Chinese rose: growing from seeds and care. Spectacular Chinese rose - photo, description of varieties, nuances of growing Rosen Chinese care at home

Cannot be kept at home, very common. It is associated primarily with signs and beliefs, and not with any specific facts. Some call this plant bloody: they say that it feeds negative energy and causes unpleasant emotions among those living in the house. This is explained by the fact that hibiscus grows well in the corridors of hospitals and clinics, where many people suffer.

In fact, in hospitals, Chinese roses take root well, most likely because in the spacious halls a lot of light penetrates through the large windows, and hibiscus is a very light-loving plant.

There is also a belief that hibiscus begins to bloom beautifully when it anticipates someone's death. This myth is easy to refute: many amateurs indoor plants The Chinese rose blooms for several years, and no one during this time. With proper care, flowers appear on the plant all year round.

Sensitive people call hibiscus a source of fear and melancholy, but most likely their feelings are associated with the strengthened opinion that the Chinese rose is dangerous.

There are also opposites. Thus, it is believed that hibiscus can attract love into the home: single women are often advised to grow this plant. The Chinese rose is responsible for passion and passionate relationships; it can return the former to spouses who have lived together for many years.

To believe or not to believe this is a person’s choice. But there are studies that prove that signs work only because a person believes in them: growing hibiscus at home and fearing its insidiousness, you can constantly monitor misfortunes and blame the plant for every misfortune.

Growing hibiscus at home

And from the point of view of botany and floriculture, growing hibiscus at home is a pleasure. This is a very unpretentious plant that grows well in light and does not require frequent watering. And if you spray it every day and periodically prune it, an amazingly beautiful tree will grow. The main advantage of the Chinese rose is its incredibly beautiful flowers. They do not last long - about two days, but new buds appear constantly with proper care.

Hibiscus also has a few disadvantages: the plant can grow quite large, so you need to find a place to place it. These are quite expensive indoor flowers: even a small cutting can cost several hundred rubles. In addition, the Chinese rose is often exposed to pests.

Plant Chinese rose, or Chinese hibiscus (lat. Hibiscus rosa-sinensis)– one of the most popular cultivated species of the Hibiscus genus of the Malvaceae family. The genus of hibiscus has about two hundred species, but the Chinese hibiscus has become the most popular in home floriculture. The Chinese rose flower began its triumphant spread throughout the subtropical and tropical regions of the Earth, in which it has long and successfully taken root, from the south of China and the north of Indochina. The popularity of this plant is so great that in Malaysia, for example, the Chinese rose hibiscus, called Bungaraiya, is one of the symbols of the country, depicted on coins. In countries where the climate does not allow growing Chinese rose flowers in gardens, they are cultivated as greenhouse or indoor plants.

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Planting and caring for Chinese roses

  • Bloom: from spring to autumn.
  • Lighting: bright diffused light, partial shade.
  • Temperature: in summer – 18-20 ˚C, in winter – not lower than 15 ˚C.
  • Watering: after the top layer of the substrate has dried to a depth of 2-3 cm.
  • Air humidity: increased. Regular spraying of leaves is recommended during the hot season.
  • Feeding: from April to September twice a month with complex mineral fertilizers alternately with organic ones. In winter, if the rose blooms, a quarter of the dose of potassium-phosphorus fertilizer is added to the soil.
  • Trimming: in spring, before buds begin to form.
  • Rest period: not clearly expressed.
  • Transfer: young plants are replanted annually, and starting from the age of five - once every 3-4 years.
  • Reproduction: seeds and cuttings.
  • Pests: thrips, aphids, whiteflies, mealybugs, spider mites.
  • Diseases: chlorosis, root rot, bacterial spot, brown rot, leaf bronzing and ring spot viruses.

Read more about growing Chinese roses below.

Homemade Chinese rose - description

Water the Chinese rose from time to time, after which the top of the pot is covered with a mat or paper bag to retain moisture in the soil longer. In the spring, the pot with the plant is exposed to bright, diffused light and watering is gradually increased to the usual rate to stimulate the growth of young shoots.

On the picture: Beautiful flower Chinese rose

Propagation of Chinese rose at home

As we have already found out, the Chinese rose reproduces well from seeds. How to propagate Chinese roses vegetatively, for example, by cuttings? It is best to use cuttings of Chinese roses left after spring pruning of the plant for rooting. Treat the cuttings with a growth stimulator - Kornevin or Heteroauxin - and place the cuttings in water to grow roots or plant them in a mixture of sand and peat, covering the top with a glass jar.

Rooting will occur within three to four weeks, after which the cuttings are planted in Chinese rose soil and pinched to stimulate tillering. Rooted spring cuttings in good light may even bloom in a couple of months. Tip cuttings can also be used for cuttings. with two or three internodes, cut in July or August.

In the photo: Pink hibiscus

Pests and diseases of Chinese rose

Harmful insects and diseases of Chinese rose

Among the pests that pose a danger to the Chinese rose are thrips, aphids and spider mites, and the invasion of these insects usually occurs as a result of your violation of the rules for caring for the plant, and most often the main reason is too dry air. Place the plant on a tray with a wet stone, start spraying the leaves with settled water at room temperature to eliminate conditions favorable for the life of these insects; twice with an interval of two weeks treat the plant with an infusion of hot pepper with soap that destroys insects, and if the infestation is too strong, you will have to use the same treatment with Actellik solution at the rate of 15 drops per liter of water.

Sometimes flower growers complain that Chinese rose leaves turn yellow. The reason for this may be a disease such as chlorosis, which occurs due to the increased content of calcium and chlorine in the water used for irrigation. The water must be settled and, before watering, iron chelate must be added to it in the amount specified in the instructions.

In the photo: How hibiscus blooms

Chinese rose turns yellow

If you water with settled water desired temperature, but for some reason the leaves of the Chinese rose still turn yellow; the reason for this may be too much moisture in the soil for a long time. If yellow leaves a little, just reduce watering, you can even replace it with spraying the leaves for a while. But if the leaves turn yellow en masse, you will have to replant the plant into new soil, inspecting the root system and removing rotten roots.

