DIY installation of a sewer well from concrete rings. Installation of a sewer well in accordance with all standards Rules for the installation of sewer wells

A sewer well is an integral part of the sewage disposal system, designed to control the operation of individual sewerage elements: waste pipes, collectors, filters. Installation sewer wells presupposes compliance technological standards, enshrined in article SNiP No. 2.04.03−85. For proper installation treatment facilities it is necessary to take into account not only the diameter of the pipes and the depth of the pit intended for installing the well, but also its functional purpose: inspection, drainage, storage, etc.

Before installing a sewer well with your own hands, you should become more familiar with their main types and installation features. According to their functional purpose, all sewer mines are divided into five types:

  1. Inspection points are structures located directly above the main pipe of the outlet main. They are designed to monitor performance sewer system. If necessary, pipes are cleared of blockages through inspection shafts. By functional purpose Manholes are divided into the following types:
    • Linear. Installed exclusively on straight sections of the pipeline;
    • Nodal. Special cameras large diameter, which connect the outlet main with several incoming pipes;
    • Controls. Can only be installed at connection points private sewer to the main one;
    • Rotary. They are installed in places where the direction of the pipeline changes, which prevents hydraulic resistance in the system (the rotation angle between the outgoing and incoming pipes must be at least 90 degrees).
  1. Drop-in shafts are intended for connecting sewer pipes in the event of a decrease in the depth of the ditch for the drainage system Wastewater. Drop wells have a fairly simple device with sewage drainage in the lower part and inlet in the upper part;
  2. Rotary wells - wells of small diameter, which are installed exclusively in those sections of the water supply system where a sharp turn of the waste line is necessary;
  3. Filtration structures are structures that have a complex structure. They are designed to separate impurities and separate denser masses from liquids. Filtration shafts can be either closed or open type. First, as the container is filled with sewage waste, floating particles are “redirected” to the upper channels for waste disposal. Sedimentary layers are discharged through a system of pipes connected to the bottom of the filtration shaft. And the latter are constructed from perforated reinforced concrete blocks, which allows water to quickly drain into the ground;
  4. Storage - wells operating on the principle cesspool. As sewage accumulates, it is removed using a sewer truck. Using special equipment, sewage waste is simply pumped out.

Planning stage

The construction of sewer mines always begins with the development of an appropriate construction diagram, which must comply with SNiP standards. At the first stage, the installation of sewer wells involves the following work:

  1. Determining the future location of the structure. According to SNiP standards, it should be located slightly below the level of residential buildings;
  2. Drawing up cost estimates. Device treatment facilities It is advisable to start by calculating the financial costs of materials and necessary equipment. A detailed estimate will help optimize cost items for certain types of work, purchase of materials, etc.;
  3. Choice construction crew . If the construction plan and estimate are drawn up correctly, they begin to select a team of contractors. You can install a sewer well yourself. However, without compliance with the standards set out in the relevant articles of SNiP, it is unlikely that wastewater will flow by gravity. In this case, the use of a sewerage system will simply be impossible.


In most cases, the installation of sewer wells is carried out in pre-dug pits. In progress earthworks Many nuances are taken into account:

  • Functional purpose of the sewer shaft;
  • Construction of a facility for waste disposal;
  • Type of material from which the well is made;
  • Linear dimensions of the structure;
  • Volumes of sewage entering the system.

You can make a pit yourself, but if you install several wells preparatory stage may take a long time. Therefore, when carrying out excavation work, it is more advisable to use an excavator.

Preparing the base

To properly install a sewer shaft and connect it to the pipe system, Special attention You need to pay attention to arranging the bottom of the pit. As a rule, reinforced concrete wells are used to assemble treatment facilities. Unlike plastic and other materials, they are more durable because they are not afraid of temperature changes and moisture. However, if they are installed, additional waterproofing will be required, which we will talk about in more detail, but a little later.

So, the well device accumulative type assumes next finishing pit bottom:

  1. Fine-grained crushed stone or gravel is poured into a layer of 15-20 cm;
  2. After this, the mineral cushion is filled with concrete mortar;
  3. In order for water to leave the system by gravity, you need to make a slight slope of the bottom towards the outlet pipe.

