Recuperator air conditioner or for an apartment. What is the difference between a recuperator and an air conditioner and other equipment? Stable Energy Source

Structurally, an air conditioner with active heat recovery is a monoblock duct unit, which is designed to process air supplied from the street to air-conditioned rooms. The Clivet company produces air conditioners with active heat recovery, which can operate both in cooling mode (in summer and transitional periods) and in heat pump(During winter and transitional periods). Figure No. 1 shows appearance the main functional elements of an air conditioner with active heat recovery.

The unit includes the following functional elements:
A full-featured refrigeration circuit designed to cool or heat air supplied from outside to air-conditioned spaces. The refrigeration circuit includes: a rotary compressor, an internal air heat exchanger, an external air heat exchanger, expansion device- capillary tube, four-way flow control valve.
System automated control includes controller, remote control remote control, protection and automation devices.
- A low or medium pressure centrifugal fan on the air supply side is designed to organize the supply of air to the conditioned room through the air duct system.
- Low or medium pressure centrifugal fan on the air exhaust side is designed to organize air exhaust from the conditioned room through the air duct system.
- Air valve with drive designed for mixing supply and recirculation air.
- Highly efficient air filter designed to purify air supplied from the street to the premises.
- Electric heater low power(0.5-1 kW) are intended for heating air supplied from the street to the premises during the winter and transition periods
- Drain pan for collecting condensate.
Optionally, the unit can be equipped with the following elements:
- Steam humidifier, which is designed to humidify air supplied indoors from the street.
- Electric heaters of increased power.
- Drainage pump to remove condensate.

The choice of the most suitable device is determined by the need, user preferences and characteristics of the premises being served. It is necessary to calculate the volume of the premises of an apartment or house, determine your own preferences and obtain at least minimal information regarding the operating features of a particular type of ventilation device.

First of all, you need to understand the device parameters, compare their capabilities with other devices and determine the degree of performance under given conditions. Let's consider the most important characteristics equipment and their significance for air exchange and microclimate of the home as a whole:


Productivity is the amount of air supplied by the device per unit of time, usually per hour. In this case, it is impossible to indicate the performance of the fan installed in the breather, since the passage of the flow through the filters significantly slows down its speed, accordingly reducing the performance.

It is necessary to consider exactly the amount of air directly entering the room. This is an important value that allows you to determine the capabilities of the device.

Expert opinion

Fedorov Maxim Olegovich

A person needs 30 m 3 /hour fresh air. Based on the performance indicated in the passport, you can calculate how many people it is designed for. this device. It is necessary to take into account that all breathers have several operating modes and rarely operate at maximum. It is necessary to take the average value as the nominal speed.

Noise level

The operation of a fan is always accompanied by a certain sound produced by the engine and blades. In addition, which is also accompanied by noise. There is another source - the air duct facing the street serves as a conductor of external sounds.

All of them, in total, form a certain sound background that accompanies the operation of the device. Main source – electric motor, since the noise level changes mainly when switching speed modes.

The noise level is indicated in the passport. It is measured in decibels and ranges from 20-50 dB. How much this is, everyone judges in their own way, although on average speed the noise is usually almost inaudible. Unlike air conditioners or fixed ventilation systems Breathers are almost silent.

Air heater

Supply of cold air from outside to winter time will quickly lower the room temperature to completely unacceptable values. If it is -30°C outside, a cold stream will immediately cause the formation of condensation, icing and other troubles.

Some breather models do not have a heater, which automatically limits their operation to warm regions only. For Russian conditions, only devices that include an air heater are suitable.

Usually is installed ceramic element, does not burn oxygen. Its power is enough to raise the flow temperature to 50°, which is quite acceptable for heated rooms. It must be taken into account that the air is heated not to heat an apartment or house, but to maintain the existing temperature balance.


Most devices have multi-stage filtration of incoming air. There are models in which the flow passes through 4 filters in series.

