Facade works. Repair of the facade of a private house: current, major, decorative Facade repairs

Let's imagine a situation: you have an old house- inherited, bought for a reasonable price in a dacha cooperative or in a nice rural wilderness. Putting a new one in its place is expensive, and it doesn’t make sense: the old walls are strong and suit everything except their appearance. The question arises: how to turn a battered property into a nice mansion and not regret the money spent?

The first thing the owner should do is carefully inspect the structure. In any home over time roof needs repair, walls and drainage. Today we will focus on wall structures, on which, in general, the integrity and reliability of the house depends.

Cracks in the walls can be a sign that the building is settling or - even worse! – begins to crumble from old age. But let's hope this doesn't threaten your home yet. If cracks are found in the foundation, it needs to be strengthened. To do this, niches are dug in weak spots under the foundation and filled with concrete.

The next step in carrying out repair work is preparing the foundation. Small cracks, chips and other surface defects must be carefully repaired, flaking fragments removed, efflorescence, traces of mold and mildew treated by special means. To prevent the appearance of efflorescence, the facade must be treated with a water-repellent liquid, for example WATER-BLOCK-SI TM VIMATEC (Greece), Funcosil TM Remmers (Germany), which penetrates the material to a depth of 2-10 mm and creates a water-repellent, vapor-permeable layer.

In addition to protecting against efflorescence, the liquid gives the walls antibacterial and antifungal properties and helps fight mold. If this is not done, the walls will gradually deteriorate and eventually the day will come when they can only be repaired by destroying the outer cladding.

Facade finishing methods

You can improve the appearance of an unpresentable house in one of three main ways - by creating a traditional, plastered or ventilated facade. You can never get tired of arguing about which technology is better.

The answer depends not so much on the advantages and disadvantages of each of these methods, but on the tasks facing the homeowner, his personal tastes, financial reserves, as well as the characteristics of the house itself. All of these technologies are applicable both in new construction and for renovation of old buildings.

Traditional facade

Exterior decoration is needed not only for beauty, but also to protect walls from adverse external influences. And from this point of view, surround the house facing bricks– the ideal solution. Ceramic bricknatural material, durable and strong, it requires virtually no maintenance and does not lose its attractiveness over the years.

Modern face brick unusually good, not like before: its surface can be smooth or textured, colors and shapes are diverse, shaped elements are numerous.

This cladding gives the house a complete and respectable appearance. However, there is also a weak point: this technology requires the construction of a more powerful foundation, which, of course, increases the cost of the work and increases the time it takes to complete it.

A popular budget solution is artificial (decorative) stone. It is a tile that imitates a natural stone or brickwork.

Its composition is a cement-sand mixture with the addition of various dyes and fillers. During manufacturing, the material can be given any color, shape and texture, which significantly expands the finishing possibilities. Decorative rock, of course, is not as durable as natural, but it is much lighter, and it has many other advantages:

Plaster facade

If you do not plan to change the appearance of your home beyond recognition, pay attention to the plaster (wet) method of facade cladding. Decorative plasters can be used as an independent facade coating or as the finishing layer of a system external thermal insulation"wet" type. This system is a building envelope consisting of three main layers.

Thanks to external insulation, the area interior spaces remains unchanged, while heat losses (and, accordingly, heating costs) are significantly reduced, and sound insulation is improved. A lightweight enclosing structure that does not require strengthening the foundation effectively protects walls from impact environment, which extends their service life.

For finishing coating New generation decorative materials of the widest range are used, so owners can decorate the walls as they please. However, creating a plaster facade is a very responsible and rather labor-intensive process, which requires careful leveling of the base and is very dependent on weather conditions.

Periodically, decorative plaster has to be repaired, and compared to other types of finishing, it is short-lived. But maybe this is for the better? If you are tired of the color or texture of the walls, you can easily change it.

Ventilated facade

A more modern solution is the device ventilated facade, consisting of cladding (slabs or sheet materials) and sub-cladding structure, which is attached to the wall so that a ventilated space is formed between the cladding and the wall air gap. For additional insulation, insulation can be placed between the wall and the cladding.

During construction curtain façade you cannot set the value arbitrarily air gap. This is dangerous: moisture will accumulate in the insulation and it will lose its thermal insulation properties. You should not increase the amount of fastening material in order to fix the cladding more reliably - “cold bridges” may appear and sound insulation may be impaired. The base is not particularly leveled; work can be carried out in any weather. If the multilayer structure is done correctly, the renovated house will not be afraid of mold, mildew, or natural disasters. In winter it will be reliably protected from the cold, in summer – from the heat.

