmoniously combined with each other.
  • When choosing color scheme ceiling, take into account the colors of walls, furniture, textiles and other interior items.

Ceiling painting technology

After you have decided what paint to paint the ceiling in the kitchen, we move on to studying the painting technology.

Tools and necessary materials

Before you paint the ceiling in the kitchen with your own hands, prepare everything you need for work:

  • spatulas;
  • ladder;
  • brush;
  • roller with long handle;
  • brush;
  • kitchen sponges;
  • rags;
  • putty;
  • masking tape;
  • dye;
  • paint tray;
  • primer;
  • grout mesh;
  • container for the primer solution;
  • polyethylene film;
  • glasses, gloves.


Remove the old coating from the ceiling. Water-based paint and wash off the whitewash with water. Lime whitewash After soaking, clean it off with a spatula. Remove stubborn paints with a suitable solvent. We moisten the old wallpaper with water and clean it with a spatula. Foam tiles We also remove it with a spatula, and thoroughly clean the base from any remaining glue.

Using putty, we remove defects in the base - holes, crevices, cracks and irregularities. Significant depressions (more than 1 cm) are first primed and then filled plaster mixture. Small irregularities remove with starting putty. After this, we level the ceiling with finishing putty. When the solution dries, grind the surface and treat it with a primer.

Dyeing technique

Painting the ceiling in the kitchen with your own hands is done in the following sequence:

  1. Cover plastic film floor and furniture. Masking tape We seal the surfaces adjacent to the ceiling that will not be painted.
  2. Next we color everything hard to reach places and the junction of the flow and the walls. It is better to work with a brush.
  3. After this, we paint the main area of ​​the ceiling using a spray gun or roller. We paint the first layer perpendicular to the window in the kitchen.
  4. When the paint is completely dry, we paint the ceiling again, only now we make movements with the tool parallel to the window.

Even when choosing suitable paint and observing the dyeing technology during the work, it will be useful to observe some subtleties that only professional craftsmen know:

  • Do not take long breaks from working, because there will be visible streaks on the surface where the paint has had time to dry.
  • To hide minor defects in the base, use matte paint. If you use a glossy composition, then the base must be perfectly even and smooth, because such mixtures highlight all the imperfections.
  • For better adhesion of the coating to the base, when choosing a primer mixture and interior paint, give preference to products from the same manufacturer based on the same components.
  • Dilute the paint only according to the instructions on the can.
  • To see small defects in the work, take breaks and inspect the ceiling with the carrier on from different angles.

For getting high-quality coating It is very important that the previous layer is completely dry before applying the next one. Observe the temperature and humidity conditions in the room, which are indicated on the paint container, and also take into account the drying time stated by the manufacturer.