A total of 3 types of filters are used:

  • base(fawn). Stops particles of dust, wool, poplar fluff, pollen and other fairly large elements that pollute the air flow

  • HEPA filter. Consists of fibrous nonwoven fabric, placed in a special casing in an accordion. Capable of stopping the smallest micron-sized particles. A feature of such filters is that the cleaning efficiency increases with increasing filter contamination, when the stopped particles themselves begin to work as filter elements

  • carbon filter. Capable of stopping paint, solvent odors, car exhaust fumes, etc.

The dust filter clogs the fastest, which takes the first contact with the air flow, so some models have 2 such filters that sequentially clean the supply air.

The ability of filters to produce high-quality cleaning is appreciated by people who are sensitive to odors, suffer from lung diseases or have allergies. Thanks to careful filtration you can have fresh air without opening the window and not letting odors, allergens and dust into the apartment.

Control system

The main control of ventilation devices is carried out from the remote control. Most breathers do not have any other customization options, which some users consider a noticeable drawback. In addition, there are models that can be programmed some time in advance.

The most modern designs can be controlled from a smartphone, for which you need to install the appropriate application. This method allows you to change the operating mode while being at another point globe. Communication with the device is carried out via WiFi, although some users in reviews complain about poor communication with servers.

Another option for controlling breathers is connection to the system smart home . The device, built into a common network, receives signals or commands from temperature or CO 2 sensors, changing the air supply mode for high-quality and prompt adjustment of certain microclimate parameters.

Advantages and disadvantages of a breather over climate systems

Climate systems, unlike ventilation devices, do not provide air exchange. The specificity of their actions is to create desired temperature air circulating indoors without updating its volume.

The room may have a comfortable, cool temperature and clean air, but its composition may well be far from sanitary standards- the carbon dioxide content is exceeded, as a result of which people’s well-being will worsen, drowsiness, lethargy, and a feeling of weakness will appear.

This is what distinguishes ventilation units from climate control units - ensuring the arrival of fresh inflow, normalizing the composition of the air and displacing emerging harmful substances. When the user is faced with the question of how to choose the right breather, he should first find out what it is.

What is a breather and how does it work?

Let's look at what a breather is, which one to choose, the pros and cons, and the design features of the device.

A breather is a household ventilation device that provides forced submission fresh air into living spaces. It consists of a body with structural elements, an air duct passing through a hole specially made in the wall, and an external decorative cap (not all models are equipped with this; some samples have to be decorated from the outside using accessible methods).

Outside air enters the intake pipe and passes into the housing. There it is sequentially passed through a filter system and a heater, after which it enters the room through an outlet grille, usually located on the top or sides of the housing.


The main advantage of the breather is high-quality cleaning of incoming air. It allows you to ventilate rooms without the need to open windows, which is highly valued by allergy sufferers or people sensitive to odors. In addition, breathers allow you to normalize work, which cannot work with modern plastic windows that do not allow outside air.

Job natural exhaust designed to allow a certain amount of fresh air to enter through leaks wooden windows or doors. Modern window and door blocks They have a high-quality seal that hermetically seals all cracks. There is no pressure drop required for natural exhaust to operate, so normal air exchange becomes impossible.

Breathers supply a supply air flow, which restarts the operation of the exhaust ducts, organizing normal air exchange in the rooms.


The disadvantages of the device include the need make a hole in external wall . If you need to change the location of the device, the hole will have to be made in a different place, and the existing one will have to be sealed. In addition, this requires the use of special equipment, and the work itself must be performed by an experienced specialist.

Disadvantages of a domestic ventilator

Ventilators are usually called wall or window valves. They perform almost the same functions as a breather or recuperator, but have a smaller set of capabilities or functionality.

The ventilators do not require connection to power supply networks, representing regular holes for the supply of fresh air, with an adjustable passage size and the presence of basic dust filters.

The main disadvantage of such devices is the lack of air heating, which significantly changes the microclimate and reduces the level of comfort for people. In winter, this disadvantage manifests itself especially noticeably, condensation forms, and icing of devices is observed.

How to choose between air conditioner and breather

The choice between an air conditioner or a breather is fundamental, since, despite their external similarity, the operation of these devices is fundamentally different from each other.

