Types of cast iron radiators. Cast iron radiators. Section sizes are characterized by parameters

Batteries are an important part heating system in an apartment building. The temperature in the room depends not only on how hot the water runs through the pipes. The quality of room heating depends on the design, material, power and method of placement of heating radiators.

Extremely wide range heating equipment may cause difficulties in selecting suitable batteries. In order to find out which devices to give preference to, you will have to first study the features existing types batteries

Various types of heating devices

There are several classifications of batteries.

Depending on the type of heat or energy carrier, they are divided into the following types:

  • electric radiators;
  • oil radiators operating on electricity;
  • water batteries.

Depending on the material, batteries are:

  • cast iron;
  • steel;
  • aluminum;
  • copper;
  • plastic.

Depending on the design, heating radiators are divided into the following types:

  • sectional - thanks to the presence of separate sections, they allow you to adjust the size and power of the installed heating device;
  • tubular - batteries designed specifically for centralized system heating. They are an all-metal structure with a horizontal manifold and vertical tubes;
  • panel - made of steel and even concrete. In the second case, such batteries are located inside the walls and transfer heat in the form of radiation;
  • lamellar - have a core with lamellar ribs mounted on it from thin sheets metal, carry out convection-type heat exchange.

Types of batteries suitable for apartments

Let's consider what types of radiators are suitable for a standard centralized heating system in an apartment building. It is characterized by the use process water as a coolant, high operating pressure and temperature. Characteristics heating devices for an apartment must comply with the features of this system. Compare device parameters from different materials To understand which types are suitable for your home, you can use the table.

Classic radiators made of cast iron, despite a large number of modern analogues made from other materials are not going to retire yet. Cast iron is resistant to corrosion and impact high temperatures, durable. Some manufacturers have changed better side appearance cast iron products, decorating them with carvings and turning this device into a design element.

Tip: The radiation intensity of the radiator can be increased by painting it dark.

Bimetallic radiators

Efficiency and reliability bimetallic radiators achieved through a combination of two types of materials: steel and aluminum. The high thermal conductivity of aluminum makes it an excellent material for a battery case, and the strength of steel ensures immunity to pressure changes and corrosion processes. Best on Russian market Bimetallic products from Italian manufacturers are considered.

Steel radiators

Steel radiators can be panel, tubular or sectional. The first type is the most popular due to optimal combination characteristics and cost. However, steel batteries are practically not used in multi-storey buildings with central heating, since they are not designed for high pressure systems.

Aluminum batteries

Aluminum radiators have very attractive characteristics, including excellent heat transfer and low inertia, allowing you to quickly change the temperature in the room. But they are very demanding on the quality of the coolant, so they are also not suitable for a centralized heating system.

Copper heating radiators

Copper batteries have a lot of advantages and only one drawback - very high cost. Their performance characteristics impressive: copper radiators are superior existing species in terms of efficiency, reliability and durability, as well as resistance to corrosion and water hammer.

Installation of copper radiators expensive pleasure not only because of the cost of the battery itself. They can only be connected to all-metal pipes, which are also expensive. You can take advantage of the advantages of copper, and at the same time purchase the product at a more affordable price, if you choose a copper-aluminum radiator, the tubes of which are made of copper and the fins are made of aluminum.

Plastic batteries

Most the new kind heating devices are plastic batteries. Such products are easy to install and have wide choose flowers and do not require additional care. However, many apartment owners interested in the new product will be disappointed: plastic radiators cannot be installed in a house with a centralized heating system. The reasons for this are the maximum operating temperature and pressure, which should not exceed 80 degrees and 2 bar, respectively.

Attention: for standard room with a three-meter ceiling height, having one door and one window for each square meter Radiator power from 90 to 125 W will be required.

The required number of sections will depend on the material the radiator is made of. Power of one section different types batteries:

  • Cast iron - from 80 to 150 W;
  • Aluminum – 190 W;
  • Bimetallic – 200 W;
  • Steel - from 450 to 5700 W (meaning the power of the entire battery).

The duration of the heating season in our latitudes is close to 2/3 of the year. The indicator depends on the region, but on average it is about 250 days. For us, all issues related to the efficiency of the heating system are extremely important, which largely depends on the right choice her devices.

Let's look at which heating radiators are better and what the different types are. The article presented for consideration describes in detail the criteria for selecting heating devices. For independent home DIYers, we have provided tips from experienced plumbers.

