Laying technology and rules for growing rolled turf. Do-it-yourself laying of rolled lawn Do-it-yourself laying of lawn grass in rolls

If we compare modern dacha and the one that was about 30 years ago, then these are two significant differences. The Soviet one had a sea of ​​garden beds, because it was simply impossible to provide the family with vitamins in any other way. Today there is an abundance of stores, which means you can create a paradise for relaxation at your dacha. And an indispensable attribute of the design was a lush, thick, soft lawn on which you can lie down, like on a carpet, and enjoy the floating clouds. But so that the sown grass pleases beautiful view, at least a year must pass, but I don’t want to wait for that. However, there is a simple solution - buy grown grass in a store. Laying a rolled lawn is quite simple and does not require any special skills, but within a month you can have picnics on it.

Specialized nursery companies are engaged in growing rolled turf. The period from sowing the seeds until the finished lawn goes on sale is three years. Most often, the seeds of the most resistant and easy-to-maintain grasses are used: meadow bluegrass and red fescue. In order for the grass to acquire density and density, it is grown for two years. During this time, the lawn has time to build up a strong root system, which will allow it to quickly take root when transplanted. Only in the 3rd year, the finished grass “carpet” along with the roots is cut into layers using special machines and mechanisms. The strips are immediately rolled up so that the root system does not dry out, and transported in coils to places of sale.

All grass coves offered in stores look the same. They are cut into strips, two meters long and 40 cm wide. Usually the length of the stems reaches 6-7 cm, and the layer of the root system is more than 2 cm. One bay has a very noticeable weight - within 25 kg.

A quality lawn has uniform thickness of turf and grass along the entire length of the roll. This is checked by the side cut

But these parameters are not enough to determine the quality of the lawn. To check whether the cultivation technology has been violated, you need to roll out the roll of turf and look at the cut layer on both sides.

Please note the following:

  1. Are there any weeds among the blades of grass?
  2. How uniform is the grass, are there any bald spots (spots where the grass has not grown).
  3. Look at the rolled out coil from the side: the cut layer should have the same thickness.
  4. Grab the edge of the roll with both hands and pull it slightly toward you. If the grass gives way and begins to lag behind the main layer, it means that the roots of this grass are poorly developed. This material does not take root well, so it is better to avoid it.
  5. Lift up a piece of the roll and look at the quality of the roots. They should be intertwined as tightly as possible. The fewer gaps between them, the better.

How many rolls will you need to buy?

Don't buy lawn offhand. If it is not enough, then you will have to buy more. The calculation technology is as follows: measure the parameters of the future site and multiply them. For example, length 6 m, width 5 m. Multiply 6x5. We get 30 sq.m. This is the area of ​​your future lawn. If the site is flat, without bends or flower beds, then 5% of the area is added to accurately count the rolls. Those. to 30 + 1.5 m = 31.5 sq.m. If the future lawn is designed with bends, paths and other distortion of geometry, then 10% is added to the area, because the amount of waste will increase. Those. 30 + 3 = 33 sq.m.

Knowing the square footage, we calculate how many bays of grass we will have to buy. Area of ​​one roll: 0.4x2=0.8 sq.m. This means that 1.25 bays will go per meter square of your site. Accordingly: 2 squares = 2.5 bays. For 10 squares there will be 12.5 bays, etc.

If you plan to lay a rolled lawn on an area with bends, paths or ridges, then add 10% to the area of ​​the future lawn for waste

Preparing the soil for laying

Before you buy grass in rolls, you must fully prepare the future site. Because the technology for laying a rolled lawn is such that it is laid on the same day you bought it, or within 24 hours. The further you delay the deadline, the weaker the root system will take root. In addition, you must lay out the entire rolled lawn with your own hands at once. Only in this case will the grass take root evenly, and the surface will be perfectly smooth.

Let's consider what kind of work you will have to do in advance, before going to the store. Land preparation is very important stage, it will determine the quality of grass survival. The better you cultivate the soil, the faster you will be able to use your lawn. It includes:

Clearing and digging. Preparation begins with clearing the soil of all kinds of debris. When digging, be sure to remove all the roots of perennial weeds. They have such a powerful survival rate that the same dandelion or wheatgrass will break through the grass cover, and it will be very difficult to pull out an adult plant with its roots.

