School psychologist

The position of educational psychologist appeared in secondary schools about 10 years ago, but now it is already a common occurrence. Some schools have created psychological services where several psychologists work.

Let's take a closer look at the features of the activity under discussion using the example of the experience of a psychologist - Marina Mikhailovna Kravtsova, a graduate of the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University, specializing in the Department of Developmental Psychology. Her responsibilities include working with students in grades 1-5, their parents and teachers. The goal of the work is to improve the educational process. The work is structured not only in general with the aim of optimizing the educational process, but also taking into account specific difficulties that arise in the learning process, relationships in the triad “student - parent - teacher”. Individual and group lessons are conducted with schoolchildren (increasing motivation for educational activities, establishing interpersonal relationships). M. Kravtsova notes: “It is important for me that every child feels comfortable at school, that he wants to go to it and does not feel lonely and unhappy. It is important that parents and teachers see his real problems, want to help him and, most importantly, understand how to do it.”

It is necessary that the child, parents and teachers are not “isolated” from each other, so that there is no confrontation between them. They must work together on emerging problems, because only in this case is an optimal solution possible. the main task The goal of a school psychologist is not to solve the problem for them, but to combine their efforts to solve it.

Literally in the last few years, the administration has all more schools understand the need for the participation of a psychologist in the school process. Specific tasks are emerging more and more clearly, the solutions of which are expected from the school psychologist. In this regard, the profession of a school psychologist is becoming one of the most in demand. However, a psychologist is in demand not only at school, but also in other children’s institutions (for example, in kindergartens, children’s homes, early development centers, etc.), that is, wherever the ability to work with the triad “child – parents – teacher” is necessary ( teacher)".

The functions of a school psychologist include: psychological diagnostics; correctional work; counseling parents and teachers; psychological education; participation in teacher councils and parent meetings; participation in the recruitment of first-graders; psychological prevention.

Psychological diagnostics includes conducting frontal (group) and individual examinations of students using special techniques. Diagnostics are carried out at the preliminary request of teachers or parents, as well as at the initiative of a psychologist for research or preventive purposes.

The psychologist selects a methodology aimed at studying the abilities and characteristics of the child (group of students) that interest him. These can be techniques aimed at studying the level of development of attention, thinking, memory, emotional sphere, personality traits and relationships with others. The school psychologist also uses methods to study parent-child relationships and the nature of interaction between the teacher and the class.

The data obtained allow the psychologist to build further work: identify students in the so-called “risk group” who need remedial classes; prepare recommendations for teachers and parents on interaction with students.

Correctional classes can be individual or group. During the process, the psychologist tries to correct undesirable features mental development child. These classes can be aimed at developing cognitive processes(memory, attention, thinking), and to solve problems in the emotional-volitional sphere, in the sphere of communication and the problem of self-esteem of students.

School psychologist uses existing lesson programs, and also develops them independently, taking into account the specifics of each specific case. Classes include a variety of exercises: developmental, gaming, drawing and other tasks - depending on the goals and age of the students.

Consulting parents and teachers is work on a specific request. The psychologist acquaints parents or teachers with the diagnostic results, gives a certain prognosis, and warns about what difficulties the student may have in the future in learning and communication; At the same time, recommendations are jointly developed for solving emerging problems and interacting with the student.

Psychological education consists of introducing teachers and parents to the basic patterns and conditions for the favorable mental development of a child. This is carried out through consultations, speeches at pedagogical councils and parent-teacher meetings.

In addition, at pedagogical councils, the psychologist participates in making decisions about the possibility of teaching a given child according to a specific program, about transferring a student from class to class, about the possibility of a child “stepping over” through a class (for example, a very capable or prepared student can be transferred from first grade immediately to third).

One of the tasks of a psychologist is to draw up a program interviews with future first-graders, conducting that part of the interview that concerns the psychological aspects of the child’s readiness for school (the level of development of volition, the presence of motivation to learn, the level of development of thinking). The psychologist also gives recommendations to parents of future first-graders.

All of the above functions of a school psychologist make it possible to maintain at school the psychological conditions necessary for the full mental development and formation of the child’s personality, that is, they serve the goals psychological prevention.