Regardless of the complexity of the heating system, the main task is to maintain the set temperature in the house or apartment. The heating radiator plays a key role in this, carrying out heat exchange between the air in the room and the coolant.

Uniform heating efficient heat transfer, maintaining a microclimate, stable operation – these are the basic requirements for a heating battery.

In residential premises, single, panel or sectional twin radiators are installed that do not emit toxins when heated

The main parameters influencing the choice of a specific model:

  • System operating pressure. Depends on whether it is autonomous or centralized network The device is turned on. It is arranged on a gravity or forced principle. On average it varies from 3 to 10 bar or in a similar atmosphere range.
  • Thermal power. A characteristic required to calculate the thermal power required to heat a room. It is also needed for selecting individual components of sectional batteries. Approximately 1 kW is required to process 10 m².
  • Modularity. The quality inherent in prefabricated radiators, which makes it possible to assemble and disassemble the device to suit individual requirements.
  • Speed ​​of reaction to tº. More precisely, the ability to respond to changes in coolant temperature. period of time for cooling and warming up.
  • Possibility of equipping with automation. Devices that monitor weather conditions and independently eliminate air jams.

The devices now available for sale ensure free circulation throughout the system. They are characterized by corrosion resistance and attractive appearance.

Sectional radiators differ in the shape and size of the sections that provide required quantity thermal energy

The thermal efficiency of a radiator depends on the energy dissipation surface area. A flat metal convector has a much smaller area compared to a sectional aluminum convector of the same geometric size. Because the latter radiates heat over the entire area of ​​the fins.

Types of modern heating radiators

During Soviet times, the question of which heating battery is better to choose was never asked for a simple reason. The industry produced only two types of them - steel and cast iron. We live in a fortunate time of diversity, technological and environmental excellence.

The global and domestic industry offers a fairly wide range to choose from. There are several signs according to which it is advisable to separate heating radiators.

Radiators can be divided according to materials of manufacture:

  • steel panel convectors;
  • cast iron batteries;
  • aluminum radiators;
  • bimetallic radiators.

By design features:

  • sectional;
  • panel.

Each of these types the best way suitable for its operating conditions, and therefore has its own nuances. A separate type of heating radiators is highly specialized. These are devices designed to solve one task, often to the detriment of overall functionality.

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Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Useful tips from experts will help you understand the choice of heating device:

The most best choice A heating radiator can be considered the one that achieves the greatest comfort and coziness. The radiator can be invisible or, on the contrary, be part of the overall design. But the most important thing is reliability and no hassle.

You can tell us about how you chose a radiator to replace old batteries in an apartment or to furnish a new home in the block below. Please write comments, ask questions, share useful tips and photos related to the topic of the article. We are interested in your opinion.

“Everything new is well forgotten old,” people say, but not about cast iron radiators. The dimensions and parameters of old models formed the basis for improved designs made from this metal. It is not without reason that many consumers prefer to install stylish heaters instead of boring “accordions”, but again made of cast iron.

This is due to the fact that for several decades these radiators have been reliable allies in the fight against the cold.

General indicators of cast iron radiators

In truth, it is from this metal that heating devices are most suitable for “survival” and long-term operation in conditions central heating. Since 1857, when cast iron radiators were invented, they have brought heat to residents' homes different countries. Currently, Western countries have stopped using this metal for heating homes, but in the CIS most houses built in the 60s and 70s are still heated with their help.

Parameters of modern cast iron batteries in some respects they coincide, although both they and the old models have their advantages and disadvantages.

  • The level of heat transfer and power are the first points that consumers pay attention to when choosing heating devices for their homes. These indicators are largely influenced by size cast iron radiators heating, but the average power of one section is 140-160 W.
  • Low inertia ensures uniform heat radiation and long-term cooling of the structure when it is turned off.
  • The size of the cast iron radiator section affects its weight. There are elements that weigh 3 kg, and there are also those that weigh 7 kg.
  • Medium-sized heating devices made of cast iron have become a classic standard. So the width of the cast iron radiator section is 80-100 mm, the height is from 370 mm to 570 mm, and the depth is from 70 mm to 120 mm.
  • The volume of old types of radiators is 1.5 l, for domestic models of the new generation it is 0.7-0.8 l, and for foreign analogues– 0.4-0.6 l.
  • Operating pressure is another important factor to consider when installing radiators. So for Soviet models it was 6-9 atmospheres, and the wall thickness and size of the new type of cast-iron battery can withstand a load of up to 12 atmospheres. Some manufacturers are disingenuous when they indicate that their cast iron products operating pressure is 15-18 atmospheres. This is actually the testing pressure that every battery is subjected to at the factory to test its resistance to water hammer.
  • Stated guarantee period for cast iron radiators it is 20-35 years, although there are companies that give their products 50 years of operation, and this is not surprising. Such a long active “life” of these devices is due to the presence of a wide channel through which the coolant passes without difficulty, without leaving debris at the bottom and corrosive scale on the walls.