Creation of a drainage system. The lawn does not like highly moist soils, so drainage is installed in low-lying areas and soils with a high clay content. It is done as follows:

  • They cut off the fertile soil to a depth of 40 cm and take it out in a wheelbarrow, dumping it somewhere nearby (it will come in handy later!).
  • The finished pit is backfilled gravel-sand cushion: 10 cm of gravel, then 10 cm of sand (sand can be replaced with geotextiles).
  • Everything is compacted thoroughly.
  • The cut soil is brought back and scattered flush with the overall height of the entire area.
  • It is very convenient to navigate along the stretched twine. Drive pegs into the corners of the site and pull a rope on them exactly at the height of the ground. When topping up, you will see in which places it is worth lifting the soil, and in which places you should remove the excess.
  • Sprinkle lawn fertilizer over the soil and lightly rake it in.
  • The finished site must be compacted tightly. This can be done with a homemade roller or a wide board with flat surface. Check the compaction quality when you step on your lawn. If the earth is not crushed under your feet, it means it was compacted well.

Rules for laying rolled grass

When the soil is ready, with peace of mind, go to the store and buy grass. It is best to plant lawns in spring or autumn, when there is enough moisture in the ground and there is no particular heat.

Let's take a look at how rolled lawn is laid:

  • Start laying the rolls from the part of the site where you stacked them. This will avoid frequent transfers, during which the soil crumbles and roots are destroyed.
  • We place the roll exactly on the corner of the platform and unwind it in a straight line. The first roll turns out to be the last one and it is important to lay it as evenly as possible. You cannot bend, twist, or wrap the grass. If a corner of a flower bed gets in the way of the roll, then roll along it and remove excess grass by cutting it with a knife.
  • The principle of laying out adjacent rows is similar to brickwork: the rows cannot have the same joints. Those. try to ensure that the joints of the second row fall in the middle of the rolls of the first row. This will allow the grass to settle in more evenly.
  • There are no overlaps in the installation of a rolled lawn. The rows should be adjacent to each other, like vinyl wallpapers, – the denser. Discrepancies of more than 1.5 cm are not acceptable.
  • The weakest areas of a lawn in terms of survival are the edges. Try not to lay them in pieces. Use trimmings of less than a meter for the middle of the site, and lay the edges in strips of more than a meter.
  • After laying out the first row, it is pressed down using a board. Be sure to run your hand over the grass to see if there are any holes or mounds underneath. If you feel unevenness, lift a piece of grass and add soil (or remove excess). After checking, tamp again.
  • When the first row is laid out and rolled down, plank flooring is placed on it, and next rows produced by standing on it. This will further compact the grass and prevent it from being crushed by your feet.

Laying a rolled lawn is similar in technology to brickwork: the joints in adjacent rows should not coincide with the joints of the previous one

All rolls are rolled out only in a straight line, without bends or distortions. And if there is a path along the way, then the unnecessary part of the lawn is cut out with a knife

Rolls should not be laid overlapping, otherwise unevenness will form. They are laid tightly end to end, like wallpaper, with a gap of less than 1.5 cm

If unevenness is detected, carefully lift the edge of the lawn and add a little soil under it or, conversely, remove excess

When laying the first row is completed, lay out the second one, standing on a wooden board or board, so as not to spoil the fresh grass surface with your feet.

After the lawn has been laid, it needs to be grown. To do this, the grass is watered for two weeks. Try not to allow the soil to dry out. Best to use automatic watering fine sprinklers. Also, avoid walking on grass for a month. As a last resort, use boards or flooring to move, but remove it immediately. Fresh grass and soil are easily pressed under the weight of your feet, and your lawn may end up with dents.

Constant watering of a rolled lawn for two weeks - required condition for its good survival, especially if the weather is warm

Front of work after planting the lawn

In a month you will be able to walk on a beautiful green lawn, but the work does not end there. In order for the grass to survive the winter well, you need to care for it as follows:

  1. Make sure that weeds do not sprout.
  2. Carry out the first haircut after 4 weeks, trying to mow only the tops.
  3. The following haircuts are carried out as needed, choosing a more convenient height for yourself. But the entire cutting must be raked and removed.
  4. Before wintering, the last cutting is carried out so that the grass has time to grow about 4 cm and with it goes under the snow.
  5. Water as it dries. In the absence of precipitation - once every 10-12 days.
  6. In winter, the lawn is completely cleared of accumulated debris and the leaves are raked.

