An old house inside. Old houses with interesting finds inside. Crowns and walls

Houses made of wood (timber and logs), despite all their advantages, require periodic repairs - this applies to even the most durable buildings built in accordance with all the rules. More than half of the wooden houses in the private sector were inherited by the current owners from previous generations, and have a solid experience of use. But even if the age of the house has exceeded fifty years, it is still a living space, a valuable resource.

Sentimental feelings and the situation on the real estate market do not allow such a building (often having an unpresentable appearance) to be put up for sale. And it is hardly possible to build new housing with the proceeds from the sale of an old house without additional financial injections. Demolition of a dilapidated house and construction of a new one in its place is an option that, for various reasons, is not suitable for every family. The next logical step is to reconstruct the house.

It won't be long before there are buyers for a house like this. Source:

When is reconstruction needed?

The need for reconstruction (full or partial) is indicated by the following signs:

  • Foundation. The base cracks or begins to collapse (and water that regularly gets into the cracks will completely destroy it in a couple of years). If the foundation sags, the caulk (seal) may fall out or the seams between the crowns begin to open up and cracks form. The porch can change position, entrance doors the floor begins to be scuffed, the windows are difficult to open. All these signs indicate that the house has acquired an angle of inclination, which only major repairs can straighten.
  • Condition of the wood. The appearance of a wooden wall does not always indicate the size of the problem. It is important to assess the condition of not only the upper layers of logs (timber), but also their interior.
  • Roof. Almost always in old houses the roof is the source of problems - leaks and dampness in living areas. Rafters and floor beams rot and are damaged by fungus or insects.
  • Walls. The lower crowns often rot, and the rest of the wood becomes a breeding ground for mold and wood-boring beetles.

The lower crowns need to be replaced Source

Reconstruction: where to start

Any owner of an old wooden house wants to figure out what is more profitable - to repair the existing building or build a new one. Deciding whether they need to renovate an old house is based on several factors:

  • Finance. Although building a new home is more expensive than a refurbishment operation, major renovations will also require a hefty amount of money.
  • Time. It is important to understand by what time all work must be completed (before autumn rains)
  • Technical condition Houses. Important parameter, defining the previous points. It is necessary to involve a professional for analysis.

A competent specialist will determine not only the deterioration of the building (which the owners can also do); he will find out:

  • reliability of supporting structures and the need to replace them;
  • condition of the walls, floor, roof and rafter system;
  • quality engineering communications.

The rafter system has become unusable Source

A professional builder will help you estimate the scope of work; whether the reconstruction will be complete, partial or pointless (when it is worth thinking about building new housing). In any case, the final decision is made taking into account his opinion.

Preparing for reconstruction: problem areas

When inspecting the house, you may find the need to:

  • replace the foundation (partially or completely) or strengthen it (eliminate cracks, strengthen the basement);
  • replace defective logs (beams) of the bottom row (bottom crown);
  • replace wall fragments;
  • restore the roof with replacement of rafters and roofing;
  • partially repair or completely re-lay the floor;
  • partially or completely replace communications (pipes, electrical wiring);
  • install drainage system;
  • replace windows and doors.

Longitudinal cracks in the wall of an old house Source

Typically, during reconstruction:

  • wooden elements of the house are impregnated with protective compounds (antiseptic and fire retardant);
  • walls are insulated (with inside), floor, roof;
  • are being restored outside surface walls (sanded, primed, impregnated with antiseptic and covered with varnish or paint).
It is important! Very often, during reconstruction work, unexpected problems arise. For example, when replacing a floor, rotten pipes are discovered; when replacing a roof, a lack of insulation is found. No one can foresee this until the final cladding is removed, so you need to be prepared for unforeseen expenses.

Reconstruction: stages

Many owners of old wooden houses have no idea how to change their home. , engaged in repairs and reconstruction, have accumulated extensive experience working with the most dilapidated and neglected buildings. When the reconstruction of a village house is discussed, the project changes its outline more than once.

Project for expanding the area of ​​the house (organization of an extension) Source

In any development of events, the restoration of the house goes through several stages:

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of reconstruction and rebuilding of houses. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Project and budget, procurement of materials and preparatory work

When assessing the condition of a home, specialists conduct necessary measurements. Afterwards, design documentation is drawn up, which presents:

  • condition and defects of structural elements;
  • work plan (calculations and estimates);
  • terms of work;
  • 3D model of the house (a visual way to see changes in the facade, internal redevelopment and style of finishing work).

When reconstructing a house with an increase in area, the wishes of the owners are a priority Source

In preparation terms of reference The opinion of the owners is taken into account. Home owners can decide:

  • increase the area of ​​the house or carry out redevelopment;
  • build an extension (for a garage, veranda) or terrace;
  • arrange the attic;
  • equip a sanitary facility, install water or sewerage;
  • add comfort and install a stove or fireplace;
  • carry out decorative cladding of the facade (siding, clapboard, imitation timber, block house);
  • additionally insulate the house;
  • carry out landscape design of the yard.

The company is preparing permitting documents for relevant organizations and provides home owners with a detailed budget, including:

  • selection of materials and calculation of their quantity and cost (determined by measurements);
  • transportation costs;
  • cost of repair work;
  • possibility of unforeseen expenses.

For significant completion, material is purchased with a reserve Source

Materials are purchased in volumes that are 5-10% greater than the calculated volume. During preparatory work, elements of the building that require alteration or replacement (roof, walls and internal partitions) are dismantled.


Reconstruction of an old wooden house begins from the foundation. The foundation is one of the most common problems of old buildings, since at one time it was made as economically as possible and with technological violations (under the weight of the structure, such a structure sinks deep into the ground). Most often, under wooden houses with “experience”, a strip or columnar foundation, often located above the freezing level. To assess the scope of work, they examine the outer part of the foundation, and, if necessary, dig out the buried part. Sometimes there is no foundation, and the plinth is laid on the ground

The strip foundation is reinforced or a new foundation is poured. To do this, you need to lift the box with jacks, dismantling the floor and cladding. For columnar base the best solution would be to install additional piles that can redistribute the weight of the structure.

