Main trends. Modern landscape design. Main trends Types of landscaping

Landscape design– a conservative art form in which fundamental changes are not observed, but they do occur. Designers come up with new ideas and ideas that both sellers and buyers focus on. This material will discuss the most popular trends of 2017.

10 current trends in landscape design

  • Use of plants belonging to a specific area. Now at checkout landscape design You can use endemic plants, that is, those that grow in a certain area. The meaning of this decision is a balance between nature and man. The direction of landscape design is called regionally oriented.
  • Use of natural materials. Now preference is given to decorative items, materials and furniture made from natural materials. There is a great demand for products with irregular shapes. The most popular materials in this case are wood and stone. Preference is given to simplicity and convenience; handmade products are valued.
  • Organization of gardens of natural colors. Current solutions You can call planting purple basil, yarrow, calendula, cosmos, and blue cornflower in gardens. These plants can not only become a striking addition to landscape design, but also bring benefits. They are used to obtain natural dyes, which are subsequently used as dyes for fabrics, clothing, and yarn.
  • Use of artificial turf. The pride of any owner of a country house is a well-groomed lawn. Artificial lawn is a choice for practical people who prefer an aesthetically attractive appearance and a minimum of time spent on maintenance. With natural grass, it will take a lot of effort to renew the surface, which will not withstand drought and heavy rainfall conditions.
  • Combination of style solutions. IN Lately The trend of mixing two styles when designing landscape design is becoming more and more relevant, and this, as a rule, is the implementation of the ideas of new and old styles. For example, modern and vintage.
  • Use of shrubs in landscape design. Lately everything in great demand Compact subshrubs, varieties are used dwarf trees- pears, apple trees, plums and many others that do not take up much space in the garden.
  • Organization of a recreation area. When designing landscape design, experts pay increased attention to organizing a recreation area for country house owners and guests. The wishes of people of different age categories are taken into account here. Children need effectively organized gaming space, and adults will enjoy relaxing in the gazebo. You can install hammocks and organize a barbecue area. This approach will allow each family member to enjoy a good rest in nature.
  • Use of modern technologies. Now you can take advantage of modern technologies that provide watering plants, lighting areas, installing the necessary temperature regime without human intervention.
  • Houseplants. The trend of growing indoor plants in suburban areas is becoming more and more relevant. The most popular option is container crops, which include kokedama and decorative foliage plants. In 2017 they are at the peak of popularity.
  • The use of color blocks when finishing facades and walls of premises. Inserts in the form of separate color schemes will help diversify the interior and exterior, making it more stylish and bright.

When following modern trends when designing a landscape design, you will receive not only an aesthetically attractive area, but also comfortable area for relax.

Landscape design is one of those types of art that are not created quickly, but require a significant period of time to achieve the intended result. Really, we can’t reduce the time it takes for an oak tree to transform from an acorn into a mighty shade tree?! And creating a garden is not about buying a new rug for your home, which can instantly add an accent to the interior. And yet, tastes and preferences tend to change in gardening. What will become relevant in the coming year, 2017. We will try to answer this question and name the main trends in garden design in the coming year.

Natural materials.

Over the past few years, minimalist trends have dominated garden design – this also applies to small architectural forms, and furniture for the garden, and the choice of materials for decoration. Currently, many landscape designers note the increased interest of garden owners in natural materials and less geometric images. Increasingly, future garden owners are asking to design a garden in an “old-fashioned” style, with a predominance of cozy, as if made with my own hands design elements. People increasingly want to see a more authentic and natural picture in their garden, preferring natural, tactile materials such as wood or natural stone. Fashionable in recent years, concrete remains only in the most ultra-modern minimalist garden projects.

Regionally oriented design.

In many areas of our lives, it has recently become popular to use local products. In garden design, this trend also takes place - increasingly, when selecting assortments for the garden, locally growing plants and natural materials are used - local stone, wood, etc. Plants that naturally grow in the natural surroundings of the site easily and simply adapt to the garden and look very natural and harmonious in it. This trend will continue and even strengthen next year.

Rethinking – A New Look on the lawn.