The work of a school psychologist includes methodological part. A psychologist must constantly work with literature, including periodicals, in order to track new scientific achievements, deepen his theoretical knowledge, and become familiar with new techniques. Any diagnostic technique requires the ability to process and summarize the data obtained. The school psychologist tests new methods in practice and finds the most optimal methods of practical work. He tries to select literature on psychology for the school library in order to introduce teachers, parents and students to psychology. In his daily work, he uses such expressive means of behavior and speech as intonation, posture, gestures, facial expressions; is guided by the rules of professional ethics, the work experience of himself and his colleagues.

A big problem for a school psychologist is that often the school does not provide him with a separate office. In this regard, many difficulties arise. A psychologist should keep literature somewhere, methodological manuals, work papers, and finally, your personal belongings. He needs a room for conversations and classes. For some activities, the room must meet certain requirements (for example, be spacious for physical exercise). The psychologist has difficulties with all this. Usually he is allocated the premises that are free at the moment, temporarily. As a result, a situation may arise when a conversation with a student is conducted in one office, and the necessary literature and methods are located in another. Due to the large volume of information processed, it would be desirable for a school psychologist to have access to a computer, which the school often cannot provide him with.

It is difficult to correlate the school schedule, the distribution of a student’s extracurricular activities and psychological work with him. For example, the conversation cannot be interrupted, but at this time the student needs to go to class or go to the sports section.

The psychologist is visible most of the time, in contact with teachers, parents or students. This is a lot of stress, especially if there is no separate room where you can rest. Problems arise even with having a snack during the working day.

The interviewed school psychologist’s relationship with the team is mostly smooth. It is very important that there are no conflicts in the team; the psychologist must be unbiased, he must be ready to listen to the polar opinions of colleagues about each other.

A psychologist is constantly in a stream of numerous and often contradictory information in which he needs to navigate. At the same time, sometimes information about the problem can be excessive, and sometimes insufficient (for example, some teachers are afraid to let a psychologist into their lesson, believing that the psychologist will evaluate their work and not observe the behavior of students in the lesson).

Naturally, workplace a school psychologist - not only at school, but also in the library and at home.

The salary, unfortunately, is low, lower than that of most teachers. The situation is complicated by the fact that you have to buy the necessary literature and methodological support with your own money.

Of course, the school psychologist must be mentally healthy. He must be resilient and withstand great physical and psychological stress. To work as a school psychologist, you need to have certain qualities, namely: the ability to listen and empathize. When working with people, it is important to formulate your thoughts clearly and clearly, to be hardworking, sociable, responsible, tactful, contactable, erudite, and tolerant. It is important for a psychologist to have a sense of humor, have broad professional knowledge, and love children. In the process of work, such qualities as the ability to communicate with different people, understand their problems and interests, analyze, and find a compromise are developed; observation and professional knowledge develop.

The profession is attractive due to the variety of tasks that arise, its unconditional social significance (real help is provided to real people), the opportunity to constantly discover something new and improve, it is full of impressions.

At the same time, the school psychologist is constantly involved in various conflict and problem situations; his position may not coincide with the position of the school administration; he has to overcome the mistrust of teachers, parents, and sometimes students. You constantly have to quickly find a way out of difficult, ambiguous situations. Sometimes a psychologist is expected to do more than he can do.

The profession of a school psychologist can be obtained by studying at any department of the Faculty of Psychology, but for successful initial adaptation it is useful to specialize at the university in the field of developmental psychology and educational psychology. Improvement of qualifications is facilitated by:

  • attending psychological seminars and master classes, including those dedicated to correctional work with children;
  • participation in scientific conferences and round tables dedicated to the work of psychologists in the education system;
  • regular visits to the library and bookstores to familiarize yourself with new psychological literature;
  • familiarization with new methods and research related to problems of child development and learning;
  • postgraduate studies.

Thus, the profession of a school psychologist today is necessary, in demand, interesting, but difficult.

The text was prepared by a student at the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University A. Kruglov based on an interview with a psychologist working at the school - M.M. Kravtsova.