The frame of the house is lifted to gain access to the foundation Source:

Crowns and walls

Half a century ago, when building houses, few people thought about compliance building regulations and arranged reliable waterproofing between the foundation and walls. The lower crowns of wooden dwellings easily became saturated with moisture, rotted and gradually became unusable.

Replacement of the crowns is carried out simultaneously with the reconstruction of the foundation, when hanging the box. Logs or beams prepared for replacement are treated with an antiseptic; Waterproofing is installed between the new crowns and the base. When restoring walls, the elements most often in need of replacement are those located around the windows. Also, the upper crowns often suffer from moisture penetrating through the roof and accumulating in the insulation.

Video description

About the partial replacement of the foundation in the following video:


Roof repair work can be done in two ways:

  • Roof reconstruction. A complete remodel is carried out if the owners want to increase the area of ​​the house by planning an extension or an insulated attic.
  • Revision. Elements of the roofing system are inspected, destroyed (with traces of rot) are replaced. The most common place for leakage is the chimney.

The old slate is replaced with a suitable modern material (which is mainly determined by its weight), and the attic is thermally and waterproofed.

Sanding the outer wall Source

Exterior decoration

Owners of a wooden house can go in two ways:

  • Restoration of wall surfaces. To highlight the natural beauty of wood, modern facing materials are not used. The walls are tidied up using a brush or grinder with a special attachment. The surface, cleaned of dirt and long-term deposits, is impregnated with an antiseptic and fire retardant. Using varnish or paint will reveal the structure of the wood, even out the shades of old and new fragments and additionally protect the surface.
  • Finishing work. Finishing wooden facade(often with insulation) serves additional protection walls, helps retain heat and at the same time transforms the house beyond recognition. Popular finishing materials include siding, plaster, block house, and PVC panels. The walls can be lined with brick, clinker panels, and porcelain tiles.

Cladding a wooden house with clinker panels Source

Floor, windows and doors, ceiling

The floor in a wooden house (especially if it is built directly on the ground) is a very vulnerable structure. Depending on the condition, the following is carried out:

  • Repair. If the boards and joists are in satisfactory condition (less than 30% damaged), replace the damaged parts of the flooring and carry out hydro- and thermal insulation.
  • Replacement. The old wooden flooring is dismantled (if the foundation has been repaired, the floor has already been dismantled) and the joists are replaced. Then a waterproofing film and a layer of thermal insulation are laid (for example, basalt wool); The logs are covered with a vapor barrier film. A board is laid on top. Sometimes a cement screed is made under the finished floor.

Windows and windows that have fallen into disrepair door systems exchange for new ones; they can be wooden or metal-plastic. Ceiling repair is a necessity if the beams are deformed; Usually new wooden floors are installed.

Video description

About the reconstruction of a wooden house in the following video:

Engineering systems and interior decoration

In old wooden houses, most systems need modernization. Specialists should be invited to replace or install communications (water, gas, sewer, ventilation). Experienced craftsmen They will make competent electrical wiring (designed for modern loads and safe) and install an economical heating system.

At the final stage, the kitchen and bathroom are equipped; The final finishing is carried out, on which the style of the interior will depend.

Electrical wiring requires a professional approach Source

Reconstruction: price issue

Even an old house worn out physically and morally, no longer suitable for the owners, they are in no hurry to demolish it. Modern technologies offered construction companies, will help breathe a second life into your favorite home, with which many memories are associated.

Many owners of old wooden buildings They are frightened by everyday inconveniences, the length of work and incalculable material costs. This happens if the reconstruction of a village house is done with your own hands - the process can drag on for years. By ordering reconstruction and rebuilding from professionals, owners save time, money and nerves.

Having many years of experience in repairing wooden houses, specialists will offer several reconstruction options, and then rebuild and improve the house, turning it into a beautiful and comfortable home. The exact price of reconstruction is determined at the design stage and depends on:

  • condition of the building;
  • the need for certain types of work and their volume;
  • prices of materials and cost of work;
  • season.

Repair of an old wooden house with reconstruction will allow the owners to stay comfortably Source

Prices for some services and work (Moscow region):

  • Visit to assess the property(includes consultation and measurements) - from 4 thousand rubles.
  • Dismantling the old foundation- from 2 thousand rubles. per rm (linear meter).
  • Pouring a new foundation- from 8 thousand rubles. per PM (work and materials).
  • Foundation reconstruction- from 10 thousand rubles. per pm
  • Exterior finishing foundation(plaster, cladding) - from 1.6-1.8 thousand rubles. per PM (together with materials).
  • Installation of utilities- from 3.5 thousand rubles. per m 2.

The cost of the material is included in the following types of work:

  • Increasing living space at home - from 5.3-5.5 thousand rubles. per m 2.
  • Veranda extension- 2.7-3 thousand rubles. per m 2
  • Roof reconstruction- from 6.4-6.8 thousand rubles. per m 2.
  • Chimney installation- from 6.5-6.7 thousand rubles.
  • Exterior decoration of the house- from 4 thousand rubles. per m 2.
  • Interior decoration of the house- from 9.2-9.5 thousand rubles. per m 2.

Video description

About turning an old house into a new one in the following video:

Ordering in a construction campaign is beneficial for many reasons:

  • The owners receive a comprehensive solution to several problems.
  • The reconstruction is carried out by highly qualified performers using proven technology.
  • Owners are provided with a plan (with deadlines) and a budget.
  • For all construction works and materials are guaranteed (for 3-5 years).
  • Many companies provide the opportunity to pay in stages.

Two lives of one house Source


After 30-40 years of operation, any wooden house requires, if not reconstruction, then thorough repairs. Even if the owners old building it seems that demolition will be the optimal solution to the problem, advice from a person with great practical experience will be useful. In fact, it may turn out that under the sloppy and dark top layer there is strong wood, and reconstruction will take much less time and money than building a new house.