A smooth, emerald green lawn is the dream of many garden owners. However, recently there has been a tendency to reduce lawn areas. This is due to the high costs of maintaining lawns, the lack or high cost of water for watering the lawn, and the large number of pesticides and herbicides needed to obtain an ideal lawn, which negatively affects environment. The recent trend is to reduce lawn areas in favor of ground cover plants: meadow lawns made from a mixture of cereals and flowers that do not require weekly mowing.

Mixing styles.

The idea of ​​choosing one style (be it modern or classic) and strictly sticking to it throughout is outdated. The trend of mixing styles has already taken hold in architecture and interior design and is now gaining popularity in garden design. When mixed various styles It is important to do this harmoniously so that an element of a different style does not look like your mistake or a random element in the garden design. you can use modern elements in a classic garden or incorporate traditional elements into a modern garden design. But remember: eclecticism is not the goal. It requires thoughtful, intentional use of design elements that contrast strongly with the prevailing style.

Active recreation areas for people of all ages.

Living in the countryside, we have the opportunity to spend a lot of time in the garden... and not just weeding)) Many country house owners like to relax in their own garden. And you can relax in different ways: some people prefer to sit by the fire with their family, others prefer to read a book in a cozy hammock, and still others prefer to play sports. The growing popularity of a healthy and active lifestyle in recent years also affects the organization of recreation areas in the garden. Requirements for the organization play areas for children have also changed. And instead of what has become familiar wooden structures for climbing and slides and sandboxes, many parents are now asking to organize an interactive space for their children that allows the child to create and develop creatively. Organically integrated into this space are landscape elements– plants, stones, decorative fills.

Miniature plants.

Since then, as usual country houses, immersed in the greenery of the surrounding garden, are a thing of the past, and they have been replaced by modern comfortable country houses large area, there are fewer places for planting. Along with having less space for plants, landscape designers are increasingly hearing from garden owners to create a low-maintenance garden that doesn't require day-to-day maintenance. And this is where compact plants come to our aid! Miniature shrubs, which do not have a high growth rate, do not require constant trimming and keep their shape well throughout the season. In conditions of limited space, such shrubs can become the compositional basis of the garden. Eg, miniature varieties Hydrangea paniculata – Bobo and Little Lime, dwarf varieties pines, spruces and junipers, compact varieties of perennial flowers can fit perfectly into even the smallest garden. Indeed, if you need a plant no more than 1 meter high, why plant plants reaching 4 or even 6 meters in height in the garden and then constantly trim them over the next 20 years?! Listen to this advice, especially if the area of ​​your country property is small. Usage low-growing varieties shrubs, trees and perennials - a stable European trend, which is gradually gaining its fans in our country.

Spending time outside the city in summer cottages is a favorite pastime for most city dwellers. Many are looking forward to the end working week to go to the country and be with your family (or alone) in the fresh air.

To make the vacation spot beautiful, some hire landscape design specialists. But many are engaged in landscaping their land on their own.

Style solutions for landscapes of summer cottages

Regular style

Style is classic solution for landscape design. Its main features include pomp, regular geometry, conciseness, and slightly expressed symmetry.

In order to create classic style landscape, you need to choose a logical center (for example, a house or a fountain) and build a composition around it.

Create a diagram of paths, flower beds and bushes (strict and symmetrical shapes) and start planting plants according to the plan. To soften the severity of the forms, you can create a fountain.

Landscape style

The style imitates the natural landscape, that is, the natural accent of origin is preserved.

All elements must be placed as naturally as possible around the site. Here it is customary to use irregular shapes for reservoirs, not to level the terrain, and to leave wild plants.

Country style

The landscape with rustic motifs has a slightly casual, simple and unpretentious character.

The rustic style is supported by floral arrangements and decorative elements such as wooden wheels, barrels, carts with flowers.

Japanese style

Style of meditation and harmony. Any decorative element in Japanese style must carry its meaning.

The bushes should have clear shapes; smooth boulders and stone bridges are used to decorate the site.

Oriental style

Suitable for small areas with good solar lighting. IN oriental style colorful colors become the main elements.

