Is it possible to install a suspended ceiling in the kitchen? Is it possible to install a suspended ceiling in the kitchen - and is it worth it? Which design solutions should you prefer?

Stretch ceiling - new technology under renovation in our country, so many questions still arise regarding it, especially for premises with high humidity and temperature changes. Many people doubt whether it is possible to do it in the kitchen suspended ceiling whether it will lose its properties and appearance under such difficult conditions. But after weighing all the pros and cons, there is only one answer: it is not only possible, but also necessary, since this is the most technologically advanced solution. You just need to know a few important features for excellent results.


Everything new is well forgotten old. The practice of stretched fabric existed back in Ancient Egypt, Rome, Greece. In the houses of rich people, the walls and ceilings were covered with fabric, most often silk. Gradually, such decor came to naught due to impracticality and high cost. Nowadays, suspended ceiling fabrics are made from different materials.


The two most popular materials for stretch ceilings are fabric and PVC film. Fabric is considered a more environmentally friendly and expensive option, but in terms of its user characteristics it is inferior to film.

Textile not suitable for the kitchen because it absorbs dust, dirt and grease, which will be difficult to clean. And it will be even more difficult to fight ingrained odors. In addition, the fabric will not save you from a flood if your neighbors' pipe bursts - in which case the entire kitchen set will be ruined.

PVC film wins this competition because it is cheaper and more practical. To wash this coating, you need a regular rag and soapy water. It does not absorb fat and odors, so you just need to wipe the surface.

Due to the material, the ceiling can withstand a huge amount of water - this will save furniture and repairs from the broken pipe of the neighbors. Then you need to call the craftsmen, who will drain the water through the hole for the lamp and dry the ceiling to prevent mold.

A ceiling made of PVC film is considered the optimal solution for the kitchen, since it is easy to care for, it does not absorb dirt, is durable and stable.

Matte or glossy?

The good thing about stretch ceiling fabric is that it can create a satin shine effect. Due to this, the fabric is often used in living rooms and bedrooms. Such a soft shine cannot be achieved with PVC film, so there are only two options to choose from - matte and gloss.

This decision should be made by the owner of the kitchen himself, based on his taste preferences. But there are also some functional features that need to be discussed.

The most common finishing solution, since it resembles a standard, but perfectly smooth whitewashed coating.

A glossy ceiling looks more unusual and attracts attention. Thanks to the glare of light, it increases the space, which is useful in small kitchens.

This solution looks great in rooms designed in modern style: hi-tech, minimalism, modern. It is desirable that the highlights be repeated in the interior: for example, in wall panels, facades or at least technology.

There is one downside - caring for a glossy ceiling is more difficult, since stains may remain after washing it.

To eliminate them, you need to moisten a microfiber cloth in ammonia and wipe the surface - the stains will disappear.

There is one more rule: you cannot install glossy stretch ceilings in unheated room, since the fabric may not tolerate temperatures below +10 degrees Celsius and may become deformed.

If there are no problems with heating, but you really want a glossy ceiling, it is better to do it by installing a frame for it in advance.


Since suspended ceilings are a relatively new technique, it itself and simply the canvas is overgrown with a number of fables that are quickly transmitted by word of mouth. Most often they have nothing to do with reality. Here are the most common of these myths.

The film is very thin and can tear easily

In fact, PVC fabric is quite dense and difficult to tear. Even a cork flying out of a bottle of champagne cannot pierce it.

You can wipe and rub the ceiling with a rag, sponge or napkin without any problems - no deformation will occur.

But you should avoid metal sponges and abrasive cleaners, as they can really damage the surface, scratch it, and then dirt will get into the cracks that appear, and the appearance will be ruined.

The only thing PVC fabric is afraid of is sharp objects. If you don’t try to juggle knives while cooking or spatulas during repairs, the ceiling will remain intact. If a hole has already appeared, then you can try to seal it with electrical tape or tape to match: no special means have been invented for repairing the canvas.

The canvas will sag and become deformed

This opinion can only be shared by those who do not know how a PVC stretch ceiling is installed.