Thanks to the variety of facing materials, a decrepit “hut” can be turned into a charming house overnight. The slabs are installed easily and quickly. The simplest and most economical option cladding – façade made of vinyl siding. Of the more expensive materials, the most popular today are porcelain stoneware, fiber cement and laminated panels. The attention of private developers is also attracted by facade panels - slabs made from various materials that are produced with insulation, for example, “Polyfacade” slabs.

Wooden house

If the walls of an old wooden house, made of logs or beams, are well preserved and reliably retain heat, common sense dictates that you should not spoil the natural beauty of the tree. It is quite enough to caulk the seams, clean and treat the wood with special antiseptics, dry it, and then tint or paint it. Similar “procedures” will have to be performed if you want to sheathe the log house.

There is a reason for this decision: by protecting the walls from exposure external factors, you will once and for all eliminate the main problems that arise during the operation of a wooden house. Take the preparatory work responsibly. Don't hide flaws behind cladding. In uncaulked cracks, for example, moisture will collect and the wood will gradually rot.

It looks most logical in the cladding of a log house wooden lining and block house. These materials create additional protection facade, while maintaining the “spirit of wood”. Their color palette is not limited to natural shades; other color solutions are also possible.

Block house is environmentally friendly material from coniferous species wood, with good thermal insulation properties, resistant to adverse natural factors, durable, does not crack or deform, easy to install. The only thing that confuses me is its price. A cheaper version is also sold - vinyl block house.

Basically, wooden walls You can also plaster, but this finishing method seems irrational and is almost never used at present. You can veneer a log house with brick - beautiful, environmentally friendly, durable. If only it weren't so expensive.

Preferable options for ventilated facades are faced with siding, fiber cement boards, various facade panels(if you live in an area with difficult climatic conditions, take a closer look at materials that have a more reliable protective covering). And let the decisive argument in favor of this or that material be its quality, and not its low cost. We are not rich enough to buy a cheap product.

  • Old new facade, DIY apartment renovation

    The first thing the owner should do is carefully inspect the structure. In any home, over time, the roof, walls and gutters require repairs. Today we’ll focus on the walls, on which the integrity and reliability of the house generally depends. | Online tutorial on apartment and house renovation

Features of repair work on the facade of a private house

Features of repairing the external walls of a private house - from plaster to siding

High-quality facade work, when the facade of a private house is being repaired, is one of the most important construction processes.

The reason is quite logical, since it is the facade as a whole that forms the exterior of a real estate object, giving it a certain aesthetic perception.

Repair of house facades is carried out only when the roof arrangement is completely completed. Variety finishing materials, present in the list of offers available on the market, allows everyone to choose an option based on their own design preferences, and real financial opportunities.

Materials and technologies - there are plenty to choose from

Among the list of the most popular materials, it is worth highlighting plaster, siding, stone, tiles and porcelain stoneware, and decorative brick.

Repairing the façade of a private house also involves the active use of ventilated panel technology. Its main advantage is ease of installation, the possibility of installing thermal insulation, ease of work, ventilation of walls and, of course, attractive appearance.

The described facade design looks like metal or wooden base, to which composite panels, porcelain stoneware, natural stone and other decorative elements are attached.


In turn, facade repairs residential buildings or other types of buildings using plaster finishing is a kind of unshakable classic, the popularity of which has not diminished over the years. Most often, plasters are used, consisting of base material cement with various types of impurities.

Swiftly emerging technologies, used modern manufacturers materials, gave us such varieties of plaster as acrylic, silicone, with insulation, and decorative options.

Repair of facade plaster, its technology, in particular, involves the use of one or another specific material only after you are clearly convinced that it is suitable specifically for your case.

The main advantage of plaster is that it allows you to level out any surface imperfections, giving it perfect evenness. Before applying the material, the wall surface is cleaned of dust and dirt deposits, and is also treated with a special primer. To increase the service life of the material, one of its layers is reinforced with mesh.

Repairing the façade of a private house, which involves covering it with siding, is good because it is a very easy process, which even those who do not have specific knowledge of desired area. Its essence lies in the installation of metal or vinyl strips, placed one on top of the other.

The siding can be equipped with a vapor-permeable film and, if desired, also adding insulation. This is perhaps the undisputed leader among all methods when you need to repair the facade of a house with your own hands.

Stone, tiles and porcelain tiles

Options with stone, tiles and porcelain stoneware involve much higher financial costs than the other methods above. Most often they are used in tandem with one of the classical methods. Thus, stone-plaster or tile-plaster combinations are widespread.