Houses made of wood have unique splendor and beauty. The natural texture of the array with original patterns creates an atmosphere of warmth and comfort. Properly completed finishing of a wooden house inside, photo examples of which can be seen in the selection, will preserve the attractive appearance of the structure for a long time and ensure comfortable living.

The choice of materials for the interior decoration of a wooden house must take into account a lot of individual factors and indicators. It is important to determine the time of residence and weather conditions of the region in which the building is located.

Using a house in the warm season does not require additional insulation or the use of facing materials; it is enough to simply cover the wood with stain, varnish, or tinting solutions.

A wooden house is capable of maintaining a unique temperature regime and humidity level, so when choosing finishing materials it is important to preserve the advantages of the microclimate and the naturalness of the structure. The design of walls and other surfaces should be environmentally friendly and safe. According to experts, optimal options finishes should be similar to the wood species of the main structure.

The influence of temperature and humidity during the operation of the house can affect the material, causing expansion or contraction, so it is better to ensure that the coefficients of the base and interior decoration match as much as possible. It is not recommended to use coniferous wood in damp rooms and strong heat, due to the release of resins. It is important to maintain an individual approach when designing different rooms home, taking into account the characteristics of each room.


Decor internal lining In most cases, a wooden house using plasterboard is used to eliminate various defects, uneven walls, or to hide communications. In some cases, plasterboard materials are used to finish ceiling surfaces, or as additional interior partitions with imitation of natural textures.

In rooms with high humidity levels, it is recommended to use materials with a moisture-resistant coating, with high temperatures– fire-resistant. It is better to install drywall on a timber sheathing. For houses made of wood, it is not recommended to use structures made of metal profiles.


Modern types of clapboard cladding photo are distinguished by their aesthetic appearance, simplicity and ease of installation. Special fastenings on the lamellas allow you to create a beautiful, smooth surface. Color palette The material will act as an excellent imitation of wood. The optimal area of ​​application would be rooms with high humidity: kitchen, bathroom, toilet.

The main advantages of the lining material:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • ease of installation;
  • wide selection of colors and shades;
  • variety of varieties.

Disadvantages include the high cost of the material and its high maintenance requirements. Cladding the walls with clapboard is carried out after preliminary work has been carried out and the sheathing has been created from timber. Before installation, the slats are thoroughly cleaned and dried. If necessary, solutions of ammonia or hydrogen peroxide are used to eliminate defects in the form of spots and streaks. At the final stage, the surface lined with lining is varnished, sanded and again treated with a varnish composition.

Block house

Using a house block for wall cladding will preserve the style and microclimate of a wooden house. The main advantages of the material include:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • mechanical strength;
  • aesthetics;
  • a light weight;
  • ease of assembly.

Although the material has few disadvantages, there are some among them low vapor permeability and high flammability. The material is a good imitation of the texture of natural wood, as in the photo, having a high degree of decorativeness. For interior finishing, it is recommended to use lamellas with a thickness of about 25 mm. Massive options will require making a more durable timber sheathing, which will result in a significant reduction free space premises.

After calculating the amount of material required, experts recommend adding about another 10 percent of the stock. The color of the lamellas from another batch may differ, which will negatively affect the appearance of the cladding. Before starting work, the block house must reach room temperature after lying in the room for about two days.

Stages of the main work:

  • installation of the material is carried out on a pre-prepared timber sheathing, in increments of 50 cm;
  • for heat and sound insulation, you will need to cover the space between the beams with insulation;
  • the boards of the block house are connected using special protrusions on their surface, as in the photo;
  • materials will require some care in the form of cleaning, periodic painting, or varnishing.

Clean log house

The interior design of a wooden house using a clean frame will preserve the style and naturalness of the residential building, ensuring exceptional environmental friendliness and cleanliness of finishing. The coating will require systematic maintenance, updating the coating, removing dust and dirt.

It is also recommended to repeat sanding and finishing with varnish compounds once every five years. The walls of a wooden house can be subject to shrinkage under the influence of moisture, temperature changes, drying of the timber, and shrinkage. Finishing with a clean frame will not be able to hide this defect.

IN Lately More and more people prefer finishing private houses with clean logs, which is due to the fact that such finishing is environmentally friendly, natural beauty, and durable. As for the disadvantages, this is a fairly large volume of material, which makes it difficult to dry, easy flammability and possible rotting.


In wooden houses, this type of finishing such as plaster is used very rarely. As an exception, it can be used for decorative covering certain zones. Plaster finishing is done using textured versions of the material.

The advantage of this type of coating is the ability to quickly and available alignment surfaces, as can be seen in the photo. The advantages of the material also include:

  • elasticity;
  • preservation of original properties for a long time;
  • resistance to various mechanical influences;
  • does not require careful care;
  • does not absorb dirt;
  • excellent vapor permeability;
  • variety of colors and textures.

The main disadvantages include the high cost of high-quality decorative materials. The specifics of a wooden house, taking into account periodic shrinkage and expansion under the influence of temperatures, will require repeating the finishing with putty every five years.


The surface of the timber without flaws with a flat, smooth surface can not be hidden behind the skin, emphasizing the natural beauty, style, decorative painting. You will first need to sand and paint the walls. Small seam defects can be easily hidden under a special cord, which will create an additional seal and protect against drafts.

Walls and ceilings are coated using colored antiseptic or water-based paint. Such processing will provide aesthetic appearance surface and allow the base to breathe. Colored antiseptics have many advantages:

  • provide reliable protection against the occurrence of pathogenic microorganisms (fungus, mold);
  • preserve the structure of the wood, aesthetic appearance, prevent darkening;
  • favorably emphasize the natural texture of the log house;
  • create a beautiful tone, highlighting the natural patterns of wood.

You can treat the surfaces with a colorless antiseptic compound, completing the coating with a tinting solution, adjusting the color intensity by the number of layers applied. Choosing a color as in the photo will help set the style of the room. There is a huge variety of shades of tinting composition with different types of coatings from exquisite gloss to silky matte texture.


Decorating with wall panels will help emphasize the individual style of the interior. Materials are selected depending on personal preferences and interior design of the rooms. The panels can be made of laminated, veneered MDF with a good imitation of the pattern of wood, plastic, bamboo, natural wood, leather, plaster.