At the factory, the canvas is pre-cut to fit required dimensions, then they bring it into the room, heat the film to 70–80 degrees Celsius and, in this heated state, hang it on the mounts. The ceiling cools down, sets, becomes stronger and harder, so it is not in danger of sagging. Problems can only arise if the fabric is of poor quality or the installers are not professionals.

Most often, “possible deformation” is associated with high humidity in the kitchen and temperature changes. But in a normal everyday situation, it is difficult to ensure that the temperature in the room rises to 70–80 degrees, as when installing the canvas, so the ceiling is not in danger. The same cannot be said about glossy film and cold - it can crack in the cold, so it is better to avoid unheated rooms.

High humidity is absolutely not a problem for the film, since it does not absorb moisture. The PVC ceiling can be stretched even in the bathroom.

The ceiling will turn yellow, become smoky and lose its appearance

Usually it is the whitewashed ceiling that turns yellow, but PVC canvas does not have this property - it is a durable material with which nothing happens: it does not turn yellow, does not fade, does not fade in the sun. And it is much easier to clean it from soot and grease than whitewash, which will only stain a rag.

Cleaning rules:

  • do not use aggressive products with chlorine and solvents, as they can corrode the fabric;
  • Wipe at least once every six months with a soft sponge soaked in soapy water.


This new coating has many advantages over. A suspended ceiling is truly the best option for the kitchen.

Easy installation

The situation with stretch fabric is as follows: in the morning you gave the apartment with unattractive rough ceilings to the workers, and in the evening you are already enjoying the result in all rooms.

There is practically no dust generated, so cleaning is minimal - just wipe the top of the walls and the ceiling itself with a dry cloth.

It is not necessary to decorate the draft ceiling in any way, because it will not be visible anyway. It is only necessary to beat off the pieces whose strength is in doubt so that they do not accidentally fall on the canvas and tear or stretch it.

An additional advantage is that you can hide it above the canvas electrical wiring, air duct from the hood - you don’t have to cut walls for wires and “enjoy” the look of a massive air duct.

Flood protection

The canvas is capable of holding 100 liters of water per 1 square meter of its area. This will save a large number of finances, time and nerves in the event of an unplanned flood.

You can try to drain the water yourself: you just need to make a hole with a needle and drain all the water. But it is better not to engage in such amateur activities, since there are no guarantees that after such actions the canvas will accept original appearance. AND the main problem The problem is that the ceiling does not dry out enough, which can cause mold.


The design is limited only by your imagination, as you can experiment with combinations different colors, textures, build complex designs with drywall. If this does not seem enough, then you can resort to photo printing services, then the kitchen will become unique.

It is also worth considering the color of the ceiling - will it be dark upward? a good decision? Hardly. The classic option is light shades. They will not “pressure” or attract a lot of attention, but they will make the room brighter, which will visually expand the space.

Long service life

Since the material is new, it is difficult to say how long it will last without deformation and replacement. Experts say that the canvas will need to be replaced no sooner than in 20 years. Some companies provide a guarantee for their ceilings for as long as 50 years. Perhaps by then they will invent something even more modern method ceiling finishing.

The advantage is that the ceiling requires virtually no maintenance, repair or updating. It is enough to wipe it once every six months with a cloth soaked in soapy water.


Even this one good stuff has its drawbacks. Most often, they do not scare away owners from the stretched fabric, but it is worth familiarizing yourself with them in advance in order to be prepared for anything.


It will not be possible to install suspended ceilings on your own: the process is labor-intensive and requires special equipment. This equipment costs several times more than the services of specialists, so buying it for one apartment is pointless.


Since the canvas is stretched over a wide metallic profile, then this will reduce the ceiling height by about 5 centimeters. But this is exactly why you can hide all the wiring.


When the fabric is heated, it may occur bad smell plastic, so you will have to think about an alternative place to live for a couple of days. This time is enough for the smell to disappear, then it does not return.


The width of the canvas is about 1.5–3 meters - depending on the manufacturer. If both sides of the kitchen are larger than this value, then seams cannot be avoided. In this case, it is better to give preference to matte material - the seam will be practically invisible. On gloss, it is clearly visible, since the place where the two panels are welded does not create glare.