These are the main indicators that are inherent in many models, but since today there are manufacturers from different countries on the market, the size of the cast iron radiator section may differ, its weight, and other parameters.

Main dimensions of cast iron batteries

Although the main criterion, which is accepted by all manufacturers, is the center distance, there are products that, with the same parameter, have differences in height, depth and width.

Basic indicators:

  • The center distance is quite varied. It can vary from 220 mm to 900 mm.
  • The height of the cast iron battery ranges from 330 mm to 950 mm.
  • The depth is 85-200 mm.
  • There are products with a width from 45 mm to 100 mm.

Considering this wide range, all products are divided into low cast iron heating radiators, high and standard. In each of these model ranges you can find the usual “accordion”, and antique products, and chic palace or modern style, or modern designs with a flat outer panel.

As a rule, for low models the place is found in rooms with panoramic windows, or where the walls are weak, for example, made of plasterboard. Their center distance does not exceed 30 cm, and their height is 38.8 cm. On the domestic market they are represented by models such as MS-110 and 90. Modern low analogues have a basic center distance of almost 40 cm. The most popular are products from such manufacturers as like Bolton220 (Turkey) and Viadrus (Czech Republic) - 34 cm.

Height of cast iron radiator standard size rests on a center-to-center distance of 50 cm. If you choose a Soviet “accordion” for your apartment, then domestic manufacturers produce them under the following markings: MS-85 and 90, MS-110 and MS-140.

In this segment you can most often find designer models V old style. They are expensive, but they look impressive and heat wonderfully.

Don't look too hard tall size sections of a cast iron battery. Although new devices weigh half as much as old ones, radiators made of this metal cannot be found above 1 m. In that model range The leaders are cast iron batteries from the company Demir Döküm (Türkiye). Their designer products are distinguished by their originality, the highest quality of cast iron and high cost.

Before making a choice, you should carefully study the product data sheet and become familiar with its main parameters. Since any installation of radiators is preceded by a calculation of the power based on the area of ​​the room, and their size directly affects this parameter, you should immediately check all the indicators so as not to subsequently purchase or remove sections.

MS-140 – main parameters

To date, of all the models that were installed at one time in apartment buildings, the most popular of them remains - MS-140. The lowest center distance had cast iron radiators 300 mm, and the highest - 800 mm. Currently, factories produce only batteries of two parameters - MC 500 and 300.

Basic indicators:

  • Working pressure 9 atmospheres.
  • Heat dissipation up to 175 W.
  • Consists of two-channel sections.
  • The cast iron radiator 500 has a height of 50 cm and a width of 9.8 cm.
  • The coolant volume is 1.35 l.
  • Heating of the coolant up to +130 degrees.

Thanks to these parameters, the MS-140 is in demand among the population. A significant role in this is played by its low cost and high reliability, proven over decades.

Heating radiators STI nova

If you are looking for stylish cast iron batteries from a domestic manufacturer, you won’t find a better one than the new STI. Their main parameters:

  • The cast iron radiator Nova 500 can withstand pressure up to 18 atmospheres. A pressure test of 16 atmospheres allows you to withstand water hammer from a centralized heating system.
  • The thermal power of the structure is 150 W, which is enough to provide heat to a room of 15 m2.
  • Externally, the Nova 500 heating radiator (cast iron) looks as stylish as its aluminum counterparts.

If you believe consumer reviews, this type of heating device is distinguished by its quality, reliability and interesting design.

Cast iron batteries Konner

Another “favorite” of the public is the Konner company, which was able to find its place in the Russian market. A fairly wide variety of models, their price and reliability earned it fame.

Main parameters of products:

  • Thermal power ranges from 120 W to 180 W depending on size. For example, a 300 mm cast iron radiator from this company produces 120-130 W of heat.
  • Water heating +110 degrees.
  • The working pressure is 12 atmospheres, and the test pressure is 20 atmospheres.