It is better to decorate flower beds brightly and lay out paths with mosaics. Any bright or even mirrored accessories will be appropriate for such a landscape solution.

Exotic style

The style combines everything unusual and exotic. It is very popular among travelers and collectors. When decorating a site in an exotic style, unusual and rare plants, planting them in several tiers.

It is better to create a compositional solution for such a site from natural materials - wood and stone. In this style, small stylized swamps or ponds are often created on sites.

Alpine style

A very popular style of landscape design today. Its basis is an emphasis on mountainous terrain and wild nature. Natural materials are used for decoration.

Decorative compositions (ponds, streams and alpine slides) are accompanied by natural stone, gravel, granite or slate.

It is better to place the accent center on a hill. When decorating a site in alpine style Rock gardens, cascading flower beds and dry streams are often used.

Style is free

This style does not impose any mandatory features, but implies the free decision of the owners. Usually the free style is accompanied by an abundance of various flowers, vines and large trees.

This style can combine some features of other styles (for example, landscape and alpine).

Main stages in developing a general plan for a land plot

Having decided on the style of the future site design, you need to start planning. It is necessary to correctly distribute all decorative and landscaping elements over the area of ​​the site.

When preparing the plan yourself, obtain in advance accurate information about the size of the land plot and its boundaries. Decide on the cardinal directions and monitor the illumination depending on the time of day.

Record unevenness and any terrain features. It is also better to obtain information about the condition of the soil and groundwater. And the main thing is not to forget about communications. All this information will help you plan the site without errors.

Planning stages

Site planning

Boundaries, buildings, relief features and communication schemes are drawn on the plan.

Zoning of the site

Highlight on the plan recreation areas, areas for vegetable gardens, utility and residential areas. And draw a diagram of paths, flower beds, bushes, ponds, and decorative elements along these areas.

Lighting plan

Functional lighting is used to illuminate a house, parking lot and other buildings in the evening and at night. Decorative lighting helps illuminate the decorative elements of the site (in this case, decorative lamps are used).

At decorative lighting It is customary to illuminate steps, paths, and underwater (floating) lighting for a pool or pond. Detailed diagram lighting must be developed on the plan, because some light sources may require underground wiring.


When detailed plan The site has been developed and it is necessary to carry out work on dismantling old buildings and removing waste (both construction and vegetation).

Paving paths and areas on the site

It is better to make paths with curbs. They help prevent water from leaking into areas adjacent to paths or playgrounds. The terrain needs to be taken into account. The covering for the paths can be:

  • herbal (from grass);
  • soft (from sand or gravel);
  • hard (made of concrete, brick, tile);
  • combined (you can combine types of coatings).

Types of landscaping


It is difficult to imagine any summer cottage without grass. Therefore, grassy lawns are the main background for landscape decor.

Types of lawns:

  • rolled (sold in rolls already grown by the manufacturer);
  • sowing (more accessible, but requiring care and arrangement).

Vertical landscaping

It is created from climbing plants (grapes, honeysuckle, hops, sweet peas, etc.). Hangs himself on special screens or supports.

You can also use trees and vines for vertical gardening. decorative lanterns. You can also create beautiful cascades of flowers in pots.

Bushes and trees

To choose trees and shrubs, you need to be guided by your taste and expectations. Will it be fruit trees or decorative types depends only on the owners. When choosing, you need to take into account the features of the terrain, soil, and illumination of the area.

Also pay attention to the compatibility of the selected trees and bushes and crown diameters. They are very popular in landscape design. coniferous trees thanks to its unpretentiousness.

Hedge made of living plants

To create hedge on your site you need to decide on its height. If you are planning a high hedge, then purchase coniferous trees (for example, thuja).

A medium-sized hedge can be created from cotoneaster or barberry. A low hedge will be made from low-growing shrubs (for example, spirea).

Flower beds

They can be regular (special modular, flower beds or flower borders for paths and platforms), or landscape (they are selected specifically to create a natural impression).

When choosing colors, pay attention not only stylistic decision, but also lighting, soil and climate characteristics.

Rock garden

May include not only alpine slide, but also a stone garden, rock garden, alpine walls.