It turns out that stretch fabric can not only be installed in the kitchen, but it needs to be installed there, because it is fast, simple, durable and requires virtually no maintenance. The huge number of pros greatly outweigh the minor cons.

When a suspended ceiling in the kitchen, the pros and cons of which are somewhat incommensurable, is appropriate, which options are best suited and which ones? operational characteristics Is it worth knowing to everyone who makes a choice in its favor? More on this below.

What stretch fabrics are used in the kitchen?

The list of materials as a basis for creating suspended ceilings is constantly updated, which opens up even more more possibilities for the implementation of copyright design ideas without compromising the functionality of the design. Therefore, to the question of whether it is possible to install a suspended ceiling in the kitchen, the answer will be definitely positive.

Yes, ceilings, like any other finishing element, have both pros and cons, but in general for use in kitchen areas with several extreme conditions quite suitable.

Kitchen linens tension type there are:

  • glossy;
  • matte;
  • satin;
  • artistic;
  • vinyl;
  • textile;
  • suspended ceiling with photo printing and drawing.

Glossy canvases are presented in wide range colors and shades. Distinctive feature- reflective surface, due to which it is possible to achieve the effect of visually increasing space.

Matte surfaces are ideal for creating a classic design in a traditionally decorated interior. Just as in the case of glossy ones, matte canvases come in different colors, with a minimally noticeable joining seam.

Beautiful satin stretch ceilings have similar characteristics to matte canvases. Most often, white options with a barely noticeable pearlescent tint are chosen for the kitchen. The peculiarity of this ceiling is its ability to reflect light, again, with visual increase kitchen space.

The “starry sky” canvas belongs to the artistic category. The sky effect is achieved through the use of fiber optic threads connected to the outer part of the product. Such canvases are in many ways superior classic options for the beauty and exclusivity of design.

A completely worthy option is vinyl suspended ceilings for the kitchen. The products are not just beautiful, they are truly practical and will be able to hold back water if necessary, thereby preserving the interior. Are there any disadvantages to vinyl kitchen designs? The main disadvantage is instability to mechanical damage. The canvases are easy to damage even during installation, not to mention during operation.

Textile fabrics in the kitchen are seamless knitted structures based on impregnated polyester thread or polyurethane. The ceilings are presented in a wide range of colors, including those with ornaments. If you analyze the reviews about products in this category, they are mostly positive. One has only to pay attention to the high cost and limited application possibilities depending on the style direction implemented in the room.

Ceilings with photo printing are a special category of canvases that allow you to make your kitchen design unique and themed. When choosing a photo to apply to the canvas, it is worth considering general direction design in the apartment and in the kitchen. Traditional birds and clouds, as well as photos of your favorite pets, culinary masterpieces, relatives and friends will look equally beautiful and original on this type of ceiling.

In general, everything listed species suspended ceilings for the kitchen are a huge field for creativity with endless possibilities for realizing ideas.

The advantages of stretch fabrics - about the reasons for their demand

The popularity of suspended ceilings is associated with a number of positive qualities. Despite all the beauty and extraordinary design, the canvases have excellent performance properties. The advantages of the designs include:

  • aesthetic appearance;
  • easy care;
  • resistance to pollution;
  • long service life (over 10 years);
  • Possibility of installation on an unprepared base;
  • ability to mask communications;
  • lack of tendency to deform during shrinkage of a wooden house;
  • ability to hold back water during floods;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • simple installation;
  • resistance to temperature and humidity changes.

The owners of the paintings unanimously claim that suspended ceilings are equally appropriate both in a luxurious kitchen of a private house and in a Khrushchev-era building with limited space. The main thing is to choose the right type of structure and plan the design without compromising functionality.