Teacher-psychologist at school is a specialist in the field of psychology who studies the mental state of students, corrects their behavior, helps in eliminating personal problems, adaptation in a team, helps improve the psychological climate in the classroom, and conducts explanatory work with parents and teachers. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in biology and psychology (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

The key tasks of this specialist are to help the student choose competent behavioral mechanisms, identify his psychological problems, find internal and external balance. It is worth noting that the psychologist does not deal with pathological disruptions in the human psyche, but corrects it inner world and state of mind.

Features of the profession

It is believed that the profession of a psychologist becomes part of its carrier over time. The professional uses his skills and knowledge not only in working with patients, but also in Everyday life when communicating with loved ones. After all, the subject of study of a psychologist is the human soul, and it represents an inexhaustible resource for acquiring necessary knowledge. Psychologists help a person connect his internal resources to solve current psychological problems. The main activities of a psychologist:

  • Trainings psychological direction, which include training in methods of emotional self-regulation, the use of special exercises for personal growth and subsequent summing up.
  • Consultations involve communication between a specialist and students in order to find the best way out of a difficult situation.
  • Testing allows you to study individual characteristics human psyche using interactive programs.

Staff psychologists at the school help students quickly adapt to new conditions, determine the child’s level of readiness for learning, provide career guidance to high school students, and work with difficult children. They are obliged to monitor the psychological health of students, create a comfortable environment for them, conduct periodic mass examinations in order to identify persons requiring psychological assistance.

Pros and cons of the profession

Such specialists play a big role in the lives of students and their parents, because they help to quickly resolve different types problems, preventing dangerous consequences.

Educational psychologists use their knowledge to timely turn current events in the right direction. A child at school is faced with non-childish problems: difficult relationships with peers, lagging behind in studies, misunderstanding of others. If these problems are not solved, the child becomes tense and aggressive. In some cases, suicidal tendencies occur. If the psychologist takes adequate measures, the situation will stabilize.


  • the opportunity for personal growth, because a specialist is obliged to constantly improve himself;
  • acquired professional knowledge helps in everyday life;
  • the profession is considered creative and interesting;
  • the opportunity to really help people solve their problems;
  • knowledge of oneself and the depths of one’s consciousness.

TO cons The profession of “psychologist” can include periodic mental fatigue and emotional burnout. After all, such specialists immerse themselves in the patient’s problem headlong, passing information through themselves. Also, not everyone finds it easy to accept another person's worldview. Such professions oblige the specialist himself to have a crystal clear reputation so that his word has weight. It is unlikely that a patient will trust a doctor who cannot help himself.

Important qualities

Psychologists by nature must be altruists, since the emotional difficulties they have to face cannot be compensated for by any money. A high level of responsibility is a key requirement for a true professional.

The main qualities that a psychologist should have:

  • emotional and general intelligence must be at a high level;
  • the ability to listen and hear a person;
  • stress resistance;
  • tact and delicacy;
  • sociability;
  • observation;
  • optimism and self-confidence;
  • creativity and ability to offer non-standard solutions;
  • tolerance;
  • ability to calm the client;
  • empathy.

A specialist must be able to clearly formulate his thoughts. A sense of humor and endurance will also be very helpful.

Training to become a school psychologist

You can become a teacher-psychologist only after receiving a higher psychological education. After training, it is advisable to regularly attend specialized courses, thematic seminars and improve your own professional level.

Place of work

Certified specialists can work in psychological centers, educational and medical institutions, on helplines, in private companies for psychological counseling, in enterprises as full-time psychologists. Many psychologists open private practices or work from home.


Salary as of 02/25/2019

Russia 15000—90000 ₽

Moscow 25000—105000 ₽


Only after graduating from a university can you apply for a position as a full-time teacher-psychologist in educational institutions. Many people use this practice to gain the necessary experience and subsequently start their own business. After defending your doctoral dissertation, you can become a doctor of psychology.

Professional knowledge:

  • ability to use tools, ability to organize and conduct psychological research;
  • knowledge of the history and modern tasks of the science of “psychology”;
  • awareness of the basic methods of the profession;
  • the specialist must have an understanding of the human psyche and life activity;
  • knowledge of the basics of psychotherapy, developmental and correctional work;
  • knowledge of the basics of psychodiagnostics and psychological counseling;
  • have an idea of ​​the mechanism of the human brain, mental states.