Another reason why a Chinese rose turns yellow may be due to insufficient light for normal height plants - in this case you can observe real leaf fall. There are other reasons why hibiscus turns yellow.

Chinese rose falls

Chinese rose leaves also fall due to drafts and sudden temperature changes. If you want to save the plant, immediately eliminate deficiencies in care, because this is not at all difficult. But do not sound the alarm if the plant loses only a few leaves - this is quite normal for a deciduous plant.

Chinese rose dries

If you water a plant correctly and its leaves still dry out, this may be the plant's reaction to a change in location. The leaves of a frozen plant also dry out. Give him time to recover and warm up.

In the photo: Yellow hibiscus

Chinese rose withers

This is due to poor watering of the plant. Or it has not yet recovered from the transplant. But worst of all, if the problem is in the roots: carefully clean the roots from the soil, soak for half an hour in a weak solution of potassium permanganate and transplant into a small pot with light soil (add vermiculite to the usual soil for hibiscus) - maybe these measures will save your plant.

Chinese rose does not bloom

There are also several reasons why a Chinese rose does not bloom, but most often this is due to an excess nitrogen fertilizers in the soil, especially if the plant looks healthy and has plenty of foliage.

The plant also does not bloom:

  • when there is not enough light for him;
  • if you do not moisturize it enough during the active growing season;
  • in case of wintering in a room that is too warm.

In order for a Chinese rose to bloom, you need to eliminate the listed reasons and correct others possible mistakes in plant care.

Chinese rose - signs

The popularity of hibiscus sometimes does it a disservice: various fables are told about this flower, often mutually exclusive.

For example, some sources claim that the Chinese rose attracts many admirers to the house where a woman lives, while others also persistently warn against the destructive influence of hibiscus on the relationship between spouses and call the Chinese rose “husband.”

Some believe that Chinese rose - flower of death, since its untimely flowering predicts the imminent death of a person close to the owners of the plant. And if the leaves of a Chinese rose fall off, this is a prognosis for the imminent serious illness of one of the household members.

It is noteworthy that all these negative opinions exist only in our country, while the rest of the world perceives the Chinese rose simply as an attractive and unassuming houseplant.

In the photo: Pink hibiscus flowers

Where can you keep a Chinese rose in your home?

According to Feng Shui, the only rose that cannot be kept at home is the Chinese rose, because it has the ability to absorb energy. It’s up to you to believe it or not, but if you don’t believe in omens and, no matter what, you want to grow a Chinese rose in your home, who can stop you from doing so? Take precautions and do not keep the Chinese rose in the bedroom or in the nursery, but place this large plant in the living room, where it will not become a hindrance, but, on the contrary, will serve as an excellent decorative element and purify the air in your home, absorbing harmful impurities from it and filling with oxygen.

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Hibiscus, often called the Chinese rose, is a long-lived houseplant. I am familiar with a hibiscus that celebrated its 25th anniversary. Now it's real home tree, almost reaching the ceiling, with dark greenery, ruby ​​flowers appear in its crown in the spring. And more than a quarter of a century ago it was a thin cutting in a pot that was given to my grandmother. At that time, the Chinese rose was very popular. It was grown in apartments, and large branchy trees decorated public places. At the end of the 20th century, interest in hibiscus almost disappeared; it was replaced by fashionable exotic plants. But, as popular wisdom says: the new is the well-forgotten old. Capricious exotic flowers have become boring. Now the Chinese rose is again winning the sympathy of flower growers. They note that this plant has much more advantages than disadvantages. Hibiscus blooms beautifully and for a long time, has decorative and lush foliage and is unpretentious in terms of maintenance and care, and is easy to propagate. If you follow certain features when caring for a Chinese rose, it will live for decades, landscaping and decorating your home with flowers.

Hibiscus, beautiful and healthy (photo)

Hibiscus, contrary to its popular name, Chinese rose, has nothing to do with Rosaceae. He is a member of the malvaceae family. The genus of hibiscus is very diverse; it includes more than three hundred herbaceous and shrub plants, as well as trees. They are scattered all over to the globe, in the subtropical zone. Wild hibiscus grows in African and Asian subtropical forests, the Caribbean and Hawaiian Islands, and America. Some varieties of the plant can be found in Transcaucasia and Crimea, in Far East and southern Europe.

The ancient Greeks were the first to describe hibiscus. But to the countries Western Europe The plant arrived only in the 17th century from Asia.

Among the domesticated hibiscus there are garden and indoor crops. Garden bushy varieties are grown in the southern regions in open ground, very often as a hedge. At home, mainly Chinese and variegated hibiscus are bred.

Hawaiians call hibiscus the flower of beautiful women. The famous Hawaiian garlands are also made from its flowers. In Oceania, India and China, hibiscus is a recognized symbol of hospitality and family. This flower is one of the attributes home comfort. In India, purple hibiscus flowers are used to decorate the bride's outfit.

Indoor hibiscus is a shrub or tree; an adult specimen can reach 3 meters in height. Hibiscus has a bare stem covered with light gray bark, with regular pruning it branches well. On the petioles there are large, up to 8 cm long, shiny leaves with a serrated edge. They are a little reminiscent of birch foliage, but darker in color.

Hibiscus flowers are large, starting from 5 cm. There are varieties with huge plate flowers, their diameter reaches 30 cm. Varieties with simple inflorescences have five paper-thin petals, bent back, and a very prominent pubescent pistil. There are terry varieties. The color of the flowers can be white, yellow, orange, pink, purple, gray or red, and also combine different shades. The lifespan of hibiscus flowers is very short, they bloom within a day or two. But new ones immediately bloom to replace faded flowers; with proper care, the plant blooms for a long time, from three to eight months. If pollination is successful, fruits will appear; they look like boxes with five doors. Inside each are covered with hairs or bare seeds.

In the old days, fabric dye was made from hibiscus flowers in eastern countries. Some varieties of this plant were used in paper production.