Installation of reinforced concrete rings for a storage well

To build a sewer well with your own hands, first of all, you need to “plant” the first ring of the shaft on an M100 grade solution. This is followed by:

  1. Make holes for sewer pipes. They must fit into the shaft ring at least 100-150 mm;
  2. The gaps between the pipes and the wall of the reinforced concrete ring should be sealed with cement mortar;
  3. Now at the bottom of the well you need to make a concrete trench, the diameter of which would correspond internal diameter sewer pipe;
  4. Then a second one is installed on the first casing ring so that they locking connections located on the same level;
  5. The subsequent casing rings are installed in a similar manner;
  6. At the final stage, a lid with a hatch is installed to protect the tank from the accumulation of precipitation.

Installing an inspection hatch and laying pipes

  1. The last ring of the well is blocked flat plate with a hole for an inspection hatch;
  2. A metal rim is mounted along the edge of the hole. It will protect the stove from mechanical damage when opening the lid;
  3. Then carefully install a metal hatch, preferably cast iron.

When the construction of the well is completed, you should immediately begin laying sewer pipes. According to SNiP standards, during their installation the following parameters must be taken into account:

  • The laying depth of sewer pipes must be at least 70 cm;
  • In order for sewage to flow through the main by gravity, the slope of the pipes must be at least 2 cm per 1 linear line. meter of sewer line;
  • The entry of the pipeline into the sewer shaft must be located above the level of the sewage disposal pipe.

Only by observing the relevant SNiP standards can you ensure uninterrupted and autonomous operation not only the sewer well, but also the sewer line.

Waterproofing of sewer mines

High-quality waterproofing is the key proper functioning sewage disposal systems. The tightness of the structure ensures the absence of foreign water, in particular groundwater, in the sewer line. Their entry into the sewer accelerates the process of accumulation of sewage in the well. Accordingly, poor waterproofing affects the frequency of calling a sewer truck to pump out wastewater.

Waterproofing is carried out in accordance with the following rules:

  1. Before applying sealing compounds, the joints of reinforced concrete rings are cleaned of dirt and then moistened to increase the adhesion of the mastic to the concrete surface;
  2. Waterproofing is carried out using waterproof mastics, which fill the gaps between reinforced concrete rings;
  3. The waterproofing must dry evenly over the entire area of ​​the gap, so it is prudently covered with polyethylene.

A sewer well is the main element of a sewerage system, which can have several functional purposes. Some types of structures are used as a waste collection point, while others are used to control the operation and clear the sewer line of blockages. In the process of assembling sewer shafts, it is necessary to take into account SNiP standards, which relate to the parameters of the installed equipment, as well as the level of the pipeline and the distance between structural elements.

The construction and repair of wells is strictly limited by technology. According to the regulations, the installation process must comply with the standards prescribed in SNiP. The document describes the regulations for placement, dimensions and other characteristics. SNiP sewer wells have their own number and name "External networks and structures".

Requirements for sewer wells

One of the most important quantities in sewer installation is the distance between sewer wells. It directly depends on the size of the pipeline. So for wells with a pipe diameter of up to 15 cm, the step between wells is 35 meters, and 50 meters for pipes with a diameter of 20 cm. In addition, the installation is carried out with the following design features:

  • fluctuations in pipe diameter or slope in the structure;
  • presence of additional pipeline units;
  • turn in the stock system.

The installation of a sewer well made of concrete is regulated by GOST, and communications made of plastic and polymers are installed with reference to the technical specifications.

Structures made of concrete or stone can be either prefabricated or monolithic. Filtering units are made mainly from rubble stone. From polymer materials for sewer systems the following are acceptable: polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride and dense polyethylene.

Note! Modern communications, installed both in private and urban construction, combine elements from different materials. Such techniques are not prohibited by building regulations.

Well sizes

According to SNiP, the construction of sewer wells assumes the following size ratio: the length of the pipeline should be approximately 2 times greater than its diameter. Thus, a sewer system with a diameter of 600 mm is regulated by a length of 1000 mm. Particular attention is paid to sewers with a diameter of 1500 mm or more; their depth depends on other features of the structure.

Volume correct design calculated according to the depth of communications according to the plan. Work to prepare for the installation of a sewer well includes the following steps:

  • marking the area according to plan;
  • preparation of the area (removal of vegetation and stones);
  • dismantling of buildings and systems that impede installation (this procedure is prescribed in special standards);
  • organization of the entry point to the site.