Expert opinion

Heating and ventilation engineer RSV

Fedorov Maxim Olegovich

Air conditioners provide recirculation internal air, cooling (or heating) it in accordance with the specified operating mode. Breathers supply outside air into the room, providing a medical standard for the composition of indoor air. Thus, air conditioners change the temperature, and breathers provide supply ventilation.

When choosing the most suitable type of device, you need to decide what functions are needed. If it is important to provide high-quality composition air without dust, allergens or bad odors, then you need to choose a breather. In cases where It is important to ensure coolness in a hot room, purchase an air conditioner.

What is better - a recuperator or a breather?

If a dilemma arises - a recuperator or a breather, what to choose and why, first of all you should clarify for yourself the purpose of these devices. Breezers have already been discussed above.

Recuperators are household ventilation devices, providing heating of fresh supply air using the thermal energy of the exhaust exhaust flow. The principle of operation of such installations is to pass air flows through a heat exchanger. Passing through its plates, warm exhaust air heats the plates, which transfer energy to the cold supply flow, as a result of which prepared and purified fresh air enters the room.

Manufacturers position recuperators as optimal solution for the home, allowing you to save on heating. In practice, things are more complicated, since the range permissible temperatures limited to -20°C, and for some models -15°C. The record holder is the Dutch recuperator Brink, the minimum temperature for which is +5°C. For the conditions of most regions of Russia, this means that for most of the winter the device will either work at the limit or be completely idle.

In addition, judging by user reviews, in apartment conditions V apartment buildings the recuperator is useless. He can't handle the pressure ventilation ducts, so it works without creating beneficial effect. Therefore, the user has no choice but to choose a breather with the most successful technical characteristics and obtain high-quality air exchange with the specified parameters.

Inexpensive models

Specifics of household air handling units is such that when purchasing an inexpensive breather, the user most often receives an ineffective device that is not able to fully solve existing problems.


The rating of breathers, characterized by high efficiency indicators and a successful set of functions, shows prices from 25,000 ₽ and higher. It's about about the breathers of the Tion family. Other manufacturers, releasing devices with lower performance indicators, set prices from 30-35 000 ₽

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An energy-efficient ventilation system in the cold season is enough actual question. Minimizing heat loss, which is constantly emitted from the room, will not only reduce the amount of utility bills, but also reduce the load on the room heating device.

Plate recuperators can help with this - devices that return part of the thermal energy from the exhaust air.

Heating the room in the cold season using a modern air conditioner allows you to maintain a comfortable microclimate in the room. The price you pay for comfort is electricity bills, the size of which can vary significantly depending on the outside air temperature.

At a relatively low cost, you can create an energy-efficient ventilation system, significantly reducing electricity costs.

A plate recuperator will allow you to implement this, and it does not matter whether it is purchased in a store or made by yourself. This device is built into the supply and exhaust ventilation ducts, helping to reduce “street heating” to a minimum.

Considering that on some days the difference in indoor and outdoor temperatures can reach fifty degrees Celsius, the importance of eliminating the mentioned effect becomes clear. Moreover, a huge number of circuits and ready-made devices for this are offered.

Air recovery principle

To understand the advantages and benefits of using recuperative heat exchangers, you first need to understand the very essence of their work. IN literal translation From Latin, recovery is called “return of used, spent.”

It is the energy return effect that is used in climate control devices of this design. Passing through the block air currents exchange thermal energy with each other, allowing the air conditioner to subsequently maintain comfortable temperature, using less energy. On particularly cold days, this allows you to significantly save on heating the room.

The air conditioner creates comfortable coolness in summer or warmth in winter, but does not provide an influx of fresh air. The ventilation system - Prana recuperator, unlike an air conditioner, provides us with fresh air, keeping it warm or cool thanks to the heat exchange system. Prana can work perfectly in tandem with an air conditioner in the same room, complementing each other.
The air conditioner creates coolness, and the recuperator, preserving it and reducing the load on the air conditioner, supplies fresh air to the room.

  • Why are there no electronic air ionizers in the ventilation system - PRANA recuperator?

