Ceiling paint - which is better? Matte ceiling paint: how to choose and apply matte ceiling enamel

From time to time in an apartment or house it is necessary to do small, redecorating. Global changes in a living space are usually not made, at least because there is nowhere to put all the furniture, and disassembling it into elements is not a better solution.

But it is quite possible to replace wallpaper or update individual interior details, especially since the price is reasonable and the work is fast. And the same not-so-labor-intensive operations include painting the ceiling, which can be done either on wallpaper for painting or on another prepared base.

Matte ceiling paint will help solve this problem. Which option to choose so that the surface “breathes” and is attractive? appearance lasted for a long time?

Material and its correct choice

Unfortunately, in the photo beautiful interiors the material and its composition are not indicated. And we would really like to know what to choose in this case. But by studying the flight of design ideas, you can solve such an important problem for yourself as choosing a paint color. This will also help you decide on the layout of the shades of the ceiling and walls, which, by the way, can also be simply painted.

Interior paint

We present to your attention several great examples use of interior paint.

Note: Despite the fact that the cans are labeled “ceiling paint,” this is nothing more than interior paint. Its only difference is the increased degree of whiteness - all other characteristics are similar. This paint is chosen when you need to get exactly white ceiling. If it needs to be given some shade, paint with the inscription “for interior work».

On this moment There are many options for finishing the ceiling: you can, but the most economical option– painting the ceiling. This is not only the most cheap way, but also within the power of almost everyone. Moreover, paints for walls and ceilings are sold in literally any construction department of the store.

Two types and several types of ceiling paints

Using paint you can create various effects on the surface being painted, we know that.

But at the same time, for different purposes you need to use different paintwork materials, which are divided by type into:

  • (including semi-gloss)– well suited for smooth and perfectly flat surfaces. But for a ceiling, which in most cases has problems with evenness, this is not the best choice.

  • Matte– unlike gloss this type The paint does not shine and perfectly hides all surface imperfections. This is the focus of its relevance! That is why it is used to paint the ceiling.

Advice! The ceiling does not often require maintenance, therefore, it is impossible to say for sure which type of paintwork material to choose for interior work - washable or regular. If painting will take place in a room where you often have to clean it, it is better to choose a washable composition, but it is somewhat more expensive.

What types of water-based paints are there?

  1. Water-based polyvinyl acetate– universal matte ceiling paint. Non-toxic, no pungent odor, safe for people, fits well on any surface. If necessary, it can be easily washed off with a soap solution - but such instability shortens the service life of the coating. This is the cheapest option;
  2. Silicate– glass-based mineral paint. Not suitable for all surfaces; applied mainly to cement, lime or mineral plaster. This paint contains alkali, so you need to work with it with caution.
    It does not have crack-healing properties. The main advantage of silicate paint is that it prevents the growth of microorganisms; antiseptics do not need to be used, which is an additional advantage;
  3. Latex– has an excellent water-repellent effect and can heal cracks up to 1 mm. She is not at all afraid of washing, and for high-quality painting It is enough to apply a thin layer to the surface with your own hands. The only disadvantages of this paint are that it is difficult to clean off the surface and has a fairly high price;
  1. Acrylic– one of the most durable paints. Not afraid of water, very resistant to abrasion, resistant to ultraviolet radiation, can “heal” cracks up to 0.5 mm. The undoubted advantage of this material is its rapid drying and long-term preservation of the original color;
  2. Silicone– combines all the advantages of organic and mineral paints. It is safe to apply, has an excellent water-repellent effect, prevents the growth of microorganisms, tightens cracks up to 2 mm, and is anti-allergenic. But this paintwork material has one significant drawback - a very high price.

In addition to the indicated water-dispersion compositions, there are also combined paints. In them, in order to combine the best properties of paints and varnishes, manufacturers mix two types of polymers - for example: silicone-acrylic, acrylate. There are options for increased environmental friendliness, which are intended for bedrooms and children's rooms.

For each type of paint there are instructions for preparation for use and application; be sure to study them before starting work.

Surface preparation and finishing work

This is very important stage when painting the ceiling - even if you apply paintwork to the smoothest and straightest drywall. It is better to first watch the training video online on the relevant construction portals.