Dimensions and stylish look allow you to install batteries of this type not only under windows, if the design of the room so requires.

Today there are dozens of manufacturers of cast iron batteries on the market. All of them correspond to the parameters of the domestic heating network and have affordable price, are reliable in operation and look great in the interior.

Radiators at the factory are made up of several structural elements, which are connected by nipples. The joints of the structure must be sealed with rubber or paronite gaskets. The components are cast by the manufacturer from cast iron. Connections filled with hot liquid differ in cross-sectional shape into: round and elliptical.

Based on the number of channels in one section, the following are distinguished:

  • single-channel;
  • two-channel.

Dimensions of cast iron radiators

  1. Width

The width of the radiator depends on how many sections it has. When choosing the required width, the parameters of the building that needs to be heated are taken into account (its volume, width load-bearing structures, presence of windows).

  1. Height

They vary from 35 centimeters to 150 centimeters.

  1. Depth

Determines how organically the radiator can fit into the design of the room. The depth can be from 0.5 to 1.4 meters or more.

How to install a cast iron radiator?

If you have chosen a modern model of radiator, then most likely it comes with special strong legs with which it is placed on the floor. But most models do not have such legs. In this case, purchase reliable brackets (they can hold even the heaviest batteries) and hang the radiator on them. Make sure there is a small gap between the wall and the battery.

They do not need deeply purified water

Hot water entering the radiators residential buildings, is not different high quality. It has a high alkaline content. And as it passes through the pipeline, it also washes away sand particles from the walls of the pipes. As a result, a chemically aggressive liquid with a high content of mechanical impurities flows through the batteries. The solid particles in it, like sandpaper, begin to rub the walls of the battery, made, for example, of steel. But for cast iron this is not a problem. Its walls are protected thin layers natural protection, therefore chemical elements do not have any effect on him. Even when the heating season comes to an end and the batteries are dehydrated, its walls will not become covered with rust from the inside. In addition, the walls of cast iron batteries are much thicker.

Ability to withstand maximum pressure

The operating pressure of cast iron radiators is higher than any other (more than 0.9 MPa). U different manufacturers you can find models with the required operating pressure. They are not susceptible to fluid shocks.

Long service life

It is known that in some houses in St. Petersburg you can still find cast iron batteries cast more than a hundred years ago! And this is not surprising. If you properly maintain cast iron radiators (namely, change gaskets on time, carry out flushing), then they can easily serve you for 50 years, or even more.

Affordable cost

Compared to new developments in the field of radiators, cast iron ones are many times cheaper. Moreover, when it comes to replacing the entire heating system in the room, the cost savings in this case will be quite significant.

Disadvantages of cast iron batteries, which mainly turn into advantages

Long heating time

Yes, cast iron takes a little longer to heat up than aluminum or steel. Its thick walls require some time to warm up. But look at it from the other side, because it cools somewhat slower. Heating season in Russia it is short and when it is still cold, rainy May outside, the heating of houses suddenly stops. And in such a situation, your apartment will remain warm for a certain time, while houses equipped with other types of batteries will cool down in an instant.

Low heat transfer into the room

People who prefer aluminum or bimetallic batteries claim that the heat dissipation of cast iron batteries, with the same dimensions and water consumption, is much lower than that of the former. But let's look at the heating principle, because it also affects how the room heats up. In aluminum and bimetallic batteries Only the core is heated, and, accordingly, the air passing through it. While cast iron batteries heat the casing itself, emitting thermal radiation. This means that heat rays heat up all objects in the room. Then, heating can be carried out from the objects themselves.

Heavy weight

Naturally, the wide walls of the radiator (which, by the way, ensure durability and good heat retention) cannot weigh as lightly as thin cast iron ones. But this problem should only concern the installer. During operation, the large mass of batteries is more of a plus than a minus.

High coolant costs

It is not surprising that the cast iron section of the radiator requires on average half a liter of water more than the aluminum section, because dimensions they also differ. Aluminum batteries are on average one third smaller.

Not aesthetically pleasing

Of course, cast iron radiators, originally from the USSR, did not shine with beauty. This is probably why they always tried to hide them and block them with all kinds of interior items that take away heat. But those times are gone. Today, domestic radiators are produced in a neat flat case that will easily fit into any interior and will not be conspicuous. And what can we say about foreign manufacturers? Factories from Germany, England, France and China produce cast iron batteries in any style your heart desires. And painted, and with drawings, and with airbrushing, and with rhinestone decor - any option for your order. Such a work of art will cost more, but aesthetically it will bring great pleasure.