A well-cared for indoor hibiscus can live for several decades. You can grow a powerful bush or tree from it, or you can limit its growth. Hibiscus lends itself well to shaping.

Caring for this plant is easy. It needs bright lighting, sufficient watering and slightly increased humidity. Give the Chinese rose a place near the south window, spray it sometimes, trim the branches and watch for months how wonderful flowers open one after another.

Hibiscus are beautiful and edible

Plants included in the genus of hibiscus are very diverse. Among them there are annual and herbaceous, deciduous and evergreen, there are those that cannot exist without support, and trees up to 4 meters. But in almost every hibiscus a person has found something attractive and useful. Some varieties are grown on an industrial scale, some are used as elements landscape design, while others simply create comfort in our homes.

The most popular in home floriculture is Chinese hibiscus, also known as Chinese rose. The tree-like shrub can grow up to 3 meters. The plant has rich, rich green foliage. Large (up to 16 cm) flowers appear from spring to autumn. Each lives no more than two days, but there are no buds well-groomed plant usually so many that the flowering appears to be continuous. Breeders have bred over 500 hybrid varieties of Chinese hibiscus. They differ in color (from purple and chocolate to soft lemon and cream) and shape (simple, semi-double and double) of flowers. Some varieties of Chinese hibiscus:

  • Kyoto is a variety with simple yellow flowers and a reddish center.
  • Hamburg is distinguished by its double purple flowers.
  • Florida - variety with simple flowers, petals are red-orange.
  • Philing Blue with flowers of unusual bluish-violet shades.
  • Parple Majestic - dark purple petals with white speckles, the edge of the flower is corrugated.
  • The Carmen Keen variety has amazing pink-purple flowers with a white border.
  • San Remo - elegant simple bright white flowers with a yellow pistil.
  • Borias - flowers with a strongly wavy edge, creamy white color and a dark core.

Photo gallery: varieties of hibiscus (Chinese rose)

Variety Borias Variety Carmen Keen Variety Filing Blue Variety Hamburg Variety Parple Majestic cultivar San Remo Variety Kyoto Classic Chinese rose Variety Florida

  • Variegated hibiscus, also known as Cooper's hibiscus, is one of the most popular plants among gardeners. This variety pleases not only with bright flowers, but also with variegated leaves. They combine green color with different shades of white, yellow and pink. The color of the leaves depends on the temperature of the plant, the quality of the soil and lighting. Cooper's hibiscus flowers also come in a variety of colors.
  • The dissected hibiscus is popularly called the princess's earring. It received this name for its fantastic red-orange flowers. They have fringed, thin, curved petals and a long pistil. The plant blooms for at least six months. The evergreen bush does not grow more than 1 meter. In our area it is grown as a houseplant.
  • Syrian hibiscus is a deciduous tree-like shrub. Its popular names are Syrian rose or birch. The plant's homeland is the Middle East, common in Syria, India, and China. It is grown in gardens there. This plant develops slowly, but lives for about a hundred years. The first flowers appear at 3–4 years of age. The color of the inflorescences can be violet, lilac, pink, bluish or white with colored spots at the base of the petals. The foliage of Syrian hibiscus is juicy and bright green. Many varieties of Syrian hibiscus have been developed.
  • Swamp hibiscus good care can bloom all year. It has bright and huge flowers (up to 30 cm). It is usually grown as a garden crop.
  • Sudanese rose (or hibiscus) - decorative and at the same time edible plant. It is grown as a crop in Sudan, India, Thailand and Malaysia. The two-meter bush blooms large red-orange flowers. Their bracts are collected, dried, and then brewed like tea.
  • Trifoliate hibiscus - annual plant, V indoor floriculture rarely gets divorced. This hibiscus has atypical feathery foliage with a slight edge. The flowers are small (4 cm), creamy yellow with a dark red center. Interestingly, they open in the morning, and close after noon.
  • Variable hibiscus is nicknamed crazy rose. This tall (up to 4 meters) hibiscus has double flowers very similar to a rose. But as they bloom, they change color. At first White flower As it fades it turns crimson.
  • There is a variety of hibiscus - okra, which is cultivated as an edible plant. Okra pods contain large amounts of ascorbic acid and other vitamins. They are stewed, baked, dried, pickled and frozen. This type of hibiscus is also not to be denied decorative properties. It blooms with large yellow, orange or pink flowers.

Photo gallery: varieties of hibiscus

Okra - edible hibiscus Swamp hibiscus is distinguished by its huge flowers Variegated hibiscus, also known as Cooper's hibiscus Variable hibiscus, nicknamed crazy rose Dissected petal hibiscus Syrian hibiscus Sudanese rose (or hibiscus) Trifoliate hibiscus

The main condition is a lot of light

Indoor hibiscus is an unassuming plant. The bush grows quickly and is not capricious. If you give it bright light, mist it occasionally, and don't forget to water it, it may even bloom at an inopportune time as a sign of gratitude.

Table: conditions for indoor hibiscus

Spring Lighting is bright, a small amount of direct sun will be helpful. The south-west and south-east directions are suitable for placing hibiscus; on the south side on sunny days the plant should be shaded. In the north, with short daylight hours, artificial lighting will be needed.
Humidity is moderate. Spray occasionally warm water. Do not place near heating devices.
Indoor hibiscus does not like drafts and sudden changes in temperature, do not place it near open window.
Temperatures are moderate, around 20–23 degrees.
Summer In the summer, a pot of hibiscus can be sent for a walk - on the balcony or in the garden. Fresh air enhances flowering. But protect the flower from the wind.
Lighting - bright light. Shade the Chinese rose on a hot afternoon, otherwise the leaves may wilt.
Refresh the plant by spraying.
The temperature is moderate, preferably up to 25 degrees.
Autumn Lighting: Bright light with a few hours of direct sun.
Humidity 40 to 50 percent. Spray your hibiscus occasionally.
Temperature is moderate 20–25 degrees. Gradually lower it to plus 16–18 degrees.
Winter Lighting - bright light with some direct sun. If there is not enough light, provide artificial lighting.
Humidity is moderate 40–50 percent. Occasionally refresh your home hibiscus by spraying.
The temperature is cool, optimally around plus 16–18 degrees. Below 12 is unacceptable, it can shed leaves. Cool wintering is useful for setting buds.
At higher temperatures and lack of light, the branches will stretch and weaken.
Do not place the plant near heating devices. Protect hibiscus from drafts.