For such landscaping, it is better to use bulbous, perennial plants (irises, aster, periwinkle, etc.). Coniferous landscaping looks great in an alpine solution. You need to buy stones that are flat and not bright.

Garden gazebos and other structures

Structures on a summer cottage can be used as elements of landscape design. Decorate them with vertical gardening (vines) or flower arrangements in floor or hanging baskets.

Low-growing conifers can be planted along the perimeter of buildings. Decorations in the form of garden accessories and compositions made of stones look great.

Decorative ponds

Water is used to give the area a special calming atmosphere. Fountains or small waterfalls, a gentle stream of water or even a fish pond transform the space and give it new contrasts. Plants are planted along the perimeter of reservoirs (decoration with irises, conifers, and lilies of the valley is very common).

If you decide to create it yourself artificial pond on the site, then decide on the shape and size, choose a place (do not place the pond close to big trees). The bottom can be made of concrete or you can buy a ready-made plastic mold.

You can also purchase a waterproof film and use it to create a base for a pond (the most popular way to build a pond today). Concrete base the most expensive, but durable. Plastic impresses with its ease of installation.

Having decided on the foundation, draw the outline of the reservoir on the previously cleared area and begin digging a pit. Fill it with sand and compact it. Then lay geotextiles along the bottom and lay film on it.

Dig a trench around the perimeter of the reservoir and tuck the film into the edges. Now you can lay the gravel and add water.

The film in the trench must be fixed with soil after it has stretched from the water. The trench can be decorated with stone. And an artificial reservoir created with your own hands will become a real decoration of the summer cottage and the pride of the owners.

Photo of landscape design of a summer cottage

It is unlikely that anyone will argue with the fact that a garden is, first and foremost, plants. However, this does not mean that there is no place for modern technologies in the garden. The main thing is that they do not destroy the charm of nature, but help take care of the site. Achievements of technological progress, which are actively used abroad, are being mastered in our country. Our publication talks about what’s new in recent years: New trends in landscape design 2017. 55 photo ideas.

Drainage systems are an important part of engineering technical equipment territories. The problem, however, is that the drainage system installed on the site often spoils the appearance of the site.
Experts say that it is aesthetic requirements that determine the appearance of new drainage systems on the Novosibirsk market. Technologies in landscape design are products made in Germany (by the companies “Aco” and “Anrin”), which compare favorably with their Russian counterparts primarily in appearance. Previously, drainage grates were rough in appearance, but these are very nice. Now drainage can be done along the paved path, or along the edge of the lawn. The design doesn’t suffer at all.”

Watch the video: New trends in landscape design

The surface drainage system consists of channels (gutters), sand traps and metal gratings. The gutter is made of concrete, polymer concrete or plastic. Grates are available in galvanized steel, copper, stainless steel, and high-strength cast iron. The system is modular, that is, it is designed according to the principle of a designer. This allows you to assemble a drainage system of any length and configuration. New in landscape design photo:

In addition to surface drainage, there is drainage system closed type. It is designed in such a way that pipes laid underground are used to drain water. Small storm water inlets are installed on the surface. The advantage of such a system is obvious: the absence of gratings throughout the entire area. However closed system more difficult to install. In addition, when installing it, it must be possible to clean the pipes and eliminate blockages. New trends in landscape design 2017, the underground drainage system is relevant where you do not want to violate the integrity of the coating, for example, in an area with decorative paving, with a special tile pattern.

Modern technologies in landscape design for climbing plants

Everyone who has dealt with climbing plants, they know that they require special care: they have to be tied up, special bars and fences must be installed next to them. Modern technologies in landscape design they allow you to solve this problem very simply. It is enough to stretch a net next to such a plant. Preferably not metal so that it does not rust. And the plants, clinging to this network, will grow into a beautiful hedge.
Italian manufacturers, for example, offer several varieties plastic mesh"Tenax" for landscaping. New in landscape design photo:

According to specialists from the Wicker Furniture salon, which supplies Tenax products to the market, meshes differ in rigidity and mesh size and, accordingly, functional purpose. There are nets with large cells to support beans, peas, and cucumbers. There are nets for plants with heavy fruits, such as pumpkins or melons. New trends in landscape design for flowers - you can use a decorative mesh made of polyethylene.