Self-analysis of work experience and constant self-improvement help a psychologist achieve high results in the relevant field.

Famous psychologists

One of the most famous and famous psychologists Dale Carnegie is considered. He wrote numerous books, essays, articles and lectures. His works are actively used not only by professionals, but also by ordinary citizens who are trying to streamline their lives and understand their own “I”. Lydia Ilyinichna Bozhevich is our compatriot who lived and worked at the beginning of the last century and devoted her life to studying the secrets of the human soul. Having received the knowledge of a professor of psychology, Lydia Ilyinichna continued persistent research in the field of psychology and devoted many works to this topic. Today they are used as teaching aids in many psychology departments.

The list of world celebrities who have devoted their lives to psychology is very extensive and continues to grow. This proves the popularity and relevance of the profession of “psychologist” at all times. After all human soul- this is still a completely unexplored and mysterious object.

What does a psychologist do at school?

More than 20 years have passed since the first practical psychologists came to work in schools. But the question of the activities of psychological services still worries students, parents, and teachers. Some people still tend to see some higher mystical meaning in the profession, while others, on the contrary, imagine the work in a rather primitive way. This can be understood, because There is still a search going on among psychologists themselves, and conversations about the place and role of psychological services in an educational institution do not subside. It should be noted that, along with the social and pedagogical service, the psychological and pedagogical service is the youngest in the education system. It is constantly developing, improving, gaining new experience and creating a need for it among all participants. educational process.

The service's activities are carried out in accordance with the basic regulatory documents 1996. In particular, they spell out the main areas of activity of a teacher-psychologist: diagnostic, psychoprophylactic, correctional and developmental (for relevant educational institutions), advisory, as well as psychological education. As we see, there is nothing supernatural in the work of a psychologist. And he himself is an ordinary living person doing his job. There is a fundamental difference between a psychologist and a psychiatrist or psychotherapist. The work of the last two relates to medicine, deviations from the norm, and pathology. The psychologist works “with the norm.”

The division between the main areas of activity of a teacher-psychologist is very arbitrary; rather, they interpenetrate and complement each other, forming some kind of integral system. All these areas are necessarily present in the work of every educational psychologist. However, the degree of expression of this or that work may be different. For example, in special correctional educational institutions the main emphasis is on correctional and developmental work, as the most necessary. The number of children in such schools and kindergartens is much smaller than in general education institutions, and the psychologist has the opportunity to work “directly” (immediately) with each child. And he receives a salary for precisely this kind of work.

The situation is different in secondary schools. There are so many students here that the psychologist does not have the opportunity to work directly with everyone, and the main request secondary school other. It would be wrong to focus on working with lagging or problem students, if only because this will inevitably affect the “coverage” of psychological services for other, less problematic students, the infringement of their rights, the curtailment of other types of work and, as a result, the irrational use of taxpayer funds. Let me note that a general education school educational psychologist receives his salary precisely for reaching all students approximately equally. The model of “direct”, immediate work with the student is not suitable for a comprehensive school; it is not effective. Where is the way out? How can work be organized to meet these conditions?

There is another “indirect” model of activity of a teacher-psychologist in a secondary school, which is most adequate to the needs modern system education. According to this model, the activities of the psychological service are built through educational environment(or the educational process) as a whole.

In fact, who is closest to the child? - Parents, close friends. This is the first, inner circle, which has the strongest influence on the development and upbringing of a person. No less important, but still more distant - teachers and peers in school team. It is clear that elementary school teachers who have the opportunity to communicate with children every day are more influential than their colleagues in middle and high schools. The school administration, as well as all specialists (educational psychologist, in particular) objectively stand even further from the student, their direct influence is very insignificant, and therefore there is a need to organize their indirect (indirect) influence on students through the educational environment and other participants in the educational process: teachers, parents, peers.