Let's start with the fact that electronic air ionizers create “artificial ions”.
Due to the fact that the decentralized ventilation system - the Prana recuperator - is direct-flow and has a short path for air to pass into the room through the working module, the natural ionic and energy composition of the air is preserved.
In addition, thanks to the natural properties of copper and plastic from which the PRANA ventilation system is made, air, when passing through it, creates static energy, which feeds the ions and increases their lifespan.
Therefore, installing artificial air ionizers in the PRANA ventilation system does not make sense.

  • Why is there no additional electric heating of the air in the ventilation system - PRANA recuperator?

This ventilation system operates on the principle of recuperation: heating of supply air from the street occurs due to the heat of exhaust air. In this case, the ventilation of the room is carried out with a heat recovery coefficient of up to 67%.
If you install additional electric heating elements, then this coefficient increases, but this is no longer economically profitable.
We should not forget that the Prana recuperator is, first of all, a ventilation system, and not a heating system.
Its task is to supply maximum healthy and fresh air into the room for normal life activities human body and at the same time minimize heat loss, which is an integral part of all conventional ventilation systems.

  • Does condensation form inside the working module of the PRANA ventilation system?

The ventilation system we propose is a climate control technology, and just like any other climate control technology, it has prerequisites for the formation of condensation.
However, thanks to innovative constructive solution, a small amount of condensate, which can be formed due to air currents, is discharged into the street in the form of steam.
In addition, the recuperator is mounted in the wall at an inclination of 3-5° towards the street, which allows condensate to be discharged naturally to the street using special channels.

  • Is it possible for condensation to enter a ventilated room?

Condensation can enter a ventilated room only if the heat exchanger installation technology is violated (see page "Installation of Prana recuperators"), namely:
- absence slope horizontal axis of the device (during installation it is necessary to install the recuperator at an angle of 3~5 o) towards the street;
- poor-quality filling with thermal insulation the space between the recuperator body and the wall of the ventilated room, which leads to penetration of cold air through the voids, cooling of the body and internal grille of the device and, as a result, moisture condensation on cold surfaces (similar to the principle of a chilled bottle taken out of the refrigerator in a warm room).

During the entire period of operation of PRANA recuperators, no cases of icing of the working module at temperatures down to -15 ° C were recorded.
For climatic zones (including Far East), Where winter temperature drops below - 15 C, ventilation system It is equipped with a “mini reheat” function, which allows the device to be operated at temperatures below - 30 o C.

  • Is it possible for a draft to appear after installing a recuperator?

Use in a ventilated area exhaust ventilation creates a vacuum and with the recuperator turned off, natural penetration of outside air into the room is possible.
This phenomenon can be easily eliminated by turning on the recuperator to the minimum mode (“N”-night, or “1”) ventilation.

  • Does the supply and exhaust ventilation system - the Prana recuperator - allow noise from the street to pass through?

The supply and exhaust ventilation system - Prana recuperator - is equipped with a system of copper heat exchanger tubes.
Due to the fact that the sound wave, before entering the room from the street, passes a complex and broken path through this system, its amplitude decreases.As a result, the noise level is reduced by 7-8 times from the original.

  • What is the noise level during operation of the ventilation system - PRANA recuperator?

The PRANA ventilation system operates in several modes.
Noise level at a distance of 3 m from the device at maximum operating mode decentralized system ventilation - PRANA recuperator - does not exceed 40 dB, which is equivalent to the noise of an air conditioner.
In “night” mode - 26-30 dB, which is equivalent to the noise level of a running air conditioner.

  • How much electricity does the proposed ventilation system consume?

In maximum operating mode, the Prana recuperator consumes 32 W/hour (mini-heating - 55 W/hour), in night mode - 6 - 7 W/hour.

  • Does a decentralized direct-flow ventilation system - the PRANA recuperator - draw dust from the street into the room?

The supply and exhaust ventilation system - the Prana recuperator - is a working module with a standard diameter of 150 mm. It is mounted at the top of the wall bordering the street. Therefore, the probability of dust getting from the street into the room through it is no greater than through an open window.

In addition, thanks to natural properties copper (copper is a natural antiseptic, as close as possible to silver), an environment is created in the recuperator that does not support the vital activity of viruses, bacteria, and microbes.