It is usually installed along walls, fences, or serves as decoration for a patio area. Soft, fine-mesh nets can be used to protect berries from birds. Dense mesh as a shade screen that protects plants from the sun. And some types of nets allow you to close off the territory from prying eyes. The choice of color depends on the owner’s preferences: there are green nets, there are blue, white, black, gray, orange. New trends in landscape design 2017, see photos:

Nets made of plastic using a special technology in landscape design are good because they do not rust, rot or deform. They're not afraid low temperatures, sunlight, precipitation. Manufacturers claim that these nets, on the one hand, are resistant to chemical substances, on the other hand, they themselves are absolutely non-toxic. Some types of nets even have aseptic properties, which means they can protect plants from pests. This is how far technology has come!

Bush rings

Modern technologies in landscape design, one more thing interesting device from Tenax special rings for bushy plants. The stems of growing bushes are carefully passed through these rings. As a result, when the bush grows, it turns out to be fully formed. Such rings are convenient to use for peonies, irises, delphiniums, lilies, as well as for small shrubs, such as honeysuckle or barberry.

Optical fiber for site lighting

A new product that is increasingly used for landscape illumination is fiber optics. Thanks to this, a mysterious flicker appears, an amazing play of reflections - new trends in landscape design. The growing popularity of this type of lighting in the field of landscape design is understandable: it is not current that passes through the fiber optic cable, but light, which eliminates the possibility short circuit. As company employees note, flexible and durable fiber can be installed even in hard to reach places; it does not heat up, does not emit heat and is not afraid of moisture.

Therefore, fiber optic systems are successfully used not only for illuminating paths and building facades, but also for lighting design of fountains, waterfalls and swimming pools. So, if your landscaping project includes a pond, fiber optic lighting will come in very handy. New trends in landscape design 2017, see photos:

Technological progress, as we know, is driven by dreams. Many owners of private estates, for example, dream of immediately getting ready garden. And landscape design professionals are working hard to one day make this dream of their customers come true.

Modern technologies in landscape design, one of the ways to speed up the creation landscape compositions usage planting material with a closed root system (in other words, planting plants in containers). Previously, gardens used exclusively imported container plants grown in Poland, Germany or Holland. Today, local nurseries have begun to offer such products. Use of container technology in work optimal solution for professional landscapers. New in landscape design photo:

Landscape design is a long-known concept. It is used when it comes to decorating large-scale land areas, park areas. Today the situation has changed dramatically. Modern landscape design is relevant in many cases, especially if the conversation concerns personal plots. Its decoration is thought out competently, contains interesting items decor. This allows you to get a beautiful, from a design point of view, country land ownership. It is luxurious and rich, can be compared with the main attraction of the city - the park.

New landscape design trends appear every year

Any area has its own trends. Landscape design was no exception. Fashion trends changeable. Every year, experts offer new options for land design. They reflect the mood of our time and the views of masters with amazing abilities and talent. Excellent for use on own plot. Modern styles landscape design allows you to turn your garden into a fashionable and original place.

Modern landscape design styles allow you to turn your garden into a fashionable and original place

It’s hard to argue with the opinion that classics are always in fashion. This is partly true. Classic way arrangement is the most popular in landscape design. He is able to aesthetically beautifully improve the area, make it look luxurious and sophisticated. Despite this modern mood, it requires the use of a simplified design solution with classic elements. Thus, a modification of the direction occurs.

Modern trends in landscape design have retained the basis of the classics. This applies to laconic forms and thoughtful lines. Everything else is in the background and is not suitable for decorating the site. Despite this, the classics are not able to satisfy the demands of modernity, so they were replaced by unusual directions for land development.

Modern landscape design is relevant in many cases

A neglected style of landscape design is increasingly being used. It's interesting and original way arrangement of the site. It is compared to an abandoned garden that is overgrown with grass and requires maintenance. In this case, it is clear that such a picture was created intentionally. Talented craftsmen worked on it for days. The resulting design in this style is not characterized by pomposity and pomp. Its main feature is naturalness.