If you pay enough attention to the lawn, then in the spring the grass will delight you with a uniform and lush covering.

  1. No. 1. Types of rolled lawn
  2. No. 4. Rolled lawn sizes
  3. No. 5. What herbs are used?

Look how they have changed summer cottages over the last 30-40 years! Many summer residents decided to give up vegetable beds and turn the cottage into a vacation spot. This is how they appeared in the areas beautiful flower beds and gorgeous lawns. Neat green lawn - perfect place for picnics, sunbathing and children's games. Moreover, it is also a decoration for the site. It will take at least one year to grow a great lawn. If time is pressing, or you want to admire the thick greenery of the grass immediately, then you can cheat and use grass that has already been grown for you. Let's try to understand the structure of a rolled lawn, determine its pros, cons and features. Looking ahead, we note that organizing such coverage on your site is very simple. To make sure of this, we will tell you in detail how to lay a rolled lawn with your own hands.

No. 1. Types of rolled lawn

Rolled lawn give a chance organize an ideal grass surface in the shortest possible time almost anywhere, which is its main advantage. It has found application in various fields, so today it is customary to highlight such main types of rolled turf:

No. 2. Advantages and disadvantages of rolled lawn

What makes rolled lawn so popular among summer residents? The answer to this question lies in the enumeration main advantages of coating:

You can also talk about the unpretentiousness of rolled lawn, the possibility of using it on uneven surfaces and in shady places, where an ordinary lawn would not grow. The only negative is the high price, but many rightly believe that it pays off with a guaranteed result, luxurious coverage, minimal time investment and ease of maintenance.

No. 3. How to grow rolled lawn?

In short, then a rolled lawn is an ordinary sowing lawn, only an enterprise specializing in this sows it for you, takes care of it for three years, waters it, fertilizes it and trims it, and then, together with the turf, cuts it into small fragments. They are sold to the buyer, who then spreads the finished lawn at his dacha: the grass roots grow into the soil, and a full-fledged covering emerges. What a simple transplant!

Now information for those who crave details. Rolled lawn is grown in a special large-area nursery using special equipment. From the moment of sowing to sale it takes 1.5-3 years, it is better to take a 3-year-old lawn, because its root system is already well formed, and the grass cover itself is quite dense.

Depending on growing technology Rolled lawn can be of two types:

  1. preparing the soil to loosen it and break up lumps. To do this, use a cultivator or plow, then break up large particles of earth with a harrow;
  2. treating the soil with herbicides to destroy all weeds in the area where the lawn will be grown;
  3. if the lawn will grow on a mesh, then it is laid out at this stage, taking into account the size of the future covering and the features of the irrigation system;
  4. sowing with prepared seed mixture;
  5. proper fertilization and watering for several years;
  6. regular haircuts, due to which the cover becomes dense and the roots are well intertwined;
  7. cutting the finished lawn, rolling it up and transporting it.

Cutting the grass with the base occurs on the eve of transportation. Ideally, no more than a day should pass from cutting to laying, otherwise the grass roots will dry out, which will lead to the death of the lawn. If it is not possible to quickly transport and lay the coating, then it is placed in refrigerator, where it can live no more than 4 days.

No. 4. Rolled lawn sizes

As a rule, the grass covering along with the base is cut fragments 2 m long and 40 cm wide, but these parameters have different manufacturers may differ slightly. The width rarely exceeds 48 cm. With such dimensions, the lawn is easy to cut, roll up and transport. The thickness of the lawn should be 2-4 cm, meaning turf. The height of the blades of grass, as a rule, reaches 6-7 cm.

Lawns special purpose may have completely different parameters. For example, sports turf sold in rolls 1 m wide and up to 15 m long.

As for weight of rolled lawn, That exact figure It’s hard to name here - a lot depends on the soil moisture. On average, 1 m2 of coating weighs 17-25 kg. It turns out that a truck with a carrying capacity of 20 tons can transport about 700 m2 or more at a time roll covering.