Advice! Painting the ceiling is practically no different from painting the walls. The only difference is that the finishing putty that is too liquid will not flow down, filling the unevenness, but will happily drip down your collar.

  • Therefore, experiment with consistency to ensure viscosity.
  • Uneven surfaces must first be primed with putty and then sanded with sandpaper. But only after completely dry, of course.
  • You won't have to wait long; modern putties, especially those based on gypsum, dry quickly.

Important! If the ceiling was previously whitewashed, water-based paint will not work, or the whitewash must be washed away before applying it. Before application decorative paint It is worth applying a primer - this will improve the application of the base layer and reduce its consumption.

  • The paint on the ceiling is applied simply: with a brush, roller or spray gun. 2-3 layers are enough.
  • If you use a spray gun, then to pre-treat the surface you need to use a primer, which is the same paint, only diluted to a more liquid consistency.
  • There should be no drafts during painting and after it is completed, and the paint should dry naturally.

Where there are no durability requirements for the paint, matte PVA-based ceiling paint is suitable. Where it is humid - acrylic or latex, and if funds allow - silicone.

A beautiful ceiling in an apartment plays the same important role in the interior as the floor or walls, so when renovating or decorating it needs to be given no less attention. Today we will talk about the most common material, most often used in finishing works ah - this is water-based paint for the ceiling and we will give advice on which water-based paint is better to choose.

What is a water emulsion? In scientific terms, an emulsion is a dispersed system containing a mixture of microscopic droplets of two insoluble liquids, for example, water and some kind of polymer.

Water-based emulsion is also called water-dispersion paint, since it is based on aqueous dispersions of polymers (polyacrylates, polyvinyl acetates and others) containing suspensions of pigments, fillers, as well as special additives of various auxiliary substances (emulsifiers, stabilizers, etc.). The paint contains no organic solvents, so it is non-toxic and completely safe for health.

In addition, depending on the type of paint and the presence of these same additives, it has some undoubted advantages over other types:

  • Fire and explosion safety.
  • Resistant to aggressive environment, in particular, to alkalis.
  • Low abrasion.
  • Moisture resistance(some types of paint can be washed repeatedly using detergents).

  • Long service life.
  • Gas and vapor permeability.
  • Resistance to adverse weather conditions.
  • Good hiding power.
  • Compatible with almost all surfaces.
  • Easy to apply.
  • Affordable price.

Among the disadvantages it should be noted:

  • Susceptibility to bacteria, mold, fungus, which especially multiply on paint in a damp or poorly heated room. But some types of material contain antibacterial and antifungal additives that solve this problem.

  • Cracks appear at low temperatures.
  • Unsuitable for painting adhesive, varnish and metal coatings.

Important! If you really need to paint the metal, then after applying a couple of layers of primer to it, the water emulsion will perfectly cover this surface as well.

Types of water-based paint

Manufacturers produce several types of “water emulsion”. Specifications, places of application, performance qualities and cost of the material depend precisely on those same additives. Let's try to figure out what types of water-based ceiling paint are available and choose the most suitable one in terms of composition and quality.

So, the market offers the following types of water-dispersion paint:

  • Polyvinyl acetate.
  • Acrylic.
  • Latex.
  • Silicate.
  • Silicone.

Let's talk about each one separately.

Polyvinyl acetate water emulsion

The paint contains the following components:

  • Polyvinyl acetate emulsion (homogeneous thick white liquid), which is used to make PVA glue. It can be of two types: plasticized, fearful negative temperatures and freezing at 0 degrees; not plasticized, does not lose its performance qualities after freezing and thawing four times.
  • Stabilizers.
  • Color pigments (may or may not be present).
  • Plasticizers.

The paint is made in accordance with GOST 28196 89. When applied to the surface, water evaporates, and additional substances harden and acquire hydrophobic properties. Drying time is 2–3 hours at a temperature of +22 degrees, the resulting film has a homogeneous porous semi-matte structure.

Basically, painting the ceiling with water-based polyvinyl acetate paint is popular due to the following features:

  • No harmful components.
  • Explosion and fireproof.
  • Has good hiding power.
  • Suitable for application on porous surfaces (concrete, brick, wood, plaster, cardboard).
  • Dries quickly.
  • Mixes well with colorants.
  • It has good adhesion and lays flat and beautiful.
  • Forms a strong elastic film.
  • It has the lowest price among analogues.