It is better to entrust work of this kind to professionals, since even the smallest inaccuracy in their implementation can cause new serious repairs of external walls in the future.

Many people prefer facing bricks for their beautiful view, which is further facilitated a large number of original forms and color ranges. The method of laying it is almost the same as for ordinary brick, with the only difference being that a more subtle approach is provided here.

A characteristic advantage of this material is the possibility of laying thermal insulation between the wall and itself, for which, as a rule, expanded clay is used. If the facade of houses that have already been built or used is being repaired, it is recommended to first increase the size of the plinth, providing a high-quality stop for laying decorative bricks.

Is the repair cosmetic or major?

Before starting façade repairs, it is necessary to determine the degree of damage to the façade, depending on which the work may be complex or cosmetic in nature. Of course, the second option looks preferable, and this is logical, because it does not involve large-scale labor and financial costs.

However, even if you “patch” the holes with a certain periodicity, after a certain period of time, due to environmental and other factors, the frame of the building is so damaged that major repairs will still take place prerequisite its restoration.

Cosmetic repair of the facade

Redecorating the facade of a private house or another type of building involves restoring the original appearance of the surface, without changing the texture and color. The workflow includes a number of the following stages:

  1. determining the list of work that will be required for a complete repair;
  2. preparing the façade surface for repairs;
  3. restoration of finishing in places where it was damaged;
  4. Finishing work.

Façade survey

Let's look at it step by step. So, you have decided to repair the facade of your house yourself. In order to initially understand how much work we have to do, it is necessary to carefully examine the facade as a whole, finding places with damaged finishing, cracks, and voids.

Here you can turn to purely visual perception, or use the method of tapping the surface with a hammer, which allows you to determine the presence of defects.

Exterior Wall Cleaning

Having discovered damage, you will need to remove the finishing layer in its place, using a hammer and chisel, this is done until you come to places that fit tightly to the wall. After this, using a cutter, you increase the volume of the found cracks, removing all unnecessary deposits from them.

Alignment of walls

The next stage, included in the list of processes combined into general concept“repair of the façade of a private house” involves restoration and finishing work.

The basis for their successful implementation is high-quality sealing of surfaces in areas where finishing is planned, as well as leveling or “finishing” treatment with plaster followed by putty.

Important processes are also: grinding, priming and eliminating detected cracks.

Painting and plastering

The finishing work itself is, first of all, painting the walls, which is done after the damaged areas have been thoroughly impregnated with primer. Or laying the facing material, based on which of the finishing methods indicated at the beginning of this article was chosen.

Decorative plastering is widely used. Repair of facade plaster, the technology of which is described above, in addition to purely aesthetic appeal, also provides additional protection to the surface.

Major renovations - what you need to know

Major renovation facade of the building - this includes and processes inherent in cosmetic finishing. However, in addition to them, it also provides for a number of other operations, including: partial restoration of the areas of the facade most affected by destruction, bringing the elements of brickwork and stucco into proper form, sealing seams, insulating from moisture, replacing drainage cornices, and installing insulation.

Major repairs of house facades are relevant in situations where:

  • the amount of damage is more than a third of the total area of ​​the facade;
  • it is necessary to make significant changes to the layout of the building,
  • the reason for which may be repurposing (for example, a residential building into a commercial establishment);
  • a large-scale restoration of part of the façade is needed;
  • installation of a ventilated façade is required.

If repairs to house facades are necessary due to damage to more than 30% of its surface, the finishing is completely removed, after which its restoration begins. Removal is carried out with a special tool, then the surface of the walls is cleaned, hydro- and thermal insulation, plastering or laying of a preparatory layer under the facing material is carried out. After this comes finishing work.

Changes in the profile of a building, as a rule, are characterized by its general redevelopment, which, of course, also includes a change in the facade. Here, similar to the previous case, the previous finish is completely dismantled and replaced with an updated one. The same processes, and in the same order, are carried out during partial restoration.

As with any other construction and repair work, considering such a process as repairing the facade of a private house or industrial building, it is worth clarifying that for its successful implementation it will be necessary to have, first of all, high-quality materials, otherwise new renovation will need to be done very soon.

In addition, if you do not have the theory and experience of using modern construction canons, plus you do not have the appropriate tools, it will be irrational to repair the facade of a house with your own hands. Therefore, the most reasonable decision would be to seek help from a professional.