Some gardeners claim that indoor hibiscus is not sensitive to air humidity. And they also advise spraying the plant regularly. Like any subtropical plant, the Chinese rose loves humidity, but not excessive moisture. Follow the rule: the higher the temperature, the higher the humidity, and, conversely, at low temperatures, low humidity. And carefully observe the condition of the flower, it will tell you what it likes.

How and when to replant an indoor Chinese rose?

It is advisable to replant the hibiscus immediately after purchase. In the store, plants exist in a depleted substrate and are treated special drugs so as not to outgrow. And after moving to nutritious soil The hibiscus begins to actively increase in size. But if you get a Chinese rose that is blooming, wait until the end of flowering. The stress from transplanting will interfere, the buds may die.

When choosing a pot for hibiscus works general rule for flowering plants. Want to lush flowering- do not plant it in a large pot “to grow.” In a spacious container, the hibiscus will begin to develop roots, grow greenery, and will postpone flowering indefinitely.

Young, medium-sized plants should be replanted annually in the spring, slightly increasing the diameter of the pot until it is 30 cm or more. For adult specimens that are already difficult to transplant, renew them in the spring upper layer about 5 cm of soil.

Prepare the soil for Chinese roses that is nutritious, neutral in acidity and loose. Example options:

  • Ready-made soil for hibiscus from the store, drainage components have already been added to it.
  • Dilute the universal soil for indoor plants with garden soil by half, you can add crushed moss.
  • Mix the substrate for indoor plants with turf and humus soil, you can add charcoal.
  • Two parts rotted compost or humus and one part leaf soil, sand or vermiculite.

Pour drainage into the hibiscus pot, sparingly, the airier your mixture is, the better. And do not forget to sterilize all components for transplantation.

  1. Place a drainage layer and some soil substrate into the pot.
  2. Remove the hibiscus with the earthen lump from the old container. Shake off the soil a little, do not remove it completely.
  3. Examine the root system; if rotten roots are found, remove them. There is no need to trim healthy roots.
  4. Place the earthen lump with the plant in a new pot, carefully add soil between the wall and the lump, shaking the pot slightly. Compact the top layer of soil slightly.
  5. Water and spray your hibiscus after transplanting.
  6. Place the plant in its old place; hibiscus does not like moving, especially after stress.

Video: how to transplant hibiscus

Caring for indoor hibiscus at home

Hibiscus is an easy-to-care plant. He is not capricious in vain, being content with regular watering and spraying (although there are requirements for water quality), modest fertilizing and sanitary pruning. I knew a hibiscus that grew in a room without a window, under completely artificial light. It was often sprayed, so the greenery was elastic and bright, but the plant did not bloom lushly. The hibiscus produced no more than a dozen buds per season.

It must be said that hibiscus forgives the gardener’s mistakes. The plant can be reanimated. Main - notice in time that the flower is depressed and take action.

Water, spray and feed

Chinese rose is very sensitive to water quality. It should not be watered with hard and cool water. This can cause the plant to get sick, shed buds and even leaves. Tap water causes a disease - chlorosis.

If you want your hibiscus to be healthy, bloom and live long, water it with desalted, soft, warm water. Let it stand, filter and, if necessary, heat it slightly. The same requirements for water for spraying. In hot weather, it is useful to spray the Chinese rose twice a day. But try not to let large drops of moisture fall on the flowers. They don’t live long anyway, and water will shorten their lifespan even further.

Want to add a glossy shine to your hibiscus leaves? Spray it with infusion of onion peels. Fill the jar halfway onion skins, compact it and fill it with boiling water to the top. Let the solution sit for a day or two. Strain it and spray the leaves of the Chinese rose. By the way, this is good protection against spider mite attacks.

Keep the soil in the hibiscus pot constantly moist. Drying out of the earthen clod can lead to leaf fall. In spring and summer, during the flowering period, the plant needs to be watered abundantly. In winter, the amount and frequency of watering is reduced, but again, bringing the earthen ball to complete dryness is dangerous for the health of the hibiscus.

During growth and bud formation, be sure to support the Chinese rose with fertilizing. Two or three times a month, give her liquid mineral fertilizers with a high content of nitrogen, iron and copper in the spring (for greenery), and in the summer - phosphorus and potassium (for flowering). Prepare the solution according to the instructions. Some gardeners recommend fertilizing hibiscus once a month with fermented infusion of bird droppings; it is diluted with water 1:20 and added to the soil immediately after watering, so as not to burn the roots. In winter, stop feeding or limit it to once a month.

Video: caring for hibiscus

Helping the rose to bloom

A healthy and well-groomed hibiscus usually does not refuse to bloom. And the flowering time lasts from 3 to 8 months. But sometimes the grower neglects the rules of maintenance and care, and then problems arise.

What does it take for hibiscus to bloom magnificently and for a long time?

  • Bright lighting all year round, in summer - protection from direct sun, in winter - additional lighting.
  • Keeping it cool in winter, at a temperature of +15–18 degrees, flower buds are formed more actively.
  • Sufficient watering and spraying in summer, moderate in winter.
  • Feeding hibiscus.
  • Spring replanting or updating the top layer of soil, but the pot should not be too spacious.
  • Pruning Chinese roses stimulates flowering.

Analyze whether you meet all the conditions for the flowering of hibiscus. Try to correct the mistakes, and perhaps this season your Chinese rose will delight you with buds and then flowers. Those who have been growing this plant for a long time note interesting feature. If the hibiscus is kept cool in the fall (for example, the heating is not turned on for a long time), then later, when the apartment gets warmer sharply, flowering may begin.