Disadvantages of stretch fabrics - what to look for

When considering the ideas of suspended ceilings for the kitchen, inspired by the advantages of the canvases, we must not forget about the small but disadvantages. These include:

  • limited options (only Chinese paintings have a decent level of width to the detriment of the quality of the product; European and domestic brands produce ceilings with a limited width, which implies the inevitable presence of seams);
  • vulnerable areas of ceilings (we are still talking about seams; it is in their locations that products are most susceptible to damage);
  • installing a ceiling in a kitchen with a gas stove is tantamount to frequent use of a heat gun, which means a serious increase in the temperature in the room during cooking and the appearance of an unpleasant odor;
  • relatively high price, especially if you include the cost of installation;
  • both single-level and complex multi-level structures cannot be installed independently without a heat gun;
  • susceptibility of the canvas to mechanical damage.

In general, if you analyze the disadvantages and compare them with the numerous advantages of the designs, the obviousness of the correct choice in favor of suspended ceilings for the kitchen becomes more than clear. That’s why it’s worth thinking about which design options (photos of ideas will help you choose) will be suitable for a specific room interior, taking into account the area, size, and functionality of the kitchen.

Stretch ceilings in the kitchen: possible operational problems

In addition to the general disadvantages described, it is worth identifying some difficulties that the owner of kitchen ceilings may encounter. One of them is the “pop” effect when opening doors or windows in a room. It is almost impossible to prevent the problem, and it does not always occur. However, in the presence of “pop”, the problem is solved by equalizing the pressure in the space between the canvas and the base. This kind of trouble will never arise when using a seamless fabric ceiling.

Another drawback associated with the tension fabric is the visual reduction in the height of the kitchen due to sagging of the structure. The problem can also be solved by simply tightening the fabric.

A well-known point in the process of using suspended ceilings is reducing the height by several centimeters. That is why in a kitchen with initially low or standard-height ceilings, it is recommended to install the simplest single-level structures to minimize the loss of important centimeters.

Each owner of a suspended ceiling may encounter incompatibility lighting fixtures, planned for installation of lighting, with canvas. To prevent this from happening, you must initially select lamps and lamps of permissible power.

Secrets of proper care of stretch ceilings

You need to remember the features kitchen area. One of them is constant temperature changes due to the operation of numerous household appliances (stove, oven, grill, etc.). In addition, the humidity level in the kitchen often changes. By-effect from cooking - the resulting soot and grease, which, even with a hood, settle on the ceiling as a result of its prolonged use.

Exclusively all types of PVC canvases, including those with photos and patterns, can be washed. This huge advantage for products in the kitchen.

During the cleaning process only use special means, despite the resistance of the canvas to chemical exposure, without abrasive particles that can damage the perfectly smooth surface.

Given the susceptibility of ceilings to mechanical damage, sharp objects should not be used during maintenance and cleaning. So, for example, if you need to remove glue particles or other traces of adhering dirt, The best way To do this, use a vinegar solution.

The kitchen in Russian houses and apartments is a favorite place to gather with friends. It is all the more important under what kind of ceiling the meeting will take place - under moldy black spots and multi-colored smudges or under a beautiful and neat tension one. You may ask: is it possible to make a tensioner in the kitchen? Certainly! Moreover, given the specific features of the kitchen, it is necessary!

Specific kitchen microclimate

The kitchen is the heart of every home. Something is constantly boiling, frying, steaming here. The temperature rises, condensation forms, and grease and soot from the electric stove settles during cooking. Naturally, apartment owners are wondering: are suspended ceilings installed in the kitchen?

Some believe that difficulties will concern maintaining durability appearance, resistance to odor absorption and resistance to damage. But there is no need to worry. Experts give a clear positive answer.

Stretch ceilings have a number of advantages in this regard:

  1. Easy to care for. Just wipe the cloth soft cloth with a special detergent, which is chosen depending on the type and texture of the fabric.
  2. Resistance to moisture and elevated temperatures. The PVC film (the material from which the fabrics are made) does not deform when in contact with water, and if your neighbors accidentally flood you, it will prevent leakage.
  3. Safety, after all, they do not emit toxic substances at all, fungus and mold do not live on them. This ceiling does not burn, unlike decorative polystyrene slabs.
  4. Durability: at proper care service life is 20 years.

Types of suspended ceilings and their features

The choice of finishes is huge. Vinyl film sheets are considered the most practical, and they are usually installed in the kitchen. These fabrics are produced by welding PVC strips on current machines high frequency. The width of such strips is from one to five meters. The material is waterproof - an important property in the kitchen.