After preparing the work site, they begin to dig a pit. According to SNiP, this stage includes:

  • digging a pit;
  • bottom cleaning;
  • adjusting the depth and angles of the pit according to the plan;
  • applying bottom waterproofing according to plan (standard layer from 200 mm).

When the pit is ready, you can begin installing the sewer well.

Well installation

The installation of sewer wells and its progress directly depends on the material of the structure. The characteristics of the material determine the load on communications and soil.

Stone sewer

Work on installation of a stone structure includes:

After installation is completed, the system is filled with water, blocking the inlets with temporary valves or plugs. If there are no leaks, the walls are backfilled, simultaneously making blind areas. Their size must be at least one and a half meters. At the joints with the sewer well, treatment is carried out with a liquid bitumen mixture. When the sealant dries, the structure can be used.

Brick construction

The process of installing a brick well is almost identical to installing a stone structure. The main difference is that the rings are not immersed in the pit, but the well is laid with bricks.

Waterproofing is carried out in the same way as with stone sewerage. However, in addition to the method of laying the rings, the brick structure has a couple more features:

  • a hatch-grate is installed on the storm drain, which also works as a water collector;
  • drainage structures do not require special calculations, since they already perform the function of drainage.

Drop well

The installation of a sewer well with a differential structure has much more than SNiP requirements. In addition to installing the tray, you need:

  • install risers;
  • acquire water supply facilities;
  • make a water wall;
  • construct a recess (pit).

The installation of rings and other elements is identical to the above-mentioned types of construction.

Note! If you are going to install a riser well, purchase in advance metal pipes. They are mounted into the base to ensure the strength of the rings.

A compensation funnel is installed in differential sewers; it reduces the pressure of fast flows. It is not recommended to install such communications yourself. Structures installed not in accordance with SNiP are easily destroyed by pressure.

Installation of a differential system is carried out in the following situations:

  • control over wastewater flows is needed;
  • the intended installation location coincides with other communications;
  • a deep location of the system is required;
  • if the well is a closing well and is installed before discharging water into the reservoir.

In the above situations, sewers with a differential structure are also installed in a suburban area.

Installation of inlet holes for well systems

Installation diagram entrance structures sewer wells depends on the type of terrain and soil. On dry soils it is much easier to install communications; in such areas it is recommended to use cement and asbestos-cement mixtures. On wet soils, careful waterproofing is necessary.

Note! Entry holes are installed in areas with stable soil.

In areas with moving soil, the installation of flexible connections with pipe protection with plastic materials is regulated. According to the specifications, a metal sleeve can be installed on the hatch, and the waterproofing can be mounted inside.

Polymer systems

To replace sewer structures made of traditional materials plastic and polymer systems have arrived. They are actively used in communications in private buildings and small industries. Sewerage made from such materials is regulated only by technical specifications.

Polymer structures are characterized by simple installation and high performance characteristics. In addition, systems made of plastics are less cumbersome than concrete structures. Thus, a concrete sewer with a diameter of 100 cm is replaced by a half-meter installation without loss of functionality.

In addition to ease of installation, these structures have the following advantages:

  • small expenses for digging pits: for plastic structures smaller ditches are needed;
  • polymer pipes are compatible with any systems, including concrete ones;
  • All parts of the structure have strictly specified parameters and dimensions, so all sewerage parts can be purchased as a set at a time.

A typical sewer system design includes a manhole. When working with polymer communications, special attention is paid to its selection. It must coincide with the inlet of the structure and not interfere with the collection of water.

Bottom line

Many novice builders do not know what distance from one sewer well to another is acceptable for polymer systems. This value directly depends on the diameter of the pipe. So, with a size of 11 cm, the distance between sewers can be from 15 to 20 m. For pipes with a diameter of 15 cm, the step between structures is 35 meters.

If you need to install many wells in one area, it is cheaper to use polymer communications. They are easy to install and subsequently repair.

The design of sewer wells depends on their purpose, and required amount on the design of the system - its complexity, the presence of turns and differences when laying communications, length and other features. Understanding the purpose various types structures, it will be easier to design the sewer system of a private house or cottage and ensure its maximum efficiency.

SNIP regulates specifically and precisely where and how sewer wells should be installed. Consider Building Codes and the Rules are also important because the inspecting authorities are required to check structures for compliance with the requirements, and if violations are detected, they may issue an order requiring changes to be made to the sewerage system, which will require additional costs and will significantly increase construction time.