It is impossible not to mention the disadvantages of polyvinyl acetate paint, these include:

  • Weak water resistance, so paint is used only in dry rooms.
  • Ability to undergo rapid abrasion under mechanical influence.
  • Cannot be applied to metal, chalk, lime, alumina or vitriol surfaces. Contact with these materials may cause paint to peel, crack, or fall off.

Important! When mixing white paint with color, it is recommended to apply at least 2 layers of the composition to the surface to obtain the best effect.

Acrylic water-based paint

It is a composition of a water-dispersed mixture and polyacrylates as binding components. It is distinguished from conventional PVA-based water emulsion by its high moisture resistance. The surface can be washed using detergents, and more than once, and, accordingly, can be used in rooms with high humidity.

In addition to the listed advantages, acrylic water emulsion has other positive qualities:

  • Ease of application. You can paint the surface with a brush, roller, or spray gun (see How to use a spray gun: advice from professionals).
  • Elasticity. The water emulsion fits perfectly on the ceiling, the layer is smooth, equally covered, without streaks or gaps.
  • UV resistance. The paint does not change the depth and shade of the color even under prolonged exposure to direct sunlight.
  • Combination with almost all materials, even with metal, which must first be primed.
  • Non-toxic and non-toxic unpleasant odor.
  • Vapor permeability. The applied composition forms a “breathing” surface that can allow air to pass through, so that microorganisms, fungus and mold do not form under the paint.
  • Abrasion resistance. A ceiling coated with acrylic paint will maintain a presentable appearance for a long time, even with annual wet cleaning.

Latex water emulsion

Depending on the polymer included in the paint, latex serves as an additive for the following types of water-based emulsions:

  • Acrylic.
  • Acrylic silicone.
  • Acrylic polyvinyl acetate.
  • Acrylic butadiene styrene.

The “breathing” ability is created by latex copolymers, which, when dried, form a special crystalline structure that is not afraid of moisture, so this coating can even be washed with alkaline solutions.

The gloss level of the paint is indicated on the packaging.

In appearance, latex water emulsion can be:

  • Highly matte (CM 0–5).
  • Highly glossy (SG 90–100).
  • Glossy (G 60–89).
  • Matte (M 6–10).
  • Semi-glossy (PG 30–59).
  • Semi-matte (MP 11–29).

If we paint the ceiling with water-based latex paint, then it is recommended to pay attention to these designations. Depending on the degree of gloss, the ceiling can be made shiny or silky-matte, with a fabric effect.

Important! If the ceiling is decorated with wallpaper for painting, then a matte water-based emulsion will especially emphasize the texture and pattern of the canvases, while a glossy emulsion, on the contrary, will blur the clarity and distract attention from the texture.

Latex water emulsion has all positive characteristics water-dispersed paints, an additional advantage is its special strength and abrasion resistance. The downside is the deterioration in quality when low temperatures, therefore it is advisable to use it in heated rooms.

Silicate water emulsion

The paint is a dispersion of water, liquid glass and coloring pigments. It has all the advantages of water-based paints, such as vapor and air permeability, wear resistance, non-toxicity, explosion and fire safety.

Of particular note is the high moisture resistance and durability of the coating. Surfaces painted with silicate water emulsion last 20–25 years without the need for renewal or repair. In addition, special additives ensure the complete absence of fungus, mold and microorganisms.

Silicone water emulsion

This paint is based on silicone resins, which interact well with almost all types of surfaces. If you have not yet decided which water-based paint to choose for the ceiling, then we advise you to pay attention to silicone.

And there are several reasons for this:

  • The structure of the paint is such that it easily hides cracks up to 2 mm wide; after the water-based emulsion has dried, the defects are completely invisible, and the surface looks even and smooth.
  • The paint adheres well to damp or frequently exposed to moisture ceilings, so it is suitable for use in showers, bathrooms (see Painting walls in the bathroom: how to do it right), and kitchens.
  • Due to its high vapor permeability, fungus and mold simply do not grow on it and under it, which means there is no need for antiseptic impregnation.
  • The surface coated with silicone water emulsion does not absorb dirt, so it practically does not get dirty and does not need frequent cleaning.
  • The paint has good hiding power; one thin layer is enough to achieve a smooth, uniform surface.