And a few more “unscientific” tips. They say that hibiscus will bloom better if a wooden chip is inserted into the soil at some distance from the stem (about 10 cm). It is recommended to “water” hibiscus with vodka to improve flowering. Add one cap of alcohol to irrigation water once a month. And finally, the China rose can be intimidated. The owner of the plant tells how she placed an ax next to it and threatened to cut it down if she didn’t see it blooming. And the rose blossomed.

Try it, maybe it will work. But still, first use traditional methods.

Let's retire

The dormant time for the Chinese rose usually comes in winter. Winter hibernation is not clearly expressed. The plant simply slows down and does not bloom. Although under certain conditions it can bloom even in winter.

The gardener's task is to give the hibiscus a full rest. The air temperature should be reduced, ideally to 16–18 degrees. That is, remove or protect the plant from heating devices, place it closer to the cold window glass. Reduce watering, moistening and fertilizing. But you need a lot of light, the hibiscus will be grateful for the lighting.


Pruning Chinese roses is an annual must. It helps to bloom and bush. You can prune the plant immediately after flowering, at the beginning of winter, or in spring. For rejuvenation, adult shoots are cut by a third, and thin and dried branches are removed. Cut boldly, do not be afraid to harm the hibiscus, after pruning it will grow more actively.

When pruning your China rose, choose what you want to shape: indoor tree or bush. If you decide to grow a tree, remove the lower branches, exposing the trunk. If your goal is compact bush, cut the central stem and upper shoots without pity, leaving the basal shoots. But don’t forget to thin it out too. Remember: flowers appear on new growth. Cut branches can be used for propagation.

Video: spring pruning of hibiscus

Grafting a Chinese rose

Chinese rose cuttings do not always take root successfully, especially for hybrid varieties. To get the desired rose of a certain color and type, flower growers graft a varietal cutting (scion) onto a simpler plant (rootstock). You should not use hybrid plants of Dutch origin as a rootstock; you need a simple hibiscus of the “grandmother’s” variety. And the scion from the newly purchased “Dutch” will not work; the store-bought plant was treated with drugs that stop growth. Vaccination is a real operation, so hands and tools must be spotlessly clean.

  1. From a scion (lignified varietal cuttings) remove all leaves, leaving the growing points. Do the same with the rootstock.
  2. Make maximally matching oblique cuts on the rootstock and scion.
  3. Connect and press the sections of the scion and rootstock. Wrap the grafting site tightly with adhesive tape or tape, sticky side out, so that you can remove it later without injuring it.
  4. Cover the plant with a bag to create a humid atmosphere and place it under a lamp.
  5. Moisten the soil and ventilate the plant occasionally.
  6. If condensation forms on the bag, remove it. Do not allow the plant to get wet. It can cause rot.

Care errors, pests and diseases (table)

Hibiscus propagation

Hibiscus can be propagated by seeds (sowing in mid-winter) or cuttings (all year round, but better in late summer).

One of the most common tree-like indoor plants in the world is the hibiscus or Chinese rose. Caring for a Chinese rose at home is relatively simple, and it is sometimes said that all you need to do is water it. This is not entirely true, because it still imposes some requirements on light, fertilizing, crown formation and wintering to its owners, but in general, it is incredibly tenacious.

The plant can tolerate prolonged shading, being in the back of the room, and the absence of fertilizing for many years, although in such extreme conditions It is not always possible to wait for it to bloom. But it has flowers that resemble red or white rose, extraordinarily beautiful. Hibiscus is often used to decorate offices, public places, and corridors in various institutions and organizations.

The Chinese rose, despite its name, is not related to the rose family and belongs to the malvaceae family. Hibiscus grows wild in the subtropics of Africa, Asia, North America. Some species are even found in the forests of Transcaucasia, Crimea and the Far East.

How to tame this wonderful creation of nature? How to please a Chinese rose and make it bloom? What difficulties might a gardener encounter when growing it at home? We will cover all this and much more in this review.

Temperature features, lighting, humidity

Caring for hibiscus involves timely moderate watering, fertilizing and crown formation. Any gardener can cope with this.

  1. Indoor Chinese rose prefers a temperature of 20-22 degrees in the warm season and 13-16 degrees in winter. If in the summer it is not difficult to satisfy these requests of a green pet, then with wintering things may be different. The rescue indoor flowers odov is an insulated balcony. A pot of roses is brought there at the beginning of December and kept at least until mid-January, and preferably until the end of February.
  2. If a cool winter is not possible, the hibiscus should be placed on a bright windowsill, but away from heating radiators. It is highly recommended to spray it every day, as evaporating moisture cools the surface of the leaves.
  3. If we do not talk about extreme growing conditions, then hibiscus should be provided good lighting in any season. It is also not afraid of direct sunlight, so it can be placed near any window sills, unless, if possible, avoiding northern windows. If at the height of a hot summer afternoon there is slight wilting of the leaves, then the tree can be shaded with mesh material.
  4. Loves Chinese rose high humidity, although in offices I have to put up with dry air. It reacts positively to spraying, but even better is to sow moss on the surface of the soil, which is sold in gardening stores. An alternative is numerous containers of water around the plant. In general, the higher the temperature environment, the more humid air the hibiscus requires.

Soil requirements

The Chinese rose is unpretentious, including to soils. If possible, it is better to use soil consisting of turf, leaf and humus soil, taken in equal proportions. The soil should always remain light, so you can add a small amount of coarse sand or vermiculite. On hot days, when a crust forms on the surface of the substrate after watering, loosening is required.

Watering and fertilizing

Hibiscus is able to survive a short period of drying out without serious losses. But it’s better not to let it get to this point, but to water it moderately, making sure that the water easily passes through the substrate, completely wets the earthen lump and barely comes through the drainage hole.

To get the long-awaited flowers, the Chinese rose can be fed with complex fertilizers every 2-3 months. mineral fertilizers, among which those that contain more phosphorus and relatively little nitrogen are preferred. When overfeeding, only shoots will grow last.