The gloss reflects the interior, and this effect visually increases the space of the room. This is a definite advantage for.

The glossy stretch ceiling has a large color palette– you can get a mirror surface in your favorite color.

However, keep in mind: if you have large room, the seam between the glued sheets will be visible to the naked eye. Perhaps this is the only drawback glossy ceiling. As an option: make it multi-level, in which case the seams can be hidden.


This classic finish premises. Visually, the structure of matte canvases resembles a putty ceiling.

It does not reflect the interior of the room and has no light reflections, but it always emits the color in which the canvas is painted.

The seam on such canvases is invisible, so they are safely used for installing large-area stretch ceilings.


Satin fabric is similar to matte, but there is no roughness in its texture, due to which it reflects the color spectrum well and is perceived as dazzling white.

White color goes with any color scheme and to anyone. It moves objects away, which visually enlarges the room.

It is used for installation of both single-level and multi-level ceilings, because the production seam is invisible to the eye.


If you are wondering whether it is possible to make a suspended ceiling in the kitchen, consider the option of an artistic canvas. There is room for imagination to run wild! You can apply any design to such a canvas, choose clouds, starry sky or birds. The image is applied by a printer using solvent printing using eco-solvent ink.

Pros and cons of stretch vinyl ceilings

The main advantage is considered to be fast and easy installation. Many organizations offer reasonable prices, special preparatory work are not required, there is no need to level the main surface.

Such finishing is not in danger of major in case absent-minded neighbors leave the tap open. The water will collect in one place, from where it is pumped out, and the panel will take on its previous shape.

Stretch ceilings are not afraid of fire. Vinyl is fireproof, neither short circuit, nor a faulty stove, kitchen hood or geyser do not pose a danger to such a ceiling.

This is an endless source of solutions and opportunities for designers.

Usually after repair there remains construction garbage, which scatters throughout the apartment. Installation of vinyl sheets is a waste-free job.

However vinyl ceilings vulnerable to cutting and piercing objects; they can be damaged during installation with a spatula. Another difficulty is that it is impossible to install a suspended ceiling yourself without experience and special equipment. Heat gun, used during work, costs several times more than the finishing itself.

Tensile structures subtract an average of 5 cm from the height of the kitchen. For low ceilings This is not the best option, so you will have to look for an alternative. Polyvinyl chloride fabrics sometimes smell unpleasant, but usually the smell disappears in 3-4 days.

It is necessary to remember about the joints of the canvases if the tension structure is mounted in spacious room. In this case, you will have to think about selecting decorative elements to hide the seams. For fabric sheets this is not a problem, since their width reaches 5 m.


Unlike , PVC ceilings can be washed. Almost everyone is suitable for this detergents that are used in everyday life, except those that contain abrasive particles. For everyday care, wiping with a damp cloth is sufficient.

Important! When washing off dirt, move along the seam. Remove any remaining cleaning solution with a dry cloth and wipe the surface dry.

For glossy canvases, it is prohibited to use acetone, kerosene and other aggressive substances.

Before installation, you need to make sure that the color of the canvas matches the interior color kitchen set or walls. In small rooms it is not recommended to use dark-colored panels - this will make the kitchen seem even smaller.

Decide on the design of the ceiling (will it be single-level or multi-level) so that the seams on the canvases are hidden when installed in a large space. If you decide to install multi-level design, use no more than two colors.

A suspended ceiling in the kitchen will look chic only if proper lighting is organized and all possible ways backlight. This is especially true for canvases of dark and cool shades.

Reference. When installing a suspended ceiling, choose energy-saving lamps that do not heat up.

Bright colors or rich combinations can decorate the kitchen, but they can also ruin the overall impression. Designers recommend using discreet shades and experimenting with shape.

To install tension fabrics, it is better to invite specialists who will ensure maximum reliability of the structure. Installation of lighting fixtures should also be entrusted to experienced craftsmen so as not to have problems with the functioning of all systems.