No. 5. What herbs are used?

You don’t have to be an agronomist or an experienced gardener to understand that the basic performance qualities of a lawn depend on what herbs are present in its composition. Manufacturers select the mixture so as to provide the coating with certain qualities, i.e. For each type of lawn, the composition of the grass will be different. If we talk about the most popular universal lawn, then the mixture often consists of the following crops:

  • meadow bluegrass- This is a crop with emerald-colored grass. A lawn that consists 100% of such grass belongs to the premium segment, but requires careful maintenance, especially in the first three years, but the result is an excellent surface. The composition of the universal coating includes only a part of this crop;
  • red fescue It is characterized by increased resistance to trampling, does not dry out, does not turn yellow, and tolerates haircuts well. This is a persistent and unpretentious crop, the root system of which develops quite intensively, due to which it is compensated slow growth bluegrass;
  • perennial ryegrass produces dense grass cover in the first year. The crop lives for only three years, so it gradually gives way to other herbs, but the purpose of its use in our business is precisely to provide dense coverage while other crops are just gaining strength.

The composition of herbs may differ, but most manufacturers use fescue and bluegrass as a basis. If the mixture contains other herbs, then be sure to find information about them so that you understand what awaits you in the end.

No. 6. How to understand that you have a high-quality rolled lawn?

Every manufacturer almost swears that his lawn is of the highest quality and almost immortal. Whether this is really so, each of us can check personally, and to do this, you just need to be attentive enough, and pay attention to the following aspects:

  • cut quality. The thickness of the base over the entire area of ​​the lawn should be the same, the roots should be securely intertwined and form a kind of integral cushion. The presence of young white roots is mandatory;
  • the soil without stones, not excessively clayey or sandy;
  • weeds, bald spots and yellowed spots are not acceptable;
  • the blades of grass should be the same size, density - 100 or more shoots per 10 cm2. To quickly estimate this indicator, you can place a cigarette pack on the lawn and count the number of shoots - there should be at least 50;
  • absence of pests and diseases;
  • It is better to take a recently cut lawn, since small-leaved weeds may be hidden under long blades of grass;
  • Experienced summer residents advise carefully taking the grass covering near the edge and pulling it, very lightly, without using excessive force. The grass should not be pulled out. If this happens, it means it has weak roots, and good lawn it will be impossible to obtain.

It doesn't hurt to look at documentation, the presence of which indicates the conscientiousness and seriousness of the seller, makes it possible to ensure regular checks of the lawn for quality. Special attention When reading the documents, look at the place where the grass was grown to make sure that your future lawn grew from an area with a favorable environmental situation.

No. 7. How many rolls should I buy?

If you know the area of ​​the area that needs to be landscaped with lawn and the area of ​​each individual roll, then calculating how many rolls will be needed is a task for a second grade student. From the manufacturer you need to find out the area of ​​one roll of the selected lawn, or take the length and width parameters, and then multiply them.

The next step is to determine the area of ​​the plot devoted to the lawn. If this territory has the shape of a regular square or rectangle, then the task is simplified as much as possible. It is necessary to determine the area of ​​this area and divide it by the area of ​​one unit of rolled lawn.

Example. They sell us lawn in rolls 2 m long and 40 cm wide. The area of ​​one sample is 2 * 0.4 = 0.8 m2. We need to lay the lawn on an area with parameters of 6*5 m, i.e. area 30 m2. To cover this area, you will need 30/0.8 = 37.5 rolls, rounded up to 38. In this case, a 5% reserve is provided. It turns out that we need to order 40 rolls.

If the shape of the site is complex, there are curved lines, bends and other details, then it is better to draw its plan on paper and make a diagram of laying out the lawn. You will have to literally draw out each of the rolls to clearly see how many you will need. You can do it another way. From our school geometry course we remember how to find the area of ​​a complex figure. It needs to be broken down into simple figures and find the area of ​​each of them. This is what they do, and then they proceed according to the already familiar scheme, only in this case they add 10% of the result obtained to the reserve, since if there are bends and paths, the material consumption will be higher.

No. 8. When can you lay rolled lawn?