Repair of house facades - DIY repair of the facade of a private house

How to repair the facade of a house with your own hands, what materials to choose, what to prefer - a major overhaul of the facade once or annually cosmetic work? See a detailed analysis of the issue on our website.

Do-it-yourself façade repair of a private house

Repairing the facade of a house with your own hands must begin with sealing existing cracks in the facade of the house. If there are no such cracks, then you are lucky, and if not, then our article with photos and videos will help you! Where to begin? First, let's remove upper layer old decoration home, in order to determine the size and depth of the crack. Then we “pick out” the material on the sides of the crack for better further adhesion to the cement. We prime.

Most often you need to fill them out using cement mortar, and cover the top with reinforced putty, but you can also fill it with polyurethane foam. If there are doubts about the depth of the crack, it is better to reinforce it with reinforced mesh. Using a spatula, apply glue and glue the mesh onto it (make sure that the mesh does not protrude and fits tightly). If there is a break in the brickwork, it is necessary to reposition the entire section of the brick, but if you plan to putty the masonry, then the principle remains the same.

The repair work is completed, we are moving on to the preparatory work. It is necessary to clean the walls of the remnants of “antiquity”. The next step is primer. Using a roller, we treat the walls of the house at least twice. We use a primer, like all subsequent materials, for exterior work (for example, acrylic). After complete drying, it is necessary to level the walls and corners. To align the corners, we apply corners to all parts of the house that require it. Using plaster we smooth out all the flaws in the house. The thickness should be about 2 cm - no less. After drying, sand it. Now the facade, as in the photo, is ready for application decorative plaster or plaster for painting.

Simple DIY repair of the façade of a private house using bark beetle plaster: mix the solution in a bag as indicated in the instructions for your plaster. Consider the nuances: the water should be 15-20 degrees, you need to pour the mixture into the water (not vice versa), after stirring you need to wait 2 minutes, then move again. Mix a small amount. If you do not have experience, it will take you a long time to achieve an accurate result, so the solution will dry out. The application layer must correspond to the size of the fractions indicated on the label. Using a metal spatula, apply the plaster. Each row should be applied close to each other.

For convenience, you can use a level to draw out small areas and work in parts. For this purpose glue masking tape at the border, we reach it, after drying (about a day) we peel it off and glue it to the back part and apply a layer of plaster of the same thickness. To check the degree of dryness, use a plastic grater - if it sticks, it’s not ready. Final stage mashing. It is carried out vertically, horizontally or in a circular motion. There is no need to press hard on the grater and create “waves”. After you have rubbed the first row, immediately begin rubbing the second. To smooth the joints, spray them with water. Do not divide the entire process into lunches, smoke breaks, etc. – it is advisable to do everything at once. The most favorable season is spring or autumn and calm weather.

Repairing the facade of a private house with your own hands: photo, video

From our review with photos and videos you will learn everything about repairing the facade of a private house. How to repair the facade of a private house with your own hands? Watch a video of repairing the facade of a house using bark beetle plaster.

Not only the appearance depends on the condition of the facade apartment building and the company office. When the protective layer is destroyed and cracks form, moisture begins to seep into the structure. Black spots of fungus appear in the corners. Heating requires more energy. The noise from the street is louder. Repairing the facade brings comfort back to the apartment and office. The building takes on an attractive appearance. The protective finishing layer has been restored, and the life of the house will be extended for several years.

Repair of house facade

Timely repair and finishing of the facade prolongs the life of the building and creates comfort in the home

Cosmetic repairs of facades must be carried out regularly, approximately every five years. In this case, only the finishing of the house is replaced, small thin cracks are repaired. The walls are covered with decorative and at the same time protective cladding. Regular preventative work will help to avoid in the near future the large costs of reconstructing the building frame during a major overhaul.
When water gets into a small crack, it expands when it freezes, destroying the material. The next drop will penetrate deeper. The wind blows away particles of finishing and bonding material. A broken drain does not drain water and wets the foundation, causing part of the foundation to sag. The house begins to get damp, cool down and fall apart more and more. In this case, only major repairs can restore the building.

Gutter replacement

Repair of building facades and apartment buildings in the city there are special teams that have lifts or climbing equipment. You can put your private house in order with your own hands.

The sequence of work is the same:

  1. Inspection of the entire facade, determining the degree of destruction and the scope of future repairs.
  2. Cleaning all cracks, moisture stains, salt protrusions and places where the finish is crumbling.
  3. Elimination of causes of wetting and salt formation, treatment of cleaned areas.
  4. Cleaning from dirt, dust, applying a primer or protective composition to the walls.
  5. Facade finishing.