The cost of water-based paint for this type of ceiling is quite high, but it is offset by the high technical and operational characteristics of the material.

If you decide to paint the ceiling yourself, then experts recommend adhering to several basic rules when performing this work:

  • Calculate in advance the consumption of water-based paint per 1 m2 of ceiling and purchase required quantity for the entire area, and to the resulting volume it is necessary to add 10–15% for unforeseen expenses. If this is not done, then the missing paint purchased later may end up with a different shade, and the entire ceiling will have to be repainted.

  • The surface must be leveled and all visible defects removed (cracks, gouges, bumps, unevenly applied old paint, etc.), since under thin layer water emulsion, all flaws will be visible especially clearly.

  • Before painting, the ceiling must be coated with a primer to remove dust (see How to prime a ceiling: we’ll figure it out step by step), reduce paint consumption and improve adhesion with the water-based emulsion.
  • Instead of a primer, you can use the same paint, but diluted half with water.

  • If you do the tinting yourself, then you need to prepare the entire volume of paint at once, otherwise you may not be able to guess the shade later.

  • Angles and hard to reach places You must first paint with a brush, and in a thin layer, otherwise later the areas covered by the brush will differ from the tone of the overall area.

  • You can paint the ceiling with a roller or spray gun, apply the paint evenly, without smudges, streaks or gaps.

  • The ceiling is covered with at least two layers of water-based emulsion; strokes of the first and second layers are applied perpendicular to each other.

Important! The stripes of the finishing layer are placed towards the light source, this will help hide possible minor irregularities or uneven coverage.

  • Instructions for using this type of paint are printed on any packaging; to obtain a high-quality and durable coating, they must be strictly followed.


We talked about the types of paint, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of each. But you will have to decide which water-based paint is best for the ceiling yourself; the choice depends on the type of surfaces to be painted, the type of room and your budget. We invite you to look at the photos and videos in this article to finally decide on this issue.

Are you happy with your ceiling? If not, then something needs to be done about it urgently. One of the simplest, most accessible and very quick ways Solve the problem - painting. It's surprising, but even with a number of alternatives, people don't stop coloring. ceiling surface- and are satisfied with the result. True, it depends on a number of important factors, and one of them concerns what paint for the ceiling in an apartment is best suited for renovation. Today's selection in construction stores makes you think about this issue much more seriously than people thought 5-10 years ago. We offer our assistance in resolving the current dilemma.

Criterias of choice

First, it’s worth clarifying one simple but very important thing: universal choice, alas, does not exist. However, you can get as close as possible to it - and for this, studying functional features rooms in the apartment where painting is planned will come in handy. For convenience, we have compiled the most important criteria that must be followed when choosing paint for the ceiling in an apartment:

  1. duration of high-quality operation - the applied paint should not crumble over time, the ceiling should remain fresh and new maximum amount time;
  2. possibility of dry and wet cleaning- dust and dirt accumulate on any surface, and the ceiling is no exception, but if your thorough cleaning results in irreparable defects, it will be very unpleasant for everyone;
  3. comfortable application of a layer to the ceiling surface - the material used should cover the entire working area and delicately hide any existing imperfections;
  4. resistance to high humidity and temperature changes - very important criterion, especially if you are going to renovate the kitchen or bathroom;
  5. availability - you shouldn’t pay exorbitant sums for paint, even if it’s unique efficient material, widely advertised on the Internet and on television: remember that one of the advantages of coloring is that it is economical for your budget, and in the case of a very expensive coloring composition, you are simply deprived of your main trump card.
  6. visual perception - any repair, even the most minor one, is undertaken in order to improve the appearance of the apartment, and if the paint does not cope with this task, then you have made the wrong choice.

Among all of the above, very important is the selection of paint for the ceiling in an apartment where it is necessary to treat the ceiling surface in rooms with special temperature conditions. In such cases, what comes to the fore is water resistance criterion. Paints with conventional compositions do not have the best performance characteristics and are not at all suitable in cases where there is a potential for contact with water. As a rule, we are talking about kitchens and bathrooms. In addition, such compositions are very susceptible to wet cleaning. Unlike waterproof ceiling paints.

Want to save money? Save, only then you will have to blame yourself - after all, the stingy pays twice!