The educational environment includes the educational process itself (the process of training and education, or rather effective ways training and education), the activities and communication of the teacher with the student and parents, as well as socio-psychological processes in classroom groups (communication with peers). That is why at our school the educational psychologist devotes Special attention innovation activity in 2 main areas: “Mastering modern developmental approaches in education” and “Management educational work at school based on monitoring results interpersonal relationships».

The core problem of the first direction is increasing the psychological and pedagogical competence of the teacher and his mastering of modern developmental methods and approaches in education. Modern requirements of the education system are not limited to the transfer of knowledge from teacher to student. Knowledge is not a goal, but a means of developing the intellect and personality as a whole. The teacher’s task is not just to “replenish the student’s treasury” of knowledge, but to structure the learning process so that the student independently actively absorbs new knowledge, developing his potential. It is these requirements that are reflected in the new education standards. During the years of schooling, every child must cultivate the need for self-education and self-development, because... only these qualities will ensure his success in our rapidly changing world. This task is very difficult. Not every teacher is able to set such a task and solve it; A psychologist is called upon to help the teacher with this. Due to their professional knowledge, the psychologist’s view of the learning process is deeper than that of a traditional school teacher. It is no coincidence that developing educational programs of the new generation were created by leading psychological schools in collaboration with teachers. It is no coincidence that the appearance of the first psychologists in schools in the late 80s coincided with the period of active development by teachers of modern developmental approaches and programs. And the alternative psychological and pedagogical meaning of the new generation programs is not always clear to the teacher. The teacher’s mastery of this new meaning is much more effective in collaboration with a psychologist.

To make it clearer, I will give a simple example. During the lesson, the teacher reads a few words to the children and asks them to remember them, then the students name the ones they remember. According to the teacher, this is how the students’ memory develops. However, the psychologist has a different opinion. Training rote memorization a small volume of abstract words is ineffective for the following reasons:

Mechanical memorization is best developed in children 2-5 years old, and it cannot ensure full assimilation of knowledge due to the limited volume;

The essence of memory development is the child’s mastery effective techniques memorization, on the contrary, “leading away” from mechanical method, and allowing you to operate with ever-increasing volumes of information;

Effective mastery of the techniques of meaningful, associative memorization is carried out through daily, “every lesson” educational information presented in a certain way. This is exactly what it consists of difficult process transforming “traditional” knowledge into “developmental” knowledge.

In this regard, they also call big doubt classes on the development of mental cognitive processes, which are usually conducted by novice psychologists. Not a single special one, the most best exercise(lesson) conducted once a week cannot be compared in effectiveness with all subject lessons built taking into account psychological patterns, i.e. in a modern, developing way (remember, we're talking about about secondary school). Psychological support that optimizes the educational process and enhances its developmental nature is the most difficult and relevant task for a teacher-psychologist for the modern education system.

The second most complex and significant task associated with the innovative area of ​​work “Management of educational work in school based on the results of monitoring interpersonal relationships” is the creation and regulation of a favorable, psychologically comfortable situation in classroom groups. A person becomes an individual only in a social environment. School is one of the most important social institutions in a person’s life. Therefore, the ability to build relationships with others (adults and peers) contributes to the development of the student’s personality, his socialization and social adaptation. Development communication skills personality (goodwill, tolerance, activity, respect for the personality of another person, etc.) is one of the main indicators of a student’s upbringing. Psychologically comfortable social situation in the classroom and school is a necessary condition for the success of the training and education of everyone, as well as the result of the activities of the teaching staff as a whole.

Thus, The activities of a teacher-psychologist in a comprehensive school, ours in particular, are aimed at solving problems of optimizing the educational process (educational environment). This work is not a fad " magic wand”, but a painstaking, sometimes invisible activity to others. But in modern society, it is necessary in the education system. Its results are positive changes in intellectual and personal development students, the nature of relationships between adults and children, the professionalism of teachers, the validity of management decisions.

I would like to end with the words of one outstanding scientist, which I remember from my student days: “The presence of a psychologist in a team is sometimes unnoticeable, but his absence is always noticeable...”

Conflict situations at school and problems associated with the educational process are common phenomena. Teachers cannot always resolve such problems due to their workload, and parents do not have sufficient quantity knowledge in the field of child psychology in order to competently approach the solution of the problem.