Manufacturers say that rolled turf can be laid at any time of the year, starting from early spring and ending in late autumn. In principle, this is so, but laying in autumn period has a lot of features, and if possible, it is better to abandon such an idea.

Optimal time: spring, when the soil is no longer frozen and not oversaturated with excess moisture. At this time of year, the grass is actively growing, so in the summer you will get luxurious thick green lawn, just like in the picture.

in autumn You can lay a lawn provided that autumn in the region is usually warm, long and mild. The grass will grow and gain strength until the air temperature drops to +50C. By this time, the grass shoots may have already grown sufficiently, so they will protect the grass roots from winter frosts. In the spring, one difficulty may await you: it will be difficult for young shoots to break through the layer of last year’s grass, so the lawn may end up being uneven.

Difficulties may also arise when laying the lawn. V summer period . In general, it is better not to do this, since replanting is already a big stress for the grass, and when temperatures are high, the risk of the rolls drying out is increased. If you are impatient, you will have to water the lawn very often, up to twice a day, so that the turf grows well with the soil, since the roots cannot yet get enough moisture from the soil.

No. 9. Preparing the soil for laying turf

Now let's get to the fun part. When everything has been calculated and selected, all the pros and cons have been weighed, the time comes to lay the rolled lawn. It all starts with proper preparation soil on the site. As you may have guessed, simply spreading a rolled lawn around the area will not work - the likelihood that it will take root in this case is low. If we take into account the fact that The delivered lawn must be laid on the same day, then preparation of the territory must begin in advance.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

No. 10. How to lay rolled lawn with your own hands?

It won’t be difficult to do all the work yourself:

What to do if the lawn is delivered, but it is not possible to lay it on the same day, or it works, but not all of it? To try to extend the life of the grass, unroll the rolls, moisten them and protect them from the sun, and be sure to start laying them the next day.

No. 11. Caring for the lawn after laying it

The main secret of good survival rate of roll coating is high-quality moisture. When the laying work is completed, water the lawn generously at the rate of 1 bucket of water for every 1 m2 of surface. If you slightly lift one of the rolls by the edge, you will be able to see the wet turf and wetted soil in the area. In this case, watering is done correctly.

Over the next 2 weeks, the lawn must be watered every day, trying to prevent the soil from drying out. Ideally, automatic watering with sprinklers. It is better not to walk on the lawn during the first month, and for movement you can use boards, which should be removed immediately after the transition is completed. During this period, the turf grows together with the soil.

Further care looks like this:

A green lawn will fit perfectly into any landscape design, goes well with flower beds, flower beds, shrubs and even beds. The simplest and quick way ennoble own plot- this is to use a rolled lawn. In just a month you will be able to run around it, sunbathe and have cozy family picnics.

Growing a lawn yourself is a labor-intensive and time-consuming process. But many people want to become the owner of a small green island with soft grass, for relaxation, sports games, or landscape decoration. There is an alternative to the hassle of planting a lawn - already grown grass in rolls, almost ready for use. The manufacturer takes on the most difficult work of sowing plants, and the buyer only has to prepare the site, lay the rolls and regularly care for the coating.

This material is called roll material solely due to the method of transportation; otherwise, it is no different from ordinary grass cover.

Plants for a rolled lawn are grown on flat, well-lit areas, watered, fed and treated against pests and weeds. When the grass grows, it is cut and the root system is cut off along with a few centimeters of soil.

The coating is divided into equal fragments, rolled into rolls and sent to the customer. To prevent them from falling apart, at the planting stage a mesh is laid in the ground, which then serves as a frame.

Advantages of landscaping areas using rolled turf:

  • Ideal green coverage in a short time;
  • Guaranteed uniform planting of plants;
  • No weeds for several years;
  • Possibility of landscaping at any time from early spring to late autumn;
  • Resistance of the lawn to weather conditions and, depending on the type, to abrasion;
  • Easy installation due to the low weight and strength of the rolls.

The dimensions of a rolled lawn are standard: about 2 meters long, 40 cm wide. The soil layer should be at least 2 cm, and the grass height should not be more than 6 cm. Average weight– 15-30 kg, it can vary significantly depending on the level of soil moisture.