Various models of cast iron radiators

During the Soviet era, when there were no alternatives, a lot of models of cast iron radiators were produced, most of which, in given time, are no longer produced: MS-140 (the only model that has survived to this day), NM-140, Minsk-110, NM-150, R-90, RKSh.

Of the modern models, we note the MS-110, produced from the Santekhlit plant. With its excellent heat transfer performance, it is very compact, only 11 centimeters deep. Thanks to this, it can be placed even under the narrowest window sill.

Also, the Cheboksary development stands out - the model has one, two or three channels, depending on the modification. Distinctive feature- This is a completely flat surface that looks stylish and makes cleaning more convenient.

The plant in Minsk is famous for its designer radiators. Produced around 10 different models, for example: 2K60P, 2K60PP, 2KP100-90-500, 2K60P-300.

Foreign models are, of course, more expensive, but their external and internal parts are flatter, therefore, the heat transfer of such batteries is higher. The Chinese company Konner is noted for its invariably high-quality products; their models “Hit”, “Modern” and “Fort” are deservedly very popular.

From European manufacturers elegant and reliable batteries The Czech plant Viadrus is famous, the Turkish organization DemirDöküm and the Spanish company Roca also do it. The cost of such radiators, decorated with a cast iron pattern, is several times higher than domestic ones.

After familiarizing yourself with the main technical characteristics and model range Cast iron radiators from various manufacturers can provide a general outline of this topic.

The conclusion from the above is simple: there is no need to replace a reliable and proven cast-iron radiator with new-fangled models with thin walls and the same short service life. After all, it is capable of not only heating the house efficiently, but also becoming unusual element interior

Advantages of domestic cast iron radiators

  • High operating pressure (despite the fact that 6 atmospheres is enough to completely heat an apartment, it can withstand 9 atmospheres)
  • Water temperature up to 150 degrees
  • The optimal length for placement of one section is only 93 millimeters
  • The height of each section can be selected depending on individual wishes from 38 centimeters to 58 centimeters
  • Lightweight body. The weight of one section is only 7.1 kg, and certain models can reach even 5.7 kg

The volume of water can also be selected as needed for heating the room. This can be 1.45 liters for the M-140 model, or 11 liters for the M-140-300-1 model

Before we sorted it out specifications namely domestic radiators, we were talking about radiators in in a general sense. Now, you can objectively evaluate and compare radiators Russian production with radiators from foreign manufacturers.

Konner radiators are manufactured in China. Their cost is many times lower than Italian and German ones. Please note that the production of these radiators is directly aimed only at Russia and the CIS countries. In Europe and America, these radiators are not widespread and are practically not used.

In order for the product to have regular customers, there is just one simple aspect to consider: quality needs to be improved. And in order to improve quality, you need to minimize all possible shortcomings. Exactly this simple formula and understood foreign manufacturers. Having removed everything unnecessary from Soviet models, they left the main functionality.

What were the shortcomings, and how did you manage to get rid of them? Europeans noticed that the batteries were wearing out a lot with inside. To prevent this from happening, they doused this surface with a specially developed protective film, which helped to significantly reduce the effect aggressive environment coolant. The second disadvantage was that the radiators were cast iron. Due to its size it is difficult to fit into small apartments Russians. The solution turned out to be simple - reduce the radiators, while their power did not suffer at all.

The cost of cast iron radiators - in this regard, domestic batteries have no competitors. Even though the differences are not that big, imported radiators will cost you 2 or even 3 times more, especially given the current economic situation.

Cost of cast iron radiators

For clear example Let's take radiators with approximately the same characteristics. One section of a Russian-made M-140 radiator will cost you 340 rubles,
while a section of a Turkish radiator will already cost Nostalgia 500-180 more than 2 thousand rubles, and the Czech Viadrus Termo 500/95 will force you to pay 425 rubles for one section.

To summarize, we note that the choice of a cast iron heating radiator is an individual matter for everyone, depending on needs and capabilities. Today, high competition among radiator manufacturers allows consumers to choose from thousands of models: flat, round, threaded, decorative molding, patterned and many others. Modern models cast iron radiators can be much more durable, stronger, more reliable and give off more heat than analogues made from other materials. Russian manufacturer, among other things, boasts a low price.