Profession: educational psychologist

A teacher-psychologist is an employee of an educational institution who monitors the social adaptation of students, works to correct deviant behavior of children, and takes measures aimed at preventing psychological deviations.

The school includes maintaining students' personal files, monitoring children and taking action to eliminate problem situations. The personal qualities of a psychologist play a big role in the organization of his work. Mutual understanding, listening and decision-making skills - required qualities skills that an educational psychologist should have.

The personal qualities of a psychologist must correspond to the position held. A child is more likely to make contact if the educational psychologist has the following qualities:

  • communication;
  • friendliness;
  • justice;
  • tolerance;
  • modernity;
  • intelligence;
  • optimism.

Not everyone can become a talented specialist in this field, since the productivity of a teacher-psychologist in a school depends on personal qualities the person himself.

Job responsibilities of a teacher-psychologist

A specialist can occupy this position only if he has a higher or secondary special education in the direction of "Pedagogy and Psychology". Federal State educational standard, or Federal State Educational Standard, of a teacher-psychologist at school is regulated by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

The functional responsibilities of a teacher-psychologist at school are not limited to resolving conflict situations and working with problem children.

Let's list the main job responsibilities psychologist:

  • Security favorable conditions for the development, training and socialization of students.
  • Identifying the causes of problematic situations between students.
  • Providing psychological assistance to children who need it.
  • Participation in the development of developmental and correctional programs.
  • Control of the educational process.
  • Consulting teachers and parents on issues of development, socialization and adaptation of children.
  • Analysis of children's creative and educational achievements and their academic performance.
  • Assessing the effectiveness of teachers.

This is only a small part of the responsibilities of an educational psychologist. Full list registered in job descriptions when hiring a specialist for this position.

Educational psychologist program

Working programm compiled for one academic year in accordance with the requirements of the Law “On Education”. Each program is developed with specific purpose. To achieve the goal, a list of tasks is assigned, the implementation of which leads to the desired result.

Each program has several areas of work, and the activities of a teacher-psychologist at school are divided into the following areas: correctional and developmental, psychological and pedagogical, analytical, counseling and education. For each category of activity, a detailed plan actions. The means and methods that must be applied to achieve the goal are listed.

The predicted performance results for each category of students are indicated. The program is compiled based on the individual and age characteristics of students. The program should include planning work with students’ parents, taking into account the individual characteristics of families, identifying dysfunctional, single-parent families. At school there is also supervision over the child's upbringing in the family.

Psychological education

In order for socialization and personal development to proceed harmoniously, it is necessary to create everything for this the necessary conditions. In particular, take care of the formation of positive attitudes towards psychological assistance to the child among parents, teachers and the children themselves. In most cases, parents who do not have knowledge in the field of child psychology do not know how to behave when conflict situations arise. Sometimes it happens that adults aggravate the situation with their reaction or incorrect behavior. The responsibilities of a teacher-psychologist at school include conducting classes on psychological education of teachers and parents at regular intervals. If conflict situations arise, the psychologist must begin individual work with the student and his parents.

Psychological diagnostics

At this stage, the psychologist conducts a diagnosis psychological state students. Reveals features emotional state, level of development, and in some cases the degree of social neglect or the presence of mental disorders. carried out in different variations. This could be a test, an event, a group lesson, etc. An educational psychologist processes the information received during the diagnosis and identifies a risk group. Such a group may include children who do not have friends among their peers, students who create conflict situations, and children with weak emotional stability. Any deviation from the norm can be a reason to start individual work with the child and his parents.

Psychological correction

Once the problem is identified, the behavior correction stage begins. The educational psychologist must prepare a program to correct the existing deviation. The activities of specialists and teachers should be carried out in conjunction with the activities of parents. Positive result psychological correction will be the complete correction of deviant behavior.

Correction of deviations is carried out individually or within a group. In 1st grade, for example, group correction is practiced, which allows children to get to know each other better and unite into one team. This event is held in the form of a game.