Before starting installation, it is necessary to clearly determine the placement of the lamps and make all the necessary wiring. To mount the chandelier under the ceiling surface, a special support is installed, so you need to decide on the location of the lamp in advance. After installation, moving it even a short distance will be problematic.


Stretch vinyl ceilings have long gained popularity due to their beauty, convenience and speed of installation, as well as practicality in operation.

You can install such ceilings in the kitchen, they are not afraid of high temperatures, no moisture, do not absorb odors. They will hide everything behind them network engineering and electrical wiring. The result will be a harmonious and attractive design interior, which is selected individually for a specific kitchen.

Stretch ceiling – perfect solution for any room. However, apartment owners are wondering whether to install stretch fabric in the kitchen? Some believe that difficulties may concern maintaining the durability of the appearance, resistance to the absorption of odors and resistance to damage. But there is no need to worry here. Stretch ceiling – optimal choice for the kitchen, it allows you to create an interesting and extraordinary design.

Attention! An important point becomes right choice canvases. It depends on the area of ​​the room, preferences and design wishes.

Why stretch ceiling?

Tension fabric has an impressive number of advantages. This is what makes it so popular. Let us highlight the following advantages:

  1. Easy to install and easy to install yourself.
  2. not required preliminary preparation surfaces, excluding leveling.
  3. Possibility to prevent leakage when flooded by neighbors. The canvas can withstand up to 100 liters per square meter.
  4. Ability to restore appearance when using PVC film.
  5. Possibility to hide electrical wiring.
  6. Durability of service, reaching 20 years with proper care.
  7. Fire safety.
  8. Lots of shade options.
  9. Easy replacement provided you use PVC film.

Let us also note the disadvantages of choosing this finishing option. A fabric ceiling is unable to maintain its original appearance when flooded by neighbors. And PVC ceilings can be easily damaged with sharp tools.

Tensile structures subtract an average of 5 cm from the height of the kitchen. For low ceilings this is not the best option, so you will have to look for an alternative. Polyvinyl chloride fabrics sometimes smell unpleasant. But usually the smell disappears in 3-4 days on its own.

Do not forget about the joints of the fabrics if the tension fabric is installed in a spacious room. In this case, you will have to think about selecting decorative elements to hide the seams. For fabric sheets this is not a problem, since their width reaches 5 meters.

What types of suspended ceilings are there for the kitchen?

The kitchen is no different from other rooms; any type of covering is suitable for it. In demand the following options surfaces:

  1. Matte.
  2. Glossy.
  3. Satin artistic.

Each of them has its own characteristics and advantages. In this case, the choice of any color and texture is allowed, including various imitations and roughness.

The best option for the kitchen - polyvinyl chloride ceilings. You can arrange any number of levels to achieve interesting design. Such surfaces are resistant to dirt, absorption of odors and moisture.

Attention! Glossy canvases are chosen in cases where you need to visually increase the height of the room. The best option for a cramped room is a white or light beige shade.

Matte surfaces are versatile and look traditional. They resemble the surface of a canvas, allowing you to create artistic painting or apply photo printing to the ceiling surface. A matte surface can also be obtained using fabric sheets. When choosing them, be careful, as they are more difficult to clean. Dry cleaning is used for fabrics, so keeping the kitchen clean is more difficult.

Satin fabric – non-standard solution for kitchen. It is represented by a soft shine, which is unobtrusive and aesthetically pleasing in the interior. Such canvases look impressive with both classic and modern interiors. At the same time, the color of the rest of the decoration of the space can be any.

Which design solutions should you prefer?

When installing a stretch ceiling in the kitchen, the possibilities of creating spectacular options design. Among the popular options, we note the following:

  1. Starry sky. When choosing this option, be careful not to overdo it, otherwise the interior will become intrusive.
  2. Maps, portraits, architectural structures.
  3. Birds, animals, plants, flowers.
  4. Clouds that add freedom to the room and a feeling of lightness.
  5. Plain options are the best choice for a classic interior.
  6. Two-color canvases that become a bright decorative item.