The advantages of any wall panels include the following:

  • relatively simple installation;
  • excellent heat and sound insulation properties;
  • attractive look.

In addition to the listed advantages, each of specific types panels have additional advantages. The same can be said about the disadvantages, which are individual for each type of material.

The size of the panels is selected individually. Installation of the elements is very simple and is carried out using a tongue and groove system. You will first need to make a sheathing of timber on which the panels are installed. The result is a smooth, seamless coating, if desired, with imitation wood, which will easily fit into even the most intricate interior.

Floor surface design

The choice of floor covering for a wooden house should be durable and reliable. Natural boards are able to emphasize the style of the room, acting as a harmonious addition to it. Special treatment with varnish and antiseptic will protect the coating from moisture and prevent the development of pathogenic microorganisms.

Finishing the floor with laminate has a number of advantages, reducing installation time and providing a high degree of decorativeness.

Experts recommend using insulation that is laid on rough coating before finishing. Thermal insulation will reliably protect you from the cold. Foil insulators are successfully used, mineral wool, or bulk materials photo. Laying is carried out between the main beams. A gap of about two centimeters should be left between the subfloor with insulation and the finishing finish.

Ceiling finishing

Decor ceiling surface has many variations. The interior decoration of a wooden coffered house looks elegant and beautiful, thanks to original combination decorative inserts and wooden beams. A variant of painted ceilings is used in interiors to create a national style in ethno style.

The ceilings of wooden houses can also be covered with clapboard, creating a flat surface. The play of shades and textures of the material allows the color of the ceiling to stand out against the background of the wall cladding. Connoisseurs of natural beauty, using the country or loft style, can leave the ceiling unchanged, preserving the pristine beauty of the wood with natural chips, cracks in the timber, and beams.

The Scandinavian style in the photo for wooden houses is especially popular, characterized by laconicism and restraint in design. Minimalist furnishings harmoniously convey warmth and beauty natural materials. Wood, as the main material, is present in decoration and decoration. Original Scandinavian style will emphasize the individuality of the building and give it a complete look.

Rooms with high humidity levels will require attention Special attention finishing coating of the ceiling. In this case, it is not recommended to leave the wood uncoated. It is rational to use tension structures in the bathroom and kitchen. PVC coating resistant to moisture and steam and will reliably protect wooden surfaces. Species diversity textures and color schemes of suspended ceilings allows for high-quality and stylish finishing.

The best options for finishing ceilings in a wooden house are the following materials:

  • laminate - looks great as a ceiling finish;
  • tension coverings - will save you if the house shrinks;
  • veneer panels - go well with wooden walls.

Stretch ceiling
Veneered panels

Wall cladding options

The interior finishing of a wooden house can be done different ways using modern materials with excellent quality characteristics. The choice of wall surface design in the photo is based on individual preferences and the stylistic decision of the interior of the room. Materials with a realistic imitation of timber and clapboard cladding are successfully used.

Wall cladding is carried out after installation of communication systems and electrical wiring. Initially, you should check the surfaces for level, making sure they are level. If there are irregularities, you will need to install a frame or lathing to lay the finishing material. The distance between the slats of the timber sheathing should be from 40 to 70 cm. The space between them should be carefully filled with insulating material.

After fixing the insulation, you can begin finishing the cladding. Finishing with lining with imitation of natural timber will emphasize the style, original look, will fill the atmosphere of the room with warmth and comfort. Before laying, it is important to check the material for defects and make sure there are no chips, knots or damage. On final stage the surface is treated with a special putty, sanded, covered with stain and paints and varnishes. Experts recommend giving preference to a semi-matte varnish coating; in interiors with wooden trim, glossy compositions acquire an unnatural shine after several treatments.

If we talk about which material is better for finishing walls, then in the case of a wooden house you can leave the natural appearance of the log house by first sanding it and tinting it. It is also worth applying an antiseptic or water-based paint to protect the wood. Also, any natural materials would be an excellent option. wooden base. If your financial situation allows, then you should pay attention to cork covering, which has a lot of undeniable advantages.

Main stages of finishing work

The finishing of a wooden house must be carried out in stages in compliance with all the rules for carrying out work. The main stages of finishing activities are:

  • caulking;
  • finishing of walls;
  • headliner;
  • laying flooring;
  • stain treatment;
  • coloring.

Caulking the seams of a log house

Before starting finishing work, mandatory measures should be taken to treat the base of the walls for biosecurity and fire protection of the house. Special compounds are used to protect the surface from various influences. High-quality processing can also provide a decorative finish.

An overview of small houses of the pre-war era, surprising with their external beauty and architecture. Our story will not be entirely about these buildings, but about what was inside them. In one of them there was a large amount of old literature, some books dating back to the 1950s, and in another house were found... about the finds and much more inside:

Rostov-on-Don is a beautiful city with a huge, centuries-old history, striking in its beauty and uniqueness. Currently, our city is increasingly becoming a small metropolis, a center of “plastic”, and “old” Rostov is giving way to this newness, but not always and not everywhere!
Many central streets are full of various store signs, ugly high-rise buildings, new tiles... but as soon as we go a little lower to the Don, we find ourselves in a small, historical, separate city in which the atmosphere of the 19-20 centuries still reigns. These streets and places are usually called “shitholes, ghettos, gypsy villages” and so on, but people do this in vain, since this is where a huge number of old houses are located, each of which has a huge centuries-old history, the spirit of the past owners of these houses and much more. Our new blog will be about some of them, or more precisely about what we found inside some of them.

In our city there is a huge number of old houses, estates, estates - many of them are still in fairly good condition or are registered as federal monuments, which are protected by law and cannot be demolished/rebuilt. But there are also those that no one needs for a long time and any rich guy can do whatever he wants with them. The first house does not quite fit the text above, but nevertheless it has been abandoned for several years:

Once upon a time I constantly drove past a beautiful red house, saw life inside the windows, children in a small patio... But, unfortunately, there was a fire in it and now this house stands abandoned, not counting its left side - where the flames did not reach, people live there to this day:

Even before the fire, the house stood out among the other buildings on these streets, even if it was in need of major external and internal repairs:

To our surprise, a famous architect once lived in this building: Mark Vladimirovich Grigoryan(1900 - 1978) - Soviet architect. Honored Artist Armenian SSR (1940). Honored Architect Armenian SSR (1969Laureate Stalin Prize third degree (1951). Member of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) since 1945.