Such structures are necessary for any sewer system, regardless of its degree of complexity. Wells provide the ability to control the operation of the system and are used for its Maintenance(repair, cleaning, washing, etc.). Depending on where the observation structures are located, there are several types:

Important: As stipulated in SNiP, linear type sewer wells are installed on straight sections every 35 meters if the pipeline diameter is up to 150 mm, and every 50 meters if the pipe diameter is 200 mm.

Drop wells

Drop wells are used to change the flow speed or depth of pipelines. They are also used when it is necessary for the sewer line to bypass any obstacle (another pipeline, etc.). IN general view such structures are a vertical shaft (reservoir) with inlet and outlet pipes. Depending on the purpose, it may be necessary to install sewer wells of this type with additional accessories, for example, with steps that dampen the flow rate.

The following types of drop wells are distinguished:

  • classic well design (effluent inflow through the upper pipe, discharge through the lower pipe),
  • models of wells with baffle-drain surfaces of the walls to reduce the flow rate,
  • channels with a significant slope, capable, on the contrary, of “accelerating” the flow, increasing its speed,
  • complex designs of multi-stage drops.

Filtration wells

Models of wells of this type are used in sewerage systems to provide soil post-treatment of wastewater partially clarified in the septic tank and drain the liquid component of the septic tank contents into the ground. Structurally, a filtration well differs from others in the absence of a sealed bottom (instead, it is backfilled with gravel or other filter material). Options for wells with holes in the walls of the tank are also possible. Through such holes, the liquid also goes into the soil, and for additional purification with outside During the installation stage of the well, the filter material is also backfilled.

Storage wells

The principle of operation of a storage sewer well is the same as that - it is a collection point for wastewater. When organizing a storage facility, it is important to ensure its tightness and provide for the possibility of access by a vacuum truck to pump out the contents.

Materials for making wells

The construction of a sewer well provides for the possibility of using various materials.

Important: Brick and concrete wells need waterproofing of walls from the outside and inside and the bottom, if we are not talking about filtration structures. Careful sealing is needed where pipes enter tanks.

  • Insensitive to water and chemical substances(for example, detergents and disinfectants) plastic convenient for making wells. You can make a plastic sewer well with your own hands from a Eurocube or barrels. Also available for sale ready-made blocks, including not only the tank itself, but trays with wiring of various types.

Installation of plastic sewer wells may require anchoring to concrete foundation, if ground or flood waters rise close to the surface of the earth and there is a possibility of floating lightweight design. Spontaneous movement of an unfixed well under the influence of water can damage other elements of the system.

Well sizes

When making a sewer well with your own hands, you must comply with the requirements of SNiP regarding the ratio of the diameter of the pipelines and the diameter of the structure itself.

If the depth of laying pipelines is 3 m or more, for any pipe diameter, the diameter of the well should not be less than 1500 mm.

General preparatory stages during construction

When deciding how to make a sewer well with your own hands, you should remember that preparation for construction includes the following steps, regardless of the material chosen:

  • drawing up a sketch of a sewerage diagram with a mark of the location of the well,
  • markings on the ground,
  • removal of elements that interfere with construction (uprooting bushes and trees, demolition of old buildings, etc.),
  • arrangement of equipment access (temporary road for unhindered delivery of materials and, if necessary, movement of lifting machines).

Creating a pit for a well includes:

  • Excavation work (manual or mechanized),
  • leveling and cleaning the bottom,
  • checking and adjusting geometry (depth, wall angles).

Installation of a plastic well

Using ready-made plastic structures, equipped with shaped parts, will not only provide significant time savings, but will also make it possible to carry out installation independently, even in the absence of experience and training.

It is only important to strictly comply with the requirements regarding the location of structures and the choice of their size, which are determined by a set of system parameters (diameter of pipes, straightness or presence of turns in the main, laying depth, etc.). The rest of the installation is carried out in several steps:

  • digging a pit,
  • construction of the foundation (sand-crushed stone cushion, poured base),
  • installation of the structure (and its anchoring if necessary),
  • connecting the well to the system.

Installation of a concrete well

Construction of a sewer well from concrete rings and brick has virtually no differences in terms of the order of installation work.