When choosing rolls, it is recommended to inspect them for weeds and uneven emergence. If possible, you need to check the strength of the canvas: you need to shake it slightly - the soil should remain in place. An important indicator that will determine the quality of the coating and its ability to take root in a new place is the development of the root system. The more tightly the roots are intertwined with reverse side roll, the better.

Disadvantages of rolled lawn:

  • The high cost of the material, which is several times higher than the cost of planting plants yourself;
  • There is a risk that the grass will not take root - this may be due to poor quality soil on the site, undeveloped root system, insufficient care and exceeding the shelf life after cutting.
  • After separating the grass from the soil, it must be transplanted to a new place within 3 days.

In order for the coating to serve for a long time and perform all its functions, it must be selected in accordance with its intended purpose.


Lawns in rolls differ only in the type of vegetation, which also determines how wear-resistant and beautiful the coating will be. All types are conventionally divided into decorative, sports and special. It is necessary to choose a lawn taking into account its functional purpose. If it will be used for outdoor activities or physical activities, then a sports one is needed. The purpose of decorative is primarily aesthetic; it is not able to withstand friction and quickly recover from damage.


Lawns for sports must be resistant to trampling and abrasion. The vegetation is especially dense for them. Preference is given to herbs that grow quickly in any weather conditions.

For football fields, a mixture of red fescue, bent grass, and meadow grass is planted. To equip tennis courts, you need an even surface with short-cropped vegetation, so most often they use lawns of one type cereal grass. Golf courses are seeded with a fescue mixture.


To make roll-up lawns of this type, more delicate plants are used. Most often these are mixtures of herbs that provide a velvety green coating throughout the season. Some decorative lawns are moderately resistant to trampling, while others are intended solely for decoration.

Types of decorative roll lawns:

When choosing a decorative lawn, you need to consider whether it will be used for recreation or simply to decorate the landscape, as well as evaluate the possibilities of regular vegetation care, climatic conditions and the cost of the material.


There are special types of rolled lawns; they are used to solve narrow problems. For example, strengthening slope slopes, absorbing harmful substances from the air, reducing noise levels. For home garden or parks, such coatings are not needed; they are used on roadsides, near industrial enterprises and airfields.

Laying lawn rolls

Self-installation Rolled lawn requires advance preparation of the site. It is best to start in the fall and roll out the rolls in the spring. Landscaping with this material can be done from mid-May to mid-June. During this period, it is more likely that the plants will take root well.

Site preparation

First you need to mark the area where the lawn will grow. Further action should be taken into account the type of soil.

On fertile land, where there is no risk of flooding and stagnation of water, you can simply dig up upper layer to a depth of 15-30 centimeters and moisten well. Level the surface with a rake, remove stones, glass and other debris, break up lumps of earth.

If the site is prone to waterlogging, is located in a lowland or the soil contains a high clay content, then it will be necessary to equip a drainage pad. To do this, you need to remove a layer of soil to a depth of 40 cm, lay expanded clay (10 cm) and sand (10 cm) on the bottom and compact it. Then fill the soil, it should not reach the height garden paths by 2-2.5 cm, so that after laying the lawn comes out on the same level with them.

If the area is replete with weeds, you need to treat the ground with special chemicals. It is best to carry out this work in the autumn. After this, the land will be unsuitable for any planting for a month.

If the soil is infertile, you can remove it and fill it with fertile soil or fertilize it. Add in spring nitrogen fertilizers, for wintering - phosphorus or potassium.

It is advisable to compact the soil on the site and level it with a roller or feet.

The surface must be perfectly flat so that the grass is in contact with the soil over the entire area.

Roll stacking

To work, you will need a minimum set of tools: a knife or a sharp shovel for cutting cloth, a board, a light garden roller. The soil should be well moistened, and it is also recommended to lightly water the lawn itself.

The work must be done following simple rules:

Technology for laying rolled turf, as well as useful tricks presented in the video.

The green lawn will take root within 1-2 weeks. And after a month you will be able to walk on the lawn. Then all that remains is to maintain the coating in good condition.

Roll lawn care

You need to take care of the covering created from rolls in the same way as a regular lawn. Basic care is watering, cutting and feeding.

After the plants are rooted, watering is carried out in accordance with weather conditions. If the coverage area is large, then it will be difficult to apply water manually; it is best to equip an irrigation system that will carefully and evenly moisten the soil.