Selecting paint by surface type

Everything here is quite clear: someone is impressed by the catchy glossy surface, someone, on the contrary, wants to see their ceiling discreet. Many are attracted by interesting textured solutions that allow interesting patterns to be distributed throughout the entire area of ​​the apartment. There are 4 types of paint for the ceiling in an apartment - and which one? fits better, it’s up to you to decide, based on which ceiling surface you like best.


  • give a magnificent shine over the entire ceiling area
  • work well in large rooms and are not entirely suitable for small rooms
  • require ideal flat surface, as they expose all existing ceiling defects


  • allow you to achieve a perfectly uniform effect;
  • universal - suitable for rooms with any functionality;
  • do an excellent job of masking existing surface defects;
  • more affordable.


  • the “golden mean” between the two main types of paints discussed above;
  • create a moderately noticeable shine of the coating, but are much more discreet than regular gloss;
  • more practical and versatile;
  • You can adjust the level of shine by experimenting with different compositions.


  • allow you to imitate various textured surfaces;
  • ideally hide all existing imperfections in the ceiling base;
  • use a variety of components to create a textured pattern;
  • have solid decorative potential;
  • are more expensive than all the options above.

Types of paints by components

The components included in the painting compositions are another reason to classify the commercially available paints for the ceiling in the apartment.


  • universal purpose;
  • copes well with wet conditions and temperature changes;
  • affordable price;
  • provide an even layer and are not too demanding on the base surface;
  • resistant to ultraviolet rays.

Popular and inexpensive options:

  • “SNOW-WHITE” VD-AK-2180 - from 86 rubles for 3 l;
  • “SUPERWHITE” VD-AK-2180 - from 140 rubles for 3 l;
  • Decor Acrylic VD-AK216 - from 600 rubles for 13 kg;
  • Alpina Renova (10 l) - from 950 rubles;
  • DULUX MASTER LUX AQUA 40 - from 1200 rubles per 10 liters.


  • the most common option;
  • do not have a pungent odor;
  • dry quickly;
  • attractive price tag;
  • great variety on the market;
  • environmentally friendly.

Leaders of sells:

  • Sniezka Nature Color Latex 5 l - from 950 rubles;
  • Alpina Expert Mattlatex white 10 l - from 1300 rubles.


Available for sale:

  • Sniezka Energy 9 l - from 1300 rubles;
  • Tikkurila Joker - from 1500 rubles for 9 liters;
  • Dufa Retail Eurolatex 3 - from 2000 rubles for 9 liters.


  • excellent for wet areas;
  • guarantee the strength of the coating;
  • dry very quickly;
  • do not respond to mechanical influences.

Options that may suit you:

  • Olecolor PF-115 universal 3 kg - 120 rubles;
  • Teknos Futura 40 2.7l - 850 rubles.


  • the most effective decorative compositions;
  • impeccable wear resistance;
  • not recommended for plasterboard ceilings;
  • create a smooth and very durable coating;
  • high vapor permeability;
  • prevent the appearance of mold and mildew;
  • ideal for actively used kitchen premises and bathrooms;
  • expensive in terms of cost and consumption.


  • Sniezka Kuchnia Lazienka - from 1500 rubles for 2.5 kg;
  • Alpina Expert (10 l) - from 3000 rubles;
  • LITOKOL LITOTHERM Paint Sil (20 kg) - from 5500 rubles;
  • Caparol Amphisilan-Plus - 7000 rubles per 10 l;
  • Euro Extra 20 from TIKKURILA - from 6,500 rubles per 10 liters.


  • with silicate (liquid glass);
  • guaranteed long term operation in dry rooms;
  • conflicts with moisture and elevated temperatures;
  • antibacterial.

Sold in stores:

  • TIKKURILA Finngard SILIKAATTIMAALI (18l) - 5,190 rubles;
  • PUFAS Fassaden-Silikat (10 l) - RUB 2,090;
  • Baumit Silikat Color Repro (25kg) - from 6,000 rubles;
  • Ceresit "ST 54" - from 1500 rubles per 10 liters;
  • Tikkurila Euro Facade - from 3500 rubles per 10 liters.


  • the cheapest;
  • based on slaked lime or cement;
  • short service life;
  • Most often used for technical rooms.