Short biography:

From 1920 to 1923 he studied at three Rostov universities, from where he was invariably expelled “by origin.” In 1920-1922 he simultaneously studied at the Vrubel Art School.
In 1924 he moved to live in Armenia and entered the architectural department of the technical faculty of Yerevan University, from which he graduated in 1928. From 1939 to 1951 he held the position of chief architect of Yerevan. In 1951-1955 - Deputy Head of the Department for Architectural Affairs under the Council of Ministers of the Armenian SSR.

From 1955 until the end of his days - director of the Republican Design Institute "Armpromproekt". Laureate of the Stalin Prize of the USSR in 1951 for the project of the building of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Armenia (1949) and the State Prize of the Armenian SSR in 1971 for the creation of the ensemble of Lenin Square in Yerevan in the 1950s-60s. In Yerevan, he created many administrative buildings, residential buildings, and museums. The pearl of Mark Grigoryan’s work is considered to be the building of the repository of ancient manuscripts - Matenadaran (1959).

Journalist Mark Grigoryan is the grandson of architect Mark Grigoryan.

Awards and prizes:

Honored Artist of the Armenian SSR (1940)
Honored Architect of the Armenian SSR (1969)
Stalin Prize of the third degree (1951) - for the architecture of the building of the Central Committee of the Communist Party (Bolsheviks) of the Armenian SSR in Yerevan
State Prize of the Armenian SSR (1971) - for the creation of the ensemble of V.I. Lenin Square in Yerevan
The order of Lenin
Order of the Badge of Honor
various medals.

I was surprised when I learned about this this situation- such a beautiful house, with a rather famous architect who once lived here and is abandoned? - Alas, abandoned.

Visiting our house was not easy, since all the windows and doors are now tightly boarded up. Once inside, we immediately notice a small table on the veranda of the courtyard, on which several books lay:

These books dated back to the 1950s, some of them crumbled right in the hand when flipping through them. One of them even had a signature that touched my soul:

There was a huge amount of other literature lying nearby, but conscientious neighbors did not allow us to rummage through it, who mistook us for vandals or thieves, threatening to call the police, which, by the way, is located right behind the house. Pretending that we are leaving this house, we enter it again after a while, but now trying to remain unnoticed.

So we're inside the house. There is complete chaos and devastation everywhere, it’s scary to imagine what people experienced during the fire and after it, you can’t look at it without tears, as they say:

There were high ceilings, beautiful paintings, but from former beauty there is nothing left now. Let's go into someone's former apartment:

A large amount of furniture remained in place, as well as other things. One gets the feeling that the residents of this house are about to come, turn on the TV and sit down to watch it...

peace Labor may...

At the end of our walk around the house we find ourselves in the kitchen, since it is not possible to get into the other rooms. Unfortunately, now you can only smell the burning smell, although once upon a time there probably was a smell of pleasant, freshly prepared food:

The time has come to say goodbye to this house, its history and bitter fate, to go to an equally sad place, which also suffered after the fire:

Right in the city center, there is a house, 4-5 floors, large, with a courtyard. This building is also located after a fire, due to which almost the entire fifth floor fell into the third and fourth floors, respectively.

There were a lot of things left in the rooms, furniture - everything that the residents of this building did not have time to take out. In some rooms there is 2-3 cm of dust and ash. The entire ceiling, floor, walls - almost everything is burned, walking is very dangerous, almost all the walls are warped due to the fall of the fifth floor and the roof onto the lower floors.

Since there is simply a huge amount of utensils inside, and we managed to get into it almost immediately after the fire, this place was more interesting than ever for us to explore and photograph. In various rooms there is a large amount of furniture, and all of it intact! Literature from former residents is scattered here and there.

God didn't help:

Oddly enough, looters and gamers have already visited here, as evidenced by the large numbers of inscriptions that they left everywhere - on walls, doors, windows... So far, the mind is only enough for this.

Our house was beautiful not only outside, but also inside, as evidenced, for example, by the only surviving wooden staircase:

or various beautiful architectural solutions and indoor paintings:

Such beauties were only in some rooms, most likely of rich people, since the rest were very simple and similar to communal apartments.

Among the things on the first trip one could find things that are quite rare in our time. Tetris was a pleasant surprise, bringing me back to my childhood for a few minutes:

There were also computer keyboards, children's toys, clothes - everything that they did not have time to take out during the fire, and after it apparently was banned, recognizing the building as dangerous.

and indeed, manuscripts do not burn:

But again, this does not bother vandals and homeless people, and on our hike we saw a lot of them, who were busy looking for something valuable in the heaps of junk. The only valuable things were the wires and meters that had not yet been cut:

In 2011, another ceiling fell and it was possible to get into the building only on the first floor, as well as on the second, but if you had rock climbing skills and fearlessness. Already inIt was closed tightly in 2012 and will soon be demolished... Here is another sad story, a fire is really scary.

Our next house it is also abandoned, but not because of the fire, but because of time, which does not spare anyone or anything, including our house:

This building is no different from others in our city, of which there are hundreds, or even thousands, on various city streets. True, if you take a specific street, there are still differences, but more on that later. First, let's take a look inside. Near the entrance to the building, we are warmly invited to go up to the top by a wooden staircase like this, going into the darkness:

Having climbed the steps, creaky from time to time, we find ourselves in a small corridor, from where there are branches to various rooms of the former residents. Surprisingly, there is no garbage here! Of course, besides the fact that the former residents forgot to take their belongings, household items, furniture, etc. from here. Even employment history was:

Unlike the houses described above, ours was equipped with an old stove, which by the time we arrived had already been dismantled by vandals, or rather by seekers of ancient bricks with marks, which are not cheap these days:

Of course, the homeless here also tried hard and tried to find something valuable, for example, in these cases, hoping that there would be precious metals, chains and jewelry there, but alas:

It seems that the peculiarity of abandoned Rostov houses are the keyboards that we found here, the third house and the third keyboard, it’s time for us to open our own computer store...