In order for the vegetation to be abundant and grow quickly, it is necessary to feed the lawn throughout the season. Apply nitrogen fertilizers monthly in the summer and phosphorus and potassium in the fall.

The lawn is mowed as the grass grows. It is recommended to cut no more than 30% of the plant. Optimal size shoots for a regular lawn - 40-60 mm. For flowering ones, the height is practically unlimited; they need to be cut no more than 2 times per season.

It is advisable to destroy all weeds before planting the lawn. If some of them managed to survive, then you need to try to pull them out completely with the root system.

Another action that will improve plant growth is aeration. If you pierce the soil over the entire area to a depth of 10 cm, the roots will receive more air. The procedure must be carried out twice a year - in spring and autumn.

Laying a rolled lawn can significantly save time on landscaping areas of any size and purpose. You can do the work yourself - rolling out rolls is not at all difficult. It is important to remember that the cut lawn should not be stored for a long time, and after laying it should be taken care of so that it remains attractive for several years.

The Landgrass company offers turnkey installation of rolled lawn on your site. Highly qualified specialists are at your service, affordable prices for laying a lawn, a guarantee for all types of work.

Prices for laying lawn in rolls

  • Laying lawn grass in rolls on a finished base - from 50 rub./m2.
  • The cost of preparing the base for a rolled lawn - from 50 rub./m2.
  • Installation of a roll lawn with soil replacement on a turnkey basis - from 350 rub./m2.

How to order lawn laying on the site?

Detailed tips on how to lay rolled lawn are published on the Internet. However, you have to do this for the first time in your life. It is important not to spoil the product at the installation stage through your own incompetence. Is it worth experimenting on your own estate? It is much better to entrust this important task to the employees of our company.

Call a company employee to the site. He measures the area, studies lighting and watering conditions, takes a soil sample, clarifies the purpose of the lawn and the required level: elite, standard, budget. You agree with him which services and materials you want to receive from the company in the package, and which you will perform yourself.

According to the data received, the company representative calculates the estimate and issues an invoice. You sign an agreement.

What does a comprehensive lawn installation service include?

  1. Company employees go to the site. They remove debris, stones, and pull out weeds. Remove the top layer of soil. The excess is taken to a landfill.
  2. It is delivered to the site fertile soil, fertilizers, gravel, sand, hydrogel, components of drainage and irrigation systems.
  3. Our specialists mark the area with pegs, use twines and plumb lines, and mark the area. According to the markings, the surface is sloped, grooves for water drainage are installed, plastic tubes drainage
  4. Irrigation system pipes are being installed. Ideally, watering occurs through fountains to distribute water evenly.
  5. A cushion of sand, gravel, or hydrogel is placed on top of the drainage. Hydrogel function: during periods excess humidity It absorbs water from the soil, and when there is insufficient water, it gives it to the roots of plants. Fertile soil and fertilizers are poured.
  6. To prevent lawn grass from drying out or rotting, the lawn must be laid out within 72 hours after it has been cut and rolled up.
  7. Workers lay out pieces of green carpet in order brickwork, achieving symmetry, without overlaps or bends. In the locations of paths, flower beds, and other objects, the covering sheets are carefully cut to fit into the perimeter.
  8. At each stage, workers compact the surface with a roller, pour soil into the excavations, and remove protrusions.
  9. If there is a need for people to pass through in the first days after laying the lawn, boardwalks are laid in the right places.
  10. Company employees water and provide detailed instructions lawn care. And if necessary, they go to the site every day for additional work.

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Have you decided to lay out a lawn on your property? We will show you how to do this correctly and quickly. Before you start laying out a green lawn, you must have a good understanding of the purposes for which you need it and what functions it will perform. Rolled lawns are layers of turf, special lawn grass, planted on mats made of plant or artificial fiber (special geotextile for lawns). Lawn cultivation and sales are carried out by specialized companies in natural conditions on the fields.

Types of lawns

You need to decide whether to sow grass or use ready-made rolled lawns. If you decide to sow a lawn, you will have to wait two or three months for results. Rolled lawn will cost more, but within a few weeks after installation you can walk on it.