Character traits

It is extremely difficult to create such a style. Since it must be not only believable, but also attractive. This process takes not one year, but many years.

Asian motifs do not lose their position in modern landscape design. They have long been in fashion and are still popular. The first place is occupied by the Chinese direction, and the second by Japanese.

The design should be thought out based on the area of ​​the territory

There are many styles of landscape design

Speaking about fashion trends in landscape design, we should not forget about techno, noble and environmental directions. They are as popular as others. Previously little-known eclecticism is rapidly gaining momentum. Experts predict its leading positions in the near future.

There are quite a lot of styles that are used in landscaping. Depending on the area, location and other features of the site, you can choose the one that will turn it into a luxurious and a nice place. At the same time, do not forget about the requirements and wishes of the owner.

A neglected style of landscape design is increasingly being used

Modern trends in landscape design have retained the basis of the classics

Use of natural ingredients

The dominance of minimalism in architecture has not passed without a trace. Today in landscape design there is an increased interest in natural components. They are used in the production of furniture and decorative items. Moreover, you need to do them yourself.

Such solutions fit organically into landscape design. They complement it, and sometimes become the main advantage, attracting the attention of guests and site owners. Natural materials are highly valued for their qualities. They don't provide negative influence on human health and the environment. Allows you to get a comfortable and beautiful furniture. The most fashionable this season are wood and stone.

Natural materials are highly valued

In modern design there is an increased interest in natural ingredients

Color schemes: what are they and why are they needed?

Landscape design monitors the quality of arrangement of not only the land, but also the building that is located on it. A modern option Wall decoration is usually considered to be blocks. They should be smooth and neat. Framing is required to dilute the interior, filling it with mood and character.

Highlighting color schemes is an interesting technique that has been used for a long time. It allows you to revive facade walls that have the same color. An excellent option is to install a white square on a green background. A sprig of reed or vine is suitable for decorating it.

Regionally oriented design

The choice of plants for a site is one of the most important issues facing landscape design. And this is not surprising. They create the mood of the site. In order to grow, develop and bloom, it is necessary not only proper care, but also special climatic conditions. Based on this, the design of the landscape should be carried out with plant varieties that predominate in the area. Otherwise, they will quickly die.

You can complement the design with endemic types of materials: stone, clay, wood. This will bring originality to the exterior, making it complete and complete. the main task modern design to harmoniously combine the natural elements and man.

Landscape design should be carried out with plant varieties that predominate in the area

One of the most important issues in landscape design it is the choice of plants

Artificial creation of grass cover

It is difficult to imagine a site without grass cover. This is the perfect design for the land. It gives it a natural, interesting and beautiful look. The grass cover is usually called a lawn. There are two types of it: artificial and natural. Recently, the first option can be seen more and more often. It has a lot of advantages: it is easy to maintain, and can more easily withstand the impacts of unfavorable climatic conditions.

Natural cover is quite difficult to maintain in proper form. It requires regular watering and other activities. If you do not follow the rules of care, the lawn will quickly lose its beauty and simply become unusable. It needs to be updated regularly.

Living colors

Plants and flowers have attractive colors. This quality is often used in the production process of natural paints. Owners of luxurious front gardens know about this and actively use the information for personal purposes. This paint is perfect for adding color to clothes and fabrics.

In addition, many varieties of plants are excellent honey plants. Insects rush to them, which are beneficial and pollinate the flowers. Calendula, millennial and others have this property.

A path with flowers will look very beautiful

Flowers can beautifully decorate the yard

Plants and flowers look attractive

Mixed style design

When creating a garden design, mixing different trends and techniques is often practiced. This allows you to get a harmonious and seamless site, show your imagination and bring to life the most interesting design ideas. To do this, use items that are at hand. The site is designed without taking into account its landscape features. This method of arrangement is called eclecticism.

The direction is characterized by:

  • using several styles, at least two or three;
  • the presence of contradictions, for the combination of which one accent is used: object, color;
  • ideas are repeated (if you play them correctly, you get an unexpected result);
  • allocation functional zones, which have clear boundaries (arches and pillars are used for this; the style of the zones may differ, which will make the site even more original and interesting).