Since there was nothing else to see on the second floor, we went back down to look at the first floor of the house:

On the first floor we found more signs of once bustling life, all the same records:

And again religion, which didn’t help here either, our dear:

one of the residents of the house:

and the musicians lived here too:

Already going out into the street, we remembered about the attic, which we never climbed into - “if we’re going to look at the house, then look at it completely,” which we didn’t regret later. Having gotten dirty like miners, we find the first thing:

A note from 1910, or rather a hanging for a former resident of this house from the city sanitary doctor:

The text itself was a pleasant surprise old style writing:

Having recovered from the shock of the first finds, we move further through the attic, where we find instructions for GP-1! This was a very pleasant find for us, although when turning the pages, and even just picking it up from the floor, it began to crumble in our hands:

Well, the last thing for today, GP-2 is in excellent condition. This gas mask was developed exclusively for the civilian population in 1936 as G.T.6 (civilian type 6). But after simplifying and reducing the cost of the design, it was accepted for supply in the late 30s. Serial production began in the 40s. At the end of the 40s, production was discontinued. Children's reduced gas masks were produced based on the gas mask. Here he is in person:

I wonder where they come from and why?... Although there is one peculiarity: houses higher than 2-3 floors are rare on this street, and even near our house there are small buildings, similar to servants' houses. Most likely, our building is many years old and has existed since the pre-war era. And the owner was therefore not from the poor - hence the gas masks and many other antiques.

Coins from the year 18** were also found (the last two digits on the coin were erased) and much more, but alas, all this is no longer there - since the house has now been demolished to the ground and in its place the foundation is already being laid for another “ugly house” ".

I would like to say a separate word about other buildings, but the size of the blog will not allow me to describe them all, but we have a huge number of them, including Wrangel’s house, and Platov’s before that:

Or a completely modern building, a completely abandoned 9-story building:

Such "charms" in our ancient city great amount. On the one hand, this is good for us, researchers, but on the other hand, we are losing our history before our eyes; soon there will be nothing to show children except photographs.

Old houses are a kind of face of the city, reflecting the era, life and meaning of their time...

Wood construction will probably always exist. There is a very good atmosphere in such buildings, and the appearance of a well-built house, according to the most conservative estimates, is attractive. Decorating the inside of a wooden house is a separate topic with many nuances: wood is a special material, the characteristics and properties of which should be taken into account. Let's talk about the technical and technological features of finishing work in a wooden house.

When to start

On a “fresh” log house, you can begin finishing work no earlier than the main shrinkage has passed. If the log house is made of laminated timber, it should take 3-4 weeks. For all other types of wooden houses, the period is calculated in months, and sometimes years. The exact shrinkage time depends on the initial moisture content of the raw materials, climate zone and construction time. That's how difficult it is. In any case, it’s not worth starting finishing sooner than a year later, or at least 10 months later. During this period of time, active shrinkage of the wood occurs, logs and beams decrease in size, and the insulation laid between the crowns is crushed. If you attach the trim before the main processes have completed, it will fall off or become warped. Everything will have to be removed and redone. So there's no need to rush. Moreover, there will be enough work: you need to achieve tightness of the joints, and this is not easy. Careful competent caulking is needed.

Typically, the main caulking of a log house takes place in two stages. Primary - a few weeks after installing the log house, and secondary - after about six to eight months. Each time the cracks are clogged with insulation - jute, tow, sometimes moss. It is done immediately both outside and inside, otherwise the house will warp. Therefore, they walk around the building around the perimeter, caulking alternately, each crown, now from the outside, now from the inside. Work begins from below, from the lowest row of logs or beams.

With each caulking, the frame rises by 5-7 cm. Then, under the force of gravity, it gradually settles. The compacted inter-crown insulation reliably covers the cracks. The quality of this work is very important: it not least determines how warm the house will be.

Finishing work begins inside the wooden house after the frame has settled after the second caulking. To determine whether the process is completed or not, the height of the walls is periodically measured. If there are no significant changes within two to three months, we can assume that the main processes have passed. It's time to start decorating the inside and outside of the house.

Types of wall decoration for a wooden house

If the log house itself has an attractive appearance, it is rarely sheathed. In this case, it makes sense to reduce the cost of interior finishing: sand the log or timber and tint it. Only the floors should be varnished: the varnish will prevent abrasion of the wood. It is best to cover the walls and ceiling with tinting antiseptics or water-based paints. They do not paint over the texture of the wood, but only give it a tint, better showing the pattern. You will still have to use antiseptics to maintain the attractive appearance of the wood.

If the log or beam is normal, the caulking seam looks bad, it is sealed with a twisted cord, and the walls are finished in the same way - sanded and tinted. Everything also looks good, and the cord in the groove serves as an additional guarantee against drafts.

Ugly seams from caulk can be sealed with cord - it looks attractive, and even prevents drafts

How to cover the walls of a wooden house inside

If the frame is so crooked or old that sanding will not help, you will have to make the interior decoration of the wooden house from lining, wall panels, drywall or other material.

For any of these materials, it is better to make a lathing: this way you can level the surface of the walls. In addition, behind the sheathing there is space for free air circulation. In a wooden house, this is important, since only dry wood does not rot or blacken. Free air circulation between the finishing material and the wall will maintain their normal condition.

The sheathing in a house made of timber or logs is done in the same way: you need to remember that it must “float” so that the finishing does not fly off

The distance behind the sheathing is also used; it must be made in non-flammable pipes, so you need a fair amount of space for it. If necessary, you can put insulation there if your house is cold. If you spend little on heating and the house is warm, it is better not to use any additional materials: neither insulation nor vapor barrier. Wood itself does an excellent job of maintaining stable humidity in the house, and extra layers only upset the balance.