Table of the most popular paints. Prices, pros and cons.

Paint type pros Minuses Best options On the market Price
Acrylic Versatility, moisture resistance, does not fade, undemanding to the surface High price tag for products of certain brands, takes a long time to dry Farbitex Profi (14 kg) From 900 rubles
Water-based Universal, wide choose, quick-drying, no pungent odor in some cases, increased demands on surface treatment Alpina Expert Mattlatex white 10 l from 1300 rubles
Latex Hides defects and provides durable coverage High price Dufa Retail Eurolatex 3 from 2000 rubles for 9 liters.
Alkyd Suitable for wet areas, provides a durable coating, low price Thorough surface preparation Teknos Futura 40 2.7l from 850 rubles
Silicone Durable and smooth coating, antibacterial, moisture resistant High price, incompatible with metal bases Caparol Amphisilan-Plus from 7000 rubles for 10 liters
Silicate Antibacterial, low price, textured Incompatibility with moisture Tikkurila Euro Facade from 3500 rubles for 10 liters

Not every buyer will choose ceiling paint in the construction department the first time. At first glance, everything seems extremely simple. There is a corresponding marking on the can that indicates for which surfaces it is intended. this type paint product. However, customer reviews suggest that you should not blindly believe this label. The fact is that the so-called ceiling paint in the photo is often presented at a low cost. This indicates that the material is unstable to mechanical damage, undergoes fading and quickly acquires a yellowish tint. Therefore, before choosing white paint for the ceiling, you should evaluate the material according to other criteria.

Selection rules

Material for painting ceilings can create on the surface:

  • Matte finish.
  • Glossy.
  • Semi-gloss.

In addition, paint and varnish compositions can be produced based on:

  • Oils.
  • Acrylic.
  • Water emulsion.
  • Silicone or latex.

The best choice among the above white paints are water-based types. Surfaces coated with a composition based on a water emulsion acquire a porous structure through which air circulates well. Although other species paint and varnish materials, from trusted manufacturers, also allow you to qualitatively finish any surface in the bathroom and other rooms.

White glossy ceiling paint that looks great on a perfectly flat surface. Therefore, the use of this type of paint and varnish composition requires a professional approach.

For those looking for a simple and inexpensive option for finishing surfaces in the bathroom, white water-based paint for ceilings would be an excellent option in this case.

Types of paints

Based on water emulsion

This is one of the cheapest options. White water-based emulsion, can be used for painting surfaces in rooms with normal level humidity. And although this type of coating very quickly acquires yellow and unattractive appearance, water-based emulsion is often used for interior decoration. The composition itself is odorless, fits perfectly on any surface, dries quickly and, if necessary, is easily washed off with plain water.

If we talk about more expensive and high-quality types of water-based emulsion, it should be noted that dulux ceiling paint is dazzling white and is a material worthy of the attention of consumers. It is suitable for rooms with normal levels of humidity and dust. The paint coating forms a stable film on the surface that can be washed with any soft detergent. Thanks to high density films, easily hidden on the surface minor defects. Dulux magic dazzling white ceiling paint is recommended for use in offices, halls, corridors, and children's institutions.

Acrylic based

If you are still wondering what better paint for the ceiling, we recommend paying attention to white acrylic. It is odorless, dries quickly enough, and perfectly masks small defects on the surface. For application, use a roller, sprayer, or brush. Acrylic if necessary White paint, can be mixed with any pigment.

Silicone based

This type paint coating has a light but quite pronounced odor and high stability. Silicone compounds perfectly mask small cracks and chips on the surface. Silicone ceiling paint white matte, won best reviews consumers. The silicone-based coating practically does not accumulate dust and eliminates possible reproduction pathogenic bacteria and gives an excellent appearance to the room.

Latex based

White latex paint composition is the best choice for finishing the ceiling in the bathroom and other rooms with high humidity. The latex base lays on the surface in an even layer, reliably protecting it from the influence of moisture and dampness. Experts recommend choosing this type of paint and varnish for finishing ceilings in rooms and kitchens. However, it is worth considering that the consumption of this paint is quite high and the painted surface turns yellow over time.

Where to choose

Having studied all types of paint and varnish compositions, the consumer may not immediately decide which is the best paint for the ceiling. Today's diversity finishing materials makes you think about making the right choice. Experts recommend choosing a water-based composition. For example, paint for wooden ceiling white, based on a water emulsion, will cover the surface better than any other type of paint. Plus, it is necessary to take into account the color and safety of the material for environment. The safest, of course, is water-based paint. It does not emit harmful, toxic substances and complies state standards quality and purity. As for color, white is the most good color, allowing you to visually increase the height of the ceiling and create a feeling of spaciousness in the room.

In conclusion, we note that today’s choice of paint and varnish compositions is presented in a wide range. In order to choose and not make a mistake when purchasing a material for finishing the ceiling, you need to carefully study the composition. It should also be taken into account that paint can create a matte, glossy or semi-gloss film on the surface, which to a certain extent affects the interior design. Before purchasing, the degree of humidity in the room, the area of ​​the ceiling and the desired color are taken into account. Each of these factors influences the choice of finishing material, its quantity and cost.

A closer look from the bottom up

White indelible dirt, a vacuum cleaner with a spray bottle, stains on the ceiling - the picture “we whitewashed the ceiling” still terrifies representatives of the middle and older generations in our country. Fortunately, the actively developing market for construction and finishing materials has provided many alternatives to this natural disaster of repairs. And the easiest way for those who decide to update the freshness of the ceilings in the house is painting. Matte, glossy, textured, colored design is easily achieved using a regular brush, roller or spray gun.

All the consumer needs is to understand the materials offered and decide which ceiling paint is best.

Photo: him40.ru

Which ceiling paint is better to choose?

ABOUT paint materials should be valued based on the following factors::

  • hiding power (the ability of paint to completely hide the previous layer when minimum consumption);
  • masking effect;
  • volume;
  • methods of caring for painted surfaces;
  • price.

Total offered in stores 6 types of ceiling paints:

  • water-based polyvinyl acetate;
  • acrylic;
  • latex;
  • silicone;
  • silicate;
  • textured.

All these paints are aqueous suspensions of polymers and pigments, so it would be correct to call them water-based or water-dispersed. All paint and varnish materials differ water based the type of polymer by which paints are named. There is also a difference in price, color offerings, and, of course, quality.

Dufa - the best glossy ceiling paint

Photo: vanna-rem.ru

Approximate price for Dufa Superweiss (10 liters): 3300 rubles.

This ceiling paint is praised for its snow-whiteness, silky gloss, excellent hiding power, durability, strength and reasonable pricing policy from the manufacturer.

Pleasant gloss is a priority for most users. It not only emphasizes the purity of color, but also helps to visually increase the volume of the room. This is why Dufa is often used when painting ceilings in small rooms and corridors.

The manufacturer's assortment includes decorative coverings, which create spectacular patterns on the ceilings. This means that it is possible to experiment not only with shades and halftones, but also to create original optical illusions and various interesting textures on the surface.

Reviews: “Dufa is a pleasure to work with - great paint.”

Caparol - the best paint for the ceiling in the country

Photo: www.kavkaz-torg.ru

Approximate price for Caparol CapaSilan (10 liters): 3950 rubles.

This is one of the few manufacturers specializing in silicone paints for ceilings.

Silicone compounds, when drying, easily eliminate or hide small irregularities, roughness and cracks on the ceiling. The adhesive properties of Caparol silicone paint can “hide” cracks up to 2 mm thick.

The material is also characterized by high hiding power and, even in one layer, perfectly paints the surface, is easy to clean and almost does not become dirty, as it has a powerful dust- and water-repellent effect.

Reviews: “The best, in my opinion, paint for ceilings in unheated rooms. I used it for ceilings in the country, and although the house was not heated in winter, in the spring all the ceilings looked like they were freshly painted.”

Dulux - the best matte ceiling paint

Photo: www.profkom64.ru

Approximate price for Dulux Magic White (10 liters): 3100 rubles.

Dulux is the best ceiling paint if you're looking for a matte option ( we're talking about about products manufactured in the UK, since the company’s Russian factories cannot yet always boast the same quality). Its light-absorbing characteristics are so good that they almost completely mask all minor errors in the ceiling surface. The paint has excellent hiding power: just two layers are enough to make the ceiling look perfect. If we add here the low cost of square meter, environmental friendliness, a wide selection of shades, easy care, the absence of an unpleasant odor and the ability to apply the composition to an unprepared surface, it becomes clear why the paint is so popular, despite its rather high cost.

The price is high for this brand, and the quality of Russian-made paint is not stable.

Reviews: “There are no downsides except the price. The paint on the ceilings dries very quickly, and within just half an hour there is no smell in the house.”

"Oreol" - the best washable paint for the ceiling

Photo: domi-on.ru

Approximate price for "Oreol Discount" (13 kg): 900 rubles.

“Oreol” paint adheres very well to surfaces and ceilings of any type, creating an almost perfect matte finish. Most matte compositions are characterized by high coverage rates, especially when it comes to white, pastel or terracotta shades. “Halo” in this case is no exception. And even more.

The finished coating dries one and a half times faster than other manufacturers, and is easy to wash and clean. Information from forums and specialized sites distinguishes “Oreol” paints from others and gives them the highest rating based on the results of actual use.

The consumption declared by the manufacturer does not always correspond to actual results.

Reviews: « A good choice at a moderate cost. We painted over old yellowed wallpaper, the result exceeded all expectations.”

Tikkurila - the highest quality water-based ceiling paints

Photo: diva-keramika.ru

Approximate price for Tikkurilla Euro 7 (9 liters): 2800 rubles.

Tikkurila has long been synonymous with the word “quality” when it comes to paints and varnishes. The paints of this brand contain all the advantages that consumers are looking for:

  • pure color;
  • unlimited possibilities coloring;
  • durability;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • UV resistance;
  • excellent performance characteristics.

Tikkurila has one drawback - the high price, but you have to pay it for really good quality. At the same time, it is important to understand that by quality we mean “real” Tikkurila; the product produced near St. Petersburg is not always so ideal.

When purchasing, you need to be careful about where the paint is produced.

Reviews: « Good paint for the ceiling - it leaves no streaks and dries quickly.”

Ceresit - the best silicate paint for ceilings

Photo: www.kupyura.ru

Approximate price for Ceresit C.T. 54 (15 liters): 3300 rubles.

Ceresit silicate paints are primarily intended for facade works, but at the same time it is quite acceptable to use them inside the building - including for ceilings. Builders and consumers like them for their final result, good hiding power, environmental friendliness, antifungal properties, simple care and durability.

Ceresit paints are quite demanding on the base and work best on mineral plasters.

The paint is “capricious”: if you just don’t pay attention to the base, the result will be unpredictable.

Reviews:“Ceresite is applied quickly and very simply. I used a regular brush for painting and the ceiling looks just great. But I had to struggle with the plaster.”

"Snezhka" - the best quality in the inexpensive segment

Photo: wikibud.com.ua

Approximate price for SNIEZKA EKO paint (10 liters): 1400 rubles.

Ceiling paint pleasantly surprises with the best price/quality ratio. Suitable for almost any type of surface, has excellent hiding power. Allows you to ideally combine surfaces of different textures, which is often necessary when installing plasterboard on the ceiling.

Almost all options are not very resistant to water, but are hypoallergenic and environmentally friendly. The colors are easily tinted to required by the user shade. Unfortunately, the paint consumption indicated by the manufacturer differs almost twice from the actual one, for which “Snezhka” receives a big minus from us.

Reviews: “I was pleasantly surprised by the hiding power, the paint really applies to the ceiling very evenly and in one pass you get a very high-quality white coating.”

"Expert" - excellent white paint for ceilings

Photo: www.domstroy45.ru

Approximate price for “Expert Washable” (14 kg): 850 rubles.

Expert paints are one of the areas of paint and varnish materials from DEKART. After applying products from this brand, ceilings look truly white. It is for its pure and bright color the paint is valued by finishing craftsmen. “Expert” ceiling paints have a range of advantages:

  • dry quickly;
  • do not lose color over time, do not crumble or wear off;
  • have no odor after drying;
  • non-toxic;
  • look great in glossy and matte finishes;
  • suitable for all types of surfaces.

The tinting of the composition is not always successful, so this paint is best chosen by those who are planning to paint the ceiling white. The second drawback noted by users is excessive thickness. This problem is easily solved by diluting the paint to the desired consistency, but this information, alas, is not noted by the manufacturer in the instructions.