In fact, the ventilation system - the Prana recuperator - is a self-cleaning installation.
But once a year (more often in places with high levels of air pollution) service maintenance device.
To do this, the internal ventilation grille, the heat exchanger is removed from the working module and wet cleaning is carried out.
Dry the heat exchanger and install it on workplace. We carry out the work when the ventilation system is disconnected from the power supply.

In maximum operating mode, the flow of fresh air into the room is 80 m3/hour, and the exhaust air is 72 m3/hour.
In average operating mode, the PRANA recuperator provides an air flow from the street of 25 m3/hour, while the exhaust is 20 m3/hour.
In order to compensate for the work of existing exhaust ventilation ducts, the influx of fresh air is always 5-8% greater than the hood.

  • In our apartment, after installing plastic windows, air humidity increased significantly, mold and mildew appeared on the walls. Can the PRANA recuperator solve these problems and how?

The fight against mold and mildew begins with removing the causes of their occurrence. Mold on the walls, black mold, fungus on the walls, windows “sweat”, humidity in the house, high humidity in the room - these are all the consequences of poor ventilation or its absence. Plastic windows almost hermetically separate the premises from the street, the ventilation in the house deteriorates sharply, the existing ventilation ducts stop working, even with installed exhaust fans, due to lack of air flow. Every home has sources of moisture formation (bathroom, kitchen, the person himself).
In the cold season, when briefly opening windows for ventilation is not enough to remove excess moisture from the premises, in cases where ventilation is absent or insufficient, moisture will accumulate and condense on cold surfaces ( plastic windows, slopes, corners, walls bordering the street). As a consequence, we get high humidity in the apartment and moisture on the walls, which creates ideal conditions for the formation of mold, and subsequently fungus, the spores of which have a very negative effect on human health. In addition, the oxygen content sharply decreases, the proportions of carbon dioxide and radon increase, which is also unhealthy. Installing a recuperator will ensure proper forced ventilation, normalizes the microclimate in the room, eliminates the cause of its appearance and will not allow mold and mildew to continue to develop and spread.
The recuperator will not destroy fungus or mold that already exist - the affected areas must be treated with antifungal agents until they are completely destroyed.

  • What is PRANA?

Prana (according to other sources - prana) - special kind vitality, energy.
Prane is the bioenergetic component of air, which includes the ionic composition and many other vital indicators. “Prana” is the catalyst of life.The energy “prane” belongs to the category of subtle energy.
It is known that mental and immune stability directly depend on the energy component of the air. That is why people who breathe artificial air (submariners, pilots, astronauts) are given extended vacations with mandatory visits to sanitary and treatment centers on the sea coast or in pine forests.
We also go for a walk “in the fresh air” after working in the office, even if it is polluted city air. Lack of prana causes decreased productivity, increased fatigue, depression mental state person.
It has been established that to ensure “prana” for a family of three, the minimum air exchange must be 5 m3/hour, the air must come exclusively from the outside, without mechanical influences, and the air duct cannot be longer than 1 m.

  • How quickly will the installation of a ventilation system - Prana recuperator - pay for itself?

When calculating the payback, it is necessary to take into account that installing a recuperator first of all creates comfort in the room, normalizes the microclimate, and eliminates the negative phenomena associated with the “sick building syndrome.”
Fresh air provides high disease prevention, healthy sleep and good health.
Thanks to the installation of the Prana ventilation system, you can improve the quality of the air in your home, ensure optimal level moisture and prevent the spread of mold and mildew.
The money spent on treatment and the constant elimination of negative phenomena in the room significantly exceeds the cost of installing a ventilation system, which allows you to save on heat and electricity, and not on the health of your loved ones.

  • Is the ventilation system - PRANA recuperator - equipped with filters and protective nets?

As a matter of principle, we do not install filters in the recuperator. Because the name of the recuperator is Prana, and Prana is the energy component of air. And when air passes through the filter, we lose this energy component.
In fact, the filter, unlike the perfect air purification systems in our body (namely alveolar macrophages), accumulates dust and organic residues and after a short time the ventilation system becomes most contaminated through it.
In addition, the filter requires constant timely replacement, which, unfortunately, in most cases does not happen for a number of reasons: for some it is expensive, and for some people simply forget to do it. And, as a rule, filters are installed not for the purpose of air purification, but for the purpose of extending the operational life of the ventilation system itself.
The ventilation grilles of the Prana recuperator are protected by special meshes that do not distort the air quality and at the same time prevent the entry of insects, fluff and other foreign particles into the room.
In addition, thanks to the natural properties of copper (copper is a natural antiseptic, as close as possible to silver), an environment is created in the recuperator that does not contain the vital activity of viruses, bacteria, and microbes.