Rolled lawn production

To grow high quality green carpet, you need to follow the rules of sowing and selection of seeds. It grows for about two years before cutting. It reaches the consumer in the form of rolls, which are placed on pallets for ease of transportation.

Standards and sizes:

  • Width of one roll strip – 0.4 m
  • The length of one roll strip is 2 m
  • Thickness – 25mm
  • The area of ​​one lane is 0.8 sq.m.

Up to 63 rolls can be placed on a pallet, which allows you to cover an area of ​​50 square meters. The manufacturer is responsible for the quality of the material. The grass cover must be cut within three days. Rolled grass that is overdried or overly moistened can deteriorate during days of transportation and installation. The grass mixture should not contain more than one percent weeds or unwanted crops, mandatory testing for diseases, pests and nematodes. The grass mixture must meet the standards for each type of grass carpet.


  1. Meadow bluegrass – 50%
  2. Red fescue –40%
  3. Ryegrass – 10%


  1. Meadow bluegrass – 15%
  2. Red fescue – 75%
  3. Ryegrass – 10%


Currently, new types of lawn grass are being developed in rolls using different grasses, in particular, a grass carpet with microclover planted on geotextiles.

The supplier is also responsible for the density of the turf root system, uniform thickness throughout the entire area, uniform color of the entire canvas, bright color and structure of the leaves.

Laying the covering

The lawn can be laid from early spring to late autumn in dry and not very hot weather. In spring and autumn, the rolled carpet must be laid and watered within four days, in the summer due to high temperatures deadlines are being shortened up to two, maximum three days.

It is better to entrust laying green carpet to specialists, but you can save on installation. The technology is not complicated if you follow all the rules.

Mark the territory of the proposed object. Clear the area of ​​all kinds of debris, stones, small roots and tree roots, and stumps. Weed out weeds or treat areas where weeds grow special means for destruction (at least two weeks in advance). Dig up the soil and break up the clods with a rake. It is advisable to fertilize the soil.

Lay out roll material need to be in staggered order. We lay out the first roll along the most even edge possible, it could be the foundation of a house or a border, etc. We lay out the next sheet from the middle of the previous one, bringing the edges as close as possible to each other, in no case overlapping each other. Use a knife to trim any uneven edges. Cover the entire surface. We fill the visible seams with soil; as the grass grows, they will be covered and will not be noticeable.

After laying, the grass carpet must be rolled with a special roller to achieve maximum contact of the turf with the ground and air release. All that remains is to give the grass a good watering and allow it to take root and begin to grow. After two or three weeks you can walk on it; before that, if necessary, put it on the grass wooden shield under your feet.

Rolled lawn is a way out for those whose plot is located on clay soils and planting seeds is not possible. Rolls of grass can be covered by placing a 5cm thick layer of sand under the turf.


Caring for a green carpet is not only about cutting and watering it, it requires attention all year round. Spring care begins with cleaning the area. It is necessary to carefully comb out last year's grass, leaves, debris and carry out scarification. Scarification is the removal of sprouted weeds such as dandelion, sow thistle, wheatgrass, etc. You need to remove weeds by digging in order to reach the root if possible.

The next stage is aeration. Punctures are made in the turf using a pitchfork or special shoes with spikes. This is done to allow air to flow to the roots and better drainage of water, which prevents stagnation of liquid during watering and precipitation. In the spring, the cover laid last year needs to be reseeded in places where the grass may have frozen or the top layer has been damaged. Align the edges and give an aesthetic appearance.

Now about watering. During the first week after installation, the grass should be watered daily. Then water according to weather conditions, without over-wetting it or allowing it to dry out. The lawn on clay is afraid of getting wet. In summer, you need to water the green mass every other day.

An elegantly trimmed, well-groomed lawn is a decoration for any area and the pride of the owner. It needs to be cut systematically, not allowing a height of 10-12 cm. Mow it to half the height. There should be at least 4 cm left. B spring period cutting is carried out as the grass grows. In summer, you need to cut the grass once a week. In the autumn, haircuts become less frequent and stop completely in accordance with the decrease in temperature regime. IN winter time During the dormant period, it is advisable not to walk on the lawn grass. If necessary, place under your feet wooden boards. At good care and with care, your green carpet will serve and delight you and your loved ones for many years.