The following work is performed:

  1. Digging a pit.
  2. Creating a foundation (a poured foundation can be made or a ready-made one can be used concrete slab). The thickness of the base is about 100 mm, the recommended grade of concrete is M50.
  3. Construction of the tray (carried out taking into account the number of inlets, communication connection angles, the presence of turns and other features). M100 concrete reinforced with metal mesh is used.
  4. Sealing (with concrete and bitumen sequentially) the places where pipes enter the well.
  5. Installation of rings fixed with cement mortar, construction brick construction(after the concrete tray has fully gained strength).
  6. Bitumen waterproofing inner surface walls (when building from rings, this can be done before installation).
  7. Waterproofing of seams (for ring structures).
  8. Tray Finish (Used cement plaster and ironing technology).
  9. Arrangement of clay locks at the junction of pipes with the tank (height - 600 mm, width - 300 mm).
  10. Testing the structure, keeping the tank filled with water for 24 hours (temporary plugs are installed on the pipes during this time) to detect leaks. A reinforced concrete sewer well is considered suitable for use if there are no visually noticeable leaks.
  11. Filling the well with earth and compacting the soil.
  12. made of concrete around the perimeter of the neck 1.5 m wide.

A sewer well is a structure necessary to monitor the operation of the wastewater disposal system and provide access to it for cleaning and flushing. The design of these sewerage devices quite simple and allows you to build them on our own, minimally involving outside labor and equipment.

There are several types of sewer wells:

  • Observations. They come in three types - rotary, installed in places where pipelines turn, linear - on straight sections, nodal, which are mounted on distributions and nodes.
  • Drop wells are installed in places where there is a large difference in the position of the pipes.
  • The purpose of filtration or drainage wells is to purify wastewater in layers of sand, crushed stone or pebbles; they can be used for post-treatment of wastewater after a septic tank.
  • The storage well is used to collect wastewater.

Installation of sewer wells: basic rules

The sewer well consists of a working chamber, a neck and a hatch.

The installation of wells can be carried out with the expectation that one structure will perform several functions at once.

When installing these devices, the following rules must be observed:

  • the first inspection well should be located at a distance not exceeding 12 m from the sewer outlet;
  • the inspection well is located at a distance from the house building exceeding 3 m;
  • the distance between sewer wells is 15 m from each other.

Drop wells are installed in cases where the terrain does not make it possible to place pipes with the required slope. If the height difference is not very significant, you can do without a drop well, which differs in design from similar devices of another type.

You can make the lowering yourself, for which you will need a cross, an elbow and a pipe.

When connected plastic pipes the elbow can be bent at an angle of 45 0, cast iron - 135 0.

The lowering is connected to the wall of the well with clamps. The cross is mandatory element, because otherwise it will be difficult to clean the sewer well if it is clogged.

Installation of rotary type sewer wells is carried out in areas where the pipeline turns. These structures simultaneously perform two roles - an inspection well and a device for flushing and cleaning sewers. Rotary trays have a special shape.

Features of the construction of storage sewer wells

The storage well is designed for collection and primary treatment of wastewater. It has a number of features.

The location for the drain well is selected in accordance with existing sanitary and environmental standards. According to these rules, the well must be located at a distance of at least 5 meters from the building.

There should be the maximum possible distance between the wastewater well and the water intake point. On clay soils this distance is 20 m, on clayey ones - 50 m.

To install a drain well, select a site that is located below the level of housing construction, at a sufficient distance from the house and the well or borehole. Wells are round or square containers with a concrete bottom. The design of storage devices must be as tight as possible to avoid the release of untreated wastewater into the environment.

Storage wells are cleaned of thick and solid waste using suction pumps.

Sewage well installation technology

To reduce the time required for excavation work, it is advisable to hire an excavator.

After making the pit, a foundation is erected, which is different for storage and drainage wells:

  • to construct a storage well, the bottom of the pit is covered with pebbles and then filled with cement mortar,
  • bottom drainage well they arrange it differently - it is covered with pebbles or gravel to a depth of 500-1000 mm, concreting is carried out along the perimeter of the pit.

After making the bottom of the pit, the body of the main chamber is erected. To make a well, brick, stone, and standard reinforced concrete rings are used.

An important characteristic of the storage well chamber is its tightness, so it is coated with bitumen from the inside, or the joints of reinforced concrete rings are coated with cement mortar.

IN country houses or cottages, with installed bathrooms and plumbing system, it is impossible to do without a sewer well and a drain pipeline. Such amenities in the house create a comfortable life for residents.

Unlike a cesspool, which can contaminate soil and plants, a waste well remains sealed for many decades. In order to know how to install sewer wells, you need to familiarize yourself with their main types and structure.