  • Is it possible to use the ventilation system - PRANA recuperator - as a kitchen hood?

The PRANA recuperator is designed and produced as climate control equipment: a ventilation system. Therefore, the recuperator cannot be installed above an open fire source and cannot be used as a kitchen hood.
However, the PRANA recuperator can be perfectly used as additional ventilation kitchens. In any operating mode, this ventilation system always provides 5-8% more supply air than exhaust air, which compensates for the work of existing exhaust ducts.

IN last years Many people install air conditioners in their homes and offices. Having air conditioning has become an indicator of quality of life. Our goal is not to devalue air conditioners. This useful devices, which cope perfectly with the main task assigned to them - cooling the air in the room. IN summer period The benefits of air conditioning are difficult to overestimate; it really makes life easier for many people.

In this article we will touch on another aspect. The reaction of some of our clients and acquaintances to the story about compact supply ventilation - ventilators - was the question “ Why do you need a ventilator if an air conditioner is already installed?" Let's look at the most common misconceptions regarding air conditioners and ventilators.

Like most devices that combine several functions, supply air conditioners are rather weak in “additional” functionality, which for them is the supply of fresh air. Observe: when they write about air conditioners, as a rule, they always describe in detail about filters, innovations and other “bells and whistles”.

Myth No. 1. The air conditioner supplies fresh air to the room

The diameter of the hole when installing an air duct for an air conditioner with a supply function is 4 cm, which gives a cross-sectional area of ​​about 13 cm2. The diameter of the hole when installing an air duct for a ventilator is on average from 10 to 16 cm, this gives a cross-sectional area of ​​80-200 cm2. Thus, the cross-sectional area of ​​the ventilator duct is 6-15 times larger. It follows that:

with the same fan performance and other equal conditions, The ventilator will supply 6-15 times more fresh air into the room.

At the same time, the ventilator performance is designed to ensure sufficient quantity oxygen up to 4-7 people (the norm for providing one person with fresh air in a room is 30 m3 per hour). The volume of air supplied by the supply air conditioner is not enough for even one person to breathe comfortably.

Myth No. 2. Air conditioner purifies the air

In fact. The air conditioner undoubtedly cleans the air, but standard models are equipped only with coarse air filters, which, if you look closely, are most often metal mesh, retaining coarse and medium dust indoor origin. Such a filter cannot prevent the neutralization of microorganisms, pollen, small dust particles, bacteria and allergens that have entered the room.

Premium air conditioner models are equipped with fine air filters and a function for deactivating microorganisms and bacteria. But even inexpensive ventilator models, costing up to 30,000 rubles, are equipped with fine air filters, preventing small particles of dust, allergens, odors, impurities, and tiny contaminants from entering the room ( dust mite, mold, mildew, bacteria and viruses, etc.). After all, it is easier (and usually cheaper) to prevent a problem than to eliminate its consequences.

In addition, on filters and in drainage system Due to moisture condensation in the internal unit of the air conditioner, pathogenic microorganisms, carcinogenic substances and spores of pathogenic fungi accumulate (and often, due to untimely maintenance, multiply) and infect residents. Since the ventilator has no contact with water, its filters do not pose such a danger.

Of course, as in the case of an air conditioner, the condition of observing timely (recommended by the manufacturer) cleaning and replacement of filters is the main guarantee of healthy air and trouble-free operation of the equipment - any equipment must be monitored. The only difference is that the ventilator is a household appliance and it is quite easy to service it yourself, while cleaning the air conditioner, as a rule, requires a visit from a qualified employee service department and specialized equipment (especially cleaning and diagnostics of the outdoor unit of the air conditioner, which is strongly not recommended and even prohibited to be performed without appropriate qualifications).