Landscape design must be carried out carefully. There are a number of restrictions, failure to comply with which will lead to poor results. Should not be used a large number of elements in design. This will create a cluttered effect. Furniture, fences and other items in the same color are not the most best idea. They will simply merge and become one.

Garden design should only contain real plants and flowers. Artificial ones are not welcome. Zones and elements are arranged thoughtfully and interconnected. Exotic plants should not be in the same area. It is better to place them throughout the site.

Landscaping must be done carefully

When designing a garden, mixing different directions and techniques is often practiced.

The site is designed without taking into account its landscape features

Decoration features

Accessories play an important role in garden design. Quite often they attract the attention of others. Experts put them at the head of the design solution and bring them to the fore.

Ceramic figures are used as decorations in suburban areas: gnomes, dogs. They make the exterior interesting and special. But not all designers agree with this opinion. After all, professionals, speaking about landscape accessories, suggest not such banal things.

Recently, artificial reservoirs have become increasingly popular. A pond or stream is used in landscaping large areas. They are harmoniously placed in general composition. If it is a large body of water, then it can become a separate element. Since ponds are considered to be Asian influences, it is worth adding a few more items from the native style.

A representative of the water theme is the well. It can be either real or decorative. Perfectly complements the eco trend in design. Fashionable on plot of land arrange a decorative bridge. It has a cute and unusual appearance, so it is very popular.

Lovers of extravagant ideas install sculptures in areas. Their parameters may vary. Variants of human height are often found. In landscape design, mermaids, animals, dotted with plants look harmonious.

When settling in suburban area Don't forget about lighting. His role in creating design is huge. Basically, street lamps and stones are used for these purposes, which glow at night and are charged with solar energy during the day. It is original to place them along the path or frame the pond.

Accessories often attract attention

Unusual shapes can also be attributed to decoration

Accessories play an important role in garden design

What plants are fashionable?

Fashion trends have not spared plants either. There are favorites in this area. Slavic specimens are popular. Some tree species are especially worth noting: linden, rowan. Simple options capable of creating home comfort in garden design. They fill it with romance and warmth.

As for colors, here too you should give preference simple varieties. Chamomile and dandelion are traditional for our citizens. Shrubs look original, so they cannot be neglected. They are mandatory in modern landscape design. Fragrant lilac and jasmine are perfect. In the garden they will emphasize the romantic mood.

Flowers will emphasize the romantic mood

Simple options can create home comfort in garden design

Fashion trends have not spared plants either.

Previous use on site exterior fruit trees was not welcome. Today the situation has changed dramatically. They have become an integral part of modern design. In this case, it is better to use unusual breeds rather than traditional varieties.

It’s hard to imagine a garden plot without fragrant plants. This is their important attribute. Fits perfectly in modern design roses, violets. They fill it with a unique aroma that relaxes and brings true pleasure to the inhabitants.

Wild growing elements can be added to the exterior. Barberry and bird cherry will dilute it and add their own notes of originality and unusualness. Don't neglect berries. Recently, this element has been increasingly used in landscaping. A small clearing of strawberries or raspberries looks beautiful and will allow you to eat healthy fruits grown in your own garden.

Usage fashion trends requires serious financial investments

Modern landscape design has great potential

Sophistication is something that should not be forgotten when designing a landscape design. Sakura will become the main decoration of the site. If you provide her with proper care, she will delight her owner with beautiful flowering for many years.

As for planting plants, this also has its own characteristics. For this purpose, flowerpots, pots, and clubs consisting of several steps are used. This option will decorate the site, make it unusual and individual.

Modern landscape design has great potential. It allows you to realize the most interesting solutions. Do garden plot not just beautiful, but also unusual. Individual design will emphasize the delicate taste of the owners and their position in society. Using fashion trends requires serious financial investments. Even though they change quickly, the main points are the same. Therefore, you can create a fashionable and stylish landscape design for many years.

Video: Landscape design according to your own project

50 photos of modern landscape design ideas: