Indoor flowers growing in partial shade. Plants for dark rooms. Flowering shade-loving plants

Fresh flowers fit organically into any design and interior of the room. They complement the style, give the home coziness and warmth, and create an atmosphere of calm and tranquility.

But not all indoor flowers take root in the house and delight their owners. It's all about light illumination and temperature conditions.

If a flower needs an abundance of sunlight, it will not grow in a dark room. Therefore, before choosing home flowers, you should take this fact into account.

Note! If a small amount of sunny color penetrates into the apartment, then choose houseplants, loving shade.

This perfect option for many apartments and houses. After all, domestic flowers that do not require an abundance of light are less whimsical. They are easier to care for and monitor.

Don't think that shade-loving plants They are somehow inferior in aesthetic terms to light-loving flowers. They also bloom brightly, smell and look delicate and attractive.

Indoor plants: shade-loving and unpretentious

Flower name Short description
Blooming in the apartment
Spathiphyllum Green plant. Spathiphyllum leaves are presented in the form of an elongated oval. The plant loves spraying.

Once every 30 days it needs to be washed with a damp sponge.

Gardenia For gardenia comfortable temperature room temperature ranges from 15 to 24 degrees Celsius. Gardenia blooms with white inflorescences.
Saintpaulia Saintpaulia is often called the Usambara violet. Prefers to bloom in the shade.

Violet loves high temperatures (from 19 to 24 degrees Celsius). Violet blooms with blue inflorescences.

Vriesia Vriesia is a plant that stands out for its blooms in the form of a bright red arrow. The flower loves water. But Vriesia is not an unpretentious plant.

If you are going to have such a flower in your house, you will need to monitor the humidity and air temperature daily.

Optimal temperature indoor temperatures vary from 18 to 26 degrees Celsius.

Anthurium Capricious, but beautiful plant. Loves warmth. Anthurium should be handled carefully.

Its leaves contain a substance that can corrode human mucous membranes.

Ivy Ivy is a climbing flower. Unpretentious, does not like sunny colors. Ivy is grown on nets, flowerpots or hanging flowerpots.
Peperomia Peperomia's homeland is India. This is a tropical flower with a distinct green hue.
Tradescantia Tradescantia was brought to Europe from the American continent. It is distinguished by a variety of shades and unpretentiousness.
Scindapsus Scindapsus is called a liana. Liana flowers are decorated with white - yellow shades and ornaments in the form of streaks.

Liana loves moisture and does not tolerate direct sunlight.

Palm tall plants
Ficus Ficus is a tree-like plant used to decorate living and working spaces.
Hamedorea Hamedorea grows slowly and for a long time. Another name for palm. Hamedorea loves abundant watering and daily spraying.
Dracaena By appearance resembles a small palm tree.
Monstera The second name for Monstera is indoor liana. It is distinguished by large leaves and height.
Fittonia Fittonia has become one of the most favorite flowers of gardeners. It has a pinkish color and an unusual leaf shape.
Nephrolepis Fern with outstretched leaves.
Maidenhair The fern looks exotic. It is decorated with small leaves of bright green color. Adiantum is used for decoration in floristry.
Calathea Calathea belongs to the arrowroot family. Its originality lies in the unusual leaves of a unique color.
Codeium Codiaeum belongs to the Euphorbiaceae family. Fascinates with its beauty and unique color in two color shades: pink and green.

For the hallway

For the hallway, floor or large plants are selected that can harmoniously fit into the interior of the room:

  • Hibiscus.
  • Dracaena.
  • Yucca.
  • Monstera.
  • Ficus.
  • Cactus.

Important! It is worth remembering that if there is little light in the hallway, then at least once a week you will need to change the location of the flower.

For kitchen

You can decorate your kitchen space with the following flowers:

  • The money tree symbolizes the wealth and well-being of the family. It is distinguished by thick leaves and a glossy color. This is an ideal floral design for the kitchen.
  • Violet.
  • Begonia.
  • Croton.
  • Scheffler.
  • Fruit trees. Such mini-trees have a refined aroma and attractive appearance. They help neutralize kitchen odors.
  • Calathea. The peculiarity of calathea is its increased resistance to moisture.
  • Balsam.
  • Zebrina.

It is worth remembering that when registering kitchen space It is prohibited to place flowerpots and pots next to heating objects, stove, sink or hood.

For the bedroom

The bedroom is a person’s resting place. Therefore, plants for the bedroom should be selected taking into account the harmful components they contain that can harm human health.

Note! It is not advisable to choose the largest and very large plants for the bedroom. They collect a lot of dust, which can negatively affect the broncho-pulmonary system of a person.

For the bedroom, medium-sized flowers are selected and placed on the shelves.

Table: plants for the bedroom.

When decorating a bedroom with indoor flowers, it is worth remembering that a large number of them is not always useful. Pots are placed away from the place where a person is used to spending his free time.

The most shade-loving

The most shade-loving plants:

  • Aspidistra. The beauty of the aspidistra lies in its dotted color. The uniqueness of the flower lies in its unpretentiousness.

    It does not require special care and tolerates vibrations temperature regime, grows well in dark and poorly lit rooms.

  • Chlorophytum. Used to decorate spaces with various purposes. It resembles a plant trunk with an abundance of outstretched stems.

    Chlorophytum is cold-resistant and is not afraid of an abundance of moisture. His main fear– drought, so it should be watered and sprayed regularly.

  • Aglaonema. It is a bush with lanceolate leaves, which are decorated with spots of yellow, silver or cream color.
  • Epipremnum. This is an indoor vine, the length of which reaches three meters. The climbing vine is characterized by its adaptation to any lighting and temperature conditions.
  • Gelksine. It looks like a grass mat that easily dots the surrounding space.

Important! If a plant is shade-loving, this does not mean that it should be placed in dark room for a long time. Flowers do not tolerate direct sunlight, but they need light for normal growth and development.

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Anyone who has even a little experience with floriculture knows: one of the main reasons why plants have difficulty taking root in apartments is an acute lack of light. Even on the windowsills of bright, southern windows, the amount of light is tens of times less than on the street. What can we say about the more shaded areas of the house! Already at a distance of about a meter from the window, the flow of light is significantly less than on the windowsill. That is why shade-tolerant indoor plants have always been in special demand among nature lovers.

They become especially popular in last decades, as the layout and design of premises become more diverse, non-traditional. The number of residential and office premises with a large area that you always want to “revive” with at least one large plant that can survive and look good away from windows, in the shade.

What is a shadow

This simple children's question is not so simple when it comes to floriculture. After all, the concepts of “shadow” and “penumbra” are very relative and subjective. For example, the window sill of a north window will already be a shadow for a plant; light-loving specimens will not grow here. If you go further, into the depths of the room, then at a distance of a meter or three meters from the window, the flow of light will differ by a factor of 10, although the human eye practically does not detect this difference.

There is a simple and time-tested technique developed by flower growers. If you, having good eyesight, are able to read newspaper text in this place at noon, then you can place shade-tolerant specimens here. If the newspaper is difficult to read, the place is too dark even for hardy plants. Yes, you can keep a flower pot here, but additional lighting will be required, especially in autumn-winter. And this is a completely different topic for conversation.

Groups of shade-tolerant plants

Typically, shade-tolerant flowers are those that, under natural conditions, are accustomed to living in partial shade. This could be the lower floor of the forest, thick grass, deep gorges - all places where direct sunlight rarely reaches. Breeders and gardeners used natural property of such species, they developed it by breeding varieties and hybrids in which the ability to live with a lack of light is specially enhanced. And, to the delight of amateur gardeners, there were quite a few similar plants! They can be divided into several popular groups:

  1. Shade-tolerant indoor plants that can bloom beautifully.
  2. Decorative deciduous shade-tolerant indoor plants.
  3. Lianas, climbing, and shade-tolerant species.
  4. Large specimens and palms that can grow in the shade.

Now we will look at popular shade-tolerant indoor plants, their names and descriptions, separately for each of the selected groups.

Blooming shade-tolerant houseplants

Unfortunately, there are fewer of them. Still, plants need more light to bloom; very few are able not only to stoically endure the twilight, but also to delight the world with their flowers. As a rule, these species do not bloom in the depths of the room: either on the northern windowsill, or very close to the windows. That is, their destiny is the “light zone” of penumbra.


Everyone knows the Uzambara violet. It can bloom successfully on north-facing window sills, on a table near the window, and in other similar places. An easy to care for, popular plant that requires normal room temperature and regular watering.


Also a well-known, common plant. There are a huge number of its varieties that bloom beautifully, large flowers. Begonia can be safely called an unpretentious species.


Able to look great and bloom on a northern windowsill. Its white flowers look great against the background of dark green elongated leaves. A little more capricious than previous types, it requires regular spraying or increased air humidity.


One of the representatives of bromeliads. In nature, it grows in the shade of trees, so it can withstand lack of light. During flowering, bright flower “arrows” grow from the rosette of leaves and live for quite a long time. Requires slightly higher air humidity and regular watering. It is important that there is always water left inside the leaf rosette. In addition to Vriesia, it can bloom on northern windows whole line other bromeliads.


Its inflorescence, similar to an umbrella attached to a powerful peduncle, can surprise with its beauty. At proper care flowering will occur even with a clear lack of light, and the plant has beautiful not only flowers, but also a powerful foliage rosette. Fertile soil and regular watering is all that is required from the owner.


It can bloom for months, pleasing the eye with graceful bell flowers. Like Saintpaulia, it belongs to the Gesneriaceae, it is easily propagated, hundreds of its varieties have been bred. It is rightly considered easy to care for, requiring only high air humidity.


This orchid is also called " pansies" A relatively easy-to-care plant that blooms regularly even on northern windowsills. The main difficulty is maintaining high humidity near the flower. A small, compact humidifier is best for this. Loves warmth and does not tolerate drafts.

It should be added that not only miltonia is a shade-tolerant orchid. Even many varieties of well-known phalaenopsis will bloom successfully on a north window.

Decorative deciduous shade-tolerant plants

There are many more of them than blooming ones. And this is understandable, because it is much easier for a plant to simply grow foliage than to lay flower buds and develop flowers. This group is valued for its beautiful leaves and attractive crown. They are able to live away from windows, and among them, as a rule, are the most shade-tolerant of indoor plants.

Chlorophytum crested

One of the most persistent shade-tolerant home plants, a regular in kitchens, offices and utility rooms. Tolerates everything: deep shade, temperature changes, irregular watering. It can even survive on some shelf in the back of the room. The main thing is to grow it in this place from the very beginning, “from childhood.” Cute, varieties have been created with various shapes leaves with variegated colors.


Famous " pike tail" In terms of unpretentiousness and shade tolerance, I can compete with chlorophytum. The plant is so flexible that it can live both in deep shade and in bright sun. Varieties with variegated leaf color have been bred, but in the shade the brightness of the pattern fades.

Attention! This is important for all ornamental shade-tolerant plants. If their leaves have a variegated color, multi-colored spots and stains, this pattern does not stand out so brightly in shaded areas, often completely disappearing. By increasing the illumination, the variegation can be increased again, but this will take a lot of time.

Japanese aucuba

For its noticeable golden spots on the leaves it received the beautiful nickname “golden tree”. At good care grows into a one and a half meter tree that lives for many years. The shade-tolerant indoor plant is moderate in all its requirements and lends itself well to pruning and shaping. If possible, provide it with slightly increased air humidity.


This small, shade-tolerant plant fits perfectly on a kitchen shelf or on a table in the back of the office. Beautiful leaves with variegated veins do not lose their expressiveness even in deep shade. True, this bush will require regular watering, spraying, and generally high humidity.


The plant is resistant in all respects, which is why it is called the “iron lady”. The leaves seem to be strewn with silvery powder, but if you plan to “drive” your pet into dense shade, it is better to immediately take varieties with green foliage - the white pattern in the shade gradually disappears. However, there are still beautiful green leaves, reminiscent of lily of the valley leaves! This species requires a cool winter.

Multi-row sickle-shaped

Representative of ferns. There is an opinion that ferns are shade-tolerant indoor plants, but this is not always true. But in the case of this plant - quite! The main difficulty in its maintenance is the plant’s love of coolness: in summer it requires 18-20ºС, in winter - about +10°С. But remember how many cold rooms we have that could be decorated with this fern!

In addition to the multi-row variety, shade-tolerant and popular ferns are considered nephrolepsis And maidenhair. As a rule, they still prefer to “get closer” to at least the northern window, and they also need to be regularly sprayed and the surrounding air moistened.

Aglaonema variable

The color of the leaves of this species from the araceae family can compete with the buds of many flowers. And the shape of the leaves can be very diverse. Can grow in deep shade and is generally considered an unpretentious species. Perhaps you should still pay attention to the increase in air humidity. Dense bushes can range in size from 30 to 60 cm and look very decorative.

Shade-tolerant vines and climbing plants

They are grown in hanging pots, baskets, they decorate walls and corners, high stands and supports. Sometimes liana-like shade-tolerant indoor plants are used to hide interior details and decorate empty corner rooms.

Epipremnum (aka scindapsus)

Indoor vine, one of the most popular house plants. It grows quickly, the lashes reach several meters in length. Very unpretentious appearance, flexible, adaptable to any conditions. Several species and many varieties are cultivated: both with completely green and variegated leaves. Leaf sizes also vary greatly.

Indoor ivy (Hedera).

Fast-growing vines cascade down from the hanging planter, forming a kind of “green waterfall.” However, there are varieties with variegated leaves; they are more light-loving. A persistent shade-tolerant plant that is not afraid of temperature changes or irregular watering. Perfect for decorating a large corner of a room or a section of wall.


Known to many flower growers. There are species with huge leaves, and there are more miniature ones. But in any case, the openwork leaves of Monstera are always a pleasant pleasure to the eye. It grows well both in height and horizontally, obeying the support. Loves high humidity, but adapts to dry air.


The once incredibly popular shade-tolerant indoor plants are now a little out of fashion, but in vain! Many types of Tradescantia have variegated foliage that looks great in elegant planters. And how unpretentious this plant is! It just needs to be watered on time. Tradescantia is often used as ground cover plant, but it perfectly fulfills the role of a hanging one.


It is popularly known as “indoor grapes”. The leaves are large, reminiscent of chestnut. She is characterized by a special elegance of appearance, but this beauty requires appropriate “stages”. The liana grows quickly and powerfully, is capable of weaving an entire wall, so it is more appropriate in large offices and halls with high ceilings. Can also be used in an ordinary living room where there is a lot of free space.

Palm and large-sized

Their self-sufficiency and ability to look appropriate in splendid isolation do not leave you indifferent! Decorators and designers adore them, using plants to decorate interior spaces.

Ficus rubbery

An ancient popular plant with large, expressive leaves. Very undemanding, can grow away from windows. Just don’t forget about timely watering and periodically wiping the leaf plate from dust.


Its appearance resembles a palm tree (many consider it a palm tree). Loves moisture, both in the soil and in the air. It still prefers not the densest shade; it grows well near windows.


Appeared in our apartments relatively recently. Hybrid of fatsia and ivy. It can quickly form a green “pyramid” in a bright corridor, reminiscent of a clothes hanger. Loves plenty of fresh air.


One of the shade-tolerant palm trees (of which, by the way, there are very few). Like all palm trees, it attracts with the delicacy of its leaves. A rather demanding plant that loves moist air, regular spraying and high-quality watering. It looks great if you plant several specimens in a large pot at once.


They can revive and make any interior more comfortable. But there is not always enough light in the apartment for their full development. How to be in this case? Experienced flower growers know that there are unpretentious shade-loving plants for the home. As a rule, these are inhabitants of shaded places in natural conditions. We will talk about them in this article.

We will introduce you to shade-loving plants for the home. Photos and their names will help you determine which one will fit better into your interior.

Indoor plants that can grow even in minimal light without losing the attractiveness of their leaves and flowers are extremely popular today. And this is due not only to the fact that they are unpretentious. Not all flowers are adapted to dim lighting, which serves as a decorative accent. Fortunately, among them there are many crops that are shade-tolerant and shade-loving.

Features of shade-tolerant plants

Let us immediately make a reservation that without access to light, in complete shade, not a single plant can grow. But the requirements for lower light intensity and the ability to grow them using artificial lighting, allows us to highlight a large group of truly universal varieties that can be placed in the middle of the room and in shaded corners.

If light-loving plants While a light intensity of 10,000 lux is required, shade-tolerant plants make do with a much lower value - from 500 to 1000 lux. You can measure the level of illumination using photo exposure meters or lux meters. But experienced flower growers use a simpler method. Even shade-tolerant plants should be placed at a distance of no more than 2 m from the north window and no more than 3 m from windows facing other sides.

The ability to adapt to such difficult conditions allows you to choose shade-loving plants for your home. Let's take a closer look at these flowers.

Chlorophytum crested

Even for beginners in floriculture, some names of shade-loving plants for the home are well known. Among them, undoubtedly, is chlorophytum: today it is difficult to imagine decorating a home or office without this flower. An unusually spectacular plant, which has elegant lanceolate leaves collected in dense rosettes, producing elastic long lashes not only with inflorescences, but also with new rosettes that can take root, belongs to plants that are well known and loved by many.

It would seem that the usual chlorophytum is no longer capable of surprising anyone, but those that appeared in last years its new varieties, which have curly or wide leaves similar to garden chard or spinach, delight even experienced gardeners.

Chlorophytum is equally beautiful both in a pot and in an ampelous culture. This plant does not exceed 40 cm in height, although its spreading vines can cover quite large areas and create incredibly beautiful cascades. Chlorophytum is one of those shade-loving plants for the home that can withstand almost any conditions. It tolerates not only diffused light, but also complete shadow.

True, if you want your chlorophytum to grow in the shade, you need to gradually accustom it to reduced light: a sharp change in growing conditions can provoke a loss of decorativeness. If young plants are grown in the shade, no problems will arise. Chlorophytum feels equally comfortable in both hot and cool weather, tolerates even very dry air and is surprisingly easy to care for. The only thing worth keeping an eye on is the condition of the substrate: it should not be too dry or waterlogged.

Aspidistra tall

A very impressive decorative deciduous shade-loving plant for the home. The beautiful leaves of aspidistra, as if strewn with white powder, look very unusual. But if you plan to grow this flower in the shade, we recommend paying attention to varieties that have a solid green color. Unfortunately, in shaded areas the flower loses its white patterns.

From the fleshy rhizomes emerge long, elongated oval leaves with pointed tips. They form a beautiful and slender turf. Their shape resembles lilies of the valley. Aspidistra flowers, appearing almost at the very base of the leaves, are located at soil level. Despite their pink color, they are rather inconspicuous.

Aglaonema variable

This shade-loving plant for the home has many varieties and varieties, differing in the shape or color of the leaves. Oval and lanceolate, bright green and yellow leaves with silver, gray, yellow, cream stripes and spots create amazingly beautiful bushes.

It seems that a shrubby plant with a height of 30 to 60 cm consists only of leaves tightly pressed together, which create a beautiful turf, while the stem is almost invisible. Shades of silver and green look elegant and fresh. With proper care, aglaonema blooms even in room conditions, forming original inflorescences-cobs with a snow-white stipule-veil. Despite the showiness of silver varieties and their tendency to partially lose patterns in shading, aglaonema does not lose its decorative effect even in a significantly shaded place.

Shade-loving climbing plants for the home

Any closet, wall, flower stand or shelf in the apartment can be decorated with the help of vines, which love and grow well and develop in partial shade and shade. The list of shade-loving climbing plants for the home is as follows:

  • Ivy.
  • Roicissus rhombicus.
  • Green-leaved syngonium.
  • Peperomia.
  • Epipremnum.
  • Tradescantia.
  • Scindapsus.
  • Cissus.

Of course, this is not a complete list; we have listed only the most popular crops.


Shade-loving climbing plants for the home, photos of which we posted in this article, are distinguished by simple leathery leaves. In scindapsus they are decorated with yellow and white streaks. At home, this plant grows quickly. In order for the vine to be lush and look good, it must be trimmed periodically.

The plant tolerates partial shade well, needs high humidity and abundant watering on hot summer days.


There are a huge number of varieties of this plant in the world with very different leaf colors. In order for Tradescantia to retain its decorative effect, it needs partial shade or diffuse lighting.


Many of our readers know this shade-loving plant for the home under another name - indoor birch. The climbing shoots are covered with green leaves, which are very similar in shape to birch leaves. On the shoots you can see curved tendrils, with the help of which the plant clings to the support.

Cissus is suitable for the office, home and children's rooms. It grows well on supports and in planters, creating a true green wall. The plant is unpretentious. Does not tolerate bright lighting - sunlight can cause leaf plates to fade.

Shade-loving climbing plants for the home and bathroom

We have already said that indoor plants can decorate any room. However, they are installed extremely rarely. It would seem that the conditions in this room are conducive to adding flowers to the interior, but there are some nuances.

AND heat air, and high humidity, the characteristics of this room are favorable for plants, but the lack of light can complicate the adaptation of flowers. In addition, the plants here spend a long time not only in the dark, but also in rather cool conditions. They are influenced chemical substances products used indoors (cosmetics, cleaning products, aerosols). These features must be taken into account when selecting plants and placing them in the bathroom.

It's no secret that bathrooms rarely have windows and are different large sizes, but flowers can be placed even in completely small room without a window, if you choose the plants correctly and install phytolamps. When deciding to grow flowers in the bathroom, you should first organize proper lighting.

Among the plants that are able to adapt to difficult conditions, climbing flowers are often chosen, for example, philodendron, epipremnum, and even more often, ivy. In addition, you can grow large plants (Fatsia, Monstera) in the bathroom, of course, if the space allows. In such conditions, bush plants (aspidistra, aglaonema, chamedorea) feel great.


A wonderful shade-loving plant with star-shaped variegated or green leaves has long been a favorite of many gardeners. This flower can very quickly grow and wrap around a support. Grow it on a moss support, shaped like a tree, or in a hanging planter.


There are many species of this plant, but green-leaved syngonium grows well in the shade. The spectacular vine has succulent leaves that, when closed, form a cascade that can decorate any interior. It grows very quickly and can form a tree on a support. Needs regular watering and spraying.

Flowering climbing plants

Without exception, all vines are very beautiful, but flowering plants are especially attractive. They create comfort and enliven the most austere interior.

Hoya (wax ivy)

This large shade-loving climbing plant for the home with flowers has large leathery leaves, the unusual star-shaped flowers are very beautiful. At home in partial shade it grows up to three meters. Flowering can continue for several months. At this time, you should not turn the plant and move it from place to place - the hoya may stop flowering and drop its buds.


These evergreen vines are grown to decorate homes, offices, and children's institutions. Passionflower has a very unusual flowers, which have a brightly colored double perianth with cross-shaped stigmas and bright straight or curved filaments.

At home, three-stripe and blue passionflower is most often grown, which is a vine with deeply dissected leaves and single flowers up to 10 cm in diameter. Tri-stripe passionflower has grayish-purple stripes on dark leaves. Its yellow-white flowers reach 4 cm in diameter.

Flowering plants

Among the shade-loving flowers, there are many beautifully blooming ones, so you can decorate both northern windows and shaded areas of your home with magnificent flowers.


This plant does not tolerate bright light. Clivia grows annually subject to a full winter rest, during which the plant is moved to a cool room (temperature below +12 °C), watering is reduced to a minimum and fertilization is stopped.

Bell-shaped yellow, orange and red flowers are collected on a tall peduncle in inflorescences. They look very impressive.


For growth and development, it requires partial shade from spring to autumn and diffused light in autumn and winter. Flowering begins from mid-spring to late August. The plant requires regular but moderate watering and temperature control (+15 °C).


The well-known begonia is a shade-loving flowering plant. Its magnificent bright flowers in summer and winter delight lovers of indoor plants with their appearance. There are almost two thousand varieties of decorative deciduous and decorative flowering begonias. All of them are undemanding in care and prefer partial shade.


“Women's happiness” is what people call this flower. This shade-tolerant houseplant has beautiful pointed leaves and sail-like white flowers.

Gradually, the cover of the flower changes color to green and is lost against the background of the foliage. By regularly cutting off wilted inflorescences, you can prolong flowering for a while. At room temperature, regular spraying of the leaves and abundant watering are necessary.

Indoor flowers delight with their greenery all year round, purify the air and bring a piece of comfort and soul to every home. Sort of like antidepressants in pots. You water them, wipe the leaves or add fertilizer - and you are already distracted from your busy day and obsessive thoughts. Many are accustomed to placing flowers on window sills or free shelves, and yet they all need different conditions regarding light and heat. Today we’ll talk about those who don’t mind taking a secluded place away from windows and direct sunlight.

Indoor flowers in the shade - what are they?

Shade-loving houseplants are mainly decorative foliage plants, such as aglaonema, saintpaulia, and monstera. But there are also a few representatives of beautifully flowering ones, for example, balsam, clivia and even some types of orchids. All of them will become a wonderful decoration for your flower collection and, of course, your interior. The main thing is proper care and care.

Beautifully blooming indoor flowers growing in the shade

The decoration of representatives of this list can confidently be called balsam. An unpretentious plant in the form of a bush with bright flowers of various colors will gladly occupy a shaded place. Some varieties of balsam have double flowers - full, lush buds.

Another lushly blooming beauty that will settle in partial shade is begonia. She is certainly pretty, but has a more capricious nature - she does not tolerate spraying and loves stability in terms of temperature and location.

Slender clivia is a living home decoration that will easily take its place in the shade. Its umbrella inflorescence, reaching 10-12 flowers, will delight you with red-orange and yellow buds.

Straight peduncles with unusual orange flowers saffron calathea will feel great in light shade, the main thing is to avoid drafts.

For those who want a flower in a hanging pot, Koleriya is suitable. It tolerates light partial shade well and has unusual tubular velvety flowers.
The heat-loving anthurium is also able to withstand partial shade, and if the air temperature is optimal (not lower than 15-17 degrees), then it will decorate the room not only with healthy leaves, but also with flowers, the color of which can be white, red and pink.

Shade-loving indoor flower of the orchid family

Many people consider the orchid to be a capricious plant that requires special conditions and painstaking care. In fact, some types of orchids are extremely unpretentious and are ready to bloom even in the bathroom under artificial light. Unpretentious ones include phalaenopsis, which is common among amateur gardeners, as well as dendrobium and miltonia. These representatives of orchids tolerate partial shade well, while their decorative effect in the form of extraordinary flowering does not suffer at all. The optimal temperature is 20-25 degrees all year round.

Decorative foliage indoor flowers that love shade

The main pride and decoration of the representatives of this group are the leaves. Lush, carved, multi-colored, with patterns and borders, velvet and impeccably smooth - the choice is huge, which means everyone will find something they like.

Thus, tall aspidistra boasts lush glossy leaves, but Alocasia black corduroy has velvety, deep dark green leaves.

Begonia leaves have a bizarre pattern and unusual coloring, up to purple or white with green-violet veins.

Monstera has massive, as if jagged, leaves, and Sansevieria has dense, sword-like leaves (popularly called “pike tail”). Everyone’s favorite dracaenas, dieffenbachias and nephrolepsis will also love a secluded shaded place.

Indoor plants decorate the house and make the life of a modern city dweller more joyful. And even if not always city ​​apartment sunny and spacious. There are many - large and compact, bright and modest shade-loving, decorative deciduous and flowering - that can decorate any home, even dark hallway. For example, those that do not need bright lighting.

In urban dwellings, there is often a shortage of well-lit, sunny places. Therefore, shade-loving ones are especially valued. Sciophytes - “shade plants” - is the name given to representatives of the flora that prefer shaded areas. They are also known as heliophobes - those afraid of the sun.

Bright light if not destructive, then definitely not useful. The ancestral home is the gloomy deciduous forests of the most different parts Sveta. Under their canopy, the leaves acquire an exotic color; only here is flowering possible.

Many shade-tolerant inhabitants of the lower tiers of tropical and subtropical forests have settled in city apartments. And now best place For them, northern and western home window sills, shaded corners of rooms, where only diffused light falls, became the focus.

Among them are those that do not bloom or have very modest inflorescences, but have extremely decorative leaves different colors. Others feature colorful flowers.

Some shade-loving ones are luxurious and large, many are graceful and airy unpretentious plants. Each one needs proper placement and special tender, loving care.


A small part of shade-loving plants can boast luxurious flowers. However, even among them there are spectacular species that can make up an exquisite collection.

Anthurium - a flower that prefers shade

For this feeling of well-being exotic plant partial shade is required from spring to autumn and diffused light in the cold season. Blooms from mid-spring to late summer. The inflorescence spadix is ​​framed by a bright “waxy” blanket.

Regular but not excessive watering, air humidification, and temperature control (constant temperature of about 15 degrees) are required.


Necessary good lighting, but indirect sunlight. Annual flowering will provide winter holidays, during which the flower must be moved to a cool room (with a temperature below 12 degrees), reduce watering and stop feeding. The rest of the time it should not be moved, replanted, or over-watered.

Occasionally you need to wipe the leaves with a damp soft cloth.

Bell-shaped red, yellow or orange flowers, collected in an inflorescence on a high peduncle, look bright and very impressive.

A striking representative of the “atmospheric” bromeliads. The 70 cm inflorescence with bright bracts makes it memorable. For luxurious flowering you need a stable temperature in the range of 19-28 degrees, and constant moistening of the rosette.

Sempolia or Uzambara violet

Although this flower needs sufficient quantity Sveta, does not tolerate direct sunlight well: burn spots appear on the leaves, their color fades, and there is no flowering. The best option placement – ​​light partial shade, diffused light.

Violet is a very popular flower

Decorative foliage

The main advantage of decorative deciduous plants is spectacular coloring of their leaves. The flowers may be small and inconspicuous.

This plant of “strict lines” is called “mother-in-law’s tongue” and “pike tail” by amateur gardeners. Many varieties have been developed with various combinations flowers in the color of leathery leaves.

In partial shade the contrast of color spots becomes brighter. IN favorable conditions blooms, throwing out long “candles” of white and yellowish inflorescences.

Ferns - love dark places

Among the many types, you can choose for both home and office, large or compact types. For example, broad-leaved Asplenium or delicate thin-leaved Adiantum (Venus hair).

All of them prefers shade or partial shade, moist air and soil.

Crassula (money tree)

Does not tolerate shadows well, but feels comfortable in dim lighting. Abundant watering is not required.

Compact ampelous and dwarf species need partial shade, they contraindicated bright light . Required moderate watering, air humidification, temperature above 12 degrees.

Takes root well in bright room, but at some distance from the window. Frequent spraying of leaves and maintaining a temperature of 12 to 20 degrees is required. Compact and large species have been bred.

Palm trees and large trees for home growing in partial shade

Such plants will become decoration spacious room, office or winter garden.


Tree-like plant with contrasting colors of narrow long leaves. Depending on the size, it grows from 70 cm to 3 m in height. To preserve decorativeness it is necessary sufficient but not bright lighting, moderate hydration.


Height from 0.5 to 2 meters. Often grown in tubs. It is distinguished not only by its varied color, but also by the shape of its leaves: they can be very narrow, long, lanceolate, or wide, round. Cordyline is often confused with dracaena.

Doesn't tolerate bright lighting at all. Loves " water procedures» - wiping and polishing the leaves, spraying, abundant watering in summer and moderate in winter.

Under this name they unite different kinds, which have one feature: a single growth point at the top of the stem. Most palms grown indoors are love partial shade, abundant watering in summer and less intense in winter, humid air.

Everyone cannot stand drafts and transplants.

Climbing shade-tolerant

Climbing plants and vines are used to decorate walls and create three-dimensional compositions.

Does not tolerate direct sunlight and strong shade. Best Accommodation – in bright but diffuse light or in partial shade. Moisturizing is weak in winter, frequent and abundant in summer.

There are a huge number of species of this hanging plant with varied leaf colors. To preserve its decorativeness partial shade required or indirect bright light.

An excellent option for decorating large surfaces. There is plenty of imagination given by the variety of varieties - the leaves can be large leathery and small delicate, whole and dissected. It grows quickly, becomes attractive and decorates the room.

Features of shade-loving flowers

All shade-loving plants are characterized by properties that distinguish them from others:

  • decorative qualities are most clearly manifested, if the flower is located in the shade or partial shade most of the day;
  • under intense lighting, development is inhibited, growth slows down, leaf color fades, flowering may not occur; with direct sunlight the plant may get burned;
  • need sufficient soil and air moisture;
  • it is necessary to observe the temperature regime;
  • usually shade-loving cannot tolerate frequent transplants.

Shade-loving plants are beautiful in their diversity. From them you can create exquisite, bright, stylish, light or respectable compositions that will become the main decoration of any room.