If large cracks are detected, major repairs are necessary.

Crack on the facade

Cosmetic repair of a plastered facade

Brickwork and plaster suffer more than other types of finishing from destruction by rain and frost. Such buildings require regular façade repairs. These are mainly apartment buildings built in the second half of the last century.
I am constantly doing renovation work. I start by cleaning the plaster from dirt. At the same time, I tap the entire surface in search of hidden voids. These may include cracks and peeling finishes. The penetration of salt is noticeable immediately; it stands out as whitish spots. I carefully repair all defects. In places where moisture and salt accumulate, I examine the walls inside. Perhaps pores have formed on old pipes or dew accumulates due to damaged thermal insulation.

Plastering the facade

I continue after troubleshooting:

  • I clean out all voids and peelings;
  • I select salt plants to their full depth and treat the places where they form with a special compound;
  • I first seal cracks and deep dents and apply reinforced mesh fiberglass;
  • I cover the wall with a layer of plaster, embed the mesh in it vertically with an overlap;
  • I install a profile in the corners to strengthen them;
  • I apply a finishing coat;
  • After drying, I cover it with decorative acrylic putty or paint.

Walls finished with plaster and tiles are less susceptible to damage. The seams absorb moisture and fall out. It is necessary to check and tap each one at the beginning of the repair.

Wall insulation work

Brick absorbs moisture and does not store heat well, especially silicate brick. Repairing the facade of an apartment building often includes insulation. To select the correct materials and type of installation, it is necessary to make a project for the reconstruction of the facade and technical task for builders. This is what architects do. The work procedure remains the same, only after processing and leveling the walls is the insulation installed on the façade.

Insulation of the facade of a wooden house with polystyrene foam

For a tight fit of thermal panels you need Smooth surface. All cracks and potholes are sealed. Then the flatness is examined using a ruler. Deviation up to 2 mm. The vertical position of the wall is checked using an angular level. When tilted, water will drain and icicles will form. To improve adhesion, the facade is coated with a primer.
The boards are glued to the wall surface special glue. It is bought ready-made in the store. It is selected based on the materials that will be glued. Insulation made of basalt and stone wool additionally fixed with umbrella dowels. Mineral wool is placed between wooden planks and covered with fiber or film. Waterproofing is being done. Moisture removed from the wall to the outside will flow down it. Then plaster with mesh for strength and finishing. Facade repairs should be carried out in dry weather, preferably in summer.

Wall insulation work

Inspection and major repairs of the building structure

A signal for urgent major repairs is the formation of cracks from the foundation to the roof and horizontal cracks in the areas of floors between floors. This means that the house is shrinking and warping. Repair of the facade of a house should begin with a detailed examination, which must be performed in one of the specialized companies licensed to carry out this work. The causes of cracks are eliminated before façade work begins.
Basically, the distortion of the house structure causes soil subsidence in a small area. It can be provoked groundwater, broken drain, violation of foundation waterproofing, simple negligence and water leakage from the water supply or sewerage system. An inspection of an apartment building is carried out not only from the outside, but also from the inside.

House in need of major renovation

A technical specification is being drawn up to eliminate the causes that caused the destruction of the house and carry out major repairs. The foundation is being strengthened and the gutters are being repaired. After this, the cracks are cut out and covered. The use of a mesh is mandatory. All work must be done by specialized organizations for the project of reconstruction and repair of the facade.

Attention! In big cities, historical places and for ancient buildings it is necessary to issue a color passport for the facade. You cannot change the color and decor without permission.

Major home renovation

Wet and ventilated façade

Insulated facades are inspected and a list of defects is compiled. This could be corrosion of the metal profile, destruction of insulation or siding panels due to moisture. Rodents love foam plastic. Mineral wool rots when exposed to moisture. Then all damaged materials are removed and defects are cleaned. The insulation is being replaced and new cladding is being done.
Finishing slabs protect external walls well from wind, rain and protect from frost. Therefore, it is enough for insulated facades to carry out cosmetic repairs every five years. Cladding made of natural and artificial stone It is advisable to cover every three years protective composition. Apply to the seams between clinker and porcelain tiles waterproofing coating. Then the facade will need major repairs in 50 years or later.

Waterproofing coating on the seams between tiles

Do-it-yourself façade repair of a private house

The advantage of a private house is its low height. To carry out repair work, no special lifting equipment is needed. It is enough to make scaffolding or install a sliding ladder. Caring for the integrity of the home. It is necessary to regularly inspect the house from the outside and inside for the formation of cracks, stains of dampness and salt.
Insulation and finishing should be done immediately after completion of the installation of walls and roof. Then the house will last a long time and will be cozy. The repair procedure is the same as for an apartment building. The facade is cleaned, the surface is leveled and finally decorative finishing. All work is carried out at above-zero temperatures.

Repair work has been completed

Before finishing the building, it is necessary to make calculations for the vapor permeability of the materials. It should increase from the inside of the wall to the outside. Then the moisture that gets into the masonry will be discharged outside. Load bearing capacity the foundation must be sufficient to support the additional weight of the insulation and cladding. When in doubt, use lightweight materials: foam, mineral wool, acrylic and vinyl siding on a wooden beam.

The attractiveness of a house largely depends on the appearance of the façade walls. In addition, there are special construction technologies, allowing, simultaneously with the repair of facade walls, to carry out insulation of the building - losses on payment for coolants during the heating period are significantly reduced, and the comfort of staying in the premises is improved.

The need to repair the facade arises for several reasons.

  1. Natural physical wear and tear building materials . Nothing lasts forever; each type of building material has its own maximum service life. The need for repairs may also arise due to the wrong choice of materials; some of them can last for several decades, while others lose their original properties after just a few years.

    For example, on those plastered with cement-sand mortar, foam plastic products are installed as decorative elements. The service life of these materials is not comparable; situations arise when foam structures have to be replaced on perfectly suitable walls.

    Another reason is the wrong choice of materials; houses decorated with imported materials have such problems. Unfortunately, not all masters previously paid attention to specifications imported materials, especially since instructions in Russian were often absent. As a result, situations arose when facing materials, suitable for use only at positive temperatures, were used for finishing houses in the northern regions of our country.

    Pay attention to the appearance of the facades, decorated with imported materials ten years ago. You will not find intact surfaces; they have cracks, and in some places the finishing is falling off. This is a clear example of the use of building materials without taking into account manufacturers' recommendations.

  2. Gross violations of building codes and regulations. Such mistakes are made by both construction crews and inexperienced craftsmen trying to finish facades on their own. The first ones miss some technological operations in order to speed up work and increase your earnings, the second due to ignorance or inability. The plaster is falling off, the siding is sagging, windows and doors do not open/close. The repair is quite complicated; most often it is necessary to dismantle defective coatings.

  3. Emergencies. Facade walls are damaged after fires, hurricanes and hail. The scope of repair work depends on the extent of damage. In some cases it is necessary to make major repairs, in others cosmetic ones are enough.

The technology of repair work depends on the material used to make the façade walls and the finishing features, the scope of work and its complexity. All types of repairs can be divided into two: cosmetic and capital.

Type of repair of facade wallsShort description
RedecoratingThe recommended frequency is five years. The surface of the façade walls is inspected and small areas are repaired. problem areas, the final paint coating is renewed. Load-bearing structures and complex architectural elements are not affected. The volume and cost are small.
Major renovationA complex type of repair that requires complete dismantling of old coatings and special technological measures to restore original performance load-bearing elements buildings. Often combined with wall insulation. The work requires special preparation, and the cost may exceed the cost of the initial façade finishing. Sometimes windows and doors are changed.

Specific stages of work depend on the complexity of the damage and the type finishing facade walls. Let's look at the most common cases.

Walls are plastered on brick, concrete and block buildings. If the technology is followed, it can last for many decades; problems arise only as a result of emergency incidents or gross violations of the work technology. How to repair plastered facade walls?

Step 1. Inspect the surfaces carefully. Immediately mark identified deep cracks with chalk or a marker, paying attention to their location.

If you can see fallen plaster on the façade, that’s a big problem. You will have to tap all surfaces to identify air chambers. Check the walls with an ordinary wooden mallet; a drum sound will appear in the place of a weak connection. Beat the plaster without pity, don’t expect it to last.

The plaster can fall at the most inopportune moment, which will complicate renovation work. To inspect the condition of the walls of two-story buildings, you need to collect scaffolding. Beat the plaster until you hit something solid.

Step 2. Inspect the condition of the brickwork under the fallen plaster; in many cases, the brick in such areas has lost its strength and crumbles easily. Remove it; if after removal a large depression is formed, it will have to be repaired.

Clean the recess thoroughly Using a trowel, pour part of the prepared solution into a niche The top and sides of the brick are coated with mortar
Inserting a brick into a wall niche The remaining mortar must be filled into the seams Using a damp sponge, wash the repair area

Small cracks are repaired with a metal spatula. You can use commercial putty or make the solution yourself. As always, dampen the area before sealing.

Prices for popular types of putty


Practical advice. The faster the putty dries, the less strength it has. The cracks are being repaired thin layer As a result, it quickly loses moisture. To improve strength indicators, moisten its surface several times during setting.

Once the solution is completely dry, start plastering. After leveling the surface with a damp sponge, carefully level the area where the new plaster meets the old one, avoiding differences in height.

Video - Facade plaster

Next, the walls need to be painted. The paint should be the same as the old one or a little darker. If you want to make the facades lighter, then you need to cover the walls with at least two layers. Before painting, go over areas of the wall with fresh plaster with a roller or brush. If this is not done, then multi-colored spots will be visible on the facade. Use only dyes for exterior use; façade paints have excellent characteristics. water-based paints. In terms of price to quality ratio, they have no equal among other materials. If there is dust or dirt on the façade walls, they will have to be cleaned. Use ordinary brushes, some areas can be washed off running water from a garden hose. Of course, after washing the walls must dry.

Prices for different types of construction paints

Construction paint

How to repair a hole in polystyrene foam

Many brick and panel houses insulated with foam plastic boards. They are fixed to the facade walls, protected from damage with a plastic reinforcing mesh, sealed with putty and painted.

Polystyrene foam has excellent heat-saving properties and is quite an affordable material. But it has one unpleasant characteristic - low strength. As a result, with strong impacts on facade cladding holes appear.

They should be sealed in this way:

  • Using a sharp mounting knife, cut off the reinforcing mesh around the damage;
  • clean the hole from damaged foam, remove all “balls”;
  • stick pieces of thin wire around the perimeter of the hole into the foam board. They should extend several centimeters into the body of the leaf and cover the hole crosswise. This design will act as reinforcement;
  • wet the surface of the foam and fill the hole with foam. Give it time to harden;
  • cut off excess foam at the level of the foam board;
  • Carefully repair the damaged area with putty. There is no need to make a patch from the reinforcing mesh; the likelihood of repeated damage to the wall in the same place is very low. If you are worried, then the patch should be at least 5 cm larger than the size of the hole around the entire perimeter. But know that a thickening will appear in this place, which an experienced builder will always notice.

Next you need to paint the surface. It is not advisable to repaint the entire facade; select the color of the dye, experiment with various additives and their quantities. Remember that the color of the paint changes slightly after drying, so test it on any pieces of foam before applying.

Repair of plastic and wooden facade cladding

This facade decoration has universal application, it is used for both wooden and stone buildings. If you need to change the entire casing, then get ready for a significant investment of time and money. The old casing is completely dismantled and removed load-bearing frame. At the same time, visible wall defects are eliminated. If natural ventilation was missed during the covering, then mold or mildew may appear on the surface. Such areas must be impregnated with special antibacterial agents. In the future, when installing new casing, do not forget about arranging vents for ventilation.

There are times when you need to replace one or more plastic panels. How is this type of repair carried out? There are two options, choose the best one for yourself

First. Remove the entire row of plastic panels from the wall, starting from the top. Very long, difficult and inconvenient. We do not recommend using this method.

Second. Remove only the damaged plastic panel. It’s not even possible for the entire length, but only the problematic part between the vertical support rails.

If you still have pieces of panels left after covering the facade of the house, then after the repair the wall will completely restore its original appearance. If not, go to the store and pick up similar panels. And depending on your luck.

The work with wooden linings is a little more complicated. After dismantling the damaged one, clean the area and remove all the nails. It will not be possible to insert a new section into the lock. Carefully remove the thorn from one side of the new piece and put it in place. One edge will fit into the lock, and the second will have to be nailed down with nails. First, bite off the heads from them, protect the visible metal rod from rust using any method.

Prices for lining

How to repair the facades of old wooden houses

Most often, such work is required by old village houses. Depending on the technical condition works can be quite simple or very complex. We recommend covering the walls plastic lining. Why? Firstly, this is the fastest and cheapest option. Secondly, there is no point in using expensive wooden lining for decoration, except when you want to not only repair, but also restore the building.

At the same time as covering the facades, be sure to insulate the walls. Current prices energy providers are forced to take all possible measures to insulate buildings. Old houses are small in size; there is no point in reducing the internal area for insulation. You should not assume that wooden houses meet modern requirements for heat conservation. For middle zone In our country, the thickness of the log house should be 60 cm; only such parameters meet the requirements for heat conservation. Have you seen many houses with such wall thickness parameters? For the example of repairing the facade of an old house, we will choose the most difficult option– façade walls need not only to be sheathed, but also to be repaired.