Pruning and shaping the bush

Hibiscus can and should be shaped by pruning. Rose pruning is done at the end winter period and within a year after the completion of the flowering waves. In February, all shoots, including young ones, are shortened by 3-5 cm. During the growth period, every branch that successfully bears a flower is pruned. Soon it begins to branch, which will have a beneficial effect on flowering next year.

Fatty shoots growing vertically along the trunk - tops - are completely cut off. Branches growing inside the crown are also removed.

Thus, the formation of a bush comes down to only shortening the shoots, but this must be done in a timely manner.

Transplanting a plant

Plants purchased in stores always need replanting and some simple resuscitation measures. The fact is that on an industrial scale, indoor crops are grown using fertilizers and hormones. When their supply runs out, plants often die. Therefore, a purchased tree, especially one grown in Holland, is removed from the pot, shaken off the soil (without fanaticism) and replanted in light, breathable soil. After which the hibiscus is watered and covered with a plastic bag or mini-greenhouse.

In this form, it lasts from 1 to 3 weeks, depending on its condition: if the appearance is satisfactory, the shelter can begin to be removed step by step and vice versa.

To get rid of polyethylene, several holes are made in it. In the following days they expand. After 3-4 days, the film can be removed completely.

Hibiscus (Chinese rose) grows quite quickly. Keeping its root system in a cramped pot can slow down this process.

You should not replant this tree until the roots tightly entwine the entire earthen ball and begin to show through the drainage hole. To a lesser extent, this applies to very young plants that can be replanted annually.

Chinese rose blossom

This wonderful tree blooms for the first time of the year in March-April. The first buds begin to grow soon after the beginning of the growing season. In the absence of proper attention to the plant, hibiscus produces single flowers throughout the year, and with good care its flowering is abundant and long-lasting. An additional factor that increases the chances of flower formation is the application of phosphorus fertilizers in the fall shortly before the Chinese rose goes into hibernation.


The easiest way to propagate hibiscus is by cuttings, which take root well even just in water. For this purpose, a shoot 8-15 cm long is cut off. The lower and largest leaves are removed from it. The cuttings are placed either in water or in damp coarse sand or light sandy soil. The container is covered with a mini-greenhouse or polyethylene.

The roots appear in 25-30 days. After another 1-2 weeks, the young rose can be transplanted into a pot for permanent residence.

Pests and diseases of hibiscus - how to treat?

In practice, hibiscus is infected by two harmful insects: scale insects and spider mites. Scale insects can be easily destroyed with the drug "Aktara". To do this, treat the leaves, stems and trunks with the solution, after which the solution, diluted in accordance with the instructions, is poured into the soil. The roots absorb substances that are poisonous to the scale insect, after which it dies.

Spider mites are a more insidious enemy. Usually it is noticed only when the plant has already suffered sufficiently from its activity. The most common are red mites, which appear as small red dots covering the surface of leaves.

First, you can try to get rid of it with the help of Fitoverm.

If after three treatments at intervals of a week the mite still remains, then you will have to resort to more toxic drugs:

  • "Sunmaitu";
  • "Omaytu";
  • "Oberon"
  • "Neoron."

Their fumes cannot be breathed for a long time, therefore, after treating roses, leave them in indoors, where no one will need to enter for 10-12 hours.

Why does the Chinese rose turn yellow, fall off, dry out, wither, and not bloom?

Sometimes hibiscus still gets capricious. Some flower growers pay too much attention to it and “overlove” it, while others, on the contrary, do not care for it at all. What are the most common problems encountered when growing Chinese roses?

  • If the buds form successfully, but soon turn yellow and fall off, the reason may lie in insufficient watering, lack of nutrients in soil or low air temperature.
  • When the lower leaves fall off and new ones turn yellow, barely having time to appear, you can suspect an excess of calcium or chlorine in the soil or a lack of iron and nitrogen.
  • Hibiscus that are actively growing green mass, but stubbornly refuse to form buds, are probably overfed with nitrogen.
  • If the plant looks drooping and the roots appear dry, even despite sufficient watering, you should check to see if the pot is in an area with cold drafts. Such symptoms are typical when the root system is overcooled.
  • In winter, if the winter is warm, the leaves may dry out and fall off. The issue can be resolved either by moving the hibiscus to a cool place or by increasing its spraying. It is also worth making sure that heating batteries are located at a sufficient distance from the tree.

Why does the Chinese rose not bloom even with seemingly careful care? Most often, hibiscus does not produce buds due to improper maintenance in the cold season.

  • The fact is that flower buds on a tree are laid just in winter, and for their successful formation they need coolness around 13-15 degrees. A small number of flower buds, of course, may appear during a warm winter, but in this case only single flowers can be expected.
  • Other reasons for the lack of buds in Chinese roses: lack of nutrients in the soil, excess nitrogen, poor aeration of the earthen coma, poor lighting or, conversely, excess direct sunlight.

As you can see, caring for hibiscus is not at all difficult, and the results of the work can attract the attention of even the most callous person who is far from the topic of plant growing. The Chinese rose pleases millions of gardeners around the world. Join the connoisseurs of this beautiful indoor plant!

The Chinese rose has dark green, glossy leaves and bright, velvety blossoms that appear on the branches in mid to late spring. The height of adult indoor bushes is 1.5–2 m. The plant, which is also called hibiscus, is grown in apartments and offices. In some countries, the inflorescences are used to make hair dye, and the shoots of the Chinese rose are eaten. Caring for an indoor bush is no more difficult than caring for an orchid or bamboo.


Direct sunlight is contraindicated for the ornamental bush. Small particles remain on the leaves after contact with ultraviolet light. yellow spots, which gradually increase and spread to the shoots. Burns weaken the Chinese rose's immunity and make it vulnerable to diseases and spider mites.

Hibiscus does not like shade. The sun's rays are responsible for photosynthesis and the growth of young shoots. The Chinese rose, deprived of ultraviolet radiation, weakens and sheds its leaves.