Not everyone likes attaching trim to the sheathing: if an animal or insects settle behind the sheathing, it is difficult to get rid of them. In this case, you can level the surface of the logs by removing the protruding parts and nail the finish to this surface. Perfect flat surface difficult to achieve, but possible. The gaps between the finishing material and the wall, which in this case still exist, were once covered with clay. It will both provide thermal insulation and protect against drafts. Technologically this is incorrect, but they do it too.

Whatever materials are used for cladding the walls of a wooden house inside, there should be a gap of at least 2-4 cm to the ceiling. For a “young” log house, this is insurance against shrinkage. For the old one - a gap to compensate for changes in the geometry of the wood. She breathes all her life: sometimes she gains moisture and swells, sometimes she dries out. The gap under the ceiling will allow the wood to easily expand or shrink, without consequences for the finish. If this is not done, then either cracks will appear or the finishing will bend/rip out. To prevent the gap from “hurting the eye,” it is covered with a ceiling plinth. It is only nailed to the stream, it is only leaned against the wall. In this case, all movements will be invisible.

Cladding inside the house

Lining is a leader among finishing materials. It is used both inside and outside the house, only with different treatments (impregnations and paints are used for external or internal work). It comes in different types. It's not just about different types of wood or different board widths. There is also different profiles: smooth, wavy, imitating timber or log house. There are several options in the photo below.

To decorate the inside of the house, use thin lining: 1.5-2 cm is enough. It costs less and will perform its functions. The slats can be placed horizontally, vertically, or at an angle. From combinations of all these directions you can get amazingly beautiful panels, but this is a labor-intensive task.

When nailing the sheathing or planks, you need to remember about the shrinkage of the log house and the ability of the wood to swell and shrink. Near the floor and ceiling, do not nail the trim and sheathing tightly; leave 2-4 cm to compensate for these expansions.

Both the walls and the ceiling are finished with lining. In both cases it looks more than decent, and such finishing is relatively inexpensive. It’s cheaper (and easier to do) to just cover it with plywood and stick wallpaper. By the way, this is a popular finishing option. country house inside economy class. With a sufficient level of execution, this method can be used to decorate premises not only in dacha version. The only objection is the glue that is used to make plywood. But if you take it in emission class I (approved for use in children's institutions), then probably nothing terrible will happen.

Mounting methods

Previously, they were not particularly worried and nailed the lining into the face (into the front surface) right through. At best, they used nails without heads or finishing nails (their heads are very small). Sometimes the caps were covered with wood putty and sanded, sometimes the screw holes were covered with pins. This is for the most fastidious and demanding of quality finishes.

Today, even this method is considered not the most aesthetic: the traces can still be seen. To make sure nothing is visible, secret methods are used:

  • nails or screws are driven at an angle into a tenon or groove;
  • using clamps (clasps).

Both of these methods require patience and accuracy: thin, small nails are used, and they must be nailed in such a way as not to damage the front surface. To make it easier, you can hit not with nails, but with staples from a construction stapler. Staples are taken with a narrow back and long legs, made of stainless steel with sharpening. Although there are models of staplers that “shoot” nails with a very small head. For fastening the lining - just right. Self-tapping screws are also used. A comparison of the two methods is made in the video.

There is one caveat. If you bought the lining that was not chamber dried (its humidity is 7-8%), it will gradually dry out. Gaps will appear between the planks and you will either have to put up with them or re-nail all the planks. Sometimes two or three times. There is no way to avoid this. You can only choose a profile in which the cracks will be invisible (the “Softline” and “Standard” profiles in the figure in previous section). In this regard, you need to think carefully about how best to secure the lining for the first time: it will have to be removed. Therefore, it is advisable to make it so that it is not difficult and so that it does not collapse. Here everyone decides for themselves: for some it is more convenient to work with self-tapping screws, for others with nails. Both methods are not ideal (it is difficult to pull out nails, and you need to drill a hole under the head of the screw), but both are acceptable.

Sometimes it becomes necessary to connect the lining to a wall made of logs. Difficulty may arise due to the fact that the wall has a non-linear shape. You can outline it using a small piece of lining, to which a simple pencil is attached. Having placed the plank and moving it along the wall with a piece of clapboard with a pencil, transfer the shape of the log onto the plank. By carefully cutting along the intended line, you can achieve an almost perfect match.

Wall panels for interior decoration

Decorating the inside of a wooden house with wall panels gives a completely different stylistic result. This finishing material is made from different materials with different textures:

  • wood;
  • bamboo;
  • MDF (laminated and veneered);
  • glass (smooth with photo printing, embossed, colored, transparent, matte);
  • plastics and plastics;
  • skin.

They come in typesetting or panel form. Stacked - long thin elements connected to each other according to the tongue-and-groove principle. Lining is essentially also wall panels. It’s just that it has long been used as an independent category of finishing materials. Panel wall panels differ in geometry - they have comparable length and width.

Everything is usually assembled onto a sheathing (like lining), the bars of which are filled taking into account the dimensions of the chosen finish. This material is loved by designers: materials, texture and color solutions allow you to realize a variety of ideas. Such interior decoration a wooden house can be very expensive - made of leather - or cheap - MDF panels. But the appearance is quite decent.

If, according to the technology, wall panels must be laid with glue (gypsum, for example), then backing boards - plywood, gypsum fiber board, etc. - are attached to the sheathing (you remember that in a wooden house it needs to be made floating). The slabs are installed on this substrate with glue. An example is shown in the video.

How to sheathe the inside of a wooden house with plasterboard

The technology for working in a house made of wood or another material is no different: the frame is assembled, and drywall is attached to it. Only, as in the case of sheathing for lining, you need to leave gaps near the floor and ceiling. The only condition: this type of interior finishing of a wooden house is possible only after complete shrinkage (at least several years must pass and the house must be heated). Gypsum is a fragile material and with significant changes it will simply tear. The only option that will allow you to ignore them to some extent is to make a floating frame, attaching the profiles to the walls not rigidly, but leaving freedom of movement. Then the frame will settle on its own, and the drywall will remain in place.