Construction of a sewer well

The first step, before installing a sewer system, is to draw up detailed diagram its location. To do this, calculate the distance, as well as the amount of necessary materials.
If we talk about sewer wells, there are several types of them. In order to be able to accurately determine which wells will be installed on the site, we will consider them in more detail.

Sewage facilities can be divided into five types:

  1. Cumulative. Used to store waste
  2. Lookout. Designed to improve pipeline control
  3. Filtration. Capable of cleaning waste
  4. Turning. Installed at pipeline bends to prevent clogging.
  5. Perepadnoy. Installed in places where there is a sharp drop in sewer pipes

Inspection wells are installed on long sections of sewerage and are necessary to monitor the pipeline. The first well from the house should be located at a distance of no closer than 3 m. The distance between two inspection wells should not exceed 15 m.

A drop well is installed only in extreme cases, when land plot has an uneven terrain. If the difference is small, you can do without such a structure.

The storage (drain) well must be given special attention. It is designed for long-term storage and primary waste treatment. The place for its installation is selected in accordance with all sanitary standards, according to which minimum distance from the house should be 5 meters. Distance to water intake at sandy soil should be maximum (at least 50m), and in case of clay, at least 20m. Such wells are periodically cleaned with suction pumps.

Drain wells can be made from different materials, with reinforced concrete and plastic being the most popular.

Plastic sewer wells

Plastic well, compared to reinforced concrete structures, has advantages in installation. It is made in the form of large tanks with stiffening ribs. These ribs provide high strength to the material. Plastic wells are also available with different volumes and hole diameters, which makes it possible to easily connect any pipeline. For waste suction, wells are equipped with sealed hatches.

Due to their light weight, plastic wells are easy to install without using special tools. technique. Temperature indicators conditions at which such material can be used should be within -50 degrees C. +70 degrees C.

Reinforced concrete sewer wells

Wells made of reinforced concrete usually have the shape of a cylinder. The diameter of the drain chamber must be less than 1 m. In cases of supply sewer pipe large diameter, use a square well shape. This can be explained by the fact that it is difficult to do in reinforced concrete big hole. A square well is built from brick or cast in a monolithic manner from concrete.

Reinforced concrete rings are produced in production in accordance with all GOSTs and standards. Their structure contains reinforcing wires that give strength to the product. They have heavy weight, therefore they are installed only with the help of special. technology.

To determine the required diameter of the rings, the volume of the well and the depth of the structure should be calculated. A sewer well for a home is usually installed to a depth of 2-2.5 m. To know how much well volume is needed, you should approximately calculate the water consumption per month.

For example, 9 cubic meters of water (V) are used per month. We choose the depth of the well to be 2.5 m (L). Using this formula V=L x 3.14 x R2 (radius), you can determine what diameter of the rings is required for the sewer well.

D(diameter)= (V/3.14/L)x2 = (9/3.14/2.5)x2 = 2.2 m

SNiP for installation of sewer wells

To build a drain well, you must also familiarize yourself with the basic construction standards prescribed in SNiP 2.04.03-85. This section is called “Sewerage. External networks and structures.” Everything is written in it sanitary standards and methods of wastewater disposal.

There are several ways to clean wells.

The most popular of them is pumping out waste with a suction pump. This unit is a tank with vacuum pump. It is able to work at any time of the year, completely recycling waste.

Cleaning is usually carried out once a year or every six months (depending on the volume of the well).

Installation of sewer wells

After choosing a place for the well, you can begin to dig a pit. The diameter of the hole depends on the size of the planned well. After this, the bottom of the well should be prepared. For a storage structure, the base is covered with crushed stone up to 15 cm, which is then filled with concrete solution. When pouring, it is necessary to make a slope towards the location of the hatch.

Then on concrete mortar M-100 the first reinforced concrete ring is installed. Holes for the pipeline are made in it. The incoming pipe should not protrude beyond the ring by more than 10 cm. The gaps between the pipe and the ring are covered with cement mortar. A special concrete trench corresponding to the diameter of the well is laid along the perimeter of the well base.

Now you can install the second ring. The joints between the rings are coated with bitumen for tightness. After all the rings have been placed on cement mortar the lid with the hatch sits down. If the installation of the sewer well is completed, you can begin laying the pipeline.

Video of installing a well from concrete rings with your own hands