Myth No. 3. Air conditioners and ventilators are installed in the same way

In fact. Household air conditioner has both external and indoor unit(or several blocks). Installing an air conditioner on external wall building is not always possible: this is interpreted as redevelopment, which requires approval - that is, bureaucratic red tape with an unpredictable result.

Many residents install air conditioners without permission, without going through the redevelopment approval procedure. However, this is fraught with problems: such residents can be sued by both neighbors and Management Company or city authorities. With a high probability, the claim will be satisfied - there are already such precedents - and the air conditioner will have to be dismantled.

As for the ventilator, its installation indoors does not affect the appearance of the building, is not considered a redevelopment, and therefore is not subject to approval. From the outside of the building, the hole is closed with a grill. There are no special regulations regulating this aspect, so installing gratings without approval is legal.

Since the ventilator does not have an external unit, to install it no special climbing equipment is required, which reduces installation costs. Installation is carried out from inside the room: first, a hole is cut using diamond drilling equipment, then outside a grille is installed (if the client wishes, with a canopy against precipitation), and with inside- the device itself. Diamond drilling so neat that the “torn-out wall” effect is impossible, thanks to which the ventilator can be installed in a finished room. As for the air conditioner, to install it, many installers use a hammer drill, which, if not used very skillfully or in the case of a problem wall (hitting the reinforcement), can greatly “damage” it. Our specialists use exclusively diamond equipment when installing air conditioners.

Installation of the ventilator does not involve laying long air ducts - in 90% of cases the length of the air duct is equal to the thickness of the wall (with the exception of the case of laying the air duct through a balcony or loggia). The air coming from the ventilator spreads throughout the room without the help of pipes.

Myth No. 4. The air conditioner heats the air

In fact. This is partly true - the air conditioner is made in the form of a split system, can heat the air. However, there are a number of limitations, the main one of which is the impossibility of heating in winter. You can turn on the split system for heating only with positive outside temperature(more expensive models - up to -10C). When you try to heat a room with an air conditioner in cold weather, the compressor in an inexpensive air conditioner may break down, and in an expensive one the electronics will not allow you to turn on the heating. In autumn and spring, at above-zero temperatures, turning on the air conditioner in heating mode should be done with caution, since the radiator external unit cools and forms on it a large number of condensation and to prevent damage to the air conditioner, it is necessary to remove it regularly.

In the descriptions of some air conditioners you can see the “winter kit” function. Some consumers, without understanding, believe that this air conditioner function will provide optimal temperature indoor air in winter. In fact, this function implies cooling of rooms with intense heat generation in winter(for example, rooms where a large amount of equipment is located). This has nothing to do with air heating, which is relevant for most consumers.

Now about the ventilators. Devices having climate control function, heats the air in the room to a user-specified temperature regardless of the temperature outside the window. The greater the temperature difference, the more efficient the heating. A number of ventilators without a climate control function also heat the air, but without the ability to set a specific degree - the device has several heating powers, and the higher this power, the warmer the temperature of the fresh air in the room.

Ventilators that are not equipped with a heater (their cost is correspondingly lower) can be installed next to a heating radiator, due to which the supplied air will be heated.


Thus, we can conclude that air conditioner and ventilator - different devices, designed to solve various tasks, and ideally complement each other. If there is a ventilator in the room, a simple, inexpensive air conditioner is sufficient to cool the air in the summer, since the functions of supplying fresh air, filtering it from all kinds of impurities and, if necessary, heating are decided by the ventilator.

But as soon as it comes to the influx function, there is silence. In addition, manufacturers and suppliers do not like descriptions supply air conditioner indicate that even at the lowest speed it is very noisy (after all, no one has repealed the laws of physics, and in order to supply the same volume through a narrower channel, the supply speed must be higher, which inevitably follows: OR the fan performance must be higher, and this automatically means more noise, OR the supply volume should be LESS). Now to the numbers:

Concerning air handling units, recuperators, then theyheat the air through heat transfer supply air from the exhaust. In this case, the air flows do not mix (this is possible through the thoughtful design of the device). In the case of a recuperator, heating is not even required additional costs for electricity.