Corrective work is aimed at children who have the following deviations from normal behavior:

  • hyperactivity;
  • aggression;
  • excessive anxiety;
  • excessive shyness;
  • presence of constant fear;
  • attention deficit;
  • bad memory;
  • difficulties in mastering the material;
  • difficult thinking.

If the deviation manifests itself very acutely, cannot be corrected, and at the same time there is a complex failure of the child within the framework of school curriculum, then the psychologist should raise the question of transferring the student to a specialized educational institution.

Psychological prevention

Includes a set of measures aimed at creating favorable conditions for development, social adaptation and learning. An educational psychologist must prevent deviations or problems that a child may have when communicating with peers or teachers.

Preventive measures may include the following behavioral tactics:

  • friendliness in communicating with children;
  • education correct behavior on the personal example of an adult;
  • showing greater interest and attention towards hyperactive children;
  • providing a state of rest for children who are prone to fatigue;
  • gradual development of self-control skills in children.

Not only school staff, but also parents and relatives of the child should show a loyal attitude towards children. Classes on psychological prevention are conducted both within the class and between parallel classes.

Psychologist's work with parents of students

If situations occur in the child’s family that provoke any deviations, then the educational psychologist is obliged to conduct a conversation with the student’s parents. Without integrated approach deviant behavior cannot be corrected. The psychologist should pay special attention to children from disadvantaged families. Problematic parents are not always ready to interact, so it is necessary to choose appropriate communication tactics and outline the arguments and prospects for effective cooperation.

The psychologist must actively interact with parents and help them resolve controversial situations with the child. Parenting counseling can take place on an individual basis, if necessary. The parent's behavior tactics should not differ from the behavior patterns of teachers at school. Parents should consider the process of cooperation with a school psychologist as an opportunity to replenish their knowledge in the field of child psychology and pedagogy. A psychologist should not overload parents with work, this may scare them away. Interest in such cooperation will quickly disappear.

Psychologist's work in primary school

Starting school is a very important stage for a child and his parents. It is at school that the child begins to actively develop and adapt to society. Relationships with peers are built on the basis a certain scheme, which is being worked on by teachers and parents. Before a child enters first grade, a psychologist must determine readiness for school.

At the stage of starting children's education, the psychologist's task will be to adapt the child among his peers and teachers. Gifted children with high level development needs to be given special attention so that they do not lose interest in learning. Students who have difficulty mastering the school curriculum need to be provided with timely assistance. Monitoring children's school progress is one of the responsibilities of an educational psychologist at school.

If a psychologist observes inappropriate behavior by children or teachers, he must respond immediately. Activities of a teacher-psychologist in primary school is based on the characteristics of perception and development of children of a given age. A trusting, collaborative relationship should develop between the child and the teacher.

An extracurricular activity, depending on its specifics, may have different goals. The educational psychologist selects tasks or games that can provide the necessary information about children. In this case, the purpose of the event will be diagnostics, identification of problematic situations in the team, and observation of children’s communication. Team assignments are suitable for this purpose. The guys will immediately identify several leaders who will lead the teams.

If children already know each other, but there are conflict situations between certain representatives of the class, then the goal extracurricular activity There will be team unity, the formation of friendly and trusting relationships between students. In this case, the parties to the conflict must be on the same team. It is necessary to create a situation that will encourage children to cooperate.

The program of an educational psychologist at school should include various activities. They are held throughout the school year in all classes.

Analysis of the work of a psychologist at school

At the end of the academic year, a detailed report is compiled. An analysis of the work of a teacher-psychologist in a school should include conclusions about the fulfillment of set goals and objectives. The report lists the activities that were carried out by the psychologist, provides a list of problem children, and also describes in detail the progress of work with them. In the report, the psychologist indicates the names of the students with whom individual lessons were conducted.

The analysis includes a psychologist's conclusion about the readiness of high school students to choose a profession. A list of academic performance for each grade and a list of career guidance for students in grade 4 are compiled. This is done if the school provides career-oriented classes. The prospects for children's development for the next school year are also indicated.


The productivity of the work of an educational psychologist lies not only in reducing the incidence of conflict situations, but also in increasing academic performance among schoolchildren. This is very important person in an educational institution.