To harmoniously design a stretch ceiling in the kitchen, choose the right lighting. They will help you with this Various types lamps:

  1. Spotlights.
  2. Chandelier.
  3. LED Strip Light.
  4. Combined options.

Choose the ones that suit you based on your own preferences. If you want to create an interesting indoor environment, the best choiceLED Strip Light. However, it will not provide full lighting, so it acts as an auxiliary option. The main source of light becomes a chandelier or Spotlights.

Spotlights are practical, so Lately they are chosen most often. To install them, you do not need to remove additional centimeters in height. But when selecting such devices, make sure that their power does not exceed 40-50 watts.

Spotlights highlight individual objects in the kitchen interior or act as one of the ways to zone space. They make it possible to separate the cooking area from the eating area. This will emphasize the originality and individuality of the interior design.

The chandelier is located in the kitchen in the central part of the ceiling. Another option is two chandeliers that illuminate the cooking area and the eating area. The ceiling design in different zones may also differ.

What affects the cost of a stretch ceiling?

If you decide to choose to install a stretch ceiling, you should understand how the cost of the canvas is formed. Among the main factors influencing the price are the following:

  1. The number of niches, pipes, protrusions that are planned to go around.
  2. Dimensions of the canvas.
  3. Availability of lamps and features of their installation.
  4. Canvas material. The most expensive are glossy and designer varieties. Matte and satin looks are cheaper.
  5. The complexity of the design of the structure. Single-level is the most affordable. Two-level and domed ceilings will cost more.

When compared with other types of ceilings tensile structures are not too expensive, about the same as plasterboard structures. However, during operation stretch fabrics simpler and more convenient to maintain, characterized by simplicity and speed of installation. The result will be the opportunity to be proud of your own interior.

Now you know that making suspended ceilings in the kitchen is not only possible, but also necessary. They will hide all utility networks and electrical wiring behind them. The result will be a harmonious and attractive interior design, which is individually selected for a specific kitchen. If you wish, pay attention to the video, which illustrates popular design options and allows you to learn a lot of useful information.

Let's start with, perhaps, the most pressing issue today: the environmental friendliness of a PVC stretch ceiling.

Polyvinyl chloride is a film that contains phenol. And this is exactly what scares off a potential buyer. And when it comes to the kitchen, the buyer completely falls into a stupor, because he knows that phenol is a real evil, which becomes more dangerous the higher the temperature in the room.

And, by by and large, there is some truth in these fears. But, think for yourself whether you heat your kitchen to at least 70 degrees(for example, by constantly turning on all 4 heating burners)?

If so (which is unlikely), then the ceilings will release phenol. If not, then feel free to take them, if in other respects they completely suit you.

In general, talk about the dangers of PVC ceilings is greatly exaggerated. If you want, you can read the article “”, where we examined the issue in detail and from all angles.

There is information about phenol, and about the unpleasant smell of polyvinyl chloride ceilings and about other things that bother buyers.

What is there in the kitchen that makes it not worth installing a suspended ceiling?

But, in addition to the release of phenol, you need to think about more practical and real things that can become an obstacle to installing a stretch ceiling. Or rather, you will be able to install it in any case, but how long you will use it is another question.

Here are things that can cause rapid damage to the ceiling surface:

Gas stove

Is it possible to install a suspended ceiling in a kitchen with a gas stove? A gas stove smokes and smokes, even if this is not visible to the naked eye. But after a year, a rather noticeable yellow and sticky coating will form on your ceiling.

It is not so easy to wash off the soot, and you cannot put pressure on the suspended ceiling, as there is a risk of stretching and deforming it.

In principle, there is a way out of this situation: wipe the ceiling more often until an indelible layer of soot forms. But, if you are not ready to wash the ceilings at least once every three months, then it is better not to take them, since, without washing, they will lose their appearance literally in the third year.

Of course, we are talking about light shades, on which the soot is clearly visible.

Geyser or boiler

You can say the same thing about gas stove. Soot. Of course, the combustion of a gas water heater or boiler is less durable than a stove, but still. And, if you have both a stove and a water heater, then the ceiling will get dirty much faster.

Splashes of fat

When frying meat, for example, the splashes fly very far. Including on the ceiling. At first they are not visible at all, but as you climb higher, the frozen drops are very visible.

And as you remember, scrubbing them off is not at all easy.