Using what and how to make a floating sheathing for fastening rigid finishing materials (plasterboard, foundations) ceramic tiles etc.) watch the video.

Another feature of finishing a wooden house with plasterboard: all joints, seams and corners must be glued with a polymer reinforcing mesh. It will prevent the formation of cracks in the most problem areas(or will slow down their formation). If you need to line a house made of timber with plasterboard inside, but you really don’t want to lose precious centimeters of space due to the installation of profiles, you can do it as in the next video. There are some good tips.

Features of the interior decoration of an old wooden house

If a house made of timber or logs has stood for several decades, first of all you need to assess the condition of the wood. To do this, remove all the trim and “pick” at all suspicious spots - darker or lighter in color, different in structure or texture. This can be done with a screwdriver, chisel, even a knife. If the wood is dense throughout, there are no signs of destruction, everything is fine, you can begin finishing. You may need to first impregnate walls and other structures with a protective impregnation to protect the wood for several more decades. But not all owners of wooden houses agree to chemical treatment, so it’s up to you to decide.

If the wood crumbles due to your efforts, you need specialist advice. It is necessary to determine what caused the damage - insects, fungi or microorganisms - and what measures need to be taken. Then the damaged pieces or elements are replaced, paying special attention to treating the adjacent areas with antiseptics and protective impregnations.

After assessing or “treating” the wood, you can begin updating appearance. The interior decoration of an old wooden house is no different from those described above. The only reason is that shrinkage is not worth taking into account: there is no longer any significant progress. So from this side everything is somewhat simpler.

The interior decoration of old wooden houses and new buildings is carried out using different technologies, but many techniques will be relevant in any case. Structures built from logs begin to be equipped after shrinkage, and walls made from prepared timber are considered suitable for further work without an additional period. And before finishing an old building, which is several decades old, you need to assess the condition of the entire wooden massif.

Old-style houses made of high-quality wood will last for many decades. But after a thorough examination it may be necessary partial replacement dilapidated areas. After complete dismantling of the finishing inside all rooms, it is worth carefully inspecting the surface of the walls, as well as other structures. Any suspicious spots should be checked for density using a tool. If the area has become soft, then urgent measures are required; in these cases, you need to consult an experienced specialist - after all, the cause may be either leaky seams, the appearance of fungal plaque, or the presence of insects.

Often the condition wooden floors home turns out to be quite satisfactory. Then you should start by treating perfectly preserved indoor material with modern antiseptic, fire-resistant and water-repellent impregnations. Today, formulations that are safe for humans and do not contain toxic components are used.

When the condition of the load-bearing structures and walls of the house does not raise questions, you can plan subsequent activities, draw up approximate estimate, select materials. The need to replace doors and windows should be considered individual order taking into account existing dimensions, or adjusting the openings to the existing standard.

It will also be required complete replacement utilities inside the house, organizing new electrical wiring that can withstand optimal loads. A separate event will include inspection and repair of the roof.

Materials for finishing an old wooden cottage

ABOUT thermal insulation properties The old wooden house is legendary. But the modern consumer, striving for maximum energy saving, can implement additional insulation walls using any environmentally friendly material: polystyrene foam, polystyrene foam or other variations. The internal atmosphere of such a home will become even more comfortable.

It makes more sense to start the work with utility rooms - storage rooms, kitchens, bathrooms. For structures, sheets of plasterboard, types of lining, wall panels are most often used, and other materials are occasionally used.

Drywall is chosen if you want to quickly make repairs at a reasonable cost. Usually, in this case, a classic interior decoration is planned, which involves sticking wallpaper, applying decorative plaster, and sometimes painting or tiling. The sheets are fixed along the walls on a profile frame, which makes it possible to disguise any communications.

The lining will completely satisfy aesthetes and adherents of finishing in the style of naturalism. Installation of this imitation beam is carried out on the prepared sheathing. You can purchase a variety of elements with secret fixation - a recess on one panel is connected to a tenon on the other, and they can be easily secured using decorative fasteners. The inner surface of such walls is covered with stain, as well as with a special acrylic varnish.

Wall panels for decorating the inside of a home are striking in their variety. On sale there are options made of pressed wood, PVC, MDF, decorative glass, designs covered with eco-leather and many others. The most in demand are plastic and wooden slats. PVC perfectly tolerates moisture and temperature changes, is quickly installed, does not require additional finishing, but is quite fragile and does not tolerate negligence. Recommended as an optimal interior surface for a bathroom or pantry. And budget modifications of panels made from recycled wood are environmentally friendly, look great in living rooms, but are sensitive to high humidity, temperature changes.

Since all materials belong to a reasonable price category and are suitable for refining age-related wooden walls inside a beloved old house, then the consumer can make the appropriate choice based on the characteristics of the interior being created.

Options for arranging a wooden house: comfort and tribute to traditions

The most complex and revered method by many designers remains the method of finishing aged wooden log house without the use of additional materials: internal structures are decorated - for example, ceilings and columns inside the building are covered with carvings, and an intricate fence is built for the stairs. To cover the walls after they have been cleaned and sanded, a tint is used. decorative impregnation. This type will bring interior solutions closer to Slavic age-old traditions.

Thanks to the advent of energy-saving double-glazed windows, Scandinavian style motifs are gaining popularity: instead of the dismantled dilapidated part of the facade, it is installed big window, allowing you to make the living room bright and original. An internal imitation fireplace will add additional comfort.

In small old houses To optimize the premises, you can combine the kitchen and living room, use mobile zoning using movable partition walls. Talented craftsmen can create unique paintings using a jigsaw on any wooden surface. Experts do not recommend making multiple deep lines on old wood - for this purpose it is better to purchase modern high-quality panels and install them inside any room.

Also as original finishing that does not interfere with air exchange, you can use a cork covering, and for decor in the style of a village hut, a stylized national false stove with a 3D effect will be useful.

Using modern materials and embodying the most original ideas, you can transform even the oldest house by creating a special atmosphere inside it.