Pot with ornamental plant placed on southern or eastern window sills. The windows are covered with blinds or thin tulle, which softens and diffuses the sun's rays. A flowerpot with hibiscus can be placed on a special stand next to the windowsill. The Chinese rose will be reliably protected from burns.

In winter, the ornamental bush rests and needs a minimum of light and water. If the owners of Chinese roses have postponed flowering from spring to mid-summer, the plant will have to be illuminated in December and January table lamps. Electrical appliance placed at a distance of 30–40 cm from the decorative bush. The lamp is turned on for 4–5 hours to increase the length of daylight.

In summer, a flowerpot with a Chinese rose is taken out into the garden or onto the balcony. The pot is buried in the ground under a spreading tree so that the hibiscus is always in the shade. Fresh air strengthens the plant's immunity and activates flowering.

Tip: If burns appear on the leaves of the Chinese rose, you need to prepare a solution of white sugar and distilled water. Rub the damaged parts of the flower with a sweet liquid 2-3 times a day. The product is quickly absorbed and triggers leaf regeneration.


In summer, hibiscus needs a lot of water. Liquid evaporates from the soil due to high temperatures. Dry roots quickly rot and the plant dies. Chinese rose is watered with settled or melted water, heated to 30–35 degrees. The substrate is moistened 2-3 times a week. The liquid is added when the top layer of soil dries out by 2–4 cm. The soil is loosened before watering to saturate it with oxygen and increase the absorption of moisture.

Hibiscus does not tolerate dry air well. It is recommended to place bowls filled with cool distilled water or pieces of ice next to the pot. The liquid gradually evaporates under the influence of sunlight, humidifying and cooling the air on the windowsill.

It is useful to spray Chinese roses with a spray bottle. Leaves and shoots are moistened early in the morning so that the moisture has time to evaporate. If droplets of water remain on the plant, they will attract ultraviolet light, which will burn the hibiscus.

In the evening, wipe the decorative bush with a damp cloth to remove dust. An indoor flower quickly absorbs moisture. Instead of plain water, you can use a sugar solution. The sweet liquid provides the plant with nutrients.

It is useful to bathe hibiscus in summer and winter. The buds and inflorescences are covered with plastic bags to prevent moisture from getting on them. Because of the water, the petals wither and fall off. The ground is also covered with cling film. Before bathing, the leaves can be sprayed with a soap solution to prevent spider mites. The flower is placed under a weak stream of water at room temperature and held for 10–15 minutes. After water treatments, the plant is left in the bathroom until completely dry. Wet hibiscus is protected from drafts and direct sunlight.

In summer, water is poured into a pan. The container is filled with small pebbles, which are doused with boiling water for disinfection before use. You can add several tablets of activated carbon or wood ash powder to the liquid. The components disinfect water and protect against fungus, so it stays fresh longer. The roots of Chinese roses absorb the required amount of moisture in 2–3 hours. The remains are poured out so that they do not stagnate.

In winter, the ornamental bush is watered twice a month. When the heating is turned on and the air becomes dry, the hibiscus begins to be sprayed with settled water. The liquid protects the plant from spider mites and diseases.

Fertilizer and temperature conditions

Feeding for Chinese roses is applied during the period of bud formation and flowering. The ornamental bush is fertilized twice a month. They buy preparations for flowering plants. Kemira Plus or a mixture of potassium and phosphorus will do. In winter, the dose of replenishment is reduced by 4 times. The product is added to the substrate once every 1.5–2 months. From November to March, you can refuse fertilizers so that the Chinese rose can rest and prepare for the growing season.

Comfortable temperature for hibiscus is +25–18 degrees in summer. In winter, the indicator drops to +15–13. Chinese rose at sub-zero temperatures is dying. If the room is cold, you can wrap the pot with the plant in cling film or newspapers, move the pot to a heater or radiator, but do not forget to humidify the air from the sprayer.

In winter, you should not raise the temperature above +14 degrees. Cool climate creates ideal conditions for the formation of kidneys. At +12–15, the Chinese rose rests and recovers, preparing for the growing season.

Pruning and replanting

Young ornamental bushes that are less than 5 years old are transplanted into new pots annually. The flowerpot should be 2–3 cm larger than the previous one. In containers that are too large, the root system grows, the green mass increases, and buds practically do not form. To have a lot of inflorescences, the Chinese rose is transplanted into a small and cramped pot.

Buy clay or plastic flowerpots with drainage holes and trays. The containers are filled with a nutritious and light mixture that allows moisture and air to pass through. Flower shops select a substrate intended for hibiscus. At home mix:

  • turf soil - 2 parts;
  • sand – 1 part;
  • peat or humus - 1 part.

Grated polystyrene foam or small pebbles are added to the substrate. Drainage components make the soil loose.

The soil is brought from the garden or vegetable garden; you can collect soil at the edge of the forest. Sand and soil are calcined. The substrate is disinfected in a double boiler or oven, poured with boiling water or a dark pink solution of manganese. High temperatures destroy weed spores and insect eggs.

Earth, processed, mixed with peat and left for several days so that beneficial bacteria appear in the soil. The pot is filled one third with expanded clay or pebbles. Drainage components are washed in a soapy solution. Pour on top of expanded clay thin layer substrate with foam.

Before transplanting, hibiscus is not watered for a week so that the soil in the flowerpot dries out. Using the wooden handle of a spatula or knife, knock on the walls of the pot. When the soil separates, the container is turned over. The Chinese rose is held by the stem and the flowerpot is carefully rotated, and then removed. Excess substrate is removed from the root system, but the earthen ball is not touched. The base of the decorative bush is transferred to a new pot and sprinkled with soil. The substrate is lightly compacted and watered.

The plant is pruned before transplanting. The procedure is carried out in the spring before the buds appear. Thanks to pruning, a thick and lush crown with a large number of inflorescences is formed. Select the longest shoots and shorten them by 2/3.