Therefore, if you are not accustomed to using a lid, then it is better not to take such ceilings. True, this recommendation is not relevant for those whose ceilings are three meters high.

Champagne corks

If, suddenly, you really like to drink in the kitchen, and prefer champagne (unlikely, but who knows?), then you should be aware of everything possible risks. A traffic jam hit in a big way tension covering- will leave a hole there. And it will stay with you forever.

That, in general, is all the problems that can arise due to the fact that the suspended ceiling is made in the kitchen.

Now, let's talk about specific materials and find out which ones to choose for the kitchen.

PVC ceilings in the kitchen

PVC is good because it costs much less than fabric and is much easier to wash. But it also has disadvantages: it is always shiny, which not everyone likes.

But, if you are satisfied with the reflection and smooth, reflective surface, it is impossible to detect other flaws in it, even if you want to.

Ceilings made of polyvinyl chloride perfectly retain moisture during a flood, which will allow you to maintain repairs in such unpleasant cases. A stretch ceiling, like a bag, absorbs water, which then just needs to be drained by turning to professionals.

True, you need to take into account this fact: if you have a lot of spotlights in the ceiling, then liquid will seep through them. With pressure, it will simply push them out of the holes, and the water will pour onto the floor.

PVC ceilings do not absorb moisture and odors, which are always abundant in the kitchen. Overall this is a good option, without a doubt.

The only negative is that they cannot be installed independently, since the installation technology involves heating the panel to high temperatures, due to which it is compressed and stretched according to the shape specified by the profiles.

Also, one cannot fail to mention that for small kitchens, a glossy finish is what is needed. Even the smallest kitchen in a Khrushchev-era building will look much larger and higher if it is reflected in a mirror-shiny ceiling.

On the other hand, a glossy finish can do a bad job. If you have spot lighting in the ceiling, then the gloss reflects the light too much, making it simply impossible to look at the ceiling. So, it is better not to combine a glossy finish and spotlights.

There is also such a moment in PVC ceilings: for some time after installation they smell unpleasantly, like chemicals. But the smell disappears quite quickly, literally within a week, or even less.

But what do those who have already installed suspended ceilings in their kitchen say online? No matter what we say or how we structure the information, live feedback from the forum always sounds more convincing.

Fabric ceilings in the kitchen

The fabric looks more beautiful and more expensive. But it costs accordingly: three to four times more.

From a practical point of view, such an overpayment is not entirely reasonable and here’s why: fabric ceiling it becomes clogged with soot much faster, and it is much more difficult to wash it than PVC, due to the fact that the material itself is porous.

Some people use fabric for environmental reasons. But here they are not entirely right, since the fabric is not much different from the film, since it is also impregnated with rubber-based solutions, which also release chemicals into the air.

But the view is, of course, better. The pattern is clearly visible on the fabric ceiling. Every line looks very clear, and 3D-style drawings look especially great. On glossy surfaces the effect is very blurred, only shine and a sloppy bright spot are visible.

Spotlights “feel” good on a fabric ceiling. There is no reflection. This means that they look the same as on a regular, painted one.

And, one more thing: it’s quite possible to install a fabric ceiling with your own hands, unlike a film ceiling.

Final comparison: which is better for the kitchen, PVC or fabric?

Now let's summarize and compare these two types of kitchen ceilings.

PVC ceilings


  • Attractive price
  • Moisture retention capacity
  • Easy to care for
  • The ability to visually expand the room


  • Unpleasant odor for some time
  • Inability to install yourself
  • Inability to install spot lighting
  • Stains and drops are clearly visible

Fabric ceilings


  • There's no smell
  • It is possible to install spot lighting
  • Really easy to install yourself
  • Any drawing looks great and clearly


  • Not cheap
  • Absorbs moisture and odors
  • Very difficult to wash
  • Doesn't hold water from flood

In conclusion, I would like to say: in our opinion, for the kitchen the most suitable optionPVC film. But, our opinion is our opinion and you do not have to agree with us. Topic: suspended ceilings in the kitchen, reviews, disadvantages and problems - disclosed and we hope that our information will be useful to you.