Step 1. Remove the old trim, if there is any, of course. Inspect the condition of the frame crowns and foundation. If the house is very old, then the two lower crowns will have to be replaced; they will definitely rot. In addition, foundations were not made for such buildings; the house was placed on large boulders. At best they were all around the perimeter, at worst only at the corners. People of the older generation remember how doors did not open in winter and did not close in summer, or vice versa. The house was so “movable” that it even window frames were distorted. Modern technologies cladding requires immobility of load-bearing façade walls. Conclusion: the foundations will have to be strengthened.

Step 2. If you need to change the rotten crowns of a log house, you will have to call for help professional craftsmen. They must be able to work with an ax and a chisel, not just a chainsaw. Each facade wall is jacked up on both sides in turn, and rotten logs are removed. As a rule, floor coverings were made on the third and higher crowns; old builders provided for the need to periodically replace one or two crowns. This makes the work much easier.

Important. There are houses with five walls. This name is given to buildings that, in addition to the façade, have another load-bearing wall. They are much larger in area than ordinary ones. When jacking up the house, be sure to lift the “fifth” wall. If this is not done, the deformations may reach critical values, which will negatively affect the stability of the entire structure.

Step 3. Remove rotten logs, take measurements and prepare new ones. They must first be prepared and dried under a canopy for at least a year.

Step 4. Do columnar foundations. The depth is at least 50 cm plus a sand cushion up to 20 cm thick. Install the posts level at a distance of about two meters. Digging is very inconvenient, but there is nothing to be done; you will have to work a little.

Step 5. After the cement has hardened, place the logs on the posts and lower the frame into place. Don't forget about waterproofing. One facade wall has been repaired, start working on the rest.

Replacement lower crowns log house - photo

Video - Replacing crowns

The next stage is windows and doors. This is very important element facade. In most cases, you will have to replace not only the windows and doors themselves, but also the frames. If the log house is askew, cut new, smooth openings. It is not recommended to install plastic windows on such houses; the house looks very strange. But this is a matter of personal taste.

Video - Replacing windows in a wooden house

Video - Installing a window in a wooden house

The next step is impregnation of façade walls with effective antiseptics. Do not skip this stage, the tree is old and no longer has the initial safety margin. In addition, some damage remains invisible at first and manifests itself after sheathing.

Prices for wood preservatives

Impregnation for wood

The preparation of the facade walls is completed, you can begin cladding. As we have already said, it is more profitable to immediately insulate the walls. Take mineral wool at least 10 cm thick; it is better to use rolled wool: it fits tightly to the walls and provides increased thermal protection. Besides, mineral wool does not interfere with the ventilation of wooden walls.

Important. To prevent moisture from accumulating in the material, you should make an effective natural ventilation space between the insulation and the outer skin.

For finishing, choose according to your taste, installation technology is standard. If there is a desire, then it is better to use it. For fixation, you will have to attach a strong supporting frame. Don't forget to make drainage and blind area. Old houses do not always have such elements.

Begin repairing façade walls at the first sign of damage. During the inspection, the main thing is to find the cause of the defects and take measures to eliminate it. The most difficult option is that cracks appear on the brick facade walls due to problems with the foundation. These may be manifestations of both violations of construction technology and ineffective drainage of melt and rain water. Repairing the foundations of brick houses can only be done by specialized construction companies; do not do it yourself. The harm can be very great.

Many old wooden houses were lined with natural clapboard and painted on top with oil paints. If you want to change the paint, then be prepared for difficulties. Practitioners know that it is only in articles that such paint can be removed “quickly and without problems.” It is very difficult to remove it; you will have to work with a spatula, an angle grinder with a wire brush, or an industrial hair dryer.

After removing the paint, you need to sand the surface of the lining, repair leaky areas, etc. In practice preparatory work take at least a week. And then the surfaces will never regain their original appearance. Only after such complex and lengthy preparation can you begin repainting the façade walls of a wooden house.

Prices for pneumatic airbrushes, spray guns, texture guns

Pneumatic airbrushes, spray guns, texture guns

During construction or renovation of houses, never throw away remaining facade finishing materials. Their presence greatly simplifies the work; traces of repairs on the facade are invisible. If the store cannot find identical ones appearance materials, you will have to come up with and use additional decorative elements to hide prominent areas. This could be stucco, small ornaments on the wall, etc. An alternative is to completely renovate external finishing facade walls.

Video – Painting the facade of a wooden house