Excess parts are removed with a sharp knife or pruning shears. Regular scissors will also work. The instrument is wiped with alcohol before use. The blade is treated after each removed shoot to prevent infection and rotting of the Chinese rose. The cut area is lubricated with garden varnish to prevent juice from leaking out. Can be sprinkled with crushed activated carbon or wood ash. The components disinfect open wounds and destroy bacteria, accelerating healing.

Pruning can be done in March so that the Chinese rose blooms in the spring. If it is necessary to delay the formation of buds, the removal of healthy shoots is postponed until May. Not only green branches are cut, but also dry branches that have no leaves. Diseased parts of the ornamental bush are also removed to stop the infection.

If flowering is artificially delayed, hibiscus is replanted at the end of May. Watering is reduced. Make sure that the soil does not dry out, but add a small amount of water. In mid-summer, repeat pruning. Fertilizers begin to be applied in June or July.


Healthy cuttings remaining after pruning are not thrown away. Select specimens with leaves and 2–3 nodes. The blanks are planted in plastic cups, filled with substrate for Chinese roses. Seedlings are watered and covered glass jars to create a humid and warm microclimate inside the container.

The plant is placed in a warm place for a month. Hibiscus will take 20-30 days to take root. The seedlings are periodically watered so that the soil does not dry out and ventilated. The jars are removed for 10–20 minutes and then returned. Grown seedlings are transferred to clay or plastic pots, watered and fertilized. Young shoots can be fed with syrup. Take 1-2 tbsp per glass of water. l. white sugar and stir until the crystals are completely dissolved. 200-250 ml of sweet fertilizer is poured into each pot.

Hibiscus is propagated not only by cuttings, but also by seeds. Planting material is formed in buds after the petals fall off. The seeds are first soaked in a solution that stimulates growth, and after 24 hours they are washed with water and pale pink potassium permanganate. The workpiece is wrapped in a wet cloth and placed in plastic bag. Planting material is kept next to a radiator or heater until sprouts appear.

The hatched seeds are planted in a box with hibiscus substrate and covered with glass. The transparent cover is removed when the seedlings have 2–3 full leaves. Grown Chinese roses are picked and transplanted into separate pots.

Causes of yellow leaves

Hibiscus does not tolerate tap water well. Chlorine and calcium impurities are deposited in the soil and affect the root system. The lower leaves of the Chinese rose fall off, and the new ones acquire a yellowish tint. Iron supplements will help heal the plant. If you do not settle the water and do not use replenishment, the Chinese rose will stop blooming, and the leaves will completely fall off and the branches will become bare.

Yellow veins appear when there is a lack of nitrogen and potassium. Spots of a golden or pale light green hue occur when there is an excess of fertilizers. Feeding is applied no more than 2 times a month, and in winter they forget about the existence of fertilizers and allow the hibiscus to rest.

During the flowering period, the leaves turn yellow due to large quantity buds. The ornamental bush spends all its resources on the formation and development of inflorescences. In such cases, water the plant sweet water and apply fertilizer 3-4 times a month to provide the Chinese rose with nutrients. You can carefully cut or pick new buds.

Leaves turn yellow due to lack of light. The pot, which is constantly in the shade, is moved closer to the window and sunbathing is arranged. It is worth protecting hibiscus from drafts. They reduce immunity and lead to leaf fall.

The ornamental bush throws out inflorescences every year. Buds form in spring or summer. If the hibiscus has not bloomed, you need to take a closer look at it.

Inflorescences may be absent due to a sudden change temperature regime. The buds are laid in a cool room. If you suddenly move the hibiscus from a room where it was +12–14 to a warm place or place it next to a radiator, the plant will shed its future buds and leaves.

The Chinese rose does not bloom due to lack of light or fertilizer, or irregular watering. Do not overuse nitrogen supplements. They stimulate the growth of green mass and stop the formation of inflorescences. A hibiscus overfed with nitrogen will have a thick and lush crown without a single bud.

Inflorescences fall off due to drafts and dry air. The leaves of the Chinese rose should be sprayed and wiped with a damp cloth in winter and summer, but the buds should not be touched. It is not recommended to frequently rotate the decorative bush or move it from one windowsill to another.

If there are no buds, it is worth replacing the top layer of soil. Carefully remove it with a spatula, being careful not to damage the roots. New soil is mixed with rotted compost and dried seaweed. Supplements provide the nutrients your hibiscus needs to bloom.

Diseases and pests

Sudden changes in temperature and drafts lead to the appearance of a fungal infection. The leaves of an infected plant dry out and become covered with black spots. Watering is reduced or stopped during treatment. It is important that the soil remains slightly moist, but that liquid does not accumulate in the pan. Roots affected by the fungus are cleared of soil and soaked for several hours in a weak solution of manganese. Blackened shoots and leaves are cut off, the wounds are sprinkled with activated carbon and dried.

For fungal diseases caused by a lack of nutrients, the crown of the Chinese rose is sprayed liquid fertilizers and fungicides.

The Chinese rose is attacked by spider mites. Insects settle on the lower leaves. The first symptom is yellow dots and a thin web that entangles the stem. Pests are destroyed with a solution of “Fundazol”. Pour 2 g of suspension into 1 liter of water and spray the decorative bush. The treatment is repeated several times, the break is 1 week.

At the initial stage of infection, you can do without insecticides. Spider mite destroy with soap solution. The leaves and branches are wiped with the product several times a week.

Hibiscus living outside can be attacked by aphids. Small bugs are hard to notice. Insect infestation is indicated by yellowed leaves and a sweetish coating. Chinese rose is sprayed with “Nicotine sulfate”. Take 1 g of substance per 1 liter of water. Several treatments are carried out so that the aphids disappear completely.

Even beginners who have never had indoor flowers before will be able to care for Chinese roses. Hibiscus is afraid of temperature changes, direct sunlight, cold water and drafts. Loves diffused ultraviolet light, heat and organic nutrition. If you regularly water, fertilize and prune the plant, it will delight you with a lush crown and bright flowers.

Video: proper care of hibiscus (Chinese rose)